• c I N E M A G • Eugene Clark. Tony Rosato, Laura Robinson, Fran90is Barbeau ass!. Denise Lemieux asst Clark Johnson . An Allia nce Entertainment Cor­ ward. Andre Henault dresser. John Stowe SCREWBALLS HOTEL poration Production , (416) 967-11 74. make-up Eric Muller hair Michel Trig on asst. Feature fil m formerly called 'Room Service' shol IN THE CAN hair Rejean Goderre d.o.p. Thomas Vamos in June in and the Caribbean. p. Maurice NIGHT LIGHTS cadreur Patrick Weirs 1st asst. cam. Daniel Vin­ Smith assoc.p. Mike Dolgy Terrea Smith sc, Charles Weiner, B.K. Roderick prod. services Kevin Tierney. David Novek Associ ates (514) Shiel ds, Gay Cl aitman. A CBC Production. (416) A new series 01 half -hour speci als produced by celette 2nd. ass!. cam. Sylvaine Du faux sc. 284-211 3. A Trilogy Film Production Ltd. (514) 975-33 11 . Carnaval Productions Inc., the production arm 01 Brig itte Germain stills Takashe Seida gaffer Canadian Fi lm add. casting Christian DanieJ 747-5624. To be distributed by Tri-Star Pictures Vancouver televi sion station CKV U. It features Daniel Chretien elec. Marc Charlebois key grip unit pub. Linda Mote Ltd. (416) 487- 1694. MCA and Astral Film Enterprises. t. p. Joanna Pacula. MARTHA, RUTH AND EDIE' the tal ents 01 Carmen McCrae, Katie Webster Michel Periard grips Jean Maurice De Ernsted, has acquired th e rights to American dislribulion. Meredith Salenger, Mimi Kuz yk. Nick Kilbertus. Feature lilm about three women whose chance and Jim Byrnes, EMa James, Peter Appleyard Alain Desmarchais sd. Bernard Aubouy boom A Maurice Smith Production, (416) 362-5907. Jan Rubes meeting becomes a cata lyst lor each one's new and the Alumni, Houston Person and Etta Jones, Thierry HoHman ed. Andre Corriveau prod. as· outlook on life. p. Deepa Mehta Saltzman exec. JeH Jealey, the Rova Sax Quartet. Jonn Zorn's SEAHUNT HOSTAGE sist. Sylvain Arsenault, Carol e Demers, Bernard TV Series. 22V2-hour episodes p. Stan Olsen d. p. Paul Saltzman assoc. p. Rossie Grose line p.l Sonny cl ark Memeorial Quartet, Xu Feng. Bud Rodrigue messenger Monique Desnoyers, TV Movie shot in Toronto from Sept. 10 to Oct. 7. various prod . man. John Smith prod. co-ord prod. man. Bob Wethelmer prod. co-ord. Kris Sh ank Skywalk, Celso Machado and Shu ffle De­ Yvan Labranche pub. Caroline Grise, Publifilms p. Diana Ke rey d. Peter Levin sc. Stephen H. Padi Mi lls. loc. man. Arthur Rabin casting d. Michaels prod. assist. Carolyn Wong prod. sec. mons. A Carn aval Production , (604) 683-2362. public relations David Novek Associates, (514) Fore man d.o.p. Frank WaMt. p. Carol BurneM, Claire Caplan art d. John WilieM shooting Sheil a Woodley prod. acc. Joyce Caveen asst. 284-211 3 budget $3.7 million. A coproduction Carrie Hamilton. A CBS International Produ ction, NSCAD schedule July 6-0ct. 2 in Victoria. Series shot in acc. Peler Muldoon d. Norma Bailey, Gail between Le Groupe MalofUm, rUnion generale (416) 367-8464. Singer, Daniele J. SUissa ass!. d. Richard A provocative documentary on the Art of th e 70s Victoria B.C.lromJu ly to September. A Northstar and ·80s. Shot In Halifax, Toronto. New York and ci nematographique , Canal Plu s and AC PAV. Prod uction s for MGM Prod uction , (604) 683- HOT PAINT Flower 2nd a.d. Frank Siracus a 3rd a.d. Terry The lilm is produced with the participation 01 Gould ass!. d. train ee Jill Compton unit! loc. West Germany. Th is lilm includes Interviews wrth 6584. A TV movie for CBS. Television comedy ex ec. p. Telefilm Canada, la Societe genera Ie du cinema man. Manny Danelon ass!. lo c. ma n. Terry major ligures wilhin the wo rld 01co ntemporary Franklin Levy, Gregory Harrison p. Mike Touch du Quebec, the National Film Board of Canada, SPACEWATCH Hayes d.o.p. Doug Koch ass!. cam. Arthur art . Principal photography completed June 30, d. Sheldon Larry d.o.p. Rene Ohashi t. p. Greg­ la Societe Radio-Canad a and Super Ecran . Shot Hall-hour, magazine-fonmat, docu -d rama pilot Cooper cam . trainee Nell Gibb art d. Tom Doh­ 1987 . exec. p.l d. William D. MacGillivray p. ory Harrison, John LaroqueMe, Cyrielle Claire . Irom June 28 to Aug. 16 in Almo nte On tario, program . It features two you ng teens .who meet erty as st. art. d. James Oswald art dept. trainee Terry Greenlaw cam . Lionel Simmons sd. Ale x Wrapped In July. A Hot Pamt Company Prod uc­ Montreal and the Eastern Townships. To be dis­ in their secret clubhouse, at NASA's Johnson Terry Wareham set dec. Gina Hamilton set Salter res. David Craig ass!. cam. Dominique tion. (416) 787-2312. Gusset asst. cam. Philip Hering prod. assts. tributed by Malofilm domestically and by Image Space Centre , to play a game called dress. Andrew Ward asst set dress Bill Lee Organ ization outside Canada. I.p. Monique Spa­ Space Watch on the ir homemade computer. Shot IT'S ONLY ROCK 'N' ROll' props master Vic Rigler props ass!. Fiona An­ Alan MacLeod. Charles Cl ark. Robin Sarafin­ chan ed. Willi amD . Macgillivray asst. ed. Angel a Ziani, Gabriel Arcand, Miou-Miou, Fran90is in Houston, Texas, May 14·22. budget $207, The 'Garage Ban d of Ne twork Televi sion ' 13 drew cos!. des. Delphine Wh ite cost. ass!. Mau­ Baker sd . ed. Al ex Salter. A Picture Plant Ltd. Me the, Rem y Girard , Jacques Penot, Fran yo lse 000. Funded by The Masons, Brown, Cu llen, El­ half-hour ep isode s of live and on tocatlon pertor­ ree n Gurney ward mist. Debbie Williams hiar production, (902) 423-3901 . Fau cher, Jean-Louis Roux, Rita Lalontaine, kins Foundations and Rockwell Fund. Corporate mances. Features. Interviews. Not the history of Reg Leblanc make-up Shonagh Jabour story Hubert Loiselle, Charles Rainer. A Malofilm sponsors include Four Seasons Hotels, Conti· ed . Barbara O'Kelly sc. sup. Diane Parsons sd. Rock 'n' Roll. Kill thattune and other dangerously PARENTS Group Production , (514) 878-9181 . nental Airlines. p.w. Rudy BuMignol d.l sen p, funny sketches. host Ted Wolowshyn m, d. and rec. Bryan Day boom Mike Lacroix gaffer David Feature fil m shot from Aug usl to Oc t. 9. p. Bonnie Gail Frank W. John Frizell i d.o.p. Richard co-host Fred Mollin correspondents Dan Gal­ Owen best boy Edward Mlkoll c elec. Tony Ram­ Talil Wood d. Bob Balaban sc. Christopher PRAIRIE WOMEN Stringer p. man. Howard Hu Mon art d. Kristine lagher, Wendy Hopkins, Taborah Johnson, sey gennle op. Robert McDonald key grip Mark Hawthorn e d.o.p. Ernest Day I.p. Randy Quaid, A fi lm abou t fa rm wo men in th e 1920s and '30s Haugen iIIus. Pat Rawlings casting Susannah Megan Smith, Shawn Thomp son, Gene Valallis. Silver 2nd grip Greg Palermo 3rd grip Blake Mary Beth Hurt, Sand y Denn is. A Parents Pro­ who came together to work cooperatively to im­ Conybeare, Jon Comme rtord. A Rucy Inc. Pro­ Produced by Insight productions in association Ballentine piC. vehicle co-ord. Richard Spiegel­ ductions Inc. production, (416) 466-5190. prove the conditions 01their lives. w.ld. Barbara duction, (416) 489·71 15. with CBC Te levision, LabaM Brewing Company man transport co-ord . David Chud driver capt. Evans p. Caryl Brandt assoc. p. Dale Phi llips Ltd ., Telefilm Canada. exec. p. John Bru nton p. G. Kris. Hawthorne driver Christa Schadt xc raft PIN d.o.p. Doug Cole exec. p. Tom Radlord , STARBUCK Joe Bodalai, Judy Dryl and pub. Carol Marks­ Brian Cole ed. Lara Mazur ass!. ed. Susan Ship­ A psychological th rill er shooting in and around Graydon McCrea. A Nati onal Film Board of Can­ A TV series of 11 episodes. Shooting from May George, CMG (416) 593-4977. An Insight Pro­ ton 2nd asst ed. Susan Maggi owner! Flyer's Montreal. It wrapped Oct. 3. p. Rene Malo exec. ada No rthewesl Centre Prod uction. 12 to Sept. '87. exec. p, Alex Beaton p. John duction, (416) 968-7818. Plane WaM Martin flyer cam . plane Kerry Sims p. Pierre David d. Sandor Stern sc. Sandor Stem Kousakis d. vario us prod, man. Brent Clarf

SO/ Cinema Canada - November 1987