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1 ..~ ..... _.-...... 0 .- .., I' ~--=.- .••., ...... ,.... All the News of

AU the Pointes Every Thursday MorninCl rosse POI hte N~ws ~.. Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home ------VOL. 40--NO. 39 PwbU;~::~;/I~:C:;cfD~:~:I~,~~~I~::tit. GR OSSE P_O_I_N_T_E_,__M._I_~~G ~N_, _T_~U_R_SDA ~~..S_E_P__T__E__M_B_E_R_2_7_,_'_9_7_9_. s~_~c_,oo_P'_;,_~_.:~,- . 3_8_P_a__g_e_s::_T_h_re_e_S_e_c_ti_o_n._s_-__~_e_c_ti_o~?_n_e_ A -_._---_._-----_._------I .-----1 Ethnic Festival Highlights Anniv~rsary Celebration GP Woods 'Juvenile Crime I HEA~~!NES I !Residents WEEK ' ITask Force Set iCet W~ish As Compiled by The .{1 Planners Okay Low-Me- Grosse Pointe News ,~W7';? To Be Formed dium Density Designa- tion for Northwest Thursday. september 20 Area. Eliminating THE FEDERAL AVIATION I Administration, (FAA), or- : School Board Trustee Gandelot Agrees to Lead High dered detailed inspections of I Structuring of Group Which Will Seek Ways all DC9 jets for possible to Fill Void Left by YSD; Estimated 200 By Roger A. Waha flaws in the rear section of Citizens Attend Big Meeting "A living, dynamic dvc- the plane. The order came ______ument" is how several down after an Air Canada By Susan McDonald officials described .The DC9 lost a tail cone in flight, forcing the plane to School Board Trustee jon Gandelot last week Woods' land use plan for make an emergency landing, agreed to lead the formation of a community-wide the year 2000, with the A FAA spokesman said about task force on juvenile crime that will seek ways document being approved 125 out of 377 DC9s in do. to fill the void in services left by the recent demise by the Planning Commis- mestic service will be affect. u.f the Youth Scr-vice Division, (YSD). siGn at a special meeting i':d by tlit: jii~pediun and ii The School Board vice. J ------Tuesday evening, Sep- cracks are found, repairs president made the commit. tember after one key must be made before the C bl TV 18, ment after a two-hour forum a e revision. plane can fly again. Air on Tuesday, September 18, "This to my knowledge is Canada, mea n w h i 1 e, an. that ~~s attended by almost Ft.rms Make the first comprehensive land nounced that their DC9s will 200 c1tizens. • use plan done for the City of fly no higher than 25,000 feet. Normally the passenger The forum was organized F. 1 T Grosse Pointe Woods,". ob- by the League of Women tna ry served Brandon M, Rogers, jets fly up to 35,000 feet. Voters, (LWV), with the who prepared and revised Friday, .september'" '" 21 backing of 21 service groups. the document over a two. THE HOUSE CLOSELY Its purpose was to "pressure Mega Vison, Cox Strive year period, ~r~:~~~d ~~ i~a~a~~r~~~f; ;~ ~~~dUc~~ie~ :~:lacsec~~~~s f~~ to Get Nod from Mu- in:.ri~~e tOp~~~n~:t~~:~~~: places doubt over how the Notre Dame High .School will cele~rate its FARRAR of Stratton place, REV, CLIFTON the YSD," a c cor ding to nicipalities; Local sion had tabled action on the canal will be operated when 25th anniversary next month with an Ethnic MOORS SM t f N t D H' h S h I league president F ran c e s Councils Set Spe- plan on June 26 and again the treaty takes effect Octo- F ' , rec or 0 0 re ame 19 c 00, S h b IS' on Julv 24 after northwest ber 1. The House and Senate estival featuring lots of food, games, entertain- and MRS, ROBERT PICCIRELLI of Lakeshore c onen erg. cia eSSlons to area citizens expnssed con- will now have to meet to ment and just plain fun. Helping plan the event road. The event will be held Friday, Saturday Draws Relationship Further Ex- cern over a high density res- work out key issues. Although are, (from left tJ right), MRS. TROM SULL!- and Sunday, October 5, 6 and 7, at the school. Apparently the forum suc. plore Ques- idential designation for their the treaty was passed by the VAN of Sunningdale drive, MRS. CHARLES 20254 Kelly road. (See story, Page 7.) ceeded in making its point. section, (i,e., 121 and above Senate last year and will be Mr. Gandelot acknowledg- tion dwelling units per gross in effect next month regard- h ed after the meeting that it acre). . h is obvious '''there is strong By David Kramer - Iess 0f House action, t e Sc ools. Eye _ In' novatl.ve PI.oJ.e...'-.~.ton Inct.'-lerator community support for a reo Over 1.000 Responn House has an equal say in structured community _wide While several of the Citizens were particularly the administrative structure agency fOl' dealing with Pointes and Harper upset over any potential pro- of the canal. A White House Medl.att.On PI.eventl.on of Blight Problems youth problems." Woods have all but de- liCeration of multiple dhell. spokesman sa i d President I T lk AI M k E Ide He and a group of city cided to go with the War ings in the single-Iamily resi. Jimmy Carter will make ev- II a s ong ac xp ore o'lti'lue representatives present at Memorial cable televi- dential area in the future, cry effort to obtain passage th t' h d . 1 t f' along with a related concern of the treaty. e mee mg ear argu. slOn. pan, wo l~ms are over a decline ll\ property • .• • Initial Meeting between Gerald Luedtke of Luedtke And Associates Vii:ws ments for the formation of makmg a last dItch ef- values and a possible laml Saturday, september 22 PI f, E IS d h b f Authority Fa c e s Shut- a youth-oriented bureau from fort to have the cities re- I use trend "'I'thl'n the Cl't.\. ans or xperimenta tu y wit Mem ers 0 d 0 d f St th l. t d d f n BETWEEN 300 AND 500 Soar, d Teac har Teams own r er rom ate; ree pane IS s an ozens 0 consider the i r prefer-I w},ich could affect other sin. million cubic feet of MeXl.can Slated for October 2 Woods Block Grant Citizens. Advisory EmlSSJons" C amp I'Jance citizensPanelistsin theincludedaudience.Michi- ences f or a francillse,. , g1e-fami'1y dweII'mg areas. natural gas will make its way C ommission', Eff ort to Involve Co- 0 ea dl'me Runs aut gan Court of Appeals Judge 111ega v'ISlOn. Company of Bruce .' EVan Farowe of through U.S. pipelines soon. By Susan McDonald operation of Four Pointes, October I George N. Bas h a r a Jr" Detroit surprised the Farms Brys dnve and Dr. Lawrence After two years of negotia. The state will step in Detroit Grosse Pointe Ministerial As. and Park Councils Monday, A. Marten of Hampton road tions. Mexico and the U.S. next month to help B D "d K sociation President Dr. Ken- September 24, with are. ca.nvassed the city an.d sub- have come to terms on the Grosse PJinte teacher By Roger A. Waha y aVI ramer neth Lentz and Sue Kinnaird, vamped offer that would ac- ml~ted petltlO';s be.armg an ~~~~~hOfwfI~sa~o~~i~ ~~u$nj~Ji and Board of Education A study focusing upon the prevention of blight For the second t.im~ in mother of a South High tually give the cities more eshmat.ed 1,007. slgnatu~e~ alon M k . I. th . f three months the mcme School student and active cash than would the War pro~estl~g t~e high denSity per 1,000 cubic feet. The gas negotiators solve their g ac avenue, mvo vmg e cooperatIOn 0 . , - community leader, Memorial's. Its offer is to ~eslgna,tlO!1 In several loca. from Mexico, however, will c::ntract dispute. four Pointes and Detroit, was explored by Gerald ratorG opera.tedP t bY.CI tthe The municipalities were ma ke th e clties,.. as a whole, tlOns' WithIn the Clt",- for mul not affect Michigan gas sup-' The first meeting between L ue d t k e of L uedtke and Associates Wedensday ~rosse . om es- m on 15 perce t r .t d t tlples e g apartments town plies, While it certainly will even' g S t b 19 t t' f th W d Refuse DIsposal Author represented by City Manag- n Iml e par ners hous 's ~r'high r' ' the two teams and state me- m, ep em er ,a a mee mg 0 e 00 s . - er Thomas Kresbach from in the system, e. Ises. . improve relations between diator Richard Terepin is Community Development Block Grant, (CDBG), Ity faces a shutdown or- , One of the SIXareas listed, the two countries, President C. A d f th t t Grosse Pointe City, Council. The W~r Me",l0nal's pro- (and the only one changed Jimmy Carter called the scheduled for Tuesday, Oc- itlzens dvisory Commission. er rom e s a e. man W. James Mast from posal, whIle calling for a 25 by the Planning Commis- agreement "a significant step tober 2, at School Board of. Experimental in nature, the I Authority. attorneys hope The Far m s, Councilman percent share of the profits sion), was the northwest forward providing a new !icc~. V..tH that timi':, iiu I ~lutiy, "mack Avenue in The (through the Pointes), It to .once agam stall. by court Douglas Graham from The by the cities collectively, ac- area. With an estimated 100 source of energy supplies" talks are scheduled between Year 2000; A strategy to Pre- will be 20 to 25 yea1.S before actlOn the ~rder. l~sued by Park, Shores Village Presi- tually would return less to citizens in attendance at the for this country. the Board and the employe vent Penetration of Mack it covers the rest of Mack," the state ~Ir. Pollution Con. I dent Geraid C. Schroeder I them, since Grosse Pointe meeting, many of whom were * .. .. union. Avenue Blight," is being fi- stated Mr. Luedtke, He had trol CommlssIOn on Tuesday, and Woods Mayor Benjamin Cable Inc" (their cable interested in the northwest I Sunday. September 23 It will mark the third can. nanced by an $85,000 CDBG earlier said that if the well. September 18. W. Pinkos. firm). is a corporation, sub- area specifically, the comrnis- AS SOON AS 1985, U.S. secutive contract dispute that Innovative Projects Program established trend of the past The current court-ordered Mrs. Schonenberg intro- ject to a 50 percent corpor. sioners unanimously agreed motorists may avoid those has been entered into by the grant, with The Woods acting 30 years continues, blight extension of the emissions duced the speakers by not- ate tax before dividends are to drop the high density des, long lines at the pump by state. as the contracting body in should reach Vernier by the compliance deadline run~ out ing that "the Grosse Pointes declared, ignation for a low.medium driving electric cars. Accord- Issues Remain cooperation with The Park, year 2000. r Mond,ay, Octob~~ 1. (Continued.on Page 4) Cox Also Com~tes density classification, (5.1 to ing to a copyrighted story in Mr. Terepin also served as City, Farms and Detroit. Some communities take a I .In, Its 6-4 decls~on, the c?m. ..~ t~e pa~tnershlp Mega 7 dwelling units per gross the "Chicago Tribune," Gen- mediator during the last dis. The fallacy seems to be small strip and bring it back, ~lsslOn went agams~ the fmd. Chambe G VlsIo.n IS calhng for. no such, acre). which the area basil:- era 1 Motors Corporation is pute in 1976. That contract when blight is present, then he said, while citing The ~ngs of a state heanng exam- r roup tax IS, present. Income tax: ally is today. working on plans to develop was settled in 1977 after a something is done, said Mr. ~ark's ~ercheval Revitaliza-, ~~e: .~~o ..~ad _,~~,c~m~en~ed I Plan ~ rnnr rl. ~I~ne IS ~ss~s.sed to the par.! Commissioner Paul Roth. a high.powered battery that state _appointed fact _finder Luedtke. "It's unique for us ttOn Project "which could be LIlaLLilt:aULhoULYu~ t;ranle~ - - -- ..... ~ - - - _e. - Lner~, ana c1ties pa). no such I' enburg, .vla amendmg his will allow the auto maker to issued a report on Grosse to try to stop it before it successful as a transitional a hvo-year exten~lOn until --- tax. , own motIOn, m(l\'ed that the produce high-speed electric Pointe. The two sides also occurs, It's like a cancer to area as blight has not gone ~ew control devices could be A. concert by the Chamber The other firm. co~peting "commission reexamine the cars in six years. Although a went into fact.finding in a city. Sometime it's so far too far," Installed at the plant. MUSIC Players of Grosse before the counCils 1S COXI total plan every five years, GM spokesman could not 1973, gone, it's difficult to save Currently preparing the Takes Ex~ept.ion Pointe will open the season Ca~le Communications, Inc .. i ~including any possible ad. confirm or deny the story, The last bargaining session the tissue." master plan for the City of If th~ authority IS unable on Sunday, OCtober 7, in the Wh1Ch has been granted Ilustment in density levels I, it is expected that the auto was held on Saturday, Sepo On Test:ng Theories Birmingham and working as ~o obtain another extension, Crystal Ballroom of the War I franchises in SI. Clair Shores' while reclassif~ ing the nort h. company will produce he. tember 15. The teachers' bar- While pointing out that planning consultant for the It would. be forced to revert Memorial, 32 Lakeshore road, and The Shores. Although west area from high to to\\- tween 5,000 and 10,000 elec- gaining team walked out of Mack avenue today is viable, City of Dearborn Mr Lued- ~o landfll.1 operations, add- at 2:30 p.m. not committing itself. Cox medium. tric.powered cars in .the mid. the talks at midnight, calling Mr, Luedtke noted that com- tke explained to the attentive 109 ~ons1derable .tran~port Works of Chausson, Bar- ~inted it could offer the cit. ~Io~ion Fails 1980's. the Board's last oifer "un- mercial b I i g h t has now commissioners that several C?st Increases to ItS waste tok, Mozart and Bridge will les 20 percent ownership of On denSity classification, '" '" '" acceptable," crossed Alter road and is be. experimental theories will be dIsposal ,costs .. alrea~y. one be performed by Doris Pagel, a corporate system. the plan. also encompasses Monday, St'pt€mber 24 At the last session the ginning to penetrate the tested. of t~e .hlghest .m A-hchlgan, soprano. and Fontaine Laing The Shores was granted a low density, (I to 5 units TERMED AS THE largest Board offered teachers a portion of Mack which trans. Saying that blight ('ontains The In~lnerator IS one of only on piano; Betty Peterson on three percent franchise fee, per acre), and medium den. demonstration of its kind in three.y~ar financial package verses .The Park. Saying this several signs including the I thrc.e m the state. , violin and Janet Young on which is taken right off the slty. (7 ~ to 12 units per this nation's history, about including a nine percent is an extension of the blight state of physical disrepair of . RIck Johns, a n;glOnal :n. piano;. Doreen Taylor. and t?~ ~f gross revenues. T~e ~cre). \\ ~lle all categories 200,000 protesters gathered pattern in Detroit, he indi- structures economic obso- gl.n.~e.r for the AIr Quahty Josephme Howes on plano; CItIes 20 percent ownership tnclu.de slngle-famll~ reSI. in Manhattan to rally against raise each year. The union cated it's now up to Notting. lescence ~r::l a number of DIVISion, Department of Nat. and Richard Pippo on cello, would be an addition to this dentlaL medium and high the use of nuclear power in had proposed a two-year ham road. marginal businesses which ural ~esources, attended the I The public is invited. Tick. fee. denSIty also allow two.family this country. The protesters settlement including 11 and "We need to stop blight or exist for a short period of c?mmlssion, m~eting in Lan, ets are available at the door The War Memorial's pro. duplexes, terra,'c and gar- were joined by rock stars (Continued on Page 2) it will extend along Mack, time before disappearing, he smg. He saId It was, n?t un-I for ~2. I (Continued on Page 8) I d~n apartments,. With t~c and activists Jane Fonda and stated on~ th~ud is thai 11S1I:! I f,nr !h~ comm!SSlOn to I ------.-----\ hIgh dens!t} da,slflcatlOn Ill- Ralph Nader, who urged the W d S 1 N dh Ibreaks in a developed strip I go .aga!nst. th.e hearings ex. P k C .. ,eludIng high rlS,'S. crowd to eleet an anti.nu- 00 S e ects or aus commercial area tend to stop ammer s, fmdm.gs. ar onstderlng Halt i An effort _on th ... part of clear president in 1980. Dem- blight, e,g" res ide n t i a 1 The aIr, q~ahty staff, and i som,e CItizen, to change prop. onstrations also were held F De 0 h. S complexes commercial busi. t~e commISSion, "took excep- T D · H I ert) at the rear port Inn of around the country from or m grap lC 'urve). nesses op~n areas et al tlOn" to several findings of 0 emOllstratlon OllSe It,he Grosse POinte Raptist Washington State to Ver- (C~ntinued on 'Page 6) the. examiner, ~e said, in. IChurch, ,\Irst of G,'l'the, mont, where police arrested The Woods Council, which, drive and from Mack to Mar. . dudJn~ the flndmg that the By Joanne N. Gouleche I prised of the Planning Com. ' (Continued on ra~1' 2) 167 persons for unlawful approved a rccommendation I ter road. Area II, (costing R authOrity had workcj "dili. Discussion about the house mission, I ------trespass into the Vermont from its Community Develop. $2,500), lies west of Mack espouse Good gently" tow~rds c,ompliance. at 10M Lakepointe avenuc,! The Park purchascd the: Vandals llit Yankee nuclear plant. ment Block Grant, (CDBG), and extends from Vernier to T CPR Cl Thc exam mer Cited as un. which was a controversial house from the Department I -., • • '" • Citizens Advisory Commis. Kenmore road and from 0... ..I ass rcasonable thc $3.75 addition. issue sevcral months ago, was ~of Housing and Urban Ile.; ~h()f'('S IfOIll(' Tuesday. September 25 sion in June for a demogra.1 Mack to the west city limits, al cost per person se~ved per considered by the Park Coun.1 ve!opmcnt, (HtlJ), for Sl in \ GENERAL MOTORS Cor. phic survey, recently accept- Administrative Aide Ger. About 20 people showed I year the authOrity said would eil again-but It was not dis.IIo'ebruary with hopI'S of fix-, \\" .- . poration's fastest selling cars ed the quote of Nordhaus ard E. McNamara pointed out up at The Park firl' station i be ncccssary.to convert to cussion on future plans for I ing it up to demonstrate to' than1ndo\\S \allll'd at mOft' /Ire creating the most prob. Research, Inc., of Farming. by striving to expand the on Saturday, September 15.lla~d~i11 o~er_hons, The com, the hou~c. : residcnts how the)' can ren. I $500 . "ere reported I('ms for the auto company. tDn in the total amount .of strategy area, the city would to participate in a cardio. m1SSIon d1d not agree that The council was surprised' ovate their own homes. The! brok('n at a Shor('s home that The X.car compacts have $5,200 to conduct the study. be eligible for r.lore monies. pulmonary resuscitation class co:~ was lI!1rcasonabl£'. to Il'arn from City Mlinager; city planned on using a S50,' ! IS, undrr con,lrucllOl1 at 25 been known to be responsi- Nordhaus also conducted If we qualify the new areas, sponsored by the fire depart, The bIg dlffl'rence bc' John R Crawford that thl'! 000 HUll grant. I R{~al plan', hIe for at least nine hood the survey of the northwest about 2,000 homes will be ment. . t~".('('n the. Grosse Pointes, cit}' wants to halt renova. i That $50,000 HtTD grant (ontrad"r R,l.\ n"'nll Gar. fires and now GM has reo area of the city, with the rc. included in the strategy arca Fircfi!(hter Ma t' n Clinton faclhty anrl the oth. tion of the hous~ at 10941 spurred ncgative rraction ,.",.,,11 ", ~Iln (10/\I, ...... _..• __ ., _"_'_"'_~ .... .:!::::;;:~:! t:: ~!)7!)C~~c !~:;d~,I :'!l,,~t ,,~':!~,c!ln::'d::- ~"'''::S'''''' eq,~l",r:;.n~~,'.:~~r, !ohns .sald. I the lltlZl'ns AdVIsory Board: ("cpt c~,rlaln conditIOns, nam, .W. of the X'.~ar line, ~-hi~h.~~p:I ~il;'~~~;;:i;hb~rh~~;t~i;:t~g; with the approval of Wayne ling fUhlre classcs .. ": . ,".• -" ,h~ _"~m,'"<,~,, ~ thol 1h" 1'11(1. r"""IVI'O on In" : p'Y ,.,,. ,",.,.pn ,,, :'r""'n.~ !("!'.\' " .. ",," !!;. !;-:." ': '';'': ,"" '" re~ents the Chevrolct Cita- area County, Such approval was I The intc t f -ih I . con~ldcrcj that fa~t In .Its ' hou~e were too hi~h for thl' . income housing in the com. poli('l' Indl('a1('d that \'and:-d', .:...... ,,~ TL ••• ~_ ~ nl. • I •• _ ,. __ .' n 0 c c ass IS O('(,I"lon Thfl :lnflHlTlfv n:unt. 11T'()lf'lrf t" hn ,..""l"',M ...... ,A ...... t ;... n.... "'''', "'I' j "" "aL • IIVC'''.... IHca I, tcostmg 31":, IUU), Just recelvcCl, permlttmg toe to teach persons how to sta, I'd ih \' , ' t ., I' -, ,- , •.: •• " •••• ~ ,. .. " .... \ " '\II llll,,'IIl\\ 1\ "")('('1 the Oldsmobilc Omega ~nd lies ca.t of Mack avenue and city to transfer surplus funds I bl'I'z 't' - t'l d: I' Ill) In 0 a corner on onomlcal1y feaslbl(', Those It also was ttll' rl'com. through Ihl' wind"w,: . I I,e VICIms un I mc lea It, own" , b'd d f ""3000 t d t' f h ," t e Buick Skylark, extends {rom Vernier to Brys (Continued on Page 2) : hi' th " I 1 S range rom ...... , 0 , men a Ion 0 t l' (Itlz"ns There an' no .\1,1""'" in h I e p arrlvcs on e scene, I (Contlnupd on Page 10) $2:10,000, (Thc board is com.: (Continued on Page 10' the 1n(',d(,llt, p,,1o('<''.lId l__ ~._ . , . . ~ ~ ' . t.

Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd.y, September 21~.1979 Ability is measured by i II _ - - - • ~~~~:wefinish, not what we : Woods Plan'l.e:rs Appr~v~ .Lend lJ-scDo~~mcnt. /'-1...... _ A~l~J"O~'~N"~."-'~W" :. ~AL=::L'"PA". ~'I-..' w~ U ' - (Continued froll '.«e 1) I Meanwhile, Karl Standley I (Mr. Rothenburg during Ithe zoning ordinance. ..- . of Aline drive said he had the diSl'lIs~inn nnte'! th:: pb;;.. "=~'"~ manaated require- E C H L IN I.,In~rl~._~{ ,~.IlI~~ drlv.e. from, peulIon:; containing 126 'contams several prototypes ment m Michigan for city 0Y! jOr I~"dlulll, l~l urll felt to be names objecting to high den. for off.street parking and all planning commissions once FARMS hl~h), d~nslty to low.medlum sity housing in the north should be considered in the formed persuant to state law 0 DISCOUNT faJ1e~ vIa a 4-4 vote. This section of the city. He said future.) to prepare and adopt a land COUNCIL 1 }~cat~o~ was a~~ther area the main objective was to "I'm very happy with the use plan," he said, while not. I listen In the petttlons. restrict the community to way things turned out," said ing. once it's published, (the r------, single family dwellings, tell- Dr Marten. "I'm happy that ndt step.), it must be cerU. SEPTEMBER SPECIALS AT ing the commission that ad. the character of the neigh- fied and then will. ultimately PICHE'S HAIR CENTER justmenls in one area of the borhood will not be changed. go to the counCil and the PLUS DELIVERY CHARGE Located in Sf. Clair Professional Bldg. city will affect other areas. On re.evaluating every five Wa)'ue County Registrar 0: I 22151 Moro.. I'!d. Mr. Standley added he was years I feel it's a good idea. Deelb. NOADDrn"l~l. ~!I~"~~PEP!~~ ~ MON., TUES.. WED. - SHAMPOO & SET $5 ! disappointed the way every. It will keep tabs on the He estiMated it will trb ..- ~.",;' ...... Salon Hcu:, 9 a.m .• lj ii."'" Mon.• SIt. thing transpired sans: the ~~; ~".L _L. • _ ..•' :-r.1','.~~~-:':":.l It month to reo ~.r~lln.nh, ~;5 ~~;-.; :;.:;;;.-:;;;;;;;'-1 ilu1 plan was desperately needed h t h bl' d I , "-. j "In Best Interellt" by the city," said Mr. Roth. as 0 av~ a p~ I~ eve. WE GUARANTEE BETTER SERVICE Mr. VanFarowe indicated enburg, while noting the city opment pohc~ which IS ad~p- HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:00 A.M. :" 5:00 P.M. ' some disappointment over has an antiquated plan now, ted .so such Issues as ma~n. Our dress suit the fact that citizens in other (a 1957 document mainly tenance codes, Community affected areas, (e.g., south focusing upon Mack avenue, Development Bloc~ Grant puts the young side of Vernier in the vicino plus other studies). fu~ds, street closmgs ~nd businessman ity of Fairway lane and north neighborhood conservatIon, side of Vernier between Mar. "If the city is to grow, it (among others), can be THE BLAIRMOOR SUIT elegantly ter road and Mack), didn't needs. a living, breathi~g, viewed." at ease on seek to have their locations dyn~ml: documen~ !~r Its This document is needed For the More Youthful Build his own terms changed to low. medium den. contan~mg pro.sperlty: . so it can be read by citizens, in anybody's sity. I Saymg. zonmg WIll gIve developers, et a1., toward reo "I felt I shouldn't speak the pl~n.lts teeth, h.e f~1t the investing in the community, world. to that," he said, while ex. C?,m~lSSlOn owed It t.o !?e rather than disinvest in it. {~:~ Tailored in pressing plea~l.ire over the CloY.O keep .the pl~~ In ~ne The city can either go up. our updated northwest area change. "I forefront of Its deCISIons. ward. with high values. he totally support the planning Commissioner Peter Gile. noted, or become stagnant t~, \!._, \ 2 button model process and it's wise and zan stressed that the plan and decline. .• . ,:4 The coat body and the trou- with a slight prudent for the city to be in. must be a living, dynamic In citing the importance sers are Cut slightly smaller waist suppression. volved in land use planning." document, saying it's import- of the plan Mr. Rogers' said to fit the trimmer shaped Mr. VanFarowe also point- ant that officials adhere to. it "should~'t be frozen in from $185. ed out, "The decision made the "sound principles in- cement" nor "should it be young men. Yet it is done in our area was in the best ~luded in the pla~." He felt changed willy-nilly" but it without losing the traditional interest of the home owners It must be continually as- should be re-evaluated peri. and for all the home owners sessed and updated as the odic ally in the future. natural shoulder styling, in the city." He ielt if the need for change is perceived. MakiDg It Work long fuvored by the busi. northwest area was adversely Meanwhile, Commissioner To make the content of ness or professional man. affected, other areas of the John Kennedy, in saying it the plan come alive adjust. community could suffe~, t~o. was a gooa plan, pointed out ments in zoning will have to He told t?e :omlIUsslon that "very, very constructive become a reality. Solid colors, herringbone that ~wo .mal0t: Issues face compromises" were made at City Attorney George Cat. the ~I~y mcludl!1g .the fact the meeti?g. (in particular. lin had made this clear at weaves and classic stripes, ~hat It s a maturmg comrn~n. Iy emphaSIZing the northwest earlier meetings, saying that all with the most important Ity, ,plu~ the need .t~ proVld.e a~ea. change), by the. com. the plan may not affect cili- a reliable, suff~clent tax ,:!USSIO,:! in relation to differ.' zens at aU or it could be vest. base "now and 10 future mg viewpoints. "The men implemented to the "nth" de. years. Mr. VanFarowe also who made them were ex. gree via amendments to the Coat, vest and trouser 910 5:30 daily expressed so',Ile concern over tremely sincere and thought. zoning ordinanc' b th 80 Kerchrl'al the commerCIal areas regard. ful" '1 eye from 215/ . g t t' I h g s fl' counCl . 882.3590 Grrmr P~il1/r Farm.' ~n po en la c an e" ee. For Mr. Rogers, the ap- 'To make the plan work, I~g the ~ocumf~t wasn \:t~proval of the plan climaxes the council would have to s rong In so. vmg par n one' major phase of his con- amend existing zoning or • .problems, for Instance. tract with the city, with the dinances all or in part in other being the updating of lieu of the plan becoming only a "nice historical doc- ument;' said Mr. Catlin ! Mediation The document itself con. tains sections on existing (Continued from Pige 1) land use study, socioeconom. 12 percent increases. ic profile,. goals and objec. Spokesmen for both teams tives and land use plan, say three issues remain on (covering sucli areas as resi. the table - money, layoff dential, c~mmercial, offices, KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE public and semi-public land .procedures and length of Optn TpumJay El,tningJ 'Iii 8:45 the work year. uses, parking and such im. plementation measures as Prepare for Crisis zoning). It also has numer. Ronald Tonks, chief nego- ous tables and maps. tiator for the Board, said his team requested media. tion because they believe the talks are at an impasse. In the meantime, teachers, For Your Enjoyment represented by the Grosse • • • Pointe Education Associa. tion, MEA/NEA, Local 1, are staying on the job and At Hickey's for "preparing for a crisis," ac- cording to president Curt Lange. SALa: . A "job Action" (strike) style-wise men ...... an.un. • 'tll ., ... investigation is scheduled by union officials from outside Grosse Pointe, while Jocal -teachers are fonning com. mittees to assume various responsibilities in the event a strike is called. The contract with 553 10' cal teachers and librarians expired June 30. ""Mt~t'Jt~f!1Jl~~~;~&~,u.Alt'A!'Jit'A!'Ji~;~~.~&Ai.~J~~JI!'Jl&(!~U~~J~ ~ ~. tll GPW Survey

~ I~ I (Co!lti.m:ed fiGiU. Fage il ~ ~ from its water main and ~ ~ sewer project to the planning ~ GO 0 UT N ~ component of its 1979 grant. ~ I A ~ The survey, which will be \i BLAZER OF GLORY: ~ conducted by telephone. prob. ~ ably won't begin {or a few oe Ff.ATHERSUEDE ~ weeks, said Mr. McNamara. S tll with affected citizens being There 5 a remarkable comfort i~provided a copy of the sur. and shoulder ease In thiS vey and a letter of explana. ~ tion. ~ handsome patch. pocket ",~.." blazer-not to men lion the it~ N {)r d h a u s will tell us l!! whether or not it has a com. dlstlncllon of Lanvln styling plete list of addresses and '" The fabric ISa polyester ~ telephone numbers, he noted, blend With the look and the ~ while adding the questions ~ feel of real suede A ~ will have to be reviewed by iC~ perfecllelsurc companion. r\~ local officials. The letter of I ~ In dark brown. natural explanation will then be sent out and Nordhaus will begin Ian or navy ~ the survey. ~ .. The main objectives of the .,... $265. ~?; previous survey of the north. BLACK or BROWN il ~ whcst ar.ea included aiding ~ l!! t e mUnicipality in deterrnin. $85.' ~ ~~ ing if ithqualified for funds i ~ un der t e CDBG program, ill and how the funds should be ~ ~ utilized. Allen Edmonds designs gorgeous Nappa Calf ~ & '------C rosse dress slip-ons from Italy for your pleasure! Compliments will come your way when you're ~ ~ Pointe News wearing these extraordinary shoes ... A"'; ~ (USPS 230-400) \l~I ~ ,hv ia Published Every Thursday ~ t r ~ By Anteebo Publishers 99 Kerche'll Avenue ~ ~f:tr no~ Gros!lC Pointe, Mich. 48236 ~ (i lI(AGO • m I R()I I ~ Phone TU 2-6900 j ~~ Secoltd Cia.. pold 0'1 I Delrolt, Mlclll.oll.'0.'.... f/ifJ,e.J;otl." IIate. $10.00 pe, ill f ",oil. Since !900 I~no~ Y'.'"dd....",. 011 Moil S"b,crlpllolt." \l~I ~! Chor:;: :~ A44i"CII FO",11 3$79 ." i • :t. IF If.« 99 Kerche ..ol. G,o ... p~!"" fo .... ". K ERCHEV AI. AT 5T CLAIR • GROSSE POINlf ."1... f; IF.I -J " )!'fl"., _~ .. ,- f !)~ II'I ;.lie".Mond.yIn" nooll",Ollli'"• '0' Il....' eo;oy I' ~ Opt" ThurJiillY ElIt""'f(J 'Iii 8 45 ... t WOODu''ARD A' '" • SOMERSET MAll ~ "" od"e,'III". copy ""11' be IIII ~L ¥Y. ,VO;. no ,h. New. OHlc. b" Tu •• doy noon - ~ 1571 WOODWA~DAVE., PHONE964-2300 DETROIT4fl"'" 'i::. "0 Inlure '"Hrtlo". I "lW~~'i11f,;1'i1~~~'i1~~~1W91fW'i1~~~'i1~1W91ftt19N9~

. , ....~__ ~~ ._~ ~ .L ", t' zzd .. • t ... _ _ •••• 1__ 2.3 ••• 1 -'IlIJI£ WItt .. : -- - - -•• -•• - •• --..--.. ..-.------..-- ..•.

Thursday, September 27, 1979 G.R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S

.'...Farms De~es Net COl~~,tHii!.! Kind€rgarten Drain Tax Falls in GP Woods l~" aIa.. . _. _- Bv David Kramer . .".~ t~,;,,~tillie, the councU, T:;~ ':riii.. '''A l.:y~ ••/llS I. creased this year by $'Wi,582.. "re' Inventory -"Ie Moves at ULS dropped fro".i 3.2 mills per 93, Mr. HornUsher pcinted .-. ... Although the Fanns Coun. after deciding his request Forly.four ULS, (Unlver. $1.000 assessed valuation to' oul lhat during the year the ' .. cil voted 4-2. to allow a Yen. for the court had no bearing sity Liggett SchooD, kinder. 3.1 mills by the. Woods Coun-I final payment was made fot dome road resident the nee- on the possibility of a future garten students began the cll at Its rescheduled reg!Jlar Grosse Pointe Woods Drain essary variance to build a backstop request, voted to 2 0 O~ FF academic year in the Lower meeting Monday, September No. I, with the maintenance 0 0 . tennis CO:.lrt in the lot adjl" allow a variance of some SChool building. Moving from 10, based upon the recom. charge for Girard Drain No. cent to his home, the city nt. three f!'et into the front the Early SChool facility, mendation of City Comptrol. 1 being pald. torney later decided the vote yard. kindergarten returns to the ler.Assenor Frederick G. Therefore, he said, there All Vle.tam.ens & Mlen.rals wasn't sufficient to pass. Dr. Fozo had dropped his Lower School where it was Hornflsher. was a nel Increase of $13,' . Dr. Michael Fozo has made ~equest for a backstop, say. located from 1954 to 1971. Noting that the operating 248.87. Reg. two zoning appeals before the mg he could landscape the The move was proll\pted by mlllr:tenance. of the Milk As a result, the lax could I '~:;,e caunell, with the latest heint ~~~I,~ I!d:quat.~~y .to prevent to... t'ft"'e~.PoA e",."I1- .~. In! JllvPI' Ptlmr"n" 5t"I1,...... !,-. ~- 01"",",--,0,.. .. ",. I ...... C;iAU ... I th~ E~~l/s~hooi:--.-. ".,'. . h~l...d at "~~i".; ~ollncf!T il:lon.' ...... ~.:.. "'6 "'''1)'. 1-- . .,..~ -"-'- --~.~.....~. day, September 10, meeting. Several neighboring resi. $1.09 _ dents, including Mrs. Charles Tofu-lib. OfT,¥:e ~~n~~g:~d~~ti~~: R. Moon, objected strongly taught by Yvonne Stahl, .merl-therm• South Teacher to the tennis court, saying Jean Schwenk and Barbara . it would ruin the appearance Kelly with. the assistance of THERMAllY ACTUATED VENT DAMPER Willow Run Soy I lb. Visits England of the street, where homes Marlene Lmthlcum. Twenty. are set back much further three of these ~hi1dren stay Engineered for the utmost in Margarln. By Bridget Janson than the minimum required. for full day sesslOn~. Simplicity Safety and Savings Mrs. Moon's husband is one There are three Important I For many people, visiting of the partners in the law advantages to the "new" lo- Family Orchanl - tbe mother country's roIling firm representing The Farms, cation of the University Lig. INCOME TAX CRIEDIT Wlls and fertile valleys is Dickinson, Wright, McKean, gett kindergarten. Four and available for installation of dampeN Wh.l. Wh•• t anel o'nly a dream. However for Cudlip and Moon. five year olds now have Spinach No.d' •• 12 ••• John Stephens, an English City Attorney Larry Camp. easier access to such facilities' as the children's library and' teacher at South for 11 years, bell told the council the the Uttle people's auditorium. this dream became a reality. night of the meeting that the loofa Spong. I G.12lnch Last Febnlary, the Detroit variance request had passed, Kindergarten and fir s t chapter of the English-Speak. sinee two.thirds of those pres. grade teachers have an ~ven ing Un ion, (ESU), was ent voted for the motion. greater opportunity to co. Fresh Ground Peanut searching for a representa. However, .by the time Dr. ordinate their efforts, and all youngsters benefit from in- tive to travel to England and Ji'ozo came in for his building teraction across grade levels. BuH.r - I lit. $1.19 79* tour its schools. The purpose permit, Mr. Campbell. had of the trip was to learn about further researched the mat- English culture, history and ter, and decided it hadn't, in education and to use what fact, passed. 33 oz. he learned to enhance his The reason, according to 20% OFF teacWng process. city officials, is that five af- ALL PERRIER Mr. Stephens, a taU man firmative votes are neces- 11 oz. 3 pk. with short, dark, wavy hair, sary for the granting of a _PURE & SIMPLE Iefi. P'Ke $1." and ivory white skin, looked variance, no matter what. like he was born and bred The two-thirds figure applies PRODUCTS in Oxford. His bright smile only if the couneil has a SPECIAL vacancy. '.' Oil. Vinegar, Olives and reI a x I n g personality and Fruit Butters could easily persuade any Thus if only four memo . member of the selection com. bers of the dty council are ! Quantities Limited 9. mittee that he was the right present to meet as awning Quanti'ies Limited man for the job. board of appeals, their ac. , On June 9, Mr. Stephens tions would be meaningless, Sol_ Ends Sundo'f,Septembe, 30 even though' they constitute left Detroit and headed for a quorum aa a councl1. Britain. During his live. Install on furnace and water heater to week stay he toured many Because of the cinlum. southern cities. stratford. stances of the case, a second reduce Jossof heat, conserve energy VITAMIN Upon.Avon, Canterbury and opinion is being sought on Salisbury were just a few the vote. City officials iMiIlt and save money. Modulating action stops. they are not impugning the • High .. !quality • Be.ul;"" glClSIlillitll VILLAGE integrity of Mr. campbell or , requires no electrical wiring, is "Travel in England en- • Chalk rllistanl Mr. Moon by doing 10. , E.elUent eOlCt hanced my knowledge and ,.l.nllon maintenance free. HEALTH FOODS understanding of the scope 'Meanwhile, Dr. Fozo ill de. i • bsy 10 IPIllY. drift of English history and liter. termined as ever to let his ' ewe/night . IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION 21151 Mack Ave. tennis court and "try to get . -1d'11100 .... abO\'.. I atures," said Mr. Stephens. brl~k ""' atone a fair shake." He said he is ., • &ly to cle." Grosse Pointe Wood. "The 'people to people' itln. • Fr .. 0I111ll heWda erary was the optimum way "very cool about the back. . Vitamins, Mineral. Brains, juice, for me to become acquainted stop," slnce it can be almost Herbs,Spkes Tea., Cosmetics with Great Britain." as expensive at a court itseU, I' and feels he can do without lochmoor Hardware As he toured the schools, 207-19 MACK at • MI. one. Mr. Stephens noticed the dif. 885-Q242 ference In the two countries' Besides Mr.. Moon, Fred Window Rlpoi, " Maintenanc. educational sy.tenu. One con. SIbley, who Uves across the ora EVElY DAY. SII.... ,. 4 trast is the way Engllib Iltli. street from Dr. Fozo, pro- dentl are lIccepted 1nto col- tested the tennis court plans. lege. At the .ge of 16 one Spealdng in SUpport of the must take an examination. plans were Immediate neigh. If. the pupil p..... he is al. bors Geor,e Fern and Geor,e lowed to go to colle,e. S1;non. Mr. Simon hu a ten. .LUNCHEON MENU: Not only did Mr. Stephel1l nia court of h1I own. visit tchools, but he boarded Votin, to Jrant the vari. with teacher. and headmas- aMe were Councilmen Har. ters during his stay and v1Jit, ry R. Fniebalf. Jack CudHp, ed many of England's beau- Lloyd semple and W. James Monday-Thursday 11 8.m.-12 p.m. tiful sights. Mast. Those opposed were Frlday 11 8.m.-1 8.m. When asked what he Nancy Waugaman and Jo- Saturday 12 noon-2 a.m. thought about the ovet'all trip, seph Fromm. Mayor Jaines Mr. Stephens said, "... It was Dingeman was absent. "1~iO~ Sundays 12 noon-10 p.m. a real adventure. Every day The council is scheduled was packed with a thousand to consider this matter again For Reservations sights and sounds. My con. on Monday. October 1. Harper Woods Phone ta~ts with the people of Eng- 885-5666 land were valuable educa- DREAM WORLD 19265 Vernier Rd. tlonal experi~nces and form- The ellllp!\t thin" ;n t .... I en for me the basis of a Iworld to d~-is to-r~~lve "i~ BUON APPETITO greater appreciation of Brit. begin saving money next ish culture." month. I Experience a wonderful world of gracious Banquet Faeilities Available For All Occasions retirement living, located on the beautIful Detroit River .. ~\)()N APPETll'O Appetizers ElCa ..gol j.75 Shrimp Cocklail .

SI¥ff.d MlUA TO am Cap. .

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Small wilA CA.. " '* Tomalo, 1.75 : I S¥T/&Tr.r/ 1595 SOll.P dw .Iour . . C~p 50 1/0 •. / 75 Bak.d Crack of OnIOn 50.1' ... ,. 1.50 M .d,.m wilA Ch '* T_.u •. , j.75 Lol> Tail, " .. ,'.". " 15.95 .\f111t1tron, .. C~p .50 Bo~'I. 75 ('01.5Iilw ...... 75 l.arg. wilA CA 01 T_alo , , •.7.1 Smell •.... " , ,., 5.25 P.rch p"0/tUtl .. "' " " .. , .' 6.75 B.II.rfI11SArimp , , .. 725 Pizza Topping. Sloiff.d Fu>¥'4de.. , , ...... 6. 75 GN •• P.~,., King Crab Leg •.. "., " 10.50 Gran!ld Buf WHITTIER Braikd WAitefuA .. , , , 7.25 PASTA ITALIAN DINNERS MuArao" .. A 1l1lal,an D..n .... I.cl.d •. A .10010', B ...ad B.. kn. Pickerel b PJI'f'()....10, Mu...... 'oom". n, ..,.,t" ~~d ~,ll.H"" t~~l'l A.a."!"'is M.di ...... 7S pIT it... r,80~...... 9 75 RI('otta Ral'lOll ...... E'lliplan/ Parrn''1O"a .. . 1150 l. ...g•.. 1.00 plr " ... Po ..k Chap.. .7.25 R'COUA C'h"f" S'IolUtd 1".'"" tU\ , QU"'" 1 rf''1Mv RAI r",r"d . r.l(pl.ant ('()'Wtrt"d '" Ilh our ~.urr ~I'd1('or'P1'd With ('h",w RENTAL PROGRAM R.b SlItu, .. . 7 75 Call",UoTII. . ('~r(kif"n rQarato~. .. . . 6 7.~ 'M,.al llhlffrd Pula Tutw- .. Clopp.d Sirl",n . . . . 0.50 ~nu~~r~:1.("kl'''', ("111 .,,<1 SlUltt'ii 1"10 .. S.u<'t "111'1 Omon P,p~n .."d .':oodl... ~((r-do. . (with or without meals) P,.;"'.8.I>IIOJ" •...... 950 Wrdl" ~~I,., Wllh. \T'Nm ... Ch,.". ..f' $;HUl" \~•.at f"lorfnti'to. . 9 l5 Lamb Chop •..... ' ... 7.75 MlHflcottl .... 5 on l'r.rr''lrIUn ..' - fPlN'H Larrrf'd ",'I"r \",..1 ....11h ~21"f'~1I"1 ~"lX"r • Comfortable and spacious, air conditioned R.fOIU'l uflf'tI P,uu Tu~ .. B...lId.d SI.clu 1.00 Erl .... "'l'OI TQICQ 9 -J~ \'t'a! St"alopptrn 91.5 G~orcho ...... ~ 7.~ rooms and apartments. A ' ..... 1 n,..", ''''1"1, w1rh [(It & ('h .....",. :S.a.t1rr ~.IoI,Hf'..d \,. .. 1"Itn'"", & 'ifr' '9'"', ..1 WlM Sm.n Pl."'. n\lmp~\n.s m"at' of PflH~() t'h,\Jr" Ch""" .... V,oi,W,14"tlI. _ ....,. lJ 00 :"AUN' .101 \f"",hrOo')m", Ipiff'dtoPf',ft(llOll M.al R"t;.t...... ,5 8rudt-d \'l'I' trrl1hT.u~lillian \'t.al fllP/" ...,,' 800 • Complete beauty and barber services, food (h ..I.l't.~ p,t1,I:I.luHf"d"lth Mu:. ~'lI(" Soihm6oI,.r Ball 5•• dw,ck U$ French F"fI .15 HllmbLlr9~r [It/''Xl' 1.50 and Churches. US 5"",.d M.,Aroom, 1.7! r.,r'tb"rqtr D~ltlrf Baktd Po/a/a .. 1. C/o ~ S.odw'ock U~ FOR INfORMATION REGARDING RATES: W::h Sou;",('r,..,~" ("hl'l'u j.1$ . to'S '! ~A!!:

Page Four G R 0 SSE PO "N TEN E W S Thur,day, September 27. 1979 ------_._------I...,..~AUTO__~,.. F~h!r~~:'~~EJI:~~!!~b:~:.:!::~:.~,~:f:h~n!:ri

SC~~lsN~::~~~:~~~~o ::::, ~llIer Theatre ~~. jor void in services because OU~ DRIVE It EAST WARREN ~

of~:ea~:t:~ ti~::::~d ra. tio of admini~tr.tive, coun. "'U~$&001 selIng and SOCialwork staffs make up for the loss of the D, ' division, and added that "we i view school discipline as ~ OCT. 18 thru NOV. 3 school and parent responS1- 884 8 bJlity." - 500 "At the same time we wel. W W lilt lilt lilt W lilt lilt w.. lIf. W W W come and expect police of- ...'T-'T-'T-.."'T"-.."'T"-"'T"-.'T'TT'T~~..... licen on campus to deal with criminal behavior," Mr. Gan- Brow•• th. If It's Nautical But Nice delot said. "We w1ll contino ue to work with pollee on .hlp'. wh•• ! ••• WE'VE GOT IT! . . criminal investigations." Nautical GI'" .. Ioat SuppU •• Personally, Mr.' Gandelot I ~ 'ifl!! CANVAS 7x50 CJ BiNOCUlAR said he would like to see I.i tor Piw.r or Sam some kind of youth service " """ .. ~ . .' LlATHIR $1.1;'50 $89' 50 . redeveloped in The Pointe, • ~_ OXfORDS VALUE fndicatinl he plans to begin :"fIf work on the task force this ~~~...... week. Community leaders as ...... ~ ...... well as dty officials are ex. e-twI pected to be part of the or. ...~ Iwatton. SETH THOMAS Shutterbugs CLOCK. Meet Tuesday • Ship', Wheel, • Nautical Ship', Wh.. 1 All Siu, "" to 60" Lamp, .. , All ,ile,l The Grosse Pointe Camera e Ship', Wh.. 1 • Chalh: American Club will meet Tuesday, Oc. and Canadian Tabl." ~11 iil.' tober 2. at Brownell Middle Gr.at Lak., .. Coostal School, 260 Chalfonte avenue, : • S.th Thoma, for a pictorial print and slide Barome'e,. competition. Visitors are welcome to' the meeting, which begins 19605 Mack TU 2-1340 \ at 7:45 p.m. 01"" Dally 9.6. Sat., 5 p.m. I

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L.-...-.~.....-.....--...... _...'., « \ b • eo . ) p £3 s, 2 : as J& !& & UA J $ a 3 44 o 422!LJiE¥U p •• -:;: I

Thursday, September 27, 1979 GROSSE POlr-lTE NEWS Paqtt ;;ive ....., ...... 'oJ> ~"",,, .. ~ .... " •• 4,) ...... ,",- I

A proposed free parking cial to the seniors, presented program for resident senior the proposal to the council citizens was unanimoosly reo on August 20 Dllt it was ferred to the Senior Citizens tabled at that time. Commission and the Grosse Pointe Merchants Associa. He felt the program .would tion for their review and re. be helpful not only 10 the

ollllJ!emiatlon by the W()o:s I moder:lt~ c~st ;;~vings to peo. Council at its rescheduled I pIe on hmlted mco~es, but regular meeting Monda a~s? woul~ allow sen.lOrsad. <:",..,t"mh"r 10 y, dltlOna.1time for the,u' shoo. '. 'PWji trips and medical ap. City Administrator Chester pointments wit h 0 u t the GOLD • 5Ijj\r~P. E. Petersen, in feeling such threat of an expired parking a program would he henen. meter. I Councilman John Sabol on the 10th asked what prompt. City Officials ed the proposal, and Council, man George Cueter, repre. Htr PRt:EG Attend Confab sentative to the Senior Cit. izens Commission, indicated "Revitalizing Home Rule" that some seniors who park was the theme of the Mich. at short.time meters haven't iW v1~IAU 61("'~ .Tf=fAlJy the room was $72. with the seal not allowing City repr~sentatives were the waiver of any other I ~~.AMf JJDU\..~O.Akr~GC AtJo Mr. Robb, City Manager I parking ordinance. I Thomas Kressbach, Finance ------~~~~:fI~~e~~:C::~ra;iU:~'CO,rege-Bo~ nd I ~~'AU.~ ing a!ld ~eanette, Duffield. Get Help at .N"H' • The CIty dId not rent a room. For Woods officials, one room at $43.68 was taken for Parents of seniors at North twe; nights. (Wednesday and High SChool are invited to a a;p <$feU::> Thursday), at a total, cost of special information meeting et:'JuJq a:. ~ ~-/4kr: I~ az,~#i= r $87.36, while another room, on Wednesday. October 3, in I at $54.08, was taken for one the auditorium, 707 Vernier ?HA~ ~Ge~.atA I~ night, (Wednesday). road, at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Lowell G. Kafer, as. Officials feU such an ac. sistant provost at Northern Ffl~ ,Wrpt ~ lJJt(fttDr~ tion would give them a bet. Michigan University, will ter opportu}lity to discuss discuss admissions procedures fo:::~ ~GHe6. W"HT~ problems with other MMLI in the various Michigan col. members, and attend meet. leges and universities and ings and other affairs. methods for obtaining finan- £oUPA~5. Pt»Y..es •• ~1¥:f; Woods officials participat. cial .aid. '.. ing in the confab included With rl5lng colleg.e.costs, CI&,AAl!f.1F CK::.e6.~. Mayor Benjamin W. Pinkos, ~ore and mo;e faml,hes are Councilmen George S Free. 10 need of assIstance 10 meet. man, George Cueter, Thomas ing th~ expenses of high~r Fahrner and John Sabol and education a':ld Dr. Kafer IS City Administrator Chester w~Il.ver~ed 10 all phases of E. Petersen. thIS tOPIC.. '. GO~itli:S I After Hie auditorium meet• c;=: Nece /JI.JJJA~ I~ ItJ .,J~f . Mr.. Solak. said t~: conven- ing, parents will divide into tlOn gives cIty off1Clalsfrom smaller g r 0 ups with the across the state the oppor. school counselors to review e;Bf W'TH ~ FL..LoUJI tJ~ : tunity to exchange ideas and specific procedures. All par- information about common ents of seniors are invited to PlA~. tSU~AL.DS. P10~ problems. attend. ~rH~eG • ~ f"B:J{$~ Tuff-Kate a ~ ~ ~6,fa. ~. (M~i~ ~~ACBL.S1S. ~Aai:!6 • Aj~~ • tJ~"LA~. ~ PIA ~~. PIA ~ ,...1 .AL-/... ~HA~ AIJb ~~.

Only Tuff.Kate rutproofa ~ car brice wiUt our aclUive a-sap Synem. "'s so elleC1Ne lhal we oller v.hal could be !he best warranty ,n'lt>e buslness: a lull repair ~mrIedwarranty lor as long as yoo own your new car In lhe unkl

Page Six GROSSE POINTE.NEWS Thursday, SGptember 27, 1979

H ('P.~ J)ual P:,"';.1-2 j Church Hosts Mission.ary to Papua, New Guinea With Big Show I A missionary to Papua, Luthera~ Church, 2411 Iro. lated education; ftllse the ed.' ally is done on the run .nJ New Guinea, where people quois, Detroit, a1 4 p.m. ucationallevel of evangelists; involves the use of bows, ar. Ch:u"tv n~~~~:"u .... :.~ g UG. live«\. a stone age existence Pastor Felde and his wife, and provide for some means rows and ax8S. manding duel reI 1 with Ring. until of 'ling Bros. and Barnum .& the mid.1950's, will be Chris, ha'ie been in New of income within the circuit Most the members of Bailey Circus, which begins speaking at area Lutheran Guinea since 1975. They are to replace subsidy funds from tho Gutnuis' Church are En. iU engagement on Tuesday, churches which support his In a remote region without outside sources and to teach gas .: ~ October 9, for performances ministry. telephone and where the ra. budget and finance skills. ..it III be j: h 1 through October 21, at Cobo The Rev. 'Marcus Feld, 29, dio is used for ordering sup. An unusual feature of the w • ma or c a- will speaking at Saint plies, contacting church head. area, he said, I~that although lenge of the next few yea~ Arena, Detroit. be James Lutheran Church, 170 quarters or makinlt arrange. the Chrl!lthm chureh "11m!>. !~r thl~ _chu~h ~o see i~ i~ ;& Not only does he put 15 I McMillan road, at the 9:30 I ments for the weekly Plane./ to Lake Kopiago area only) ~..n h.a'i" a HIlC ui [elltonn~ " Bengal t:gcr:; :hi'ougn t:'-..c~lI , a?d 11:00 a.m. wo!ship ser- ~t also is an area whe.r.e eof ... Il!.. _":~9rs !illO._ ,~Ir.. ,,~~ tl' .... this trolJ~!~d sit\l~: ... _ ... paces in the Big Cage, but 7~~~JfJ . ~n~t'~ ~!l u"fI( .. mlJ~I' IS tile mam crop and J evangelized people are reach. L 0, says the pastor. . he also is the performance ::::,,:1;;;;,' lee 30. melal axes arc used inslead ing out to other tribes, During his visit to the De. director of the l08th edition vi "1he \.iceatest' SilOW' on .. This is one of a number or the stone axes wielded Pastor and Mrs. Felde are troit area, Pastor Felde and Earth, an assignment which of area churches of the Eng. for centuries, isolated itom but near some his family are living in a can be more taxing than his IIsh Synod Evangelical Lu. He lives in the Lake Ko- fighting between people of parsonage rented from the encounters with the big cats. theran Churches where Pas. piago circuit of the Gutnuis different t rib e s, fighting Grosse Pointe Me m 0 r i a,1 In this capacity, Mr. Bau. tor Felde will be showing (Good News) L u the ran which has been reported in Church. He wJll be preach. mann is responsible lor the slides alld describing his Chureh. U.S. newspapers. The strife lng, meetln., with varioUs smooth running of the show, Madlnt._ far western section of New cale shaH be able to stand on Wabag), aud the people of functl~ns of sponsoring con. fare and harmony of the en. As part of an $85,000 Community to penetrate the ortion of Mack Guinea.. . . its own feet,". said Pastor Mt. Ha.gen: a principal t?Wn. gregatlons. li~e inte~,!ational family o[ I Development Block Grant Innova- which transvers p Th P k M ,.,.A~ o~~ cn~rc~ ~oly !':I~'I Fe~~e., ' .. __ -'~. ~_ .. _ ~he. fl~~~mg. usually I~ a The church~. fl)r thei~ CIrcus ar .1S15. _ .' . es - e . ar. r. i',)' UI !.IIVUma, rastor orelue .lilt: lUllIl:> W l'i'uvmt: :lll.n.. ,., jJayoacll.' wnere .one mCl. art want a sha . A veteran of more than 25 tive Projects Program, G~rald Luedt- ~Uedtke Wl.l1 come up w1th sev~ral. will be contaeting his part- tures for the people so their dent of injury can lead to a p '.. . rper focu~ years of wild animal training I ke and Associates is currenUy pre- ~dea books ~n order to 'prevent bhght ners in New Guinea through worship may be more indio long series of payback kill. ~n nunJstry 10 the congreg~ and son of a German movie' paring an experimental study view- ll.'VU1J entermg The Pomte area. The ham radio. genous; to strengthen the ings. tlOns through Pastor Felde', stuntman, he began his ca. ing the prevention of blight along latter point is the unique aspect of He will be commissioned church/government co.span. Although some fighting in. eyes as well as increasing reer as an assistant groom in Mack avenue. The diagram prepared the study-to stop blight before it for three more years of min- sored primary school; in. volves large numbers it usu- the support lor his work a Hamburg circus, by the firm shows that blight has spreads into the community. istry in New Guinea on Sun. crease the literacy and " . His introduction to wild crossed Alter road and is beginning day, October 21, in Christ strengthen the church.re- animal training came when he rushed in to rescue a t r a i n e r who was being mauled by a cage{ul of lions. Community Development Block Gra.nt Innovative Project Starts John Rummel, This spontaneous display of bravery elected him as suc. (CoDtinllK from Pale 1) he aid. Noting that exees-) eo m mer e i a 1and a1ljacent mendati~ns. also has a detrimental effect. cessor to the injured per. "We want to look. for stra- sive traffic adds to !.he po- residential areas. On the former, he plans on The lirstphase of the proj. former, and his future was legic breaks e.long Mack and tential for blight, Mr. Lued. "We'll also look into the viewing a sequential type of ed is data gathering and he Cadillac Dealer decided. establish several breaks in lite stat.ed if traffic becomes condition of the landscaping zoning toward keeping a said plans call for the c1assi. He traveled with European the study," he stated. more mtense, "we would of buildings, the appearance community, both co~mercial ficatioD of types of commer. circuses, working first with Another theury is the so- ha~e to ~ook at other s~eets of stores and sign control," and residential, desirable, cial uses, information on to the Pointes. lions and then tigers. Word called catalyst node, where. wh~h mIght take trafflC off he stated while stressing in while on the latter, the re- assessments, off-street park. of his out.:.'tanding tiger act in, an are ... ot higb capital of ,Maek." a light ~y, that "the st~dY lationship of crime and deeay I ing spaces, the physical con. reached executives at Ring- investment, e.g., the Saint In relation to obtaining is not a petunia box type of will be viewed. dition of buildings, traffic ling Bras and Barnum & John .Hospltal, Seven.Mack traf.fic data, he said a coordi- study where you have such "The criminal mind looks counts and plotting reported Bailey Circus, and in 1964. area, tends to hold the con- nation meeting with local a box every 10 feet. We will for a plush area near a crimes via dots on a map It's a neVi breed of Mr. Baumann brought his ex. clition of strip areas on both city managers and Wayne conduct a long range type of poorer area," said Mr. Lued. along Mack. pertise to this country to en- sides for around a half mile County officle1s is planned study." tke, whose firm has done "I can't describe fully the Cadillac for the 1980's, tertain American audiences. in each direction. for next month. Wben asked what were the studies for the U.S. 'DePart. new ideas which will come Along with his responsibili. Feelinl that Saint John Another concern whklh will chances of the study being ment of Justi« and the City out of this,'" he said, while totally redesigned ties in-cage and out, he also officials would like to estab- be eyed is the ~ndition of successful. Mr. L u e d t k e of Detroit. "We want to do noting he will study The breeds Bengal. tigers and Usb a top flight medical homes adjac-ent to the strip could offer no guarantees. an analysis of crime along Woods' land use plan which with you in mind. trains them for his act. In center, Mr. Luedtke said commercill1 areas. "A strip while citing the sound hous. Mack." was approved by the Plan. spite of four very close calls other such areas must be ex- ~mes bligbted ahead of ing of The Pointe and Based upon a study for the ning Commission on Tuesday, and multiple scars inflicted plored in .relation to high housing and after five to its fine school system. "There City of Detroit, he learned September lB. "My program by the big cats, Mr. Baumann capital investments, while eight years, the housing usu- are many things in the com. that the irregularity in de- isn't a plan but a strategy, Features like is by his own admission "200 citing, as an example, senior ally follows. We want to look munity which should keep it sign of stores, at the rear, w!th information to be shared percent Circus." citizens housing as a good at about one to two blocks on sound but the spread of in cor p orating protrusions, ~lth" the Planning Commis. fuel injection, He bas chronicled his quar. investment. . either side (of Mack) to see Dutch Elm Disease and the showed such stores to be Slon. . ter-century of adventures in A third subject set for how the oousing is holding loss of trees could make it more susceptible to crime. An idea book for each is- front-wheel drive and "Tiger, Tiger," a candid be- study will be the traffic flow up," said Mr. Luedtke. less desirable," he said. On the other hand, stores sue will be available, ana1yz. hind-the-scenes look at Cir. along Mack, from the east When the study is com. In pointing out his hope with a fairly equal rear line ing the respective problems Diesel power are just cus life. side of Detroit, tbrough the ple1ed arountf next June, he of developing further ap. and appropriate lighting of. and offering recommenda. Tickets are on sale at Cobo Pointes and into St. Clair said recommendations will proaches over the winter, fer a better opportunity for lions. some of the areas which Arena Box Office, Hudson's Shores. be made rerarding st.."8tegic (perhaps up to a dozen), Mr. patroling police cars. On the gamut of contem. and Olympia Travel in Bir. "We'll try to prognm the breaks, catalyst nodes, traf. Luedtke said be also plans Mr. Luedtke noted. too, pia t e d recommendations mingham .. Ticket prices are flow 20 years from now and fi

I As an eJrllmple, Mr. Lued- TEL-MONEY TOPIC LIST tke said if The Fanns decides from Cadillac~ not to follow some Ncom. 569-G200 mendl1.~ions and The Woods does, "it would not negate We are now taking Expert GENERAL INFORMATION what The Woods does except 1. TimelyTips On Moneyfrom Tel.Money. on a long.tenn basis," adding 2. Tax Records YouShould Keep. that unanimous support from orders for the new breed 3. HowYouCan Safeguard YourValuablesIn the affected communities A Safe Deposit Box. would be best. of Cadillac, but 4. BankingProblems? CallCAP. In saying he and members 5. WatchOut For The "Pigeon Drop" Swindle. 6. WhatVouShould KnowAbout DilectDeposit of his staff will be talking still have an excellent OfSocial SCcurilyPayments. with ~ndividual merchants, 7. WhatCan 24-Hour Bank Machines Do city officials and shoppers selection of 1979 models Answers along the way, Mr. Luedtke For You? stated the entire project is CHECKING an idea piece, with no city for immediate delivery 11. WhatA CheckingAccount Can 00 FOIVou. being bound by its final re- 12 Choose Tbe CheckingAccount Best For You. sults. at appreciable savings. 13. HowToWrite ACheck. . 14. HowToEndorse A Check. The results of this innova- 15. HowTo Balance YourCheckbook. tive study will be made to 16. A Message from YourTellerAboot Check available to all Wayne County Identification. communities involved in the 17. HowToStop Payment On A Check. CDOO program, (numbering SAYINGS around 33). He stated that I many of these cities abut 21. HowSafe AreYourSavings? 22. ChooseThe Savings Account Best for You. Detroit and ahout two.thirds 23. HowYour RegularSavings Account Earns of them h'ave strip commer- Inferest. cial areas, while feeling the 24. HowMuchYouShould KeepInYourRegu!ar results will be of help to oney SavingsAccount. many of the municipalities. 25. Here's HowYOllCan HelpYourselfSave It also was suggested that Money. his firm might conduct a 26. HowToTeach YourChildTc Save Money. follow.up study five years CREDIT later toward re-evaluating the 31. HowToGet And KeepA Good CreditRaflng. recommendations and what 32..HowAYoungPerson CanStart AGood has been done or not done. CreditRecord. Mr. L u e d t k e expressed uestions. 33. YourCreditRalmgAndVitlatllMeansToYou. some interest in this idea but 34. WhatThe Fair CreditReportingAct Means ToYou. that will have to wait for a 35. EqualCreditRightsFor Women. council decision ... and an. 36 WhatYOllShould KnowAbout APersonal other grant. lme 01Credit. 37 HowToTellIIYourChargeAeeoulilOr CaII1et-l\io.-rey (569-6200) Credl1Card Is A GoodBuy. 38. HowToProtect YourCreditCards. Your home is making 39. WhatToDoWhenYouOweTooMuchMoney. 40, Consolidationloans Is BorrowingTo Pay BillsSmart? 41 HowToShop For An Installment loan. you richer everyday••• 42 TwoWaysYouCan TellHowMuchYour Give us a call. Our new Tel-Money Tape Library reveals loan WillCos1 many important facts about money. The information is free. 43. Some HelpfulHlnls On HavingYourloan reli.able and easy to understand. And it's available privately, Approved. and that should worry ,youa lot 44. WhyYourCos1OfBorrow,"gMoneyChanges. easily and conveniently. You simply dial, listen and learn. NBD's 45. WhyYouShould Pay Your6:lIs On Time. A quick glance through the real estate Tel-Money is a series of recorded factual messages that tell you HOME OWNERSHIP section of your local paper will confirm the such things as: What to do when you owe too much money. 51. YourDecision. To BuyOr Renl' happy fact: your home is worth a lot more How you can help yourself save money. What our 24-hour 52 HowExpenSiveA NewHouse G.lnYou Afford? than you paid for it. banker machines can do for you - and many more money- 53. HowA Mortgage loan Works 54 WhafYouShould KnowAboufAConventional So what's the problem? The problem, in a related subjects. You can dial right from your home or office Mortgageloan. word, is inflation and the fact that a sudden anytime of day or night seven days a week. 55. WhatYouShollid KnowAboulAVAMor1eage disaster right now could cost you dearly if loan Simply find the number of the topic which interests you 56 WhatYouShould KnowAbout AnFHA your insurance has not kept up with the rapid from the list to the right. Then dial 569-6200 and indicate the Mortgageloan increase in the value of your home. Getting 57. Short Term Mortgageloans topic number which you wish to hear. Each message is approx- 58 WhafYouShould KnowAboutClos,"!!Costs richer every day is great, except for one thing: imately three minutes in length. Tel-Money is reliable. informa- 59. What Are"POUlts"? the more you gain. the more you have to lose. 60. Home Improvement Swindles But cheer up! We can help, lust ask.us tive and helpful. And it's just one more way National Bank of 61. HowTo Borrow MoneyFor Home Detroit is making banking better for you. Improvements. about A:tJla's three "inflatlon fighters": The lUna Aestimator. Inflation Guard and RETIREMENT Automatic UpgrClding. We've got it all to help 71. WhatYouShould KnowAboul An IndiVidual ReflremenlAccount. you protect what you've gained. n. WhatYouShould KnowAbout A Keogh Retirement Plan. 73 HowMuch Are YouW<1;1h?. 74. WhyYouShould Have AWill Thiftk Positive.Think JEtlla.Thiftk ... DONALD K. PIERCE & CO. 1933 Vernier, Gr. Pte. Woods Member FDIC , 343-0000 fa , l IF!. CASUA.lTV National Bank of Detroit .I i ------_m as, • '.' t .*1

Thursday, Septembel' 27, /979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page SiI)ven _. ------~------_ .. ------.- --~------,------,------

CONTENTMENT ADDS UP IICeute." Plans II Lung Group Sets Selnillurs 1,.1 0;) a good deed every day When a task really has to ..". .... ,.--- --.'-.-.-- at - it is the :;:.'.::.js;ltt'~t road be done there is no time like, J~IVCr \....ruisc I The American Lung Asso'l through Friday, Octobe~ 1 .to the best there is in life. lhe present (or doing it, __ ~iation ?( Southeast~rn MiCh'l to 5, at Henry 1"ord HospItal. I . Igan Will be offermg lhrec This workshop is an at. ,-;'-.-;'-.-;'-;'-.-.-;'-;'-;'-.-;'-;'-;'-.-;'-;'-.';'-;'-;'-;'-;'-;'-;'-;'-;'-;'-;'-.-;'-;'-;'-;'-;'-;'-;'., . In the wake, of ~resldent separate workshops (or pro. tempt to provide advanced ~URJON JImmy.

)1 VANiTiES too.. _ II ROOM FANS ""...... 1 Saturn::'4 l( 18 Drawers Le!! (134.00) 75'000 a466BroanSKleOischargeFan(\\itchen)\4470) 40.00 1 Saturn 24 x 18 Drawers Right (124.00) 75. 0 1 BroanWall Fan(Kitchen)(74.40) 40.00 1 Heritage 24 x 21 No Drawers (94.00) 55.~0. 1 BroanCoillingWall Fan(Binh) (22.00) 12.00 1 Heritage 24 x 21 Drawers Rt. (128.80) :0. 0 1 BroanHeat& Vel,: Fan 1 Buill (Bath) (3990) 20.00 1 Heritage 24 )( 21 DrawersLft. (128.00) 0.00 1 BroanHea\&VentFan2Bulb(Bath)(5280) 33.00 2 Heritage 48 x 21 2 Drawers (176.00) 110.00 ea 1 BroanTwin BlOwer(Kitchen) 190C F M.(122 001 70.00 3 Heritage 18 x 16 No Drawers (76.80) 45.00 1i3. 2 8roan FJC1erilY.Mount FanSystem850 CFM 1 Heritage30x 18 No Drawers (104.00 65.00 I (27200~150.00 2 Heritage 36 x 18 No Drawers (112.80) 70.00 ea, l'-- ~ -J 1 Heritage 24 x 18 Drawers Lft. (120.80) 15.00 ,.....------.. 2 Hentage 30 x 18 Drawers Ri. (128.00) 80.50 ea. MARBLE TOPS 1 Heritage 36 x 18 Drawers L1t. (138.40) 86.00 4-19 x 17 Various Colors Reg. 53.00 20.00 1 Crown Manor 42 x 21 2 Drawers (179.00) 110.00 2-25 x 19 Various Colors Reg. 59.20 22.00 1 Crown Manor 30 x 18 No Drawers (108.80) 68.00 3-25 x 22 Various Colors Reg. 6100 22.00 1 C,own Manor 30 x 18 Drawers Lft. (136.00) 85.00 4-31 x 19 Various Colors Reg. 72.00 30.00 10.519% , Crown Manor 30 x 18 Drawers RI. (136.00) 85.00 1-31 x 22 Gold Flake Reg. 75.00 31.00 effective annual yield 1 Crown Manor 36 x 18 Drawers At. (144,00) 90.00 3-37 x 22 Various Colors Reg. 85.00 40.00 1 Kingston 36 x 21 2 DFewers (92.80) 58.00 1-49 x 22 Gold/White Reg. 10200 50.00 4 Kmgston 18 x 16 No Drawers (42.40) 26.50 ea. 6 Various Larger Size Tops 75.00 in GJloniaI Federal Savings 1 Kingslon 30 x 18 No Drawers (64.80) 40.00 ...... ------' 1 Kingston 36 x 18 Drawers Rl. (87.20) 54.50 Money Market Qrtificates. 1 Kingston 36 x 18 Drawers Lft. (87 20) 54.50 SINKS 16 Stainless Steel 25 x 22 Single ~ effective for Sept. 27 thru Oct. 3 RANGE HOODS Reg. 419520.00 10 Stainless Steel 33 )l 22 Double 11 Broan Range Hoods 24' 'Various Colors en"'., Reg. 59 9530,00 ~ Money Marl Formica Cabinels Reg 179.00 90,00 ea. All SALES FINAL. NO REFUND OREXCHANGES. CASH & CARRYONLY

..... >:', (tr: ~~~'2%35 HARPER S1011EHOUllS ._- ~ ".'" :.' ":.... DESlGNE~ ~ ST.CLAIR SHORES, MI. I -:;.~:"" H I .... I . 7,.. ' ..."'\ II(ITOtENS" MTHSjl tlOHlI-''' COLONIAL FEDERAL S,t\VI1"JGS :FSI.l() I~.\;,:" #\ \., CC;r1iflJ';~ 771-6;J~ Z • DETROIT-18901 Kelly at Moross-372.8877 EASTDETROIT-15751 Nme Mile at Grat,ot-771-8820 [:-:'::".~:: ~:.d i' . :'.. ~~ ....~...- GROSSEPOINTEWOOOS-20599 Mack soutt! of VerCller-886-8881 GROSSEPOINTE FARMS-63 Kercheval "On the Hili" -886.666t : t;.:; 0: :.':. ~ COmplete Do-It- Yourself camer MOUNT CLEMEHS-36800 Soutt! GratIOt at Metro Parkway-792-9SJO Sf. CLAIR SHORES-28201 Harper south of Martin Road-774.RR?n : ~\o\J'~' .r'~. .' '/(./".,' "1-'.-: -.. , :::n.m:;. 5.30 d.lO. 104:~U p.rn. "May 'h18 p rn :....~'~..~I . ,:.' :,... I '":-ll' ~•• '~ f,~" ":'

------.. __ .. ~ ..,~',:i;,.,:/.~.~~f'~.~.,t --:111:"""', ~ .... --_4 ---""'"""!4i("'" .I!I'" ~4;:-!,-"I(~_4"."'I-"4I114.iI!'!,.,...... CCIIIW...... _ ...... r'lilo-'lW_...... __ ._.a ... '.; -.pa.... -----441X ..... S•• ~~S••• t•• a__• 211l¥~a... s-.-~ .. _ill£II••

Page Eight G R 0 SSE, POI N TEN E W S Thursday, September 27, 1979 ------_._------'----_._------....;;;;;;;;;;;;===----;;;;;;;;;; ..... ,-.-O-,-E-N--l.j .....CaDie TV Firms"lVlake Final Effort i EC~rLlN i I~~!~,'?~yI (Continued {rom Page Ii I lial'per Woods has sched. izing certain tax advantages. FARMS nVUI'(~ posal offers 50 percent of uled its first, (and only), Bruce Burnham, director MON., TU[S., reading of the cable televi. of financing for Cox, one of COUNCIL SUNDAY system profits, equally split sion ordinance with the War the finalists bidding {or the WED.; THURS. between the cities as a whole Memorial for October 1. management of the War Me------.------~--- 9 A.M. to 1 ~.M. 10 A••M .and itself. The other half Mega Vision's chief exec. morial system, told Farms SEWER FRIDAY \IIould go to Teleprompter, utlve officer, C. Thompson Council members his firm TROUBLE". 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. TO Inc., the system manager. Wells of The Park, said his had offered the Center 20 -, SATURDAY Thu du t t I M firm, while originally offer. percent of the ownership in , .. s , e 0 ax aws, ega ing no franchise fees to the a system. 9 Ia.M. to 6 P.M. 5 ••M VIsion s offer would end up cities, did offer a 20 percent He hinted Cox would be ret.urning Sligh~ly_~~~~ ~o.!.~e I se'2.ior citize~ ~!sco~~t f~~. ~ill!n~ t~,-pro.~!~e t~e ~~n:~ CitieS. but notbm .... , . "" " ...... u.llaiJ~c OJ! ., '-c....- Ji!lIt' _, ," .... ~"'- ," ...... _~, ... ,....1 ,- PrIces Gc>od Th,u , :"cnwrigi:-" morial plan, however, Mr. tion to the threc percent .ueJOoYI '\J~l. ~ng"". We reserve the ,ight to Programming differs very Wells said his firm was now franchise fee. Urnit quantities. Phone 885-9839 little from each proposal. ready to "bid on the sys. While the War Memorial r" tern," offering the additional plan is to offer a five per. 17600 LIVERNOIS.UN 3-7800 ~ GP. Set Meetings three percent franchise fee cent franchise fee. an appeal. 15304 KERCHEVAL.VA2.9070 The Park and Farms Coun. and the limited partnership, will have to be made to the '1726 MAPLE110 • 64).4880 cils, faced with the task of while maintaining the senior Fed e I' a I Communications I digesting and comparing the discount, not offered by the Commission, (FCC), for any- I proposals, decided to put off other two. thing over three percent. a decision until further meet. Under the limited partner- Question Raised ings. The Farms scheduled a ship system, cities would not Mr. Burnham said his firm second special meeting for be liable for debts incurred. also would be willing to sup. BINGO Monday, October 22, while Mega Vision, while putting port the cities in any at. E M d instructi~g all thre~ bidders up no capital: is the general tempt to get five percent of very on ay, to submit a synopsIs stating partner, owmng 20 percent the revenues, but added the 6 30 benefits to ~he Farms and of .!h~ syste~.. ," FCC doesn't grant Ill'::!lY : p.m. the commumt~. as a "hole' ran.Hers 10 io:lega \ ISlon such requests. I from their plans. are personally liable for Several Farms councilmen ' The Park '11 h ld b. debts incurred, Mr. Wells thought M.r. Burnham raised ,ASSUMPTION lie h i WI. 0 a pu stated. a good pomt when he asked ear ~g at Its November Eyes Same Deal whether it might not be CULTURAL ~~es~~tlng on the cable According to Farms Coun. ethical for cities to have part . cHman Lloyd Semple, such ownership in a s~'stem it City residents will have an a partnership is common in would grant to itself. City CENTER opportunity to express their risky businesses such as oil Attorney Larry Campbell was ASSORTED 6th-7th views and concerns about the and gas exploration and real asked to look into the legal 21800 Marte, 'Rd RIB !ranchises at a special meet. estate developments. lnves. implications of such a move. GPW sese REESE 3~'OZ'39CG mg to be held on Monday, tors are attracted by the "Is it a conflict of inter. October S, at 7:30 p.m. prospect of only being liable est?" asked Mr. Semple. Lie. No. A296150R BREADSTICKS . The City Council has ap. to the amount of their in- "Should ?~e bl': regulating .. "" Au,.,U'II'''. fll~ f;;~ LB. proved a resolution "adopt. vestment, as well as by real. ourselves. .. ..1 .~~ '~i ing in principle" the pro. posal offered bv the' War ~)"i U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF Memorial. The re~olution was 4-STH approved unanimously at its RIB I Monday. September 17, :fJ RIB ROAST L8.$2.29 meeting after the council heard presentations from Bll-MARS the War Memorial and Mega lennil SLICED Vision representatives. Coun. cilman William Montgomery TURKEY HAM FREE LB.$1.99 was absent from the meeting. TASTY - NUTRITIOUS Ready to Bid The Woods also adopted lIon, in principle a resolution to LB.$l.39 grant the franchise to the 5 HOURS LAMB PATTIES War Memorial, setting Mon. ! ECKRICH day, October I, as the date f {or the first reading of the OF LESSONS ~- ordinance. The motion, how- I .~ , LB.$1.89 ever, was made contingent '".. ! ALL BEEF FRANKS " , upon the measure's adoption ;, FRESH by the other three Pointes: f.. ~3000 \ and Harper Woods. -. --':" Mega Visio~ whose repre- 11111111115, 11I1I1.IDlAII "., COD FILLETS LB.$Z.19 sentatives appeared at the .. ADYAIICEDPLAYEIS CAli .~ meeting on September 17, . IM'IOYE IHEII lAMES WItH .," FRESH also will be granted an op. '.STIIOIOII FIOM portunity to reinforce their 'IOfISSIOIIALS. '.• . previously presented propos. LB.$2.29 al. , MONK FISH FILLETS UMIIID CUSS SIZIS ~. M"M'HS, A"IIIIOOIIS .r IVlIIIHS. IMPORTED - -~-,- S.EClftllIAC1K1 t 51551011SAYAILAILI. , I "PEDIER WATER \ 3-11-0Z.$ BOTTLES' 09 IJ)A\Il211\I[A\Slr SANDWICH Plus Deposit IENNIS CLUB BAGS 18201 E. WARREN REESE c: PHONE: 885-0300 BUTTON MUSHROOMS 4-0Z.55CAN " . MOTTS r ... AM._ .... 32-0Z.I:Gc J .~'It.' ,. 1:1.-_ •••.••••.-.- ••v ' BTL. Uil '. • ASSORTED c ;. , BREMNER WAFERS 4-0Z.99BOX .1t' .! LEA & PERRI N ...... I Call Now II WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE 1~;~~.Sge' I for A I HEFTY -- b-r-lf 0nt- • PRE-WiNTER : 10-C1.$1 """p,...- • • ...... -- Ii BOX • 55 vumrunl I LAWN I LEAF BAGS = rUKNAt;t II DISHW ASHER DETERGENT 20. OFF i CHECK-UP i FINISH LABEL 50-0Z.$149BOX • 5-YEAR LABOR for 50 OREGON AND PARTS I $29 I WARRANTY ON I I COMPRESSOR : J, INSPECT HEAT EXCHANGER I. I 2. INSPECT FILT£R by Flame 3. CHECK AND ADJUST I BARTLETT PEARS Furnace • THERMOSTA T I I 4. INSPtCT FLUEAND CHIMNEY I • 5. INSPECT MOTOR AND ILOWER 1 • FUEL SAVING VEN' MIlER I 6. CHECII AND ADJUST FAN AND • I LIMIT CONTROL • GU~~::'uHEAl EXCHANGER • 7. INSPECT GAUGES AND SIGHT II I GLASS (IN THE CAS! Of I • ELECTRONIC IGNitiON I BOILERS) . Modern energy-saving .air conditioning saves operating • I. CHECII AND ADJUST SAFETY • costs ... power humidifier provides just the right amount I PilOT • 9.. START HEATING UNIT • of moisture for winter comfort . . . 'electric air cleaner = 10. TEST FOR PROPER COMIUS- • keepsyour home virtually pollution free ... only Bryant's TlON AND PERfORMANCE I total deluxe comfort system delivers the en~rgy saving • 11. INSPECT BELTS features you thought were years away. 1.. 29 TRUCKS TO SERVE YOU I IMMEDIA IEINSI ALLAliON ••••••a••••_

~ - ., $ • sex Hm .. - .... rt .' .4

Page Nine' Thursday, September 27, 1979 ------~[ Wl 1 S. I' F' l' P' . l=c======OOQQQQccccOC===~ Clean Your Cirpets The Modern Way II n QuitS I tUl 1(:0 .i~din!! - j(~t' ,,, Obituaries Ii The question of a como' issuing gen~lll ObligatiOnj' JOSEPH D. ARBAi~AS, . I hined fishing pier and pleas. \ bonds to meet the cost of the 0 P M [i\-:RJT~u~rl-' lb.:~~:~: •• I JOHN G. KEYS She died on FrIday. Sep. ., pier ~ h_..; To Do Tn J." Services for Mr. Keys, 72, tember 21, in Henry Ford ure boat baSin was viewed by - • • • - Jr of East Jefferson avenue Hospital. the Citizens Recreation Com. . The commission ~ad ear.: . J We Clean were held on Saturday, Sep- Born in New York. Mrs. mission again last month lIer compared the pler.bas'!)j Physician and Our Self-Contained Loose Rugs tember 22, in the Verheyden Field was a 23-year resident . h ,,- d' plan with a $2'75,000 estimate' Funeral Hnme. of The Pointe. ~'Jt wi) group r.ecommen . for a 350-foot long, lo-foot Surgeon of the Foot Trailer Mounted Unit Pickup. Delivery He died on Friday, Sep. She is survived by a daugh. mg t~ the counCil that the wide, pier with hand. ra.ils Stays Outside. Only OR tember 21, in his home. ter, Mrs. Barbara Martin, and qucstlOn be 'put to the voters and wood d«;c~. A ma.Jorlty Mr. Keys was a board memo one grandchild. sans an advlsorv vote. of the com~lsslon fe~t It w~s . . .._.....- It...,1 10 'u, W.1h Ih~ ple--'b:lN~ - -'r ).~ ...irV, ~ro Po'nte Woods TheCleaningWand 200/0 OFF ber of,.Crowley !dil.n.~,t'orC.nd Trib\,lJ.t~Mav ".~ mCoO<=<::>eOC:>CIoOQoCx::loO<=<::>eOC:>CIoO=<:~ I Majorie, was a daughter of Lawn Cemetery. I commission for proposed Ian. ren a . I Jf East Side Carpel Cleaners Joseph J. Crowley, one of the ...... guage and whether the city ------14111Kercheval 822-1481 founders of Crowley's De. MRS. ETHEL V. AJ,BRECIIT should consider going thE' panmcnt Stores; . Services for Mrs. Albrecht. I re~'enue or general obliga. GERHARD'S MEAT, SAUSAGE ~

He had studIed a~chlt~c. 91, of Country Club drive I tion bond route. 8: DELICATESSEN . ture at Cornell Umverslty were held on Tuesday Sep \ Th .. f It th t I 0 F h S k d M t Cut air conditioning costs and worked in the real es. tember 25 in the Verh'eyde~ th e tCOrmIsSI~.n e f a For A Rea Treat, Try ur res or mo e eo tate department for Guar-' e ac ua ques Ion 0 con. with canvas & vinyl awnings from dian Trust and Union Guar- Funeral.Home. ~tructj?tl of lhe. pier.basin, 21894 HARPERAVE. Between 8 and 9 Mile Road . . She died on Sunday, Sep. mcludmg cost esllmates and \ d & Ch ' dlan Trust Co~panles. He I tember 23, in the Belmont financing method, be pre. 'Old Fashioned Market with Imported German Foo eeses ~ later was an aS~lstant secre- Nursing Home. -sented to the voters at the • CI d S des & Monday I tary for DetrOit Mortgage Born in Augusta. 111.. Mrs., earliest possible regular1r Open dally 9 a.m. !o 6 p.m. ose un y and Realty Company. f I A.lbrecht is survived by two sch.e~ulM ~le~tion. However, . Mr. Keys. was a m~mber o. meces. I offICials said It would be too HOMEMADE SAUSAGE, HAMS, BACON, LUNCH MEATS the DetrOIt Athl~lic Club. Interment was in wood'ilale to have this matter (SI' cI F h 0 cJ J) Sons of the AmerIcan Revo. I d h N b b I Ice ,es 10 , e,. lulion and the University lawn ceme;er~. ... fo~ce on 1 e ovem er a. B.I d H $2 99 R Beef $4 49 Club. 01e am lb.. oast lb. • He is survived by his wife MRS. JEAN B. DUNCAN For the commission's part, Be S $2 80 Bee - $2 39 Margaret, two sons. Richard Services for Mrs. Duncan, it was against an advisory ef Hard alami.... lb.. r Salami... lb. • S. and Joseph C., and three 81, of The Park were held vole because an affirmative - $' Sol $165 I grandchiidren. I?nntMheonGdan¥f'fl'tSh'e.ptwemadbee,rJ2 4 : response would require a Pepper or Meat Loaf . lb. 2.39 Ring ogna... lb. • Me m 0 ria 1 contributions e f second vote and any del ..:,' . The Belle Isle Awning Co. ~~~ ~n~~d;o~~d~~fon~iCh. fer;heF~7:~a~nH~~~ay, Sep- could be costly, Nalural Casing Hot Dogs , 1». $1.99 In May, the commission, F S d Sa $189 774-1010 ce~~~:~nt was in Elmwood ~~fa~er 21, in Cottage Hos- after studying a report from resh, moke or Onion Liver usage.... 1». • ... • ... Mrs. Duncan worked at the city engineers 'and a eost estimate for a combined pier- S ok d P k Chop K Ie Ripehen $2 80 MRS. ESTHER Bon Secours Hospital for 20 basin, recommended to the m e or sasse r • • • .., III • Servi~~E~~. Lam- ye~~~ ~~ :u~~~e~s b~it~r son, council the construction of I F e h Meat U S D A Ch' a d P Om , . G{)rdon Jr.,' three "tilnGchil. the piet:-basin, 325' by 155', r 5 S. ° •• olee n "e. brecht. 65, of Beaconsfield .. with 38 boat slips al a cost of I avenue were held on Thurs. dDrOennn'a.,'Daina~noen'e~:ontiheelr.and $450,000. Fresh Ground Chuck lb. $1.65 10 LBS. $15.00 day, September 20. in the u:.., Verheyden Funeral Home Interment was in Forest Members also recommend. f $ b k $ 15222 E. Jefferson Avenue and Saint Ambrose Church. Lawn Cemetery. ed that the council consider Lean Bee Stew lb. 1.99 Cu e Stea lb. 2.45 G. P. Park (between Lakepointe & Beaconsfield) She died on Monday, Sep. tember 17. in Bon Secours RESALE SHOP Rib Roast or Steak. ' lb. $2.99 Pilone 822-5474 Hospital. Largest stock in 7 years. Family clothing. ..------,-----,---.....,....,------...., FREE DELIVERY by~~~~~~~~~~i~~:~;~~:~and hundreds of useful items priced to KNACKWURST . lb. $1.99 10 lIS. $15.00 Ocfoberfest open Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. ~:~~et~:c~~~ d~~~~~~, tt~: ~:~:~:e~~p~f~~~~~~~~~~hfr~~f5~ BRATWURST. .. lb.$1.99 10 LIS. $15.00 SPECIAL I Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mary Ann Lawrence; one Jefferson at St. Clair. Prtsa1,III" - VIti. II. - Ce.velucllt A"s brother; two sisters; 12 O,en 101.11. to 3 Wldnesdl' Ind 7.9 Thllrsdl' Evening. WESIERN FRIEIER BEEF S.IDr grandchildren and two great. Chltel. DIsCl.. t grandchildren. Consignments welcome Wed. Cut and wrapped free, sides and hinds. GeraldE. Bodendlstel, R.Ph. Michael R. Ozak,R.Ph. _ Interment was in Sacred No summer clothing plm8. 882.9755 or 881-9412 RoyBedell, R.Ph. RichardKuczma,R.Ph. Heart Cemetery...... ALBERT J. SCHUMACHER Services for Mr. Schu. macher, 86, of Lee court MR.SWEEPS EXPERT CHIMNEY were held on Thursday, Sep- CLEANING SERVICE IS LIKE tember 20, in the Verheyden Funeral Home. "IRE INSURANCE- FOR 'YOUR HOME ... He died on Wednesday, at a.fraction of the cost .prom:tlon for your family, September 19, in Holy Cross of Home InsUrance. home ond possessIOns Hospital. A CleanFlrcplaceMeans' .energyefficicnt,lower A native Detroiter, Mr. . heatlne costs Schumacher is survived by 'a warmer, cleanet home . Professional Chimney four daughters, Mrs. Therese Monaghan. Rosemary, Mrs. Elaine Rogers and Marilyn; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. .;i~ Interment was in Higgins Cemeterl. Roscommon, • • • Expert Fireplace and Chimney CleanIng ROBERT M. KERR m Services for Mr. Kerr, 36, formerly of The Pointe were held on Wednesday. Septem- ~~886"'6191ber 26. in the Verheyden Fu- neral Home, He died on Saturday, Sep. Over A Century of Service 'tember 22, in Ontario. I Born in Evanston, m., Mr. to the Eastside Communities Kerr is survived by his wife, Penny; a son, Robert IV; a .J>'L~~'''.''- ,.~ daughter, Karen; his father, , c..r <.~ ~v"-r"f Robert M. Jr.; and two .sis- ~ ,_ -,l~ 1 -~..r ters. j"nterment was in Wood. - .. i .....I ~-...... --~-. Private services for Mrs . Field. 76. of Vernier road Money Market certificate were held on Monday, Sep. tember 24. Arrangements were handled by the Verhey- den Funeral Home. Groesbeck Chapel of Ferry Parents _ -....-.._ _ _ • 0IV ANNUAL The Wm.R.1Jamilion (!o. I!Begin New Year I I . 10.114 /ft RATE The Ferry School PTO will 226 CROCKER BLVD. hold its first meeting of the Mount Clemens 48063 year on Wednesday. October EFFECTIVE ANNUAL 3, with president Valerie YIELD SUBJECT TO 463-0577 Kotsonis presiding at 7:30 CHANGE AT RENEWAL Wm. R. Hamilton II David M. Hamilron p.m. John W. Brockman The group will discuss plans for the Friday, October Ronald D. Heckmann David C. Wilhelm 19, Ferry Family Fest and Associate Directors Ski and Winter Sports Ex. INTEREST EARNED Member by Invitation change. ON $10,000 AFTER After the meeting there I National Sele;ted Morticians $511.32 26 WEEKS I will be open room visitations, I EFFECTIVE SEPT. 27 THROUGH OCT. 3 One of, the Best Energy Savers of All Time! II $10,000 MINIMUM DEPOSIT 1JJ1!!!.fU GENU'NE ~ ~ I pl.ASiIC ROOF SHAli~RP - • Certificates are available in passbook form • Federal regulations now prohibit all financial institutions from compounding interest during the FL.E~'6L.€' - providing you with a record of your transaction. term of the account. If retained in the account, CLEAR, ...... ,I.ETS THE,.....- A\. -::::--- UN- • A depositor's savings are insured to $40,000.00. interest is compounded at the time of renewal. Cfl.'f'Si WORK FOR YOu! Make Your Own Storm Windows, • Unless otherwise notified, these accounts are • The effective annual rate stated above assumes Storm Doors, Porch Enclosures! automatically renewed upon maturity at the then reinvestment at the same rate .. so EASY ANYONE CAN 00 ITI current rate. . 1CUT FLU.Q.QUSS TO SllE.1 • • AND TACK OVEA SCIlEENS • Conveniently available at ALL Standard Federal .. OFt WINDOW OPENINGS I offices WITHOUT ANY CHARGES OR FEES! COSTS so LITTLE ONLY • ANYONE R"~. It. • CAN ""ORD IT! 54C 36" WI~e .. Also :li". W W,dlhs WARP BROS. ClIlesg') 60651 p;~"::;;;"~.•;:.;.="..• ;~;; Tlike Ihls ad 10your HarClWare, Lumber or Bldg Supply Slore CaII 843.9583 Acca I no subSlllulas-GeIIO. ualll FLEX.O.GLASS There is a substantial AT ANYTIME BACHMAN LOCH MOOR POINTE HARDWARE a: intcrest penalty for early !"••I:n~d:"~."(Al ~iUiTl (.t:firi,+ to obtain the PAINT" HARDWARE HARDWARE LUMBER CO. cale accounts. current week's rate. 19483 Mack AV•. 20179 Mack Av •. 14950 M.ck Av•. 885-4787 885.0243 821-5550 - .. yo ,---:,--q ---,:""...... ,""'l--~""'-:-.....4 __ • 4 ... _4 __ ... .. l41li,..... 1l'lI4"".. !'lIIIq.... 4<-11114 ...... 4Ql1w..... lIII!I4.a... _lIa~tAiI4e..411$..... JZ•••• ;1II$.q••• I4&... 2. ~ ...... _44----4--

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 27. 1979 ~, ..------

. r.. t HHPl'Ul PKJf'U • 1((1..... SOlD .....INt • ~ ~ - r .;"~ bood for one eO.~~I~.men~~~y&!-l "1ood~Churt:lt to' H~st. Author 't(t)~~I~cert...(.:p.~~ltJclll~~. Incinel~~~~__Problems Gj'()S~l'nomte \Voods p"O-. ~l':::~~h~,,)H-II: nllnlcrous lan- 0 U) '-- d -. el pen n market analYSIS • bytenan Church, 19950 Mack Iguages. (Continued fr .... 4>~ge 11 leaning m 0 r e an m 0 r e avenue, will host Bruce Lar- " But authority manager Ed. toward a complete resource of a restdentt aI roperty • nUn it e d Presbyterian Rev. Lar~on s theme will Hours (or community use wi1'\ Hoover, pointing out the recovery system. An incine. .. . P ., so , h ., t th be "Becommg Wholly Pea. h continued operation of the rat or, unlike landfill, facili. The bea"r II entitled to a profell,onal mark.t anal~sll of hIS Chu~. minIS er, a~ or and 1" D' th Ch' t' of the South High Sc 001 .. . , 11th t t th t. n of salv "lidenliol property ot no coli or obli\lation. teleVlSlon personahty. for a PEde. t' urtn g e 9 30flS Ian Career'Resource Center were incinerator poses "no lea a es e separa 10 . one day program on Sunday, uca. IOn hour a t : a.m. hazard," said. "I don't think ageable material from gar. September 30 he WIll lead a forum on recently announced by career anyone could question our bage. Return this certificate or call for . . "Loneliness Is A Gift." He coun~~lor Teresa Lloyd. good faith in complying with Ferrous metals, (iron and on appointment. Rev. Larson lS the host of al50 will preach at the 11 a.m. tit d' th their order." He said the steel), are already separled • the Natl'onal Televl'sl'on Se. serVIce.. The ,cen .,.er, oca e In e nearest landfIll.., sIte avail. from the incinerator ash and Issued by, MARK ...8000 . ries "Search." He is a strong F II . I h school s Wlckmg LIbrary, 11 able is at Mound road and salvaged Mr. Hoover said. Phone: 371.4010 411 ~ believer in the power of q 0 'Iolwmgda ntoonRulnc .eonI Grosse Pointe boulevard, will 30 "'I 'Ie road e \VI con uc a e a lonat ~ ""1. Wh."" doiU ...."" "Ii ...... 11",,,1,,,,,,, "'IIIkl. '. laity_.~!!d has donc,!esearch p: ..' C' ••,•• , '''-r' ,,'- ..... 1,." ::~-:~ ":-: W{,G;:c:G::~' 1;"'::-1 . .' , .. _. _... , ._ _.. ,- _ ..•. __ • -/1u;pt< Wood. t::.r cW "U'! " (;,;;;(<1' .. ;:~:..: ~...,...., • .xi. Ti::;.;u~.':Ri:-~~;.!.-~ ,..,.. '~Ul.::o "a:.•• years on' ... .:.." ~.,-- .., -~ ',~ u:; I '. " . "'_ One (,f the maJor pollu. is how the separate federal •. - . SII new resources for the church ["BeCOming A Who.e Person nmgs trom 7:30 to II p.m. Wi tion problems was corrected non.compliance penalties will • e Thjs offer is ,\I.ood j~;nrtely! Keep this REA LTO R .' ~rom 1 to 4 p,m. Registration "drop-in" visits, and if that this month when the new be applied. Thosr penalties Mfl rk C. A blioo ...tuoble c;ert,f..:at. Wllh ~OlIr hoosthold ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,"011<10 He. has wrltt~n 12 books IS necessary for the luncheon time isn't convenient, ap- higher stack was connected, are designed to make it un- documents. 0 focusmg on man s search for and workshop . b h dId only a few days behind the economical for a polluting REAL TOA.ASSOCIA TE' ...... _ , ,,'_"'''''...... _ • self and life's meaning. More I .' . pomtments can e sc e u e authorit 's timetable That source to operate by access...... _.-._ ... '"" of" w .. ~_.~ ~<_.. than two million copies of his For more mformatlon, call on anv school dav beLween 't' y 0"' d t' I ~.".,.. 4 ' • • • I'. proJee was eSlgne 0 so ve ing fines that equal what it ~ "PNt;;-a'1Iojl~~ books are 10 print, mcludmg the church al 8864300. 7:4~ a.m. and 3:30 p,m, by the nuisance problem to area would cost it to install the _._ •• '_. • •__._.__.•"._ ."--.--4- -.--.-.-.- -- calhng 343.2302. residents known as down. necessary control devices, • ""/If' Visitors La the center can wash-smoke pouring to the Such penallies are non- hool- 20254 Kelly Rd. learn about their skills, in. ground from a too-low stack. discretionary, meaning no Notre Dame High Sc terests values and work ap. The other major problem court action need be taken Fe6fid titude; through the use of a -~ig~1 part.iculate matter in for them to be levied. - , ,emlSSIOnS-IS expected to be Although the penalties Sibt eflude i computer career mformahon I solved by the installation of were supposed to begin on "day Saturday system. I eleclrostatic precipitators. A July 1, Mr. Towner said he's Frl In addition, the .career target date of 1981 is set still waiting to hear from OCt. 5, 6-11 p.m" Oct. 6, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. counseling staff members are for their completion. the feds on that situation. ! able to assist individuals with Authority a t tor n e y The incinerator, located in Sunday, Oct. 7, 11 a.m.- 9 p.m. I decisions aboul their futures Charles Towner said that Clinton Township, -serves all bids have been sent out on the .Pointes as well as Har- I COMBO and help th~m to f.ormulate the precipitators twice, each per Woods, Clinton Township RED GARTER BENVENUTI CAPR plans to achieve their goals. time coming back over bud. and Mount Clemens. g. GAELS get. They are expected to be Has 11 Members JOHNNY SADRACH FR• MCDUNN a KILLEBREW ELECTED sent out again so.on. Tile plant was built in 1972 William W. Killebrew of Asked whether air pol1u- at a cost of $3.4 million. Last I Ethnic Foods - Bingo • Irish Pub - Games The Shores was elected to the tion caused by stack emis. year a $4.5 million bond is- board of directors for the 8t. sions was any worse than the sue was passed for the instal- 12 Rides - Casino - Dancing - Raffle Clair Shores National Bank. contamination pro b J ems lation of the electrostatic He is corporate counsel for caused by landfill, Mr. Jones precipitators alone. JlJlTHEMARKET PLACE" - Attic Treasures _.:.. :+. The Shores, and a trustee said "that's like comparing The All' Pollution Control _...... for Grosse Pointe Township. apples to oranges," but add. Commission is composed of Bake Goods • House Plants • Cook Books ENVIRONMENTAL PORTRAIT i~:se~r~IS~f r~~::~;~~ ~~~ ~tq~~a:h;~~de~~Jsal~~s~e~~~ ~i~nm~m~~~:te~h~~es~:tr:)~~~ ...... FREEADMI•• ION...... Using Nature as a Backdrop City of S1. Clair Shores. Mr. elusively in the state. Members include a represent. t= • , G Individual or Family Group Killebrew is director of the Unclear Issue ative of the state Depart. Compliments 0f raflnaS ranary. The perfect Christmas gift or card Lochmoor Club ani' has mentsofAgriculture,Health BONNIE W.PERKINS 885-8515 served as its secretary and Despite all the problems and Natural Resources. 184.31 MACK AVE general counsel. with the state, Mr. Hoover A medical doctor with ex. said the authority is "sure we're on the right .track with pertise in toKicology and two the plant," since new state representatives of local gov. 'd 'd r ernment, one of whom should _so_h__ w_a_s_te_g_u_I_e_ln_e_s_a_rebe -a representative of a lo- • cal pollution control a'gency., fine VILLA1GE .MARKET Viewing llait also are included. Complet. ing the membership are a wines representative of organized 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms (Continued from Page 1) labor, two from industrial Advisory Board that the city management and two memo - present- • liquor should discontinue the Dem- bers of the public. onstration House project in The Park because citizen par. EXTRAVAGANCE "THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS" • We are living in an age of ticipation in the low-interest I bluff - and today many who CLOSED SUNDAY and CLOSED WEDNESDAY at 1 P.M. Prices Effective September 27, 28 and 29 home loan program has had keep up a front are far be- a good response from resi. hind. I dents. 1 ...... "The Demonsiration House ..... is no longer needed as a r U.S.D.A. GRADE A ..... T..-aHft Northern catalyst for the low-interest ECHLIN 1..... C•• loan program," Mr. Crawford for Split Frying Chicken Breasts Bathroom said. FARMS .\.. , The council at its MondaY'1 " September 24, meeting, ta- COUNCIL TISSUE bled boLh recommendations , (KeelBoneRemoved lB. because of a pending decision No Backs Attached) S $S69 on a lawsuit filed by Park BAG • resident Arthur Moran, who 4 alleges that the federal gov. ernment improperly sold the ROLL. house at 1094 Lakepointe to SMOKED (By The Piece) The Park. PACK 'or City Attorney Herold Dea- son advised the council that CANADIAN BACON they should do nothing on the house because the case ...... is still ~n litigation . ANYSlZES2 SLICED 77f. PIECE • '19LB. '2.• 39 LB...... It is the plan of the city to demolish the house and divide the lot between the OUR OWN BULK COMET adjoining neighbors. About ONE $2,000 out of the $50,000 grant has already been used LB. CLEANSER on the house. The remaining ROLL monies will be returned to PORK SAUSAGE 14-01...... Lhe Wayne County Office of ,)ic Cea Program Deve!opment and I II C n Ii t:D A nc A Can "V Coordination, administrators --.-.-." ...... ,,,,..., ...... of the block grant program. - Councilwoman Ann Mac-, Donald was one of those on BONELESS FRYING the council that was sur. LB. prised to see the city change CHICKEN BREASTS SL98 BELL RINGER its mind on the Demonstra. tion House. "This really disturbs me. I IMPORTED DANISH BY exclusive would like a better explana- $198 tion of why all of a sudden Gourmet Entrees we are dropping the Dem. HAVARTI CHEESE P:lE • LB. ' onstration House," she said. It would take at least $50,- I 000 to bring the house up to I I code and, according to Mr. 'IT IS CIDER TIME' Crawford, it would not real . . Oven Ready U.S.D.A. Choice Marinated Iy serve its purpose to demo Chicken $ i9 Beef onstrate to residents how I INDIAN 2 they can fix up their homes. : SUMMER CIDER Gal. Supreme LB. Kabobs. 8onele.. Chick.n 8r.o.l. L.on 8e-J. Gornish.d Will' U I Horn. Pin.opple and Slivered Onion and Green Pepper Almonds. On A Sloinl... Sk.we, 1,~,rr,.-1~\Ai:'lne - ~ti IR - -~/frRY.fRtSl\\ Oven Ready Loin End Semi.Bone/ess Stuffed Boneless Stuffed Pork 79<= FRUIT & Chicken $198 Loin Roast lB. I~~~$i Breasts LB. EQ'Yto Slice, Knll(icleRemoved, Stutf~ Wllh fj= Our Own Home Made Sage DrOSS'''Illn Cooking j Stuff~ With Our Own Homo Mod. !t:~-_-~~~~yiollni~~dh;~g-'--~t.__ Soge D,ess,n" 80g Ready for The Oven, ff.~'~~~: VEGETABLES I "('rhors Ih(' p;r('olest of Ih(' (;('rmon win('s is Ihe i Trorkl'nhr('rausles('. II is a m(>;}lhf~d cf :: !,'4me and a ,~?~ Oven Ready mouthful of a wine, II is made. as some of Ihf' be!>t City ""reneh wines, wi,h grapes thaI have a covering of Large Beef $209 ,~oble ro!. Noble rol is a mold whkh eo Is Ihrough Ihe for Roulade LB. Chicken skin of Ihr A'rap", leIs water t'vaporale and lean's jusl 24 Size 2 ggc Thinly Sliced Sirloin Tip stuffed with the ('s"enr(' for \\oin(' making. (;rap('!\ with sueh a mold leon Cub.s Of Veal and Pork Artichokes Ground Chuck Bacon and Onion, On A Stick oc('ur only umlf'r vt'ry special ('ondition!'. esperially damp alliumn fogs and art' often hard 10 pi('k. Rul. wine I fans will aUf'sl Ihlll ,h(' t'fforl is worlh Ihf' Ilisle, Stuffed Oven Ready Oven Ready - Center Cut California For I/jrl'al tasl .. with lillie efforl. ('orne 10 PARK IE'S Romaine 48~B. Roasting c Stuffed $2 19 I "AnTY S}U ..... E. 17255 Ma('k, Corm'r of SI. Clair. Lettuce 59 1).. lroil. fI('rf' )'0\1 will di!\(,Clv('r th .. many itl'rns Ihat lB. LB. Pork Chops sto('k our sh('lv4'S Ihat srrvf' II!\ somelhinp; spe('ial for Chickens Sluffed With Ou, Own Home Mod. In a cooking bog Sog. D,essong m('a\s or parlies. SlOp in loday and !\ee how efforl- -4 Ib, a",ro". j LB. lessly you ran select Ihe rip;hl "spf'riahy" 10 make Ihis NEW I e\'f'lIin~ som('lhin~ differ('nee. At PARK IE'S PARTY DRY BAG Stuffed Chicken "One Day Notice Please" • SIlOI'PE Ih(' "diff('rf'n('(' is on the shf'lvf'!'," Opf'n lO- Onions 3 . .,\I W Mon.-Thurs" 10-\1 hi. & Sal .• noon-IO Sun, I Cordon Oven $ft. 10 ,:1 Tel. 885-0626, Bleu Ready ~. L8, ~~~~~ 1~~. a9~ WIN1-; W l!WOl' .. Michigan Red LB. Boneless Chick.n 8reasts Sluffed Wilh Stuffed Ih 01/, Own Home Mod. l 1)0 not mix wines of differ('nl "ari('li('s in Ihe Delicious BAG Ham And Swi.. Ch.ese So\le DrelSin" I sarn(' d(,(,lwt('r, You will los .. Iht' spt'l'illl ,!"Ali'!'!'5 d 3 II"s('h wint" Apples•• I ~ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven .-

fund-raising activities, they have also donated fund~ to the Grosse Neigbbgrbood Pointe War Memorial, Grosse Pointe Library, and Grosse Pointe ~-~I Interest ismore Woods Schools. M~co~nient , \,(fl. " ,,\\1, banking • \ . \\ NeigbbQrhood ."" ~,~,' \ Tohelp you makeit. we now offer Interest iswhat Q.\~' -"" '~even more ways for you ~o save ,1\ money. Infact, no bank gtves you ourOffice . '~)lo more ways to save. Managers have save more with our new 51/4-% Interest rate. inGrosse Pointe. Our regular statement savings ac- counts now pay you 5.25% daily You11find many more people interest, from date of deposit to from our bank serving on all kinds date of withdrawal. Interest is paid of other worthwhile community monthly and compounded con- organizations. Some of these are: tinuously for an effective annual the St. John's Men's Guild; Friends Yield of 5.467%, No other bank of Bon Secours; the Grosse Pointe Neigbbprbood can pay you a higher rate of return Merchants Assodation; the Grosse on regular statement savings. another 20 hours a week for us. Pointe Kiwanis Oub; the Grosse Interest save more with our new Neigbbgrhood What we provide,is a working labo- Pointe Crisis Oub; the Fraternal Four-Year CD. ratory in the real business world- Order of Police, and many, many istile bislhest Interestls ~ opportunity for tt:tem to become more, including the sponsorship Now, even small savers can save mvolved. ftrstJ;and, m the many of a Little League team. more. 'This certificate of deposit bank interest ~an facets of banking and finance. In l We're proud of our people's ef- requires only a $500 minimum exchange, they perform very real forts to make Grosse Pointe a bet- aIlon'8ble deposit. yet pays an interest rate interest in services for us. We',re all pleased at ler place to live. Our interest in just 1-1/4% be10wthe average"': the program's continued succe.ss. People is anotherway we show 111Gtosse Pointe. 4-year yield on U.S. TreaslUY Grosse Pointe In fact, several of our former co-op neighborhood interest. Securities. The rate is established Students. students have chosen to make bank------At Manufacturers, we also offer monthly and remains constant ing their career. We're proud of you a wide variety of plans to help until maturity. See us for the our long-standing role inhelping you save-and earn-money. current high rate. For 14 years, we've been cooper- young people make better- Here's one of our newest and best. save more with reduced atingwith the Grosse Pointe School u1formed career choices. Many of our bank personnel are . minimum deposit requirements, System's Co-op program, under Money Market Time _ the supervision of Paul Pierron of personally involved in community Deposits. We've lowered the minimum Grosse Pointe schools. Each year service activities. One of our Assis- deposit requirement to $500 on we've hired two or three high' It's a unique way to save. Make a tant Managers is Treasurer of the all of our Certificates of Deposit. deposit of $10,000 or more with school seniors to work in the Bank. Soroptimist International of Now you can take advantage of Our co-op students this year, as us for 26 weeks. You get a very Grosse Pointe. 1bis association of even the higher yield certificates high rate of interest and very high shown above. are Debra Conlon business women supports many for just $500. and Rebecca Ferrari. These ener- earnings when left. -i worthwhile community causes. getic young people each put in a One of t1,eir most i..rnport8&~t to maturity- ! .... , save more with higher man if... our large selection minimum of 20 hours a week as events is the Annual Art Show, seniors at Grosse Pointe North High held at Walton-Pierce, to benefit Bill Cole. Vice Presidenl in charge afMack- rat~ ~~ab(e Lochmaor Office. and]oe Ouellette. Branch {j." of certificates. School, in addition to working Cottage Hospital. Through other to mdMduals ~ Officer in charge orMack.Brys Office, on other kinds of .• :'\ We have a savings plan for your every need. We11be deposits, Indeed. no happy to discuss our wide bank or savings and variety of plans, with you and loan institution can NeiglJborhood Interest isconvenient bank recommend the one that best pay you more. There are restrictions. suits your needs and budget. locations inGrosse Pointe. however. If you should Save more with need to withdraw early. no-service-charge checking. federal regulations require a Maintain a $500 balance in any of substantial interest penalty. They our savings plans and you can en- also prohibit the compounding of joy unlimited check writing interest, and the annual percentage - with no service charges. rate is subject to change should Helping you save more is you decide to renew your deposit another way of after 26 weeks, showing Neighborhood Interest. Bank hours In addition to our regular hours, we offer you an array of spedaI lobby, ,<::'; drive-in ~d Saturday hours. 1. Mack.Brys-886-7706 .. / :., Lobby Hours: Mon ..Thurs,-lOa,m.- 4:30 p,m.; Fr;,-IO a,m.-7 p,m., Sal -9 a.m,.1pm, Money Market TIme Deposits. Drtve-In Hours: Mon. Thurs, '" Fri.-- lOa.m.'? p.m.; Tues !It Wed.-l0 a.m,- Another way we show you 4:30 p,m; Sal.-9a.m.-1 p.m, neighborhood interest. 2. Mactl.Lochmoor-886.7730 Lobby Houl'l: Mon.,Thurs,-JOa rn" 4:30p m.; Fri.-lOa.rn,.7 p.m,; 5aL-9a rn ,I p,m. Drtve.ln Hours: Man., Thurs, &. FrL- 10a.m,'?p,m,; Tues. IlWed,-IOa m.- 4:30 pm,; 5at,-9 a rn -I p,rn Plus 24.Hour Cash Man service, - --- -. - ~ BANK MANUFACTURERS. . Neigbboihood Interest can item vau make it - inGrosse Pointe.. "


S aBSCnSSe ?? 7 7 ' 7777757?7 P7SRss? 527? Frs SEspssr ss o. sssrr ..s p' 5Ed.Mer ''"fiefrr-M.of Page Twelve .-- ~______G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S' Thursday. September '27,i 1979 ,.'.G;~djob~ often dodge the I A I way s remember th"t C Off A CI A H Be. Calligraphy ClassesSet fellow who has a lame repu. needless anger is a killer of ente,' ers rt asses ssumption as ig ampalgn tation. men. For the first time olnce' able to participate before to ------The ancient Japanese Art! 2 through December 4 from Father L. J. Carney Pastor I chairman, and ii'alher Carney ~eginning the study of Cal. enroll and learn the fine art of Sumi-e will be taught for 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. ' fAt' fOh • h . RT ... ",,';mi.lln that "arl'.h1n::"' lIg!"aph~ ::t the War Memo- oC italic banDwriting from . t t' I 0 SSU'l1n Ion", urc In ' ~ .. r~ ~ >Y. • • • n-tobe 3 tb h N robe '''"~''f'''' "-,.",, " , .. ,!t he fI~ Ime at th~ Wtlr l.!!'~.Bowman t~ :.c&;'B. . . •.. ers and friends of Assump. rial, Wilham A. BostICk, '-'" r rOllg ove r <~,"f!._~ ' ,y • ft J Memorial's Art School th;s in fine arts and studied Wmdsor, Ont, recently an. tion will respond favorably former administrator of the 21, either in the mornings .;'t '::'<;, ..\*", ;:•• ~." fall. The instructor ~s Mary Sumi.e in Japan under Bee. nounced the official opening to the campaign, Detr~it ~rt. Institl\te, has from 9:30 to 11:30 a,m. or ),." ",'~\:C;'".__Z~:,L... ~~ ~ ,,:r;, Bowman, who te~ches the. art ka Inada, Each year she reo 'of an cxtensive three phase d d 'bl t ib opemngs In his classes, in the evenings' from 7:30 to ;~';',", . .~."'.";I ."'l""<' . ,; !urm regularly !n Farnung. turns to Japan for are. . . . Tax e uctl e con r u- 9:30 p.m. . . • . " <,' .J,~t~'t;iJj>.J$iQ .,- '.-( ton and Southfield and will fresher CO\lrse. fund ralSlog ca~palgo to. tions ca~ be forwarded to This offers a chance for The fee is $45 plus $12 for '.' .";~:1;1~:",Vf:~~.;~t#!~~1m:~.~ 1~ :~:; :I~e:~~~g P~~~i;:P:t PI~u:;~:rri~:rc~~~p:Si~:~ re~::;~:~;:um:;lo:~~:r~::i I ~~~~~~Ou~c~ r~~~ ~ ~~d~ l_m,,;_a.n__y-;.-;.pe-;.o-;.p-;.le-;.,-;.w-;;.h_Ow-;;.e-;;.r_e..;-_u-;;,n_-t_h_c-;;._ma_D_u-;;.a-;;.l-;;.a_n_d-;;,-::;;.ma--;;.-;;.te-;;.r_i_a_I_.--;..,_ ",~ . ' .,< ,:;./ "''''O'~_-'''..,J the Center, 32 Lake Shore using varIOus ~l1uho~s uf I landmark,. commitments from I Ont., Canada, N9C 2J9. T"t T T I LAS VEGAS road, on Tuesdays, October Japanese. black mk WIth a the Ontario Heritage Founda. Corporations and businesses , AUT!!SL'\!S 1 E TE TAINMENTCAPITALOF THE WORLD" f"t'I_ h f'< f. feather light bamboo har- tion and Win tar i 0 total ,...-d~~,"~'" ,__,,,_ ..T, -'''''i. 1- "THE N R ~nn~c .....on un '1..Ilerl ~r'.':~ vf ~~f;~iti;;e,' riclll ~120,OUO. Imtial donations' rca'nv--c'a"II"oI'~n~O.n~ta••r..l.o.~vJ"e'r"ryV1 1AI ..... ~ •• ~.~O.--"'-,"'"... The most umque vacalion Cliy In tne wcoo IS Las Vegas. paper The class fe I $50 did f . h' " ''''ku.u-,-r'f1 lock ith fr T T1II Y:\ I ..~n .' e s an p e .I!.l!~. rom parL~ IOn. Haggarty at !-:)ili.~.7929 .L.... L~.t"' Entertainment goes non.stop around the c w stars om ~~ fie ~Y..':?\ OrCG"''';' ') w<;e!ts and about ~1O el;S and friends represent ~r in Michigan, Bill Adamo CONVERTIBLE TOPS TV. ,.lolJon Pir:tllres and Broadway and spectacular shows from r . for su.pphes. . another $40,000. The As. at 1.313-882-6014. Paris. Many hotel lOunge acts provide merriment trom country Th Rt R J h k <;halr seat weavlng.cane, sumption Church share totals _ and western musIC to soft background piano from romantic to . e . ev. ? n Wal er. splint and fibre rush will be $474,872 of the overall $861.. PLATE GLASS hilarity. Accommodations and dining are some 01 the best in.the Bishop o.f. Washmgto~, and taught to a limited group on 225 estimated cost of the Publishers of mass-market G world, Hospitality is lilt' major industry in Las Vegas and they Mrs: WlIham tudwlg. of Tuesdays. October 2 through renovation paperback books sold 531 mil. RESIDENTIAL have become experts in catering to your wish. Golt, tennis. C~f1st Church, Grosse Pomte, November 20 from 7 to 9 . , swimming offer pleasant daytime diversion. but the most exciting Will report on the signifi- p.m by MarY 'Herbert Stu. Individuals, businesses and lion copies in 1977, compared L TABLE TOPS experiences you'li ever have are the evenings. Don't plan on cance of the actions of the dents are asked to brir{g the corporations will be contact. to 495 million the. year be. getting much sleep. There's jllSlloo much happening. (By the Ge~eral Convention of the chair to be worked on to the ed in an effort to attain the fore, a 24 percent Increase. A AND MIRRORS way, gambling is legal in Las Vegas.) Churcch 'recently first class. goal. . ~;:~paci l e I,! enver. ? o. . I Stuoi>nts wi!! be asked to A special effort is pl..nned I W'- -ATE. I P1CK-UI' .. DElIVUY Well over a thousand people a week are venturing from De- Their report wIll be given lorder their OWD supplies. a I to reach the thousands of I ~ troil Metropolilan Alea to Las Vegas on 4 and 5 day specially Monday, ~cto~'( I, at .the list of which will be given Assumption College gradu'l • INSU•• T~nI!IIII priced packages that were unheard of a short while ago. Prices churc~, 61 Grosse PQlDte out during registration. ates, both in Canada an.:! the HIA TER .. LII ...... ----- start at $19900 per person and include air fare aM hotel ac- boule~a~d, al a p.m,. . which ~hould be done in ad- United States. (including the THERMAL PANE GLASS commodations. Reservations should be made as far in advance The Issues ~f major ~m. vance if possIble. The fee is Poinles). affording them an Call as possible to insure your selection ot airtlne and hotels. Make portance a.t thIS ~onventton $35. . opportunity to participate in TUB ENCLOSURES . fall plans today and call the Las Vegas Desk at TRAVEL. wer~ the fmal action on the Note~ international artist 'the campaign. WORLD, 882-8190. Book of ~ommon Prayer of and PrIX: de Rome winner SHOWER DOORS 1~79: an Important. new be. Zubel Kachad1>orian .,will in- Th.e state,ly structure. of gmnmg of an urban program struct at the Center's Art GothIC. archltedure re~u~es {or all parishes; a debate on School this fall in "Multiple extensIve ~ork both mSl~e action in regard to ordina. Discipline" on Thursdays, Oc. ~nd out. with. urgeo; re~al~ 17600 LIVERNOIS' l)N 3.7800 ~}f;:------PRE-INVENTORY SALE! tion of homosexual persons; lober 18 through December !t~f!ls mdudmg . ~.ectfl(~a! 15304 KERCHEVAL' VA 2,9070 Thurs.. Fri., Sat. ONLY a~d the program, Venture in 13, from 7:30 to 9:30 p;m. w~rmg, tuck .pomtmg and 1726 MAPLE RD .• 643-4880 TU.4.0484 19807 MACK "'V~NU~ TU.4-0494 EVERYTHING IN STOCK 10% OFF Mission, which is a national Fee for Mr. Kachdoorian's wmdow releadmg. plus renewal and fund raising class is $70 for eight' weeks. A parish team headed by RIDICULOUS CLEARANCE pro~ram. Students will work from a Dr. J. F. Leddy. honorary from BIshop Walker, a native life model in all media. chairman, Winston Eagen, save us countlngl of Detroit, is president of the Urban Coalition of Bishops 369 FISHER and took a leading part in O((D" from the work of the House of BATH South High Bishops. U5ID.I•• FI+ 882-8760 Mrs. Ludwig was a dele. SHOP gate to the Triennial meeting ~i.nCE. 1956 of .the Episcopal Church Women. is presently treas. urer of Christ Church, Grosse Pointe. and has been a memo ber of the Commission of Ministry of the Diocese of Michigan. CUSTOM REMODELERS CONDOMINIUMS NO.2 The General Convention ROOM ADDITIONS • DORMERS. AEC ROOMS establishes policy of the Epis- Extra spaciOUS new 2 S. 3 bedroom copal Church in the coming townhouses (up to 1605 square three years. feet) and ranch homes. attached Citizens. are invite.d to at- garages. convenient laundry tend the meeting. rooms. lull basements and KITCHEN SPECIALISTS masonry fireplaces /III stand/lfd. Previe'" Priced From' DESIGNERS, DISTRIBUTORS a INIT ALLERS OF CUSTOM KITCHENS' BATHROOMS BY Grand Marais Colonial QUAKER-MAID • NEVAMAR • MUTSCHLER MODELHOURS Quiet dead-end street to the lake. Excellent floor plan DUTCHMA~D • ALLMILMO DAILY 1.7 for family living and entertaining. Exceptionally large rms. New kitchen plus bre~kfast room. Master bed.' SAT & SUN 12-6 room suite plus 2 large bedrooms. Center and rear em 0' srE"""G HEiGHTS CLOSEDTHURS stairways. GROSSE POINTE ROCHESTER 18332 MACK VISIT OUR 979-5090 PLUMBIN~8JfEATHlG: SHOWROOMS 3" MAIN 731 Grand Marais 822-1538 or 881-1024 652-1444 BYWIN~~AN & KO.MERBUILDINGCOMPANY --;;600 L;;;~~;~ . UN 3-7BOO '1 Grosse Pointe Park 336-8222 15304 KERCHEVAL' VA 2-9070 $172,500 \726 MAPLE RD, • 643.4880

Special ..,II"" "HOME of the PAUL NEWMAN 20% OFF OFFER ...Y ~O" BILL FREEMAN CAN-AM Frank Grzanka's ." v. RACING TEAM" V_ present.s - ~ Grosse Areas Newest SABRE LANCER Point. COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND GRILL '.£ JfJ 16543 E. Warren Ave. 888-5155

~ ,.- . "Voted No.1 Ground Round , ,I; In the City"

by the Detroit Free Press - Jan. ~4, 1978 I..------CLUB"500" ..I Stroh's Survey 1'1 ~------~---~-----~------~ IINFLATION FIGHTER I SABRE LANCER I COUPON I Back To School-Inflation Fighter Special I Introductory Special I OlO ~. B · l' YOUR I BRINGTHEF_V FORA SPECIAL I ~~~g ENTiRE I I RIB TREAT OR ENJOy SPECIALTIS 120% Family OFF GUEST CHECK i OFFi , _ _ _ IIIGlldll.BlllfIlII -~ ; I WE FEATURE - ~n(/ud;ng I I VALIDTHROUGH OCTOBER 31, 1979 I• • SQUARE PIZZAS IENTIRE GUEST CHECK I • MEXICAN TACOS AND NACHOS !~ CLIP AND PRESENT~ ~ I Anything On Our Menu IJ.. uJl._ •• _. • THIS.~;.;..._;.COUPON____;.;._~ •••• __, • __ ..... __ .... __ •••••••••••• i~~ I • GREEK & ANTIPASTO SALADS I I • TEMPTING DESSERTS I Beverages Included I I (D015 NOT APPLY TO CARRY OUT ORDERS) I Special • Please note our new hours: • I expires October 3 J I J 979. I FROZEN COCKTAilS 9 • S~nday through._------_.ih"rs. 4:30 p,m" 'til 11 p.m. SUNDAY-1 p.m. tll midnight PLEASE NOTE OUR HOURS• Fnday and Saturday 4:30 p.m. 't,1 2 a.m. .5 BLOCKS EAST OF MONDAY through THURSDAY-11 8.m. 'tll midnight 17569 E. WARREN CADIEUX I=AlnAV eft ....SA...... "A...... -; 1230 ....- - - _..- - .vn.., l-118.m. II : 8.m. I L, • COMPLETE CARRY OUT SERVICE AVAILABLE. J

( I .._, __ --$II$ __ $II$--."I!'!' !IIII $.,. ; p.,,-~,':":,,~,,:"':..,:-.~..~._L- __ ~_ _~ 7.',...".,..-...."...,,...... ,.....,...... -,...-,.----.~ - ~- ~.. ~ 7' - ~ - - I

Thursday. September'i7. :979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS .. r t. Clare Series Vie'WB R""~::,~~~:~~..~:::~;;~:~::~t':.~:q:~:\,.,,J IW01neil, Teens, a:f orality Company received the per. seven and a half spaces were company closed a previous mlsslon of the Woods Council required but ."1 doubt if office in The Woods around Saint Clare of Montefalco ric social worker in practice . they'll gel two In there." . hurch. at Mack avenue and with Pastoral Counseling As- for an occupancy permit to However, Jim MonlcaUl of four years ago but omcials hlttler road, recently an. sociates, an east side agency. occupy the building located the company indicated most wanted to move from Warren ounced it will offer a fall She is former director of at 19876 Mack avenue In ac. of the business will be con- back to The Woods to obtain eries of programs dealing tion taken at the rescheduled dueled by telephone, while a bette.' identity with the Center Point Grisis Center In U.S.D.A. P,..... & (llelc. ith three very diverse sub. Ohl ""I!loned Grosse Pointe and is a sex regular meeting Monday, pointing oul that l\ maximum area and prospective custo. CUlEO SMOKED .ects as a part of its response educator in The Pointe area, September 10. of six people will probably mers . BEEF o a Parish Needs survey of working with the Health As part of the motion of be in the offjc~ with 11,110 I Thr !ll';~=i::;: W:!5 former::, I CHUCK ROAST BACON year a20. ::'t-";;'v,'"i, II pSL'xing variance full.time persons during the II occupied by Treder Pharo I THICK SUCfD ~':::;c~~~;JUCouut.,;ii vi ocosse I 1l~.l:'N..D..aoNE ~R Pointe. was granted,. with Building day. m,,'.'y ... . , ttfuL.t,h--';';'''loIl1 f~~~~~~~ t,;~ll~?:~;;~~orri "Conscience And Morality" E ECKRICH 2: at 8 p.m.-will be the series with Dr. Carl Middleton will '1.69 LB. BRAND 'Understanding Ado I e s- be. offered on four Wednes. U.S. No. J JUMBO en~s," to be conducted by day evenings, OCtober 3 to 14K NEW GOLD LABEL 'ean Hogan, OP, MSW. 24, in the Lower Church. SELECT HOT DOGS Topics to be covered in. Questions such as "What is DUCKLINGS lude values. conflicts and morality?" and "What is SPECIALLY SELECTED AND 1.lb. pltg. '1.49 m p roving communications sin?" are to be addressed, MciNTOSH RAiSeD TO HAVE If .... $1.89 kills, (the rebel who came along with conscience and GOLD JEWELRY 33% MORE MEAT AND o dinner - and stayed): dis. conscience formation and APPLES 13% LESS FAT THAN ipline through self.regula. moral development for par. THE AVERA(;E DUCK SMOKED ion, (how to keep the puck ents and others dealing with • neddat:es 3 LB. BAG SAUSAGE t their end of the i~e); youlli. dolescent sexual develop- I • bracelets '1.27 LB. Dr. Middleton is a noted OFF '1.89 LB. erit, (the nitty-gritty of 79tAG U.S, NO. I It.... $2.29 Lb. oday's world); and adoles. author and lecturer, and is • charms SWHt-Juicy director of Pastoral Care at ents and drugs. Y2 IDAHO Sean Hogan is a psychiat. Saint Joseph Hospital, Pon. BARTLETT tiac. He formerly served as POTATOES chairman of the Department PEARS 5 LB. BAG P Chess Club of Theology at Saint Mary's Merit Woods Pharmacy College, Orchard Lake. 39LB. antes Leaders Six Friday mornings will 19325 MACK AVE. 882.0922 798AG be devoted to a course in The Grusse Pointe Chess "Assertiveness T r a i ning." lub recently opened its 1979 They will begin October 5 aSon with the election of and run until November 9. ew officers. Elected were Objectives are to teach posi. re~ident Bob Gault, treas. tive behavioral skills, aware. rer Axel Mueller and Metro ness of choice of behavior, ague coordinator Mark learning to set priorities, im. ch'midt Bill Potter will proving self-confidence, as- eri'e as' immediate past pres- suming responsibility and de. ent. veloping decision.m a kin g TJie members also ap. skills. 'P!oyed plans for a Mars~all ~arjlbit tournament. The fmt The course will be con. (~1,"oves: one P-K4, P-K4; ducted by two' members of '~vfO>N.KB3, N-QB3; three B. Choices, a human resource 5;~'QR3; four B.R4, N.B3; founded by four Pointe wom. iv( Castles, B.K2; six R.Kl, en. The instrudors are Sarah -QN4; seven B-N3, Castles; Hepburn, MSW, ACSW, a igJit P-B3, P.Q4; nine PxP, clinician in private practice ~; 10 NxP. NxN; and 11 and former school social- xN, ,p.QB3 constitute the worker in 'Mount Clemens, Ma~hall Gambit of the Ruy and Mickey Dietz, Master's Lo~z, which 1)as been played candidate in Guidance and in iiany famous tournaments. .counseling, and instructor. 1U of Tuesday. September and facilitator for workshops 25, each participant will have in personl).l g row t hand an ~pportunity to play both human relations. colelrs from the position ere. The evening sessions will ated by these first 11 moves. run from 8 to 10 p.m., and This will be the first tourna. the Friday morning classes me~t of its kind to be played will be from 9:30 to 11:30 at .the War Memorial, 32 a.m. ,LaKeshoreI road. There is a $10 registration I Informal 1llay among club fee for the Hogan and Mid. members will continue dur- dleton sessions, and a $lIS ing: the, tournament. Th~re also will be an opportumty fee 'for the Asse1'tiveness to match wits with the club's Training classes. Chess ChaUenger 10, the Pre-registration is recom. ~ computer that 1llays chess. mended for these programs r If you are interested in and may be mailed to Saint participating In the tourna. Clare Continuing Education ment Ol" like to play chess, Committee, c/o Religious call 886.3226 or come to the .Education Office, 16231 Cbar- War Memorial any Tuesday levoix, Grosse Pointe Park at '7:30 p.m. 48230.

'\0 Chris Craft Cruisers ...0.' Looking for a cruiser that's just . rod' ..-:: right for you? Gregory's has .-1' been an authorized Chris Craft ,,,.'Off dealer for over 50 years. Let us "",..' . put that experience to work for you in selecting the boat that's perfect for your boati n9 needs. :Chris Craft Sportboats :Chris Craft practically invented the high power, high :performance speedboat. See the full 1978 Chris Craft Thursday, SepteDlber 27 I'Iine at Gregory's indoor showroom. :Gregory's Service. :. 2 complete service fad lities :. 6 cranes, 2 to 250 ton 11:00A.M. until Midnight. '. Storage - summer and winter, inside or out • Covered or open boatwells SYSTEMS KENWOOD KC8S0 automatic belt-drive TECHNICS SA400, 45 w/ch $206 w/Pickering cartridge .., $ 89 NIKKO 819.45 w/ch $329 : DETROIT'S ~,.. ~ MASTER DEALER $use Roberts RX115 receiver TOSHIBA 451 automatic. belt-drive, PIONEER 180. 45 w/ch $199 variable speed. less cartridge $149 SAE R3C, 35 w/ch $189 9666 Jefferson Ave.• Detroit. Mi. 48214 • 823.1900 Collaro 1251 turntable Open Mon. thru Fri.. 9:00 to 5:00; SlIt. 9:00 t.o 3:00; Studio Design 26 loudspeakers SONY V4. 55 w/ch $299 Sun. Noon to 4:00 CASSE i i E DECKS TECHNICS SA200. 25 w/ch $159 $2" AIWA 1260U top load $229 Sony V2 receiver LOUDSPEAKERS (EACH) TOSHIBA 2480 front load $159 EP1100Vtop rated. 2.way $ 69 KLH Classic Jr. loudspeakers SONY TCK-1A front load $169 LAKE FRONT AND CANAL HOME KENWOOD 2008. 8.inch. 2-way $ 19 Kenwood 850 belt-drive, automatic turntable TEAC F300 front load $239 48484 HARBOR. CHESTERFIELD TWP. Shure cartridge ADVENT NEW UTILl1Y. 10.inch, 2-way $129 RECEIVERS PIONEERT.300. 1O.inch. 3-way $140 $338 KLH CLASSIC 3. 12.inch. 3.way $200 PIONEER SX450, 15 $ Kenwood 3090 receiver w/ch 98 OHM E. 8.inch. 2.way, real walnut... $110 HARMAN KARDON 340, 20w/ch $199 Pioneer XD6 loudspeakers INFINITY as, a-inch. 2.way $ 99 TOSHIBA 725, 25 w/ch $199 B*'*C 20Z, belt-drive. automatic turntable JBL 4311. 12.inch. 3.way $219 Pickering 220E cartridge ACCESSORIES $478 Pioneer 680 receiver DISCWASHER SYSTEM $ 7 CLASSIC ONE record cleaner $ 9 Advent New Utility loudspeakers AUDIO.TECHNICA 100E deluxe Sanyo 636 belt-drive, semi-automatic turntable elliptical cartridge , $29 ,'\udio-Technica 90E cartridge MICRO-ACOUSTICS 282E electret cartridge.$60 Eight room custom split rock quadlevel on beautiful 25 foot headphone extension cord $2.99 Lake St. Clair. Just north of 21 Mile and east of TURNTABLES Jefferson in a private subdivision of fine homes. DISCWASHER SCI stylus cleaner $4.99 Home is like new and in move in condition. PHILIPS COLLARO 1251 automatic wlbase. KOSSPR04AAAheadphones , $ 39 cover, magnetic cartridge $ 29 AKG K140 headphones $ 39 Features large beamed family room with full waIl S-!*C 202 automatic belt.drive w/Shure . fireplace, plus full glass doorwall and adjacent cartridge : ,.., , $ 79 Quantities limited. Some items not available in all stores. Florida room that is heated and insulated also j SONY PST-1 semi.automatic. direct. facing lake. Many, many more unedvertised specials in every store. I drive, less cartridge " $129 Rainchecks available on new merchandise. Open staircase leading from family room to upper level bedrooms and full bath, Full bath on living room level. Convenient and attractive kitchen with built in oven, range, dishwasher and disposal. Has I larger than normal basement than is customary in quad. levels. Two car attached garage has custom I automatic rolldown doors. Home has gas forced I air heat and airconditioning with electronic filter. Waterfront and canal have new steel seawalls. I i~ ,...~ • ..,. (~13) 779.9800 • '-'" UU?" or 331-7733 I • d_J1T2l~-LH 'I" 20715 Kelly Road, East Detroit 779-8324 I CHARTER OAKS REAL ESTATE ~E"lTO~ In Michigan: Dearborn, Detroit, Royal Oak, Far(fliliijion, Ljvolli~, East Lansing, LanSing, ROChester. tioutngate, and ANGELO PETRACCr 26800 harper avenue I ...._------_Ann Arbor. Stores also in Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania,...._------_New Jersey, and New England . ...

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_____ ~ R 0 SSE POI N TE NEW $ Thursday, September 27, 1979

Young Golfers Contelld at NH .,i -~-'-.-- ~- .-.~ -.-----~---- ~-- -~ ---.------.- ._- . -- JV at South WE SPECIALIZE IN NITRITE FREE By Wrilllt wu..a. IThis )'ear, the chance will Blanked, 21-0 ..... ,.H.m. Hot DOp a .ratwurst. This )'ear's North High come at the slate regionals ~lu>.nl !nlf t ... m is • young Friday. october 12, at Oak- By Joe SR1xraak HOMi.ADiQEnMAN8AUiAGI 'onCol,but that doeJn't seem 10 land University. The top South'~ JV football team bother coach Ray Ritter, as thrt'e teams In ~ach region lost to the Sterling HeIghts underclassmen pi...\' an im. qualify. Stevenson Tltllns, 21.(), on HAMEL'S MEAT MARKET portant part in the learn's North's golf teams have Thursday, September 20. lineup. bt'en to Ihe state meet many Their season record is now Of the eight team memo times in the past, but last ()'2.1. 885-8647 hers, Paul Quasarano is tht' year's team missed qualify. 1114 EAST WARREN DETROIT squad's onl\' senior. There ing by only one stroke. In the first quarter, Ste. are three juniors. John Bar. Coach Ritter feels this venson opened the scoring ______1 bailia Phil Chadwell and year's squad may have a with a 25 yard touchdown '~";_c~.::!!: t...... ~"!'ho. chance. commenting. "Quas. j>1I1l1l. VII the conversion at. ------...... --.,~.;:: • tArn~/. ~':3 ~cn;.H;J:'~ ~~~t~ T ~ ,I ~ore~, Joh~ B.riskl~~~}~~~e I~::~~.~'~.~~~~a~~A.~ri~L.~~H.. ~- ior holding, movlng- the ball r --- ~~ ..."",~.,;.;;; ....~~~~"'" - ---~-,....---,--,--.~---~~ halfway to the goal line and . ;t~~~Ci'~';a\~~;':~;t'A'l~~"~~r;,~w~iJ.';nd ~ih~Ya~~-~~p~J I 'l~.LAMIA J~ ~.Jl"this. Four of Ihe t'ight able of getting us Into the giving th~ Titans another compete in matches. state meet. We !leed to im. ~orth Varsity try. Stevenson's second two. Tht're are 15 matches and prove, but if we have a good SHS Girl Netters Wi", point conversion was success. one tt'ntatively scheduled day, we could make it." Wins; JV wses ful on a screen pass. ______..J mt'ntournamt'nt(his season.for tht'ThereNorse.lire SHS------G 'dd Two Perfect Matches With less than a minute left in the half, Eric McMi. CORPORATiON II not enough teams in the Bi. By Wright W11Ion n ers By Lara MeueUe Lee Robinson and Nancy chaels intercepted a Steven•. County League to make golf North High School's three l 3 d r. South High School's girls Wright, Tracy Echlln and Slm pass on South's two.yard . an oefj('ialleague sport, (five ose r Ime f 0 0 t ball teams enllured tennis team remaIned un. Lin4a Murtagh and Sharon i are required), so North's another week of competition, line to kill another Titan defeated as it beat both Ste. Ruwart and Laura Hackman drive. schedule is composed of out. By Tom Kisskalt with the freshmen taking on , venson and Mount Clemens kept the winning streak side teams. South's varsity football Chippewa Valley. and the JV In the second half South . ill home matches held Thurs. going by defeating Stevenson fumbled at about its 2().yard . .I !\I)cth ~on mat,,;hes over team came out on the short and vanily teams playing a players, 6.(), 6-0 every match. I University Liggett and Lake. end of a tough football game series with Lakeview. day and Friday, September line and Stevenson recover- 20 and 21. On Friday agaInst Mount ed. The Titana look it in in. view last week. but lost to losing 7-6 to Sterling Heigh~ The varsity squad opened In the match against Ste. Utica. Stevenson, thereby Stevenson on Saturday, Sep- Its Bi-County League sched- Clemens, South again won creasing tbeir lead to i 4.(). venson, the team took every 7.(). Excellent performances They miJaed tbe extra point setting its record at 5.2. tember 22. ule with a 20.13 win over game, winning by a score of Two s t r 0 k e s separated The Blue Devils' offense Lakeview. were. turned in by Wachter, but picked up another touch: 7.(). Outstanding pia y i n g Rieehert and the number one down and the extra point North and Liggett, but finally got going, and South Junior Mike Eugenio scored came lrom Paula Riechert, North was vicloriOllS, 172- scored its first touchdown of on a .t7-yard run and on a doubles team of Robinson later in the half. who won a golden first set and Wright, as they won all 174.Marshall was the medal. the season when Ted For- 24-yard pass from quarter. by taking every point in it. In the second quarter, isi witil .. score of 40 in this manClyk ran 10 yards for the back Bob Brown, who him- their matches with perfect South had a 45-yard touch- IJz Wachter, number one scores. These quality per- close victory, score. South filled to convert self scored on a one-yard sin g 1e s player, won ber down called back for offen- : Lakeview was. defeated on the extra point attempt. plunge. formances were followed by sive pass interference. It was : I match, beating Stevenson, the rest of the undefeated next by North, 225.231. Low The score was set up when ~, 6-0. Both Megan Me. a Questionable call, as the : scoring honors went to lIue)', South had the bill on Steven. This wu North's seeond team members. defender appeared to bump . I Mahon and Lisa Micou earn. who shot 42. son's 12-yard line and was win against one defeat and The girls were scheduled the South receiver, Joe Yott, . Uti~a ~te~enson ended going to attempt a field goal. the varsity team travels to ed South points by taking every .game in their matches. to pl:;,~'East Detroit at home who then bumped the Titan : North s wmmng streak, as The snap wu bad and the Roseville Brab1ec saturday, while he made a fantastic . Sou~b's doubles teams of Monday, ~ptember 24, (af- • WOMEH AND MEN HAIRCUTIING • PERMWAVING Stevenson defeatee North ban bounced to Jolin Heidt September 29, for a 1 p.m. ter press time). They travel. catch and went in for the Wednesday, September 19, who ran the ball two yards lSJDe. ed to North the next day, score.. • HAIR COLORING • MAKE UP 20/)..210.Briski wu North's for a first down. Then the The JV, meanwhile. drop- SH G. IS . and hosted Port Huron Nor. South's next game, at, • CUTTINGBYJR. STYlISTS IN TRAINING'1'.00 medalist this time. 1o-yard run by FOrmlDezyk ped its third game of the II" S WIlD them on Wednesday, Sep- Mount Clemens, will be on EVENING APPTS. 1623111ACl 115-5946 The loal for the team is gave the Blue Devils I 6-0 leason, falling to Lakeview, T Do IV. tember 26. Friday, September 28. Ito qualify for the state meet. lead efter one quarter. ~ .. Lakeview scored its 0 a lctory South's defense played ex. touchdowns after ta1dng ad. \ . treinely well with the Rcep- 'vantage of Norseman errors. By 1IIUJk Cbrk tion of one letdown in the North's JV offense had. South's girls swim team le<:ond quarte.r. Stevenaon strong thin!" quarter, mereh. spluhed to victory in the pre-season DR. JOHN MORA.N scored on a fJO.yard pus play, lng dOWDfieldto score on. first dual meet of the season and then made the PAT, 2$-)Wd run by Matt I.ell- as they beat Dearborn Edsel OPTOMETRIST which proved to be the win. mann .. The two-point conver. Ford 105-61at North. 11417 MACK(beaw .... levem I PrMtwlck) "'-1181 nlng point. sion was suceeaful vi•• pus Led by Lara Messelle', SNOW The Blue Devils, now 0-3, from Crall Stafford to Tom double victories In the &0- will leek their first win on Van Pelt and 100-yard freestyleil in HARD CONTACT LENSES sat u rd. Y, September 29, North'~ ninth a:r.den won 26.4 and 39.1, respectively, THROWER SOFT L1JITACT LENSES against Mount Clemens at their aecond straight conteet South won eight of 11 events. $S9 '150 1:30 p.m. of the season, ~ s-o deeillon The Blue Devils started off wltn heat I~cept/cl:!ng unit With kit and ----- on Chippewa Valley', field. tbe meet winni~g Perhaps BELATED STATI8TICS Dave Bel'leron, Gene In. their best event as Whitney '110 total maximum COlt follow up visits The proportion of lCien. lrao and Tim Richardton Semple, Julie Robinson, Gina SALE with chemical unit, '110 tists and entineen in the played well for tbe touah BartoazewiCl and HeaseUe Prlceslnclude follow u-pV181u. U.S. dropped from 25.4 per fntohman defe"", which bu losted a 2:03.3 in the 200- DMigner', •..-a .a7,OO 10,000 poup1ation in 1965 to held ill competition Korele .. yard medley relay . 15 24.8 Per 10,000 I decade in .f,ht quarteR of .ction. Tatin, tbe 400-yard free. 20" 5200 .Reg. 299'.5 $269 •1 Month Fr. TrI.1 un all Contact L.n'" - FULL REFUND LESS EXAMINATION FEE 1 ~ TlWl'" HOURIl MAIm ClWIGE . later. The number of patents North's scoree came in the atyle relay were Y!thy Erl~y, IllMllIIiI V.IOUDS DALY1-5:30 Vl8AACCUfeo' Sara Electric Start 15 ~~IOII WE08.H:30 61.. :30 "CI.n~ I'll! CROSS cranted to Amerie-n citizens fourth quarter cappinl • McCloud,lrIaureen crossl 20" 5200 5319 CLOIED THUfI'. Pro'lld., decreaeed 21 perce. between scoring drive 'led ~ the and Banoezewicz L'14:05.9. Reg. $349.95 I 1&11aad lV'i6. I runninl of SCott De Claire, I other wiDDeR f~r South I 'IA" Gl'e'- Eu,enio and Ron Gar~ wefe Cfu.. in the 200-yard "., S"40... Reg.- 249"~'2"9-.. I. - 1- ner, freestyle with a time of 2:10.0, Erl~ in the l00-yard butterfly In 106.8, Semple in ULS Gridders the 100-yard backltroke in .112" All Seet": 'ISP':) 108.7 and McCloud with a • All Modi...... II... Senfcltl-l.-ly ... c;. Sufferl,t LOI' 1:11.9 in tbe 100-yard breut- stroke. The University L i gg e t t Lori GleNkina:, a member School, (ULS), Knights foot. of South's young diving team, ./Y~t!~ ball team suffered its first ~ook second place. "The LCI... n Mo .... ' People" . loss of the 19'1'9season on South was scheduled to 19815 Mack Ave., in the Woods Friday, September 21, ,sue. meet Mercy High School Men. thrv Fri•• to 6 Sa'lIrdGy , t. 4 ii" cumbing to Harper Woods, Tuelliay, September 215. :\._;." f,: le.a .. The loss left Liggett -.-..' 2.1 for the season. tile oe'llal Killhlandel ULS opened up strongly. After kicking off, the BLE'IOEO SCOTCH WHISKY' 56 8 PROOF It SCHENLEY IMPORTS CO. NY .. N Y Knights defense held Harper Wood!!to four yard! on their nV~"lT" n''-"''1~~"-~u~~ILE\ first series and forced the home team to punt. .LJn l't'rt.J..lJ ~ rn ~' Liggett then proceeded to A thirst for living ... a taste for fine SCotch. mareh down the field and score on a short burst by Jerry Park. The two point conversion was successful an~' •..iggett grabbed a quick a.o ldd. I From that point on, how. I ever, the game belonged to I Harper Woods. Running wide and up the middle, Harper Woods gained five to six yards a crack. They scored on two separate pass plays and .had .field goals of :ro and 42 yards, the latter being a school record. Liggett got the ball to the '30.yard line of Harper Woods on four different occasions, but they couldn't get the ball in the end lone. . ATS---- !1'henext game for ULS is ~~~~b.~.iiri.~;.wiiii.~.coi~.=. AU HATS lIUIIMD. PltlC:EIIltlilDU T411 at home on Friday, Septem. 16) 7:30 PM. ber 28, against Kalamazoo lYicr. $4.10 $1.10 $6.50 $7.00 Burroughs. Game time is 4 :,~I'EI:~~=lY NIGHT.SAVE" 50 WITH .SAYE SI.00 011 KIDS UNDER 12 p.m. ----WEDIUl:SDA TS ---- At PI!fonnInctI.1IniINIId WlII1A SCIr • In SClllduil~ lift (OCT. 10, 17) 10:30 AM 7:30 PM* I ------~-.---..:...;;.:;;:;;:::.:.::..::::. Liggett Girl (OCT.ll) ~,:, &1:00PM. TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT: (OCT. 18) 11:00 AM,," & 7:30 PM.. COIO AR£!'!.~ !OX orneE = Ot't~P'.A TiiAvtL (Iinnlnrnaml Netters Win t6cr. '2, t9) ~;~~. & 8:00 PM I:~~~~pN~~~~~~~:~rO~.grt(W~I)8~~~~~ ----UTUJmAyS---- i . iJ"_ • ." University Uggett School's, (OCT. 13, 20) 8:00 PM CHARGE TICKETS BY PROIIEl (ULS), girls varsity tennis "'~:Yi-OO .. team SQueaked by Marion (OCT. '4) 1:00 PM & 5:30 PM CALL 1313) 964.6420 (OCT. 21} 11 AM •• 3:00 & ':30 PM IlIONlIInI'RI .loAMrollW.UIo, Ylu"lIUom.~CMf High School, 4-3, for its sec, (No hrfonnanees Mondry, OCtober 151 ISIOD Semel eN , .. OrlII'l ond win of the season, on Tuesday, September 18. Although both number one and two singles for ULS lost their matches, 10th grader liT -- II1E Shelley White, playing num. BAlSA SCRIABTh~ ber three singles, won in a "11 Hngering 6-3, 4-6, fH match. PHILOSOPHY: "International understanding will be , BORN: Bad Homburg, 'Nest Germany, 1950. Ann G. Sherer, a ninth .. -----I'U-.J(-,.-.,,-CLl-...-'.! '-. ----- I ...... ' '" - '~"I,- II1-_- ....,," • 1 built on common ground; around cullural and HOME: ~shil1gton, D.C. grader in the number four ..us PlItIf _ environmental 'lin~', not differences." singles position, defeated her FLUENClES: Russian, French, German, English, FAVORITE PLACE: "The far side of any challenge:' Marion opponent by a score and Spanish. of 6-3, 7~. tITl' Sf&II_1"___ '0111_ Of tIlm ow _, 01111\ SPARE nME: Pastels. Raisa has two major New FOUNDERAND PRESIDENT: Forum International Tbe doubles teams for Lig. IO:YI:IIIUUL CUHI M.k. c:h.c:k Of mon.y omr payllJl&10:COBO AR£NA for Culturlll Relations, a consulting firm 'tbrk gallery exhibits to her credit. gett won two out of three of Enc:lote ,,".Idclresllll, stam .nvtlopt. . specializing in cultural program development. SCOTCH: Dewar's "While Label"~ and soda, their matches. A senior, "Dewar's is definitely a philosopher's Scotch, .. a Julie Doerer, and her soph. ~ECEN~ ACCOMPLISHMENT: Helped negotiate an omore partner, Lisa Peele:, international Convention tor the Conservation of personal, reflective. Dostoevsky-reading drink." won eully by a score of 6.2, Migratory Birds. 6-3. Eleventh grader Amy ~"tot And 10th g!'!!1er L~~!'~ t:lIRAr:NT PPOJ~~: T~~e!:.:~~':~:!~:::~~~::!:~~~~ a Barlow also breezed through I Russi?n artifacts in Alaska, I/(A«UL I their match by a 6-1, 6-4 I~U~ I

- = eo ,-. - .. • .. ... -.,.-----...--...-__ .. ..- ...... - ... r ..--r _ ~ ~ .",. r • .. ...- ...... - __ -..-

•• ' ),..... l"., ••

Thursday, September 27, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P.ge Fifteen I DEAF ItESIST HEI,P Picture Frame r:ln~~ Beg!!!s "'CHINESE II NH Runners Undefeated i Hard of hearing peoPle) only about 600,000 of the : I'~,. ~~!!! GOI ..D~N All undefeated aiter two Stahl. Others running for One can learn to achieve I November 15, from 7 to 10 are reluetant to nave them. devices are sold earh year .. RICAN R meets are the North High North were Kelly Louwers, unusual effects and save a p.m. They will be taught by selves wired for sound. Some Moreover, only two mimon : 'AME BUDD A School boys varsity, JV and 24th, and Beth Gudsen, 30th. great deal of money by en. Margarita lbarluzea of the 20 ~illion Americans have of t~e deaf are wearing lh~.i.~: D)SHES ' girls cross country teams. Coach J. D. Edwards in. rolting in a Picture Framing f It f 0 L d Sta of hearing loss severe enough heanng aids regularly, say" • I In its first Bi.County dicated, "The girls really class at the War Memonal, acu your a y r to require hearing aids, but an industry publication. . featuring the ~ery finest in Cantonese dishes League dual meet races this needed this victory as it will 32 Lakeshore road. the Sea. -.------.-- ior Classes will be held Thurs. The fee is $36 for eight luncheons and' Dinners, plus exotic Cocktails. season, North defeated Lake. help the team morale. I was view. The boys varsity and happy to see them take it." days, September 27 through weeks. Mon. Ihru Thu'l. 11 o:m .• " II p.!". JV both posted perfect scores Equa.By successful was. the Frida;' 11 a.m .. 12 p.m. d h th CITY OF Sol. 12 noon" 12 p.m. of 15-50, and the girls won boys .S1e as t ey w.onWI a /.rf""I. ' ..~I""', _ ' '- Sun. 12 noon. II p.m. Iby a 16.49 tally. Outstanding 39.pomt tv,?!. Leadmg North 5~F!: FLUE. I I COCKTA.IL LOUNGE COMPLETE' 1 ~ ••• i';u~.Ll~1V~~'.eJ1m Scn~ldt.! ~a~ .;)cn~I.~.L:~~.n1:~I~:th.l_r~!. I~. ~tni1.ti.e l?Otntr n I •..;.,...Ir ....~.:';n;.. i.~ ....f .. j.:":"', ...~, .. ~ ".,;c::'i 0..:': ~:-;~.:.. !!'" ;;':.~( .... ~"':I.!~~:Jn[ :'".:;;0. lo'e!! ':".Jc.•. ltJ IJY. I ....t...... ul~.ln.l.g \/<1£..1 - I pier, who won the boys var. sity r!lnners ~inished in twos r CHIMNEY SWEEP 16340 Harper 88.1~6010 sHy girls and JV races reo -Wright WIlSall and Dan NOTICE OF spe~tively. 'Van Vliet came in seve~th 1-_----______On Saturday, septembcr and eighth, John B~c~clnk CHIMNEY FIRES REGISTRATION 22, North's runners partici. and John Rosculet flmshed For The pated in the Royal Oak lOth and 11th an~ Steve CAN HAPPEN VPuneh &V]udy tJa.elltrr Shrine Invitational held at L!Jgo and Mark Rolam occu. General City Election Marshbank Metropark. The pled 14th and 15th. . .. Don't take chances. Have Your 21 Kercheval 881-2618 G.P. Farms, 48236 girls team recorded its first In, the open dlv1s10n, To Be Held On invitational victory ever, as North s.Dan Ha.mmer le~ the Chimney Cleaned NOW! Get ThP !>tOr) of it led the field with a total pack w1th a 16.08 clockm.g. ready for the cooler weather Tuesday, November 6, of 50 points Coach Edwards, SchmIdt, two ""on-.en "host' and avoid the fall rush. frif'ndship suddt-nl)' . Van Vliet and North's ath. 1979 Schmidt turned in a sec. letic director Tom Gauerke bramll" II mllltf'rof Iand place spot for thc female appeared on an edition of Jir~ and dtoillh. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Clerk I Norsemen, and was backed Ron Cameron's "SportsTalk" of the City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, JANE FONDA up by finishes of fifth from Ishow last week on WXyz. Phone 881-5893 VANESSA REDGRAVE Martha Whitta!cer, ninth by AM, and answered phoned.in Michigan will be at his office located at 17147 Jenny Blashill. 11th by Patty questions from interested lis. • Chimney Screens In$Iglled M:mmee Avenue for the purpose of receiving ~~ .~. I Meehan and 23rd by Suzanne .teners. registrations from qualified electors who have not already registered and from electors Sept. 24, 25, 26, 27 7:15 and 9:15 Bid for Courts Receives 01yJ.y CITY OF who will possess such qualifications on SAT. & SUN. all P.M. November 6, 1979, the date of the GENERAL A request from Uni\'ersity made by the council. CITY ELECTION. Liggett School, (ULS). to The first approved the re- ~rnlllle 'nittle mnl1~lt YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the utilize tennis courts at the quest and if there were any MICHIGAN Lake Front. Park was unan. City Clerk's Office will be open for registra- additional charges incurred, tion every day except Saturday and Sunday imously approved by the that ULS be billed. Then a NOTICEOF REGISTRATION FORTHE Woods Council at its regular substitute motion was of. from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and on Wednes- REGULAR CITY ELECTION TO BE A~(In Wonderland) meeting Monday, September fered indicating that ULS be day evenings until 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of 17. charged $100 to offset main-I HELD ON NOVEMBER 6, 1979 IN THE accepting registrations. (Includes Workshop & ULS athletic director Rob- tenanee fees, while retaining CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS. IMPORTANT. Question & Answer Period) ert Wood said for the first two of the courts for resi. time in the school's history dential use. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all The City Clerk's Office will be open on Tue.s- FRI., Sept. 21 7:15 and 9:15 officials have been asked by At this point, City Admin. qualified electors of the City of Grosse day, October 9,1979 from 8:00 A.M. until 8:00 continues Sept. 24. 25, 26, 27 the state high school athletic istrato!' Chester E. Petersen Pointe Woods, Wayne County, Michigan, P.M., the last day to register. association to host the girls' pointed out that the school who are not now duly registered, desiring to state tennis finals on Fri. wasn't planning on charging THOMAS W. KRESSBACH . STARTS SEPT. 28 - 6:05 ~ 7:50 - 9:30 vote at the regular City election to be held City Clerk da~', October 19. the city for a sewer ease. in the City of Grosse Pointe Woods must As a result, Mr. Wood re- ment as part of the north. GPN 9-27-79 and 10-4-79 Q.uested the use of the 10 east relief storm sewer proj. register with the City Clerk at the Munici- COUI'tS from 8:30 a.m. to ect, and that this should be pal Building, 20025 Mack Avenue, Grosse around 3:30 p.m. on the 19th. taken in consideration. Pointe Woods, on or before October 9, 1979, He said he would make sure With that, the second sub. which is the last day registrations or trans- _ CITY OF there are at least two adults stitute motion was offered fer of registrations can be made. in charge at all times. and approved, permitting ~rn.6.6t Three motions, including ULS the use of eight courts Regular office hours of the City Clerk are 'nintr two substitute ones" were without any charge. Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For the convenience of the electors, NOTICE OF the City Clerk will be at the Municipal NOMINATING PETITIONS Know Your Schools Building, 20025 Mack Avenue, on Tuesday, For The By Dr. William Coats, October 9, 1979, between the hours of 8:00 . Superintendent of SehooIs a.m. and 8:00 p.m. for the above purposes. GENERAL CITY MIDNIGHT SHOW Chester" E, Petersen This is the time of year ess works. ELECTION Every Friday. Saturday when one can hardly read a Although our Board is bar. City Administrator-Clerk , To Be Held On THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW newspaper or listen to -a news 'gaining with the three associ. broadcast which doesn't have ations representing the teach. Tuesday, November 6, at least lJne report on the ers and J:luh!i~ librarians, CITY OF r------I GET ON THE paJ MAILING UST I ! status of teacher contract office personnel and plant I 1979 , Clip and Mail today I negotiations in several cities and cafeteria workers, I want ~rnl11lr 'nittte JJtarms : Name . i throughout the state. to focus on, the negotiations NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified I\ Since our Board of Educa. with the teachers' Local 1 to MICHIGAN electors of the City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne : Address . ; tion also is involved in bar- illustrate the collective bar. County, Michigan, and all other interested gaining new contracts, I'd gaining process. NOTICE OF persons that a GENERAL CITY ELECTION l~---~-~~City' __~State, Zip JI like to use this column to In addition to salaries and will be conducted on Tuesday, November 6, briefly explain what is being fringe 'benefits, many other REGISTRATION' I negotiated and how the ,proc. issues are covered by the con. 1979 for the purpose of balloting upon the fol------tract with the tea c her s. FOR lowing elective offices: Factors affecting working conditions such as class size GENERAL ONE (1) MA VOR (TWO- YEAR TERM) and the number of teaching CITY ELECTION THREE (3) COUNCILMEN (FOUR-YEAR CABERFAE THEATRICAL COMPANY assignments. length of the TERM) school day and the school to be held on PRESENTS calendar and provisions for ONE (1) MUNICIPAL JUDGE (FOUR .. various types of leaves of ab. November 6, ~979 YEAR TERM) THE DYNAMIC .STAGE PLAY sence are -all negotiated as part of the contract. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that registration of All persons desiring to seek any such elective 'Covered in the collective qualified electors who have not already registered, can office in such election may secure proper, I bargaining agreement and be made with the City Clerk of the City of Grosse legal nominating petitions from the City subject to negotiations are Pointe Farms, at his office in the Municipal Building, Clerk, 17147 MaQ,ffiee Avenue, during estab- procedures for assignment, 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, Wayne COWlty, lished- office hours. Such nominating peti- reassignment, transfer and reduction of the professional Michigan, on any day prior to and including Tuesday, tions, properly executed, must be filed with staff; a rationale for discip. October S, lS7S, and that the City Clerk will be in his the City Clerk at 17147 Maumee Avenue not ling teachers and different office Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. Wltil later than twelve o'clock (12:00) Noon. Satur- FEATURING types of disciplinary meas. 4:30 p.m. and Wednesday evenings until 6:00 p.m. for day, October 13, 1979. ures; and methods of process. the purpose of accepting registrations. ing grievances. THOMAS W. KRESSBACH WAYNE'S SUSAN POPEK Generally, these and many NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that for the conveni. City Clerk I other similar issues are ne. ence of the electors, the Clerk will be in his office from GPN - 9-27-79, 10-4-79, and 10-11-79 . Oct. 4-5-6 gotiated by teams of five to 8 P.M. seven members each. This 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 9, 1979. year the Board's team is ALGER THEATI!R composed of administrators GPN 9-27-1979 Richard G. Solak CITY OF from the elementary, middle 10.4-79 CITY CLERK 16444 E. WARREN and high schools as well as OCT. 4 - $2.50 - STUDENTS, SENIOR CITIZENS the central office. <&rUBltrJuintt 111armll OCT. 5-6 - ALL TICKETS - $7.50 The teacher's team also is CITY OF composed of representatives MICHIGAN from the different instruc. tional levels, and as a result ~rnlilir 'llittlt Jnrk of the regional affiliation NOTICE OF .HEARING with NEA-MEA Local 1 last I GEPPETrO'S spring, has teachers from NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD other Local 1 districts -and a Local 1 staff director. REGISTRATION OF APPEALS DINNER SPECIALS The first .bargaining ses- for- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board A Fine Selection of Italian Dishes Preparpd by our Chef sion this year was held in of Appeals will meet in the City Hall at 90 Kerby Road. For Your Pleasure in Family Dining. May. As is usually dQne at GENERAL CITY Grosse Pointe Farms, on the initial meeting, the teams 23406 MACK Open Mon.' Thurs. 3,30.11, CARRY OUT were introduced and reached ELECTION MONDAY I OCTOBER 15, 1979 ST, CLAIR SHORES Fri. & Sat. 3:30-12, Sun. 2-10 778.7800 agreement on procedures, a at 8:00 to hear the appeal of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. meeting schedule and gen. To Be Held On McElvenny. owners of the premises located at 225 eral methods of operation. Stephens Road. from the denial of thf> BlIilding De. I ,At subsequent meetings ~GEPPETTO'S SPAGHETT! SPECIAL the teacher's team fin;t pre. partment to issue a Permit ror the construction o{ a ~f Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday sented its contractual con. Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1979 new addition to the rear of their home at the foregving cerns followed by the Board's address. Such permit issuance was denied for reason ~ ALL THE SPAGHETTI YOU CAN EAT team giving a summary of that: Board concerns and counter. TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE 1. the residence located on the foregoing pre. I~~}i $2.50 Din;ng Room proposals. CITY OF GROSSE POINTE PARK: mises is non-eon{orming {or reason that it pro. b CHILDREN - $1.95 Only In the bargaining sessions You are hereby notified that any qualified jects into the rear yard space in violation of which have been conducted the provisions of Article xm, Section 1300of elector of the City of Grosse Pointe Park ,.. ICOUPON upposalsto nowand counter.proposalsa series of pro. the City's ZOning Ordinance. and in accor. Mic.higan, who is not already registered may dance with the provisions of Article XV. Sec. regIster for the General City Election to be tion 1502. Item 4.A of the City's ZOning Ordi. GEPPETTO'S SUPER SPAGHETTI SPECI,AL I :~~~n~~~ ~~s~essev~~~ft~~~~ held in said City on the 6th day of November nance, no such structure may be enlarged or I ~ I tive agreements have been 1979. • structurally altered unless a variance is O(\\'f ~~. reached, although therc are ~ranted. (\. I 00 OFF .!1f'1 stilI some unresolved items. Registrations will be takE.n at the office of the I S I 2. The proposed addition to the rear of the home ..\"Cou~o ONE SPAGHETTI DINNER :'c1.~. I The general status of nego. City Clerk, 15115 East Jefferson Avenue, .... .~\' . - tiations has been accurately located at the foregoing address further in. I Grosse PoL'lte Park, Michigan, each working fringes upon minimum reqired open rear yare I "'l~\ Good lor Carry Out or Dining Room ~ ~ I reported in recent editions of the local newspapers and day, Monday through Fridav, between the space of 30 feet. leaving a rear yard of 24 feet. "' __ ~ 'COUPON .------.. ~-. in keeping with "good.faith" hours or 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and on Wed. and thereby requiring & variance from the ICOUPON ,. bargaming practices, n~ fur. nesday until 6:00 P.M. provisions of Article XIII. Section 1300of the City's Zoning Ordinance. .- " ther comment on the Issues The last day for receiving registrations will be Tuesday, 'October 9, 1979,on which dav thE> The Hearin~ will ~ !'..~!;~.jr.~~:cslN! p~vj)<:.:y I \~ ONE LARGE PillA I :~~~~~.a~p~o~ria.te in this 11 lJwn('rs or residents of the City are invited to I :;~~d Cled~ win De III his office between the 1 1' attend. 1~ FOR iHE PRiCE OF A SMALL PIZZA IIIm~~sti~~~;tl.C.~e~~I .In:c:o~~:t~:ll hours of 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. f1 ' W' h C 0 I lour negotlatlons With Local 11 N.J.ORTISI Richard G. Solak ~,-H " oupon n y _ appear to be at an imoasse. 1,I. . . G d f COt D" R I I When impasse is reachcd, 15115 ~ast JeffE'cson Avenue City (;lerk City Clerk and Secreta~y ~) 00 or any u or mmg oom mediation is u~ually the next Phone: 822-6200 Zoning Board of Appeals L------.. -.COUPON .- .. I sl('f\. We have requested the GPN 9.27 and 10.4.79 Published: GPN 9.27-79 services of a mediator,

___ ~__ _... ._-..-_--..-..--..-_-..-__ _.._- ..-_...-....-_~-,__-_~_....._ __- • .-.... ~ ~_ ' ..J------~-~~- ~------_.-...------_. , . .--.-~...... -...... ,...... --....-...: ...._--..,..,--_.------.--..._.....-...-...,.....,...... --......

Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 27, 1979 '1 .. ,'" -. Grosse Pointe News ~. (USPS 230.400\ ~~:. PNblished Wu'/y b~ Antetb~ Publishers W!th~~:~~U =:?~~':..u:...~~~,~~':m~~~~~~j':'eII II flew on OfFICES UNDER THE ELM AT I ington official helpin, cele- nition, especially that by the' LII the facilities of the entire I Renaissance (.'enler'~ first II I brllte the occasion, a cere. Rockefeller organizaUon,,' development. four office towers. with 2, I 99 KERCHEVAL AVE. lOony on Friday: September Mr. Ford said, . In the new partnership, I 200.000 square feet of rent. Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236 21. marked the start of con. Phase Il's glass.enclo~d, Rockefeller Realty Corpora. able office space, now a~e 95 I Seco.oci Clul Poslase Paid AI Detroit. Michisao Istruction of two 21.story octago::.:l towers, sL'1iilar hi U.onwill provide the design, percent leased or commItted. Cf,mified Adllertising & SlIbs,nplionJ 882.6900 offiee towers at Renaissance design to the present office finan<:ingand buiJding of the The. 340.000 ~quare feet of ""IILL By Pat Rousseau Disp/tly Admtising, 882.3500 .• Baiton,,! 882.0294 Center. towers, will include 569,000 new towers. FMLDC, which retail space IS. 73 percent Moon Landrieu, secretary- square feet of office space, owns the ~.4 acres on which leased or committed. Buy A Rigaud Candle , .. that's delight- designate of t~e U.s. Depact. 45,000 square feet of retail the towers are being built, The 73-story Detroit Plaza fully scented and get a samplp of potpourri FULLY PAID CIRCULATION sachet at The Green House, 117 Kercheval, Member Mich. Pres, AlSociatioo aoci L\..tiooal Editorial Alloc. ment of Housm~ and Urban space a~d inside parking for will handle leasing and man. Hotel at Renaissance Center RORl'llT ~ ...,!DGAR EDITOR AND PUBLISHER De~elopment, ~omed 250 De. 550 vehIcles. The towers are aglmlent. already ;u.s l,osted more than I 881-5833. !:~~~~~e~_,fb~~~~;:~t'I';~v;"r"~I to,..~. {or oc-1 John Port.man and ASSOci.i1,700 conventions. and con. . ~~~ r. ~~~." ..~''f'':.:- • )';'; . .. Pl:!,':'i~,:!!:n. :~~~:~?. r~r .! .....,...... u ~•• _ ...... --- --. r. f .... -.1. .' ...... j In ~..-:J 1__.:... -.\_- ':--:--d"s.'.-no~ tl...... ~ ....o... o::! • tOI"'.pnf"tH:: numbpranfl more Permanent Pu~pkin.s• , .. ~ . WILLIAM ADAMO ADVERTISING MANAGER ~remo~y at the conmuc~t1JIJ A covered bridge at street I ;;;dTisiun~~..rt;;1t'y';~~'C~~:I ii~~;;~oo;vwvi;i~or;;. 'E,,:'::~:~i! "'l. ... ~ marl .... f':"t- ...... o.ramu .. t!.nn '.unllt-" - - ~ ... '" " JOANNE BURCAR CLASSIFIED MANAGER site adJacent to and e~st of level will connect the new struction Co., Inc., is build. now and 1990, the hotel has i~-thr~'- st;l~s' ~l':d-;ize~- at th~ . ':'>=::)' t ~h~l pres~llt hot~~f~e.re. towers across Beaubien street ing them. These companies commitments for 400 groups CREDIT MANAGER x League Shop, 98 Kercheval. Just 7k1iM~ I' JANET MUELLER FEATURE, SOCIETY WITOll al co~pri ~n e own. with the existing complex so perlormed the same roles in of 1,000 or more rooms per plug it in. and y()ur electric towRenrIve t~on. 'h d that tenants and shoppers the initial Renaissance Cen. night. £..{' ANN WALLACE SOCIETY presen 109 ,e secon _ pumpkin is ready for Hallow- ~,' ROGER A. WAHl. NEWS EDITOR phase of development of Ren. een. JAMES J. NJAIM NEWS aissance Center. the Phase SUSAN McDONALD EDUCATION, NEWS II towers are being built by Young Pointers Salute Growth of RenCen Maria Dinon ... •has a great selection of a partnership led by Ford DAVID KRAMER NEWS, SPO~TS fall fashions that include an elegant Halston JOANNE N. GOULECHE NE S Motor Land Development Corporation. (FMLDC). a couture dress that comes in black or silver. MARY tORiMER ADVERTISING subsidiary of Ford Motor Sidonie of France knit coats and two piece PAT ROUSSEAU ADVERTISING • Company. and Rockefeller, outfies, Frank Olivier gabardine slacks, Tri- CHARLES DICKSON ADVERTISING Realty Corporation, a sub. PHYLLIS NEAL ADVERTISING cosa wool knit slacks and Anne Klein's velvet sidiarj' of Rockefeller Cen. blue jeans. These and many more designer BRIAN PECK '.' .. , ADVERTISING ter. Incorporated, (ReI). fashions are found at 11 Kercheval. )0 MULHERIN CLASSIFIED SUPEl\VISOR Participating with Mr. Lan. JANET WHEATLEY , ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR drieu at the Phase II event TAMMY POLK...... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING were Henry Ford II, chair. Fabrics• . , . in the fabric FRAN VELARDO .. , , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING man. Ford .Motor Company, room of W. M. Burns Ltd, , will I NELLIE RiVARD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Alton G. Marshall, president. be on sale October 1 thru Oc- ANNE MUI.HERIN .. , , .. , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ReI, and Coleman A. Young, tober 31. Save from 10% to DOROTHY SCHIMANSKY CLASSifIED ADVERTISING Mayor of Detroit. 50% off on Marimekko type fab- DAWN HOWARD •...... CI.RCJ)LATION MAN ...Cl:R Mr. Ford said, ''The Rocke. ~:., rics . . . yard goods or by the feller show of confidence in , "' j , the future of this city was " . panel. These fabrics are suitable TV's Mort Crim Takes Pulpit one of a string at important Itfor framing, draperies, and kit- announcements here during chen curtains ... 70 Kercheval. Mort Crim, anchorman for ( In 1978 he received an the past year." . WDIV, TV-4 news, will gwe Emmy award fur his .report. He cited selection of De. Linden Clocks . •. . those I a sermon on "Living with ing of insurance redlining in troit {or the National Repub- popul"" ,mall ""active clock, ~ Risk," on Sunday, Septem. Chicago and, in 1979.another lican CODVf"utionand the Na- that are battery or quartz op- ber 30, at Grosse Pointe Emmy for commentary. tional Hockey League's All- erated have arrived at Trail -""'_-'--. Memorial Church. 16 Lake. In addition to his career Star Game, both in 1980. He shor~ road, at 9:30 and 11 iri journalism, Mr. Crim is also mentioned the National Apothecary, 121 Kercheval. They :- I ': I are nicely priced and are great .: _' a,m. an active church layman and F 0 0 t ball League's Super Mr. Crim's 20 years of is author of a :book about the Bowl game coming to the for travel or gifts. '-:' - television and radio journal- church in a changing world Detroit area in 1982. ism experIence include five called "Like on 'Is." "Since this string of an. Looking For. • king size mahogany years as a radio network The public is invited to nouncements. Detroiters be. canopy bed ? You'll find this handsome piece newscaster and correspond- bear him speak at either gan to believe in their city on display at Lambert-Brow Interiors, 3 Ker- ent for ABC New York. He service. as they hadn't in year!. We was anchorman on the ABC Two young Pointers, MEGAN next to the existing hotel-office:re- cheval, 886-4468. morning program "News BUTTERLY, 8, (left) and his sis- tail center, on Detroit's riverfront. I Pendelton's Town •And Country Group Around The World," ter KRISTIN, 5, last week joined in Megan and Kristin are the daugh- While with ABC, Mr. Crim Letters to The Editor a salute of plans to construct two ters of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent But- . fashioned in mosaic green and Harris' co.anchored manned space additional office towers at Detroit's terly of University road. Dad is man- tweed with the new shorter suit jacket that flights from ~ late days of !'----~~----- Renaissance Center, The twin, 21- ager cf tenant services for the Ren- balances beautifully with a matching inverted the Gemini progr3.m through To the Editor: items for our raMIe and our story towers are in the faregro.und, aissance Center Partnership. pleat skirt is a new arrival at Hartley's Coun- the final days of the Apollo On behalf of Tennis and auction, your attendance at try Lane, 85 Kercheval, 881-5{}90. moon landing projed. Crumpets, Inc., I sin<:ere1y our party and your willing. When Neil Annstrong took thank this community for the ness to help us publicize our that "giant leap for man. fine support rendered to benefit all add up to a very Department Head's Salary Eyed in Woods Seasons• Of Paper . . . has kind" it was Mort Crim's Children's Hospital of Mich!- successful and rewarding the best looking new box sta- voice whieb brought the news gan. project. By R03er A. Waha' Iand July 1, 1979, $32,130. scale if the solons resdnded tionary, notes, address books, ap- A verbal request t"ward However, the council sit. their action. ' to millions of radio listeners Your donation of the use This is truly a "giving clarifying an action of the ting as the Finance Commit. He also pointed out that pointment books, engagement around the world. of 125 courts. your participa. community" an

, , ( f Thursd<'lY. September 27, !979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen Ready for A Super Holiday Mart I'He!ping Hands' rs Benefit Theme Mrs. Clayton Alandt Assists Mrs. Samuel Jarrett with Preparations for Early October ~ Fasnion i.unc;,-eon ..-' \J- I The League of Catholic Women of Detroit &nd [I the ,J r. Hucf<;on C(\1'Y1!,,~ny wi!! ]0!!: £or~e~ W~dnc:,: I , ddi, vl.:wucr 10, when the league presents its fifth annual benefit fashion luncheon, "Her Helping Hands," at Fairlane Manor, Dearborn .. ~.WOMEN'S PAGES "We're pIa n n in g to I ~~-~~~~--- show the best in the store be made by sending checks in all size ranges, with a to the League of Catholic special emphasis on holi. Wom~n, 12~ P~rsons street, ." DetrOIt, M I chi g a n 48201, Short and to day fas h lOns, says Gre!- where further infonnation From Allother Pointe chen. S now, Hudson s may be obtained by calling The Pointe fashIOn events manager, 831.1000. of View who will commentat~ the Assis!ing benefit ('t!'llinnan By Janet Mueller parade of fall and wmter !\!rs. Samuel Jarrett, of De. .------11 It was a "congratulations styles following an 11 troit, is Pointer Mrs. Clayton on your promotion," (to sen- o'clock cocktail hour and Aland!. A chartered bus will leave Grosse Pointe at ior accountant with the firm I noon luncheon. Committee members in- the peak of the fall color season in southern Michi- of Geidman and Gcidman, Tickets are $15 per person, r!:.tde Pointers Mrs. David gan - Thursday, October 18, to be exact - headed Beverly Hills, Calif., office), I with all proceeds assisting the Henes and Mrs. Jose Borrego for Marshall where all aboard ilIembers of Ibex and pre-birthday, (she turned I league's social service pro;. and the Mesdames Edward will enjoy a mini-tour of fo~r private histori~ 25 on August 12), party for homes 'BARBARA WELKER the ects: Casgrain Hall, a low- Davis, Christopher Rambeau, ,. , . last Sunday in July, as fam. cost residence for single men Edmund Gallagher, Fred . rhe~e 11 be gourmet box lunches to satlsfy ap- ily and friends gllthered for and women of limited means, Reichel and Albert Combetta, petItes In between stops at the houses, and at a cocktails and a buffet in Casa Maria Community Cen. all of Detroit. turn-of-the-century schoolhouse, and a Governor's honor of the daughter of MR. All the planning is done, and now Grosse Pointe War Memorial where ter, the Project Transition More are Birmingham resi. Mansion, and Marshall's famous Hawaiian House. and MRS. JOHN J. WEL- LAURA (Mrs. David, III) MARAN- the Mart, a gathering of distinctive rehabilitation program for dents Mrs. Maurice Guenin. women offenders, Barat Hu- Mrs. Donald Klein and Mrs. Sounds like a lovely way to start a new season KER, of Hampt~n. road, here TETTE, (standing, le.!t), and merchandise from shops across the . and we predict, since there are many musical o~ a one.week VISit~rom Ma- man Services residential and Jere 'B. Gillette and Bloom• KARYN (Mrs. Clune, Jr.) WALSH, country, opens next Tuesday, Oc- counseling pro g ram, the field Hills residents Mrs. ladies among these talented energetic women, rlna Del R.ay, Ca~C. Barb, (seated, right, holding young BREN. tober 2, with a 5:30'to 8:30 ::I'clock TASC employment training Thomas Moore, Mrs. Alfred th 'II b. th b' f'" th graduated In 197~ fro m ere e more an a It 0 smgmg on e way Grosse Pointe Norlh High DAN W A L S H ), co-chairmen of party for patrons and sponsors. It program for the jobless and Welton, Mrs. Terrence Keat- home. School, received her degree Planned Parenthood League's 21st will be open to the general public Saint Peter Claver Commu. ing and Mrs. Albert Desmond. * * * in Business Administration Annual Holiday Mart, and their from 10 in the morning to 8:30 in the nity Center. Still others are the Mes. It's the first Ibex 1979.80 program: a typical from Western Michigan Uni. many helpers, including MELINDA evening Wednesday, October 3, and Luncheon reservations may dames Dennis Flynn and An. activity for this group which always enjoys "some. versity, where she majored EAR L E, (standing, right), and from IO to 5 o'clock Thursday, Oc- thony Calice, of Troy, Mrs. thing different." in Accounting, in April, 1976. BETHINE WHITNEY are ready to tober 4. Joseph Mello and Miss Mar- Trip to Farm ion Ryan, of D ear b 0 r n At the annual Ibex meeting in June, at the • • • j relax a1?-d enjoy themselves at the Lakeland avenue home of Mrs. Charles R. Beltz, Participating in Kalama. ------~~-~-For Fox Creek Heights, and Mrs. Alex Mot. new directors were elected. Mrs. Thomas Brandt zoo College's 143rd com- There will be 20 shops to tel', of Livonia. mencement J u n e 9 we l' e Rollins. for childless couples, preg- Mrs. C. Bradford Lundy, will serve as president, Mrs. Daniel Bowen as vice. CHARLES AUSTERBERRY, browse through .. One, from Further infonnation may nancy counseling, disease de. Fox Creek Chapter of California, offers exclusive of Ballantyne road, is presi. president, Mrs. Donald R. Schrom as treasurer, JR., son of MRS. CHARLES toys for men only. There will be obtained by calling 882. tection, community education Questers members will be dent of. the 9,OOO.member 6832. and counseling for teenagers. off to Edna Kreichelt's fann Mrs. E. B. Ml,mger and Mrs. Francis B. Van Deusen F. AUSTERBERRY, of Berk. be hi5h.f1ying kit e s from league, Detroit's oldest social as recording and corresponding secretaries, respec- shire road, WILLIAM SPEN- Massachusetts,' Italian sports. Planned Par en tho a d Since the Planned Parent- in Applegate next Thursday. service organi1:~tiQn, which tively. CER. 'son of MR. and MRS. we a r fro m Pennsylvania, ~eague programs. that bene- \hood Leagne receives no Fed. I October 4. The day's pro. participates with other civic, Then there are the committee chairmen: Mrs. DONALD R. SPENCER, of patio and garden accessories flt from funds ralsed by the eral funding, it depends on gram includes a picnic lunch l' e 1i g i 0 u s and community Joseph A. Murphy, Jr., house, Mrs. Lawrence Camp- Trombley road, J U D I T H from Missouri, silk screen Ho~iday Mart ~nclude co~n'l projects s~cj) as the Holiday I and visits to antique shops groups toward the rebuilding bell, program, Mrs. Robert W. Chapelle, member- KIENLE, daughter of DR. designs from Rhode Island selmg and medical screemng Mart for Its support. and the historical museum. of lives and neighborhoods. and MRS. ROBERT N. KIEN. and over 200 decorative tele. ship, and Mrs. Bonnie Klein, publicit:v. LE, of Washingt(JUroad, and phones from right here in * * * JAMES KLIMCHUK, son of Michigan. Congratulations Are In Order _ . • MRS. SHARON KLIMCHUK, In charge of aotaining pa- .. and they go to Dr. Robert E. Booth, of of Anita avenue, all magna trons for the Mart are Mrs. cum laude graduates, and Walter B. Ford, II, and Mrs. (Continued on Page 30) GAY GILEZAN, daughter of Charles. Wilson, Jr. Opening the PETER R. GILEZANS, night festivities are in the of Severn road, SUZANNE A Short Cut .To A New Fan Outlook hands of Mrs. Robert Ben- \ PIERRON', daughter of DR. kert and M r s. 1VIi c h a e 1 and MRS. DANIEL L. PIER. RON, of North Brxs drive, JANET POGUE, dal.ghter I)f baden, Germany. wherr' she 1 the ROBERT B. POGUES. of majored in Counseling. I Soulh Renaud road, and DA- ::;;: ..; ... I VID L1GOTTl. son of MR. MOLLY M.. MEURER,. of For your facial shape. and MRS. GASPER LIGOT- Mount Vernon road, was TJ, of Littlestone road. named to the spring term • • Dean's Honor List at ,North- COMPLETE ALLEN F.• GODIN, of Mer. western Michigan College. r:iweather road, and KEVIN * • • MAKE. OVER P. PAROL, of Nottingham MAUREEN KENNEDY, Includes shampoo road, each won $500 Free daughter or Pointers MR. treatment, design Picnic Games Awards given and MRS. WILLIAM KEN- cut, capilus tro styl. away during the Letter Car- NEDY, has been elected a ing or blow drying, riers Benevolent Fund's an- Fowler Dorm representative complete make-up all nual family picnic held in at Lake Erie College for \~ June. for only .'-835. Women where she is major- \ * • • ing in Equestrian Studies. \ (".Uhout makeup '25) NANCY M. CO L L INS - • * * DEHNCKE, of Huntington GERARD BROSNAN, of boulevard, recently awarded Bedford l' 0 ad has bee n I Bart Edmond. :: Master of A:-ts ~egrce by ! named to the Dean's List fori Hair, Skin and Make-up Salon B.all State Ur,llverslty, Mun. top scholars at the Univer- I CleoIn.d., studied for her d~- sit)t of Wisconsin.Madison, - SHORES SHOPPING CENTER -13 Mile gree m the Ball State I Alr ColI e g e of Enginl\erillg, 31065 Harper Avenue - 296.3660 Force - sponsored grad~ate where he is an 1ndustria! . EVENING HOURS programs .. at the Um~ed Engineering major. I States Mlhtary Base, Wles, * • * I ROSEl\fARY TINDALL, of : Audubon road, and BARB. ARA BROWN, of Canter. bury road, reeeh'ed Bachelor of Science in Nursing de- grees during May 20 com- We Specialize in mencement at Marquette Universit~', Milwaukee, Wis. (Continued on Page 30) See The Jeremiah S POST-MASTECTOMY FITTINGS Artists ~larket Sets Reception ...--L- Cruise Collection of Bras & Swimsuits An invitational opening rc. ception and preview of its annual faLL exhibition will of See our wide selection of bras and take place tomorrow, Friday. September 28, from 5 until hi-fashion swimwear that can be fitted 7:30 o.clock at the Detroit coordinating jackets, skirts, pants with your choice of: Artists Market in Randolph street. sizes 4 to 14 I i New at Janie's "tl'"n Drnl"th"l"i,.. A vL V'Ci I I Vi>L1levli> II • MADEWELL Meet Bernie Kraft, Tru-Life I FATIGUES President of Jeremiah S

Airway Companion III Prosthesis III • NORTHERN ISLE Wednesday, October 3 • Somerset Mall I SWEATERS I • BUTTON-ON Thursday, October 4 • Grosse Pointe Our expert fitters are in our store I I PURSE Inf.ormal modeling 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at your convenience daily I COVERS

GROSSE POINTE • Florence Riley and Sadie Wright )he. shops of SOMERSET MALL • Anne Chaney

Jht shops of Waltolt.Pi~r,~

f II ...__ L- ••_I • Wdl.~rt-1': ;.. III w.;.~~.u. II & vo,"o.eo .. o Rew ~.,. _('"v- r"""-:'-I.l,_... II ' ~ ...... •• ...... "' '" II low., t.vel ., ______C_ro_s_se_P_oi_"_te_e_So_m_e_r_s_el_M_al_J ,J\17100::r~:;:t-=4.179' 2861 'Somerset Mall • TrOJ • • • 4 - ... • - ¥

Page Eighteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 27. 1979 Society News Gathered from the Pointes , , To Stage Old World Market I Detroit ~arden Ce~ter IIlllll-Lysallgh! Betrothed Mr. M.itchell Weds"'M'issWalton in Flint ------' ISends TriO to Meetmg IR. Pi d The original Old World I cents for children, for wnom -- lies anne 1 t I}.' d • h nichard Paul MH"~c!!, sen; chapel ~rl!!n. A.<':"lc{)i1.al:~ I t Ie w r1 C g r G 0 m, ",vsep : ~arket wi~! be_. pr!sen.ted !~~r~ ~ill be a s~cial boolh, : M,rs. Eugene S, K~":'U5" ----- Iof The Reverend Ric:.lrd W. and crystal pl~ating detailed Perry, IV, Clinton Scharff :""ul"Jay "."'VU!>" ':>UUUclY'1 UlieQ 'Ireasures all>OwI~l bl' I preslde~t of the ,DetrOit Gar./ Mr, and Mrs, Joseph F. Mitchell, a former pastor at her hemline. . and Edward Wil~"". . October 4, 5, 6 and 7, at the featured,' and International den Cenler, P 0 ~n t e r Mrs, Ly::aught of Omaha, Neb" ::: • J sse Pointe Memorial Her waltz length veil fell Flower girl was Carrie . International lnstitllte in Instit'lte cookbook!,:. tote !Jags, William .. J.{. Coddlnglon "":~- .,l.IVl: ;:::;;'~tmced the engagt. Church, and Mrs. Mitchell, from a Juliet cap, and she Dunkelberger, the bride. F.:i:;t };.;,oy street, in DetrOIt'S I an-d' i .shirts W," he avail. I utive secret"cl, and ~flsS ment of their daughter, Jean who now reside in Sturgis, carried a cascade of glamel. groom's niece, Ring bearer . Cultural Center, where there able, Clara J;Iall traveled to PittS' i\tarie, to Roger W, Hull, (' I aim e d Laurie Chandler ias and stephanotis with po. was Brian Milcnell, the bride. will be ethnic gift and food ------~urgh I~ ~ugust for the Na- Jr" son of Mr, an'! Mrs, Walton. daughter of Mr. and dacarpus and maranla leaves, groom's nephew, boo t h s, entertainment by Excursion Dav llOnal CIVIC Garden ~enters Roger W, Hull, of Cloverly Mrs. Edmond P. Wallon, of In frocks of cornflower The newlyweds will return nationality folk d a n c e r s. 01 conference, hosted thIS year road, and grandson of Har' Grand Blanc, as his bride blue chiffon were Mrs, Ste- from a vacation on Barbados singers and musicians, craft For Gardellers by the Piltsburgh Garden ry B, Howenstein, of Lake" Saturday, September 8, phen Gossett, who served as to make their home in Chi. d t t' d Yea. f • - Center "h~_~ -- .. " "''-. wuu'u'I'ng l'S emons ra Ions an • 0 I Th 'DGC I'r lo " d d I I O"U'L • U"U, '"~ L The bridegroom's father her sister's honor matron, cago. theh'b't Child d' andI Russian' th Hex,11 Windmill Pointe Garden ga tese from 2 O CIVIC~o~negar ~ene. plannedTh b COf'd NovemberI I 24,d I and The Reverend Michael and bridesmaids Mrs. David The bride l'S a graduate of u I ~ ~ s t?n ISP ay 111 e a Club members will gather centers, horticulture centers t ef t~1 e:. e~, a gr\h , Dunkelberger, the bride. Walton, their sisler-in.law, Grand Blanc High Schopl o a Ions, . next Wednesday, OC,tober 3, and arboretum at the three. ~ ~r °d H ea 1caOcm~ °h 1/ grooll,1's brother-in.law, pre. Mrs. Steven Kanaly, Susan and Michigan State Univer- Thur~day and FrI~ay hou~s at 9:30 in the morning at day meeting to promote the a e hie r , A mad a, o. s sided at the late morning Hopp and Claudia Merkle, sity the bridegroom a grao. 0rnlng B f t ar~ 11 In the !D until Saint Michael's Episcopal development of ~ivic garden ~ ae e or to f r s t~greue l~ rites in FUnt';; First Presby- Best man was William Ben. uat~ of Grosse Pointe SOU~ 8 In the cvcnmg. Saturday Ch h' S 'd I P k centers and their advance. ov~rnmen rom e m. terian Church, der, Guests were seated by I HI"gh School and Eastern 'I k urc III unmng a e ar, \'crsl!" of ;'\otro Dan' -. She I hours are 11 to 9 0 C oc . from where they will drive ment as educational institu.. J , d C ,c' 1 ' A reception at Warwick Arthur Mitchell, brolher of Michigan university. Sunday the markel opens at A b t t th tions and cultural centers IS emplOye as a para. l ega Early December weddmg Hills Golf and Country Club _ noon a~d closes at 6 in the tuo.Ann't r forM.oh' our B ~ and to encoura~e and pro- with Rutte~burg ani Rut. plans are being made b~' followed the 11:30 o'clock ' mversl Y 0 IC Igan 0 . ," . tenburg ChICago AUDREY LYNN BAKER evenmg. tanical Gardens and enjoy a mote lhe mterest of the m. Hi" d t f ceremony. Admission is $1,50 for picnic luncheon on the banks dividual in gardens" garden. A ~_r ~nt~e'ra ~ra ua ~ 0 and Mark Steven Kistner The' bride, given in mar- 0 MODERN DANCE CLASSES adults $1 for seniors and 50 I oC the Huron River ing, civic beautification and S u~ I~ \h IC re~a[a or~ whose engagement has been riage by her father, wore a Grosse Pointe Woods ' , all related environmental as. COOl WI ,a Ba,c.J:. or ~ annol,lnced by he~ parents, while organza gown with """"'\...:," pects. Arts degree In Pohhcal Sc:- Mr. and Mrs, RIchard A, bodice accents of Alencon "," • Begin ners • Inti Advanced -" .. ~ The Detroit .Garden Center, enc~ from John Carroll Un!. Baker, of ~oods la~e. lace and seed pearls. styled Monday ~nd Wednesday located in the historic Morass verslty, where he ,was. a The bnde.elect IS an al. with a full skirt and attached ~ ". For "Information - Call 831-8734 House in East Jefferson ave. memb~r of .the Umverslty umna of Grosse Pointe Norlh nue, has been contributing to Club, IS credit manager fo.r High School, Northern Michi. metropolitan area residents' Copper and Brass Sales Chi' gan University and Texas I gardening knowledge since cago Branch, Womans University School of 'j its fcundine; in 1932. ~fCiU-1 I Nursing, bership is open to everyone be obtained by calling the Her fiance, son of the Leo r at $5 per ye~r.., . DGC, 259-6363, T u e s day I M, Kistners, of SI. Clair Further mformatlon may through Thursday. Shores, is an alumnus of Lakeview High School and AM "LAUNDRY & CLEANING '~~~~ea ~nac~~~O:ic~cie:~~ . Political Science from North. 18300...E W~R~EN, Cor. THRE~ MI~E DR. ern Michigan Un~versity. DetrOIt s fITS', finest & best eqUIpped • He is presen~ly a student I•• ag.r to .. ry. ,ou with: . U. , 71 Wnlll", Machin.. and Dryer. for Laundry at Hamlme DIverSity School Blank.tI. Rug. and Sleeping Bag.' of ~aw, -and is ~filiated with Un a. many machines a. 'OU wl.h ' ChrISt Fellowship Church. Drop off: Laundr, - Rugs I Budget Cleaning Mr. Vermeulen Announces the i)rapel'J Cleaning •• We do Tablecloths, ClaImS BrIde . opening of pillows, bedsheets, etc. that need "atwork James. Brent Vermeulen, Miner's Grosse ~Pointe son of former Pointers Mr, Amp'" ParKing Pickup & Delivery * and Mrs. James Vermeulen, •• 4-9690 who now reside in Plymouth, claimed Nancy Jean Vander Weele, d"aughter of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Vander Weele, of Sheboygan, Wis,~ as his bride SatUrday, August 18, in Brookside Christian Re- formed Church. Grand Rap. ids. Linda Vander Weele was II maid of honor, Bridesmaids I included M n rei a VlmO!!!' , Weele, Kathy Goodwin, Ineke =!Ii '~h.;~ McRae and Cassie Swierenga, -. .~~~~- Junior bridesmaid was Julie Vander Weele. Mark Stacey served as best man, Groomsmen were Tom and Russ Van Wingerden, Keilh Marcus and Ken Ver. meulen. Jim Winkel and Tim Schaafsma were ushers. Kara Leigh Stremler was , flower girl, and Scott Winkel I carried the rings, The reception was held in October &, 1979 Gerribee's Party Place in Grand Rapids, where the newlyweds are residing. The 375 Fisher Rd., Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 886-7960 bridegroom, a Grosse Pointe I South High School graduate, I is a senior at Calvin College. I Store Hours: 9:30 - 5:30 Monday tnru Saturday. The b rid e, a Registered Nurse, works at Grand Rap- id~' Blodgett Memorial Hos. I pita!. . Thank You Grosse Pointe from SPECIALISTS IN- Always 300/0 IMPORTED GOLD JEWELRY -600/0011 DUE TO OVERWHELMING DEMAND WE HAVE EXTENDED OUR 01 + OFF SALE 50 70 THRU OCTOBER 6th All of us at The 14K Club wish, to express our sincere thanks to all the HOLIDAY/EVENING COLLECT'ION SHOW friends who helped make our opening week successful. You, as cus- tomers, have made The 14K Club an enjoyable place to shop and work. Dressing for important afternoons and evenings in a collection of designer ba!lgowns,.dtnner and theatre CLUB SPECIALS THIS WEEK suits and elegant separates in long and short lengths 14K Serpentine Bracelet only&.99 ... shown informally from 10:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.rn. 14K Light Cobra Bracelet only7.49 on wednesday. OCtober3 and Thursday, OCtober 4. Rustling 14K Heavy Cobra Bracelet only19.99 silks and taffetas, lush velvets with flashes of glitter LIMIT 1 SET PER CUSTOMER

and bursts of brilliant color. all frorn our exciting To help everyone beat the high cost of karat jewelry. Join ,The Club. collection of late-hour gJamourwear, Join the thousands who have found the highest quality soUd gold jewelry at the best prices anywhere. '

~ SINCERELY, --, I i 18424 MACK AVE. - 343-0608 11 ' II -f/)) I-I /1 p~s ~, I-/uclt' I I Jacob sons -I !I SUN., MON. - CLO~ED - TUES., WED. 10-6 (/ DOUGLAS R. DUDITCH I THURS. 10-8 - FRI., SAT, 10-6 I GROSSE POINTE - Proprietor - ---_._-- ...... ----_._--~,~---~--~..-.~ ---~- ----~ 1..... " '", ......

Thursday, September 27, 1979 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E V'I S Page Nineteen \Vomen's Page --by, of and for Pointe Women

Announce Pro Musica Artist Performers Elizabe-th Cass OAR . I Plan Morality in Media A .ward Dinner Begins A New Year I _. '. .' -- Frederick K. Cody will present the 1979 awards to I op EmrIch was associated for Mrs. Howard Reed' will be serve as.. toastmas,t{!~ . at th_~I The Right Reverend Richard /27 years. . , I aSOISteG- oy co-hostess Mrs. I annual, A"'.'ard~_~inner SJlO!'!-' S.M.E~~iC~. EPi~op_al ..Bi:~~ •:_~~.}~:~:_:r~~~_h":'1~~' ._0.' J.fl..1~h-~~ J ~ when ::i.~z;.. - ....Jft:J. "'J'.A-4f&~i.~ l.rfedla I op of !u,jChlgan • .a. ct .....Cu. j,V£ I ....,...... ul .....""...... ' .. ~...,.-.- ..J -;, I' . bers of the Elizab€th Cliss oi Miti\iglln, to be held Fri- his ins, ,g leadership in Media of Michigan, will pre. Chapter, Daughters of the day October 5, at 7:30 the campaign to promote sent several honorary cer. American Revolution, gather o'cl~ck at the Country Club high moral standards in the tificates to. ~hose wh~ h~ve at Mrs. Reed's McKinley ave. of Detroit. communications media, and made a positive con~bution nue home this Monday, OCto. '" to Prosecutor Wesley J. Ny. to "the cultural environment ber 1, for their first. fall .The Jnvocah~n Will ~ kamp, for his aggressive ef. of our commu~ty, the qual- luncheon and a busmess g I vel! by T e Reveren forts to control the problem ity of our media and the fu. meeting dealing with the Franklln~. Benne~t, Jr., pas- of pornography in ottawa ture of our youth." chapter's budget and resolu. tor of Samt Paul s Church, C t Susan Ruwart :M art h a lions. St. Clair, the benediction by o~~';;;n Frederic Brunson Johnson, :Mark' Vimr and Mrs. Cyrus K. Weatherby, T~e Reveren.d Morto~ A. will be present to represent Scott Wilson, winners of r~gent, Mrs. Robert Beck~r, Hill, S.J ..' n~tlOnal. preslde~t the Cathedral Church of Morality in .Media of Michi- VIce-regent, and Mrs. ~arYln of ~orallty In Media, who IS S . t P ul ith which Bish- (Coot1nued 011 P.,e 20) Putnam, schools chairman, commg from New York to am a, w are representing Elizabeth report on national activities.l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii., Cass at the DA.R's 79th state After a greeting by Gerald ~O? lyCll""l HElENE CURTIS \.o"~~'- conference which 0 pen e d A Danielski president of ....0 Tuesday, Sept em bel' 25, and' , $2750 indo Hair Cut. Penn closes today, Thursday, OCto. the local group, an 1!p-Da~e reg. $35 and Set ber 27, at the Kalamazoo on th.e Law of O~~cenlty Will Center.Hilton Inn. b~ given by Philip G.• T~n. . . man, former FBI agen., ",s. .JJ :J. •h • :t Sf, • ~ Special guests mclude ~s. sistant Wayne County Pros. air aJ tonJ u tr eu Rarmond F. Fleck, DAR HIS' ecutor and Detroit Police 21028 Mack 7'884 03307' torlan General, whose address Chief Grosse POI'nte Woods _ at the Wednesday banquet . . . wlls entitled "To Light Up I_W~II~be~r:,,:M~.B~ru~ck~e~r::.,J~r:::.,~w~I~U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Life," and Mrs. Fred (Phyllis) Schlafly, DAR Na. tional De fen s e chairman, I whose topic today at the Na. IT'S tional Defense Luncheon will be "The High Cost of SALT //"7;; Autumn II." Mrs. Fleck also spoke at TIME FOR DREAMS. the Wednesday morning Re- gent's Round Table, discuss- AT MJC WE HAVE ing the many aspects of her CREATED THE office as Historian General TOTAL SALON, THAT and com men tin g on the Americana Collection. WILL TURN YOIJR Mrs. Maxwell E. Hunt, DREAMS INTO Michi-gan DAR state regent, PRACTICAL REALITIES. C[)OI\ gayfteS b0ft gamut presided at the opening ses. sion during which chapter Call for an appointment a CQagSiC lit bllkqUAd.y cOkd!t~O.4 regents and stat~ chairmen todayi reported on work accomplish. , ed at the local level concern. 881-8470 ing DAR schools, Indians, I and veteran patients. CRw'aftd v4gsa~ty.~tcl. do justice to the voice of (y , J~ssye Norman, soprano. fltc~atl-31amrB oiffurrs and Igor' Oum, violin. Tick. ~acb-w"'it£ cl..eck~acbet. Miss Norman attended the ets will be available to'mem. 20525 MACK AVENUE University of Michigan. Her bers at a special price. ove~ bQack acco~dLallpteat gbtAt concert will be dedicated to 2 Blocks South of 8 Mile Pro Musica, information I the University Music School's OPEN EVERY EVENING Centennial Celebration. "nod tickets may be obtained I from Mrs. Nicholas Kondak, CBaIlOtl epetellS Pro 'Musica will hold its of Hawthorne road, 881-8750. traditioool afterglow. recep- COUl\fA,~ casuaQ tweed tions following each concert to give members, guests and the artists an opportunity to meet and chat. uUoQQie CRobe~ts Membership in the society includes admission to all 11 I Ill\;L1' 1DYIL\;V\;1l.M""'" Uu.:>Ll,;l..."MrJ lKUl,;Itl...~""l" w"'01'\0~ three con<:erls and the re<:ep. .. , tions. Single tickets will be sold as .available. This season, Pro Musica will sponsor an extra CI>!1Cert, Mivl-iafJ:)inon to be held in April, 'liS a part of the Detroit Symphony 11 KERCHEVAL AVE. 882-5550...oil Brahms Festival. Artists will be uSe von Alpenheim, piano,

.! l , { . :"i , ,; ,I , '(. : ~ / j ...lJ V' I, ~ JASeO JERSEY ROBERT DAVID MORTON will be here THE Thursday, September 27 MARGARET DIAMOND Friday, September 28 SHOP 377 FISHERRD. 10:00 until 5:00 p.m. P:I II_- I . 81&-1828

.- __ ... _ ...... _ ...... ,... •• .. .. 111'.. __ ...... _ ...... _ .. __ ...... _x_.. __ ..x ...... _ » w $ $ • • SUit .,. ; • & a $55 • 0; :a; 0


Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 27, 1979 Society News Gathered from the, Pointes

Farm, Garden. I Mary Louise McCarroll to Show New Paintings I Gelber to Play T1VO Concerts Brode-EI t DBE Chapter Plans A. Party: Yea to Ope I Life-long Point~ resident I day through Sunday. __ I ec . ------r It Mary Louise McCarroll. who I • < As the Detroit Symphony His mothcr bcgan teaching Vmcent Massey .. ~hapter, Inoon ne~t Monday, October -- received her undergraduate Ms. ~~cC~rr ,n.. a mem~er Orchestra's 66th season moves him the piano, and he made P-" _I ~aught~r& of the BrItish .~m. 1. at the Lakeland avenue The executive committee degree from Wayne Statc ~(. th~ ~ro_oe ~OInte Artists into its second week, Music his concert debut with the P.. / plre, Will hosl a fund.ralSlflg I home o( Mrs. ~i~aul O~son. of the Grosse Pointe Farm University in 1971, continued s~oc~a 1;011 ~ f wo~ t~n Director Antal Dorati will Grchestra of the Teatro " ! ,luncheon and card party at _r.~ature~ w! d ~ f ,o~e. and Garden Cub is meeting to study art in Boston and I ay,ar, n pam mg t h'~ be joined by pianist Bruno Colon. )' ,~jl; ..\ I --- ~~~~_~,.~1I .. ,S.~~ .•5~.tl .~~:l~.,.,.•. . "'. tOO;jV 'J'hursdJ~Y 1'flJ!.ti" ltal~. "nd ~onHlli'ti2d "'''0'' ~~AA s" 1979•. ann~tJ:':'~ J.Lf)nardo G"lbl'r in DSO I r."lh"r "'!:,,!!!:,".~'.! ~;~ ~~~~"'. . .__ ~.'. ,.: " .~~.-- .• , I W ompn's "'~~r.omic i '~''''D''\'''~:ih'ui'.Y!f;- ~hl' - '27 :n ~~.c ~~.:;:;~;:;~:; road I f'j, ;,,,r M~,!er ::! Fi::;; Arts I lull, ., " H ""'';'"''." .•• -:. ilCl'llll'lllanCt:s al Ford Aud:. I ies in lluenos Aires until, at i \. '-" - -. I 1Iam ra. e WI pans or e ho~e of their president, Mrs. de~ree .at Southern Illinois ~~o h~~~~~~~~rll~:ru~;~~~~ torium tonight, Thursday, 18, he went to Paris on a "';'::' Club Hears Hudson I ~~~noo~ a~~lllhe M~Sd~~~ Daniel CUfCord, prior to the UnIversity in 1975. will be at Pro ram of the Gro~s Pointe September 27, and Saturday, scholarship, becoming a pupil ..... H? -- I ur.) ~gas, . CI 100.member group's first I the C.A.D.E. Gallery in P bgl'C Sch 1St e a d Seplember 29, at B:30 o'clock. o( Marguerite Long. "Hudson's Commitment to Wc~rll~adus,G CORlJn B' Neadl, . Agnes sIre t I d' v'n u I 00 ys em n th CT' W S r e" I lam 0 recb ht an faII mee tmg. e, n Ian I age, the Grosse Pointe War Me. The pro g ram includes This experience launched e ommun.1 les e e v I Ct' Sunday,. October 7, from 3 moria!. three works by Beethoven: him into a series of success. was the tOPIC of a talk by vor ~r er.. . That's set for Monday, to 7 0 clock, for the recep. . the Leonore Overture No 3 ful recitals all over Europe Joseph L. Hudson, Jr., at the -MOnies raised vIa the ben~ Oc~ober 8, at th~ Grosse 1 tion open~ng. her exhiLit of Her. paintings, drawing.s Symphony No. 8 and Pi~n~ and brought him to the Uni. Women':; E con 0 m i c Club fit ~ill h~lp support the Pomte V!ar Memonal. Host. I recent pamtmgs which will and prints have been exhl. Concerto NO.5. ted States in 1967 when he luncheon last Tuesday, Sep. DBE s regIOnal homes fo, esses WIll be Mrs. W. H. run through Saturday, No- bited on a national level and Gelber born in Buenos made his New Y~rk debut . tember 25, in the Detroit senior citizens and assist Denier, Mrs. H. A. powell,' vember 3. I ~broad, !ncludi~g the '.'~mer. Aires, b~gan to study piano Gelber has returned to thi~ Plaza Hotel. local philanthropies. Mrs. B. W Stockwell and Regular gal,lery hours are l~aJ.1.Pamters m Pam ex, at the age of three. He made country and Europe many I -'. Mrs. Rufus Clark. noon to 7 0 clock wednes'l hlbltJon . h'IS concer t debut at mne,. t.Imes an d has be~n accIaIm-. DOG GROOMING Inlerstices is the title of and has since toured ext en. ed a leading piano virtuoso of Planning to be married her C.A.D.E. Gallery show. sive.ly in Europe and the the 70's .. He has p.layed with early next June are KATHY ~~' ~~ LYNN KRAUSS and David I fi R I The paintings on display, T.Jnl~edStates. . most ':'la)or .Amerlcan or~hes. Lawrence Hoover, son of the ,. A n a or e 'A begun in 1978, chronicle a TIckets for .the . Thursday tras, including t~e Nal1~nal Harold Hoovers, of Detroit, . ~ ~ series of explorations of real and Saturday evening con. Symphon~ both In Wash mg. whose engagement has been 19443 MACK bfl Appoinlnu'''' 881-9007 and iuvented form placed in) cerls are avail~b~e at $9, $8, ton an~ In Ne.w York. announced by the bride. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~ unusual spatial juxtaposi. $7 and $5. A hmlted number At hiS prevIOus DSO ap. elecl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. , ::' tinn~ of $2 tickets will be available pearances, he has performed William R. Krauss, of Loch. . - -. for students and senior citi. the two Brahms concertos: moor boulevard. r NURSE'S zens at the box office start. No. 1 in Novembe.l\ 1989, _ ing at 7:30 o'clock concert with Sixten Ehrling, and No. ------nights. 2 in January, 1978, with Gary D:nner RNs & LPNs with current skills who want to get • • • Bertini. " back into the profession Bruno Leonardo Gelber is Gelbert recordings have (Continued from Page 19) the child of a pianist mother I been issued on Seraphim and gan's annual Youth Essay of Franco.Italian descent and Conoisseur Society and on Contest, will serve as ushers YOU'RE INVITED-TO AN an Austrian violinist father. Advent cassettes. at the dinner. ------... OPEN HOU.SE/CAREER FORUM Among those who have made reservations for the At a shopping center location near YOi.i SHOP evening are the Emmet E. Tracys, the Emmet E. Tracys, • Saturday, Qct. 13 Jr., Mr. and Mrs. David S. • 10AM to3PM Summers, Mrs. Louis I. Coli, • Slide talk at 11 & 2 the Richard Cotis, Mr. and Mrs. Syd Reynolds, Tire Rev- Come and hear about: erend Frank Hildebrand, Mrs. Nora M. Powell Pea- • Top wages. Great benefits. Your body' and Mrs. Reginald T. c1K>iceof hours, assignments & locations Murphy. The Donald R. MaeLarens For morelnfOl11llltlon and exect locations, are coming from Grand Rap. ids, the Carl E. Sisks frQm CALL569-4200 Grand Blanc, The Reverend Medical Per~1 Pool of Detroit and Mrs. James Pollard from 16900 W. Eight Mile Rd. Grand Haven and Mrs. Ny. Southfield, MI48075 camp is accompanying her husband from Holland. ------Others with early reserva- tions are the Pie r reG. featuring Fugers, Mrs. Samuel J. Lang, Mrs. Luther Leader, Mrs. Le Crueset - 20% off all atock Gunnar Karlstrom, the JBhn K. Cannons, Mrs. Charles T. and , Fisher, Jr., the Edwin Fish. ers, Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sup.r manufacturer~sSpecials-up to 500f0off • DRAPERIES • VALANCES Brosch, Mrs. Myles F. GX-if-' fith, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jerome also copper, gadgets -SEAMLESS SHEERS 1 Bosley. Jr., and Mr_ and Mrs. Edward F. K1iber, Jr. & Still more are Mrs. Joseph Quantities • ROMAN ROLL SHADES K. Ruhlman, the Vincent J. Limited 405 FISHER ROAD 885-4028 Murrays, Mrs. A.G. Michie, -fabric 8y De Yard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hig- gins, Michael Mengden, Rep- w. Wlnt YOLIto hllVO I belutlful home. resentative Lucille H. McCol- '"..,.. lough, Mrs. W nb e r M. Brucker, The Reverend Ed. n€ttL€ CR€€k 5 HOP ward H u r ley, Monsignor - Francis X. Canfield, Mrs. ~f'G\I 17110 KERCHEVAL, In-The-Yil. John T. McMullen, Mrs. Paul ~_ g\Vl GroaN Point. 88200135 D. Grubbs, Mrs. B.S. Wilcox 11 Open Thund.yEvenfngl and members of the School fe.,.... 12. ------gjW~~,-_of Government...... I~-- f -~\ IF- W\ .,... .- I.. '\~ I I ( rranl\lnuallo's '. , ..... hall'eenter announces needlepoint" knit shoppe -, " Furniture and Accessories -, : Heacll~ners'7.-' •• For Needlepoint or Crewel " '. " Subscribe Now-and Save! . Most Series Offer 5 Shows for the Price of 4! Big-time entertainment in Downtown's lovliest, intimate theatre. Choose the night of the week that's best for you and reserve your own good seals for every show. Don't delay, CAll TODAY! 'm. . , Order by Phone: 963-6943 ~ (Ask about our Dance and Family Series too) Footstools Children'\ Chairs TUESDAYS, WEnNESDAYS, THURSDAYS 8ALCONY ONLY at 8:30; SUNDAYS, 2:00 or 6:30 I Jt1niversary Circle:$50 Main Floor '699 & Center Mezz:$46 RighI & left - RIGHT LEn Mezz:$42 Rear Mezz:$34 Balcony:$26 MEZZ MEZZ

FRIDAYS at 8:30; SATURDAYS 7 or 10 p.m. l MAIN FLOOR Luggage Racks FLORENCE: Cherry solids and veneers with Gesso Anniversary Gircie:$72.50 Main Fioor ~ \ ANNIV / & Center Mezz:$54 Right & Left Mezz: . CIRCLE finish. Tempus FUJ:it diaL Key-wound Westminster $50 Rear Mezz:$42 Balcony:$34 . RCJNS B-P or triple chime. 12.1/2" W x 7-1/2" D x 75" H.

A delicate fall clock with an Oriental flair. the Flor. -H~DiLl~EFis-;7!i~:8()------.------~-~~~~~~~--~-~~~-~~~~~~~;-I ence is finished in dramatic Black to provid'e a hack- Name _ drop for the intricate hand. painted Gesso decorations. Accented with burnished hrass hardware. the clock • f ~: ~ Address Cigarette Table has an 8.day wind movement, with Tempus Fugit City, Slale, Zip . _ dial that fearures hrass scroll designs with black Roman numerals and serpentine hands. (Shown in Phone (Home) (Work) _ Black Gesso DecOiated finish). ALSO AVAILABLE Show Day Time _ TN MEDITERRANEAN CHERRY FINISH. location No. of Subscriptions @ = $. . _ In addition, I wish to make a tax deductible contribution to Music Hall in the We R.epair Clocles amount of $ _ Trays Clocks T ... _l o Check enclosed, or please charge to my '1I1l11 We Offer Professional Finishing o Me [) VISA pointe Clockj I II fer All Your Np.c~!c:.::ork 15121 Kercheval- 821.1111 Cardf/ --- -,----- Exp. Date 16930 Kercheval • In The Village. 881-4575 Gro". Point. Park (Next to LAPASTICHf) Mail to: Season Ticket Office. Music Hall Center, 3~O Madison Ave .. Delrolt, MI 48226 i 3W_. I III OPeN ihuRSuAY c ....'Ei~ii~G:; JI MICS9021 I Il---- I, '. I

., s • ad __ -...__ '...... i ...... ---:'•.~••,,,-,-~i ""'t""_, .... .P~ppu,DPI_..e_...p_p~ _ __.__r_.,..~~_f ...... ,...,...... -r.....---.~...,. ...-,.....--.,...... ,,...... ,.-~-~,~ ~ ~ . '

Thursday, September 27, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEVIS Pc1ga Twenty-One Women's Page by, of and for Pointe Women

'd J' Clark Women's Club I North Mothers Plan Programs Foundation Funds G.o Champagne Teo to A I esults WillMeet October 1 . ---- . The Grosse Pointe North guest speaks lor 10 or 20 To Music Hall Center ~'.'.,..'.,...~'ll ~ai::;':' -- . High SChool Mother's Discus. minutes, then answers ques- ~."'.... ::~ If t.' Clark Women's Club wIll sion Group is an organization tions. Group member.s are , Twenty.seven local and na-\ Hall's annual operating de- ~ . :'1111)1 t.,.!.....:. rn~!'! .,,1 ..,:,','..""_ ¥.1'.!'.1:'Y .. ..0~!:-.. .rl.eSiqnM t!:\ ~si~ l'I1.t;\t.h~rGt.?~n..."our~~~d "~~~.:.~~~~r ~~ ...-.::'-' -:.,'~--4~, JMI w ...... l !:r::.:! ~:u!.,~'~':~"2'~-':-~~i'~~:'!~'6-~':';:1:..... _.10".'" - "~~: ...... ;~~'" ..... ticr.~~ ,-ku';.r~o..~i.0n~. ~;t4i;t..~..... ~. . ,:.;,~ ..':'.~ , I" 'ber I, at Christ MethodIst I North High through an ex. concerns, to. provide Ieed . .- :::210,000 to DdwH'!j Music With donations also reo Church for teli and a pro. change of information among back and assIstance for spe- Hall Center lor the Perfolm. ceived from more than 500 parents and s<:hool personnel. cial ~hool functions. ing Arts during the past year, individuals, 130 businesses gram "What's You!' Horo. . . setting a reeord for founda- and the Michigan Council , The group meets SIX hmes All mothers are welcome tion support of the non- for the Arts, Music Hall's I scope?" by Lou McCall, a year, at school and in at the meetings. Further in- profit cultural institution. 1978.79 operating fund drive Guests are welcome. A board homes, to hear guest. speakers formation may be obtained, closely connected WIth North Of the funds received, reached an all-time high of meeting has been scheduled, or the Grosse Pointe School by calling Pat Haug, 886. $120,000 are earmarked for $416,000. I lor 10:45 in the morning ! System as a whole:- .. ~~~~896. _...... capital, (restoration and ac- The $120,000 received this quisition), purposes and $90,- year for capital expenditures 000 will help cover Music has been combined with 1I ". IN BY 10:00 - OUT BY 5:00 ORYCLEANING 8Y totol (CEDARS DRY CLEANERS, INC,) BIt~[n~'~· WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT GROSSE POINTE'S FIRST ANO FINEST. " professiona' OVER 40 YEARS 01" SERVICIt SHIRT LAUNDRV, DRAPERV SPECIALISTS, ALTERATIONS help PHONE 822.5800 15139' KERCHEVAL. PICK-UP a DELIVERY QROSSa PTE. PARK. MICH • .48230 MRS. BRIAN J. MOLLOY, JR., and MRS. THOMAS J. O'NEILL, (left and right), co-chairmen of the I Saints Peter and Paul Unit of the Jesuit Seminary Association's 1979 I Dominic and Delia Pangborn c ham p a g net e a, flank MRS. Adelaide Klingbeil~Wilson,.M.A. cordially invite you to attend JACQUES BEAUDOIN. hostess for the party. Dr. and Mrs. Beaudoin .. , affording individual!, sensitive assistance & improvement the opening of the Asian Gallery, will open their Three Mile drive Saturday, October 6th, in every phase of human development $131,000 previously received year, was initiated with a dation and Wineman Founda- 10:00a.m. until 5:30 p.m., I from foundations for restora- challenge grant of $85,000 tion. . at our new location in the Mini Mall, tion proje<:ts, bringing total from the Michigan History capital funds raised by Music Division of the Michigan De- I developing intrinsic 16906 Kercheval Avenue, Hall in the past three years partment of State. 'I potential Grosse Pointe. to more t.han $250,000; $85'-1 Foundations contributing 000 .,of _thIS total will ena~le to the total CO&tof the proj- drug aiid alcohol abuse MUS1CHall to la~nch its t~lr~ eet, estimated at $170,000, LA1\1IA'1 The Asian Gallery major .re~oratlOn proJect. include the Kresge Founda- will be providing items of Oriental elelgance modenuzatl?n of the.50-year- tion of Troy, $40,000, Me- Counselor coping with grief and ?ld theater 5 electncal sys- 'Gregor Fund of Detroit, $15,- HAIR bereave~ent for distinctive interiors. .em: . 000, and Knight Foundation • !mancmg for. the wor~, of Akron O. $10000. CUTTING An exceptional collection of art and antiques, scneduled to begm later thiS • , , In yoga, meditation, r:!faxation Coromandel and Byobu screens, I Remaining funds needed to complete electrical restora. SPECIALiSTS fine rosewood furniture, lamps, shades tion work were donated by for men 'and women Human family problems and many other tasteful decorative accessories ' another private foundation. representing only the finest , Grants of $25,000 each Relations lectures-parapsychology craftsmanship of the Orient. tIV from the Eloise .and Richard Webber Foundation and the 16239 MACK , OR•O un Come in and browse i Matilda R. Wilson Fund, 881-7229 1595 Fairmont GP48236 or just stop by to say hello. NURSING both based in Detroit, have 885 5946 HOME ~~e:r~~~;~dfor acquisition ij - Capital grants received in _._ previous years have support- ed Music Hairs 'first two.'res- 0045 EAST JSO'FFERSoN ,toration projects. The Kresge , .. ' Foundation.-Knight Founda. I DETROIT. MICH. ! ,tion, Webber Charitable Fund 'I . 821-3525. ' and Glancy Foundation pro- , vided $125,000 to replace the ' Quality Nursing Care 'theater's roof and repair its ASIAN GALLERY \ I exterior masonry. Federal ! Public Works monies chan. neled through the City of Detroit have financed reno- I vatiQn of the building's me- chanical systems, Foundations participating I in the 1978.79 operating fund campaign include the Bugas I Fund, Earl.Beth Foundation, 1he George R. and Elise M. Fink Foundation, the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foun- dation, Henry Ford 'n Fund, Walter and Josephine Ford, Lamp Sale Fund, William and Martha i Ford Fund, the Fruehauf \ save on Ethan Allen bronze-finish lamps Foundation and the Lenora I and Alfred Glancy Founda. tion.

More are the John and Ella 'I' ! Imerman Foundation, Mc- Gregor Fund, the Ralph L. 1 and Winifred E. Polk Foun.[ ! dation, Meyer and Anna ';,\1 Prentis Family Foundation, 1 Milton M. Ratner Foundation, Schwartz Family Foundation, : \ ; the Skillman Foundation, the, Slotkin Foundation, Don and I Dolly Smith Foundation, the, .\ . " Trumbull Foundation, the I ; Richard H. and Eloise Jenks Webber Charitable Fund, David M. Whitney Fund, Bes- sie and Frank 'Wimmer Foun. I

/ your choice 11950 Select from three favorite lamps In our Ethan Allen collection. All feature Check this wool blend; inspect that trench. rich hand-rubbed burnished-bronze f1nlshes.:perfectlycoordlnated'shades. Find classic warmth for teens and girls. Three-light bouillotte desk lamp. 26" , reg. 139.50 Round-to-squareadaptatlon ofadasslc gingerjar, 32" , fP.g. ]49.50 A. Teen's fully r'tl(:d double-breasted brown pincheck WOOl-blend Cannister lamp with engraved floral design. 30" reg. 139.50 coat; notched collar, back belt and kick pleat. 8-14 sizes, $72. • --. OUR GIFT SHOP. B. Girl's detail-perfect all-weather trenchcoat in aubergine hued jeatura the jlf.-In china, CJ}'.IfQI, braIlI" : polyester/cotton: buttnr.l-ollt acrylir ~I::>i~ '!!1!ng S:1c! ::!!:r, tho "'--"lIS copper and ~. OOfrle Ilrouee. Com:erttem TennI . I ~~.. ((I sleeves polyester-filled. With reversible hat. 7-14 sizes, $73, 366-6512 T~JI.&nn Iin...... -n.-nv-.• -0.-9 I 5"OE.lMU., _ ~., .. Satt0-6'S •• t2.5 ____ . C.~~IR_SHORES at Mo... R•• Vlea. M.. aChe. n,-.f ,', r't> , P I' {! "1 1\.t1,!,. ______J_ac_o_b_s_o_n_s_1

Sse en • --- ...... - emsm me t nee c • e • n ••• • . . • Page Twenty.Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 27, 1979 Society News Gathered from the Pointes ------fA Netv Season Woods Garden Thomas Carbones Vacation in West! The Thomas Carbones For Pettipointe Club to Meet Marcia Jean Hall Returns to Marshall for P,:esbyterian Church. stemmed; pink roses with , The Pettipointe Chapter of Grosse Pointe Woods Gar. Her Mr. Carbone is the son of Ibaby's.brealh. g r e ens and . QuestE'rs openet! lt~ fall sea. den Club members will gath. Marriaq,.. lace And Seed PeNis Accent Anita M. Carbone, of Fair. pink ribbon.. . I i so!: eerliel" ill the month with cr at l! :30 :)'C'!o::knr ..t Tuf, . . .. .' her '~vwil Ano' 'vfHi ...... (. ,~ ...u...",u...d', ,.i,v ~{L ..i,f~;.~~-.' ~~~.~'r _ r.r.l-:"~.. ,~:"",'~'... VfI(tn ~)f:':..L~gt'Q." a mce!in:<--:;~ the Midd!eee:-:j ~-"j._'_ O::tob::r :?, e:::h !:r-i,::!.;;,_ the imdal party linn out-of. Galan. Jame.~ A. Carbone, of ' I boulevard home of Mary Ll.I I!Ig' Dei:""wn sandwich-des- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richard Carbone who town guests at Marshall's Colorado Springs, brother of Rogers, where a beautiful, sert and beverage will be vacationed via a camping trip ir. file Upper Penin- Nationai House Inn on the the bridegroom, James Koz- sunken flower' garden was served-at the Morass House sula and out west following their early July mar- eve of the wedding, and the lowski and Mike DuPuis the setting for a melon and in East Jefferson avenue, late John A. Carbone. seated the guesls. riage, are at home in Detroit. turkey salad luncheon. headquarters of the Detroit The 5 o'clock ceremony at The bride's mother wore Mrs. Carbone is the ------Each member received a Garden Center. The posl. which. The Revert'nd John mint green silk, floor lenglh, program booklet for 1979-80, luncheon program will focus former Marcia Jean Hall, Marshall, where the rites W. Marvin presided was fol. short.sleeved and blouson. covered with a miniature of on the history of the house. daughter of D,'. clnd Mrs. were celebrated Satur- lowed oy a reception at the bod iced. The bridegroom's a brass rubbing from Cam. Theodore W. Hall, of day, July 7, in First Marshall Country Club. vo.j m.other's dress of dusty pink bridgeshire, England, with a business session, }llus dis- cal music at the church was IQlana was floor length, Old English lettering by cussion and approval of the: performed by a quartet of Isleeveless, cowl.necked and Kathy Kennedy, daughter of challter's new by.laws which. Pointers; Mar y Mashour, Istyled with a pleated skirt. a Quester. conform to National Ques~ NOW~OPEN Sherry Rudolph, Elizabeth IShe wore a matching, long. Program for the day was ters' new .guidelines. Doll Houses.Miniatufes Bangs and Maureen Guy. sleeved coat. Th"" I)ride's gown of ivory I A gardenia and pink t~a REGISTI:R NOW FOR FALL chiffon was short.sleeved and roses formed each mother s Classes in Beginning Furniture. high-necked. Lace and seed corsage. . 1 Pore. Doll House 00115, Christmas pearls trimmed her bibbed Out.of-t~w~ guests mclud. - \ Trees. Bedding, Doll House Lighting bodice and floor length veil, ed the bride s grandparents, and she carried a cascade of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. I-I.all, who gardenias pink roses baby's. drove up from Florida, an~ f ..' Carriage Limousine Service sf breath a;d ivy.' the b rid e g roo IiI'S grand" r ' .1i'4 !/"'"'"111~ - Jt"...... ~ She was attended by Eliz- mother, Mrs. fohn A. Car . . The UIUm.ate In Professional. Servi.ce .!f~.d_.1!"~} /'l ~ ...... ;"... (,.....;u.W 'IA become iiabbier and lose its Jones notes thai st~p.in or I" on Per.onallzed I ., ':::.f'~...." ~ ~ shapeliness and firmness. A coaUike garments are easier Christmas Cards ~ \.'- l...L..1....t ..... &.._. '" rounded, back and shoulders to wear than those that need '- " ~.,._UIf". Three ways to have elegance on hand. and a loss of up' to five inches to be put on over the hea~ or . . now . ~ . '---...... ::-.

I in height is nonnal, Jones zipped up in back. t" ~~ , says. Because an olrlpr 'n..r.nn'. ,. • ,- .1 Other aging characteristics skin is especialiy- 5en~iti;e-to : '. ~ . 4 ~ , Our 14 karat are a thickening of the waist. even minor irritation, look' , ~ yellow gold line and a flattening of the. for soft fabric and smooth : . ban~les- derriere. Women also ex, finj,shed scams, she slJggests. perience a flatlening of the Fabrics should be light, yet :. ~2. you ve got to hand it to her bustline as they age. prQvide warmth, and all' THE SQUIIIREl'S IIEST • ~ for being Along with body changes clothing should be easy to 1..... MACK come a lessening of endur- care for. 114.1115 fashionable! ance, baIani:e and flexibility One aspect of clothing for RES 0 RT W EAR • GROSSE POINTE WOODS A. Square, and slower reflex action. This older people that has been I KIMBERLEY KORNER with a means that the floor length down-played is the effect the HOURS: 2031\ MACK., diamond, $250. gown with rows of buttons garment has on the person's Mon.-Sat. 9:30.5:30 . • BLOOMFIELD HILLS B. Octagonal, you loved as 'a teenager may seli.image, so be sure to look • PETOSKEY $.475. be hazardous to your beaml at the style of the item. C. FIorentined as you get older. "Just because a person is and When considering a Cloth" older, it doesn't mean that engraved, $350. ing purebase for a senior she or he does not care about citi1.en, consider fit, style, being stylish," Jones says.

YOUR UNNEEDED FURS ARE NEED-=O AT . . . ~ 'j PAM J.."ee Downlown..--. < We are looking for FUR COATS, Use one of our convenient charge cards or JACKETS, STOLES, etc. that you no Master Cllarge • Visa • American Express longer need. CASH or CONSIGNMENT. $30.00 51,ghlly higher 20339 MACK AVE. 881.8082 7~13AAA to EEE lor sIzes over 10 Nr. Lochmoor Mon.-Sat. 10.5 Over 150 styles -WI,.-,.It,...--tJiMI' . and colors Fine Jewelers SiI'lCe 1861 in your size. 17051 KERCHEVAL at ST, CLAIR I• .. ... ,,' • I Grosse Pointe 885-5515 r DOWNTOWN NORTHLAND I - U ' 1550 Woodward Ave J.e. Penney Court ,. UfO :Il~All SHOE~' 962-8628 569-1590 Engleside Drapery I Go BLUE - IS] Go and Carpet Cleaners OFF M GREEN NO OTHER CLEANER IN YOUR AREA CAN eQUAL Bui GO in stYle with Notre Dame Pharmacy's OUR WORK, SERVICE OR PRICES CHRISTMAS Drapery Cleaning TAIL GATE PICNIC SUPPLIES 21Ja1. OfF FIG. with your school', colors and embleml We painstakingly hand pleat drapes Thru September CATAU181 01•• " PI'ln 50/14 Cocttallll.,tfu 50111.75 D 1'lIstIc I 24/13.75 into a soft (not sharp) pleat. '. . . . CARDS DiuII' '.. ,kill 50/12.25 Plastic NfI.Ct!. Mqs .. t3.50 n. !2 ll! 15ez. C. CtMn .. 6112.98 I We clean clear through ... Color & whites come sfiarp and Cfear. ~.II.DISSII1 Plltn .. .50/13 Plasllc Nt1-tell Ctps .. 12.75 U. CIma Till lIP 110 . . We use either steam or dry foa.mo8l same price. 'I'U.'R( ITY ''01: R "TATF /0.. llF'( CC'f -ng we pre-clean carpets before using ~er ~od. Carpet Clean. ~J:'tfree" We have what you want to 1mthe mugs and tumblers ... also I ,~: .U:e~:f r:!~C:°I~!!r~;~~n:::~ _orW... . Cdpriltecl :~Jr::.:s try our Beer Nuts, Smok.house Almonds FREE =.,...:e~$eptelIIler3Oli ENVELOPE IMPRINTING Notre Dame Sit in Relaxed Comfort at Upholstery Cleaning PHARMACY 16926 Kerch.val Beautifully done by elth.er steam or dry foam. in.the.village I CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE . ,,'oj_I»;.';" .. 131.2500 885-2154 • lllle .t Gr. 1 lllIe .t Sloop 0 9,30 . 4 I Our Conaultenb er. on cMY from' to 4 deIIY to ttwe you expert IntonNtton end JM1e:". • ~UNOAY 2-4 AT TOURAINE • D

(. IIIIL Nil I"''''' '5$ 0 P $ ao ,$; • p

Thursday, September 27, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Three , Women's Page --by~of and for Pointe Women. Mrs. MichaeJ Solner Phase I Focus on Graphology Solner-Seymour VOWS Are Spoken I "You Are What You Write", Seplember 30, at 7:45 o'clock. will be Gera!d P. Klosky's The speaker, a profession. Wedding Gown Is Fashioned of S'lk 0 A d will ma!te their home in Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamesl'l • I rganza n ISouthfield, ISolner, I)f Bloomfield Hills, ' " tOPICwhen he addresses mem- al graphologist who teaches A rencon ~~ce: Matching Lace Forms ,The bride, daughter of Mr. ~sked his cousin, Kevin Keat. bers of Phase 1. the orlZaniZoa'1his subjc'~ ;It ()akl:l~ enm. Headpiece And Accents Veil 'ana Mrs . .fohn Riel.ard Sey. 109, to dCt as b~5t Jnan, I ' .ion oC youlig, single !ldults, munity l,ollege, will show ages 20 through 39, who how pe.sonality traits can be . . ,.. .__ • " ~ ._ ,. '.. mour, or $unningdale drive, Guests were seated by Burl I I . At a ti. 0 ClOCK, CanQ1ell~~ ceremony ~iriday, wore a go\~n of ivory silk or. Hulgrave, of Greemhurg, P:l .1 I meE't regularly Sunday eye'.T'oeduc~ by how' we write, nings at, Grosse Pointe Me.) and discuss why how we write A ugust 24, in SS. ~eter and P~u~ Jesuit Church, ganza and :Alencon l1c1ce. Mi~hael B~okmyer, J 0 h n I Father Joseph ,Tobm( S.J., presIdmg, Susan Kim. Her molded, lace bodice Hayes, DavId Skala, o! Ann I morial Church this Sunday, is so important to us. Qerley Seymour spoke her marriage VOWs to featured a wedding band Arbor, and John Curner, of I I Michael J aIr,eS Solner ------neckline and cap sleeves. Her Rockford, Ill. I After a reception' at Ithe newl d 1 it t ski~t, .fall!ng from a natural The mother of the bride I , " . . ywe s. e 0 w31stllne mto a chapel length wore a dress of blue.grey I the DetrOIt Athletic Club, vacatlOn In FlOrida, They train, was scattered with lace chiffon hand.embroidered in appliques. antique silk, ankle length A matching lace headpiece and featuring a portrait neck. BLOOMFIELD ANTIQUE SHOW caught her cathedral length, line .. She pinned a white silk illusion veil, edged and phalaenopsis orchid to her 9ctober 2, 3 and 4 . appliqued in lace, and she purse I DAILY 11:00 A.M, 109:00 P.M. carri~d a ca~cade of phala~- Th~ bridegroom's moth. , (October 4th to 6:00 P.M.) nopsls o.rch~ds, stephanotis er's two-piece costwne of lJ. LUNCHEON & LIGHT REFRESHMENTS _ BOUTIQUE and English IVY. lac.printed white chiffon fea. Beginning at 11 :00 A.M, In identical frocks of an. tured a peplum overblouse. "st Lutheran Church tique pink chiffon styled Miniature, lavender zinnias , Cross of with short, cape sleeves and formed her purse corsage. Chrl tiered skirls were Elizabeth Out-of.town guests includ. Lone Pine and TelearaDh Roads S h r ''> f Bloomfield -Hili', .eytmour'd -boqodma!~. _or her ed the bride's uncle' :md I J SIS er, an 11 esmalQS Susan aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene I DONATION $2.00 Land, a sorority sister, and Ruark, and their family, o~ WE BUY ••• - - ______Kathleen, Susan, Patricia Geneva, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. and Ann Solner sisters of C. J. Cowles, of Morristown, I > SELL" TRADE FOR OLD RUGS ••• the- bridegroom. ' N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Ste. They carried bouquets of phen Adelaine, of Harbor I ~. WHOLESALE and RETAIL 11J Sonia roses. steohanotis. ba- Springs. ' •B.' Ha:1d-~/ashir.g, rcpa:r;ng. No Chemicals Used! by's-breath . and camellia - I ~.". Photo by Jack Richards Antiques and Appraisals ~~ M•• I.r ct'.:u;:. !:nkAmer!Clrd leaves. R:tes A 10e Reliu1 Marriage vows were spoken Friday evening, tub. ' The bridegroom, son. oC" ... I August 24, in SS. Peter and Paul Jesuit Church Call 547-5000 at "\ In Connecticut by SUSAN KIMBERLEY SEYMOUR, daughter Sweet Adelines Offer of the :John Richard Seymours, of Sunningdale 321 South Ma'n, Roy.' Oak Opportunity to Sing The Universalist Church ofl drive, and Mr, Scil.ner, s?n of ' the Robert James -- West Hartford, Conn., was I Solners, of BloomfIeld HIlls. , The East Pointe Chapter the setting Saturday, August of Sweet Adelines, Inc., has 4, for the mid.afternoon wed. "From ,Austria" resumed its fall schedule of ding of Elizabeth Gale. Salt- Patricia Voigt Is Fall Bride rehearsals every Thursday marsh and Samue! Allen evening, at 7:30 o'clock at Smith, both. of whom are in. .The Tripoli

, Private Sale Y3OFF Custom order draperies in a wide TEARDROP DESIGN #7877 ... 12 gob. !~!~,12 white wine glosses, 12 liqueur glosses, 8 selection of fabrics, patterns and champagne glasses. colors, at substantial savings. Tergal Savings on all quality lees Carpets. Savings that start The current price for these glosses is $120 each or $5280 for the set. polyester, acrylic, blends, batistes, at the factory; end up with you. Starting Mon'day. voiles, knits, boucles in a variety of Our price is $3520 for the set. window treatments. For an additional No table glasses will be sold separately. minimal charge, we will measure your 111930 DESERT PLATES. The cunent price is $115 each or $1380. , windows and install your draperies. SAVE $$$ and $$$ Our price is $920. I Sale ends October 27, 1979. I 2 highball glosses ... the current price is $110 eoch. I OPEN . EVENINGS 21435 Our price is $73 for the 2 glasses. .Mon., Thurs., Mlck AVI. Here's a good opportunity to own thi~ h",nutiful I , t:rl. 'tli 9 (B.1.8 & 9 Milt Rd,) Steu~n. The value 01 which increoses year by year. ..Tues., Weds., 776.5510 All. pieces, have the famous S~euben signature . II TQ n~l-.C"1£~~'C'1 Sat. 'fii 6 Int.r'lt.d Pari!.,., Writ. 801110.17, GrOIN 'oin', Newl, 99 K.rch.vol, GrOIN Point., Mich .• 8236 V_«.A.AJ__ U_V__ I L_ Store For the ~_v_~_J._O~._j1Home , a 4 jJ 6& 26 p

'-." "'\...... ,-

Page Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 27, 1979 ,Society News Gathered fron1 the Poilltes Mrs. Gregory A. Ward Carol Anne Chope Wed to Mr. Austin I 'Miss Devine Says ------rcovered the spaghetti-strap-, The bridegroom's mother_l They Vacation at The Cloisters Following Their ped bodices of their long, I also s~le~ted ,a, mic-calf ! M:;:;;i.iliIlObf Mcuri"ge' Are Now at' "Llipeu LCO~A.S of, emer~ld', d.ress. ~.IJne, of 1J~ht blue I IVOWS to Mr.W~rd_1 ", _.. -, - - ~ _ ,~ . H' G P '. W d ~ Igreen and wh1le print. Wh.lte Silk. w1lh ! matc_~l~g lace I - ._~~ ....--'~ orne In ros5~ ~:~.te 00 _~ _ .•tl.!'i~!e~, I:\!"h~~'.~."re~.~..c":! ~~'~'I -;:"i:~. p.::~-,~., ".:tl1l:. • - ••• - R d 1<' a k H',llebran" 1 recovery earn an proVldes ' ,,~ . .. __ .._. ~. Mons1gnorl'ranCIS A .. l;an. ose an . r n...... 1. f d' g f r our cooperative I able to create new ureeumg I Mon.-51'. 1:30-5:30 field and The Reverend Ken. both of whom fl~w In from und.m '~h th DNR" (Continued on Page 25) , ~ neth Lentz, Th.D., of Saint Los Angeles, Ca1Jf., for lhe st_u._I_e_s_w_I__ e . _ YORKSHIRE T~~~~~6~N • ~~~~~ Paul Lutheran Church, offi. wedding. 4 ciated at the 11 o'clock cere. Mrs. Gr~ham .chose a dress Brldge Group to Open Year We Can Improve Your UHF RecepUon mony. of pale pmk Silk crepe, A. _ "SAVE" On Quick Carry-In Se"lcel The new Mrs. Wilberding li!1e and edged at the neck The Grosse Pointe Woman's bridge are cordially invited is the daughter of Mr. ~nd ~Ith a sm~ll ruffle of match. 'Club Bridge Group has sched- to parlicipate, but reserva- • WARRANTY SERVICE CENTER FOR: Mrs. Robert Raymond t.ra. m~ materla.l, for her da~gh. uled its first meeting of the tions are required and will .ZENITH,ReA,QUASAR 778-4050 ham, of Blairmoor courl. Mr. ter s weddIng. The bride. fall season for next Wednes. be accepted until Saturday, 25 Years in Purchasers Wilberdin~ i.sthe ~on o~ the g~oom'~ mother w?re ~le day, October 3, in the Recep. September 29, by Mrs. Lloyd 21915 MACK Between 8 & 9 Mile Rds. This Area! Edward Wilham WI!berdIngs, pink Qlana, also A.bne, With I .;~_ 1)~~_ ~t th" Grosse A. Beemer, chairman. of of Kenwood court. three-quarter length sle~ves. P~;~te"W~~M~'mo';;;l'sAlger C"'eryl Ann Graham an Each mother wore a wrlstlel H DIAMOND and ESTATE 11 'f h'd ouse. airline stewardess with TWA, 0 ore I s. JEWELRY came from Bostori, Mass.• to The newlyweds vacationed A sandwich and desse.rt serve as her sister's honor in Washington, D.C., and buffet luncheon at noon Will The Lakes Condominiums ,-t:AH~" attendanl Bridesmaids were Paris, France. They are at be followed by an afternoon " .'" ~ Cy nth i a Wilberding, the home in Allen road, St. Clair of card~. All members of ~he , - bridegroom's sisler. Nancy Shores. Woman s Club who enJoy atHound Ears. ~ edJTU'ld t. AHEE I DeLaSalie to Present I ~ POINTER Alittle above everything Jewelry company Xmas Street Shoppes I 20139 Mack Avenue LANDSCAPING DeLaSalle High School will , elseinthe mounfains. 886- 4600 present an Olde Tyme Christ- ~ mas Street of Shoppes Satur- .:':'-t ~..J ,'I t Il l'.r; in th, mo"ing to 6 in th, <~'t:'t,,":.~',-C' 'i' • .~~'~.~ /;\~ '\magnificent .THI: HERMIT'S CAVE evenin2 al the school, Glen- ...' ," ..X .':,.~...... J" 6T"\.. ,! ~~~~ ~'J;~, ,;~ ,,\ Blue Ridge field at Conners, Detroil, and )..:,: ~~ (,,:-;;'/ . I:" .. \ r': invites interested persons or I': '. I l' ~ ~~. - Mountains, NOW OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK groups lo investigale renting li' '----J ---.Jl J in a class all by itself, DaUy from 10 a:m. to 7 p.m. tables for their crafts, hobby --'. I --- .--~ <::";, is one of America 5finest saturday 10 a.m, to midnight items and flea market lrp.as. TheUltimatein Planning.Planting& Preserving wit~ Pride U~. • four-season resorts, Here you'll find a beau- ANTIQUES,OLDYIQUES Rental space and sales in. • INSTALLATION tifull8-hole golf course, tennis, exceptional -,:~~. formation may be ottained • RESIDENTIAL cuisinE, a heated swimming pool, and in the ' ~ AND COLLECTIBLES by calling 885-1349 or 293- • COMMERCIAL • MAINTENANCE 3499.The Chr!stm2s Street is wit.ter, uncrowded ski slopes. And right "- ..' t:.... Art Deco, Art Noveau, ice "Boxes, ,Old RadI s•. m sponsored by the Christian • CUSTOM DESIGN & • SPRING & FALL now, you'll find you can live here in luxury, " \; Phonographs,OakFumitureJ.light Fixtures,Van. Brothers Auxiliary. ities, Pamtings, Pottery, t'or~el,aln"A~"~Iass, LAYOUT CLEAN UP fully protected by 24-hoursecurity. The ' l/. FireplaceManlles,8fassware,;)JlIIf1DU dllU uQveled Glass, Frenctl Doors. lAkes Condominiums at Hound Ears,$160-$225,000. For 83 Kerch.vII PIANOS WANTED' i;-;':;i-," infu; rrlUiiun;-ccfii~th jI\.{>ber or jJat Ritchfu u.;)wnSIII"S in the Colonial FlJal:tlt.: =;.:Jg. SPIf(f!:. I' 1'1" at (704) 9634301. 182.32&7 Llam lurk. CC.SOLES.su,",s.s••" UPI18HT! III 885-' 1900'I Hound Ears Club rop PRICES PAID T:,,}[jGX ;$(:, DLVry'j,'~'CR.OCK, iv". L. LOOU:> eTiE HERMIT1CAVE I WE7-0808 III__...... ------Jl

.e t • sa 2 s s PC me r Thursday, September 27, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty.Five .- * Women's * I~/1~vj6pt;)- GROSSE POINTE and-AREA ~ Mrs. John Dalrymple Wisconsin CHRIST ~: GROSSE POINTE CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH • J 21336 Mack Avenue EpISCOpO Grosse Pointe Woods 61 Grone PoInte Blvd. A Wo,m Welcome

885,4841' ," --1'1' !/8:00 a.m.-Holy Euchanst ~:~~;~:Z:;ors~i'~11 :00 (l.m. 9:15 a.m.-Holy Eucharist S:mdoy ~choo' and Sermon 9.45 a.m, I E.....en~~~S-cr.....1::c " (Nursery available) 6:30 p.m. 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist I ~~'S:~ice. I . and Sermon 1st Sun. Rev. Wm. Toft Morning Prayer and Sermon other Sundays Weekday Eucharists First English 9:30 a.m. Tuesday I 7:30 a.m. Thursday Ev. Lutheran 5:30 p.m. Saturday Church VOltn;e, R.oad at Wedgewoad Drive. Grosse Pointe Woad. 884.5040 Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday Church S('ho01 9:30 a.m. Rev. P. Keppler Rev. David Bonde The Grone Pointe MEMORIAL (HURCH .><, CHRISTIAN $' United Presbyterian Marr!age vows were exchanged Saturday, Marriage vows were exchanged Saturday, At an early evening ceremony Saturday, May 16 Lake Shore Boad SCIENCE First Church of Christ, July 21, 111 the Grosse Pointe Academy Chapel July 28, at an early evening ceremony in the 12, in Hammond A,venue Presbyterian Church, For informatloD. night or Scientist by DEBORAH JEAN VARNER, daughter of Mrs. Grosse Pointe Academy Chapel by MARY ELIZ- Superior, Wis" MARY ELIZABETH JENSEN, day, caIl 882-5330, dial a Grosse Pointe Fanns daughter of the Keith H. Jensens, of Superior, prayer 882,8'1'10. Faye F, Varner, of Allard avenue, and Mr. Dal- ABETH SCHAFFNER, daughter of the Irwin J. 282 Cha1fonte rymple, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Dalrymple, Schaffners, of Whittier road, and Mr. Evinger, and JOHN F. WALTERS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Worship Service 9:30 and near Kerby Road of Ann Arbor. son of the Donald D. Evingers, of Mandan, N.D. Fritz Walters, of Bournemouth road, were mar- 11:30 Services: ried. 10:30 Study Hour Sunday 10:30 A.M. Wednesday 8:00 P.M, "Living at Risk" Sunday School 10:30 A.M. • Mr. Mort Crim (Infant care provided) Mid-July Wedding Evinger-Schaffner Miss Jensen Wed Reading Room Open I 10-3 every day except Sun.

lor Miss Varner Rites Read in July To John Walters St. Paul Ev. ~.\..,~.. ------St. James \:~ohn Kern Dalrymples Vacation in Northern Mich- Bride Is Attended by Her Sister And Bridegroom's Lutheran Church .l:fr~~;' igan Following Their Summer Marriage;' Sister; Newlyweds Vacation in Bermuda Is Their Vacation Destination Following 881.6670 Lutheran Church . II.~~,":".~,' .,. Are at Hom.e in Farms Northern Michigan Spring Rites; They Are Now at Chalfonte and Lothrop lIOn The Hill" ~ ------.__ . -- Home in Minneapolis \ Family Worship 9:15 McMillan bear Kercheval • OfflcIatmg at the mId-afternoon wedding of The Grosse Pointe War Memorial's Alger House ':" Sunday School 9:45 for TU 4.0511 t~ Deborali Jean Varner and John Kern Dalrymple was the setting for the reception following the late Mary Elizabeth Jensen wore her mother's wed- all ages f:, Saturday, July 21, in the Grosse Pointe Academy July wedding of Mary Elizabeth Schaffner and ding gown of Chantilly lace and satin as she spoke Worship 11 a.m. Worship Serviee ~.' Chapel was The Reverend Robert F. Wyzgoski. David Stephen Evinger. ------her own marriage vows Saturday, May 12, in Ham- Nursery at both services 9:30 and 11 a.m. . A reception at the ------The couple, who vaca- and Mrs. Donald D. Evinger, Inon.d Avenue Presbyterian Church, Superior, (Nursery both services) Rev. K. R. Lentz, TH.D, 9:30 a.m. Sunday Scho,ol ~Grosse Pointe Yacht were sleeveless and flounce- tioned in northern Mich- of Mandan, N.D., asked his Wis., to John F; Walters. I . . Rev. Paul E. Christ ',,'Club followed the 3 hemmed. Yellow and lime- igan, are now at home former college roommate and Lace overlaid hel'l and bn~e~alds.Kathy Jen. Rev. George E. Kun ., o'clock rites for Whl' ch yellow trailing ribbon stream. in Minneapolis, Minn., fellow law student, David Irv- ]'ewel-necked bodice and' 1 se!1, theIr slster-Ill.law, Jea~ Rev. George M. ScheUer 'j ers accented their Colonial h b th ill t. ing, of Glasgow, Mont., to act Mldtdahl and Kathy LeOni ...... , the bride, daughter or bouquets of yellow and white were 0 w prac Ice as best man. formed her long,. close \ das, both of Minneapolis, and Grot •• Polnl. , Mrs. Faye F .. Varner. of daisy pompom mums and ba- la'*'he bride, daughter of Ushering were Jeffrey sleeves, and lace msets Denise Whitney of Salt Lake United Allard avenue, chose a by's-breat~. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin J. Schaff- Newberry, of San Francisco, accented her full skirt. City, Utah. ' METHODIST ,: tr~ditional gown styled Mark M. Dalrymple was _ner, of Whittier road, chose Calif., another college room- Her train was cathedral I Blue pompom mums, white CHURCH The Grone Pointe th"a!C-- ~ctob di 1 d .mate, and William A. Schaff- length. Her HII was hand- carnations and trailing ivy 2." Moo_ ..... <1 ~. re (\ .... , Congregational WI . ':t"-S.f! 0 • o,e, 'hi~'bTother's hest man. They an ivory co ore ,three.quar-, th b'd' b h '-\ fashioned. of lace and a sing'Ie lorma,d the'I'r bouquets." . of, Enghsh :.net detaI1~~' are the sons ~f the Jack T. tel' length dress, of Indian ner, e rl e s rot en . d .. 886.2363 f,~. with Alencon lace. Dalrymple:!, of Anh Arbor. gauze, styled with an em. The muther of the bride layer o~ illusion. She carrIe, 'Mike Wiener, -of, Babson 9:15 a.m, Family Worship and ....'J.%> < bro;ifered skirt and seal. \vore a street length dress of a. replIca of he~ mothe.l's Park, Fla., was best man. In and Church School American Baptist Matching lace appliques In the usher corps were loped hem, and a matching blue and white flowered voile, bnd~l b0ll;quet: a smgle. whIte the usher corps were Pete 11:15 a,m. Worship Serv- accented and -bordered the James B. Birch, of Ann Ar- blouse with elbow length, styled with a crystal-pleated orc.h.ld, '.v:th stephanot,s and Haskell,. of Gra~d Ha,,:en , ice, Nursery and Pre. Church I 240 Chalfont. ot Lathrop hem of her full, silk organ- bor, Kevin G. Woods, of l' htl ff d I f skirt and slightly bouffant tral!m~ ny. Tom Rice, of Big RapIds , School za skirt and chapel length Brl'ghton, and Robert ZI'ln- s Ig y-pu e s eeves or Sh th d ght f 1\1 f the 5:30 o'clock rites' at overblouse bodice. e IS e. au er 0 j r. Terry Learmont, 0 Orland Ministers: Worship Service and train, merman, of Southgate. which Father William Petron Th b 'd ' th and Mrs. KeIth H. Jensen, of Park III Bob Bourgeois of Church School ~ I ted n tegrotolms thmoh'etr Supcrior. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Wau~vaut~sa, Wis., Jeff jen. Robert Paul Ward - More lace bordered her The newlyweds vacationed presided Saturday, July 28, in _e ~c e a s ree eng. s 11' - W a 1t e r s , of Bournemouth sen. the bride's brother, Paul Mary Isaacs Frost 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. silk net mantilla, and she in northern Michigan and the Grosse Pointe Academy waIst of pale peach vOI~e. road are the bridegroom's N . 0" f u' did Nursery facilities available carried a cascade of white, are at home in Grosse Pointe Chapel. Out.of-town guests mclud. ' elswan •. r, 0 !u I . an, S th t t h F Sh b b b h d h b. , parents. Jerry Meaaher of Mmneapo- "A Remnant" , wee ear roses, s ep ano- arms, e wore a y's. reat in e t e nde s uncles and The 'i o'clock riles at which l' d V' 'L . f The Grosse Pointe ':tis, phalaenopsis orchids, The bride, a Grosse Pointe her hair and ~arried a bou- a~n~s, Mr. and Mrs. John J. The Reverend Dean Johnson ~~ha~':nburgl~, Ill~ m m I, 0 Is. 37:28.32 English ivy and baby's. North High School alumna quet of gardemas. . GIlligan, of Marlboro, N.J., I presided were followed by a The mother of the bride Unitarian Dr. Roy R. Hutcheon breath. with a Bachelor of Science She w~s attended by a SIS- and Senator and Mrs. W. L' reception at the Androy Ho- wore a ,pale blue, strapless Rev. Jack E. Skiles Joan Frances Varner and degree in Eelementary Edu. tel', Juha. L. Sch~ner, ~s Gilligan, Q~ Sisten:ille, W.I tel, after which the newly. gown, with an accordion- Nancy C. Kaess, of Houston, calion from Wayne State Uni- h?nor m~ld, and brl:desmald Va" the brIdegroom s grand-llI'cdS left to vacation on Ber- pleated skirt. The bride Church 17150 Maumee Tex., were their sister's hon- versity, teaches in th~ East Cmdy Evmg.er, of B~sm~rck, mother, Mrs. George Curran, I muda. They are at home in groom's mother selected a WE SPECIALIZE IN 881.0420 or attendants. Bridesmaids Detroit Public School System. ~.D., the bndegroom s SIster, o~. Independence, I\~o., and Minneapolis, Minn. white and blue gown, With a BIBLE STUDY 11:00 a.m.-Worship were Jean Katherine Dal. . . In street length dresses of hIS uncle, George EVinger, of In Empire.waisted frocks' d and Christian Friendship rymple, sister of the bride- The bndegroom, ~I'ho holds gauze - type coU?n, peach- Los Angeles, Calif. . I of p3le blue chiffon over f~~~u~lo~:~?!pv~~~~~ "~~,, Service I -I --,.y-. I groom and I\[rs Frederl'ck I a .B~chel?r of Busmess Ad- flowered on an Ivory back. More were Sue Herrlma, of, 01 . t 'th -. , .. --y.... u.~ . ,. I"t 1 " rtn"~"A ~_A~ .. , ," h I ~h' D' . '- I pa e ue prm crepe, \II a cor"a!!p fa~hioT!..tI of " ..in I II "CHRIST __ GiP~sp;c 0': ..-,..r...... ~ I'~;..... • rrnn __ra.!ou ...... t'-""""'-- HUHI I gluuno, sasneo. ,v!L. contrast- C...1C3.g0, ... 3trlcia Gauguan'l ca f 11" t °d - ....- . ------"Theology After the .~ ., ... a.,~"" v",.)'. I Eastern Michigan University. ing peach velvet. of Cleveland, Jackie Arm- pes a mg .0 ml .arm gle, white orchid, and car I .\ Holocaust" Their floor length frocks I is a Certified Public Ac- IvY and birds-of-paradise strong, of Denver, and Diane length, we.re KrISten Je~sen, ried a single, long.stemmed Rev. .FELLOWSHIP" Fred F. Campbell (a non denomination of white .and pastet g,reen~ countant, associated with Ar- [ formed their bouquets. MacEachern, of Washington, I honor maid for her Sister, rose. . Minister muted stripe nylon chIffon I thur Anderson and Company. Mr. Evinger, son of Mr. D.C. . I .-.t . Church) I Yale and Harper S1. Clair Shores, nr. 11 Mi. · II' .d I Married in June PRESBYTER rAN WHEAT SCHOOL CHURCH SUNDAYS 10:30 A.M. Manann Russe Is A June Bn e I~ 19950 Mock Avenue 294-8713 lhalfway between John Ludlam, Pastor She Speaks Yows in Early June to I. Scott Graves; I ~r~~:on:~~:~~~d/~f~~us?;'U~~ [ of ~~~tll~~a(r:~v:e~~l~~e ~oS~l:S;I ~11r \ Morass and Vernier Roods) I. Dinner at Grosse Pointe Yacht elementary school teacher in - corps were Richard Karczew- I" ...... Grosse Pointe Woods Club Follows Rites . Indiana, Connie Walker: of ski, Joh:l Luchese and Gregg I ,>~.,\ Boca Raton, Fla., and Lmda and Steven Graves, brothers . ...., ~", :;., 886-4.300 First Church of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Russell, Jr., enter- ~ l' a v e s, the bridegroom's of the bri?egroom, all of I ~ ". ,,,,' &, Itained in the garden of their home in Fairford road sIster. Grand Rapids, and Edward I ~'4" • Understand ing following the late afternoon wedding of their Flower girls Shannon Me- Russell, III, the b rid e ' s I ' 882.5327 d h 1\ Clements daughter of Mr. brother. I aug ter, 1:ariann, and 1. Scott Graves, and pre- and Mrs. McClements, and The mother of the bride member LN.T.A. ceding the dinner reception that evening at the Beth Crabtree, daughter of selected a gown of Dutch iris Grosse Pointe 9:30 Education Hour Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. the bride's cousins, Dr. and blue chiffon and placed pur. War Memorial 11:00 Worship Hour The candlelight rites i -.------~ Mrs. Daniel C r a b t r e e, of pIe violets in her hair. The Rev. Sarah Solada, D.D. Nursery and Children's were c e 1 e bra t e d at 4! rented ~he bride's gown of Muskegon, wore a p r i cot - bridegroom's mother chose Learning Center 10 a.m. Discussion o'clock Saturday, June 9, Italian chiffon, styled with a sashed f~oeks of ivory eyelet ice blue chiffon and a cor. "The Expectancy of I Dr. Robert C. Linthicum in Grosse Pointe Baptist ruffle.necked bod ice of _o_v_er_a_p_n_c_ot_p_e_au_.__ . sa_g_e_o_f_\\i_.h_i_te._g_a_rd_e_n_ias. Happiness" Rev. David J. Eshleman Church. The Reverend pearled Aleneon. lace, long 11 a,m. Servcies William Taft presided sleeves endlng In flounced i K · 1 d W bl S 1 The newlyweds 'retur~e<1 cuffs, and d full s.kirt. I lrt an ar er tUl ,y ! from a Caribbean cruise to RTll'''l'l~ lace tnmmed her I ------~ make their home in Grand rhapcl \"eil,. and sb~. carried I (Continued from Page 24) I Kirtland's warblers were ob.1 Sunday School for all agcs Rapids where the' bride. a a sheaf of IVOry FUJI mums. grounds and thus increase served singing with regulari'j 9:45 a,m. Grosse Pointe North Hilih, Lace ruffles edged the their numbers." ty," Smith says. "Then, after ~-1orning sen'ice 1I a.m, School alumna who attended I ,coop necks and hems of her It has been known for the fledglings had left the 1 $' Macomb County Community: attrndants' sleeveless fro.cks years that the birds nest in nests, we did extensive sur., ~ Evening Service 6:30 College and Indiana's Taylor: of \Vory volle over apncot jack pine stands that are veys of the environment cen. ,~< "Why Did Jesus Heal?" University, hGS been associ.: taffcta. ~Tore lace ~dged the seven to 20 years old, (about tered around these locations." , f ated with the Lake Michigan i Wide brllm of thCI.r cro~n. five to 15 feet high). What Available n cst I n g areaS'! Wednesday Family ~ight Mortgage Company. I less hats of matchmg VOlle Smith set out to do was to were selected to represent I Mr. Graves, son of Mr. and, o.Vl'r taffeta. and ~ach ca:: define in dctail actual nest. four general clas,es of warb. ' EBENEZER Mrs. Irving Graves. of Gran cl I Tied a sbeaf of aprtcot FUJI ing sile~ in hopes of fincling ler habitat: areas just be.: BAPTIST CHURCH Rapids, is vicc.prcsidcnt of: mum<;. rout. why thc .birds .are so g~nnlng to be l1se.~ b~:the I 21001 Moross at [.94 Graves and Associates, a com.' Honor matron wns Mrs. speclflc m their habitat se. birds, areas showmg mten., At a candlelight ceremony late Saturday af. 882.2728 mercial building company. RobNt :\fc('lcments. Brides. lection. sive nesting. areas showing I i('rnoon, June 9, in Grosse Pointe Baptist Church Brussels embroidery ac.: maicls were Lois Faust, Kath. The area Smith selectE'd declining use and areas that MARJANN RUSSELL became the bride of I. ------.----.--.- -- -- .. --'- '-'---'--- for study contained an esti. had previously served as i SC )TT mated 35 pairs of Kirtland's breedmg and nesling ground, ( (;RA VES. SIH' is the daughter of Mr. Cancer Grolll' ~1t>et.'9Oct. 4 warblers, about 20 prrCE'nt of but are no longer in me. and Mrs. Edward J. Russell, Jr., of Fairford ___ , .__..... __" the total known population. "We conducted idE'ntil'a! road. Mr. nnd Mrs. Irving Graves, of Grand FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH A Focus on Living (with: lrms as a result of living according to Prince. I analyses in each h~hifal type Rapids,

_ 'ft ...... -,., .. _ .. _ - --- e em an omoconssss.enseesss o cp.02 oen. s 2 S se.oe S 7 • S P4Ige Twenty-Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thur~day. September 27~~

r oms.... ., ENER(' {S".VFR . , . is this roomy four beJroo;;l: o~r an<.ia half b"i.h F:nglish, with one .9fOroolll Ull the first floor. The home is newly decorated and car- peted. Located close to t.he vi~l~ge & tran~porta. ..• ion tion, this friendly home IS waltmg for you. AND COMPApIIIl 102Kerc;~;lm 884..5700 IN THE FARMS-

OPEN SUNDAY 2t30-5:00 SPACIOUS ENGLISH ... Here's the quality English with all large rooms, 11 Verlli<;r - GROSSE POINTE SHORES: natural woodwork and beauf.iful ceilings you've This custom three ,bedroom ranch features central air; been waiti.",,: to OIP~,J'h.l1'..t~::l"O?~ custom- _.tli!'~'" deep lot; an,.; .. II ~!!!-;",~~t:li-~r~ ,- ~~;: built hOllse has a large k~

Robert G. Edgar Broker Kathleen Brophy Clawson Sales Manager Contact 'a. Sales Associates Member Broker Carla Butterly Robert8.heehyNortmin Cassube Nancy Stys Lucy Deibel Merle Tingley Anne Kotts Tracy Tingley Dan LWldell MIDDLESEX ... This house has a lot to offer, well LIVE ON LAKE SHORE ROAD looking over Lake S1. J aples Trudell Betty MO,rris Marilyn Wood constructed and maintained, large lot near the Clair in a beautifully built modified contemporary .. -- ".-Mary- Anna Sheldon', -,,,- - ':, lake. Immediate ocs;Jlpancy, TP,i$,co~tempor!lO' house. Enjoy the 1.':lXury l?f marble and parquet has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths on the 2nd floor. There is floors, a- panelled library" [10' ceilings" a modern a large first floor den or 4th bedroom with full kitchen, 3 master suites 'plUs 2 more bedrooms. bath plus a lavatory. 2 car attached garage ... Please call for additiilual details. $135,000 . . . Owner ready for offers. PRICE REDUCED . . . RIVARD . . . Lovely 2 story ATTRACTIVE FINANCING AVAILABLE entrance hall Dutch Colonial in desirable location walking distance of Village, schools & hospital, Shown below are some of the fine homes available through McBrearty & Adlpoeh Realtors, as members of O>ntral air condItioning and more special fea- the Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board, as well 'as the Metropolitan Listing service and McEdra Multiple. tures. Great buy, good family house, you must see Listing service. We are able to furnish our clients with the most up to date information on homes to appreciate. available in Grosse Pointe and surround;ng areas. LOVELY EXECUTIVE RANCH in Grosse Pointe Three Bedroom Homes Shores, just off Lakeshore. Three bedrooms, 21h baths, library and family room. The basement re- RIDGEMONT - New Colonial in the Farms. "Spacious" is the word on this home with a 52' lot, 7' closets creation room is unique. The grounds are spacious in each bedroom and a family room with fireplace. Children are only two blocks from Kerby or and beautifully landscaped. Brownell SChools ' $88,500 FIRST OFFERING ... English Tudors are one of the LINVILLE - This could be the best 3 bedroom Colonial, for the price, available today. Special features --, distinguishing characteristics of the Park. This include a 16 x 11 family room and a 22 x 13 Master Bedroom with over 10' of closet space. Ideal ~, , 'W-ellm

FISHTI:R ROAD - Charming 4 bedroom, 2 bath home awaits the discriminating buyer. Gas forced air BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED center hall colonial on LEXINGTON ... Just 1'h hours from Detroit, 4Y,z furnace and the roof are newer, the certificate of occupancy has been obtained and occupancy is at LOCHMOOR in the Woods, lovely hard wood miles North of Lexington on M-25 lie l8lh acres of your convenience , , $87,500 floors, library, enclosed porch, kitchen with eating beautiful semi-wooded land that for many years area. 4 bedrooms, 21h baths. This house is in has been a children's camp. The 250 ft beach is of LINCOLN - French Provincial designed for family style living. Special features include Country style move.in condition. beautiful sand. There are B sleeping cabins equip- kitchen 3 fireplaces including one in 23 x 15 Master Bedroom, LAND CONTRACT is available at 9%%. ped with heat and water plus a recreation hall, Let us ~how you how you can save more than $2,000 annually by borrowing from the Seller rather than dining hall commercial kitchen and director's ca- the bank. A unique opportunity and well priced $169,000 bin. Good business property or get your friends and enjoy your own private retreat , , . $250,000. WARNER - Mast Colonial built in 1965 features great Farms location within a short walk to schools, shops and Lake St. Clair. Three full and two half baths plus a 3 car attached garage are just two of the many special features. Most important to consider is the LAND CONTRACT financi!l~ that t~e owner will provide which could be at 9%% for an amount greater than $100.000 competItively priced. $240,000 For complete information on these and other fine homes, contact one of our Specializing in sales consultants listed below. Grosse Pointe William R. McBrearty William G. Adlhoch - James P. Fabick Katherine H. Stephenson Properties John D. Hoben. Jr. M. Lee Hennes Nanci M. Bolton Julie Doelle Makil1,l; D,eamJ ~ Myrna M. Smith Gail Monette Rt't1fJ/~ Fred R. West Patricia L. Reichard I ~ . .. 16845. KF.R(,Hf=VAI. in Thp Vil~,:, I- I /0 '"ERl;f'1t:VAL ABOVE MARGARET RICE ', 882-5200 885.7000 I Uamha, nrn,~,qA Pnlnf/ll R/IIAI F.qlt!ft/ll RORrd I , 1.------, I-----~------j =....-,------....------_.-- .....- ....- ...... ':'",...... -~'.-.~~~~~~-

Thursday, September 27. 1979 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S P.ge Twenty-Seven ---"------_._------_.- - -~-~~---~-... -----_._---. --- .-----,-_._--". :(~~~~~f: D()INT~ [),C-h.lc.~~~ D()....,,,,ARD11 --AN I~JVITATIONTO------. I : -- ." - I tI..... I ~. •• ~ ., '-'.. " I .nI ... II H THE PROpeRTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY Take a Walk ... Ride a Bike ~ BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE BOARD 1#) Enjoy the beauty of the trees or the quiet solitude of its location - near Lake St. Clair . . Live In Any of The 5 GROSSE POINTES ... 1439 S. RENAUD 4 bedroom 2 bath semi ranch, family room, additional And . j C

"Thf/ Sign 0' tll~' V"'Y Sf/st" Ask About Our .. ", Guardian Warranty Program ,; Corporate M.O. V.E. Program I 13 MONTH HOME WARRANTY ", Nationwide Relocation Service ", Complimentary Market Analysis , PROGRAM AVAilABLE THE HELPFill, PEOPLE ", Guaranteed Trade Plan ", Exclusive 'Tax Saver' Program Richard E. Borland Elaine L. Borland I Both Buyers and sellers Benefit ... Financial Protection When You It Most Joyce E. Sanders Bruce L. Sanders Need .E. Gail Ryan Mary E. Kaye The Grosse Pointe Office NO CHARGE UNTIL Archie Grieve Kathy L. Krauss HOME IS SOLO EARL KEIM 395 Fisher Road 886-3800 BORI..."~D SSOCIA.TES A -REALT"Y -- • Member: Nationulide OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 GROSSE POlNTE WOODS - The beautiful Berkshires - "I FIND.A.HOME Strvi!:f, I"c. luxurv one floor condominium with: aU' the 2032 LOCHMOOR - Grosse Pointe Woods - Buiii in 1942 niceties. Featured in this immaculate condo -, this immaculate Colonial offers the discriminating large living room with natw-al fireplace - formal buyer a large living room with natural fireplace. dining room • kitchen with built-in disposal, dis. formal dining room - large kitchen with eating hwasher, refrigerator, range. Two large bedrooms space - Florida room - Three good sized bedrooms ',- the master bedroom has a dressing room with Put two l1ames you can trust - full basement and a 2 car garage, connecting bath - 'central air. right in your front yard.- 9 ELMSLEIGH - Grosse Pointe City - the builder h~ almost completed thismagnificent home all but a GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Looking (or an excep- When you list your home for sale with Schweitzer Real Estate, few final touches. Located on a dead end street tional home - don't miss this sharp three bedroom Inc., you work with a leader-an independent firm selected by within a short stroll to the lake this home (eatures aU brick center entrance Colonial. Features are a Better Homes and Gardens@over all others in this area. Like . a circular drive. center entrance with circular large formal, dining room . Jiving room with other members of the Better Homes and Gardens" Real Estate stairway - large living room - formal dining room natural fireplace - good sized kitchen with eating Service, we were chosen for our integrity, for our business area - full basement - 21h c4r garage - located ... -. - library - first floor laundry - fow- large bedrooms' reputation, for our record of client satisfaction in this community . - 21.-1! 'baths - complete with range, oven, dis- near shopping. and transportation and priced to hwasher, trash compactor, sodded both front and sell! What does this mean to you'? back - inter-com system thru out. Don't miss this It means we give you a large market of qualified buyers. We . one! HARPER WOODS - "Reduced" - immaculate is the help you sell your home fast, at a good price. . .' only word we can use for this attractively deco- 595 ST. CLAIR - Grosse Pointe City - located near the rated two story home. Features include: three village we offer this beautiful two bedroom con- good sized bedrooms - formal dining room - large dominium. The convenience of shopping - trans- living room with natural fireplace - gas FA heat - portation . and churches are all here for that spe- full basement - IIh baths - don't miss this one - cial buyer! won't last long! '.I000'AN'iTA ~'G~~sse;Pointe'Woods - "2.<""ld pri~e,red~c- GROSSE POINTE PARK - Charming Center enlrance tion!" - for those people looking fer a sharp three Colonial on a quiet tl'efi! lined street. This lovely bedroom, all brick ranch with a formal dining home features: three large bedrooms - I1f,zbaths - room - family room - kitchen with lots of eating fireplace in spacious living room - formal dining space - 1 car attacbed garage - basement with room - a large screened terrace • new roof • fw-- recreation room - this is the answer to your nace . side drive - trim - storms and screens - dr~ams. Located near schools and transportation. double gas Bar BOQ. Beautifully landscaped gar- dens - gracious family home. near schools, parks ,l' cent: al air conditioning for your added pleasure! ~- and transportation. Priced to sell! ;". :-:--.,-'-"._ ...... - 880 NOTRE DAME - Grosse Pointe City - super clean Cox and Baker three bedroom home in a very de. Wet plaster brick bungalow with an expansion attic. and neat! This immaculate 1112story home is GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Immaculate two bedroom sirable area. Central air conditioning. Fire. One year Home Warranty. Dining room. awaiting anew owner. Features include - large liv- all brick one story l~ated in Grosse Pointe Woods place. Dining room, den. Basement. Convenient Florida room. Drapes and curtains. Fireplac~" . ing room with natural fireplace - formal dining - near transportation and shopping. Features in- to public transportation. Basement. clude: living room with natural fireplace - kitchen room - good sized kitchen - Florida room - 2 bed- 886-5800 886-4200 rooms on 1st. floor - 1 large finished bedroom and with eating space - full basement with recreation one unfinished bedroom on 2nd. floor - full base- room - I1h car garage - completely redecorated I and shows well. Call for your personal inspection. ment - 2 car garage - gas FA- heat - central air conditioning. Call for more details. GROSSE POINTE WOODS - walk to shopping and transportation from this lovely 2 bedroom hric!!: home in an excellent area of the Woods. The fam. I ily room - dining room and new furnace with cen- tral air are just three of the many reasons you BY APPOINTMENT ONLY should call today for an aDoointment to see this ~I horne! ~ _0 GROSSE POINTE FARMS - C.harming is the word to best describe this three bedroom - 1% bath En- LUXURY SHOREPOINTE CONDOMlNIUM - Grosse glish Colonial. 1st. floor den - carpted. thru out . Pointe Woods - PRICED TO SELL - truly the natural fireplace and 2 car garage. finest of carefree condominium Hving at the Pointes! The owner has put lots of extras in this Beautiful three bedroom home in a prime area. IN THE FARMS GROSSE POlNTE WOODS - lovely ranch in Star of the fine home. Complete with a large living'room and Sea parish with large bedrooms - formal dining Spotless throughout. One year Home Warranty. Large prestigious home with centraf air condition: formal dining room looking out at the brautiful Fireplace. Professionally finished basement. room - eating space in kitchen - central air - bricked patio. Kitchen with built-in toaster, and ing. Four fireplaces. Three full baths, a half sprinkler system - attached garage - Ilh baths -' can opener, Jenn-Aire BBQ, instant hot water, 886-4200 bath and a powder room. Huge family room. Florida room - call for your personal inspection. large pantry closet 3o,d much more. Breakfast First noor laulldry. Finished fecreatiull room. nook with copper wet bar, ice-maker, nutone blen- Two patios. Occupancy at closing. ST. CLAIR,SHORES - see this lovely four bedroom - der, refrigerator, wine racks etc. Family room 88&-5800 31h bath Colonial with large living room & firep- with gas fireplace . 2 large bedrooms and 21h NEW OFFERINGS lace - family room - formal dining room - country baths plus large master dressing room - central size breakfast room off kitchen - an extra gener- air - 1 car attached garage plus much, much If you value privacy. tl.is 3550 square foot ranch in a prime loc~ion of the Shores will appeal to you. The ous size 14.6 x 24 foot room with full private bath more. Don't miss this one. Priced to sell! seller will consider land contract terms. usable as a guest room, office, maid's quarters 88&-5800 etc. Finished basement with 7 zoned baseboard GROSSE POINTE FARMS - immediate occupancy on hot water heat thru-out home plus central air. Call this fine three bedroom Colonial in Grosse Pointe Three bedroom brick Colonial in the Grosse Pointe school district. Family room. country kitchen. Ther. for more particulars! Farms - choice location. Featw-es include: an up- mopane windows. Carpeting and window treatments. Recreation room. Garage. dated country kitchen with breakfast nook - for- 886-4200 GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Spacious, well decorated mal dining room - family room - spacious living Colonial located in Grosse Pointe Woods. Featur~s room with nalural fireplace . large bedrooms . include: three large bedrooms - Ph baths - kitchen recreation room - 2 car garage. A one owner OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 with built-ins and large eating space. familr room home. - living room with natural fireplace - ful base- ment with finished recrealion room - new fw-nace LAKESHORE VILLAGE - Townhouse style con- 335 GROSSE POINTE BLVD. - Six bedroom Colo. 372 ST. CLAIR. Three bedroom two bath two story ana central air - new roof - large yard with 2 car dominium with 2 bedrooms - finished basement . nial. home. Second floor laundn'. garage. Call for your personal inspection. central air - kitchen with built-ins - clubhouse and 886-5800 886-5800 - pool. Located on a private cow-t. Call for your GROSSE POINTE PARK - all brick two family flat - personal inspection. 1209 BRYS DR. - Three betdroom brick bungalow. 19960 CL:\IRVIEW CT E. - Wet plaster brick homp features large living room - formal dining room - 2 VA terms available. WIth a one year Home Warranty. large bedrooms plus a den or 3rd bedroom. Second FOR RENT 886-4200 8&).4200 floor exactly lhe same. Invesrors don't miss lhis one - priced to sell! 13 month home warranty on GROSSE POINTE PARK - two bedroom lower flat 20830 VAN ANTWERP - Three bedroom brick Colo- i VERNIER - Custom three bt>droom brick ranch this one! Living room - dining room - den. Occupancy is nial. Grosse Pointe Schools. WIth central air. October 1, 1979. - $375.00 per month. 886-4200 886.4200 LAKESHORE DRIVE - Grosse Pointe Shores - a mag- 1645 FAIRCOURT " Three bedroom brick bungalow nificent center entrance Soulhern Colonial on 2062.1 LOCHMOOR Roomv three b(>droom bnck with central air. sprawling grounds located on the lake in Grosse bungalow. Grosse Pointe Schools. 886-5800 Pointe Shores. The long landscaped drive leading 886-5800 to this lovely horne with it's many spaciou~ rooms S~ 1784 HAMPTON - Three bedroom brick bungalow :!003 ROSLYN. Attractive.' brick home with a Home gives a breath taking vie~ of Lake St. <;laIr. Fea- on a deep lot. WMrant)'. lures include: a paneled library. a family garden room overlooking the lake - seven bedrooms - four E,~,~~~~ 886-4200 and half baths . two recreation rooms. 2112. car 20439 MACK AVENUE ~. brick garage wood lined . sprinkling system on 757 FISHER - Beautiful brick ranch all redecorated this year. rear grounds electrically controlled. A very spe- GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE 886.4200 cial home for very special people. Home warranty' Members of The Grosse Pointe Real Estale Board also. Shown by appointment. 886-8710 IN THE CITY - Almost new three bedroom brick and cedar home. Cen/ral air conditioning, Dinmg room. ;-';0 wax kitchen. Attached garage. Appliances mclLKled. lI86.~200

IN THE W00D~ . Three bedroom brick bungalow In a conH'nt('nt area. Formal dming room, Remo

GROSSE POINTE NEWS . ._,. __ .Thursday, September 27, 1979 ._.0

TWO FINE HOMf"S Best Buy:' :~rossePointe City 1208 .VERNIER, Charming Brick Bungalow overlook. 866 UNIVEHSITY $74,500 REDUCED mg Lochmoor Golf Course. Large Living Room T~PPANa Charming brick bungalow, 4 l>tdrooms, 2 baths plus with beautiful wood and marble Natural Fire- sun room, new carpeting, freshly redecorated, 2 place, formal Dining Room, Kitchen with Dinette, car garage, QlllCk posession. ASSUMABLE features 3 Bedrooms, Breezeway to Garage with MORTGAGE. Power Garage Door Opener. Two built.in air con. ASSOCIATES ditioners, marble sills on all windows and many 607 MIDDLESEX, PHlCE REDUCED 90 Kercheval, other features numerous mention. too to Contemporary style colonial, professionally mam. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 tained, :l bedrooms, 2 baths up, bedroom plus 11'2 313-884-6200 623 RIVARD. :- Elegant ~ngl~sh Colonial featuring baths down, large living room with natural fire. lovely L1Vlng Room With Tiled Fireplace. Leaded place, family room or bedroom, formal dining l"IRST Qf'FERING - 3803 CADIEUX - 1 block from Glass Windows throughout, Foyer with beautiful room. Beautiful lot near the lake, big enough for a ~ained Glass Window. 9 Ct. ceiling, Large Rec tennis court. Move right in. Mack. 2 bedroom, 2 bath corner ranch with ramily Noom with Natural Fireplace, Attached 2 car room, many luxury features ideal for couple or. single Garage, Newly de<:Ot"ll\W. George Palm,S Realtors perS1.ln. Immediate occupancy. Open Sunday 2-5 p.m. SCULLY & HENDRIE, INC. 886-4444 Picture yourself in this gracious and spacious Semi. 20\69 Mack Ave. 881-8310. National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers Ranch in a choice area of Grosse Pointe Woods, See Member Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board yourself entertaining in this lovely large living room, A Family Business For Over A Century dining room and beautiful glassed in porch plus a Memb~1' Nat.ollii: Home Relocations Service kitchen with family dining area. This home has lots of For ExecuUve Transfers .'" living space, tons of closet and built.in storage space :"" .' 1 ...~ . ":I" and 2 f.! car garage. Call to see this charmer today or ~ "..Mo" . slop in Sunday at 1510 FAIRHOLME from 2.5 p.m. 93 Kercheval 886-3060 There is room for entertaining in this lovely pillared Colomai with 4 bedrooms. There is a famiiy room with AKE YOU LOOKING for a Detroit Income? Then let real brick floor, paneled and fireplace: custom heated. us show you these 5.5 units located at 5099 Haverhill. I I self-cleaning inground pool, patio, grill. r'ormal dining (t'eatures include forma,! dining room, updated kitchen room, living room, modern kitl~hen with breakfast. and OH So Much MORE!!! area, 2 car attached garage. Immediate occupancy.

Goodman Pierce & Boyer, Inc. TAPPAN AND ASSOCIATES . Birmingham~Bloomfield area. 644-8670



,~ ~, ,~

" FIRST OFFERING FIRST OFFERING 1428 Yorkshire ROad, Open Sunday 2-5 P.M. A truly On University, quiet and secluded this elegant classic English Tudor, beautihiJ throughout, larger home is nestled into 21f.llots with lovely pool characterized by intricate leaded and stained glass and garage with separate apartment. Inside you ,~ doors and windows, glistening natural woodwork, will find a marvelous floor plan that leads you thru rich, warm stained oak floors, 6 bedrooms and 31f.l living room; garden room and enclosed terrace to .- baths in all, immaculate and ready to move in. spacious yard and pool on one side and to library Undei" ;130,000. With good 'assumable mortgage wfFP, banquet-si.ze DR, pantry, country kitchen available. I and Laundry on the other. Upstairs are bedrooms and baths ",,:ore, including housekeepers' apart. ments and linen room, highlighted by an exquisite GREAT FAMILY HOME near schools and transporta. NICELY DECORATED condominium townhouse. master suite with lovely fireplace, walls of closets tion on Lochp1oor Blvd. 4 bedrooms and 31,2 baths. Modern kitchen. 1st floor lav. 3 bedrooms on 2na plus a and charmin shuttered bedroom. Library, step down living room, family room, master bedroom on 3rd. 2 car gar,~ge. , ' " . bedroom & ree. room have fireplaces. New furnace and central air conditioning. Slate patio. Nice decor. Quick possession .

. , " " ,." .. .~~., ...' ;~:R Star of the sea - Centraiiy air conditioned ranch. Library, Florida room and enclosed porch. Rec FIRST OFFERING NEWLY LISTED . room has fireplace and bar. 3 nice size bedrooms and Open Sunday 2-5 P,M. ~l ~~anor. A very rare breed On Baliour Road, a lovely home. 4 8R, 2 BA, ar- I I 2\'.! baths. L.C terms. indeed - This all-brick 3 bedroom, Ilf.l bath Colonial chitecturally appealing from the exterior with the located in the Pointe's most -popular community, handsome portico and tall shuttered windows ac. Grosse Pointe Farms, is in move.in condition as ross the front. Interior features beautiful decor 1ST OFFERING - 3 bedroom 11,2bath Colonial in_the RIDGEMONT - A pleasant surprise awaits you inside owners had ...ertually redecorated including the characterized by charming ceramic tile floors in Farms. Modern kitchen with breakfast area. En- this 4 bedroom Farms residence. Modern kitchen. I fini5lied basemenl before Hnding their new home. kitchen and entry haii, inviting warm colors and I closed porch. All bedrooms will hold double beds. 18 x 16 family room with fireplace. 4 bedrooms on ,Why such a rare breed, because this charmer can attractive light.filled rooms. 2 car garage. 2nd. Rec. room. Patio. $99,500. be yours for less than $75,000. Stop Sunday between 2 and ~ P.m. BELANGER - Close to Kerby school. 4 bedroom 2 ROSLYN ROAD - Nice new decorating. Immediate bath centrally air conditioned 1% story residence. possession. 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Family The following homes listed are three notable examples of the high quality and artistic design of the Pointe's 2 car garage. Immediate possession. room. ? car garage. Well worth a personal inspec. larger Residences. tion. $70,000. FISHER ROAD - near Maumee. 2 family income. 2 ------; VENDOME ROAD' bedrooms in each unit. Great location. $85,000. ST. PAUL - Condominiwn Townhouse. Popular units. I I Built in 1940 by D.C, BouScher, this is a much sought after American Farm Colonial design. The finest :3 bedrooms on 2nd floor plus a bedroom on 3rd. I materials were used to construct this magnificent 5 or 6 bedroom home which also features fireplaces in HAMPTON ROAD in the Shores. 3 bedroom 21,~ bath Newer gas forc~ air furnace. $90,000, , library and recreation room, lovely year-round garden room looking out over an exquisitely landscaped center entrance Colonial. Library. SCreened & I yard with in ground sprinkler system and in.front an attract.ive circular drive. glassed porch. Expansion area on 2nd noor for 4th THREE MILE DRIVE - Georgian Manor residence bedroom 2 car atl. garage. on 300 x 250 lot with tennis courl. Call for more OXFORD ROAD particulars. 5 Bedrooms and four baths begins the lengthy list of desirable features included in this executive quality HIGHRISE CONDOMINIUM on Detroit River front in newer Colonial. Masterful decorating and modern con~nience are seen in every room. There is library the Detroit Towers. 3 bedrooms 3 baths, library & TOURAINE - Ideal ranch for small ramily or retired and family room, attractive kitchen with breakfast el, first floor laundry, attached garage, automatic central air. Price reduced to $130.000. couple. 2 bedrooms. Dining room. Den. Newer gas sprinklers, secluded patio with entertainment center, lush estate-sized yard with in-ground pool and forced air furnace. Immediate possession. $69,500. newly-paved wide circular drive to mention a few. LAKELAND - Attractive 6 bedroom 31,'2 bath Colo- nial. Paneled library with fireplace. SCreened UNIVERSITY - English styled ranch. 2 bedrooms. RATHBONE PLACE porch. Rec. room with fir8place and bar. 2 car Enclosed porch. Newer central air conditioning. 2 attached gilrage. Priced reduced. A memorable landmark designed by Louis Kamper, this imposing estate conjurs up the romance or a Villa car garage. $69.500. in Milan. The exquisite detailing and magnificent plaster-casting all combine to enhance this beautiful McMILLAN - 3 bedroom 11'7l bath English, Formal home. There 3re f!rcp!::{:cs in living room, library and master bedroom. The conservatory is a stunning WHITTIER - Owner's pride shows in this centrally addition and serves to augment the special relationship between living room, hall and dining room. The dining room, plus breakfast room. 1st floor den. 2 air cunditioned Colonial with rarnily room. ceilings are high and the.room dimensions are on the grand scale. There are four master suites on the car garage. $84,000 Screened terrace. 26 foot rec. room with bar. 3 second floor with 2 additional apartments on 2nd and 3rd £1001'S. nice size bedrooms and 212 bclths. Lovely carpet. NOTRE DAME - 4 bedroom 2''.! bath English with ing and drapes included, Lawn sprinkler system. 2 OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 P.M. one of the bedrooms completely separate from the car garage. 2072 Van Antwerp. Charming brick Colonial, immaculate. ready for occupancy, new kitchell, Florida room, others, Family room, AU, garage. Ni('l' 101. 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage. $105,000. 'PnlCE REDUCED for immediate.sale - only $17,900. 1135 S, Drys. Must see. 3 bedroom, 2 bath Cape Cod, decorator perfect! Family room, large kitchen, brick '2 brick duplex in Detroit. Large rooms. 2 bed. patio, 2 car attached garage. , OXFORD ROAD '- Immediate possession. Center hall room. 1''2 baths. 1428 Yorkshire (see picture for details) Colonial. Family room. New kitchen. :J bedrooms llf., baths. $105,900, COMMERCIAL for lease - 1,000 sq, fl. on Greater

" 451 Manor (see picture for details) Mack in Sl. Clair Shores, $&'10 month. New hllilrl. MORE FINE OFFERINGS! PARK LANE - Lovely and Quiel dead end strel'! !!!g. C~ij~ra: ail. ON CH,A.LFONTE .. Just a~rU55 Croni tilt:' ~ulf l"OUrSe ihis attra~tivc Cox &: tln.kcr Hnnch has spacious floor Centrally air conditioned 3 bedroom 312 bath plan with fireplace in living room, lovely family room overlooking patio w/gas grill, professionally ranch. Famiiy room. Attacned garage. NIcely landscaped yard, 3 BR and 2 full baths, attractive modern kitchen with appliances included and two car • landscaped yard with lawn sprinkler system, attached garage with electric eye.

CONDOMINIUM ON ST. CLAIR. 3 bedroom, 1 bath on second floor, 1 bedroom and balh on third floor. 1 YEAR LIMITED HOME Elegant Townhouse living! Charming and sophisticated for the City Dweller. WARRANTY AVAILABLE 1110 YORKSHIRE ROAD - English cottage, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen and pantry, tile fireplace in living room, lots of charm, some work at a reduced price, "'matching people and hOluel with imagination." 83 KERCHEVAL Goodman Pierce & Boyer, Inc. REALtOR 886-3400 Member Metropol itan Listing service lnc" serving 886-3060 Detroit's East Side, Grosse Pointe and Harper Woods, I 1••••••••••••••••• an.d.a.JI.o.!.M.a.c.o.m.b.C.'o.u.n.t,.v.,•••••••••••••••• 1

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Th..rsd.y, September 27, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Nine _" ------"~ -----~-----_._------

OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 THE PERFECT STARTER - This lovely brick Bun. ------PURDY & TOLES Grosse Pointe Farms - one of the nicest streets in the FIRST OFFERING - 22440 OVERLAKE - Immacu- galow has a lot to orrer including a cozy natural. whole area - winding and tree lined plus it's pri. late 4 bedroom ISh bath Colonial featuring a bright fireplace, 3 bedrooms, basement Rec room, a 2 ASSOCIATES, INC. vate - The house is"Colonial built in 1960 . the lot is modern kitchen, a good sized family room and an car garage and a very realistic price, .. $49,900 . 115' by 291' - Room in the rear Cor .everything - Open Sunday 2:30 to 5:00 . 1390 Audubon - cent~r Hall oversized 2 car garage, Located' just inside SL .. a great value, call today for more details. House has libra/7J plus family room WIth fireplace, Colonial priced under $100,000 -. Ideal location ~or modern kitchen with breakfast area, a lay and Clair Shores, this home is close to schools ,!nd schools, shopping & h'ansportatlon - Easy walkmg realistically priced at only $75,900. Call for detaIls. REASONABLE RANCH - We have two 3 bedroom powder room on 1st. floor - Master bedr90m on brick Ranch style homes available for immediate distance to st. Clair . Features 3 bedrooms & 2nd. floor has dressing room and bath . T~re are 3 dressing room on 2nd, floor. Paneled lihrary and possession. Call today for details, additional family bedrooms plus 2 family baths 1603 HOLLYWOOD - 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, a den large enclosed porch on 1st. floor. Don't miss it! and a family room . .'. probably the best buy and now comes the bonus - There's a roughed in 2 available ... undel' $70,000. Shown By Appointment bedroom garage apartment complete with plumb- GROSSE POINTE PARK INCOME - 3 bedrooms in ing, heat and pullman kitchen. each unit, 2 newer heating systems, a new roof, Outstanding 3 bedroom, 21h bath Colonial in Gro~ Pointe Farms. The nicest of nice. So well maIO- te 621. WOODS LANE - Well su ed to active family aluminum trim, and a new driveway. THE Offering a charming estate house in Gros~ Poi!i 1 tained with practically new carpeting on the 1st. living and entertaining, this four bedroom, 2 ,!! LOWER UNIT is ready for renting or occupancy Farms - Has a total of 6 bedrooms, servIce staIrs, floor - ,The kitchen is modern with a nice breakfast paneled llbrary, heated Florida room, recr~atlon bath Colonial i~ higiliighted by a beautiful in- by the new owner. Excellent value at $64,900. ground heated pool and spaC'iOlIS F'lorir.a r'oom area - Also. the screened porch overlooks a well room with fireplace and bar, also add a sprmkler manicured lawn. system, circular drive, burglar alarm, fire aiarm, If you are looking for the unusual, we have it in th,is 120' x 150' lot and much more. Please call one of BY APPOINTMENT nice quad-level Colonial located on Lakeland In our experienced sales persons Cor exciting details. the City - Upper level has 3 bedrooms & 2 baths 21344 VAN K DRIVE - THE ART OF DECEPTION - ' 1ST. OFFERING . Grosse Point~ Park, - Dea? end while 3rd. level has family room with fireplace, street. close to Lake St. ClaU" - 100, x 1~ .l~t - A drive past this home reveals a handsome 4 bed. modern kitchen, powder room and' utility room . room Colonial, highlighted by the accent of hand House is contemporary - Features 16 ~.26 lIvmg Much, much more here. room with fireplace, dining room, utility room, cut field stone and well manicured landscaping .. 90' of frontage plus In<\ds !)f depth is ~n!:; the beginning iaun B OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 855 HOLLyWOOD_- GROSSE POINTE WOODS Situated on a professionally landscaped 80 x 115' site, this appealing, newer Colonial may I ~ust suit your needs for spacious, yet warm family living! Sparkling accomodations mclude 4 large bedrooms, 3 baths, 19 x IS' family room AND a den, well-planned kitchen with lots of built-ins and a handy first floor laundry room. There is central air, of course, plus many additional amenities such as considerable carpeting and ma.'lY custom draperies to solve your window tr-eatluent probiems. Stop in SWJday or make an appointment to suit your schedule for a'rewarding interior inspection today. 839-4700.

ALSO OPEN SUNDAY . , . 1799 ALINE - Immediate occupancy in this sharp air conditioned 3 bedroom RANCH ready for new owner. Nice bonus features including 28' family room, natural fireplace, gr~at closet space and finished basement with bar and extra bath. $79,900. 881-6300.

991 BLAIRMOOR - Spacious COLONIAL includes 4 large bedrooms (master 17.8 x 15.8); 2Sh baths; family-size kitchen with built.in dishwasher, oven and range; and 16 x 12' family room with natural fireplace. Also included are central air conditioning and carpeting throughout! 881-4200. .' '2024 FLEETWOOD - Immaculate brick BUNGALOW just right for "starters." Air conditioned interior offers 2 bedrooms and family room plus tiled'basement with lav. $64,500. 881-4200. I 966 LINCOLN - Fine 3 bedroom, 2Sh bath English with updated kitchen, breakfast room, master bedroom I- with private bath, games' room fireplace and immediate occupancy is now available at a reduced price! 884-0600.

623 PEMBERTON - Attractive center hall COLONIAL on lovely, landscaped, fenced 75xl36' site. 3 large bedrooms, 2J,2 baths, up-dated kitchen with all appliances, 'screened terrace, finished basement, 2-car I brick garage add up to an excellent value at $90,500 with low interest assumption possible. 884-<1600. I 1153 WHmIER 16921 E. JEFFERSON 921 SHOREHAM - Newly deeorated 3 bedrrom R.A.~~CHwith fireplace, kitchen built-i.as, screened and By making 1153 Whittier $6,000 easier to buy! This glassed terrace, nicely finishE'd basement with extra bath. 881-8300. Occasionally a home comes al?ng that giv~s a i spacious family Colonial is one of those special cus- buyer a choice to own somethmg truly unl9!le. tom built gems that's loaded with extras: two fire- We're not going to tell you about the many excl~mg 416 TOURAINE - A well cared for 3 bedroom 2-story brick and aluminum home offering natural fireplace, places on the first floor, 165 x 165 lot for you land features; we suggest a Sunday tour ... we beheve built-in dishwasher, glass enclosed terrace with patio and attached garage. An estate sale offering 1 I lovets, attached 2 h car garage, charming 12 x 20 it will explain itself better than our words . . . immediate OCeUpa!lcy at an excellent .alue price. S84-OOOO. i family room and a nice assumable mortgage, too. $179,500, There's 2Sh baths, 3 spacious bedrooms and a big 15801 WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE - Special and spacious 2-FAMILY FLAT on 166xl50' site near the lake. savings to bring a twinkle to your eye and joy to 3 bedrooms, 2 baths in each unit plus extra 3rd floor bedroom space, 2 garages. This is definitely your wallet . , . come earlv! LUXURY RENTAL PROPERTY perfect for owner occupancy! 884-0600. I 22425 VAN ... ST. CLAIR SHORES ... SUPERB RANCH. SPECIAL PRICE! WILL MOM OR DAD BE LIVING WITH YOU? ~ I FOUR NE',V OFFERINGS! I I' GROSSE POINTE WOODS - exceptional Ph story aluminum home on quiet cul-de.sac with 3 bedrooms, I updated kitchen, dining room, full bas'ement and 2% car garage plus many special extras and ... best of all . . . priced at just $49,900! 8lI4-Q600. I~... I BEDFORD ROAD - Classic English with slate roof and beautiful beveled glass is completely updated throughout. 6 bedrooms, 3Sh baths, HUGE family room, large dining room and much more! Great I location one block from private lakefront park. 884-0600,

GROSSE POINTE PARK - A well maintained 3 be

.' GROSSE POINTE CITY - A large 2.FAMILY BRICK FLAT in prime rental area with 3 bedrooms in each .' 25950 MADISON CT. ~it, 2 car garage. Walk to village shops. Perfect for owner occupancy for the budget.minded, 881-4200, If you need a very nice apartment for Mom or Dad . 10 Mile & Harper then this fine newer custom built Colonial is abso- .. , } lutely perfect! It's like two residences in one, and ALSO BY APPOINTMENT Executive ranch in St. Clair Shores ... How would perfectly legal for an immediate relatives use. Tatk GROSSE POINTE PARK - A classic 3 bedroom, 2% bath center hall COLONIAL with library, fireplace, you like a land contract at 10'70, or to assume a about quality; when a skilled carpenter builds his games room with fireplace and 2% can garage. Quick occupancy available at $88,500. 881-4200. $40,700 existing mortgage af'8'7r on this fine "Thiel own home it shows! Attached" garage, large rooms. Buiit" Custom Ranch? The list of custom features handsome family room with fireplace, and a beauti- RIVARD - A spacious English Townhouse offering 4 bedrooms, 2% baths, den fireplace plus 2 additional will please you as much as the drastically reduced fully landscaped yard with a patio are just some. of bedrooms and bath on third floor. Immediate occupancy. 8!l1.4200. price! See you Sunday! the many exciting extras you're going to see ... and don't forget to bring Mom or Dad, .. it's that WOODS LANE - Larger 4 bedroom, 3 bath GontemJXIrary RANCH ..In 78' site with finished basement nit;"> . " .$92,500' (includes extra bedroom and bath), 2-car garage and lovely landscaped private yard. 881-6300, LET US ARRANGE A PERSONAL SHOWING ON .. THREE MILE DRIVE - A prestige location and a gracious 5 bedroom, 21,~ bath COLONIAL on beautifuf 115 x 250' site. Large family room, 28' living room, family kitchen with breakfast area, paneled games AN EXCEPTIONALLY SPAClOUS SPLIT LEVEL RANCH ... This fine three bedroom property in the room, 2-car attached garage and priced for quick sale at $160,000. 881-8300, Woods has more surprises waiting than "Mandrake the Magician!" Two fine family room.". pane!eO library or office at home. spacious laundry room, attached 2 car garage, beautifully landscaped yard, and immediate occupancy ... now iust $137.500' HARPER WOODS - Sharp 3 bedroom, 11,1o! bath BUNGALOW with natural fireJ}lace, finishP.rl hll~mpn/. updated kitchen and 2-car garage, 60's. 1181-4200. 3 BEDRQ-;)M RANCH JUST $52,900 'All brick, and with a detached 2''2 car garage, this ranch is not only affordable but in one very desirable WE HAVE MORE - CALL AN OFF1CE NEAR YOU FOR ADDITIONAL FINE GROSSE POINTE area of SL Clair Shores, near 12 Mile and Jefferson. You won't see a nice hom(; for the mone)" LISTINGS! RIDDLE: What two family has 3 bedrooms in each unit, handsome finished basement, affords both income and tax shelter ... and has a buildable two family lot included with the $17,900 price? Give us a quick ...... ,r -,\ call for the answer' IMPORTANT SERVIC~ ~.::I:-~-=-;.~-llDIn-IIDII!-ltJ4d~~;H;(;~...I!!.J;\;;~ FOR TRANSFEREES:

tEA l T 0 I S MEM8U' REL(!) ID_'OIl" INTU.CITV I'IElOCAT/ON 8f:I'IVIC£ i 100 Kercheval GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK I I GROSSE POINTE WOODS I Grosse Pointe FarTn$ B 82 Kercheval 884-0600 l6610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300 i 0(,~:s-:",,,,, ,~',,,\' '~''t.,,~~ ,':>",:... ' DETROIT OFFICE - 11500 Morang - 839-4700 ... ' " . =~236 i REAL ES71tTE IWWEnNo OO,_-.:.-IUNITS...... III JL • • "'_.. '.~--."..NIG E. I __ ~__ '* __ cft,.._,_._,_ - m=1 =-'0_" ze ...... ~----- . -= ------I I• Peg- Thirty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thurs~ay I September 27, 1979

I;::i;.. * * * * Feature Page * * * * I ffJ4Jtnte 8.'\ i Pointer of .int~.ifst Shortand to From :::~n~:f::i:.:::~~~ .nt s _.~_-i :: ~ The Pointe Balfour road, director of the Wayne State Univer. Counte POl . . l I sity Division of Library Science, recipient of the I~ By Pat Rousseaur ,jX ..1' '-(c-o-n-ti-n-'Je-d-fr-o-m-p-ag-e-l'l'-)-'~~c~~:~ k:::J.y Association's 1979 Librarian of Jet Set ... with beads, with stones, alone in "'.' '} LISA GIBSON, of Stone- The award annually recognizes a member of . ~ ! hurst road, was named to .. .b chokers and in long strands is one of the impor- ".~~, ;.\ the spring semester Dean's the MLA who has made an outstancllng contn u- tant jewelry accents for fall and winter so are y. " (1 List at Xavier University, tion to effecHve and improved library service in a pearls alone and with beads and stones. There. • , Cincinnati, O. Michigan community - and that's certainly Dr. are drop pearl earrings and pearls for pierced :'J" ',,"', ' • · · Booth. ears ... all at Walton-Pierce. There is a great Pointer TOM HANSON g His library career spans 36 years. He's been new collection of Heatherton knits. One is a pur- I among f i v e southeastern at Wayne State since 1960. directed its Master of pie plaid jacket that is perfect with a silky purple Michigan pilots who com. Science Program in Library Science since its in- shirt and black knit skirt. A two-piece dress com- peted with entrants from 20 ception in 1964, seen almost 2,000 librarians receive other states and three for- bining a knit sweater and knit skirt comes in eign countries for the Unit. their MSLS degrees from WSU. light gray or bright red with contrasting suede ed States National 15 meter Dr. Booth earned his own Bachelors degree belts. There is a new selection of Wilroy separ- Soaring Championships in from Wayne State in 1941. He also holds a Masters ates in a distinctive blue. Match jacket, skirt and Adrian during July. Mr. Han. degree in Library Science from the University o~ pants. Devon Hall puts a suit look together for son won three regional cham. Michigan (1943) and a Ph.D. from Western Reserve you in gray fannel or tan wool. The shaped jack. '"'ril:>" pionsh~psin 1978 and ~econd University (1960), both of which have h6nored him et is belted and tops a slender skirt and print ~. place In the 1976 Nationals. with Distinguished Alumnus Awards. ~~~~~ta~~~~~in;::e~a~ua;r~~kb;~~:e~:d b~~;;1 .....~ _". PETER *c. *~AYER, ~fl' An 'Author Amon*g th: La*Wyers . t F OW 3 h d Van Antwerp road, a Um. Th I "W' d f Ch "th t ' f1anne 1 sk lr. rom as come a vest ress Photo bv David Kramer versity Liggett School col. a~ new nove, . in S 0 ange, a yo~ rc in light weight brown tweed. Albert Nipon Col- SHARON STOECKEL, IN HER STUDIO AT THE GROSSE POINTE lege counselor and teacher all readmg, released In paperback by Ballantme lectibles offers a pleated skirt and a ruffled collar ACADEMY ARTIST COMPLEX was among so'me 125 col1eg~ Books this July, the love story of Hugh a?d ~ath. blouse in grape and white striped chiffon. For ,---.------admissions officers and see- erine who emigrated from Ireland to Michigan's figures that need the cut of half sizes, day and By Ann Wallace the tube and don't utilize the ondary school counselors who Copper Country, is the work of an author who's evening fashions have arrived from Kohler, Amy. The use of the word "folk" conjures up visions vast reso!!,reesof their mi~ds' .attended. the Harvard Sum- at home among lawyers. Adams and First Lady. A rose pant outfit features of country people in our land playing guitar, square. for creatmg and ~,evelopmg m~r .Instltute on College A~. She's Marie Louisell Nowinson, born in Frank. a suede cloth jacket. A navy pant costume is set dancing or having a "hig9-ole-time" tapping their art for themselves. mlss.lon~ at Harvard Urn. fort, Mich., with roots in a Michigan Centennial ' t d t 'L toes to tht> h "t ,,' h t f"rlrll ~ t 'L' 1 rl Sharon's uarents PhI'II'n verslty In June - . _.' -- - . -- U. off by a r ed fau 1ar d shlr an a grape pan SUh - _e I a .. 0 •. J ••••• p. nJJ. !r J<: .~.~.!') 1J.O.p. -." . .. . iBmiiy liaughter 01 the late M. ~. LouIselJ a m. •a an m't re tl'ng q 1']t patt ....rn vest Wine or blue in terms of art. ------I and Florence Riley, and her • • • . ' . h' L S hId t' n s e s u "" . grandfather all are involved During Harvard Universi. verslty of Mil: Igan aw c 00 gra ua e. . hher~ingfbone Wthrithso~id bloustes offerba}lovThely color PleFOtlhkrOarUig'hoOrU-lltrtthOeftgheenPeeroa:'d'AdSanyot.ne wi.Ht.see,.ttohlein the arts. Her mother is a ty's June 7 commencement, She's the sister of the I~te ~oseph. W. Loulsell, C ~lce or a ee-plece pan ensem e. e same an ecora Ive pam mg IS e pianist and h a.r pis t her ELLIOTI' H. PHILLIPS, JR., of Our Town, the late DaVid \\. Loulsell, of Ber- ' herringbone is used for a button down the front tions, is on exhLbit as decdra- painting of the people which g ran d fat her a "bea~tifUII of Ridge road, and STEPH- keley, Calif., of John H. Louisell, late of Duluth, d tive art in Sharon Stoeckel's can be learned by anyone, ress. ••• studio on the fourth floor of given good instruction," ex. sculptor." I EN W. SOURl~, of Edge. Minn., and of Paul J. Louisell, who is in practice the Grosse Pointe Academy plains Sharon. Sister Julie is an art direc-I mont Park, received Bache- in Duluth. All became lawyers. Once again Mutschler Kitchen.'1, Inc. is num- Art'ISt Comp1ex. Technique Is Primary tor for a department store. lor of Arts degrees. KATH- • • .. ber one in the country in Wood-Mode cabinet sales. The studio is :filled to the This teacher bel i eve s So art has always been a pre. I ERINE M. DUFF, of Ste. Four nephews, Pointers all, John C. Louisell, Stop at Mutschler Kitchens, Inc. today and see the brim with simply gorgeous stropgly in teaching tech- dominant part of the Riiey p~ens road, GEOGE C. F!!,!- Paul Louisell, John F. Youngblood and' the late features that make Wood-Mode cabinet.'! os popu- examples of Norwegian Rose-' mque f'Irst, and "not the lifestyle."So far, my own chl'ldren lane,KENSTAEIYI',and KIRK 0R.f KIRLIN,Hendrie J osep h W . L oUlse,. 11 J r., became 1awyers. lar ar.tong discriminating cabinet customers . . . maling, and other styles of method d b t Y th' t Th I If' 2r";7 N:ack Avenue, 884-3700. art from Europe, that Sharon s use y many ar have diversified interests not of Provencal r(>ad, were ou get epIc ure. e ega pro eSSlOn runs has painted on anything that te~chers who may tay, 'paint especially leading to ar: art awarded Master of Business in the family, and so does Grosse Pointe. Marie • • • might be found in the home ~if~~C~I~Uf~erel.~~s~iS~{~d:~~career," notes Sharon. ~dm~nisJra\io~ d:gr:es f~om makes her home in Highland Park, Ill., with her f Lee. Factory Authorized 8aIe • • • begins at Ed -an old trunk, ~'metal plate and very discouraging." Michael, 20, is a law stu- . e ra u~ ~ C?O 0 us. husband Richard, (they have a s::m, Peter), but.if ::a:ei::io~a~135 c::tr 7;6-::1v~ up &0 30% off a. or furniture-the completed Sharon feels that by first dent at Ohio State University. mess AdmInIstratIOn. she c~me here it would take her at least a week to w 0 r k s of art collectively l~arning to perfect techniques Karen,' "the Paul Bunyan of • • • I visit all the relatives. • It • termed "decorative art." of mixing colors and placing the family," is a 19'year-old Wayne State University Th~re are nieces Mrs. Jeremiah J. Bourke, Mrs. The Notre Dame Pharmacy ... has a close- Colorful Kitchen them on a canvas. a piece of foresky student at Michigan student DANIEL J. KEE- John J Fannon III Mrs John F Youngblood and out on Rubinstein cosmetics. Save 1/3 off on your "I just completed painting wood or metal, the results Technological University. LAN, son of the LAURE~CE Marcia' and Liv~ie Louis~l1 and ~ephews Jim and favorites. and decorating 36 kitchen can be most satisfying. Different Daughter KF:ELANS,of Be rk s hi reG L' 11 t' t' . t M~' * • • cabinet tIoors for a lady at 'I "Illy students, at all levels "She truly is an outdoors road,' and University 'of De. .regorr OUlSe. not 0 .men .lon a .SlSer,. •s. " Sh h f d hi. t 1 th troit student JAMES B MO. Johp NIcholas Hoste, who hves m Sterlmg HeIghts. The Squirrel's Ne!!t ... has just her horne, says aron, woo a vaocement. always go person w 0 oves 0 pay e . All h d ft'. " th Teceived a shipment of Spode Christ- adds that decorative art can home from a class with a guitar, in contrast to her sis- RAN, son of the ROBERT of w om ar;, very prou ? hell' a~, or V also be functionaL finished work of art" ter Kathleen a Parcells MORANS, of Harvard road, among the lawyers whose earher novel, The iTKiS tn,e pattern chir..a that ind.u.des It can be used in aU rooms She adds that art really School student' whose biggest participated 'in a s.lx.week Legacy of Gabriel Martel," .won a Christopher cup and SaUCeT,.ash tray, single, dOlL- .. :. of the home on many types does "wonders for most peo. concern is what color nail study of great Enghsh au- Award in a national contest. ble and three tier tidbit trays. Come of furniture, such as a baby's pIe" who atlend her adult poli:;h to use each day or how thors lit O~ord University, ... * ... see our Spode collection. at 19849 Mack crib, or on tin, or "tole," in education art class at 1he her nails look!" exclaims Ms. England, durmg July and Au. A World of EnJ'oyment ..• Avenue. French. academy. "Sometimes I seem StoeckeL gust, aft e r w h i c h they ~~' .. _, • • '" Many examples of this arl to be running an 'out-patient Sharon a native or Dayton toured England. . .• is in store for members of the Michigan " .IUDS •• " M' \\ tjl1lb1. 'nie 40Uar is 4GWD, 101d form can be'"Seen this week. clinic.'. Many people can reo 0., and;' Pointe resident for • • • Circumnavigators Club and their guests when they b up. Tony Cueter. Bijouterie Inc. at 20"5 Mack Ave. end at the Great Lakes Dec- lieve their anxieties by being 17 years, attended Ohio State Spring term Northwood gather next Thursday at the'Detroit Athletic Club Grone Pointe 'Wood Js offering the most money for your orative Art Con ve n t ion, creative in an art form. University where she became Institute Chancellor's List for their fall luncheon. old gold and dJamonu paid In csah. Open dally 10 to hosted by Tole Masters of "I truly enjoy teaching involved in the history of students with 4.0 grade point Circum'Len Barnes, editor of "Motor News" 5:30 except Mondays. Michigan at the Sheraton and have had some fine reo folk art. averages included Pointer and a seasoned traveler, will present two films: • • '" . Southfield Hotel, located at suIts from many of the stu. She still is being educated LESLIE B. MARTIN. Dean.'s ''Wild River," featuring a white water trip on the 'd h Nme. M'lI e road and the dent"s, Sharon cont"mues. m thOIS art form as she par- List students attaining at MI'ddle Fork of Idaho's Sainloll River, a11(1' "Trill1e Ron R uel Says .. ' Before you d eel e tJ ave Southf' ld x s Th t ht t . t t" t' . 11 least 3.0 averages included .t tIft kn h t h Ie e pre sway, near ey are aug 0 pam a ICIpaes m semmars a over Crown I'n Labrador," or how to catch Arctic char, a perm, you owe I 0 yourse 0 ow w ate Northland. tiger lily by having it mapped the country, especially at the Pointers STACEY L. MERl- . process is all about and just what kind of effect Ms. Stoeckel, past.president out in advance with spaces Fletcher Farlils SChool in DITH, KAREN S. VanHAMP- salmon and six-pound brook trout on one fishing' it will have on your hair. Ron suggests a total of the host group, is chair- marked for various colors. Vermont where involvement LER and C H A R L E S A. trip. contr.::l Pyrametric cut to start the beginning of man of the convention which People h a ve commented in folk art is shared by many COOPER. Circum George Pierrot, who will introduce the your new look, The best time for a perm is when opens tomorrow. F rid a y, that it is similar to "painting artists. • .. • program, Mort Neff, Tom Smith and other intrepid your hair does.n't look good, if it lacks body, will September 28. when hours by number" but Ms. Stoeckel "It is a casual summer JULIE ANN B A A T Z sportsmen participate in these adventures. Circum not stay in the style you desire and has become will be from 1 to 9 o'clock. has found that once a student I camp for grown.ups where SMART, of Meadow lane, Francis Van Deusen is chainnan of the meeting. a time consuming problem. Call 886-4130 f::Jr an It continues Saturday ftom learns to follow certain gUide'l early American and some was awarded a .Master . of 9 to 9 and Sunday, Septem. I lines, he/she can develop his;' Norwegian Rosemaling, or Arts degree durIng sprmg appointment. •• * Ir;:'~~,f~l~~n~i'ii~: ~~r;;i . h~r v~w~~:;;~~ Artist : ~:~~:i~,~il!~,i:.tibcu:.:.eu in' ~i~h~~;~"~~~~er~:y. E;."tei'ii I Those Much Admired . . . very classic John o'clock. "It seems I always have Ms. Stoeckel notes that I ------Linf!erie LINGERIE I Chancellor shaped eyeglass frames are available Sharon notes that some 30 had a sketch book in my much of the folk art from difficulties in travelling these at Woods Optical Studios. Medium priced and very bo?ths will set ~p with on. hands fron: the time I was Europe was painted in the days: fuel availability and LJLtd.! OUTLET comjortable, they come in a light tOTtoise and also gom~ llemonstrahons of dec. a young glr~. ev.en when I nor~hern countries, on ~arms, expense," explains Ms. Sto. in crystal. Try them on at Woods Optical Studios. oralJve art by.some.37teach. wo.uld"be llstemn~ to the dur:ng the long, cold wmters. eckel. 20-51)0/0 OFF ALWAYS 19599 Mack Avenue between 7 and'8 Mile Roads' ers from tnrougno~t. the' ra~,lO.. Sharon .r~mlmsces. Artists travelled. from ~ouse The studio at the Academy, I 882-9711. ' Great Lakes ~rea. ExhIbIts of I t~znk televlslOn ~as b~en [Q house, decoratzng.furmtu.re notes Sharon, is extremely NEW FALL 1845 Fleetwood MERCHANDISE '" It * tol~. decoraltve and canvas a detrIment to the Imagma. or other household Items With peaceful and very conducive Gro... Point. Woods off Meek behind Long And Short Evening F hi pam~ings will be open to the tion of our you.ng people. motifs specific to c e r t a into painting, proven by the I Th. Dried Flow.r rrh P I te Fobl Lo as /)~. 'ci.J:e found at pubhc. They sit mesmerIZed belOre areas. room being filled to the raft- • bib. So. or Y.rn~, , eon. ODS. ng gowns In on, jersey, ------A tulip, a peacock 01' the ers in the winter time, "par- beaded khlts and aJl-over sequined gowns are part ~f T distelfink, which is a bird ticularly as Christmas ap- &he new collection. There are also lovely short cocktail 0 Pre-serve TIle Warl)Zer motif, or a pineapple would proaehes." dresses for all these iDvitatioD~ahead .•. 15112 Kercheval. be used throughout the paint. Alterations fr~. Ample parking. 822-2818. . I ing, therefore identifying it "To Teac~ Teachers • ~• ~• (Continued from Page 25) ch()I""-- h"cnd---- 0"....th..- -"v'I'lab1e~ . I as havmg... ongmale d m. a par. Ibam,cuttIng back on .the Fabulous New Earrings For Fall . . . include th;;:~s raes~~~sr~~r~e~~wt~ea~r~i~ra~drof~~~rn~~t~ni~their ticular ar;a. . ~~~t e~d~~:t~~~s:~fst~~~~l~~ clip-ons and earrings for pierced ears have just the amount of jack pine and "Another item that would I A~im ~e Falnlly that I may teach seminars FALL SPECIALS! arrived at Two's Company, 399 Fisher Road. ground cover," she says. be of great interest is to find . !,amlly history also was for teachers throughout the . '" '" • "This is generally expressed out exacllv what the warh. p~mted on dowery chests, country. I am really antici. 1------t I Little Miss Homemo.keT . . . will love in the basic pattern or a lers' diet' is. They are be. ?Irth announ~ements or cab. pating the c h a n g every or 1 the selection of pretend appliances at The jack pine, a two.meter space lievcd to be 'generalists: cat. m~,ts of all. SIzeS. much."... . I TOP SOIL , School Bell, 17904 Mack Avenu". It's not with ground cover, then an. iog a broad range of insects, DecoratIve art. d~~s not E?Ucat.lOn WIll defInitely ~ other jack pine." but we don't know if there isllJave to be expenSive, notes be m eVIdence at the Great I MICHIGAN PEAT ! ~ . too earty to set them aside for a special day. "Even though the study is some tic between their de. Sharon. "We start out with Lakes Decorative Art Con. • It It one of the first steps in un. tailed habitat requirements just a few brushes and paints. vention when demonstrations Let It All Hang oat .•. Foliage Plants. derstanding the habitat reo and the availability of food." adding more as time and tal. will be available at all hours. Reg. 1.89 that Is! Charvat, the Florist, has many un. quirements of the Kirtland's '"The information provided ent demand. Featured too will be art sup. ! $1.29 ! UB1Ial variations. May we help you select warbler, like mo:;t first rc. by this sludy and by others "Old lamps or trunks are plies, books, frames, wood 1 !ir:t..:..:!!..h..:~~:2.!!!!.~~ J the ones that wiD grow beat in your home. . ~. seorch efforts it has perhaps being conducted by DNR ex. I 'recycled' and any other Hems and tinware to decorate. S&op by 18590 Mack Avenue, 881.1800. I generated more questions perts is critical."' Prince says. ~hat might need t? be refin. More information is avail. '" It • than it answered." "In the entire breedin" lshed. We also dISCUSSand able about the convention or ------, Weekend Special at The Arrangement are cut "When we compared used area there are no significant I refinish the item that is to membership in Tole Masters ! FRESH CUT : areas with intermittent use amounts of natural. new jack I be painted." ! of Michigan, by calling Ms. I flowers for $3.50 a bunch. Cash and carry at 17100 locations, (males observed pine stands that could be Shar~n's s t u.(l en t s are IStoeckel at 885.8634 or 777. Kercheval, 885-6222. sin gin g occasionally). we useu by the warblers. and I hOUSCWIVCS,retIred p~rsons 7546. I DAISIES i • • • found distinct differences in th{' prl'~ent sites will be too' and anyone else who IS de. "We encourage everyone to Save ... 10% off on personalized Christmas the h a bit a t. particularly old within 10 years, I sirous .of being ~rea t i ve ottend the convention:' 'says .1 51 69 I caTds at Wright's Gift and Lamp Shop, 18650 Mack ground cover," Smith says. "We need information on and :Wls~esto fm~ self.cx. Sharon. "We aU love to teach 1 Reg. J .99. bunch I Avenue. Hurry, it's the last week for your free "Does this mean that the hahital to help in the Plant-I preSSlOn1lI an art 10rm. and demonstrate, no Jmltter I With COl1pon hpires 10;1/79 I address imprint on the envelopes. males choose breeding g"round ing an:! burning" programs "Decorative art is a happy what the age. 1 - ..... _------... _-- _.. ~ * • • locations based on the height that arl' now beginning in an and giving hobby that is "Remember, old art i s t s " Of Robert's Place . • . ""Vi the major focus of the jack pine trees. but attempt to creatc habitat for growing by leaps and bounds. I don't die: they just paint Robe•• -# the females make a further, thi" endangered species!' I due in part, probably, to the away!" t Is on hair tbat II sleeker and snappier because clothes are -.------.---- - ..-----.-----.------ALL SHRUBS, i becoming narrower, more controOed. The new short hair ~~ I' styles rely on a ,ood baircut. If yoa wear your hair Welcome ... tJ White's wonder- L? ", Christma" display are arriting every day. TREES AND Ihoulder lenA yoa .UO will m:ed a cut that IIharpens ful world of wooden rockers, See the I * * * &he edle. caD 886-4130. distinctive selection in pine, maple I Remember Perini's ... for parties and ban- '" '" '" or oak at White's Old House. 2il717 c91b.OU6t] quets. Reservations are available for groups from EVERGREENS Pre-inventory Sale ... 10% off Little Mack, St. Clair Shores. open ,_ 20 to 100 ... showers, birthdays, business meet- , ,..;~.:~ store.wide at Persnickety Pedlar, Mondays, Thursdays and Frida:--'s Iln- ~ lingS, aftf:"r funeral luncheons and family get-to- "!~ . ., , September 27, 28 and 29 . . . 369 til 9 ... 776-6230. _ gethers. Enjoy r:!elic-i(lus foon, excellent cockiails, I l~ ~. -)}. Fisher Road. '" >t" - I home-made bread and desserts and gracious serv-! /~ • • • Turn You~ Cluttered Clos:'! III to Cash . , . ice .. T~ere's conv~ni:ent free, privat~ parking at I f'oT A Limited Time ... Peach Street i ojfer- Lee's accepts take-illS 011 rOHS!qnmCn! Mondays. J Perm! s, 10721 Wh!ttJer. For reservatIOns call ~71. ing a discount on all wallpapers at 17912 Mack Tuesdays and ThuTsdays. Br!/lg your (llmost new 12484. Avenue, COTnerof Washington. Come see the fabu- clothing, furs, accessories plll.s small IiOllSr/lOld I • '" '" lous selection, including many new arrivats and items, old-tiques and nntlqHI'S. TIlr?1 u;o111 1"1ITre111 M1J Sister's Place, , . formerIy Enc<,!rpResale sat,,'c... TV 4-7004. styles in good rOlirliti(J1I ... 2(J.13f1 ,11ack, 8RI-Rn82./ Shop IS located at 22217 Kelly Road, f1Ve blocks Allemon Florist I • • • I' '" ~ " south of 9 M~le Road ...Right. now they .h.ave Hal- "the little store" .•• of Groue Pointe ~f I New and Different ... stain ~lass birds in rattan i oween cenmm: ]JUTnpKms,.gnosts, e~c. ~hey also I . : In~lu. y.~a ~ ~~ !nto. ~~ 'Y0~. ~, I rings ~.~tc~.the ~u... in Y,our.~jn~?w~:, T}u:~a.r('.of th(' I ~~~:. lO,~I.~,~y}~:ld~?raf!.:~,~te~s._.""Y.~~!lfl~~T ";lan,Y on E. Warren Inea .uu aee ... c """u,u •• flew gUt rl:l\t"r llUrJU, lTHU't\ C'''l. VU' HU "11,1 Colt. ,>'HUH 'U' '('H UI,~' t./UtUI t: '" .:> ueAu .... u.l f I•• "'U- tHI.IHII I ~r"pmetn. aL n -'Ub'.,l I\V(lnue'l Y' !, carved 1fUod decoraUves that include mlr. ~: IAlso nf'W are decorative little nrasswarl' pil'c('s ancl china c/r,nle.~and household goods. They Will accept sue/! 17931East Warren TU 4..6120 I u tora and clocks •.• 17037 KerchevaL . - . boxes th,l'. make welcomc little gifts. New additions to the things on consignment ... 777.6551,

-I -~ ~ ------~ - - -_.------~_.------~--,-~------_..-_-.._--~-~-~---~--~---_.-_--~------~--- ,~~ - - -- . ------~~--- Page Thirty ')ne Thursday, September 27, 1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS


------_ .._------_._----++--_._---_. lA-PERSONALS 12A-MUSIC 2F-SCHOOLS ' 4-HELP WANTED j4-HELP WAt04TED 4-HElP WAt04TED GENERAL THE BAHA'I FAITH _. EDUCATION MONTESSORI Classified Advertising Information GENERAL GENERAL 872.82!7 - 365.9536 PROFESSIJNAL flutist has DAY CARE EXCELLENT Opportunity TWO TEACHERS need woo MULTI.LIST Firm in need 1 of ambitious salespeople- -N-E-E-'D-L-E-'P-O-IN-T-a-n-d-c-r-ew-ellesson openings. Mr. Burke 2'/2-6 Year Olds' Phone: 882-6900 witn America's largest man to care for 3 h month Good earning potential. piliows blocked and finish. 886.2251. 7:30 a.m ..5:30 p,m. Address: 99 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe 48236 real estate company. Pro- old son at home. Monday gressive commission pro-I through Friday 7:30 ;l.m. Call 886-1100. Ask for ed. Also needl~point in. PROFESSIONAL pianist, Ni. 1-94 and Moross Office Hours: gram. 2 offices. Call Bob to 3:30 p.m. School calen- Richard or Ron at Aniel struction. TU 1-'1073, TU 6. na Santa, Lessons in your 881.2255 Stein at 771 7771. dar, no nights, weekends or Real Estate. <1318. home, popular and classical 3-LOSTAt";DFOUND Mon. 8-5; Tues. 8-12; Wed. 9-5 ------holidays. No cooking or ACCENT AND encourage the Beginners, advanced. 777------Thurs. & Fri. 8-5 SECRETARY - Director of cleaning. References reo LICENSED natural wave and curl ten. 6374. LOST-Neutered male, mixed Deadlines: support services. Grosse quired. St. Clare Parish. HAl RDRESSER ______1 breed Terrier, black, tan, Pointe public school sys- 885-4775 or 884-4323 aiter to assist at the Greenhouse denc~~~il~~t,~r with ORGAN AND piano lessons, i while. No collar. Call 886- Cancellations and changes, Mon. 4 p.m. tem. Pro fie i en t typist, 4 p.m. weekdays. Beauty Salon, 117 Kerche. INTRA.CURL-CUT qualified, you l' home, 3337. New copy, Tuesday noon. shorthand required. CallI val, Grosse Pointe. Call Grosse Pointe area. 884- --.------.----- Error corrections, Mon. noon 343-2017. RELIABLE BABYSITTER A limited number of ap. 5021. LOST - Young gray long for a couple evenings a Babs at 881-6833 pointments now available __. haired cat. Wearing white Rates: WANTED - Students of all week. Own transportation PART TIME afternoons, Sat- on Montlays and Wednes. GUITAR PIANO teacher, collar. Lost in vicinity of Cash or * pre-pay: 12 words. . 2.90 ages interested in learning preferred but not neces- urday. Some typing. Manor d ay sCall. TU 5-4113 after creative students welcome. 3 fi 1 angd56E2s8s5e7x.ile Call 822. Each additional word. . . .15 about tche ~dest~urant busi. sary_ City limits area. 331. Pharmacy, 22600 Mack, St. 5 p m . . Maureen 885.5719, keep 57 6 or5 - . ness. onsl ermg a new 5687. Clair Shores, 778-1330, THREE in fare United Air- tr)'ing! -LO-ST---B-I-ac-k-m-a-Ie-C'o-ck-a-po'o'-, Billing rate...... 3.40 career in the food indus-I------lines coupons, $60 each. ------answers to the name Too. Retail rate per inch ...... 4.70 try? Enroll in a class de. SECRETARY - Part time, LEGAL SECRETARY for 77558 f 43 EXPERIENCED guitar teach. Border adv. per inch ...... 5.50 voted to the basics of com. 3 day week, Detroit, down- downtown office. Experi. - 19 a ter : 0 p.m. er, lessons in your home. Tay, reward, call 885-6985 ,8 weeks or more...... 5.00 mercial food cookery begin- town location. Shorthand, enced or will train individ. DRIVING TO Florida, desire Art, 868-5754. _0_r_88_2_.9_569_.____ ning October 8. Call Con. Dictaphone and insurance ual with neat appearance I someone to drive along ------LOST 9.19-79 in Moran-Ker. CORRECTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS: Responsibility for a tinuing Education at 343- experience. Personnel man. I and good typing. 963-7755. sharing expenses. 8131.8235. PIANO, 0 R G A N, terrific cheval Hill area a narrow classified adv. error Is limited to either a cancellation of the 2178 for more information. ager. 965-6750. ______teaeher, fast improvement charge for or a re-run of the portion In error. Notification ------! STOCK DEPARTMENT AMERICAN AIRLINES _ guaranteed, concert pianist. gold twist bracelet. P.O. must be given in time for correction in the following issue. LEGAL SECRETARY - Ex. EXECUTIVE Secretary to 50% discount tickets. 2 Ph.D. degree from world Box T 34, Grosse Pointe We assume no responsibility for the same error after the perience not necessary, will President of Banking firm. Part time position available aval'1able. $60 eac h. 886. famous Accamedl'a Santa News. CLASSIFYINGfirst Insertion. & CENSORSHIP; We reserve the right to train, English maJ'or with Detroit, downtown loca- for energe t'IC person WI'11• 2716. Cecilia, Rome, Italy. Be. LOST - Our beloved orange classify each ad under its appropriate heading. The Pub- good math desirable, typo tion. Well organized, good ing to work a minimum of r ginners, very advanced, and white female cat. IIsher reserves the right to edit or reject copy submit1ed for ing required. 866-3250. background skills. Person. 20 hours a week at Miehi- TWO AMERICAN Airlines 'h your home. 341-5200 or GNASH... Vicinity of publication. ------nel man,!-ger. 965-6750. gan's leading camera store. off coupons, $50 each. 293. 355-3100. Yorkshire and Kercheval OFFICE MANAGER for St. Driver's license essential. 0308 before 3:30. on Sept. 12. $10.00 reward. Clair Shores publishers of. PERSON TO CLEAN new General duties. Call Doug NEED FOUR U f M o:::u GROSSE PO! NTE Call 885-7000 days anrl RR!;.. 4-HElP WANTED ! 4----HELP WANTED fice. Bookkeeping, typing cars for delivery. Must at Studio Camera, Monday .0 ., M~ . C'ONSERVATORY I 5139 evenings. 11 GENERAL GENERAL 7e7x4P-aer1i8eOn,ce,non. smoker. have valid drivers license. I through Friday, 4 p.m.-6 tickets, prefer pairs. 882- Apply in person. 22900 5588. OF MUSIC 4-HElP WAt04TEO-- AVON WANTED: Part time basket------Cl' p.m. 881-6390. ------3 d Y GEt04ERAL CAN'T WORK 9 r:? ball, soccer, ana volleyball OFFICE MANAGER-Book- MShaoCrkes.Ave.,St. a I r I -ICE RINK manager wanted, U. OF D. student needs ride - 4 .rear t ------S II AVON d - time salesperson ~or Ren- BABIdYSpITTERdfosr1hfiVleyear Equal Opportunity Employer EASTSIDE CHURCH/school comfort of faith. Audio- Standard. Apply within. .' I Cen candy and gIft shop. o. oupar c 00 area. M/F is taking applications for a metric examinations; hear------Why not try ~ career m real-I $3.50 per hour. 336-455<1or 8:30 till 6, Monday through ~ custodian position for those mg. tes t'mg.WI'th ou t olga-bl' PIANOD t ANDI organd'd t lessons.. SUPERVI SORY estate?that sells Jommore athancompanya ml'l. 259.1655 . ._ F'dnay. 8854361-. RECEPTIONIST for Denta 1 who have inquired, but Hon. East Side 881.3600 for ganoc oraperformancecan I a eat10Unor.i- HOSTESS lion dollars worth of Real BEAUTICIAN. Must.---be good 1------COOK WANTED days 11 Office - Mature person have not been contacted for f~:~~:~~~~~'home test- versity of Mkhigan, six HO~~SS ~~tted f witl~ le~~er- Estat~ per day .. No experi- stylist. Call evenings. 82.<1. a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday with experie~ce ~n ~ook.. ~~e ~~~~~e:rfie~:~~_~~1~ ______years private teaching ex- s Ip a Ilty or rea ast enCe needed. We provide 7367. through Friday. Apply Ca- keeping, peg oar, nsur-I _ JEWELRY APPRAISALS for perience: CaIl Joe 885.4982 restaurant. Good pay. Ap- training. Call Bruno Tabbi. ------dieux Cafe, 4300 Cadieux. anee forms and some typo , d' insurance. Design Jewf'lry, after 6 p.m. ply in person. Original EARL KEIM SHORES 'DRIVERS, full or part time. 882-8560. ing, to handle front desk. T H R E E C S Lan scaplllg, 721.1666, ask for Susanna.' ------I Pan c a k e House, 20273 774-4060 Start today. 885-1070. I Send resume and referen. adult laborers needed, $3 1 PIANO and voice lessons, I Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods. . WAITRESSES wanted.' Ap. ces to P.O. Box 36501, hour. 757-5331. DOWNTOWN WORKER to g i v e n by experienced CASHIERS COOKS stock ACH IEVE YOU R N U RS ES ply Cadieux Cafe, 4300 Ca- G r 0 sse Pointe Farms'l COLLEGE GIRL wanted to share driving. 886-3055 af- teacher, call betwe,en 4 and persons .:vanted da;'s. eve- POTENTIAL! dieux. 882-8560. 48236. babysit for 2 pre'schoolers ter 6 p.m. 1 6 p.m. 581-7461. I nings aner weekends, full with a career in real estate. Enjo~ your freedom I COOK WANTED evenings ------and one infant, Wednesday MRS. NINA, PIANO INSTRUCTION and part time openings. We have a few openings our Fomi Iy Friday and Sunday, 4 p.m. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A 8 to 3 p.m. Should also be ELAINE VERYSER I Apply at Mr. C's Deli at in our St. Clair Shores of- Your Profession to 11 p.m. Apply Cadieux REWARDING CAREER? available at other times, A PSYCH IC READER 16830 E t Warr Caf 43 0 C d' 882 REAL ESTATE MAY BE own transportation. 882. and advisor, specializes in Specializing in Beginners as en. fice. No experience needed. . TOP WAGES e, 0 a leux. - YOUR ANSWER 7393. Egyptian Tarot Cards and 886~358 CERTIFIED DENTAL assist. We train and provide li. 8560. We have openings for 2 am. ------.-- t' h . - f cense help. Call Bruno BENEFITS I PERMANENT rt t' a Palm Readings, on all per. I an WIt experIence or RECEPTIONIST-Legal sec. bilious salespeople in each pa Ime c 1:- sonal and domestic affairs 2B-i~Jg:~~NANDI challenging position with 1~~tKEIM SHORES Uniform Allowance retary for law firm. Excel. of our branch offices: near riers, Grosse Pointe area.: of life. For appointment .- __ ~xpanding group practice 77440€O Vocation Pcy. lent typing and dictaphone Eastland, Grosse Pointe ~he \Val.l strfeet to~~aJ..: call 881-9730_ 17425 Mack. I' MARY'S l'rI' d d 1 E t i In Flsiler Buiidl~g, DetrOIt, j Malpractice Insurance skitls preferred. S a I a r y I Park, Grosse Pointe Woods. as opemngs or IS n u-. ______I e ~s ern Must be experIenced and REAL ESTATE commensurate with experi- We offer generous adver. tion of their paper in local: HIGHER Le.banese ~ood Service - well-trained in .all phases Major Medical ence and ability. Mt. Cle- . . . d I area. No sales or cellection' W.11lcook In your home. or of dentistry. Good long Career minded men or worn. Paid Mileage mens area. Call 294-1810. tlsmg, floor time an c ose involved. Deliveries are. CONSCIOUSNESS j mme. Carry out. servIce. range potential for quali- en for our St. Clair Shores Holiday Pay 1 supervision. Comprehen. Monday-Friday 4:30 a.m. to: AND Home style cookmg. 776. fied person. No evenings office. No experience need. Inservice Education \ FULL TIME medical assist. sive training classes start 8 a.m. Good hourly pay pc:;vrH Ir 8371. I or Satur.iavs. 871.2144. ed. \Ve have the best ant for Eastside doctor's of. soon. Call Paris DiSanto plus liberal vehidc :l.!low- . -, -' .~ I I - training proeram available. MEDICAL fice, experience preferred. for interview appointment. ance. Car necessary. To ar- DEVELOPMENT WA YNE STATE professor,' ...------.' Ask for Bruno Tabbi 8234333 or 823-5980. 884-0600_ range for interview, call classes taught by 30-years, Ph.D., will tutor in your Office Expanding EARL KEIM SHORES PERSONNEL 1------JOHNSTONE & Kathy Powers at 886-1115. experienced Psychic Merl.' h~l'1e. English, writing, so. Salesperson needed. 774.4060 EXfPERIENCED receptionist JOHNSTONE Equal Opportunity Employ. ium and Healer. Spiritual I ci"i studies, history. All PRODUCTION FOREMAN POOL or dental office. Approxi. er, male/female. and E t h i c a I emphasis. levels. Call 8IH-a506_ Bonus plan. , . If you can mately 30 hours. 775.1040. FILM AND PHOTO ------. d I Experienced Ii g h t metal ------FINISHING SALES F C H d . CIasses 1Imite to 6 stu. ------sell 12 million you should Grosse Pte.-Mt. Clemens OF I E ELP nee ed part dents. Enro IIment by ap-, i TUTORI NG call George Palms for ap. stamping, $14,000 to $17,000 882-6640 HANDYMAN-Part time for time.. Typing an d' b ook • . t t 88493 1 \ Ben e fit s, advancement. off!ce. building ma.intenance I Michigan's leading retail cam- k' . f pom men. - 1. ALL '_UBJ ECTS pointment. Phone Jack 259-6400. 1------P am tmg, pIurobmg, car- era store is seeking ener. yachteepmgclub.expeneneeCall COMMO.0r

2-ENTER,TAINMENT I PR"GFRAESDSEIOSNIALTHFRAUCU12L'1'VGeo. L .Palms Realtor II WALL, CARPET, window I RECEPTION 1ST pentry. Write P.O. Box R- getic persons who enjoy DaRE DONAT, 464-3705. v • , 6 4444 18, Grosse Pointe News. working with the public to BA~D AVAILABLE full v.a-1 WE CAN HELP 8 8 - , washers. part or full time. GROSSE POINTE AREA 1 work part time in their LU;'llCHROO~l supervisors, nety of ~xcellent. musIc I GROSSE POINT,t; I 882-0688. ,COUNTER PERSON full time photo finishing sales de- work in your own neighbor_

!(~rl'_li~ul~lsoclaloccasIOns. I. LEAR:'I1ING CENTER 1 Doctors office, St. Clair Pro. experienced. Crown Clean., partment. Some knowledge hood I hour on school days. v u DENTAL ASSISTANT f - I B 'Id' ers, 15323 East Jefferson. I I ____ ._ 63 Kercheval on the Hi;; eSSlOna UI mg, next to 821.7500. I of photography and/or re- If you ..;ould like to work VINTAGE PIANO 343.0836 M!-8~31 FOR GROSSE POINTE St. John Hospital. Seeking tail experience preferred, with young children and STYLINGS ------1 ORTHODONTIST _ FULL ex p e rieneed receptionist CLERKS" stock personnel, but will train the right ap. earn some spending mont'y Piano entertainment for your PRIVATE TuT(jRING for busy office. Some typ. full or part time, apply in plieants. If you like work. at the same time. Call

cocktail party, dinner party, in your own home. All sub. AND/OR PART.TIME ing, varied clerical duties. 'I person to Jim or Shel, Mer- ing with the public, please Grosse Poi n t e Public special event, special mo- jects: all levels. Adults and 882-2820 Monday thn~ Friday. 7:30- it Woods Pharmacy, 19325 call Carol at Studio Cam. Schools. 343.2017. 1 ment. Call Jeff 862-4406 or children. Certified t"nehers. 4:00 p.m. Please call 774. Mack Avenue. era between 4 and 6 p.m. 864-3232. DETROIT and SUBURBAN ---.- -- . - - --.. ------.-- ... .--.---.- : 2760. ------at 881-6390. HELP WANTED, Landscap- ______. ._ TUTORING Sl:RVICE I EXPER OCCASIONAL babysitter for ------1 ing crew show up ready for 2A-MUSrc 356.0099 I fENCED ATTORNEY ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES 1 infant, days or evenings. CLERK-TYPIST work. 8 a.m. daily, 17901 EDUCATIO"'" I I PETOSKEY - HARBOR SPRI NGS Part time wOl'k, meet new Harper Woods between East Warren. Pointer Land. I.... 2F-SCHOOLS II people, excellent opportun. i Vcrnier anj Harper. 886. Michigan's leading r eta i I s\:dping. PIANO LESSONS-Qualified ------_ ESTABLISHED OFFICE ilies. Call Vickie at 372-1 8323 evenings only. camera store :s seeking an ------teacher, my home. 882.7772 GROSSE POINTE ' 8294 after 3 p.m. ,------alert, career.minded person WAITRESSES full time, ex- __ .___ I SUBl\llT RESUME ------I STOCK HELP wanted, full or to fill a full time position cellent earnings, Clique lA-PERSONALS I NSTITUTE OF I GROSSE POINTE NEWS DENTAL TECHNICIAN, no, part time. apply at York. in th(> bookheping depart. Restaurant. 1316 East Jef. ----. .------.' M' - USIC IL BOX- S.66 exper Ience necessary. 839 . I Sh'Ire l''d00 M1 ar ke,t 1671'A ment to perform diversi. ierson.259.0922. _ TIRED OF P LAS TIC Pnvate or Class Instruction Ir_-..------.! 3929. I Mack. fied bookkeeping and gen. WORKING SINGLE mother HOUSF;WARE, TOYS MUSIC-piano,voice,strings.i'------i ------.------1 cral office duties. Book. needs college student to AND JEWELRY PAR. wind instruments. strings. TELLI E.RS keeping experience not stay overnight with 14 year TIES' guitar. wind instruments. I OPERATIONS MANAGER necessary. but applicant old son. occasionally when A Have a T.shl'rt partu I'n and organ. 'II 'T' h' . I'd h must be willing to learn 10- she is out of town. 82 -13 J ,y IC Igan s argest savmgs an loan association as Progressive growtn oriented company is seeking a k I I d' ~ your home. Call ART-Drawing and painting.' teller positions available at office locations listcd sharp Operations Manager to begin as corporate . ey ca cu ator an typmg after 6. 881.9322 or 822.975~. Distinguished Faculty bnlo'v. Candl'dates mll~t h."'c abl'll't'. to mnet tilC skills required. Excellent ------TU 24963 ' , . ,H J' staff mcmber and evolve into number 2 position b f' t g C II 4A HELP WANTED '--____ . public and be accurate with figures. Positions offer in the company. en e I pro ram. a I - r------excellent working conditions, and competitive salary Anne at Studio Camera I DOMESTIC WE OFFEr.. Supply. Monday through' ------.- d b f an cne its. • Great potential to move up with 80 million dollar Frl'dav bnt"'een' " 8.'30 a.m.' GROSSE POINTE national corporation, 10:30 'a.m. 881-6390. E~IPLOYMENT AGENCY MRS. DIXON OFFICE LOCATIONS ------Top.paying, excellent live-in • An opportunity to work with aggressive. ; S~:RVI(,E STATION attend. positions for ~xperienced TAROT CARD & PALM READER Detroit-I-:. McNichols/Hoover profl'ssional company. ant. parlor full time. day Child care ( HOlIsplrl"epers, ADVISOR Gros!'e Pointt'-Notre Dame near Kercht'\'al • Goo;! salarv with COrpuf

ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE, LOVE, MARRIAGE, S1. Clair Short's--Har)Jer:13 Mile L,' I)I)L~L'L:R Pointe Park. i panions and Couples. 18514 W 1" '1".1" 1". • ,,------. , -.-- -. - i Mac k Avenue. G r 0 Sse HEALTH, DIVORCl-;. BUSINESS SIlE WILL FilII tillll' and part lime tcll1'r pool positions also • ~IBA Graduate REAll AND n:LL YOVR PAST. PRESENT cot :'olTER SALESPERS?:-I i Pointe Farms r.a5...S76 • lidr

RESPONSIBLE live.in house. II ages. 884.2027. CLEAN?ING included eXl~pt electricity. Bungalow, 2~ar. garage'j curit". 88l>-6454. HARPER NEAR 12 Mile _ condominium, pool, fishing, k'eeper, 2 sma 11 ch'ldI ren, --- 264-8- 07 1'\0 pets, 1 ~.'e..r ;east', se. r,eferenct's, securJ ty d'epos.. I I Newer well.maintained 881'.5235 I T\'PI"G DONE R bl --- curity deposit, rei'",'ences. t t 0055529 C I own room an d ba,th non. ,.. ,. easona e LADY WISHES day work, I, no pe s. 00' . al 436 .ST. CL.AIR - Grosse, medical.dental corn pie x, PO.'IPAN'O BEACH, Florl'da. smoker, references requir.1 rates, IBM Sl'lectric Elite $450. Call after 6. B82-8B18 after 6 p m C t 3 b d s .• ed. Call after 6, 82«i015. I type, references. 8B5.H12. call 579.1258. - . , Pomte. I y' e. room d I Suitable for other profes'l oceanfront condominium, DEPENDABLEL!> --- LOWER FLAT for rent, $17{l H::lUSE for rent, 2 bedrooms, new kl~chen, carpeting an sionals. 823.3733. completely furnished. 1m. I PRIVATE l\o' 'I R S I ,. G -- nurse a onth Grosse Point tiC' I d' . draperies' d' t la . 88- INTERESTED in having your I " " ,,- wants relief or 5 day's m, e na ura d Irbepace, t $3lnJ2n5~ GOODM,\ "i PIERCE &: I OPPOSITE EASTL-\ND I 2m8e44e posseSSIOn, ;). name listed in 11 babysitting I Grosse Pointe r.:fpren.cE's work. 824.3975. . area. All utilities included. room an asemen "1 • : R INC 180 -8911. '~8' ~~. ft' '5 FOR RE~T On the HII -, HOt'SEKEEPER / laundress am. ma e ec nca wor '! 6-FOR RENT I' WANTED non.smoking ten. I I,) '* or :iOl'I'H • I 0n.e room office, Colonial I WANTED: Florida condOlllin .. for one person, long refer. George. 5214249. UNFURNISHED ant for carriage house. In. CHELSEA - Lower flat, 51' 5 ROOM LOWER FLAT _ Federal Bldg. S150 per ium, December.March. Fort ence necessary. 393.9694. ,BOO.~KEE~ER _. 3 ~ears Acr~N- nN . c:uces large living room'l rO,oms, heated, stove, reo Beaconsfield. $250. caIlI month. Mr. Vesco. 886-1 Lauderdale to Palm Beach

N~~~ t:a~~~:t~~~~~R4 ;~~~!.f~~:ge;ho~~~':~:cn'sw¥t~~: I' . LUXU!R~" 'I' ?;;;~gb~~~~o~,e ;:I;!'~~~:' L::::::~~~ C=~LERlf after 3 p.m. 7~5:~H50,. I 6661. I ~~=;~n~~~~ o~e:~its~a~~ weekly, Lakepointe area, board! card re!der, 4 yea~ GRACIOUS LIVING AND schIer kitchen. No pets. Par}' Drive area 3.room up. 2 BEDROOM, liVing roo.m, I' MAC~ Aj~N~ 'ldi Grolse I 0170. Grosse Pointe Park. 822..1 experience. ueorge. 82't- LAKE VIEWS ,$400 per month includes, per 'car}:Dted h~aled stove dining room, kitchen With POJn~e a Ice UI ng. po . . ~"A" or 0°"7607. METRO TOWERS t' utilities Available imme. / d' ef:- 't Id' I f I appliances Upper $310 I prOXImately 700 squ'are FLORIDA Condonumum - 5339. """" ...... an r rlgera or. ea or .' I f s't bI f U ' Siesta Ke S a r a sot a l, ;,ND 2.BEDROOM d i ate I y, l't'ferences reo one person. LA 6-2800. per month. 882-4324, ,eet. UI a e or a orne}, y, ; , 4C-HOUSE SlnlNG ODD. J~2. I October 15. BONITA BEACH Florida, on the beach over. Pomte references. 886-8307 d d ht 111' Mo . 296 2320 463 5857' (near Na. looking Boca Ciega Bay, 2 evenings. ~~5.91~~g e~86.f~?5 rrlS, . -. HICKORY, belween Sc~oen. BEDFORD Ave. :- 4 doors 522 ALTER _ Spacious one. pies), 7th floor condornin. bedrooms, 2 baths, com. or - . I WE HAVE a par t men t s. herr and Hoover. SUitable from Grosse Pomte. Upper bedroom. kitchen, li\'ing, ium on magnificent shell. pletely furnished, {u 11 y HOUSESITIING Services - COLLEGE PA INTERS houses, flats, efficiences. for, ~ouple. 2 bedrooms, 5 ro.oms, garage. ~tove an~ dinin~ area, close to l~ke, I ing beach. 2 bedrooms, 2 e qui p p e d condominium. ;e~~~~~~t~?~~a:~~\~fw:t~~ LOWEST PRICES I :-ooms to rent, homes to I ne\\~) decorated. s,tove and re~ng,erato~. Child. OK. $235 mcludes heat plus se.j baths, screened porch. bal. Tennis, go1f, renting now, the house while you're AROUND share in all areas. Accept'j refngerator, $275.' $2 ;}°c.1 secCurlltlY7d7:~06s517t/Ref. cur ity, October 15. 823" ~~~~~~yte:on;~s~~~:a~~~~: minimum 2 weeks, $300 a e 8 A <>nO E . d C ing landlords' rentals Our NOTTJNGHAM: 0 b d er n es. a U-~. 583 week 884-5970 away. 477.="". xpenence re erences. . 1 - ne. e . . ing views. Luxurious set. . . . Pete, 885.5706 people, llre sc:eened. ~alll room upper. $250~ 2 BEDROOM House w/appli. , bed ting.682.5163. PHYSICIAN and wife wish LaVon s Rentmg Sen'lce, LAVON'S REN'1'1NG ances. Grosse Pointe Park. 317. ALTER:-:1Vio r~o:ns, FLORIDA condominium for to housesit for any part or MANUSCRJ PT 773.2035. SERVICE 882.0140. Kitchen, hVlng and. d~nmg I lease----3 to 5 months. All II f N b D b I room. complete flmshed CHALET on lake near Boyne new. Palm BelM?h area on ~:231~.vem er, ecem er Medical manuscript, scientif. LOVELY 2.bedroom upper, 773.2035 HOUSTON WHITTIER.Chal. basement with bar, shower -color TV, fireplace. Res. the ocean. 268.0189. ic reports, books, disserta. 1107 Maryland. carpeting, LARGE UPPER flat 2 bed. l.bedroom, s..'1lall kitchen, ervations for faU colors or NO CHARGE House sitting. tions, repetitive letters- appliances, washer. dryer, rooms, garage; N~rtheast mers - Neat upper 3 bed. $325 plus security includes skiing by week or week. BOYNE CHALET-Available Responsi,ble, professional all your typing needs. heat and water' included, Detroit area, security de. room flat. Living room, heat, close to lake, October end. ~1, 778-4055. entire ski season. Sleeps 13. male for free. GP residence IBM Mag Card II. C31l $300 per month, 886.5501. 't $195 th h t d dining room, kitchen with 15 8235838 I , Fireplace. 778-4824. 823-5705, 15007 Kercheval, I p:m , mon, ea an appliances and eating area. ,.. I ENJOY A Michigan Fall I and references. Business, Grosse Pointe Park. 20% DESIRABLE apartment now water included., 759-0600, $225 plus utilities. 822- LO\V>~R2.bedroom flat, new. weekend, just a few gal. LAUDERDALE BY SEA 651.9311. Home, 873.2507 discount all jobs during available. Call 882.7613 be. 9 to 5, 893.1918 weekends. 9307. ly decorated, Grosse Pointe Ions from Metro area. Ca. Oceanfront Townhouse con. or 881.3057. September. tween 11 a.m ..7 p.m. BEACONSFIELD, 2 bed.1 Park, $250, security deposit bin rates, $30 to $40 per dominium - 2 bedrooms, MAT U R E, wen educated PART TIME homework opo LUXURY CONDOMINIUM." rooms, With carport, com. R~~:;'?~~::;~con~f~~~~~~ requIred. No pets. 885-7649. weekend. Call 885.1;365 af. :g3a~~J8~~~~P:~;~in~' Grosse Pointe gentleman portunily involving long. type apartment. Decorator pletely remo~led. $325 carpeting, 2 bedrooms, $240 APARTMENTS ~~te~r~5.~p~.m~.~ ~ I-----~----- wishes to house sit begin. han::! or typewritten addres. furnished basics includes: I monthly includes heat, no r th' I de h t ST. PETE _ 2-bedroom, 2. NEW TWO.bedroom condo. . h h pet~ Box C 16 Gro.6. ba~hs. 'paneleo library wllh tion, close to the lake, 4 S500 per month to Decem.: ur:: home. $160 month. I NEED SO~IETHI!,!G moye.d. lent references. 882.2918. idea! for mature person or 436 ST. CL-\.IR, GrC _ 3 built In book shelves an:! bedrooms, 2l.:t baths. din. ber 1st. 821-4238. 526-8878. Two POinte reSidents Will persons. No pets. Security. b d k't h desk, large living room. ing room. No children. No 1------. . mov

882 cCAn, '{edical Person. i JOg, mter.lOr.-extcnor, and ',' 4 bedrooms, 2':1 oaths. ('ar.' plll~ security deposit. 822'1 . , : SPA C I 0 l'S FLAT. Hayes. in complex, 5 minutes from' a pnvate home for a man -uv"t\1 " t n d f 6787. : HAl'\ D\ EAST, SIDE up?er Outer Drive area, $175. 372. nel Pool, Day or night. i ~arage pam mg, oar wax. i J:et. rape,. stove. re rig. flat to rent With an optIOn! 2463. 1.95. 15 minutes from who i~ blind. I have lived

------Ing and buffmg. oven vent L eratoI' disposal. dish\\'a~her, FLATFOR RE~T _ 2 bed.: to buy 2 family income. 2 I ~_ _ ocean. i u 1iy furnished,! in, rooms up and down GE:'\TLEMA:\ TO be live.in and hoo:! cleaning. furni. recreatIOn room. garage. rooms, Ih'ing room, dining bedrooms, new carpeting, GROSSE POI:"iTE FAR~IS- I Rent January to April 30 I stairs for almost. 30 years companion in Grosse Pointe ture refinishing, cabinet. $500 per month. security room. kitchen. sit tin g : extra lot, No pets. $210 2.bedroom house. garage,: onl~ S1.IOO per month. Without an aCCident. Al- Good references. C a II formica and minor carpen. I deposit. No pets. 886.4049. room. References needed, i monthl\'. 884-0600. :\0 pels, References. depos., 886'1044 or 283.5050. though blind, I am very mornings before 9, 882. tn' work . . . JO'HNSTOl'\E & ! it. ~o\'embcr bt throu~h. , ---.-----: carrfu1. References, 521. 0356 --' -, -'------Lower apartmcnt on ;'o;otlJng., OS~~ aft m 0nth. Call 882.: JOHNSTONE :\lav 1st or part. 882-8:;78 : FLORID", KE'iS - Rcsort" 2671. ask for Ed, , SA-SITUATION ham. 2 bedrooms. sun .,..'" a er 5 . : I, __ ' _ .. __ . __ oJ_: _' condominIUm, l.hour from ----;- ... ---.---- GER~IAX. £peaking woman DOMESTIC room. living room, dining -.-.- .------.-:---- ._------.----.:_=. 6i!-ROOMS FOR RENT. ~Iiami Ailj)Qrt. 2Ix-drooms.! E~IPLO\ ED > 0 un glady wl,hes convalesc('nt work., __.. room. kitchen. $300 plus S()~IERSET - 1.o\\er. Grosse, GROSSE POIiIlTE PARK 2 baths ch'ld k i would like 1 Ix-droom 't 2 bed d'''' tt' gh 2 bedroom ------. I ren 0 av ' . Can live.in. Reference, 517. CLEA:'\ING an d Housewor, k security. P om e, . rooms. en" ...0. In am. ., ;-';OX-S~IOKER, Sober. reo he3ted pool. boat dockag~: I apartment within 10 miles 652.9896. ' Call Theresa. 884-1217, ' 824-2584 and dining room. Close to I lower, den .. tE'nant furnls~.! sponsible ladv. Near bus deep ~ea fishing sailing i of Collage Hospital. 792. r=;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;';;;;..;;;;;;------.----'--.--. ------..., transpo~ation .. Re!e:,enc""s. I ~~ own apphan~es and utll. : lir:e. Emplo):ed. Kit('hen', skin d i vi n g. .S("aS

AFTER 6 secunt) depOSIt. ~3~5. No i Illes $315, 8215448. pm'lleges. After 5:30. 885- mnnthly, weekly rates. 885. ' ---- ..- c __ P.M. ONLY yts.821-6737. .. __ ; GROSSE-POIl'fTE PARK _ 2573, ! 6137, i ?~~~_OM'nf~N.!~ COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING SERVICE GR"lSSE POI:\TE PARK __ GROSSE POI:"iTE PARK -: Xottingham. 'l'PPE'r, 1b.ed. SE:;;IOR- CrrIZE~h;~-'~i~ : KE\'--Li\RGO~-- Fla~"]{(:\'5-~ ' WmIA:\ DF..sIRE..';furnished Harcourt 2.bE'rlroom lower, L:pper 5 large room,. front, room. sun room, IIvJn~ room to r~r.t to someonl' Xew. bE'aulifully decoratcd' roo:" and hath. kltchcn Service for established bookkeeping or AIi al'pllanl'l's. tully decor. hack porl'hes. heat. h~ i roo~. kitchen. den. p~rk who needs it. 881.9551. 2 bedroom. 2 bath. still pm t1q:cs. Rderen<:es cx.

maintaining existing systems-for atcd. S4i5 ppr month. plus water. Fan and rugs In, pm'dE'~~s, Tenant furmsh.' . . -- - _'c hornE' in iov('ly pr('stiglOus: c~an~l'~.:....Call 881.5013. ,('cuill.. and utillli(';:, bcdr()!l!n .only., :\.0 pets. roo ~ cs utllltlCS. $295. 821.5448, ' Fl R"I;jSHEn - Large bl'd. adult park Larl:l' sC'rccn{'(i I 8-ARTICLES FOR SAiE small to medium size company AVllllable October. 824. ,0 per' ting room, References, Gl'LFFRONT, St Petersburg 9 MTLE Bli:'I'\VEEN MACK

Phone 9.5 p m, 886-4319 slo\'(', rc!rigerator. heat, sl"cunly and references, month plus secunty. 779. I Middle aged gentleman, neach, two brdrooms. two i A:"lD HARPER $14;; 884.99ii. 526-e459. 9792. ! 776'()'~05, baths~9th floor, SIlHl566, . 773,0591

_.~_ ~ ~ __ ~ • • ~ .__ _ c_ cc 2 5 & &$ 4

Call your ads in on Thursday and Frida)'. 882'{)900


• 4 Player pinball machines • Juke Boxes • Foose Ball • Video Games :'\EW L.\DYS DESK. UNION MUSIC COMPANY CH.-\IRSIDE 3 DR.-\ WER 886-8506 CHEST ------~------Sc)!Id 'herrywD.:>d ii,;-$3 ,0 Af:er 6 pm WE BUY ------~------G.-\RAGE SALE. 1505 Brys DIAMONDS. FIXE JEWELRY • STERLING Dm','. Gro;.se POlnt(> Woods Fnday.Saturday. Septem. WANTED SIL VER • POGKET \VA TeHES ber 28.29. 10.{).

• Al';TIQUE CLOCKS GARAGE SALE' AntIques. by from craft ma:enals. boy's cloth .. In". (>!e-clnc Iraln set. mis. Pri\'ate owners and f'states ce::ar.eNls ::ems Saturday DuMouchelle's Highest prices are paid-Trades are considered 103.853 South Brys. Gross'e P,),n:e W(.,>ns:gnmen: lOA M -4 PM ~\"'r\;n~y ~ ~tur~i3.Y. Sept. CHARTERHOUSE & CO. rhon" 1,." 5 :\ t 29. 8 am 61 ~loros, ]6R~5 KNche\'al, Grosse Pointe SEPT. 28, 29 III ["...:wl ht'l\ hl'\dl. 963.6256 or 963-0248 (313) 885.]232 370 MOROSS RD. ,------' -- -- . .


Page Thirty.Four G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Th,.lrsday, September 27, 1979 -._-----_._------~.. - --' --. ------_._------..;'------"----- 8-ARTICLES FOR SAU! 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALEI 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE1 8S-ANTlqUES :'-ARTICLES WANTED ill-CARS FOR SALE ANTIQUE white table 42x26 i ARIF.NS SNO\V--t~;\\'er, -5 12x22FOQTCl:-C-,;-;;-;--;h~;g-;;-~r.'~1N~C~LONI!~i: hulch and I>~lni~WOQ))-~e~~~~~~$40 a I', _ FOR SALE AV-lD-V-I-C-'~-()-R-I-A-N-c-o-!l-e-ct.-or-19-7-3--[J-U-R-G-U-N-D-Y--P-on-t-ia-c plu~ 12 inch l:af and. 41 h.p., 24.inches,. l!1eclric pet, 6 rr.onths old $100 cherry bc:lrel'~ ~et. Must cor:! delivered. 725.4598. ANT-' QU E SHOW anxhus to purchase nice LeMans, 40,000 original chairs, $7fJ, antique white starter, used t.l'1Cl;, $525. Baker 42.inch round wal. ~~Il! 331..4720. -- - -- . ------, eX8n,pl~~ of parlor furni. miles, original owner. Good lingerie chest $35, antique 881.0508, nutleorr"e tablc $250, must 10.22 S-E~lI.Al;'I'O:\iATIC rj. ANTIQUE AND SALE ture, tables and bedroom condition, needs muffler white lamp table $25, 12 MOVING SALE Miscellane sell. 343.9232 a~~.~_~ _~.:.m:_ fIe, Ruger. Carr.\'inh~ CUW G IRON D ELLE5 Oakland I\.iall, Troy. Oct. 27. pieces. Also, musie boxes, and tires, otherwisc okay. place settings International • r.: -. • 30 D M 11 h crystal, silver, lamps and Car worth every cent of silver plate never used ous, 21.,44 Prestwlck, Har. YARD SALE - Collectibles, and cleaning kit :;>35,527. ",' urmg a ours, Victorian access(lrie~. Will $1,500. First person to $150, Hoove~ floor polish. per Woods, Saturday and small antiques, .footboard 0226. A PA R F FR E ORIENTAL RUGS pay reward for informa. show up with $800 in hand Sunday to brass bed, anllque potty -._------.-- --.--- I 0 E d f 1 er $10, Westinghouse de. . . I h' Th . 1979 HU:lDII-';L pl::tcs in orig. F.xpcrt appraisals, estates tion lea ing to success u takes car, Call Brian 823. 'd'f' $15 W tb d FOUR OAK l'b h . c aIr, omas organ, pIC' . I $18 - . ""9' STA G purchase of Belter furni. 0550, huml I let , es en 'I I rary c aIrs, tures, Cornice boards, clo. ma cartons 5. 111l4.Ul:Ili .: N DIN 1 purchased. Modern, semi. ture. Days 869.7522, eve. _ 30 kCUP automatic coffee $38. 331.0986. I thing items, llI:;tel'nity .-,------51 NG LE' antique and antique. Ex. nings 882.8692. PORSCHE 1967, 912-A true ma er, never used $8, 11' . " war.drob.e, size 5, baby I' 0 L D _T IQUE 5 pert cleaning and repair. ------classic. New clutch, excel. Exercise bike $30. 882.5339, WO WINGBACK ch~lrs $75: chaIr, kitchen gadgcts, etc., 'PORCELAIN ing. Will buy antiques RESTORING old fashioned lent body and mechanical, ------I each. Sofa $50, 2 fJreplace I Saturday only 9:30 to 4. no 11. BONHUER LION FIGURE I Dlr'). Able to pay top dol. ice cream parlor. Need old ~.,$3,500. 779.5442. LIVING ROOM and den fU:'.[, screen~, $15 an$d$30. Bra~s pre.sales. 369 McKinley.' BOWL TRIVIT ~ CA' N' 'U- CL'A' iiDA' 1:1:',547-2100. advertieing m"ffioriiililliu --.----.------niture. Chest freezer. Best swag amps, 25. 2 pair __ . _ _ GOODELL ' L U!'I. from pop, be~r and tobacco 1978 COUGAij XR7, 11,650 offer. Must sell! 777-0784, ~~~~rsbl~~X1c~rp~~5$:O.p~~: TAPPAN electnc range, dou. APPLE PEELER DEEP PINK WITH rURNITURE refinished, reo companies, and juke box, miles. loaded, excellent

-G-I-G-A-N-T-I-C-G-A-R-A-G-E-S-A-L-E'1 inch RCA color TV with bl~ oven, cuttmg boar:! REFORM paired, stripped, any type penny arcade, popcorn and condition, $5,700. 882.8756 WIth storage below. 885. GO' DAN D of caning. Free estiinates'l gambling '1Il3rhines. Will after 6 p,m. or weekends. -You name ~t, we have stand, $350. Very old re~. 2427. ASCAHSEHNTBREACyHER L r, ord and record sets duplJ 4'74.8953. pay finder's fee, Days 869. 1977 VOLARE 2 "oor, 6.~\!1. it! 799 Lochmoor Blvd, \ . ' . . ------7522, evenin~s 882.8692. -u ", Thursda", Friday 10 to 5. c,)te bridge ~et, typewriter GARAG:t; SALE! 534 Alter, BURROUGHS i HA NO PAl NTE 0 KEN.NARY Ka"p. Antl'que~.1 . .... _ _. inder, power steering, POII'. ------" stand, brass table lamp, clo',hes, mI' s cell a n eous ADDING """"ACHINE I, Hours: wedneSdaY.FridaY'II\t:t~.. - XUU 1l1UVINI.:i- or sell. er •DraKeS,• air, exce 11en t ONE Ih fare coupon Ameri.1 8~1.3392. I household items. Salurday 63 KEYS NO. 3.57324.7 H.ORAL5 AND 12.4. Saturday 9-S. Cadieux ~ng an estl\t~? We are buy. condition. Present mileage can Airlines $50 372-4678 and Sunday 10.4 ri\u ..Hol.:5uri;> at Warren 882-4396 Ing everything, Furnitur~, 29,800. 962.4776 or 884. ,. , MOVING SALE! 15450 Wind. I . AI;"I'.'''' 7'.00 I'.'ll. I 'OUBLE ROW ,- LC R $ 2 b" un " LJ . . I glassware, knic.knacs, dish. 3255 after 6 p.m. 1971 HUMMEL 'plate, $1,000 Mill Pointe, Grosse Pointe I WHEE HAl 120, ran" 1 _ _ _ ------I 886.1225. Park, Friday, September 28 ~ew walkers, chr~me, walk.: HOUSEHOLD CRYSTAL ORIENTAL RUGS I' es, household. i.tems~ adds 1979 BUICK Regal V.6 po\\'. ------Saturday, September 29,10. 109 c;a~p:.', hoq';.'1 tu,b'i and ends, musical Jnstru' er steering, power b'rakes, TWIN SI:r.UP double .b~by 4, patio furniture, tables, seat. (,"- _,J. i LIQUIDATION DROPS ANTIQUE£ AND ENTIRE I me?ts, Hummels, Hummel automatic, AM.Fl\f, white buggy m good condition. !amp., record player, chairs -:--, --_. I SALES ESTATE pl'Hes, old dolls and paper sidewalls new won on raf. 882.9362. I card table and chairs, yard SCRATCH/INDENT CHARl.ES KLI~GEi\SmTH BOX D-17 bought cash for 25% morto!, back books. 774.7142. l I fle.886-i647,' P"''''L TABLE 3x~ slate bar. I articles, miscellaneous fur.l TENT II LAUREN CHAPMAN i I than yo~ could sell other-I ESTATES WANTED 1------vv ,." I G RO 55 E PT wise . 1970 MONTE CARLO Lan. type, Valley table, good I nHure, household artic,es'l SALE JILL WILLIAMS I E I . 1.663.7607 We WIll buy comp.let~ es!ates dau _ Loaded. Excellent condition $1?0. May tag No pre.sales! 1 Vir. are eiearing OUt all OUI' I Invite you to visit our shop, NEWS ' . I Dr household liquIdations. I condition $2650 886.9526 washer, Ham~l~on gas dry.' CIRCA 192()-{;arved walnut damaged stock from OUI' now open two days a week,] I ABLE TO PAY top dollar I Also buying antiques, chi. . , .. . er, good condition, $200 for d" t bl 6 h' warehouse. Sat. Sept. 29 Tuesdays and Thursdays. RO C c:. E r for used Oriental rugs, na, crystal, silver jewelry, ELDORADO ~onvertlble 1973 . GE t AU FM mmg room a e c airs ' MEn, • ",,,,,,..l:'''' "'TOU~~' r..-... pT . . .. . •. '---'- ~ u'.,~v,,~~nft .nAdlc paIr s ereo "'1" •• •.. t • -- I and Sun Sept 30 From u i" ~unuClu. n. nl) '-' ....J....J 11.-, 547.5000 I' lursl paUltlngs, ivory, CIOl-' .luauCUt• "" ...n.o .....""'u, .a""... I. reco~d player, walnut, $50.[ $;~~~~~~~~~{ln~~nllUalf\~~I 9 a.m,.i' p.m .. Co~e one, 10 A.M ..3 P.M_ MI 48236 . sonne and Meissen. Prompt leather mtenor. Looks antI Call 882.581fl alter 4 p.m, 5'30' . I come all. The savings are 15115 CHARLEVOIX . DON'T MISS the CadieuX' payment. LEE'S, 20339 runs good. $2,995. 881.4187 ------1 . p.m. I incredible. Between 8 and GROSSE POINTE PARK ------.---- I Warren Flea Market every Mack Ave. 881.8082. • 1974 SAAB 99LE-Excellent RY:M~7G2~ ~A~~, se~em. SINGEH Golden Touch 'N j 9 Mile Rd. and Harper. 331.3486, GARAGE SALE, Thursday, Saturday, J u n e through GROSSE POINTE Bookseller condition. Call after 2 p.m. ~ G 'id e l::.rs ;m Sew with Cii~inet and stool I AMERICAN Consignments, estate apprals. Friday, Saturday. 4715, September, 9 to 4. An. desires signed 1l'ml'ted edl" 882.0802, en s u~, ast I $170 Two 28" ~quare com. als and house sales, featur.1 Courvilie 11.5 Dining ta'i tiques, miscellaneous. Deal. _ Outer Dnve at Chatsw~rth, mod~ Traditio~al end ta. PREVIOUSL Y ing fine porcelains, antique I ble and 5 chai~s needs reo ers welcome. 882.4396. ~~,:;::~ f~I;; il~~:tr:t.:?_c_~~'11979 CADILLAC Eldorado- Thursday la4 p.m" FrIday I blcs $100. Srn~n end table I O\A/!'JED j f.urniture, e!'ystal 2.~d rugs' finishing and 'Dyna ..Vent 1______LU,"U Ii) u.",). "L", }luul.u5J.~. Triple red cedar, leather, 9.11 a,m. $18. Green loveseat $50'1 772.7990 ThiS .week: . t I space heater. ' J. C. WYNO'S p~y.. Americana, DetrOit, loaded, 5,800 miles. GM GARAGE SALE! Assorted I Girl's bike $20 886.2818 ------PaIr beautiful French con. i ------I ROMA HALL Cml ~ar ~~cult, Avant. executive 774-9884, sizes, student's desks and I .. MOVING BASEMENT sale- soles, butler tray, coffee GARAGE SALE, restaurant A l' Fl M k ts garde LIt., MIlitary, County -----'------chairs, cash and carry only. L()VESEAT, off.white, green I FrIday 12 to 8, Saturday 12 table, pair Windsor backed and household 22908 Dore. n Iques ea ar e histories, philosophy, and CUTLASS SUPREME, 1975, September 26.27.28, 10:30 and gold fabric, $130. 885. to~. Sunday ~2 to 5, air chairs, e leg ant writing mus, 2 blocks' South of 9 -First ~~~ ~i~eseason worthwhile books Dr col. excellent condition, air, a.m ..3 p.m, at McCann rink 1114 after 6 p.m. I -~on It,ioners, ans, furni. desk, country pine kitchen Mile off Mack. SOt 14 94 lections in all categories. AM-FM, rear defrost, Lan. d . ~1I!" tool~, collectibles, £<:lb. talll'!, walJ1ut drop leaf ------un" c. ,... Cash paid and immediate dau, swiveL seats, rally's 1045 Cook Roa ,Grosse GARAGE SALE! Somethl~g ric~ and more. 5116 Ken.: table, large wrought iron KENMORE WASHER-SUdS'j' 27771 Schoolcra.ft,. LlVonla, removal. new tires, $2,700. 886.3112. Pointe Woods. for everY1Jne. Stereo recelv. ;ington. I fireplace ~et and ,mdirons. saver $65, electric dryer Free AdmiSSIon YARD SALE, September 29, I er $20, Saturday 1~-4, Sun. ------Ruby glass lustres, assort. $35, 40x30 mirror $25, van. J.'C. Wyno 773-7803 GRUB STREt:T 1~75 FORD E.150 Chateau 30th, 11 a.m, till dusk. day 12.5, 262 McMillan, No DOUBT.F.lf~RN~SS I mcnt print, :mrl. oil paint. ity desk with mirror $35. ... T' A BOOKERY Van-Air, 'speed control, Many items. 20939 Rideg' pre.sales. 0 t ",.j. ings, J c n s e n f1atwnre. Ch"ir $.25, 1:lmp $30, 4 kit. W RIF.N ~ ANITIgQUEr~~~ 15038 'Mack, Grosse Pte. Park f;\~S~\~~s,Cea~~aelinle'~tcchoani~sl-: l b!~::~';h"~::~-" b y ve o mont, Harper Woods. E';:TATE SALE dl'nl'ng room I c 0 _1' '.' (," I .....p." ...t. I nr,Hlrl npw >.hipment of chen chairs $20, movie e .Sto , fraarmees pl'ne 82A 0"74 U ~ , 'url 1 ay m ,rOI~.'.1' 0'1'1P.. f' f . D 't" b d oa k PI:: ure, 't"0n~~I~.. ~Ia~) 1II Frenclhrll t\lIrjn~ wintf!T months No. firm, by appointement. 268. 3141 after 5 p.m. 8867377 9-4. Children's clothing (in. ' ••TI'Vlnl"'.' ". y"ar.~ 0 I V~l"L,,'r In _A.PT"l.After 4 1339 Dr 264-8344. WISH TO purchase sman' . __ . _ ..i R" P J T h' r " Ir ••'I~!',f'IIEDE rTrandfather used ga; stove, 20" pre. 1974 LEMANS P fant to 6X), coats, boots, OAK IC~' BOX, beautifully run~wlI''', on il_ ,l: I )l.III. ' , C' "" .. -.. ~ kid's toys (stove, refriger. restored with original brass Lovc,'lj lamp,. nno ~u, m' I ~7.1-!1!im I STORl\! _WI N D a ,V oJ and cl[rc'k, (irca 1918, 5 tubular ferred good condition 886. . ' - ower steer, ator, sink), dishes, redwood hardware and tra"s, $250. ture. Even .0.ff.lce fur,n,lture r " . _ scrren~, wood frames, .s~an. bea, moving moon dial. 1850' . mg and brak,es, AM.FIII , S t f L d d d d d t Art Nouveau Tiffany.type I' stereo, new tires, ?rakes flower boxes, highchair, Antique dresser completely ..e so., ~~oges . an I I YARD SALE! Furniture, elo. I ar Sizes, goo con I lpn, table lamp. 373.9559. SERIOUS local cO'llector ,Vl'll' anld Texhhaudst,low mileage, lamps, many other items. restored with unusual mir.. Wedge~,oo~ Chi n a. thing (some new) glass.' $2 each. 4.25 Moross Road. h 'd'~ ca l urs ay after 6 p.m, DISHWASH' ER, portable, ex. ror ana hardware. $200. KJRK Sterling. F,la,~ware! w~re, dishes, jewelry,,,,5044i Grosse Pomte Farms. G-E-N-U-I-N-E-E-N-T-I-R-E-M-t-h- purc ase all slgne :rl.f~ny 526.1145 881-4964, STEUB~N ~rysta,l. Royal. BiShop, Thursday. Fnday, I SA-MUSICAL ' 0 .ers I lamps: Handel, Pelrp,>mt. ----'- _ cellent. condition, cutting Daulton Figures. Lots of September 27.28, 10 a.m." Pearl - Gold trlmmm.g, J\lfferson and Moe Bridges 1979 CAMARO Z.28-T.roof, board top $150. 884-1813, GARAGE SALE-Thursday, Booles! Watch for next 3 p.m. No pre.sales! INSTRUMENTS Opera glasses - made In I amp s, All transactions air conditioning, AM.FM 8. ------9.3 only, 1048 Harvard, week's ad! -I'------Germany, over 10() years It' 1 f.d l' 1 PlP. GENERAL ELECTRIC stove Coml'c books, boy's clothes SO,'IETHING FOR ---A-U-C-T-I-O-N--- PIANOS WANTED old Beautifui 758.3719 5 rlet y con 1 en la . ,ase track, plus extras, $7,800, h't d d.t' 8RA" . . . t'~Tl aft".. ~ n In 00., "" •.,' "-,4.7437 af-ter 5 p,m. 939.- ~~ e~V~~~ng~~n I !On. --' I 1!J-l4, toys, books. ' EVERYONE Every Wednesday, 7 p.m. i (;J:(ANDS, Spine~s, .C01?-soles ANTIQtlE GRAND Father I T;;"$$'~:I~ ;~;'~~::.~;~~~ 6545. ------FOUR FA I Y I R GE Antiques, furniture, glass. and Small Upright:>, CI k 7'4" t II k &; 1 ------TWO.PIECE.Danish Modern . M L garage sa e, UMMA SALE ware, etc. TOP PRICES PAID oc a ,.~a wa. needIng repair. 774.9380. MERCUR~ Colony Park sta. 595 Lakeland. Saturday 9.5. BEST IN TH E nut case. Brlhsh made ------t' sectional, rollaway oed, old AUCTIONEER JIM FARS VE 7-0506 early 1800's. Excellent con. SAFES WANTED-Almost IOn wagon 1977-Power "Big Band Records" 33 and GARAGE SALE - Kitchell, DETROIT AREA BI.COUNTY ------. dition. $1,750. 881-3365. any condition. Woods Lock steering, power brakes, air, 78's, books lmd many' either de cor a t i v e items, fans, G 0 \ FLEA l\IARKET PIANO, upright, Grinnells. AM.E'f.:~, 9.passenger. Ex. goo d.les, every thOmg prlc. ed sma 11 TV, RIC' h0hf lex cam.. R SSE POI NTE I ]4401 FRAZHO RD. New key boar.d $425 or SIGNED------PAIRPOINT Puffy and Safe. TU 1.9247. ,cellent .condl'tl'on. 886.2325. to sell. 20'12 Vernier, Fri. era, miseellaneous, Friday, WOODS Gorr.er of Groesbeck (l\f.97) best. 1930's portable tec- lamp, Tiffany 'type lamp. SHOTGUNS and rifles w~nt: 1973 DODGE Van, 6.cylindel' day from noon, Saturday Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN 774.2320 orj players and 78 rec. Fine Wagner plate, antique ed. Parke r, Fox, SmIth, customized, carpeting, sink, and Sunday 10-6. 3455 Bedford. CHURCH --.~------ords. 884-0302. doll. 521.7096. WInchester and others. refrigerator a-track stereo ---.------1------TREASURES ------Private collector, 478.5315. $1,400. 771~465 or 775.6949 THE UNDERGROUND COL'! CHROME AND glass coffee MACK AT TORREY 'N'TRASH LOWERY Super Genie-Like WANTED - 2 seater"Mer. ------1 _ LECTOR OF BIRlIUNG. table S75, like new. 50.year. BE WEE 7 I new. Child' lost interest. cedes Benz by private own. OV~L PINE. kitche!1 table 11979 .CHEVETTE 2.door, au. HAM CONDUCTS A ONE. old vanity dresser, bedroom T N AND GARAGE SALE 772.0399. er from private owner, 882. With 6 captams chalTS. 331'1 tOffiatic, FM, belted tires, DAY ESTATE SALE, FRI. set, very good condition, I 8 MILE ROADS ! Saturday, Sept. 29, 9 a.m ..4 ------9254. 3102. $3,695. 822.5607. DAY,SEPTEMBER 28, 10 $275 or best offer. Call FR IDA Y, p.m. 1368. H a II' tho r n e, VIOLIN - Pagonini copy, 1 I TO 6 P.M. 859 LOCHMOOR after 6 p.m. 886.7431. OCTOBER 5 h Grosse POinte Woods. Spon. full size. Bow case, music MAGNIFICENT Ivory chess II WANTkED d O~d t~\ c~rs, 1976 PLYMOUTH wagon, between Lakeshore and 1------t , , sored by the 5th Grade stand, music. Very goo:! set _ hand carved, very true s an trams. c wmn loaded, air, new tires. Mack, Vernier and Moross. ANTlhQUE KdIDkN$E2Y7"5shDapedFROM 9:00 A.M. .Roem 219, Mason School. -condition. Best offer. 822. old 774-9509 Panther or Phantams from $2495,886.1587 ma ogany es un '. 40's and 50's. Cushman' . Quality oak benches book. \ . . UNTI L 8 00 P M' 2034. ..-- 1 d 1 cases and tables, good fur. can Phyfe sofa, "Tapestry" :, • . LIVING ROOM mirror, 38. ------VENETIAN, Cranberry milk mo~or scooters an Eag es. 1977 :rOR?NADO Brougham, niture includes sofas chairs $325. Governor Wmthrop SA TU RDA Y in~hes by 86 inches, $130 UPRIGHT PIANO - Good glass. Cloissone, enamel S~rlOus local collector. white .wlth. red Landau roof mirrors, lamps, end 'tables, secretary. "large" $525. OCTOBER 6th new, asking $60. 886.1739 condition. $150. 882.4751. pieces a,nd pictures. 465. __~ck ~laggett, 886.4522. and mtenor, lull power, cedar chest and small Dr. Hepplewhlte mahogany end , after 6. ------2989. PRIVATE COLLECTOR pay. AM'~,~I 8.track, excellent gan,. etc. Also metal stora.ge tables ~125. ea~.h,' ~rench FROM 9:00 A.M. ---.------CRAKUER Console Piano ------ing top dollar for older' condldon, $4,750. 822.2025. cabmets, floor safes, office carve:! mlald gut.trlmmed U NT IL 12 NOO N ANTIQUE ORIENTAL room French Provincial. Perfect FALL ANTIQUES SHOW - books 939-1388 ------'--- files, gas dryer, vacuums, end ta?les $165 each. Con. I --______divider ~ereen inlaid with condition. 885-2780. Saturday and Sunday, Oc. -- --: --- -.--. - . - - 1979 FO.RD Granada, 6.cylin. fireplace equipment, tools sole With. columns, marble ALNOR AI R Mether of Pearl, antique' CORONET (Conn.Director). tober 6 and 7, Crystal [WANTED: Discarded r~)\v der, air, 4.do?r, automatic, top (Weiman) $275 Ma Ruby cutback crystal table Ballroom, )Vhittier Towers, b?at or Canoe for garaen power steermg, power ~nd Ib~n~h, lo~~~yga~~:ss~~. hogany dining room 'drop: VE~OC ITY METER ~erviee for 8, 56 pieces, an. Used 1 week, case and 415 Burns at E. Jefferson dIsplay. 884.8644. brakes, excellent condition, In I, le5, a y seD Ie, 1ft b1 $75 3.' V'.1 c Serial 10633 Type 3002 - tique French inlaid games stand included. $165. 886. 11 _a,m. - 8:30 p.m. Adm: WILL BUY OLti-- D,-e-rfumc 3.100 miles. 882.1403. ______much more. 644-3982. I torlanea. a pare I'Dr se.Pltece$72 5 3 Nozzles ' 3 Adaptors . table. Evenings 832.7143,. I 8407.______$2.00. J. Jordan HUreb;)r' bottles, dresser tray sets. 1970 CHRYSLER 2.door hard. GARAGE SALE: Gar den Chippenda.le kneehole desk Call 881.3053 after 7 p.m. GARAGE SALE-Somethl'ng THOMAS ORGAN _ Built stone, Management. any DRESDEN statuary. top x ell t d't' I . II h 46 22 h ga $175 Bar ------l PR 6.8976 or VA 3.4888. ,e. ~ en con I IOn t00 s, .mlsce ane?us .ouse. x ma.o ny . . POLISHF.D BRASS fireplace for everyone. September 1969 by Heathkit. Good 9x16 LAUER Kerman Per. . .--.---- from Anzona, $1,100. 822. hold Items ~nd furmture. oque mirror 3x4 $85. sereen and 1l\atching and. 28th an:!. 29th, 10 a.m. to 5 condition. Ban:! box. Best sian oriental rug, $10,000. ,QUEEN ANNE dm.l~g room 5069. Th~rsday, Friday, Saturday Bronze marb~e candalabra irons, $45. Combination p.m., 1427 Roslyn Road. offer. What a bargain for Lakeside antique rocker set - good condition. 882. , . 9 a.m ..2 p.m. 971 South Ox. $150 per pall:. Mahogany ~eeretary bookcase oak Gro~:e Pointe Woods. a beginner. 885.1646. 5225 or best offer. Call be. 2597" 1978 PONTIAC Sunblrd-Au. ford. Hunt dropleaf coffee table ~urve,1 glass, 65 ye~rs old ------tween 1 p.m., 6 p.m. 775.13 oR-Y-fICKE;r-Sfo-r-ihe: tomatie, power steering, THREE SCHWINN girl's bi. $85. MI 3-6271. $325. Pair white Au~trian GARAGE SALE - 431 Me. SPINET PIANO-Good con. 6200 or 296.3603. Michigan.Minnesota game AM.FM, 4.cylinder, $3.500. cVl'les. Ilreen Junior Var., GARAGE SALE: Freezer. shadc- 81" long, 57. 2 dou. Kinley, miscellane.ous cloth. clition. $550. 881.1389. ------i on November 3. Plcasc call 885.0437. sity 10'speed, excellent $95,1 furniture, antiques, 0 I d bl~d bcdspread~, antique ~~da tOY;~t f~rmt~re, etr I BUNDY Student Flute - Ex. 8C--OFFICE ! Gus Jahnke. 884.1672. -19-7-7-M-O-N-'T-E--C-ar-I-o-L-a-n-rl-a-u, 20" Coaster brake with ba. dolls, Sp.ptemher 27th, 2Rth. go an~ .ollve. hl'lf.e 5) I y, ur ay, a.m. 0 cellent condition. $90. 885. EQUIPMENT ;KREMENT~( EA-RRINGS 1 exceptional condition, pow. nana seat $40. 24" Coaster i 29th. 10.4_ 1940' Prestwick dra:'~s.72. Wlde, $1.5 each. 1. n. _ ' . , 7706. I AMERICAN I pair yellow gold, I-white.' er steering, brakes, air. brake $15. Call after 6 p.m. I Road, Grosse Pointe Woods. La:ly ~un.oeam ha~rcurler. GREAT GARAGE sale-Ev.1 ------PREVIOUSLY OWNED II. 882.1316. _ A:\I.F:\I, 8.track, plus every

882.4185, 1 AUP L' I --l-d-- ~eht.'$10. Stinger sdcwmgb'ma. , ery item in verv good to: EVETTE CLARINET - In : BOND COPIES 4~ I, WAN.TTED_ Old toy tral'ns,' factory option available. ------225 ,n mco n arc we er., c 1'1e mo or an ca met" excellent eondl't:lon. S~me excellent condition. $80." S3800 886 D614 SALE 935 Th 882 9303 $10 775 31"9 v SELF SERVE I, pnvatc collector. 886.5157. ' . . 'Q • GAR.AGE : ree '. ;. . oJ. : will make nicc Christmas, 884.C651.

~~~: 9~;t~1c~~~i~~P~~fJ~:~ PECAN DI~ING :oom s~t t;~ i DI~iAN~LEn-.BAR:-Iz."l~~g: ~ifts. Bone china .eups and. CO~N--TR()T\1B-ON-E.~~;~- ..=. ~~~\~h~e;t~~~~~s r lOB-TRUCKS : 19~2 ~~~GE .Dart. Standard, back chair, room size ori" I ble, 6 chaIrs, china cabinet, I 24' Wide, natural dark I ,aucer~, ~ome antIques and i Used 1 year. l\Iint. $135.' ANYTHING GROES: FOR SALE S900.' 2; :pllge.s.7;~~~.4~~e~~: . k b ff t buffet server $600 884- wood top with stained; collectibles. manv pots for, '"" "5-8 PLANTS' ------en ta,1 an tIque oa u e, _ ,. . ' . I I t b k . I d ~--";). ',1977 FORD F.150 Ranger I, ter 2 p.m. dinin g room table and 436J. kn:>lly pme holtom section. , P a~ s, 0.0 S, eassero l' an ; ------21918 Harper _ hutch porch furniture I TWO QUEEN A --h-'---2 $150 evenings, 886.9215. i bakmg d~shes, la~ps, por'l EVERETT CLARINET case SL Clair Shores XL! - 4x4, fully loaded.', 1976 RO~NEVILLE Bmug-. , .• 1 .'1 n~ec aIrs,. ------,---,,--: table seWlng mechme, can. and stand $85. 755.1192' Bes, offer. 771.3448. ham, excellent condition, ?rapes, chandeher_, .amp.,I end tables, wmg chaIr, I RALEIGH :\fEN S 28 5., ning jars. a coral organ! after 4 pm' _7_7_2._7_99_0 1965 DODGE paneled truck. loaded. 885.1622 or 771. Iron pot rack, l~rge ornate. Grundig radio, record play. i ~peed: 26" 10'speed. $40' with bcn~h and man\' other: ------~--. -- ._- . : A~TIQUES: Oak dining ta. 4891 f frame, ~Il staml~ss steel' er, ~mall mahogany office i each. TU 2.3320. i:('ms, Saturday, September, C:;~~ CLASSICAL Guitar ble, wash table. poster bed, 372.9559. . a t('r 6 ane! weekcnds. commerCIal electrlc st~ve. desk an:! chair, breakfast ---. ---,------~. 29,h only. ~o' pre'sales. 10' with case. very good con. etc.: Depression glass, f979 -CHEVY LOVE- TRT..:CK. ' 1979 DATSI::\' 280 ZX. 5: Much more. No pre.sa.es. ~et. 835.8265,8 a.m ..11 a.m. i ORIE~TAL JWG, dome~t1C, a.m. to 4 p.m. 12313 White.' clition. S50. 774.7103. many glass pieces, j'ugs, NEW. 2,000 MILES. 886-: ~peed, loaded plus extras. ------or pvenin"s exccpt Friiay' Wh,ttalls Anglo Pcrsl:;n h'll b t " d .----- .------. 9793 I t WOMAN'S GENUINE Shear. 'i" ' ~ I 9x13, $450. 881.3876. ,~' C \~~1~,. ~~ofoSS an. :"RCl:IIAN TELLER" Violin" kettles, crocks, too many' I cus om mags and tires, low ling % coat, size 8.10. Ex. SOFA, mahoga,ny legs and! -;-.------' . To~an~, -._ .., U~'~1I~~=_~ I full ~i7.e, likt' new, case in.: to mention. Saturday. Sun. -l-l--e--A-R-S-F-O-R--S-A-L-E--~i~~8a!~. 9~~~~~~13e.l1tmpg., cellent condition, $75, 881. trim with green plush up .. REX S1.'nOl,L.O.CHAI~ sct, GARAGE SALE 2057 Lan. I eluded. will sacrifice. $300.: day, September 29th and . _ 3746. holstery $300; end tablc,j ChandgJngd~a.blc, bathl~ette" ca,tcr, Gros~c p'ointc Woods: Call aftcr 4. 776.3284. 30th. (12.6), 14070 Liberal, ALL STATE CAR LEASIi\G 1979 CA~IAnO Berlinetta ------ma'nogany 1 drawer ne'" - goo con ItlOn, BeautIfully, F -d S t d ' '0 ' . --.-.------.. -- --- 7 Mile and Gratiot Area. 12324 GRATIOT . V 8' , GARAGE SALE Skis air ' .. n ay a 1Ir a\ , a m air. " 4.s]leed. defogger, - d' h I condition $85; stove, gas, 4.: carve~ oak b~lffet, with 6' t) 4 p.~". .' .. BALDWI:'-J BABY GRA;'I/D, QUAiITY]'.SHAPEDoffi~~ .. f -----. ----- bi.H' sofa, S195. Perfcct con. ------Executivc chair. Asking' A ' ., v day 9.4, 4376 Grayton. er -"",binets, 10 cubic oat,' - , HA:\I:\W;\;[) R.124. Walnut. $200. Call 824.6534. ,merlCan and foreign. We ----- . ______34.in~h plywood with front: TU E5DA YS dition, pillS 3.pieee mahog. 2,1. prdals: rlrawbar.>, per. -' .. ----.------.- ... -- . I also sell used cars and' 1974 CHEVY ;\;ova Hatch. SKI SET, Kastle free.style grill, "$15 each. After 5, any :llagnavox radio phon. CU~SlOn, rhythmn, Iightcd _OFFICE FljR;\1ITFRE and: trucks. Ovcr 40 cars and; back, powcr stecring, pow- pro.140, Look bindings, size p.m. 882.8212, I 11- 5:00 PM ograph and speaker and keyboard. Leslie. like new.' eqUipment, modern style. I truck.~ on display. er brahs. rear cnd posi. 5 Caber boots $90, Also ---.------; ---- i cabinet. S195. 686.2383. SI.8011. 268-1372. la.w library and bookcases. ' CALL ,JIM IMHOFF A:\I.F:\f 8.track. 350 4.bar. s~lIing lady's suede ice; "A POUND of co~fee,,~f y~u 1 C. M. GA LL E RY - - - .. Llkl' new, 3656755 after' 521.1111 rcl. good condition, auto. skates size 7 in red. size 9 can ~eat our pr~ces. Chll. DETROIT. Birmingham Vas. SS-ANTIQUES FOR 11 am. or 886.9298 after Order your 1980 now. matico 886.4816 after 6. • in blue, $10 per pair. 885.. dren s and ad~lt s cl()th~ng, NOW BUYI NG sar Club annual garage SALE 4 p.m. --- C860 drapes, boy s Schwmn, SCRAP STERLI NG ~ale. 2t8 Lakcvicw, 1 block . AT..:'I'O~iOBiiE-iNSURA:r.;-CE 1977 CAMARO, air, 305, auto~ ___ . .___ p,irl's dressing table, vinyl , Ea't of :\lor05s. ;\'orth of OAK ICE BOX - Beautiful. SAFEGUARD as loll' as S33.15 for 6 matic, power steering. pow. MOVING SALE: Entire con. awnings, glass shower GOLD, JEWELRY K('r~hevaI. books. appli. Iy rcstorci with original CHECK WRITER months. Call Chesney In. er brakes, strrro and lots tents of home will be sac. doors, household items, ap. AND POCKET al1crs. ehlhes, plants and brass hardware and trays. suranl'r Ag~n('~' for your more. Call 294.646!i ~ftl'r rificed. Furniture, pictures,: pliances" TVs. book~ and WATCHES AT rl~nt.v of other goodj~~. 52,';0. Antique dresser. com. Call 881.3053 After 7 p.m. over the phone quotation. 5 p.m. - statues, etc. All reasonable' toys. You name it, we've Thumlay, Cetobcr 4, 10 pi('t('ly restored with un. 9-Ai u: A, iii, Spitler, al chairs, $150. Unusual I DARK PINE 48" round, all l1'xlO', $45. Blue-green. dr.Jm, clothing, lots of mis. :J[)PS. Aftcr 5 p.m. paperbacks. tool. Cash AUDI, 1976, ioo LS-4.d~~;, Brava's. rOund e)or:S!.qted hanging wood, rlinine table. Exccl. 12'xll'" \\ Ith pad, $65. crlIan('ou~, Thursday. Frl- raid. Plea<;e call .)nhn air, automatic, sun roof, lamp, 23-jnch long, $40.; lent condition. No chairs.' Girl's 16" bike, SIO. 886. da~' 9.3. 19196 :11:11110., ('or- \\'1:\1lS'lR R foot r:hurch King. 961.0622. I'laded. Excellent condition, EASTfo~RN SPORTS CAllS Like new. 886.3540. I $75. 777.7168. 4753. ncr of Kmsg,vil!c !lenth. $350. Call 882-8571. :"- -1 $4,500, 779.5442. '------'822.0466

------~------~------~------~~------,~ w 2 j j ; $ J S 4 • 4 J J

Thc~sday, September 27, 1979 G R 0 SSE PO IN TEN E W 5 Page Thirty-Five ------_._------11-CARS FOR SALE ll-CARS FOR SALE 'Ill-CARS FOR SALE 'I_ll_-_CARS lOR SA~E_ llC-BOATS AND 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL tSfATE fOR SALE ------.------i------MOTORS FOR SALE 1973. MONTE Carlo, clean, 1974 PINTO - Automatic, SPECIAL F.UITION Cougar 11974 DART Custom, automat. .. .___ - --- Owner moving soon, must seil warm, spacious 4 bed. good condition. Call 884. new tires. $1,000. Call after XR7, wife's car, 32,000 ic, power steering, good 16.FOOT Fiberglass boat - CHAMBERLAIN room home, Large Early American living room, 6690 after 6 p.m. 6. 343.0205. miles, loaded, nice car, $2.-1 tires, new battery, regular 75 Johnson ,motor electric. full dining room, large cozy family room with ------000. 88!>.9306. gas. $1,250. 884.1754, trai:cr. Call after 7 p.m. fioor to ceiling bookcases, Large family.oriented ,1976 AMC Pacer, slaUon wa. 19iB PHOENIX - Low mile. ------$1,200. Bill, 886.5039. 771-8900 backyard with patio. 2 car garage, full basement gon. EXCilllent condition. age, AM/FM cassette, load. 1976 PIN1'O M.-P.G.,~;:Y: 1976 GR~NAD~, 4 dWlr, '37,' -- ..--- ...- $2,000, 882.5634. ed. Call after 5 p.m. 435. goo d condition, 33,000 000 miles, air, auton:a.tlc, ISLANDER 28. Inboard, till. ST. CLAIR SHORES with workshop. • 36-13. miles, $2,300. High gas etc. Excellent condlllOn, cr. Will take trade. 329. CONDOMINIUM. Lovely 2 Sacrifice at $74,900. No Brokers.' 1975 PLYMOUTH Valiant, 6- __ . I mileage. 822-1931 evenings $2,10'). 881.4879. 7136. bedroom unit with dining c)'linder, good condition, 1971 STATION WAGON - or 881.2704. 1979 CORVo-ETTE, loaded, 975 ------.-- room, central air, marble 882-1266 regular gas, make offer, Pontiac. GoOd condition. I ~~ 0' DAY 30 - 1978 15 HP sills, new carpeting, extra 884.2291. $450. 884-7020. CHEVETTE 1979, 2 door, mile!'. $11,900. After 6, diesel. 559.8755 days. 569- insulation, close to shop. ------.--- stick, $3,675. 884-5605. 778.9178. 8869 evenings. ping and bus line. $48,500. 1975 DODGE Dart, 6, auto. 1978 PLYMOUTH Voyager. i------1------(A23107) H I matic, air, AM.FM. 885. 1977 FORD LTD, station 1979 OLDSMOBILE Re~ency, 18 FT. FIBERGLASS 80 HP orne-owners nsurance 0437. Window Van. Travel pack. waggon" 351 engine, power 4 door, fully eqUlp~ed, outboard, trailer. Runs LAKEFRONT. Custom Colo. ------i age, Privary glass, immacu. steering, brakes, air con. $6,800, excellent conditIOn. good, skis and extras. $1,- nial with 3,000 sq. ft. All May I offer you a cost and coverage quotation fer CHEVROL~T Impala convert late. $6,500. 884.Q893. ditioninl'l, $2.150. 791.4192. 886-Q861. 150. 885.6259. better living features in. your new home? Policies prepared in' time for tible, 1965, lady must sell, I ------be' best offer. 823.3063. '70 CONVERTIBLE Chevro. 1978 DODGE Monaco station 1972 ~~ARG~R! excellent ------eluding 3 king size d. your clOSIng. let. Needs work, 343.0523. magon, power steering. condition,. orlgmlll Ilwner. 11 F- TRAILERS AND rooms, dining room, den, 884-5337 19~~ ~~~~I~~~;o~;:\r~~~: '73 FORD TORINO _ $275. brakes, air ronditioning, 67,000 miles. $1125. 882. CAMPERS ~~S~t. f~O~c;:u~~~edb~~~: DAVID J. CHESNEY air, radio, $1,950.881.7503. Call Chris, 886-4526. stereo, $2,500. 791-4192. _5_3_12_. 1977 COVERED WAGON, $172,000. (J33524) ------I, 1976 CAMARa, new brakes, Do:lge motor, 21-ft, sleeps CHESNEY INSURANCE AGENCY 1978 CHEVETTE - 4.door, '79 VW RABBIT L Diesel _ MONTE CARLO '73-17,000 new exhaust, 44,000 miles. 6. Fully self. contained, LAKEFRONT. Adorable 3 luggage rack, standard 4- 3,000 miles, extras. $7,600. miles, excellent conditinn, $3,200. 331-8928, 6 p.m. to many extras, 18,5:l0 miles, bedroom bungalow on Lake I 20225 MACK . speed, excellent condition, 881.2819 evenings, week. driven by little old lady, 9 p.m. only. $9,500 negotiable. 884.5215. SI. Clair. Large lot with 882.5478. ends. $2,650 or best offer. 885. seawall and covered boat Policies quoted with Citizens Insurance Co. of America ______3127. 1979 RIVIERA S.Ul:I, black. GMC 1974 26-foot motor well with hoist. Land Con. 11..------' 1970 RED Camaro, needs 1967 VW _ Rebuilt engine, I------1 black, velour, tape, cruise, home, good conditio!!, iul. I tract terms. $86,900. I ,:======~------., body work and brakes. Re. good winter transportation '76 BUICK Le Sabre V-6 - C.B, wires, rustproof, etc. .Iy equipped. Low mtleage'l (J29824) built 350 engine installed '$350 571.1177 'I Very good condition, 47,10[) $3,850. 343.9168. Must sacrifice, $12,000 or 425 LOTHROP recently. New battery. $250 .' miles, j:(ood mpg, $1.975 or ------bc~t offer. 882-9532 EAST DETROIT MS or best offer. 882.3395 af. 11:179CADlLLAC Coupe De hest offer. Must sell! 886- GARAGE WANTED 14 BIG BEDROOMS aoo qual. GROSSEPOINTE FAR ter 5 p.m, Ville - Fully equipped. 5748, For storage of automobile 12D-LAKE AND ity construction throughout BY OWNER ------Like new. 884-6792. d' . t th N RIVER PROPERTY highlight t his beautiful 1973 COUGAR 351C, air, AM 1977 D~DGE Apen, 2-door, urmg Win er mon s. o. I brick Cape Cod. Formal 8.track stereo, power '66 CHEVY IMPALA-$225, I 6.cylinder, low mileage, au. vember -to April. After 4 ON LAKE MICHIGAN-Wil. dining room, custom kitch. Sparkling 3 bedroom, 1'>':1bath Colonial on freshly . T rt t' 839 t t" t pm landscaped grounds. First floor features separate b ra kes, power steermg, au. . ranspo a IOn car. . oma IC, aIr, power s oer. .. derness Condominium - en, fir e p I ace, screened tomatic, $900. 882-9331 aft . 5252 or 839.5125. ing anl brakes, Michelin 771-9570 Homestead, Glen Arbor, porch, b:':1car garage, patio and gas grill, make . good miles per gallon, $2,' 886.8892 Evenin1!s '886- mission. Loaded, mint con. WANTED FOR SALE zero down. FHA/VA or this a super buy!. For an 'appointment call 882. 950, 882-7802. I 1324. - diti~n. Dark metallic blue. Highest Prices Paid OWNER.BROKER Land' Contract. Spacious 6267, after 6 p.m. on weekends. ------1------Askme: $6.800 776-4286 af. ••.~~- -.----~ ----- I' R' h N th qu lity b .It 3 bedro mil i9il !v1GB-Run~ good, ileeus 1977 CAMARa _ Excellent Iter 4 pm I ":uuu i'l1U~Ult~ V.W. I St. C au !Ver. ome, or brl~ck ranucih wI'th famol'ly OPEN SUNDAY 1~5 P.M, . body work $500 or best 3 d 6 r d I . . GratIot at 8 Ml1e 372-2600 Channel delightful Cape . offer. Dave: 886-4123. 808n6~8a2s3'9.spee, cy 10 er. 1970 MERCURY Montego-! Cod 3-4 bedrooms 2 baths room, 2 fireplaces, finished ______CASH FOR CARS up. '1st floor, spa~ious !iv. basement, and garage. Ex. ==-======:::==' t70 MERCEDES 280 SE, ex. ------fair condition, best offer. TOP DOLLAR PAID ing room and large family cellent buy! $64,850. cellent condition. $6,200 or 1979 CHEVROLET Caprice Call 881....4897. MIKE !IIAHER CHEV R0 LET room, kitchen with eating (S16495) 21 FORDCROFT Classic - Small V.8, lux------, TT E CAR 0 best offer: 839-8619, 1979 GRAND PRIX _ econ. ",S D L T room, all face River and urious yet good mileage, EAST JEFFERSON AT well.landscaped yard. Dou. UTICA GROSSEPOINTE SHORES ------, - t 8700'1 omical V-5, not loaded, $5,. TRANSFERRED 0 W N E R JAGUAR XJ6 '71. Beautiful many eX ras., ml es. 395. 881.1429. ALTER ROAD ble boat port and dock, 3. NEW HOME car, well maintained. All 884.0420 after 6 p.m. 1 821.2000 I car attached garage plus 3 sel1in~ this exquisite cus. , extras, 'black. $4,450. 885- '72 LINCOI N T n Car full ------d ff h tom brick ranch, 3 bed. A unique interesting adaJ:.tion of a traditional design, 7706 1976 TRANS AM, excellent J ow t " WE BUY CARS & TRUCKS. mo ern 0 Ice rooms, was rooms, first floor laundry, . condition, power aecesso. power, AM.FM s ereo, alT, room, separate entrance, consisting of 4 bedrooms, 3 baths on 2nd floor, 14 mpg-city, 51,000 miles, All makes and conditions. 'which faces M.29 highway. I custom family room, bar, family room, living room, huge kitchen, dining TO SETTLE ESTATE: 1964 ries, new tries, new brakes, 8852221 I fireplace, finish.ed base. 'llac Sedan DeVl'lle. unique paint and pin $O!,.3_00or best offer. 792. '. Ideal for professional use. room, study, utility room, Ja<.'uzzi tub, steam bath, Cadl .. .. CPA t" ment, aitached garage. $89,- three ,fireplaces, wet bar, plus many other fea- Florida car, 81,000 miles, stripe. $3,800, 354.5623. .:i'tO. RABBIT or Dasher' '77 or Attorney, , or an Ique 950. (R4663) tures and details, Formal grey, black leather, 774-3696; 1972 PONTIAC Catalina _ 2 '78 with air, private party display, has been used as $2,000 or offers. 779.0637. ------please. 881.5593. same: City water, sewer, WARREN 1975 HORNET Wagon - Ex. door, metallic brown, POW- I gas, and has had tender, N EAR L Y NEW detached OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY PONTIAC Grand Prix, 1979. cellent condition, mainten. er steering/brakes, air, cas. 11 C-80ATS AN D loving care. Also includE'S: brick condominium. 2 large 12-5 Executive car. Loaded. anee an<,l mileage_ 43,000 sette player, very clean in. . h.OTORS Apartment site across road, bedrooms plus expansion 6,300 miles. Must see to miLe s. $2,095. 963.5553 terlor, rally wheels, stored zoned multiple. Total price attic, dining room, family COX & BAKER appreciate. $6,400. 886. Days; 822-1680 Evenings, last two years, sharp look. 1974 MOTOR HOME, 24 ft., $139,000 firm. Owner reo room, basement, central 4269. Weekends. ing car, in good condition. 16,000 miles. FuIl power, tiring. Wishes Spring de. air, attached garage. $69,.\ 885-6040 ------1.------First $675 takes. 823-5278. excellent condition. 949- livery: Firm. 900. (Ll4857) . _ 1975 MG Roadster. Citron 1970 CADILLAC, 4.door S~. STATION WAGON, '74 AM. 9288. SHOWN ONLY BY yellow. 4 speed, 31 mpg dan de Ville, .power, air, . I APPOINTMENT economy, new tires, brakes, AM/FM stereo, new tires, ,BASSADOR - alr, power HARD TO FIND T. M. TUCKER, 4037 M.29 CHAMBERLAIN battery. Winter tune.up. gold with black vinyl top. steering, radio, etc. 67,000 1977 Ch' C ft rt Hi'ghl"ay, Algonac, 1.794. miles. Good condition. Must riS ra ,open spo 50 ,y WANTED Low miles, like new. Sacri. Involved in minor accident, -5669 man, soft top, extremely 3681 Mornings and Eve. 771 ~8900 fice. Private. 886.0285 or needs repair on 2 doors, 1 sell, $950. 885. low hours. Twin 250's. Also fine lot in City of AI. FIRST OFFERING . by 773-8545. $400 or best offer. 527. 1979 TRANS.AM-low mile. Must sell this week, $32,' gonac, 113 feet wide, near Brick Income, 5 and 5, fea. -19-7-0-0-L-D-S-D-el-ta-a-8----2 _5_9_°3_. age, low price. A blacp 500 or offers. 329-7136. River, finest location, 1 turing; living room with door. Runs good, $675. 881- 1975 DODGE Window Van. ______beauty) $7,200.881 ..2094. ------SKIFF CRAFT, 26' - Only ------$9,000 cash. fireplace, dining ro CJm, DuMouchelle~s k'ttchen, 2 bedrooms each, 3221. Call after 2 p.m, Good condition, 'p 0 w e r 1973 MERCURY Colony Park 130 hours, like new, loaded, ST. CLAI R gas heat, 2 car garage. See Oriental Rugs. Antiques. Fine Paintings. Jewelry 1974 MER C ED ES BENZ steering, brakes, air. Many station wagon, full power, equipped with ~vin 120-h.p. ON THE RIVER Fine Furniture _ Crystal _ St.erling _ China . Coupe _ Best of~"". 294- extras. 885.3211. $995 or best offer. 885- , Mere's. $11,900. 8201-3546. 5036 Yorkshire. Can 886. "-I'" 53 In choice area N. of town. 1190. 4 ~8723. Exce}lent_co~ditio,:._ '76 OLDSMOBILE Star£ire 03. II\LWAYS A BOAT SHOW A jewel of a home. Comr Complete ESTATES or Single Items l 1977 CAMARO - Exce-llent G,.T.. V.5, --air, automatic, 1979 CADILLAC Coupe De. C h r'i s Craft.Johnson.Bos. pletely remodeled by an INSTANT CASH or on consignment . condition. Power steering, sunroof. 885.3918. 1 Ville - 2 tone, low mile. ton Whaler.O'Da~'.M a k 0 . artist. 3 bedrooms, barn ANIEL Phone Us At power brakes, air, AM/FM OLDS Cut1ass 197Q--small VB age, office 556-5565, home Boston Whaler Harpoon- wood pannelled living cassette stereo, low mile. engine, regular gas, power 886.5198. Boston Whaler Inflatables- room with :fireplace. Mag. OPEN SUN, 963-6256 or 963-0248 age, rally wheels, rust. steering/brakes, air, good 11975 DATSUN B.210; AM. E.Z Loader-Brokerage and nificent view from screen- proofed. $4,100. Before 4 condition. 881-5441. - FM t t' d' 1 30 Used. ed porch. Dock & electric , au oma IC, ra la s, GREGORY'S 823.1900 2-5 p.m. 225-6313. Aiter 5 p.m. ------~~- g $1400 3717547 hoist. $98,500 ST CLA 0 1974 CATALINA - 2 door, m.p.. . " 9666 E . .Jefferson . IR SH RES 371-0673. power steering, power after 5. Daily 9 to 5:30 BEAUCHAMP Middlesex 23155, near Mar. 1989 CADILLAC Coupe De. b k. /F t I REALTORS ter - Pri.me area Ibrick ra e, air, AM M serl'O'I 1968 PONTIAC Catalina _ Sat. 9 to 4 - Sun, 9 - 4. ranc h with central air, fam. Ville. Beautifully maintain: tape dec,k 34,000 ml es, 66,000 miles, I.family car, ------329-4755 . b WE BUY ed, $900 or best offer. 882. A.1 condition, $1,600. 5927 FLYING SCOT, #1702. New 1ly room, 3 edrooms, 1'h Bluehill, Detroit. good condition, $400. B85~ IIThomas" jib and main for ------baths) attached garage. DIAMONDS • FINE JEWELRY • STERLING 7014, ______4436. racing. Spinnaker, accessor. 12E-COMMERCIAL DETROIT SILVER • POCKET WATCHES 1979 CORVETTE - Excel. '77 BON.NEVILLE Brougham 11977 VOLARE 6 cyl., custom ies, other soails. 886-5556. PROPERTY Cedargrove 15303 near Kel. lent condition. Loaded. -,.triple black, power moon coupe, excellent condition, ------ly-lovely brick home, 3 • ANTIQUE CLOCKS _6,000 miles, $lf,8oo, best roof, fully loaded, $4,400 plus extras. Best offer, aft Zl.FOOT Voyageur, 3 sails, 3 BUSINESS AND bedrooms, natural fire. offer. i92.0536. or best offer. 774-iiG4 ur ter 6. 775.3570. winches, swing keel, cutty, INVESTMENT from 774-1405. outboard, tandem trailer, PROPERTIES ' 'place, central air, 2 ear' gat 1975 TORINO Squire Wagon. ITH--E-LA-S-T-C-O-N-V-E-R-T-IB-L-E$3,000. Evenings 885-2771. E x c 1 u s i vel y rage. Vacant. Private owners and estates Small V.8, automatic. Pow. '71JiCORVETTE, LT.1 350-330 -1975 Pontiac ~randvi11e, 25-FOOT Chris Craft Cavalier SALES LEASES pAT BURTON Highest prices are paid-Trades are considered er steering/b l' a k e s, tilt .P. 4 speed. AM/FM ra- Mar.oon and w.h~te, totally I Cabin Cruiser-refrigera- EXCHANGES 886-8400 Transactions are always corJid611tial : wheel, cruise control, air dio, needs paint, runs ex. eqUipped. SaCrifice. $1,900. tor, ['rl'm t' a'o, I'n I-he \I'ater. Virgin!;! S. Jeffries, Realtor j FOR SALE'. SAND POINT- conditioning, AMiFM ster- ce!lent, $5,300. ii5.Q~5:i 884-9543 882-D899 FAYMENT IS IMMEDIATE eo. Cas set t e. Michelin after 6 p.m. . I 822.Q466, evenings 881. Three bedroom three bath . tires, Good eon d i t io n ------STATION WAGON 1974 Che- 6517. ST. CLAIR SHORES-prime brick luxury- home, two h h t L '1 1975 SUBURBAN - % ton II N l' s b k ------b 'ld' car attached garage, 70.ft. t roue ou . ow ml es. trailering package, new ve e. ew u'e, ra cs, 1913 TROJAN F 25 Cruise corner Ui mg, plus lot, CHARTERHOUSE & CO. $1,40Q. 882.9833. shocks, L.T. battery. Has. . . r, $72,000. 885.2909. frontage on Saginaw Bay. tires, 37,000 miles, $2,200 90,000 miles. It is in good trim. tabs, sWim platform, I I SCENIC REALTY "Doc" 16835Kercheval, Grosse Pointe 1977 MONTE CARLO Lan. negotiable. Evenipgs, 884- condition and runs well. trolhng plate, ':HF.FM. EXCELLENT Clabuesch, ReaIto~, Case. (313) 885.1232 dau. AM/PM stereo, air, 2269. Phone 8B~-2444 after 6:00 spare .pro!l, refrigerator, INVESTMENT I ville, 517-856-4962. ~~rsteering bnka ------m ~~Fm~~e~ille~M.1 ------~=~=====~= $4000. 886-4114 after 5. 1970 OLDSMOBILE 98-r.uns p.. I dition. 882-7082. I.:'j Unit mini.warehouse - I , ! geod, good transportatIOn. '1975 DELTA 88 Royale, air, I • I Clinton Township. II 1975 FI~T 1~ 4 door: Red, 774.0705. I stereo, power br.::kcs, pow. I 1967 24. FOOT Columbia - Call Art Cou.Teur I JIM SAROS AGENCY, !NC. black mterlOr, low mileage. AZTEC GT car Racy, looks er steering. Good condit 5 hor"epower. Seagull. $4'-1 977-2400 Best offer. 881-3~58 after like Porsche.Lotus _ Must tion. $2,000 or offer. LA I 500. 329.7136. Schweitzer & Assoc. 886-9030, 372-2220 6. see, $2,850. 881.£342 or 7.5793. t 1966 PACEMAKER. 36.foot 13-REAL ESTATE 1978 MUSTANG - Power 884-2268. 1974 FORD 300 Econolfne- Sedan, twi~s~ 220's. Com" FOR SALE ENGLISH IN THE PARK-OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 steering!brakes, 4 speed, '73 OPEL Manta Luxus. Good 302 engine. Real woric pletely refinished, recent Gorgeous English Colonial 10cat&1 at 865 Lakepointe. Located in prime sunroof, AM!FM, $3,850. condition. Must sell. Best horse. $1,050. 881-2114. surve)', $9,900. lI1ust sell. ST. CLAIR SHORES-Canal Windmill Pointe Subdivision, south of Jefferson. 3 bedrooms, 2 natural 371-4707. offer. 824.3677 after 5. 1979 CAMARO 2.28. Blue! Wboialtl.ta3k2e9.7trla3d6.eon smaller lot, 3 bedroom brick ranch, fireplaces, 2~ baths, formal dining room, library, full bath off of the 2'h baths, 2 fireplaces, new master bedroom, natural woodwork, marble sills, rec. room in the base- 1976 CAMARO LT 4--speed, 1977 COUGAR XR.7. Excel.', oyster i.nteri.or. 4 speed, beige carpet throughout, ment, 2 car garage. An unbeliveable buy at $89,900. air, 28,000 miles, velour lent condition, loaded, 34," custom mterlOr. Man~. ex. THISTLE 17.foot racing sail. new custom formica kit. interior, tilt wheel, full ODD miles, $3,500. 343-Q130'1 tras, excellent condltJo,n. boat, fiberglass, 2 sets of chen, $170,000. 22455 La instrumentation, spoiler, Warranty. $6,200. 881-6033. .sails, full race gear, spin. power locks, rallY wheels, '78 GREM.I..TN. Automatic, ------. I naker. trailer, mooring coy. Von. Call weeknights 773- COLONIAL IN THE WOODS rear window defogger, AM- air, power steering! brakcs. 1979 CAlIIAR:), met~Il1c bl~c, er. Excellent condition, 5912. Sharp 3 bedroom colonial located at 1242 Hampton. Living room with bay window and natural fireplace, formal dining room, family room F~I stereo. Must sell. ASk-I full trim, economical and i loaded, 7,O:W ~lles, like I 52,5::0. 882.9303. GROSSE POINTE PARK _ I inR $3,400. 881.0563. sharp, $3,500. 881-4490 af. i new. G,:'II. £'xeculJve. $5450. 1-.,------. - By Owner. 1265 Notting. with knotty pine, kitchen with built.ins, tiled basement, patio, 1~ car garage, immediate possession. Owners want offers. Price has just been ------ter 6 pm I' 886.1139. 1,,6 H.P. Chrysler motor, only ham. 3 bedroom home, 1974 MUSTANG Mach I - . . ! 40 h:)urs, 5200 882.3367 reduced to $75,900. \ V.6, 4 speed, regular gas, '77 CAPRICE Classic. 4 door, 1975 FORD, air, stereo, cas. 1_" .. natural fireplace, sunroom, air, power steering, brakes, air, cruise, full power, AM. sette, clean. Make offer. H OLVERINE mahoga~y 16'h I fenced yard, 2 car garage. AM/FM tape, new tires, FM, vinyl top, superb, $3.. 1 885-6556 or 821.6409. I 1972 p~ .h.p. Evmrude,' Across from schools, near SUPER FAMILY HOME brakes, $1,575. 885.Q174. 800 or make Offf'T, 881'11974 DAR S . Newly finished, new can. transporlation. $54,900, Call Beautifui 3 bedroom colonial located at 4216 Harvard. Located in the ______4490 after 6 m .. T port. Excellent vas top. With trailer, $1,- for a p poi n t men 1. LU Mack.Cadieux area. Formal dining room, natural fireplace In living 1975 HORNET Sport.about- p.. _ ,condltIO~, regular gas, 250. 882.4751. 4.1328. room. modem kitchen with eatin~ area and disposal, large' family room, 6 cylinder, wagon, air, au. I '77 BONNEVILLE 4 door- I good. mIleage, FM: power: .. I ------1~'z baths, rec. room with dry bar and gas fireplace, covered patio, sun lomati,. 4 door, A"'T!F~ air. AM-FM, excellent con. I steering, automatlc,. air, ',AMF Alcort Sunfish With I FIRST OFFERING deck, 2 Cllr garage. tape. New tires and brakes. dition, must sell, $3,200 or i $1,885. 822-5443 evenmgs.' ?eaeh dolly, c~ll.lplete and; Brick Income; featuring 5 $1,775. 885.0174. best offer. 331-4821. Il A=.cAR REPArR-- 10 . ~ood .condltlOn. $500'1 rooms down and nice 3 ------. _ ll Can evemngs 884.2433. I room apartment up ~as WANTED - 2 seater Mer. CDRV~TTE '79, loaded, L8:!. : ------I , ' heat, garage. See' 9135 FANTASTIC CAPE COD cedes Benz by private own. alummum wheels, glass T- I 1973 O.DA Y 23.foot pop top, , Yorkshire Call 886.1190 Gorgeous 3 bedroom Cape Cod locatl'd lit 3520 Kensington in Detroit's er from private owner.'882. tops. low miles, excellenl MACK & CO. : 3 salls, Johnson outb.o~rd, I . . finest area! This home features very large rooms, formal dining room, 9254. condition, warranty. Best BUMPING & PAINTING i ~rall€f, excellent condItion. \ A N IEL natural fireplace, large kitchen with breakfast nook and built.ins, ree. '79 CAMARO _ White, Ex. offer. 886.7079. I m the water, $8,900, 822- I room in basement, new 2 car garage, -----.------• Free estimates I 1550. I cellent condition. Loaded. '77 ELDORADO-Black with, --- --.- . _.------.- - -. -.--.------'-- Under warranty, $5,995. white leather interior,: : ~~::os:~~~~/rices : 12!.-~~C_~~!~_~__.~~<:>~~~TY__ ~ICE BRICK BUNGALOW 886.8240, whit€' ." top ...."(r...l1f'nf ....'In- 5 )"'1)cricII ced !------.----.- ._-.-~------.--.------I ------.---- dition, $5,850 or best of...... \vorkmanshl'p Three bedroom brick in Detroit's finest area-located at 11551 Roxbut)., 1975 PINTO Wagon - Power fer. 778.7162._, .. • Rll'_t r~n,BI'rs VI EW SNOW-CAPPEl') LONGS PEA.K Features foyer entrance, large kitchen with eating area, recreation room steering, jl0wer brakes, ------_ 'to" I With wet bar, double insulation, 2 caar garage. Call for more information luggage rack, two sets 1977 ELDORA DO _ firemist • Minor collision work Front range Rocky ~10untain National Park from 372.2220. tireE and wheels, 50,000 orange, leather interior,; • Complete paint jobs your deck, Hving room, and sleeping 10ft. Elk miles, $1,125.00. 881.5933 white 1~ top. excellent: • Spccializing in lacquers and deer graze in ~'our E..acre yard. This home p.m" 886.1232 a.m, condition, $5,850 or be;t I & enamels is 1.~ mile be'ow Roosevclt National Forest, 3 offer. 778.7162. • Custom murals miles from E,t('s Park, Colorado and onc hour JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. FROM THE PAST - 1965 ------__ • Motorcycle tank painting north of Boulder. Buick Grand Sport. All 1974 WHITF. Grand Prix "":'1 V_"CATIO~ St'i\DIER AND WINTER 886-9030, 372-2220 power, mint condition. $2,' Good condition, low mile. CALL 885-5196 83t-4606 850. 886.3345. age. 886.::394. ~L- I :. ,_

br.m- me an .e. = e--. Me .nb•• .1 '-'". ~ . '. j -~. . I

Page Thirty-Six .6 R 0 $ 5 E POI NT ENE W S Thursday, September 27, ,979 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! 13-REAL tST ATE I 13-REAL ESTATE 13-R.!:AL ESTATE -1-3--R-'E"'-L--ES-T-"'-TE I 13-REAL ESTATE T5-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -----'------~------;------~-.Ip-R-ovFE-()NRC'ASL~LREO-AOColo. I _. !.!?_R..~ALl__ FOR. SALE FOR SALE' I FOR SALE CUSTOM BU ILT BRICK RANCH Inial _ Large family home 1834 ALLARD ~TO I:wiiDING-CO~- - HARPER WOODS Co~do-. NICE 2- bedroom bungalow, BUSINESS VENTURES 'I C8 MOR,~lC, 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, living OPE!'! SV:'!DA,": :?,.:; 11333 CADIEUX-New 3 bed. 2 bedroom" 1'1-1. baths, ap. well insulaled, modern kit. Medium to high risk business r , V.,.}..J I room, dining room, library, Ra~(,~l, <:ar and hall garage,1 room. 2'''' bath Colonial, pliances, air conditioned, chen, 2Vl car garage. investors sought by area kitchen, butler's pantry, finished baSCll\ent, den. living room, dining room, carpeted, full basement. Priced to sell. Located consultant. Quality situa. GROSSE POI NTE FARMS I oowder room servant's 886.3024. family room with fire. near I~astland. Low $60's. near Mack. 886-4992. tions with good potential. ., 1 t k't h Tax shelter possibilities. quarters, ~.car r;eaicJ ga. NlCE- 8 brk-k-Colonial pace, coun ry c en, 886.6454. ------Range $10,000 to $100,000 .. 3 bedrooms, I \2 baths, full tiled basement, patio, I ;;-~I;; '1 rage, large finished base. 2'" baths. 2','l car garage: dinette, 1st floor laundry, ------. 1 GROS:''£ POINTE FARMS- Consultant not a finder or professionally landscaped yard with privacy fence, ment with darkroom, 4 fini£hed basement. Must 2','" car garage, sodded and WOODBRIDGE EAST I Cute 2 bedroom ranch, agent. Call William Win. fireplace in Jiving room, stove, refrigerator, dish. fireplaces, large well.main. fce. $85,900. Open Sunday landscaped, carpetin~ al.: Townhouse, 2 large bed. b<\se'l\ent, $44,900. field. 886.0345. washer, washer/dryer, large deep freezer, car tained grounds wilh under. 2.5. 1428 Harvard By lowance. Price reduced to I. rooms, 1',. baths, plus CE,Il'I'URY 21 AVID INC. 1 ------attached garage with automatic opener, Thermo. ground sprinkling system. owner. 886.3443. S112,000. 882.3222. dressing room, with vanity 778-8100 I 16--PETS FOR SALE' pant: windows, electronic filter, low heating costs. Immediate oceupancy. Call ._ Open Sunday 2.5 p.m. and sink, carpeting, drapes, 1------_ 2\2 blocks from lake and park. Immediate pos. (608) 233.7331. HOME OWNERS INSUR. * • * appliances, custom patio. GROSSE POINTE, Neff 504, STRAY DOG - Chihuahua session. Mint condition. $86,500. TU 4-8835 by CN-i:fl:i( sC Clair River'''a't; ,\ NeE Policy io. YOl1rc1os. UNDER CONSTRUCTI,)N l\lany extras. Security large flat, newly deco. type, hit and run victim. appointment only. No brokers pl~ase! Cherry Beac~1-2,OOO sq. ft.1 ing. Call Ch€,sney Insur. .;40 NOTRlo.: DAME - Cap~ guard, pool, community rated, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Needs a more attentive 3 bedroom contemporary ance Agency, 834.5337 for Cod, 3 or 4 bedroom. 2 house. Owner 779.9200. all appliances, new carpet. home. Very affectionate,

I home; fireplace in living I your quotation. bath., custom buill. Com. ------ling, 2 new gas furnaces. playful, alert. Male, about room; 17x34 family- room I ------.~- pletion NOVEmber. :>115,. GROSSE POINTE PARK -I 882.8318. 2 years old. Shots. Good FIRST OFFERING with fireplace; detached GROSSE POI NTE 000. Spacious lot with country 1 ----- with people and other ani. garage. ,$100,OeO. I SCHOOLS * * * atmosphere surround this ~3 BEDROOM Colonial, 20739 mals Please call 882.6819 338 FISHER 54fl NOTRE DAME - New 4 bedroom, 2 bath brick I Wendy Lane. Im.mediate anytime or 225.2865 week. NATURE LOVERS retreat, Harper Woo:!s - Custom 3 GROSSE POINTE FARMS d r h f b I b d England Salt Box. :l bed. home with attached ga. occunancy, $74.900. 882. days. CUSTOM COLONIAL e Ig t ul 3 edroom con. I . e room brick ranch. Fam. room, 2I.~ baths, 1st floor rage, finished basement, 8200', 9 a'.m. to 5 p.m. I . temporary home on se. Jly room, central air, I1A! laundry, large kitchen, Florida room and more. I --E--d-blFRE ; a ora e kI.tt en, gray cIuded and wooded 9 ,:' baths, underground sprin. h' 10 k Id Modernized kitchen, separate breakfast room, new acre£; Pinp. River at rear' I klcr system, garage, many family room' with firE" $110,000. ST. CLAIR SHORES - 9 & and w Ite, \~ee so, paneled family 'room, 2 fireplaces, finished base. of property; private pond; extras. Priced in low 50's. place. completion October. (ENTURY 21 AVID I~C. Mack area, 3 bedroom cus. male, shots, tramed. 866. ment, 3 bedrooms, 1'/2 baths. All large rooms and minutes from 1.94. Asking I CENTURY 21 $118,000. 882.3222. 778.8400 tom ranch, n:, baths, CUS' _7_08_6_. _ closets. New carpeting, many fine features. I $114000 I CH AR ER -. ------, tom drapes, natural fire. TOY POODLE, AKC, cham- May be purchased with or without attache:! ' • I ... T OAKS -779.9800 GROSSE POINTE 3 BEDROOM Engll'sh Tudor I . b t I. • ,I. place, fimshed asemen I pnion Jines, female, white. buildabie lot. By appointment. I NEAR 1.94 EXlT- 1 year I -- I W S In the Park, ~ewly r~~ee'll with wet bar. Large coun. 822.5072. I old 3 be:lro0":l brick and' GROSSE POI NTE I OOD orated, m~ve In condition. try kitchen. Family room, . 882-8840 I ced'ar ranch wlt~ large ~t. INVESTMENTS 611 Hollywood. 3 bedroom Nat~r~l.: flrep.la~e, leaded 2';. attached garage, Wi!h LHASA APSO pupPies, AKC, , , t~c.hed gara~e; fireplace In I brick ranch. 2 car attached glas> w.ndows ..nd doors, I electric {loor opener. $60,' $150 . $250. 885.5872. ;:======':======, Ilvmg room; 2'h baths; NOTTINGHAM garage, 80.ft. lot. Priced in natural woodwork, much, 500. Open Sunday 2.5 or IE 1 k' f walk.out basement: Ander. c.4 BRICK Income, 3 bed. the mid 80's. By owner. much more Price $79900 ~ __ ~M,~M> MALE COLL 00 mg or I BEAUT! FUL CENTER HALL sen windows; .energy effi'l rooms in lower flat plus 294.3262. 886.310L No B r 0 k'e r s I 0)' ilj1l->U!hLUlt:Ut.I ,,, •• IV"'.! fun loving family, sable I cient construction. Excel. 4 room upper. Ide~l for ----.- - .. -. ---'- --. -. -- lease . II and white, ruff coat, la COLON IAL IN THE PARK _ $155,000 I lent insulation. $87,900. family home plus income. GROSSE POINTE F:\RMS- P . GROSSE POINTE PARK- months, AKC - Squires ED SASS REALTOP. . " City certi£i~d. Immediate 3 bedt!OOmFClol?dnJal, new BRIGHTON HOLLOW area, \ 1220 Grayton, 3 bedroom I tawny mist, all shots, needs' Formal living and dining room with new custom I .. po osie P . d d carpe 109, on a room, 4 bedroom quad on 1 acr~, Colonial, $70's. Open Sun. I more room and recr~at~on~ tooled fireplace, woodwork and wainscote. New 1315 Riverside Avenue I s$s5 !l,on. flce re uce immediate possession, $79,. 400 feet frontage on pr1' day 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. a82. than presentl'-' enJoYing;. St Clair Michigan 48079 I to 2,.00, terms. 900 0 plush beige earpeting, country kitchen with . , * * •. vate all sports lake, area I 8371. . loves walks and tug.a,wll.r~,. 329.0003 or 765.4013, A I h i ft' t f '1 beamed ceiling, library with built in book shelves I --- - _ ... _ t L•• KEPOI:,nE I CENTURY 21 AVID iNC. oi fine omes, extras ga. ------1 ree 0 appropna e ami y. and desk. New, year round sun room with wood II ST. CLAIR S:fORES-3 bed. [5-'j income. Ga~ heat, city 778.8100 lore. Assume mortgage or CUSTOM: DESIGNED and Evenings after 6 p.m., ex. walk out deck. 7 large bedrooms, one with sloped room, rancn, attached ga. I czrtifie.d. Money maker at ------Land Contract, $112,000. built by Cox & Baker. cept Thursday after 10 p.m. beam ceiling, could use as 2nd floor sitting room. rage, many extras, near $39900 terms. ST. CLAIR SIWRES-2 bed. 979.6850 or 777.2509. Many unique features. 4 and/or weekends. 885.7937. 3 full baths, 1st floor powder room. Finished Grosse Pte. Woods, Park "* * * room aluminum ranch, new h II' om 4 baths living I and bus to Ren.Cen. In MARYLAND roof, 2 car attae.hed ga. FOR SALE BY OWNER -~'. 0 s, . ' . 'CAT young gentle neutered paneled basement with natural fireplace and . . dmlng, family, k1tchen, ' d' .' F t ' lavatory. 3 car garage. . $70's. Open Sat..Sun. 1.5. 5.5 BRICK 2 family _ 2 gas rage, very clean, gas heat. See' pictures and details In tTt f Il b t'- declawe. Movmg. ree 0 f $3 80 the Grosso Pointe "For u 1 dl!"t: ~ asetmen I' adh good home. Evenings. 885. 23200 Greencrest, S.C.S. furnaces, side drive. Very Many eatures, 9, O. , " con 1 IOmng, cus om an. 3286 882-2676 I 77~.~~~;-O-F-F-E'-R-I-N-'G-- ~~~~O~~~~~~~" Priced at -G-;-~-:_.:-=_5_~-O-I-N-T-E--W-O-O-D-S,Sale by Owner Newsletter. ~~~p~~~ ~~~~~~:e~:~~~:~d I-L-H-A-S-~-A-P-S-O--p-u-P-S--A-K-C--- , No Brokers Please 3 bedroom brick ranch on * * • Newly decorated 3 bed. 357 NOTRE DAME - $119,' Shore Drive. Private own. males and females, $175 to tree lined street in the DETROIT'S EAST SIDE room, IV2 b.ath Colonial 000. 882.2653 or 259.4444. er. No brokers. $350,000. $225. 775.7537. Woods. Featuring; remod. Cash talks. far east side in wI'th family room. New ga- 170 FISHER - $83,500, 885. 77~7370 ------t t 7 . I 4 0437. 1 .: BLACK LABRADOR pup. eled ldtchen, natural fire. I es ~ e, room sing e, , rage with eletlric opener. 6 k ld f I THE I place, recreation room"air, beorooms, 1;2 baths, gas New aluminum trim. New 655 S. ROSEDALE - $136,' 'EXCELLENT CONDITION- pies, wee so, el1).aes, "c t d b t'f 1 heat full basement 2 car 000, 884.2661, 11 d G P . t AKC, $150. '885.9102. I new arpe an eau lUg 'g a I $6500 . storms and screens. $69,' 763 ANITA _ 881.6268. 2002 A ar, rosse Ol~ e ------Grosse Pointe Real Estate decor. See 2025 Stanhope. ara e. ny, as 1S. 900. Assumable mortgage. 370 MOROSS _ 881.9397. Woods. 3.bed~0~m brick POODLE pups-males, Toys, Call 886-1190. O~en Sunday 2.5 or by 856 NOTRE DAME _ Mid 'Ranch, l.a~ge liVing ruo~, Black, $150 to $175 .. AKC. co. CROWN REAL TY appointment. 19299 Lin. $80'~. Call after 6 p.m., I formal dmmg room,. f~mlly I __7_75_._75_3_7. _ 821 -6500 ville. 881.8436. 885--3442 room, 11/2 baths, f1n1shed FREE KITTEN - gorgeous, A N IEL TO~I McDONALD & SONS GROSSE POINTE _ English' 1731 GRAND MARAIS _ basement with bar, central loveable. 886.5267. Grosse Pointe's Finest 3RD GENERATION stone cottage, a classic. $172,500. 882.7538. air, 2.car garage. Assum'l ------. able mortgage 882\-6226 ADULT MALE CAT, well be. IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER WHEN No Brokers. 881.0585. 22509 AVON, S.C.S.-$45,900. .' .BUYING OR SELLING GROSSE PTE WOODS 294.3154. Open Sunday 2.5. haved. Free to good home. Shorepointe, luxury living DRIVE BY HARPER WOODS _ Owner PROVENCAL RD. _ (608) ------881.6540 after 7 p.m. f.< 13 month warranty $50.00 deductible in this 2 bedroom, 2\-2 20685 WOODLAND transferred, small 3 bed. 233.7331. HARPER WOODS-Large 4 FREE KITTENS bath condominium, kit. J N HARPER WOODS room brick bungalow. 882. 1013 NOTTINGHAM _ 882.' bedrooms, 2 baths, family 885.1839 '* Inhouse computer analysis chen with eating area, 9501 ~ter 5 p.m. 3589. I room, dining room, coun. Member Detroit, Macomb County, Michigan Board and all buill.ins. Cen. Hurry to call for an appoint. try kitchen, over 2,300 sq. '* BRICK Eplit level. Built in 2228 HAMPTON - Lower ft., natural fireplace, wet 2o-G£NERA\. SERVIC~ .. and National Board of Realtors tral air, attached ga. ment to see this immacu. rage. late 3 bedroom brick ranch 1956. 3 bedrooms, 3 full $80,s. 884-0384. plaster, marble sills, 100x • PLUl\lBING -k Member Realtron Corp. and MeEdra M.L.S. in low $50's. baths, family room, heated INVESTOR wants GP prop. 174' lot. $67,900. 886.0176. WILCOX 2'12 garage with openers. erty regardless of eondi. • PLASTERING WHEN BUYING OR SELLING MAKE SURE ", 884-3550 EARL KEIM SHORES Air eonditioned, fireplace. tion. 368.8844. LOVELY 1 bedroom apart. • PAINTING YOU'RE GETTING ALL OF THE ABOVE 774.4(;60 Mid $80's.,884.4363. Call 881.2044 for a News. ment. Exceptionally neat. \) CARPENTny Large, open space. Large • MASONRY FOR' SUNDAY VIEWING OPEN 2. - 5 3653 HAVERHILL, Detroit, letter or to advertise your OPPORTUNITY FOR OLD charming 3.bedroom Colo. home. bay windows. '886-0054. • VIOLATIONS 781 PEMBERTON nial. LivJng room, with nat. First time offering this cus. CORRECTED 1'.6 STORY Bungalow, 2 bed. This must be the bargain of the year. A sturdy HOUSE LOVERS ural fireplace, formal din. tom built 3 bedroom brick • NOTHING TOO Sl\IALL. rooms, with large expan. attractive center entrance Colonial with 3 bed. Victorian home with St. Clair river view, presently ing room, large country ranch with family room, GUY DE BOER . sion attic corner lot, cen. rooms, breakfast room, natural woodwork and functioning as four three. room apts. 1888 exterior kitchen, carpeted through. natural fireplace, complete. 776.3708 885-4624 fireplace. The r;rice has been drastically reduced, unchanged. Artist or architect would love un. out, close to schools and tral air, finished basement: Iy remodeled kitchen, full a steal for Grosse Pointe at $72,500. finiEhed third floor, with stained glass windows. SE1tITA bus line. Asking new storms, roof, trim and basement and large lot. PEST CONTROL and Home paint. $68,000. Appoint. $96,000. Marine City owner. 765.8105. (corrected) 'I $36,000. 882.1025. Open Must see this one. I and Business l\Iainten<,n;:e. CONDO IN GROSSE POINTE WOODS ment only. No brokers. Swim in the private pool, golf across the road F;;;;;;;:;:==:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::=;;;;;::;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;:::;:;;~~: SUnday 2.5. Days 876.3423, evenings EARL KEIM REALTY 1_46_8_.96_24_.. _ : 5/5 FOO 1\1- Passed inspec. at Lochmoor and rest easy while someone else 885.4402. - . 779.7760 120A-CARPET LAYING'. maintains the beautiful grounds that surround 20 HARBOR CT. I tion. 1030.1032 Wayburn, this 3 bedroom, 2'12 bath Townhouse in the I Grosse Pointe Park. $36,. 1834 ALLARD 877 BARRINGTON , 900. 885-4262 after 4:30 Berkshires. You'll enjoy the study on the 2nd Impeccably maintained 2 year old 4. bedroom, 3'h OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 4 BEDROOMS, 2% baths, I CARPET REPAIRS . baths with jaccuzi, beamed ceiling family room, p.m. floor, and the private master bath. Call for an i Ranch, RO I;:';SULATIO:'-l For more information or an appointment give us a NEAR GROSSE POlr-;'TE - plied for. Liberal terms Since 1948 call - 882.0087. 1366 KENSINGTON Sharp, 2 story brick, 2 Lakeshore Village Condo. and attractIVe lease. S89,- bedrooms, bath and \2, Professionally decorated. 000 Prepare no\\' for sky rock. central air. gas heat, Immaculate townhouse. 2 "Whatever .your intercsts I'n e~illg•. fuel bills whilc in. Stately brick English bu ngalow. 5/6 bedrooms, 2'12 C1 living roo m, dinin ,. bedrooms, finished base. real estate. we"JI locat~ I't '."s Illl JOn co'ts~: arc. reason. Grosse Pointe Real Estate baths, large living ro~m with natural fireplace, room. kitchen with all ,. lble II I 1 hI ml'nt. appliances built.ins. for you." . ~ . 1~1I a Ion IS 0\\ n dining room WIth leaded glass French doors. appliances inc!~::led. - CI b hi' 111 walls and criling. In. co. -:",Alr(;J w~r.Jv~~, new~'y Ui.(uTatCtl. ~lodcrni7.~d Immediale occupancy- u . OUSI', poo, tenms, PET()SK~V PROPERTTF:S vcstmcnt pays for it,elf. '" sauna. Near transportation 413 Jo lake Strl'et (' f kitchen, slate roof, ideal location. Many extras. to settle estate. 1,0" }' t k' ,. '1" h' . om ort at lo\\'er tel11l1cl':I. Call after 5. 881.9066. S80's. Serious buyer.i and shopping center. Open e os cy. ,,1(' Igan 49770 tures. 15r! tax cr d't. 882-0087 call 526.5340. Sunday, 25. 774.9625 or (616) 347.5360 ,0 • c I . • 1,1 775.1040. PAT VERliELLE, Broker 881.3515

- -~- -- -~~-~------~--~-----~~--~------~--~------0••••••••••••••••••••• 1.1 '1•• 'S"'._3 .'..5_ .... ~4~ ... SIlllSllll'l~_ .... u...... - ... ---_ ...P-.--p ....-.~~-~~~~

/ Thursday, September 27,1979 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirty.Seven 21A-PIANO- SERVICE 21C-ELECTRfCAC---ilF=liOME------.1~21-:G-riOOFING-----. -f 21-~=PAI-NTiN-G,------" 21~r=PAI-NTi~G~--1210--CEMENT AND 21Q-PlASTER WORK PIANO TUN::'olG and repair. I SERVICE ~ __ I_MPROVE~ENT __ I SERVICES_..~ __ ! ~~~~~_,\T~~G __.__ _~E_C.~RA~~~G-- __ i BRfCK ~~!~_SPECIALIZING in repair", ing. W 0 r k gUl\ranteed. f<:LEC'l'RI{;AL violutions cor. I,AKEPOINTE IProfessionul gutte~ servICe'l M.J. K. COLLEGE PAl NTERS I' G. W. SELLEKE qualHi' work priced right, Member AFM, Ed war d recled. Eleclrical rcpairs C.ONSTRUC~~ON Rcusonable .. Rellable. 99c MA INTENANC E LOWEST PRICES I CE:'tfENT cracks elicninatrd. Grosse Fdske. 46[;.6358. done. Licensed electrical LIcensed BUilders I und up per fool. I do my I. ')' . AI,WUND 'Driveways. wa I k s, patio~, Pointe references. Free es. contraclor. Complete home rcmodelin~ own work. Int~Tlt)r . Ext.crlOr I mnhn!!. Experienced, references. I steps. Expert porch reo timates. Clean. VA 1.7051. COMPI,E'l'E plano service. Tuning, rebuilding, rt'fin- FLAl\IE FURNACE CO. Additions and kilchens JOH N' 'NI LLIAMS Complete IJne of horne PetC'. 882-3706 pair, waterproofing. Quaj~ PLASTER CONTRACTOR-- 527 1700 ' . In,provcmcnts d h ishing. Me m b e r Piano _____ ._~_ . our speclllity 885.5813 885.1518 885-1839 - -- ._------I' ity tuck pl)lOting an patc. Free estimales. Prompt Te'chniciuns Guild. Zec1l. ce Bossner, 731-7707. 21E-STORMS AND ~~2.(j7~2.V_OCC-I'A 8~~~~_~ I EXSPMEARTLLRJEP.ABSIR? ------p~~~~a~~D 6~~~R.:~~~~I ~~f>~i~.l1bri~ and chimney :::t , 1-~~~~4~):1,J. 1~~: SCREENS 6B WH ITEY'S Clean and reasonable, Un- FREE ":STIMATES 4150. ZJB-SEWING ALUMINUM DOORS AND CONSTRUCTION 774-9651 • Wall Pupering licensed. Please call Rich. Call 885.4391 ------. ------• Inlerior Painting ard. 331-0078. ----.------~-- 21R-FURNITURE MACHINE ~bN~g~S'E~gZ~~uARLE~S, CO., INC. ROOFING GUTTERS •• G~(e)ao'~lon\~(b)rlekPrices L-A'--D--Y--PAI--r;'[--E-R---r-'-:--t--;-- J. W. KLEINER, REPAIR rOMPLETE tune-up $3.95 u '. ' . '. ll1n 109 CEMENT CONTRACTOR ,~ ~_~ __ ------All makes, all ages. All SCREENS' REPAIRED. ~)dO~~~ GUTTER CLEAN! NG • Call- no job tno small ~n.d decoratmg with a fem-f CEMENT :BRICK _STONE \ UPHOLSTERIi>lG 25'10 OF~ parts stocked. 885-7437. FREE ESTIMATES. Garuges SERVICE 526-9987 IOJ.ne.touch. ! Patios walks porches steps my already low prices. FRED'S STORM CO . Kitchens 774-9651 -~~-~-----.---K • WPamtmg11' I,"" Flagstone 'repair F'ree es t'Ima tes. F ree pIC'. k 21 C.-ELECTRICAL Fireplaces - -' ELM - .a PllPRerm.g I Tuck pointing, patching up and delivery. Call Bob, SERVICE 839-431 1 ALL TYPES of Chimneys, FI d' f' . 'h' - Minor epalrs 1 Brick and Cement work Roofs, Gutters Repaired oor san 109, re 100S 109, • Decorating Consultations . SP EC IAL IZING IN _8_8_1-_2_8_18__. _ Evening Calls Welcom~ Bank financing avuiluble e ed Resident or' . old floors a specialty. 886IV\OO-uvoo SMALL JOBS' FURNITURE refinls. hed , reo BOB'S ELECTRIC, licensed Complete or ren w . Expert In stain. ~ ~ . contractor. Violations, servo MJK , Home l\lodcrnization Commercial. - 535.7253 WALL PAPERING FREE ESTIMATES paired, stripped, any type ice change. Gros!'e Pointe E 777-2816 773.1105 548-9658 ~.------L[CENSED of caning. Free estimates. viCinity. 875-9766. MAl NTENANC ______8 PA! NTERS 882.2919 EVENINGS TU 2 0717 474-8953 or 956-7492 . • HOME HADLEy-----1 756-885 ----~------I I ~~~~-- EUROPEAN EXPERTS QUALITY INTERIOR paint------~~~-~~-I U-P-H---'-"-l>-IN~-b-.-t~-d- S & J ELECTRIC IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENT 21 H CARPEl . - ing for less. By Bob and HAROLD I' UwT~" ,G Y re Ire Residentiul - Commrecial INC - [nterlOr, extt'nor, wallPaper-j . upholsterer. Good work, . No Job too Small I Aluminum replacement win. COMPLETE REMODELING CLfANING in.g, pitching, plastering, ~an. Call 928.3586. CHAUVIN Reasonable. VA 1-4900. dows, storms, doors, awn. ------~~--- . d t Ik' ~~~-~~~~~-- 885-2930 SERVICE Win ow !JUt Ylng, cau me. ' CEMENT CONTRACTOR -.----'------ings and enclosures. 51839 Kitchens baths rec rooms EASTLAND CARPET I Good work. Grosse Pointe I TH~ TIME TO D~CK the ALL TYPE OF FURNITURE r85-1518 88 - and ~ddition's, i~cluding AND FURNITURE references. Rea son. Halls for the Holiday Sea- CEMENT WORK STRIPPING CALL ANYTIME 'V lEi t t b' t CL EAN ERS able Frt'c estimate Call I son is now! Interior paint- a \" lk • D . a Por he- I AS "vV coun (;r ops, ca me s, pun. I I ing and light handiwork.' a s n\ies e.) New stripping process. Re. 882-8419 E T cling, aluminum siding, WILLIAM T. ARNOLD ' J')hn anytime, 368-5098. 886-8919, 881-0879. • Patios. Waterproofing moves paint, varnish, lac. I AL UM IN UM, INC. trim and gutters. Licensed a QP ALITY i EXTER IOR I ~------• Pre-Cast Steps quer, enamel from wood C & SELECTRIC 17008 Mack near Cadieux, and insured. WORKMA~SHIP I PAINTER. Interior only - • Tuck Pointing or metal. Doesn't lolI;eaken LICENCED & INSURED Grosse Pointe Park 886.0520 • SPOT REMOVAL Pa)nting- is not kid's stulf.1 Reasonable rates. 881-2421. • Chimney Repair glued joints. • I LICENSED - INSURED 1----~-~--~~-I • SOIL RETARDANT Call us now for an esti-I --~~-~~-~~- No job too small. We also do furniture RE. GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY I ALCOA PROJ?'t!CTS I GLASS REPAIR -- Window I 886-6128 ' ~\ate, amI a summer start- MACKENZIE BROS. I Free Estimates. FINISHING and REPA[R. Storms, Screens, SIding, Roof. glass, thermopanes, resi. __ .~ ~~~~~_I 109 d.ate. R C. Mowbray PAINTING I 779-8427 882-1473 ings, Awni:lgs, White seam- dential, commercial, storms CARPET and furniture clean" ASSOCiates, 331.3230. Interior and Exterior II Licensed I~G. less gutters, Vinyl storm and screens. Call Days, ing. 25 years experience, -~~-~~--~~ Free Estimates ~!OYears in Pointe ORLEANS IMPORTS, t!j2Q~o~~))doors, ,vindows, sid i n g , 757-1695 Larry. Evenings, by Will bur Doug and Ken. MIKE'S PAINTiNG Proper Preparation t ---~------I LTD. r • I SERVICE \ Wrought Iron, Porch en. 468.9810, John. 778.1680. ' [ntNior, exterior, wallpaper. Located in the POinte. Call MASONRY REPAIRS-Brick 882-7917 closures. ,,~ .~._ __~ ~~_ !ng, minor .repairs, patc~. . 343-0959 I and stone s~ec~alist. Po~ch. - P~J~T~IC"~~~~DM &81-1060 or 527-5616 Br~TH, nI~CHt.,'4 remode~'1 CARTER'S Carpet, furniture I 109, plasterlOg. Free esll' I es, tuckpomtmg, patios. ~-~------CALL ANYTIME I~g, family rooms, add!- deaning. ~5 ~'ears experi'l ~ates. Reasonable and hon. PAINTING BY PAUL, in. I Reasonable. Excellent ref. DELIVERY 21-$-CARPENTER NEW REBUILT PARTS - 21 F-HOME tlo~s, garages, 30 years ex. ence b}t WIlbur. 778.1680.] e.,t. R~ferences. Call any- terior, ext1'fior. Reason' erences. 821-8722. SERVICE iMPROVEMENT penenee. Robert Remod., --~~--~~-~._-- hme. European. able rates good work 822- R. R. CODDENS TU 1-0700 .______eling, 882-9450. K-CARPET I 777-8081 8813 or 886-0719. . CUSTOM 21002 MACK, ALUMINUM storm windows ------G ------.------CEMENT HOME REPAIR 3-track, best quality, $32.50 ROOM ADDITION, area res. CLEANIN QUALITY PAINTING \ 21J WALL WASHING rONTRACTOR LL TYPES of electrical installed. Best qua 1i t y idential house builders. COMPANY SERVICE __ -~ __ ~~____ _ Remodeling, repairs of any work. Ranges, dryers in- storm doors thick lIlt Complete job. Free esti- CARPET INTERIOR- GROSSE POINTE Fireman Family business for 55 years kind. Work alone. No job stalled-remodeling. Elec. heavy hinged, $100 instal. m.ates. Papineau Construc- SPECIALISTS EXTERIOR will do wall was hi n g. • New and repair work too big or small. Rotten trical repairs, fixtures. Li. N . b t II win d 0 w cords, window led. Removal of old win. hon. 884.7426. • Steam Extraction ",0 years professl'onal 821-2984. • Q JO 00 sl'la [ censed and insured. Col. .r, D . d h sil s, jambs, doors. porch- f ville Electric Company. dows, doors, reel Replace. 1,'LOOR SANDING professi. • Shampoo . experience --~--~---- I • nveways an porc es es. basements, attics. Call ment prime windows, awn- _ 11 d D k' t" • Spot and Stain Removal ~IATT FI r.oTt~.HF.R K-MAIN'1.1!:NANCE company i our specialty Evenings 774-9110. Days ." P h 1 surec ol.a y one ar s a1nlng I U h . '1 - ." .~. ------I h' fill • P-atl'os Bm Lynn, 773-0798. U.~ 6.7352. mos. • 0 r c cnc.o ~. and 'finishing All work p olste~~ Cde~rmg . 14151 Buckingham TU 6-6102 wal was 109, oor c ean- I ------~~- A1umin!lm and vinyl sid- gu r te d fr~ll {; timate I.•... at a or a e prIces _~ __ ~~~~~_ ing and waxing. Free esti. • Chimneys RETIRED cabinet maker de- RETIRED master electrician. ings and trim. Gutters, 7 a an e , s s'l 882.()63B DONALD BLISS mates. 882.068B. • Waterproofing sires small jobs. Quality . d' I t' colors to choose from. Deal 371.6938. l-~~-~~-~~- --~-----.~- • Violations repaired workmanshl'p. 824-2853 . L . Icense , VIOa Ions, serv- direct. Father and son COZY CARPET I Deeora t or EX• PER T waII was h'109, WllJ-. CALL ANY TIl"E ~------ices increased. Also small IdEED ,. m jobs. TU 5.2966. salesman and installers. "( CLEANERS / Free Estimates ~ow washing, gutter dean., 886-5565 .• Attics. Porch Encloseures PhiJ'sHome Service. Est. IMPROVEMENTS? I TU 1-7050 mg. References. 822-5694. ------___ • Additions • Kitchens HARBOR ELECTRIC tablished 1953. Licensed. Call the specialist iil baths, : ~tea~ ~~traetion 40 Years in Grosse Pointe ALL TYPE brick, stone, • Commercial Buildin~s I C d Call kitchens, rec rooms, addi. eo. orlzmg I --- --~~~~~- 21 K-WINDOW l block and concrete work SU ON Vio ations orrecte 371.3724 ANY TIME. tions, .plumbing, elec. up .• Spot and stain remover I JOSEF'S I WASHING Arc.hways, steps, .porches: J 1M IT -~-~~-~~--~ d t' . It' • Dry cleaning of upholstery I -----~--~- ' 1677 Brys Drive FREE ESTIMATES a 109, msu a lon, commer. available I WALLPAPER REMOVAL EXPERT .. d 'h' patios, waterproofmg, new 882-9420 M. J.. K mercial offices, lounges, I. Experienced ~m ow Vias 109, I and repairs. De Sender. TV 4-2942. TU 2.2436 Licensed and insured con. MAINTENANCE reslaurants, licensed unci WILL NOT BE I • Insured ~vall washmg, gutter clean. 822-1201 HARRY SMITH tractor. Painting, p I a s t e r i n g, rp.c insured. UNDERSOLD. Reliable I mg. References. 822-5694.' BUILDING CO. WE SELL AND INSTALL I'ooms, all types of remod. FREE ESTIMATES l' '882:2916 Estimates at no charge or K-WINDOW cleaning com- 'I MASONRY REPAIRS Established in ROOF AND GUTI'ER eling. CALL 824.1292 ------o',ligation. pany. Storms, screens, gut- SPECIALIZE IN Grosse Pointe Area Since 1937 DE-ICING CABLES ,885.1518 BBH839 Ii f 1 21-I-PAINTIHG, 776.8267 ters, alminum cleaned. In- • Chimney R~sidential and ~ommercial ______~ ~~~_ WANT~D - Slu .ents 0 .al DECORATING I -~~-~~~~~- sured. Free estimates. • Tuck pOI'ntl'ng Remcdcll{lg ages mterested m learnmg _~~_~~~~~ __ ' NOW GIVING estimates for about the ~est~urant busi. GROSSE POI NTE fall interior and €oxterior 882-0688 • Porches I A1te.'ations and Ma~tenance ness. ConSidering a new CONTRACTOR' house painting _ Exper- ~---~~~~--- - Bricks replaced New Construction career in the food, indus. ... ienced, excellent work, A-O.K Window Cleaners. Ser. \ Excellent "Grosse pOinte"j385--3900 885.7013 lry? Enroll in a class de. CUSTOM PAIN 1'ING AND senior citizen discount. vice on storms and screens. references. Call after 6 p.m. VIA ' JOANNA WISURN ROOF voted to the basics of com- WALLPAPERING Free estimates-Can John Free estimates. Monthly 775-7362 WINDOW SHADES' mercial food cookery begin. EXPERT ANTIQUING I 885-4042 after 6 p.m. rates_ 521-2459. - .-. ------INTERIOR DESIGN '''INt. $)iu1uas. ""NOS ning October B. Call Con. 885-8155 ) Y I G. OLI\IIN MIKE GE ISER C a I' pen t r-y \Vorll:, custom KAUfMANN .• .LEAK STORM DOOlt$ ANO w,NOOW$ tinuing Education at 343- FREE 'ESTIMATES BACK IN BUSINESS WINDOW CLEANING CEME" 'T shutte~s, doors and kitch- REPAIR 2178 for more informat.t2n. INSURED 11 I Painting - Derorating -I I ~ ens. Licensed . ------'- Michael Satmary Jr I Wull Washing. Elmer 'T.' SERVICE CONTRACTOR CALL JOSEPH J & J 1_____ LaBadie, 8B2-2064. FREE ESTIMATES Driveways, pat i 0 s, walks, SMOLARKIEWICZ ....GRA'TOP SPECIALISTS HOME ANDY REBI, Decorator -I-~~-~~--~- WE ARE INSURED steps, tuck pointing, water- 924-7593 FREE ESTIMATES MODERNIZATION Professional painting and WAYNE'S Paint!ng and dec. 372-3022 proofing. No jobs too smaU. ~------k SALES AND SERVICE wallpapering. Free esti.\ ?ra.tllJg. In.te~lOr and ex. r FREE ESTIMATES WAYNE'S CUSTOM 1S0li ItfICHEVAL Roof Leaks Guaranteed & MAl NTENANCE mates. References. E81-1 ,enor. PallJtllJg_ Profes. GROSSE POINTE Fireman REMODELI NG ... ' et All., • "' ,.... ,., .. 20.Yrs. Experience No Job too Big or 6269. sional results_ Call now for will do window washing. 881-6000 c-..TU 5-6000_ .. Too Small ---~---~-- free estimates. Lirensed. 821-2984. Kitchens, baths, basements, D AND S PAINTiNG and 773-4355. ------SMALL CEMENT formica and cerami.c spe- CALL BILL 882-5539 881.6384 Free Estimates I . 11 f ' . __ ~ ~__ Decorating, custom work. -~~-~~---~- 21M-SEWER SERVICE JOBS cia rIStS. A types 0 lUten- RUSSELL & I Please call 371-6475 or INTERIORS ALLRITE or decorating. Guaranteed To Advertise Under 778-8261. BY DON AND LYNN NEW STEPS AND PORCHES low bid. Guaranteed good ASSOCIATES SEWER CLEANING ALSO REPAIRS ON k ell f f f 1 GROSSE POI NTE Husband.wife tea m. Paint- Repair faucets and clean any' wor. a or ree es I' "GUIDE TO • ADDITIONS ing, wallpaper perfection- . d' R . Basements mates and ideas. Licensed. GOOD SERVICE" • REMODELING PAl NTER'S J NC ists. 20 years experience. ~I~~PS ram. epalr sump Steps and Porches i 773-4355 . • KITCHEN SPECIALTIES 1 Painting interior I_exterior, References. 527-556'0. C.~LL 521-0447 I CALL AUGIE SR. 772-3731 I-E-X-P-E-R-T-C-.A-R-P-E-NI-T-R-Y---- CALL 882-3500. •• LICENSEDFREE ESTIMATES& BONDED I paperhanging .and panel- ALL WORK GUARANTEED I GRAZIO I- Reasonable rates. Free es- 884 138 ing. Free estimates cheer- PROFESSIONAL --~~~~-~~- rr"\~IC'Tnl ,,...... ,...... : timates. ResDonsihle. Ted - 6 I !ully ¥iven. Licensed & QUALITY 21N-ASPHAl T WORK I '-'.J! 'I,,) I ,,"v\.. I IUI~ " Dance. 886-4246 .. I !lJsuren I PAl NTI NG I Cement drives, floors, patios,I------SE~VU::NC nu CIlOSSE POINTfS 21 G-ROOFING . I C & J ASPHALT porches garages raised and! QUALI~Y WORK by carpen. fOR OVER '/2 CENTURY" SERVIC ES _~~_8_82_-_9~_3_4 Interior, exterior, end of sea- PA VING INC. I repaired new gar age' ter With over 30 years ex, R. C. MOWBRAY mn prices. By Pointe resi- Improve the value of your! d ' 0 • perience in Grosse Pointe. lwe" Styl. .f ""C' ROO FING & REPA IRS ASSOCIATES dC'llts. home with a professional i ?ors, new o~rages bUilt. Kitchens remodeled, base. ' 886 2088 J'ob Over 20 years serving I Licensed and msured. t I d dd- tI.cr.~f., ,•• Fl at or shingles. Aluminum The finest in creative paint- - .. .. I 774 3020 men s pane e , room a I. gutters & aluminum trim. - h' d ~------Grosse Pomte In driveways, - 772- 1771 tions. etc, Conscientious WA 1-8282 \ Free Estimates 109, puper angmg and ec- DUPART BROTHERS do 'I and sealing. Fr~e estimates 1------Small jobs ae,;eptable. 882~ Bob or Dale Isham oruting. Call 331-3230. painting and decoratin~. Owner supervIsed. Refer- RYAN 1004. illc .... l.. 526-0666 371-1971 co j\[ P LE T E painting und For free estimates Calli! ences included and insur-I CONSTRUCTION l---~-~~~~~- Li"k AII-St•• 1 .11" _~ ~__ decorating service. Inter- 774-0878. ance. I C d BARKER Itultie Styl.. ROOFS ane DECKS ior-exterior by Ralph Roth. ------.~--- CALL ANYTIME I e!"el'1t an .Block Work CONTRACTORS In" • GUTTERS AND References In the Pointes. WA LLPA PER 1 ___ 773-8087 '\ DfIV~~r~~:t~o~V~I:;oors Mode_~iZation •. Alera-iions DOWN SPOUTS 886-8248. ADVANCED PAVI~G-As- Garages built or raised \ ~ddl_lOns • Family Rooms MEHlENBACHER FENCE CO. 1 1040) HAIPEI RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTIIAL Gutters cleaned a.nd flushed EXPERT PAINTING, -pape~- REMOVA L I 1Jhalt paving, concrete and Free Estimates. Professional! Kltc~~S t& ~e~r~atlOn Areas

N~\V and RepaIr Work hanging. Free estimutes G. / . seal.coating. lAcensed since.1 Work. Licensed and Insured. 'I' JA~I;S ~~~~~~e AD~~~~~dfl:~ri'An~~r1~(;B I Van Assehe. 881.5754.' I BY JEFF ! 1955. 775.3600. 1778-4271 469-1694 8s6-5044 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 884-9512 PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand. Free Estimates - Insured AL'S AS~HALT PAVING BRICK WORK I -----~~~~- ~_~_~_~~__. d f . h' S . 1 (Low Rates) Smce 1944. I LETO "Serving The Pointes" ANY GUTTERS, flat roofs, 109 an mls mg. pecla. 14 years experience Owner supervision 2nd plan- : TUCK POINTING : BUILDING COMPANY or shingles renewed or re- izing in dark staining. Prompt Service ning. Guarantee quality! PORCHES AND ' SInce 1911 placed. "For quality work, "Supp[y own power." Call 779-5235 882.659-1 workmanship at reasonable' CH[:'I:'olEYS REDUILT I Custom Building do 't call th b- . k I for free estimate. W. Abra. I __ ~ __ ~ __ ~__ rates. I A~D REPAIRED , P'a.niIy rooms out" specially, DERAMER:S' Calln us and e!gyour walletIcr s. I ham, 979.3502. .. __ PAiNTING SEAL COATING iI CUiA LK~:-W I alterations, kitchens. Custom Construction won't bust!" Call 774-0547. [NTERIOR and ext t' r i 0 r SERVICES SPECIALIST Ad\'anre !\Iamlenance I TV 2-3222 • KITCHEll- BATHS • PATIOS • ROOFING • SUN I ------painting and pal,erhanging. Inter.ior:'Exterior - P~per, St2.te :icensed and insurance: 884-9512 ! I ~ ; Reasonable ratcs. 30 years stnppmg,. paper hangmg. I References ! PORCH R E P A IRS k' A_BERT D. THOMA$ DECKS • GUTTERS • TRIM • BRICKWORK. MOD- experience. Ray Barnowsky Two Pomte gentlemen. I 281.0626 284,5534....' h.IC I '1NC ERNIZATION-L1CEILSED GEIIERAL COIITRACTOR CASH AN 822-7335 after 6 p,m References. F r e e esli-: ~ __ ~ __ ~______pomtlng, chimney repairs. i • -CARPEIITRY.ELECT'CAL- PLUMBIIIG. MASOIIRY ROOFING _ .' . . . mates. Call And' 885.7067 ~210-CEMENT A"'ID pre-cast steps. F & F 1\Ia.: We areMgene~~l contractors, FAST COlJl{l~0US SerVices. . ~ . , 1"11 son Contractors. 882.9450, I Onc ""l! ta ..es care uf Illl Roof, ~oof repair, alumi- FREE ESTIMATES FOR QUALITY WORK lnterior . ExterIor. Putty _, PA[NTING-Interior:exteri- BRICK WORK , ------your building. remodeling num gutters, hot roofing, ! INTERIORS 526-0502 EXTERIORS quick service. Work guar. Caulk - window replace'j or. Reasonable rates. Free: BiUCK WORK mall' b ,N[NO cement work. drive-' problems large or small. anteed. 886-3245. ments. John Carbone. 839'1 estimates. Excellent work.! tuck point',g S h' JO s'. way, ~orch, steps, etc. 1. TU 2-0628 40~1. ___.. i Bill. 372-5483. I porchc.s, \~rol~tiocn;mn~~: i _2~4~2_2;>_6_.--- --~D-O-C-T-O-R~B-O-B--- ..---- MICHAEL'S--: -~YERKEY &-- SONS-: paired. rt'aSonuble. 886.. 21P-WATERPROOFING FOR e ROAD SERVICE & TOWING HEDEMARK PAINTING . WE SPECIALlZF. :n Extcri-! _~~65. _ _ 'DYKE ,,:;tcrprooC;ng Th(' .\LL HOeSE NEEDS for Grosse Pointe Park, City and Farms ROOFING DECORATI NG or painting 27 )-ears' ex.' CHAS. F. JEFFREY longer you wait the worse BIG OR S:'IALL Repairs . Reroofing Interior-Exterior Service ' penence. I ~[ASON CO~TRACTOR it ~ets. Call for "Low "'all CARPENTRY Specializing in hot tar. Painting and Wallpapering ~ DU PONT PAl NTS I LICENSED _ I:'I1SURED Prices". I"ree l'stim:ltcs 'NALLPAPER CALL DIRECT823-6500 if II •• ., 133i.1I111 , Phone 372.0973. CABINETS Licensed - Insured Antiquing and varnishing Used • Brick • Block • Slone' ..----. - --- YOU X.UIE IT FREE ESTIMATES Strippin~ and staining R • Cement Work CIIAS. F, JEFfREY 8824?91 JJrl"Cj jSrr\.Jicrntrr. cJJm, Complete kitchen refinshin~: \ea~onaole. Call EVC'nings. • Walerproofing 882.1800 . ._~ _ 886-6800 '5302 I. I.ff.n ..... t'••• c.... 'I.'" Free cstlmatcs _ 885.3230,5277604 891.5896 891.6.584 • Tu('k Pointing • Basement Watrrproofing 21-T -PLUMBING 1------.' ------•P:ltios of an\' kind .l'nderpin (oolings AND HEATING ESSIAN "PORCHES A SPECIALlY" • Cracked or raved-in walls Commercial PAINTING 882.1800 Rl"ferenres BOB DUBE JOStPH NOSEDA AND SONS, INC. COMPANY ------Lircnsed Insured PI.t":'IBI:"G anfl HEATING :\IAS;n Call after 6 p m. 775.n62, '\ 11 typl'S "f basenwnl waIN' 886-389; i Li('cIJSC'fl:lnd insured. Fr('e Estim;G proofmg. 7 yrars .':uaran. ------USTOMWOOD I Frrr E~timatc.; BHICK R F. P A IRS. \'lork tPl'. Hef"rcnc('s. 886-5565. 'LEAKY TOlLl'.l~, lau('cb guar:lntC'{'(\. I'()r('h('~. {'him. Tl'pa irf',l Sink cll';

_____ ~ ~~_t_e_... __.. -.. _.._ ..__.. • .. •__ lIIIm_-_lIII._._Slllll _ .. _ 11 0110 _ I Q4.I.! ( i Page Thirty-Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 27, 1979 Thief Snatches Woman's Purse I~ Music, Drama And Crafts 'Will Be Open to Kids After School ( A total of 21 eluses and Bro 11 f 3'45 t 5'15 -H -t Sf' . I A Detroit woman was rOb'j Police have no suspects in ~.• aeu '.. ., L' . I wne rom. o. un er a ety, which wII I fered for those whose school I to do reports, personal let'l Hatha Yoga for students bed of about $40 when a man the incident . fall Vlues a: .~vlU~iu.e this p.m. meet for four hours on programs do not provide an i ters and will provide an In. in grades nine to 12 will be walked up behind hel' and __ ' --- En . ~ pat pO t Po Youth Figure Skating, co.spon. Wednesday,