Note of Decisions Taken at 7th Meeting 2009

29 October 2009

Convener: Trish Godman

Members Bill Aitken Christine Grahame Mr Frank McAveety Duncan McNeil Margaret Mitchell Irene Oldfather Iain Smith Jamie Stone Maureen Watt Andrew Welsh Karen Whitefield

1. Minutes of meeting held on 17 September 2009

The minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2009 were agreed.

2. Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

3. Evidence to committees – issues relating to transparency

This item was continued to the next meeting of the Group.

4. Committees 10 years on – note of discussions

It was agreed to invite James Mitchell, Professor of Politics at Strathclyde University and Charlie Jeffrey, Chair in Politics at Edinburgh University to make a presentation to the Group.

5. Equal Opportunities – request approval for committee away day in Glasgow

The Group approved the Committee’s request to hold an away day in Glasgow.

6. Health and Sport Committee – request approval to undertake fact finding visits in France, Finland and Canada

The Group did not agree the request to undertake fact finding visits.

7. Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee – request approval to undertake fact finding visits in Scotland and England

The Group approved the Committee’s request to carry out fact finding visits to Scotland and England as part of its inquiry into active travel.

8. Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change Committee – request to attend the United Nations COP15 climate change conference in Copenhagen

The Group approved the request subject to the Committee exploring alternative sources of funding and keeping costs within the lower limit contained in the paper.

October 2009