THE SECRETARY of the Interiorj
37TH CoNGREss, } HOUSE OF REPRESENr:rATIVES. Ex. Doc. 2d Session. { No. 29. ACCOUNTS OF BRIGHAM YOUNG, SUPERINTENDENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS IN UTAH TERRITORY. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIORj TRANS~IITTING Report of tl-te investigation if tlze acts if Governor Young, ex <dficio superintend- ent if Indian O:.ffairs in Utah Territory. · . JANUARY 15, 1862.-Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be printed. DEP ARTMEl\"l' OF THE INTERIOR, Janum·y 13, 1862. Sm: The 6th section of the "act making appropriations for sundry civil ex penses of the government for the year ending June 30, 1862," enacts "that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs be directed to examine the accounts of Brigham Young, late governor of Utah Territory, and ex qfficio superintendent of Indian affairs, for disbursements alleged to have been made by him on account of the India~ service in said Territory, and report a statement thereof to Congress." I have the honor to transmit herewith a communication of the 11th instant from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and accompanying papers, embracing a report of Benjamin Davies, late superintendent Indian affairs, Utah Territory, of his investigation of the accounts of Governor Young, and copies of said ac counts, for the consideration and action of Congress, as contemplated by the act herein referred to. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, CALEB B. SMITH, Secretary. Hon. GALUSHA A. GRow, Speaker qf tlw House qf Representatives. DEPARTMENT OF 'THE INTERIOR, Office if Indian 4tfairs, Janua?·y 11, 1862. Sm : I have the honor to call your attention to section 6 of the act of Con gress entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-two," approved March 2, 1861, which reads as follows: 2 ACCOUNTS OF BRIGHAM YOUNG.
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