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Of the World OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES No. 147, 94 pages. December 2, 1991 GENUS-GROUP NAMES OF THE NEUROPTERA, MEGALOPTERA AND RAPHIDIOPTERA OF THE WORLD By John D. Oswald Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-0999 and Norman D. Penny Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California 94118-4599 Abstract: Alphabetical listings of the genus-group names of extant Megaluptcra, Raphidioptera, and = Neuroptera (s. str. Planipennia) are presented. Taxonomic and nomenclatural data for each name are given. Summaries of new genus-group synonyms, unreplaced junior homonyms, names without valid type species fixations, and names based on misidentified type species are given. Complete bibliographic references are given for all names and nomenclatural acts. Contents Introduction Inlroduciion (1) The last worldwide species-level catalog of Scope (2) the order str. = Nomenclature (2) Neuroptera (s. Planipennia), and Format Arrangement of Entries (2) Hermann Hagen's 1866 Hemerobidarum Syn- General Arrangement (2) opsis Synonymica, has long been obsolete, as Subgenera (2) are the most recent revisions Synonymy (2) comprehensive Character Formals (3) of the orders Megaloptera (i.e.. Van dcr Publication Dates (3) Weele 1910) and Raphidioptera (i.e., Navas Type Species (3) [1919e] 1918). In the 120+ years since 1866, Unavailable Names (3) the number of available Homonymy (4) nomenclaturally Family-Group Taxa (4) genus-group names in the order Neuroptera Selected Taxonomic References (5) has increased from approximately 95 to Preparation of the Catalog (5) 1,000. In the same period, the number Acknowledgments (6) nearly Genus-Group Names of the Order Neuroptera (6) of described, biologically valid, neuroptcran Names of the Genus-Group Order Megaloptera (60) species has grown from about 750 (Hagen Genus-Group Names of the Order Raphidioptera (63) 1866) to an estimated 4,000 (Aspock, Annotated Bibliography (67) Aspock, and Holzel 1980; Henry 1982), while the number of nomenclaturally avail- able species-group names currently stands al Current address: NHB 165, Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. 20560 [1] OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES No. 147, 94 pages. December 2, 1991 GENUS-GROUP NAMES OF THE NEUROPTERA, MEGALOPTERA AND RAPHIDIOPTERA OF THE WORLD By John D. Oswald Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-0999 and Norman D. Penny Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California 94118-4599 Abstract: Alphabetical listings of the genus-group names of extant Megaloptera, Kaphidioptera, and = Neuroptera (s. str. Planipennia) are presented. Taxonomic and nomenclatural data for each name are given. Summaries of new genus-group synonyms, unreplaccd Junior homonyms, names without valid type species fixations, and names based on misidentified type species are given. Complete bibliographic references are given for all names and nomenclatural acts. Contents Introduction Introduction (1) The last worldwide species-level catalog of Scope (2) the order str. = Nomenclature (2) Neuroptera (s. Planipennia), and Format Arrangement of Entries (2) Hermann Hagen's 1866 Hemerobidarum Syn- General Arrangement (2) opsis Synonymica, has long been obsolete, as Subgenera (2) are the most recent revisions Synonymy (2) comprehensive Character Formats (3) of the orders Megaloptera (i.e.. Van der Publication Dates (3) Weele 1910) and Raphidioptera (i.e., Navas Type Species (3) [1919e] 1918). In the 120+ years since 1866, Unavailable Names (3) the number of available Homonymy (4) nomenclaturally Taxa Family-Group (4) genus-group names in the order Neuroptera Selected Taxonomic References (5) has increased from approximately 95 to Preparation of the Catalog (5) 1,000. In the same the number Acknowledgments (6) nearly period, Genus-Group Names of the Order Neuroptera (6) of described, biologically valid, neuropteran Names of the Order Genus-Group Megaloptera (60) species has grown from about 750 (Hagcn Genus-Group Names of the Order Raphidioptera (63) 1866) to an estimated 4,000 (Aspock, Annotated Bibliography (67) Aspock, and Holzel 1980; Henry 1982), while the number of nomenclaturally avail- able species-group names currently stands at Current address: NHB 165, Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. 20560 OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 147 perhaps twice this number. Similar propor- have revealed additional names. Recently tional growth has occurred in the numbers of published names have been included through genus- and species-group names associated early 1991. with the smaller orders and Megaloptera Nomenclature.—The third edition of the Raphidioptera. International Code of Zoological Nomencla- Although several regional species-level ture (International Commission on Zoologi- catalogs have recently been published cal Nomenclature 1985) has been applied (Aspock, Aspock, and Holzel 1980 [Europe]; throughout to questions of nomenclature. In Ghosh and Sen 1977 [India]; Penny [1978] the text, the International Code of Zoological 1977 [South America]), the lack of a modern Nomenclature is usually cited as the "Code," worldwide reference containing basic taxo- or cited directly by its articles, e.g., "Article nomic and nomenclatural information has 69a(v)." Similarly, the International Com- hindered progress in the taxonomic and phy- mission on Zoological Nomenclature is nor- logenetic study of the neuropteroid orders. mally cited as the "ICZN" or the We offer here a of the comprehensive catalog "Commission." genus-group names of these orders. It is our hope that it will provide a solid foundation Arrangement and Format of Entries for future species-level cataloging with a worldwide scope. General Arrangement.—The catalog is In this work we have followed the current divided into three lists of names, which cor- trend among taxonomic specialists in treating respond to the three orders. Names are in al- the Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, and Neu- phabetical order; entries are either "main" or roptera (collectively, Neuropteroidea s. str.) "see." Primary catalog data (i.e., biblio- as ordinal in rank, and restricting use of the graphic citations, type species, etc.) are name Neuroptera to the lacewings and their given in "main" entries. Main entries of valid planipennian allies. However, in recognition subgenera and unavailable and invalid syn- of the monophyly of the Neuropteroidea s. onyms are cross-referenced by "see" entries. str. (Achtelig and Kristensen 1973; Mickoleit 1973; Achtelig 1975; Boudreaux 1979; Hen- nig 1981; Kristensen 1981) and the long his- Subgenera. —Main entries of valid sub- torical association of its three major genera are listed chronologically below the component lineages, we present here a uni- appropriate generic name. To avoid duplica- fied treatment of the three orders. tion, nominotypical subgenera (e.g., Chrysopa {Chrysopa)) are not accorded sep- Scope.—The genus-group names of extant arate entries. animals currently placed in the orders Neu- roptera, Megaloptera, and Raphidioptera are Synonomy. — Objective and subjective listed. The following classes of genus-group synonymies are presented. Main entries of names are explicitly excluded: (1) those not unavailable and/or invalid synonyms are currently placed in the orders Neuroptera, grouped chronologically under their valid ge- Megaloptera, or Raphidioptera, (2) those of neric or subgeneric names. References docu- fossil Neuropteroidea s. str., and (3) those ment subjective synonymies; however, no that have not appeared in the published liter- attempt has been made to determine the first ature (e.g., collection label names, manu- paper in which any particular subjective syn- script names). onymy was proposed. Where possible, cita- The following reference works have been tion preference has been given to a recent thoroughly searched for relevant names: revisionary work. Agassiz ([1842-1847] 1842-1846), Hagen The following new generic synonyms are (1866), Neave (1939-1975), and The Zoolog- proposed (junior synonyms listed first): ical Record (1864-1989/90 = volumes 1- Centrolysmus Navas = Thyridosmylus Kriiger = 126). Examination of the primary literature (Osmylidae), Monorobius Makarkin Heme- and recent issues of Abstracts of Entomol- robius (Hemerobius), Linnaeus (Heme- ogy, and correspondence with colleagues, robiidae). OSWALD AND PENNY: NEUROPTERA, MEGALOPTERA. AND RAPHIDIOPTERA Character Formats. —Within the main quent consideration of appropriate special- alphabetical sequences and synonymical list- ists. ings, the following type styles and symbols The following 10 names are based on mis- are used to indicate the nomenclatural status identified type species: Apocroce Tjeder of each name: (Nemopteridae), Archichauliodes Van der Available valid names: bold non-italic cap- Weele (Corydalidae), Austrochauliodes Riek ital letters, e.g., ACANTHACLISIS. valid (Corydalidae), Cordulecerus Rambur (As- genus; (PLESIOCHRYSA), valid subgenus. calaphidae), Leptochauliodes Esben-Petersen Available invalid names: non-bold italic (Corydalidae), Neuroptynx McClendon (As- capital letters, e.g., ACANTHOCLISIS. calaphidae), Orphne Lefebvre (As- Unavailable names: non-bold italic capital calaphidae), Protohermes Van der Weele letters preceded by the symbol ++, e.g., (Corydalidae), Plynx Lefebvre (As- ++ACANTHACLYSIS. calaphidae), and Spadobius
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