Computational Complexity of Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints

Stefan Hoffmannr0000´0002´7866´075Xs

Informatikwissenschaften, FB IV, Universit¨atTrier, Germany, [email protected]

Abstract. The constrained synchronization problem (CSP) asks for a synchronizing word of a given input automaton contained in a regular set of constraints. It could be viewed as a special case of synchronization of a discrete event system under supervisory control. Here, we study the computational complexity of this problem for the class of sparse regular constraint languages. We give a new characterization of sparse regular sets, which equal the bounded regular sets, and derive a full classification of the computational complexity of CSP for letter-bounded regular constraint languages, which properly contain the strictly bounded regular languages. Then, we introduce strongly self-synchronizing codes and investigate CSP for bounded languages induced by these codes. With our previous result, we deduce a full classification for these languages as well. In both cases, depending on the constraint language, our problem becomes NP-complete or polynomial time solvable.

Keywords: automata theory · constrained synchronization · compu- tational complexity · sparse languages · bounded languages · strongly self-synchronizing codes

1 Introduction

A deterministic semi-automaton is synchronizing if it admits a reset word, i.e., a word which leads to a definite state, regardless of the starting state. This notion has a wide range of applications, from software testing, circuit synthe- sis, communication engineering and the like, see [13,45,47]. The famous Cern´yˇ conjecture [11] states that a minimal synchronizing word, for an n state automa- ton, has length at most pn ´ 1q2. We refer to the mentioned survey articles for arXiv:2108.00081v1 [cs.FL] 30 Jul 2021 details [45,47]. Due to its importance, the notion of synchronization has undergone a range of generalizations and variations for other automata models. The paper [19] introduced the constrained synchronization problem (CSP1). In this problem, we search for a synchronizing word coming from a specific subset of allowed input sequences. To sketch a few applications:

1 In computer science the acronym CSP is usually used for the constraint satisfaction problem [35]. However, as here we are not concerned with constrained satisfaction problems at all, no confusion should arise. 2 S. Hoffmann

Reset State. In [19] one motivating example was the demand that a system, or automaton thereof, to synchronize has to first enter a “directing” mode, perform a sequence of operations, and then has to leave this operating mode and enter the “normal operating mode” again. In the most simple case, this constraint could be modelled by ab˚a, which, as it turns out [19], yields an NP-complete CSP. Even more generally, it might be possible that a system – a remotely controlled rover on a distant planet, a satellite in orbit, or a lost autonomous vehicle – is not allowed to execute all commands in every possible order, but certain commands are only allowed in certain order or after other commands have been executed. All of this imposes constraints on the possible reset sequences. Part Orienters. Suppose parts arrive at a manufacturing site and they need to be sorted and oriented before assembly. Practical considerations favor methods which require little or no sensing, employ simple devices, and are as robust as possible. This could be achieved as follows. We put parts to be oriented on a conveyor belt which takes them to the assembly point and let the stream of the parts encounter a series of passive obstacles placed along the belt. Much research on synchronizing automata was motivated by this application [12,17,18,25,37,38,47] and I refer to [47] for an illustrative example. Now, furthermore, assume the passive components could not be placed at random along the belt, but have to obey some restrictions, or restrictions in what order they are allowed to happen. These could be due to the availability of components, requirements how to lay things out or physical restrictions. Supervisory Control. The CSP could also be viewed of as supervisory control of a discrete event system (DES) that is given by an automaton and whose event sequence is modelled by a formal language [10,42,50]. In this frame- work, a DES has a set of controllable and uncontrollable events. Dependent on the event sequence that occurred so far, the supervisor is able to restrict the set of events that are possible in the next step, where, however, he can only limit the use of controllable events. So, if we want to (globally) reset a finite state DES [2] under supervisory control, this is equivalent to CSP. Biocomputing. In [4,5] DNA molecules have been used as both hardware and software for finite automata of nanoscaling size, see also [47]. For instance, Benenson et al [4] produced “a ‘soup of automata’, that is, a solution con- taining 3 ˆ 1012 identical automata per µ1. All these molecular automata can work in parallel on different inputs, thus ending up in different and un- predictable states. In contrast to an electronic computer, one cannot reset such a system by just pressing a button; instead, in order to synchronously bring each automaton to its start state, one should spice the soup with (sufficiently many copies of) a DNA molecule whose nucleotide sequences encodes a reset word” [47]. Now, it might be possible that certain sequences, or subsequences, are not possible as they might have unwanted biological side-effects, or might destroy the molecules at all. Reduction Procedure. This example is more formal and comes from attempts to solve the Cern´yconjectureˇ [47]. In [27] a special rank factorization [41] Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 3

for automata was introduced from which smaller automata could be derived. Then, it was shown that the original automaton is synchronizing if and only if the reduced automaton admits a synchronizing word in a certain regular constraint language, and the reset threshold, i.e, the lengths of the shortest synchronizing word, of the original automaton could be bounded by that of the shortest one in the constraint language for the reduced automaton.

In [19], a complete analysis of the complexity landscape when the constraint language is given by small partial automata was done. It is natural to extend this result to other language classes. In general there exist constraint languages yielding PSPACE-complete con- strained problems [19]. A language is polycyclic [31], if it is recognizable by an automaton such that every strongly connected component forms a single cycle, and a language is sparse [51] if only polynomially many words of a specific length are in the language. As shown in [31] for polycyclic languages, which, as we show, equal the sparse regular languages, the problem is always in NP. This motivates investigating this class further. Also, as written in more detail in Remark 7, a subclass of these languages has a close relation to the commutative languages, and as for commutative constraint languages a trichotomy result has been es- tablished [30], tackling the sparse languages seems to be the next logical step. In fact, we show a dichotomy result for a subclass that contains the class corre- sponding to the commutative languages. Additionally, as has been noted in [19], the constraint language ab˚a is the smallest language, in terms of a recognizing automaton, giving an NP-complete CSP. The class of languages for which our dichotomy holds true contains this language. Let us mention that restricting the solution space by a regular language has also been applied in other areas, for example to topological sorting [3], solving word equations [15,16], constraint programming [39], or shortest path problems [43]. The famous road coloring theorem [1,46] states that every finite strongly connected and directed aperiodic graph of uniform out-degree admits a labelling of its edges such that a synchronizing automaton results. A related problem to our problem of constrained synchronization is to restrict the possible labelling(s), and this problem was investigated in [49].

Outline and Contribution. Here, we look at the complexity landscape for sparse regular constraint languages. In Section 3 we introduce the sparse languages and show that the regular sparse languages are characterized by polycyclic automata introduced in [31]. A similar characterization in terms of non-deterministic au- tomata was already given in [21, Lemma 2]. In this sense, we extend this char- acterization to the deterministic case. As for polycyclic constraint automata the constrained problem is always in NP, see [31, Theorem 2], we can deduce the same for sparse regular constraint languages, which equal the bounded regular languages [34]. In Section 4 we introduce the letter-bounded languages, a proper subset of the sparse languages, and show that for letter-bounded constraint languages, the constrained synchronization problem is either in P or NP-complete. 4 S. Hoffmann

The difficulty why we cannot handle the general case yet lies in the fact that in the reductions, in the general case, we need auxiliary states and it is not clear how to handle them properly, i.e, how to synchronize them properly while staying inside the constraint language. In Section 5 we introduce the class of strongly self-synchronizing codes. The strongly self-synchronizing codes allow us to handle these auxiliary states men- tioned before. We show that for homomorphisms given by such codes, the con- strained problem for the homomorphic image of a language has the same com- putational complexity as for the original language. This result holds in general, and hence is of independent interest. Here we apply it to the special case of bounded, or sparse, regular languages given by such codes. Lastly, we present a bounded language giving an NP-complete constrained problem that could not be handled by our methods so far.

2 Preliminaries and Definitions

We assume the reader to have some basic knowledge in computational complexity theory and formal language theory, as contained, e.g., in [32]. For instance, we make use of regular expressions to describe languages. By Σ we denote the alphabet, a finite set. For a word w P Σ˚ we denote by |w| its length, and, for a symbol x P Σ, we write |w|x to denote the number of occurrences of x in the word. We denote the empty word, i.e., the word of length zero, by ε. For L Ď Σ˚, we set PrefpLq “ tu P Σ˚ | Dv P Σ˚ : uv P Lu. A word u P Σ˚ is a factor (or infix) of w P Σ˚ if there exist words x, y P Σ˚ such that w “ xuy. For U, V Ď Σ˚, we set U ¨V “ UV “ tuv | u P U, v P V u and U 0 “ tεu, U i`1 “ U iU, ˚ i ` i and U “ iě0 U and U “ ią0 U . We also make use of complexity classes log like P, NP, or PSPACE. With ďm we denote a logspace many-one reduction. If Ť Ť log log for two problems L1,L2 it holds that L1 ďm L2 and L2 ďm L1, then we write log L1 ”m L2. A partial deterministic finite automaton (PDFA) is a tuple A “ pΣ, Q, δ, q0,F q, where Σ is a finite set of input symbols, Q is the finite state set, q0 P Q the start state, F Ď Q the final state set and δ : Q ˆ Σ á Q the partial transi- tion function. The partial transition function δ : Q ˆ Σ á Q extends to words from Σ˚ in the usual way. Furthermore, for S Ď Q and w P Σ˚, we set δpS, wq “ t δpq, wq | δpq, wq is defined and q P S u. We call A complete if δ is defined for every pq, aq P Q ˆ Σ. If |Σ| “ 1, we call A a unary automaton and ˚ ˚ L Ď Σ is also called a . The set LpAq “ t w P Σ | δpq0, wq P F u denotes the language recognized by A. A deterministic and complete semi-automaton (DCSA) A “ pΣ, Q, δq is a deterministic and complete finite automaton without a specified start state and with no specified set of final states. When the context is clear, we call both deterministic finite automata and semi-automata simply automata. A complete automaton A is called synchronizing if there exists a word w P Σ˚ with |δpQ, wq| “ 1. In this case, we call w a synchronizing word for A. We call a Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 5 state q P Q with δpQ, wq “ tqu for some w P Σ˚ a synchronizing state. For a semi- automaton (or PDFA) with state set Q and transition function δ : Q ˆ Σ á Q, a state q is called a sink state, if for all x P Σ we have δpq, xq “ q. Note that, if a synchronizing automaton has a sink state, then the synchronizing state is unique and must equal the sink state. In [19] the constrained synchronization problem (CSP) was defined for a fixed PDFA B “ pΣ, P, µ, p0,F q. Decision Problem 1: [19] LpBq-Constr-Sync Input: DCSA A “ pΣ, Q, δq. Question: Is there a synchronizing word w P Σ˚ for A with w P LpBq? The automaton B will be called the constraint automaton. If an automaton A is a yes-instance of LpBq-Constr-Sync we call A synchronizing with respect to B. Occasionally, we do not specify B and rather talk about L-Constr-Sync. For example, for the unconstrained case, we have Σ˚-Constr-Sync P P [11,47]. In our NP-hardness reduction, we will need the following problem from [31]. Decision Problem 2: DisjointSetTransporter Input: DCSA A “ pΣ, Q, δq and disjoint S, T Ď Q. Question: Is there a word w P Σ˚ such that δpS, wq Ď T ?

Theorem 1. For unary deterministic and complete input semi-automata the problem DisjointSetTransporter is NP-complete.

A PDFA A “ pΣ, Q, δ, q0,F q is called polycyclic, if for each q P Q there exists u P Σ˚ such that tw P Σ˚ | δpq, wq “ qu Ď u˚. A PDFA is polycyclic if and only if every strongly connected component consists of a single cycle [31, Proposition 3], where each transition in the cycle is labelled by precisely one letter. Formally, for each strongly connected component S Ď Q and q P S, we have2 |tx : x P Σ and δpq, xq is defined and in Su| ď 1 (note that in the special case |S| “ 1, the aforementioned set might be empty if the single state in S has no self-loops). A precursor of this characterization of polycyclic automata in a special case was given in [20] under the term linear cycle automata. The following slight generalization of [19, Theorem 27] will be needed.

Proposition 2. Let ϕ: Σ˚ Ñ Γ ˚ be a homomorphism. Then, for each regular ˚ log L Ď Σ , we have ϕpLq-Constr-Sync ďm L-Constr-Sync.

3 Sparse and Bounded Regular Languages

Here, in Theorem 5, we establish that for constraint languages from the class of sparse regular languages, which equals the class of the bounded regular lan- guages [34], the constrained problem is always in NP.

2 In [31], I made an error in my formalization by writing |tδpq, xq : x P Σ, δpq, xq is defined u X S| ď 1. 6 S. Hoffmann

A language L Ď Σ˚ is sparse, if there exists c ě 0 such that, for every n ě 0, we have L X Σn P Opncq. Sparse languages were introduced into computational complexity theory by Berman & Hartmanis [6]. Later, it was established by Mahaney that if there exists a sparse NP-complete set (under polynomial-time many-one reductions), then P “ NP [36]. For a survey on the relevance of sparse sets in computational complexity theory, see [28]. ˚ ˚ A language L Ď Σ is called bounded, if there exist w1, . . . , wk P Σ such that ˚ ˚ L Ď w1 . . . wk . Bounded languages were introduced by Ginsburg & Spanier [23]. We will need the following representation of the bounded regular languages.

˚ ˚ Theorem 3 ([24]). A language L Ď w1 ¨ ¨ ¨ wk is regular if and only if it is a ˚ finite union of languages of the form L1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Lk, where each Li Ď wi is regular. It is known that the class of sparse regular languages equals the class of bounded regular languages [34], or see [40,51], where the bounded languages are not mentioned but the equivalence is implied by their results and Theorem 3. The next results links this class to the polycylic PDFAs.

Proposition 4. Let L Ď Σ˚ be regular. Then, L is sparse if and only if it is recognizable by a polycyclic PDFA.

In [31, Theorem 2] it was shown that for polycyclic constraint languages, the constrained problem is always in NP. So, we can deduce the next result.

Theorem 5. If L Ď Σ˚ is sparse and regular, then L-Constr-Sync P NP.

We will need the following closure property stated in [51, Theorem 3.8] of the sparse regular languages.

Proposition 6. The class of sparse regular languages is closed under homomor- phisms.

Note that the connection of the polycyclic languages to the sparse or bounded languages was not noted in [31]. However, a condition characterizing the sparse regular languages in terms of forbidden patterns was given in [40], and it was remarked that “a minimal deterministic automaton recognises a sparse language if and only if it does not contain two cycles reachable from one another”. This is quite close to our characterization.

4 Letter-Bounded Constraint Languages

Fix a constraint automaton B “ pΣ, P, µ, p0,F q. Let a1, . . . , ak P Σ be a sequence ˚ ˚ of (not necessarily distinct) letters. In this section, we assume LpBq Ď a1 ¨ ¨ ¨ ak . A language which fulfills the above condition is called letter-bounded. Note that the language ab˚a given in the introduction as an example is letter-bounded. In fact, it is the language with the smallest recognizing automaton yielding an NP-complete constrained problem [19]. Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 7

A language such that the ai are pairwise distinct, i.e., ai ‰ aj for i ‰ j, is called strictly bounded. The class of strictly bounded languages has been exten- sively studied [9,14,22,23,24,29], where in [22,23,24] no name was introduced for them and in [29] they were called strongly bounded. The class of letter-bounded languages properly contains the strictly bounded languages.

Remark 7. Let Σ “ tb1, . . . , bru be an alphabet of size r. Then, the mappings

˚ ˚ ˚ ΦpLq “ L X b1 ¨ ¨ ¨ br and permpLq “ tw P Σ | Du P L @a P Σ : |u|a “ |w|au for L Ď Σ˚ are mutually inverse and inclusion preserving between the lan- ˚ ˚ ˚ guages in b1 ¨ ¨ ¨ br and the commutative languages in Σ , where a language L Ď Σ˚ is commutative if permpLq “ L. Furthermore, for strictly bounded ˚ ˚ ˚ languages of the form B1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Br Ď b1 ¨ ¨ ¨ br with Bj Ď tbju , j P t1, . . . , ru, we have permpB1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Brq “ B1 ¡ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¡ Br, where U ¡ V “ tu1v1 ¨ ¨ ¨ unvn | ui, vi P ˚ ˚ Σ , u1 ¨ ¨ ¨ un P U, v1 ¨ ¨ ¨ vn P V u for U, V Ď Σ . Hence, permpLq is regularity- preserving for strictly bounded languages. More specifically, the above correspon- dence between the two language classes is regularity-preserving in both direc- tions. For commutative constraint languages, a classification of the complexity landscape has been achieved [30]. By the close relationship between commuta- tive and certain strictly bounded languages, it is natural to tackle this language class next. However, as shown in [30], for commutative constraint languages, we can realize PSPACE-complete problems, but, by Theorem 5, for strictly bounded languages, the constrained problem is always in NP. However, by the above re- ˚ ˚ lations, Theorem 3 for languages in b1 ¨ ¨ ¨ br is equivalent to [30, Theorem 5], a representation result for commutative regular languages.

Our first result says, intuitively, that if in A1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak with Aj unary and reg- ular, if no infinite unary language Aj over taju lies between non-empty unary 3 languages over a distinct letter than aj, then pA1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Akq-Constr-Sync is in P. ˚ Proposition 8. Let Aj Ď taju be unary regular languages for j P t1, . . . , ku. ˚ Set L “ A1 ¨ ... ¨ Ak. If for all j P t1, . . . , ku, Aj infinite implies that Ai Ď taju ˚ for all i ă j or Ai Ď taju for all i ą j (or both), then L-Constr-Sync P P. Now, we state a sufficient condition for NP-hardness over binary alphabets. This condition, together with Proposition 2, allows us to handle the general case in Theorem 10. Its application together with Proposition 2 shows, in some respect, that the language ab˚a is the prototypical language giving NP-hardness. We give a proof sketch of Lemma 9 at the end of this section. Lemma 9. Suppose Σ “ ta, bu. Let LpBq Ď Σ˚ be letter-bounded. Then, LpBq- Constr-Sync is NP-hard if LpBq X Σ˚ab|P |b˚aΣ˚ ‰H. So, finally, we can state our main theorem of this section. Recall that by The- orem 5, and as the class of bounded regular languages equals the class of sparse regular languages [34], for bounded regular constraint languages, the constrained problem is, in our case, in NP. 3 Hence different from tεu, as tεu Ď tau˚ for a P Σ. 8 S. Hoffmann

Theorem 10 (Dichotomy Theorem). Let a1, . . . , ak P Σ be a sequence ˚ ˚ of letters and L Ď a1 ¨ ¨ ¨ ak be regular. The problem L-Constr-Sync is NP- complete if

L X ¨ Lj1,j2,j3 ˛ ‰H 1ďj1ăj2ăj3ďk ˚ aj Rtďaj ,aj u ‹ ˚ 2 1 3 ‹ ˝ ‚ with L Σ˚a Σ˚a|P |Σ˚a Σ˚ for 1 j j j k and solvable in j1,j2,j3 “ j1 j2 j3 ď 1 ă 2 ă 3 ď polynomial time otherwise.

As the languages Lj1,j2,j3 are regular, we can devise a polynomial-time algo- rithm which checks the condition mentioned in Theorem 10.

Corollary 11. Given a PDFA B and a sequence of letters a1, . . . , ak as input ˚ ˚ such that LpBq Ď a1 ¨ ¨ ¨ ak , the complexity of LpBq-Constr-Sync is decidable in polynomial-time.

Proof. An automaton for each Lj1,j2,j3 has size linear in |P |. So, by the product automaton construction [32], non-emptiness of LpBq with each Lj1,j2,j3 could be 2 checked in time Op|P | q. Doing this for every Lj1,j2,j3 gives a polynomial-time algorithm to check non-emptiness of the language written in Theorem 10.

Example 12. For the following constraint languages CSP is NP-complete: ab˚a, aapaaaq˚bbb˚d Y a˚b Y d˚, bbcc˚d˚ Y a. For the following constraint languages CSP is in P: a5bd Y cd4, a5bd Y cd˚, aa˚bbbbcd˚ Y bbbdd˚d.

Proof (Proof Sketch for Lemma 9). We construct a reduction from an instance of DisjointSetTransporter4 for unary input automata. To demonstrate the basic idea, we only do the proof in the case L Ď a˚b˚a˚. r1 r2 r3 By assumption we can deduce a b a P LpBq with p2 ě |P | and r1, r3 ě 1. By the pigeonhole principle, in B, when reading the factor br2 , at least one state has r1 r2`i¨p2 r3 to be traversed twice. Hence, we find 0 ă p2 ď |P | such that a b a Ď LpBq for each i ě 0. Let A “ ptcu, Q, δq and pA, S, T q be an instance of DisjointSetTrans- porter. We can assume S and T are non-empty, as for S “H it is solv- able, and if T “H we have no solution. Construct A1 “ pΣ,Q1, δ1q by set- 1 ting Q “ Sr2 Y ... Y S1 Y Q Y Q1 Y ... Y Qp2´1 Y ttu, where t is a new state, Si “ tsi | s P Su for i P t1, . . . , r2u are pairwise disjoint copies of S i 5 and Qi “ tq | q P Qu are also pairwise disjoint copies of Q. Note that also

4 Note that the problem DisjointSetTransporter is over a unary alphabet, but for L-Constr-Sync we have |Σ| ą 1. Indeed, we need the additional letters in Σ. 5 Observe that by the indices a correspondence between the sets is implied. The index in Qi at the top to distinguish, for s P S and i P t1,..., mintr2, p2 ´ 1uu, between i si P Si and s P Qi. Hence, for each s P S and i P t1, . . . , r2u, the states s and si i correspond to each other, and for q P Q and i P t1, . . . , p2 ´ 1u the states q and q . Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 9

Si X Qj “H for i P t1, . . . , r2u and j P t1, . . . , p2 ´ 1u. Set S0 “ S as a short- hand. Choose anys ˆ P Sr2 , then, for q P Q and x P Σ, the transition function is given by

si´1 if x “ b and q “ si P Si for some i P t1, . . . , r2u; sˆ if x “ a and q P pQ Y Q Y ... Y Q qzS; $ 1 p2´1 s if x “ a and q “ s P S for some i P t0, . . . , r u; ’ r2 i i 2 ’ t if x “ a and q P T ; δ1pq, xq “ ’ ’ p2´1 ’ q if x “ b and q P Q; ’ i´1 i & q if x “ b and q “ q P Qi for some i P t2, . . . , p2 ´ 1u; 1 ’ δpq, cq if x “ b and q “ q P Q1; ’ ’ q otherwise. ’ ’ %’

a Original A (altered) a Sr2 S1 S T

b b b Q P p2´1 P Qp 1 b b Q 2´ P p2´1 a b b b b P Q P Q P Q b b P Qp2´1 a b b P Qp 1 b 2´ b t Σ b P Q P Q a b b

b P Qp2´1 P Qp2´1 Q b b P p2´1 b b b b P Q P Q P Q



Fig. 1. The reduction from the proof sketch sketch of Lemma 9. The letter a transfers everything surjectively onto Sr2 , indicated by four large arrows at the top and bottom and labelled by a. The auxiliary states Q1,...,Qp2´1, which are meant to interpret a sequence bp2 like a single symbol in the original automaton, are also only indicated inside of A, but not fully written out.

Please see Figure 1 for a sketch of the reduction. For the constructed au- tomaton A1, the following could be shown: Dm ě 0 : δpS, cmq Ď T if and only if A1 has a synchronizing word in abr2 pbp2 q˚a if and only if A1 has a synchronizing word in ab˚a if and only if A1 has a synchronizing word in a˚b˚a˚. Now, suppose δps, cmq Ď T for some m ě 0. By the above, A1 has a synchro- nizing word u in abr2 pbp2 q˚a. Then, ar1´1uar3´1 P LpBq also synchronizes A1. Conversely, suppose we have a synchronizing word w P L for A1. As L Ď a˚b˚a˚ by the above equivalences, δpS, cmq Ď T for some m ě 0. 10 S. Hoffmann

5 Constraints from Strongly Self-Synchronizing Codes

Here, we introduce strongly self-synchronizing codes and investigate L-Constr- ˚ ˚ Sync for bounded constraint languages L Ď w1 ¨ ¨ ¨ wk where tw1, . . . , wku is such a code. Let C Ď Σ` be non-empty. Then, C is called a self-synchronizing code [7,8,33], if C2 X Σ`CΣ` “H. If, additionally, C Ď Σn for some n ą 0, then it is called6 a comma-free code [26]. Every self-synchronizing code is an infix code, i.e., no proper factor of a word from C is in C [33]. A strongly self-synchronizing code is a self-synchronizing code C Ď Σ` such that, additionally, pPrefpCqzCqC X Σ˚CΣ` “H. To give some intuition for the strongly self-synchronizing codes, we also present an alternative characterization, a few examples and a way to construct such codes.

Proposition 13. A non-empty C Ď Σ` is a strongly self-synchronizing code if and only if, for all u P PrefpCq and v P C, if we write uv “ x1 ¨ ¨ ¨ xn with xi P Σ for i P t1, . . . , nu, then, for all j P t1, . . . , nu and k ě 1 where j ` k ´ 1 ď n, we have that xjxj`1 ¨ ¨ ¨ xj`k´1 P C implies j “ |u| ` 1 and k “ |v| or j “ 1 and k “ |u|. Intuitively, in uv only the last |v| symbols form a factor in C and possibly the first |u| symbols. When passing from letters to words by applying a homomorphism, in the reductions, we have to introduce additional states. The definition of the strongly synchronizing codes was motivated by the demand that these states also have to be synchronized, which turns out to be difficult in general.

Example 14. The code taacc, bbc, bacu is strongly self-synchronizing. The code taab, bccc, abcu is self-synchronizing, but not strongly self-synchronizing as, for example, paqpabcq contains aab or paaqpbcccq contains abc. Remark 15 (Construction). Take any non-empty finite language X Ď Σn, n ą 0, and a symbol c P Σ such that tcuΣ˚ X X “H. Let k “ maxt ` ě 0 | Du, v P Σ˚ : uc`v P X u. Then, Y “ ck`1X is a strongly self-synchronizing code. Example 16. Let Σ “ ta, b, cu and C “ tab, ba, aau. Then, tcab, cba, caau or tbbab, bbaau are strongly self-synchronizing codes by Remark 15. Our next result, which holds in general, states conditions on a homomorphism such that we not only have a reduction from the problem for the homomorphic image to our original problem, as stated in Proposition 2, but also a reduction in the other direction.

Theorem 17. Let ϕ : Σ˚ Ñ Γ ˚ be a homomorphism such that ϕpΣq is a strongly self-synchronizing code and |ϕpΣq| “ |Σ|. Then, for each regular L Ď Σ˚ log we have L-Constr-Sync ”m ϕpLq-Constr-Sync. 6 In [33] this distinction is not made and self-synchronizing codes are also called comma-free codes. Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 11

Finally, we apply Theorem 17 to bounded languages such that tw1, . . . , wku forms a strongly self-synchronizing code.

˚ ˚ Theorem 18. Let L Ď w1 ¨ ¨ ¨ wk be regular such that tw1, . . . , wku is a strongly self-synchronizing code. Then, L-Constr-Sync is either NP-complete or in P.

Example 19. (1) ppaaccqpbbcq˚pbacqq-Constr-Sync is NP-complete. (2) ppbbcqpaaccqpbacq˚ Y pbbcq˚q-Constr-Sync is in P.

6 Conclusion and Discussion

We have looked at the constrained synchronization problem (Problem 1) – CSP for short – for letter-bounded regular constraint languages and bounded lan- guages induced by strongly self-synchronizing codes, thereby continuing the investigation started in [19]. The complexity landscape in these cases is com- pletely understood. Only the complexity classes P and NP-complete arise. In [31] the question was raised if we can find sparse constraint languages that give constrained problems complete for some candidate NP-intermediate . At least for the language classes investigated here this is not the case. For general sparse regular languages, it is still open if a corresponding dichotomy theorem holds, or candidate NP-intermediate problems arise. By the results ob- tained so far and the methods of proofs, we conjecture that in fact a dichotomy result holds true. Let us relate our results to the previous work [31], where partial results for NP-hardness and containment in P were given. Namely, by setting FactpLq “ tv P ˚ ˚ Σ | Du, w P Σ : uvw P Lu and Bp,E “ pΣ, P, µ, q, Eq for B “ pΣ, P, µ, p0,F q with E Ď P and q P P , the following was stated.

Proposition 20 ([31]). Suppose we find u, v P Σ˚ such that we can write L “ uv˚U for some non-empty language U Ď Σ˚ with u R Factpv˚q, v R FactpUq and Prefpv˚q X U “H. Then L-Constr-Sync is NP-hard.

Proposition 21 ([31]). Let B “ pΣ, P, µ, p0,F q be a polycyclic PDFA. If for every reachable p P P with LpBp,tpuq ‰ tεu we have LpBp0,tpuq Ď SuffpLpBp,tpuqq, then the problem LpBq-Constr-Sync is solvable in polynomial time.

Note that Proposition 20 implies that ab˚a gives an NP-complete CSP. How- ever, in the letter-bounded case there exist constraint languages giving NP- complete problems for which this is not implied by Proposition 20, for example: ab˚ba, ab˚ab, aa˚abb˚a or ba˚b Y a. Also, Proposition 21 is weaker than our Proposition 8 in the case of letter-bounded constraints. For example, it does not apply to ab˚b, every PDFA for this languages has a loop exclusively labelled by the letter b and reachable after reading the letter a from the start state, and so words along this loop cannot have a word starting with a as a suffix. For general bounded languages, let us note the following implication of Propo- sitions 2 and 8. 12 S. Hoffmann

Proposition 22. Let u, v P Σ˚. If L Ď u˚v˚ is regular, then L-Constr-Sync is solvable in polynomial time.

Next, in Proposition 23, we give an example of a bounded regular language yielding an NP-complete synchronization problem, but for which this is not di- rectly implied by the results we have so far.

Proposition 23. The problem ppabqpbaq˚pabqq-Constr-Sync is NP-complete.

By Proposition 23, for the homomorphism ϕ : ta, bu˚ Ñ ta, bu˚ given by ϕpaq “ ab and ϕpbq “ ba both problems ab˚a and ϕpab˚aq “ abpbaq˚ab are NP-complete. So, this is a homomorphisms which preserves, in this concrete instance, the computational complexity. But its image tab, bau is not even a self-synchronizing code. However, I do not know if this homomorphism always preserves the complexity. Similary, I do not know if the condition from Theo- rem 17 characterizes those homomorphisms which preserve the complexity. In the reduction used in Lemma 9 the resulting automaton has a sink state. However, in general, for questions of synchronizability it makes a difference if we have a sink state or not, at least with respect to the Cern´yconjectureˇ [11], as for automata with a sink state this conjecture holds true, even with the bet- 7 npn´1q ter bound 2 [44,48]. However, even in [19] certain reductions establishing PSPACE-completeness use only automata with a sink state. Hence, for hardness these automata are sufficient at least in certain instances. So, it might be in- teresting to know if in terms of computational complexity of the CSP, we can, without loss of generality, limit ourselves to input automata with a sink state. The methods of proof for the letter-bounded constraints show that in this case, we can actually do this, as these input automata are sufficient to establish all cases of intractability. Lastly, let us mention the following related problem8 one could come up with. Fix a deterministic and complete semi-automaton A. Then, for input PDFAs B, what is the computational complexity to determine if A “ pΣ, Q, δq has a syn- chronizing word in LpBq? As the set of synchronizing words tw P Σ˚ : |δpQ, wq| “ 1 1u “ qPQ q1PQ LppΣ, Q, δ, q , tquqq is a regular language, we have to test for non-emptiness of intersection of this fixed regular language with LpBq. This could be doneŤ in NLŞ , hence in P.

Acknowledgement. I thank anonymous reviewers of a previous version for detailed feedback. I also sincerely thank the reviewers of the current version (at least one re- viewers saw both versions) for careful reading and giving valuable feedback to improve my scientific writing and pointing to two instances were I overlooked, in retrospect, two simple conclusions.

7 In [44] erroneously the bound npn`1q{2 was reported as being sharp, but the overall argument in fact works to yield the sharp bound npn ´ 1q{2. 8 This was actually suggested by a reviewer of a previous version. Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 13


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A Proofs for Section 2 (Preliminaries and Definitions)

The following obvious remark, stating that the set of synchronizing words is a two-sided ideal, will be used frequently without further mentioning.

Lemma 24. Let A “ pΣ, Q, δq be a deterministic and complete semi-automaton and w P Σ˚ be a synchronizing word for A. Then for every u, v P Σ˚, the word uwv is also synchronizing. Example 25. A few examples and non-examples of polycyclic automata (start and final states not indicated, as they are irrelevant for these examples). a, b c a a b a b c not polycyclic a a c a a, b b a b a polycyclic PDFA not polycyclic b

Note that a complete DFA over a non-unary alphabet is never polycyclic. This could be seen with Theorem 4, as the complement of a language with polynomial growth cannot have polynomial growth itself, or by using the property that every strongly connected component is a single cycle. Then, for two distinct letters and a strongly connected component, if one maps a state in the cycle into the cycle, the other one must leave the cycle. However, if we topologically sort the strongly connected components, the component at the end must be closed under any letter. We will need the following result from [Hof20a]. Lemma 26 ([Hof20a]). Let X denote any of the complexity classes P, NP or PSPACE. If LpBq is a finite union of languages LpB1q,LpB2q,...,LpBnq such that for each 1 ď i ď n the problem LpBiq-Constr-Sync P X , then we have LpBq-Constr-Sync P X . Proposition 2. Let ϕ: Σ˚ Ñ Γ ˚ be a homomorphism. Then, for each regular ˚ log L Ď Σ , we have ϕpLq-Constr-Sync ďm L-Constr-Sync. Proof. Let A “ pΓ, Q, δq be a DCSA. We want to know if it is synchronizing with respect to ϕpLq. Build the automaton A1 “ pΣ, Q, δ1q according to the rule

δ1pp, xq “ q if and only if δpp, ϕpxqq “ q, for x P Σ˚. As ϕ is a mapping, A1 is indeed deterministic and complete, as A is a DCSA. As the homomorphism ϕ is independent of A, automaton A1 can be constructed from A in logarithmic space. Next we prove that the translation is indeed a reduction. Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 17

If u P ϕpLq is some synchronizing word for A, then there is some s P Q such that δpr, uq “ s, for all r P Q. By choice of u, we find w P L such that u “ ϕpwq. As with δpr, ϕpwqq “ s, it follows δ1pr, wq “ s, hence w is a synchronizing word for A. Conversely, if w P L is a synchronizing word for A1, then there is some s P Q such that δ1pr, wq “ s, for all r P Q. Further, ϕpwq is a synchronizing word for A, as by definition for all r P Q, we have δpr, ϕpwqq “ s. In the proofs of this appendix, we will need the following results and con- structions. If |LpBq| “ 1, then LpBq-Constr-Sync is obviously in P. Simply feed this single word into the input semi-automaton for every state and check if a unique state results. Hence by Lemma 26 the next is implied.

Lemma 27. Let B “ pΣ, P, µ, p0,F q be a constraint automaton such that LpBq is finite, then LpBq-Constr-Sync P P. Lemma 28. Every regular language could be written as a finite union of regular languages recognizable by automata with a single final state.

˚ Proof. Let A “ pΣ, Q, δ, q0,F q be a DFA. Then, LpAq “ qPF tw P Σ | ˚ δpq0, wq “ qu and tw P Σ | δpq0, wq “ qu “ LppΣ, Q, δ, q0, tquqq. Ť Let Σ “ tau be a unary alphabet. Suppose L Ď Σ˚ is regular with a rec- ognizing complete deterministic automaton A “ pΣ, Q, δ, q0,F q. Then, by con- 1 2 3 9 sidering the sequence of states δpq0, a q, δpq0, a q, δpq0, a q,..., we find numbers i i`p i ě 0, p ą 0 with i ` p minimal such that δpq0, a q “ δpq0, a q. We call these m numbers the index i and the period p of the automaton A. If Q “ tδpq0, a q | m ě 0u, i.e., every state is reachable from the start state, then i ` p “ |Q|. In our discussion, unary languages that are recognized by automata with a single final state appear.

Lemma 29 ([Hof19]). Let L Ď tau˚ be a unary language that is recognized by an automaton with a single final state, index i and period p. Then either L “ tuu with |u| ă i (and if the automaton is minimal we would have p “ 1), or L is infinite with L “ ai`mpapq˚ and 0 ď m ă p. Hence two words u, v with mint|u|, |v|u ě i are both in L or not if and only if |u| ” |v| pmod pq. We need an additional construction, which we call inflating a given automa- ton A “ pΣ, Q, δ, q0,F q

Definition 30 (Aut. Inflation by a factor N ą 0). Let A “ pΣ, Q, δ, q0,F q be a given automaton and N ą 0. Then, the inflated automaton (of A) by N is 1 1 1 A “ pΣ,Q , δ , q0,F q, where

1 Q “ Q Y pQ1,x Y ... Y QN´1,xq xPΣ ď 9 Note that these numbers are independent of the language recognized by the automa- ton. 18 S. Hoffmann and the Qi,x are disjoint copies of Q. The states Q1,x,...,QN´1,x are called auxiliary states in this context. Then, for q P Q1 and x P Σ, set

qi`1,x if q “ qi,x ^ i P t1,...,N ´ 2u; δpq, xq if q “ q ; δ1pq, xq “ $ N´1,x ’ q1,x if q P Q; &’ q otherwise. ’ Intuitively, a transition%’ labelled by x is replaced by a path labelled by xN . Note that, for q, q1 P Q

δpq, xq “ q1 in A ô δ1pq, xN q “ q1 in A1 and δ1pq, wq P Q implies that |w| is divisible by N.

B Proofs for Section 3 (Sparse and Bounded Regular Languages)

Proposition 4. Let L Ď Σ˚ be regular. Then, L is sparse if and only if it is recognizable by a polycyclic PDFA. Proof. In [LT84] is was shown that the context-free sparse languages are precisely the context-free bounded languages, which gives our first two equivalences. A re- sult from [GKRS10, Lemma 2] readily implies that if a language is recognized by a polycyclic PDFA, then it must be sparse. Lastly, we show that every bounded regular language is recognizable by a polycyclic automaton, which finishes the proof. Claim: For w P Σ˚. Then, any regular L Ď w˚ is recognizable by a polycyclic PDFA. Proof of the Claim. Let w P Σ˚ and L Ď w˚ be a regular language. If w “ ε, then L “ tεu, which is obviously recognizable by a polycyclic automaton. So, suppose |w| ą 0. Let a be an arbitrary symbol and define a homomorphism ϕ : tau˚ Ñ Σ˚ by ϕpaiq “ wi, which is injective as |w| ą 0 by assumption. Then, the unary language ϕ´1pLq “ tai | wi P Lu is regular, as inverse homomorphisms preserve regularity. Hence, we can write it as a union of languages recognizable by automata with a single final state, which, by Lemma 29, have the form taiu for some i ě 0 or tai`jp | j ě 0u for some i ě 0, p ą 0. As the application of functions preserves union, and L “ ϕpϕ´1pLqq here, the language L is the union of the images of these languages. We have ϕptaiuq “ twiu, and this singleton language is obviously recognizable by a polycyclic automaton, and we have ϕptai`jp | j ě 0uq “ twi`pj | j ě 0u, and this language is also recognizable by an automaton that has an initial tail labelled by wi and a cycle labelled by wp. So, as the polycyclic languages are closed under union [Hof20b, Proposition 6], we have shown that the language L is recognizable by some polycyclic automaton. [End, Proof of the Claim] Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 19

Finally, as the languages recognizable by polycyclic automata are closed under concatenation and union [Hof20b, Proposition 5 and Proposition 6], by Theo- rem 3 every bounded regular language is recognizable by a polycyclic automaton.

Note that sparse languages in general are not closed under homomorphic mappings [Pin20]. As it is easy to see that the bounded languages are closed under homomorphic mappings, this also implies that, in general, the bounded languages do not equal the sparse languages.

C Proofs for Section 4 (Letter-Bounded Constraint Languages)

Note that the work [HKMW17] seems to deviate from the standard terminology, for example by calling bounded languages as introduced here word-bounded and refers to letter-bounded simply as bounded languages.

˚ Proposition 8. Let Aj Ď taju be unary regular languages for j P t1, . . . , ku. ˚ Set L “ A1 ¨ ... ¨ Ak. If for all j P t1, . . . , ku, Aj infinite implies that Ai Ď taju ˚ for all i ă j or Ai Ď taju for all i ą j (or both), then L-Constr-Sync P P.

˚ Proof. Let L “ A1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak with Aj Ď taju fulfill the assumption. If Aj is infinite ˚ ˚ and for all i ă j we have Ai Ď taju , then A1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Aj Ď taju , and similarly if ˚ for all i ą j we have Ai Ď taju . So, by considering pA1 ¨ ¨ ¨ AjqAj`1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak or A1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Aj´1pAj ¨ ¨ ¨ Akq, with j maximal in the former case and minimal in the latter, without loss of generality, we can assume j “ 1 or j “ k, i.e., we only have the cases A1 is infinite, Ak is infinite or both are infinite or none is infinite, and, by maximality or minimality of j, in all these cases the languages A2,...,Ak´1 are all finite. Then, by Lemma 28, we can write A1 and Ak as a finite union of unary languages recognizable by automata with a single final state. As concatenation distributes over union, if we do this for A1 and Ak and rewrite the language using the mentioned distributivity, we get a finite union of languages of the form

1 1 A1A2 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak1 Ak

1 1 where A1 and Ak are recognizable by unary automata with a single final state and are either finite or infinite. Hence, by Lemma 26, if we can show that the problem is in P for each such language, the result follows. So, without loss of generality, we assume from the start that A1 or Ak are recognizable by automata with a single final state. If all Aj, j P t1, . . . , ku are finite, then L is finite, and L-Constr-Sync P P by Lemma 27. We handle the remaining cases separately.

(i) Only A1 is infinite. ˚ By assumption, every Aj Ď taju , j P t1, . . . , ku, is recognizable by a sin- gle state automaton. Hence, by Lemma 29, we can write, as A1 is infinite, 20 S. Hoffmann

i p ˚ A1 “ a1pa1q with i ě 0 and p ą 0. Let A “ pΣ, Q, δq be an input semi- automaton for L-Constr-Sync. As δpQ, a1q Ď Q, we have, for any n ě 0, n`1 n δpQ, a1 q Ď δpQ, a1 q. So, as Q is finite and the sequence of subsets can- n`1 not get arbitarily small, for some 0 ď n ă |Q| we have |δpQ, a1 q| “ n n`1 n n`1 n |δpQ, a1 q|. But |δpQ, a1 q| “ |δpQ, a1 q|, as δpQ, a1 q Ď δpQ, a1 q, implies n`1 n n δpQ, a1 q “ δpQ, a1 q. Then, the symbol a1 permutes the set δpQ, a1 q. n`m n Hence, δpQ, a1 q “ δpQ, a1 q for any m ě 0. So, combining these obser- vations,

n n tδpQ, a1 q | n ě 0u “ tδpQ, a1 q | n P t0,..., |Q| ´ 1uu (1)

|Q|´1`m |Q|´1 and δpQ, a1 q “ δpQ, a1 q for any m ě 0. Now, note that the i`lp language A2 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak is finite. So, to find out if we have any a1 u with u P A2 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak that synchronizes the input semi-automaton, we only have i`lp to test if any of the words ai u, with u P A2 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak and l such that i ` lp ď maxt|Q| ´ 1 ` p, iu, synchronizes A. The number (and the length) of these words is linear bounded in |Q| and each could be checked in polynomial time by feeding it into the input semi-automaton for each state and checking if a unique state results. Hence the problem is solvable in polynomial time. (ii) Only Ak is infinite. Let u P A1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak´1. By assumption, there are only finitely many such words |Q|´1 u. Set S “ δpQ, uq and T “ δpQ, ak q. As in case (i), ak permutes the |Q|´1 states in T and as S Ď Q, we have δpS, ak q Ď T . So, as ak permutes |Q|´1 |Q|´1`n T , it acts injective on the subset δpS, ak q. This gives |δpS, ak q| “ |Q|´1 n`1 n |δpS, ak q| for any n ě 0. Together with |δpS, ak q| ď |δpS, ak q|, we have

n |Q|´1 Dn P N0 : |δpS, ak q| “ 1 ô |δpS, ak q| “ 1. (2) N Choose any fixed N ě |Q| ´ 1 with ak P Ak. Then, with the above consid- erations, we only have to test the finite number of words

N u ¨ ak , u P A1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak´1. The length of these words is linear bounded in |Q| and as each test, i.e., feeding the word into the input semi-automaton for each state and testing if a unique state results, could be performed in polynomial time, the problem is solvable in polynomial time. (iii) Both A1 and Ak are infinite. This is essentially a combination of the arguments of case (i) and (ii). Let A “ pΣ, Q, δq be an input semi-automaton and B “ pΣ, P, µ, p0,F q be a constraint automaton with L “ LpBq. First, consider only the language A1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak´1. Then, as in case (i), see Equation (1),

n n n n tδpQ, a1 q | a1 P A1u “ tδpQ, a1 q | 0 ď n ă |Q| ´ 1 ` |P | and a1 P A1u. Note that we have written 0 ď n ă |Q| ´ 1 ` |P | and not merely ď |Q| ´ 1 as |Q|´1 an upper bound. The reason is that otherwise, if a1 R A1, we might miss Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 21

|Q|´1 |Q|´1`m |Q|´1 the set δpQ, a1 q, but as δpQ, a1 q “ δpQ, a1 q for any m ě 0 |Q|´1 n n n and A1 is infinite, δpQ, a1 q P tδpQ, a1 q | a1 P A1u. However, if a1 P A1 |Q|´1 for some n ě |Q| ´ 1 ` |P |, then, with s “ µpp0, a1 q, by finiteness of P , n´|Q|`1 among the states s, µps, a1q, . . . , µps, a1 q we find 0 ď m ď |P | ´ 1 and m`r m 0 ă r ď |P | with m ` r ď |P | such that µps, a1 q “ µps, a1 q. Then we have found a cycle and we can skip it, i.e.,

n n´|Q|`1 m`r n´|Q|`1´pm`rq µpp0, a1 q “ µps, a1 q “ µpµps, a1 q, a1 q m n´|Q|`1´pm`rq “ µpµps, a1 q, a1 q m`n´|Q|`1´m´r “ µps, a1 q n´r “ µpp0, a1 q.

n´r n n´r But, as then µps, a1 q “ µps, a1 q P F we find a1 P A1. Repeating this procedure, if n´r ě |Q|´1`|P |, we ultimately find |Q|´1 ď m ă |Q|´1`|P | m |Q|´1 m such that a1 P A1 and δpQ, a1 q “ δpQ, a1 q. Note that the language A2 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak´1 is finite. Then, as in case (i), we only have to consider the words, whose length and number is linear bounded in |Q|,

n n a1 ¨ u, 0 ď n ă |Q| ´ 1 ` |P |, a1 P A1, u P A2 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak´1

and the corresponding sets

n S “ δpQ, a1 ¨ uq,

n n and these are all possible sets in tδpQ, a1 uq | a1 P A1, u P A2 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak´1u. Fix any such subset S. Then, as in case (ii) and Equation (2), choose any N N N ě |Q| ´ 1 with ak P Ak and we only have to compute δpS, ak q and test if it is a singleton set. So, in total, we only have to test the words

n N n a1 ¨ uak , 0 ď n ă |Q| ´ 1 ` |P |, a1 P A1, u P A2 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak´1.

Their length and number is linear bounded in |Q| and computing the reach- able state from each state of the input automaton, and testing if a unique state results, could be performed in polynomial time. Hence, the overall pro- cedure could be performed in polynomial time.

So, we have handled every case and the proof is complete.

In the proof of Lemma 9 we will need the following two lemmata. For n ą 0, set ˚ ˚ |P | ˚ n Ln “ pΣ aΣ b Σ q .

Recall that B “ pΣ, P, µ, p0,F q.

˚ ˚ Lemma 31. Let Σ “ ta, bu and LpBq Ď a1 ¨ ¨ ¨ ak with ai P Σ and n ą 0. Then, the following are equivalent: 22 S. Hoffmann

1. LpBq X Ln ‰H, ˚ ˚ 2. there exist u0, . . . , un P Σ aΣ and p1, . . . , pn ě |P | such that

pn pn u0b u1 ¨ ¨ ¨ un´1b un P LpBq,

˚ ˚ 3. there exist u0, . . . , un P Σ aΣ and p1, . . . , pn ą 0 such that

p1 ˚ pn ˚ u0pb q u1 ¨ ¨ ¨ un´1pb q un Ď LpBq.

Proof. That (1) implies (2) is obvious. As pi ě |P |, when reading these factors they have to induce a loop in B, which implies (3). Lastly, if (3) holds true, as

|P |¨p1 |P |¨pn u0b u1 ¨ ¨ ¨ un´1b un P LpBq

˚ ˚ |P |¨p1 |P |¨pn and ui P Σ aΣ , we also find u0b u1 ¨ ¨ ¨ un´1b un P Ln and (1) follows.

˚ ˚ Lemma 32. Let Σ “ ta, bu and LpBq Ď a1 ¨ ¨ ¨ ak with ai P Σ. Then, there exists a maximal n such that LpBq X Ln ‰H and for this maximal n, we can ˚ |P | ˚ assume that ui R Σ b Σ for the ui, i P t0, . . . , nu, as in the previous lemma and n ď |P |.

Proof. Recall B “ pΣ, P, µ, p0,F q Note that B must necessarily be polycylic (this is a slightly stronger claim than Theorem 4, as this theorem only asserts existence of some polycyclic automaton) after removing all states that are not coaccessible, i.e., states from which no final state is reachable, which could obvi- ously be done without altering LpBq. For if B is then not polycyclic, then some strongly connected component does not consists of a single cycle only and we find two distinct words u, v and a state p P P such that µpp, uq “ µpp, vq “ p (see also the forbidden pattern in [Pin20, Theorem 4.29]). But then, if we choose ˚ ˚ x, y P Σ such that µpp0, xq “ p and µpp, yq P F , we find xpu ` vq y Ď LpBq. Set m “ maxt|u|, |v|u Then, for i ą 0,

tw P xpu ` vq˚y : |w| ď |x| ` i ¨ mu contains xpu ` vqi, and |xpu ` vqi| “ 2i. So, LpBq X tw P Σ˚ : |w| ď nu contains at least 2tn´p|x|´|y|q{mu many words, i.e., it not sparse. Furthermore, as 1 L X Σn P Opncq as a function of n if and only if L X tw P Σ˚ : |w| ď nu P Opnc q as a function of n for some c, c1 ě 0, the claim follows. So, we can assume B is polycyclic and every state is coaccessible. Now, note that this implies that every loop in B (or strongly connected component in this case) must be labelled by a single letter, for if we have µpp, uq “ p with |u|a ą 0 and |u|b ą 0 and choose again x, y such that µpp0, xq “ p and µpp, yq P F , we k ˚ ˚ find xu y P LpBq, which contradict LpBq Ď a1 ¨ ¨ ¨ ak . But then, note that if, for example, aba P LpBq, we must have |P | ě 2, as µpp0, abq R tp0, µpp0, aqu. Similarly, if we have a word that switches letters, every time a letter-switch occurs the state we end up in B must be a new state not visited before, for otherwise we would have a loop whose transition are not exclusively labelled by a single letter. Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 23

So, this implies that if we have a word as written in Lemma 31 in LpBq, then ˚ |P | ˚ n ď |P | which implies that we can find a maximal n. That ui R Σ b Σ is also implied by Lemma 31 and the maximality of n.

Lemma 9. Suppose Σ “ ta, bu. Let LpBq Ď Σ˚ be letter-bounded. Then, LpBq- Constr-Sync is NP-hard if LpBq X Σ˚ab|P |b˚aΣ˚ ‰H.

Proof (Proof of Lemma 9). First, using Lemma 32, choose J ą 0 maximal such that LpBq X pΣ˚aΣ˚b|P |Σ˚qJ ‰H. As stated in the lemma, we have J ď |P | (which implies the constrution to follow could be carried out in polynomial time). Then, by Lemma 31, there exist ˚ ˚ u0, . . . , uJ P Σ aΣ and p1, . . . , pJ ą 0 (J ą 0) such that

p1 ˚ pJ ˚ u0pb q u1 ¨ ¨ ¨ uJ´1pb q uJ Ď LpBq.

Let N be |P | times the least common multiple of the numbers p1, . . . , pJ . We give a reduction from the DFA-Intersection for unary input automata, which is NP-complete in this case [SM73,FK17]. Let Ai “ ptbu,Qi, δi, qi,Fiq for i P t1, . . . , ku be unary input automata, and we want to know if they all accept a common word. The problem remains NP-complete if we assume for no input automaton, a start state is also a final state. This is easily seen but could also be shown similar to [Hof20b, Proposition 1]. Also, we can assume Fi ‰H for all i P t1, . . . , ku. We are going to construct a semi-automaton C “ pta, bu, Q, δq.

Write ui “ ui,1 ¨ ¨ ¨ ui,|ui| with uj P Σ. For each i P t0,...,Ju, we construct a path labelled with ui. Formally, let Pi “ tqi,0, . . . , qi,|ui|u Ď Q be new states and set δpqi,j´1, ujq “ qi,j.

Then, for each Ai we construct J (disjoint) copies of Ai and inflate them ac- cording to Definition 30 by N. Call the results Ai,1, Ai,2,..., Ai,J with Ai,j “ ptbu,Qi,j, δi,j, si,j,Fi,jq. Note these are unary automata over the letter b. Also, let t P Q be a new state, which will be a (global) sink state in C, i.e., we set δpt, aq “ δpt, bq “ t. Next, we describe how we interconnect these automata with the paths and with t. See also Figure 2 for a sketch of the reduction in the special case J “ 3 and two input automata.

1. Let j P t1,...,Ju. For each final state q P Fi,j let Pi,q be a disjoint copy of the path Pi constructed above, except for one final state q were we simply retain the path Pi, but also name it by Pi,q. By identifying states, we mean states that we have previously constructed are now merged to a single state in Q. We have to pay attention that this procedure does not introduces any non-determinism. We identify the state qi,0 with q and continue to identify 1 2 the states qi,j and q P Qi,j if qi,j´1 and q P Qi,j were identified and ui,j “ b 1 2 ˚ ˚ and q “ δi,jpq , bq. As ui P Σ aΣ , this process has to come to a halt before 24 S. Hoffmann

we have identified ă J states. Note that the first state such that qi,j´1 and 2 2 q P Q were identified but not qi,j and δi,jpq , bq, i.e., were ui,j “ a, we have 2 added an a-transition to qi,j from q “ qi,j´1 in Ai,j, i.e., this is the first a-transition we have added to Ai,j and it branches out of Ai,j. Then, if j ď J ´1, identify the state qi,J with the start state si,j`1 of Ai,j`1, i.e., the path Pi,q ends at this state. And if j “ J, we identify the state qi,J with t.

2. For the path P0 identify its end state qi,|u0| with the start state si,1 of Ai,1. 3. Up to now, we still hav emissing transitions. In all the paths created, every missing b-transition, i.e., were we have a state with an a-transition leading out but no b-transition, we add a self-loop labelled with b to that state. For each path P (including the copies constructed in the first step) let p P P be that state closest to the end state, but that does not equal the end state (by the identifications above, some end state might already have an a-transition that goes out of some automaton Ai,j) and has an outgoing a-transition. ˚ ˚ Such a state exists as the ui P Σ aΣ . Then, for every state in P that does not have an a-transition we add an a-transition going to p. Consider Ai,j and let P some path (the specific choice does not matter) ending at the start state of Ai,j. For each state q P Qi,j that does not has an outgoing a- transition up to now, add an a-transition going to the state p P P described above in that path. This ensures later that, by reading an a, we end up in a well-defined situation.

Then, put all the states created so far, i.e., those of the Ai,j and those of the paths constructed, into Q (note for each i P t1, . . . , ku we have constructed paths and automata, intuitively we have copied each Ai, inflated the copies and interconnected them with the paths given by the ui) and let δ be the transition as defined above or as given by Ai,j on the state of these automata. We need the following property of C. Suppose i P t1, . . . , ku, j P t1,..., |J|u and w P ta, bu˚.

Claim: Let q P Qi,jzFi,j with δpq, wq “ t. Then, there exist

˚ u1, u2 ¨ ¨ ¨ , u|J|´i`1 Ď tbu

˚ and u, v P ta, bu such that |ui| ě N and |ui| is divisible by N for all i P ˚ ˚ t1,..., |J| ´ i ` 1u and v1, . . . , v|J|´i`1 P ta, bu ata, bu so that

w “ vu1v1u2v2 ¨ ¨ ¨ u|J|´i`1v|J|´i`1u and v R Σ˚bN Σ˚.

Proof of the Claim. First, the state q P Qi,j has to be mapped to a final state, which could only be done by a word containing at least N times the letter b, as in the inflated construction we can only go from non- auxiliary states to non-auxiliary states by reading at least that number of letters. However, before that we might read some word v P ta, bu˚ that moves states around, does not has a consecutive sequence of more Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 25

than N b’s and hence, every a goes back to the start state. But at some point, this has to come to an end and we have to read a sequence of more than N consecutive b’s. Additionally, by the construction of the inflation, the word that moves from a non-auxiliary state to another non-auxiliary state must have a number of b’s that is divisible by N. Also, observe that such a word must consists entirely of b, because for non-final states in Ai,j every a maps back to the start state. Then, by construction (recall ˚ ˚ ui P Σ aΣ for the labels of the paths constructed above) to move between the automata Ai,j inside of C we have to traverse a path where, on some part, we can only move forward by reading the letter a. After this, when we are at the start state of Ai,j`1, as by assumption the start state is not final, we again have to read at least N times the letter b and so on, until we have reached a final state in Ai,|J|. Then, we have to read at least one a to map the final state to t, from which on, as t is a sink state, we can read any word. [End, Proof of the Claim]

The automaton C has a synchronizing word in L if and only if all the Ai, i P t1, . . . , ku, accept a common word.

n 1. Assume we have a word b accepted by all Ai for i P t1, . . . , ku. Then, for

N¨n N¨n w “ u0b u1 ¨ ¨ ¨ uJ´1b uJ

we have w P L and w synchronizes A. Note that, after reading uj´1, the automaton Ai,j is either in its start state, or the final a in uj´1 has mapped N¨n some state in Ai,j to a state outside of Qi,j. So, when reading b , as Ai,j equals the inflation of Ai by N, we end up in a final state Fi,j. Then, we read uj to map those final states to the start state of the next automaton Ai,j`1 or to t if j “ J. Note that all states in-between are either mapped to a start state of some Ai,j, moved inside of some Ai,j, or, when an a is read and they are not mapped back to a state that ultimately ends in a start state of some Ai,j are moved toward the state t. As we always read enough a to always make a step towards the sink state t the result follows. 2. Assume A has a synchronizing word w P L. Then, as t is a sink state, the word w must map every state to t. Consider the start state of some Ai,1 “ ˚ ptbu,Qi,1, δi,1, qi,1,Fi,1q. By the above claim, there exist u1, u2 ¨ ¨ ¨ , uJ Ď tbu such that |ui| ě N and |ui| is divisible by N for all i P t1,..., |J|u and ˚ ˚ ˚ v1, . . . , vJ P ta, bu ata, bu and v, u P ta, bu so that

w “ vu1v1u2v2 ¨ ¨ ¨ uJ vJ u.

By the above claim, Lemma 32 and the maximal choice of J, we have

˚ |P | ˚ tv, v1, . . . , vJ u X Σ b Σ “H,

i.e., these words does not contains a sequence of more than |P |, and so in particular not more than N, consecutive b’s. 26 S. Hoffmann

Now, let bn be a maximal non-empty factor whose length n is divisible by N of vu1v1 and using only the letter b. Note that, by construction of Ai,1, n if we write vu1v1 “ xb y, we have δi,1pqi,1, xq “ qi,1. Then, we claim that n{N b is accepted by every automaton Ai. Fix an index i P t1, . . . , ku. By the construction of the inflation, this is equivalent with the condition that n b drives every automaton Ai,j for j P t1,..., |J|u from the start state to some final state. Suppose this is not the case. As the automata Ai,j are isomorphic, i.e., they are copies of each other, we can assume this is not the n case for Ai,1, i.e., we have δi,1pqi,1, b q R Fi,1. Then, consider the following n suffix of w (recall xb y “ vu1v1, and y has to start with an a)

yu2v2 ¨ ¨ ¨ u|J|v|J|u.

Note that if we have in u a consecutive sequence of b’s of length more than N, the rest of u also must consist of b’s only, i.e., we cannot read an a anymore. For suppose this is not the case and u P Σ˚bN Σ˚aΣ˚. We have n n δpqi,1, xb q “ δpqi,1, b q P Qi,1zFi,1. By assumption, δpqi,1, wq “ t, and so we must have δpqi,1, yu2v2 ¨ ¨ ¨ u|J|v|J|uq “ t. Applying the above claim again, yields that we can factorize yu2v2 ¨ ¨ ¨ u|J|v|J|u such that we have at least |J| blocks of consecutive b’s broken up by at least one occurrence of the letter a between each such block. However, then then

n w “ xb yu2v2 ¨ ¨ ¨ u|J|v|J|u,

as y starts with an a, we would get a factorization of w with |J|`1 blocks of consecutive b’s separated by words with at least one a, which is not possible by the maximal choice of J and Lemma 31.

So, this shows that this is a valid reduction.

Theorem 10 (Dichotomy Theorem). Let a1, . . . , ak P Σ be a sequence of let- ˚ ˚ ters and L Ď a1 ¨ ¨ ¨ ak be regular. The problem L-Constr-Sync is NP-complete if

L X ¨ Lj1,j2,j3 ˛ ‰H 1ďj1ăj2ăj3ďk ˚ aj Rtďaj ,aj u ‹ ˚ 2 1 3 ‹ ˝ ‚ with L Σ˚a Σ˚a|P |Σ˚a Σ˚ for 1 j j j k and solvable in j1,j2,j3 “ j1 j2 j3 ď 1 ă 2 ă 3 ď polynomial time otherwise.

Proof. Set L “ LpBq. Let j1, j2, j3 P t1, . . . , ku be such that aj2 R taj1 , aj3 u, j1 ă j2 ă j3 and

LpBq X Lj1,j2,j3 ‰H. Then, there exists a word u a u a|P |u a u L B with u , u , u , u Σ˚. 1 j1 2 j2 3 j3 4 P p q 1 2 3 4 P By the pigeonhole principle, when reading the factor b|P |, at least one state has Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 27

|P |`i¨p to be traversed twice and we find p ą 0 such that u1au2b u3au4 for any i ě 0. ˚ ˚ Define a homomorphism ϕ : Σ Ñ ta, bu by ϕpaj1 q “ ϕpaj3 q “ a, ϕpaj2 q “ b and, for the remaining letters, ϕpaq “ ε, if a P Σztaj1 , aj2 , aj3 u. Then, ϕpLq Ď ˚ ˚ 1 1 1 1 1 ϕpa1q ¨ ¨ ¨ ϕpakq is letter-bounded. Set Γ “ ta, bu and let B “ pΓ,P , µ , p0,F q be a recognizing PDFA for ϕpLq. We have

|P |`i¨p ϕpu1qaϕpu2qb ϕpu3qaϕpu4q P ϕpLq

1 for any i ě 0. So, ϕpLq X Γ ˚a`Γ ˚b|P |b˚Γ ˚a`Γ ˚ ‰H. By Lemma 9, ϕpLq- Constr-Sync is NP-hard and so, by Proposition 2, also L-Constr-Sync is NP-hard, and so, with Theorem 5, NP-complete.

Now, suppose LpBq X 1ďj1ăj2ăj3ďk Lj1,j2,j3 “H. By Theorem 3, we ˜ aj2 Rtaj1 ,aj3 u ¸ n piq Ť piq piq ˚ can write LpBq “ i“1 A1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak with unary regular languages Aj Ď taju for j P t1, . . . , ku. Then, Ť

piq piq pA1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak q X ¨ Lj1,j2,j3 ˛ “H 1ďj1ăj2ăj3ďk ˚ aj Rtďaj ,aj u ‹ ˚ 2 1 3 ‹ ˝ ‚ for any i P t1, . . . , nu. However, this implies that for any i P t1, . . . , nu, if there piq 1 exists j P t1, . . . , ku such that Aj is infinite, then for all j ă j, or for all 1 ˚ j ą j, we have Aj1 Ď taju (recall that if Aj1 “ tεu, then this is also fulfilled). piq piq Hence, by Proposition 8, we have pA1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Ak q-Constr-Sync P P and then, by Lemma 26, LpBq-Constr-Sync P P.

Next, we supply the proof of the claim made in the proof sketch of Lemma 9 from the main text. Claim: For the constructed automaton A1 from the proof sketch of Lemma 9 in the main text, we have:

Dm ě 0 : δpS, cmq Ď T ô A1 has a synchronizing word in abr2 pbp2 q˚a. ô A1 has a synchronizing word in ab˚a. ô A1 has a synchronizing word in a˚b˚a˚

Proof of the Claim. First, suppose δpS, cmq Ď T . By construction of A1, for any q, q1 P Q, δpq, cq “ q1 in A ô δ1pq, bp2 q “ q1 in A1. (3)

1 1 1 r2 Also, δ pQ zttu, aq “ Sr2 and δ pSr2 , b q “ S. Combining these facts, we find

δ1pQ1, abr2 bp2mq Ď T Y ttu.

A final application of a then maps all states in T to the single sink state t. 28 S. Hoffmann

Clearly, as abr2 pbp2 q˚a Ď ab˚a and ab˚a Ď a˚b˚a˚, the next two implications are shown. Finally, to complete the argument, let u “ apbqar be a synchronizing word, p, q, r ě 0. Then, as t is a sink state, δ1pQ1, uq “ ttu. The only way to enter t from the outside is to read a at least once, and as t is a sink state, we have δ1pQ1, apbqarq “ ttu. Also, as for q R T , we have δ1pq, aq R T , we must have δ1pQ1, apbqq Ď T Y ttu, or more specifically, δ1pQ1zttu, apbqq Ď T . We distinguish two cases for p. 1. If p “ 0, then, in particular, δ1pS, bqq Ď T . By construction of A1, for any q P Q, δ1pq, bnq P Q

if and only if n ” 0 pmod p2q. So, q “ p2m for some m ě 0. Hence, by Equation (3) above from the first case, in A, we find δpS, cmq Ď T . 1 1 p 2. If p ą 0, then δ pQ zttu, a q “ Sr2 . The only way to leave any state in Sr2

is to read b, which transfers Sr2 to Sr2´1. Reasoning similarly, we find that

we have to read in b at least r2 many times, which finally maps Sr2 onto 1 S0 “ S. So, q ě r2. By construction of A , for any q P Q, δ1pq, bnq P Q

1 q´r2 if and only if n ” 0 pmod p2q. So, as δ pS, b q Ď T , q ´ r2 “ p2m for some m ě 0. Hence, by Equation (3) above, in A, we find δpS, cmq Ď T . This ends the proof of the claim. [End, proof of the Claim.]

D Proofs for Section 5 (Constraints from Strongly Self-Synchronizing Codes)

Proposition 13. A non-empty C Ď Σ` is a strongly self-synchronizing code if and only if, for all u P PrefpCq and v P C, if we write uv “ x1 ¨ ¨ ¨ xn with xi P Σ for i P t1, . . . , nu, then, for all j P t1, . . . , nu and k ě 1 where j ` k ´ 1 ď n, we have that xjxj`1 ¨ ¨ ¨ xj`k´1 P C implies j “ |u| ` 1 and k “ |v| or j “ 1 and k “ |u|. Intuitively, in uv only the last |v| symbols form a factor in C and possibly the first |u| symbols. Proof. Let C Ď Σ` be a strongly self-synchronizing code. Suppose u P PrefpCq ˚ ` and v P C. If u R C, then we must have uv R Σ CΣ , so that, if uv “ x1 ¨ ¨ ¨ xn as in the statement, we have xj ¨ ¨ ¨ xj`k´1 if and only if j “ |u|`1 and k “ |u|`|v|. If u P C, then, as uv R Σ`CΣ`, we find that we have only the possibilities j “ 1 and k “ |u| or j “ |u| ` 1 and k “ |u| ` |v|. Conversely, suppose C Ď Σ` is non-empty and fulfills the condition men- tioned in the statement. If u, v P C and uv P Σ`CΣ`, then we can write uv “ x1 ¨ ¨ ¨ xn with xi P Σ for i P t1, . . . , nu and find 2 ď i ď j ď n ´ 1 such that xi ¨ ¨ ¨ xj P C, which contradicts the condition in the statement. Similarly, if ˚ ` u P PrefpCqzC and v P C with uv P Σ CΣ , then we can write uv “ x1 ¨ ¨ ¨ xn with xi P Σ for i P t1, . . . , nu and find 1 ď i ď j ď n ´ 1 such that xi ¨ ¨ ¨ xj P C, which would contradict the condition too. So, we must have C2 X Σ`CΣ` “H and pPrefpCqzCqC X Σ˚CΣ` “H. Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 29

To give a proof of the claim made in Example 14.

Proposition 33. The code taacc, bbc, bacu is strongly self-synchronizing.

Proof. By checking all cases to combine prefixes with code words:

Non-empty prefixes of aacc: paqaacc paqbbc paqbac paaqaacc paaqbbc paaqbac paacqaacc paacqbbc paacqbac paaccqaacc paaccqbbc paaccqbac

Non-empty prefixes of bbc: pbqaacc pbqbbc pbqbac pbbqaacc pbbqbbc pbbqbac pbbcqaacc pbbcqbbc pbbcqbac

Non-empty prefixes of bac: pbqaacc pbqbbc pbqbac pbaqaacc pbaqbbc pbaqbac pbacqaacc pbacqbbc pbacqbac.

So, we see that the defining conditions are satisfied. Note that C XΣ˚CΣ` “H is always satisfied for self-synchronizing codes, as they are infix codes.

Theorem 17. Let ϕ : Σ˚ Ñ Γ ˚ be a homomorphism such that ϕpΣq is a strongly self-synchronizing code and |ϕpΣq| “ |Σ|. Then, for each regular L Ď Σ˚ log we have L-Constr-Sync ”m ϕpLq-Constr-Sync.

log Proof. By Proposition 2, we have ϕpLq-Constr-Sync ďm L-Constr-Sync. Next, we give a reduction from L-Constr-Sync to ϕpLq-Constr-Sync. Write Σ “ ta1, . . . , anu with n “ |Σ| and ui “ ϕpaiq for i P t1, . . . , nu. Let A “ pΣ, Q, δq be an input semi-automaton for L-Constr-Sync. We construct a semi-automaton A1 “ pΓ,Q1, δ1q. The state set will be

1 Q “ tqx | q P Q, x P Prefptu1, . . . , unuqztu1, . . . , unuu.

1 1 By identifying qε with the state q P Q, we can assume Q Ď Q . Then, for qx P Q and y P Σ, let z be the longest suffix of xy such that z P Prefptu1, . . . , unuq and set10 1 qz if z P Prefptu1, . . . , unuqztu1, . . . , unu; δ pqx, yq “ (4) δpq, aiq if Di P t1, . . . , nu : z “ ui. " 11 As |ϕpΣq| “ |Σ| and tu1, . . . , unu is a prefix code , the transition function is well-defined. By construction, for any u P Σ˚ and q P Q, we have

δpq, uq “ δ1pq, ϕpuqq. (5)

10 Note the implicit correspondence between the states q and qz for z P PrefpϕpΣqqzϕpΣq. 11 A code is a prefix code, if no code word is the proper prefix of another code word. 30 S. Hoffmann

Let x P PrefpϕpΣqqzϕpΣq and ui P ϕpΣq, i P t1, . . . , nu. Then, as ϕpΣq is a strongly self-synchronizing code, the word xui does not contain a word from ϕpΣq , except the suffix ui, as a factor. Next, we will argue that, for the unique ai P Σ with ϕpaiq “ ui, the following equations holds true: 1 1 δ pqx, uiq “ δ pq, uiq “ δpq, aiq. (6)

For if v P Prefptuiuq X Σ, then the longest suffix of xv in PrefpϕpΣqq must be v. First, it is a suffix from this set. Second, if there exists longer one, say w, then write ww1 P ϕpΣq for some w1 P Σ˚. In that case, with xv “ x1w (|x1| ă |x|), 1 1 ˚ 1 1 ` 1 we have x ww P xuiΣ or xui P x ww Σ . In the first case, ww contains the proper factor ui P ϕpΣq, which is not possible as ϕpΣq is, in particular, an infix 1 ˚ ` code. In the second case, tx uiu X Σ ϕpΣqΣ ‰H, which is excluded by the property of ϕpΣq being strongly self-synchronizing. So, by the defining equation of δ1, Equation (4), if v R ϕpΣq, we have 1 δ pqx, vq “ qv, and if v P ϕpΣq, then v “ ui, as ϕpΣq is a prefix code, and 1 1 1 δ pqx, vq “ δ pqx, uiq “ δ pq, uiq “ δpq, aiq with the unique ai P Σ as above. So, in the latter case Equation (6) was estab- 1 2 1 1 lished. In the former case, if ui “ vv v , then δ pqv, v q “ qvv1 which is easily seen as we always read in a word giving a prefix from ϕpΣq, hence this word itself is the longest suffix from ϕpΣq. So, after reading the entire word ui, by Equation (4), Equation (6) is implied. Lastly, we show that this gives a valid reduction. Claim: The automaton A “ pΣ, Q, δq has a synchronizing word in L if and only if A1 “ pΓ,Q1, δ1q has a synchronizing word in ϕpLq. Proof of the Claim: First, suppose there exists u P L such that |δpQ, uq| “ 1. If |Q| “ 1 every word is synchronizing and the statement is obviously true. So, we can assume |Q| ą 1, which implies |u| ą 0. Write u “ av with a P Σ. By Equation (6), then, for any x P PrefpϕpΣqqzϕpΣq, 1 δ pqx, ϕpaqq “ δpq, aq. Hence, δ1pQ1, ϕpaqq “ δpQ, aq. As δ1pQ1, ϕpaqq Ď Q, by Equation (6), or its formulation for the special case of states in Q, Equation (5), we find δ1pδpQ, aq, ϕpvqqq “ δpδpQ, aq, vq “ δpQ, uq. The last set is, by assumption, a singleton set. Hence, the word ϕpuq synchronizes A1. Now, suppose there exists u P ϕpLq such that |δ1pQ1, uq| “ 1. Let v P Σ˚ be such that ϕpvq “ u. By Equation (6) (or Equation (5)), we have δpQ, vq “ δ1pQ, ϕpvqq. By assumption, the set on the right side is a singleton set. Hence, v synchronizes A.[End, Proof of the Claim] Synchronization under Sparse Regular Constraints 31

log So, we find L-Constr-Sync ďm ϕpLq-Constr-Sync and the proof is done.

˚ ˚ Theorem 18. Let L Ď w1 ¨ ¨ ¨ wk be regular such that tw1, . . . , wku is a strongly self-synchronizing code. Then, L-Constr-Sync is either NP-complete or in P.

˚ ˚ Proof. Let Γ “ ta1, . . . , anu be a new alphabet and let ϕ : Γ Ñ Σ be the ´1 homomorphism given by ϕpaiq “ wi for i P t1, . . . , nu. Let U “ ϕ pLq. As every ˚ word in L is a concatentation of words from tw1, . . . , wnu, we have L Ď ϕpΓ q. So, we find ϕpUq “ L. By Theorem 17, the languages U and L have the same computational com- ˚ ˚ plexity. Also, as is easy to check, we have U Ď a1 ¨ ¨ ¨ an and U is regular. So, by Theorem 10 the constrained synchronization problem for L is either NP-complete or in P.

E Proofs for Section 6 (Conclusion and Discussion)

Proposition 22. Let u, v P Σ˚. If L Ď u˚v˚ is regular, then L-Constr-Sync is solvable in polynomial time.

Proof. Let Γ “ ta, bu and ϕ : Γ ˚ Ñ Σ˚ be the homomorphism given by ϕpaq “ u and ϕpbq “ v. Define N “ tpi, jq | uivj P Lu and set L1 “ taibj | pi, jq P Nu Ď a˚b˚. Then, ϕpL1q “ L and by Proposition 8 we have L1-Constr-Sync P P. So, with Proposition 2 also L-Constr-Sync P P.

Proposition 23. The problem ppabqpbaq˚pabqq-Constr-Sync is NP-complete.

Proof. We give a reduction from DisjointSetTransporter for unary input semi-automata, which is NP-complete by Theorem 1. Let A “ ptcu, Q, δq with S, T Ď Q being disjoint. Construct the automaton A1 “ pta, bu,Q1, δ1q with

1 Q “ Q Y tqa | q P Qu Y tqb | q P Qu Y ttu.

Fix somes ˆ P S. Then, for q P Q, set

1 1 δ pt, xq “ t for x P Σ and δ pq, xq “ qx for x P Σ; 1 1 1 δ pqb, bq “ t for qb P Q and δ pqb, aq “ δpq, cq; 1 1 δ pqa, aq “ qa for qa P Q ; sˆ if q P QzpT Y Sq; δ1pq , bq “ q if q P S; a $ & t if q P T. Then, there exists n ě 0 with% δpS, cnq Ď T if and only if A1 has a synchronizing word in L. First, suppose there exists n ě 0 such that δpS, cnq Ď T . By construction, 1 1 1 1 S Ď δ pQ , abq Ď S Y ttu Y Qb, or more precisely δ pQ , abq “ S Y ttu Y tqb | q P δpQ, cqu. Note that, as S and T are disjoint, we must have n ą 0. As, for any 1 1 1 1 n q P Q, δ pq, baq “ δpq, cq and δpqb, bq “ t, we find δ pδ pQ , abq, pbaq q Ď T Y ttu, 32 S. Hoffmann where we needed n ą 0 to map those states in tqb | q P δpQ, cqu to T . Finally, δpT Y ttu, abq “ ttu and so δ1pQ1, abpbaqnabq “ ttu. Conversely, suppose there exists n ě 0 such that δ1pQ1, abpbaqnabq is a sin- gleton set. So, as t is a sink state, δ1pQ1, abpbaqnabq “ ttu. By construction, a state in Q1 is mapped to t by ab if and only if it is contained in T Y ttu. Hence, 1 1 n 1 1 δ pQ , abpbaq q Ď T Yttu. As before, δ pQ , abq “ SYttuYtqb : q P δpQ, cqu. In par- ticular, we must have δ1pS, pbaqnq Ď T Yttu. As, for any q P Q, δ1pq, baq “ δpq, cq, this implies that δ1pS, pbaqnq Ď T and that for u “ cn we have δpS, cnq Ď T . By Theorem 5, L-Constr-Sync P NP and by the above reduction the prob- lem is NP-complete.

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Fig. 2. The reduction from the proof of Lemma 9 in the special case J “ 3 (see the proof for the definition of J) and two input automata A1, A2 over tbu. The automata Ai,j are inflated, according to Definition 30, copies of Ai for i P t1, 2u, j P t1, 2, 3u. The letter a maps every state not associated with a path inside each Ai,j to the last innermost state that is hit by an a along the path leading into this automaton. This is only drawn for A1,1 but left out for the other automata, also, to give a more “high- level” drawing, the b-transitions are not drawn. On the right end is the sink state t. The paths stay inside the automata but leave as soon as an a is read.