APRIL 2021

In This Issue: A Joyful Catastrophe

Upcoming Events: Pastor Tim Keller asks, “Do you which all of the other stories point. It page 2 know what the word gospel means?” The happened. It really happened. There really Greek word is Euangelion. “It means is a hero who defeats the villain. There Committee News: literally the joy news. J.R.R. Tolkien, says really is . The word gospel means the pages 2-4 there’s a kind of story…that brings us joy news. Joy. It’s real. You have to have Celebrations: unbelievable joy…There’s always some it.” page 4 incredibly hopeless situation, and victory is I heartily encourage you and your Children & Youth: snatched out of the jaws of defeat. But family to join us in celebrating the joyful pages 5 how? Always through someone who catastrophe of . We will have a comes in, and whose weakness turns out to Volunteers: Service on April 2nd at 7:00 page 6 be strength, someone whose defeat turns PM at the church. (Holy Communion will be out to be a victory. He says it’s those kinds served at this service.) Then on Easter Community News: of stories that just seem to bring us joy. He page 7-9 Sunday, April 4th we will have two called them eucatastrophes. identical services, one at 8:30 AM and the Bible Trivia: Do you know what eucatastrophe other at 10:30 AM. page 8-9 means? The joyful catastrophe. The In the interest of continuing to tragedy that turns out to be a triumph. The maintain good health practices we are sacrifice that turns out to bring joy. (I asking everyone to R.S.V.P. with the (Paul) experienced this just last week when I church office as soon as possible. We will viewed the new Disney movie, “Raya and The limit seating to 65 for both services, first Last Dragon.” A lot of Disney films follow this come first served. We will reserve a few pattern.) He said, however, there’s a additional seats in anticipation that we will Eucatastrophe of the eucatastrophes. have some unexpected guests. Both the There is a Story in all of the stories. He Good Friday and 10:30 AM Easter believes there’s a bass string to the human Services will be livestreamed if you’d prefer heart, and those stories can kind of make it to join us at home. reverberate a little bit but can’t pluck it. Sunday School classes and Youth Tolkien says the gospel story is the Group will not be held on Easter Sunday only story that will pluck that string so the but will resume again on April 11th. whole heart never stops reverberating and vibrating with joy. The reason it will God Bless And Have A Joyous Easter, reverberate is…this is the reality to Pastor Paul


Committee News

Worship Committee Contact Us Traditional Service - 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Service - 10:30 a.m. 740-369-5956 Sunday School - 9:35 - 10:30 a.m. (no SS Easter Sunday) [email protected] Nursery will be closed until further notice. www.bellpointumc.com

Pastor Paul McCullough Easter Services [email protected] Good Friday - April 2nd, 7:00 p.m. @ church. Easter Sunday - April 4th, 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. A will Find & Like us on Facebook! not be held this year. Please register for the in-person service you wish to attend on the church website, or by contacting the church office.

Both the Good Friday and 10:30 a.m. worship service will be broadcast www.facebook.com/Bellpoint/ live on our YouTube channel. &

YouTube Best Practices

www.youtube.com Please practice social distancing. (No hand shaking, hugs, etc. and one person in the restroom at a time.) Wear a mask or facial covering. Church Office Hours: (Please bring your own.) There will be a limited supply of masks Monday-Friday available if you should forget or not have one. There will be plenty of 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. hand sanitizer and wipes available for your use and we will thoroughly disinfect after each function. If you are a high risk individual we recommend you wait until you feel Upcoming Events comfortable to start attending. If you have a fever or cough please April 2 refrain from coming until you are fully recovered. (We recommend that Good Friday, 7:00 p.m. you join us for worship via the internet. We will continue to post our worship services on YouTube.) In addition, the 10:30 a.m. worship April 4 service will be live streamed each week. Easter, 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Registration is required. No Sunday School.

April 15 Breakthrough Prayer, 7:00 p.m.

April 21 Children’s Council meeting, 7:00 p.m.


Alpha Sunday Update Committee News During worship services on the last Sunday of each month we will Worship Committee be viewing a film from the Alpha Film Series. If you are attending Bellpoint Community Church Bible Study Groups (all groups meet at church online and have difficulty church unless otherwise stated) viewing or hearing the film, please . go to alphausa.org/watch (click on • Adult and Children/Youth Sunday School sessions: 9:35 - 10:30 a.m. access the series here) to view each of the 15 talks in the series • BOOM: Sundays, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (see BOOM section for details) by Toby Flint & Gemma Hunt. • Adult Bible Study: Mondays at 10:30 a.m. (weekly home rotation ) On Feb 28th we viewed session #9 entitled “Who Is The Holy • Women’s Bible Study: Meets every other Sunday, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Spirit?” (parsonage)

Session #10 entitled “What Does • Men’s Bible Study: Meets every other Monday, 7:00 -9:00 p.m. at the The Holy Spirit Do?" was viewed church. on March 7th. (Unfortunately, Pastor Paul was unable to finish writing his sermon due to an adverse reaction to a plasma donation.) Women’s Bible Study

A new Beth Moore bible study began on:

March 14, 2021

5:00 - 7:00 p.m., every other week at the parsonage. Lori McCullough is the bible study leader.

We are studying - Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy

February 17 - April 3, 2021 The study workbook is available at bookstores, on Amazon, or through Life- way. The average price is $21.00 purchased new.

It’s not too late to join as this is an 11 session study. If you have missed any, 2020 Tax Season! the DVD’s will be available to view at the church. 2020 Giving statements are avail- able upon request. Please contact the church office if you’d like a copy.


April Birthdays Committee News

April 4 Jonah Counts United Methodist Church James Burtch April 6 Elizabeth Chapa The pandemic-postponed General Conference planned for Aug. 29- April 7 Brian Hatcher Sept. 7. 2021 in Minneapolis has been postponed until August 2022. Ryan Sayer April 9 Jason Counts April 12 Bob Barker

Melissa West Kelli Solli MCCI (Missional Church Consultative Initiative) April 15 Shelby Hamrick April 18 Dan Masters Decide Team April 19 Jim Swearengin . Stacy Sayer After a long hiatus in 2020, the Decide Team has once again begun meeting. More information will be provided in the coming months. April 22 Kelly Willis April 23 Jessica Ulmer-West Key Leader: Bob Himes; Secretary: Matt Maxim April 27 Jonathan Ridge Webb

Happy Anniversary! Passover Seder

April 3 On , March 28, 2021 we viewed a video entitled Passover Seder provided by the non-profit Todd & Jennifer Westover organization Jews for Jesus. For more information, please go to their website at: jewsforjesus.org April 5

Brian & Kim Hatcher

April 27

Jim & Elva Swearingin


Children & Youth

Children’s Council

Nursery The nursery is not be available at this time. Be looking for an announcement later in the year.

Thank you to everyone who donated candy for the Easter baskets! Twelve baskets were made.

BOOM! Vacation Bible School (VBS) Build, Own, Operate, Children's Council is excited to announce the theme for Vacation Bible Maintain your Faith in Christ School - True Blue Bible Friends! We will explore the friendships of Da- vid and Johnathan, Ruth and Naomi and Jesus and you. There will be

games, Bible stories, and cool science or crafty things to discover each 6-12th grades day. This year VBS will be on July 19th, 20th and 21st - Monday thru Meet Sundays at Church Wednesday - 6:30 to 8:00pm. We will be outside this year and of course any time inside we will practice social distancing. We can't wait to see you 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. all!!

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and Upcoming Events: in truth. 1 John 3:18 April 4: NO BOOM

April 11: BOOM April 18: BOOM April 25: BOOM

All other events on the schedule have been cancelled until further notice.



Nursery Workers

Friendship Table, First Service: Second Service: Sunday School: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the April 4 - 25: The Nursery will be closed. Friendship Table will be closed until further notice. CCC Attendance

April 4 - 25: Connect cards will not be completed, a visual headcount will be taken at both services.

Ushers and Greeters

First Service: Second Service: April 4 - 25: Bulletins will not be printed, and offering plates will not be passed. (Please place your cash/check offering in the transparent container near the double glass doors in Fellowship Hall.) From the rising of the sun to

the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. Communion Stewards Psalm 113:3 NIV First Service: Second Service: Good Friday, April 2: Pre-sealed Communion Elements will be used.

(I took this sunrise picture from my driveway on March 15, 2021.) (Please note, all of the above is subject to change.)


Community News

Remember in your prayers...

New Prayer Requests:

Family of Shawn Lehner – Shawn passed away suddenly last week leaving behind his wife and three kids (Ritchie)

Tiffany - was thrown from a horse, suffered a concussion, fractured her L3,L5 and one rib. (Vicky & Norm Spellman’s daughter) Jesus said to her “I am the res- urrection and the life. He who Pastor Jim – he's been battling COVID-19 and is being released home today to believes in Me, though he may be placed in hospice care, pray for strength and peace for him and his family. (Harding) die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall Tom & Ann – Ann has been taking care of her mom and sister for about 6 never die. Do you believe this?” months, and they have all had COVID-19 in the last month, her mom passed away Saturday. (Sayer) John 11:25-26 (NKJV) Vicky Spellman – received concerning results from a scan that could indicate metastasized cancer, will need a biopsy.

Mary Adams – health concerns, recently released from the hospital but does not yet have a diagnosis.

Nancy – lung cancer and COPD. (Daugherty)

VanHorne Family – strength and peace during the adoption process for Brody.

Ongoing Prayer Requests: Steve Kellerher – suffered a setback in cancer treatment, Rick Leeth – blood clots (Davis), Kathleen – recovering from surgery (Graebner), Joann Stegner – broken arm, Rosia – father placed in hospice, had to resign from her job, David Sayer – healing (Doug’s dad), B.J. – blood in his urine, jaundice, and extreme dementia (Spellman), Freida Bryant – radiation treatment for lung cancer (Spellman), Mike Mahoney – pancreatic cancer (McCullough), Lehman Family – transitioning Daren’s parents to their home, Daren Lehman’s Dad – pray for successful chemo treatments, Jerry – cancer (Webb), Chris VanFleet – gastroparesis (Maxim), Jeff – bladder cancer, Matt Kraick’s Coworker – searching, Janet Artz – cancer returned, undergoing more chemo (Kidd), Jean Ann – in hospice care with terminal cancer (Webb), Jim Hamilton – in home hospice care (Becky Miller’s father), Marge Green – brain tumor (Davis), Terry Bacus – cancer (Lehman), and Tom Lehman – comfort and healing


Community News Spring symbols remind us of resurrection.

When the weather turns warmer and the grass grows greener, it's easier to understand the promise of new life and renewed hope that Christians proclaim as "Easter people." The reminders are all around us so be sure to keep an eye out on your next spring stroll. Birds: The robin, a very common bird in the U.S., has a red breast and a legend to explain it. Seems that once a gray robin flew to Christ's crown of Bible Trivia thorns to draw out a thorn, and when it did, a drop of Christ's blood fell on its breast, leaving a stain forevermore.

The following section was obtained Bees: It takes lots of buzzing bees to spread the pollen and make flowers grow. courtesy of: The honey these creatures create is a biblical symbol of God's favor. The Torah KJV agrees, for it describes God's promised land again and again as "flowing with Test Your Bible Knowledge milk and honey." Copyright 2018 by Wilson Casey Flowers: Long considered a symbol of hope and new life, the daffodil is one of Published by Good Books the blooms most often connected to the Resurrection. Tradition says that giving New York, NY 10018 a gift of daffodils will ensure happiness for the receiver—but always give a bunch: a single bloom signals doom. The flowering shrub known as the forsythia is what I call the Easter tree, because when its spidery branches are Quiz Questions: moving with the wind, they seem to be arms waving in praise of the season. According to tradition, forsythia means anticipation—an appropriate companion word for Resurrection. It is said the dogwood tree used to grow straight and tall, but after it was used as a crucifix for Christ, God made it short and twisted 1) Per his covenant with God, with a thin trunk so it could never be used as a cross again. The dogwood bloom Abram’s land extended from has four parts, each with a rusty red color on the end and a small hole, a the river of Egypt to the reminder of where the nails were driven into the cross. The center stamens look ___? like the crown of thorns. Faith: The traditions that developed around these spring symbols helped Tigris, Red Sea, Euphrates, end explain the concept that God in the flesh took on death and came back to tell us of Jordan there is life on the other side. What fantastic news! This spring, be a witness to the good news that Christ is risen: • 2) In what city did Silas and Learn about the symbols and notice them when you are outdoors this season. Even better: plant some dogwoods and flowers in your yard and on Timotheus stay while Paul went the grounds of your church. on to Athens? • Fashion a cross from cuttings of spring flowers. Invite others to help. Set it Achaea, Berea, Caineh, Debir out in front of your church, or even your house, for all to see.

• Make (don't buy) a gift for someone who needs to be reminded of the love 3) Who was trapped against a of God made known in the Risen Christ. wall by an angel with a drawn sword in a path of • Play. Not a video game or a phone app. Physically play. Move. Dance. the vineyards? Interestingly, the Irish jig and tap dancing have their roots in an early Saxon tradition called the "hop-." The purpose was to step among a dozen Baal, Baanah, Balaam, Bezer as if walking the Stations of the Cross. This egg dance is likely the distant relative of hopscotch.

The Council at Nicaea in 325 AD gave the Church a revised creed. The last line reads: "We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come." As Easter people, we don't have to look further than spring for an exclamation point to that affirmation.

courtesy of umc.org


Community News

Prayer Concerns: Prayer Chain To submit a prayer request see the Are you looking for a way to serve Bellpoint Community Church and our options under Community News, community? Prayer is a powerful way to make an important difference in Prayer Chain to the right of this someone’s life. The Prayer Chain is always looking for new members for section. Nancy Burtch is providing this vital ministry, so please call the church office if you are interested. weekly devotions to the prayer If you hear of a concern or praise there are multiple ways to share the information with our Prayer Chain. Post to the online prayer wall at chain email. www.bellpointumc.com, contact Vicky Spellman/Brooke Williams, the church office managers, by phone at (740) 369-5956 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Please note: Until the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, paper prayer requests will not be used. The Peal If you do not have access to the internet, e-mail or simply prefer to have a hard copy mailed to you each month, please contact Vicky Spellman/ Brooke Williams, the church office managers at (740) 369-5956 or by e- mail at [email protected].

Just a Reminder... April 20 is the deadline for articles to be turned in for the May 2021 issue. Please e-mail all articles, including any Bellpoint Community Church event/mission pictures to Avah Wirz at: [email protected] MCCI Team Leaders/Secretaries: Please send any updates you wish to share with the congregation. Answers to Quiz Questions located Thank you in advance for your assistance! on page 9:

1) Euphrates (Genesis 15:18).

2) Berea (Acts 17:10, 14, 15).

3) Balaam (Numbers 22:23-26).