Cabinet kits (22in. and 26in.) from Forgestone. You have to obtain your own wood from the local DIY store - otherwise you'd have to pay VAT at 25% on it! The c.r.t. is simply bolted on to the front fascia, at the back.

solution - the 22in. and 26in. Cabinet Kits shown in the The Wrekin (Salop): ITV (ATV programmes) channel 23, accompanying photograph. The kits consist of a decorative BBC -1 channel 26 and BBC -2 channel 33 transmissions frontfasciaincludingloudspeakergrilleandcontrol are now in operation. Group A receiving aerials should be escutcheon, a black engraved control panel, knobs, printed horizontally mounted. panel mounting clips and cabinet back cover. The c.r.t. The following relay stations are now in service: mounting bolts form an integral part at the rear of the front Bridport (Dorset): ITV (Westward Television) channel 41, fascia - in fact the c.r.t. simply bolts on to it. The cabinet is BBC -2 channel 44, BBC -1(South West) channel 51. then easily constructed using veneered board and corner Receiving aerial group B. blocks (not included) which are readily available from most Campbeltown (Strathclyde): BBC -1 (Scotland)channel DIY shops. The price of the 22in. kit is £16.25 and of the 57, ITV () channel 60, BBC -2 channel 26in. kit £17.50, including carriage and VAT. The stands 63. Receiving aerial group C/D. shownareavailableextraifrequired.Enquiriesto: Carnmoney Hill (Co. Antrim): BBC -2 transmissions have ForgestoneColour DevelopmentsLtd.,Ketteringham, been added on channel 46. Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 9RY. The periodstyle Chartham (Kent): BBC -1channel 21, ITV (Southern Jacobean reproductioncabinetasfeaturedinrecent Television) channel 24, BBC -2 channel 27. Receiving aerial Forgestone advertisements isstillavailable and is also group A. being offered with kit and tube as a complete package deal. Coniston (): BBC -1 (North West) channel 21, ITV (Granada Television) channel 24, BBC -2 channel 27. REVISED PANEL Receiving aerial group A. Crieff (Tayside): ITV () channel 23, As if to confirm our comments on the leader page. a BBC -2 channel 26, BBC -1 channel 33. Receiving aerial modification note has just come in detailing alterations to group A. the decoder panel fitted to the latest production versions of Icomb Hill (Gloucestershire): BBC -1 (Midlands) channel the Rank A823AV 90° single -standard colour chassis. The 22, ITV (ATV) channel 25, BBC -2 channel 28. Receiving gated a.c.c. subpanel incorporating transistor 3VT12 and aerial group A. its associated components has been deleted, the circuit Kirkconnel (Dumfries and Galloway): BBC -1 channel 58, reverting to the non -gated a.c.c. stage used in the previous ITV (Scottish Television) channel 61, BBC -2 channel 64. version of this panel (Z180). The second harmonic rejector Receiving aerial group C/D. coils associated with the SL901B demodulator i.c. have St. Thomas (Exeter): ITV (Westward Television) channel also been deleted, along with their tuning components. The 41, BBC -2 channel 44, BBC -1 channel 51. Receiving aerial new panels are compatible with the previous versions and group B. can thus be interchanged. Whitewell (): BBC -1 (North West) channel 57, ITV (Granada Television) channel 60, BBC -2 channel 63. TRANSMITTER NEWS Receiving aerial group C/D. Alltheaboverelaytransmissionsarevertically Eitshal (Outer Hebrides): The service from this transmitter, polarised. to Lewis and coastal areas in some parts of Sunderland and Ross and Cromarty, will be delayed following an accident REPLAY ONLY PHILIPS VCR while the aerial was being erected. The aerial crashed from a hundred feet and the damage is beyond repair. With the growing number of pre-recorded videocassettes Keelylang Hill (Orkneys): The ITV transmitter is now in available, Philips have decided that it is an appropriate time operation on channel 43, carrying Grampian Television to introduce a playback only version of their VCR. This is programmes.Group Breceivingaerialsshouldbe known as the N1460 and the suggested retail price is horizontally mounted. £346.09.