Clerk to the Council Louise Steele Tangmere Village Centre Malcolm Road Tangmere PO20 2HS 0203 904 0980 [email protected]



18 March 2021 Louise Steele - Parish Clerk


1. Election of Chairman for the Meeting In the anticipated absence of the Committee Chairman to receive nominations and elect a Chairman for the meeting.

2. Apologies To receive apologies for absence

3. Declarations of Interest To receive from Members any declarations of discloseable pecuniary and non- pecuniary interests in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting required to be disclosed by the Localism Act 2011 and the Tangmere Members’ Code of Conduct.

4. Public participation Members of the public present may make representations or raise questions on issues included on the agenda. This session to be conducted in accordance with Standing Order 3 e to 3 k.

5. Minutes To approve as an accurate record the minutes of the meeting held on 25 November 2020 and the Extraordinary meeting held on 9 February 2021 (draft minutes circulated with this agenda).

6. Allotments To receive the report of the Chairman of the Allotment Committee.

Chairman: Cllr Kirsten Lanchester 07823 498194 [email protected]

7. Correspondence To note correspondence received and consider whether any of the correspondence should form an agenda item at a subsequent meeting. The list of correspondence to be tabled at the meeting.

8. Planning To consider the Committee’s observations on the planning application listed below:

21/00634/FUL Partial change of use from A2 (nursery) to C3 (residential). Willowdene 1 Tangmere Road Tangmere PO20 2HW

9. Creation of a Tangtastic Tree Festival [working title] Working Party In accordance with Standing Order 4e, and as discussed at Fulll Council, to agree the membership and terms of reference of a “Tangtastic Tree Festival Working Party”.

10. Action Points and Other Matters To note the action points from previous meetings and to hear updates on progress against those action points (summary of Action Points to be shared at the meeting).

If not otherwise covered as an Action Point, to consider the latest position in relation to:

a) Recreation Field Bund b) Post Office (correspondence attached) c) New Homes Bonus projects (accessible play equipment) d) Reinstatement of the daffodils on the bend opposite the Museum e) Bus shelters f) Dukes Meadow g) Maintenance and landscaping at Lysander Way h) New bins

11. Date of next meeting The next listed meeting of the Environment Committee is scheduled to be held on 25 May 2021.

In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the Committee may wish to exclude the public and press from the meeting at this point prior to consideration of the following item by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

12. Ownership of land at Bishops Road To consider the latest position and the engagement of solicitors.

Chairman: Cllr Kirsten Lanchester 07823 498194 [email protected]


Minutes of the Environment Committee Meeting held remotely using Zoom software at 7.30pm on 25 November 2020

Present: Councillors- Kate Beach, Roger Birkett, David Blythe, Andrew Irwin, Simon Oakley, Paul Spencer-Ellis and Trevor Ware

In attendance: Cllr James Stanbridge Dulcie Oliver – Chairman of the Allotment Committee Louise Steele – Clerk to the Council

436 AGENDA ITEM 1 - ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR THE MEETING Cllr Kate Beach was elected Chairman for the meeting.

437 AGENDA ITEM 2 - APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Kirsten Lanchester.


Cllr Oakley declared a non-pecuniary interest as a Member of Council (CDC) and as a Member of County Council (WSCC) in matters on the agenda in general.

Cllr Oakley remained in the meeting for the duration of the Committee’s deliberations on the planning applications at Agenda Item 9 under consideration by Chichester District Council but was presumed to have entered the “public gallery” due to his Membership of that Council’s Planning Committee. Any comments and observations from Chichester District Councillor Simon Oakley on planning applications were personal ones made at the invitation of the Chairman and related to matters of fact and clarification. During discussion of Application 20/02063/TCA the Clerk removed Cllr Oakley from the meeting and placed him in the virtual waiting room readmitting him to the meeting only after that item had been discussed and the Council’s observations thereon agreed.

Cllr Birkett declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 8 Application number 20/01852/DOM on the grounds of proximity to his home. Cllr Birkett remained in the meeting while that application was discussed but took no part in the discussion.

439 AGENDA ITEM 4 – PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There was no public participation.

440 AGENDA ITEM 5 – MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 1 September 2020 were approved as an accurate record and it was agreed that they should be signed as such by the Chairman.

441 AGENDA ITEM 6 – ALLOTMENTS Mrs Oliver presented the following report: “What a strange year. In many ways it has been good for the allotments. We are full with a waiting list for the first time in a good 20 years. The new plot holders are keen and there has been good production on all plots. The weather during the first lockdown was very good and allowed us all to get onto the plots often. This was good for all of us giving us a breather from having to stay at home, and for families it was somewhere

they could take their children with a purpose. Its lovely to see families work the plot together – one of the best education sessions children can get surely. It has not been possible to have a workparty this year, but individuals are doing little bits and pieces on the communal plot. Due to high winds and wear and tear the communal polytunnel is losing its plastic covering and we would like to replace this - we have yet to find out how much this would cost, but there is a local company who could estimate, supply and fit. One of the lawnmowers needs a service/repair and we intend to get this done in the next month or so. There is one allotment where we have been advised the plot holder has passed away inexpectedly, so we can take someone from the waiting list to continue the tenancy – to be arranged.

442 AGENDA ITEM 7 – ACTION POINTS There was no summary of action points circulated and the Clerk indicated that she would take questions on any action points that were not elsewhere on the agenda.

443 AGENDA ITEM 8 – CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence to be considered.

444 AGENDA ITEM 9 – PLANNING Members considered the Committee’s observations on the planning applications listed below and commented on them as shown:

20/02893/OUT Outline planning application for a residential-led mixed use development comprising up to 1,300 dwellings (Use Class C3), an expanded village centre (comprising flexible units suited to Use Class E and pubs or drinking establishments and/or takeaways in Use Class Sui Generis), community uses, primary school, informal and formal open space, playing pitches, footpaths, cycleways, associated landscaping, utilities and drainage infrastructure, including on-site pumping station(s) with connection to the Strategic Foul network; associated infrastructure and groundworks; with all matters reserved except for the principal access junctions from the A27 grade-separated junction and Tangmere Road and the secondary access at Malcolm Road.

Land Adjacent To A27 Copse Farm Tangmere Road Tangmere West Sussex

It was agreed that the Parish Council would confine its consideration of this application to the unreserved matters and that these matters would be deferred to an extraordinary meeting of the Full Council to be held at 6pm on 15 December 2020.

The Committee did take the opportunity to consider an important question of principle as to whether it supported the proposal that Malcolm Road should be a no through route. Upon the proposal of Cllr Irwin, seconded by Cllr Spencer-Ellis it was resolved, by majority vote, that the Committee supports the proposal for the “No Through Route” option set out in paragraph 4.2.21 of the Transport Assessment.

20/02841/TPA Fell 1 no. Pine tree (quoted on plan as T1). Crown reduce width by 2-3m (west sector) over hanging house on 1 no. Pine tree (quoted on plan as T2). Both trees within Group, G1 subject TG/95/01026/TPO.

18 Bishops Road Tangmere Chichester West Sussex PO20 2JB

Tangmere Parish Council defers to the CDC Arboricultural Officer on this matter.

The Committee noted the delegated decisions made by Chichester District Council in the period 22 January to 18 November 2020.

The Committee noted the outcome of the enforcement appeal concerning 12A Nettleton Avenue, Tangmere, West Sussex PO20 2HZ. Reference was also made to other Appeal decision where the Parish Council had not been formally informed of the outcome.

445 AGENDA ITEM 10 – DOGS The Committee considered the impact of dog fouling within the village and agreed to ask CDC to install bins in an additional two locations (one at the cut through from Hangar Drive to Lysander Way and one at the west end of the Tangmere – Oving Bridleway, where it joins Oving’s Church Lane).

446 AGENDA ITEM 11 – TREES Members considered an oral update on questions relating to the Council’s trees and trees in the village outside the Council’s ownership. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to West Sussex County Council saying that the Parish Council is concerned about the height and safety of the trees on the village green.

447 AGENDA ITEM 12 – ONE STOP SITE Members considered what is known about the future of the One Stop site and heard that the site is likely to remain retail premises.

448 AGENDA ITEM 13 – OTHER MATTERS The matters below were discussed as shown: a) Recreation Field Bund – the bund has been completed, the gate will be installed before the end of the year b) New Homes Bonus projects (accessible play equipment) – the supplier has made a site visit and a start date needs to be agreed. c) Reinstatement of the daffodils on the bend opposite the Museum – permission has been obtained and the bulbs planted. d) Ownership of land at Bishops Road – no further action taken e) Bus shelters – nothing to report f) Dukes Meadow– nothing to report g) Maintenance and landscaping at Lysander Way – nothing to report h) New bins – installation of the bins already requested will be pursued and the two at Minute 445 above will be added to the request.

Date of next meeting: – 23 March 2021 Chairman: Date:


Minutes of ExtraordinaryMeeting of the Environment Committee held remotely using Zoom software at 6.30pm on 9 February 2021

Present: Councillors- Kate Beach, Roger Birkett, David Blythe, Andrew Irwin, Simon Oakley, Paul Spencer-Ellis and Trevor Ware

In attendance: Louise Steele – Clerk to the Council Tina White – Parish Administrator

487 AGENDA ITEM 1 - ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN FOR THE MEETING Cllr Kate Beach was elected Chairman for the meeting.

488 AGENDA ITEM 2 - APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Kirsten Lanchester.


Cllr Oakley declared a non-pecuniary interest as a Member of Chichester District Council (CDC) and as a Member of West Sussex County Council (WSCC) in matters on the agenda in general.

Cllr Oakley remained in the meeting for the duration of the Committee’s deliberations on the planning applications at Agenda Item 6 under consideration by Chichester District Council but was presumed to have entered the “public gallery” due to his Membership of that Council’s Planning Committee. Any comments and observations from Chichester District Councillor Simon Oakley on planning applications were personal ones made at the invitation of the Chairman and related to matters of fact and clarification.

490 AGENDA ITEM 4 – PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There was no public participation.

491 AGENDA ITEM 5 – OVING PARISH COUNCIL – NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN BOUNDARY Members considered a request from Oving Parish Council that they include small parts of Tangmere Parish Council’s area within the boundary of their Neighbourhood Plan and exclude a small area of their area. Upon the proposal of Councillor Irwin, seconded by Councillor Birkett Members agreed the request.

492 AGENDA ITEM 6 – PLANNING Members considered the Committee’s observations on the planning applications listed below and commented on them as shown:

20/03355/PLD Erection of single storey flat roofed rear extension.

79 Churchwood Drive Tangmere Chichester West Sussex PO20 2GY

No objection

21/00125/DOM Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of single storey rear extension.

47 Middleton Gardens Tangmere PO20 2JD

No objection

21/00199/TPA Crown reduce by up to 3m (all round), crown thin by 25% and crown lift by up to 5m (above ground level) on 2 no. Lime trees (quoted as T1, TPO'd as T33 and quoted as T2, TPO'd as T34). In addition reduce secondary stem by 2m (compression union with main stem) on 1 no. Lime tree (quoted as T2, TPO'd as T34). Both trees subject to TG/91/01021/TPO.

8 Middleton Gardens Tangmere PO20 2JD

Defer to the Arboricultural Officer

21/00271/TPA Reduce height by 2m and widths by 1.5m (all round) on 1 no. Lime tree (quoted as T1, TPO'd as T6) subject to TG/90/01020/TPO.

Amenity Area Churchwood Drive Tangmere West Sussex

Defer to the Arboricultural Officer

Date of next meeting: – 23 March 2021 Chairman: Date:


Louise Steele - Parish Clerk Tangmere Parish Council Village Centre Malcolm Road Tangmere PO20 2HS Tel: 0203 904 0980 Mob: 07808 649597 E: [email protected] Post Office Limited FREEPOST Your Comments 21 January 2021

Dear Sir/Madam

Post Office Provision in Tangmere PO20 2HW

It is now almost two years since the Post Office in Tangmere closed, and a year since you indicated that the closure would be permanent but that you had a candidate interested in providing a service in the village. We have heard no more.

Being without a Post Office in the village is a source of hardship to many of the village’s most vulnerable residents. We are told that other villages such as the village of Cocking, also in West Sussex benefit from a mobile post office provision and we wonder why such alternative provision is not made available in Tangmere?

I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully

Louise Steele Clerk to Tangmere Parish Council Louise Steele

From: CustomerCare Sent: 03 March 2021 11:45 To: Louise Steele Subject: Post Office - Case Ref: CAS-1757629-W4G2T6 CRM:0038806035

Good Morning ,

Ref: CAS-1757629-W4G2T6

Thank you for getting in touch.

I can appreciate the inconvenience this closure may have caused yourself and the local community.

We are fully aware of the importance the Post Office has for the customers who depend on us, and I want to assure you that we remain committed to making sure essential services remain available to all customers in your community.

Our Area Management Team are aware of the situation at this branch, and are working hard to identify a solution for the short-term and long-term future of Post Office services in this area. As yet we have no further updates regarding this matter.

Once again, please accept my apologies for the closure of this branch. If we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to get back in touch by replying to this email or emailing us at [email protected] directly.

Kind Regards,


Customer Service Advisor

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