Women's Rights: Are Violence and Discrimination Against Women
MAY 2008 VOLUME 2, NUMBER 5 PAGES 115-147 WWW.GLOBALRESEARCHER.COM Women’s Rights ARE VIOLENCE AND DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN DECLINING? omen around the world have made significant gains in the past decade, but tens of millions still face significant and often appalling hardship. Most governments now have gender-equality commissions, electoral gender quotas and laws to protect women against violence. But progress has been mixed. A record number of women now serve in parliaments, but only 14 of the world’sW 193 countries currently have elected female leaders. Globalization has produced more jobs for women, but they still constitute 70 percent of the world’s poorest inhabitants and 64 percent of the illiterate. Spousal abuse, female infanticide, genital mutilation, forced abortions, bride-burnings, acid attacks and sexual slavery remain pervasive in some countries, and rape and sexual mutilation have reached epic proportions in the war- torn Democratic Republic of the Congo. Experts say without greater economic, po- litical and educational equality, the plight of women will not improve, and society will continue suffering the consequences. Hiding her face in shame, 18-year-old Nonmume Alitteee is one of hundreds of thousands of women and girls who have been raped, sexually mutilated or forced into sexual slavery during the brutal, ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. PUBLISHED BY CQ PRESS, A DIVISION OF CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY INC. WWW.CQPRESS.COM WOMEN’S RIGHTS THE ISSUES SIDEBARS AND GRAPHICS • Has globalization been Only Four Countries Offer 117 good for women? 118 Total Equality for Women May 2008 • Should governments im- Costa Rica, Cuba, Sweden Volume 2, Number 5 pose electoral quotas for and Norway offer parity.
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