Chondrules and Their Origins. Subject Index
359 1983chto.conf..359. SUBJECT INDEX Ablation spherules 21 formation 46, 50 as chondrule analogs 11, 22 internal isochrons 251, 256 composition 14, 15, 17, 18 iodine-xenon dating 256 formation 11-14, 19 matrix ages 257 grains 13, 14 metamorphic structure 47 iron 14 origin 50 magnetic properties 15 photomicrographs 47 matrix 13 potassium-argon dating 251 melting 19, 21, 22 texture 44 metals 19 ultrathin sections 47 mineralogy 19 Allende chondrules photomicrographs 13 ages 247-251,253,255-257 porphyritic 21 alteration 159 siderophiles 15-19 cavities 155-157, 159 texture 19 classification 207 thermal effects 12-14 composition 42, 93, 156, 157 volatiles 13, 14 EPMA 93 Aerodynamic spherules extraction temperature 254 as chondrule analogs 10, 12 formation 160 composition 12 iodine 254, 256, 257 formation 12 iodine-xenon 258 thermal effects 12 isochrons 254 Age dating techniques 257 isotopes 37, 39-42, 270 iodine-xenon 246, 247 mineralogy 93, 149-152, 154, 155, 158, 160 isochrons 257 mixing line 41 metamorphic processes 257 opaque inclusions 155, 159 potassium-argon 246, 247 photomicrographs 148, 150, 151, 154, 156, rubidium-strontium 246, 247 157 uranium-lead 246, 247 precursors 42 Ages of chondrules sample analysis 39 iodine-xenon 246, 247, 251-257 SEM studies 150, 151, 152, 154, 156, 157 potassium-argon 246, 247, 250, 251, 257, 258 texture 39, 41, 155 rubidium-strontium 246-250, 258 thermal history 255 uranium-lead 246-248, 258 xenon closure 254 Allegan Allende inclusions 145 bulk analysis of chondrules 48, 49 ages 255 chemistry 46 initial iodine 256· chondrule ages 251, 256, 257 iodine-xenon dating 255 chondrule oxygen isotope analysis 40 isochrons 255 chondrules 44, 47 isotope analysis 39 classification 46, 50 sample analysis 39 composition 46 texture 39 description 46 Allende matrix 145, 257 equilibration 44, 50 alteration 159 © Lunar and Planetary Institute • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System 360 Chondrules and their Origins 1983chto.conf..359.
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