JCC : The Brethren Court vs. The East India Company

Dear esteemed delegates, It is my honor to welcome you to MASUN XXVII. We are extremely excited to have you this year and look forward to a fun and exciting conference. I am so honored to be your Crisis Director for MASUN and look forward to see how this committee will play out; I am sure that you all will create a fun, exciting, and adventurous story and I look forward to helping you along the way. My name is Warrie Proffitt and I am a sophomore studying Cyber Security Engineering here at George Mason University. I am from a tiny little town called Catlett in Fauquier County, Virginia. I have been involved with Model UN since my senior year of highschool and I’ve been involved with the MUN Club here at GMU since my freshman year. Apart from Model UN, I dedicate my time to programming and computer engineering, as well as history and gaming. As a gamer I enjoy the classics, especially classic Nintendo games such as Legend of Zelda and Super Mario. Like I previously said, I am majoring in Cyber Security Engineering, a fascinating and one-of-a-kind program that is only offered at George Mason, so I encourage all of our delegates interested in STEM to take a look at this degree! As your director I look forward to working with you all and having a great time!

Best Regards,

Warrie Proffitt Crisis Director, JCC Pirates of the Caribbean [email protected]

Dear delegates, I am honored to have been chosen as the chair of the East India Trading Company crisis committee. I am looking forward to working with you all throughout our time together. My name is Marie Dubois, a French exchange student from the Université Lumière Lyon II. I am majoring in Political Science and English culture. I have been studying at George Mason since the beginning of the school year. I first became involved with Model UN a year ago, during my sophomore year in France. I was happy to be able to continue my Model UN experience at Mason and at MASUN. During my free time I volunteer in the Office for International Programmes and Services, as well as in the Patriot Activity Council. I also enjoy cooking, reading and movies. The Pirates of the Caribbean series is one of my favorites to binge-watch. As a study abroad student, I cannot recommend enough that you look into study abroad programs. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions, because I guarantee you this could be the best time of your life!

Best Regards, Marie Dubois Chair, East India Trading Company [email protected]

Dear delegates, Welcome to MASUN XXVI and to the Brethren Court! My name is Isis Mosqueda, and I am junior at George Mason University majoring in Government and International Politics with a minor in legal studies. I am also the president of the George Mason University Model United Nations club this year. I’ve been doing Model UN since my junior year of high school, and joined GMU Model UN in the spring semester of my freshman year. Having experienced many different committee procedures in the few years I’ve done Model UN, I know it can seem intimidating at times. So if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Also, if you have any questions about Mason’s Model UN club, or about collegiate clubs in general, or about the Government and International Politics major, you can reach out to me at any time. The members of the Model United Nations club here at Mason, the MASUN staff, and myself have worked diligently to make this conference welcoming and successful for all, and I can ensure you that this committee will be especially enjoyable. It is my honor to be your chair for the Brethren Court and I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.

Sincerely, Isis Mosqueda Chair, Brethren Court [email protected]


Since this committee is a Crisis Committee, this JCC is not a traditional part of Model UN. The JCC is set in the year 1748, immediately following the events of the film At World’s End of the ​ ​ Pirates of the Caribbean series. While a fourth movie does follow, the events of this committee will ​ be taking place before the setting of that film, meaning all events and characters mentioned in the fourth movie will be of no relevance to this committee. The Pirates of the Caribbean universe spans ​ ​ multiple games as well, so delegates may use information from those games, but be aware that the committee is based primarily off of the movies, which take precedence over the video games. It should go without saying, but be aware that both committees are fighting for power against each other. Your committee is not the only one working towards their goals.

Brethren Court The Brethren Court has been convened by the singing of Hoist the Colours, gathering the Pirate Lords at Shipwreck Island. No one knows who initiated the calling, but one thing is clear: the ​ ​ Pirates must rebuild. After the great battle between the Flying Dutchman and the , many ​ ​ ​ Pirate Vessels were lost, and now the Pirates are starting to lose hold on their territory and crews. The Brethren Court has convened only five other times, including the Court of Inquiry, ​ called for by the Pirate Lord, Edward Teague. The Brethren Court is governed by the Pirata Codex, ​ and follows the Code set forth, which favors legislative decision making. While the Brethren Court meets on rare occasions, pirates around the world are aware of the Code and the Pirate Lords.

East India Company Fearing a loss of control, the Company Directors have met to discuss plans to regain stability and rebuild their armadas. Only a handful of Directors are accounted for, and many are believed to have gone AWOL after the maelstrom battle. In order to regain control, the company must locate the remaining directors and rebuild their armada, all while trying to hold back revolts, pirates, and even fellow European Empires. The Court of Directors normally meet on a regular basis to determine the fate of the Company; but while the Court of Directors traditionally consists of 24 elected officials, many of the directors went missing after the battle. Now only a fraction of the directors are able to meet.

NOTE ON DIRECTIVES Joint directives are similar to resolutions; they require at least one sponsor and at least one third of the committee as signatories. Sponsors are responsible for writing the directive, but signatories may determine their own level of involvement in said directive. A signatory does not necessarily have to have any active involvement in the execution of the directive, and can simply ​ serve as a party interested in debating the directive as a possible course of action. The sequence of ​ events for a joint directive works as follows:

● A directive is written by one or more sponsors. ● Signatories sign the directive. Remember, at least one third of the committee (including the sponsor) must be signatories for the directive to be considered for debate. ● A motion is made to introduce the directive to the committee. ● A vote is taken on whether to introduce the directive, with a simple majority required. ● If the directive is successfully voted into debate, it is then debated. If not, the directive is returned to the sponsor and can be motioned to introduce again, ONCE. If the vote fails a second time, the directive is tabled permanently. ● A motion is made to go into voting procedures, with a simple majority requirement. ● The directive is voted on, with a simple majority requirement. Personal directives do not require any signatories and are only public if the sponsor wishes them to be. Personal directives are subtler than joint directives. They can make use of ONLY the sponsor’s portfolio powers, and are sent to crisis directly, with no vote, introduction, or debate necessary. Each member’s portfolio powers will be included in his or her character’s dossier. Any ​ directives that take overt action will be broadcasted to both committees. Results from personal directives will be broadcasted to both committees as needed, or when specified. Finally, Press Releases are a form of intentionally public Personal Directive. Any delegate may write a Press Release and send it to Crisis. Although often it is useful or wise for a delegate to share the information with his or her committee, a Press Release does not require introduction or explanation before being sent to Crisis. A Press Release should include the ‘headline’ or title of the Press Release, the content of the Press Release, the audience the Press Release is intended for, and the means by which the Press Release will reach that audience. For example, a Pirate Lord may wish to communicate standing orders to his or her loyal Pirate crew, and would do so by having their second-in-command publicly announce the information. Keep in mind that Press Releases may not always reach their intended audiences due to a Crisis, and sometimes the information from a Press Release may reach unintended audiences or have unintended consequences. As such, Press Releases are a delicate matter and should be handled with care. Position papers are not required for crisis committees. Computers may not be used during committee at MASUN.


Brethren Court

Elizabeth Swann Daughter of Governor Weatherby Swann, Swann has always had an adventurous spirit and an interest in the Pirate Life. Born in London, England, Swann has always lived a sheltered life until a fateful encounter with the infamous . From that point on, Miss Swann went on numerous pirating adventures. Now currently married to Will Turner, she longingly awaits his return, willing to do whatever it takes to get him back. During the events of the Brethren Court, Miss Swann was elected the Pirate King, giving her the ability to lead the Pirates. As Pirate King, with be Chair for this committee.

Ammand the Corsair Leading from his flagship, the Seref, Ammand was the head of a loose affiliation of organized ​ ​ , known as the Barbary Corsairs. The Barbary Corsairs robbed trade ships of Christian ​ ​ ​ “infidels.” Ammand often combined his forces with the Ottoman Empire in order to control the region between Morocco and Turkey. He would sometimes sail into the Adriatic Sea, earning the wrath of Pirate Lord Captain Villanueva, who presided over the Adriatic Sea. The Barbary Corsairs ​ would often battle the Spanish Treasure Fleet, who were under the control of Villanueva, and ​ ​ patrolled those waters.

Capitaine Chevalle Chevalle hails from Marseilles, trade capital of France, and was the Lord of the Mediterranean Sea. Chevalle was a former member of the French aristocracy. Chevalle spent many years pillaging trade ships of Europe in the Fancy, his flagship. He also traded between the “Old ​ ​ World” and the “New World” in the French Caribbean Colonies, including Montserrat and Haiti. Chevalle was known to raid the Spanish Treasure Fleets, controlled by Captain Villanueva, as they ​ ​ returned from Mexico.

Sri Sumbhajee Angria Sumbhajee was the Pirate Lord of the Indian Ocean and Terror of the Arabian Sea. Sumbhajee resided in a palace in Bombay, India. Sumbhajee became a Hindu Priest, and uses the title “Sri,” but left to gain his fortune as a pirate. Sumbhajee is the son of Indian Kanhoji Angria, notorious for his lifelong fight against the East India Trading Company. Sumbhajee plundered rich merchant ships, particularly the East India Trade Company vessels, disrupting trade ​ between Europe and India. Sumbhajee owned many ships, favoring one known as the Ottor, due to ​ ​ its ability to slip in/out of ports quickly and without notice.

Mistress Ching Ching was a blind Pirate Lord, and lord of the Pacific Island. She is known to have traveled five of the Seven Seas. Ching is one of the few pirate captains to retire, setting herself up in Canton. Ching commanded an armada of junks, terrorizing the Chinese coasts; she smuggled trade goods between Japan and China. Ching took control of the Pirate Confederation of China after her husband’s ​ death. Her pirates victimized their opponents; beheadings were their preferred form of execution. Ching owned a large chain of brothels.

Eduardo Villanueva Eduardo Villanueva was a Pirate Lord of the Adriatic Sea, though he has traveled to ports across the Seven Seas. Villanueva was a privateer on behalf of Spain. He raided ships across the Adriatic as well as the waters near Spanish holdings in Mexico and South America. During his early career, he circumnavigated the World, traveling the seven seas. His travels and pirating endeavours pitted him against fellow Pirate Lords, such as Ammand the Corsair and Capitaine Chevalle, both of which he battled in his flagship the Centurion. Villanueva often came into conflict with the Barbary ​ ​ Corsairs. Villanueva developed a rivalry with Capitaine Chevalle.

Gentleman Jocard Pirate Lord of the Atlantic Ocean, Jocard, or “Gombo”, was sold into slavery by King Samuel, and became known as Gombo due his excellent cooking. Gombo led a slave revolt in the tobacco plant where he was enslaved, killing his master. After fleeing from the guards, Jocard was intercepted by Captain Jack Sparrow, who offered him a spot on the Black Pearl. After a few ​ ​ months, slaves that he helped escape (who were now pirating) requested that he be their captain. Jocard agreed and sailed with them.

Hector Barbossa Deadly nemesis to Jack Sparrow, Barbossa is willing to do anything to gain control of the Black Pearl. Gaining his start as the captain of the Cobra, Barbossa soon fell under the servitude of ​ ​ ​ Jack Sparrow on the Black Pearl as first mate. After sailing under Jack for a number of years, ​ ​ Barbossa led a mutiny against Jack, taking control of the Black Pearl. Under mysterious and ​ unknown circumstances, Barbossa became the Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea. After 10 years under the Aztec Curse, Barbossa and his men were freed by Will Turner, but Barbossa was quickly killed soon after. His death, however, did not last long, as Barbossa was soon resurrected by . Soon after his resurrection, Barbossa joined the Brethren Court to fight against Beckett and the East India Trading Company. Now Barbossa is looking to gain control of his former ship, the Black Pearl, ​ ​ and the Caspian Sea.

Jack Sparrow The son of Captain Edward Teague, Jack Sparrow is a man of only two loves, the sea and the Black Pearl. After five years of servitude with the East India Trading Company, Jack gained ​ ​ command of the Wicked Wench, a ship that was owned by Cutler Beckett. Under the command of ​ ​ Beckett, Jack was in search of the Island of Kerma until his betrayal upon which he chose to liberate a cargo of slaves and steal the Wicked Wench. Upon tracking Jack down, Beckett branded him as a ​ ​ pirate and sunk his ship. Jack made a deal with to resurrect his ship and renamed it the Black Pearl. Jack is the Pirate Lord of the Caribbean Sea. ​

Edward Teague Father of Jack Sparrow, Teague is a feared, yet respected pirate. Teague is the Pirate Lord of Madagascar and the Keeper of the Code, giving him extensive knowledge of the Pirata Codex. ​ ​ Teague’s loyalty to the Code should not be underestimated as he is not above killing in order to strictly adhere to the Code. Although Teague is a feared pirate, he has always managed to be there for his son, Jack Sparrow, and numerous times has helped Jack when he’s needed it most.

East India Trading Company

Dodding Braddyll - Chairman Bradyll used to be Deputy Chairman until he was elected to Chairman during the previous Company Election. As the Chairman he has more influence, but he is also young and inexperienced. Therefore, while he has a lot of book knowledge, he still needs to learn the real-world side of the Company. He has been a member of the British Parliament for five years. Consequently, he knows many important people both within the government and in the seafaring commerce world. After he successfully graduated from Oxford Law School, he went on his Grand Tour and witnessed the defeat of a pirates’ ship by the French Fleet. He is the public face of the Company. Dodding Braddyll will be the Chair for this committee.

Harry Gough – Deputy Chairman Captain and Deputy Chairman of the East India Trade Company, Gough became the Chairman ten years ago but failed to be reelected to the position. He has been elected as Deputy Chairman, but is not satisfied with this perceived demotion. The only wife for him is work and he has dedicated his entire life to the Company. He was born in India to British parents and has a deep love for this country. He is fluent in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, and Spanish, as well as English. His deepest concern in regards to the situation is the potential independence of India.

William Fitzpatrick

Member of the Board of Directors for five years, Fitzpatrick is the second son of the Count of Derbyshire, who bought him his position in the Company Board of Directors after he finished his studies at Cambridge. Fitzpatrick is eager to build his own career in politics, thus he has decided to be actively engaged in the fight against piracy. He supported Lord Beckett in his decision to kill every pirate. One of Fitzpatrick’s main concerns is his own financial interest, because of his heavy monetary involvement in the attack on the pirates. He is also working to ensure his political career will not be endangered.

Charles Prophet Prophet has been part of the Board for 40 years. He is a fervent opponent to piracy, something he has fought his entire life. He was part of the British fleet before he had to retire due to his landlord duty. However, he didn’t support Lord Beckett because he foresaw the danger that an assembly of pirates could bring. He supports the fastest possible reconstruction of the fleet; he is even ready to financially participate towards that end.

Sir Warrington Wordsworth Wordsworth joined the committee just before he was almost entirely ruined by a bad investment. He is an intimate friend of Governor Swann and consequently has known Elizabeth Swann since she was born. As the member of the East India Trade Company, he is not pleased with Elizabeth’s choice to become a pirate, and he is also devastated from losing most of his finances. At this point, his primary concern is to regain his fortune.

Sir Isaac Dudley Sir Dudley is the husband of Lady Petunia Dudley. Ten years prior to the pirate crisis, the Dudleys were on a leisure trip to India to acquire a property, on a boat called the East India Trip Company. The ship was attacked by one of Sri Sumbhajee Angria’s ships. Lady Petunia was killed in the conflict. Sir Dudley came back to England and practiced swordsmanship for five years before he joined the East India Trading Company. Because of his hatred for pirates, he eagerly headed the team for military actions against pirates as the right-hand man of Lord Beckett.

Sanguinaria Dursley Sanguinaria Dursley is the sister of Lady Petunia Dursley Dudley. Like Petunia, she has a large dowry from her father, a British Royal Marine Captain, who was lost at sea during the maelstrom battle. Sanguinaria is currently filling in for her father, and therefore she is not a permanent member of the committee. However, while her father is not declared dead she cannot take financial actions that exceed the amount of her £30,000 dowry. Sanguinaria has not spoken to Sir Peter Dudley since her sister’s funeral and is resentful not only towards the pirates but also towards anyone who she perceives to have contributed to her sister’s death.

Lady Irene Harrison Lady Irene is 75 years old and is replacing her husband, Lord Raymond Harrison, who unfortunately passed away at the end of the previous winter. As a result, Irene is a permanent member of the council since she does not have any sons to take the place of her husband. Therefore, she has all of the same committee rights as her husband until the next committee election, when she will be retiring from the East India Trading Company. She shares many of the same views as her husband, such as wanting to take a hard-nosed stance against the pirates. Irene knows that she will not be in the Committee after the next election so she does not hold back from expressing her opinions. She is an aristocrat and looks down on those in committee who do not share her social status.

Roger Baker Roger Baker is the son of Lord Gaston Baker, who was the best man of Raymond Harrison when he was wedded to Irene Harrison. Gaston Baker passed away in an awful accident at sea ten miles from the coast of Mexico. An unknown ship crashed into Raymond’s ship and pillaged it for the gold that Raymond was transporting back to England. Baker was invited to the Board because his father was a member, but he does not take the pirate situation very seriously because he does not believe that the pirating problem affects him personally. Before the committee, he was relaxing on a beach in Normandie.

Richard Drake Drake is currently a Theology Professor at Oxford University and joined the Company to create his own university in the Indies. He is concerned that the Company will concentrate its resources solely on piracy. Given his background in faith, he favors a diplomatic solution. His deepest wish is to include pirates in the economy and society in a way that benefits everyone, and so he could finally accomplish his mission to provide a proper English education to the Asian population.


East India Company The East India Company formed on December 31, 1600, for the exploration of trade with East and Southeast Asia, including India.1 Starting as a trading body, the company quickly evolved ​ into an “agent of British imperialism” and became involved in politics during the 18th century.2 East ​ ​ India Company was created for the purpose of sharing in the East Indian spice trade, which had been a monopoly of Spain and Portugal. In 1588, England defeated the Spanish Armada, giving them a chance to break the monopoly. The company was met with opposition from the Dutch and the Portuguese, but with the 1612 defeat of the Portuguese in India, the British won trading concessions with the Mughal Empire, leading them to trade in cotton and silk, indigo, saltpeter and spices.3 In the early 1620’s, the Company began transporting and using slave labor. This trade in ​ slaves remained prevalent throughout the 1730s.4 The company maintained a military force, which ​ it used to enforce authority in its territories.5 ​

The Brethren Court The Brethren Court was a loose confederation of pirates that were active during the Age of Piracy. This Court was made up of Pirate Lords, nine pirate captains that each claimed territories 6,7 around the world. The​ Brethren Court was the governing body of pirates, consisting of the best of ​ the best, or perhaps more accurately, the worst of the worst.8 The original members of the Pirate ​ Brethren came together to plot with Davy Jones, planning to steal the rule of the seas from Calypso, the goddess of the sea. With the help of Davy Jones, this council was able to trick Calypso and imprison her in the body of a mortal woman.9 ​ In keeping with heritage, the Court was governed by the Code; the council was surprisingly organized, favoring “legislative decision making, hierarchical command authority, individual 10 authority, and equitable division of revenues.” The​ Code is credited to be written by Henry ​ Morgan and Bartholomew. To be considered a part of the Brethren Court, one must have possession of one of the nine pieces of eight.11 ​ The First Court met during the 17th century, during the Golden Age of Piracy.12 The First ​ ​ Court consisted of the Nine Pirate Lords who bound Calypso to her human form with the help of Davy Jones. By sealing Calypso with the Pieces of Eight, the rule of the sea now belonged to men. During the Second Court, the Pirate’s Code was laid out by Captains Morgan and Bartholomew and became the Pirata Codex.13 In this meeting, the Keeper of the Code and the ​ Carriers of the Code were established. In the Third Court, a pirate thief known as Tartaglia attempted to use an item known as the Timekeeper to pass himself off as a Pirate Lord, but his plan failed and the Court ended in bloodshed.14 ​

Footnotes 1. "East India 6. "Brethren 10. Ibid. Company." Court." 11. "Piece of Eight” 2. Ibid. 7. “Pirate Lord” 12. "Brethren 3. Ibid. 8. "Brethren Court." 4. Ibid. Court." 13. Ibid. 5. Wild, Antony. 9. Ibid. 14. Ibid.


At World's End After taking control of Davy Jones and the sea itself, Lord Cutler Beckett planned to execute any known pirates as well as anyone associated with piracy by ordering Davy Jones to destroy all pirate ships. In order to bring down Lord Cutler Beckett before piracy was completely destroyed, the call for the Brethren Court to meet was made. But because Jack Sparrow never named a successor, Captain Barbossa, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Tia Dalma, and the crew of the Black ​ Pearl went out to rescue Jack from death in Davy Jones’s locker. After returning from the Locker, ​ and several series of events, Elizabeth Swann is appointed Sao Feng’s successor as Pirate Lord. At Shipwreck Cove, Barbossa tries to persuade the Brethren Court to release Calypso in order to stop Lord Beckett from destroying piracy. Captain Teague informs the court that in order for a decision such as this to be made, a Pirate King must be elected in order to decide. As the pirates prepare for battle, they see Lord Beckett’s massive fleet, over three hundred ships, approaching on the horizon. Jack calls for parley, and he, along with Barbossa and Elizabeth, meet with Beckett, Jones, and Will. During the meeting, arguments ensue, in which Barbossa gains Jack’s Piece of Eight and Jack is traded for Will. Afterwards, Barbossa frees Calypso from her human form, hoping that she will bring an end to Lord Beckett’s reign. But Calypso vanishes, along with Barbossa’s hope. However, Elizabeth commands the pirates to prepare for battle, during which a giant maelstrom emerges between the fleets. Sailing into the storm, the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman meet for battle. ​ ​ ​ ​ But who has survived? Over three hundred British vessels sailed into the storm, but no one is sure how many sailed out safely. Many of the ships fled after the battle, and many more sank during it. With a weakened military force, many British colonies in the Caribbean have “declared” independence from the company, leading to turmoil across the sea. The East India Trading Company is unaware of how many ships or men they still have under their control. Many worry that those who fled will not be returning to the British Crown, but instead turn to a life of piracy. Many more believe that without sufficient ships and men, more colonies than just the Caribbean’s will up rise against the Crown.

As for the pirates? The Brethren Court disbanded and fell into chaos. Many Lords lost good men and good ships in the battle, and with the British retreating from the Caribbean, the Lords have turned to fighting amongst each other. Trust is non-existent and with the opportunities to plunder the now defenseless colonies, all-out war has been declared amongst the pirates. For fear of destroying each other, Pirate King Elizabeth Swann has called another Brethren Court together to prevent even more bloodshed.


East India Company 1. How will the East India Trading Company figure out who is still loyal to the Crown and to the Company? 2. How will the Company allocate resources to rebuild fleets, and recapture lost colonies? 3. What is to be done about the remaining pirates, an ever-present and very real threat to the Company and the Company’s assets? 4. The East India Trading Company is always looking for the most profitable situation; how can the Company exploit the current situation to not only regain their lost holdings but even expand for future endeavors?

Brethren Court 1. What will the Brethren Court do about the renegade and Lordless pirates roaming the sea, as well as any newcomers to the Pirate Life? 2. Where will the Brethren Court find new resources to rebuild their fleets, and how will it establish holdings in influential locations or new territories? 3. How will the Brethren Court rebuild or re-organize Pirate Society in the wake of the devastation of the great maelstrom battle? And how will the new way of Life be protected from future danger?

RESOURCES FOR FURTHER RESEARCH The films are great starting places for research! ● Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl ● Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest ● Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End I highly encourage delegates to watch the films, rather than read the synopsis or summary. These are a great way to get introduced to your character and the world. While Wikipedia should never be cited, it is a great place to your research and to gain additional resources that are ​start more appropriate to cite. While position papers are not required, all sources should be treated as though they were going to be cited; this ensures the most accurate information is used.

For more information about the world and characters: ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page is a great resource, but do not rely on this for historical accuracy! ● https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_code ● https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piracy_in_the_Caribbean ● https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_India_Company

● https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Charter_Granted_by_Queen_Elizabeth_to_the_East _India_Company ● http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/findhelpregion/asia/india/indiaofficerecords/indiaoffice arrangement/eastindiacompmins/eindcomins.html

As well as knowing your character, understand the other Pirate Lords too! ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Ammand ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Chevalle ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Sumbhajee_Angria ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Ching ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Eduardo_Villanueva ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Jocard ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Elizabeth_Swann ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Hector_Barbossa ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Jack_Sparrow ● http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Edward_Teague

SOURCES “Brethren Court." PotC Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2017. http://pirates.wikia.com/wiki/Pirate_Lord ​ "Brethren Court." PotC Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2017. "Brethren Court." PotC Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2017. "East India Company." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 6 Nov. 2015. Web. 10 Jan. 2017. "Piece of Eight (item)." PotC Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2017. Wild, Antony. The East India Company: Trade and Conquest from 1600. New York: HarperCollins, ​ 2000. Print.