Hidden Treasures The UK Audiovisual Archive Strategic Framework ABL Cultural Consulting / Paul Habbeshon Associates UK Audiovisual Archive Strategy Steering Group Funded by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council March 2004 Hidden Treasures: The UK Audiovisual Archive Strategic Framework Contact Frank Gray Film Archive Forum executive committee c/o South East Film and Video Archive University of Brighton Grand Parade Brighton BN2 0JY
[email protected] Crispin Jewitt Head of the Sound Archive British Library 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB
[email protected] Produced by the British Universities Film & Video Council, 77 Wells Street, London W1T 3QJ Printed by Chameleon Press Illustrations from the Film Archive Forum and the British Library Funded by the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council March 2004 © UK Audiovisual Archive Strategy Steering Group 2 Hidden Treasures: The UK Audiovisual Archive Strategic Framework Contents The Battle of the Somme (1916) (Imperial War Museum Film & Video Archive) Executive summary……………………………………………………………...……..2 1. Introduction and overview of the audiovisual archives sector ………...…….....6 2. The strategic development context………………………………………..……..15 3. Developing the audiovisual archives sector …………………………..………..22 4. A new strategic framework – recommended actions…………..………………33 5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………..…………...40 Appendices: i) Consultations…………………………………………………..…………………..43 ii) Sources………………………………………………………..……………………45 iii) Audiovisual archives in the UK – an indicative list...……..……………………48 1 Hidden Treasures: The UK Audiovisual Archive Strategic Framework Executive Summary Listening and viewing service, British Library Sound Archive For over one hundred years, moving images and sound have made a significant contribution to our national culture. The existence and availability of this audiovisual heritage from the past and the present has a profound impact on our understanding of who we are, where we live and our place in history.