REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE ACCOUNTS OF PARASTATAL BODIES AND OTHER STATUTORY INSTITUTIONS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS ENDED 31ST December 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 K60.00 REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL ON THE ACCOUNTS OF PARASTATAL BODIES AND OTHER STATUTORY INSTITUTIONS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS ENDED 31ST DECEMBER 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL VISION: A dynamic audit institution that promotes transparency, accountability and prudent management of public resources. MISSION: To independently and objectively provide quality auditing services in order to assure our stakeholders that public resources are being used for national development and wellbeing of citizens.” CORE VALUES: Integrity Professionalism Objectivity Teamwork Confidentiality Excellence Innovation Respect i Office of the Auditor General Stand No. 7951 Haile Selassie Avenue, Longacres P.O. Box 50071 TRANSMIT TAL LETTERLusaka, Zambia. Email:
[email protected] 30th November 2017 30th September 2017. His HisExcellency Excellency Mr. Mr. Edgar Edgar C. Lungu C. Lungu PresidentPresident of the of theRepublic Republic of Zambia of Zambia StateState House House LUSAKALUSAKA YourYour Excellency, Excellency, RE: RE:REPORT SUBMISSION OF THE OF THEAUDITOR ANNUAL GENERAL REPORT OFON THE THE AUDITOR ACCOUNTS GENERAL OF ONPARASTATAL THE AUDIT BODIES OF THE AND ACCOUNTS OTHER STATUTORY OF THE REPUBLIC INSTITUTIONS FOR THE FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARFINANCIALS ENDED YEAR 31st DECEMBER 2013 to 2016 ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2016 In accordance with Article 250 of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No.2 of 2016, I haveIn accordancethe honour withto submit Article the 250 Report of the of Constitution the Auditor ofGeneral Zambia on (Amendment the Account)s Act of ParastatalNo.