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The AEOLIAN COMPANY THE MIICA NEWS BULLETIN 1__-----------------------_----The AMICA News Bulletin ..... Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association, a non-profit club devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper music rolls. Contributions: All subjects of interest to readers of the bulletin are encouraged and invited by the publisher. All articles must be received by the first of the month. Every attempt will be made to publish all articles of general interest to AMICA members at the earliest possible time and at the discretion of the Publisher, in the following areas: * Letters to the Publisher *Research Findings *Questions and Answers *Biographical Sketchesof Artists and Composers *Photographs, Old Advertisements *Technical Information * Anything elseof general interest to AM ICA Advertisements: Personal adsare accepted by the AM ICA Bulletin Board. Businesses which are interested in placing ads must follow these rules: - Each ad wi II consist of one fu II standard pagein the bulIeti n. - Payment of $25 must be included with the ad copy. - Ads must reach the publisher by the first of the month. - Ad copy must be complete and ready for print. - At least 50% of the ad must consist of photographs or art work that will be of specific interest to AMICA readers. PUBLICATION OF BUSINESS ADVERTISING IN NO WAY IMPLIES AMICA'S ENDORSEMENT OF ANY COMMERCIAL OPERATION. However AMICA reserves the right to refuse any ad that is not in keeping with AMICA's general standardsor if complaints are received indicating that said business does not serve the best interests of the membersof AMICA, according to its goalsand by-laws. I THE AMICA WHO & WHERE THE AMICA BULLETIN AMICA PRESIDENT PHOTOGRAPHS REQUIRING HALF-TONE Frank Loob Sam Thompson 219 Montecito Boulevard 6809 Iris Circle Napa, California 94558 Hollywood, California 90028 AMICA BULLETIN MUSICAL JIGSAW Ginny Billings, Publisher Ruth Bingaman Smith 1428 Liberty Street 206 Tuttle Road EI Cerrito, California 94530 San Antonio, Texas 78209 AMICA BULLETIN PAST ISSUES PARENT MINUTES & MEETINGS Dick Reutlinger Ginny Billings, Publisher 824 Grove Street 1428 Liberty Street San Francisco, California 94117 EI Cerrito, California 94530 NEW MEMBERSHIPS & MAILING PROBLEMS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES Dick Reutlinger, Membership Secretary Bob Pye, Editor 824 Grove Street 342 Leon Avenue San Francisco, California 94117 Kelowna, B.C., Canada MEMBERSHIP DUES & TREASURY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CHAPTER Bob Whiteley, Treasurer Karl Petersen, Reporter 175 Reservoir 314 South Halladay Street San Rafael, California Santa Ana, California 92701 BULLETIN BOARD INSTRUMENTS Mel Luchetti, Advertising Secretary Bob Billings, Editor 3449 Mauricia Avenue 1428 Liberty Street Santa Clara, California 95050 EI Cerrito, California 94530 AMICA A'UCTION TECHNICALITIES Gar Britten, Auctioneer John A. Patten, Editor 642 Diamond Street 601 Penn Street San Francisco, California Pasadena, California 91104 THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN 2 MEMBERSHIP MINUTES by Sally Lawrence, acting Secretary OUR NEXT MEETING The President , Frank Loob , called the meet ing to order at 9 :45 p.m. He asked for t he report from the nom­ DATE: Saturday, November 27 inat ion Commi ttee of t he newly established Founding 7:30 P.M . Chapter. Sally Lawrence reported that the following TIME: Roger Johnson persons had accepted nominat ions for the local chapter : 6380 Wisteria Way, San Jose Al f Werolin, President PLACE: Ni cholas Jarrett, Vice President Bill Whe rry, Secretary Joe Bogle , Treasurer Sally Lawrence, Reporte r . ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY COMING UP Frank asked i f there we re any further nomina t ions from the floor. There we re none and th e slate was unanimously San Fran ciscans and tmavel.l.ere t o the Bay Area, p l an elected. t o attend the t raditional and always exciting AMICA Frank turned t he meeting over to Vi ce Pres ident Nick Christmas party, to be held, as always , at the home of Jarrett. Nick annou nced t he dues fo r the Founding Chap­ Dick Reutl.inqer i n San Francisco . ter were to be collected and that the next meeting woul d Each guest i s asked to bring a t oken (Joke) gift with be at the Jones' home in San Franc isco , He adjourned the him... a maximum val ue of $1.00, please . Las t year your meet ing at 9 :50 p.m. pub Usher took home an envelop of lettuce bubbl e bath / Members attending we re Mr . and Mr s . Loob , Bill Wherry, So that Sally Lawrence and Dick can make approp riate Sa l l y and Dale Lawrence, Bob and Barba ra Whiteley, Dick plans , please RSVP to either of them during the evening. Reutlinger , Ginny and Bob Bill ings , Al and Linda Nielsen , THE DATE : December 11 (Saturday ) ; THE TIME: 8:00 p.m . ; Roger John son, Larry Mangus, Ni cho l as Jarrett and Don THE LOCATION: 824 Gr ove S ty-eat; THE COST (to cover r e­ Stroh, Bill Englund (vi siting from Seattle) , and guests freshments ) .' $2.50 fo r each per s on . THE CITY: San of the Loobs, Fr ancisco. See yo u there / 11111111111 1111111111 11111111111111 11111 *0 /*0* / *0 * / *0 * / *0* /0* NEXT AUCTION DATE SET FOR JANUARY Ruth Bingcunan Smith examinee Bill Knorp 's Victor V by Gar Britten talking machine . She and Jarod Clark were t reated to OWl. ne.x.t Auction Lw:t, No. 15, will be. pubW he.d wa h an interes t i ng concert at Bi Ll. Knorp 'e ! Ruth has :the. Ve.c.embe.Jt BuUe.tin 60!l a mi..d-JanuaJz.y auction. written and asked t hat AMICA be th anked and given her We. would have. p~ e. 6~ e.d :to have. ~ auction in Nov­ love for t he gr acious hospitality she re cei ved during embe.Jt , bu:t by :the. .tUne. you membe.M wo uld ge.:t :the. w :t, her San Francisco visit . and ~e.:tMn YOWl. b-i..d6 , -i..:t would have. 6a.Ue.n ~gh:t -i..n :the. mi..d6 :t a6 YOWl. ChJU!., :tm1U pl0Jt6 . We. we.Jte. all, a a b-i..:t a.ppMhe.M-i..v e. aboiu: und-tng ou:t package;., -i..n :the. mi..dd.te. 06 V e. c. em b e.~, aboui; PO-6:ta..t c. o n 6~ -i.. on a:t :tha:t .tUne. 06 ye.M. e. e.e.e.e. e.e.e.e.e.e. e. e.e.e.e.e. e. e. e. Rober t a Cherney gives Ursula Dietrich-Hollinshead a jade pin on behalf of AMICA during her visit to San Fr ancis co . Ginny Bi l l i ngs looks on, as Ursula charms everyone wi t h he r i nf ormality, f rankness and spirited discussi on . 3 THE AMICA NEWS BULLETIN Thanks, Gar, for all you've done to make the auction the success that it is and the fine event to at tend, be­ AUCTION #14 AT GAR BRITTEN'S HOME sidesl It's a tremendous job you've handled, prepar ing by Sam Thompson and tallying the auction lists and bid sheets, re ce i vi ng and redirecting over 500 items in a single auction, pro­ Shortly past 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 12, AMICA's viding refreshments of such magnitude, and opening your la rgest auction ye t began . Over 500 items , consisting home to AMI CAns as well. of rolls , a cat~log, a month ly bulletin, and even a jumbo Ampico, appeared and were to find new homes. .."",.,.,.,',.,',. .. .. ..... If vou haven' t attended one of these events, it's an e x c it i ~ g happeni ng , especially if you're involved in the b i dd i ng. He re ' s how the ac tua 1 auct ion proceeds. The auct ion­ OPEN LETTER FROM ROBERT BARTLETT ee~ Ga r Britten , seated at his desk by the front , "0 . w;ndow , calls t he item number and states, pen i nq at $3. 25." This means that the figure stated i s 25¢ higher t han the next highest mail bid (incidentally, all bids I recentl y purchased wha t was suppos ed t o be a Wil cox should be in in crements of 25d. If a person at the &White Symphony organ roll. It was in a W/W box labelled _ auction wishes to bid , he must raise by 25¢ and compete UX10087 Leonore Ove r t ur e U3. The roll was 1110087 in b idding with Gar, who will bid as the mail bidders ' Aeol i an grand! agent. Gar can bid only until he reaches the mail bid­ Since the W/W "o lls are 10-1/4" wide and the Aeolian der's maximum; for 25¢ more, the live bidder can get the gr and rolls are 10- 1 / 8" wide but with larger pins, I item. However , t he live bidder does not know the actual could not play the roll on my player, but I s us pe c t it amount the mail bidder has authorized. If no bids have woul d have worke d on my system. My conclusion i s t hat been received on an item, Gar states, "minimum bid of the Aeolian Company made rolls for Wil cox & Wh ite, or (the amount stated on the bid sheet)." If a person will that Wilcox & White made rolls for the Aeolian Company . bid this minimum, he will get it for that amount unless The roll numbers are identical in this case excep t for other live competition develops.
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