DRAFT Minutes of Sunart Community Council Meeting held 14th May 2020 (7:30pm), video meeting

1. Welcome and Apologies The Chair welcomed everyone. Apologies PC A Campbell provided information by email Attending: D Anderson (Chair), J Jones (secretary), D Mann, E Sneddon-Hughes, F Christian J Hilder (Treasurer),

2. Minutes of meeting held 12th April 2020: Proposed J Hilder, Seconded D Mann. Amendments: Item 2. Minutes of Meeting is shown as 13th February 2020 and should read 12th March 2020. Item 3. Matters arising; Dail Mhor House: spelling URUM is incorrect and should read URRAM.

3. Matters arising from the previous minutes Police Matters: Email update received from PC Campbell: There is not much to update. The Police thank everyone for sticking to the Scottish Government guidelines as best as they can and to continue to do so.

Dog fouling has become an issue both in the village and at various other spots. Please, if you are out walking your dog, the Police remind that dog owners MUST uplift the poo.

Heritage: Free Church Anchor – On going.

Monument Park Drinking Water Supply: It was noted that a number of residents on Monument Park are in a WhatsApp Group to help with the Covid Response, which may help with future communications. One householder has written to Scottish Water thanking them for the continued supply during the CV19 crisis and expressing the hope that there could be a permanent connection to the Scottish Water supply.

Dail Mhor House: On going and Dail Mhor is currently on lock down. The Community Council wish express thanks and appreciation to the Dail Mhor staff, the Care at Home team and District Nursing team for all their work and efforts at this difficult time. There will be a working group Zoom meeting at 11am on 19th May 2020.

[At 8pm the Community Council paused the meeting to clap for the NHS]

Longrigg Woodland: On going. A working group Zoom meeting is being arranged to progress the report and options.

AOB: The yellow tabards have arrived and are being distributed to the Helping Hands group of volunteers for use when making deliveries of prescriptions, Sunday meals, and food.

4. Planning Matters – a. 20/01440/FUL Marine Shellfish Farm Fassfern Mussels – noted on the weekly planning list. It is difficult to see what stage this application is at. Secretary to email the planning dept and cc Cllr Baxter.

5. Correspondence a) Request for help with Local Electricity Parliamentary Bill – Steve Shaw: JH has contacted Local Energy (LES) for guidance and is awaiting a response b) Covid 19 Update – SMMAATA - Noted c) Zurich Ins – Confirmation of payment - Noted

1 DRAFT d) Drimnatorran access – various emails - Drimnatorran access – The Community Council received emails from five members of the public (one outwith the Sunart area) and personal contact from two members of the public. Following extensive discussion and having made enquiries, including the Council, the Access Officer and the Police, we are informed that this matter is in the hands of solicitors. e) Guidance for Community Councils – Maintaining our Planning Function CV19 – the Highland Council have set out how they will deal with planning matters during CV19 - Noted f) Survey – Public Confidence during CV19 pandemic [OFFICIAL] – Noted and put on Facebook for local residents to respond g) Enquiry CV19 Tech Response – Noted. The web address for people who struggling with I.T. and may need assistance is: www.abilitynet.org h) Additional Volunteers for Community Groups – Noted. Sunart Community Council has set up the local Helping Hands group and has over 50 people volunteering their services. The Community Council liaise and work with Ewen’s Room and promoted their “You & Me” chat line. We are promoting Hope who are offering to run online sessions and issue leaflets. i) Water Supply – Monument Park – Noted Email received for a resident see previous item j) News From Carnegie UK Trust - Noted k) Patients taking their blood pressure… Sales - Noted l) Resilient Communities Fund Award– The Treasurer submitted a grant application to SSEN, and Sunart Community Council have been awarded £1,550, m) Letter from Head Teacher The Ardnamurchan High School considering the collection of resources i.e. textbooks, etc., from last year’s pupils so that this year’s pupils can start their new syllabus. The Community Council is willing to support and assist and await further information. n) Community Council change to year-end instructions – To all Lochaber Community Councils: “Given the current circumstances we are suspending the requirement to hold AGMs before the end of June. Given many of you are carrying out a great deal of activity around the community resilience work we will release annual grants on the production of draft accounts i.e. which don’t have to be independently check or signed off at the AGM” o) Planning Application – [email protected]; sales promotion – Noted p) Media Release (Highland Council) Council Support to families in time of need - Noted on Facebook 6. Treasurer’s Report Deposit Account is £10,576.18; Current Account is £5,626.48. Current account includes two items: our thanks to Innogy for payment of £1,410.33 for the annual payment for the hydro scheme, the other from SSE Network grant (noted above). In addition the Council has secured £2,210 from the National Emergencies Trust administered by Foundation Scotland (Community Response, Recovery and Resilience Fund). This helps cover Helping Hands costs along with the £8,500 raised in partnership with the Sunart Community Company, administered by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).

Dean Mann was due to take on the role of Treasurer from James Hilder before year-end, however this was deferred because of additional work as a result of the CV19 crisis with funding applications. Dean Mann has implemented and been managing the Community Council Helping Hands technology support.

7. Any other Business (AoB) – • A vote of thanks has been received from a member of the public for the sterling work of the Village stores and we would like to acknowledge the work of the Post Office /

2 DRAFT Strontian Stores - both Alasdair and Douglas have been making additional deliveries to people who have to be isolating • Licence renewal for the website Facebook ‘plug in’ £70 – Approved • Grant application for Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Expedition £500 Dugald McIntyre – JH declared an interest. Application approved. It is noted that the expedition may be deferred until next year due to CV19 • Dean Mann reminded Community Councillors that the new Community Council email accounts had been set up with clear paths to individual accounts. It was agreed to move across to the new accounts. • CV19 Response - Sunart Helping Hands – The joy of plants and cards - the first run of 50 were delivered on Friday 15th May 2020, more plants are on the way to be delivered in due course. Our thanks to Ella Christian and Mairi-Ann Macgillvary and Matilda van de Peer who designed the cards that were delivered with the azaleas and ornamental rhododendrons. These shrubs can be planted outside and should provide pleasure for many years to come. • Purchase of two mini Wi-Fi dongles from EE which will help two members of the community who up until now have been unable to get online • The skip is being delivered this Friday 15th May 2020. People can access it this weekend and it will be collected next week • There is still the Ewen’s Room chat line “EwenMe” - 01967 750845, for people who would like a bit of a “blether”. A link is on the Community Council website.

Date of next meeting: Thursday 11th June 2020 at 5:00pm if CV19 restrictions still apply, 7:30pm Village Hall Strontian if restrictions permit.

You can contact the Sunart Community Council by: Email: [email protected] Post: Sunart Community Council, C/o Creag Ard, 5 Longrigg Road, Strontian PH36 4HY Website: www.sunartcommunitycouncil.co.uk