Titanic Spectacle
Published by Organise!, 40 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7FF Titanic On June 8, the Euro Cup opened in a massive scale, there are cuts in social where many workers are not Warsaw. The city was full of football fans, services and exorbitant price increases - all organized and are beaten with media, police, military police and in the name of „austerity‟. defeatism in a country with conciliatory unions, is creating more protestors. Our comrades from ZSP also pointed out and more social problems. Femen, the anarcho-syndicalist ZSP and the that the general contractor which built the Tenants Defense Committee organised National Stadium in Warsaw had just A guillotine was produced and the Spectacle protests against the politics of the Euro. The declared bankruptcy. Leaving “a whole line demonstrators declared that if the ZSP and Tenants Defence Committee of subcontractors and workers” who have politicians continue protecting the interests protested about the huge amounts of money not been paid. of the rich and elites, at the expense of spent on the Euro. Who will benefit? Well, working people, they might have to use it: These workers: unsurprisingly, UEFA (tax exempt in Poland) Instead of more social cuts, the only along with a few businesses. Almost 26 threatened to block the opening of thing we want cut are the heads of the Euro, but didn't. The workers at billion Euro has been spent on this spectacle the government. and working people are footing the bill. the stadium for the Euro, who are Children go hungry as the city privatises being cheated and receive less money The protestors described the city: school cafeterias, schools and nurseries have than promised, threatened to strike - as one big Potemkin village, been closed, the poor are being evicted on but didn't.
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