J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 56(2) : 222-228. 1987.

Tracer Experiment Administering L-Phenylalaine-U-14C and L--U-14 to the Tissue Slices of Bamboo Shoots'

Etsuko KOZUKUE Department of Home Economics, Kenmei Junior College, Honmachi, Hime ji, Hyogo 670

Susumu MIZUNO Faculty of Agriculture, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657

Summary Uniformly 14C-labeled L- and L-tyrosine were administered to tissue slices of both top and base sections of bamboo shoots. Alcohol soluble substances were extracted and then separated into organic acid, sugar and fractions by ion exchange chromatography. The homogentisic acid fraction among the organic acids was collected by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and its radioactivity was measured, while the alcohol insoluble residue was used for the analysis of lignin aldehyde by the method of alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation. 1. The two labeled amino acids were steadily incorporated into the tissues during incubation and rapidly converted to organic acid, sugar and alcohol insoluble residue, especially the latter. 2. On determining the amount of phenylalanine converted to tyrosine, it was found that this was extremely small. 3. The incorporation of phenylalanine-U-14C into alcohol insoluble residue was higher than that of tyrosine in both sections. 4. Although the conversion into lignin aldehyde from phenylalanine-U-14C was higher than that from tyrosine-U-14C, it was found that tyrosine incorporated into the shoots was converted to a remarkable extent for formation of lignin aldehyde. 5. The incorporation of phenylalanine and tyrosine into homogentisic acid was very low. From these results, we assume that the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine or of tyrosine to homogentisic acid is very small, and that a part of the high amount of tyrosine in the shoots may be used for formation of lignin.

over, it has been conclusively demonstrated Introduction by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry In Japan, bamboo shoots are widely used as that tyrosine, the main amino acid in the food. However there are only a few reports shoots, is the major component of the insol- on the nutritional value of the shoots(2, 3, uble white clumpy substances produced rapid- 11), and no report dealing with physiological ly on the nodal diaphragms and in the culm or chemical studies on bamboo shoots has tissues after blanching of bamboo shoots. been published. In the previous paper(6, 7), In view of the high levels of tyrosine in we described the content of individual lipids, the amino acids of the shoots, the present organic acids, sugars and amino acids in four study was carried out to investigate the cause different sections of bamboo shoots ; more- of this by tracer experiments involving admin- isteration of phenylalanine-U-14C and tyro- 1 Received for publication July 29, 1986. sine-U-14C to the tissues of bamboo shoots.


2. Extractions and f ractionations Materials and Methods The tissues were macerated in a glass mor- Materials tar and centrifuged at 13, 000 rpm for 10 min Bamboo shoots (Phyllostachys pubescens) at 1°C. The pellet was re-extracted four were obtained from a farmer in Oichi, Hi- times with 10 ml of 70% methyl alcohol and meji City, Hyogo Prefecture. Plants were then centrifuged. The alcohol extracts were harvested at the proper time, and samples combined and evaporated to dryness at 35°C in taken were about 32 cm in height and about a rotary evaporator, and then dissolved in 1, 800 g in weight. Bamboo shoots were peel- 25 ml of 50% methyl alcohol. A 10 ml por- ed and divided into four section from the top tion of the alcohol solutions was separated (A) to the base (D) as reported in the pre- into organic acid, amino acid and carbohy- vious paper(6). For the present experiments drate fractions using ion exchange chromato- both A and D sections were used. graphy as reported in the previous paper(8). Methods Individual fractions were evaporated to dry- 1. Phenylalanine-U-14C and tyrosine- U- ness and re-dissolved in 5 ml of 50% methyl 14C feeding experiment alcohol. A 1 ml portion of this solution was 14C-feeding experiments were performed in used for the determination of the total radio- tightly closed 50-m1 glass tubes (3 cm I. D. x activity of individual fractions. 15 cm) by incubating 2 g of sliced tissues (0.8 3. Homogentisic acid, phenylalanine and mm in thickness) from each section in 8 ml tyrosine determinations of 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH =6.5) con- For the determination of homogentisic acid taining 4 uCi of uniformly labeled 14C-phenyl- administered in the organic acid fraction, a and 14C-tyrosine (New England Nu- Hitachi high performance liquid chromato- clear Corporation). In each test tube, a small graph Model-635 equipped with a sampling vial containing 2 ml of a mixed solution of valve with a 50 ul loop sample and an ultra- monoethanolamine and ethylcellosolve (3 : 1, violet detector (210 nm) was employed. Ho- v/v) was placed to trap the CO2. During the mogentisic acid was separated with a 5 mm incubation period, the test tubes were shaken (I. D.) x 50 cm glass column packed with a gently in an incubator at 30°C. The incuba- strong cation resin (DIA ION, 10 um, Mitsu- tion periods were 3, 6 and 9 hours. Each bishi Kasei Kogyo, Ltd. Tokyo, Japan) combination of treatments was tested in du- maintained at 50°C. The mobile phase was plicate. At the end of each incubation period, 0.2% H3P04 solution at a flow rate of 0.8 the radioactivity of 14C02 was counted in 16 ml/min. For the determination of admini- ml of toluene scintillator [6 g of PPO (2, 5- stered tyrosine and phenylalanine, ion ex- diphenyloxazole) and 0.5 g of POPOP (1, 4- change chromatography using a high speed bis-2-phenyloxazolebenzene) in 667 ml of tol- amino acid analyzer of our own making was uene plus 333 ml of Triton X-100] (14). used(9). Each component corresponding to The radioactivity of 14C02 was measured us- homogentisic acid by HPLC and both tyrosine ing a Packard Tri-Carb scintillation spectro- and phenylalanine by amino acid analyzer was meter (Model-460). Each radioactivity val- collected, and then individual radioactivity ue presented in the results is the mean of levels were measured. duplicate determinations. In addition to 4. Analysis of lignin aldehyde these procedures, the solution in each test The alcohol insoluble residue was dried o- tube was filtered through cheesecloth. The ver silica gel in a desiccator. After being tissues were rinsed thoroughly with distilled dried, it was weighed and the content of half water, blotted on filter paper and transferred the weight was used for the determination to a 100-ml Erlenmeyer flask fitted with a of the radioactivity of lignin aldehyde. reflux condenser to which 20 ml of 100% hot For the analysis of lignin aldehyde, alka- methyl alcohol was added and then boiled for line nitrobenzene oxidation was carried out 5 min to stop enzymatic activity. using the method of Stone and Blundell(13). 224 KOZUKUE, E. AND S. MIZUNO

To 20 mg of dried alcohol insoluble residue, lanine-U-14C and L-tyrosine-U-14C. From 0.1 ml of nitrobenzene and 3 ml of 2 N NaOH the results of Fig. 1, it was found that the were added in a stainless steel bomb. After fed L-phenylalanine-U-14C and L-tyrosine- the mixture had been heated at 150-160°C for U-14C were rapidly translocated into the tis- 2 hours, the bomb was cooled, and the mix- sues of both A and D sections of the shoots ture was centrifuged at 18, 000 rpm for 10 min and that the level of their radioactivity in- to separate the cell debris. Two ml of the creased with the development of incubation supernatant was transferred to a test tube time ; in phenylalanine administered into sec- and repeatedly extracted with 300-350 ml of tion A, the total radioactivity after 3 hours ethyl ether. The extracts were discarded of incubation was 718 x 103 dpm/ 2 g fresh and the aqueous layer was acidified to pH= weight, and increased to 917 x 103dpm and 2.0 with 2 N HCI, and then repeatedly ex- 1408 x 103 dpm after 6 and 9 hours, respec- tracted with 100 ml of ethyl ether. This e- tively, whereas in section D, the total activity ther extract was dried and then dissolved in showed the same tendency as that of section toluene scintillator for the determination of A, although the amount was somewhat lower total lignin aldehyde. than that of section A. While the total ra- dioactivity of tyrosine administered into both Results A and D sections was approximately 36-72% 1. Incorporation and distribution of that of phenylalanine, no significant differ- phenylalanine-U-14C and tyrosine-U-14C into ence between A and D sections was found. various fractions Two amino acids, once incorporated into the Figure 1 shows the determination of dpm tissues, were steadily transferred to the al- of individual fractions incorporated into 2 g of cohol-insoluble fraction during the incuba- both the top (A) and the base (D) sections tion, but the incorporation of 14C into the of the shoots during incubations of 3, 6 and carbon dioxide, organic acid and carbohydrate 9 hours after the application of L-phenyla- fractions remained very low in both sections. From these results, it was found that both of the two amino acids were poorly metabo- lized to organic acid and carbohydrate. 2. Conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine and of tyrosine to phenylalanine In order to investigated the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine and of tyrosine to phenylalanine, L-phenylalanine-U-14C and L-tyrosine-U-14C were administered into the tissues of both A and D sections, and the radioactivity of tyrosine converted from phenylalanine and of phenylalanine to tyro-

Fig. 1. Incorporation of phenylalanine-U-14C and tyrosine-U-14C into various fractions. Residue : alcohol insoluble residue. Fig. 2. Conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine and Others : the sums of organic acids, sugars and,CO2. of tyrosine to phenylalanine, A : A sections. D : D sections. A : A sections. D : D sections. TRACER EXPERIMENT ADMINISTERING L-PHENYLALANINE-U-14C AND L-TYROSINE-U-14C 225

Fig. 3. 14C-lignin aldehyde converted from phenyl- alanine-U-14C and tyrosine-U-14C. A : A sections. D : D sections. sine was measured (Fig. 2). As shown in Fig. 2, conversion of phenylalanine to tyro- sine was slightly observed in both A and D sections, the activity in section A being a Fig. 4. HPLC chromatogram obtained from the organic little higher than that in section D, but no acid of bamboo shoots containing a standard homo- conversion of tyrosine to phenylalanine was . Operating conditions : Column : strong cation resin. found. Detector : UV at 210 nm and 0.32 aufs. Flow rate 3. 14C-lignin aldehyde converted from 0.8 ml/min. Column temperature : 50°C. Mobile phenylalanine-U-14C and tyrosine-U-14C phase : 0.2% H3P04. Chart speed : 2.5 mm/min. Lignin aldehyde in the alcohol-insoluble re- sidue was determined by the alkaline nitro- benzene oxidation method of Stone and Blun- dell(13). Figure 3 shows the total radioactiv- ity count of lignin aldehyde contained in 2 g of both A and D sections. The radioactiv- ity due to phenylalanine in both A and D sections increased during the incubation ; in addition, the activity in D section was ap- preciably higher than that in section A, while the activity due to tyrosine showed the same tendency as that for phenylalanine, al- though the activity for tyrosine was low in comparison with that for phenylalanine. 4. 14C-homogentisic acid from phenylala- nine-U-14C and tyrosine-U-14C HPLC chromatogram obtained from a stan- dard homogentisic acid sample (8 tcg) plus the Fig. 5. 14C-homogentisic acid converted from phenyl- alanine-U-14C and tyrosine-U-14C. organic acid fraction (50111) is presented in A : A sections. D : D sections. Fig. 4. By HPLC analysis, the peak corre- sponding to the standard homogentisic acid verted from the two labeled amino acids in sample was collected, and then the radioactiv- both A and D sections during the incubation. ity was measured. Figure 5 shows the It was found that 14C-homogentisic acid from radioactivity of 14C-homogentisic acid con- phenylalanine increased in parallel in both A 226 KOZUKUE , E. AND S. MIZUNO and D sections during the incubation. On and 40% in section D from tyrosine was con- the other hand, the activity from tyrosine verted to the residue. increased linearly during the incubation, but It is widely known that phenylalanine or the activity in both A and D sections was tyrosine is a precursor of lignin formation slightly higher than that from phenylalanine. (5). In this study, it was found that phenyl- Discussion alanine-U-14C or tyrosine-U-14C was incor- porated efficiently into lignin aldehyde, an In this study, as a high tyrosine concentra- oxidation product of lignin (Fig. 3). The a- tion had been noted in bamboo shoots, we mount of 14C incorporated into lignin alde- applied labeled L-phenylalanine-U-14C and hyde from phenylalanine was high with a L-tyrosine-U-14C into the tissues of both the range nearly 4 times greater in section A and top (A) and the base (D) sections of the 8 times greater in section D in comparison shoots, with the aim of investigation the with those of tyrosine, indicating that ligni- pathway by which their 14C was metabolized, fication from phenylalanine is active. Al- in connection with organic acid, carbohy- though lignification from tyrosine is low in drate, amino acid fractions, carbon dioxide quantity, nearly 15% in section A and 26% in and lignin aldehyde, after incubations of 3, 6 section D of the total radioactivity from tyro- and 9 hours at 30°C. sine-U-14C incorporated into the tissues after As shown in Fig. 1, the radioactivity of 14C 9 hours of incubation proceeded to lignin al- from the two labeled amino acids incorpo- dehyde. It was therefore found that an ap- rated into both A and D sections increased preciable proportion of tyrosin-U-14C was also with the progress of incubation time. The used for the production of lignin. Conver- amount of 14C converted from tyrosine was sely, in A and D sections, it was found that reduced from one third to three quarters of 14C incorporated into lignin aldehyde from that from phenylalanine. Furthermore, the both the two amino acids was much greater activiy incorporated into section A from in section D than that in section A. This phenylalanine was somewhat higher than was coincident with the fact that a high lig- that in D section, but for tyrosine no signif- nin content was found in section D (unpub- icant difference between A and D sections lished data). was found. Although the reason for the Bamboo shoots contain homogentisic acid amount of total radioactivity (Fig. 1) incor- which has a disagreeable pungent taste porated into the tissues of bamboo shoots be- known as "egumi" in Japan(1), and the levels ing considerably different from that of phenyl- of homogentisic acid depend on the variety alanine and tyrosine is not clear, we assume of cultivar, state of maturity, harvesting that, due to the high tyrosine level in the time, conditions of planting and the place shoots, the penetration of tyrosine into the of production (unpublished data). As shown tissues may have been repressed. in Fig. 5, a slight conversion of phenylala- 14C incorporated into the tissues of both A nine-U-14C or tyrosine-U-14C into homogen- and D sections from the two labeled amino tisic acid was found (i. e., the conversion ra- acids was converted rapidly to alcohol insol- tio of each of the two labeled amino acids uble residue. Thus, after 3 hours of incu- into homogentisic acid was below 0.5% of bation nearly 20-30% of the total radioactiv- the total radioactivity). In fact, from the ity of the two amino acids administered to results of the determination of homogentisic the tissues was transferred to the residue, acid by HPLC analysis (unpublished data), it and the amount of 14C incorporated increased was found that a small amount was contained during the incubation. After 9 hours the in the shoots. Furthermore, we ate the activity of the residue converted from phenyl- shoots after blanching, and were unable to .alanine reached 25% of the total activity in detect any pungent taste ; therefore, we sup- section A and 57% in D section, respectively, posed that the activity of metabolism of tyro- while 24% of the total activity in section A sine to homogentisic acid was fairly low in TRACEREXPERIMENT ADMINISTERING L-PHENYLALANINE-U-14C LNINE-U-14CAND L-TYROSINE-U-14C 227 the shoots. 6 KOZUKUE,E. and N. KOZUKUE.1981. Lipid con- As an important part of the biosynthetic tent and fatty acid composition in bamboo pathway of tyrosine, phenylalanine hydroxy- shoots. J. Food Sci. 46: 751-755. lase, which catalyzes the formation of tyro- 7 KOZUKUE,E., N. KOZUKUE and T. KUROSAKI. sine from phenylalanine, is known to exist 1983. Organic acid, sugar and amino acid composition of bamboo shoots. J. Food Sci. in animals (4,10) as well as in plants (12). 48: 935-938. 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タ ケ ノ コ 組 織 中 へ の:L一 フ ェ ニ ル ア ラ ニ ソ ーU-14C及 び

:L一チ ロ シ ソ ーU-14Cの ト レ ー サ ー 実 験

小 机 ゑつ子 賢明女子学院短期大学670姫 路市本町

水 野 進 神戸大学農学部657神 戸市灘区六甲台町

摘 要

本 実 験 は タ ケ ノ コ組 織 中 に 多 量 の チ ロ シ ン が 存 在 し, を ア ル カ リニ トロベ ンゼ ンで 分 解 す る こ とに よ り得 た. しか も 湯 煮 後 の 白 濁 現 象 の 主 因 と な る こ とか ら,こ の 蓄 ① 両 ア ミノ酸 は す み や か に 組 織 に と りこま れ,有 機 積 要 因 を 追 求 す べ く,:L一 フ ェ ニ ル ア ラ ニ ンーU-14C及 び 酸,糖 画 分 及 び ア ル コー ル 不 溶 性 残 渣 部 へ 移 行 した が, :L一チ ロ シ ンーU-14Cを 組 織 に と り こ ま せ,14Cの 移 行 の 有 機 酸 及 び 糖 画 分 へ の 活 性 は 低 か った.し か しア ル コー 追 跡 実 験 を 行 な い,蓄 積 機 構 に つ い て の 新 し い 知 見 を 見 ル 不 溶 性 残 渣 部 へ は9時 間 後 に 全 活 性 の24~57%と 非 出 し た の で 報 告 す る. 常 に 高 い 値 とな っ た. ま ず,剥 皮 した タ ケ ノ コ の 先 端 部 及 び 基 底 部 の 各 組 織 ② リグ ニ ンア ル デ ヒ ドに つ い て は,フ ェ ニル ア ラニ 切 片 に:L一 フ ェ ニ ル ァ ラ ニ ンーU-14Cな ら び に:L一 チ ロ シ ン及 び チ ロ シ ンか らきわ め て す みや か に と りこ まれ る こ ン ーU-14Cを30。Cで,3,6,9時 間 反 応 さ せ た の ち, とが確 認 され た. ア ル コ ー ル 可 溶 性 抽 出 部 と ア ル コ ー ル 不 溶 性 残 渣 部 と に ③ フ ェ ニル ア ラニ ンか らチ ロシ ンへ の 転換 は きわ め 分 け た.さ ら に ア ル コ ー ル 可 溶 性 抽 出 部 は,糖,有 機 酸, て低 く,チ ロシ ソか ら フ ェニル ア ラ ニ ンへ の転 換 は 全 く ア ミ ノ 酸 に 画 分 し た.有 機 酸 画 分 の 中 の ホ モ ゲ ン チ ジ ン 認 め られ なか った. 酸 はHP:LCに よ り,又 ア ミ ノ 酸 画 分 中 の フ ェ ニ ル ア ラ ④ 両 ア ミノ酸 か ら ホ モ ゲ ンチ ジ ン酸 へ の 転 換 は ほ と ニ ン 及 び チ ロ シ ン は ア ミ ノ 酸 分 析 器 に よ り得 た . ん ど行 なわ れ て い ない も の と推 測 した. 一 方 ,リ グ ニ ン ア ル デ ヒ ドは ア ル コ ー ル 不 溶 性 残 渣 部