Official Publication of the WASATCH MOUNTAIN CLUB Salt Lake City, Utah
Official publication of THE WASATCH MOUNTAIN CLUB Salt Lake City, Utah with the leaier. r~a.er_:'-'.a te ,~.,.~~i!; ment is a.n absoJ:.1te m-..:st. Yo_: cannot. partici;..a te in t!1cse /"~ve::ts i~- you have :-iot s!-1ci-:n yo·1r ty lub OL other :1ikin~: 3.cti vi =..-.r.:-i i~ yc·:1 do not have ac.ieq ,1.a te au:.. :-1e:1- broken i::! toots ,;i :~ ,;oo:,, ·:i~r'c,,:. ty;Je soles and suitab~e -:Jro-'... ect:2.·.·~ acti cJ.othinz. Jpeci2.l c~: ... i::.;:;"..:!r: ~ :_:;..:c~: an ice axe etc. rr:2.y :ie .:;~~c~~ ~·i.:;;;d and yo;.,._ are re•.;__.i,ee·_;_ ·::.o :,'-...,· able to hanci2_a S]C!: c:~i·.,t,ent. -~"' member Lh8. t t~ect:; r8st:--l8tj_ons ;-1r,:_; set :'or :.:oc;.r o-,.;r. s~:_:>:~1.../ :-~_:--:(_; 7..i ... -::.-::. c. august1973 yo'J.r .:..~el lo1.: r~.=.;:;_:)ert;. _ o::· :-·..:.=.e:-.: r~-: gardins par:.ic-l;,at:j_o.:1 o. -~:'.:i~•-..:.!"c:-. consu J_ t tf1e ,.-,.3.~ .. _--;-.2..,-_'cJ_Qr ~ ~?-: 2. .:.r.;; :.:ist.8 r .:.'or b:.::: -c.ri~·:s -::~ ·i..:: -:. ·_!J JJ_;2.der ,ti!.8I3T,-t,;.ll0li Ii:5"0i'l.H.i,TIC;,: ~e:;:,, o~ly by sen(,';.i_L£-: ::-.:. :....r.: ·,os!. _ 1-c t~--::~ tro. tion is Generally not re,-~1-,Jir'ei --~:ldress i_istt-.~3.. _,c~:..:;.~ .. 2"3 ·.!:=-:-r:1.0:. F-- for :nembers ;·.iartic.i.~:atin: i.n e:isy or intermediate hik1n,: (;,:;_tin,, below 7.0).
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