mama and papa dear spoke fluetfluent hawaiian which is how I11 gained knowledgeknow lidge of the language one daydaysdaya thoughthought we were preparing a garden and I1 was told to get a relatives pick ax lzipiluaI1 i p 1 I1 empty I1 apu t SARAH wahliswahlinIAHIII INA WOOD NALUAI or returned handed because had said IPipu obauhatuhaiobaionaonahonskuhahona moaniiealaonapuapiaimoanikealaonafuamaahikinalna 1 1 MY which means spispitoonspittoontoon I had really misunderstood what I had been THE STORY OF LIFE sent to by kelkekuaokalanimlocuamoo okalani fetch victoria I1 attended elementary school in naulnaoimaulmaui iamalamanamamama dear made my a wardrobe of baggy had to be up I1 was born along the sea coast of ealapaiapala naulmaulnaulsmaukmaulsmauis on august 595 dresses that tied around the waist my because they were also too long she made undergarments from 19091949 to louise kailewa and tong lock also known as ah look were rice was was one bags that bleached out in the sun so theyd look white and father from canton china he of the first chinese I1 must say mama was a and an immigrants who migrated to to wortworkwont at the sugar plantation clean dear hard worker extremely my strong woman she actually managed the affairs of the home she on mother was hawaiian tahitian her father having was a good and a piva who came to from I1 had two also fisherman could fill baskets with hee married kuaea hawaii tahiti paeagaeapama my 1 and ah looks who passed away in squisquiddv and other food from the sea brother and I sistersmisters louise helen lookkoor their probably added to her work but as she and papa dear had no childhood I1 also had two brothers samuel and david ah look for own we were my not children of their their pride and joy various reasons parents marriage did fare well I1 was years when we maulmaui we my to and we never from eleven old all left naoinaul boarded the eventually father returned china heard interisland steamship claudine and stayed downstairs in the him again steerage was low sam 1 a it the area blocked off for fare passengers and I were raised by grandaunt sarah kalapa and her and you had to sleep area everybody you docked husband john moses kekuaokalani I1 was about seven and sam in that with until we went to them we our into the city of what an experiencexperienceel they fed us fish about three when live with called hanai and sour dougakg9kpot when we arrived we tooltookdook a cab to our trolley stop parents by pet names mama deardeacnear and papa dearedeavedear puunui papa was a in town then caught the trolley to street along nuuanu deardears it is saidsald of royal heritage in ancient avenue we stayed a few moved name a was a famous fayed months with family and later out to timesbimes the kekuaokalani identified with priest tires wilhwithpapa kahana bay who was a nephew of kamehameha himself dear was mary up handicapped two he had a great beautiful kahana was owned by foster from towards with club feet but gift of the the mountain on down to the sea it was known as konohiklkonohikiKono hiki land spirit even before he joined the church people said he had my former home lain still there not far from the crouching lion oanamanaroananoanamoana the power to bless and heal he did not ask any favors restaurant on kamehameha highway at bottom of a from tholetholewhothosewhothose who needed his help but out of gratitude they would it sits the papa little hill slightly concealed by roadsidesittrees on the kaneohe often pay him with things like bread rice or butter dear side of kahana bay our home of two bedrooms and a was always fastingfa praying and reading the bible later when he consisted stings mormon large living room the kitchen was built in a separate area away was baptized he began to read the book of and became more from home there was no electricelectricityitys no running water no aware of the gospel teachings when he received the priesthood he bathbakhbathroomroomi only an outdoor house with no water to flush yet life took my mama dear into the house of the lord the laislalelaielaim temple was and simple 1 papa clean I shall always remember dear for taking care of the we planted our own onions taro papayas and vegetables spiritualsidespiritual sideeidaelda of our life whenever we were sick he was there to mountain apples glavasguavas and other fruits grew wild and were bless us and give comfort whenever he prayed or layedbayed his hand our came ghost was so plentiful the rest of food from the ocean on our heads the influence of the holy strong kahana was considered a rich fishing ground where the many because of his great faith in our father in heaven and his son families residing there worked ehardchard for their livelihood jesus christ when he died afat kahana years later there was a regular hukilaushuki laus were money making projects when the schools of great thunder and lightning along the koolau range towards kahana fish were in the right position a watcher on the mountain would bay but no rain his burial was up the mountain in kahana and alert everyone in the village to help pull the nets in akule there was a little nilstmist of rain and sunshine that day a good anae and oama were very plentiful in kahana baysay when there was omen he wasmaswam a true patriarch a man of god a heavy raing oopuskopus and opaebopae would we 1 rainsrainraidrald ciopua be abundant in the river I1 am so thankful that sam and I were raised and baptized in our who mama papa took fish into the city to be sold visitors would stop the gospel we used to go to church with dear after and participate in the hukllauhukilau were given fish to take home it dear was baptized we all went to church together the chapel in was the tradition to share the catch and this in turn would naulmaulmauimoui was very small one thing I1 remember as a little girl was encourage the coming of good omens it was wonderful to have shaking hands with a man who had a long beard his name was everyone come join in the nulthultnuithukilauhultilauhukilau it felt ilieillelikeilke a great family joseph F smith the saints at that time called him losepajosepa weme were ohanaphonaphana llaoilauliao my early lifestyle was a very simplesimples humbling experience uewe there was a filipino camp and a japanese camp at kahana lived off the land on what we planted we harvested fish crab because of the sugar plantation they used to haul the sugar cane limu and wana from the abundant sea part of our daily food also sugar sugar by train to the kahulakahulukahuku mill through laie included poipolpoispols taro flour and rice I1 attended kaaawakagawa school and attended church in kahana we

20 had a little chapel with a large bell flymy brother samuel used to programs ring it by pulling it up and down brother pua haaheo was outootoorour in 1961946 aisoalso aunty rose joshua asked me if I1 rantedwanted to branch president and also brother sam nohlnuhi learn from lokalialogalia montgomery she told me to go donodonndown to charles my training began in my early teens when I1 used to go street in Kapahulu where I1 would be ejectedepected lokalialogalia had the to laie with my cousinecousinvcousin hattiehattlehaltie au her friends were lucy munson greatest influence on me there was something in her speaking and kay nakaula and keaka kanahele I1 tool hula fromtromfrotro fnan them for her kindness and the way she projected herself up until this several months I1 had had thirteen lessons before mama dear time I1 had been trained only as an alapaolapalap a but she began to give advised me to leave the hula because of its rituals and hula me chants to learn if we didnt know them at class shed make us kapu so I1 did as asked I1 was fifteen years old at the time repeat them until we got it right malia taukauiaut au of mcanaluamoanaluanoaMcaMoa nalua helped at the urging of my grandauntgrandaunts I1 soon got married to harry to eatapatapaka our voices to olioilgl il and after three months I1 graduated MEWE makanoa another kahana resident we had threethil chilchiichildrendrent two had our oniki in Lo kalias backyard she had built up a little boys samuel and harry and a girl emily harry and emily died green backdropbackdrogbackbackdroodrog with a little grass stage and it was like going and I1 was left with one son samuel sam ball makanoa he was into a forest called sam ball because of his outstanding play on the volley after my studio was established we were always busy with ball court he was one of the best slammersstammers in the koolau area recitals and luauiluaus I1 would usually take care of the from the startstarts my marriage had been a difficult one and as entertainment and my brother and his family would cater the time went by I1 got a divorce and moved into town these years food we heldheidhold recitals and activities at the house in the garden were hard ones for me I1 went back to maulmauimauk for a while but then on nuuanumouano street likelikelakelikeLik elike elementary cafeteria palama gym the returned to honolulu Fortunatefortunatelylyslyp I1 became very active in the armory behind lolani palacepalaces the hawaiian civic auditoriumauditoriums and church again matson point in kaneoheKaneohe I1 livedalved on greengraen block on vineyard street and used to go to I1 used ti leaf skirts and cellophane costumes in my hula lanakilaLanak llailaiia ward on holokahanuHolo kahanu lane off lilihalllihalilaha street I1 went to my recitals mrs emily zuttermeisterZuttermeister made all of my cellophane meetings and activities one activity I1 enjoyed was volleyball skirts miriam leilanilei lani keawe also helped and her and through this sport I1 met michael keoni woodmood musicians played for my performances alvin isaac led the band michael wood attended etheaethe3the kamehameha school for boys I1 that played for our dances after the recitals it was known as used to travel from school street and pass through the theotheotha the KMM orchestra the tanaka band also played for our dance kamehameha boys school to practice volleyball at kalihi mission activities we had hostesses fortheseforror theseanese afterrecitalafter recital dances and gym we started a courtship and on april 3 1935 we were they were usually receptionists from hawaiian pineapple company namedmarried it wasnt long before michael haswas baptized into the we had fun and were very successful in my hula project church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints he became very sometime after my training with lokalialogalia montgomery I1 was active and soon held positions in the church for a time he was asked by brother wylie swapswapp to teach for the church college of ward clerkclark with bishop fred ellis I1 was the chorister for the hawaii in laie later from 1963 to 19b11981 I1 began the ward and also heldheidhold other positions weme later adoptadoptedLedimdged two long association with the polynesian cultural center as the children barbara ann wood and michael earl wood hawaiian hula instructor in 1901940 we were sealed to our adopted children in the since those young days in kananakahana when we used to serenade hawaiian temple my own children harry and emily makanoa were homes for church fund raising I1 have had a rich and varied life also sealed to us in the field of entertainment here are some of my experiences my hula training was an ongoing thing after I1 had left and blessings that have contributed to what I1 am today kahana pua haaheo asked me to train under him for six months I1 studied with him then went on to elizabeth lau who taught modern 1937 glee club hula in Ka pahulu her fumukumu had been pualani mossman the lessons 1937 1931943 isaac K joshua moana entertainers I1 tootookk costcoat twentyfivetwenty five cents each and lasted half an hour youd 1942iga 1943193 USOUSD group get about six songs in thirty minutesminutest and it was up to you to 1950 lei collins trio grab what you could get 1971947 1954 church fund raising in 1941lui141 I1 began teaching informally at kamehameha housing 1956 new zealand tour church fund with aunty alice namakelua in 1945 I1 decided to teach hula on my 196319&3 1981 polynesian cultural center own in the back of the lanakilaLanak llailaiia chapel there was a big home 197919811979 1981 hula instructor there that was used as an activity hall I1 paid a rental fee and aug 8a 19b019bu aunty sally day managed to grow in business in hula irene peters a school 1980 living treasure award polynesian cultural center teacher at likelikelakelikeLik elike school and a member of the lanakilaLanak llaliaiia branch 1981 merry monarch judge hilo was instrumental in helping me get established she was a good organizerorgani er and acted as my promoter my husband michael was my years ago I1 lost my eternal companion michael wood through constant companion and proved to be very supportive in all that I1 illness but in naymaynayamaysmaya 1979 I1 married george N naluai in the did in 1946 we moved to kam housing and I1 was offered a job as hawaii temple he also lost his wife lucy through illness the recreation director to help in the lei day and kamehameha day lord has blessed me with a wonderful companion for these special

2 years of nymy life his loeloveioveioe forrorfc r heavenly father has showns cm in his everyday living towards his family and mine several years ago we were both called on a mission to san diego where we served for a year this was veryweryverys very important to me because I11 never dreamed that I1 could be chosen to go on a mission with my companion I1 had always been in entertainment and it IS not an easy life I1 have made mistakmistakesemsespemp I1 have regrets I1 have adversities and trials but the lord has shown me over and over that he is always by my side my brothebrothersrax my sisterinsister in law and their families have also been loving and understanding whenever I1 needed help I1 owe all of my talents and service to my heavenly father and to the teachings of jesus christ I1 have learned much my testimony has grown and I1 hope that I1 can always be a valiant servant ENDNOTES 1 little tales about hawaii the king of neekneelsmeetmeekneetsmeets the Conquerconquerororsorp by clarice 0 taylor honolulu starstaesuar bulletin 1957 little tales about hawaii alapai warns his son to care for kamenamehakamehamehaKamenakamehamehasmeha by clarice B taylor honolulu star euletinvuletinbulletinpEu leuinletin 195711157

2a nenamang ina loeelorteloftelofreloma hula look to the hula resources 9 edited by wendell sylva and alan suemori edward enterprises inc honolulu hawaii 1984 p 109