The path continues The river is the main artery running this way through the valley. On the higher section it gushes, boxed in by two very different sides: the Gredos side with flat summits, gently Variant of the path sloping hillsides, and Las Parameras with a far more craggy landscape. The valley opens up into the lands of . Rocks, Change of direction pine forests with some oaks, evergreen oaks, juniper trees and scrubland make up this landscape, along with the meadows Alberche/ and narrow strips of vegetable plots. The Wrong way vineyards become more evident here the Pinares closer we approach the eastern side. The villages, mostly located in the open, sunny places, are surrounded by a pleasant natural 319 KM footpaths environment barely changed by man.

Do not miss these in the area:

Visiting the “Toros de Guisando” (Bulls of Guisando), is where the most emblematic display of Vettonian culture in can be seen.

Santiago Church in Cebreros, an impressive example of 16th century Spanish architecture, listed as an Artistic / Historical Monument.

Visiting Abbey, to travel back in time to medieval days and the re-conquest of the Valley.

Visiting the “Corrales de ”, a characteristic, singular ethnographic site of the agricultural / livestock culture of central Spain.

Walking around the Valley of the River Alberche, in , and enjoying its natural resources and its fantastic equipment for leisure and tourism.

Visting the Adolofo Suárez and the Transition Museum in where you will learn about one of the leading characters in the Spanish transition.

Visiting the Alberche River Nature Museum in El Barraco to get to know more about the fauna that inhabits the land in this area. 1 2 3 4 Iruelas Valley Nature Reserve Pine Forest Adolfo Suarez and the Alberche Valley Nature Over 8,000 Ha with enormous biodiversity, 150 hectares of forest with Euro-Siberian Transition Museum Museum comprising part of the Protected Areas flora (pine forest), Iberian mountain flora Located in the former Cebreros Church A modern building with impressive Network. The presence of the black (Pyrenean Oak), Mediterranean scrub and (14th century), this museum pays reproductions of the wildlife of the Alberche vulture and the Spanish Imperial Eagle certain endemism. A haven for fauna. homage to the former President of the Valley which are truly realistic showing the justify its Birdlife Protected Reserve status. Government in his hometown, describing biological wealth of the region. Alberche/ the history of the Spanish transition. Pinares 319 KM footpaths

Natural heritage

Historical heritage


El Hoyo de Fauna El Barraco Pinares

Singular views 3 4 Cebreros


2 Burgohondo Hoyocasero 1 El Tiemblo 5 Navalosa 9 Villanueva 8 7 de Ávila

San Martín de Valdeiglesias 6 La Fuenfría

Serranillos Casillas

5 6 7 8 9 Nª Sra. de la Asunción Abbey Toros de Guisando Corrales de Navalosa Navaluenga Bridge Black Vulture The religious, administrative and Animal-like sculptures forming a Stone buildings with thatch roofs Built in the 16th Century with stone from The most emblematic species in the economic centre on which the outlying spectacular group and emblematic built to make use of pastureland. the villages comprising the Burgohondo region, planning over the land from villages depended. Founded in the symbols of Vettonian culture (5th and A valuable example of traditional Council to facilitate crossing from one Iruelas. With 100 pairs, this is the 12th century. 1st Centuries A.D.) architecture. bank of the river to the other by livestock. most northerly colony of these birds.