A Level Reform Consultation

Ofqual Consultation on A Level Reform Geographical Association Response

Questions on Section 1: Background and purpose The following questions refer to Section 1: Background and purpose.

1. I believe that all equality issues have been considered in the accompanying equality analysis.

() Strongly agree

() Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

2. Do you have any comments or suggestions? Questions on Section 2: What we hope to achieve The following questions refer to Section 2: What we hope to achieve.

3. I support the general principles as set out in this section.

() Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

4. I support the need for comparability of demand and content in different specifications in a subject.

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( ) Yes

( ) No

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

The Geographical Association (GA) agrees with the proposal to allow flexibility in assessment to support improved teaching and learning and better understanding and respect for the needs of both the needs of students and a desire to avoid imposing undue burdens on the system. As noted below, the assessment should have a broader purpose than just being for university selection.

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Questions on Section 3: Design rules - The purpose of A levels.

The following questions refer to Section 3: Design rules - The purpose of A levels.

5. I believe that Condition 1 adequately defines an appropriate primary purpose of A levels for regulation.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

The GA agrees that condition 1 goes some way to defining an appropriate primary purpose. However if A-level is the main recognised qualification at 18+ then it needs to have a broader purpose than just being for university selection. Many students that take this qualification will not go to university and many employers use A levels to select students (Para 37), therefore it has broader purposes until satisfactory alternatives that are widely accepted are created. Since it is also recognised as performing well in a broader international context then change should be for educational rather than political reasons. The primary purpose of the qualification should be the further intellectual development of the student.

Questions on Section 3: Design rules - Size and grading. The following questions refer to Section 3: Design rules

Condition 2 - Size and grading.

6. A new grading structure should be introduced for new A levels.

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( ) Strongly agree

() Agree

() Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

The GA is clear that a new grading structure should be introduced. Any grading structure for A level needs to be consistent and reflect the level of performance across the exam. Following consultation it is obvious that practitioners have a range of about the use of grades and whether it would be better for university selection to provide a mark based on UMS scores. This adds simplicity and might eliminate some of the anomalies that currently exist where the use of for each module hide different performances. This could be appropriate for the new A level and this opportunity used to trial the value of the different approach.

7. The current number of grades, as specified in Condition 2, is appropriate for discrimination.

() Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?





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8. Even considering the other changes being made to A levels, the A* grade (or similar) should be retained as it will continue to facilitate differentiation of achievement.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

9. The expectations for the performance of learners should be set out for the upper and lower levels of the grading scale (currently grades A and E).

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

The following questions relate to the options regarding the future structure of A levels:

Condition 3 - Qualification structure and availability of assessments

10. The opportunity for assessment in January should be removed.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

() Neither agree nor disagree

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() Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

11. I believe that Option 1 is the right option - Removing the AS qualification – which would mean a return to a linear two year course of study.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

12. I believe that Option 2 is the right option - Making the AS a standalone qualification but where the results do not contribute to the A level.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

13. I believe that Option 3 is the right option - Retaining the AS qualification in its present form – but making changes as outlined in paragraphs 48-53.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

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Do you have any comments or suggestions on these three options?

The GA feels that AS provides a good transition from GCSE to A-level.

A-level subjects should not be nominated at the beginning of Y12 because students do change their minds as they engage with subjects at post-16. The GA position is that there should be an opportunity to resit but that there should only be one resit to allow those who have underperformed (for whatever reason) the opportunity to improve. We think it is unfair to not offer students the opportunity to resit the whole examination in either January (or November as with the old A level). The GA consultation revealed a range of views about whether there should be opportunity to do this in January as well as June. We suggest that this could be a matter of choice for the student over when to take advantage of the one re-sit opportunity. The GA is interested to look at the evidence that modular examinations do not work. Many universities currently use a modular approach. The teachers in our consultation favoured modular examinations, so that it would be possible to re-sit one module rather than all the papers of the entire course.

The following questions relate to Option 3 - Retaining the AS qualification – but making changes as outlined in paragraphs 48-53.

14. The opportunity for AS/A2 assessment and therefore resits in January should be removed.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

15. I believe that where a student resits an assessment the highest mark should count towards the student's qualification.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

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( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

16. AS and A2 should contribute equally to the overall outcome of A levels.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

I think that the weighting should be split as follows:

The GA strongly agrees with point 15 that the highest mark should count towards the students qualification. This accords with the notion of fairness. AS should be examined at the end of Y12 and our preference is that the weighting should be less that for A2. The GA would advocate a 40:60 split which seems appropriate as it reflects growing maturity; increased overall knowledge, understanding and skill and encourages synthesis. In addition it increases motivation because students can’t then coast on the back of good AS results or be constrained by poorer AS results and it recognises the greater difficulty of A2.

Do you have any further comments or suggestions?

A differential weighting for AS and A2 encourages greater breadth of study while at A2 students develop more in depth approaches.

Questions on Section 3: Design rules - A level design The following questions refer to Section 3: Design rules - A level design.

17. To enable Ofqual to secure standards in A levels (GCEs), the rules outlined in Condition 4 are:

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( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree


( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

Geography uses a variety of assessments already and has a history of innovative assessment. The GA’s consultation showed that MCQs are not a favoured option. Extended essays are already used and the need to assess different types of knowledge, understanding and skill is appreciated.

18. To enable Ofqual to secure standards in A levels (GCEs), the rules outlined in Condition 5 are:


( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

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( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Sufficient? ( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

The GA recognises the importance of recognising and rewarding students who show the ability to make links between different elements of their learning. As an holistic subject, geography has a long tradition of teaching and assessing synopticity, especially at A level and particularly in relation to A2.

The requirement to include a synoptic element in all accredited A level courses is welcome. The GA notes that, whilst synopticity was retained in the 2008 revisions to A level, reductions to the number of assessments meant that, in some cases, a truly ‘synoptic assessment’ (or one where synoptic skills were foregrounded) disappeared from A level courses, to be replaced with an approach where synopticity appeared as a minor element across more than one module. This approach is at the risk of a rigorous approach to assessing synoptic skills. The GA therefore supports conditions which require synoptic approaches and demands that approaches to synopticity are built in to the purposes of at least one assessment at A level.

Synopticity needs to be clearly supported both in the purpose of assessment and in the assessment requirements.

19. To enable Ofqual to secure standards in A levels (GCEs), the rules outlined in Condition 6 are:


( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

Ofqual 2012 10 A Level Reform Consultation

( ) Strongly disagree


( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

Synoptic assessment is an important feature of current examinations and this could be extended further to encourage students to make wider links. Synopticity in every part of the subject is not necessarily appropriate or desirable however it should be evident in both AS and particularly in A2. Different forms of analysis such as issues analysis or an Investigative research report should require candidates to draw upon knowledge and understanding across the curriculum.

20. To enable Ofqual to secure standards in A levels (GCEs), the rules outlined in Condition 7 are:


( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

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( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

The GA consultation indicates that teachers would support increased internal assessment especially if this was linked to fieldwork. Coursework/internal assessment requires candidate authenticity but the GA considers that coursework centred on specific places (a core concept in Geography) goes some way to ensuring such authenticity. There is some ambiguity in the interpretation of condition 7. The GA hopes that there is opportunity for a synoptic coursework element at A2 that spans each assessment element to enable students to explore ideas in greater depth and creativity while retaining validity and reliability. Controlled assessment was not considered to be an appropriate approach.

There are a number of internal assessments that have proved effective previously eg

 Decision Making Exercises;  Independent fieldwork based research projects;  extended essays;  controlled assessments.

All of these enable evidence of wider skills such as research and independent learning to be assessed.

There are issues about reducing plagiarism and guaranteeing that work is done by students. Modern technology and teacher knowledge of students can reduce the risks. However these concerns tend to emphasise reliability rather than validity and can reduce student opportunities for learning – One to one or group discussions about research questions are excellent preparation for university learning contexts. Clear guidelines about issues such as acceptable limits to supervision and commentary on drafts would reduce the risks and the benefits for the development of independent learning skills would be significant. For example being able to respond

Ofqual 2012 12 A Level Reform Consultation appropriately to a constructive critique is an important life skill and mirrors the development of ideas in both university and employment contexts.

21. I believe that a minimum of 60 per cent external assessment is the correct proportion for most subjects.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

The GA is supportive of the notion that a minimum of 60 per cent external assessment is the correct proportion for most subjects. As noted previously the GA consultation indicates that teachers would support increased internal assessment especially if this was linked to coursework which incorporates first hand data collection and analysis through place specific fieldwork. There is a need to support some form of internal assessment so that assessment does not become simply extended writing.

22. I believe that the weighting of synoptic assessment should be flexible.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

The GA acknowledges the tension between flexibility for ABs and the need for comparable standards

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Questions on Section 3: Design rules - Qualification support The following questions refer to Section 3: Design rules - Qualification support.

23. I believe that universities should be able to provide this level of engagement.

( ) Strongly agree

() Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

() Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

24. I believe that the level of support required is sufficient to demonstrate that the qualification will allow progression to study at higher education.

( ) Strongly agree

() Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?

A wider range of stakeholders should be involved in the process of A level reform and development. As noted above many students that take this qualification will not go to university and many employers use A levels to select students (note Para 37). The exam serves many purposes. It is crucially important that that subject associations are involved in the whole process, including curriculum design and in the creation of content and assessment. The A level experience must best equip students for a broader purpose than university selection.

Schools and colleges are also important stakeholders and should also be involved with the content development as well as developing pedagogical and practical

Ofqual 2012 14 A Level Reform Consultation considerations. There is some uncertainty about the loss of subject specific criteria and the sole involvement of universities in specifying content. Many of these are practical concerns about who would be ‘available’ and willing to be involved and whether content would be hi-jacked by particular interest groups in university departments.

The opportunity to update subject content is welcomed but there is a need for diversity of specification to encourage innovation and development through competition. A monolithic universal structure with just one awarding body, one (university) advisory board and no choice of specification could lead to complacency and stagnation in curriculum development.

There were some concerns expressed about physical geography. The GA suggests that the shifting emphasis from processes to environmental management is an area for careful consideration.

25. Do you have any suggestions about how we might categorise universities as defined in Condition 8?





26. Would you propose a different number or proportion of universities providing support?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Do you have any comments or suggestions?





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27. I believe that the level of support required is sufficient to demonstrate that most universities will accept a qualification for entry.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?





28. I believe that the support required should also provide additional assurances to those set out in paragraphs 73 and 74.

( ) Yes

( ) No

If your answer is Yes, please give further details:





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29. I believe that exam boards should be expected to consult schools, colleges and employers specifically for each qualification.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Exam boards should also consult Subject Associations and learned societies as key stakeholders in defining the purpose of education at school level. Questions on Section 4: Exceptions The following questions refer to Section 4: Exceptions.

30. Exceptions to Condition 1 should be allowed in relation to the purpose of A levels.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

31. Exceptions to Conditions 4–7 should be allowed in relation to the design of A levels.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Ofqual 2012 17 A Level Reform Consultation

32. Exceptions to Condition 8 should be allowed in relation to the support secured for an A level.

() Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

33. If you anticipate that there will be particular challenges for specific subjects which may require exceptions, please outline them below.





Questions on Section 5: Making sure standards are right year on year The following questions refer to Section 5: Making sure standards are right year on year.

34. These review arrangements are sufficient and appropriate to secure standards.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

Ofqual 2012 18 A Level Reform Consultation

( ) Strongly disagree

Do you have any comments or suggestions?





Questions on Section 6: Implementation The following questions refer to Section 6: Implementation.

35. I support the proposed staged approach to the reform of A levels.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

36. I agree that all current A levels should have been reviewed by 2018.

( ) Strongly agree

( ) Agree

( ) Neither agree nor disagree

( ) Disagree

( ) Strongly disagree

Ofqual 2012 19 A Level Reform Consultation

37. I agree that the priority subjects for implementation in September 2014 should be:

Please rank in order of preference, 1 being your first choice.

1 physics, chemistry, biology

4French, German and Spanish


5English literature

3geography and history

______a combination

Do you have any suggestions for other subjects/combinations of subjects?



______General questions 38. Do you have any additional comments in relation to all proposals as set out in Sections 1- 6.

It would be useful to have a fixed term for specifications (eg five years) so that consistency could be achieved. However the chance to review and update content on a regular basis is also important.

Your details


John Lyon


( ) School/College

Ofqual 2012 20 A Level Reform Consultation

( ) Training Provider

( ) Higher Education Institute

( ) Awarding Organisation

( ) Student/Learner

( ) Parent/Carer

( ) Employer

( ) Representative group/Interest Group

( ) Government Body/Organisation (national and local)

( ) Other (including General Public)

Ofqual 2012 21 A Level Reform Consultation

School / College type

( ) Academy and/or Free School

( ) Comprehensive

( ) State Selective

( ) Independent

( ) Special School

( ) FE/Sixth Form

() None of the above

Is your institution a member of any of the following groups?

[ ] Russell Group

[ ] Million+

[ ] 1994 Group

[ ] University Alliance

[ ] GuildHE

[ ] UUK

[ ] None of the above

Your role

Programme Manager at the Geographical Association

How many staff does your business employ (full or part time)?

() Less than 50

( ) 50 to 249

( ) 250 or more

Ofqual 2012 22 A Level Reform Consultation

Representative group / interest group type

() Learned Body / Subject expert group

( ) Equalities group

( ) Unions

( ) Sector Skills Council (SSC)

( ) QAA

( ) UCAS

( ) Other voluntary or community group

( ) None of the above

Organisation name*

Geographical Association


( )

( ) Wales

( ) Scotland

( ) Northern Ireland

( ) International

Email address* [email protected]

Ofqual 2012 23 A Level Reform Consultation

May we contact you for more information?

[ ] Yes

Would you like us to treat your response as confidential?

[ ] Yes

We are changing the way we communicate. We want to write clearly, directly and put the reader first. Overall, do you think we have got this right in this document?

() Yes

( ) No

Do you have any comments or suggestions?





Ofqual 2012 24 We wish to make our publications widely accessible. Please contact us if you have any specific accessibility requirements.

First published by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation in 2012

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