Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana ISSN: 1405-3322 [email protected] Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, A.C. México

Nyborg, Torrey; Garassino, Alessandro New Occurrences of Fossil from the Eastern Pacific Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, vol. 69, núm. 1, -, 2017, pp. 135-148 Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, A.C. Distrito Federal, México

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How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative P. 135‒148 VOL. 69NO. 1 BOL. SOC.GEOL.MEX.2017 Italy. Veneziapartment, Corso 55,20121Milano, Natural Museum,Palaeontology History De Alessandro Garassino 92354, U.S.A. Loma LindaUniversity, LomaLinda,CA EarthandBiologicalSciences, of Department [email protected] Torrey Nyborg Torrey New OccurrencesofFossilHomolidaefromtheEasternPacific Manuscript August accepted: 12,2016. Corrected manuscript received: July 30,2016. Manuscript received: May 28,2016. Nyborg , Alessandro Garassino - couver Island,Canada. Cretaceous, Eocene, U.S.A.,Van Keywords: Brachyura, Homolidae, the Homolidae. mola of definite presenceidae 1900. The Alcock, previouslyascribed tothe Homolodromi the genus, the systematic position of of relli Oregon, assigned Judkins Ridge, near Eugene, gocene of cific. Additional material from the Oli Pa the North Eastern to the Eocene of Argentina genus, from the Oligocene of the the spatial and temporal ranges of oneinNorth America, extendingthe first port for thegenusthe fossil in record and Oregon, U.S.A. represents the second re the early Eocene Roseburg Formation in species, land, British Columbia, Canada. A new panian Pender Formation, Vancouver Is sp.gen., n. n. reported is fromthe Cam 1839. Haan, De Homolidae the ed States increase the fossilrecord of rocksfrom Unit Canada andthewestern collected fromCretaceous and Paleogene fossilhomolid of New specimens ABSTRACT linea homolica Rathbun,1926, allows re-evaluation fromwithin thisfamilyandinclusion Paromola roseburgensis Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín jsiisrmvlo justifies removal of Palehomola gor n.sp. from Cretalamoha Paleho ------

1839. fósil de la Homolidae De Haan, tan el registro Canadá y eloestede Estados Unidos aumen recogidos de rocas del Cretácico y Paleógeno de fósiles homólidos muestrasNuevas de cangrejos RESUMEN dos, Vancouver, Canadá. dae, Cretáceo, Eoceno, Estados Uni Palabras clave: Brachyura, Homoli de laHomolidae. lehomola linea homolica justifica la eliminación de miidae Alcock, 1900.La presencia definida de género, previamente atribuido alaHomolodro la re-evaluación de la posición sistemática del a de Eugene, Estados Unidos asignado Oregon, adicional del Oligoceno de Judkins Ridge, cerca el PacíficoEoceno en Nororiental. El material nero, hasta el desde el Oligoceno en Argentina el rangoextendiendo espacial y temporal del gé fósil yelprimeroregistro América en del Norte, para el género enel informe senta el segundo Estados Unidos, del Eoceno Temprano repre n. sp. delaFormación Roseburg deOregon, especie,nueva Una de Vancouver, Columbia Británica, Canadá. en la Formación Campania Pender, en la isla Palehomola gorrelli Cretalamoha de esta familia, y suinclusión dentro n.gen.,sp. se reporta Rathbun, 1926, permite Rathbun, 1926, permite Paromola roseburgensis /2017 135 Pa ------

New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION / GEOLOGICAL New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific SETTINGS 136 136 2.1. CANADA 2. Geologicalsettings 1. Introduction ies h icvr ftwo newfossilhomolid cimens. discovery The of spe­ individual based upon usually is position ic America are relatively rare, andtheir systemat North Homolid crabsfrom the West Coast of Courcy, Northumberland, Geoffrey, Spray, and Spray, Geoffrey, Northumberland, Courcy, Extension, Pender, Protection, Cedar District, De mations, namely, SidneyComox,Island, Haslam, NanaimoGroupThe subdivided intotwelve is for 1994). Mustard, 1991; (Haggart, sandstone with mudstone and siltstone interbedded of 300 meters upto British Columbia and iscomposedof ern southwest Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group of the Penderbia, Canada. The Formation is part of Courtenay, Vancouverof Island, BritishColum bank along the Puntledge River near the town calcareous concretion collected from a river cut Cretalamoha boweni Washington State, U.S.A.of la vancouverensis from thisarea previouslyreported was from Oregon other fossil has tripled. The homolid known fossilhomolid crabs the entire number of Rathbun, 1926backintothe family Homolidae, sp. herein, andthe placement of With the description of has previouslybeen reported in Oregon, U.S.A. soni has Similarly, only known homolidfossilfromcrabs Vancouverof Is the description of couver Island, British Columbia, Canada. With Vanhas been reported from the Cretaceous of 2004 Ross, and Feldmann Nyborg, Schweitzer, Ame­ North family Homolidae from the West Coast of it nearly as the doubles significant, thecurrently knownfossil record of is area this from crabs / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Schweitzer, Nyborg, Feldmann and Ross, 2004 rica. To date, only Schweitzer, 2001fromthe Eocene n. gen., n. sp. is preserved in a Cretalamoha boweni Latheticocarcinus ludvigseni Paromola roseburgensis Palehomola gorrelli Paromolopsis pier , the number Homo n. ------/2017

2.2. OREGON Group ranges from Turonian to Maastrichtian, the Nanaimo the Nanaimo Group). The age of of stratigraphydetailed a for 1994 Mustard, to (refer San Juannorthern IslandsinWashington, U.S.A. and Islands It isalsoexposed tothe adjacent Gulf to Saanich Peninsula in the south (Mustard, 1994). land extending from Campbell River in the north Vancouver Is coastline of along the northeastern outcrops Group Nanaimo The 1994). (Mustard, included withinthe NanaimoGroupdeposits submarine fandeposits, butnearshore withsome ly inanouter neritic to bathyal marinesetting as primari and sandstone-conglomerates deposited sandstones, fine mudstones, of consist formations These 1994). Mustard, 1991; (Haggart, Gabriola eea huadmtr flower-middle Eocene several of thousand meters of consists Group Umpqua The 1974). (Baldwin, noyconstituting theUmpquaGroup formations formations, Roseburg, andFlour Lookingglass, three of one is Formation Roseburg The 2009). (Baldwin conglomerates and sandstones smaller amounts of cally-bedded turbidite sandstones andshaleswith thinrhythmi of about 3000 meters of consists in the Roseburg, Oregon area. formation The ing interbedded sandstones, andsiltstonesexposed overlybasalts, for (1974) Baldwin by named was er and MacLeod, 1991). The Roseburg Formation been the Roseburg Formation (43° mapped as part(Walkof has Oregon area The Dora, 59.260’W). 123° of 10.448’N, town the near posure reous concretion collected from a road cut ex Paromola roseburgensis Ross, 2003. Feldmann, Fam, Hessin, Hetrick, Nyborg and (Whiteaves,and 1895); canadensis tshudyi Hetrick, Nyborgsin, andRoss, 2003; loparia horrida collected from thisunitinclude: Decapod 1994). Mustard, 1991; (Haggart, panian with the Pender Formation considered early Cam Schweitzer and Feldmann, 2001; (Whiteaves, 1895); et al Schweitzer, Feldmann, Fam, Hes , 93 Blwn 17; Prothero, 1974; Baldwin, 1973; ., n.sp. ispreserved in a calca­ Eucorystes platys Eucorystes Linuparis vancouverensis Schweitzer, Hoploparia Linuparis Hop ------

trace fossils, andplant faunashave been previous Eugene. Bivalves, gastropods, crabs, salt northof ba Ma 31.4 a below Eugene, and at tuff Ma 40.1 positionaboveage based upon itsstratigraphic a a latebeen assigned has Eocene toearlyOligocene McClaughry Retallack 1984; McKeel, Felts,1956; its withinterbedded continental rocks(Allison and shallow-water marine depos Formationof consists Formation (McClaughry the Eugene locality is mapped as part of gon. This exposure namedJudkinsRidge nearEugene, Ore examined inthisworkcome from arailroad cut Specimens of a fossil crabthe fromfirst is report this of formation. This 2009). (Prothero, Ma 52.3 – 50.8 of age lower Eocene Roseburg Formation assignedan the with Ma, 47 – 52.3 to Group Umpqua the in with the formations strained the age estimates of con (2009), Prothero by microfossils benthic and planktonic combined withthe biostratigraphy of studies, magnetostratigraphic Recent 2009). ero, gon (Baldwin strata that were Ore exposed insouthwestern P1, P5:pereiopods 1and5. carapace (including lateral spines); wcxp: width of tion, Washington, carapace; D.C.; lcxp: length of Natural History, SmithsonianInstitu Museum of State, U.S.A.; USNM: United States National Washington, Seattle, WashingtonUniversityof Naturaland Culture, History Burkeof Museum land, BritishColumbia,Canada; UWBM, The Museum Palaeontology Centre, Vancouver Is Abbreviations. Formation theEugene (Steere, 1958;Retallack from papers in figured bun, 1926. genensis from the Eugene Formation include: reported specimens Decapod 2004). Retallack 1969; Hickman, 1958; Steere, ly reported from thisFormation (Rathbun, 1926; Rathbun, 1926and Callianassa et al et al Palehomola gorrelli CDM,Courtenay andDistrict ., 2010). The Eugene FormationEugene The 2010). ., ., 1973; Baldwin, 1974; Proth 1974; Baldwin, 1973; ., and et al et al Meggokos Palehomola gorrelli ., 2004). ., 2010). The Eugene 2010). The ., Rathbun, 1926, have alsobeen Raninoides eu et al ., 2004; ., Rath et al Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín ., ------3. SystematicPaleontology terolateral and posterolateral margins; tuberculate region withthreean smooth subhepatic spines; grooves; short and rounded rostrum; subhepatic carapace regions,dorsal marked by incised deep Diagnosis. qae n uln, s og s ie wl defined well cara­ wide; as long as outline, in square Description. Alberti, 2012;Garassino Feldmann andSchweitzer, 2009;DeAngeliand Collins Guinot andRicher deForges, 1995;Collins, 1997; 1992; Karasawa, 1988; 1983, Bishop, 1928; len, Beur 1863; (Bell, date to known genera fossil all characters distinguishesthe new genus from of andprotogastricepi- regions.combination This gins smooth, and the strong calcified spines on the rounded tip, the antero- and posterolateral mar new genus isbased upon the short rostrum, with Discussion. boweni Description. monotype. species.Type of the newgenus. Genderisfeminine. which characterswith shares somemorphological the studied specimen, and age of Etymology. andprotogastricin epi- regions. carapace, markeddorsal by spines strongcalcified Section HomoloidaKarasawa, Schweitzer and Superfamily HomoloideaDeHaan,1839 pace regions; tuberculate surface, dorsal . Infraorder Brachyura Linnaeus, 1758 Family HomolidaeDeHaan,1839 et al Cretalamoha boweni Genus Carapace as long as wide; well defined ., 2005;CollinsandSaward, 2006; After the Cretaceous, the geological Rcgiino Recognition of Dorsal carapace longitudinally Dorsal for As the type species (Figures 1 and2) Feldmann, 2011 Cretalamoha

Cretalamoha boweni et al newspecies newgenus ., 2015). Lamoha Cretalomoha /2017 n.sp., by Cretalamoha Ng, 1998, asa 137 137 - - -

GEOLOGICAL SETTINGS / New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 138 138 subhepaticregion, threesubhepatic spinesnoted by blackarrows.Scalebar equals 1cm. Figure 1 /

Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Cretalamoha boweni n.gen.,sp.,CDM 047.A)dorsal viewof thecarapace. B)close-up viewof rostrum. C)close-up viewof /2017 Figure 2 marked by strong calcified spines; rimmed ante rimmed spines; calcified strong by marked fied spines; meso- and metabranchial regions posi inflatedepibranchial region, with and two strong calci defined well regions; intestinal and cardiac defined poorly regions; urogastric defined poorly and depressed weakly spine; calcified prominent regions,meso- andmetagastric with one central well-defined regions; protogastric and epi- fined de poorly spines; calcified strong two with gion re protogastric spines; calcified strong three with node, dividedby groove; adeep region epigastric alarge tric and protogastric regionof consisting margin, weaklyconcave medially;eachepigas ro- andposterolateral margins;straight posterior three subhepatic spines;straight and smooth ante ted close to the tip; angular subhepatic region with with rounded tip; one smalllateral spinule, loca­ linea homolica dinally andweaklyvaulted transversely between carapace, dorsal weakly vaulted longitu of gins homolica rior and posterior margins; well-developed

Cretalamoha boweni , sinuous inoutline; straight lateral mar ; simple rostrum, wider at the base, n.gen.,sp.,linedrawing. linea Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín ------Locality Type. preserved carapace, holotypeCDM047. Material. Canada. Courtenay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, thissolespecimenDanBowen of the collector of Etymology. branchiocardiac groove. arc around hepatic regions on flank; deeply incised extending across molica curving anteriorly inconcave arc toward cervical groove, incised deeply originating axially, spines; calcified strong three least at with inflated, urogastric region, weakly tioned on either sideof gins (like gins mar posterolateral smooth the and 1979), Sakai, gastric fied spines on the regions (like areolated regions, carapace dorsal the strong calci 1891), such as a square the outline carapace, of the sophrys some characteristicswith Richer de Forges (1995), the Among extant genera, revisedby Guinot and ent intheothertwo familieswithinHomoloidea. awell-marked presence of oha upon thismaindiagnosticcharacteristic, molidae fromPoupiniidae andLatreillidae. Based de Forges (1995) the Richer and Guinot to According 1858. Stimpson, Haan, De Latreillidae and 1991; Guinot, Poupiniidae 1839; Homolidae follows: as 1839 Haan, reported three familieswithinHomoloidea De Discussion. wcxp: 14.3 mm. Measurements. Formation. Geological age. Canada. tledge River, Vancouver Island, BritishColumbia, the Pun ing onariver cut banknorthsideof way, accessedbyright of a trail at cable car cross Courtenay,near the town 500mdown of hydro n. gen. is assigned to Homolidae based on the to Homolidaebasedon assigned gen. is n. , deflecting around epibranchial region and region epibranchial around deflecting , Wood-Mason inWood-Mason andAlcock, L. longipes One specimen in dorsal viewwithjust One specimen indorsal The species name is named after speciesnameis The Guinot and Richer de Forges (1995) Acs tedo Cessford Road at Access endof linea homolica D 07 lx: 1 mm; 14 ~ lcxp: 047– CDM Early CampanianPender Acc adAdro, 1899; Anderson, and Alcock linea homolica Cretalamoha Lamoha linea homolica inweakly concave distinguishes Ho distinguishes Ng, 1998 (= /2017 n.gen. shares L. murotoensis notpres Cretalam linea ho Hyp 139 139 ------

New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 140 140 the smoothanterolateral margins. of rounded rostrum (usually bifid in all extant species and short a having in differs genus new ever,the 1891; Alcock, L. superciliosa margins of dorsal carapace, dorsal weakly vaulted longi margins of linea homolica anterior and posterior margins;well-developed marked byvariously-sized acute rimmed spines; surface, dorsal spinose regions; carapace defined branchial region, narrowing inanterior third; well ovate in outline, longer than wide, widestat meta Description. carapace. and two laterally concave; strongly spinosedorsal three arcs, one axially convex gin consisting of three laterally-projecting spines; posterior mar terolateral margin stronglyconvex, rimmedby margin withone laterally-projecting spine; pos spinule; anterolateral one small median external with slightly longer than rostrum andornamented narrowinganterior in third; pseudorostral spines, the mesobranchial region, pace widest at level of rostrum; cara and moderately dorsal upturned marked by shallow incisedgrooves; long, pointed, Diagnosis. vetula (extant); 1961 P. japonica nieri study); this (extant); 1995 Forges, Species. ginal designation. Type species. / Genus Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Lamoha Guinot and Richer de Forger,(extant); de 1995 Richer and Guinot Crawford, 2008(fossil). Paromola Paromola roseburgensis

Parisi, 1915 (extant); 1915 Parisi, Paromola bathyalis ), the lack of pseudorostral spines, and spines, pseudorostral of lack the ), P. cuvieri Well carapace regions, dorsal defined Wood-Mason inWood-Mason and , sinuous inoutline; convex lateral Dorsal carapace longitudinally Dorsal P. rathbunae L. murotoensis

and Alcock,1891 Dorippe cuvieri (Figures 3and4) Wood-Mason inWood-Mason (Risso, 1815) (extant); 1815) (Risso, P. roseburgensis Porter, 1908 (extant); Porter,1908 GuinotandRicher de Ski 17) How 1979). (Sakai, newspecies Risso, 1815, by ori­ by 1815, Risso, P. macrochira n.sp. (fossil, Sakai, P. cros .P. ------/2017 first and the third ones longer than thesecond tri-partite seg than one; posterior marginof consisting ones longer third the and first rimmed by three laterally-projecting spines, the ing spine; strongly convex posterolateral margin, margin withonewell-developed laterally-project slightly longer one; anterolateralthan thesecond one first the spines,upward-projecting subhepatic and anterolaterally by marked inflection of point spinule; angular subhepatic region;dian external with one small me than rostrum, and ornamented directed anteriorly andupward, slightlylonger pseudorostral spines present on anterior margin, oped, axially sulcate, andmoderately upturned; linea homolica tudinally and weakly vaulted transversely between was collected. Roseburg Formation where the studied specimen Etymology. length. evenly along the whole spaced linear arrangement P1 andP5;P5longmerus,in withsmallspines preserved partially groove; branchiocardiac fined de poorly flank; on regions hepatic around arc extending across molica anteriorlycurving inconcave arc towards slightly incisedcervical groove, originating axially, (broken); spines small four least at regions,with al small spine (broken); weakly inflated metabranchi urogastric region, weakly inflated, with at least one mesobranchial regions positioned on either side of region; intestinal defined poorly swellings; terior separated bya shallow fromdepression two pos spinose, withthree swellings, one anterior swelling pentagonal cardiac region, narrowing anteriorly, defined; poorly and depressed weakly regions tric fined, with one central prominent swelling; urogas regions poorly defined; metagastric region well de gastric spines (broken); epi- proto- and mesogastric a large anterior node, with two proto of consisting lateral concave region segments;each epigastric segment proximal to intestinal region and two ments, almost equal in length: one central convex , deflecting around epibranchial region, and region, epibranchial around deflecting , ; simplerostrum, pointed, well devel The speciesname alludes to the The linea homolica ina weakly concave linea ho ------cm. Figure 3

Paromola roseburgensis n.sp.,UWBM104435. A)dorsal viewof thecarapace. B)close-up viewof rostrum. Scalebarequals 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín /2017 141 141

New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 142 142 l.h.: groove;groove; g.b.:branchiocardiac s.lp.:posterolateral spines; spines; spine;g.c.:cervical protogastric rostrum; p:pseudorostral spine;; Figure 4 linea homolica fined well-de the Homolidae duetothe presence of to assigned been has specimen studied the (1995), son, 1858. Following Guinot and Richer de Forges Poupiniidae Guinot, 1991, andLatreillidae Stimp 1839, Haan, De Homolidae families: three ding revised the superfamily , inclu­ Discussion. mm; wcxp: 23 mm. Measurements. Geological age. 1974; Walker andMacLeod,1991). County, Oregon (Baldwin the Roseburg Formation, Coos mapped aspart of is locality This 2009). Prothero, 1974; (Baldwin, the Roseburg Formation,and shales typical of from aroadcut that exposes turbidite sandstones Locality Type. 104435. and P5 ispartially preserved, holotype UWBM Material. /

Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Paromola roseburgensis linea homolica ). One specimen in dorsal view with P1 One specimen indorsal Guinot and Richer de Forges (1995) The solespecimenwascollected The Early Eocene. WM 045 lx: 24.2 lcxp: – 104435 UWBM mn h xatgnr f. Amongthe extant genera of n.sp.,linedrawing (r: et al ., 1973; Baldwin, ., 1973;Baldwin, - - /2017 (Guinot andRicher deForges, 1995;Crawford, Province(Argentina) Negro Río of Paleogene the one fossilspecies, Paromola to assignthestudiedspecimen spinule,and bearing only asmallexternal allow us pseudorostral spines, nearly aslong as the rostrum concave arc andtwo distal concave arcs, andthe namentation, the posterior margin withoneaxial or finely-spinose The herein. specimen studied the tothatsimilar of sal carapace morphology Richer de Forges, dor 1995,exhibit an external and 1891, Alcock, and son family,this Species. by monotypy. Type species. South America. ognized insouthern tion for the genus, which waspreviouslyonly rec distribuAmerica enlarges thepaleogeographic report of The sp. from theextant species. tri-partite segments distinguish of and the jecting posterior spines margin consisting the posterolateral margin withthree laterally-pro ing spine;andtwo protogastric spines. However, margin withonewell-developed laterally-project carapace stronglydorsal the anterolateral spinose; carapace characters, dorsal such as:the ternal shares onlywith Among the extant species, in tri-partite segments, equal in size of gin consisting tral longer and two lateral shorter (poste­ tri-partite segments, onecen marginof consisting terior and oneposterior in swellings, oneanterior and two posterior (two an in ing spines laterally-project (five spines laterally-projecting n. sp. based on the posterolateral margin with three of description the Wejustify 2008). P. vetula includesseven extant andjust species Genus

). Palehomola gorrelli Paromola P. vetula

Palehomola P. roseburgensis Palehomola gorrelli P. japonica P. vetula Wood-MasonWood-Main ); a cardiac region with three with region cardiac a ); Rathbun, 1926 Rathbun, 1926. rwod 20, from 2008, Crawford, Parisi, 1915,someex P. vetula Dagnadus P. roseburgensis n.sp. from North Rathbun, 1926, Paromola P. roseburgensis ); and posterior and ); P. roseburgensis Guinotand rior mar . n.sp. n. ------

with pleurae. appendages; male abdominal somites granular developed branchiocardiac groove; long, slender, derately well-developed cervical groove; weakly subepibranchial region, with large tubercle; mo­ inflated spine; triangular large with region, patic spines,directedforward; inflatedlarge subhe and tral spine, triangular sulcate; stout lateral rostral rounded central ros lateral sides; downturned bulbous andconvex branchial regions; and steep slightly longer than wide, W/Labout 0.90, ovate; Diagnosis. ed longitudinally andweakly vaulted transversely carapace, dorsal weakly vault lateral marginsof developed face; rimmed anterior and posterior margins; well- sur dorsal smooth regions; carapace defined well metabranchial region, narrowing inanterior third; nally ovate in outline, longer than wide, widest at tional specimens). (based on holotypeandaddi Description pleonal somiteswithpleurae. outline; long, slender, appendages; male granular grooves; well-developed well-developed cervical and branchiocardiac subhepatic region, inflatedwith one large triangular spine; large, spinules; basal small two with ed slightly longer spines than rostrum andornament pseudorostraltrum, pointed strongly downturned; margins, slightlyrounded, and smooth;long ros branchial regions; antero- steep andposterolateral than wide and ovate carapace; bulbous andconvex Emended diagnosis (presentwork). 133, 142-145,(Figures 6and7)–Feldmann Palehomola gorrelli Schweitzer, 2001:522–Schweitzer Palehomola gorrelli lins, 1997:54,64,65–Nyborg, 2002:46-49– Palehomola gorrelli linea homolica BySchweitzer (Figures 1and2). (Figures 5and6) –Glaessner, 1969:R490–Col Rathbun, 1926:86,87,Pl.21 2008: 503. Dorsal carapace longitudi Dorsal , sinuousoutline; convexin linea homolica Rathbun, 1926 et al . (2004). Carapace (2004). . et al , sinuous in ., 2004: Longer et al Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín - ., ------and poorly defined urogastric regions; pentagonal urogastric regions; poorlydefined and central prominent calcified spine; weakly depressed one with defined, well region metagastric regions; mesogastric proto- and epi- poorlydefined spines; calcified strongtwo node,with anterior large a of terior margin; region each consisting epigastric posterolateral margins; straight and rimmed pos one large triangular spine; antero- and smooth with region, subhepatic inflated and wide,gular, with two smallbasalspinules; an ornamented dorostral spines slightlylonger than rostrum and margin, directed anteriorly andupward; pseu pseudorostral spines presentturned; on anterior well developed, axially sulcate, andstrongly down between (1926) described the described (1926) mola gorrelli Discussion. mm; wcxp: ~33mm). mm; wcxp: 22.8 30 mm; USNM 634401 ~ – lcxp: ~ lcxp: 36 – 634400 (USNM holotype the as ty tional specimens (hypotypes) from the same locali­ addi two and mm) 38.4 wcxp: mm; 42.6 lcxp: – Material examined. Geological age. Judkins RidgenearEugene, Oregon. Type.Locality and centralswelling. 2 withlateral P5;s projections between bases of male narrow;ly.1 narrow, s Pleon of positioned dorsal it was carried P5 suggest than P1; bases of slender more much P2-P4 downturned; slightly chela longer than high, granular, index may be of Long andslenderappendages; P1 stout,manus flank; branchiocardiacgroove incised. deeply a weakly concave arcaround hepatic regions on chial region andextending across toward nating axially, curvinganteriorly inconcave arc incisedcervical groove,small spines;deeply origi­ three least at with regions, metabranchial inflated weakly region; urogastric inflated weakly of side gion; mesobranchial regions positioned on either poorly intestinal pits; re defined median of pair a cardiac region, narrowing anteriorly, smooth,with linea homolica linea homolica has always been troublesome. Rathbun Tesseai lcmn f systematic The placement of Railroad cutexposure named Oligocene. , deflecting around epibran around deflecting , linea homolica ; simple rostrum, pointed, Holotype (USNM 352912 /2017 as“…partial linea homolica Paleho 143 143 in ------

New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY New Occurrences of Fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY 144 144 hypotype USNM634400.C)dorsal viewof thecarapace,hypotype USNM 634401.D)holotype, USNM352912.Scalebar equals 1cm. Figure 5 / Palehomola gorrelli Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Rathbun, 1926.A)dorsalviewof the carapace,hypotypeUSNM634400B)lateralviewof samespecimen, /2017 holotype and hypotypes. Figure 6 ning it once again toHomolidae.ning itonceagain fromthe 1900, assig­ Alcock, remove we (2002), Nyborg and (1997), Collins (1969), Glaessner to according So, istic. thischaracter clearly pointsout the presence of disco tional specimen, assignedto to Schweitzer lack of et al Karasawa by later confirmed placement a iidae, assigned (2004) believing it to possess in (1997) Collins with concurred (2002) Nyborg based uponthe lack of Palehomola that suggested (2001) Schweitzer Later molidae. placed and (1997) (1969) Collins Glaessner side…”. left on visible ly Palehomola gorrelli . (2011). Though we confirm the apparent the confirm we Though (2011). . ee rmtesm oaiyo the holotype, ­vered from the same localityof linea homolica should be should removed from the Homolidae et al Palehomola . (2004), the study of the addi the of study the (2004), . Rathbun, 1926,linedrawing after in the holotype, according linea homolica Palehomola linea homolica to the Homolodrom Palehomola gorrelli within the Ho Schweitzer . Even though Palehomola and et Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín al - - - - .

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