Oxford Right to Life

Woodstock Ingersoll Tillsonburg PO Box 1545 73 Charles St. E PO Box 154 N4S 0A7 N5C 1J5 N4G 4H3 519 -421 -0029 519 -485 -26 03 519 -409 -1167


UPCOMING EVENTS Director's Message

20 21 Membership - $20 We have journeyed through Christmas! Jesus was born again in our hearts and in our lives, in Membership form is included our homes and in the world. I hope that you all experienced His love. with this newsletter. After the year we have had in 2020, we all have many questions ; th e Lord has all the answers. We have been grieving for certain reasons, but God gives us hope . Romans 8 tells us that God works things out for good. And in Psalm 34 - 9, we are told "Taste and see that the Lord is good ; happy the man who takes refuge in Him." We must never forget that God has given us the gift of RESPECT FOR LIFE WEEK January 2 4 - 31 life. Let us live our lives in abundance, sharing the joy and peace He has given us , and sharing the truth that we know about the sanctity of life, which must be respected and protected from conception to natural death. Thursday, Janu ar y 28 12 noon Due to ongoing pandemic measures, we will have new ways to come together this year. Read Let us all take a moment on for details! We hope you will all take part! to pray for th ose affected by abortion. To begin this year , we ask that you observe Respect for Life Week with a moment of silent prayer at noon on Thursday , January 28th. Pastor Jeff Kingswood has provided his thoughts WEBINAR which were intended for our Respect for Life Service. "MOVING FORWARD" on the issue of Abortion Next, we are holding a LIVE Webinar on Thursday, February 25th . The topic is "Moving Thursday, February 25 Forward " on the issue of abortion. 7 - 8 pm with David Cooke, Later this year, w e are planning a county -wide educational outreach project . It will be in the Campaign Life Coalition form of a postcard sent to every household in Oxford County and it will contain thought -provoking information about abortion and euthanasia. FUNDRAISING for this project will take place at our VIRTUAL Annual Meeting Virtual Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 8th . We estimate the cost of this educational Thursday, April 8 outreach to be $10,000 . Our 7 pm Guest Speaker guest speaker , Paul Saba M.D., Paul Saba, M.D. is authour of the book Made to "After euthanasia legislation, Live , A Physician's Journey to how can we encourage Save Life . During the meeting people to choose life? " there will be time for Q & A with our speaker, as well as beautiful DONATIONS Please support our cause. music. Mark your calendars Mail a cheque to your local now and plan to join us for this group or donate online important event ! through CanadaHelps.org Please join us in protecting the or vulnerable . As a registered our website charitable organization, we gratefully accept your financial support and provide a tax -deductible receipt for a minimum donation of $20. This also entitles you to an annual membership which inc ludes three ●If your group/church/school newsletters via mail or email to keep you informed on upcoming events and the most important would like a speaker to pro -life issues of the day. You can help us continue our pro -life efforts in Oxford County by explain the pro -life position, returning your completed membership form as soon as possi ble. If you wish, you may also call one of the numbers above. contribute to our FUNDRAISER at that time. You will find the membership form included with ●If you need advice regarding this newsletter. Current members who are re ceiving this newsletter by mail will find their 2020 end -of -life treatment issues, charitable receipt enclosed as well . We are most thankful for every donation to our work! call 1 -855 -675 -8749 . It is confi dential and free. This newsletter contains information which is important for everyone to know. We encourage http://www.compassionateco you to read every article and to share our newsletter with others. Wishing you and yours all His mmunitycare.org blessings in 2021! May it be Happy and Healthy! Mary VanVeen, Executive Director WINTER 20 21 PAGE 2

Respect for Life Remembrance 2

January 28 th marks 33 years since ’s abortion laws were repealed by the Supreme Court of Canada. In those years, it is estimated that some 3 million babies have been killed and about 300 unborn babies die each day. Those numbers make the current COVID-19 issues pale by comparison. The meaning in this slaughter is to be found in Proverbs 8:34-36 (ESV) – "Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me, finds life and receives favor from the LORD. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death." In these verses we have contrasting worldviews: blessing and life, hatred and death. Scripture, God’s testimony about Himself, says that either you are seeking God or fleeing from Him. Either you are a child of God through the saving work of Jesus Christ His Son or you are a captive of the father of lies. Charles Bridges, a 19 th century Church of England minister said, “Every bait of sin is the temptation to suicide, to soul murder.” The devil’s lie is that death is an answer to our problems, rather than the last enemy which has been defeated by Christ. The West, which has had such a rich tradition of faith and an historic attachment to Christianity, has run out of moral capital. The answer to reversing our culture of death begins with the proclamation of the gospel of our Saviour Jesus. While we must continue to work for justice for the weak and those unable to defend themselves, the larger battle is for the hearts and the souls of our neighbours. As individuals, as families, and as churches, we must live so that it is evident that we belong to Christ. Our lives are to be marked by fellowship with Him in His Word to us. We must model life in Christ. Rather than being against death we need to show the world that we are for life. We must be pointing our hurting world to Christ, for Jesus has promised that the weary, the heavy laden, those worn out by sin, may come to Him and find life and refreshment. To find Christ is to find life. Once we have found that life we may join together to recover a culture of life. ~ Pastor Jeff Kingswood, Grace Presbyterian Church, Woodstock


Obsessed: Canada’s Coercive Diplomacy

Premieres on Sunday, January 17 th at 7pm EST. Learn the full extent of Trudeau's global abortion obsession, Canada's aid priorities for Africa and how it all ties in to China's own agenda. Go to https://coercivediplomacy.ca/ or go to the Campaign Life Coalition YouTube channel .



In the News 3

What is Black Lives Matter really about?

Ryan Bomberger , shown here, is the founder of Radiance Foundation , a life-affirming organization that has four key values: 1. Every human life has purpose; 2. We are called to love one another and show compassion to those in need; 3. The most fundamental right is the Right to Life; and 4. Family is the foundation of every society.

On June 5, Bomberger spoke out against the Black Lives Matter movement by posting “Top 10 reasons I’ll never support the #BlackLivesMatter movement ” on the Radiance Foundation website. He was later interviewed about it on Jonathan Van Maren’s LifeSiteNews podcast. Ryan said “the premise is not true; there is no goal of forgiveness or reconciliation, and, it’s all about Black Power.” He also noted that BLM promotes the LGBTQ+ agenda, ignores fatherhood , undermines the family, and supports abortion, adding “apparently, not all black lives matter,” because BLM supports a full range of reproductive rights, including abortion.

According to U.S. census data, blacks make up 13 per cent of the American population, but according to the Centers for Disease Control, black women account for about 40 per cent of all abortions. Research by Protecting Black Life found that 79 percent of Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of minority neighborhoods and that an estimated 20 million black preborn babies have been killed by abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973. New York City health statistics show that more black babies are killed by abortion than are born each year. Despite the numbers that show black Americans are disproportionately victims of abortion, BLM supports abortion rights and abortion rights groups, and they, in turn, reciprocate the support. ~ The Interim, July 20 20

 Approximately 100,000 surgical abortions are performed each year in Canada.

There is NO universal right to abortion!

On October 22nd, 2020, spearheaded by the United States under President Trump, the Geneva Consensus Declaration was formally signed by 32 nations representing over 1.6 billion people (approximately one- fifth of the world’s population). This international agreement endorses a number of pro-life, pro-family declarations to:  Emphasize that “in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning”...  Reaffirm that “the child needs special safeguards and care before as well as after birth”...  Reaffirm that “the family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State”; that “motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance,” that “women play a critical role in the family” and “c ontribute to the welfare of the family and to the development of society”.  Reaffirm that there is no international right to abortion, nor any international obligation on the part of States to finance or facilitate abortion...

The Geneva Consensus Declaration makes clear what the UN already knows: there is NO international right to abortion. Key signing nations include the United States, Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, and Uganda and the declaration remains open for additional world leaders to sign.

Our Liberal government is imposing abortion on nations throughout the world and are doing so by using your tax dollars - almost $700 million annually until 2030. Please urge our Canadian government to join the Geneva Consensus Declaration by signing the petition available on the Campaign Life Coalition website. ~ Campaign Life Coalition, October 2020


Pro -Life opinion is divided over ethics of new COVID vaccine 4 The pro- life Charlotte Lozier Institute has listed both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines as “ethically uncontroversial ”, noting that neither used cells from aborted babies to manufacture the vaccine. “Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines use synthetic genetic coronavirus material, called messenger RNA or mRNA,” it noted. However, Children of God for Life (CGL), a pro-life organization specializing in monitoring vaccines, said that while no fetal cells were used in the direct manufacture of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, they did use cell lines emanating from aborted babies in creating material that is used in producing the vaccine or in their testing of the product. Writing in The Public Discourse in May 2020, Christopher Tollefsen noted that formal cooperation with evil is always wrong, and so vaccines that rely on pro cured abortion tissue is impermissible and “pro -lifers should demand that alternative, ethically upright forms of research be pursued.” He said that patients are cooperating directly with the evil if a vaccine is produced with such tissue because it creates the market for the illicit act. "Material cooperation can be permissible when the reasons for acting are proportionate to the reasons against so acting.” Tollefsen argues that when it comes to whether or not researchers should use existing (aborted) fetal tissue cell lines established decades ago and whether pro-lifers can use vaccines tested or created with such lines, the material cooperation is “weak” because it is far removed from the original evil act, does not require further evil actions, and does not incentivize more abortions. But Jeff Gunnarson, national president of Campaign Life Coalition, says that creating or testing vaccines on fetal cell lines taken from tissue from aborted babies is always wrong. He called on governments to fund and approve only vaccines from ethically derived sources. There are 30 vaccines in development which CGL is monitoring; 19 do not use fetal cells or fetal cell lines in either the production or testing of the product. Meanwhile, Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC), a national non-profit that educates consumers about vaccines in Canada, has launched a petition asking the federal government to “preserve and protect our ethical, legal, and moral right to informed consent” and “legally ensure COVID -19 vaccines are voluntary .” It notes the lack of proper testing and oversight in the rush to develop COVID-19 vaccines. VCC said that all vaccines in development at this point should be considered “experimental” and thus not foisted upon the general population. The approval process for pharmaceuticals in Canada and the US typically takes five to ten years. ~ The Interim, December 2020


Euthanasia Bill C-7 passes second reading; Senate to vote on Bill C-7 on February 26th 5

Bill C-7 expands the law to permit anyone who considers their physical or psychological suffering to be intolerable to qualify for death by lethal injection, even if effective medical treatments exist for their condition. The lack of parameters directly threatens the lives of those with disabilities. When the government legalized euthanasia in 2016, the legislation required that the law receive a full review starting in June 2020. That review has not taken place and yet the government is expanding the euthanasia law. The Trudeau Government proposes to eliminate the 10-day waiting period so that those who are not dying or those who are suffering psychological pain can be killed immediately. This would deprive patients who are feeling desperate the chance to change their minds. Removing the requirement of consent at the time of death contravenes the Supreme Court of Canada Carter decision which states that only competent people could die by euthanasia. Furthermore, there is no requirement to remove the 10-day waiting period in the Truchon decision, either. Studies show that the will to live fluctuates over time. The Senate needs to shelve Bill C-7 until after the five-year review is completed. If the Government insists on passing Bill C-7, then it must limit the legislative changes in the Truchon decision which only required removing the phrase "natural death is reasonably foreseeable". Please urge the Senate to vote against Bill C-7 by writing to one or more of the Senators (see below) . Explain that you oppose the new same-day death provision in the bill and that the legislation does not define basic terms such as psychological suffering or natural death being reasonably foreseeable. The current law is one of the most permissible in the world. In times of human weakness, sickness or vulnerability, we must offer extraordinary support, compassion and hope to those who are suffering - not medical killing. ~ Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, December 2020

Chair: Senator Mobina S.B. Jaffer [email protected] Deputy Chair: Senator [email protected] Deputy Chair: Senator Larry W. Campbell [email protected] Senator [email protected] Please Senator [email protected] WRITE Senator [email protected] Senator [email protected] Senator Pierre J. Dalphond [email protected] Senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu [email protected] Senator Renee Dupuis [email protected] Senator [email protected] Senator [email protected]

 More than 19,000 deaths have occurred since euthanasia was legalized in Canada.

People with disabilities oppose the expansion of euthanasia CBC News reported that people with disabilities are warning that Bill C-7 devalues the lives of vulnerable people . Krista Carr, Executive Vice President of Inclusion Canada, fears that state provided suicide will become an acceptable response to disability. She said with disabilities and their families have long feared that having a disability would become an acceptable reason for state-provided suicide. "Bill C-7 is our worst nightmare", she said, adding that equating assisted death to an equality right is a moral affront. Carr said family members worry that their loved ones will choose MAID to end their suffering because they feel they have no choice. She said that situation would relieve political leaders of their responsibility to provide adequate medical care, housing and income support. "The lives of people with disabilities are as necessary to the integrity of the human family in any other dimension of humanity and this threat to the lives of people with disabilities is a threat to us all!", she said. ~ Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, December 2020


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Respec t for it must begn

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