April 30,1868
PORTLAND DAILY PR: 38. ~ EsuMUkei June 23, wen, vot. THURSDAY APRIL r._PORTLAND, MORNING, 30. 1868. tHZ Js 7o per mmZn, Z TI1E PORTLAND DAILY PRESS >• published BUSINESS CARDS. riBitOUANDIBB every day, (Sunday excepted,! at No. J Printers' LEANEOU8. MISCELLANEOUS. Halltn ii Miw \.,u Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. __MISCE the Sew Main the N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor. DAILY PRESS.1 Completion of of Brooklyn SHERIDAN k GRIFFITHS, Water Works—Sandy Hook—the Sound steam- Terms Eight Dollirsa year in advauee. Flour. & crt. 4 PL ASTERERSj Flour, Davis, Chapman Haskell, poutland. Single copies Dividend Paid in 1868—100 cent. New Yobk, April 27, 1808. being per To the THE MAINE ST ITi. i'rtESS, is published at the PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL CHOICE FALL GROUND 51 & 53 Middle Street, Editor o/the Press: same at a ^ place every Thursd-iy morning $2.00 year, Sreat work in with invariably in advance. STUC O & MASTIC WORKERS, Tharsday Morning, April 30 1868. connection supply- or OFFER TO THE TRADE AVERY LARGE AND ing the city of ArO 6 SOUTH PORTLAND, MS. Spring & Win! Wheats Flour! Brooklyn with an adequate Rates op Adverii«i'-ci.—One inch oi in ST., of space, kinds of supply water, ha, just been ol constitutes a “square.” ty Prompt attention paid to all .lobbing The .lluinc Slate I'rr.., completed. ler’gili column, Magnolia, Archer, Edwards’, Walker’s, Attractive Stock A main .^1 50 t-quaic daiiy hist week. 75 cents In our lire. api22dtf four-feet pipe bus been per per Griffith’s, F. F. F. G., Eagle Published this contains laid down week aber; three insertions, or less, continu- morning, synopses from the reservoir $1.00; great at Rid/uwood to the g every oilier day atier first week, 50 cents.
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