Vol. XXXI Issue 13; July 1st fortnight i ssue 2019 A DDP PUBLICATION Pages : 32 ` 20/- TravTalkIndia.com ddppl.com

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 1 7/3/2019 10:18:20 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 2 7/3/2019 10:18:22 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 3 DWWHQWLRQ,DPNHHSLQJP\ÀQJHUVFURVVHG and tourismasprioritysectorsgivethemsomemuch-needed (TGFI) havesignedanagree- Guides’ Federation ofIndia many are wary of how things will turn outthisyear,many ofhow arewary thingswillturn given lastyear's outcome, aray ofhopestillremains. Travel stakeholders areonceagainpinningtheirhopesontheUnionBudget. industry andtourism Though Will thisBudgetdeliver? R will increase. HealsosharesdetailsontheAssociation'srecentinitiatives. Rajiv Mehra Hike inguidefeeby10per cent Vol. XXXIIssue13; July 1 TAAI President Sunil Kumar TT Bureau TT that IATO andTourist ajiv Mehra ddppl.com has revealed hasrevealed not wake up to support thisindustry, not wakeuptosupport including GST. does Ifthegovernment many challengeswearegoingthrough, attention.Thereareso government’s and tourismsectordoesnotattractthe us inthepast.Somehow, thetravel butithasdisappointed government, st only pray and hope that they see travel only prayandhopethattheyseetravel andIcan newly-elected government, RQLWVSDUW,W·VWKHÀUVW\HDURIWKH WKHQ,GRQ·WWKLQNLWZLOOEHMXVWLÀHG fortnight i fortnight ssue 2019 TAFI urges VFS: Train agents Nepalbeckons theIndiantraveller The business ofamusement We expectsomuchfromthe , Vice President, IATO, sharesthateffective October2019,guidefee rates present rates,” he said. Mehra present rates,”hesaid.Mehra 10 percentincreaseonthe there willbeanapproximate 2019 tillSeptember2021, guides. “EffectiveOctober ment withregardtofeefor income tax and the Goods & Services Tax.income taxandtheGoods&Services bothfor andtaxstructures by levyingthesamesetofrules OTOAI President Mahendra Vakharia A DDPPUBLICATION ...... phasised on training of drivers phasised ontrainingofdrivers He saidthattheministerem- to helpboostinboundtourism. minister todiscussastrategy team recentlymetthetourism also addedthattheIATO ...... SOD\LQJÀHOGDQGDKHDOWK\EXVLQHVV Such amovewillhelpcreatelevel towards outboundtourpackages. being leviednow)asGST Input Credit(atleasthalfofwhatis allowsforadjustmentof ministry XSFRPLQJ8QLRQ%XGJHWWKHÀQDQFH online booking portals and platforms andplatforms online bookingportals operating inIndiaversustheforeign grown travelandtouragencies environment betweenthehome- Itwillbegoodreliefif, inthe where 19 members, led by where 19members,ledby shows inUSAandCanada, MOT hadorganisedroad- worked on.Mehraaddedthat from IATO, whicharebeing and alsosoughtsuggestions Pages : 32 President, TAFI Acting PresidentandVice Pradeep Lulla

26 14 08 TravTalkIndia.com

other suggestions.” for thetourismsectoramong status requested an‘export’ on theBudget,hesaid,“We Commenting had participated. IATO president per cent GST is only cascading the cost. per centGSTisonlycascadingthecost. SDFNDJHZKLFKLVDJDLQFKDUJHGDWÀYH facilities andtheneventuallyatour from issuingairticketstousinghotel right happens inthetourismindustry reduced. Also,duplicationofGSTwhich highat28percent,is which isvery way itisapplied. they reducetheamountofGSTand indirect taxes.Ihopethisisheededand of sentation totheGSTCouncilinterms As anindustry, wehavegivenourrepre- We hope that GST on luxury hotels, hotels, We hopethatGSTonluxury IATO Vice President Mehra Rajiv Pronab Sarkar Contd onpage7 7/3/2019 10:18:25 AM , ` 20/-

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 4 7/3/2019 10:18:27 AM ADTOICONVENTION 500 delegates expected The ninth convention and exhibition of the Association of Domestic Tour Operators of will be held at Hyatt Regency Ahmedabad from August 16-18, reveals PP Khanna, President, ADTOI.

Nisha Verma Ahmedabad, Ashram Khanna shared that ADTOI had Road, with the support also organised a Breast Health fter much speculation of Gujarat Tourism Board. Care and Screening Camp Aover ADTOI hosting its The main convention will in for ADTOI women convention in Guwahati, be held from August 16-18 entrepreneurs and spouses of WKH$VVRFLDWLRQKDVÀQDOLVHG followed by Fam trips to Association members. “We Ahmedabad as the venue the Statue of Unity, the famous organised the camp as part of of its ninth convention. Sharing Dwarkadhish Temple, Gir, and our women empowerment pro- more details, PP Khanna said, a few other places to showcase gramme at NAB India Centre for “We will be organising our ninth the tourist attractions of Tourism will also be present,” Blind Women. On the day of the convention at Hyatt Regency the state.” revealed Khanna. camp, almost 18 women got the test and screening Senior members from state He claimed that 400-500 done. The initiative was tourism and Ministry of delegates from across the a success, and we are Tourism (MOT) will also be country were expected at planning to conduct more of present at the event. the convention. “We are also such CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities We have invited the chief minister of in the future,” he added. Gujarat along with the state tourism Another initiative, just before the Union Budget, was to organ- minister and principal secretary, tourism ise the GST session for ADTOI members, shared Khanna. “We “We have invited expecting a huge crowd from RUJDQLVHGWKHÀUVW*67VHVVLRQ the chief minister of Gujarat, including local agents this year for our members. We Gujarat along with and tour operators,” he added. invited GST experts Rakesh the tourism min- While Khanna himself will Chitkara and Ashu Dalmia along ister of the state. be the convention chairman, with Dheeraj Rastogi, Commis- The Principal Anil Rajput, Joint Secretary, sioner, GST Council, to address Secretary and ADTOI and Sanjay Saxena, the queries of our members. PP Khanna President RWKHURIÀFLDOV Member, ADTOI, will be co- Our aim was to simplify the GST ADTOI from Gujarat chairmen of the convention. for everyone,” he said.

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 5 7/3/2019 10:18:29 AM TRAVTALK brings to you news and events that made headlines years 25 years ago with relevance even today. From the archives, we present the June 1994 issue: VIEWPOINTT From the Archive Honouring commitments Then (1994) In June 1994, Sunil Ghadiok joined as the Director of Operations at Holiday Now (2019) fsddsfdsfdsfdsfdsfsfdsfds Inn Crowne Plaza, Delhi. In the last 25 years, he has achieved a lot in the hospitality industry. Having worked with brands like The Oberoi Hotels, Post afor great thewinter season,greater the outbound goodd market is Park Hotels and Bharat hotels, he has successfully led many pre-opening all pepped up for the summer season. WhileWhile book-book- teams and was responsible for launching world-renowned hotel and food & beverage brands in India. In his current role as the Director, Shanti Hospitality ings are unde ndia has a very ambitious vision when it comes Management Services, he is responsible for managing the group’s hotels and acquiring third-party hotel contracts for management. The brands Ito increasing inbound tourist numbers and Sunil Ghadiok promoted under Nidra Hospitality are Four Points by Sheraton, Aloft, Hyatt Sunil Ghadiok Director of Operations Holiday Place, and Hyatt Regency. Director, Shanti Hospitality everyone says that they are working hard to bring Inn Crowne Plaza, Delhi Management Services in these numbers. But the question that we ask everyone today is, ‘Are we really working hard to achieve this vision?’ When an airline stops op- UP erations, it’s not just the loss of the country, but it is a loss of the tourism industry as a whole. Hotels Somebody needs to be made accountable for the

loss that tourism incurs as a result of last-minute Party L to R: Rajeev Agarwal- Shiraz, Jogesh Nayar- InterGlobe, L to R: Maharaj IS Wahi - Travel Promotion Bureau, cancellations. When a travel entity is not able to Vinod Chandna-JetAir and Rajesh Mudgill- Orient Express LP Gupta and Soumyen Chowdhury - Indo Culture honour its commitments, it is the responsibility of the various associations, hotels, airlines and the government itself to take steps to ensure that there is enough awareness in the market and that the tour- ists do not suffer as a result of bookings not seeing NDC allows greater access the light of day. What do our associations do in a situation like this? Why are preventive measures George Ettiyil, Senior Director Sales South Asia, Lufthansa Group not in place to ensure that tourists do not suffer and India does not lose out on foreign exchange that Airlines, shares how IATA’s New Distribution Capabilities (NDC) is ÁRZVLQWRWKHFRXQWU\":HDUHZDLWLQJIRUVRPH- helping both agents and their customers with more choices. one to don the accountability cap so that tourism does not suffer. he shift towards digitisation are unable to cater to. Most of NDC. Its XML-based APIs EXWDOVRDGGVVLJQLÀFDQWYDOXH Thas affected the travel major distribution systems allow for deeper and more to every single transaction and industry immensely. Most currently in use were created dynamic integrations between enables more streamlined and recently, meta-searchers have in the era before the mass an airline’s complete catalogue personalised bookings. The Revisiting Budget woes evolved into meta-bookers and adoption of the internet, and of offerings and the database NDC standard is also much Talking tech seriously are emerging as the dominant are therefore unable to keep up available to its partner agents. simpler to integrate and update channel driving the highest with the demands of today’s than the older Edifact standard. Postvery a great year winter brings season, with it athe fresh outbound hoped for market the in- is Maximise growth Many premium airlines, such all peppeddustry inup the for form the summerof the Union season. Budget, WhileWhile and book-boo thisk- NDC gives travel agents access to and revenue as the Lufthansa Group, are E NDC integration gives travel partnering with top IT service yearings areis no unde different. However, every year the indus- branded fares, products, and special offers agents access to branded providers to help agents adopt try seems to be asking for the same things, which which are restricted to the airline’s website, fares, products, and special and integrate NDC into their means that either their requests are falling on deaf offers which were hitherto business operations. ears or they are not doing enough to be heard by the and serve their customers by offering price restricted to the airline’s website, and serve their (The views expressed powers that be. While the inbound tour operators are and offer differentiation are solely of the author. customers better by offering The publication may or may looking for an industry status from the Government, price and offer differentiation. not subscribe to the same.) the outbound tour operators are still struggling with WUDIÀFLQWKHRQOLQHWUDYHO dynamic, agile, and digitally- Travel agents can also access domain, putting increasing driven travel landscape. Such various ancillary services such GST. This new tax regime has been a major pain pressure on the OTA model. DJDSKDVDVLJQLÀFDQWLPSDFW as extra legroom, meals, and point for tour operators and hoteliers, too. For ho- on third-party airline book- class upgrade. NDC-based tels, the GST Council has made quite a few changes Plug the personalisation gap ing partners such as travel APIs can tailor the offers already, but the biggest problem remains to the be Today’s consumers demand agencies. They can’t offer WRVXLWFRQVXPHUV·VSHFLÀF immersion and, above all, any product differentiation to requirements even before the WKHSHUFHQWWD[VODEIRUÀYHVWDUOX[XU\SURSHU- personalisation across all their end-customer and end purchase is made. All of this ties, which is making India an expensive destination touchpoints whenever they in- up becoming merely a point of not only offers greater choice for both inbound and domestic tourists. teract with a brand, service, or transaction for them. It is this DQGFRQWURORYHUWKHLQÁLJKW product. This is something that particular need-gap that IATA experience to the travel agent traditional booking processes sought to plug with the launch and, by extension, the traveller,

Vikramajit Editorial Advertising Advertising (Mumbai) MUMBAI: Devika Jeet Suchita Saran TRAVTALK is a publication of DDP Publications Private Limited. information contained in this publication which is provided The publisher assumes no responsibility for returning any 504, Marine Chambers, 43, New Marine Lines, Chairman Nisha Verma Nikhil Jeet Branch Manager All information in TRAVTALK is derived from sources, which we for general use, and may not be appropriate for the read- material solicited or unsolicited nor is he responsible for Hazel Jain Director Opp. SNDT College, Mumbai - 400 020, India, Manas Dwivedi Harshal Ashar consider reliable and a sincere effort is made to report ac- ers’ particular circumstances. Contents of this publication material lost or damaged. Ph.: +91-22-22070129; 22070130 SanJeet Karishma Khanna General Manager General Manager curate information. It is passed on to our readers without are copyright. No part of TRAVTALK or any part of the contents Editor & Publisher Priyanshu Wankhade any responsibility on our part. The publisher regret that he thereof may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system This publication is not meant to be an endorsement of any MIDDLE EAST: Tripti Mehta Arumita Gupta Manager Advertising Durga Das Publications Middle East (FZE) Senior Manager cannot accept liability for errors and omissions contained in or transmitted in any form without the permission of the VSHFLÀFSURGXFWRUVHUYLFHVRIIHUHG7KHSXEOLVKHUUHVHUYHV Asst. Editor Susan Eapen Z1-02, PO Box: 9348, Saif Zone, Sharjah, UAE Peden Doma Bhutia Jatin Sahni Sr. executive – Sales & marketing this publication, however caused. Similarly, opinions/views publication in writing. The same rule applies when there the right to refuse, withdraw, amend or otherwise deal with Senior Manager Ph.:+971-6-5528954, Fax: +971-6-5528956 Managing Editor Vikas Mandotia / Nitin Kumar expressed by third parties in abstract and/or in interviews is a copyright or the article is taken from another publica- all advertisements without explanation. Gaganpreet Kaur Advertisement Designers are not necessarily shared by TRAVTALK. However, we wish to tion. An exemption is hereby granted for the extracts used TRAVTALK is printed, published and edited by SanJeet on behalf Manager advice our readers that one or more recognised authorities for the purpose of fair review, provided two copies of the All advertisements must comply with the Indian and Inter- of DDP Publications Pvt. Ltd., printed at Modest Print Pack Pvt. Design: Nityanand Misra Ltd., C-52, DDA Sheds Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Sudhir Mudgal may hold different views than those reported. Material used same publication are sent to us for our records. Publications national Advertisements Code. The publisher will not be Delhi-110020 and published at 72, Todarmal Road, in this publication is intended for information purpose only. reproducing material either in part or in whole, without per- liable for any damage or loss caused by delayed publication, Production: Anil Kharbanda New Delhi - 110 001 error or failure of an advertisement to appear. CIN: U22210DL2012PTC230432 Circulation: Ashok Rana 5HDGHUVDUHDGYLVHGWRVHHNVSHFLÀFDGYLFHEHIRUHDFWLQJRQ mission could face legal action. Ph.:+91-11-23344179

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 6 7/3/2019 10:18:31 AM AGENTS JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 7 Hopes ride high on Budget'19

Contd from page 3 We are looking forward to The government spoke of ‘one The government of India has always the upcoming Budget and request nation, one tax’; we agreed and were maintained that travel and tourism are WKHJRYHUQPHQWWRÀQDOO\JLYHDQ willing, however, there should be a important sectors, and till now they industry status to the travel and proper system in place. We are already have been successful in doing things tourism sector. We are also hopeful paying taxes and without Input Tax IRUJHWWLQJWUDIÀFLQWR,QGLD7KDWVDLG that new areas will be explored and &UHGLWZHDUHVWLOODGGLQJRXUÀYHSHU the government has not thought much smart cities will come up, which have cent, so there is tax on tax; this must be DERXWRXWERXQGWRXULVP,QWKHÀUVW been in the government’s plan for a reviewed. We also want the government Union Budget of the new government, long time now. Apart from that, alloca- to waive off the visa fee during the they should reduce GST charges and PP Khanna tion of a budget for tourism will be a Rajesh Mudgill summer season to boost inbound Guldeep Singh Sahni outbound travel should not have any President good move so that more infrastructure Honorary Secretary tourism to the country. I hope that the Founder Member, OTOAI GST charge because it is a service ADTOI IATO and MD, Planet India and MD, Weldon Tours & can be planned and connectivity be Travels government recognises the potential of Travels delivered by another country. We are increased for domestic tourism. tourism this time. positive towards the Budget.

Ashish Gupta Consulting CEO FAITH

Our expectations this year are with regard to indirect taxes and include reduction of the 28 per cent GST for hotels and reduction in presumptive rates for tour operators to 1.8 per cent. We also seek a 12 per cent GST for food and beverages. Other than that, we are also looking at an infrastructure status for hotels, incentives for domestic tourism, as well as a bidding fund for MiCE in order to bid for global events.

Ravi Gosain Treasurer, IATO and MD, Erco Travel & Tourism Enterprises

We are not getting the kind of support we expected from the government. I hope that all associations work together for the betterment of the industry. All of them are writing continuously to the Ministry of Tourism to do something for us and I feel that it’s high time that the ministry look at the industry from a positive frame of mind. In my opinion, the overall GST rate should not be more than eight to nine per cent. Contd on page 11

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 7 7/3/2019 10:18:33 AM 8 TRAVTALK JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 QUICKBYTES The business of amusement Only a collaborative effort between amusement parks and tour operators will drive footfalls to the former. A revenue-sharing model built on a transparent and flexible relationship is key to facilitating this growth.

Sohansinh Jadeja Rajeev Jalnapurkar Abhikendu Gupta Bhaskar Joshi George Joseph VGP Ravidas President, IAAPI and Director, Funworld &KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU COO, Wet ‘N Joy Water Park General Manager (Theme Joint Managing Director Managing Director & Tourism Development, Rajkot Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad and Magic Mountain Amusement Parks) Worlds of Wonder, Noida Wonderla Holidays VGP Universal Kingdom, Chennai Park, Lonavala Amusement park $WUDYHODJHQWLVWKHÀUVW When we look at the two We have a very close Amusement park In our experience, visitors operators and tour operators point of contact between the business, we view them as association with travel agents operators need the support from out of town are still or travel agents are two guest and the destination, two fraternities with many and a good percentage of of travel agents for pan-India ‘untapped potential’. There sides of the same coin and so they play a vital role in common areas. On a our business is routed via penetration. However, we do is ample scope in India for both offer a service aimed at promoting theme parks, common platform, each them. To be relevant and not see much headway, and a us to take advantage of, by creating joy among travellers. amusement parks, and of them wants to override lucrative, we offer various major issue is the mismatch strategising deals with tour They are fully-equipped, attractions. IAAPI has taken the other with focus on VHUYLFHVEHQHÀWVWRWKHPOLNH between the monetary expec- operators that are mutually well-established, and creative steps to work alongside travel LQGLYLGXDOSURÀWPD[LPLVDWLRQ dedicated GREs to ensure a tation of the travel agent and EHQHÀFLDO7KHUHVKRXOGEH HQRXJKWRIXOÀOODOOQHHGV agents by bringing them The result is a short-lived smooth experience which in the willingness of the amuse- a common portal where of every generation with a under one roof and conduct- relationship with unresolved turn results in greater footfalls ment park to part with the both stakeholders can common aim of creating ing annual expositions that undercurrents. The time DQGSURÀWVIRUERWK7KH same. Travel agents can work communicate and share beautiful experiences for serve as a platform for them has come for both the travel Indian amusement park as channel partners to bring information through an visitors. I am sure both par- and park operators to come agent and the amusement and entertainment industry visitors from tiered cities, plan open channel such as update ties can create a win-win situ- together to understand each park management to is poised for a quantum B2B events, and associate on offers and new develop- ation by mutually exploring other and learn about busi- collaborate and support each growth, and transparency and with them for logistics and ments at the park. these opportunities. ness opportunities. other’s well-being. ÁH[LELOLW\LVWKHNH\KHUH stay arrangements. Contd on page 10

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 8 7/3/2019 10:18:37 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 9 7/3/2019 10:18:40 AM 10 TRAVTALK JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 QUICKBYTES Agent link to amusement parks Contd from page 8 We must establish a proper channel Globally, destinations such as Amusement parks and tour opera- between amusement parks and travel Orlando and Gold Coast have developed tors in different countries enjoy doing agents. It is all about networking and the tourism keeping theme parks and business together. They help each other most important task is to build a rapport amusement centres in mind. This works in exploring their strengths and services with each other. We must conduct best when both itineraries and experi- across all verticals through single meetings with agents regularly. Both ence-based travel are well-interlaced. promotional activities or cross-promo sides have to understand the needs of This can only happen when amusement activities. This bond helps them lure customers and study trends. Weekly park operators have a strong alliance tourists visiting the destination. Tour meetings and assessments should with the travel trade. This can be done operators and travel agents are an Akshay Choudhary be arranged to observe the business Dhimant Bakshi with continuous dialogue and address- Abhijit Dutta important catalyst connecting the Director, Shankus Water closely and can take corrective action. Joint CEO ing aspects of experience enhancement Managing Director & CEO amusement park operators with its Park & Resort Adlabs Entertainment Nicco Parks & Resorts, Kolkata Unless we don’t complement each through tailored itineraries. Moreover, visitors. In view of better coordination other’s services, we won’t succeed. Regular communication with the onslaught of technology, outdoor recreational amusement between us and them, a common platform should be set up to between us can make the association a successful affair. and entertainment centres work as the perfect digital detox. discuss problems and identify areas of mutual cooperation.

Ashwin Dange M Business Head GRS Fantasy Park, Mysuru

In Karnataka, apart from a few organised players, most travel agents are self-employed and work as individuals or as teams of two to three people, hence LWEHFRPHVYHU\GLIÀFXOWIRU amusement parks to promote amongst them. Also, amusement parks have to develop a formal way to recognise travel agents and re- ward good performers through incentives, to help promote both business.

Flt. Lt. Anand Lamdhade Vice President, EsselWorld & Water Kingdom

On the one hand, tour operators represent the sector by creating awareness and including it in their tour packages and on the other, we learn from them about consumers’ changing requirements that helps us design a consumer-friendly product from our end. To improve the connection between the travel agents and ourselves, the next step would be digitalisation. Inputs by Hazel Jain

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 10 7/3/2019 10:18:42 AM AGENTS JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 11 Trade requests 5% GST Contd from page 7 We are hoping that this The ministry needs to streamline the The Union Budget should time, the Union Budget will bring implementation of GST where refunds rationalise the commission structure positive news for the travel and are not delayed by more than 30 days. for airlines. Also, GST should be tourism sector. We have been We need ‘one GST rate’ on accommoda- UDWLRQDOLVHGEHFDXVHLWPDNHVLWGLIÀFXOW demanding a lot of things from the tion as against four slabs. Further, the for us to sell products as compared to government for many years and have airline industry operates with wafer-thin online travel agents who do not charge expectations this year as well. We margins, and TCS (Tax Collection at GST. I also feel that the government expect that the Goods & Services Tax Source) leads to blockage of working should spend more on infrastructure and all other taxes on tourism should FDSLWDODQGRSHUDWLRQDOGLIÀFXOWLHV:LWK for outbound tourism by getting more Himanshu Patil Subhash Goyal QRWEHPRUHWKDQÀYHSHUFHQW:H the airline industry being one of the Rajiv Sabharwal ÁLJKWVLQWRWKHFRXQWU\DQGGHYHORSLQJ Secretary General Vice President EC Member, OTOAI and airports so that international visitors FAITH also hope that the foreign exchange OTOAI most tax-compliant sectors, removal of CEO, Gaurav Travels earnings will be exempt from all TCS should be considered. Also, travel can avail the kind of facilities for which taxes. That said, I do hope that the government will consider industry should come under a licensing structure, so genuine travel they are paying the airline. Fares have also increased due to our requests in taking the sector forward. WUDGHGRHVQRWVXIIHUEHFDXVHRIÁ\E\QLJKWWUDYHODJHQFLHV UHURXWLQJRIÁLJKWVDQGKRSHIXOO\WKH\ZLOOEHFDSSHG

Ashwani Sharma Chapter Chairman TAFI Northern India

We are hopeful that the government will offer some relief in terms of taxes for the travel and tourism industry under the Union Budget 2019-20. There is a very powerful government at the Centre, and we hope to see a lot of changes as far as GST is concerned for the travel as well as hospitality sectors. I am positive that the new Budget will work towards growth of the tourism sector.

Siddharth Jain Chairman - GST Committee, ADTOI and Managing Partner, Sapphire Ventures Presently, we have no expectations from the Budget and can only request the government to listen to our issues and understand them, to help them come up with the perfect solution for our grievances, one where the government need not lose out on any revenue. This is what we are looking forward to and do hope that the government focuses on the travel and tourism sector. Inputs by TT Bureau

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 11 7/3/2019 10:18:44 AM 12 TRAVTALK JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 NTO Malaysia ties the Indian knot The High Commission of Malaysia in India organised an Eid-ul-Fitr ‘Open House’ in the national capital as an opportunity for the travel fraternity to network with Malaysian officials and build stronger trade relations.

Manas Dwivedi High Commissioner of Malaysia is a good destination not get-together to try all in comparison to the Malaysia to India. the traditional Malay dishes same period last year. The Hari Raya Aidil Fitri just for weddings but also for MiCE. that we serve to our friends During this time, Malaysia T‘Open House’, popularly “It is an occasion where and invitees during the received approximately the traditional Eid celebration Muslims celebrate after a For travellers, we have made the visa festivities,” he said. 158,000 visitors from in every household in month of fasting during application process easy India in comparison to the Malaysia, marks a true Ramadan. It is also a In terms of Indian visitors, 133,000 arrivals during sign of friendship, good tradition in Malaysia to organised by the High the members of the High Malaysia recorded a January-March 2018. food and networking, explains celebrate with families and Commission was one such Commission, their families, and growth of 18.6 per cent HE Dato Hidayat Abdul Hamid, friends. The Open House occasion where we invited all the travel trade fraternity for a from January-March 2019 The Open House was driven by the objective of introducing the Malaysian culture to Indian citizens and to promote close ties with India.

The High Commissioner reiterated that they are taking up several initiatives to strengthen the relationship with India. He added, “There are so many things we are doing not just government-to-government, but also in the social circle. We foster good relations with

HE Dato Hidayat Abdul Hamid High Commissioner of Malaysia to India

the corporate world, captains of industry, as well as people in society, trade and the government. Through such events, they will understand us better and we will under- stand them.”

Malaysia is also being promoted as a destination for weddings, the High Commissioner claimed. “We have always promoted Malaysia in many spheres and lately, we have been focusing on weddings because Indians love conducting big weddings, especially overseas.

Malaysia is a good destination not just for weddings but also for MiCE. For travellers, we have made the visa application process easy, and the visa-free regime will encourage tourists to come to Malaysia for holidays that give them value for money,” he concluded.

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 12 7/3/2019 10:18:45 AM NEWS JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 13 eyes China market Avalon unveils Envision AAI makes 35 This year, IndiGo is looking to offer at least Avalon Waterways has unveiled state-run airports 30 per cent more capacity than the year before. its new ship, Avalon Envision, that plastic-free William Boulter, CCO, IndiGo, shares details. offers panoramic views to guests IndiGo to start on board the all-suite cruise. 12 ATR flights on Buddhist circuit around an aircraft per week, so currently has permission for Kalpana Lohumi from Aug 8 we are expecting 50 aircraft to 14 services a week between TT Bureau India, industry veteran What are the plans be delivered to IndiGo this year India and China, and we will be Meher Framjee, CEO, Qof IndiGo for 2019? and the next. looking at increasing that. valon Waterways unveiled Holidays@Leisure, was Kerala to organise 7KLVÀQDQFLDO\HDULVDOUHDG\ Aits new ship, Avalon Envi- invited to travel to Budapest 20 partnership underway and we are growing sion, earlier this year at and experience the new ship meets in Indian by 30 per cent in terms of IndiGo currently has permission for 14 a ceremony held in Budapest, ZLWKDOOWKHIDFLOLWLHVÀUVWKDQG cities to tap available seat kilometres. We Hungary. The 443-foot, domestic market services a week between India and China, 166-passenger ship has now Envision by Avalon is a style of and we will be looking at increasing that MRLQHGDQDOOVXLWHVKLSÁHHW vessel that features particularly Kargil to have to sail on Danube River spacious cabins known as full-fledged airport Which new routes can What is your for commercial flights Qwe expect to see? Qopinion of the Indian We are very excited to start a aviation industry? India now route to China, which is still The Indian aviation industry has extends e-Visa subject to government ap- always been dynamic and we facility to Saudi proval, but we are hopeful that have seen some big changes Arabian citizens WKHÁLJKWEHWZHHQ'HOKL recently. One of the major William Boulter and Chengdu will launch in players has dropped out of the UK visa applicants &KLHI&RPPHUFLDO2IÀFHU September, followed by the market, unfortunately. This still IndiGo to complete route between Guangzhou and leaves us with a competitive (L to R) Meher Framjee and Elizabeth Gilbert Kolkata a month or so later. scenario with six different car- application form will be taking delivery of a Chinese carriers operate all riers trying to get a share of the throughout 2019. It was Panorama Suites on two of before scheduling large number of aircraft which routes that they are entitled to market. The Indian customer is christened by author Elizabeth three cabin decks. The cabins an appointment will include A320s, A321s, on China and India services, price-sensitive, and we pride Gilbert of ‘Eat Pray Love’ fame, have panoramic windows that and some regional ATR turbo whereas Indian carriers only ourselves on providing timely which chronicled her journey slide open seven feet to create For more news, log on to: props. We will be taking roughly operate a handful. IndiGo services at low fares. alone around the world. From a balcony-like effect. www.tourismbreakingnews.com

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 13 7/3/2019 10:18:46 AM 14 TRAVTALK JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 NTO Nepal beckons the Indian traveller Nepal Tourism Board recently launched the Visit Nepal Year 2020 campaign in Delhi, a move aimed at achieving a 25 per cent growth in terms of tourist arrivals from India and two million tourists by 2020.

Anupriya Bishnoi es’ destination,” he said. Pres- MiCE. Nepal has doubled its ently, Nepal receives close tiger population in the last 10 epal Tourism Board (NTB) to 200,000 Indian visitors by years, and there are so many Nlaunched the Visit Nepal air. Talking about the kind of stories we want to tell. That’s Year 2020 campaign in New growth Nepal expects from the whole idea behind Visit Delhi on June 12, a move that the Indian market, Joshi said, Nepal 2020,” he shared. will help the nation achieve its “This year we are expecting target of receiving two million a 25 per cent growth from Agreeing to Vaidya’s tourists by 2020. India and we are quite hopeful viewpoint, Shradha Shrestha, of meeting this target. While Manager, Brand Promotion At the event, Deepak Raj Joshi, & Corporate Marketing, Visit &KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU1HSDO Nepal 2020, said that the cam- Tourism Board, spoke of the Deepak Raj Joshi Suraj Vaidya Shradha Shrestha paign was all about promoting campaign being a method to &KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU National Coordinator Manager, Brand Promotion & Nepal in a new way. Nepal Tourism Board Visit Nepal 2020 Corporate Marketing, Visit Nepal 2020 change the perception of the country in the minds of visitors, “After the 2015 earthquake, who predominantly consider it shared that since its last in 2020 after the earthquake) and the culture the two coun- we didn’t have a campaign to be a mountainous country or campaign, Nepal has been and how we have built our tries have are similar, claimed because we were in recovery one that offers only adventurous through a lot. He said, “The country and our heritage.” Vaidya. “India is going to be mode. In 2018, we met the activities. “While we do have Jet’s demise has impacted last Visit Nepal campaign was Vaidya added that while the our target, as always. It’s not target of one million tourists. the best of adventures,” Joshi the number of tourists coming conducted in 2011, but due to average rate of growth of just numbers we are looking Now, we are targeting two claimed, “we don’t just have from India, other airlines have FRQÁLFWVDQGWKHGHYDVWDWLQJ global tourism stands at at, but we are also trying to million tourists. Though India that,” adding that Nepal has pitched in. Recently, one of earthquake of 2015, the world six per cent, Nepal is offer new products. So far, and China are the two main amazing wildlife experiences, our private carriers - Buddha knows Nepal through a nega- enjoying a 20-25 per cent Nepal has been known for markets for Nepal, right now, culture and heritage among sev- Air - connected to Kolkata.” tive lens. Through the Visit growth on average. Mt. Everest and Lumbini, but India enjoys the number one eral other things on offer. “This Nepal 2020 campaign, we we want to show more of position in terms of tourist is why we thought of promoting Suraj Vaidya, National want to show the world our India has always been the Nepal to tourists, including arrivals and I hope it remains Nepal as a ‘Lifetime Experienc- Coordinator, Visit Nepal 2020, UHVLOLHQFH LWZLOOEHÀYH\HDUV number one market for Nepal, what we have on offer for that way,” she concluded.

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 14 7/3/2019 10:18:49 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 15 7/3/2019 10:18:51 AM 16 TRAVTALK JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 FAMILYALBUM NTB launches 2020 campaign Nepal Tourism Board launched the Visit Nepal Year 2020 campaign in New Delhi on June 12, hosted at the city’s Shangri-La Hotel. The evening turned out to be the perfect opportunity for the outbound travel trade and representatives of the media, who got a chance to witness the warmth of Nepalese hospitality and get a glimpse of its vibrant culture.

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 16 7/3/2019 10:19:03 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 17 7/3/2019 10:19:05 AM 18 TRAVTALK JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 AGENTS Destinations–in–waiting Multilink's new product Acre: Older than history Multizebra is an online marketplace for DMCs and Located on the northwest coast of Israel, Acre was agents across the globe to connect over static once a key port city and the main crossroads in packages and component rates for destinations. the link between Europe and the Holy Land.

TT Bureau either closes with another Inder Raj Ahluwalia alongside the old city that to Acre Fortress is a must. A travel agent or in a few has now been developed into few steps from there is Khan ultizebra is another cases even cancels the raversing this Israeli a historical site and recrea- El Umdan (the Pillar’s Inn), Mtrend-setting product tour. This results in loss of Ttownship, you encounter tion area with an international where visitors can climb from the Multilink stable, precious manpower, time, relics of the past and journey yachting port. Travellers to the top of the tower and which is touted to be the and revenue.” through 5,000 years of can opt for a city discovery witness stunning views of future of a modern travel history. Simply put, Acre is tour that will include myriad WKH0DULQDWKHÀVKHUPHQ·V industry. Multizebra is a What Multizebra does is unique! The ancient city of the iconic sites, and it would be harbour, the bluest of seas, marketplace for DMCs and that it cuts off all the and the city of Haifa. One travel agents across the unnecessary time consump- can then move on to the globe. While the DMCs may Nikhil Shah tion and waste of manpower Al-Jazzar Mosque (also Co-founder upload their static packages Multilink and provides the convenience known as White Mosque) and component rates, the of quoting a query in a few followed by a visit to Heroes travel agents can log on them to revert with the quota- FOLFNVZKLFKWDNHVDERXWÀYH Museum that was estab- to the portal and create a quo- tion. Then the travel agent has to ten minutes. “As of now, lished in the memory of tation for any destination in a to make some changes and we already have on-board ,VUDHO·VIUHHGRPÀJKWHUV few clicks. Sharing this news send it again to the DMC for a more than 40,000 agents A good way to conclude across the globe mainly from the trip is to dip into the Multizebra cuts off unnecessary time the Indian subcontinent, baths at Turkish Hammam Indonesia, and the UAE,” that is housed in a 200-year- consumption and waste of manpower, Shah reveals. old building. Acre is a short Hellenistic period was once a good idea to begin the tour drive from Haifa and the adding convenience to processes With Multizebra's access the Eastern Mediterranean’s at Tel Acre. They can then nearest international airport to a wide network across key port, and the main cross- move on to the underground is Tel Aviv. is Nikhil Shah, Co-founder, revised quotation which again the globe, travel agents roads in the link between Crusader City that includes (Through the new column, Multilink. He says, “Tradition- takes about two to three days. can view the packages and Europe and the Holy Land. the Holy Order of the St. Destinations-in-waiting, we ally, the travel agent sends a This entire process takes about rates of multiple DMCs for John Quarter, and from aim to talk about unexplored query to a DMC and waits f a week and sometimes more. each destination on a single Following Israel’s creation in there proceed to Napoleon’s corners of the world that hold or two to three days for Meanwhile, the end-traveller platform itself. 1948, a modern Acre arose Cannons. Once done, a visit immense potential for tourism.)

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 18 7/3/2019 10:19:07 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 19 7/3/2019 10:19:09 AM 20 TRAVTALK JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 Where is young India heading? Millennials are keeping travel agents busy this season with their demand for both old and new destinations. Winners of India Travel Awards - South talk about trending destinations among the different age groups.

Best B2B Travel Exhibition Best Educational Tour Operator Best Tour Operator Best MiCE Travel Agency Global Panorama Showcase Kerala Amazing Holidays 68 M Holidays Dream Destinationz

Harmandeep Singh Anand, MD, GPS, According to Dhanesh MS, Owner, Kerala Syed Murtaja Ali, Director, 68 M Manohar Jairam, Managing Director, says, “This travel season, the maximum Amazing Holidays, “Young Indians from Kerala Holidays, says, “From the Hyderabad region, Dream Destinationz, says, “During the attention of millennials has been on the UK, are more bent towards travelling to Southeast more and more people are travelling to current season, we are getting a lot of mostly because of the ongoing ICC Cricket World Asian countries. In the domestic market, Singapore and Mauritius. Travellers below 40 demand for nearby destinations like Thailand, Cup. Most of these travellers are from the Tier-II tourists prefer travelling to the northern part years of age are especially opting for these Dubai, Mauritius, and Bali. Travellers with and III markets since travellers from metro cities of the country including Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. destinations. Bachelors are really excited bigger budgets want to go to European faced issues amidst general elections and other Hill stations like Shimla, Manali, and Kullu are about travelling to Baku and Almaty, and mil- destinations as well. First-time outbound circumstances. For the domestic market, I feel also in demand. At times, our clients demand lennials are asking for new destinations like travellers are wanting to explore more that cruises have really picked up this season. special activities and excursions as well, Réunion Island and Seychelles. Looking at destinations in one trip. In India, millennials Travellers are also moving to hill stations such including adventure sports, heritage trails, the domestic market, we have been receiving are more interested in heading towards the as Ooty, Mysuru, and other colder places. and food trails among others. high demand for the Northeast. all-time popular Goa. Exploring the German countryside Travel agents from around India share their view on the popularity of German cities among Indians and how the German countryside is the next big thing for tourists from India, who want to now go exploring beyond the hotspots.

Guldeep Singh Sahni Ekta Sharma Sweta Mistry Nischay Manchanda Jagdeep Bhalla Deepali Gupta Founder Member, OTOAI and Managing Director Managing Director Director Head – Business General Manager – Contracting MD, Weldon Tours & Travels Khyaath Design Holidays Aspen Vacations Tour Passion Development, LTA Tours & Operations, JTB India

:LWKPDQ\ÁLJKWVGLUHFWO\ Germany is more popular We sell more of the Germany is very Germany conducts a Germany is famous arriving into Germany, it is as a business destination, Black Forest region, which popular among Indians lot of reputed international because it’s one of the a preferred destination for but it is high time that as an is very popular among and festivals like Oktoberfest industrial exhibitions that most beautiful and developed Indian travellers. We are agent, we promote it as a the Indian market, and also attract a lot of people. attract a number of Indian countries that also attracts actively promoting self-drive solo and leisure destination Baden-Baden is also a :KLOHÀUVWWLPHWUDYHOOHUV businessmen to witness visitors interested in its motor tours, river cruises, Black as well. People in India are popular region. For the last visit the main cities, when the latest technologies. technology. Some of the Forest region, Bavaria, and now open to experiencing two years, we have also they come a second time, For Indian holidaymakers, top trade fairs are hosted in Berlin apart from other vineyards, the ancient city of been promoting Germany’s they want to explore other WKHÀUVWVWRSLQ(XURSHLV Germany and so, from a regions. Health and wellness Koblenz, and the South- countryside rather than cities. towns and regions as Frankfurt because of its business point of view, it itineraries are also promoted West region. It is important When our customers select well. Language, however, good connectivity from is one of the top countries. but in the luxury segment. to create awareness in the countryside destinations continues to be a barrier India and to other European Since we are MiCE special- Our strategy to promote the customer’s mind; both the or the northern region of and the difference in cities as well. We sell educa- ists, for us, Munich tops the destination includes promot- customer and the travel Germany which has islands, accent makes it more tional study tours and MiCE list followed by Berlin and ing packages through print, agent need to be educated we combine the tour with GLIÀFXOW7KDWVDLGWKH trade fair tours to the Indian Dresden. The Rhine Cruise social and electronic media, RQWKLV,ÀUPO\EHOLHYHWKDW Black Forest or Heidelberg situation is improving and I market. For MiCE, we are is another aspect that's and jointly working with more of the countryside and Freiburg that are con- see positive developments in approaching corporates with coming up. 1DWLRQDO7RXULVW2IÀFH needs to be explored. nected to Copenhagen. this direction. VSHFLÀFFDPSDLJQV Inputs by Kalpana Lohumi

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 20 7/3/2019 10:19:17 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 21 7/3/2019 10:19:19 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 22 7/3/2019 10:19:22 AM AGENTS JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 23 Atlas rebrands itself to Tripjack In its new and improved avatar as Tripjack, the online travel company renews its focus on the accommodation segment with yet another tie-up, this time with OYO with special interest in its China inventory.

TT Bureau Once that happens, there cent cash back on booking any and include Kolkata and other will be a lot of cross-selling The accommodation space in India is OYO hotel on the Atlas portal, cities in the second phase. tlas Travels Online has opportunities. All travellers growing rapidly. Currently, we have about valid for 30 days beginning Patel says, “The accommoda- Arecently rebranded itself will be able to go on the June 25, 2019. tion space in India is growing to Tripjack, which will have website of all our travel agents, 300,000 hotels online and with OYO, this will rapidly and we want to an updated interface with they will be able to see the come up to almost a million The two companies will be a part of that. Currently, complete automation. ÁLJKWERRNLQJVGRDORWRI conduct joint roadshows we have about 300,000 accommodation bookings, With a focus on the accommo- the hotel brand’s worldwide across the country, in Guru- hotels online and with OYO, Hussain Patel, Director, insurance, visas, etc. Gradually, dation space, Tripjack and OYO inventory on the new platform. gram, Mumbai, Chennai and this will come up to almost Tripjack (erstwhile Atlas Travels all products will go live.” have come together to provide Together, they will offer 10 per $KPHGDEDGLQWKHÀUVWSKDVH a million.” Online), explains this and says, “We will continue to be in the B2B space with the new brand. Tripjack is just a new brand with a new, intuitive technology with better mobile specs so that our customers can book seamlessly. There will be multiple changes in the system for easing business. We will create multiple touchpoints between our travel agents and their customers. It will work like

Hussain Patel Director Tripjack

a CRM. Presently, it is all about technology and we will add great content shortly.”

The new URL is tripjack.com and all 20,000 agents across India who have been dealing with Atlas Travels Online will be moved onto the new platform.

“Not everything could be done online earlier. With the new interface, most of the things will be automated like pre-booking; post-booking; adding a seat, a meal, a bag, everything. Even cancella- tions and rescheduling will be automated,” Patel adds.

The company is proposing a hybrid model for its newly- branded product – Tripjack. Patel adds, “Post migration, in a couple of months, we will present a new product to our travel agents. It will be like having their own B2C website. Tripjack will continue to be a B2B travel company, like Atlas Travels Online was, but at the same time empower our agents to create more touch points.

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 23 7/3/2019 10:19:25 AM 24 TRAVTALK JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 NEWS TrawellTag for a hassle-free trip An ideal locale in Delhi Hotel North Avenue by Spree, TrawellTag Cover-More’s claims assistance team continues to work Delhi, is a premium property just a towards delivering positive experiences to its customers, proving to few minutes away from shopping be an essential companion while travelling. hubs, offices, and historical places, making it an ideal destination for TT Bureau that all medical bills be cleared hospital authorities refused to action and coordinated with as soon as he was discharged, provide them the invoices for KRVSLWDODXWKRULWLHV'DYHÀQDOO\ business and leisure travellers. alit Kumar Dave travels to in order to avoid legal compli- almost a year, which led to received the documents and the US every year to meet cations later. closure of the claim. This came Team TrawellTag also managed L TT Bureau his daughter. Unfortunately, his to light when Dave’s son-in- to secure a discount on the bill. last visit did not go as expected, Dave was expecting a reim- law, Jayant Mehta, got in touch Both Dave and Mehta decided deally located in the heart as he had to be hospitalised bursement of the expenses with TrawellTag Cover-More’s that no matter where they go, Iof University of Delhi, Hotel due to an excruciating pain in on submission of documents, claims assistance team. The TrawellTag Cover-More will North Avenue by Spree is the back. His daughter ensured but things got worse when the team immediately swung into always be their companion. walking distance from famous

educational institutions like Shri Ram College of Com- merce and St. Stephen’s College. The hotel features 28 well-designed rooms offering cosy beds, round-the-clock room service, high-speed Wi-Fi, as well as an in-room safe deposit among many other facilities. Guests can also enjoy a range of cuisines at Treat.

The hotel is also in close SUR[LPLW\WRVHYHUDORIÀFHV of both the public and private sector, including Tata Power, DRDO, and Titan. What makes the property an ideal Set for a July 15 launch this year, the 28-room hotel is located close to shopping and business hubs

destination for all types of travellers is that it is well- connected to the Kashmere Gate and Metro stations, as well as Railway Station.

Set for a July 15 launch, the property is also ideal for those who don’t want to miss out on some of Delhi’s famous shopping hubs. While Kamala Nagar Market is less than a kilometre from Hotel North Avenue, the famous Chandni Chowk lies ZLWKLQDÀYHNLORPHWUHUDGLXV Guests at the hotel can also visit prominent religious and historical sites including Gurudwara Sis Ganj Sahib, Jama Masjid, , and Raj Ghat.

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 24 7/3/2019 10:19:27 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 25 7/3/2019 10:19:29 AM ASSOCIATIONTALK urges VFS: Train agents Media Partners: The Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) has requested VFS Global Services to organise training seminars for travel agents across India to JULY 2019 educate them about their services so there remains no ambiguity. Nepal Training Workshop Raipur 1 FICCI Tourism Investor Summit Delhi 1 Hazel Jain IXUWKHUFODULÀFDWLRQRQFHUWDLQ The other issue, he said, was Asian Destinations Expo 2019 Indonesia 2-5 he Travel Agents Federation points discussed.” Some of that the agents didn’t get PATA India Tourism Masterclass Delhi 3 Tof India (TAFI) has sug- the points of contention were the same kind of treatment gested that VFS Global Services interviews and submission in terms of submission of Nepal Training Workshop Ranchi 3 conduct a series of training dates. “Certain consulates passports as a client would. GPS Ahmedabad 3-4 seminars for its members to and embassies, because of “When we spoke to VFS, they International Conference on Singapore 4-5 educate them about the various certain pressures, were not declined this. We have asked Tourism and Hospitality (ICTH) products it offers, and dos and able to give dates for visas VFS to communicate this in don’ts for the trade as well or give visas on dates that writing stating this to be un- Nepal Training Workshop Bhubaneswar 5 as clients. This was brought were committed by them. true, so that we can circulate CAPA Perth Aviation & Corporate Perth 5 out by Pradeep Lulla, Acting Due of this, many passengers this to our members and make Travel Summit 2019 Pradeep Lulla President, TAFI, during a meet- Acting President had to apply for premium them aware of it. Another point TTF Hyderabad 5-6 ing with Vinay Malhotra, Head TAFI Okinawa Wedding Seminar 2019 New Delhi 6 (Special Projects) - VFS Global Services, in Mumbai recently. Dubai, Vinay Malhotra Points of contention were interviews, Nepal Training Workshop Delhi 8 and their senior staff visa, and agents not being treated the same Kiwi Link India 2019 Mumbai 8-9 Lulla explained, “At the behest came to Mumbai for this of our members, TAFI along meeting. We had healthy way as clients for passport submission Nepal Training Workshop Ahmedabad 10 with TAAI asked VFS to jointly deliberations where we Kiwi Link India 2019 Kolkata 11 have an urgent meeting to iron discussed certain issues Kiwi Link India 2019 Delhi 12 out certain challenges our which were put forward to us services and this was creating ZKLFKZDVFODULÀHGE\WKH8. members were facing while by our agents, and there were a discord among agents. If Embassy as well as VFS was TTF Kolkata 12-14 processing visas. We were a lot of points which were something doesn’t go right, the that one can take appoint- Travel Wedding Show Mumbai 13-14 happy that on a short notice, FODULÀHG%XWDVZHVSHDN consumer always blames the ments on their (UK Embassy) their senior management from VFS needs to come back with agent,” Lulla explained. website,” Lulla said. Nepal Training Workshop Bengaluru 15 GPS Chandigarh 17-18 TAAI Knowledge Conclave Mumbai 19-20 Amazing Thailand Roadshow to India Ahmedabad 22 MICE INDIA and Luxury Travel congress Mumbai Know your customer, digitally 23-24 GPS Lucknow 24-25 Amazing Thailand Roadshow to India Pune 24 IATO’s digital marketing workshop, recently held in New Delhi, sought TTH Expo Vadodara 26-28 to train members on the importance of this new-age tool in growing TTF Ahmedabad 30-1 Aug business with the right customers in tow.

Manas Dwivedi AUGUST 2019 in deciding their syllabus and ost the success of its curriculum on tourism. Our IITM Bengaluru 2-4 Pdigital marketing workshop members also take guest GPS Kochi 6-7 - Double Your Leads - last lectures in these universities Caribbean Meeting & Incentive Curacao 6-9 month, the skill development to educate and develop young Travel Exchange committee of Indian Associa- minds of the tourism industry Tourism Australia India Travel Mission Kochi 8-11 tion of Tour Operators (IATO) so that more employment is organised the next in the series generated,” he added. IITM Chennai 9-11 - Get Overbooked - in Delhi. Tourism Australia India Travel Mission Mumbai 12 The two-day event that delved Highlighting the key aspects ADTOI Convention Ahmedabad 16-18 of the workshop, Zia Siddiqui, Convener- Skill Development Tourism Fiji Roadshow Mumbai 20 Pronab Sarkar Zia Siddiqui President Convener- Skill Development Committee, IATO, said that Tourism Fiji Roadshow Ahmedabad 21 IATO Committee, IATO the session trained members Bahrain Tourism Roadshow Kolkata 21 on how they can get their business overbooked and GPS Kolkata 21-22 the trainer for the workshop members of the Association. why searching for the right Tourism Fiji Roadshow Chennai 22 and a well-known email mar- “We are constantly working client is important. “While Tourism Fiji Roadshow Delhi 23 keting specialist, talked about to help ventures, especially searching for a client,” he the use of effective digital the smaller ones with limited said, “you don’t need to Bahrain Tourism Roadshow Ahmedabad 23 marketing through appropriate resources, by giving them segregate the crowd; one Karnataka International Travel Expo 2019 Bengaluru 25-27 on digital strategies mediums of exchange and in- the right education. We are needs to go, search, and Meeting & Incentive Forum - Chicago 25-28 and methods to increase teracting with the client rather taking up issues, working to see the client through The Americas EXVLQHVVDQGERRVWWKHÁRZ than emphasising on knowing WKHEHQHÀWRIRXUPHPEHUV digital media.” Hong Kong Tourism Roadshow Bengaluru 26 of clients in a short period of who the client is. and also inviting comments time, was attended by more and suggestions from them so After organising sessions Qatar Tourism Workshop Mumbai 26 than 45 participants. Gracing the event with his that the future can be decided in Delhi, Kochi, Bengaluru ACTE Global Summit Macau 26-27 presence, Pronab Sarkar, accordingly,” said Sarkar. and Chennai, IATO will Hong Kong Tourism Roadshow Ahmedabad 27 Sharing his experience and President, IATO, said that organise similar workshops knowledge in the arena of dig- the initiative had received “IATO is also actively involved in the western and eastern For more information, contact us at: [email protected] ital marketing, Akshar Yadav, tremendous response from with a number of universities parts of the country.

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 26 7/3/2019 10:19:31 AM OPPORTUNITY JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 TRAVTALK 27

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 27 7/3/2019 10:19:35 AM 28 TRAVTALK JULY 1ST FORTNIGHT ISSUE 2019 MOVEMENTS Cygnett Hotels and Resorts Fairmont Jaipur Grand Mercure Mysore Gurugram Jaipur Mysuru Cygnett Hotels and Resorts has appointed Debasish Chandra as Rajiv Kapoor has been appointed to the role of General Manager Sunaina Sharma Manerker has been appointed as the General the Regional Director, Pre-opening & Development. Chandra will be at Fairmont Jaipur. Kapoor comes with a range of experience Manager of Grand Mercure Mysore. Manerker comes with over 19 responsible for formulating new ideas to extend the and an innate understanding of the hospitality years of experience in the hospitality industry reach of the group in new territories. He will also and luxe segment, nationally and in global and is a seasoned hotelier in the luxury be responsible for streamlining operations in markets. In the new role, he has been tasked space. Known for her focus and belief in the existing units and swift pre-openings of with creating a new vision for the hotel and doing the right thing, Manerker was the upcoming hotels. Chandra, with 25 years of setting a direction to capture a wide range General Manager at Lebua, Lucknow, experience in the hospitality industry, is a keen of the market, from luxury travellers to free before joining Grand Mercure Mysore. planner, a strategist, and a highly motivated independent travellers, MiCE events, In the past, she has led successful team leader with strong communication and Indian weddings. Prior to assignments with international and people skills. Prior to joining joining Fairmont, he was the brands like Le Méridien, Westin Cygnett, he spearheaded GM of The Westin Langkawi and Ramada, and also has operations and pre-openings Resort & Spa and experience in pre-opening of for leading hotel groups like Langkawi International properties with groups like The Lalit and Radisson. Convention Center. IHG and Alila Hotels.

Radisson Blu Hotel New Delhi Dwarka Novotel Imagica Khopoli Hyatt Place Hampi New Delhi Lonavala Hampi Radisson Blu Hotel New Delhi Dwarka has appointed Munish Bhatia Rejoe Francis has been brought on board as Director of Hyatt Place Hampi has appointed Vanita Gomez as the new Director as General Manager. A seasoned hotelier with 23 years of in-depth Sales at Novotel Imagica Khopoli. In this role, he will be of Sales for the hotel. In the new role, Gomez will be responsible for operational experience, he has held numerous responsible for leading and further evolving the entire sales, and will spearhead the growth positions in several departments over the all aspects of sales, driving revenues, and development of the leisure hotel. With a entire span of his career. Prior to the new and promoting brand strategies. Prior to Bachelor’s degree in hotel management, role, Bhatia was associated with Radisson joining Accor, Francis was associated with she is a strong sales professional with Blu Hotel Greater Noida as its General Caravela Beach Resort, Goa, as Director of extensive experience in the hospitality Manager. In the past, he has also worked Sales – West India. He has also worked for industry. Prior to joining Hyatt, Gomez with various hotel brands such as IHG and renowned hotels like Radisson Blu Resort worked with Marigold Hotel by Green The Grand, and international properties Goa Cavelossim Beach, Radisson Park, Hyderabad, as Director of Sales. in Dubai. His experience and Goa Candolim, Novotel Dona In the past, she has also worked with capabilities in operational Sylvia Goa and Mercure Devaaya The Park Hyderabad and Taj Krishna readiness and standardisation Ayurvedic Retreat, as well as Hyderabad. Her vast experience of processes will help him Le Royal Meridien Mumbai in the industry will immensely set new benchmarks. (Now Hilton). contribute to her new role.

Andaz Delhi DoubleTree by Hilton Goa - Panaji Holiday Inn New Delhi Mayur Vihar Noida New Delhi Goa Delhi-NCR Hyun S Park has been appointed as the General Manager of The DoubleTree by Hilton Goa - Panaji has appointed Sakshi Diwakar has been appointed as Marketing Communications Hong Kong Club at Andaz Delhi. In this role, he will be responsible Amar Albuquerque as Director of Rooms. Albuquerque has 10 Manager at Holiday Inn New Delhi Mayur Vihar Noida. She has a strong for the overall operation of the venue. His years of experience across a multitude of hotel background in digital marketing in the hospitality 12-year experience in the food and brands, and prior to joining DoubleTree by Hilton sphere, and has previously worked with beverage industry has helped him gain Goa - Panaji, he was associated with Novotel The Claridges New Delhi. Having begun good knowledge of the nuances of the Goa Hotels & Resorts as Rooms Division her career with an agency serving luxury F&B industry, and this will help Manager. In the new role, Albuquerque will hospitality clients, Diwakar’s foray into him deliver results under the new set EHKHDGLQJWKHIURQWRIÀFHKRXVHNHHSLQJ the digital game became stronger on of responsibilities. Park began his career in and recreation departments. His diverse the job, staying updated on trends in the 2007, and joined the Hyatt family as Food & experience will contribute to hospitality industry. She has delivered and Beverage Manager at Grand Hyatt Seoul development of the hotel and led award-winning ROI-driven campaigns in 2016. He has also worked in the UK, its premium positioning. andstrategies in the past. where he undertook a series of roles.

When Dr. Kunal Pathak, Managing Director, When Haresh Koyande, Founder & Managing Martin Joseph Thypodath, Chairman and Managing Canopus Holidays, wants to unwind, he changes Director, World Travel Studio, gets home from Director, Freedom Holidays, Goa, spends time alone his environment and does something relaxing for a regular work day, he usually watches the News meditating on the beach and listening to the waves. a while such as listening to music or talking to his for 15 minutes to catch up on all the action. He then “I am passionate about food and I am an absolute wife. “She is the most positive ORJVRQWR1HWÁL[RU$PD]RQ foodie. My favourite cuisine is person I have ever met,” he Prime. Family vacations for Italian. One thing not many says. Pathak is passionate him are purely for relaxation. know about me is that I am about being a doctor by “My most frequented a workaholic, but I do like profession and helping the destination is Goa,” to travel as well. My most needy. “The reason I am in Koyande adds. He also memorable holiday moment the travel industry is because UHDGV ZKHQHYHU KH ÀQGV was when I was chased by I am equally passionate the time and recommends a wild elephant in Sri Lanka,” about travelling. I have seen ‘The Intelligent Investor’. he adds. nearly the entire world, however, there is something about Hyderabad which always gets me,” he says.

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 28 7/3/2019 10:19:40 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 29 7/3/2019 10:19:42 AM NTO Thai ABC to counter overtourism As Thailand vies to offer quality products and services to travellers, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), at TTM+2019, made it evident that they are trying to balance quantity versus quality, and marketing versus management.

Peden Doma Bhutia from Pattaya Talking Numbers ourism has always played now plan to connect with YIn 2018, the Thai tourism industry recorded a total of a pivotal role in Thailand’s 55 emerging cities. The key T 38 million international arrivals, generating an estimated economy. Armed with the point is to provide smooth USD . objective to create jobs and and seamless connectivity to 62 billion distribute revenue country- these destinations via well- YTop 5 source markets: China with more than 10 million wide, from major cities to local known tourist cities. arrivals, Malaysia, South Korea, Lao PDR and Japan ASEAN communities, TAT organised IRUWKHÀUVWWLPHH[FHHGHG10 million visitors in 2018. the three-day TTM+2019. B – Brand New: Promoting YThis year, TAT has set a growth target of 12 per cent in The event that kick-started on emerging cities. Some new tourism revenue from the international market. World Environment Day (June destinations have enough 5) had for its theme - New potential to be individually Shades of Emerging Destina- promoted. For example, Buri What next for Indian tourists? which we bring wedding plan- tions- through which it aimed Ram in the northeastern part Apart from sea destinations ners from India to Thailand. to promote 55 provincial of Thailand, which falls near that are already popular This year we intend to do it destinations. The theme was the Cambodia border, boasts in the Indian market, like in the south in Phuket as we also in sync with Thailand’s of a rich Khmer heritage. Pattaya, Phuket and Krabi, we intend to support the airline effort to balance the number of The city is also becoming a are trying to introduce more WKDWÁLHVGLUHFWWR3KXNHW visitors to the country. regional hub for domestic and of the east coast to Indian global sports events since travellers. Other thanan Pattaya In an interview, Klissada that is also on the east coast,coast, Ratanapruk, Executive Direc- there are destinationsons likelike tor, TAT’s ASEAN, South Asia Connectivity Chantaburi and Trat,at, which we DQG6RXWK3DFLÀF5HJLRQ The Indian cities that want to showcase toto Indian Department, talks about how TAT is looking at for direct travellers. We wouldld liklikee ttoo iin-n- emerging destinations will be connectivity are Pune troduce the north of TThailandhailand integrated in all marketing and to Indians. and Guwahati communication strategies of TAT. Here are a few excerpts: Opening the road the opening of the Chang Our marketing messagesage Overcoming overtourism Arena and Chang International ‘Open to the New The objective of the emerging Circuit. This year we are ready Shades’ helps to raiseaise destinations theme that has to welcome racers and spec- awareness about been adopted also helps to tators in the Moto GP 2019 emerging destina- distribute the tourist from the in Buri Ram after last year’s tions. It has been main cities to smaller and grand success. well aligned with lesser-known destinations. our marketing Some of these destinations C – Combined: Combining direction to motivatete can also be visited through- emerging cities together. tourists to explore out the year. To solve the Some emerging cities can be the undiscovered problem of overtourism, we promoted together due to their experiences in have adopted a three-pronged proximity, shared histories and Thailand. We will strategic move. civilisations. For example, in be choosing the the northern part of Thailand activity or the des- A – Additional: Linking major we have three emerging tinations based cities like Phuket and Chiang destinations -Sukhothai, Phit- on the travelling Mai to emerging cities. All sanulok and Kamphaeng Phet behaviour of cities that get more than four - these areas have a historical Indian tourists and million tourists per year are VLJQLÀFDQFHZHDUHOLQNLQJ their preferences. major cities. Thailand has them together and promoting We host the weddingng 22 major cities, which we it to tourists. symposium every yyear,ear, in

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 30 7/3/2019 10:19:44 AM FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 31 7/3/2019 10:19:46 AM Postal Reg. No.: DL(ND)-11/6044/2018-19-20; WPP No.: U(C)-178/2018-20 for posting on 1st-2nd and 16th-17th of the same month at NDHO, New Delhi - 110001, RNI No.: 53492/1991 Date of Publication: 30-06-2019

FINAL_TT July-1st-2019.indd 32 7/3/2019 10:19:49 AM