I . ; Blood in Demand! - Give Today at Central Firehouse Until 7 p . m.

THe Weather Average Daily Net Press Run Cloudy tonight, chance t i For the Week Ended sprinkles. Cloudy, warm and Aufuat 6, 19S6 humid tomorrow. High about • a 13,871 Manchester—“A City of Village Charm PRICE SEVEN CENT! MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 (CIsMilled Advertlelns on Page 17) VOL. LXXXV, NO. 262 (TWENTY PAGES) U.S. Troops, Rocks, Glass Fly North Viets In Battle In Midwest Cities SAIGON, South' Viet Nam (AP) — American troops re­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS gained battle contact with North Some 2,000 white heck- Vietnamese regulars today in ler.s threw rocks, bottles the massive allied sweep in the and firecrackers Sunday central highlands called Opera­ when demonstrators for tion Paul Revere. open housing in Chicago’s A company of about 160 men white neighborhoods stag­ of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Airmo­ ed their larg€st march bile Division ran into about 600 of Hanoi’s troops in the la since ~ the drive began 10 Drang Valley and, surrounded ago. on three sides, called in artil­ The marchers, protected by lery shells and napalm strikes solid walls of police, moved into that put the enemy to flight. the all-white Cragin section of Cavalry units pursued them. Chicago’s Northwest Side. Ap­ The Cavalry company killed proximately 1,600 persons were nine Communists and captured in the integrated group, led by five in a preliminary b-ush of A1 Raby, head of the Coordinat­ ing Council of Community Or­ the battle, about 200 miles north of Saigon. A spokesman said the ganizations, and aides to Dr. company’s casualties were Martin Luther King Jr. moderate. There was no specific King, hit by a rock during a accounting of the dead and demonstration Friday, was in wounded. .lackson, Mi.ss., today for the (AP Pholofax) About 16,000 American, South annual convention' of the South­ Members of Civil Aeronauts Board investigate wreckage of jet liner. Vietnamese and Korean troops ern Christian Leadership Con­ are engaged in the operation. ference which he heads. The North Vietnamese had Violence broke out early to- Couldn't Take Defeat pulled back after heavy fighting day in Lansing, Mich., as gangs in the first three days of last of white and Negro youths INDIANAPOLIS, I n d. clashed. Police brought the slt- Plane Crash Probe (AP)—Defeat at chess ap­ U.S. 1st Infantry Division sol- uation under control in about parently was too much for diers killed five Viet Cong in a three hours, the assistant editor of the firefight near Phuoc Vinh, but The hostility in Chicago Indiana Reformatory news­ ^aw an Air Force Phantom jet reached fever pitch before a paper. crash and bum after a strafing summer thunderstorm drenched Suffers Setback Robin Smith, 24, describ­ run in their support. Both the marchers, police and hecklers ed by Supt. Jerome Henry Phantom’s crewmen were — who cooleid off to the point information in the cockpit voice However, there was a chance as “ one of the intelligentsia killed. the violence settled into jeering FALLS CITY, Neb. recorder, which should reveal that another recording device of the institution” was one The action developed about 36 and hooting, (AP)— Investigators learn­ any cockpit conversation which may still be useful. of four inmates to compete miles north of ^igon. The Police arrested 21 whites. took place within 30 minutes ed today that one of two re­ Ed Slattery, spokesman for a in a two-day chess tourna­ Phantom was the 130th fixed- Dozens of persons were injured before the crash. Slattery said cording devices, which 12-man Qivil Aeronautics Board ment at the Indiana Univer­ wing aircraft lost in combat before ’ the end of the nearly 'the cockpit recorder was recov­ may have held a clue to the investigating team, said Wash­ sity Medical Center. over South Viet Nam. four-mile march. White residents of a neighborhood on Chicago’s ered “in a rather battered con­ cause of Saturday night’s ington experts found heat had Smith won a match Satur­ The U.S. Command an­ The white hecklers screamed Northwest side shout and shake their fists against dition.” airliner crash, was burned destroyed any record that was day and returned to the in­ nounced Americsui pilots en­ such things as, “ White power!” civil rights marchers who were across str^t. Dern- beyond use in the crash in the flight recorder. The de­ An explosion flared as the stitution. But after he lost countered a near-record 34 So­ “ Kill the niggers!” And they onstration was to protect alleged discrimination in that killed 42 persons. vice, pulled from the wreckage, plane hit the ground, and a wit­ Sunday he slipped away, un­ viet-built missiles over North used some of their sharpest sale and rental of 'housing in area to Negroes by ness shouted; “ My God, the The Branitf International Air­ was designed to keep a record noticed by a counselor and Viet Nam Sunday, when seven taunts on the nuns and priests world is on fire!" real estate agencies. (AP Photofax) ways plane was in an envelope of the plane’s position and three prison buddies. U.S. planes were shot down. It marching with the demonstra­ of flame when it plunged from a movements in the air. Antone Sohawang, owner of He was sentenced in Janu­ was the heaviest lose in a single tors. cloud into a soybean field about He said CAB and factory ex­ the field where the plane ary 1965 to 10-25 years for day of the air war. An Ohio organizer for the Ku eight miles northeast of here. perts were trying to decipher crashed, was witii his family in robbery. Under the command’s revised Klux Klan, Parkie Scott, an­ Rights Stress Shifting an automobile when the disaster informatiMi policy, a spokes- nounced in Oregonla, Ohio, that occurred. “The sky seemed to man refused to say whether any a2 Klan groups have been Invit- light up," he said, as the burn­ of Die planM ware.hit by sur- ed to a rally in Chicago’s Sol- To Law Against Violence ing plane orartied and exploded. face-to-air missilea. He said - dter Field Aug- 30. However, CaU Issued against anyone hrying to help It was then that his wife shouted «n ly- ***** they were lost to Chicago sources denied that WASHINGTON (AP) — House National Politics Neroes exercise such rights. that "tM world is on fire." ^ ground fire rather than to ene- permission had been granted for action on civil rights shifts to­ Penalties up to 110,000 and Ilfs m y planes. the hooded order to use the huge Sitting in the kitchen of hie By Congress day to a proposal that would imprisonment could be imposed. stadium. farm home three hours later, 1 O *1 spokesman said earUer bring the federal government Despite the proposal’s broad Scott had said the Klan gath- Candidates hie suntanned face tired and into crimes of violence against sweep. It is expected to encoun- ^ missile missUe sightings Sun- ering would end the “agitating drawn, Schaweng continued his Negroes and civil rights work- tgr Uttle opposition except from day over North Viet Nam. in that city” — Chicago — be­ description. ers. Southern members, who regard WASHINOTON (AP) —Con­ cause, “ we think that we can “ I could see this baH of He explained today sw^ in­ The provision almost has been it as a flagrant In'vasloh of To Back Viet Stand gress resumed hearings en the formation from pilots is collect­ flames dropping almost straight in the controversy over eutes’ rights. in 1964. And I ’m convinced from down, then I saw the tip of a airlines strike today with a di­ ed separately and is forwarded WAaiHNGTON (AP) — Presi­ fK. 1 n f -that pitv op®h housing. But many -view it The majori , dent Johnson’s top political the polls and. conversaUons wing sticking out and I knew it rect appeal to labor and man­ to Mm later. fmnWa important section of fought by Northern liberals over Heavy ground fire drove off strategist is urging DemocraUc around the country that the was a plane,” he said. agement to settle the dispute should have no more trouble the word “ lawfully” Inserted by rescue helicopters, and only two maintaining order. congressional candidates to overwhelming number qf Amer­ “Then there was the crash. and avoid leg(i8latiear in domestic relations court York Sunday along with six oth­ today. She wanted a court order er honeymoon couples. to keep her husband away from At Kennedy Airport only one Girl’s Body 1 ^ and the cMldren. man, seeing them pass by, FORT WORTH, Tex. (AP) ^ Last Tuesday, police were turned to his wife and said, Two teen-age cousins were caUed to the Sepulvedas’ first “ There’s Luci Johnson.” found shot to death and stuffed floor apartment at 188V4 Bald­ Preceded by two Secret Serv­ into the trunk of a car near Fort win St. because of a family ice men, Pat and Luci were the Worth Sunday, and police quarrel. Mrs Sepulveda, who is last passengers to board the pressed a search today for a 16- four m

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 PAGE THBEB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1968 PAGE TWO this, the Interpretations are m ake. additional nombiations If bush, w ill be m a k ^ her Oak­ Hebron consistently artistic. SteinwolfI on Bridge these are needed to fiU out toe Six Treated • ■¥ dale debut. slate. The slate must be com­ Gene Hollman, a talented I wasn’t so pleased with some­ PIAY ‘DI800VEKED’ CHARCOAL BROILER ,ASC Nominees pleted by Sept. 2. Eligible vot­ baritone who is no stranger to . For Hurts in Summer thing else i heard during the TWENTY YEARS AGO Itorfli derfar ^ „ ers w jll receive ballots through the Wallingford stage, will be North-South vnlrwnwb toe mail which they can. com­ “T H E W A Y post week, however. This was NORTH In Three Towns seen as Emil de Becque. Theresa By AIRBED SKEINWOUD a preview of RCA’s recording 4) K 1 V 9 RESTAURANT plete and return to the ASCS 1-Car Crash Theaters Merritt, Bert Stafford and Dick of Wagnei^b ‘’Lohengrin” which 9 4 2 . 550 EAST MIDDLE TPKE.—“AT THE GREEN” Being Accepted County . Office not later than ONeiU are other featured play­ I H E A R D r r ‘T h ere Is no such thing as a has not yet been released. May- O Q I 1092 s ix perBona were taiBea te re- ers. be you heard the live perfor- "ow Pl»y. Sonny Moyse .A < Say — Did you know that the Charcoal Broiler Restaurant Joseph Szegda, chairman of . London Park Inc., ^ E A S r MCancheeter Memoital Hoejriitel Nutmeg Playhouse mance last Season at Tangle- marked to me twenty years ago, WEST Is newly decorated? Come In and enjoy- a delicious the Tolland County Agricultural thumbs down In Its appeal This week’s production at Storrowton Music Fair is Virginia Payne, who for many by John Gruber A sandwich or steak; cooked to your taste over real charcoal after toe car In which they wHte wood, which I did not. The re- j'y e never read anything A 8|5:2 sy K ^ n f Stabilization and Conservation for resubdivision of Elizabeth ♦T'he Pajama Game.” And it has, produced a contest. years played the title role in the 53 " V K * " embers! riding hit a tree aiul warn oeas- cording was made’ by the BSO ^ ^ j njght." Committee, announces that Heights, and the subdivision In- Would you believe it’s about pajamas? radio soap opera, “Ma Pdrklns,” O K 8 O A pletely demolished on Spring and Mr. Leindorf at that time. of Owned and Operated by Jitn Morlconl slates of nomiitees for pa*tober- eluding the dropping off of First of aU, any couple at- —------^ heads a long and distinguished St yesterday evenly. ______It isn’t that Mr. Leindorf and Moyse has been the editor o< * ” ” W .* " P.S. Watch for our ads — New things are coming! ship on the ASC community Birch and Maple drives and tending Wednesday's perform- Stanley Grover, Lubaz Usa cast in “You Can’t Take It With Santo A. Perrucoio, 42, at a general survey of music would Ws cohorts didn’t turn mit a the Bridge World M ^aziM for committees are being estab- abot 1,500 feet of Elizabeth Dr, ance dressed in pajamas w ill be Bem ie W est and Thelma Pel- You” which opens tomorrow . Once again this fall- I ’m go­ $ A 1 0 7 6 Hartfoid, toW police that he had suit most of you' best, but I Pretty fair Job, although there all these years, but his play Is Ushed In AndoVer, Columbia end The planning and zoning com- admitted for the price of one jjie original Broadway evening at the Nutmeg Summer ing to see if enough people want O 6S3 Just left Globe Hollow Svrim- vi 4k K 109 Hebron (Community 4). In mission disapproved, ticket. AndA /I fhAthe ah/iur*ashow’s princi- cast),____i.. Playhouse. • know a good many Manchester spots that could certainly unknown except to a hand- ming Pool, and several hundred me to give a course in music to North KMt Spudi charge of community 4 w ill be Study Lake pies, led by Liiza HineUi, will The Oval John Wyle will portray the residents are season subscribers trouble is that ^ ^ experts, yards froVn toe pool parking lot make the effort worthwhile. It I t ? 2 N T Edward A. Foote, of Hebron, First Selectman Ralph C. then decide which couple is patriarch of the freewheeling of the Connecticut Opera, and the RCA engineers weren t con- _» hearts. 1 0 _ he “suddenly eaw a tree in front Henry Murphy of RockviUe Srtiaps there would ^enough tent to let Wagner alone. He Is of h ^ 3 N S AU v m Vacation Is Over I Robert Post of Andover and Boylngton, commenting on- the wearing the wildest night wear. famUy, Martin Vanderhof. Ma­ will be given under the auspices I o f him.” -----“ - continues with "You Can’t Take th ^ who would want me to theatrical enough as a com- ’When West opened the five ------Morris Kaplan of Columbia. possible purchase of Amston ■Winners will receive a cash with You” at The Oval in rie Masters, Rod Nash, Bemie of the Y W C A and I plan to hold Taken to the hospital by am­ make a survey of opera. Maybe poser, ^ RCA apparenUy was- Moyse diamonds to lead Wo other . The slate for each community Lake, formerly known as prize, dinner at Storrowton parmington. Mr. Murphy has a Mclnemey and Liza Prince are bulance and police cruiser w ei« It in my new homfe where I can we could even give two courses, n’t satisfied. ^uto hOld^ of t^ ^l^er «a r^ J ^ ^ w ill include a minimum of six North Pond, as recommended Tavern, limou.sine service, flow - starring role in the Moss H art­ also featured. REOPENING TOMORROW the driver, Perruocio, and hi* have my own piano available as nominees, from which a com- by the board of finance, says ers and free tickets to tihe fol- George S. Kaufman classic corn- if the demand warrants. So, we get a noisy, overblown East’s oult When^ Bast got In four children, Francis, 14, well as my built-in stereo, in­ munity of three regular mem- that It is an important plan and lowing production. There w ill be a deadUne fo r recording that endeavors to out- ^ with the ace of diamonds ho Laura, 10, Ursula, 7, and Mario, stead of having to lug portable actual signups and this will bo do HoUywood. This Is fatal to the East hand at the first trick? ^ hearts to Area Weather bers and two alternates will be should be of interest to all local 13, and another teen-ager, •TajamajchjcuiMfc Game,” by now ~a JklclSSlCMassie IV.K. v/wt;u,Owen. Milts in the on Tuesday evenings, starting dentally.) You’ll be amazed at is at least listenable all the Early Bird Feature Russell Anderson, legislation hide went off the left side of Vernon firemen were called ^ brand: as It was for Reservations southwestern part of the state the first Tuesday in October. As the fine tone color and the ex- way through. I quit at toe end Jamaica Lea8e8 Planes travdlng “ Boat”., 8:40 “ North” 10:85 chairman; Mrs. Kenneth Por- the road, through the parking to the scene to wash down the dong on W. Middle ff^ke. Bat­ the temperature w ill be in the I said, it will be given at my cellent intonation. On top of of Act I of the RCA job. Children Under 12 Freo UP TO 170 PEOPLE ter, pubUcity, Miss Amy Hook- lot of toe ALOAB, Auto Parts gasoline in the service station KINGSTON, Jamaica —This urday afternoon. PoUoe say five should aH be low 70’s. home for I now have a living Cooler air is massing over room that can accommodate 20 1st BUN FEATURE and TOP CO-HIT er. Juvenile committee, Kenneth Company, and through an is- yard. Firemen plugged pipes West Indies Island’s new nation- negligible damage was done t® so crazy. A. Porter, community service, land containing two gasoline leading from the gas pump loca- al airline. Air Jamaica, began the van. central Canada this morning. to 30 people easily. Incidentally, COLOR COMEDY AND ADVENTURE SHOW A completely private room which includes Cocktail lounge, Mrs. Kenneth Porter, scholar- pumps at Jimmy’s Atlantic tion into underground storage operations this year by leasing ------SeanConnenr mENDOUlS Cooler and drier air is ex­ I now live at 585 Hills St in pected to begin moving over the East Hartford. - N. Y, Daily News ship committee for a three-year Service Station. The two gaso- tanks. Rags were used to pro- crews and planes from BritWh Ever saute oookedeggnoodH^ I DRIVE IN HARTFORD • dance floor and a Bride’s Room for her comfort, term. line pum ps and a tail sign were tect the gasoline tanks. airlines. Air Jamaica has no in bacon fat? DeUieloUB wlSb P^p* I JoanneVfoodward I Great Lakes Tuesday and That may sound d^couraglng DORIS ROD ARTHUR Shamy was also questioned planes of tta own yet riha Chicken! ARne • eventually get into southern New to some of you, but actually the i S S B o l t b W air-conditioned Banquet Room. The Rev. John D. Htighes of sheared off. Shamy and a pas- Doris Day Ei^land later in the week. address is very close to the DAY TAYLOR GODFREY Manchester, officiated Sunday senger, Kevin Dunn, 16, of at 9 a.m. at St. Peter’s Episco- Garden Grove, Oallf., were Bod T a ^ o r Skies .will be mostly cloudy Manchester town line. Come THE HUSSIAHS ARE COMINR I’ANAVl'-'l'N SUlHlVniMH OOCjOI^ on Tuesday as the stream of down Silver Lane to Oak St., pal Church, at a service of Holy brought to Rockville General — A L S O — warm southerly air continues which is the very first traffic Oommunion. It was mistakenly Hospital with minor injuries, “ Newer T e e Late” THE flUSSIAHS ARE COMIHR" STARTS WED, Aug. 10 over southern New England. light in East Hartford on Sil­ COMPANION FEATURE reported in this coloimn that a sham y’s car traveled side- Five Day Forecast ver Lane; turn left on Oak and lay reader would officiate. The ^^gyg through the parking areas OPEN THE YEAR ’ROONB! East Hartford — Color — ' Tlie Great, Great rector the Rev. Gordon W. Wee- the auto parts firm and K eith ’s Temperatures in Connecticut follow it to Hills St., which is a •ti fKSora __ J U ■ . DRIVE-IN ROUTE 5 Htnnan’a Hermits "Stop” street. Two blocks to the CARLDEINER’ EVAMlUilESlUflT man and family are still on va- service station. It stopped Tuesday through Saturday are PANAVISHIN’ COLORBYDELllI 1st Run Hit "HOLD ON" expected to average below nor- right you’ll find m y house. ALANARKIN-TNEOIlOitEBIKEL cation. against a car parked in the MON. thru SAT. 9 to 5:30 P.M THURS. aed FRI. til 9 PJI. Wed.: “WILD ANGELS" manl. Cool early in the period Please let me. know or the "THE RUSSIANS HSRTrORDSPRINCfiaD fiPRlSSrtiV . and warming late in the period. "Y” know if you you’re inter­ JONATHAN WWTERS ■ KifKDiuiococrs Manchester Evening Herald The normal high and low In ested, and what you would like ARE COMING" Hebnm oerrespMident, Susan B. Now Many W ear A1R-C0NDITI0NEB for yoir thopiiiii plooMro! the Hartford area is 83 and 60, the course to include. I presume Tonight 7:00-9:15 BURNSIDE Pendleton. in Bridgeport 81 and 63, and in Sunday from 2:09 New Haven 79 and 62. FALSETEETH COMfOffTABLY AIR CONDITIONID Accidents Stay Home precipitation may total over With Little Worry ^ inch, occurring at the begin­ CHICAGO — The danger in Bat, talk, laugh or sneeze without toe average home is evident in tear ot Insecure false teeth

V/illif^ord, Wilbur Cross Pkwy., Exit 64 DORIS DAY RESERVATIONS €0 5-1551 ROD TAYLOR AUTO GLASS INSTALLED Mail Orders Accepted - Box Office Open Daily OAKDAIE 10 AM to 10 PM - SUNDAY OPEN 12 Noon ARTHUR GODFREY GUSS FURNITURE TOPS " l E N SEG AL t BOB H A L L Present tor the Conn. Performing Arte Foundation :v: NEXT WEEK, AUG 15-20 AUG 22-28 MIRRORS (Fireplace and Door) TOM’Wt..uSAT. MON to SUN • No Matinees ouiMie of Ima^Jnatlcsi WEEKDAYS l:M PM SAT. ONLY I ’JO PM WEEKDAYS 1:30 PM RAT. ONLY 1:30 PM " PICTURE FRAMING (all types) MATINEES WED. 2:»S A T . SM MATINEES WED. 2J0-SAT. S:00 WINDOW and PU TE GUSS is 1beixK)St importaid tagredteOL IE ^ U) When you redecorate, of course you want your roemi i i i i i to be beautiful instead of rather usual. The best way to be sure of getting a beautiful room is to begin by f r e T m !r i o n ( ^ o i ^ ^ COMFORTABiV AlltCONOmONiD adding the most important Ingredient . , . the asstft^ DarnrI Allan $10001 ance of one of Keith's well-trained tales parsonnaR Our experts In the art of imagination can change a FREE PaBNINO'BIRCH ST. HEAP OP TMtATtR fiALA PREMIERE AHRACTION HICKMAN-JONES ■‘I ■ -i.iJtolx ■■■.<_ MMv .'«■ cunSi/ with blank wall in a dining room to soipething as lovely as a nr T EA R S Y O U APAR T French banquet hall! For any room, try a few ounces his guest Shown A t SUSPENSE! star II Pictured a b o v e — Entrance to oocktail lounge and Banquet Room. of Keith's imagination . . . we can't "make a eloudy BLAIR 2 P .»L biCHt i IbMWstiii'i 6:40 day sunny" . . . but we can make a duK room rin^ a 9 P.M. Phone 643-4159, P.S. AUGUST SALE PRICES make thoppAwg an exfra M-G-M PRESENTS nLFREOHUCHGOCirS Many nice compliments were heard from people who have « MARTIN MELCHER. seen this room. Some of them were, "Jusf what Manchester pleasure this month! EVERETT FREEMU PRODUCTION needed!" ’’So elegant and yet so warm." "Nothing like it •oik w AR tumows • iKb WEmsTOCK A AM hr MCHAV lODORt ftAMIMG UNIVCMAL M »r OKAR HAMMtOTBN M ORd WiaiE 6IU9T . and THE around." "Such beautiful taste." "What a beautiful place to •oood on "How to SuecMd in Bwtintn WtM> fiCTufte ONE STOP SHOPPING out Botfly Trymr* By SHEPHERD MEAD DORB MMie m i lyrict by nUMK LOESSEB RUDENKO BROTHERS have a wedding reception." • Purchases inspected Keith's Furniture h Yosr THI NKW ^ before delivery! HON.toTNUftS. EVES.. .y.so-isMJO II0N.I0THUB1EVES.. .t4.90-I9a2.90 MON to THURS - 83.00-4.00-5.00 DAY FBl.ondSAT. EVES. If you are thinking of having a wedding reception or banquet rALwidSAT. CVES.. .S55(M.50-1» FRI and SAT • 83.50-5.004.00 • All financing by Keith’s! Sal M«t t3.7S-12S-2J0 Child Undr IS $1.50 BM. Stf. Mtf. S3.7S32MJ0CMH Undv »$ 1 JO MO Emingt-T TMPM UA THEATRE EAST WmMrChiwPirtoMvEtRtt-North wsoua Headquarters For NaflontJ mm ConilnuoiM PtrtomiancM Sat.. Sun., and Hoh. M sn ch M iM r S h op p in g Parfcado - Tolophono 64B-S491 Routt I Wtif-Tutn North oq Snad St —Have it in style. Have it Here! i •.We’ll come to your home UYIOR and advise! Brands For Over Y e a r s ! LLUfiLuJ a Terms to please! 66 «n n R [nisiiiiaiQSQi] I I GODFREY ...PLEASE PHONE 643-41W..., FOR RESERVATIONS IH . W Sm HEFAY- AMOUNT For The Grand Opening O f UA Theafre East MONTHLY OF LOAN CASH FOR VACATION — • and any other rea­ SUN., AUG. 21. 6 & 9:30 P.M. at OAKDALE son — Get that BIG O.K. for cash fasti You $16.75 $300 Tickets AvaildBie Now A t The Following Locations :—■ pick the terms . . . you pick the payments. 26.58 500 Phone or come In. . . tell, the Manager how 36.41 700 much you want u eith F urn Hurt PAULREVEREmnRAIDERS 51.16 1000 WILLIFS STEAK HOUSE * -■ GRAND-WAY, PARKADE WYMAITS OIL 00,, 24 MAIN ST. *On 24 month plan. THE SHA*GS-GEORGE’S BOYS • mnM sI SIMMS lyilw • fTN rtHm MMHie mt 111 > M A IN ST MANCHESTER WMiumnir AND THE FOLLOWING DOWNTOWN MAIN ST. STOKES Loans up to S1(X)0 — Loans life-insured.jit low cost. ANDMETNOCOUM 444 CENTER STREET ‘’?jrCHAD»lEREMY Baneflciol Finance Co. of Manche^r OppoelteAheite th e Bennet Junior High School on Lower (Boutii Had) Mala StnpC M. C. KEN GRIFFIN, WPOP, HARTFORD MANCHESTER WATKINS - CORET CASUALS - WILTON GIFT SHOP /TOBFBBE M AIN ST. PABKING Or In Our Lot Next To Store! Phu: "Betnm To The W ild” OneB Bvenliigs by Appointment — Fhoiie fo r Houra 31ANCHESTEB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., P A G E F O U R MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 P A G E F I V E

Coventry South Windsor long os the Turkiah govsnunent TV-Radio Tonight Let’s Give Jay (Jeny Strauss) Edwards B olton Events permits Oreeka to remain in Proper recognition! Turkey. Town Democrate Will Get Low Bidder ’The Gireek tfireat to expel the PTA to Sell Calendars ’Turks followed ’Turitiah expul­ Let’s form a fan ctab for him sion of thousands of Greeks aft­ Candidate Slate Tomorrow Named lor Television er disagreements between the in need of repair. Persons in­ Write to him peraonally: Mr. Jerry Strauss Of the New School Year W o rld two governments over the Is­ X date of candidates for en­ 6:00 ( 9-10-22) movie (22) Summer Hlghiyrhts. ” 'C, 7:80 ( 8-im 12 O'CtodTIllgti land o f Cyprus in 1968. dorsement will be xsoommend- terested in donating pianos to Street Lining ( 8) Mike Douglas 0/0 Radio Station WINF The Bolton FTA wiU sail Service Stations, Inc. and Man- the cause may contact Ivan (12) Huckleberry Hound (12) -To Tell the Truth Rome Transport Struck _ •d by the nominating committee (18) Hollywood A Go-Go (24) Travel Time Bchool calendara tor the 1966- Chester WeMpaper and Faint The appartent low bidder for (18) Subscrtptloo TV M anchester Beckwith, church organist, or (20) America’s Problems 67 school year. Tlieae will be Oo. ROME ,*p, - * Kttl. Fomay, Self of the Democratic Town Com­ the 1966 street center lining (30) Superman (10-20-22-80) Hullabaloo (O Mrs. Elbert I. Carlson, chair­ (40) Tbe Saint 8:00 ;24) The 2Y en ^ Chef distributed into each honm the 44 on Honor Roll strike halted ail public trana- GROS8ETO, Italy (AP) —r mittee at 8 p.m. tomoRVW in the contract is the Traffic Control 12) I’ve Got a Secret man of the music committee. 6:90 (40) Dennis, Menace V Sponsored by: L. Klein, S. Katz becond week of kchool by the' Forty-four students of the portaUon in Italy today except Apparently outraged bocausg ______Company of Waterburyv -ac-'’ (30)- ) WhlrlyblWhlriyl>lrda ,104022-80) John Forsytka Town Hall Board Room. . A JoUy Good talk ,C) H. Prltzker otudents. ^ Bolton junior-senior high school for the national railroad. his daughter returned late from D on^'Spinks of Yorkshire, cording to town manager Terry (20) 'Thia~ la the Answer 8:80 8-40) Jesse James \ V , ' ■■ . • ' . . V ‘Die party caucus will be at 8 ( 12) HuckleJeberry'crry Hound .12) Vacation Playhouse ’These new calendars wlii Ustt,made the honor poll during the 5 * % Mimlclpal and intercity buses, a party, a tattle dealer went on Hnglond, recently spoke to the Sprekel. 6:00 ( 3-40) News. Weather (24) Antiques KLH p.m. Aug, 10 at Ooveotry <3ram- (24) What’s New? all elementary and junior-sen- fourth quarter marking period. streetcars, subways and pri- a rapmage today and ikUed toe Jolly Garden Workers 4-H Club The company’s bid is $24.82 aO-20-22%) Dr. Kildare (C) >A ■ (18) Merv Griffin ( 3-12) Andy (C) Those In Grades 7 and 8 are vateiy operated trains were girl, her fiance, Ws own wife m ar SchooL per nnmlng mile. Other bids (30) Seahunt 8:00 Grimth tor high school activities which at the club’s chicken barbecue (24) Intmiatlonal M a i^ ln e stopped as workers represented and then himself, STEREO MUSIC were submitted by the White (22) Rocky and His Friends (1040-2^) Music H ^ (C) will take place during the year. Richard Behrmaim, Kathleen Uning up Che slate has been at tbe home of Janies T. I-aid- (10) Coast Guard (C) Line Company of Cheshire and ( 8-40) Shenandoah It will also, mark days that Buckson, Sharon Carpenter, by both Communist and non- Fottoe said when the daughter done by the committee com- law, club leader, (20) Social Secrulty ( 3-12) Hazel (C) SYSTEMS the Stewart and Crabtree Ctxn- (22) Clubhouse 8(^ooI will not be in session, Pamela Geer, Holly Gorton, Communist imitais walked off came home after midnight with prising Donald AveriU, Mrs. Spinks spoke on “ The Young ( 3-2040) Peyton Place pairiy of Waterbury. i 1 (40) Sugau-foot (18) SulMK:rlpUoa TV and important dates for teach­ Betsy Hunter, Mary Ann Ixxll, their jobs. her fiance, LeoneUo Ghezzl met Robert Gantner, Richard M. Farmers Association in Eng-' (10-20-^30) Huntley - Brink- ( 8-12) Talent Scouts (O) TUESDAY ers to note. The calendar will Sara Miner, Grace Nlckse, Do­ The government mobilized them at the door and shot them, Hawley, Lionel G. Jean and liH- land” as compored with our 4-H ^ t Dance School ley (C) ( 840) Big Valley (C) dhad Treschuk. start, on Sept. 1 and. will in- ( 3) Walter Cronklte (C) (24) U.N. Day Concert '68 Include a list of teachers, their reen Pepin, Kathle Smith, army buses and trucks, and pri- His terrified wife, clad only to Clubs In America. (24) Universe (10-20-2240) Run tor Your " l ^ v A X B Diane W ll- vate truck mpanies also nightgown, fled. He chased Town Democrats have the first Miss Enid Rosenthal, daugh- ( 8) Newswire U fe ,(C) Bulbject or grade, and room John Warfel and Attending the affair also were (12) Newsbeat (O ( 34-10-20-224040) News, NORMAN’S In a series of coffee hours at 8 jy^ert Gray and lining. S t^ ts to ^ lined pis Morton S. U:00 number the PTA program for Hams, helped. Extra police squads *>'*'*' with 6:46 ( 8) Peter Jennings Sports, Weather w were assigned to handle the re- blasts from a shotgun. Then he 7i 2) Newebeat the year, and the PTA of­ ’Those in Grades 9, 10 and 11 .STOP IN FOR p.m. Wednesday at the home of their two nieces. Gray is coun- y ^ ^ Rye St, H e ^ t \^- j^^aenthal of 38 Lawton Rd. be- 7:00 ( 3) Movie (C) Ms bead and ( 8) FUntstones (O (24) Great Society popular WEDNESDAY ficers and coRHnittee chairmen. are Donna Asptowall, Keith suiting crush of automobile traf­ put a pistol to A N F A R FILLING Ip . and Mrs. Robert Gantner on ^ t. During the program (12) Uucy (C) 11:16 (10-2040) Tonight -(C) % killed himself. Wrights Mill Rd. All interested Aho gave a demonstra- (40) News, Weather 11:20 ( 34) Movie Betty BarconU), president of the Carpenter, Oretel Cote, Dana fic in Rome. IIFMONS'I'RATION ham Rd., Foster St., Sand Hill p ,1v (24) What's New? 11:80 (22) Tonight (C) FTA, describes the calendar as Dimock, Philip Dooley, Brian The strike, called for highw tion on “How to Prepare Veg- (20) Your Health (12) Movie SPECIALS Rd., Dart Hill Rd., Beelzebub (18) Vintage ’Iheater “tasteful in design, convenient Edgerton, Paul Elmore, Janet wages and fringe benefits, came HARTFORD RD. meet Atty. Charles Tarpinlan of Rd.. Governor’s Highway, New- scholarship from the Hartford 7:16 (40) Peter Jennings. Neiws 11:46 to size, and one which <»n be Gee, Kathleen Geer, Susan G ee, at the height of toe Italian vaca­ Mansfield, who is the party-en- Ferguson, ^>oke on “Fertiliz­ School of Ballet. SEE SATURDArv TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE LlSTlNO Bands, Singers MAN( HFSTFR berry Rd., long Hill Rd., Miller Brenda Goodwin, Elizabeth tion season. doiraed candidate for state sena­ ers,’* reports George G. Jacob­ On the modem dance staff of used in all Bolton homes.” Rd., Pierce Rd., Ayers Rd., Gorton, Contiie Gram, Rodger tor from the 36th senatorial dis­ son, HH, club reporter. Steep Rd„ Nevers Rd. and HiU- Hartford Schcxil of ^^116^ ’The profit made from the Will Entertain sales will be used for the bene­ Grose, Priscilla Haugh, Karen McNamara Warns Asians trict. HoapMallxed For Bee Stings ' the Mwtha Graham -rMh- tary of Defense Robert S. Mc­ PTA has bought teaching aid strom, Steven PaggloU, Jean be conducted at the Manches­ burger roast from 2 p.m. to 4 Windham Community Memor­ sued a warning against persons at the New Y ork (11118 listing InedulM only those news broadcasts of 10 or 15 Namara says it would be a ’’se­ equipment for the sanese maga­ Special Vote ReglatnUioa Serving tn Churches fields will be prosecuted. A ^ student at Hartford School of 12:00 Quiet Hours Ing so underwiota the expense Alma Rose. dance will feature The Rlvtds, Today is the final day for WINF—128# 6:35 Americakna Bulletin Board zin e: Three members of the local second major factor in request- Ballet since It opened ^ 5:00 News 7:26 Red Sox vs. Indians •'4 5 S r 1 DOUBLE, ' 6 t the <»tendara. ’These mer- a rock and roll band and Ed permanently xdiyaicailly disabled 9:50 Nlghtbeat ’’Under no conceivable cir­ Prince of Peace Lutheran ing persons to stay away from and is a graduate of its advance 5:15 Speak Up Hartford ehants are Liea’s Florist, Al­ The board of education will yOUR lUBtRCULOSIS ASSOCIAIION Goss, a western singer. Writing about accident- persons to apply tor a special 6:00 News, Sports 11:30 News. Sports. Weather bold Its regular monthly meet­ T olla n d cumstances, would you develop The Checkmates will be fea^ Ohurch Walfher League are fields and agricultural products professional dance program con- 6:30 Editorial Roundup U:45 Art Johnson Show len Food Market, ’The Bolton REPORTS c. prevention and mandatory session to be made wters or weekin service is that many of the chemicals ducted by Joseph Albano, direc- 6:45 Lowell Thomas WPOP—1416 Pharmacy, AH-Seeson Pool Inc., ing tonight at 8 to toe high G\ as large a nuclear force aS we hired at Thursday’s dance, 5:00 Jim Meeker vehicle tospection, Richard have restoratian 7:00 World Tonight school library. presently have, so it would be n of voting priv- teaming at three inner- used throughout the sea.son are tor of the school. She served as ■ 7:15 Frank Gifford 6:30 Ken Griffin TOP VALUE Fiano’s Restaurant, W. H. along with The Four Winds, a M(nnink of the Alfred P. Uegea. 7:3S Public Affaiiw 10:00 HoUlne m is Democratic and GOP Events an utter waste for you and for Sloan School of Management citw L u th e^ churches. Robert harmful to persons attempting ballet mistress this past year at Preuss Sons, (Lamlbert Insur­ folk singing group. 12:00 John Shennsm Any person whose place of rjaerwinsild Carolyn Trask and u®® products for consump- the schools production of me 8:00 News ance and Fiano’s Reel Estate, Manchester Evening Herald others who are in a similar posi­ Any bands or singers inter­ of M.I.T., said, to part, “In­ eonfinement is In Us town of Frederick Meyers wMl be serv- tion before the time of harvest. Nutcracker” at Bushnell Memo- DecTs Drive-to, O. ft H. Paving substitate Bolton correspondent, Include Caucus and Picnic RAGWEED/^ X tion.” ested to appearing at the week­ spection per se Is a good idea. residence may be made a voter oom MarooB Lartheran Agricultural officials have rial, and danced with the Hart- STAMPS Co., M ft M OU Slervloa, Paul’s Brenda Briggs, tel. 643-6972. ly dances are invited to (sail the But most programs to use are not workable Consider­ by submitting an applioatton Church, Birooklyn, N.Y.; San noted that the chemicals used ford Modern Dance Theater at Local Republicans and Demo- was'given Sunday at toe V.F.W. POLLEN Mao Work Distributed Manchester recreation office on crats have announced the dates home for Mrs. Bertha Payne, ation must be g;iven to the accompanied by a physician’s ijutiveraa Ohuibb in the in farming remain effective for the Avery Memorial. TOKYO (AP) — ’The Chinese School S t ways to which the system of various upmx>etent, (x>nsclentious Any such person who baa re­ Ing comment from town reel- suffer other mental disorders. continue to climb. Democratic Town Chairman includes members from Tolland, that protein is not essential to ings and stored in tanks, ac­ mechanics. So bring your car pastor of the local lAitheran explained Sunday on toe CBS sided in a Oannecticut munici- (tents to determine Interest in ------Eltender, chairman' of the Robert Noonan has announced and serves as chaplain for the a milk cow’s diet opens the way RHODE3S, G reece (A P ) — cording to toe Encyclopaedia to us reg;ularly. We strive to church, explains that “ thiB is an television show ’’Face The Na­ palify for six months and haa the project FOR EYE INSTITUTE DOUGLAS EDWARDS Senate Agriculture Oommittee, he has tickets for the testimo- ToUand V.F.W. Auxiliary. She for milk to be produced even in The Greek governmmt has halt­ Britannlca. SERVE you in every way tion,” could be antistrike legis­ been previously admitted as an opportunity tor these yoAn Ol)rmplo«taed u swimming ng WASHINGTON (AP) , —^ The — Ehler’s Grade A said he had no explanation for nial dinner for State Consumer is also a member of the Wom­ countries where the highni>ro- ed plans to expel 400 'Turkish possible. , lation by Congress. elector Is entitled to have his P?® e:^rience toe par with <»mplete bath house establishment of a national eye AND THE NEWS recent higher food prices and Protection Commissioner Attll- en’s Relief Corps. tein feeds that have been' subjects the Dodecanese FUEL EXPORTS $2.9 BILLION of receiving by giving, an op- which would cost In institute within the National Ins- "The question,” he said, “Is Dillon Sales and Service nam e restored to the list, un- , , , said farmers are not receiving lio Frassinelli, the Democratic She was presented a traveing thought necessary for milk- Islands. NEW YORK — Fuels worth less disfranchised because of portumty to com e J ^ o w ^ r - titutes ■ of Health was proposed Whether a relatively fully em- _ . Increases nominee for Lieutenant Gover­ eoGceas o f $100,000 is under n Post 241 and Auxiliary, and The discoverer was A. I. Vir- 391 Main St., Manchester Quallfled Individuals who* are with envir^ental operated on a non-profit basis Grabowski, D-Oonn. creases are due to labor costs, 20 at the Stafford Fair MON., WED., FRI. — 6 P.M. tinue economic growth.” received recognition from the tanen, N obel Ph-ize w inner and waa worked out over the week- ed by the United States last not afflicted by permanent dls- cultural backgrounds differ- with financing coming from The eye institute would deal the transporation costs and oth­ Grounds, will Include Governor 6 4 3 -2 1 4 5 It can, he added, if business. relief corps of Manchester, the director of the Biochemical Re- end permitting ’Turkish subjects year. Beverage and tobacco ex­ abUity and are able to apply ®nt trom themselves - an op- famUy memberahip. with the treatement and preven­ COFFEE er in-betweens,” he explained. John Dempsey and Senator search Institute at Helsinki. to remain on Greek soil only as ports totaled $517 million. Manchester V F.W . and the in person may make application port'h'lty whi<* can oiUy ma^ tion of all types of eye diseases. Industry and unions do not “I am very hopeful that we can Abraham Ribicoff as special Senior Citizens of Manchester. for restoration any time before Christian fwth and Grabowski said he will introduce “"pusii their luck too far.” « Manchester Evening Herald check the price rises.” guests. A birthday cake was made by (tet_ jg personal commitment to Jesus South Windsor correspondent, a bill to the House to set it The vice president said that The Democratic Town Com- a $1 0 0 neither the steel price in- Mrs, Mildred Karan, and toe Septic Tank Report Lord.” Anne Lyons, tel. 844-8582. up. OAPITAL FOOTNOTES mittee named three checkers to A report of a survey made by Recent guest epeaker at the 1^ can ereases, which he called ’’mod­ Congress has been urged by serve at the Aug. 24 primary for hall was decorated with flow­ y J SMILING^MVlCt the State Health Department ®®1 churoh was Vicar Donald est,” nor the airlines contraxrt the Council of State Chambers state senator, including Robert ers from the Golden Age group Sanitary Engineering Division Lofman of Albany, N.Y., who 1b rejected a week ago by striking of Commerce to approve only $2 Noonan, Earl Beebe, and Mrs. and the Auxiliary. i of the entire Lake Wangum- preparing for the Lutheran min- machinists, was inflationary. biUion for foreign aid spending Ann Bloomfield. The polls at the Guests at the party Included baug area regarding septic istry at Concordia Theological But he said toe steel price hike during the fiscal year that be- Town Hall vrill be open from 12 Mrs. Payne’s daughter, and son^ U U / C L d l tank Installations is in the of- Seminary, Springfield, 111. He is would have a psychological eco­ gan July 1. The council said the noon to 8 p.m. and all register- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry fioe of Deputy Sanitarian Sam- employed during the summer nomic, effect. cutback from the administra- ed Democrats are eligible to Keegan, with whom she makes uel P. Allen. l>y the Atlantic District of the CHARGE IT WITH St^l la a bollw ^er Indus- tion’s $3.4-bIllion request—would vote. Atty. Edwin Lavltt Is con- her home, her granddaughter MAIN STREET— MANCHESTER Allen advises the survey re- Lutheran Church — Missouri tr ya ,” he “ explained "When fUTVi,*-, steel jjgjp Confess avoid a threat- testing' the nomination of the and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. vealed numerous septic tank Synod, to assist mission pas- mayH ise Increases prices, it encemrages ened tax increase in the future, party endorsed candidate Atty. Douglas Sweet, and her great- // and drainage fields to be evi- tors, particularly in fills work of Others” to. d o the sam e. Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzen- Charles Tarplnian in a challenge granddaughter Debbie. dentiy not sufficient to proper- canvassing. POPULAR bach has appointed first assist­ primary. The Bulletin Boaifi ly (sare for sewage resulting ------Nixon Lists Issues ants in three divisions of the Republican Notes G The Business Committee of from occupancy in homes. The Manchester Evening Herald SAVE 9e ON Former Vice President Rich­ Department of Justice—^Nathan­ Local Republican caindidates the United Congregational survey report states that sew- .Coventry ^coireapondent, F. QUART JAR ard M. Nixon says disrespect for iel E. Kossack, 54, criminal di­ will be presented at a iricnlc, Church will meet tonight at 7:30 age effluent is flowing on the Pauline Litfie, telephone 742- law and race "turmoil haye vision; Richard C. Phigh, 37, tax sponsored by the Tolland Young at the church house. surface of the ground from 6231. joined toe Viet Nam war and division; Martin F. Richman, Republicans, to be held Satur­ The Belfry workshop will septic tanks and draiiiflelds. ' ------rising Uvlng costs as political 36, office of legal counsel. day at 6 p.m. at the home of Mr. AH persons so Involved have . a -r* WEAVER BAHER-DIPPED Issues to 1966. meet tomorrow from 10 a.m. to HABTFC»ID NATIONAL CAPITAL QUOTE and Mrs. Hubert Chamberlain, 3 p.m. at the Congreg;ational been notified by the deputy B a n k P reO lC tS Nixon said polls still place toe Partridge Lane. “ Sooner or later there is going Church soci^ room to work on sanitarian that imless correc- . i ^ CHICKEN PARTS war and living sts as toe ma- The picnic is being held to wel­ to have to be some permanent items for toe gift shop, which five steps are taken they are to B u sin C S S G f OWUI ia r Issues but added that ”pri- come new Republicans and to AT leg;islation. Whether they are will open in October. violation of a town sewage or- yate conversations and public acquaint them with the local lib ., 12 0Z. labor courts or compulsory ar- dtoance and a section of the PARTY PAK $li39 TOncern ara increasingly focus­ YGOP and its members. Mem­ The board of selectmen will biration—odious as that word State Public Health (Jode. ing upon issues of^disrespect lor bers of the Republican Town meet tomorrow night at 7:30 in A limited time is allowed for NEW YORK (AP) The (impulsion is—Something has T he uniform lib ., 12oz. law and race turmoil.” Oommittee will also attend. the Town Hall. corrective steps to be taken to Federal Reserve Bank of New LEGS & THIGHS $li79 to be done” —Senate Republican In a signed article In the cur­ A contest to select a Miss or The Board of Christian Edu­ Install, if necessary, a new sep- Yo*'^^ predicts that business ex- Leader Everett M. Dirksen cm rent issue of U. S. News ft Mrs. YGOP will be held on Aug. cation will meet tomorrow night . tic tank and to Install a m- tocrease In the next 1 Ib., 6 oz. prospects for legislation to end BREASTS $1.59 World Report, Nixon said there 5. The winner of the contest at 8 in the church house. plete new drainage field, in or- months and Inflationary the airlines strike. Is a ”doterioratlon of respect for sponsc>red by the Tolland YGOP you want— in der to comply with the State pr®®®Br®® will grow with it. the rule of law fdl across Ameri- DRUG STORE DUBUQUE SKINLESS will compete in the 2nd Oongpres- Manchester Evening Herald Sanitary Code. The bank, the largest and a a ." ToUand correspondent, Bette ’The town official further ad- Influential of the 12 region- Killed in Squabble sional District contest. ’The win­ 942 MAIN STREET— CORNER OF ST. JAMES “ T3»a* deterioration can be ner of the District contest will Quatrale, teL 876-2845. vises that failure to comply reserve banks, said in its traced directly to toe spread of SEXIUL, South Korea (AP) — participate in the state contest with the order will lead to en- monthly review that business FRANKFURTS 5 9 ' the corroeive dootelne that ev- easy care Prescriptions, Drugs, One South Korean officer to be held in Durham Sept. 16. forcement by the town. Viola- activity m a y ’’quicken in the ary citizen possesses an inher­ How did^mr^rviceniaii earn, drowned and about 40 others Women interested in entering tors are subject to a $100 fine, second naif of the year. Intensl- Cosmetics, Liquors, SLICED OR BY THE PIECE ent right to decide for himself 14 Permits In July *ying the strains on the econo- were seriously Injured today the local contest are asked (o FREE Bstimated costs for 14 per- my’s productive resources.” Toys, Candy and M ^y Other Items all these gold stars?/ ^rtoK oro:;; contact Mrs. Carol Gorma;: DELIVERY . t o disobey them, he said. attacked an air force Any young lady between the Blits Issued to July total $61,- Strong pressures for higher “Tlie doctrine haa become a knit jersey! Can Now Be Charged With This One Card training school before dawn, ®-S®s of 19 and 30 is eligible to FROM ALL DEPTS. 701 by Building Inspector Sam- prices should persist in the PASTRAMI ecmtaglous national disease, and nd P. Allen show four houses months ahead and pos.slbly be­ news reports said. enter. Ha symptoms are manifest to Surprise Party ARTHUR DRUG at $52,000; five alterations and come stronger, the bank said in more than just ra 89c cards and toe blocking of troop The two groups battled .with $150 A MONTH FOR tri<»l InstaHatioais, one plumb­ speed up If major labor strikes DOWN trains.’* fists, sticks and stones. ing, one weH and 14 septic do not occur. One marine lieutenant .V' tanks. The bank said spending a t aH If you’re counting GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE Prices Frozen drowned in a creek as his out- LIFE FROM ACE 60 Baseball Eqnlpment levels of government — local, We have our servicemen. Not everyone WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. nunibered group’retreated over Coventry Boys Baseball As­ state and federal — ’’appears on a new VW, , ' 'does. Onr men are interested in making yomr SWEET, RED JUICY Allen J. EUender says he pre- a fence. •• Here is a plan to provide for your family if you should sociation equipment manager, headed up strongly over the bal­ furnace perform at its highest efficiency and fers measure to freeze food die, or for your retirement years if you survive . •. You Robert Prinz, asks all managers ance of the year.” prioes rather than have runa­ - ITALY BUYS OIL, CORN to return their equipment and The report of the bank is seen you con stop at $1,585. lowest cost because thrai you’ll keep buying oil make regular payments to the Sun Life of Canada, way inflation. ROME — Italy imported $338 as an indication that the Feder­ theii, at age 60, you start receiving $150 a month for uniforms to the equipment room from us. Remember, three out of fdor fuznaoea PEACHES “I would rather have prices million worth of com last year, al Reserve will continue, and at the town hall between 9 a.m, waste fu el Thanks to MohU IbchnicalReaeazch frozen than to find our country 1.7 million metric tons more life or, if you prefer, $ ^ ,8 9 1 in cash. Both of fh e^ possibly strengthen, its present nod 10 a.m. Saturday. In an inflationary problem than in 1964. Com is Italy’s sec­ policy of restraint on cre. Quick processing . . . Beslden(se Fhone 64S-'76O0 Mr. and Mrs. Rrwln Andarsca, The proposal must be adopted! It figures., V 34 hour service for Mr. and MM. ZSUott Dicker- by Aug. 27 K It la to be put to a ^ 301 CENTER STREET tdock and white (just ICEBERG LETTUCE ^ ^ 29^ a little bit longer for man,^ and Mr. and Mrs. Row- referendum during the Nov. 37 TELEPHONE 643-5135 color). Name ... land Roberts. general election. Supporters of TED TRUDON, Inc. The music committee of the the reform reportedly have 4 115 620 Address /iH a w IBW« • IW NWBIT lUH • MM 04 eu»H«^ Shurcb reports some of the enough votes to pdt It through Tolland Tompike, Talcottville, Conn. AUTHORillO Occupation .•••*«**«*****»**a«»«*tia«*< pianos to the church an(T the but a filibuster by opponents .MALia S iam, tt THERE APIfnKMCE IK DISTMBUTOMimitSWiDSg.* Read Herald Advertisements AT THE PABKAOE White Swan Uniforma, Mein Floor Cburota Cbmmuulty Houss are may delay passage. ILIGGEH DRUG 404 MIDDLE TPKE. WESTi Exact date of blidi Amovnli quoted obove ore ht'mm* A liiollar le ovaHoMo for womm. )


M ANCHlSSna BVBNnW HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., ItQMPAY, AfJgEOT 8, i m controversy 4s- the Rumtord Act- Tolland PA G E S IX National Politics Passed in 1963 by the Legisla­ ture, It tens racial or religious dlscrimiilation in the sale or Stafford Wins ‘ IHanrlffstpr dotog Ibis wlOi any slits Mlsotlons from rental of most publicly assisted ths Wsst Oerman army of the future, 1s Candidates Urged housing in California — a ma­ A ll‘■Star Title, doubtful. But it is not Impoesibto. A* jority. matter of fact, we have, ever since Enough voters signed peti­ Defeats Tolland World War Q, been dotog essentially tions in 1964 to put the matter The Stafford All. Star team de­ To Back Viet Stand on the November ballot, and by By BILL LENNON IfanehaatT. Oonn.__ the same thing with Oerman military feated the Tolland All Stars, 20 TOOMAS JP. (Continued from Page One) a 2-to-l marfejn the law was nul­ WAhTZHt R. nSOVBOS science, finding M very useful to give to 3 yesterday, to capture the Issues and contends that elec­ lified. But a 6-to-2 SUte Su- cheumpionship of first Regional At one time or another, every one must face a moment *Piil>llihem. German rocket and space experts ths palgn for the presidency — has tion of Johnson might mean dls- preme Court ruling overturned ItooDdad OctobT 1, IWH chance to use our laboratories and in­ AU Star Boys League Tourna­ of truth. It is a normal pattern of living. At times, the im- made some two dozen appear­ aster for many federal aid pro- the vote, upheld the law and cloaked truth is hard to take when it reveals bad luck ot dustries and help us in our conquest of ances In the districts of congres­ ment. grams. sent the issue to the U.S. SU- A trophy, donated by Sport disaster. At that moment, we can close the door and try W space problems. And, although many, of sional candidates facing the Johnsoni while assailing preme Ctourt. hide from the de.spairing truth. Or, we can open the door uSStr^. ______these Oerman experfs have become toughest races this fall. Mart ot RockviUe, was present­ and courageously face reality. When we face reality, we Washington in every crossroads Democrats recall that the ed to the winning team by Rob­ oUBSCRIFTION RilTBS American eitisens, it doesn’t tidce much He keeps a detailed report on must face the fact that self pity does not and can not F«i]riU9l« to A dvaac* speech, has denied that he farmer White House press sec- ert Noonan, president of the Tol­ create pride and who among us can deny a desire to be proud. Imagination to see thorn back home '' \ the races in every state. And would end any federal programs ^gtary Pierre Salinger, credited OM Tmt ...... » • « land Boys League. A moment of truth can be like a fading candle light IpT Months •••••••••••••*•• some day, when that ia permitted, lead­ while it’s too early to predict in and has pointed to the "contlnua- hTroDTOsiUon to The 19M anti ^u si Months •••••••»•••••« s.w Hotoiidetail the«ho outcomeniifnnmo of thetVi» off-n tt. 8uch programs in Ala Final standings in the two day that leaves us drearv behind a closed door. Or, it can be a Obs Month »«»»•■>••••••♦** x.^___ _ ing Germany into space. Rumtord initiative as a main year election, O’Brien said he is bama where many of his views tournament, held in Tolland, beacon of light that shines our path as we open the door to How do the Russians get to be, aa wo reason for his U.S. Senate race were first place, Stafford; sec­ face the future. t h b AasociA.TBir> r a p s not as concerned as some Dem­ are propounded by Gov. George defeat by Republican George *h« Aaaociated Prei* to exctatovely *ntlupd said they are, special exports to such ocrats over the fate of the wave Wallace. Liorlng photo The engagement of Miss ond place, Tolland, third, Col­ When compelled to face a moment of truth, we can galft to the uee ot republloetloo at. >U ne w Murphy, who took no position on chester; fourth, Ellington. help from examples of others who .showed us how it is Mtchee credited to It or wA ojhei wlee credl^*. matters? of young Democratic congress­ Holt charged in a speech last The engagement of Miss Su­ Elaine Martha Christensen of ed In *hfa paper and aleo the looil newe pu^. men swept into office in John­ the act. san Elizabeth Wackter to Al- Colchester defeated Ellington sible to triumph over tragedy. In next week's column, we will Well, for one thing, they got some of week that Johnson and his Democrats also adopted a Manchester to Howard. Rsy mention people by name and show why the world owes them son’s 1964 landslide victory over "apostles of discord” were . .... bert E. Seables Jr., both of ..... -yesterday,------^ 11 to 1, in a playoff “ A ^ r iS t a el repubUoatloo of apeelal dto the German rocket scientists we didn’t strong plank favonng the law in has been announced Paine of Pomfret has been an- for third place. The scores of a debt of gratitude for showing us how we too can face our yatnhTi hereto are aleo reaerred,______get, right after World War H. Barry Goldwater. trying to' make Arkansas "a own moment of truth. Watch for the column. It will be in­ last-ditch battleground in a war 1964, and opposing the anti-open j^y jjgj. parents Mr and Mrs. nounced.bj^ her parents, Mr. Saturday’s games were; Tolland teresting. WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE, 142 E. And for another thing, farther back "Anybody who knows me housing proposal. Republicans ^ Wackter of 45 Fox- and Mrs Alfred P. Christensen 15^ Ellington 0; and Stafford 11, to history, it was Oommimist Russia knows I’m a pessimist,"’’ O’­ against the. 20th century.” took no stand that year. CENTER ST. 649-7196 ss* g s.ss.‘'srs2‘i.'"i!i'a5ias5 Brien said, relaxing on a sofa in Holt has said that he does not croft Dr. of 63 Bolton St. Colchester 7. Erentoc Herald______which, to the days after World War I, like many things that Waslilng- Saturday, the Republican Her fiance is the son of Mr. Her fiance is the son of Mr. Local Boys League officials when the Germans had once before been his vast, dark paneled Post Of­ state convention overrode Negro and Mrs. Ho-jvard F. Paine ot jtiU aerelca dlent of A. fice Department office. “But ton does, specifically some of and Mrs. Albert E. Seables of predict an expanded tournament fuMtoliera RepreaeBtatlTea — placed under injuncti<3i not to rearm I'm cautiously optimistic that the guidelines on public school protests and adopted a civil 14 Milford Rd. Pomfret. next year and have already re­ lEatheira Special A*“ cy — New York. Chi- rights platform plank recog­ Miss Christensen graduated •aco, Detroit and Boaton.______themselvee beyond certain jwlnts, pro­ we’ll do reasonably well in No­ desegregation, but he says he Miss Wackter is a 1966 g;rad- ceived inquiries from other vided for selected Oerman officers pro­ would negotiate tp soften the nizing minority group housing uate of Manchester High from Manchester High School towns about participating. It is ~ OTurwiim ATTDIT BDRHAP OR muOUUA- vember. I’m sure the Republi­ The re­ fessional hospitality and experimental can party wiU not be able to guidellnte rather than fight problems but urging: School. Mr. Seables is employed and is employed at Liberty Mu­ the only tournament in this .sec­ TOMB. ______- peal or amendment of the Rum­ training grounds Inside Russia. point to any significant victo­ them. at the Anderson Tile Co., West tual Insurance Co., Manchester. tion of the state for teaihs not tord Act of 1963 and its replace­ Mr. Paine, a mason, is employ­ affiliated with the official Little The Russians didn’t happen to have Johnson and Holt were the Hartford. ry-’’ ment or amendment by con­ ed by his father. League organization. a live war going for the benefit of their O’Brien then offered this an survivors from a seven-man to r ■nwraday — 1 P-*B; y*j*°.**^*^‘ field in a preferential primary structive legislation which pro­ A spring 1967 wedding Is Tennis Registration professional guests, such as we have to alysis of national politics, 1966. tects the free choice and consti­ A registration session for toe SSSLT- ?• . . "We have unusual margins of July 26. Johnson led the ticket plannei^ S&rtnSde^.lito:. 10-ff »-«“v ^ •* Vietnam. According to the Russians, tutional rights of all citizens.” Eight Killed- children’s tennis lessons^ pro­ pobHcatlon a»cept Satorday — 9 a.». about 2 to 1 in both House and we are giving Oerman pilots regular Senate and in the governorships “ d n the ^ o f f f ^ Reagan, who favors repeal of Hermann Franz, 56, of New gram will be held tomorrow combat training there. across the nation. Democratic the 225.000 votes cast tor tte the law but disag;reed with the 32, also of New Fairfield, and morning from 11 a.m, to noon at Monday, A.nctMt • In Mishaps the Meadowbrook School. Boys It could be so. ’These things have registration, however, does not 1964 statewide ballot, had ap­ Mrs. Eleanor Waldrop, 53, of happened before. And our Defense De­ how that maiYin over RepuMl- ">ated 25,000 new votes. About proved the platform’s wording Green"wich, Conn. end girls between the ages of NEW HAVEN (AP) — Eight 10-15 are eligible to register. partment at Washington has not seem­ can registration. 684,000 persons are qualified to along "With the other statewide Taken to Northern Westchest­ vote. GOP candidates. Connecticut residents were "vic- er Hospital in critical condition Miss Louise Nutt, girls’ phya- Ghettoes, White And ed particularly willing to discuss the "Couple that with the historic at El- Russian propaganda charges. record: The In ’ party suffers Johnson and Holt both re­ He stressed, however, at a tims of fatal accidents during Margreta Franz, 51, wife of education teacher City by dty, ndghborhotii by neigh- signed from the State Supre»n« iMrtMod, the purely ijdRative aide of In any case, it does no harm to point ■< losses in an off-year (nonpre- Saturday night speech “I re­ the weekend. Four died on high- Hermann. School, will serve sidential) election. These are Court to make the race, leaving pudiate Mgotry and racism and Robert Waldrop, husband of instructor of the course, con- thia oomitry’s atnirele ‘"p***^ prob­ out what happened to all the people 820,000-a-year jolw to run for the all those who are guided by it.” ways out of state. Eleanor, was treated at the sisting of nine sessions of one lem of races sleipa to have been mak­ who helped German militarism keep it­ the minuses "working against us A crash Sunday night on a and would lead one to expect governorship which pays only James Flournoy of Los An- hospital and released. hour eaich. \ $1.50 registration ing terrible advwicea thia aummer. self alive and proficient and expert af­ 810,000 a year. geles, a Republican state cen- narrow country road in South­ The Franzes and Miss Koch fee is asked, and .^ Id re n are some sort ot adjustment of that ington took the life of Douglas More and iflore frequently the move­ ter World War I. They aU, Russia, and big margin. Johnson, who got his start in tral committee member and a were in one car and the Wal- expected to supply tHeir.-_own ment and^^e action in the atreeta ia statewide politics as a spokes- Negro, asserted :“ When you use B. Chase, 27, of Kensington. Po­ balls and racquets Britain, and France, each of whom “I’m fairly convinced — al­ lice said Chase drove Ms car drops in the other. motivated by the odor of akin rather played some part of the game to the though it’s only August — toat man tor segregationists during the word ’repeal’ you are auto- BURLINGTON (AP)—A bull­ Bowling League racial troubles of the 1960s, has matically slapping one million into a utility pole. . The St. Matthew Bowling t*ipn, by any apecific oonalderation of hope of using Germany against each when the smoke settles the Southington motorcyclist, dozer operator doing grading the IndividuaU or groupa may be ether, paid in blood and edtios. margin in toe governorships criticized during the cam- Negroes in the face. I beg of you r T a r W wm work was killed beneath the League is still looking for addi- andnnH^h« the Senate "willwill staystov aboutabolU: Psign tor endorsing Sen. Barry at least be­ Taken to the context of greater «r, who easily won the Republi- state. or until sold. Things are always conning and going tor gin to watch ourselvos, and pertiaps offenses, simple public totoxioation ia By Hie Associatod Press can nomination tor governor this situation the Reputoli- this busy, busy place. Shop it for all kinds of furniture. loam to see ourselves to our relation­ indeed a comparatively minor matter. TMay is Mcmday, Aug. 8, the two weeks ago. cans expect to |x>ur on the cam- . bedding and lamps . . . and often if you want real ship to our time and tha prospects of Moreover, the offense ie so common, 220to day of 1966- There are 146 Behind RookefeUer is a revt palgn and financial coal tor our civilisation. If we know how much and there are so many repeaters whom F i s c h e t t i days' left in the year. RepubUcan party and Rep. James D. Martin, the GOiP bargains. * no amount of punishment can cure, that Today’s BDgliUglit In HtotoiY 1h4 Deonocratic nominee Is not candidate tor governor, 8 It matters, we may be able to ' break ourselves and help each other out of the police and the courts tend to re­ On this date hi 1829, the first assured of election as he once Martin was one of five Repub- $92.50 Modem Walnut Twin Size Panel ...... - gard intoxication cases as just a great both kind of ghsttoeo, tha whits and steam locomotlvs in America in this traditionally Demo- Means who won House seats in $89.00 Spanish Occasional Chair, fruitwood X-frame, green iridescent big nuisanoe.- was put into service at Honsa- ctetlc state. Alabama in 1964. lbs blaofc . But for the prosecutor to say that dsls. Fa., operating on a wood­ A cofeature of the runoff is a ----- $329!oO W ^ M ^ m Sofa, ' f o ^ ‘ cushions,' tapered he will no longer prosecute cases ot en-rail tramway at a coal mine. rocs tor Congress in the 4th Dis- SACRAMENTO, OoMf. (A(P) public intoxication is going too far. As Hie looomotive — made in Ikig- triot between two young law- — Condemnation of Tlie John fruitwood legs, gold homespun upholstei^y ...... Goest Pilots? long as the law remains on the statute land — was regarded m a fail­ y v a , David Pryor, 31, of Cam- Birch Society and possiibte re- $169.00 Modem Lounge Chair, matches sofa a ^ v e ...... • books. It has to he enforced, especially ure and was soon diemahtied. dea and Richard Arnold, 30, of peal of '' California’s open- $92.00 84” Comer Desk, one drawer, ptique red .,.... ------• • < • When the Russians try to identify by an officer of the court who has Ueutonant Dieter Dengler, the United On IMs Date Texaikana. Theiy are seeking a. houshig law stood today aa S11250 Twin Size Gray French Provincial Bed, gold tiim ...... taken an oath to enforce the laws. The In 1688, (he Spanish Armada seat vacated taist February by prime Issues between Demo- $299.00 68” Wing Sofa, foam cushion, box pleated skirt, quilted ^rown LIMITED SUPPLY States Navy pilot who recently escaped chief prosecutor of the Circuit Court the rarignation of Rep- Oren oratic Gov. Edmxmd O. Brown eaptlvity to North Vietnam, as a Ger­ was destroyed. made this clear to Mr. Mancini, and Li 1816, Napoleon Bonapeite Hazrls, who became a federal and Ronald Reagan, his Repub­ $8S*M odem LfJwsJick lounge Chaii% metal frame with woo'd tnm, man officer masquerading under Amer- sent a memorandum to prosecutors sailed tor Saint Helena, the Is­ Judge, lican g(ubernatorial opponent. 120 HP. 6-cylinder e n ^ e , standard lean dtisenship and to American uni­ throughout the state pointing out that Most of the voter Interest, Brown challenged Reagan to loose gold homespun upholstered cushions ...... I’M transmission, 'windshield washer, land ot exile; \ $119.00 45” Modem Low Back S o fa , matches chair above, olive green form, the Russians are. oC course, talk­ Section S8-246 of the Connectiout stat­ In 1918, Marshal Foch’s see- however, has centered on the repudiate the Birch Society as a padded dash and Visors, sideview ing about practices to which they utes defines being found intoxicated as ond offensive began — toe of­ governor’s race white, tor the dangerous xwlitical extremist mirror, 4-way flasher, backup lights. themselves have had more historic ex- an offense punishable by a fine or jail fensive that broke the baMc of first time since 1964, does not group. Reagan again refused, $ 8 9 ^ Full Size Creamy White French Provincial Chairback Bed, goM sentenM. perienoa. German resistance. bivoilve Gov. Orval Faubus. And a 1966 state RepubHcan trim, low footboard...... •!••••*’...... $195 DOWN—36 MONTHS TO PAT "Until the legislature, the courts of Faubus Is retiring after 12 years platform adopted Saturday $44.50 20U X 25ya” Maple End Table, one shelf, plastic to p ----- . Tliegr now allege, the Russians, that In 1946, Russia declared war S ^ LOW BANK RATES thii state, or the UB. Supreme Court against Japan. in office and he has not «i- urged "repeal or amendment” $19.95 (2) Modem Walnut Side Chairs, beige slip seats, e a .-----13.50 ^thousands” of-West,.. German mlHtary ohanges this section or rules It uncon- doraed a candidate in tho pri- of the national publicized R«m- Men are to Soq^ Wetnam imder the Ri 1946, President Truman $271.50 86” Modem Sofa, foam cushions, exposed square legs,^blue- 1 stitutianal, we are bound to follow the signed a MU which permitted raairs. barring housing dls- terms of a "secret deal” between Bona state law,” said the chief prosecutor. aliens to reclaim toe property Johnson has contended, how- crimination. \ $154.00'Modem High-back Lounge Chair, matched sofa abovq^.. .1^3. and Washington. Mr. Mancini, doubtless, would agree seized by the government dur­ ever, (hat Hott has Faubus’ ta- That posed a touchy issue tor TUa would, of oourae, ba ourxneigh- with subh a statement, and he will cer­ ing tha war. ett and that the political (ho Democrats’ state convention $47.95 30” Square Modem Walnut Cocktail T able...... tainly oomply with the directive of his which has siQ>- noct weekend in Sacramentq. $189.00 35” Gray French Provincial Chest, five draw ers...... 85.75 MORIARTY BROTliERS \ k o ^ way of aoatag tbait tho Oennaa . Ten YeoM Ago MiUtaiy establishment, wliieh has aew superior. His venture into the fMd of ported FaubiM Uoough the Whart stand to take on the lawr, $279.50 64” Gray French Provincial Dresser, nine drawers .... .319. “CONNECTICUT’S OTJJEST UNCOLN-MERCURY DEALER” social ease work at the expense of law,. Pteaident Etschbower said ha y ^ Is fuBy behind Holt. strongly tecked by Negroes and Minninn ew aUy, and which we now M t there would be no war over $111.10 5 Pc. Daystrom Dinette, 341/2 x 49” walnut wood-grained was prompted by good intentions, no HoU has denied any Faubus a white minority, but renounced plastic top table, 4 side chairs, beige vinyl seats ...... 67.65 301 CENTER ST. 643-5:135 OPEN EVES, (except Thursday) look to for front lino stance against tha doubt, but it was i>stently unjustified. Sues Omal. But he imUcated he He has pegged his by a vast Inajority of w h^w t- Sii—isns, eaa get a real, praeticall, As long as the law remains on tho would not let Britain and France ■■■mo oomnalgn on orlticiam of ote In a 3ft64 statewide baBot? down, taniUying thera were oii> gUalaal axpatlenoa to modem war and books. It must be prosecuted, as Mr. JoIbm b'8 slMkl on atnt> IsJessi Center of the three fiuMr (M lha am of modem wesposis. Manotol hlaaeU haowe. — laPRZDKlf •umataaoea under whioh iocoe HMtatbe'OMd. Wliethsr MA OUtad mn rrm dWirilu. w n


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY/ AUGUST 8, 1966 PAGE NINB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 pA g k e ig h t St; Mary’s Hospital, where Ae llsh phrases . he knew-—and hold Agency has a dwarf pine was listed in fair condition. walked, out. Dwarf-Tree Art 6(j0 years old, considered Ja­ Father Kills pan’s oldest bonsai plant. _ LICGEn DRUG KLH The SepulvedasSenulvedaa came “ to ^ determine Where immediately he had Known in Japan PARKADE Gengras Visits Workshop, Rocks, Glass Fly Six Firemen in District II Children, Self Waterbury from Puerto Rico night, OPEN STEREO MUSIC less than a year ago. jjj t},g morning he showed up For 1,000 Years Oldest of Kind r:45 A.M. to 10 P.M. Impressed with Operation (Continued from Page One) Sepulveda was known to the tj,g jjome of his, landlord, In Midwest Cities SYSTEMS Suspended by Chief Duff in neighbors for the dark blue prank Brito, complaining that TOKYO — Bonsai, the an- Elmira College, N.Y., is the OOP gubernatorial candidate troducing themselves, shaking Mrs. Sepulveda staggered out beret which he customarily wore jjjg viras locked and he dent Japane.se art of grovring oWest existing college for wom- ignored in the controversy over Six, volunteer firemen from (Jrawford, 107 Brooklyn St., of the house and half a blo6k and_ for his jealous dUpoSition. couldn’t wake up the family. dwarf trees, has spread to other founding in B. Claytcn Gengras toured Man hands and watching the work. 1856, granted degrees compar­ I'\ e heard a lot about you” . youths "cruising for trouble,” open housing. Southern con- District n (rural) were sus- Rockville, down the street, where she His boss at Woodbury, B^to went with Sepulveda to countries The'-e are several CLEAB^CE SALE Chester's Sheltered Workshop said-dhe^worker"to" Gengras, and spread to a Negro section. gressmen look uppn the plan as pended last week follo'wing a Admitted Satiuday: Joseph Pewterers, where he worked as apartment and opened the able to those of men’s colleges. this morning and was impressed while yet another said, “Gee, . - • . aji invasion of states riarhts. charge that they did not di- Michaud, RpekviUe; Adrain police a buffer, said Sepulveda was door. As soon as Sepulveda c'ubs in the United MATBLNITY King's group faces growing NORMAN’S When they arrived, the police HEADS PATHOLOGY with what he saw. you're handsome.” \ rectly return a fire truck to the Randall, Ellington, a “steady worker.” walked in, Brito said, a violent States- DRESSES After the workbench tour, Gen­ iiressures as it meets in Jackson murders, bombings and other sro l’ IN I'OK station after a parade, it was Admitted Sunday; Mary Gor- found Sepulveda dying on the Raymond Sitcomb also said quarrel began. Often the art of bonsai, by STORKS (AE)—The appoint­ And what he saw in thi work- REG. »9.95-*11.95 ■hop located in the old trade gras took a “coffee break” with to map its tuture. Among these acts of violence in which the AN K.ut ril.I.ING Icamed .today- man, 6 Carter St;, Manchester; sidewalk. Nearby was the body Sepulveda had 'fierce martial Brito said he wandered around which nature is reprdduced in ment of Dr. Ii-win H. Lepow to exact miniature, is compared echool on School St. was a Norman Fendell, director Of the is the “black power” advocated stated fail to prosecute anyone. DEIVIONS I K ATION While fire officials declined’ to Anna Gracayk, 49 Franklin St., of Wanda, who had just died, problems ’ which appeared to back of the building. Sud- the faculty of the University of with haiku, the 17-syllable Jap- Connecticut Health Center was ^ ^ . 9 5 - ^ 5 . 9 5 group of trainable retardates workshop, and others from town by another civil rights gp^oup, In Los Angeles, the Wattd comment, the suspension ap- Rockvllie; Noyes Chapman, Inside, in the smoke-filled apart­ stem largely from financial dit- denly he noticed smoke inside atuffing booklets for a church, who were there to greet him. the Student Nonviolent Coordi­ community — scene of bloody ,113 H M riK O K I) KI). parently stems from a report 1 Hammond St., RockvlUe; ment, were the singed corpses ficulties. went back around to the anese poetic form, which ex- announced Sunday. asaembhng small machine ■niey had pastry With their cof- nating Committee headed by rioting One year ago — is mak­ that the men, following a pa- George J. Muller, 70 Wilshlre Sepulveda was seen in the front. By this time—about 16 presses the maximum poetic Lepow will be a full profe-saor MAN( HKSrilK of the three other children, sentiment with a minimum of parts, packaging, sorting, wrap- fee, in the workshop lunchroom, Stokely Carmichael. ing plans to observe the anni­ rade in Southwtek, Mass., Rd., Vernon; Phillip Pellerin, 66 looking “just like dolls,” as Baldwin Restaurant Saturday minutes later, Brito said—Sep- and head of the department of Glazier s pir^, salvaging. G er^as talked more about the Spokesmen for King have re­ versary with an arts and jazz stopped off at a Manchester Union- St., Rockville; Wallace Fire Chief Joseph Maloney said. night. According to the bar- ulveda had completed his words. pathology. He was previously an Corset and I'nlfomi Shop "I'm impressed,” said Gen- workshop and pledge to offi- ported a slackening in the festival. cafe before returning the fire- Boufford, 4 Pleasant St., Rock- Down the street, Mrs- Sep­ tender, Sepulveda drank a few frenzied attack on his family- The art of bonsai was de­ a.ssociate profe.ssor at Western 6^1 Main St.—Manchester gras. “It's a terriffic place — cials his cooperation in every g;roup's income and- attributed Stan Siinders, a former truck to the station. ville. beers, said I’ll see you Funeral arrangements were veloped more than a thousand Reserve University in Cleveland, Rhodes scholar now attending ulveda lay bleeding on the side­ 64S-6346 clean and nice. The happiest way possible, this to white reaction to the POWERFUL PLUNGER CLEARS Fire Chief Joseph Duffin Births Friday: A daughter to walk. She was rushed to nearby tomorrow”—one of the few Eng- Incomplete. years ago. The Imperial House- Ohio, * people in the world are the ones Gengras said his “goodbyes " black power move. Yale Law School, returned to heard the report last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gillies, 125 that are doing something for to his hosts before leawng for In Washington, the House Watts to help with the festival CLOGGED TOILETS and assigned Deputy Chief Wll- West St., Rockville; a daughter •omeone else.” a luncheon date in town with takes up a proposal many view which he said will emphasize liam Johnson to investigate. to Mr. and Mrs. Autry Hallett, Gengras knows something some newsmen. Seeing him off as the most important of the the constructive. The suspensions followed. 126 High St.. Rockville. about mental retardation, too. after his visit were School Su- pending 1966 civil rights bill — Part of the festival will be A meeting is scheduled to­ Births Saturday: A son to His family partly subsidized perintendent William Curtis: As- the plan to bring the federal staged in the area where 34 per­ night that will reportedly cen­ Mr. and Mrs. Roland Tracey, 52 •p't, y - ^ the Gengras Center at St. Jo- sistant Superintendent Ronald government into crimes of vio­ sons were killed, 1,032 injured ter on the suspension. Hammond St., Rockville; a son aeph OoUego in West Hartibrd Scott; Mrs. John McElraevy, lence against Negroes and civil and $40 million in, property was , The. firemen involved all ■with to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weth- tar the mentally retarded. superviTOr of the Foster Grand- rights workers. destroyed during the six days of Co. 2, are said to have hired erell, Kozley Rd., Tolland; a The chain-smoking GOP can- parents program; Francis Della- This proposal has been almost violence last August. an attorney to represent them. daughter to Mr. and Mrs, Ro­ didate, dressed in a black pin- Fera, town GOP chairman;.Mrs. Chief Duffin explained today land LaPlante, Ellington. striped suit and white buttoned- Dorothy Kenny, secretary to the that his department receives Birth Simday; A son to Mr. down shirt, arrived at the work- town's general manager; and many requests for fire truck to and Mrs. John Gorman, 6 (Jarter Bhop about 10:16 in his mobile Charles Burr of Burr Nurseries, Plane Crash Probe participate in parades during St., Manchester. campaign bi» —with “1908,” which subcontracts work to the Gengras (center) and Bonee inspect small parts which worker (left) assembles. Gengras each year. Discharged Friday: John, On June 18, Clayt Gengras said... the year of his birth, painted workshop. spent about 40 mmutes there this morning touring and shaking hands with well-wishers. He said that he assembles' the Rishko, 15 Ellington Ave., Rock­ on it. The Gengras tour plan for the (Herald photo by Ofiara.) requests, and then divides them ville; EJdward Blizniak, 12 El­ Waiting for him was John day had changed. It was origi* Suffers Setbaek equally among the' three fire lington Ave., Rockville; Paul. NEVIR AGAIN that tich feelin* companies. No more than one Bonee at Hartford, the GOP's nally scheduled to visit Rock- (Continued from Page One) whan your tollat evarflewt Satryb, 95 Regan St., Rockville; First Congresskmal District can- ■ville this afternoon, but the bu.s- 6-year-old son Mitchell among company 18 permitted to par­ Julia Ekert, Hammond St., jja-- . 4 >! didat*. Together, they went from cade returned to Hartford after Palomares Villagers Bitter first fatal crash of a BAC One-11 the dead passengers. teiLAFLEX* ticipate In a parade on any one Rockville: Dorothy McHugh, one workbench to .another, in- its Manchester visit. in the United States. Mrs. Kuhr had taken the boy Toilet Plongor day, Duffin explained, so that Vernon St., Bolton; Michael Braniff identified the efew as to Kansas City to see the zoo. the town is not endangered Raymond, 10 West St., Rock­ Capt. Donald G. Pauly, 47, First Slattery said the investigative Unlike ordinery plunftn, TbiUfle* should an emergency arise. ville; Virginia Morgan, Elling­ doee not permit compreteed air or The fire truck involved is one Police Arrests •Officer James A. Hllliker, 39, team probably would be here messy water to splash back or eacape. ton; Francis Lempltsky, Ware­ Call Issued Over U.S. H-Bomb Incident about two weeks. But it would With TbilaHea the full pressure plows recently purchased by the town house Point; Doris Heintz, El­ and stewardess Ginger Elaine through the clogging mats and PALOMARES BEACH, Spain •of the bomber crash, say they the people feel good to have that be much longer, he said, before at ■ cost of almost $30,000. lington. Edna Grezel of 17 Spruce St. believe that in time tlie bitter- electronic watchman on duty, Brisbane, 21, all of Minneapolis, the CAB might be able to say swishes it down. Arrests — -“ m o n r (AP) — On the surface, this re­ Discharged Saturday: Mari­ By Congress was charged with breach of ness of Palomares will pass. So we may leave it here for a Minn., and stewardess Sharon what caused theNcrash. • SUCTION-RIM STOPS SPUASH-IACK Neal L. Hastey. 21, of Hart­ mote coastal village looks much “It's hard for these people to long time." Eileen Hendricks, 21, Sawyer, • CENTERS ITSELF, CAN'T SKID AROUND ford, was arrested Saturday at lyn Cross, Somers; Jane Fran­ peace Saturday afternoon after a TAPERED TAIL DIVES AIR-TIOHT FIT cis, Ellington; Joseph Hartl Jr., To End Strike her daughter complained to po­ as it did before last Jan. 17 shift once more from the world ----^------N.D. One-half pound of cake flour is Get the Genuine Tollatlex' 10 p.m. on a charge of causing nce that the woman had broken when a collision in the air center of attraction, as Palo­ The plane was Braniff Flight the equivalent of 214 cups of the unnecessary noise with a motor Ba.st Hartford; Paul Hasler, 2 *2** AT HARDWARI STORIt Vine St., Vernon; Gary Morgan- (OotrUimed from Page One) into her apartment on Center dropped three U.S. H-bombs mares was during the search Dillon Submits 250, just 15 minutes from land­ sifted cake flour. vehicle. He is scheduled to. ap­ St. Policewsaid that windows in for the missing H-bomb, back to ^ ing at Omaha. It had left New pear in 12th Circuit Court Aug. sori, Elling;ton; Ida Serbser, -21 log action. Hiey want ibe strike onto its fields of toiriatoes and both doors were broken, and com. the rather drab life of an iso- L o U 0 W^HO’OU B icl Orleans, La., to go to Minneap­ 23. Hastey was observed leav­ Brooklyn St., Rockville; Roberta nettled and settled now.” when police arrived, Mrs. Gre­ Underneath, a wave of bitter­ lated agricultural village,” said & olis with stops at Shreveport, ing a Rt. 83 drive-lh restaurant Vilanova, Ellington. Discharged '‘Sunday: Helen , Btaggers said the history of zel yelled at them and used ness has developed among ^ Dillon Sales and Service of La.; Fort Smith, Ark.; Tulsa, by Patrolman John Marshall. such legislation is that once it is abusive langtiage. many of the village’s thousand “They had excitement and Okla.; Kansas ^ (3ity, Mo., and Dwight E. 'Wegner, 19, of 7 Wieleba, Hartford; Frank Fer- Manchester was the only bid- reriq, 18 Elizabeth St., Rock­ enacted, It is seldosn repealed, She is scheduled to appear in or more inhabitants, as insid­ they had employment during Omaha Talcott Ave., Rockville, was court on Aug. 22. iously Invisible as the radioac­ the peak period of the search. Residents near this southeast ville; Mona Zimmerman, 12 but .widened and expanded- with 2 four-door station wagons. charged with speeding on Pros- Ronald G. Nourie of Vernon tivity which seeped from two of Now they must go back to The company bid $4,670 to Nebraska town of 5,600 said pett St7".Saturday evening. He School St., Rockville: Helen “This wlU haunt labor and was charged with non-support the three battered nuclear farming, to raising tomato* supply two 1967 Ford ranch there was thunder and lightning is scheduled to appear in court Berger, 20 Grove St., Rockville; management for years,” Stag­ yesterday after he was arrest­ bombs, contaminating land ar- for the urban markets, to hard wagons, models 71B, with a de­ before tt)e crash and a hea-vy Aug. 23. Patrolman Thomas Elizabeth Carney, 47 Village gers told them. ed on a warrant. He was put eais and forcing a large-scale work without glamor. Some ot livery date of Oct. 15. rain afterward. Ertel Investigated. St., Rockville; Christina Havens, Siemlller repeated his argu­ in a cell at the police station purification operation. their bitterness is understand­ It hid $2,230 on one alternate, National Guardsmen went Hoaptial Notes Windsorville; Nora Fortin, 132 ments that Oie tie-up of five after he, said he did not wish Some of Palomares’ people able.” into the muddy field Sunday to Admitted Friday: S-usan Hal- High St., Rockville; linda I , ' / ’ r ■i'’’ trunk carriers is not a national which stipulates the company to ix>Bt bond. He is scheduled have another name for this bit­ Palomares itself is a rather take in trade a 1959 Dodge four- remove bodies to a temporary lett, 126 High St., Rockville; Skipper, Ellington; Thomas emergency. for arraignment on Aug. 22. terness which has disturbed the bleak community, its thick- door station wagon. It bid $2,- morgue in Falls City. Angelo LaPlante, Ellington; Maher, Broad Brook; Susan He said a recent bus strike Three jiersons were arrested normal rural life of the area. walled white homes set well Helicopters flew ‘overhead TO BUYERS OF LATE-MODEL LUXURY CARS Dorothy Beaverstock, 48 Union Stetson, 76 Union St., Rockville; against Western Greyhound af­ 310 on the other alternate, a over the weekend as a result of They call it greed. It comes, apart among fields of tomatoes ■ trade-in on a four-door Ford taking pictures which could tell St., Rockville: Peter Skipper, Gloria Cantor, 252 South St., fected 136,000 to 160,000 passen­ motor vehicle violations, and all and corn, with a scattering of experts something about distrib­ Rockville. gers, about the same number as they say, from dissatisfaction Station wagon. Ellington; Gloria Cantor, 262 are scheduled to appear in court over compensation paid by the fruit trees. Iron and lead mines ution of the wreckage. South St., Rockville; Faith are affected by the alriines oh Aug. 22. United States for damage or which brought a period of pros- Slattery said most of the (extra protection The Herald’a Vernon Bureau strike. Tracey, 52 Hammond St., Rock­ George B. Pitch, 19, of 130 losses resulting from the crash perity to this area early in the Japan Needs Equipment plane apparently stayed where ville; Joseph Lavitt, Boy Moun­ Is at 38 Park St, RockvUle, “Yet, there was never any Glenwood St. was charged with TOKYO—A major market is it hit, but “there was some scat­ of two planes along the shores century have long been idle, YCO INVEST M A USED tain Dr., 'Vernon; Rita -Wether- P. O. Box 827, toL 875-8186 or hue and cry to suspend the right using a metal tire on a high­ being created for advanced U. tering.” Experts were charging WHEN 648-271L to strike because of the Grey­ here and the subsequent clean- The farmers ot Palomares ell, Kozley Rd., ToUand; Louis way.- Police say he was ob­ up of the H-bombs one carried, jack a good highway to attract a S. electronics production equip­ the position of every piece, and hound bus strike. This fact has served on W. Center St. Satur­ ment in Japan as Japanese taking a picture of each pSJrt iL#m.N . # m . corniNEKivi. led some observers to suggest Spanish officials on the scene share of the tourist trade which day evening, driving a car ■— the last U.S. representative jg bringing free-spending visi- plants push to modernize find befqre removing it. that the pressures to end the which had a flat tire. On check­ diversify their industrial ca­ Mrs. Schawang, preparing airline strike have a direct rela- ing the car, police say they left after recovery of a fourth tQj.g to both Gurracha, a fishing bomb from the sea — say it will poj-t village to the south, and to pacity. Japanese producers are coffee and food for some of tiie Playing Qiess One Way , tlonshlp to the higher Income found liquor in it, and gave turning steadily from electronic volunteer workers and inves­ level: of airline passengers," take much longer to erase the Aguilajs to the north. Fitch a written warning for creeping bitterness of Palo­ consumer goods to computers tigators, said the Rev. John Mc­ To Get Rid of a Spouse Biemiller said. possession of alcoholic bever­ "Look at that beach,” said and electronic testing equip- Cabe, a Catholic' priest of Falls Siemlller said his union Is mares’ people than it did to Mayor Gonzalez as he showed a ages by a minor. clean up the earth contaminated ment. Japan has more than City, was notified and soon was SANTA MONICA. Calif. (AP) Each player hae 2»4 hours to ready and willing to resume Kenneth L. Burnett, 22, of 133 visitor around. “As good as any 2,800 plants that produce elec- at the scene. negotiations for a settlement, Main St., was charged with by„ the H-bombs. in this region, and not a tourist - Madam, if you want to get 40 moves, or forfeit toe tronic equipment and com-! “I could see him walking IP , 1 j game. As each moves, he but believes “those who are ad­ speeding Saturday evening. Po­ it- Why, a tourist would have ponents. through the smoke, stopping rid of your husband, introduce ^ vocating this legislation, name­ lice say he was clocked in a 36- to be more against the Spanish trouble finding his way here authorities who administered ------every once in a while to give the EXTENDED " him somehow to chess. nent’s time starts. At first, the ly, the carriers and other em­ mile zone on Center Sf. even in the best of weather.” USDA LENDS A LOT last rites of the church,” she Unless you play the game moves come slowly, up to half ployer associations in the trans­ Charles Vf. Look of AVest the compensation claims than the U.S. government which paid Gonzalez and other.s want the WASHINGTON — The U. S. said. W A R R A K n fl yourself, the odds are about an hour apart. Later, with time portation industry, ore using Hartford, was charged with Spanish government to open a them. Department of Agriculture Eid- One of the early arrivals even you •1111 seldom. . 1^ — see M-nram running out, the moves may / be__ this situation to pliuie a law on unnecessary noise with a motor hardtop road to Palomares’ nat­ ministers the biggest recreation seemed to shake his head in ■ only seconds apart. the books which will hamstring vehicle after police say he “We have nothing again.st the otw factory-appreved 12-month/24j000- United States,” said one sweat­ ural attractions. complex in the world (the na- despair as he peered into the , - When this happens, tension all organized labor from this squealed his tires at Center and "Give us some tourists to aug-' {ional forests), the biggest fire tortured mass ot metal. A Brah- mile warranty covers major power And, husbands, IL-works even mounts. The 700-odd spectators time on.” ing farmer as he reset tomato Adams St. Sunday morning plants in a ^ part__ of __ __ his ____ farm ment our farm income and most department, carries out the lar- iff employe said the man was a train repairs—even kwlng charges better in reverse i/Bome women git on the edges of their chairs, Siemlller contended “there about 1 a.m. Isn’t a chance that these airlines which had been contaminated P®opl6 here would soon forget gest emergency feeding pro- fellow worker, Robert Kuhr of chess addicts really out of players squeeze their foreheads by radioactivity then cleansed ®-bout compensation claims grams and lends more money Omaha, and had just identified Yoar Uncoil) Conflnental dealer’s exdutiva nei« this ■world. and run fingers through their will ever talk about an equitable ---- States,” said settlement as long as there is a by U.S. technicians. “But many the United than the world’s biggest bank. the bodies of his wife and their, factory-approved warranty provides for necessary living prqois of tile perils of hair, chance that Congress will pass Stocks in Brief of us feel our claims for dam- mayor, this ancient avenue to separa- if ^ game is not finished in ages were not fully met.” Individual Americans who lepiacement of power train parts free of charge^ tion froip'^reality are on exhibit five hours, the players adjourn a law that will force our mem- nejwt YORK (AP)—The stock Neither U.S. officials in Ma- drift in to Palomares — some Including labor, by an authorized Lincoln ConUnentat nightly/in a basement banquet until the next day. Many times bers bwk to work and permit market declined sharply in mod- the carriers to refuse to share drid nor Spanish officials here U.S. Air Force personnel who dealer, wherever you drive. With normal maintenance^ roona/at the ocean-front Mira- m tlus tournament, the oppo- erate trading early this ^ter- disclose the amount of pay- worked here during the H-bomb ~ " Just lust received*.received'. ~ mar Hotel. nents agree that neither can win ’’ their fabulous profits with the noon. R covers all intemal engine, transmission and rear employes who made them' possi­ ments already made. Some recovery period have come our new /^Jpetairs, balmy breezes tease ^and they call a draw. Last week’s rally faded. claims are still under negotia­ back on vacation visits .— re-- axle parts as well as the driveline, except for accidents ble.” Prices were lower from the shipment of /^ I m fronds on a tiki torch-lit Now and then, however, the The committee hears union tion. But some sources believe ceive a friendly reception. walnut or road hazards. This warranty will cover 1963,1964 patio splashed with g;ay frocks spectators are lucky. A brilliant opening and skidded steadily. approximately $2 million has There is not a cafe nor bar in spokesmen today and those of Losses of key issues ranged finished and 1965 used Continentals for 12 months or 24,(XX> and Polynesian shirts. attack succeeds In 20 or 30 been paid by a variety of claim­ the entire village. Gonzalez Ignoring all .,this, some TOO moves! Checkmate! And the the airlines Tue^ay. ' from fractions to 3 points. miles, whichever comes first. Sen. Jacob K. Javits, R-N.Y., ants — farmers whose crops apologized for this fact as he milking men and a scattering of women game is over, . The aircrafts aSid electronics, were damaged by the bombs or invited a visitor to his own predicted that within a year which were strong during the sfools slip downstairs night after night At th^ end of five hours ths - ■-O t«igre8a- 4»ffl pass permanent aircraft wreckage, fishermen home for cool refreshments and take their places on hard 700 sp^tators lawyers, doctors, last week’s advance, were weak. who could not fish because the "because I have a refrig- / leg(islation to deal with strikes United Aircraft declined more chairs. Ineurance men, teachers, facto- U.S. NaVy Task Force 65 was erator.” For five hours, they hypnotize ry hands—rise slowly and re- In airlines and other regulated than 2 points and Douglas was each Industries. searching for a still missing The temporary th'eater in­ * 1.22 themselves by staring fixedly at turn to reality, off more than a point. Zenith bomb, others whose normal liv- stalled for the American forces Speaking on a televldon-radio slipped more than , a point. projection screens representing They move up -the stairs. The program taped for New, Ye from the Reported Still in housed in a trim white-paibted crowd. Then all quiet down, and 25 prefectures In the bays of at 846.77. actual fears of radioactive resi­ shelter, installed by Spanish 4-Door Sedan. Presidential black with vinyl and southern Honshu. A loss of 1% points by East- due. nuclear energy people to keep a n nylon interior. All Continental equipment. wait for the next move. Critical State Some Japanese cultivators'man Kodak' helped pull down The scene is the month-Jong ' • “Many of them blame me silent watch on the area. No "Early Bird Specials Piatigoiaky Cup Tournament, Twx»-year-old David Green- have even set up farms in.Aus- the averages, personally for not getting them trace of renewed radioeicti-vity '63 UNCOLN CONTINENTAL tralia, Burma and Okinawa to Homestake Mines advanced more money.” ‘ ’ ' has been detected. spooBoced by oellist Gregory mun remains in critical oondi* utilize, the big, fast-growing more than a point in a mixed Spanish officials who have "We don’t expect any,”-said a 4-Door. White with burgundy leather interior. Piatigonsky and Wa wife, Hartford Hospital today South Sea oysters for pearl cul- nonferrous metals group, been on the scene since the day Spanish official, "but it makes Full Continental equipment. $ 2 6 9 5 JaoqueHite^o to OaW^ by a car tlvation. Du Pont added a minor frac- ^ --- «, women s chess ciiamplon. Peail cultivators have been tion. American Can stood out Mtis. Piatigorsky designed ihe Friday evening, Tiw ytUe too late has been the present slide adimiiistratKm’s answer in lie crisis ■ breeding their own oysters since with a' gain of more than 8 CUBE STEAK '63 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL projection screens, an innova- a spokesman said the boy’s about 1924, continually improv- points. Cut From Choice Beef! i-Do6r Sedan. Midnight blue with matching tion. in chess, after the Hnescore oonditlon has remained un- Time is running out, and now M an do sometting aboid I .M tag the strains for better-qual­ IBM and Xerox fell more than interior. Full Continental equipment. 4 2 6 9 5 screens in bowUng ^eys. suffered head 4 ity pearls. 3 points. “They’v® increased attendance ^ Prices declined in moderate Choicest Meats In Town! tremendously,” she says. "Ndw, injuries. - '64 LfNCOLN CONTINENTAL for the fiMt time, everybody A newsboy found| the child Slope Endless trading on the Americaik Stock ope Exchange. ) 4-Door Convertible. can see what’s going on.” lying on the grass off Rt. 88, SLOPE ENDLESS Seated at the boards are the apparent victim of a hit- TOKYO — Healthful recrea­ TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL lb Executive gray. Vinyl and nylon interior. One owner. FuU Continental equipment. 4 3 2 9 5 world champion Tigran Petrosi- end-run driver. He was brought tion is a problem in crowded ! Lives Likee 9Squirrel q u NA*nVE WAYBEST aa and Boris Spassky of the to Rockville General Hospital Tokyo, but it’s being solved. Of­ — *nie U.S.S.R.; Lejos Portisch of and then transferred to Hart- mouse,” a tree-dwelling cousin fice workers can make ^unch- Hungory; Miguel Najdorf of ford. bour runs down an endless ski of the white-footed mouse, hves c u n GENGRAS GOVERNOR : CHICKEN BUMBLE BEE BRAND, SOLID WHITE MEAT Argentina; Borislav Ivkov of David is the son of Mr. and ELECT ■lope in a downtown building. like a miniature squirrel in the Yugoslavia; Jargon Bmt Lar- Mrs. James Orsenmtm of Rt. 83. Golfers can play 18 holes on a Southern woods. It was discov- MORIARTY sen of Denmark; Jan Danner of The accident took place across grassy course that’s a fake right ered by John James Audubon BREASTS TUNA « 7 Oz. Can 36c Holland; Wolfgang Unzicker of the street from the Sloane Serv- down to its last sand trap, and John l^fichfnan in a forest West Germany, and Samuel ice Station, north of the 'Ver- (Limit 5 lbs. per family) Bousewlves can dunk the kid- near Charleston, S. S., in liB4'l. FARM HOU^, FROZEN, LARGE SIZE Reshevsky and Robert Fischer, non Circle, GET THE G O IN GOVERNMENT! files in a river, complete with Now, acTOrdhig to Oie Audu- We Reserve The Right TO lim it <|aanttties of the United States. Vernon poUc# are oootinutag Wwteztell, (fiat flows through txm Society, another naturalist BROTHERS Fischer, 28, is the "baby” o4 their tavestlgatlon. Tliey dscUn- ic VOTE REPUBLJCAH ^ lArVOTE REPUeUCAM * the ssoimd floor of a depart- haa rediscovered the small BLUEBEHRY PIES « ths touniament—be became a sd tf>day to disclose any iitfonn- ment store. There’s even an ar- mammal after a 40-year search. HIGHLAND PARK MARKET ••Conneoticut’e Oldest Unchln-Mercury Dealer" giwiilmssKir a t U, the youngest atton In ttietr seoioh tee lbs fificial mountain' cliff just off His three-year study is the first ~ ______Ihe GtaM for alpine-minded report on the mouse’s habits ® *11^ HIGHLAND PHOTl^ SOI CENTER STREET — 64S-61S5 to aoUvrs ths tttla. motoitot fimUan. aiBoa the days o< Audubon. ####^###########999 t PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGl/ST 8, 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN:. MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 PAGE TEN most unsual pet entry; Anne (Jharest, cutest; Jill ■ Nash, are Incomplete. There will be State News 12th Circuit Bosch Aides Playground stnallest; Carol Hubbard, larg­ no calling hours. Studies Show Viet War est; John Bujauclus, ugliest; f e . The family suggests that In U.S. Troops, Court Cases Put in Jail, Notes Kate smith, cutest cat; Jerry lieu of flowers those wlshli^ to Could Go on Long Time Court Date Bujauclus, prettiest cat. The Baby Has do so make memorial contrlbU- North Viets L Waddell: Ricky: Trudeau, best Mra. Pasquale PontlcelU tions to the Heart Fund. MANCHESTER SESSION Then Freed Last weds was Election Week Ricky Trudeau, best rab- An AP News Analysis The Army report presumably Mrs. Office Bensl Ponticelli, Moved fo r William H. Fyler, 21, of 92 on the 12 playgrounds, and the Jimmy Belhumer, best dog. By GEORGE MCARTHUR placed more emphasis on air 78. of 99 Homestead St., wife ol In Battle bombing's since it was the most N. School St. pleaded guilty to SANTO DOMINGO (AP) — foUowlng children were elected: Keeney: Sandra Tomcsuk, SAIGON, South Viet Nam Fasquale Ponticelli, died last recent and was concluded after various charges o f assault, The secretary-general, and sev­ Verplanck: Diane Varley, original; ^tty Durby, Funerals (AP) — Two independent studi* Holdup Case breachlof peace and motor , ve- general manager; Kevin Miller,, ®maUest; Peter S{rinella, most Been Named night at Manchester Mertiorial (Continued trem Page One) the recent strikes on oil and en leaders of the Dominican casi Hospital after a short lUhess. ______rtf conducted within the Penta- gasoline dumps within the Ha> HARTFORD (AP)—The case hide violations, and the i^ e police chief; Judy Magowan, ‘®^*bted; Lynne CurneUl, cutest Mrs. Ponticelli was born in was continued to Sept.' 1 1 for Revolutionhry party, which is nol-Haiphong area. of Warren William Kenyon, 30- fire chief; Jeaimlne Daigal, girl “K®*’: Dyment, most Pnntice, Scott IhonuM, son of Edward J. and Doris Betlola. Province of Piacenza. WAPPlJra - rliT ra " serv- the m is^es-presum ably more ^ by top civilian imd ml W pre-sentence investigation, j headed , by ex-president Juan The indication of the reports year-old New Ytgk City man ac- supervisor; Danny Plnot, boy Carlson Prentice, 110 Campfield Rd. He was born July 29 at Italy, and lived in Manchester FyVer and a companion, John were arrested by air supervisor; Priscilla Jaiaie, Karl Gustafson, most Dln*Hin'Rd‘*were'held"sSu? 5uenr^the^Xi^t^^)V^e^f^^^^ in v'iet*S%Lw^'continue in- that the United States was pro, iused of three Tioldups of the 309^1 Manchester Memorial HosplUl. His paternal grandmother is 46 years. She was a member of active cat; Doug Novtich, cutest P. O'Neil, 20, of 10 MinU Court, tj,en released editor-ln-chlef. Mrs. Thomas Prentice, 10 Keeney St. He has a sister, Laura dav X r ^ n It the John in the corridors north and north- definitely. greasing, if at all, at a snails Main Street office of the ^ n - cat; Jeannie Qupre, most intel­ the Regina D’ltalia Society. were arrested last month after «^i,4a-man re- Charter Oak: Fred ‘ Goian- brides' her'hus- ^neral Home 219 west of Hanoi, where most of InformanU qualified to reflect pace in terms of long-range necticut Bank and Trust Co., ligent cat. Ann, 7. Survivors, besiCM ne p nianes went down The most military thinking said today goals has caused some high-lev- wasas continuedconunuea todayloaay tolo Aug./vug. 16.lo. it was reported to jwlice that a p ty ^ . goa, general mariager; Kevin • • • • • Highland Park: Marie and band, i n c l u d e three sons. Charles w . Center St., M anchester. The both studies contain a lot of el contemplaUon on the number Orcuitarcuit Court Judge RodnejRodney they allegedly stopped a car on Duhalmo, Brian Louis, son of Larry Charles and Judith J. Ponticelli of Manchester, Lou- Rev. Theodore Bachelor, asso- Frances MandervUle, smallest: on July 19. "ifs,” but they are being taken of troops necessary to win in s. Eielson ordered Kenyon held -.kland St. and smashed a ’^^^^^esU w««-« Rose Duhalme, 899 Parker St. He was born July 31 at Man­ is P. Ponticelli of Hartford and ciate pastor of Wapping Com- ^ccardelh, fire chief; Valerie Wilber, largest; Vlrgln- chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Peter C. Ponticelli of Miamii munity Church, officiated. Buri- Five of the planes lost were seriously by the U.S. chiefs of Viet Nam. under J10,(XX) bond. T Z g the month. P^ler was Barahona. 120 miles southwest ^cclno girl supervisor; Mke o„chran, cutest; Karen Kai- Air Force F105 Thunderchlefs, staff as they wrestle with the Leaving Saigon Sunday after Kenyon was arrested as he Mistretta, boy supervisor; Brian Mr. and Mrs. Allan L. Rose, 216 Cider Mill Rd., Bolton. His pa­ Fla.; a daughter, Mra. Russell was in East Cemetery, Man- of the capital, by air force offl- ser, prettiest; Marian Tom- Including two FlOSFs packed problem of providhig enough talks with the top brass, former was walking away from a teller also arrested for operating a Muldoon, editor-in-chief- ternal grandparents are Mrs. Louis Sillano, Hebron Rd., Bol­ Carlson of Manchester; ’ six cheater. dressed as civilians, the uslak, most unique. with electronic gear for use manpower for Viet Nam. Vice President Richard M. Nix- cage with $3,619, police said. motor vehicle while license un- Keenery: Martin Faber, gen' ton, and Armand Duhalme, Hartford. His maternal great- grandchildren, three»» great- Bearers were William Wilcox, gear spokesman added. niHut ^ West Side: Melinda Copell, Both studies agreed that on indicated he felt half a mil- He had obtained the money with der suspension, and was pre­ grandparents are Mrs. Hattie L. Rose, (Coventry, and John M. grandchildren and several nieces william Wilcox Jr., Harold Bock against radar and missile sites. Bosch issued a statement say- eral manage^ Chris I^ h l, Bolduc, best livoitm- T pvpn’ Thev and a Navv A1 Skyraider de.spite the massive air strikes lion men would be necessary. It a note and a phony pistol. sented as a second offender on .iniarmlne Allen, Penacook, N.H. His paternal great-grandparents are and nephews. « « dog; Ruthe E. Gilmore, best Frank Burke, waller ccicn J j on______their•______supply______lines, the rv,rv,.Com- lois more Ihon'IlUpU,than likely IViofthat ■Mlvnn'aNixon's miThe__i ____ incident____ I Friday was 1 the this motor vehicle violation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gage, East Hartford, and Mrs. Alma •The funeral will be held worth and Ronald Levenworth. were known to have been hit, chief; Joyce I^ a r, girl super- Hamster; Tommy Nevlns, best munists could exert ^the extra statement reflected the view of third time within five weeks that when he appeared In court to- Molina Urena, secre- Duhalme, Hartford. His paternal great-great-grandfather is Wednesday at 8:18 a.m- from the ------while the seventh—an Air Force visor; J im w Higgins, W Nancy Narhon, best rab- effort necessary to maintain the U.S. commander in Viet the Main Street office had been day. Charges of Improper use ^j^o was president Albert Brawn, Hartford. He has a brother, Jeffrey Allan, John F. Tierney Funeral Home, Vincent E. Moriarty Sr. RFlOl Voodoo reconnaissance pervlsor; Billy Edgar, «dltor-ln- g^^phen oopell, smallest. about their present force levels Nam, Gen. William C. West- robbed, of registration plates and op- ***** 219 W. Center St., with a solemn -pj^g funeral of Vincent E. jet—disappeared and was pre­ of the chamber of deputies in 4 . Charter Oak: Wayne Dietrich- in the south. The air strikes cost moreland, although Westmore- Kenyon was charged with all eraung erating an unregisteredunreg.sicrvu motorinv.v. government that was Ecabert, George Charlea, son of Earle C. and Nancy high Mass of requiem at St. Moriarty Sr. of 12 Morse Rd. sumed lost to enemy action. West Side: Bi» Gauruder, behaved pet entry; the Hanoi regime time, man­ land has not publicly asked for three holdups. Only last Tues- vehicle against him were nol . j .,„o was among Biske Ecabert, 22 Wedgewood Dr. He was born Aug. 4 at Bridget's Church at 9. Burial was held this morning from the The worst previous day, lor deposed in 1963, was among general m w ager; Ohris Kearns, j^athy Wheelock, prettiest; Gay- power and money,, but not more troops than presently con­ day the bank was robbed of led k^chester Memorial Hospital. His paternal grandmother is will be in St. James' Cemetery, p Quiaji Funeral Home, 225 American planes over the Com­ ■*’ ... X those arrested. He was quoted police chief; Jon Leber, fire Powers, most original; enough to stop the flow of sup- templated. $440. On June 27 a holdupman Fyler Pleaded guilty to two Mrs. Laura Ecabert, 26 Foster St. Friends may call at the fu munist North was Aug. 13, 1965, chief: Patty Maher, girl super- Hewlett, prettiest cat; Main St. with a Mass of re­ Within the Pentagon, a figure fled with almost $2,500. counts of operating a motor ye- ^ through the « « « « • neral home tonight from 7 to 9 when six went down. The losses plies. visor; Jim Hamill, boy super- ^ cutest; James quiem at the Church of the As­ of 760,000 men has been hide while license under sus- . .. . Cassells, Christine Hall, daughter of Robert H. and and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and Sunday brought the number of Both studies were based more southern part of the country to vUor; Peter Gourley, edltor-ln- ^dams, biggest. sumption. The Rev. Francis J. planes reported shot down in the or less on the assumption that presented, although this is prob- Cengras Aide Quits pension, breach of peace by as­ Alice Hall Caesells, RFD 2, West Wlllington. She was born f to 9 p.m. Mihalek was celebrant. Paul reorganize party ranks. Nathan Hale: Liaa Pamei, Communist North to 326. U.S. troop strength would be ably a minority view among the HARTFORD (AP) — George sault, and breach o f peace. A Molina Urena said that when Waddell: Teddy Garrity, gen- ^est decorated; Bobby Kraejew- Aug. 1 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ Chetelat was organist and solo­ somewhat below the 400,000- military planners, Bazan, a key press aide of Re­ charge of aggravated assault Mrs. Georgina Miller The spokesman said Air he asked one of the officers why eral manager; BJd Curouno, largest; Joyce Schoen, fun- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner Hall, South Wlllington. Her ist. Burial was in S‘ . Bridget's ^ man level contemplated about Even this high force level publican gubernatorial candi­ against him. was changed to paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cassells, SOUTH WINDSOR — Mrs. Cemetery Father Mihalek read Force, Navy and Marine pilots they were being arrested, the Uce chief; Billy Oorrela, fire Rathy Kaslowskl, most the first of next year. In addi- would not insure any quick vic- date Clayton Gengras, has re­ breach of peace, and he made only reply he got was a pistol chief; Evelyn Lessard, girl su- original; Richard White, ug- Hebron Rd., Bolton. Georgina M. Lelebvre Miller, the committal service, ® tion it was assumed that Hanoi tory, in the view of its support- signed, 'a similar plea.. ***** ' ------Bearers were James Mori- o^er North Viet Nam Sunday, aimed at him. pervlsor; Brad Sylvester, boy jo.Anne Savino, best be- 83, of Ekifield, mother of Mrs, would continue to wage the war ers. The pacification of Viet Bazan said he w m resigning His companion, O’Neil, did Byers, Todd Richard, son of Richard A. and Joyce Thomas H. Barry of South -vvilliam Moriarty, Thomas concentrating on the Hanoi-Hai- supervlsor; Jimmy Bowers, edi- i,aved. at about the level it has main- Nam's Red-infested countryside for personal reasons. The resig- not plea, on the advice of his *of"the^armed forces' Lowell Byers, 38 Regan Rd., Vernon. He was bom Aug. 1 at IVindsor, died Friday at Mercy Moriarty, Brian Fitzpatrick, tor-ln-chlef. Bowers: Judy Matthews, lar- tained for the past year. would take at least five years nation is effective immediately, attorney, and his case was con- no knowledge of the Valley: Linnea Johnson, gen- Tracey Kasel, smallest; Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Hospital, Springfield, Mass. Robert Patrick and Edward j conducted by the under almost ideal conditions. he said Sunday. tinued to East Hartford for Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Lowell, Hopkinton, Mass. His pa­ Survivors also Include two Moriarty Jr, Between Hanoi and the Red arrest of the opposition political era! manager; Karen T ^ o r t . Heard, cutest; Billy Mat- Chinese frontier. Air Force Marine Corps concluded that While the studies indicate that Before joining the Gengras Aug. 12. j ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byers, Hop­ sons, four other daughters. police chi^ Pamela ^rWn, ^ost unique; Tom Mar- fliers said ^ ey caught a 20-car Hanoi couly,er bidders at last week’s a U S Air Force’ amphibious * P-™- Visitors are requested DISCHARGED SATURDAY: most of the dying now,” said established in court that Cary reported that Col. Nelt Bowers: Mary Finnegan, gen- St. 6, West Side 0; Keeney St. St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. She was bom July 26 at Ct^r brokers , „aled bid openings. Albatross landed despite three- "f* patients'rooms. Althea Proulx, Wellwood Circle, Morse. "We’re Uking over the uses the blank pistol to start geijas will replace Perez, eral manager; Billy Finnegan, Charter Oak 0; West Side 5, Lakenheath RAFB Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Her F^eral se^ces wlin» held Building Wreckers of ^eavy Commu- J'® Vernon; Angelo Felice, 50 Birch war.” races, which he officiates. His j^jy^r Seijas is the chief of the police chief; Garry Albert, fire Nathan Hale 0. maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chartler, Wednesday at 1 p.m., at the Pot- Middletown offered to do the job nist shore fire and resctl^d «“ ® P®'P®” ®"* St.; . Kathryn . Dunlop,. 14 Fair- He said he “ would not ®‘^P' . companion...... was fined $20 on a niilitary aides to Balaguer and chief; Rolanda Albert, girl S u ------213 Center St. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kosak, 174 Greenwood Dr. She has a brother, Chris­ 1®/ ^ ManafOrt Bros. t^em. ADMITTED SATURDAY- «®l|oW F u r c h a s a b le killed after forward air e n r o ll- Kathle'en Boardman Whitney i*,* the organizers of the Purvis aupenisor; Jeff QuiricI, boy pcared on the screen by her her Viet Nam trip last April her , '35 fused to submit to fingerprint­ man who held up the- Inwood turned. era spotted about 100 Reds near Rd. Herman Byram Jr., 168 52 Elm H ll Rd., -Tal- Appeal FVnd, declined to com­ supervisor; Pam Quirici, editor- hospital bed. Notes Woes most rewarding experience. ing. National Bank in northwest Dal­ Survivors also include his Washington — American busi- the Cambodian frontier 'and ______st.;_ Wayne Dietrichsen, 71 “ “ vlUe: Joseph Landry, 689 ment Sunday on the burglary In-chief. She was found wandering in a That, • too, had its hazards— In court, he was presented as las today shot and killed a man wife, his mother, three sons, nessmen now can get permanent called in 19 planes------V— to bomb V an4 charter ’ Oak Berthe kerning St.. Wapping; Mrs. arrest of 21-year-old William Green School: Karl Gustafson, London street 12 days ago. She like moving inadvertently in Richard Shedick. who attempted to hall the rob­ three other daughters, a brother, Rie copies of up-to-date eco- s t ^ e the jungle area. ^ Firato, 99 Plyinouth' ^ n e ; Stella Abrams, Storrs; James Purvis. A man who l.s charged with general manager; Bill Water- could only communicate with Of Profession front of a white floodlight that Father Meehan, who helped bery. two sisters and ten grandchil- nomic reports from U.S. De- The air action completely 'pheodore Fotty, 9 Eldridge St.; 173 Spruce St.; Lincoln assaulting a 15-year-old girl field, police chief; Glenn Gus- the police by writing answers to ___, ______turned her into a silhouette in a raise tlie money to free Purv-is The victim was nol identified dren. partment of Commerce officers overshadowed the ground war. Mrs. Marion Gellneau, 185 Val- FhUMPs. Willlmantic Linda with a knife pleaded not guilty tafson, fire ' chief; Faith written questions. HOLLYWOOD (AP) — So the griffon dress while entertaining- in $60,000 bond while appealing immediately. Funeral services will be held around the world. Previously U.S. headquarters reported no igy yigw ur., Wapping; Charles Sargent, Wilshire Rd., Vernon; to the aggravated assault Gowen, girl supervisor; Carl In her scribbled notes, the girl mashed potatoes were cold, the the Hancock. his convictions for rape and The gunman fled with an un­ tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the Kll- these reports were available to significant righting Sunday or Head, 37 Flower St.; Mra. Nan- Beebe, 6 Washington charges and his case was con­ Ogren, boy supervisor; Anne said her name was Katherine head waiter seated you behind a The sailors- didn't complain, but kidnaping, said he would have determined amount of money YOR" GARDEN - FROZEN lourey Bros. Funeral Home, 36 businessmen only on five-day early today although five major gy ije^,,-i3^ 426 W Middle Tpke.- Vernon; Howard Holger- tinued to Aug. 18 for probable Gowen, editor-in-chief. omimaSimms and thatmai. micshe i.nuhad beeni^ici outrageous. on the advice of tour boss Dan- PRODUCE SPECIALS! to know more about the latest into an apartment area behind Union St., Willlmantic. Burial loan. search-and-destroy operations Mrs. Marion McNeish, Glaston- ®®"- South Wlllington; Mrs. cause hearing. Robert B. Weiss, Manches- deaf and dumb since suffering a ^ ^ ^ , , ny Kaye she switched thereafter arrest before commenting. the bank. ter’s Teneral manager, held a head injury a year ago. Her But what about the vexations of J will be In St. Joseph’s Ceme- permanent copies may be pur- were under way. bury; William Nevins, 5 Bank Fran, Hartwell and daughter, Philip Earle Jones Jr., 39, of Police said Purvis was emerg- Police began an intensive tery. chased from the department’s A South Vietnamese armed . Anthony Ostrowski, Staf- Box Mt. Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Jo- 105 Spruce St. was arrested last brief meeting with all the gen- parents had been killed in a car the night club performer. From Australia to Miami, Friends may call at the fu- Clearinghouse for Federal Scien- propaganda team made up of joj-d Springs; Joseph Packard, anne Zak and son, 40 Olcott Ing empty-handed from the home search of the area for a while- ..eral manajters at , the Town crash aince then, she wrote. “ Every place you work Vikkie says, the club that’s “ al- SEiDLESS GRAPES LEMONADE month, on a court-issued warremt neral home tonight from 7 to 9. tlfic and Technical Information Viet Cong defectors ra id ^ the gg Durant St. St.; Mrs. Claire Loveland and ot a vacationing New Ha^ven man described as being about Hall; all the editors toured The Police were unable 'to locate there’s something wrong,” re- most perfect” from the per- for an alleged assault on a girl 30, weighing about 165 or 170 Springfield, Va. 22151. Communist village of Thanh Also, Elyse Perron, Wmirnan- daughter, 35 Lewis St. family when they arrested him on Haynes St. near Mpichester Herald; the police chiefs went any relatives and arranged for ports singer Vlkkl Carr, who former’s standpoint is one at DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Saturday. They booked him on pounds with black hair. Mrfl. MalMl Newman Morganson ------— Phuoc 70 miles southeast of Sai- jig. Christina Pouliot, 36 Apel Memorial Hospital on Dec. 2, on a tour of the police station; Katherine’s photograph to be has played the top spots from Lake Tahoe, Calif, Pink or Regular Ricky and Sylvia Routhier, 109 a- charge of breaking and en- Police said he was armed the fire chiefs inspected the shown on a television news pro- New York to Tokyo. Preparing It provides not one but two RCXYOVILLE — Mrs. Mabel - n - n -1 K°n this morning. Attacking a pi_. Mrs. Elizabeth Quinn, East 1965. High St., Rockville; Mrs. Susan terlng in the daytime. with a pistol. firehouse at the Center, and the gram in the hope that friends or to open a three-week stand at a days’ rehearsals. After the first Newman Morganson, 78, of El­ Public Records Hartford; Helen Ramey, 30 The girl, who remains uniden- ers killed eight, captured four L^vvis St.; Margaret Royster, Glann, 26 Oak St., Rockville; The victim was identified as playground supervisors organ- relations would see it. posh new Los Angeles hotel, she show the producer, choreogra- lington died this morning at Herman Nachman. 43. an em- Lease Communists and took three 330 Adams St.; Melissa Schof- Joann Jeski, RFD 1, Manches- . • of the shadows, knocked her to ized playground activities at “ The shock of seeing herself enumerated some hazards she pher and sound and lighting ex- BARTlEn PEARS 6-OZ Rockville General Hospital. weapons, a spokesman said. plpye of Miracle Ford Co. Isaac Brownstein and Harry ner. East Hartford; Richard ‘er: Mrs. Marion Lewis, 92 Tal- J J a C e y U 11001*13111 the ground and tried lo stab her their playgrounds during the on television brought back has encountered. perts meet to discuss needed Mrs. Morganson wa* bom in Witnesses said that when the Katherine's hearing and —-Bad acoustics and inad- improvements. Tolland, the” daughter of Frank Brownstein to Rogers Corp., Schotta, 34 Vemwood Dr., Ver- cott Ave., Rockville; Linda At- •' in the stomach. , When she CAN ■sack containing the money The special event of the work speech,” said a police spokes- equate soupd systems. "If you Also, the" club provided for and Mary Southwick Newman, warehouse on Stock Pl„ for five non; Nancy Walz, 36 Ferguson kinson, Amston; Paula Cox, 112 On Running for screamed, the man fled. She was Car Kills Boy Rd.; Fay Watson, East Hart- Eldridgq St.; lOavid Erickson, broke, Nachman and two others was a pet show. The following nian. can’t hear yourself, you have a Vikkie a three-bedroom house 2 - 3 5 ' She lived in Rockville for more years at $520 a month. treated for shock and minor cuts in the bank tried to overpower — A nine Shirley Zepperi, 38 393 South St.; Bolton; Mrs. Erna Probate Judge later at the hospital. won awards for outstanding en- "But she has not been able^ tendency to over-sing.” with fireplace, on the lake, and Meal & Produce Prices Effective Mon., Tues. & Wed. Only than 25 years before moving to Adoption of Trade Name BROAD BROOK the gunman as he bent down to Auto'Discount House Inc., W r^ ld'b^ y'V as' killed this* Oiarter Rd., Rockville; Francis Harmsen. 124 Spnme St.; ^ed- tell us anything beyond her —Small rooms with customers a 1966 limousine. Ellington about six months ago Jones reportedly was identi­ scoop up the money. BRIDGEPORT (A ?) — Nor- fied by e witness who saw him Robertson: Laurie Caralll, written statements, and we are seating in rising tiers, which 5- This club halts drink serving to make her home with her son, George SillAber, 15 man F. Dacey, author of the Nachman was shot once in the cutest entry: David Peck, ugll- sUH trying to find her rela- foot-2 Vikkie feels put her at a during shows. Many places 250 Summit St. ir, . PHI- nn Old’ ^‘ I'y WHson, East Hartford. Rockville; running from the scene. He is ...... V '’4^. Frank H. Morganson. She was cycle m front of a car on Old SATURDAY: A son Thompson St., Rockville; ' Mrs. book "How to Avoid Probate,” back. est; Billy Wallace, most unus- lives.” disadvantage. “ You sing just to don’t, but Miss Carr is philoso- Marriage Licenses free on $1,000 bond. a member of the Pythian Sis­ Ellington Rd, During the struggle, the ban­ ual': Dorothy Kenlston, small------the front row. On a higher level phical about that. Karl Buck Kehler, 79 Con­ to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rivers, Donna Mayne, 107 W. Middle says he is undecided about Richmond T'/;.'- N -r,'! - Jiffy ters and its Past Chiefs’. Club, The boy, Roland Osborn of 1 dit’s shirt was ripped off. Wit­ est: Kathy Bloking, prettiest FATAL STABBING you sing to the entire room.” “ Let’s face it. The drinking stance Dr., arid MarTene Tureck Wtodsorville Rd., was dead bn laa W alker St.: a son to Mr. Tpke.; Samuel Aglio, 565 LK.^whether he should seek the and the Women’s R:elief Corps, and Mrs. Kenneth Hinkel, Willi- add Funeral Home, 19 Elling­ low, 83 W. Middle Tpke.; Mary- fluenced in his decision by the 750 was the apparent low bid­ pig: Billy Tedford, smallest tur- Worth St. brothers and three sisters, is of sumption. ’ ______astronomer at Hayden Plane­ ton Ave. The Rev. Dr. Allison anne Dowgiewlcz, 173 High St.; reaction of other people to his der today to supply the toiiim tie; Pam. Corbus, largest cat; Police reported that Umas Mexican-American ancestry. Creighton George Sears, 101 Wornan in England to Fight tarium said today. R. Heaps will officiate. Burial Rockville; I^ritz Gometz, Weth­ proposed candidacy. with an 8 to 10-ton tandem roll­ Nancy Tedford, most groomed was stabbed in the back with Her real name is Florencia Bl- Chestnut St., and Louise Hig­ ’ a kitchen knife early Stmday senta de Casillas Martinez <2ar- 1 0 will be in North Cemetery, Tol­ ersfield; Shirley Hunt, Scot­ “ I don’t want to undertake any Dr. Franklyn Branley said the er to be used for general high­ gins Bienkowaki, Talcottville. land. Loss of V.S. Citizenship land; Joshua Leggitt, 58 Eld­ campaig;ining or electioneering,” best time for viewing the me­ way maintenance work. Buckley: Donald Bablneau, morning. dena. U vely and lovely, she O T k iU m Friends may call at the fu­ Building Permlte he said. teor shower probably will be The company promised de- ridge St.; Lennart Torstenson, INSTANT TEA 0 1 - J Q neral home tomorrow from 2 to Donald F. Warren, demolition she could vote in the March 31 33 Oobum Rd.; Suzanne-Verte- Dacey also commented ”I early Friday morning, although livery of a Huber roller with- LONDON (AP) — A young WITH LEMON JAR / yc Fluffy "all" ?kg86c tS35c 4 p.m. and 7 to 9. of existing porch and addition of ballot without prejudicing her feuille. North Windham. don’t want to become involved the earth will be passing in 30 days. The bid contract Tetley 16 by 10 porch at 62 Arnott Rd., American housewife living in WHICH AQUATIC national status. A i o n IQ oirntt politlcal fights Or quarrels.” through the shower on Thurs- stipulated that the winning bid John S. MalinoskI $300. England complained today she Also, J-eier ATiaHim, 00 WU-Oll He returned Sunday night from Hairday, tTHHoir Friday andonH Saturday.Cafii>-Hav der Inl.ntake (_ in trade _a -1946-injrr -.n 10-ton 4 __ BIRD DOES “ But now I realize he obvious­ Dr.; Joseph MoReynolds, 11 Ed­ INSTANT TEA 14 0 Z -7 0 BLUE LGE o C VERNON—John S. Malinos- Kohn Displays for Regal Men’s j,as been deprived of her U.S ly didn’t know about American Chicago, where he had taken A meteor shower occurs when roller and a 1956 tandem three- CIA PKG 86c PKG O O C Shop, alterations at 901-907 Main mund St.; llamuel Nelson Jr., THE WIGGERY N O T FLY ? WITH SUGAR & LEMON JAR /y c Sunshine Rinso kl, 37, of 72 Hany Lane, hus­ citizenship because she voted in regulations,” she added bitterly. part in two weekend television the earth intercepts the path of ton roller. Tetley St., $2,600. 34 Perkins St.; Germaine Tyler band of Joan Bridges Malinos- Britain’s national election last Her 24-year-old husband, shows and two radio shows. On a comet, which leaves debris Other bidders are Wilhelm- Grossman Industrial Proper­ and daughter, 12 Englewood ki, died suddenly Saturday March. Bruce, said his wife was shown each show he debated with a behind it in space. Davies of Wallingford, $8,090 BEAUTY^ALON LIQUID DETERGENT 12-OZ O C ties, temporary sigpi at 266 Cen­ Dr.; Mrs. Jonna Chmura and night while ’ vacationing at " I ’m an American and I want a clause on the back of her probate lawyer on what he calls This week’s shower is the de­ for an 8 to 10-ton Ingraham; INSTANT TEA 1-PT 6-01 BTL 62e BTL O D C ter St., $180. daughter, East Hartford; Mrs. 89c Lux South Wellfleet, Mass. to' stay an American,” said passport warning that Ameri- „ , „ ^ j U4 the corruption of the probate bris of a comet known as 1862- T, B. Holmes of Newington, 525 MAIN ST— TEL. 643-2330 Tetley David Appelstein, fence at 33 Mr. MalinoskI was born Jan. Georgia Lepper, 24. ”My hus cans could be deprived of their daughter. system. in because it was the third $8,200 for a 7 to 10-ton Rexorl; Philip Rd., $179. Andover; Mrs. Lom a Shannon 26, 1929, in Amherst, Mass., a 1 band and I plan to fight the case citizenship if they vote in anoth- Bernard J. Lavin, chairman comet discovered in 1862. It is Tyler Equipment Oorp., of East LIQUID DETERGENT and daughter, Glastonbury; Mrs. ■on of Mrs. Helen Taraska Ma- Green Manor Estates, all the way to the white house if er country’s4-4,444.44, a election4,4=4.4414... J o 1, Bridgcport Rcpubllcan known as the Perseid meteor Longnftadow, Mass ,'$8,960 for Crisco Shortening 99c Wisk Q T BTL 79e ^ S i 4 3 ( llnoskl of Amherst and the .late construction at Kennedy Rd.f necessary." 'It’s - ...... ridiculous,” " “Lepper said. Joanne Tierney and son, Rocky Reform Committee, said Satur- shower because it seems to a 8 to 10-ton Gallon; Crest Trac- $16,000. Adam MalinoskI. He was a pur­ Mrs. Lepper, who comes from “ If we wanted to visit Geor- HI'I- day, “ The people of Connecticut emanate from the constellation tor' and Equipment of Berlin, Evmt N«w - - Evtr Exciting Ulysses Gould, ntew construc­ U II// chasing agent at the Institute Closter, N.J., is married to an gia’s parents I would have a DISCHARGED TODAY: Car- are interested in true reform of of Perseus. It returns annually $9,280 for an 8 to 10-ton Fer- tion at Arnott Rd., $13,000. GIANT of Living, Hartford. EngUsh sociology student. She British passport, the baby would roll Masan, . Ellington; Mrs. the present system of adminis- a b ou tA u g .il. guson; and R. W. Thompson Presents - - - "Lively Look" Advanced "all” PKG 75< Cold Water "all m 83c He was a graduate of Am- said she telephoned her parents need an American one, and Margery Barrows, Willimantic; tering estates, and Mr. Dacey Branley said the shower ac- of Newington, $9,676 for an 8 .lierst H^gh School And the Uni­ Sunday asking them to put her Georgia would have to wait for David Mumford, 13 Trebbe Dr.; is the logical candidate for the tually woiild consist of “ very to 10-ton Tampo. o Now Profossionol Sdon Wovo LOTION DETERGENT 12-OZ versity of Massachusetts. He problem before Republican Sen. an alien’s visa.” Mrs. Shirley Belluardo, 360 office.” nebulous particles, many about None of the companies offered 1-PT 6 OZ BTL 62c BTL was a veteran of World War II About Town Clifford P. Case of New Jersey. The briUsh home office de- Ferguson Rd.; Mrs. Clayre Hall, The state Supreme Court has the consistency of the ash ot a discounts. IT does not “pay” to Risk Dove 35c and the Korean conflict. A final Story Hour of the sum And if the senator can’t do dined to discuss the individual le s Autumn St. upheld a Superior Court in- cigarette.” The contract stipulated also Lively Look . . . Especially for a beautiful you. Special chemical combina­ ■ Boating Loss but it does junction barring Dacey from Survivors, besides his wife nier series will be held tomor- anything I will write to Presl- case but said generally that a Just after midnight is the best that the roller up for bid be "pay” to See Us about “All Hsinz Cider Vinegar Q T BTL 39c Chun King Chow M ain M ix k o zc an 5 9 c and mother, include a son. Ste- row at 10:30 a.m. at the Mary dent Johnson,” ahe declared. foreigner did not automatically what the court called “ the il- viewing time, he said, because guaranteed- against defective tions have been included for those who wish a firm curl or a body wave . . . Risk” MARINE INSUR­ QTITl 3 5 t Hudson Goldon Showcaso rAPKnapkins k g or «o 1 5 c phen MalinoskI, and tw i Cheney Library for children 4 jh e dark-Hairrt yoUng moth- become a British citizen by King Swayed by Talks 16gaT'practice of law.” Dacey at that time the viewer Is on the parts and workmanship for at Hainz White Vinegar ANCE for Yoiir Boat and SOLID WHITE 7 - O Z C A N Hudson Decorated Paper Towels isi count 3 5 c datighters, Cindy MalinoskI ‘° 8. Miss Judy Barnard of 164 er said the "bombshell” burst marrying a Briton. ‘‘Aliena are had been advising clients on side of the earth moving into tJtie least a year, Separate formulations have been made for each type. In addition, “Lively Chkkea-of-the-Sea Tune 47c HONOLULU— Hawaii’s dem- Equipment! Phone 649-4583 and Linda MalinoskI, all at Wadsworth,St.,\Ext. will be the when she went to the U.S. Em not entitled to be on the i->iitisn probate matters; the court ruled shower region. ------— Olcken-of-the-Sea Tune i'ghi ch'Jn* 9V4 O Z C A N 59c Hudson Bathroom Tissue 4 ua ions 53c bassy in London to register the electoral register,” a spokes ocratization began In 1839 when that this could be done legally Look” wave contains ingredients to help condition the hair and prevent The anawer is The Penguin. home; two brothers, Adolph 831*31 story teller- ' 9!-^ O Z PKG 39c NyLonga Sponges "toorz 35c King Kamehameha!ha HI, after only by a lawyer. Burry Cap 'N Crunch Cookies MalinoskI o f Amherst and birth of her 5-month-old son, man said. February’ s Shortage \ 16 0Z PKG 39c Joshua. A U.S. consular official said hearing a course of lectures leau on drying. Cbrenci H. Anderson .Nabisco Graham Crackers Charles MalinoskI o f Coral Ga­ Word’s Origin French Food Costly bles, Fla., and three sisters, An embassy official told her Mrs. Lepper’a maiden name government delivered by sev- SUGAR HARDER TO DETECT PARIS — The average French the time of Julius Caesar, who At Firtt National Super Markeli in: Mrs. Stanley Nofak of Hat­ Origin of the Word "boycott” shq had signed away her clt- was Clark. eral missionaries, ■ proclaimed BOSTON — Most persons insurance HIHAY! HURRY! HURRY! DOUBLE ^ GREEN STAMPS WEDNESDAY (uJSTOl) field, Mass., Mrs. Frank Mag- stems from the name of Capt. izenship by voting In the elec- The official said the embassy the Declaration of Rights arid can detect the bitterness of family spends 46 cents of the took one day from it to add to .99 a g e n c y , INC. HARTFORD COUNTY CSiarles Boycott, an English land tion and was now a stateless has reported Mrs. Lepper's ait- the Edict of Toleration. Hawaii quinine in a solution o f pne part household doUar on food and the month of July, which was AGAIN BY POPULAR REQUfST Uty of West Hartford and Mrs. [|11AN0R.10HI(S0N,agents r M*rk*ll Onl/ agent in the ISOOs, who was so person. nation to the State Department, is the only state In the Union to 1 million parts of water.'But drink. That’s about half ^ i n named in his honor. The em‘- MONOAY THROUGH SATURDAY » 1 0 74i.CEHTilt ST rricat tffftcliv* 1* i Bctisy Zaffula -of Glastonbury. |Pt*ran*i, l*« a TiSt>»» ^w4ikM UmW Traa frae aU aummar long. M ■wise — Luci Johnson Nugent ______^ ______s . -U X ?. 45 box hat trimmed with a larfee honor. She wore a pink itosas ILIQUID CLEANER AM. CASCADE An electric Air Diyer wM plug in angwlwrah 9ee fln many K w aoat mcxMi aft yoar apSV had to take a, complement of matching aooeaaotieB and pink rose and green face veil, U.K’k i illi’ K7.-i-.TJ71 I O R AL!ALL PURPOSE CLEANER RONZOn Secret Service agents with her ^ corsage of white oematloaB. DETERGENT and carried a cascade bouquet pHanoa dealer now. End destnioUra MNJ)EW DAMAGE. 13th1th V w / te t Of pink daisies and rosebuds. on her honeymoon. h . Arthur Hicka Jr. l U m m The 'bridesmaids were Mrs. It’s the law. aarvad as bast man. S P A G H E n i 2 Z. 4 7 " I’l.K BLUE CHEER 33 The Secret Service, In a M - After a reception at the home fVederick Childs of Denver, tion to such unglamorous duties ^ bride, the oouple kft for <: M .i.o s Cdlo., sister of the bride; DaNORR-evr k s m u a u m ^ , No matter WHAT happens to . as running down counterfeitera, trip through New Eng- M AM U DBT nOTATWNI , Mrs. Edward Sapita of Mon- your Michaels watch, repairs , I FREE 50«’ STAMPS I GREEN BEANS 2 t::3 5 ' TROPI.KAirRUlT”« 3 5 ‘ U verDogFood 3 '^ 4 9 '| la charged with protectiT*)^ ^ Berlin wlU MARGARINE k^ 4 5 ' tlcelio, N . Y., sister of the ^ GLOBE ^ r»i ID men and woman With Thif Coupon ond urchofe of g RAuan-souD KLIIOIIR 1--.^ , or replacement are at OUR S39.75 to SIOOO Immediate family of the Presi- ^ Walker Bt. efter FUEL OIL DEL MOm-WlOU ^ _ liTTI bridegroom; and Miss Mary TWO 14-ox. Sproy conf ,g| Travel Service expense for 3 whole yearn! ™ 2 . t s 2 9 ' WHITE TUNA 2 ' ^ 71' TOMATO JUKI 2 in:; 6 9 ' Worthington of Glastonbury. dent. , A W . 14. — TOMATOES 3 t«. 95* TUNA " S T So when Ltwl, 19, or her older COOPERATIVE CLIS SPRAY STARCH D06F00O GKAND imOH-UNON . I Their white gowns with green 5^# The Hartford tiectric Light Com pany DOU SLICED ►905 MAIN S'raEBT V sister„ Lynda. 23, leave such CooSihni Saturday.rdoy, Aufun 1Hh ^3 accents were styled to match jiVH O B U T 8 ''n B W o a r s ? O il. lO A 'I’ANV .W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.W.«.W.W.W.W.W.W.W»W»W.W.1iw.e.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w,w,i53 PINEAPPLE 3 ”r 89' KentL-Rathw 6 95* EXTRACT ’'i r 3 5 '' dosdy guarded precincts as the Tomato Sauce 2 U . 3 9 fhe honor attendant’s. They 643-2165 NBW YORK—Most new-car \ U,i IsiiiM Ilf LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMErP|S White House or the LBJ Ranch ----irrrnvTTTTnrirtm” * wore yellow ribbon pill box hats buyers are in houaebolds that Prket affective through Soturrkiy, Aug. 13. We reserve the right to Imit qMontitiea Autlierlzed agent In Man- j Yom Hm m m a mcm emm when the President is in resi­ I’.OI.AM l (>!'. CO. triqimed with large yellow .cheater to r all Airlines,^ earn more than glO.OOO a year. dence there, at least one agent, s i n ; i: i!i3.") Manchester Parkade, Middle Turnpike, West—Open Monday through Saturday, 9:30 AJVI. to 9 P.M. ros4s and green face ■veils, and Railroads and Steamship ^ A survey found 22.6 p er cent frequently more, always goes I JCWELER8-SILVER8MITHS SINCE 1900 ;;r> m:o\i) s’IUKKT carried cascade bouquets of IJnea. ^ are In the |lS. o-«nd-up Grand Union Redemptiim Center— 50 Market Square, Newington along. 06 Ti I. (•.fi-r.r.:t white dedsies end yellow rose­ •58 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER This warn fba it whan Job bradcat , buds. ' I.. i .i


\ __ _ Horton Wrecks Sox, New Orleans Seen 19th Hole Notes

American league ty Benton, Hhxel Piper, IlllM a ., National League W. L. Pet. O.R« Country Club ■ W. L. Pet. O.B. Plodzik 66. Ends Batting Slump ;re SELECTED 12 — SATURDAY Los Angeles 63 46 .583 Future Grid City Pittsburgh 64 46 .582 — Detroit - : SS ti^ (One-half Handicap) Elliugtoil Ridg* Cleveland 69 * M -53« ^ NE!W ORLEANS, La. (AP) — back In this winter’s draft While “ I understand the American Q^gg a —Bundi Tarca 42-4— vORK fAP') __ fourth in the leapue, and S\m- homer gave the pmich to Wash- San -Fran. .. 66 47 .580 » 67 83 .518 14 . SATUBOAT TOURNEY California There were reports out today the AFL would get its pref- Football League has the first 3g^ Hippo Correntl 41-3—38. UM davp two homers gave him 17. ington's four-run sixth, Inning Phila...... 60 61 .641 4% ______57 54 .614 14l>4 Los gross—Pete Lingua 74. the Tiger.s had laughed that got the Senators past the Minnesota There are some tmngs n li- St. Louis . . . . 67 53 .518 7 thai the American Football "erence for ap expansion fran- refusal on the next city to be Class B—Bob McNamara 44- Low netsj — CiaM\l A Jordafl lie Horton depends on his ^J^pj^'w-av to victorv in the first tront-i-unning Orioles, Pete Ri- Cincinnati .. 56 64 .509 8 Chicago ...... 86 55 League did and did not want chlse.' added to pro football. And 5— 39^ Charlie Ferguson 46-7— New York .. 60 61 .445 M • Larson 77-®-^, Pete Lingua Wife for. Such as knowing game, things became con.sid- chert gave up nine hits to the Atlanta ...... 61 59 .464 13 New Orleans as its next fran- "Neither leagfue has a pref- George Wilson (of the 39. 74-4— 70, Jim McCarthy 77-7— Washington . 51 64 .443 chlse site. erential Dosttion in expansion l^lpbins) told fne the AFL cia.ss C-:-Wilbur Stevens 50- his batting average or how erably more tense. Boston led 4- Birds, but two were homers by Houston ...... 49 61 .445 16 70; Class B—.Tack Hunter 81-11 in the second conte.st, when Brooks Robinson and Paul New York .. 49 61 .445 16 Boston ...... *7 ^ There also were those who ag part of the agreement,” re- "'®ve into New i o _ 40, Roy Thompson 48-7—41. ' Harrv Weinstein 83-lA— much money, he makes. o Saturday’s Residte ^ But there are other things he Horton began the Detroit sev- Blair, •Chicago ...... 36 73 .330 27^ said this city would be the next piled NFL Commissioner Pete Orleans. loLow^ gross — John Peragallo, ’ New York 5, Cleveland 4 v 71. has to h.andle himself. Such ,as gnth with his .secmid homer, of • • • ^turday’g Results National Football League mem Rozelle to queries in New York Roesler quoted Ford as saying Ed Loika 70s. breaking otrt of hitting slumps, me day. The Jigers batted WHITE SOX-ANGEI..S— Boston 8, Detroit 2 ber. Sunday night. the information came from Blind bogey Pete Carlson ^ ^ Pittsburgh 9, Cincinnati 8 Minnesota 6, Kansas City 0 6—^78, Charley Ooidin 80-11—76, Horton who has two home around and tied the score, leav- Wa>me Causey tripled in two But, William Clay Ford, own- Ralph Wilson of the Buffalo 93. Chicago 5, San Francisco 2 Baltimore 4. Washington 0 Over the weekend there were r. c. i„„. TT/i Mark Kravitz 91-12—76, Andy runs six' hits and six runs bat- ing Willie to put them ahead runs in the 10th for Chicago as St. Louis 10, New York 8 reports that one of the unan­ er of the NFL’s Detroit Lions, Bills in the paper’s first edition, Pro Sweeps — low gross, Ed oz.iicya Chicago 7, California 1 was quoted- by Bob Roesler, then changed it to George Wil- Loika 70, Burt Carlson 72; low "tP™ . ted in durfcig Detroit’s double- with a two-imn double, capping the White Sox scored four extra- Philadelphia, 6, Atlanta 6 nounced agreements of the re­ Ladies: low net, Clasa A — Sunday’s Results sports editor of the New Orletms son in subsequent editions. nets. Hippo Correntl 71-6— 65, header split with Boston Sun- the six-run inning. inning runs in their victory over Los Angeles 4, Houston 3 Washingrtpn 6, Baltimore S rent merger between the Amer­ Carol Carlson 101-20—81; Ctoss B day contends he never reads Carl Yastrzem.ski pinch-hit a California. And they needed ev- ican and National Leagpies ’Dmes-Plcayune, in a copyright- . Wilson denied the story. Erv Kennedy 71-4—67. ' Sunday’s Results Chicago 9, California 8, 10 in- Vera Honnon 102-30—72; CkuM the papers and never sees his two-run homer tying , things in ery one of them, becau.se Cah- ancinnati 9, Pittsburgh 7 would give the older league first ed story Sunday nlght as say- From Chi'eago on Saturday C—L. Hartman 118-86—82; ktek* oavd iv^ s the ninth, and Joe Foy's solo fomia came right back with .. BLIND 12 — SUNDAY San Francisco 9, Chicago 6 Minnesota 2-2, Kansas City 1- crack at the top college quarter- ing: came a report there was a se­ ers Carol 'Carlson 101-92—70. •T don’t even know what I shot put the Sox ahead in the three of their own in the 10th, Los Angeles 14, Houston 3 cret footnote to the original (One-hall Handicap) ^ was batting before the games.” 10th. But Willie led off the Ti- but reliefer Dennis Higgins Atlanta 3, Philadelphia 0 Cleveland 6-5, New York 4-8 merger announcement automa­ Class A — Bob McGurkin 45- FATHiai-SON Willie said afterwards. His wife gers’ 10th with a single and struck out the last two batters St. Louis 4-1, New York 1-4 Detroit 9-6 and Boston 2-7, 2nd tically giving the NFL the right 3 42, Roy Fah^y 47-4—43, Doo FATHER-DAUGHTER rtiould be able to tell him if she went to second on Jim Nor- and preserved the triumph, Today’s Games game 10 innings Lusteg Is Successful to the top quarterback. McKee 46-3—43, Erv Kennedy Father • Son, low gross B. reads the small type today, thrup’s single. Today’s Games The NFL will add one team 45-2— 43. Heath-D. Heath 37-40— 77; low though- it appears in the Top 10 Then Ryan made a lunging. INDIANS-YANKS— Los Angeles (Sutton 9-9 at Detroit (Podres 2-2) at Wash­ for the 1967 season and the AFL Class B—Del St. John 48-5— ^et, H. Weinstein - P. Wednsteia t o r ^ first time this season. dive of Orlando McFarlane s Fred Whitfield, who lives for Atlanta (Johnson 9-7), night San Francisco (Marichal 17-4 ington (McCormick 7-10, night In Gogolak’s Shoes vrill award a franchise for 1968, 43, Tom Kearns 50-6—44. 86-17—79. Sunday Horton stai-ted hitting pop foul bunt attempt and Yankee pitching, hit two homers although it is understood the Class C— Fred Nassiff 53-8 Father-Daughter, low gross, ki the beginning of Detroit’s caught Horton off second. Jerry and drove in four runs m Cleve- and Sadecki 4-6) at Cincinnati Cleveland (Bell 12-7) at Bos­ NEWTON, Mass. (AP) — on efforts of 47 and 42 yards. announcement of both teams 45, John Rieder 55-9— 46, Dan Weber, • F. .Weber 48-46—M l ODetiing-g^e 9-2 victorv over Lumpe followed with a single, land’s first victory over New (Maloney 11-4 and EUie 8-14), w, ton (Santiago 10-8) night. Minnesota (Kaat 15-8) at Pete Gogolak — who’s he? Meanwhile, San Francisco’s might come simultaneously. Morline 55^9— 46. jow net, J. Hunter-B. Hunter l^ t o n and the Sox’ 7-6 over- but with Horton in the dugout it York, and Rocky Colavito con- twi-night Kansas City (Nash 5-0), night John Brodie, who ended a hold- Meanwhile, tt was learned ~ Kennedy 101-24—77. «m e taiumph in the nightcap meant nothing and the Red Sox tributed the winning two-nin Only games scheduled The defending champion Buf- Tuesday’s Games Only games scheduled. ,• aflo Bills, and the entire Ameri­ out last Wednesday by signing that the AFL would like to __ FRO SHOP TOURNEY wasn’t safe L t il Willde had been pulled It out. double in the eighth inning of a long-term contract reportedly ^^^g ^ jjg ^ Orleans, but has Blind Bogey—Ray warren w . gross Jim Ooedon T8. New York at Pittsburgh, N 'Tuesday’s Games can Football League, as well, doubled off second on a sensa- In other American League the nightcap, (^uck Hmton had in the neighborhood of $750,000, jggjded against it The AFL’s Sweeps—Bob Haynes 73, nets: daas A. Jordan Houston at Chicago Minnesota at California, N could ask that question mock­ tionai nlay by catcher Mike games, Washington beat Balti- five hits, including a homfer, m watched from the bench as the degigion not to pick New Or- Harry Eich 74, Willie Oleksinski Larson 34-6—26, W. Perrsrta 86- Ryan Chicago beat Califor- the two games. FLYING CARDINAL— Mike Shannon of the Cards flies back to third base at Los Angeles at Atlanta, N Chicago at Kansas City. N .. ingly today after the spectac­ Detroit at Washington, N 49ers bowed to the Dallas Cow- iggjjg ^as made several weeks — Erwin Kennedy 5—39. class B, Lou Apter 41- 8 Whin the duet had lifted in nia 9-8 in 10 innings, Cleveland * • • Shea Stadium with Met Eddie Bressoud between him and the base. Would you San Francisco at Cincinnati, WALTZ ME AROUND— Ed Rutkowski (left) of the Bills and Boston Patriot ular debut of Gogolak’s succes­ 8 Baltimore at New York, N boys 24-13 in a National Football ^ well-informed source 70-4— 66, John Karszes 78-10— i s _ 28, Chet Wiineze 36-6—29, S. Tieer Stadium, tt was deter- won a doubleheader from New TWINS-A’S— N Tom Hennessey appear to be waltzing (with a kick, yet) as the football (top sor, Booth Lusteg. believe he made it? Well, he did when Bressoud missed the tag. Umpire Bob League pre-season test. said, after representatives of Goldfarb 40-11—26, B. Brown 88* m ^ed that WiUie who had York 6-4 and 6-3 and Minneap- Don Mincher’s two runs bat- Philadelphia at St. Louis, N Cleveland at Boston, N right) sails by. Actually, the ball hit Hennessey’s chest and bounced off in­ Lusteg virtually nailed down a Engel and Met catcher Johnny Stephenson watch the action during the iirst Saturday, 15-year veteran Lou the league visited the city. 7—^29, B. Apter 42-16—26, tM T f started off the seaein as if last oMs split a pair with Kansas led in gave Minnesota the open- steady job by booting four field game of yesterday’s doubleheader. complete at Alumni Field in Newton, Mass. The Bills won 19-13. Groza accounted for Cleveland’s ------— LADIES TOURNEYS Obaine 38-7—29, D. Carlson 86- year’s All-Star performance City, winning 2-1 and bowing 4- ing-game victory, Dick goals and adding an extra point ^ iurt a dream, was hitting 2. Green’s pair pro^Ued KansM Sunday in sparking the Bills to ‘ 'll® Blind 16, Thursday 6—20. Strangler Lewis, as the Browns, making their HITS BEST PITCHERS Low gross, Florence Barr# Kickers — Weiner KtimM 97- a heftV^206. good for ntaUi in * * * City t o the nightcap triumph^ LA Back in Lead Major League a 19-13 come-from;behind exhl "" ” ttie American League. His 67 SENATORS-ORIOLE8- Dave BowelL who went five W''rentier. Dead initial start without Jimmy ____ ^ J 79; jow nets, Helen Piper 83- 17—80, P. MazewsM 96-16—80, Oaks Win Clay Plans to Talk PatriotJ'*^^^*^^ Boston backfield, took a LOUIS (AP) The fact Rika Horvath 82-23— Paul Groobert 93-8—7|, S. Gold- luns batted in were good for Ken McMullen’s three-run innings of the opener ^ fo re =Leqciers== A MUSKOGEE. Okla. (AP) ,16-6 beating from the Los An- that Baltimore’s Brooks Robin- 59. p^tts Hazel Piper 30. farb 96-21—76, L. Yoaha 88-8—76, ______—------leaving with a stiff shoulder, — Ed (Strangler) Lewis, American league with Terry Best return­ “ He showed that he can kick ' raised his league-leading strike­ geles Rams in an NFL warm- g<,n hits the best pitchers was Criers’ — Saturday B. Warmington 92-17— 7B. Rosehoro Quits Practice, who acJiieved professional Batting (280 at bats) —Oliva, ing a punt 94 yards for a under • pressure with accuracy out tota^l to 165. With Muslim Leader evident in the recent All-Star Low gross - Evelyn Lorent- Ladies - Olaaa A — Oa«^ wrestling fame during Hie Minnesota, .322; F. Robinson, touchdown, Hartford’s Char­ and distance,” Buffalo Coach " In other NFL games St. Louis game. The Oriole third baseman zen 82; low nets - Hazel Piper Carlson 41-10-31, O ass B, a Swoboda Using Glove 1920s as a man-wrecking Baltimore, .316. ter Oaks upset pre-season CHICAGO (AP) — Cassius lie in the future are stilt uncer- Joel Collier said. “ He,Just about powerhouse, spent the last Runs — F. Robinson, Balti* and scored a 14-10 victory Ciay was back in Chicago today tain — but he has dropped some hM ^ r job wrapped trimmed Atlanta 20-10, Philadel- tripled off Sandy Koufax in the 6«. Mary Gangewere 66, Cora Kelly 40-16-M, C, ^ ,, phia shelled Chicago 40-21, New second inning, singled against Anderson 66, Oele Perry 66, Isa- Shaine 46-17 29, kiotoera 8. Q*0- Picks Up Batting Average 25 years of his life teaching more, 86; Aparicio, Baltimore, over the Norfolk Neptunes for a conference with Black vague hints along the way. ,j„ rr phia shelled Chicago 40-21, New second inning, singled against In a pre-season game played Muslim leader Elijah Mu- jygt before leaving for Lon- Lustee -who passed up foot- Y ork edged Pittsburgh 16-14 and ju an Marichal in the seventh belle Parciak 66; low putts theer 116-86—78. In Bid to Be Regular [ rhe Scoreboard young boys to build their 74. Liusieg, -wno passea up looi ------fX . a . Gaylord Helen Ayers 28, Isabelle Par- DODGERS-ASTROS— before 6,000 fans, at Dillon hammad, a little rest and con- jon. Clay announced that he ball as an undergraduate at Minnesota battled Detroit to a 6- and singled against N EW YORK (AP) — «=ed to hit, hit and hit lives on a firm religious Runs batted in — B. Robin­ AUBURN, Miatee (AP)'—8Hn- Aiding Roseboro in the Dodg- Stadium laat night. sideration of his financial and would not renew his contract Bostou/CSollege,^ returned to the ® standoff. Perry in the 10th. In toe fifth ciak 29. n e w YORK (A P )-H on homer iii the ninth inning gave ALUMNI LEAGUE - +„ some more in the cage,” Rose foundation. son, Baltimore, 83; Powell, Bal­ sted. Conn., (oak lU M phtM ID re ers’ attack against Houston Tile visitors were ahead, managerial stituations before with the Louisville group — the campus before a packed crowd ^burled Miami 88-10 Inning, Phillie hurler Jim Bun- "♦ rc i tj TiatHf dwoboda has discovered a new the Mets a come-from-beWnd 8- Excellent pitching by Tom fahlofis sin now he’s explained. ” I would have ------Lewis, whoso real name timore, 82. toe New England Senior LitUs Ui «, ...... , - aspirin tablets, SO now ne s thimine-down uerfect. Then I were I^u Jo] liS-7, In the third period preparing for his next heavy- syndicate since has confirmed...... it' of ' 28,291 and connected on and Kansas______City^ downed______Denver ning___^ retired Robinson on a Low nets—Ceie perry, Betty Idly in Ws bid fo r a regular out- 6 victory over San Francisco ^g^ and Tim O’Neil led Bant- t Pamie rny timing down perfect. Then I were I^u Johnson, Ron Fairly was Robert H. Friedrich, Hits — Oliva, Minnesota. 186; ~ ' ...... j. ^ j. _ _a___i. _▼ HAnfrtvi MOTOl TaiTYPT EII66H I^eague basebaU touRnBMnt • • 6 ' v8hen Best took a punt on his weight title defense. — but said he would stay with piacemenU from 28, 42, 47 and 32-80 in other AFL exhibition grounder to short-stop Leo Car- Benton, Hazel Piper, fieldpt-ij job ..rii-v,with 4 the.hp WpAirNew VnrkYork ThursdavThursday and his two singles in ^ , ^ . . recentrecem vie- &11o ; •--t, m g ,National , , League go into the game and I and Jim Lefebvre, who each died here yesterday in a B. Robinson, Baltimore, ,131. urday Mete-hds irlwe. Sunday’s nightcap drove in a L • S Rea allowed but one hit pitchers headaches...... was no ^—good.---- After------batting-prac-„ . drove in three run-s, and Willie V e te r a n s Administration Doubles — Yastrzem.ski, Bos­ 10, circled back to the six, Clay paused between planes trainer Angelo Dundee as long ig yard. out. He barely missed play. denas. Plodzik 64; Florence Barre, Bet­ found an opening and took Swoboda, a long-ball...... hitter —pair of ----- runs, TTire *• Police 5-1 Roseboro handed out some lollipops, pitches in the Davi.s, who rapped four hits. hospital following an extend­ ton, 28; B. Robinson, Baltimore^ in New York Sunday to note as he is fighting. off. Several Jarring blocks who never has been accused of "I can’t recall>all anyone ever ^ j,,™ N e il cave up but three headaches as the Dis Angeles looked like aspirin tab- Fairly, who also had four hits, ed illness. He was 76. and ai.nciBanner ^^3 Day r>nrrt= R.7 and on a pass from Dahlqulst to went on to win 4-1. In the third ceremonies. He then blanked St. P rwia-prs runs, lash- player. Stolen bases — Agee, Chicago, victory as a pro, his fifth sue- the plane with him from Eng- PAYPOWER Don Floyd. 'They went ahead Inning of the nightcap he robbed Louis imtil the eighth, when Dal Brave p g ^ an cisco Giants, who dowmed h^^season average up ing two singles and two homers. Lewis became devoutly re­ 29; Buford, Chicago, 28. cessful title defense In a row, land. again on Joe Hightower’s 85- ligious after temporarily los­ Pitching (10 decisions) —Mc­ his second in 10 weeks In Eng- Olay, who was not iwessed.in St. Louis’ A1 Jackson of a ran- MaxviU tripled and scored on a , , ,. , 1. t o npoi Rosfboro' contributed three to .310, by far. the best on the * ; _ ’ ' yard field goal in the second ing his eyesight during the Nally, Baltimore,...11-3, .786; land and his last Tinder his cur- the least in wiihlng from Lon- •coring extra base hit with a single by Phil Gagliano. , . ! * , ! r-iaTs’ hits to the Dodgers’ 20-hit on- team. GIANTS-CLBS- quarter. running, one-hand grab, helping “ It was a long time coming,” four-hitler to spaik the G a height of Ws career. Sanford, California, 11-4, .733. rent contract with the Louis- don, said he hoped to get a UtUe runnii^. one-haivd grab, helping ” It was a long time coming,” .."That’s not bad for a piav^'”"SiKFrl{H^rS?3-r-5ThiTO The Oak’s superb oondl g r o w e r t o l e a r n m o r e ■, ■ Jack P ^ r tain-^ect Mike Belch­ from Hal Woodeshick. ment victory Sunday in winning 31; Torre, Atlanta, 27. may have found a new formula two home runs Sunday m the and finished in a seven-way tie er has asked all Manchester ;V ' The Mets came back in the the $15,(XX) Lady Carling Open, Stolen bases — Brock, St. to menace strongboys Jack Indians’ 6-4, 6-3 doubleheader for 13th at 278; Palmer shot a 74 IBgh boys interested W play­ second game behind a pair of She scored a four under par 70 Louis, 46; Jackson, Houston, 36. Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. sweep over the floundering Yan­ and closed in a five-way knot ing football tills season to nm-scoring singles by Roii over the Pleasant Valley course Pitching (10 decisions) — Re­ Two weeks ago, A1 filetberger, for 26th at 280, end U.S. Open meet tomorrow night at 7 kees. Swoboda. Jack Fi.sher stymied to beat Carol Mann by one gan, Los Angeles, 10-1, .909; a stringbean, 6-foot-2%, 165- champion Billy Casper, the at Center Springes Park for ' '''' The Indians have beaten New cardinals on six hits. stroke with a 54-hole total of 217. Perry, San Francisco, 17-2, .805. pounder, munched on peanut tour’s Ifeadlng money-winner, pre-se€uion talks and oemdi- York 10 times in 14 meetings Strikeouts — Koufajt, Los An­ butter and jelly sandwiches for tioning. A' A dropped out after posting a 40 this season and Whitfield, a .249 geles, 220; Bunnlng, Philadel­ nourishment and went on to obsify repoir bills. You can almost forget about oH. The postponed, rain tree but got even with Goalby SHEET METAL • BENCH WORK 214), birth certificats and a o M seowlbf VW rarely needs it between chonges. InT Santc! . ago„ „ a„ hospiW spokes- America selected the press box R ire raft ^.Nothing to overheot or boil over in Buffalo 8, Toledo 7, 10 iiuiings With a bird on Nb. 6 and went TOOL & DIE MAKING card when you visit our olfioe. liot weofher. lYou never see o VW Tires go a long woy, too. Common o ? sard Walter Falk 19. « J ^ worst inTHe Colunfilbu^'16-4, Toronto .10-7 ahead to stay with i another * wear is 40,(XX) miles. Boise, Idaho, remained in “ very Richmond 2-2, Syracuse 1-1 AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTING cooting off by the side of the rood.) .... , . nation. Other facilities so non­ birdie on toe ninth. \ OPEN roR YOUR OONVENIENCC Mornkg grave conditmn and is still un- Pacific Coast League u Nothing to freeze in cold weother. Maybe that's why so mony people ore He also birdied No. Nil and EXPERIMENTAL MACHINING throligh Friday-a a.m. to 5 pjn.. Tussdiy, wns^uos” today after a ^ e c- California, Minnesota, and Ne- V ‘Hte money you save on onii-freeze is o going Volkswogen. It's not a cor that FALLEN ANGEL—Ed Kirkpatrick of the Angels Portland 6-7, Oklahoma City looked It up with a 26-foot putt WELDING • GUARDS Wednesday and Thursday svenlwgi H S 4ondy KMle dividend.. spends your money like water. 4-2 on toe 16to for We final bird. p p.m., and Saturdays—8 a.m. to 12 noon. S writhes in pain after a home plate collision w tn Vancouver 7, Denver 8 The $20,000 first prize swelled FIREMEN Falk, the second American to "Umpire Jim Honochick yesterday at Anaheim. Tulsa 6, San Diego 2 faiB 1906 winnings to $65,000 Buffer- serious injuries in four Seven former Open chain- Kirkpatrick was out at the plate, trying to score . Hawaii 5, Spokane 4 whHe GocOby, from BellevUle, An equal opportunity employer TED TRUDON. Inc. days, was flown to Santiago by pions finished among the first R, H. Sikes coaxes a long putt toward the cup on from first on Tom Satriano’s single. He collided Phoenix 8, Indianapolis 7, ii 111., had to settle for the $12,000 helicopter after the accident — 17 golfers in the 1966 U.S. Open No. 17, a key spot for the Cleveland Open winner. XIMJUAND TURNl^qKX! TALCOTTVILLE innings . , nnmer-up check. called by veteran skiers the at San Francisco’s . Olympic with Honochick’s knee but wasn’t seriously injured He had trouble at the hole in earlier rounds but .MUHORIl and remained in the game. Photofax) Seattle 1-2, Tacoma 0-1 Don Jeatiaty, who posted one future today at P&\/VA worst they’d ever seen. Club. >• g t 1km day’s hottest rounds with came up with a par four yesterday on his final 1 '. a 6$t tlidabad 4 ^ on a IM M a i ^(and WMnd. XAS Pho4piaE)j MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 PAGE SEVENTEEN

Motoeycles^BicycIes 11 THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW BY FA6ALY and SHORTEN Help Wanted— Female 38 Help Wanted— Feamle 81 P A R T Y F IaAN dealers and BOOKKBHPHIQ maditaie ope^ 1944 ’TRIUMPH B onneville m o­ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 X SHEUEP OUT * 1 4 FOR STAMPS mansq^ers wanted. Demon- ator and office worker, Tueo. torcycle, good condition, |7B0. PAGE SIXTEEN A t THE OFFICE LAST MOMTHJWHArRE'toU PEOPLE o ' ’ / . strata Toy»—Work now until day thru Saturday, 40 boota. Arowtr IS Pwvtow CLASSIFIED C all 443-89M. B 06S O BEGRUDGES December—Excellent Commis­ Regahi M en’ s Shop, 64S-MTB. BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE “ with MAJOR HOOPLB Upper Torso DOING o'E A n ilG TNEMf cur DOWN LITTLE SPORTS B/ERVPEMMV6PEHT BEFOREIGOUAWRUPTf sions—No Investment. Car 1940 BSA, 460 oc. R oad R ocket, and phone necessary. Call or F IL E C L E R K ACI088 WBolIllgfat cqr OH fOGTAGE- best o ffe r o v e r 3400. 443-6349. write today—Santa’s Parties, Permanent full-time poaltloa lO r p u o t 40TalcKra]^ ADVERTISING Inc., Avon, Ckmnectlcut. 673- available for Rle clerk with or iMUillK im m tor 41foath fMbm 43B cfon 3456, or evenings 673-9829. without experience. Ability tr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS type and high school educatioa tL L LET.'flaO IiTon OUrX WHAT ^ 1966 HONDA B cram bler, 35^ . SECRET, SAKE—W& $m. Cadmus (myth.) is Sin^e object 37 Roman god at DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In tiino for the O ffered 13 HERE’S A LITTLE BEAUT/ CLERK P eterson. ___ r fktnm, tm. . o 19 Coteries love S u T W H E H lT ■Y HOW CAN 1 ^ IT'S DIPPICULT TM. t««. UA N t ON. 20 Bitter vetch d o w n 18Ttmothy;i next Innertlon. Tlio Herald l> reoponalble for only ONE Incor- 1 PICKED UP FOR A LIBERTY MUTUAL - IKlnd of duck mother (Bib.) 38 Before 1930 W-'-NTHD — Lawns to mow — Excellent opportunity for .n S H WITH TO SEE WHERE a m t 41 Form of oxygH reot or omitted Insertion for any advorttaemeat and then only GOMES 1D STAMPS MERE * 6 8 4 .' AND INSURANCE CO. as Division (ab.) 2 Throat MHoney-nmket to the extent of a “make giood” Insertion. Erron which do not why do it. Let me do it. Call highly skillM and experi­ YOU RUNNIN' I'M GOINSi OOPS^ pioJecUon as Facial fold 43 Wild animal FDR HIS PRIVATE LOOR AT THIS CARE INTA THINSS, as Constellstion leeaen tiie value of the adverttaomont win not bo eorreeted by me anytime. 875-1862. enced clerk to handle re­ ______643 -1 1 61 A/1 v/ee*reD*> 23 Large mammal (2 words) (2 word*) 44 Catch sight of “make good" buertion. COUECTIOM- SPECIMEN “ ’ A REAL ' r o w B A C f C T ' of dMr family 3 Capital of Italia 24 SmaU iiland sponsible position. Back­ T H ' P I E R ^ 45 Do u told STEPS, atdewalkn, ahme walla, STEAL ATONLT 30 Bo against 4 Escape (slang) 25 South African ground in statistical work NURSE’S aides, 11-7 shift, MB* S2 Seabird 5 Rainbows grassland 47.City in Italy flrej^acea, flagatona terraoaa. ^ 1 4 7 5 .5 0 rp"of t h * h e a d 2 7 ^ p S S dMr « T e ^ * U ( m and bookkeeping, helpfuL time, Laurel Mhnor, 649-401t. 33 Back o f neck O Topof------49 Pronoun (Boekvma, ToO Free) All concrete repaira. Reaaoo* 34 Attired (pi.) (P>) so Svperlstive ahla prioaa. 648-0661. 35 City in TlW iestie 2OF^0 ikII1— lore EVENING INTERVIEWS experienced women to care animals monster ending . 643-2711 875-3136 ^ Oklahoma 61 Together (coma By Appointment Only for 23 year old female poUe, SSDlteuasion 3 Guido’s high 30 Preposition 8HARPENINO Service — Saws, grom note knives, axes, staeara, skates, xk M scen sm L mominge 9-L 648-0479. i6 rotary blades. ()ulck service. 5099 W4YMEMC', IT 3 6 7 8 9 AT Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? Capitol Equlpmen. Co.. 88 PITTSBU^H, nr IT” Mala St., Manchester. Hours 24-Hour Answering Senriee dally 7-6. Thursday 7'0. Satur­ d ay 7-4. 648-7958. H R S T - i T I^eumion Fred to Herald Readen Moving— ^TradUng— P rivate In stm ctio n s 32 Help W anted— ^Female 35 A T H O O P L E SALES AND Service on Arlene, WAJNTED BY V. T. HAMLiN Storage 20 MAKE fuU-Ume Income in spare A L L Y OOP JW \NOR= , i T Want Information on ooo of our claaelWed adverttaemaBtaT Hahn ’ESdipoe, Jaooboon la'wn ______TRAIN AS TRACTOR NATIONAL Mo anawer at the telaphono BatadT Simply call tha mowers. Also HomeUte chain MANCHESTER Delivery. Light TRAILER DRIVER OR time. We will hire two women this week. 528-6702. OH. DIFFERENTTHINSS... sawn and latematiGnal Cub trucking and package delivery. HEAVY EQUIPMENT , SALESLADY PROTBCnON k AOTDENTS HAPPENING TO TH Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ STORES F R O M W H A I MERCHANDISE FOR JNSTANOE. Refrigerators, washers and WAITRESS wanted for lunch­ I EDWARDS ment and sharpening service OPERATOR stove moving specialty. Foldiiig BAiRN DIG PAY CHECKS eons. Apply Cavey’s Restau­ on an makeo. L & M Blquip- Park and Oakland Aves. FuD-Tiiiie, 6 Day Wedc chairs for rent 449-0768. In Just 3 weeks National can rant. ANSWERINQ SERVIOE^ ment Oorp., Route 83, Vernon, C A R N I\ A L BY DICK TURNER train you to drive one of the Bast Hartford si 876-7609. M anchester Ex> or Part-Tfnw big rigs or a buUdozer! SALESLADIES WANTED 6494500 - 87S-2519 change—^Enterprias 1945. Must be 21 years or older to and leave year meaaagn. TonV hoar from o«r advatHaar In Painting—Papering 21 Anderson A Little opening store qualify as a professionsd trac­ WAmtESS wanted from 7-2, Apply In Person To jif time wltbont ajtendlBg aO evening at the TYPEWRITEIRS — Standard in Manchester, excellent salary INTERIOR and exterior paint­ tor trailer driver. Past moving, five days week. Part-time walt- and electric. Repaired, over­ and commission. Apply . . . Mrs. Anderaon hauled, rented. Adding ma­ ing, wallpaper removed, fully high paying industry has more reaa from 12-3, also from 6-8 J 3B Automobiles Fw Sale 4 p.m. Hoimi can be arranged. chines rented and repaired. insured. Rene B elanger, 448- openings every day for trained 39 893 Church St., Hartford Apply in person. Laetrada Res­ CREDIT BY PHONE. Need a Pickup and delivery service. 0612 o r 444-0804. drivers. Weekend classes avail­ Between 0:30 -12 dally taurant, 699 M ain St., 649-8269. YOUTH CENTOE HERALD c a r ? N o cash needed, 100 car Y a le T ypew riter S ervice, 649- able. JOSEPH P. Lewis custom paint­ *1 •*V,TtUa-ii«^T- selection. Ask for Mr. Bnm- 4986. Must be 18 years or older to ing, interior and exterior, pa­ OCUNl’ER girl wanted 6 p.m. to Parkade 51 ner, 280-8266, dealer. qualify for training as heavy 48 49 50 BOX LETTERS LANDSCAPINO — Painting, odd perhanging, wallpaper re- equipment ^ operator. „ ______Specialize______1 a.m. and 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. C 1H6 hr Ml T.M. . V.S. rt. off. 1960 CADILLAC con vertible, tdl Jobs, our specialty. You name moved. Wallpaper l^lcs ^ bulldozer, crane, motor grad- Apply Bess Baton Donut Shop, 55 F o r Y o n r R.CA 53 power, beautiful. 312.60 weekly, it, we do it. 643-2097. quest Fully Insured. Free er operator or field mechanic. 160 Center St., M ancheeter. BY AL VERMEER tim ates. CaU 649-9668. PRISCILLA’S POP Inform atioB no cash needed. E rnie, 289- W ork locally or abroad. HAS OPENINGS FOR . . , W 5) 58 8266, open evenlnga. ATTICS, cella rs, garages Snd^ Trained operators are In de­ TM. M«. U.S. Nt. OH. yards dleaned, trash hauled to INSIDE and outside p a l^ . 1 C X > i 'T • l«4 h NIA, Ik. mand. V.A. approved. ILL t h e h e r a l d w in n ot dum p. R easonable. CaU 643-5819 Y ou nam e y oM ow n p rice. Telephone and scheduling B E R U S H T WANT TO BY J. B. WILLIAMS disclose the IdaiRlty of Placement assistance. If quali­ OUT OUR WAY Special rates for bomaownera clerks. You 'will receive BACK, MISS any advertiser using box 1961 CJOMET— 4-door, one ow n­ fied train and earn now. Fi­ RE3NTA1S—Power roller, chain 66 o r o v e r. 649-7868, n6-840L service requests on the f o l k s ! A N Y O F 7 OH, CO M E OM, W ART-- SURE HE POES-AW 'MAYBE N lottera. Readers answer. er, 3895. Call 649-6834. nancing and pay later plans. PAYPOWER* you CAW PO A BETTER rr'LL G ET HIM IW THE HABIT OF saws, traU roller and aerator, phone and schedule and IT Ing blind box ads who PAINITNG BY Dick Fontaine, SEX3URE YOUR FUTURE (k. j o b t h a w t h a t / h e SnCKIW S AROUWP HOME SO I I960 BUXOK LeSabre, tudor, lawn 'vac, rototdlers. Also sales desire to protect their Interior and exterior. Paper NOW! file. Must enjoy talking on L O O K S T E R R I B L E WON’T HAVE TO GO CHASIN’ power steering. 37.60 weekly, no and service on all lawn equip­ the phone, must type. *POWBl TO LEARN MORE AMP HEKWOW9 AFTER HIM ALUTHETIA/IE.' Identity can follow thia For more infonnation or inter- cash needed. See Dan Pioeno, ment Capitol Equipment, 38 hanging and wall paper remov* IT.' WHO'S GOWUA ROAM THE procodu ra: aL Dutch Boy and DuPont. 'View — • Small busy office, own NEIGHBORHOOP SPORTIW' 289-8266. Main S t, 643-7958. CAUL 348-6296 — or WRITE transportation r e q u 1 red. HAIRCUT LIKE THAT ? Bnclose your reply to the______Quality workmanship. Call *POWCR TO EARN MORE AT P&WA — ■ I960 GHEVROLET Impala con- PROFESSKINAL Oeaning — evenings, 246-9698. NATIONAL SCHOOLS Liberal paid benefits. For box In an envdaoe — Interview call o r ■visit M r. addressed to the Clasel- vertlble, S-speed, 38.60 weekly. Carpets, furniture, walla and 20 Clark’s Hill Avenue Sheridan, 109 Pitkin SL, fled Manager, Manchester See Ernie, <^n evenings till 9. floors — all cleaned in your AVAILABLE for exterior and Stamford, Conn. East Hartford, 246-6501. Now you can learn new akffls . . and g«k paid good Evening Herald, together 289-8264. home, fiiUy Insured. Call Hlgbie interior custom decorating, ful­ with a memo listing the S ervicem aster, 649-3433. ly insimed. Washbond & Miller, money while you leom. That means more PAIPOWUN companies you do NOT 1961 OUDSMOBILE 88 con vert­ 649-1641, 668-0017. Schools and Classes 33 An Equal Opportunity for you now and for years to pome! Pratt A Whitney want to aee your letter. ible, 8-speed, leather seats. Employer, M and F Aircraft has a wide range of training eoursea with a ' Your letter will be de­ 36.96 weekly, no money down. PAINTING — Interior and ex­ stroy *d If the advertiser la Honseliold Services terior, very reasonable, free es­ pay and hundreds of good job openings available fight A Danny P ican o, 289-8264. one you've mentioned. If Offered 13-A tim ates. C all 649-9286. TRACTOR-TRAILER now whether you’re experienced or noL You can oan BY KEN MUSE DEPENDABLE full - time ma­ WAYOUT not It win be handled In 1961 CXIRYSLER, 300G, b ig m o­ a big 10% bonus If you start on the oecond fidft, and the iimiRi m anner. REW EAVINO. Of bu m s, m oth JOBS WAITING ture saleslady. Apply Marl- tor, 312.60 weekly, no cash PAINTING and decorating since there Is overtime In most deportmenta. boles. Zlppan repaired. Win 1936, never a substitute for M ads, 091 M ain St. M anches­ n e ^ e d . H enry G risw old, 269- dow shades made to measure, THESE CALIFORNIA BUIU3ERS quality. Conn. Painting and BARN 1200. PER WEEK ter. A bigger paydieck and the opportunity to laam MgR. 82^ Open evenings. an sizes Venetian blinds, Kays ALWAYS GRAB UP Lost and Found D ecoratin g, 649-4298. paying skills are only two of tha raeaens why Alranfl 8 -8 made while you wait. Tai>e re­ A N D H IG H E R THE CHOICE t o r e / e'WIS w HO. W. TRSw. MS >« O" 1960 CHEVROLET ImiMla, V-8, jobs are better jobs. LOST IN Bolton— Keoahound, cord ers fo r rent. M ariow 's, 867 convertible. Pay only 36.60 TRAIN NOW — PAY LATER ‘Listen to this, Virgil! As though driving isn’t already gray end black, answers to weekly. Ask fw Henry Gris­ M ain., 449-63ZL At PAWA yon get excellent employe bemfRa^ too . . name “Grietjie". Reward. Floor FlidSMiis 24 hazardous enough, they're talking about having a w old, 269-8266. TRAIN IN YOUR AREA WANTED Uke outstanding Insurance and retirement plan% and 0 P lease caU 643-6025. V ‘Plant a Tree' monthl” Bnildlng— Contraetlne 14 ®7/>OR s a n d in g and reflniah. paid holidays and vacations. Put this kind of FAIL 1903 MEOROURY 8-66 con vertible PART-TIME Clean, Late Model NOTICE IS hereby gl'ven that ______.. . ing (apeclallzing in older POWER In your Ufa Apply now at Pratt A WhStney excellent condition. Call 742- QUAUTY Carpentry — Rooms, floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ Optional Share B ook No. 6362 8286 a fter 6 p.m . USED CARS A ir o n fU Issued by the Manchester Sav­ dormers, parches, basements ing. Paperhanging. No Job too T H E W O R RY W A R T ' . ratinlsbed, cabinets, bullt-ins, Earn while you learn. ings and Loan Association, Xn- smalL John Verfallle 649-6750. Top Prices Paid formica, aluminum, vinyl, Learn on all makes and BY WALT WETTERBERG corporated. has been lost and i 9ei (X/RVETTE, good oondl- HUNDREDS OF GO(H) JOBS AVAILABLE DTl THE WILLETS oteei, ceramo aiding. UfiUiam CANPHIL F lo o r coverin g, 73 models of equipment until For All Makes applicatioa has been noade to tlon. 644-0604 a fter 6:80. Bobbina Cazpentry Service, Birch St. Wall to wall carpet­ qualified for immediate said Association for payment employment. Q U ALITY CARTER CHEVROLET 1946 MUSTANG, 2-door taordtop, •49^5446. ing, linoleum. Free estimates. of the amount of deposit TRAINING IS UCBNSBD MACIDMN6 ^ C U i a s I l l V 6, standard transmlosion,- ex­ E xp ert installation. C all 643- C O ., INC. G A N D AXXSRETOiIT B D . A SK Loan' — Pair tri-focal glasses cellent condition, must sell. ADDrnONS —remodeling, ga­ 1218, or 649-2986. rages, rec rooms, bathrooms ABOUT OURIRON CLAD 1229 Main S t BY FRANK O’NEAL In case Saturday attentoon, 446-4338. INSPECTION SH O R T R IB S bked, kitchens, remodeled. (3ak GUARANTEE. Phone 649-5233 ’ V i - oeH 649-<)784 a fter 6. 1968 MERCURY Comet 'Wllager L eon C ieseynskl, B uilder, 649- Bonds— Stocks-^- AND PUNT THE FLAG ■ll8ffWIU.V0U CLAIM rr FOR THE KIMS.' FOUito — Female beagle and statidn wagon, good naming 4281. Mort^;a£!eB 27 C allH iuiford 249-77/1 anytime. AIRGRAFT ENGINE MECHANKS OOM0l«E6ert>1CKLAN97 IN 1HE eROUNP, IX E IHlS. L - NourfNM vM tsropi^ female mongrel, white and condition. 64841441. OARPENTRY—32 years expe­ tan. Vernon D og W €«den, 876- 30 rience, complete remodeling, MORTGAGE LOANS — first, SHEET METAL 7934. second, third, all kinds realty, 1046 OTO oonvertM e, reel rtiaip additions, zee rooms, concrete ^ A statewide, credit rating unnec­ H elp W anted— ^Female 35 USED CARS LOST — Passbook N6. B2726, 32,196. C all 6436906. work and garages. References essary. ^asonable, confiden­ A COMPLETE BENCH WORK TMlNeS DON’T HAPPEN Savings Bank of Manchester. given, free estimates. Gall 643- GIRL Friday wanted — part- 1662 CHEVROLET Im pala eon- 2628. tial, quick arrangements. Al'Vin SELECTION OKeNiem'lNTH\SFAMlLV.--L^WH^^ SAM 5 A m /... r r 0EAT5 Application made for payment. time, must be able to handle ,-7 vertible, excellent condition, Lundy A gency, 627-7971, 983 ABOUT FIVE MIMUTE5 ME HOW AMAN LIKE HIM ’ small office, payroll, billing, TOOL & DIEMAKINC THEYHAPPEN OVEE MINUTES^ DOST — Passbook No. E9263, low m ileage. C all 649-2944 after NEWTON H. SMITH & SON— ?fain St., Hartfoid, evenings. CAN SNORE LIKE THAT ON bookkeeping, etc. C all 643-1133. BOURNE BUICK VmHAWEEKATUkERCOMINQUR I TOOLIf?------CAM YOU...... |A60 IT WAS E/ACftY . Savings Baidc of Manchester. 5 p.m . Remodeling, repairing, addi­ 233-6879. coixdmT bestifjweeealeeapyaeleep; seetheaocK?lll:l9.4RM..yet/ ANiOHT LIRE TH15/ Application made for i»yme*jt. tions, rec rooms, garages, ______~~Z~ ------HT RECEPTIONIST — Secretary “The House of porches and roofing. No Job SHXTOND MOTITOAQB — Um Customer Satisfaction" AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTINC 9-B • mi bp MA. Im. TifciK o k eM - 1968 FO RD O aloxle 600, 2-doo(^ for legal office. Write Box P, MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLl hardtop, excellent condition. P too Cak 649-3144. limited funds available for aeO' M'anchester Herald. 285 MAIN ST. Announcements 2 ------ond mortgages, payments to BY ROY CRANE 876-2086. MANCHESTER EXPERIMENTAL MACHINING BUZZ SAWYER acu- CARPENTRY — Omcrete work, suit your budget. Expedient EIXPERIENCED waitress, over wHveoATCC^sr? w H Y N C ir B e A L L IN OOCO-UMB. ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ 1962 d o d g e dump truck, 6 anytliiiig from oeDar to vooC, oerv lce. J , D . R ealty, 643-6129. 246-5862 649-4571 % 21, apply In person. Three J’s WE'RE SURE LUCKY UUST H0LD\ YES'R, COMMANDER. \ STOP KIDDING, W HSM I'MA/MN, 0 SM PeaOlZ CFTHB WDRJJO'? ers, sales and service, bonded yard water level, 7 yard tall inside and out, no substitute for R estauranL Route 6‘ A 44A, WEIDING - GUARDS YOU'RE ALONG, MA'AM. STILL, REASE. OUST LIKE I BEEN TELLlN') MARINE... I THINK I'L L B e representative. Alfred Amell, gate, any good,offer will take quality work, satlBfactimi guar­ B olton. I WAS TELLING CDR, WE'RE LUCKY PREeiDEMTOFT^e k 110 Bryan Dr, Mancheeter, it. Cak 649-4772, after 6 p.m.° anteed, competative prices, no Business Opportunit? 28 FIREMEN SAWYER... OUCH NOT TO HAVE UNITEDeJATES- 644-814L Jbb too raiidl. D A D Caiipen- LOT MORE 1967 PLYM OUTH station w agon, try , days 648-1904, evenings 649- sALON for sale in Manchester, c a s u a l t ie s . ANYONE WISHINO to Jodn toe good condition, 3126. Call 648- 8880. doing good business. Owner has Mother Gooae Animal Shelter 0346. —— — other interests. Write Box G/, QUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIAN TRAINIMG COURSES W H S FAT project by support oc volunteer H erald. w ork, oak 447-9677. 1966 CHEVROLET, power steer­ Roofing— SidlnK 13 ing, power brakes, 2-door, auto- Must have extensive inspection background to evalu­ INTRODUCTORY TRAINING FROGKAllS-m pinwm tJ. HOME ImprovemaaC WILL TAKE ak unwanted Items m a tic transm ission. 289-7044. ate “go” and “no go” factors for proper quality contitd hours o f basic wiAfthina and related (dasarooni In*. for resale at Mother Goose Oo. — Roofing, aiding, altera­ N O 'nC E “ T hrift. AU item s eold fo r l>en- 1966 PLYMOUTH V-6, 2-door tions, additions and lemodel- at vendor level. Good starting rate, travel expenses ' etmctioii. hardtop, oonvectlbto. Best of­ Ing o f an types. Excellent EEPUBUCAN CAUCUS efit of Mother Goose Animal and other fringe benefits. Excellent growth opportun­ Shelter. Anyone wdshlng to fe r. C all betw een 6-7. 648-4836. workmanship. 649-6496. Republican electors of the ADVANCE TRAINING FROGRAMS-C o o im b have items picked up, call To'wn of Bolton are hereby ity with progressive electric appliance manufacturer. e' IM w NIA, lr» A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, ■ ranging frean 22 weeks to 98 weeks in Maehfaifaiii; 647-9677. notified that there will be a Trades—Tractors 5 siding, palntliig. Carpentry. Al­ caucus at tte Conununity Hall Apply in person oc request application form from! Sheet Metal, Tool, Die and Gage Ibkliig, MifliEne terations and additions. Osll- EASY BY LESLIE TURNER 1962 JE E If. paneled truck. 3476. on Tuesday, August 16,1966, at Repair and Pipe Making. Personals 3 ings. Workmanship guaran­ BO CK Y F IN N BY LANK LEONARD 1961 Volksw agen Com bi, 3460, 8 p.m. for the purpose of se­ IONA MANUFACnmiNO CO. teed. 299 Autum n SL 648-4860. lecting party-endorsed candi­ PORING WORLD WAR I PIDMT7HB NAZI# CONFISCATE MWMJTHlSALSb'HAPPWEPINY VE5.AMP I s e e w h a t YDO'RE PRIVINS ATll VEG,.BUr WANTED —Ride to P * W both good tunning condition. APPRENTICE PROGRAMS-r-Coureee mngfa« s n u e usi iJASi F A S T Fffrus c n iiU T in M t u e Y D OVFr r u il I> ITALY!' NAZIS FLEEING AHEAD I NOW X SEEM ROMV KOCHEL IS GERMAN.AMP 1 WHY 1$ IT 649-2118. dates for the municipal offices REGENT STREET—MANCHESTER ^ —THEV KYD BECOME REAL r HER FATHER MAY HAVE 5T0LEH /snLLHiPPai South Paridng lot from Autumn ofthealueD apvancbiTOOk I -id recall ------Roofing and Chimneys 16-A to be voted on at the November from three to four years in Sheet M e^l, MacMa* GOOD FRIENDS, AND HER BOY THAT TREASURE PURINS T H ^ IM ITALVF AHP SL, secon d shift. C all 649-7116. “EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" PRKHES5 ART FOR HERMAN /W AP'IJS TOAT 8. 1966 election, and to trans- ASKED IF HE COULD 60 TO THE COERINS'd COtLECTlOM ^NOT^OPIT WARl r — T WHVlSROWy ing and Tool and Die Making. PkiL INFIRMARY BEFORE HE LEFT—TO WA5 1 ATER SO PISTRESSEP ______1962 GJM.C. plok-up. 3296. OaH R O p r a o — S p ^ a U z ^ re- ay toohided, neoaon- MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY DAVY JONES bank terms. See- Hfenry Gris­ y*"' beginning w old, 289-8266. oUa. 0484696. ^ ^ In September 1966. LOW COST. TOO! Sea^ bids, plainly marked W O RDS S S A A 1964 FO R D G alaxie 600 X L con­ ^ remedy, » yeers ki be received CASH RATES (15 WORDS) PRATT & WHITNEY C R A C k INADEQUATE Garage—Service— t o p le s s . E e rl VanC am p, 649- g „p e rtn . AMRROR,AAIRROR,ON T lC j vertible, light blue, black top, O ne D a y ...... 45c 3 Days ...... $1.17 ATATIAAE bucket leather seats, 4-speed Storafile 10 I ______tendent of Schools, Ripley Hill VW\LL...WH0I9'THE . LIKE THIS. Six D a y s ...... $1.98 10 Days .... .$ 3 .0 0 1 AIRCRAFT TOUGHEST EFWCIENCy 390 motor', not a dent anywhere. OARAGE for rent, approximate­ ,1. ; Road, (Coventry, CqnnectlcuL EKPBRTOFTHEAA ALL? R’a stunning, you must drive ly 1,100 square feet, utilities, Millinery, P rewwiaking 19 u p u ntil 4;oo pm. August 18, IMMEDIATE ACTION DIvlBlon of Uhltod Aircraft OorperatSon \ this car, it’s new. Aak lor Chet business sooa IL 646-0022. ■------— 1966, at which time and place Can before 10:30 weekdays (9 AJH. Saturdays). Yon | b a s t HARTFORD, OONNBCTIDOT B runner, 269-6256. ------I___ they win be publicly opened An Bqual Oi^ortunlty Bnoyloyer ------^ OOBTOM dressmaking aiMl iron- . A^aj^s will be made can start an ad or cancel an ad same day. TAKE over payments, 1966 Motocycles— Bicycles 11 in g in m y hom e. C all 649-0484. Dodge 440, 2-door hardtop, ilanrlirater ' feirnins AfcraUi START YOUR FUTURE TODAY AT PAWA 1964 HONDA, 806 D ream , like For .specifications and bid stick shlfL V-8. Original own­ fo rm con ta ct M r. Da'vrld M ac- er. Must sdL CaU 643-9466 af­ new , fuUy equipped, coet 3876, 643-2711 Classified Dept. .Kenfte at above address. te r 6 p jn . wU sen for 36TB- 872-0426. Read Herald Ads CRAdt PAGE NINETEEN MANCHBSTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 r> MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 Suburban For Sale ,75 PAGE EIGHTEEN Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Lots For Sale 78 Houses For Sale 72 IHREE to choose from. One in TALCOTTVHIjB — 6 room Apartments—Flat*— Resort Property CONCORD RD. — Beautiful TANNER Street — 7 room Col­ PRIVACY — running brook, 8 South African Industries Help Wanted— Mak 36 Articles For Sale 45 Rooms Withont Board 59 suburban location 117x274. Cape, double garage, treed lot, Tenements 6 3 For Rent ^ TEN R(X)M older home plus Ranch, large living room, foci onial with three bedrooms, for­ • acres, 30x50 recreaelon room, FURNISHED ROOM for older 2-room apartment over garage plus 8 room Ranch, far, far Another 100x200 wltii Utilities, im m ediate occu p a n cy , $14,900. 4% COLUMBIA LAKE— Small wa- mal dtotof room, cabinet mal dining room, den, family 0 0 < lA T V r, exceuent conation. next to bath, parh- located In center of Manches­ b elow reptaoem ent co st. Hut'< A Zone. And one with 142’ Will rent with option to buy. and terfront cottage, August and kttcheu, 3 bedroom!, recre* sized kitchen, garage; treed lot. m any extras. Call 649-9448, lAg. 272 M ain St. rooms, IVi baths, range ter. Ideal for (toe targe family. chins Agency, 649-5824. frontage where permission Pasek R ^ ty , 289-7476. Need' More Skilled Labor CLASSIFIED 643-7096. Septem ber, C all 648-2698, 849- ticto room, tandscapM yard. Wolverton Agency, Realtors, refrigerator, hood, dispoeel, has been granted to build a $22,900. PhUbrlok A gency, Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, 649-2818. THE THOMPSON HOUSE, Cot­ Venetian blinds, caipeted open 0762. WEST SIDE — Inunaculate 6 two-family. T. J. Crockett, V ernon JQHANNESBimG, South Af­ 000 has tooreased by 1,234,000 in men like Anton Rupert iweaataf CAREER OPPORTUNITY tage Street, centrally located, R ea ltor!, 640-8464. 8433961. five years. ® relaxatil«xutu^Mwv a,vallableojvcfcwrbwiw Wanted To, Rent 68 . tiled baths, dishwasher, one car garage, patio, $10,600. cation, $4,000.'^ Agents, 742- Please call J. McLaughlin COPY C L O ^ G TIME FOR CLASSHTED ADVT. m otor. 644-0669. $400 fbr both. you when you step into the center hall of this 6-room searehing abroad for akUled minded, and seeking career op­ 9606. ' - - 1- a t o v>, garbage disposal, Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, 6386, 742-7070. at 649-5806. MONDAY Hun FBIDAY 10:80 AM. — SATCBDAY 0 AM. ______Setrt. 1. Call 649-480>7; tVANTED’to rent. One or 2 car this neat llttlb home hlcely L Ranch and note the tog U v^ European Immigrants. Looking Mail Is Shipped to Viet Nam portunities, this is the position ■fireplace, garage, porch, 640-8464. LARGE, clean room for gentle- m q d e RN 4 ROCM , first flo o r P lease caU 640-8674 or cared for and attractively room with paneled fireplace ______B & W to the future, the Minister tor fo r Y O U . Diamonds—Watdu city utilities, lot 100x200. Resort Property For Sale 74 — African — Administra­ Complete Training Program. man, quiet neighborhood. CaU (apartments to quaUty built 2- ______decorated! It has been en­ wall, large family MANCHESTER — 7% room BARROWS & WALLACE Jewelry 48 r^m. dreamy kitchen ^ ^ ^ bedrooms, rec tion, (3oenrad Botha, has ap­ With Cartridges and Beans Automatic Pay Increases ($650. 649-1108. fa m ily hom es. Convenient loca - M OTHER and daughter o v e r 21 larged and now has 8 bed­ ANDOVER LAKE — oozy 4 Manchester Parkade *****B«*APPBECIATBD DIAL 643-2711 room s, pleasant Uvlng plenty of cabinets arid bulK-to ^ pealed to white women to beer per month at end of training (^a TCH AND JEWELRY re- utRGE pleasant, newly decor- tions. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. desires 3^ or 4 rooms, iilos CHARLES LESPERANCE room cottage overlooking lake, Manchester 649-5306 room and generous sized, Hotpotot oven and range, 8 more babies. So far there is no By JOSEPH E. MOBAT notified. Only then is it zetiuned p ro g ra m ). * pairing. Prompt service. Up to ated, furnished room, i garage, $16,900. Phllbrick stone fireplace, oablneted private c h e s t n u t » T . - 6 room s, neighborhood. 649-8681. cheerful cabinet kitchen- 649-7620 good sized bedrooms, big lot. BOLTON — Immaculate 7 room sign he has been heeded. WASHINGTON (AP) — When t® senders. Libert Company Benefits. $20 on your old watch In Agency, Realtors, 649-8464. kltchmi, screened porch, dou­ CofitiniMd From PrtetdiiiQ Pago entrance, parking and bus line, first floor, parking. Near down- FAMILY with one boy age 11 dining area. Good base­ Let us show you through. Mid home, finished rec room, se- The___ republic’s ^ flagg;ing „„ „ white it -- comes_____ to . priorities. in getting_ - ’’We’ve bad oomplatots abou8 Car AUowance. trade. Closed Mondays. F. B. ble lot, reasonable. Hayes CaU 649-7702. town. High school chUdren ac- desires six rooms, nice nelgh- ment, Chrysler Al7-Temp 20’s, Warren E. Howland, Real- Manchester lect neighborhood. Louie Dim- population, coupled with a pop- the goods to the GI in South Viet this,’’ Col. Charles Azevedo, Help Wanted—Female 35 Help Wanted— Male 36 Expense Account. Bray, 787 Main Street, Btata MANCHESTER — Large 7 room A gen cy, 646-0131. ATTRACTIVE sleeping room, oepted. Shown by appointment borhood.d. RReferences ^ eren c if desired, forced hot air (oil). New tor, 643-1108. ROLLING PARK CAPE ock Realty, 649-9823. ulation explosion in the black Nam, the mall le right ttp there Pentagon mall officer, said- Company Stock Sharing Plan. Theater Building. Ranch, 2H baths, modern WANTED — aU around atten- FULL or part-time openlng'with and Health "Insurance gentleman, private . entrance, only. 649-9722. 649-3631. gas water • heater, new community, ifi beginning to wor- with bullets, beans end band- ‘‘But we just don’t waM th» kitchen, formal diifing room, EXTRA large immaculate 8 7 room Cape on treed lot. VERNON — Lovely 5-roonl ry the republic’s all-white, mi- ages. family, ignorant of whrt s haj^ dant for dry cleaning and laim- wen established company, ex- plan, free parking, shower bath. Ap­ hatchway, laundry connec­ Suburban For Sale 75 tions, city sewer. Ameslta family room, 24x24 with flre- room Cape, eat-to kitchen, shed Colonial decor throughout, Ranch, , with built-in Frigi- nority, segregationist govern- And if Post Office and Ponta- pened, wondering what’a wrong dr^mat. Ptdl time, 7-8. Apply cellent Income, Manchester and paid Vacations. Garden—^Farm—^Dalry p ly 196 Spruce St. BOLTON — 4 room Ranch with FIVE ROOMS, heat, hot water, Business Property drive (no garage). Easy place, 2-car garage, large lot dormer, newly painted, move-ln ga ra g e with attached daire, oven and range, bay ment. gon accounts are accurate, let- when the mail comes beck. a t W ash and Clean, 630 E a ^ East Hartford. 628-6702. jf yo^ have a college degree P i q u e t s 6 0 enclosed breezeway and ga­ garage, second floor. 649-1621. For Sale drive to PAW. Near Broad with fruit trees, $26,000. Ptail- condition. Only $16,900. Leon­ screened-in patio are only window, aluminum storms and Ididdto Tpke., Manchester. ard Agerwy, Realtors, 646-0469. rage, large living room with An insatiable demand for ters and packages are reaching — ‘‘When a man is wound^ and Middle Tpke. West, b rick A gen cy, 640-8464. a few of its many features screens, convenient neighbor­ more black labor in the white U.S. servicemen in Southeast and evacuated into the hospltu 'within walking distance of at only $19,200. CaU Dave wall to wall carpet, full cellar hood, walking distance to TWO-FAMILY on Main St — FERGUSON ROAD — Horace industrial areas, is undermining Asia with a speed and efficiency system, we take the time to see bus and shopping. TaU Douton at 649-5306 or 875- with family room, treed lOOx school, $16,600. O m verse A C om pany A valuable piece of property Greely said ’’Go West’’ — We Verwoerd’s apartheid policy of that makes the mail service of that his mail foUowB him all tiia WAITRESSES trees, shade, 60x116 yard 6611. 800 lot, spotless condition. Wol­ Dupret Real Estate, Realtors, Wanted—^Rooms—Board 62 CaU 649-1928 a fter 6, estate $170,000. F or m ore in­ for business, etc. For further .say (to East to this home on separate development for the World War H and Korea look way. This causes some delays, __ , rp P.O. Box No. 71 _ w ith its rose bushes, verton Agency, Realtors, 649- 643-2197, 876-1811. Bast Hartford, con n . O6IO8 STRICTLY fresh eggs for sale. formation caU PhUbriek Agen- details call Phllbrick Agency, Ferguson Road. A real b^vity ra ces. like the Pony Express. and we do get complalnte. Be A Johnson Giil Opportunity lo shmbs and flowers. Shown 2813. •Tel. No. 568-3400 large and extra large, 66c doz- WANTED room and board for 6% CXiBAN rooms, second floor, 649-8464. Realtors, 649-8464. BARROwl & WALLACE ANDOVER — 7 rooms (circa The prime minister’s econom­ Vietnamese postal service la — “We do have toasea. Ptanas en. Also fresh vegetables and male student, Monday-Friday, available September 16, Adults by appointment. equipped kitchen, 2 fireplaces, COVENTRY — 34 acres plus 1730) early settler’s Cape, something else again. For in- crash and bum. But considering PACKAGE store In Manchester. Manchester Parkade ic adviser, Dr. P. J. Riekert, run or part-tbne evenings, we Increase Your HELP wanted — must be wiU- sweet com. Natsisky Farm, within walking distance of Man­ CaU 649-1928, after 6. MANCHESTER — Six room attached garage and nicely ^Authentic 8 room (circa 1734) small barn, exquisitely re- ______stance, ____ some (Jhrietmas _ cards the volume we handle, our mall__ For further information caU, Manchester 649-5306 says that even with a continued wUl train you, must be over 21, ing to leam business. Apply Vernon - South Windsor line, off chester Community College. C olonial, l\ i baths, modern landscai>ed lot. Priced to sell. ______— — h— pegged frame, center chlnmey stored, 70 acres of roUing of European immigrants, mailed in the United States last losses are no greater tiwnOwM CaU ooUect Norwich, 889-867L large screened Phllbrick, HiUbrick Agency Walton W. Grant Agency many beneats. Income M ary C arter P ain t Store, 460 Dart Hill Rd., 122 Newmarker Mtohen wUh built-lna, stove, Call Doris Smith, Jarvis Real­ MANCHESTER — 7 room Cape Colonial. Beautlfujly carved fields and woods on quiet south Africa will be shy 30,000 December were delivered in in the domestic xx»tal service, M ain St. porch , secon d floor. G arage. R ealtors. 649-8464. diahwatfier and disposal, 8 R d. 644-0304. Now re-decoratlng. Near hus, , , .. , , . i._._ LlUlan Grant, Realtor, 648-1168 ty Co., Realtors, 649-1200, Eves. with garage on treed 200’ lot, paneling, wide floorboards, '6 country road amid similar es- ^Yhite workers in the next four June. Instances of lost or imde- Hesaid the Pentagon Inves- '• P aid Y b ca tloa Good Sealtest home deUv- bedrooms, $19,900. PhUbriek 649-2619. family sized kitchen with bullt- working fireplaces, heW heat­ tate-Ilke property. By appoint- years. livered mall are too numerous tigatesevery complaint,even M ROUTE salesman for milk route SALE __ Blueberries for Apartments— ^Flat*— sch ools, $120. CaU 649-4602 after — _ ------— ------r r A gen cy, 849-8464. • Unifonns Provided ery routes are now open Tenements 63 Q Houses For Sale 72 , ins, flreplaced living room, 4 ing: wiring. Beautifully situa­ ment. Call Suzanne Shorts, g^^y^h Africa doesn't want to to count. Airmail from the Unit- this takes a special radio m e* retail and wholesale. Good freezing etc. 75c qt, 5 quarts MANCHBJSTEJR — 4 fam ily, p er­ MANCHESTER — Bowers ted, 10 minutes to Manchester, • Free Life Insurance w hich wiU give the w ages and frin ge benefits. 643- MANCHESTER — Suburban bedrooms, den or family room, M3-8886. J- W at^ integrate black artisans and States averages six or seven sa^. right men good Income minimum. Phone order to 644- l o o i q r q mr anything in real $14,500 BUYS this 8 bedroom manent siding, aluminum School. New 6 room Oolopial, tip - top condition.. Owner anx­ $39,000. Could b e purchased • Free DisabUity Insurance 6430. setting, rriatively new <3olo- Company, Realtors, 522-2114. white-run days but is erratic. The ^ «>•« and permanent employ­ 0613. estate rentals — apartments, _ . . ^ ae A Ranch, vntawith largeIcuge lot. For nuifull storms and screens, 8-car ga­ V/t baths, bullt-lns, aluminum with less acreage. Call Suzanne • Medical Plan tiial, 4 rooms down and 8 up, ious. Wolverton Agency, Real­ TVkHa'wrc” inEHNON Mating 69. Six room industries. The coimtry’s far- The mail volume is increasing suggestions far Viet Nam mall- homes, mulUple dw^lngs, no Fumished Apartments 63-A informaUon call Mitten Agency rage, perking, excellent condi­ siding, garage, quall^ built, ment. Five day week, TRACTOR trailer driver or buU- r l UEBERRIES — Cultivated, one full bath, 2 lavatories, tors, 649-2813. many fringe benefits, liber­ fees. CaU J. D. Real Estate, 5 n e ROOM fum ished apart- R ealtors, 643-6930. tion, good investment at $27,- low 20’s, H ayes A gen cy, 646- Lallen’ 246-6(ff0 J Watson Ranch, country setting close to reaching apartheid law.s reject monthly. Last year the Army «•*: OaD S7«-Se61 or 643-541S dozer operator tor training. See j6c pint. Man- full basement, combination ’ ' Idanchestor, fireplace, half the idea of black and white and Air Force alone accounted — Use a tlve-oent stamp to r al commission arrange­ 643-5129. meat, stove, refrigerator, heat, __ a v«Twny a 600. W olverton A gency, R eal 0131. CX>LONIAL—one year old, 7% Beach and Company, Realtors. To Arrange Interview our ad under instruction. Watrous Rd., Box 667, Bol- windows, attached garage, \ acre lot, low teens. Call now workers toiling together, earn- for more than 40,000 tons of mall letters. Ihey’U go by air. But ment makes possible bigh hot watOT. A pply M arlow ’s, 867 tors, 649-2818. rooms, ht^e modern kitchen 522-2114. use a plain white envelope and DRIVERS tor school bus, 7:30- to". 649-4767.______and 5 flats, on bus line, $18,- acra lot T. J. C!rockett, Real- MANCHHSTBR^-New U-®haped Mr. O r^y, 643-2694. Bent & ing the same salary and sharing between Viet Nam and (he Unit- earnings. M ain. with fireplace plus all bullt- don’t write “air mall’’ on it or 8:46 a.m., 2:30-4 p.m., good paj ; 456 MAIN ST — 8 room s, $85. 900. Phllbrick Agency, Real­ M ANCHESTER Green — $12,900 tor, 643-1577. executive Ranch. Dramatic lns, 2% baths, large master ELLIN<3TpN—Rockville line.— the same social benefits, ed States and within the Pacific HOWARD JOHNSONTl Bent, 236-3211. you’ll be charged the naual m onthly. C all 643-2426, 9-5. tors, 649-8464. Seven rooms near stores, bus, prick front with aluminum sid­ For $12,500 you can buy this The Ministry of Bantu Affairs Command area. It cost the De- sca le. 643-2414. Konsehold Goods 51 SUB-LEASE five room flat, heat FIVE BEDROOMS, 2 full bedroom with full bath, rec elght-cent air mail rate. ROUTE 80, VHRMOW schools. For information, call ing throughout, 8 big bedrooms, vacant four room Cape. Full haa outlined jVlans to stem the feirse D epartm ent $34 m illion to SEALTEST and utilities included, available baths, modem kitten with room with fireplace, 2-car ga­ GLASTONBURY — Beau­ — No matter bow you feel REFRIGERATION — Industri- CLEAN. USED refrigerators. WE HAVE customers waiting M itten A gency, R ealtors, 643- 2 baths, 2-car garage, plus ter­ basement, usable attic, ga­ end of August through March built-ins, 2 fireplaces, Walk­ rage, $29,900. Phllbrick .^;en- tiful 6 room Raised Ranch, increasing flow of black labor move* that mall betwew A ^ about zln code numbera d o n t el for modem plant. Will train ranges, automatic washers for the rental of your apart­ race and patio. Complete with rage, and a good sized lot. white iTwiiurfriBi and the U.S. west coast - and *»P oo« FOODS 16, $140 m onthly. Call 649-8669. ATTENTION 6930. out basement, screened porch, k cy. Realtors, 649-8464. new. Flreplaced living into (he white industrial cities fail to use the five-digit APO OLBRUC-TYPIST — Capable Of qualified man, aU fringe bene­ with guarantees. Sea them at ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ oven, range, dishwasher, dis- Very convenient location. T. and eventuaUy to turn them that figure doesn’t include the garage, handy location. Phil- room, rec room, oil hot wa­ number in the San EYonctaoo handling a variety of worit for MIUC DIVISION fits, pension progrram. Hartford B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 tate, 643-6129. OAKWOOD RD.—A new Colo­ posal. Has fireplace, laundry m ANCHBS'TER Immaculate J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. back to blade reserves. moving mibtary maM brick Agency, Realtors, 649- ter baseboard radiation, address. It’s a locator numliar modem East Hartford firm. F reezer Oorp. 241 Park A ve., M ain St. CaU 643-2171. RENT MAN in need of rentals. 2^ ROOM furnished apartment. Home sellers in rural areas. nial nearing completion, wood­ room and finished fomily room. 4^bedroom Colonial, large living ^ , .. , __ _ . within this country, C on tact 8464. oversized lot amesite drive Job reservation keeps most that can save days. S alary and benetita. CaU 289- East Hartford. For appointment Have tenants wllUng to sign nice residential area- 876-6316. Mortgage money available for ed lot. Bowers School. Buy This 7 room home is attractive­ room, formal dining room, EAST HARTFORD Letters from home go to U.S. SINGER automatic zig - zag in how and have it decorated to and basement garage, as- skilled and well-paid positions :— If you can break up ship-' 8291 to r appointment. Kenneth Reynolds, 643-9126 caU 289-2708. M rs. C aesai. MANCHESTER Vicinity — 6V4 ly landscaped, located off Ver­ modem kitchen, family room, 2 fighting men by air, all the way, cabinet, like new, does every­ your tastes. T. J. Crockett, stfnable mortgage. Price firmly in white lumds, restrict­ ments into parcels of five Charles Arglros, 643-9300 roGih Ranch with heated 2-car non St. Priced Just right $29,- fireplaces, VA baths, 2-car ga­ Rambling 100’ Ranch, close even with only a flve-crait GIRL or woman wanted, part- thing, originally over $300, take heat, hot water $1« monthly. Realtor, 643-1677. $23,900. ing the African wOTker to low­ pounds or leas, it’s much to your garage, 3 generous bedrooms, 000. OaH d o lly 649-6361, eve­ rage, aluminum storms, im­ proximity to golf course. stamp. Parcels weighing up to tim e, C om er Soda Sbep, 786 over last 6 monthly payments T T% *D TPafnTA *7t l ^ ’ er-paid employment. advantage to do so. An Equal Opportunity Salesmen Wanted 36-A 4% ROOMS, $120; 3% rooms, J.D. Real Estate, 643-6129. costs to you or the buyer. living room with fireplace, nings and w eekends, 649-3986. mediate occupancy. Hanley Over 3,000 square feet of M ain S t o f $9 each. CaU 622-0931. FIVE ROOM flreplaced Ranch, ELLINGTaN —• L ovely Dr. Anton Aupert, one of the P ® ^ „ get o lr^ l treat- "We think we know what tba $110; heat, hot water, stove, re­ kitchen has built-ins and an ------r— A gen cy, 643-0030. living area, 9 extra large E m ployer SALESMAN to seU industrial built-ins, extra large lot, $15,- early Colonial period resi­ Republic’s top industrialists, ment from San EYandsco on. men in Viet Nam really waak frigerator, parking, 15 Forest abundance of cabinets, finished rooms. 20x40’ swimming and farm equipment and sup­ LEAVING town — must sell S J. D. REAL ESTATE CO. 900. CaU Irene Kwlat, Leonard KANCHBSTER — New Itoting. dence. 6 bedrooms, large warned at a management con- It’s a slow boat to Viet Nam from h om e,” A zevedo soM*. WELDERS — Good working con­ St., O ff M ain St., 646-0090, 643- Business Locaflms famUy room. Lees than own­ NEW LISTING pool, poured concrete plus SALES ORDER CLERK plies. Experienced in automo­ rooms of furniture. Buyer may Agency, Realtors, 646-0469 or 7 room oversized Cape Cod, 24’ well placed li-ving room ference that manpower shor- for larger packages. Unless the "and that is letter mail. ditions, good wages, overtime 5675. For Rent 64 643-5129 e r ’! ooet, $19,700. W olverton cabana, also 25x30’ rec tives or Industrial equipment also rent 2% room apartment, 742-8349. living room, 4 bedrooms, 2 full with EYanklln fireplace, fa­ tages wore retarding produc­ sender is willing to pay the rela­ "One veteran has suggested unlimited. Contact Mr. Monaco A gency, R ealtors, 649-2813. room. Many other wonder­ helpful but not absolutely nec­ heat and utilities, $85 monthly. LAWTON GARDEINS — 4% MEDIUM size comer store, Four bedroom Garrison Co­ baths, wooded lot, Verplanck cilities for raising and tion. tively high cost of air parcel this: Perhaps a daily short not* For wholesale distributor. at shop, Manchester Stmctural ful features. You have to 649-0644. suitable for store or office. lonial, baths, master breeding horses, 50 miles of "One of the inevitable results post — although it’s cheaper on little things like what you had 6 day week, vacation, ex- Steel, MitcheU Drive, Man­ essary. Only aggressive, ener- ______room duplex. Including appli' MANCHESTER — 6 year old BIRCH STREET — Small five School area. SelUng for $20,900. see to believe. Priced in 643-7723 or 649-1690. bedroom 20x20, 2-car ga­ trails near by. Formal din­ of the present labor shortage is than it used to be — he must for dinner, your shopping trift ceUent Im efits, Ideal work­ ch ester, 643-2733. geiic men should apply to Leon c h r q m E table with formica ances, dishwasher, heat, hot two-family, 5-5, all large rooms NOTICE room home In an extremely Large assumable mortgage. middle 50’s. Shown by ap­ rage, private treed lot. Call the R. F. IXmock Co., ing room, 2^ baths, priced the unhealthy cutthroat oom- expect a delay of 40 to 66 days ^jjat the family Is doing, ing sumundlngs In atr- Schwelr, South Windsor Equip- g^tra leaf, 3 chairs, in good water, 1% baths, $155 per DESIRABLE store or offloa two heating systems, fuUy rent­ central location. Owners mov­ pointment only. Exclusive GENERAL factory workers, month. J. D. Real Estate, 643-. p r i m a r y NOTICE OF Bowers School area. Priced $36,000. petitkm tor staff,” he said. for the over-five-pound parcel to “And maybe twice a month, ■ conditioned office. m ent Com pany, In c., corn er o f condition, $30. 643-6554. space, ground floor, clean, at­ ed, excellent investment. Wol­ ing south, have been asking R ealtors, 649-S246. w ith : fuU-time. Apply 9-4, New Eng­ for quick sale. reach its destination. longer letter with news aibouk I Route 6 and 194, South Wind------5129. DEMOCRATIC PARTY $9,500, but any reasonable of­ To overcome the shortage of tractive and reasonable. In­ verton A gen cy, R ealtors, 649- MANCHESTER listing 66. Six NOR’TH QOVENTRY — land Metal Products, 44 Stock sor. 289-3406. A T A L B E R T ’S /T o the Town Clerk of each fer will be considered. T. J. manpower, he said the govern­ These heavier packagM cross the house, some snapkbots, bow RADIO & APPLIANCE NEW 3 ROOM apartment, ex­ quire Manager, State Theatre, 2813. room Ranch, 8 bedrooms, at­ Beautifully treed one acre P la ce . START TO PAY IN SEPT. town in the 35th Senatorial Dis- Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. J. D. REAL ESTATE ment should: the United States bjr train or the garden is growing, how tali tra large rooms, ultra modem, 643-7832. k>t residential area ready 3 ROOMS FURNITURE BRICK RANCH — Modarin trlct HAYES AGENCY tached garage, family room, —^Improve education so that truck, and then wait in San friends are. A imI don’t forget to DISTRIBUTORS, INC. aU electric, stove, refrigerator, 643-5129 for building within 16 miles Help Wanted— $9.36 MONTHLY kitchen with bullt-1^ 2% NoUce is hereby given that a ■VKTrORIA RID. — 7 room C olo­ half acre lot. CaU now, Mr. a higher percentage of workers EVandaco until a riiip lea'ves for write about the family fin a n c ia l and disposal Included, private 646-0131 G rady 643-2694. B ent 8c B ent of Hartford. Price $2,300. W LeggeH m.. Bast Hartford Male or Female 3IJ Bedroom, Living-Room; Dinette, OFFICE baths, formal dinjag room. Primary of the Democratic par- nial Just vacated, 1% baths, ga­ 643-8779 could attain executive positions, the 21-day (rip across tha Pocif- status If he Is the piovldar. -1 Rugs, Lamps, Tables and Other yard with fireplace, congenial family room wlth^replace, 2- ty In the 35th Senatorial Di.s- rage, excellent location. T.J. 296-3210. —Seek immigrants with Ic. “Once a month, perhaps « YOU attnosphere, adults only, con- suite of rooms suitable for doc- ANDOVER — Beautiful OPERATOR for Wlggery Beau- Accessories ca r garage, Ai( Cape, with front dormer, fire­ formal dining room with picture now, Warren E. Howland, Real­ fireplace, only $14,900. Hayes For a while, a steady stream a letter by air all the way — Police Sedi medical and anytim e. 649-0166. B lankets, and craft, 3 rooms, parking, priv­ 643-0897 after 6 p.m . 8464. (X)VENTRY — low priced com­ noons, one 8^ and o*>a 8-12:80. hospitalization. ______of the enrolled member of tlir place, nice level lot, excellent window, family sized kitchen, tor, 643-1108. Agency, 646-0181. ®* EJuropean labor came into across the nation, across the ate entrance, porch. Quiet pact 4 room house. Hot water ChU 643-0472 o r 648-7928. ardent insurance, paid vaca- would like to babysit EVERYTHING $398. ------— 67 PRINCETTON S I. — Custom Democratic P a rty who has filed location, $17,500. T.J. Crtxikett, 14x21 heated family room, 1^ . , Semth Africa from African oolo- Pacific, and within Ifiet Nam, i i i i i working woman o r -couple pre­ SIX room Cape on Northfleld St G irl’ s ^ ' tions. «3nhiirhAn FnT Rent 66 3 bedrooms, 2 tiled a petiUon in conformity with baseboard heat.^ Tiled bath. in her home, transportation price Includes Delivery, Set Up R ealtor, 643-1677. baths, attached garage,^ spot­ Oil hot water heat, aluminum VERNON — 6 room Ranch, at- territories as they became triiere road networks are poor in ferred . 568-9018 after 6 p.m . SUDurusu Section 9-400 of the General Q uick occu p an cy. 742-7066. 55-hour work week ali^ available. 649-0241. Service, Guarantee, Immediate less condition. Wolverton Agen­ combinations, amesite drive, tached garage, aluminum Uack-ruled todepeiMleRt states, or don’t exist. t n m eonditioned plant. Delivery or Free Storage Until DELUXE. .nry apartment r OCKVILLE — 4 rooms, heat, fireplace, working kitchen, ex- statutes, as candidate for nom storms, oomplet^y finished Many settlers from Kenya, — For the poroel post rate to MOTHERS c y , R ealtors, 649-2818. $15,800. 643-2000. BOLTON — 7 room Ranch, plus Needed. Regardless of Time. 4 extra large rooms, appli­ electricity, hot water, stove, tra cabinets, dinette, laundry, ination to said office, together recreation room and den in q^unsania, Nigeria, the Cbngo San Frandsoo, a package verslty of Texas fes K you have a son or daughter Situations Wanted— A Winning Look large finished reo room and A pply Appliances Are Brand New and ances, private basement, near close to center, $75. Call 875- Many large closets, combina- yyjtii the street address of saiO $16,900 — 6 ROOM Ranch, fire­ bar. Two full baths, 2-oar ga­ basement Well landscaped lot headed south rath- weighing iq> to five pounds wfH Whitmaa was hffled bff jnllM- getting along toward college Male 39 Ehilly Guaranteed schools, shopping and bus. 7967. tion aluminum storms and candidate: Learn +o Knit! place, ceramic bath, alumi­ rage, large wooded lot, superb CaU owner 876-4616. No agents. ^ face the ixMcrtato fu- get a free Jet ride across the men. and you are wondering how ex- ______------— On Display at Main Store screens, jalousled porch, 2-car Edwin M. Lavitt, Upper R ob ert B rand, SI, o f pMMliff, pensee wlU be met, would you J. T. SLOCOMB CO. PIANIST. 17 years orchestra H ayes A gen cy, 646-0131, ANDOVER Garden Apartments num storm w indow s, attached condlticm r SeUing t o r ' $26*500. vmR-Mrkiu toveiv a bedroom ®* independence. B ut P a d lic . Phone for Appointment garage. In the 20’s. Call own­ Butcher Road, Ellln^on, garage, Manchester.■iur«tw.i,«teT. HHutrttins iifrtW n n __ _ „ ______VERNON — lovciy 8 Dearoom thta white labor source has now _— fte Servtoemen In Viet Nam Alvarado, and Us ■ouxln, Uke to consider returning to 68 Matson Hill Rd., Glastonbury experience, new to vicinity, de- —3 rooms, stove and’ refrigera­ Call R. F. Mmock Company, Cape neetled In the trees on Ask for "CARL” er for appointment, 649-0941. Conn. Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. dried up. need only write “free mail” on Miaric Dunnam, 18, of ^vorkT sires work with orchegtra, 6l3r tor, no leaseT' $90. Leonard Re^lltor8, 649-5246. well kept surroundings. Con­ 247-0358 or 527-9036 ZVi R00MS7 first floor. North Dated at Hartford, Connect! More then 40,000 tonmlgrantB their lettera to have toem flown ctalif., were theSaturday 7700 after 6. Agency, Realtors, 646-0469. venient neighborhood, city wa- Mutual Insurance Oo. of Hart- WANTED — Body man able to ______See It Day or Night M ain St. Call 649-4356. cut, this 25th day of July BOLTON — Ovraer. 2 years, •IK onn rvnvnoMu. a ruiTn-At h*’® exp ected this y ea r foomto the U nited States, Its p osses vtoUms. ■ If you have no means ef 1966. lOOfo Financing rustic contemporary, 4 bed­ ford has attractive openings take the job from estimate to^ M ANCHESTER — B olton town ANDOVER — 3 r ^ ^ M d l^ath, NOTICE R ea l Elsbato, R ealtors, 643-2197, Britain, HoUand, Portugal, Ita- -i®"^ ^ — for people who can type, rata Dog»_BlrflS— Pets 41 transportation. I’ll send my furnished or unfurnished, sec­ Ella T. Grasso, rooms, 2% baths, 34’ li-ving ly, France, Belgium, Switzer- servicemen pay postage from MinC Jack Brand and Dunnam completion. An excellent op- Idpe, 2 bedroom house, fire TOWN OF BOLTON, M you qualify — with Interest 876-1811. policies, file, etc. Surroundings rtunlty to become self-em- auto for you. No obligation ond floor. Cozy and pleasant Secretary of the State . room with fireplace, dining land and Greece. (heir local postal unit to Saigon, the son of Mr. end Mre. Jock >. WEIMARANERS puppies, AKC ^yen if you don’t buy. So. co»ne. placet $130. References, 643- CONNECTICUT a s low a s 6% with a possible are congenial, ' location on oyed on a commission basis. The foregoing is a copy of room, fully equipped kitchen, VB5RNON CIRCLE area —large Fewer white babiee are being — U.S. Smvicemen hi mlU- Dunnam. registered. Also English Set- ^ 5983. payment term of 33 years, Woodland St., (free parking), Only qualified persons need ver^ a and^tor^^^sp^, $46 BOARD TOR AEM SSION y^e notice whfeh! I have rc gosing costs should not exceed 1^ wooded acres with brook. kitchen, 18 x 26’ living room, bore than ever before while the tary hospitals in Japan or the >nie bodies, punctured fcgf mnk la easy to get to by public or an>ly- Write Box R, Manches­ terSf hunting stoclc* D8.c^stfiund A." B '"~E R " S qia rootwr 'T>a.rtlv fur- unfurnished, $55 fumished. Call . OF ELECTORS ceived from Ella.T. Grasso, Se<-- $100. No points or bonuses to M any extras. N o agents. 648- 4 bedroom end storage on sec- black birthrate soars, United States also have free- bUOet wounds, were r v p i ,,. ,U ».ys 43.45 A liY N OT., H M T P O ro 742-7176. ' Notice is hereby given that ^etary of the SUte, in acconl- private transportation and the ter Herald- OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 9 nished, floor, Mrs. pay. Choose your own custom 8439. end floor. Plus 3 room aprt- White South Africans in 1910 mall privilega tf they were aqueesed Into the tnmk of tiM Southington, l-628'’6673. ______' ______—— the board for admission of elec- (^ce with Section 9-433 of tli hours are from 8:20 n.m. to 4 ______Brown, 105 B irch St. built home to your own specifi­ ond floor. Plus 3 room apart- produced more than 41,000 bah- wounded or became iU in Viet Brand fomfly MAN wanted to work in lumber ------— tors in the Town of Bolton, General Statutes. As provide BOLTON — 6 room Ranch on p.m . wanxea to boarding aU MAHOGANY canopy bed, Easy ------— cations in a rural area. l o t . P r ic e $12,000. Chamber! ies — a birth rate of 32.6 per Nam. been' abandoned on a yard, have driver’s n- « Harmony Hills, H. C washer-dryer, electric stove, MANCHESTER - new m odem Connecticut,"will hold a session ni said notice a primary of th' nice lot with trees, 2-car g;a- Obday, with 3% mil- Frequent oomptaintai country rood off UB. 81 sooth J. D. REAL ESTATE CO. rage, home in excellent condi­ B eatty, 643-2326. Mrs. Richard would be delight cense. Davis and Bradford ^ iw vallon trash * roon» apartm ent, nhn ice Idca- Tn the Community Hall in said Democratic Party for nomlna- ______------___ Uon______wWtee, the birth rote is 22.8 — 'When a serviceman Fort Worth. 300 ToU«»I C ^, IM.. «3. 643-5129 harrel 4»c r ific e Call 643-9044 tion. For couple or couple with ppipYTp.T rp a M CAUCUS on August 15, 1966 to Uon to the office of State Sena- tion, country Uvlng 10 minutes ■Real Estate 77 per thousand, producing only 77,- killed in Viet Nam, aU mail that Aivastigatom then orderad you if you will only eell her at Hartford. 6427. b a r r e l ^ g m e^C^lI 643 9044. older child only. $135 montWy ^ | P y ™ t«to re ^ examine the qualifications of tor in from downtown Manchester. Wanted- the 35th Senatorial Dis MIANGHIEISTER listing 67. 000 new white offspring annual- was destined for him is held atidespraad search for 627-3251 or visit her at 95 includes heat, hot water, re­ 24 T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677 'w a NTEID— 2 or 3 bedroom oATjmnrrvnr or over for eve- TWO LITTLE kittens looking for SEWING' MACHINE — last are applicants and admit to the trict will be held August Lease with option thts ideally ly. until the Army baa verified that toutoe SuBkvan, 16, of < Woodland St., Hartford. PAR T-TIM E, 16 o r ove ^ hom es. C all 649-6480 after y ea r’s m odel, never used. Sac­ frigerator, stove, disposal, wUl electors oath those found quail- 1966. The hours of voting a’-, house. Under $20,000, qimlified The block population of 18,163;- retatives have been offictaUy Overman, who had nlng work. Two or three nights located 8 room RanCh, at­ BOLTON — 8 room home in 6:80 p .m ., all day weekends. rific e $36 o r $2 w eekly. 646- parking, coin operated washer f S . 2 i - «ed. said primary and the location of buyer. Soon as possible.' HOW ABOUT TODAYT a week, more time if desired. tached garage, carpeting. Call country setting, about 4 acres panted yoimg Brand aoA M8 0247. and dryer. Available Septem- m n n on Aueust 16 Said session will be held be.- the polls will be as follows: now , Mir. G rady 643-2694. B ent Hutchins Agency, R ealtors, oousin on a movte Can arrange hours to suit you. ber 1. 649-3930. dover. Conn., on August lo, ^______^-a n jTTtaHOURS nv OF vrvrTNrrs—iVOTING— 12:0n of land, swimming pool, garage ,’at 8:00 o’clock p.m. for twee" hours of 6:00 p.m. A Bent, 336-32U. 649-5324. deiy Bigbt. Good wages plus other bene­ Articles For Sale 45 c r i b , p l a y p e n , highchair. 1966, NOON to 8 PM. LOCA’n07' and bams on property, 600’ d r i v e r s for school bus, 7:30- and 8 p.m . H m slen a er fits. Apply' in person only, __ , double stroUm-, single stroller, CHARMING 4% rooms, , first the purpose of selecting party- of POLLING PLACE — OOM- frontage on main road. TJ. 8:46 a.m.. 2:30-4 p.m;, good pay j,rten ■wWt Mier week, must-be steady work- over. 742-7886. screened patio, all custom built- OF THE DEMOCRATIC Designed for ths fuller fig- landed, this pattern will help BARROWS & WALLAbE Bvan Intanded to spend tbs per week, must be steady ’ ______5306. Manchester Parkade bthatE: o f (XMiNucmcuT, d ib - air - conditioned, lovely PARTY OF THE TOWN OF OPEN FOR INSPECTION ure, this Jumper and blouse set jniit! R contains TRICr OF ANDOVER, PROBATE night at ber borne. er and married, paid vacation, tos, Manchester 649-5306 wfil win admiring glances the inatnictlons as well as picture- COURT. TOWN OF BOLTON, Acting on a tip, — WANTED — bonus and other benefits. Ex- OVBIRHHIAD garage door, excel- grounds. East Center, comer TOI^La ND, CONNECTITCUT: B & W ______------JULY 28. 1866 Wanted—^To Buy 68 Parker. Adults only, lease, ref­ Pursuant to the provisions of 8-room Dutch and Garrison Colonials with 2-car very first ntoment that you put directions tor basic knit stitch- BARROWS & WALLACE arreeted Green and ■perience helpful but not essen­ lent condition, $36. 643-9869. TOLLAND - Lakevlew Heights iK ‘SJ? FURNITURE, the State Election Laws and garage, family room, built-in kitchen, large liv­ tured MciDuff. Green tia l. Apply to person, 296 Broad HOUSEHOLD lots, antiques, erences, $150. Available Sep­ I't CQs OSe Manchester P s^ APPLIANCE, RUG the Rules of the Democratic ing room, 2Yz baths, 2 fireplaces. Loads of closet No. 8346 with Patt-O-Rama ipattera No. 5222 has direc­ Manchester 649^306 havlnx exhibited dered without incident, oftloert St. THE proven carpet cleaper Blue bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, tem ber 16. C all 649-6281. ____ x^oom Colonifli K&ncn, ^uuu adnilniatration account witJi SALESMEN Party, you are hereby warned ts for sizes 34 to 48, bust 36 learning how to knit ■aid, but MdDutf waa taken Inta Lustre is easy on the budget. glassware. We buy estates. space. ______eouare feet of gracious modem said estate to this Court tor allo• f o r m e r j u d g e B IB S Phone SAMUEL ALBERT SALE — store wide wallpaper area. Manchester. used furniture, china, glass sU> the Coventry Planning and for nomination to the offices of tot Sue Bunwtt, ter ESveningjtiveiMii Herald, 1150 AVE.______TWBU. kitchen with cy and excellent financing es^^!**aS**(Bs Court directs Waterbury (AP) — Stephaa 754-3144 specials, latex ceiling white, ter Evening He^d, 1160 A'VE NEW YORK, breakfast area, family room, ver, picture frames, old coins, Zoning Commission has ap- Judge of Probate, Justices of available. Far below replace- that^ioUM' of the. time airt place A. Homlck, a Wateibury lawyer "yUOLr-TniEB man to work to $3.86 gfUlon. Morrison Paint, guns, i>ewter, scrap gold, proved the application of Rob- the Peace and Registrar of Vot- Each home with a minimum of 1 acre of shade trees OF AME3U0AS, NEW YORK, ® 2% baths. ’This home also fo r said heai be given , A-L-B-E-R-T-*-S m ent in low 30’s., Suzanne _____ toteresb- and former Judge of the old City new Pizza and grinder shop as 739 M ain S t. and a g;ood set-back from the street, offering privacy, persons known to Main Store — Waterbury wat^hes, old Jew«:lry, hobby ert M. and Wilma J. Visny for ers; and to transact such other Shorts. 643-8886, J. Watson ed thereto by pobllshtog a copy < Court, died today after a tan gtti|; assistant manager, good hours collections, paintings, attic oon- resubdivision of land located on business as may, be proper to coolness and quietness. ^ laundry and extensive tand- ’ - - this order to some newspaper hai and working conditions. Paid SORRY Sal is now a merry gal. Beach and Company, Reattore. rM a S ^ ta Blstr lllneas. He waa 87. tents or whole estates. Fuml* South River Road and Conn, come before Said caucus, scaping. Kitchen has aM built- She used Blue Lustre rug and DIRECnONS:. P o r te r St. to Camp Meeting Bd. to 62 2 -2114, and by sendtoc e a x y — _ _ Homlck, had served aa Nm i vacation, good starting salaiy. tura R epair S ervice. 64S-7449. R oute 31, C oventry, C on n ect!- D ated a t T olland, C onn ecti- « y . i in utHities. Priced at Just $80,- ■ mail, postage prepaid to Mrs. XuTO MBOHANDC—Two qual- upholstery cleaner. Rent elec­ ' Carter St. Follow the Birch Mti Homa- Haven County coroner, a proba* CaU between 4-7, 6493544...... " - cut, as of August 2, 1966. cut, this 7th day of August 600. C all d a ily, 049-6361, eve------' TTZ ------1 SuSigV H S^ Sbad, Boltoo, (P.O. .dOed men needed at onice. Good ___ . tric shamixwer, $1. Qlcott Va­ alte algns — Open Mon. - Fri., 4 PM . to Na and ^ ta Free directions for knitting SOUTH 'WINDSOR—Modem 3 BoxTfcb A tw Manchester.) • I XiAAAAtA,Oonn.: % ssJullen e IfM b NEA, Is tion officer and a proaecutor of Coventry Planning ahd 1966. ntaiga and w eekends, 649-8908. ■alary »n«i bonus, liberal fringe WANTED — boys 16 years of 8 PM .; Sat. and Sun., 2 PM to 6 PM ’66 issue two lovely plUows Included in bedroom Ranch, full basement the City Court, and waa a fomv riety Store. Rooms ^thoD t Board 59 Zoning Commission Democratic Town iMoeflta. Apply to Tom age and older to work on golf ______with recreation room, city wa- Eaq._ sriC Mato Street, Manchester, *‘franUy, kids, tht way intanst rotas era going up-^ ¥r member of the Demooreti* Robert H. Gantner, Conunittee of 3 * ^ ^ 7 ^ the ’66 Fall U Winter A ^ l jichwartz or George Couch, 8 course. Apply to person 4 :S0- COOL POOL — 28’ to diameter, ROOM for rent — gents only. « w ww s X A X 128x157 lot. $16,600. Bel iS*tor“*^ State Oantiwl Oommittota Secretary Tolland, Conn. UW^NGE F. FIANO - 6494Sn only 60c a ^ y®i» now-only battor bornm m moek 0 $ you casir j8.m. to 9 p.m. Bourne Buick, 6:80. Mtonechaug Golf Course, 3-8’ depth with aU accessories Free parking. Central loca­ R ead H erald AdSs -ajt luai assuta, •4a-»88x » o« h^ j. pbbobk judaa. Dated at Coventry, Conn., By: Robert J. Nocmaa, to e . 385 Mala St., Manchester, 1807 Mancheater Rd., Glaaton- Including allde. Best offer over tion. 643-2693 after 5 for ap­ eofiy. «“»• tairy. $100. 849-307r p oin tm en t this 3rd day 0$ Augiut 1968. Caialiraiui J

MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1966 PAGE TWENTY. ;®anrliwter lEttfuittg Average Daily Net Press Ran The Weather For the Week Ended CSoudy, warm tonight Low Hose Co. i, Eighth District Hebron August 8, TMD In upper 60s. Cloudy, hot, hu- About Town Fire Department, will meet to­ Car Stolen VINYL FORTIFIED LINOLEUM W m sMd tomorrow. High arouml ML night at 8 at headquarters, Main Man Is Arrested 13,871 Manchester WATBS wiU have and HHliard Sts. While Owner SIZE 9x12 SALE PRICE 9S99 Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm • “ Ii\m Ni^ht” tomorrow at the After Complaint KEG. PRICE 914.96 Airman 2.C. Charles A. Bara- (Classified Advertising on Pngs IS) PRICE S ^ m } CENIB Italian American Club, 136 Bld- MANCHES'IER, c o n n ., TU ESDAY, -AUGUST 9, 1966 ridje St. Weighing In will be bato, son of Mr. and Mrs. On Vacation Of a Gun Threat GUARANTEED HEAVYWEIGHT VOL. LXXXV, NO. 263 XSKTEEN PAGES) from 7 to 8 p.hti. Featherweight Charles A. Barbate of 28 Scar­ *3 PATTERNS TO ^HOOSE FROM Ralph W. Palmer, 69, of Old awards tor Jtily were presented borough Rd, is now on duty CALL ANY EVENING 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. A car was stolen fronri the Colchester Rd. was arrested to Mrs. Peter Sadlowski, who with U. S. combat air forces in PHONE 628-7291—EAST HARTFORD, CONN. residence of Anthony Urbanetti last night after a South Wind­ THL VIbSKJN New E ffort had a loss of 15H pounds; and Viet Nam as an aerial photo State News sor man complained to state Mrs. Albert Schwanttr, who lost systems repairman. at 67 Butternut Rd. after the police that Palmer threatened MILLER’S HOME FUNISHIN6S U pounds. home was broken into and ran­ Rights Bill Heads B eing M ade him with a shot^n. A6IMA The VFW Auxiliary will meet sacked. Though police are still 147 Chester Street— East Hertford, Conn. Theft Charge Members, of Manchester Em­ tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Palmer was charged with ag­ tfPAfATIOM investigating the break, they gravated assault. blem Club haVe been invited to post home. Members are re­ T o E nd Strike say that a coin collection worth The complaint was made by a picnic Wednesday at 6 p.m. minded to bring articles for e H olds M an several thousand dollars ap­ Liaddy Lyman, 22, of Pleasant f given by the Putnam Emblem tea cup auction. For Last Battle WASHINGTON (AP) — pears also to be missing. Valley Rd., South Windsor, who Caiib at the cottage of Mr. and The Urbanetti home was va- Negotiators for striking Marine Pfc. William F. John- . told state police he drove to the WASHINGTON (AP) — The amendment, shouted In Slaying mOil'MCUC^ ■ Mrs. James O’Connell, Alexan­ 'cant at the time of the break, ^ son, son of Mr.s. Richard Craw­ house last night to let off Palm­ GLENNEH MEN’S SHOP through with little dissent, USASAIIOM^ mechanics and five trunk der’s Ijake, Dayville. Those since the owners are in Europe House passage of a broad ford o f 144 Birch St. and Doug­ er’s stepdaughter. He said would make it a federal crime, POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y., airlines agreed today to planning to attend may contact on vacation. new civil rights bill is ex­ tUMA* tUOfACt las A. John.son of 71 Ridge St., Palmer came out of the house punishable by up to five years (AP) — A Naugatuck, Ooim. make another effort at Mrs. Alfred Ritter of 46 Chester The break was reported Sat­ pected today but a final is home on leave.’ He is sta­ and threatened him with a 10- WILL BE CLOSED in.jail or a $10,000 fine, for any­ man was arraigned today on solving the dispute that Dr. for further information. urday afternoon to police by a challenge still remains to tioned at the First School En­ gauge shotgun. one to cross a state line with the grand larceny charges for what ROOM MCTUHS has grounded about 50 per neighbor, ^ Frank Filloramo of rtAMSJUTTIO gineer Battalion. Camp L^- Lyman said he fled in his its key open housing provi­ intent of encouraging, inciUng police said was the theft of a Yeoman S.C. Paul D. Martin, 29 Butternut Rd., who said he MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, fO fA tfH eent of the nation’s airUno Jeune, N.O. His brother, Lance car and notified police. sion. or taking part in a riot. car from a woman found, stran­ U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and was asked to watch the place. AUG.’ 8-9-10 FOR VACA'HON "" Voting should begin late In the capacity. Cpl. Douglas Johnson, i.s serv­ Palmer, who was arrested Cramer and many other gled in her apartment last The parties, who met Into Mrs. Ellis M. Martin of 86 E. He told police that a yellow by Resident Trooper Raymond day after the House completes speakers said the rash of racial week. Middle Tpke., is a crew mem­ ing with the Fourth Marine Monday night without narrow­ 1964 Oldsmobile convertible was Andrews, posted a bond of $600 its section-by-section consldera- violence in some northern cities The case, in Circuit Court, ber of the anti-submarine air­ Regiment in Viet Nam. OPEN AS USUAL THURSDAY, AUC. 11 ing the gap between their posi­ gone, and that the coin collec­ for appearance Aug. 30 in Wil- tion of the measure. recent weeks calls for a fed- was adjourned until Thursday a tA iS lM U i» craft carrier, USS Kearsarge of tion of 19 old coins, belonging tions, yielded to urgent personal There will be a fair workshop limantlc Circuit Court 11. It wrapped up the next-to-last ^ral law to protect clUzens until the defendant, Alfred Wid- M40TO PHOTOS. the Seventh Fleet, now deployed to the owner’s son, could not iuPPOATmo requests from the House Com­ twnorrow from 9 to 11:30 a.m. one Monday night, writing a such violence, ziewicz, Jr., 20, could get coun­ HA$UMUr. In waters off the coast of Viet be located. Police are awaiting federal antiriot law into it and ^ Oorman. D- MiSStOH 0ATA merce Committee, which Is con­ in Cooper Hall, South Methodist sel. DATA AMAtVM sidering a back-to-wbrk bill al­ Nam. The carrier will provide the return of the owners to de­ leaving only r«^«ve Y Widziewicz waived extradition protection tor unite of the fleet Church. A nursery with baby­ termine if anything else is miss­ noncontrover. a provisions to ^ ^ ^ ready passed by the Senate. sitters will be provided. and was brought here Monday Rep. Samuel N. Friedel, D- while acting as flagship tor ing. night from a relative’s home in Anti-Submarine Warfare Group Four other breaks were re­ beAll disposed actions oftaken today. by H ^ se ^ere encroachment by the Md., presiding over today’i Watertown, Conn. hearing, asked first the presi­ Kve, Charged in R.I. ported to police over the week­ during the 12 days ‘ t has and local jurisdictions. He said He is accused of stealing the end. LAUNCH dent of the IhtemationBl Asso­ WESTERLY, R.T. (API -Five working on the bill are subject evidence local au­ car of Mrs. Sandra Boyster, 22, COMT901 I. WiHiam Hollander of 816 The apartment of Claire Coles ciation o f Machinists, P. L. Connecticut rnen are scheduled to separate roll call votes Just whose lx>dy was found when her Center St. was recently elected at 173 Spruce St. was entered, ^endUer, and then the chief ne­ tor trial in district court Aug. before final pass^e. . their own laws against rioting. sailor husband returned home Here is how scientists hope the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft will help pick a land­ governor of District 53 of the sometime Saturday night or gotiator for the fUrlines, W il- 20 on charges ranging from rev­ Opponents are believed ready ^ on leave. Toastmasters International at a Sunday morning, and $24 in ing spot for on the moon. The Lunar Orbiter is intended to achieve Ham J. Ourtiii, whether they eling to possession of alcohol as to press a final attempt to de- burning. The Boyster car was found a lunar orbit less than 30 miles above the moon’s surface. High resolution pic­ 8 convention hi San Diego, Calif. cash was taken. Police say they feat the housing provision by The amendment weis added to were willing to meet this aftei^ Sunday in Watertown. a minor. have a clue as to the person a provision aimed at bringing tures are to be made of a narrow belt across the lunar equator, upper^ right, noon. Both said they were, They'pleaded innocent Sunday asking for a roll call on an who may he committed the the federal government into and transmitted to a ground station, lower right. The pictures, to be subjects medel then had them set before Judge Charles F. Trum- amendment exempUng individ­ Plan Power Plant theft, and expect to apprehend crimes of violence against Ne- the time and place before petto and were released in $200 ual homeowners from the pro­ to a computer enhancement process, it is hoped, will show details of the m ^n s the suspect soon. Two Connecticut utilities are he continued with the com­ bail each. posed ban against racial dis- (See Page Nine) DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING -surface the size of a card table according to scientists of the Jet Propulsion Sometime late last night or crlnUnation iri hou^hg. st^kholders in a new corpora­ Laboratory at Pasadena, Calif., where the work„will be done. (AP Photofax) mittee session. LECLERC Lowell J. Van Derlip, 19, of tion which is planning an $S8 The meeting was set for 2:30 Glastonbury, was charged with early this morning, Manchester The amendment, which Hojise FUNERAL HOME Honda on Center St. was broken leaders consider vital to final million nuclear power plant at p.m. at the Labor Department. destroying property of another, Ciechowskis Mark 50th Wedding Vernon, Vt. However, nothing happened at allegedly by smashing an auto­ into, and the owners told police approval of the measure, was FUNERAL that about $30 in cash was miss­ adopted by a one-vote margin, The new corporation, Ver- today’s ' committee hearing that mobile windshield. William L. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ciechow- Corp., East Hartford. (Herald mont-Yonkee Nuclear Power Photo Lab Poised gave any indication the negotia­ Cinnamond, 18, of Watertown, ing from the cash register. 180 to 179. If it should be defeat­ Cicero Next Target LBJ Sees ski of 9 Chamberlain St. Rock­ photo by Pinto.) Cotp., has chosen General Elec­ tors would do any better at SERVICE was charged with possession of The Don Willis Garage on ed on a roll call, a final motion •- tric Co. to build Gie plant on the reaching common ground than W A L T E R N . alcohol as a minor. Main St. was broken into about ville look at a photograph taken to knock out the whole section of Connecticut River upstream For Shot at Moon they did Monday. L E C IjE R C Charged with reveling were the same time, police say, at their wedding, 50 years ago, P u n ish m e n t Uie bill would have a good No Setback Director though nothing has been report­ from a New England Power Co. Carl J. Thomas, 19, of East as they celebrated their golden In Yhe Himalayan state of chance of carrying. In Open House Push CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) failed, six in the early day^s of Th^ ed as missing. The House wrote a major hydro-electric dam. 23 Main Street, Manchester Hartford, Robert Urbinati, 19, wedding anniversary ye.sterday Swat, a person caught jaywalk­ A towel machine at Soft change into the bill Monday CHIOAGO (AP) — Cicero, The Rev. James Bevel, said Among 10 New England uUl- In Viet Nam Call 649-5869 of Norwich and James T. Mo­ at Maple Grove, Rockville. A ing is forced to run along the graphy lab, was poised for jt on prospects tor a negottat^- ran, 23, of New Haven. Spra Car Wash on Hartford roadside at top speed until he when It adopted an amendment of u,, Chicago there wiU be a demwistration Ities who are stockiiolders are Mass was celebrated in their WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ launching today toward an orbit carried no cameras. settlement in the month-old Rd. was jimmied open sometime honor yesterday morning at St. drops from exhausfeon. by Rep. William C. Cramer, R- area’s worst race riots 16 years Wednesday, probably in Bogan, Connecticut light and P