DR. SAMUEL KIMANI KIUMBUKU, PHD Lecturer, Department of Environmental Sciences School of Environment & Natural Resources , Machakos University P.O Box 136-90100, Machakos, Cell Phone: +254 (0) 721 828326 Email: [email protected] OR [email protected] ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2079-3223 RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS: Gender and Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Natural Resources Management. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Degree Institution and Location Completion Field of Study

Environmental Studies and Community , Kenya PhD 12/2019 Development Environmental Studies and Community Kenyatta University, Kenya Masters 12/2012 Development , Kenya Bachelors 12/2004 Science (Fisheries) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Year (from-to) Organization Position 2020- to date Machakos University Lecturer – Department of Environmental Science 2017- 2020 Machakos University Tutorial fellow-Department of Environmental Science 2014-2017 Department of fisheries, Kenya Senior Fisheries Officer 2010-2014 Department of fisheries, Kenya Fisheries Officer II 2007-2009 Forest View Academy Teacher (Biology & Chemistry) 2006-2007 Masai High School Teacher (Biology & Chemistry) 2004-2006 All Saints High School-Sagana Teacher (Biology & Chemistry) ACTING CAPACITY/APPOINTMENTS  2018- to date: Examination and Timetabling Coordinator, Department of Environmental Sciences, Machakos University.  2018 - 2020: Acting chairperson (when the chairperson is officially on leave of absence): Department of Environmental Sciences, Machakos University.  2012-2017: Sub-county Fisheries officer, in charge of aquaculture in Kwanza sub-county, Trans Nzoia county, Kenya SHORT TRAINING/SYMPOSIA ATTENDED  2020: Gender and Environment: A course offered online through partnership of United Nations Institute for Training and Research; The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership; Global Environmental Facility; and GEF Small Grants Program  2020: Social Innovation in Water and Climate Change in Africa: A course offered online through partnership of Afrialliance (Africa-EU Innovation Alliance for Water and Climate) and IHE DELFT Open Education  2020: Climate Change: From Learning to Action: A course offered online through partnership of United Nations Institute for Training and Research and The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership.  2019: Education young people against gender-based violence: A course offered online funded by European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)  2019: Research ethics, open access, scientific writing and communication: Pre-conference scientific workshop held at Kenyatta University, , Kenya  2018: From source to sea to sustainability: A course offered online by UN Environment.  2018: How to write a winning grant proposal: and Machakos University  2016: An overview of peaceful management and conflict resolution: a course offered online by African virtual university.  23rd -27th 2014: Introduction to Qualitative Research: Training Workshop for Research Project: ‘The Use and Impact of M-Shwari in Kenya’. Project facilitated by the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion (IMTFI), University of California, Irvine in partnership with Emory University (US), Kenyatta University, University of Nairobi and Houghton College (US), Nairobi, Kenya.  2013: Supervisory Skills Management Course Training: Kenya School of Government.  2011: Training workshop on best practices in Aquaculture Management: Wakhungu Fish Farm.  2011: Geographical Information Systems (GIS): Regional Centre for Resource Mapping for Development (RCRMD)  2010: Civil Service Induction Course: Wildlife Training College, Naivasha  2007: Information Technology (Diploma) RESEARCH ACTIVITES/PROJECTS  February 2018- 2020: Principal investigator of research on “Enhancing Community Participation in Sustainable Management of Chyulu Catchment in Southern Kenya”  October 2014- December 2019: Gendered Perspective on the Impact of Climate Variability on Rural Livelihoods in Makueni County, Kenya. (PhD research)  August 2014 to August 2015- Research assistant on a research project: The Use and Impact of M- Shwari in Kenya’. Project facilitated by the Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion (IMTFI), University of California, Irvine in partnership with Emory University (US), Kenyatta University, University of Nairobi and Houghton College (US), Nairobi, Kenya.  2011-2012: Effects of Gender Dynamics on Fish Farming in Kwanza Division, Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. (Masters Research Project) PUBLICATIONS 1. Kiumbuku, S., Baaru, M., Mutinda, J. (2020). Gender Analysis of Smallholder Farmers‟ Adaptive Capacity to Drought in Semi-arid Kenya. Gender and Women Studies. 2020; 3(1):5. 2. Kiumbuku, S., Baaru, M., and Mutinda, J. (2018). Do Smallholder Farmers Perceive Rainfall Variability the Same and Correctly? Gendered and Spatial Analysis of Perception Versus Actual Trends of Rainfall in Three Livelihood Zones in Kenya. Journal of Environment and Earth Sciences, 8 (9) pp 1-12 https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEES/article/view/44218 3. Kiumbuku, S K, Mutinda, J W., Bernard, N B. 2013. Forms of Gender Inequalities in Fish Farming in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.3, No.15; pp 1-9 http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RHSS/article/download/7935/7943 4. Mutinda, J W., S. K Kiumbuku. 2014. Gender and Education Dimensions in Handicraft Industry in Mwala District, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 4, No. 11 (1) pp 252-259 http://www.ijhssnet.com/journal/index/2823 5. Okello, B A, Jeanne, N B, and Kiumbuku, S K. 2012. Sex : A Response to Myriad of Issues Ranging from Myths, Ignorance, Culture and Education Principles.LAPLAMBERT http://www.morebooks.de/search/gb?utf8=&q=sex+education+in 6. Kiumbuku, S K, Mutinda, J W. 2013. Effects of Gender Dynamics in Fish Farming: Case Study of Kwanza Division, Trans Nzoia County Kenya. LAP LAMBERT https://www.lap- publishing.com/catalog/details/store/fr/book/978-3-659-44435-7/effects- of-gender-dynamics-on- fish-farming? Search=fish%20farming CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE/PRESENTATIONS  22nd – 25th October 2019: Kenyatta University Biennial Research and Innovation Conference. Presented a paper on: Gender Analysis of Livelihoods Adaptive Capacity to Drought in Semi-arid Makueni County, Kenya  11th-14th November 2014: 1st International Conference. Presented a paper on: Boran Pastoral Innovations in Response to Climate Change; Case of Merti Division, Isiolo County, Kenya.  2013: National museums of Kenya, High Level Expert Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change.  2011: ESRI East Africa, Focus Group Meeting on Application of Spatial Modeling in Conservation.  2011: ESRI Kenya. Conference on Advanced ArcGIS for productivity/Advanced GIS skills and analysis (using ArcGIS 10) RESEARCH FUNDING/GRANTS Funding entity Amount PhD Research funding by National Research Fund (NRF) Ksh. 500,000 (5000USD) Machakos University Vice Chancellors Research Grant Ksh. 400,000 (4000USD) COMMUNITY SERVICE 1. Founder and Director of Boy-Child Action Mentorship Programme (BCAMP): An NGO that works to mentor and empower teenage boys and young men to grow to responsible and purposeful adults. 2. Support member of Matuiku Primary school prize giving initiative: An initiative that rewards top performers in national exams. 3. Patron and Founder: Machakos University Environmental Club (MksUEC) UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES  University clean-up committees.  Machakos University tree planting sub-committee  Machakos University environmental sustainability committee  2019 and 2020 publications and publicity graduation sub-committee.  Inaugural Committee on open and digital school establishment. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 1. National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) – Registered and licensed as an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) associate expert 2. Environmental Institute of Kenya (EIK)- Active Member 3. Association for Community Development Practitioners-Kenya (ACDPK)-Active Member 4. International Association for Community Development (IACD)-Active Member