Inside Pages Editorials Trinity Alumni Vie in Hartford Campaign, They're Still Stealing. PAGE TWO New Election System.

VOL LiX No, 9 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD, CONN. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1960 Amherst Jars Election Issue Bantams 22-8 Before Senate BY DON PAPA Discussion in the Senate of the representation problem could lead tonight to some drastic alterations in the student NOV. 5—Reserve halfback Alan Deaett of East Provi- governing body's constitution, according to President Roger dence, R. I., paced a strong Amherst eleven to a 22-8 win over MacMillan. Trinity before a 4,500 homecoming crowd today. Senator B.obert Brown, chairman of the elections proce- dures committee, is expected to disclose his group's findings The smashing win was s product of Deaetfs inside rushes, THIS SCENE MAY WELL prove historical-—as one of use as a party site, and the Dance. Committee hopes plans on_whether.the campus voting process should be revised. quarterback Dave Lawrence's effective passing and a superior the last Trinity dances held away from the college. The outlined below will draw a larger crowd than usual. Two other committee heacis | ; ; and unyielding Amherst line. ' Sophomore Hop this Friday will inagurate Mather Hall's.. assigned, to investigate the Deaett, personally accounting for 169 yards, in 22 carries, representation issue will also continually poured through gaping holes in the Trinity for- report tonight. - 20 Students ward wall. • ' • ,. Two Juniors, Only Senator Arthur MelNulty is Air Yard Attempt \ .expected to propose limiting Named To Lanin MeadsSophHopBill; to two the number of junior After falling behind,. Trinity took to the air in a desperate effort to catch the Lord Jeffs, but a forth period tally by'the members from one fraternity. pesky Deaett squelched all Blue and Gold hopes. Although no houses have Tripod Staff more than two junior repre: The teams battled evenly through a scoreless first quarter, NOV. 4r-Editor Pt?ver Kil- sentatives ori tie Senate, Mac- horn announced today the ap- but in the second period Amherst unleashed a tremendous Millan feels the possibility of pointment of 20 students ground offensive that ended when halfback Steve Van rjort Wesley an Ga me $a fur day such a situation shoud be pre- to the news, sports, and blasted to paydirt from the three. vented. 7 Button Down Sounds will hold business staffs of The Tripod, The BY JOHN MEYER will be given away as door This is to encourage stu- scoring march moved prizes. ' ' . dents to buy tickets early so forth in the Washington Representation of the inde- The new members include 13 84 yards and was highlighted A star-lit ceiling, Beams of pendent students -who make freshmen, three sophomores pastel lights, and Lester Lanin Fraternities permit- that the dance committee may Room. The group will sing by a 29-yard slam, off tackle figure out suitable seating ar- everything from,, ballads to up neary half the student body and four juniors. Langhorne \ by the unstoppable Deaett. will set the tone for the Soph ted to reserve tables on the dance floor, with the rest of Button Down Sounds modern jazz harmbnj-, with is not proportional. The inde- Additions to the news staff Hop Friday night. During the pendents have one senator Convert Fumble intermission, a specialty man Mather: open for additional rarigements. admission being $1. per person. include Malcolm Campbell, Amherst failed on a kicking seating and table room. A A Freshman dance to the while a single fraternity, Al- John Chatfield, Douglas Craig, To Lecture will conduct a jam session pha Chi Rho, has five. conversion attempt, but quick- with the famous bandleader. special checking system will Mather Hall Director; To- music of Chet McFee, will be Robert Feinschreiber. John. Dr, M. - Curtis Langhorne, ly converted a Bantam fumble allow couples to leave their mat said "The dance commit- held in Wean Lounge after Price's Report Heldt, Thomas Jones, William will try to explain tonight Saturday of .Soph flop week- into its second touchdown half- end the football squad' with tabes without worrying about tee has done an excellent job the song fest. The committee on independ- F..-Niles, Charles Todd, Keith how the growth of personality way through the second pe in all respects, and if the en- ent representation, headed by Watson and John Withering- : journey to Wesleyan, while their pocket books and re- The football game at Wes- traits affects the life of a col- riod. .. - ' . freshments. joyment of the dance'is com- leyan will begin at 1:30 Satur- Senator Roy Price, -will also ton. lege student. the soccer team will meet The Jesseemen dug in and Wesleyan The entire faculty lias been parable to the amount of day, with, the Freshman soc- report and might . suggest a Business and Sports ."Personality: Asset or Li- protected their • endEone from . Fraternity parties Saturday Invited to attend. Sophomore work done it will be a huge cer squad playing there at method of increasing his con- To the sports staff were ability" will be the theme of the Amherst foot soldiers at will vary from Pajamp parties falass President Peter Sherin success." ; 2:30: Friday. The varsity soc stituent's representation. added William Barns, Donald the second Freshman Sopho.- tempted ground invasion. Bat to Arabian Night bails.. said response to'ticket sales He added, "I think tne dance cer team will meet the Wes- At last Monday's meeting Papa, Frederick Pryor, My- more , Advisory Council Lec- the resourceful Lawrence took Door Pirses has been good. The price of will be a initiate men hers at 2:30.Saturoay. Senator Price called the Oct. ron Rosenthall and Frank ture to be given by Sir. Lang- to the air and hit John Cheska At the Soph Hop music -will tickets will be raised from the Washington Room and Fraternities Romp 28-29 National Sears, home, professor of pbyshol- with a 17^yard scoring iheave. be piped throughout Mather $6.75 to $8.75 after four Mather Hall." For Saturday night the fra- Student Association meeting Named to the business staff ogy. at 7:30 p.m. in Mather The same duet clicked for Hall. Imported champagne o'clock Wednesday. Saturday evening at 7:30 the ternities have planned a va- at Wesleyan "interesting." were Richard Bernsteiu, Mer- Assembly Hall. the two bonus points and the riety of parties, some with Price said he and three oth- rill Hunt, Leland Mover, Dav- visitors sported a 14-0 half time special themes.; Alpha Delta er Trinity delegates • to' the id Pyle and Kenneth Wiltsek. Acceptable" Traits lead... Phi. will; have a sand affair considered tha discus- In acquiring trails which Adept Tony , their basement, with a Calyp- sion of the role of tiu_- federal are coiisidered acceptable, Dr. Student Sentiment Restores so band to complete the set- government in higher educa- The third period saw the Langhorne will point out, ting. Sigma Nu has signed up tion particuarly rewarding. varied problems"" are faced at adept Sanders unlimbe'r his Grads Back; throwing arm for an attempt- the Impalas, a rock and roll 'Lot of Hot Air' different times during adoles- band, while both Pi Kippa Al- His impression of a confer* cence. ed' come-from-behind air as- sault. This resulted in Trin- Gave, Washington College pha and Alpha Chi Bho will ence workshop on discrimina- AttendGame The college • student should ity's only-score. NOV. 1—The Cave has risen" ever, that the room serves also front desk of Mather Hall for have pajama parties. tion . on campus was less en- be told many of the difficul- The drive surged S3 yards, A sentimental Mather Hall as an assembly toll and tor ruses leaving at 11:30 a.m., Theta XI will have a band, thusiastic^ He called it "a lot ties he will encounter in col- with Ken Cromwell, exploding Student Board today voted to many other all-college func- 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. and Ralph Stuart will play at of hot air on discrimination in Receptions lie might solve mem. over from the one. The air christen the ground-level, glass tions. The buses will make stops in St. Anthony Hall. Delta Phi general." : will use "The Untouchables'.' Though the conference was Spirits undampenec! by th.9 Noble traits - should fee route was also used la notch encased- snack bar In the stu-. ,,L Sunday: Entegtairanent • City at the Port grJdder's loss - to. -Amherst, the conversion points as Sand- dent center'The The possibility of bringing Authority's Bus Terminal, as the theme for their party; worthwhile,- -Price. • said - the taught to each college stu- quality of the delegates from some 500 returnee Alumni dent, Dr. Langhornse.empha- ers hit Tom Calabrese. For many years a subterran- good, cultural entertainment Grand Central Station, and The Trinity Folksmgers are offering a special $2 05 ticket other colleges was lower than who descended on the campus sized, not only-lor-.his own ad- The Lord Jeffs, now In ean, watering thole frequented to thfe building Sunday after- East Side Airlines Terminal. Nov. 4 and 5 made this year's danger of being overhauled, noons was also discussed. to hear the Weavers sing at that of the representatives to vancement but also so that he by campus late breakfast and The rate for the one-way the national conference last Alumni Weekend one of the may be able to instill within momentarily panicked. coffee sets. The Cave beneath Several members felt stu- Footguard Hall, 159 High St., trip will be $3.50. No arrange- August. • . '• . largest and most successful his own children the knowl- Penalty Halts Drive Hamlin- Dining Hall was aban- dents would pay admission for Sunday at 3 p.m. Tickets may ments have been made for the be purchased from the Folk- Also during the meeting, ever held. edge of these traits. An Amherst fumble on. the doned-last June as construction entertainment which would Alumni gathered in the fjeld visitor's .35 gave the^Bantams on the , new building neared otherwise be too expensive for return trip Sunday, Nov. 27. singers Box 988. (Continued on Page 2) Following the lecture and house at 11:30 a.m. Saturday an opportunity but a 15-yard completion. the college to afford. for a buffet luncheon; the question period, Dr. Lang- penalty, forcing Trin to sur- 1 : Mr. Tomat said he is consid- horne plans to invite all those The board reached the agree- gathering was serenaded by render the ball, eliminated ering good musical programs a quartet of ex-Trinites. The interested to join him during final hopes. ment after considering the re- that could include the Buda- sults of- a student ballot for returnees then packed into the coffee hour ; in Wean pest String Quartet and noted .The men from Massachu- names for several rooms in Kennedy Due In Hartford; Trinity Field, overflowing on- Lounge in an informal discus- opera figures. setts pushed to their third and Mather Hall. '.•:•- to the Amherst side. sion concerning his talk. (Continued on Page 2) Heeded Popular Cry , He hopes also toprovide mo- Immediately following the Most students approved call- vies. The board decided-that game, a reception in Wean art vintage and foreign films Students Will Participate Lounge gave many alumni ing the snack bar by its pre- Between Scenes Coke decessor's name, and the board would be appreciated more their first glimpse at the re- heeded the popular cry. • than those playing at local the- cently-completed Mather Stu- aters. dent Center. At the same time, Adjoining The Cave is a •3 -D. Cards Coming1 they attended receptions and lounge, also unnamed. The parties at the various houses. board, which, met with Dean Identification cards will be Friday night some 100 class Lacy"and"Matiier- HalfDir'ee- available by Nov. 15, Mr To- - tor Tomat discussed several"mat sald- Each-student will be agents assembled for a dinner suggestions and hoped to agree i^i^ed to" pay a dollar •- in Hamlin Hall. The Class of on a name during -their con- his card. He attributed print- 1916 Award went to that oC ference Tuesday. . ing problems to the delay hi 1930 signifying greatest sup- delivery. port of the Alumni Fund by a That big room upstrais be- Board members Donaia Le.- class graduating in me last came the Washington Room, Stage and Bruce Hill were ap- ten years. The Class of 1934 in memory of Washington Col- pointed to join Mr. Tomat at Award, based on participation lege. . Washington College? a. student center conference in in all the classes, was won by That was the name of Trinity New Haven Nov. 19. the Class of 1910. College from its .founding in The Board approved a plan 1823 until 1845. • '-• Saturday, morning the of having chartered bus ser- agents met to discuss next Several board members con- vice to Wed- year's Alumni Fund, setting a sidered calling it'.The.•Ball-' nesday, Nov. 23, the beginning goal of $110,000. Last year, room. of Thanksgiving vacation. the alumni raised ,$103,000, to Mr. Tomat pointed out, how- Students may sign up at the be used for raising faculty salaries and increasing the number of scholarships. Theta Xi and Alpha Delta Trin Pipei Will Sponsor Phi took advantage of the weekend to hold alumni'meet' Nine-College Concert ings. TX met in Elton Lounge while AD had a meeting and .. On Saturday night, Nov. 12, doin Bempsters, the Dai't- dinner in the Student Center. the walls-of-the Mather Hall mouth Injuniers and the Mid- By JOHN STAMBATJGH impressive majority in of Nursing will, work with the ballroom will echo some well- Senator John F. : Kennedy Connecticut for either party Trinity Republicans?' Other events marking the dlebury Dissipated-8's'. weekend consisted of a varsity known collegiate vocal sounds. Each performance is sched- will speak in Hartford today could be influential. With the The Young Republicans have state's balloting entirely me- soccer gamewith Amtierst on , The program, cal'ed the uled to last about fifteen min- •at-12:45 in the last phase of arranged for a television set his campaign. • chanical, -returns may well be for tomorrow night. Alan Friday afternoon (Amherst 3. Button Down Sounds, will fea- utes. Trinity 2) and the Jesters Before the program each A-delegation of at least 50 the^first in the nation com- Coyne '62, vice president of the ture nine singing groups' from Trinity Students for Kennedy pleted and couH affect the performance of Shakespeare's schools representing < every group will be served dinner organization, said all students will carry signs and wear i late voters in the Far West. are invited "to watcih the re- Loves Labor Lost on Friday New England state and New and entertained by a ulfferent 1 :% skimmer hats durin-••---•- g '-•his- ap—- Seventy-five to 100 Ken- sults during the all-night ses- and Saturday nights. The Jes- York. -The show begins at fraternity. Through the co- ters presented their play to_ operation of the houses', the pearance at the Hartford nedy supporters are expected sion Tuesday in Wean Lounge. 7:30 p.m. to work at the polls tomorrow capacity crowds. only expense of the Pipes will Times portico. Trinity's own Pipes are the Kennedy's speech in Hart- and in a door-to-door canvass sponsors and hosts of the in- be , the -transportation and to encourage votes for the sen- lodgings for • the seventy-odd ford is only one part of the tercollegiate * song fest, the last day of his •• campaign, ator. Others will phone voters first ever to be held 'r.eath the -musicians. These costs will be Sunday Parties Allowed defrayed by the ?1 per person which will also ^vhirl him from Democratic headquarters elms. Strictly non-coinpetitive, and provide transportation to admission price.. through Maine anfl the only purpose of the music- and finally to a rally the voting booths. With Many Limitations ians is to further the apprecia- Expect Full House tonight. Yesterday members, of the OCT. 31—Dean Lacy told All parties" must end prompt- tion of modern group singing. The Song Fest is ths result Students for Kennedy eo* the TFC tonight that permis- ly at 4:30 p.m. Many Are Octets' of two years of .planning by Democratic group rang door- chairmen Andrew Cantor '61 bells on behalf of the Kennedy sion to hold Sunday parties The Medusa will - be respon- Although many of ihe con- several members of the facul- and George Will '62 said a has fceeiv reluctantly granted sible for party supervision.. ty and the student body,, one slate in the district of Hart- tingents are octets, some of member of the Trinity group by the administration. The IFC will be responsible the distaff, factions con tain as of the original supporters be ford west of Summit Street. n T ^ T is expected to represent the Replying- to_ an IFC letter for traffic congestion on Ver- many as thirteen ^members.- Others postered the candi- College on. the speaker's plat- date's motorcade route to asking for permission to hold non Street. The types of singing is mod- hopeDea thant Lacythe . sonThge fesplannert wilsl „ .* m ,he JL^. ^ form. Others there will b,s Hartford from Springfield Sunday parties on the basis ern four-part- harmony such become an annual event at Democratic State Central Sijigle entertainers should AWAITING THlilK uALL xo autioxi, VViH^m i. Bunnell Trinity. with welcome signs. of a successful probationary -felt, and Harold K. Vickery, right, step out of character long as the Hi-Lo's have made fa- Committee members, local period without them, Dean be hired instead of bands. mous. .•'••'•-• . ' It was also suggested that * «noug'i to enjoy a Coca-Cola. Their on-stage performances The Button Down Sounds is Democratic candidates and the Republicans Sponsor XV Lacy stressed the fact that the Besides the Pipes, the'eight one of the ••highlights" of the official Kennedy girls.* beer and wine be served in- is Holofernes and the Curate, in Shakespeare's-"Love's La-- A group from the College's IFC.'will be held responsible other groups to perform, are: Wesleyan Weekend. The busi- Both the Students' for Ken- Young Republicans will help stead of liquor. tour's Lost", along with the rest of the cast, drew enthusi- for all fraternity, conduct the Connecticut College ness manager of B.D.S., Jack nedy and the Young. Repub- the GOP State Committee dis- Limitations President Tansill emphasized astic crowds to their four performances. The Jester's first, Chords, the P ea ii'rok e Perry, is expecting a full licans will campaign extensive- tribute -campaign literature Several limitations were in- that parties be conducted in a production of the year, directed, as usual, by George Nich- P.D.Q.'s, the Vassar :• Night- house of 500 for the. show. ly tomorow in a final Election for the Nixon ticket. Students cluded in the permisson. quiet and orderly manner if ols, was praised by the Hartford Courant and Times. For owls, the Wheaton Whims, the Tickets are presently on sale Day drive for votes..for their from St. Joseph College and Parties are to be closed and the fraternities wish to retain X review, see "Aisle Say," page 2. (Photo by Heldt). : Hamilton. Buffers, the , Bow- in Mather-Hall. - -.'••, ; candidates. the Hartford Hospital. School'chaperoned, Sunday party permission. PAGl TWO THE TRINITY! TRIPOb frinffy trtyttb 'Aisle Say Election Year Pembroke, Trinity Published weekly and more often when necessary throughout the, 1960 academic year by the students of Trinity College. Student subscriptions I ineluflefl in tuition fee; others, 5S.00 per year, effective Sei>t&ibef By John Henty Concert Reviewed 1960. Entered as second class niatter, postage iSaid at Hartford, Con- BY KBBBY TALLEY "off the cuff' barbershop necticut, February 14, 1947, under the act ol March 3> 1879. The col- love's Labour's Lost' Excelienf Oct. 30—A soft, distant, and quartet choices. umns or THE TRINITY TBIPOD are at all times open to undergrad. OOP Decline Studied During an interlude of vocal •uates, alumni, faculty and others for the discussion of matters o* manAsy thisigns colums arounn goed ths teo prescouns- thaned ipeoplet seem, s whto om eca than wit thin s is elusive Kyrie, sung by ,the interest to Trinity students. Notice of change of address must be our key. to the future." Pembroke College Glee Club, music, Professs'or CJarencs received two weeks in advance. try point to a Kennedy vic- Waiters, of the College music Office telephones: JA 7-3153, ext. 252; CH 6.1S29 Step With Times began Flor Peeter's "Missa hi tory, and there is every indi- 1 department, played. Bach's cation tftiat the various Dem- The third' factor responsible Honorem Pads" which opened EXECUTIVE for the party's plight is, I the vespers services in Chapel "Passacaglia and Fugue in C Editor-in-Chief ocratic candidates in races for Minor." Despite a raced ef- Peter T. Kilborn '61 governorships and House and believe, perhaps the most fun- last Sunday. BlanaEine Editoi Seriate-seats will ride to tri- damental antf apparently tflie Following the opening sec- fect, Proessor Watter's art- William Kirtz '61 umph on the Senators coat- toughest to overcome. This, tion came an uplifting, and istry enhanced the intrinsic Sports Editor News fcditor Features Editor power and perfection of the George F. Will 'S3 John B. Henry '61 tails. 4 simply, is the G. O.'P.'s re- yet, at tim«s a Soft Gloria. PSter Kemble '61 The wistful Sanctus pointed "Passacaglia.' Assistant Editor In the event of such an oc- luctance on the vyhole to put John E. Stambaugh '61 curance, the Democrats will forward candidates who are in to the vocal grace attainted •' . i Faure 'Eequlcns' NEWS STAFF be mbr

• .'.'•. ••'''•' - \ '•"• ••'• '.- or lull-time £*culty member iarfwrt, they ca l School or College : ' ' •when you writ* to; Tell the truth, girls: Is that Name Just 4 miles South of Hartford MR. PAT GREEN College Relation* Oept. Address Telephone Jackson 9-5779 ! Not Valid After Saturday Novembsr^, I960 Sheraton Corporation 1 470 Atlantic AYenus Barrie Lid., 22 Trumbull St., Hartford . Bottan id, Mass. City Zone . Stdte- • sjscial offer aiailabls ONLY tn allege ;L—;- --•-;- - - —;-:~ -_"."'"..~:;"; "•" faculty numbers. 2nd caUon iiSaxitt, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7

PAGE FOUB —m—— • -••.,.' Crucial\ AL Tilt Freshman Bantams Defeated By Amkerst 26-8; Shultzmen McPhee Suffers First Defeat In Two Years Ends In Protest the that this was definitely a verv Nov. 5 The outmanned .version attempt, making by STEVE PERREAULT : successful season, finishi :» Trinity freshmen were dumped score, 14-8. NOV. 1 — Darkness was Split Pair; But the Jeffs iced the game \ with 3-1-1. However, lv> thin1;'? NOV. 5—The undefeated from the ranks of the unde- quickly descending Over tfie feated" by • Amiherst in their up at the start of toe finali they had the potential for a field as QED's Tom Watt Amherst freshmen soccer period. A blocked punt at mid- better one. Their inconsistency team defeated the Trinity final game of the season, 26-8. dropped back to punt with sec- field set them up for a 34-yard wgs toe majOr cause o£ thei"r onds left in the game. freshmen 7-2 today at the Am- Missed tackles and the in- experience of the defensive touchdown pass from Chuck, . . The ball arched high and herst field. Six different men Lewis to Bob SantonellL A^hortcomtn~s- Thc> 3llst dldn * were credited with goals for secondary were the major deep. It was caught in the causes of defeat. Second-half few minutes later, John North j seem to jell m any one game, Deke end zone by their star the Jeffs, while Jack Gordon bucked over from the 1-yard j There is definitely some and Peter Melrose scored one injuries to Zig Pabich and back Chris Gilson. He hesita- spark-plug Larry Silver also line, making the score 26-8. | varsitv material on this squad. ted. All of the' QED players each for Trinity. ... choked the Blue and Gold at- ThTh e score "was not idiindica-| | Coach' IVicFhee the thinking the game was over Both regular Trinity goalies, tack. live of the nature of the game, ii " Peter Hodges and Mike Ander- paid little notice to Gilson, LinLi e plal y on both sides was!interio!i r linemen, halfback Bill who Walked through them un- son, were unable to take their The first quarter , ende, d very intense. Larry Silver, | Campbell, and quarterback touched. . accustomed positions in the scoreless. It was marked by Zig Pabich and punts, fumbles, and vicious I - Gerry Dcnault.rjou? Drynan may he of par- He proceeded to scamper the nets due to recent injuries. iplayed very fine games. Bill' ~ _ ^ This weakened the normally tackling. ticula scrvicc of length of the field for a touch- I Campbell and Doug Drynan , ,,TT . , . r-?f down. Deke claimed that the tight Trinity defense -which In the second quarter. thel t .., Sllver he says He !s b v far Lord Jeffs scored on a 49-yard j P^, c] ™, •nsive attack. ! > ' - TD was valid and that they had previously recorded two Therr e was no denying that!the best linebacker I have pass from Chuck Lewis to|. should be credited with a 12-6 shutouts and had. gi.ver> up an 6he team la e we h the ad average of just over one goal John North. The "t^oint I P ^ f "> ^ >' i h -" victory. QED says that the er UPa nSt Sllghtlybet h touchdown Should not be per game. . conversion was SuccesSfUi;giv-^ ! ^ / -i , t ing them an 8-0 first-ihalf lead, iter -team- The>' Reserved a bet-1 The score by quarters: allowed and that, therefore, Coach Shults was philosoph- ter te tn To open the third period,j & an a 26-S defeat. (Trinity freshmen 008 0—8 -Iio game end as a 6-6 tie. ical about the outcome of the Amherst launched an 87-yard Coach Chet McPhee feels j Amherst freshmen OSI Ordinarily a situation such game." He said that Amherst march, capped by Bob Santo- as this would not gain much Io6ked like the 'better ball club nelli's 1-yard plunge. j attention, but in this case on this particular day. He But the Bantams came roar- whichever team wins the noted, however, that tne gams ing back. An inspired 64-yard SLOSSilRG'S argument also wins the Ameri- was closer than its score in- p y can League championship. A dicated. The final three Jeff drive, sparked by Doug Dry- Overstock Clash Sale I decision as to whether the goals were scored in the clos- nan's passes and runs moved .score will be allowed, dis- irig minutes of the ball game Trin • within .striking distance. © SUITS Who stands on his head and allowed, or the game replayed After Drynan scored from the The freshmen piay their « TOPCOATS bends over backward for is expected to be made soon 3-yard line, he threw a pass S SFOKT JACKETS Capt. Guild and Friend 'Photo Credit Fred Dole) by the athletic department. sixth and final game at Wes- to Bill Campbell on the con- your POMG? leyan on. Nov. 11. Coa'.h Shults © SLACKS The controversy centers is optimistic that thj fresh- m SHIRTS around the referee and whether men will end their season with leyan in this important game. Who gives 3 years Free ' a TIES or not he actually blew the a 4-2 record by defeating Wes- NOV. 2—The freshmnn soc Service on POMG watches? Fourth Period Wins ball dead when Gilson hesi- cer team made it two victories 2G%.33*A% OFF tated in the end zone thereby in a. row today with a 2-1 win What Jeweler give you the ending the game. freshman Bantam team are over Williams at the Trinity Sfossberg's inc. Red Carpet Treatment, IM Scoring slants — TX \ the league-leaders in their re- field. One goal.each/oy John CAMPUS SHOP scored just 9 points to their spective i divisions—both have Gordon and Buzz Tomkins H there is any doubt to For Unbeaten Amherst opponents 19 while compiling perfect 4-0 records. provided the hard-fighting bail At The Foot of a fine 5-2 record. They won club -with enough offensive these answers, ask the guy NOV. 4—Unbeaten Amherst shot over the head of goalie pressed the crowd with his Intramural Tennis Standings Fraternity Bow tallied a late fourth period Schectman. all-around hustle, while. goalie three games by forfeit... All National League power to record their third next to you! National League games were win of the year against only goal to nip a frustrated Bant- Minutes later Bantam right Dick Schectman, though in- Bantams 4-0 1317 Broad St. Open Eve. am Eleven 3-2 here today. wing Janos Karvazy lied the jured midway through the shutouts . Delta Phi had the 4-1 one loss. undesirable distinction of yield- AXP A large homecoming gather- score as he dazzled the crowd second quarter, came back to Jaguars 2-1 Williams took a total of 29 ing was treated to a xoughly with a low liner into the lower play brilliantly in the nets. ing the most points—101 . . . 3-2 shots at the Trinity goal, bui Total scoring in the American Psi U. contested game between two left hand corner of the visitors It proved to be the Bantams Sigma NU 3-3 the alert Bantam defLnse, led FOLKLORE PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS net. • third setback . of the year League neariy doubled that in 1-3 by goalie Peter Hodges, allow- well matched teams. the National League. Theta Xi Early Score!) The tie stood up until for- against five wins. Next Friday Neds 0-3 ed only one Eph tally. with the assistance of Ihs Trinity Folksingtrs Intramural Football Final The Lord Jeffs initially ward Robin Mahar of the Lord they take on rival Wesleyan Phi Psi . 0-41 This" was the closest game at home to round out their Standings ibroke into the scoring column Jeffs stole the ball m front American League of the year for the freshmen of " the Trinity goal and put schedule. National League The Ephmen threatened to America's Mast Popular FblJTSmgers when center halfback Bill PA St. A. • 4-0 his team ahead. PF A. D. 4-1 the end to score the tallies Strong pummeled ar> outside Sigma Nu 6-0-1 66- The third quarter was TIIXEY ABROAD Delta Phi 5-2 which would overcome Trin- AXP 5-0-2 73 Brownwell 4-2 ity's two first period goals marked by brilliant defensive Evan T i 11 e y, '61 former 5-2 president of the International Theta Xi 9 QED 3-4 Coach Robert Shults called play on the part of'both sides. Psi U. 4-2-1 50 CONCI TRINITY SIX FOOT1R5 Ilhi Synn, however, put the Relations Club, is spending a Pi K. A. 2-3 this the best game of the year "FolkSongs I Bantams 2-4 0 Jarvis 0-5 for the Trinity hooters and Bantams back in the • game year abroad at the University 2-5 of. Vienna. - Jaguars 3 Deke 0-5 gave much well-deserved Around I WOOL MUFFLERS with an accurate shot past the Phi Psi 0-5 0 prone Amherst goalie. -( Phi Psi TheWorW I Ninety-four college students Neds 0-6 0 0-4 praise to both teams. $4.50 end $5.50 This set the stage for the from the U.S. are studying at the university. They live with American League Sun., Nov. 13, 3 p.m. of Matching Mittens $ 1.95 decisive blow. Inside Jim *QED 6-0 86 0 CHAR-BROILED STEAKS Noyes then grabbed a rebound Austrian families and study 24 courses conducted in English *Deke 5*1 59 159 High St., Hartford with less then, three minutes St. A 5-2 92 13 $1.75 in the final period and and German. Trinity College Pi K. A. 3-2-2 54 38 ••*•*• > • . Special Student rate— $2.05 admission [regular rammed in the winning score. The program is under the A. D. Phi 3-3-1 27 27 Bookstore A strong effort by the Am- auspices of the Institute of Brownwell 3-4 32' 99 MUSIC BY THE $2.75) if purchased in advance from TRINITY FOLK- herst goalie turned back many European Studies,, a non-profit Jarvis 1-6 0 61 STARLFTES OF SPRINGFIELD SINGERS, Box 988 Trinity College, Hartford 6. Conn. Bantam opportunities to go organization specializing . in D. Phi 0-7 13 101 Every Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Nite ahead. overseas education for Amer- *resords do not include dis- Phone CH 9-2375 ican college students. : THE TIE CENTER Capt. Alex Guild was two- puted QED-Deke game. • • •• *•'.-• .'•. timed . and throttled • for only The Institute, founded in NOV. 5—As things now Send stamped,' addressed snvejope and make check 93 Pratt Street the second time this year. 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