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>Terag« Daily Cirembtloii > For the Moath cif JuM, {IM3 TIm Waatkcr Fowcaat iC O. 8, Waatker BarMa '

Bl^b«r,ot tHe Aattt Cooler tofrigkt. Boieav of ClMolatloBS MancKe$ter—^A City of Village Charm

VOL. LXL, NO. 242 (ClaMlOed AdverUotag on Faga 10) MAj^lCteSTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1942 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS First/War H«n> .Commissioned Gain \ In Lunge More Ground .s- X On la n X Enemy HU Heavily by Women Told Sombers Raid Three St|;ong Columns^ Royal Air Force De­ %Tr Driving ihtq Don River spite Desert Sand­ To Sacrifice Ruhr Valley’s Broadened to South; I On Footing Bend Towai^ Stalin­ storms; Attack on Ornimander in Chief | ' rrt r\ r » grad on Volga, ^Ad­ .....Coastal End of; Bat­ For Victory Pitots Again Of Second Soviet, l O L t e f c n d vance Sbuth o f Boga«^ tle Line and Contact i "Shock Army Captured; —— char as Russians Fall Also Made Between Must Galvanize Them­ Strong Force \ Attacks . In. Volkhovo Begi6n Germans Enforce New Back Fighting to Pre­ Columns Inland. selves into Action Be- Industrial Objectives As Nazis . Advance.' Precautions in BeU vent Being Flanked. fore They Become Vic­ In Fourth Raid^ on Cairo, July Axis Berlin (From German giumy North France; Moscow, July 14./-(A*)—• armored forces have been re­ tims of blitzkrieg. Germany This Monti^. . Brig. Gen. George L. Van Deusen pins, the gold bars of a second Broadcasts), July 14.—(iT*)— Second Front Pushed. Three powerful German col­ pulsed in another '"eastward lieutenant on Joseph Lockard, 20, of Wllliamport, Pa., whoke warning The German, wedge into the umns, driving into, the Don ‘ London, July 14—(AT-^A Strong xrf approaching planes at Peart Harbor Dec. 7 went unheeded. lunge on the Egyptian corri­ Los Angeles, July 14— (F)— A Don river front has been London, July 14— (A>)—German river bend toward Stalingrad force of R.A.F. bombers attacked Watching toe ceremony at Fort Monmouth, N. IS Mrs. Pauline dor battle front and the ene­ French veteran o f the First World broadened to th^ south and occupation authorities were re^, on the Volga, gained further industrial objectives in the Ruhr Locknrd, the new lieutenant’s bride of a few months. _ m y has been hit heavily by war warned American women to­ Axis mobile co'lumns,' breach­ ported today to have put The ground today south of Bogu- valley last night In their fourth the R.A.F. despite desert day they "must 'galvaniM them.- ing strong defense positions, Netherlands. on an “invasion" char where the Red Army raid on Germany this month, the sandstorms, British head­ selves into action before \they bC' footing and enforced new defense Air Ministry announced today. have penetrated deeply into fell back fighting to prevent quarters announced today. come the next victims of tbe Axis precautio'nB in Belgium and north­ being flanked. (Axis reports blitzkrieg." TTie German high command aaid the Red Army-lines, the Ger­ The enelny attacked, with tanlfs New Name Takeji. man high command said , today. It' ern France as the British press rtoching. London through Stock­ and trffck-borpe InfMtry at the Dr. Paul Perigord, w o f k ^ r of the Britlahi bombed the important clamored With growing insistence Frenidi rivilizaiion at the Untver reported that at the opposite flank holm said the German drive had coastal end oj! the bi^ttle line wMt •InduMrlal city of Duisburg, about of the Russian battlefront, in toe for a second front to help Russia. eatried through Kazans)«,'30 miles Of El Alaihein yesterday, a com-, s|ty hf California at Los Angeles, A Dutch government spokesman who won a captain's commission 15 miles north of Duesseldorf, be­ Volkhovo region southeast of beyond Boguchar, and. Migulinak, jniinlque said, and there was con­ Leningrad, Lieutenant General said information had been receiv­ 10 more miles southeast—to about With the French Army and was tween the Ruhr and the Rhine. By Free French ed that many important German tact also between opposing col- decorated with the Legion of Hon­ DulAburg has toany' blast furnaces Vlassov, commander In chief of 16() mile's from Stalingrad.) i| umna InJand, on th? esouthem end military offices at The Hague .had or and thd French. War Cross be­ and metal plants and is an import­ the Second Soviet Shock Army, been moved inland to Hilveraum Menaced by Second Thrust of the line, but there was no Indi­ fore he w ^ invalided bechuse of ant opal and Irolr ore center, It had been captured."" ,. Stalingrad also was menaced by cation Which side was on the ol- and other points closer to the Ger­ wounds, declared In an addre.ss has a I population of about 275,000. Offensivo Frbpt Broadened man border following a . tour of a M on d thrust eastward from fenslve there. "M u y Arcs were left burning,” On Bastille Day Llslchan^,'some 140 miles south­ a conimuniqile said. , "In the southern - sector of the Supply lines Harried .(Oonttnned on Page Two) eastern front,” the war bulletin (C!ont&laed on Two) west o f”te)guchar. As the land front flared back Five Aircraft Missing said, "the German offensive front .f Red Star said that along too. Into action, Britain harried the Five of, the raiding aircraft were ^Fighting French’ Re­ has been broadened towards the whole Don front the Germans had Axis Mediterranean W P 'y.' Ihies, reported missing. Alcohol to Be south. thrown "great superiority In men trying with the great gu.ns of hfr Orders Taking The Berlin radio, in a .previous dedicate Themselves Japan/Torm^ and maebiries" into todr offen­ 'Tenaciously defended enemy sive. fleet and far-ranging bombers of announcement of the. raid, said ^sitlons were breached. the R.A.F. to chOke off reinforce­ two of the British bombers were ‘ To Expulsion of Ger­ The Army organ, expresaing too Chief Source "In pursuing toe enemy, mobile ments for the enemy and Whittle Married Men shot down. ■ mans aiid Restoration c Across Russian desire for a second front, down his reseri’e of machines and The German high command la. columns penetrated deeply Into the said: supplies. tar revised the figure up to five, Of ‘Liberty, Equality, For Rubber movements of toe Russians and “The Germans want to defoat' "A ir activity was Intenslfled in At .Very End conforming to toe British an­ shattered retreating columns of all Coast Area uo before our .Mlies'ean land, da .the battle art^a," said the joint re­ nouncement. Fraternity’ in France. arms.” the continent." \ / ' port of British headquarters .and The commwlque.,4lid not name The high command said Rus^lussMn There was no z)>eclflo informa­ the R. A. F.. Nelson Expects to Get Single War W orkw to the target or the attack, but an London, July 14.—(yp)— fprhes were encircled by a swlft- Chinese in Counter-At­ tion as to how far toe ituaalann "Our fightetf, fighter-bombers informed British source said the More Synthetic from ly-executed German tank move­ fell back south of Boguchar, but and light bombers attacked landing bomba were aimed at heavy in­ The Free French followers of ment northwest o f Voronezh. dlspatcheo said aaveml kilometers. grounds in the El Daba ° area, a Be \Drafted Before tack Pusli Invaders dustries, blast furnaces, an elec­ Gen. Charles De Gaulle, hard­ Process Than frbqi "In toe central zectlon of toe Plan Stand On Boat Bank column of tanks and large concen­ Husbands and Fathers tric power station, a rail junc­ ened by two years of exile : Back to .Outskirts Tbero seeniod JMs possibility that trations' of vehicles. -front," the war bulletin added, tion and a railroad bridge across from thdr Nazi-stricken Petroleum in 1943. '"several local attacks of'the ene­ the. Russians fa n n e d their next "A ll attacks were successful, Under New. Ru1ing% the Rhine.. Of Linchwan Again. main stand'on toe east bank at some tanks being destroyed and homeland, celebrated Bastille my were repulsed and positions A spell of bid flying weather in­ Washington, July 14— .The where the Russians had been In the Dpn^ as *at Voronezh, rather at least six enemy aircraft were Washington, July' 14—(IP)—Draft Day tciday under a new name, Chungking) July 14.—(Jf)— The than risk entrapment on toe west shot down in addition to others de­ terrupted toe R. A . F.'s attkeks War Production Board expects to- readuvess were shattered. headquarters specifically g reeted on (3«rmany after daylight raids the “Fighting French,” and Japanese have completed an arc bank. stroyed on the ground." K«t more synthetic rubber from Fveln at Voronezh, however, toe Local Boards today to /'^call up on Danzig and Plenaburg Satur­ rededicated themselves to the acrosa coaatM Chekiang province Five Raiders Destroyed alcoholic sources than trom petro­ Russians acknowledged that - the All these air operations, includ­ married men last, taking single day. TTie last previous night expulsion of the Germans from from Hangchow on the north to raid by toe R. A. F: was carried leum in 1943, Chairman. Donald Mr Oermans bad effected a break ing a battle over Maltk yesterday war workers before husbands and Fnuice and toe rsatoraUon of Nelson told a Senate A gricultc^ Military Trial -out ' againat Wilhelmshaven "^on "liberty, equality and fraternity.” Wenchow on the aoutk, the'Chi­ throii^ by pouring . tremendous In which at least five enemy raid­ fathers. ' Subcommittee today. forces into a narrow salient. ers were destroyed and others July 8. The new official name of toe De nese high command indicated to­ The local boards were Instructed Nelson kaid facilities were avail­ After' toe one break-thTOUgh, damaged, cost .the British only one Flying OOndltioaB Net Ideal Gaulle movement, accepted by the able to produce in excem of .toe In Sixth Day day, but it aaid tKe Chineae In by orders sent odt>slaat night to British . Foreign Office,. Is La however, the Russian stand stiffen­ plane. fill their quotas U ^^is order: Flying conditions atlll wer^.nof 100,000 tons of elastic which had their counter-attack in Kiangsi ed and defenses held. From toe One by one, Britain's air and ideal last night, the British In­ France Combattante.— fighting been assigned. to toe -alcohol -pro­ province.directly to the west had sea arms picked off the porta be­ 1. Single men with no d.epend- France. noitb flknk other Red Army forces entsi formant said,' but he added the cess in a program estimated to Faint . Indication of pushed the enemy back to the still bolding the west bank of to# hind Nazi Field Mai-shal Erwin loss of five planes was not pro­ British Join In. Celeb rati on ^ ^ u c e 800,000 tons yearly. outskirts of Linckwan. Rommel whence he might get more 2. Single men who uo not con­ Faster Tempo in Hear­ Don northwest of Voronezh coun­ tribute to the war .effort *but who portionately large. Britona turned out in. cheering X jw e will get more rubber (rom 'The Chinese communique said ter-attacked and drove back two men and material to tip the bal­ alcoholic sources in 1943 than the Japanese had reached the en; ance on the deadlocked front and have dependents:.^^. . . Three hundred persona were thousands, breaking police lines, ings o f 8 Saboteu't^. 3. Single mpri with dependents killed or are d i^ n g and 337 are to join the fighting French In a from' petroleum,” ',he teftifled. vtrona of JVenchOw on Saturday (Continued on Page Nias) put hik stalled drive on Alexandria Nelson testified toat the coun­ night. ( T l ^ Japanese announced back in motion.. and^Who corttribhle to" the war ef-, In hospitals as a result of Ger­ spontaneous, celebration which en­ tort:*’ /'■ \ man «dr raids oiv the United thusiastically reaffirmed the com­ try’s maximum production of Syn­ BuUetln?“ the port’s capture Saturday.) WTieh Matruh, the Axis’ most thetic rubber, based on toe. amount 4^kfarrled men wlthduV children Kingdom In June, th«~Home Se­ mon cause of the British and the Washington, July 14.---(A) In Kl’angal, Chineim dispatches of materials which could be made said that toe Japanese who bad (Continued on F ^ e Four) who are not engaged in T^e war curity M lnist^ anq^xmeed .today. De GaulUsts. —The m utary Commission effort; \ • The da>'’a observances were cap­ available for that purpose without sitting in life or death Judg-- fanned-out westward from Linch­ Flashes I 5. M uried men without children ped with a colorful review at Wri- taking them away from other es­ ment of eight accused Nazi wan now were being pursued back who are engaged in-the war effort; llngton-barracka where newly of- sential military .uses, 'was covereo saboteurs reported today at into the city by three converging (Late Bniletlas of the (C) W be) 6. M arri^ men living with W fe nized F’ighting French com- -in the 800,000-ton program. Its noon recees that most of columns of Chinese. The Japanese l^itain Holds Vichy Rejects ^ Investigation Being Pushed and children or children only land andos, .Alpine chasseurs, French the morning had been 'spent force was estimated by a cfhlnese Admits Conspiracy Chsfge who are not engaged in the m r .val, air and women’s auxiliary Senator Norris (Ind-Neb) pro­ In reading of documenta The spokesman last week to number tested that this appeared to pre­ New. York, July 14— Wil­ ^ a d i n A i r effort: \ Moving Ships units aaluted De Gaulle. documento were not Identlfled 30,000. liam Luedtke,. 39-year-old national 7. Married men living with w^lfe clude toe development of-addition­ nnd the commission gnve no A Japahese attack on Riwang, lie Lieut. Gen, Dwight D. al processes,'.but Nelson insisted secretary of the OermeB-.Angeilq^ _ and children or children only who — ' ■' /'' Eisehhower, United States com­ other Information hfiyond which has ebang^ hands twice Bund, acknowledged a Federal' are engaged in the war effort. ' that technol^cal. »investigation already, and nqw Is held by the mander for the European theater; was being push saving that It would sit In the charge of conspiracy to oounsal Lytteltdn Sa^s Field Ar­ *f6 be classed as a married roan Two PfojMisals fo^ Re- Admifql Harold R. Stark, com- afternoon "i»1thout regard to C3iinese, was repulsed after a Bundlsts to refuse to ser\'e In iha a registrant muat have been mar­ Somebody hs(l\to decide to go i r o m mande.r'^or toe European theater; hours." pitched' battle lasting 12 days, the armed forces and \1olate the aMen tillery Clompares Well ried before'Dec. 8, 1941, and must moval-v from /Egypt ahead with toe p: ogram toe bMt Chinese said. , The town Is 35 Admiral ^ a ro ld R. Stark, com­ -vay they knew regiatraUqu ..law today by chang­ be living with his wife or children. mander of U. \S. Naval forces in Nelsoti ex- Washington, July 14.'—((Pi— With miles south" of Linchwan. With That o f Nazis. Refuseovb^ Laval. plained, adding .le was not ing his eariier plea of innocent to. 84 Essential Activities. Bhiropean wstera,' and Brig. Gen. a faint Indication o f a faster tempo planes Destroy MHltary Foipta guilty. Lu^tke, one of the' Bund’s Charlea L. Bolte, U. S. military closing bis.' mind to \ changes toat Allied bombers '"destroyed a London, July 14— (AT —Oliver To guide local boards on whether Washington, July 14.—(A)— Act­ might Iky Increased)emphasis on in the proceedings, . the military top-ranking executlvce, was In­ or not a man la engaged In the ing Secretary of State Welles dis­ repKaentative i to toe Fighting large number' of Japanese mili­ dicted w-lth 28 others last week In Lyttelton, minister of state in French CommlUee, watched. Gen­ hew prosesses, and that "he was trial o f eight saboteurs who ship­ charge of production, told the war effort, draft headquarters closed today that toe- Vichy gov­ tary establishment-i on the Yang­ the government’s announced drive eral De’ Gaulle W d ' Rear Admiral hopeful "new p ^ e s ^ will be tze river below Hankow on July House of Copamons in opening the issued a list of 34 essential activi- ernment had rejected two pro­ discovered.” ^ ped from Germany on submarines to amaoh the Bund. .At his own re­ Philippe-Marie .Auboyneau, his the Chineae Cen.tral News debate on production today that tiesi posals for the removal of demili- He' said The Publicker Commer­ entered toe sixth day today. quest. he was brought before Fed­ In granting deferment for occu­ Nsval chwf, pinned medals on 38 Agency reported today. eral Judgp Bascom S. Deaver to­ Britain still mslntains its ‘‘lead in tariked French warahlpa from toe FYehch war -heroes. cial Alcohol Oo„ at Philadelphia, Two developments were taken as the air, particularly in quaUty:” pational reasons the- board initst Egyptian war zone. which.uses toe so-called “polish" signs of a speedup in the trial: The • Since July 1 was the date reg^- day to c h u g e his plea. .\s a result, For toe third time, Frenchmen o f hU plea, Luedtke faces a maxi­ In an obvious, reply to repeated The seven warships involved in occupied', BYance spent the na­ process of obtaining rubber from decision of the seven generals sit­ Btatements by critics that British (Contlnned on Page Two) ' were demilitarized, by agreement ting in life or death judgment on (Continded on Page Two) mum of seven years’ Imprison­ tional holiday in toe grip ‘ of toe ment and fines totaling 870,099 aa design and production of guns and with the British, ihottly after the German secret police and toe '' (Continued on Page Tw o)- the eight men to meet longer hours tanka lagged behind the Oermans, fall o f France In 1940 and since each day, and toe end of long ques­ well'as denaturalization: German Army. • • • Lyttelton s^d Uiat IH* field artil­ then have remained In the British In 1940 the ahock of toe French -Treasury Balance tioning of. t-wo FBI agents. lery there wpa^no reason "to be Gasoline jBlast Naval base at Alexandria. collapse had left the 'people atun- .1 . ______The' tV)o agents occupied the Guard Points Indians Wipe Out Resistance President Roosevelt, Wells said, New pelhl, India, July 14—<(P)— frightened at our equipment com­ ned and moumfUl. In. 1941, after a Washington, July 14-HA^—The .stand from Friday morning until' pared with the Germans.” proposed to Vichy on July 3, that year of German occupation, there position of the Treasury July 11: after the luncheon recess Monday, Ipdlan .Army foross using ipara- Have Necessary Fire Power Fatal to Four the warships be moved through the was no taste for a. celebration of much of toe time being used in To Accused chute troops havs, wiped out major Suez canal under the protectlye Receipts, $23,322,929.98; expen­ The tanks ^ o w being produced, blessings wl^ich too Germans had ditures, $290,974,311.78; net bal­ cross-examination by defense coun^ resistance among the Hun, a Lyttelton said, "have tbs neces­ custody of the United States and sel. After the secrnid agent was bearded, turbaned sect of beretlcaf ' sailed to an American port, or ance, $2,500,681,998.9^ customs sary flr.p power for today’s battles Eight Others / Injured Four) receipts for month, $10,202,099.64. dismissed in toe afternoon, the LeoUski Identified as Moslems In Sind province wrfao re­ and new types derigm^ to be some neutral port, for internment commission heard "certain other cently went on a rampage of train made In the United States and thla As Plant and Two until too end pf toe war. government witnesses." Soldier Crawling tin­ wrecking and raids upon villages, country give us reasonable assur­ In Frecarioas Posltioa ■\’ military' quarters reported today. ance of that superiority which Is Nearby Houses Razed. The President pointed out to the Shortens Luncheon Becaas I der Fence Near Park. Subjugation of the outbreak was required for victory.” Vichy government that toe .war­ The commission, announcing | reported ackleved by 27 Creators pf Fashion Meet that It would "si( without regard i He said the Joint WarsProduc- WaynesviUe, N. C.,. July 14—UP) ships at Alexandria were in a pre­ Melbourne, July 14—i.ei—Aui- ; law executipns, hundreds of ar- tion Staff recently had given carious position always likely to to hours,” shortened its luncheon > rests and paracbtite attacks la tho —A thunderous explosion early to­ recess and sat an hour longer In | tralian guard idehlifled Private ‘ ^higher allocation df raw. mata- day at the distributing plant of be subject to attack, whereas if 'Challenge on Conservation I marauders’ stronghold of Maikhl riala to the merchant ahipbulldlag they were removed to another port the afternoon. Edward J. Leonskl of New York Dhund, o: "honey •wtamp.'* The Standard Oil Company of far from the war zone they would ■The militaiy trial shared intef.- and Naval program”- jqht as In New Jersey killed at least four before a United States miUUry 1940 the emphasis was put on %!>’* be safeguarded and returned to est yesterday with the prospMt of court today as the 'American sol­ Held .As Slaying Suspect persons and boa'pltalised - eight France after the war. Los Angeles, July 14— (Ah—W lt o ^ o the feminine-fussy type* .that crin^nsl proceedings in the civil graft and in 1941 on tanka. >> othera. ^ e condition of the In­ a riot of colors and Ingenuity of take the place' of a hostess dier he saw come under a fence in Schenectady, N. Y,, July 14 —- . Britain Is not ce n so rin g the' At the same time Mr. Roosevelt design, California faafaioD creators courts against 14 persona accused the vicinity of the park where the ((p)— A Lewiston, Me„ -nian was jured was described as serious. warned Vichy that If tola offer Has Zlpperlees Closing of assisting the eight Nazis. These numufacture at aynthetfe rubber have met toe material-conserva­ body of Miss Gladys Hosking was held by Schenectady poUee. today The plant and two nearby houses were rejected the British would ^ One style has a zipperless included toe wife of toe leader of at present, the production chief were destroyed and three other tion challenge oC the War Produc- Ing consisting of a wide front pan found last May. on a charge of vagranci and for, said, because “ there is no mvtBf justified in ordering toe French one group who landed from a suh- Lsonski war: pointed out by toe possible questioning la the abduc­ houses were damaged. warships out of Alexandri Uon Board. el fastening with two large but­ In shipping unless synthetic rub-' . The detonation nras heard for And toe buyers apparently ap- tons. Pockets ere set toward toe Australian In the courtroom where tion murder of Franeea Ooehraa, a her Is derived ultimately toroush the canal, and if they (OonttiMied oa Page Two) 19-year-old Lymi, Masa , book­ miles around and giant tongues of not follow such British ordera' provs. Remstratidns at toe annu­ ifrhnt to give a peg top appeaiV he is being tried on charges of the coal flame Ueked a; tke sky In a bril­ a l fall faaluon showing at toe As­ once,. enhanced tapering cuff^ murder of Miss Hosking. 40,-.' and keeper. Detective S e r ^ Frank "Our Mhey Is to eencentrato on Brltiah would be fully justified War Crosa Oli-ea Lidice , W vlUe said the man waa an erted liant pyrotechnic display. d^ktroying them. sociated Apparel Manufsetureta at less trousers ■ two other Melbourne womeh. Mrs reduction of synthetic rubber In Leak la Hose item Oaose Los Angsles are running ahead of The draped peg top .effect ex^ Pauline Buchan Thompson. 31, add 'Bniiday night on a girl’s complaint la United States," he said. This otter, however, was reject­ London. July 14—(>Pi—President that he was displaying shaeeas B J. L Stringfleld, chief of police ed by Chief of -Government Pierre last yinr't. ^ ' tends also to garments of ell sorts Eduard Benea o f toe Czech pro- Mr*. Ivy Violet McLeod, 41. Agreement On Uniforms in this little mountain town, aaid l.,aval. By Boeans of embrqidered trim­ from sports dresses to long eve­ I.,eoDski has pleaded innocent. pictures. Lyttelton said an agreement had yizipntr government awarded the the explosion occurred at 3:30 a. ■ On July 9_^Presldent Roosevelt ming, contrasting colors and ma­ ning gpwns.v Jumper dresses and The prooecuUon in the second been reached whereby the United Czechoslovak war cross today to Roof Damaged by fire m. while' a large gasoline trans- made a second proposal. He sug­ terials and cutting' technique, the jumper slaelceuits are designed to Lidice, the village wiped out by day of the court martial called itatet would manufacture unl- por( was unloading. He aaid that gested that toe warships be with­ designers have made toe most of be worn witb bipusea or sweaters, .American and Australian soldiers HarUord, July 14—(P)— A sec- I (oima for the BriUlh"troops In the the Germans Jutie ' 10 on the tloa ef the reel df the new addl- indications were that a leak in the drawn through the Suez canal and thdir restricted material to give for variety and for economy of ground toat toe population har­ and a government expert iki an Middle Blast while the British hose touched off the blast, igniting proceed, under British and Ameri­ toe Illusion of much more cloth. fkbrica effort to Hnk Leonskl with toe tioa tq the Pratt A W M ty y dhd- irould make uniforms for the bored toe aasasains of Reinhard some 40,000 gallons of gasoline. can guarantees of safe passage, to They have even conveyed the. Im­ Tailored suits come with shorter Heydrieh. murders. Americana In Qraat Britain. Mrs. Andrew Caldsrell and her the French Caribbean poasMsion pression of pleata.where none'ex- jackets, slimmer skirta, and some Ob Special Flekat Duty psMy*a W est Hartford plaah wa*^ "This arrangement will extend two children were burned to death Martinique. There, he said, they ‘■tdr with topcoats In the same fabric, Beal Eatate Developer Dlea The Australian who was called damaged by Are shortly * to weapons. Army equipment and m their home adjacent to the could be Unmobliixed for the dur­ As might have been expected as well as a pair of slac||^‘ a Jump­ flrat today aaid ha was on special aooB today. Tlie blade, roj ilre n ft," he said. *^Unt, and in unidentified oU trans­ ation of the war in the aame way with women's increasing war ac­ er dress or. u o r t slacks.-The short Wotceatar, Masa., July 14— — picket duty when he saw "a sol-. hash fetarted when tar b He deacribed the United States port truck driver alas missing. that French warahipa already at tivities, slacks play a prominent date or dinner dress, streamlined Thomas E. O'Oonnell, one of the Aer coma underaeath a fince." phad to ths rsef Igaitad. sproai ihipbulldlng i»egrem as a "fasd- Among the' Injured were W. L Martinique are being immobilized. part in the display o f 1942 fall to save cloth, often has jeweled most widely known real estate “ He passed between some rating and eimnnt-fantastic Indus- Hardin, manager of the plant and fsshlons. They range from abort touches and trimming of a second deveU^wn la New Ehgland. died jlMaSr"' kUl Mfelfvement" y Fire Oiief U L Keriy. ** Paaw < sladta eoiplag just below the knee. or third inaterlal. today at St. Tmcea^S^tal. (OeailBwaf ea Pag* Twp) „ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGHRariER. CXJNN. TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1941 PAGE T H B ^ X. .i s a L TWO ^l^yCHESTER HERALD. MANCHESTER; Cat^N- lXE5DAr> JULT H, 1942 Six Day Week of calling to tha naihe of the WWld Protect Odd Eye Disea^ Made Size of Fort Bragg streets, but in Snoet cases, exper- Mancheshe^ W a r Bobm Hits, Skips ienoed drivcra were on band to Sinkingsflit Luncheon Meet Orders Taking Would Allow ' stMgtateh out the troubla. with Against Bombs Worse by War Tension In Colt Plant every Incident taken care of ~ Daie Book^ Really Is Staggering all dear found but aeven ambu­ Total ol Of New Club Married Men aK Changes All Sections of Nation lances dot finishing up calls Which Today As Very Satisfactory 1'.' School' Board Favors By Howard W. Blnkeolee < Glaucoma was Mlltoh'* trouble. Women to . Limited had been received prior to the InstallaH of Officers, K. of C- ~r Wide WorM ScleMW Editor Is depicted on old engravings final signal. larines Enter Gulf (ot*i 'SheridaltiKd^^oo p.m. i S H r o p t iiiiis t G r o u p at t Very El Proposes Opening of W ar . Risk Insurance showing’that It was a commoneye y-Tp 48 Hdu^ ,as Re: NW ,Hou.rt From 60,. Empire State building ‘Kj reglitiatio^ for commercial ■ Town’ s Booming with New York. July 14—A special Unusually Fast Tims Save Grease/ bto'ckout warning to peraons with trouble and the seemingly gesM 0 0 0 t o 8 5 , 0 0 0 M e n o n Adolf Hiller from, marching up • fe e t Aa enemy boipber enmhed O f SL\^I.^WFence S e c ­ vehlctcs. Country Club Hears Bill to Amendments on On Properties./, suit o f Ultimatum. <. I t o f 2S Incideniui la Held la rear of 'houac. No' flr*. Ohs of the yellow flags was I Page- ■ei War Business Sit Be- glaucoma, to get where there Is back to man's earliest history. / „ Fifth avenue, ' turday, July 18 Worry, grief, hate, fear, anxiety 1 0 T ',U tH t* A c r e K e s e r * T h e ' emphasis on offensive' Three of the crew kiUad and.three plaoed to front of 87 Fairfield ond Time in 2 M oi^s. OrfordNSoan company closes for Organization Histo Income Levies. some Ught, comes from the Na­ FjOnly Twa Were Ne^ T- first decide whether e/ m tn is en­ side'Those with Vacant With but three o f the seven tional Society for tor Prevention and lixcltement all, the society de­ 'Hartford, July 14^^ - All i,’ reaches Into individual training, aa Injured aeverely. street at 7:47>«. -It so happened two weeks location. \ v a t i o i i . gaged In one of thoM-actlvltles and o t Blindneas. , ' clares, are liable to make glau- maleNimpIoyca of the Colt’S. Pat­ well, for which Carolina's sand fleeted y-Some Key Sector 7-C—41 Kensington that the warden was standing By The Assocll^e^. Pres.a Annual outing,. Hose Oo. No. 1, The recently orsAiilzed Sorrfptl- Washthgton, July 14— (JPt Homes and Shops. members of the Board Of Educa-- Street An explosive bomb ^ell across the street at the time and then determine that his particular "Prepare for wartime blackouts opma worse. Hence a special warn­ ent Flr^. Arms - ManufactimM : hills ami pine woods furnish ideal Matibofough ' mi.st'ciub, the first women's ae/vlce tion present at the special meet­ Dispatchers Absent. near the rear of house bipwing in without showing too much excite­ Brazenly penetrating^the Gulf of job makes him t/'necessary rnan.” Chairman Sabath (D-Ill) of the with- special curtains, so that long ing is to*oed for those persons Co. will be''pii^t- on a six day w e ^ B* Bill B«nl ‘ ^ terrain. . St. Lawrenca for tha aycond time ' Monday,. Jidy 20 Also, tbe firm iq which he is em­ By JamM Marlow and ing laat night, placing of war risk who iMiye toe trouble, even In In­ Wide World Military Editor j Infantrymen of a triangular windows. No fire. 4 persons ment be opened -the letter which club in J^art(tocsle‘r,,held*a lunch­ House Rufes Committee today pro­ exposure to the dark will be un­ and women be limited to 48 In two montha, on'a or mbrr'enemy Special Selectmen'bs.meettog to ployed mustr''^be fulfilling a wsr 'william Pinkerton insurance oii school properties necessary’.” saya a. statement by cipient form, ,to be careful about ■hr» Rraire v ' p ju iv ''1*— division (which has three tofan- Aecordlns to Honry Mallory, severely cut by glasa' . told him that the bouse'^ad been act on Defense Housing;, Munici­ eon meeting last night at the posed opening the $6,250,000,000 Ort Bragg. C., July l regimente. each with a Ught hit by ar incendiary bomb; an oil aubmarlnea have sent three contract, netformlng a government Washington, July 14— (Wide Dr. Mark J. Schoenberger, chair­ controlling-toeir reactions to war. hours a week batoning Wednes­ oC tho Air Raid Warden Scr- Sector 8-B—39 Ashworth pal building at 8. Country club, tax bill to . “about a half-a-dozen nlll be decided by letters sent to Sbolfid. you, or even an Axle agent, artillery hattahon. and a general Street A ; high explosive bomb t tok had exploded and the bouse merchantmen to the bottom service/te a service necessary to ■World)—The war economy has man of toe society's committee on Dr. Schoenbejig says that when day, state .Labor Commissioner those . . Sdturday, July 25 tion of the major amendments" on corpora­ the other members of the board.- Cornelius J. Danaher'-announced have ofiy lingering delusions that headquarters meddium artillery bat­ ;1rtea to ' Manehaater, laat nisbt's fell- in stre'et,making a large cra­ was on fire. Six persons were in­ life In support of the war '•raced across America like’ s Kan­ glaucoma. - * person has a .dormant case of . Four seamen were’ - killed, four \Annual outing Hose Co. NdK3, o . ■ , or he mu.sf be supplying ma- tion and todlA’idual levies when it The special committee named by glaucoma, the nenrouA tension and today. \ ' our A rm ^ s training for and plan­ talion) are sent out singly into the tt provad veiy aatlafactory. Out ter______breaking______sewer, water____ and ,, ..gas jured. His also read the F. D., SSano cottage. It is not so much toe darkness mlaaing and 99. rescued In the at­ i tgfial for such firm.s. __ sas tornado, hitting here and skjp- the board- to im-estlgate the riised itself as worry or fears that may emotion of reading rii(.Jistening to The announcement folkvrit^ a ning to fight a defensive war, I woods armed' with bayoneted rifle aSuicidanU. all were weU takeiT ,p,ing „ d pjectric and telephone report and instead of going into ion. day following __ reaches the Iloor for debate, pro­ can't conceivb.rf any better cure tacks on July 5. Canadian Navy plng there with no apparent rca-, When a S. warahip bounces a of Insurance reported that It was go with',prolonged blackouts that war news may cause the.condition conferene'e yesterday betvbetween! and hand grenades. or with the exception of two, . window* all broken. , S the house at 87 Fairfield atreet londay, August g w England conference will bo -Tfie; essential'activities were: ' bably fnurs<»y. U. than a visit to Ifie cozy little Afiiiy t^WdMra there was some confusion where there wa-s a telephone, be Minister Angus" MacDonald an­ heldv with the Hhrtforil Soro son. ' ' depth charge onto an Axis sub- not only considered well to have cause this warning. Glaucoma is to become active and suddenly Danaher and - Dwight • G.- -hel^Phelpb An explosion goes off in'-a tree- people aeverely cut by No nounced yesterday. With five OuUng''

f -V \

MANXHEST^R EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. J V L Y y t t B i ^ I- •' teuir ■ X v - ■ , . ■ . • I • - . •v' . _ ' " T -r IL^NCBESTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTFP. CONN. TUESDAY, JULY 14.1948 PAGE FIVB ever, did not go so far a* banging Ui'th* scrap rubber collection hei^, Axis^nits Beaten 'closing th* drive and its extension. ______:______------•______: T* out flag! although a>ost stores Coleman Heads 700 Vii^tims eclares Axis Ira C. Turshen,. chairman of .the ut Tow n Butler Death North Stonington, Mr. and closed for the day. salvage committee, now reports Public ceremonies, such as tbe In P u ^ Eastward Edward Miller and daughter, i i ’jss Clean Rivert -^l 7,200 pounds Collected, or more A. spes(|d'meeting of the Amert- Wapping Harriet and son Edward of Mil-, laying of the wreath here, were Hose Company O f R e p r^ ls than seven pounds on the averag* ' Is Unsolved __ •;■ •'* , V Met Rebuffs le i^ only In unoccupied France can-Utauinian CHlzens club will Hfrav W. IV; Graat ford were Sunday visitors at the 4 V • ■■ ■ ’ I On Egyptiim^rbnt for each man, wpman and child in be /'Mid '^rtday 'evening at 8 home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellogg and today there was even less of­ th* town. This is regarded as be­ sr s 1 o rs 789*. Manebaotor Big Pn)blem- ficial participation than last year. ^dlbck in Golway Hall, Golway White. No. 1 of the North End C r o a t s KJH m ing a Splendid’ achievement, aa the Police SUU Baffled by X- Officer Tell* A t one corner a delegation from (Oealiniied from Pag* diB ) qbota for towns the aiae. of Hebron street. A picMc has been planned Mr. and Mrs., Lean Fogil 'of Alsace-Lortalne, dreesed In r»- Selects Leaders; Chief AssassinMion of Gea*' la only 2,200 lbs. • (or the hear future and all mem­ Murder, o f Young Man The Wapping Library is to ^ Manchester spent Sunday at the iKeepiiig Streams Frca, Refuel |o Aid in gional costume*, watched the pro­ bers of the club are urged to at­ opened on Monday evenings' from home of Mr. 'and.^Mrs. (Harehce advanced eupplyjsorfr- barely , Bus aervice fq.i Hebroii seearw to ceedings.' The guard of honor at Calls ^Meeting. ^ mile* back, llteiidiy wa* knocked stapo CAief of Zagheb. tend to discuss this matter. —Is Buried Today. 4He homp/^maimakers of Ripley Hill. 7 till 9 p/ m. and on Thuraday aft- Fogil. X Plots of Axis. be still the sir." It is reported : /was iiyiu hpM MondayMon(! aftemcion at th^ FromX Pollution Calls the monument wore black sum- out by British Naval plann and Stafford IS eraooDS ftom 3 till 6 p. m. through Miaa Marion O^U of Rye, N. bands in memory of Marshal Frap- that a hearing on the project may Rockviile Bolton Bcme^of Mr*. WinUirqp MerriaijC the summer. For Ingenuity. CSilef Roy Griswold of the Man­ warships which flung 700 sheila in Lemdap. July 14.—(/^-r-A Yugo- take place.'iir^artford lii th* near A sewing meeting of the Ameri­ Southington, July 14— UP—St. Y., la visiting her Dkqfiier-in-law » city. Ji^ 14—0^ — chet Desperey who died last week. the harbor, the Axia had to look / Ml** S: .Helen Roberta, Opm- Joha a NeMa Mia. John B. Staala chester Fir* department art- .slav goveh^ent spokeaman de­ future. \ can Laglon Auxiliary will be held Thomas' church, which accommo­ Lewis H. CtMpmaa m * . Gestapo following aisagsslnatlon of trout season, usuallyNcK^ing July ’ X - V Reaching ^ r lOOth ..birthday Mr. and Mnf. aarence Wrialey, Mrs. Minnie' HUrlbutt of Cort- that the k ^ J n g of. Connectlcufa headquarters at Main and-Halliard landed. 15, haa been extended to and in­ bert Butler, Jr., 21, who was mys­ .Truck and tractorr .owners in ter street, Wapping. Iwd Intarvlawa laet night that Fund Raiaing Bombed for Three the Gestapo chief of Zkgreb. Sunday Mrs. JAnnle M. Waikef. Miss Bertha ^^'Keeney of Man­ Innd, N. Y., w ho is moving to, lustres ms and ‘ril)4q;s_ free from in­ New, Orleans, July — Gen. streets at 8 o'clock Aarp. it was cluding July 31. Those whiv had to Mr. and Mra,. George Xj-oot* teriously slain In' Meriden early Bolton may register fpr gasoline Harry P. Files, Sr., of Boston, labuffcd the Oarmana and the But Tobruk, itself ,an almost The spokesman said the GeWapo Saturday tnorping. New Teachers^ .^iliiiigt^n Stafford's oldest resident revealed chester, were' guests of Tolland Columbia this week and her son dustrial polluliop in the face of Charles De Gaulle, commander of understood that the department is give up their aqgling on arimunt moved yesterday from 113 lyella for the vehicles apd machinery Maas., spent the week-end with his Frank R. Hurlbutt 't)f ■. Green­ TTiqwnne In att*q|)U to aoUcit daily target for theA. F., next chief was a Major Helm and'\hat street where they have lived for a Miss Lorraine DePiisol, 17, of the Free French', in a Ba.atille Day contemplating a carnival for the of the woods being closed to oVpid at the office qf- OUve Toomey, BUa* le«al*,.R. ^korefe that plenty of rest, calm, drinx friends Sunday and visited the son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jud- wich, Conn., were callcni

.V>: ____. '_____ ~ — '"■ ' ' ! • ■ • . s n K . m aw cttesteR e v e n in g h e r a l d , ;*IANCHESTER. c o n n TUESDAY, JLT.Y 14. 1942 flIAN CH E toR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. COI FUESDAY, JULY 14, 1942 PAGE SEl

nerve center”"of Russian resistance Americans would consider every­ Jeannie Wohrlia ...... ; 4UttrlfrBt»r > Judge fTithou^ serious indeed. thing. what is hla reaction? _ , SERIAL STORY - > Anna DeSimone ...... Powerf . - to Act Private Firnw Lucky Clover Contributions To Local USO Overnight Mews Officers Get The chief reason for pesslinism These are the words' he uses to JoMph J. VaUuBsl ...... ^Driver’s Licen. Daily Radio Programs P. B a ire tt...... with regard to Russia, however, is -balance his books; Foi: a list ot eoatrlbu-<9D. P. Johnson T. J. Klejns ...... ;. Of Connecticut Higher Rai not. so much Jhe apace Hitler has "It's a small price to pay for BANNERS FLYING More Quickly To Buy Election Omen tiona to the ester USO. The Mrs. Mary E. Carsons Margaret J. Topkiff . ...y ramuMUKD bt t b b ■AUa^, July Eastern WSr Time to come to a By Atsoclaled Press mrntuu} PKiNTiNo^co^ INC victory." drive la •ehedd Julia .8; W e is s ...... B. Schubert . .t...... gbiied, aa it ^s the contintfed dem- coeyNiaHT. f•4a. liTe 0>urt Judge Arnold didn’t close tomorrow members of Mrs. X . Noskc It ■1^11 ItraM How .many of Us have been BY MARY RAYMOND NXA SBRVfCB. INC. Pearl Blanco ...... ' MaoelMattr. Conn. onatriHlt^of Nazi power. W h ^ Can Issue Subpoenas iii have his d riW s’ license when Mrs*. Baldwin GetS' Foui*- the committee are^ reqdested to ; Rena B. Warden ..... Winsted. Fire of undetermined Four !

.1. \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CUNN. TUESDAY, JULY 14, I94S P A G E N IN S EIGBT AUlXHCnaSTCK EVEN ^G HERALD, MANCHESTER, jPONN. Tt^SDAIT, JULY W % 9 4 ^ 3 : 2 ,200 Manchester Men Suez~^Mand}redged a \ 6-0 in Must Kee]^ Up Maii^^out Manhattan ^ • ..s: r By George tucket Now in Armed Forces Elis Are Early Birds ! Looirl Retail MerrhantR New Vork,--W* leara from an.pin for th* doe wfall* h# Axpertly AP report that while Winston sawed off the patient's leg anks Top Tigers Kosj Wilkos Muffles Bats Arrived at by To Celebrate Hero’ Churchill was observing ' troop I ______'•t Merchants’ Day lAaneuvera In South C arolln a.'^ e I There's an expIiuiaUon to those'’ Returns and Records Day on July 17. i soliher. going over a rough hurdle, f yoohoos and Whistles that coble broke hi# belt and his pantsM fidlNj.felT - ’ - - 'L l Selective Service Of­ Tomorrow ' 1 Mter rtrls as they stroll 5th ave- With Fast Breaking Curve 'American Hero's Day; Fridiy, down around his knees. The prime ime. flear 51st, In the vicinity of To Increase Lead fice; 311 Inducted. July '17, will take on'an added iii- minister i* said to have chuckled St. • n Patrick's cathedral. For and then turned aside while th e awhile \lt appeared.^ as If some- cenlive^h^re when the town wljl embarrassed lad repaired the body wakxgotting//'fiesh.'' as the About 1,200 Manchester meh Stores affiliated with the celebrate a 'd^y which has been set L ef^ Gomez Hurls Nic^ g j . ^ ^ j j g 9 g j g j* Griswold Throws Final .w. w ^ “"y aC^e'born(>r drug store. \ BOW member* of the Armed Merchants divi.sion of n.side'for, the'njen who have perp Accjdento like this happen more Thera woul4"be a whistle, a lone, Ball After Bad/ Start Putout as Air Raid of the United States, a* the Chamber of Com­ fornwid valiant d^dft.Df .berolsraT- often than you thbjk. Twice, once slow whlstfe, fOtonved by a voice rly B* can be reckoned from merce will be- closed all the defense of countfj on a rtage and once in a boapiUl that .cried, "lYhab^you ray kid!” In First Frame; Red N eeds D oU gh Warning Sounds; Win Americans everywhere, a re ' proud ^galacUve Service figures and rei- day tomorrow in ob.serv- o^ratmg room, .1 #4w the same : But It wasn't a wolf'at'all. It was Pulfi Moriartys Out in of the men whose exploits havO . company ! a 4»fct parrot owned by A man who Rolfe Back at Third. i-. t By Sid Feder i jockey In toe business right now I porta bkck to the local draft board ance of their annual mid­ thrilled thc w'hole world. 'The Doo­ SoOce on enlistments. Registrants of The Student Prince ’ a Heide]-/)fas an apartment nearby'x t or L e s s o n s Pinch Hitting Fdr . . . For one who's earned a rf at, old Front; Props Have •to the first and second registra- summer holiday. . littles, Kelley.s and others wh&'Arc berg "student'' lost his brltchoe' ___ —- ' \ — . Hy Jndson Bailey Hugh Fullerton, Jr. : king Carl Hubbell certainly Isn't jttons. Including kges 20 through waging a war far from home ahd. about three feet behind the' feOt- The gas situation Vs so Uad ' AP Sports Writer New' York, July 14 —(Wide getting any soft touches these ChancKto Tie. ■ fp Bnd classed in lA are rapidly still l(X)klng and" expecting that 4|ghts, and, as I recall now, he around here that mj’sterious guys He American League has Just World)—Hollywood ■ Park bosses days. . .So far this season, the only m Berardino’s 'brtng dr^ed. Calls for IB men they and their comrades will not retrieved the situation best he hang around street corners, giving' buffered another chill in the region are keeping their fmgera crossed \ clubs he's started against have The air raid 'qlren sounded last be let down. could and trundled off stage to .If there's any racing on the been the Cards and Dodgers— the 'I'bto now being made and already tips as to where a gallon can be of its pennant race. ' At Aviation night just as Grik-wold.-'Moriarty'* Inductions from the third - About the onl> way that those the mldflt of "Deep in My Heart, had. When you get there, say at The New York Yankees beat coast next winter they'liNget i t . . . I top two.. .Gail Fowler, the AP’s Dear, I Hqve a Dream- of You". third sSeker tossed, Georgle May riBglatratlon, ages 36 to 44 inclu- Lieut. Parlous who are left at home can help, is 6 a. m. (although the stations' town the Detroit Tigers again Player Is Seeifls the Army put in permanent 'Northwest (Seattle)-..sports ed, is insrfilllations at Santa Anita, but ; doing his 8tu);f flow for Uncle out a t first .with th^ final putout > Mve, have been made. * , , ^ to buy war bonds and stamps. The don't open until 7). there's a 4fne yisterday, 4-3, and the Waahlng- From the registrants listed with collections to date, reported by the But that iurtis nothing to what of cars half a mile longj/-'This tonsenators surprisingly shut out Earn Mon hasn’t changed Hollyw(M)d. touch Sam's signal corps...Joe Muscato of the game and it found Moriartys* Off for Duty local Retail Merchants, are listed happened to , th* surgeon as morning there was a ten‘foot gap the Cnieveland Indians, 7-0, In a at a ll. .. Jake Mint*, the profoimd get* Jimmy Bevins in a ten-round- .top with a 6-0 leiui. ‘The gams i the local board 311 Inductions have Pittsburgh professor of scrambler ;e r in Cleveland July 23 as a re­ Lbaen made. Out of the registrants - . • ■ '-.j- *■ I below: he was amputating the right leg in a Hfle because of a driveway, night galnc. . . 'S . By Barton Benjamin went the regulation four, and a State Theater ...... 1122.600 of a man in the operating room sentences has lined up a Claudio g a r d for the way he took care of : tba Armed Forces have drawn 219 A driver cameHjy, saw it. and with These reSHlts, coming, as they did New 'Ypto, July .14—Washed out hal(\)nnings and the win. puts .Post Office (bonds) . . 15,281 one morning. This operator had Vlllar-Harry Bobo brawl to top Lem Franklin >,there a couple of 'snsB through enlistments making Local Nurse Called ^to Port Said, MeditenwheanXerryim gateway to Suez -Canal much difficulty s(l'uee.zed his car on the heels^of the Boston Red Moriartys team on the top of tha Post Office (Stamps) . )^.20O a 'fine reputation but he was ec­ into the gap. • It was such a tight Sox's double sofncraoult before the of the/Crmy Air Corps after cbm- Yale's new football coach! Howie Odell, already has well-hutlt prospects working In shorts Here the off his July 27 ■ fight show in w’e^ B ago . . . Nice, rew ard ... p a tH *' of 530 in the service who aa Smokytpwn—Lou. Boudreau will North Carolina, which sent Bitsy Twi League with just an outside 'registered with Selective Service Report to Camp Ed­ J. W. Hale (bonds) . > 3.100 centric to his hospital dress- squeeze it took him easily five min- St. Louts BrownsNSunday, placed plettog four months and 26 days former Pittsburgh star and Pennsylvania backfleld coach lugs ball on end sweep as blockers liti ve ahead. chance that Hamilton Props c*n la defenaa of Suez—the ditch the sagacld.us DisraeJly^^agalnst the thia narrow strip of isnd and wa­ J . IV. Hal* (stamps) 300 When he operated, he wore o-nly utes to get set. Then^he cut off an emphatic damperxon whatever training, Johnnj Berardtoo is bC;. 25 Friday' —and definitely ) Grant out to become one of the *kdre, ' wards, Falmouth. a long pair of white, wool drawers, d()esn't expect birthday greetings tennis greats, is predicting more tie them. How Grouped she didn't want—Bfitaln la laying Judgment of tbahy Of his ter. the motor, sighed happily, and rivals were rash enough to thlnle oaclack .with the S t Ixniis Browns— Four runs in the second frame - Total ...... 6149,981 boots, and a rubber apron. In toe picked up a novel (o read while the world champions wcje cqK • from Leo Durocher.... of toe same for Vic Seixas, the RaglstranU In the various clas- doam countless lives. /ountrymei^ bought lnto\the com­ Italy, too, has a more than midst of this amputation his so that he can keep on flying. freshman frbm Philly. . . were enough to assure. Wilkos' of Second Lieutenant Ella A. Par- pany which stin controls meager Interest in Suez, as Mua-^ All of tfift merchants ■ In Man­ waiting. All the while a cop stope.” But it was n.ot until .the the tempests of war have touched fylng to those In charge and It Is he walked one batter, hit another, Top wnh. II-IO Vic­ Versiop x df Life in , UNCLB BP 1 Phelps, I- couple of apples ^ l*sr-’ mum where over 100 friends tendrtqd forties become , better appreciat' made a wild pitch and then walked ing." and a bit more, also. He muffled :IV D , minuter of religion, 10; built the waterway over the ob­ first World War that she had op­ it frequently In the pfist, it is un­ expected that Manchester will gO ed. ry MacPhail'a eye, hooking Up as While Wrigley grabs a attek of ; Claas rVF, physically, moraUy or her a farewell dinner and anoth^ over Its quota. It waa said that Second Place two more to force in a run. In the When toe Browma are at home, tory Last^^ight; Air Army; 1^71 Soldiers'^ It certainly toe bat* with a fast breaking curve stinate opposition of the British. portunity. to test her theory .and' likely that, ever before has it felt a National league battery soifle- gum. ball, got good support when need­ [ Vantally unfit/197. party this' week^ at the Villa several large Institutions are’about In response to the letters asking seventh he gave three successive Berardino, 25, plans to commute don't s a u n d gq\’emment. It was only after for the- first time Britain was the stre.ss of conflict as it does' for a new article to be helpful to between a flying sehool and -Sport- Raid Halts ContesL Take Active Part. where ahd beating the D(xlgers out ed and st()pp^ the West Side* bid Registrants^ the 36 through 44 Louisa in honor"6f her. soon en­ thetvcanal ..was jn operation that forced to fight desperately to ho^ today. ready to make their report on the ' singles to load the basee ahd then much like war of the pennant... (that's what Today’s Guest Star I age group/luted in classifications tering into active service. amounts’ which have been sold at the woman past forty, I have pre­ WalerburyxPublisher in escaped with one run trickling man's Park. He is 4etermlnM to w h e n S6,606 for a run in the Second when indigestion does to you ). . . Art Edson, Oklahoma City Kapura took liberties with WUkoi. • above/MO as follows: Miss Partons received a fine the plants around the town. pared some special material. Write across on a forceout and another have his hours In by the end of The Union Local No. 743 Soft- By Harry Grayson -s) people go to a Times;- Maybe Wameke wasn't the to McC!oy Health Service In care G. O. P. Field for the season. and got nipped off third. lA . i t s ; IB, T; IC, 40. personal radio last Sunday an^ While It could not be learned, on a fly. btUl team climbed into undisputed New York, July 14.—Army has ' horse race and Bouacing Around ace in the Cards' deck, but in a troop movements before Voronezh | (The Germans claimed capture of of this newspaper and ask for bet mor* than Moriarty Brothers 2; IIB , 5. other'frienda gave her a fine definitely, many towns and cities The Yankees themselves were Gordon Of Ifankee* possession of second place in toe iU bands in a lot of miscellany ; Clark Shaughnessy's first maj­ race like thia wouldn't even a ten Nazi Units Gain and the German rear. the c'ty July 7.) your copy. With your letter send Lieut. Governorshiji'. held to Six hits, four by Joe Gor- Also ClvUian-,imot $3,9««,80tlnene AB -R H PO A B 39; IIIB, 21^ nurse's watch following the party At one place 70 tr u ^ s loaded , "During July 13," it was an­ throughout the state are planning Rec Softball League last night as these days. Irving Berlin's "Ttals Is or change at Maryland will be to spot come ill-handy occasionally 7 , 1; rVF, 16. big celebrations to be held during a large, self-addressed envelope .' don, who dtoye In two run* with a "I’m not. the only ball. player day. That sort .. .And Jack Carberry of- the Den­ Keeney, 21"...... 2 1 1 4 0 1 at the Villa Louisa. with soldier.s were agdcl to have nounced at midnight, ".our troops and 6 cents in stamps. Hartford, July 14—<;PiX\Villiam they d(iwned the Tigers 11 to 10 in of news' from switch the school’s official nick­ L KatkaVeck. Ib 3 2 0 6 0 1 The Selective Service board is Mo)^ Ground the last week of July. Hartford, pair of doumas, and another a who's flying,” he points out. "Jo#- the Army” U a current Broadway name to Old Liner*..-.Ha feels ver Post puts it this way; Up to been destroyed. At another a fought fierce battles pgalnSt the J. Pape. Waterbury publisher, two-run homer by Red Rolfe, who seven inning*. The winners led smash. Khakied athletes are giving home must be S. KatkavecK, c 3 0 2 1 1 0 rpuay now classifying regUtrants German Fascist troops w;ho broke fdr example, 1# holding parades Gordon of the. Yankees tells me Terrapins, or Terps. too alow... thia point in th- National League [ la u s third registration, ■ and re- military train wp# wrecked by will seek the iWfublican nomina­ 'had returned to the Yankees' he has 90 hours -in toe air. He rea l cheering race, the Cards have been Just too May; ct ...... 2 0 1 1 0 0 (CoatlOBMl from Page On«) through the front in the district of every week in this connection an<), during most of the game, but the Service teams a lustre remlniscen)x to the boys on Billy Thompson, the Paducah : Tiewing deferments In the ..first Green Uniforms (iive-bombing. •starting lineup Surqjay after a may be working for toe same North Enders threw a scare into (Ky.) Kid, la the most improved bad to be tnie... Mara- ■■ ...... ••3 ^ 4 0 Far remove^from the southern Voronezh. . . . The situation- re­ this method has boosted the sale- tion for li^tetianf governor thia of World War I. Football wlin*- battling tanks and motorized In­ .Address communlcaUoiMi to Ths Brotherhood yw Maintenance of holding cneveland-. to three'. scat- Baron* will tackle toe league lead­ travelling side show to display the reaulU show that sporU ictl-"* Greene, rf serving aa a camouflage with the Way of toe/New Haves railroad. in Bridgeport this afternoon. The —goodbye. They may fie v e lower­ ph^cal examination, in Augiut. . scenery. Serious danger- thre^eim your scqilent communique said a Soviet fantry about Boguchar, On tHe Herald. Attention McCoy Congressman said they would dis­ - tered singlea- while his teammates ing Vlc’» Package Store .outfit. Army equipment. It has matured lowers stiU have time to pause and Clever Tony Falco at Madlgan, lb ...,2 0 O i l 1 Mr. LaCmspelle leaves, his wife, ed the .entrance requirements but into a full-fledged fighting force Ooebpatlohal Queries country. The nation/appeals to fightingvforce on the Kalinin front Don's big ben(i 130 miles southeast Health Servic* cuss his place in the party picture. .p4]ted three pitchers for ten hits. they certainly haven't lowered toe Th* Bcor*: y Warren Wright’s Fam­ lend aid to.a.Stricken athlete that G. May, 3 b ___ ‘2 0 0 0 $ 3 The uniforms) of 'which about Mr*. /Helen LaChapelle; o.ne Only the^ct that the Indians' of 1671 men with every arm repre­ Arena; Hurley Fills 'Pccupational questionnaires have 2.750 will arrive' in A few days, are you as dear sons 'to make ever had kllledvjrnore toan 2,000 Ger­ of Voronezh. - Although friends are suggesting graduation standards.” Union Lecal Nor"74S really is something worthwhile. Repulses Several Attacks dai^trnter, EUes.'and a son, Victor ■talwato' infield reeled off four > - A B .Jl. H. PO. A .E. sented except ski' and paratroops. ous Runner Seeks 18 0 3 12 t IL I been sent from the draft board of- of herring-bone twill, dungaree stronger your blqws upon the on- mans and (Itotroyed more-than 54 F'rom Forty To Fifty him for secogd place, Mr. Talbot The young Inflelder* who hit .271 Much of the ground worjc for the Out Program. fic* to all registrants in the first, itoihing enemy^ tmiks In six aays, while Nazi at- \8outh of Boguchar a Soviet field' / this town.' He also leaves two disclosed, he and Mr. Pape were double plays kept th e Senators Opalach, 3 b ___ .,4^ 3 1 4 4 0 Its fine fighting men—those for­ splendid benefit game which , waa West Sfdea ...... 00 000—0 type, with trousers, looseback, irothers asd four sisters, rhey are from making their riaflquest even for the Brownies last season and mer crow-chested clerks that Fas­ Mark of Sfabiscuil. second Slid third registrations. To- jacket with collar attached, and On the wanronl northwest. of taftto in anotherN(ector «)st the forte killed about 5(K1 Germans'in •friends”, ahd he w-duld' not enter Kerr, If 2 4 2 3 0 1 played last Sunday at the West Moriartys ...... ;,..0 4 .0 2 x ,-d In the average woman, the y e^ Fred of Manchester, and John of more complete. —> socked across a commendable 89 cism sneered at so derisively—play Matchmaker 1 ^ Hurley has re­ Two base hits: Keeney, Gri» J gay these occupational forms were buttoned up front. The hats are Moscow the/Russians said their invMers 12 tanks aqd 700 dead. the rapulse of several attacks, a a convention contest with him, or runs, volunteered for flying ser­ Lovett, y . . . A Side Oval goes to Nickey Angelo, ■'asailcd from the office to all in the "The Germans dlspatohed alr- commmilque said, but 'was then from forty to fifty are imTOrtant Vernon; Mrs. Louise Barton and oppose his candidacy In any way. A’s Top White 8toc lA*ko, 2^ ..... a war with all of its stark realism. By BiU King secretary and treasurer of the matched two heuta that stole last wold. Stolen bases: L. Katkaveek, overseas type with sweatband. troops had ' gained the initiative Mrs. Gertrude Moore, both of Ver- . In the only other game,, also a vice before Pearl Harbor. -- Its props are 4.750 tons of equip­ Boston, July 14—(,P)—The turf 1 fourth, or 45 to 65 age group, The switch to "camuoflage” uni­ over Nasi forces and alr-bome re- bome troops to the viHnity of forced to reilre to prepared lines. to health. This time o iy iite is Considered a strong \otc-gettor Saimofld, *f . , . . 3 Manchester Twilight leagu*. To week's undercard at Red Men's Greene. Sacrificee: Murd(x;k. Left •nofi; Mrs., Margaret Klbbe of night session, the Philadelphia ment which are being transported .will hail a new money-winning on bases: Moriartys 5; West Bides i registeation. Mrs. Kathleen Var- forms comes out of the guerilla Jnforc^ents on the Kalinin front. point 'G,"' it said. "Many oithem The Information Bureau said marked by the beginning of the' in his district, Talbot said he did . KozlOkl, c ...... 3 each of the players, the' umpires Arena for/Thursday night's show I ney is occupational questionnaire were shot before landing. Th«''ceat fierce battles" raged through the degenerative disease*/of middle- Rockville and Mrs. Mary Wolf of not know W'bere he W'ould.flt into Athletics nosed out the Chicago Seb'ula. i b . . . . 2 to 18 cities in 110 railroad cars champion out of the same event and to Nick . . . thanks a million. 3. Boaos on balls: Kapura 1; Wll* . warfare achool of atate guard of­ Thb 8o\-iet Information Bureau Bolton. There are. two grandchil­ White Sox, 4-3, in 11 innings. Phil plus 294 rolling pieces on the high­ that enabled the curt’Sht tltllst to tbere/Eddie Lane of MlddUtown [clerk and each Monday night a ficers at Concord, Mass,, which were wipCd or.t on the. grouncC flight in this arra-;^Iess thftn 200 age Bucli as dlabptes, nephritl*, his party’s campaign plans, ahd Major Loaguo doodwell, If . . 3 Never Recognized kos 1. Strike outa: Wilkos 1; Koe a powerful German onslaught dren. Marchlldon allowed Chicago Just way. set sights of his golden goal If an(l/Jlmmy Perry of Hartford, -a pura 2. Wild pitches: Kapura. [group of nine girls have been as- Brigadier General Rex Delacour in the ^ h e v area, 135 miles north­ Furious fighting in the Rzhev miles, from the Soviet munitions high blood pressore or heart dis- ‘that is why 1 am meeting- with DuBaldo, c fX . . . 2 'The umpires came In for a I listing in the clerical work. These direction assumed proportion# that of Stalingrad—arid '"in the onlera„j If these chronic diseases Funeral services will be held Mr. baldw'in and- ,Mr. Bradley." eight hits aild he started the win-' Rubacha, p .( «. 1 War show is educational aa well Warren Wrighl’a famed Whlrl- r of lightweights who fought a Passed balls; Hedlund. Winning attended today. west of Moscow, forced an out­ ning rally in toe eleventh with a Leaders round of applause and the boys in hrllling draw, will try , to settle I girls have volunteered *their ser­ might mean another German- bid neighborhood of Voronezlb" are to be ppevented, it is n^essary Thursday morning at 8:30 from He denied reports he bad his eye as profitable for toe Army. It la away can race a mile and an blue who operate here certainly d ^ pitcher; Wilkoe. Losing pitcher: numbered Russian defense force’to the T. P. Holloran Funeral Home, ■ single after two were out. Mike taking the war to the people, shdw’- eighth to victory tomorrow in th* their differences in another three- Kapura. Um pires: O’Leqry, vices and are as follows: Misses yield ground, but denied German to try to reach the capital, Rus­ „'Th'(*' Voronezh break - through that a determined cffort/dnould be on any specific - plaiJc oa ■ the By The As8oclate4 P r ^ ToUU .. 28 11 .10 21 9 3 nerve it. In all of the ber^t Nancy Bantly, Betty Boyd, Betty waa attributed to a strong coi^n- made /to improve the/nealth by 175 O n ter street, and nine o'<;lock ticket, expressing .the belief tliat Kreevieh, who had hit his first Tiger* ing them what the .bonds are buy­ $TO.0O0-added Maasachusetta Han­ rounder. , Kotsch. I) claims of a victory in which 30,000 sian reports indicated. / homer of the year in the fifth, then Amcrloaa League games they have refused to accept Pevrey, Patricia Fagan, Marianne Urges Decision / Loss of ground near RzKev had tratlon of enemy forces in one nar using every health-building meaa- from St James's church. The fun­ it was up. to the atate convention AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ing, illustrating how each arm op­ dicap at Suffolk Downs. any pay for their aerrites"^ and Frankie Allen of Hartford drop­ Russian troops were v reported, eral borne Will be open from seven to name' the candidates. waited out a base on balls from Batting—Gordon, New York. erates, what a war 'of mobility The four-year-old Whlrly, who ped an unpopular decision to An'gie Fsrguson, Lois Gustafson, Grace trapped. . • \ been acknowledged by ^ v ie t m i- row sector. .347; Williams. BbatoD, .344. Skrabecz. sf, p. .3 2 2 1 2 0 when the fans were aSiced to I Norm, Lucille PeteVsOn and Shir­ o!clock tonight until the hour of . Not Up to Him Johnny Humphries and Elmer "Valo Zamitii, c -----..4 0 0 0 1 0 ineans and the vital' role modern, la only $27,244 ahy of the all-time D’Angelo, also of Hartford last On Voting Bill Threat To Moscow thorities, but more than 10,TOO "Our troops are waging herol^ Through obsepAance of toe rules ^cllowril wrlto a run-scoring sin­ Runs—WUlJatns, Boston. 71; D. recognize they (the totm) certain­ ley Wlgreh. Germans were declared to have battle.#,", the communique governing gcKid health It becomes the funeral, for the convenience of State treasurer in the Baldwin B. Grayzb, lb , ,4 0 2 8 0 0 equipment plays. earnings of $437,730 made by Sea- ly responded. y week. He will be given a chance to Football Fans' The fighting, certainly not more friends. . regime, and -later w-orkman's com‘‘ • gle. - ' DlMagglo, Hbston, 62. Its three-hour version laoks only'' bis(!uit in his six years of cam­ prove that the. verdict was wrong died there in 12 days. "Big tank engagements coflt^ie. possible, to jflerease the well-being Runs batted in—WlUlams, Bos­ Sumlalawaki, 4 1 1 0 1 0 Falco a rjjSl Fighter than 150 miles from Moscow, was pensation commissioner until he. The only game scheduled In the Bycholiki, If .. 4230.00 blood and death. . paigning, face* the same difficul­ in a return ' go with his fellow Washington. July/14.—^(J^—The seen aa a potential new threat to , Reports .Series Of Reverses of the patient so that she may National Leagu*. Philadelphia at ton, 8,2; Doerr, Boston, 59. . Thursday night the' boxing fans House Rules Comimltee w'sS ssk- look forward to many more busy, won the special Congressional elec­ S. Grysb, 3b . . . .2 1 . 0. -5 3 0 Does the public like ItT They ties that the latter encountered of Manchester are going to have townsman. the Soviet capital. Gravely phrased' communiques tion in his district, Talbot says Cincinnati, was postponed. Hits— Spence, Vtoahington, 110; Await Aug. 28 !Couple Celebrates cd today to decide i^ulckly on a active years- Not only are the de­ Parciak, 2b ...... 4 2 2 3 1 ^0 love it. Spacious football stadia while winning the Massachusetts an oppdrtitmty of seeing one of toe Tony Falco of Middletown, a The Russian account said the reported a series of reverses for Excellent Fishing Funerals It is -not up to-me to ray what 'XThls left Bloat of the attention Gdrdon, New York, 102. Olbert. p, sf .21 1 1 0 0 have been Inadequate to hold audi­ in. 1937. bill giving eligible soldiers and generative diseases avoided, but Doubles— Doerr, Boston, 29; best welterweights. In the Bast favorite here two year* ago, re­ Germans’ launched an offensive Red Aciny men at the hands of office the party will araign to bethe senior circuit centered on Rubacha, cf .. 4 i 1 0 0 0 ences. More than 180,000 Jampack- Until then, the 'Biscuit's earn­ turns after a long absence to take . 25th Anniversary sailors a chknre to vote for Con­ July 2. and that both sides lost the entire period between forty Mrs. John beltose Pittsburgh's protest of a game Higgins, Detroit, 27. It the Red Men's Arena First Big Contest Down superior invasion forces striking Dll Streets of City and fifty may be ph*Md without me.” ' Genolfl, rf ----- 2 0 0 2 0 0 ed Municipal Stadium in Balttmoi-e ings were only average for a han­ on Dom Yqvella of Hartford -in gressmen /tn the November elec­ heavily in fighting through July 13. The funeral o f Mrs. John De­ In 1938. Talbot was being con­ with Brooklyn Sunday whet) the Triples— Hsato, Cleveland, •: artford Road. The Middle- tions. toward Volga valley Industrial any undue discomfort. In four nights and thousands were dicap performer. But, after drag­ boy can sling leather .^and one. of the two s^ es topping the For 'AaJ Date with Total - Russian casualties were centers and C.'aucBsus oil fields, a Rosa, of 41 Ferndale drive, who sidered for the attorney general­ Dodgri* b*4 26 men in uniform on five tied with 7. Re{^sentative R^tnsey (D. W There are a 'g rea t many^women ToUU ...... 33 10 12 IS 8 0 turned away each performance. ging down a hit more toan $50,0<)0, what is more he can tak * it. Last card. He throws'punches faster Mr. and Mrs. Clifford F. Sault of placed at 7,000 killed and woufided Nazi break-tbroiigh in the Voron­ "insorpAi July 14— The died Saturday In Hartford, will be ship, but w-aa nominated for state the bench. However, Manager Leo Home runs—Williams, Bootoo, he went on to enjoy the moat V’s.)//the bill's sponsor, urged the who view these year* wlthNmed- Score by innings: Franklin..tFieId, Philadelphia, held winter I watched him fight Red than can be counted without the Qticifigo Bears. SO Footer street reached the 25lh and 5,000 missing. , , ezh area.and withdrawals to the flshl^' was excellent on Platt held tomorrow morning a t 8:16 at trtosurer. Durocher of toe Dodgei* contend­ 18; York, Detroit, 14. 360,000 In fiv e jUgbts with.-a 10,000 cesaful season of his career. AS a F iaaiv ersary of their,cX>krrlage on ci^m ittee' tO-sehd "the ineasure to less alarm and anxiety. Inateads.^ •nger* ...... 001 418 1—10 Doty in Hartford, and in the very aid of an adding machine. Having "The Germans lost oveV'lO.OOO south. . , strp cr hill here today offer the toe ‘(funeral home of Laraia and After conferring with leaders In ed that the extra player. Pitcher Stolen bases—C;[asa, Washington. Local 1743 204 302 X—11 overflow each tlft».,jn Pittsburgh four-year-old, he earned a total of July 11. They plaanhd no observ- Uie House floor ahea^- oK the war officers and men killed aldne," the possessing accurate information his district and elsewhere. Talbot Max Macon, still wras under con­ IS; Vernon, Washington, and Ku- first round th* Hartford radhead lost but one fight as a pro, he has By Dave B,ott Nevertheless, It wak declared brakes failed on a truck carry­ regarding the method of living to Sagarino, 247 Washington street, Two-base hlU, B. Grysb, Opal- they mobbed huge Pitt'Bttdium . $168,580 and tbto he set^ out to Chicago, July 14—(JV-Wlth the •lice of the event but their reia- "tax bill, which will comeXup for Soviet Information Btireau de­ ing two ton* of hmldocK, -floun­ aw) at St- Patrick's thurch, Hart­ expects further guidance to his tract to Braoklyn'a Montreal farm hel, Chicago, IS. caught him with a sharp right won 22 of 24 bouts. Hla whole ring that Adolf Hitler was losihg thou-' be followed, the average woman seb, LaSo 2, Mlk* Rubacha; three- Dlmout regulations haV* ' -kgpt break Sun Beau's record of $367,- cross that sent Falco^ more than history, as an amateur and a pro AU-atar baseball games barei]! tlTM anil friends decided o t h ^ debate Thursday, j ChalrmM Sa­ clared. sands of men dally and this, "th- der, halibut mackerel and as­ ford, at 9 o’clock. Burial will be, talk today with Baldwin and Brad­ In the International League and Pittsburgh—(Based on ten deci­ Wlae. Friday evening a group n r - bases her opinion upon hearsay. bass hiU, Kerr 2, Lov*tt Sumls- toe show out of New York, wffierir 744. halfway across toe rtoa Into toe credits him with but two losses in laid to rest and the summsr sun ba th. (D-ni.) had wiamed that, op­ "It is Imposslbl*/'’ the statement depehdent of any tem porary'suc­ sorted shell fish Yrom Bridgeport in Mt. St. Benedict's cemetery. ley, but, he stated emphatically, therefore did not violate the major sions)—Chandler, New York, 9-2; lawski, Parciak; double plays, it would even imprera Brooklyn Scai^airalt happtoa to be the prlaad them and presented to/them position of "some committee m em - said, "to conceal toe fact that the She has heard that during these "I am not a candidate for any league player limit. X Hugbaon. Boston, 9-3. ropes. He bounded back'jnto to* '84 battles. just beginlng to burn bleachsd cess of the German fopCes, Is to Ansonla markets. years she will begin to grow old. Sumislawski to Parrclak to B. be’seball fans," but a section of It only victorious farorite in. the hl>' center of the ring and Doty aaid skins a crisp tan, fans are talking iwo^aets of sterling silver /candle bers” might keep the meas' Germans daily loM on the Soviet- gradually undermining^ Hitler's 'Careenm^ .down the grads toe specific place on the ticket.” \Vhether It did or didn’t, the National League^ Yovells, a TKO victor over that she wlU have less vigor, or Giyrb'; left on bases', Tigers 5, may be Included in (^injunction tory of the V n ^ ^ h ic b has been afterwards that he thought toere Frank Florelloi of - Brooklyn last about football and banding their . M d ers and a msiaofaay': mega- locked in the rules rpom. German front thousands upon thou­ war machine and ppe|>ariBg the thick not/ihiy lost-most of its presence of Macon made toe im­ Unchanged. Local 743 4; bases on balU, - Ru- the stage for- etarthng. upsets for siae rack. RefreahiqiehU Ware that. she must take life easy. minent subtraction of one player writh the annual benefit AU-Star were at least four of Falcb!a week, is anxious, indeed more than caah acrosa the Counter for Chi­ The bill would provide absentee sands of men,- This, d'espite toe ground for Germa)»j^s defeat." cargo (later gathered up by resi- Ebell Enters baeba 6, Olbert ^ Skrabaez 4; such outatondlng tborou^b'rcds of aerred. teniporary successes of the German Sometimes she fears th at shs will from the Dodgers' roster something football game. Sept. 12. brothers, in there with him. IU ordinarily anxious to beat Falco. cago's AU-Star grid game, tba old­ voting privUeges for all fighting, ( Berlin's railto asserted in a d en ts'bf'the district) but., also hit Seek Mothers Here X i Put On KlMtsera ■trike-outs, Rubacha 3, Olbert 0, It Is eraent'ally a night show, the as Discovery*. W ar' Ad­ Saturday e voting As many as 35 men stationed within the con­ ttobps, gradually tops the Hitlerite lose her attractiveness, become to ponder and there was a possi­ 4j:as th* greatest comeback I have He was •‘robbe(i'' oi a chance to est and biggest of the eoUegdate- propaganda brbadcaat that "catas- a store,, a fence, two'^rked .cars, less alluring and therefor* she Guik}^ Plea Skrabacs; hiU off, Olbert 6 f<5r 4 the dramatic effects of the light­ miral and CThalledon. cvfer -Ayltncssed. Falco went on to pro attracUona retattireB and fri£ d s arrived at tinental United States. Balloting war^machine and prepares the bility that the victim might be the Los Angeles—(F>— The Park beat "Red” Doty here- last week, trppbe.has .broken on the Armies two bouses and, fiflmiy a' stone- worries lest she find. It difficult to As Plane Watchers veteran Schoolboy Rowe. The runs In 2 1-3 innings; Skrabaez, 4 ing. the searing fl.ime-throwers While ■ gaining his Masaachu- earn the'decision over Doty by Balloting already Is under way Uieir borne uaeiQiMtedly and plans would be administered by secre­ ground, for the defeat of CJermany of Marshal Semeon Timoshenko Wall. ■ ' ' ' • (Commission .finally agreed with for 7 runs in 4 2-3 innings; win­ accusing Doty of "running out’’ on were qdlckly ;c&rled out for an in this y a r .’’ hold' her husband's affection. Such move may be hinging on wrhether .and the flash of big guns glving lt' setts Seabiscuit, in addition to his long country In 38 aUtes to select too players taries of the states in which the and the pursuit , of beaten Soviet the suffering public that there ning pitcher, Rubacha; losing favorite'* Jinx; also had to carry him under the pretext of an in­ outdoor sunpikr. Both evenings Harold Brid^^fortb of Bridge­ notions are ridiculous. By means Hudford, July 14— UP)— Dr. the Dodger* can get waivers In or­ a whale of * lot of impact. Froher Ha* **U” wha -wlll face the Chicago Bears, men are located, They would-be Germah masses forced a break-; troops It continuing on a broad port. the driver, escaped Injury. Mr*. Selim Mitchell, of 58 Strlclc- ought to be a law. Th* commission pitcher, Olbert: umpires, O'Leary jury sustained while training. thorpugbly enjoyable to all through lh\a narrow sector of the ot a sensible, toealthful way of Wolfgang Ebell, El Pasco, Tek., der to send him to Montreal. If Army War Show Is a breath­ top weight of 130 Dobbds. And When the crop o f' local "ouifleld- Champions of the National Leagut, given 21 days in which to return front." ' . "The bfueS just didn't; hold," land street, who has charge of-se­ Issued a new order forbidding and Kovls; Unrle, 1:20. taking three hours, replete with Whlrlaway has becncail^.upon to Though but 19, Dom Yovella has Voronezh front and a third motor­ living, there ls*no need to sudden­ physician, pleaded' guilty to ' a curing volunteers from, the-.-mem­ they can't, one of the younger ers are all simmered down for toe. high hopes to getting In on some the night of Aug. 28 In Soldier their ballots. (L,o'ndon newspapers agajii urg­ he tbjd''police." o t charge ot conspiracy to violate the adults and children from congre­ the cacaphony of war—plus the win under those same exacting, ult was the former Miss ized Infantry division was swung ly become old, and while course, ber* of the Manchester Mothers' pitchers may feel toe finger. be-(t,-Jackie Fraher stands' out. of toe,bigger purses around here Field. But that Isn'^aU- into the attacks across the upper ed a continental invasioii. The the strenuous activity permitted 1917 espionage act today in Fed­ gating near or peeping over toe powder, dust, grime and sweat conditions. there all alone. He ttirfil^ m two In this day of/beneflt contests, ^ Pentland. They were mar- Dally He.'ald declared that "If we club to serve as watchers at the by establishing hJinaelf aa a wel­ 'by Rev. Manning B. Bennett, Don under the hammering, of the to a, woman of twenty shoulu not eral district court here. air r^d listening post at .Bolton, shoulders of card players In city L asi Night ’« Fights that make the Army tick. great plays over toe week end.. In the all-sU r Ucket-selUng drive baa fail to open a secoruT front sooij be indulged in suddenly,. never: Dr, .Ebell withdrew a former parks. Park attendants were Mungo Mlahty Miller terweight of better value than a I rector of S t Mary s Episco­ Fbur Fliers Die Rusaian Air Force, dispatches Hospital Notes la disappointed that so few have the benefit game last Thurs(iay run-of-the-mill type. And he fully hit a new high. 'The Chicago said. enough, because or under-organi­ theless a moderate amount of ac­ plea of Innocence, leaving only two Harness Racing ordered to enforce the kibitzer Ontario la the source of 53 per . Minneapolis— Van Lingle Mun­ Jackie raced in and robbed (Tiiff Tribune, sponsor of the game, set- pal church. They have one son. zation and Indecision or sheer low volunteered thus far. The club well knows that he can do that Cltfford J. Sault who is married fiattMcks In Other Regkms tivity Is to be encourageo. Very M the five persons accused of the voted to enter Into this branch of ban. . cent of the flour ' and feed mill go, one-time Brooklyn ace, has Keeney of a sure single by making asidc LOOO choice seats and Invit­ spirits, the pWpe of bur inieptitude By The Associated Press production of the Dominion of only by beating such fellow* as and also lives on Foster street As Planes Crash The Soviet Information Bureau A daughter was bohi'today at often, the patient finds that she conspiracy to' be tried storting civilian defense work on Wednes­ Draws 5^00 Fans won seven and lost two games for a great one banded atab and je t ­ ed the ‘Tan of means" to drop la may be no more freedom—any- Memorial to Mr. and Mrs. Dana ha* more Ume to devote to com­ July 28. New York—Maxle Shapiro, 133, C ^ad a. Minneapolis and Is batting .354. Doty a ^ Falco. reported setbacks in . twq other w'here—forever.") days, but apparently the members Unlikely New York, won by technical ting the ball off the grass tops. and lay $100 on the lino for each regions to the south, with toe in­ Cowles of S3 North jrapa atreet- . panionship with her husband and Those two ans: Gerhard Wilhelm Sunday he repeated on the sime Pat Casey return* to th* ring 18 inches of squatter space. Jacksonville. Fla., July 14—(.ip> OernMos Pay.H eavy ’Toll have forgotten to offer their serv­ knockout over Mickey La Marr, to face Billy Augustus .of Willi- vaders advancing anew ht the their relationship may become Kunss, former Oerman-Ameilcan ices, and somebody has to dp it. Waltraases rarely stay long batter and in almost the same If the quota Js flUed. it will mean Naval flying officers and A special announcement of the New York, July 14;— (^ —Tally- 1 3 S 4 , New York (5). . mantle ■ in another welterweight Public Records two-aviation cadets were killed point of their deepest penetration A son was bom a t the hospital more satisfactory In every way; Bund leader, and the Rev. Kurt It is not expected that mothers enough In toe hotel business to spoc. $100J)00 additional for the Army Soviet Information Bureau said today to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Me- Molxahn, Philadelphia, Pa., clergy­ hoes and surries—with, fringed Allentown. P.a.— Billy Speary, six-rounder. Casey, former .Mart- yesterday when two training of Russian soil-below the town of The big mistake la tha past has with young children can spare the learn it properly, and thus are un­ 132', Nantlcoke, Pa., outpointed Major League Standings They Ganged Up Emergency relief fund.' Boguchar. Germany had paid a heavy toll In Comb of 119 West street. been In allowing' (he average man, who have both pleaded not tops, whip sprockets anff all—re­ fold High football player has been OsrtUeato of IneerporwUen planes collided In mld-air and materiel and manpower for gains time from their duties, but It likely to replace men in . dining Johnny Cockfield, 129, New York Usuall.v Ibis' writer has an or­ And t(xl*y. with the game more trashed near "here, the Jackson­ Boguchar 4a on toe big bend woman to 'feel that 'with middle guilty. turned to favor last night at the room service, according., to most trtonlng for more than a month than six weeks away, contribu­ The Oolorcrete C:ompany of —unspecified In extent — during would see that in a club with 361 opening of a 55-day program of (1 0 ), -X ' ange soda at the Sunday aftenmon ville Naval Air Station announced of the Don 130 miles southeast of A son was also bora today to age must retire to the shelf. Such enroUees it should not be. difficult hotel managers. ^ . games. Being of a Scotch nature. In preparing for .bis -comeback. tion* tota’ $83,600. Hartford has filed a certificate 6f the action southwest of Rzhev, up­ haraesa racing' at Rooaevelt Race­ Chicago—Bill Petersen, 202. •awiBien stock at $5.00 par L Ange'lea, won by technical EM tera St. Loula . f .610 Fight for Price enemy partleulariy strong coun­ was said. Most of the 5.000 missr Eklward Pagan!, 125 Charter Oak ing ' opened. Because of the years arrived in New York today from 8*«mhh1 Front Urged and a Mxteenth second heat to BUY knockout over Lou 'Transparenti, Cincinnati ...... 44 37 .543 catch the ball Murray, who was When Mrs. S. K. Clark's cow drop­ tosaed their selections Into tb* ‘ ter-blows," Tus said, Ger­ ing Red Army men were declared street. of experience behind ner she Is. Hyde Park, N. Y„ -wber* abe bad 2:14. Williamsport at Hartford (8:30). 40 coaching for the High Sch(X>l ped ten feet into a well, she tele­ nearest mailbox, and be was a ' m UNITED 127, BalUmofre (4). ..Klmira at Springfield (night). New' Y ork"".,.. .42 - ,512 mans threw into action two Hun­ to have formed guerrilla bknds. ' Discharged yesterday: Mrs. equipped to face life with the Wis- been a guest at |>reaidt9 t Boose- New York, July 14—(JP) — The ' The Glen Cove trot also waa ______40 44 Stars yelled, 'T’ve got It Johnny." graphed a garage ahd In no time good 10,000 absad ot the No. 2 Itoaaas y . and Jo a t^ 8. Camp- Sioux City, la.—Everett Right- Wilkes-Barre at Binghamton Chicago .476 Control Pushed garian brigades. The attacks (The German high command aa- Beatrice McGowan. 13 Vine street; dona of maturity. All t^ t ha* vsK's Hudson vallsy esfkto. Ths New York CIO Council announced decided in straight heats, Willle 'STATES mire, 132, Bioux City, outpointed ___ ..3 7 44 .474 Both play with Pagani’s West the wrecking truck ha_' The Fascists lost 400 officers and- men Mayor F. H. LaOuardla and other Toole to the sulky., WAR (10). PhUadelphU .. . . 2 1 58 .286 the way, let the ball drop. He look­ administration pushed its fight to killed. Our troops captured tro- circlement southwest of Rzhev and Hartford; Miss Priscilla Sage, 21 b est dignitaries * t the city Umito and dressed to Prosident Roosevelt as­ Approoclmately $10,000 worth New Orleans—Saverio Turlello, NatioMl Amerloaa ed over at the grinning Murray f OsnUmss OppesiUon Papers. til July 26. Two waeks Utar Iks N I4A that several Soviet dlvisiona were Courtland 'street. Fortunately, during the last lew serting that a secemd- front in New York at Chicago. team will sarombU for pcaettea. Qidtelaiaa Itaad keep the price control structure' jihiea and prisoaers." was esiXMtsd to tba Waldort-As-^ of ticketa ware sold for tba opener ^ O N D S 148, New York, outpointed Jackie W. L Bet. and tossed the ball away In dis­ '^nder annihilation.” It was not Admitted today; Mias Joan Law- years, ws have "begun to a p p ­ toria. ' needed "without further t! Boston at St. Louis. Wkttar Perry, Bank Commls- unchanged today in the face of Mass air raids on four German which was staged under tha aus­ Byrd. 140. Blytbavtne. Ark. (10). Naw Tock ...... 54 28- .659 gust. He had been fooled nicely. S t Cloud. Minn.—(F>—When toe brought^ out whether the action re^ la, 42 Hollister street; Miss Irma elate the value and worthy of the AND Philadelphia at Cincinnati. . U .a.W «alth r. liquidator of tba Manchea- farm group pressure from both alrdromea were aaid. to have re­ pices of the nearby field chaptor Boston, ...... 48 32 .800 'Btoania County PubUohars Asso- sides of the Capitol. stored direct communications be-' DaSlmone, 104 School street; Har- middle years of,human m e , when W oold Withdrew British R,: u Brooklyn at Plttaburgta (night). elatioa laanied two o t its members " I and Trust Deposit Gor- sulted In th* dsstructlca of 113 tween Rzhev and Nazi-held Vyaz­ of Army RaUaf. " Ben's Kid 8lsW Clovaland . ■. • • • .4ll— $7 570 Bolf* Stodlea Bid ■While the Senate entered Its planes. vey Barbeau, 170 ^ r t ( er Oak an Individual reaches full bloom. I mt Qrp—6 tVsspa Todays program faaturea ' the STAMPS war* to join the Army shortly, Th# total wealth of tlw to-John It, Allen, proper- ma, on the Moscow-Smolenak ■treat. Aaaofteaa Detroit ...... 45 42 .517 second day of debate on changes Many Postttoa* Recaptured In fact, a recent magaslne article London. July -14. — (/P) The $800 BrOokvllI* ptnwa for 22 class . Philadelphia'— Gloria Warren, Detroit at New York. St. Louis ...... 40 43 .482 New York. —Red Rolfe, ailing llwy pledged tbematIvM to con­ States amounts to $394.481A86^!( Oak atieeL price Administration Kenderaon highway 70 miles to toe south.) Discharged today: Donald-Cus- states, “Th* present period be. Lantfpii, July lA—cflli-x Ualtsd working Committee of the AU- tinue editing their weekly papers, 000, according to a lepert'aC tka: A dispatch said many positions' Acknowledgemeikt of a break­ pacers. The Ootoen, N. Y. win­ slnflng starlet of the screen, la St. Loula at Boston. Chicago ' ...... 34 46 .425 Yankee third baseman, is still y _ ___ declares would cripple' much of the were captured, lost and recap­ ter, 41 Dougherty street; Mrs. Mll- longs to the middle-ag^ woman.” 8tatoa Army hsadquartass an- India OongresS party ha* publUh- ner, Toronto, is lihted among the . . . . 3 6 54 .400 considering an offer tvtivuacb bas«- thus prox-ldlng a regular income Natioaal jadusirtak (Vinfuem to- James J: through at Voronesh. tn toe valley dren Adanis, 38 Hudson s tr ^ t; toe younger sister of Catcher Ben Cleveland at. Washington. PhiUdelphia prograna, the House Agi^iculture tured. Soviat aviation appeared I am gUd to not* that many Bouaesd today that MaJ. <3so. M. *d a rsaohition propoqjog toe eight staftera. . W arren of the FhUa. (Only games scheduled.) ’. Washington ..;,.3 0 557 baU at Yale. « foe the publiataers' famlllea- Board. E ' - on Kenstiigtofi of the upper Don 300 miles south Mrs. Esther Pedemontc and infant women In -fh* prime of life are W. dark, of Naw Bock, now to fai withdrawal of Britfah ru1e'’^fimm Committee came for-jt'srd__ iviih ...... active...... In dive-bombing ...... the Don of Mosew, w ar a significant de- •1 Ceater street •harp critlciMn e< his BoUelfa J_Jriv$r.creiaino west of thg town, son. 598 Center street; Anthony _ jtvery whelssom* eommand of all Amarican ground India. Reutsta reported today la a vflocment bn the southern front Levri, Wsjiping. .- and saental activity. I, troops la Britain, dlspatoh from Wariha, BidU. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN; TUESDAY, JULY 14, 19'4f .V . ' V MANURB8TBK BVENlNO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUBSPAT, JULY 14,1941 PAGE BLEVBR

MICKEY FINN Thf Low-Down! LANK LEUNAR1I1 T IT DOESN'T GfCM J f E S — TH IS, IE NASH, — WHEN')OU PHONED n5T\«EM VET ease arid Nonsense PAIR, JOHMNV— OP T h is r MmC^TALKINC MS'IUET AC I W|IE« Wants Classified ForVbur Benefit COUME.t KNOW t h e ' PROM WASHINGTON LEPNINO,irOU OIOMT WAS Hus Boss—Will, I wish you wouldn’t There's a eubetltiltaTor every- . Corporal— The boys tell me that p . a i . M E N p iR e a l l ----[ JUST SPOKEN FINN HAD El~ THOENE I M f sing at your work. \ thing, it seems, except War! ^rl you introduced me to it pret­ GMARTER THAN TOM THORNE UP THW IMPORTiANT . rn THINK < ty .bard, eh ? r W ill— I wasn’t working," sir; I AND IWI DOINQ A ANOtlOLD YOU ID Jack— Didn't she let you kiss Soldier— Hard is right. She's so was Just singing. '' AQtomotoiles for Sale 4; Roofing—i^in g 17-A Household Goods 51 Machinery and Tools 52 Wanted to Rent 68 LITTLC wonoerino— ------HPNC HIM- T g ^ g IT i M P o i n K S r ? Lost and Found 1 Howm!* for Sale 72 her? b u d ft would take a diamond to Manchester make an impreeaion on her, So that Toiing Amsrica may THOENCl HE? FOR SALE — i938 4 DOOR WE SPECIAUZE In Applying WILL SELL TO DELLIi^GER HAY CHOPPERS, W AI^to-Tb RENT—4 or « UN- FOR SALE—SINGLE 7 ROOM Fred—Oh, hiavenet the isn't PAY CHECK LOST—NoUce i* never fear tbe Skies again—buy Ereaing Herald hertb'y x^ven that Pay Check No. Sedan, Bulck special, good Urea. roofing and aabesroa sldiitgi RESPONSIBLE PARTY . used Fordson with mower, rid­ fumiahed rooms withia the. next houau, with larga gun room, that kind. few weeks, three In family. Call Slacks! w ar saxlng bonds. P IF 62, payable to Anna Bolin- N o reasonable offer refused. Can Workmanship guarainteie^. Time 3 rooms of beautiful, new, modem ing cultivators, used John Deere steam heat, 3 car garage. Located Jack-.^She was to me. • Chsaified AdTcrtiMnenU see between I and 9 p. m . ex­ p a ^ p ^ ts arranged. A. A^. Dion Furniture, never delivered or tractor, mowers and. rakes.. Dub­ 8155. Those suim nhr^acka they fit 'em, aky, for. week ending Jiibf <. 1942. 43 Scarborough Road, recondL OoM t alz a T z r to words to a llna. c e p t .Siintlay.v. 1016 F.a.at .Middle Inc., 299 Autumn street. ^ Tel. used; liidden events caused a lin Tractor Company, Providence There’s no place left on this Like a bag hunIKon a rack, - Junior—I Just bumped my has been lost. Anyone attempting \ tloned and now re' Road, Willimantic. YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE TO •arih at this time where a man The garb looks llM a cross be­ crasy hone. aaek eonot aa a word and eomponnd to cash this oheck will he 'pro.ae- , rent 3 or ’4 room apartment as pancy. Apply Edward J. Holl, words as two words Minimum eosi this ,'J-plece living room ,with can go and get away from It all- tween Senior—Just comb your hair euted to the full extent;, of the f o r s a l e 19.17 V8 Ford sedan, permanent residence. Write Box Tel. 5117 or 5118. Is Biies of thrao llnss. Moving—Trucking— lamps, tables, etc.; modern A-alnut -1_ A towel and a gunny tac right and ths bump won’t show. law. Finder please return check good Urea, perfect condition. In­ WX. Herald. UiBs ratss per dar for tranalSDi Storage 20 diedroom and 5-piecc k i^ e n set Wanted—To Buy 58 FOR SALE—9 ROOM Duplex Frank—Edith’s heart must be a«a. to the Corporate Accounting De­ quire _Mra. Hoose, 176 Charter as bard aa glass, i;' can't e.vcn W e tLink we're a smart people, M o rtira Marck IT, IBIf tbx^ only WANTED — LIGHT WEIGHT M A N C H E S T K t F A M IL Y o f 3 de­ house, all Improvements at 79-81 First worker— W hat did ths partment, Main Office, Cheney Oak street.. STORAGE make an impression on her. do when you .told him it was trip­ it took half a century , for 7 ' A CashCbarcs man's -bicycle. Call at- 10 Bisscll sire, 4-5-6 room flat or duplex Cottage street. Telephone 8535 I OOBasentlTs Oars...| 7 ota| t els Bros. , ■ Moving and Packing. The Auqtln Jeeper— Have you tried. In ex* sale^mMi to learn not to ask the 1937 CHRYSLER 4 DOOR .sedan, ' \ $1.H street before 6 p. m. by the 15th, or 1st of August, or Inquire 49 Birch street. lets. I Coossoutlss Dsjrs... f ctsjll cts A. Chambers Co. Telephone 62fiC \ Second worker — He promoted wom an’Customer w b a f size' shoe. , 1 Day ...... elsllt ctr l-0-‘’ T - BI.u\CK BILLFOLD con­ beautiful green finish, price S345. $40 or $45. Phone 2-0035. tra large diamond? $.30 ^p o s it And' $3 weekly me to the bead of my department. % f A ll ordsra for Irreirular insertions taining sum of money, vicirfity' of terms. J6 weekly. 1929 Oldsmo- WANTED-4 OR 5 CUBIC foot First worker— What department N ow when AW i m is seen riding will bs eharcsd at tbs ons Mms rats. Art Lewis Circus. Fmder please blle coach, good tires, runs like Willing toXaeil separately. May be electric ice box in good, condition. WANTED — THREE OR FOUR NeV Banking Fees Which May OUT OUR WAY . R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOU8B WITH MAJOR HOOPLI Spselal ratss for Ions tsrm srary Repairing 23 seen at ^ u r convenienct at room rent, by young couple. ' Be In Offing tjt* you In ? with a strange wohuiB ha can ex­ call 2-0595. Reward. new, $65. Terms and trades ac­ JJL Call 3408. day advsrtlslns c I«« b u ^n rsqusst. ALBERirs KURN. CO.. HTFD. Telephone 8933. Is Named Head Second worker— Production de­ plain by saying he wka. trying to Ada ordsrsd befors lbs third or cepted. 1936 Auburn convertible Mo w e r s s h a r p e n e d , repair­ Recent rules end regulations, save her tires. NO OOUBT,' llftli day will bs chsrsrd only for I-OST MIXTURE, ENGLISH 43 Allyh St. Phone 6-0358 partment. VOU PEOPLE ARE ALLUS A S O C K \ r UELLO.' A NOTE PROW TNI6 6 6 , I THOUGHT^ coupe, $23,5. terms $4.50 weekly. ed, shear grinding,' key. fitting, pertainlQf to lervtce charges to SENDIM’ HIM SUMP’M IN W ITH t h a t ’s j u s t ths actual number of tlmss the ad I Shepherd, and Collie doy, .hhitk Car^^ttain or bus expenses refunded Koolhs Without Board 5i) be made effective by large bank­ AND A CHECK FOR *\0 0 / ^ TVOlG&S >JA6 appaarsd, eharslns at the rats ssrn- 1937 Packard sed.'in, radio, heat­ d’lplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. ^ OfLoealUnit A B O U T H iS I and broWn,white under neck, An- ing Institutions in metropolitan UKE HE'E «TARVIM* TO P O O P ,* ESAo /t n e r h 's a t r u e Bl u e TIGHTER TUAN sd but no allowanrs or refunds can er. almo.'t new tires $345, terms overhauled. Braithivaite, 52 Pearl f o r s a l e —4 p i R c e MAHOG- FOR R E N T- 2 NICE furnished bs snads on sis 'Ims ads stopped .vwers to Spottie. Tel. 7861. srees, should be mi^re than of FUNNY BUSINESS DEATH,* PUT IN- SUMP’N W H E R R ’fe S E N S E O P CWAP/..-WM/ HE SAVS HERE: A PULLMAN $6 weekly. 1940 Packard 6 conr streeL any bedroom suIIFk reasonable. ,rooms, one suitable for 2 per­ Naval Patrol attar ths fifth day. p m io < Interest to our readers, / ;UNNV,' CHEER HIM U P -' V O U / HUMOR.* No “tin forbids"; display llnsa act vertibla coupe, good' tires, beau­ Call after 8 p. m. 177 Center, sons. ons for 3. Tel. 4607. " ENCLOSING PlOO FOR.'UNE- KJlNDOVJjBUT LAWN MOWERS shArpened. od- U - / J I-Mrs. T. Ev Brosnan, to new rules for scryice charges HIM TH A T TUFPITS PIN D I T — sold. Announcements tiful blue finish, $895. Terms $12 phone 8083. \ STOCK INVESTMENT' SOU THIS MAKES Tbs Usrald will not bs rasponsibis weekly. Finance manager of ed, adjusted, picked up and^de- FOR RE.NT—FU R N ISH E D room O O a t IjrO IH lC ls L Be in Charge of Red art! n\ IS Re ?j;u r n i n ' t h ’ s o c k for mors than ons Incorrect InSer- HAVE YOU OLD RUGS an^ llvered $1.25 Here-$1.00. Repair near Main street, gentleman pre­ 1. Entering bank: Front door.50c; l\ HE WAft .ALLUS C T tA L IM '1 \Nir;e d about h o pe t h e Him e l ig ib l e ID tlOB of any advertisement ordered ■Brunner Sales, 80 Oakland street. VICTORY'T'’URNITURE ^ L E - v clothing made into new nigs. Open eVonirtgs, Tel. 5191. parts. Power mowers ehkrpened Speciman Values. 5* pc. Ngolid ferred. Telephone 69t)8. . ------; Cross Bandages. back door, 5c. - t e l l HIM-.TH’ PUP PUT s k a t e Do esn 't c u r l up Buvio s h a r e s tor mors than ons time. IT IM HISSBL.F-- ^ Tba Inadvertent omission ot la- Any size. “All ne.w pattern.'. and repalreo We sharpen hedge maple kitchen'scL'. $29.9,5, iOner All Hands Resriird as 3. Asking for balance: $1. IN t h e s t r e t c h .'' OF STOCK IN TUl" sorrsot publication of advertistns Telephone 6.595. Agent will call FOR SALE— 1940 SPE C IAL Biltck and grass shears, .icissors, kmves, "spring mattre.ss. $19.95, twin aW FOR REN T -SING LE room with 8. Arguing about balance: In civil GUILTY CONSClt^'"*' will bo rectified only by cancellation Mrs. T. Edwahl Brosnan of 83 GRAND CANVON? with saniples. sedan, radio, heater^ 16,000 miles, full sizes—twin outfits, family, shower. Phone Manches­ manner, 50c; In quarrelsome VMORD of ths charss made tor ths service etc. Saws act and filed. Our 16th Vessel Goes oh Rocks Washington street, has been ap­ >.>------' A ' .M rendered. mechanically A-1. 727, Silver ychr. -Capitol Grinding Co., 531 $29.95 — studio couckfs,, $34.95. ter 3533. ^ manner, $1; second time, $2.50; DID THE MAN All advartlaements mutt eonform SHOP IN THE COMFORT (if your Lane. Lydall. Tel. 7958. Terms. A t Benspn's Furniture. Near Golden Gate. pointed Surgical Dressing chair­ third time, $5. la style, copy and typoKrsphy with home. , . .Jiis't call Montgomery 713 Main street. man by Dr. Eugene Davis, chair­ 4. Speaking out. of turn:-To presi­ BUS rssBlatlona enforced f>y.the publlsnA FOR SALE 1941 SUPF.R BUICK FOR R E N T SINGLE and ,do.ib|e ort and they reserve the rlkht to \V.ini for- everything you need. WANTED TO TUNE repair and San Francisco, July 1 4 .-^ -^ -A man of the Volunteer Special Ser­ dent, $1; to caahter, 50c; to as­ WAR edit, revise or refect any copy con­ If \ye haven’t what you want'in Sedan, 5 practically new tire.', r -gulate your plane or player THE BEST RADIO BUYS—THIS rooms. Telephone 2-0759. vices here. It was announced to­ sistant cashier, 25c; to any vice sidered objectionable. very good condition. Reasonable. week latest Philco console, .only U. S. Naval patrol boat ran our store storks, you can choose pfano. Tel. Manchester 5*132, FOR RENT— CLEAN* ROO.M, day. president; no charge. CLOSING HOURS—ClattlHed ads Can be seen at 151 Maple street, $69.50. Admiral radio-phono-con­ aground near Seal rocks near the' from the thousands of items In suitable for two or three men or A request lor an additional stock 8. Leaning on - teller’s window: to bo published same day mutt bs before 2 p. m. PIANO TUNING -and repairing. sole 7 tubes, automatic record rseslvsd by 11 o'clock noon Satur­ our'catalogs. Our catalog de­ couple. Call 7019. Apply 15 Proc­ entrance to the Golden Gate eariy of 26 million dressings has just One elbow, 50c; both elbows, Player, piano .specialty. Johri changer, only $119.50 (6 free days t0;10. partment will have any of these 1941 PLYMOirTH .SEDAN—1939 toda.v knd the rescue of ejew been received at Red Cross head­ Cockerha-m; 28 Bigelow street records I Special Garod radio tor Road. * Telephone Your Want Ads items delivered to you prompUy. Plymouth .sedan, 1938 Plymouth members is proceeding, the Navy quarters from the War Depart­ 6. Requesting reduction of Inter­ Phone Sl61. , Tel. 4219. and phono in beautiful table ATTRACTIVE, COMFORTABLE announced. ment and the Manchester chapter est rate on loan: In hopeleaa Ada are acceplvu over the tvls- sedan. 1937 Plymouth sedan. model; $42.50. Zenith portables. double ropnoln new home. Call "A ll hands were resrued," a will sooH be notified of their- new manner, SOc; In persistent man­ pbone at ths CllAltGK ItA’rE siven w a n t e d — PASSENGERS to 1934 Plymouth Sedan, 1937 $39.95. We service and repair . above aa a conveneince to adver- 6759. Navy spokesman said. quota; _ X ' ner. $5. Hartford or West Hartford. 7' a._ • Dodge sedan, 1936 Dodge Help Wanted—Female 35 all makes of radios at Benson's llssrs. but ths CASH RATKS will be _ First reports of the ve.ssel Will Need Volunteers T. Telling Joke to u official or accepted as PULL PAYME.VT If m. to 5 p. ra. shift. Call 2-0353. sedan. Cqle Motors, 4164. . Radio. 716 Main street. 3 : grounding just outside the OoIdCA / Mrs. BrOsnan will appoint her employee:ilnvAA* Ary A '’nff'lvlfqsl original, 50C| paid at ths business office on or be- aub-chairman and will need volun­ fort the seventh day followina tbe W AN TE D —THREE Pa.ssengtlli^ I WANTED^LAUNDRESS— Tour MAPLE BUNK BED—SPECIAL BiMrdera Wanted 59-A Gate leading into San Franetjum second-hand,. 43. Brat tnaer'tlort of each ad otherwise Auto Accessories—Tires 6 house, or mine. Phone 6344, hay were received at Navalaval ‘Wad- teers to help In this great under­ 8. Keeping rendezvous in lobby: tbe CHARGE. RATE will be collect­ from Man-hester to Colt's • Van I $79.00. 2 beds, 2 mattresses. 2 GIRLS O N L Y — ROO-MS and quali­ taking. Dykd .Ave. plant, 3rd ahtft. In -' springs, complete. Benson’s, fl3 quarters' shortly after 2!:30^. m., With brunette, 50c; with red­ ed. ^o-. responsibility for errors in NEED .NEW BRAKES? F ^ d , ty meals. Laundry, electric sew­ Each Surgical Dressing Chair­ head, 78e; with blonde (intro­ telsphoncd ads will be assumed and quire 404 Hartford Road; betW'een i Main. Ip.w.t.), a Navy press -relations Chevrolet, Plymouth rellned with ' Help Wanted—Male 36 ing machine .facllltiee, home like man or her supervUor will attend their accuracy cannot bs cuaraa- 5 and 7 p. m. Tel. 6952. officer said. duction on demand), no charge. teed. the beat Comax brake- lining FOR SALE—ONE 9x12 RUG in environment, centrally located. one of the instructor's courses 9. Keeping president or vice pres­ YOUNG, MAN WANTED to work Watch R esc^ Work $8.95. Will call for your car and perfect condition, one 9x12 Ozite Reasonable. Please 'call at 14 ANdarger— g— r o u jp ^ f spectators which will be held throughout ths ident from golf game, $100. Index of GlftwifiiatioM on soda fountain. Ask fo r Mac at Arch street, i opposite Moriarty area during next month. deliver same day. Phone 5191. rug cushion, one 6x9 2-tone taupe gathered tp watch the rescue Hrtha \y*Idon, 901 Main street. Bros, gas station on Center St.), The August quota will be“1argee Kacnaameata USED TIRES AND Tl RES Brunner’s, Oakfand street. rug. Price’ reasonable for quick work frO_in b'e^by cliffs. cliff X'Specialist— Frequent water or phone 3408 to determine if any than those assigned In the first Mariltass ...... All Size.w 'aale. CSy 4944 after 5 p. m. Formidable rbcTts line the shore- drinking prevents you from be­ ■* W H V M O TH ER S G E T. S R A V lT.Wwiu.AMg Deaths' DLSHWASHER WANTED -Apply' rooms are available. Y'oung Wo­ World W ar and may be the largest at Silk City Diner, 641 Main side of . A 'narrow' navigational coming stiff in the Joints. aswfir VuJea. Card ot Thanks ...... VICTORY TIRE CO. BuiWin|;-Ci».lr.tti.., 14 FOR SALE—COMBINATION gas men's “ V " Hotise. - single production Usk the Red- Sweet Young Thing—Yes, but I twr it4i'trwtAiwvmiMcy M ( IB Mamorlam ...... street. _ - ’ chasuel and make the scejie o f the Lest and Found ...... and oil range, also oU burner, Cross ever undertaken. It was some of the Joints don’t aer\’e w a­ 348 No. Mailt St. Phono 3-9448 FOR YOUR REMODELINO or mishfap a notOrioUa dangeh .grea. announced by the National Red Aanonneemnsts ...... WANTED—HIGH SCHOOL hot water coil. Mrs. Hoose, 176 . The site Is a short'tllstance from ter. ”It’$ our new tandem club to M p conserve the f olf ball Personals ...... repair job call Wm. Kanehl, cohr Charter Oak. Wanted—Rooms.—Board 62 Cross tpdav. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Welcome, Steve! BY EDGAR MARTDf tractor, 519 Center street. Tele­ to work full or part time. Main' the spot where the freighter ' supply!” ABleaiobles for ^at^**.” ... atreet clothing store. Write Box W A N TE D — ROOM A N D board by Ohioan crashed ashore in a dense In this vaIs,of toil and sin phone 7773. 5 PIECE MAPLE BEDROOM set, ABtpaaohiles for Ezchance GB, Herald. young couple, working njghts. fog. Oct. 7, 1936. Your hsad growa bald but not Aata, AoesasorJes—Tires slightly used. Porcelain top table Preferably in outskirts of town. Bits of weatherbeaten wreck­ Aussie Diplomats your chin. Aata JtspalrlnR'—Pajatlng “ , . . . 1 and 4 chairs. Cot bed. 2 brown SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAf'IR 4 «ls ashools...... r-A RECORD CaU 8608. age from the Ohioan and the HAN enamel beds with springa. One Aates— bz Track I WAR DAMAGE Help Wanted—Male or tanker Frank H. Buck can. still be To Be Exchanged* Itachsl—My dad takes things you 41 sa ■ For Blrs ...... t ^^Sl»EaALS! INSURANCE Female 37, sideboard. 2 boudoir chairsr 1 REFINED YOUNG. WOMA.N de­ seen on the jagged shoreline far apart tp see why they don’t go. Chuacss—C f rrics—Storags . . . It antique dresser. 1 console radio ^loreralss-oBlwcles ...... II A L U T H IS W E E K sires furnished, one room apt., below the cllff-llke Point Lobos Tommy—Bo what! See, W A N T E D —W OM AN or girl, also and other . miscellafieous articles. WSHtso Aates—'■btoreyelet.... 17 with kitchen facilities. Would like landfsll which marks the entrance Melbourne, July 14.— (Ah — Rachel— You’d better go. —■ ■SstMoa eeS-Piefeeeleeel ServIcM man for work in laundry. Apply Telephone 8254. 1—37c hit record with McKINNEY BROTHERS use or rental of piano. Write to San Francisco, bay. Members of the Australian diplo­ ■aslBsas Ssrvless Ofi'red ...... II Most of ui will have less net SOS .Main St., Manchester, Conn. 72 Maple streht. Box R,' Herald. matic corps and some c'ivUlana ■sosshold >sr‘rald. r ' ■ nese announced by Herlbert V. eemings, no matter how small, es Insurance ...... It _ s ------.— 1 Evatt, minister for external affairs, the result of our Individual work muincrr—Dreismaklog ...... is • W ALr/-E S Boiii|ier Interned last night. Moving—Trucking—S to ra g e . .10 FOR SALE— NUMBER ONE end ingenuity. 'X ARTHUR A. Arrangements are virtually Public Passenger Service '• PARTY RECUROS Green Mountain pptatoea, also Machinery and Tools 52 Painting—Papering ...... SI seconds. Call morning at 7:30 or Frock and Bolero complete, Evatt said. Tor" the ex­ Professional Services ...... tl ChlMren’s l ’nbr«Rlutbi« FARMERS ATTENTION -Mow- llapalrtag tl KNOFLA noon or anytime - after 5 o'clock. Ankara, Turkey, July 14.— t^)— change soon of about 1,800 British Tailoring— Dyeing—Cleaning It Numery Rhymea 49c Each Mrs. AT^arvls, 872 Parker St. Ing machine kniveg'ground 15c A German twin-engined m^ium civUliUia in Japan for the same HOLD EVERYTHING Tsllet Goods and SS^rVIca ...... tl C A L L 8535 For Tel. 7026. - .foot. Knives replaced 10c each. bomber was'disclosed lafft night number of Japanese in epuntries Wanted-Bnrtnese Service tl For Expert Rad[o Service.. Ensilage blower knives ground Bdnrallanal to have made a forced landing at of the empire. Courses and Classes ...... t l INSURANCE 35c each, egw filing. Capitol Trabzon, on-Turkey's Black Sea Private Initruetloni ...... t l Grinding Co.; 531 Lydall street coast southwest of the Soviet Cau- Dancing ...... Il-A Ask Your Neighbor! Read Herald Advs. Telephone 7958. MuslealL-Dramutte ...... It enson cssisn oil port of Batum. GRs Sales Curb The crew was Interned. Wanted-Instructions ...... tt j u a n g 875 Main 8t. Phone 5440 FluancJel The plane apparently had been^ X ■sads—Itoeks—Mortgages tl BY ROT CRANE ■asihess GpportunHIes ...... - I! on a reconnaissance flight o v e i Plan Dropped WASH TUBBS Everythini’a Topsy-Turv^ Monty to Loan ...... t i the Russian oil fields. / r r K fWMOkiD Belp sud SItaatlana Washington, July —TTi* THIS IS A * ■olp Waotod-^FcmBlo ...... t l FOR SALE D og Must 'Be Life Prisoner /. PP1*0ATE.. COMPRfHBNSlON. HR ------Ud—Mala ...... II Office of Pries Admlnistratipg BA61. GEMTPy GONE WR ranted ...... tl-A has abandoned. a plan to prohibit WOT A MAJOR* m i LEAMUG ASAIHST ^ 7 ROOM SINGLE COLONIAL HOUSE Chattanooga, Tenn., July 14— A GTCRT^BR... MOONBi IN SIGHT... AND Bted—Male er Female %1 gasoline sales to rationed motors THtS WALL ASSISTBO BV wanted ...... 17- a Flrepl^Mie. ' Automatic Steam Heat and Hot Water. Two-Car (IPl—‘Snooks, a Spitz dog given a HOW’S My CHANCE ID GET BIP O’ THE WHERE IS THC btaatlone wanted—Female ... II last minute reprieve July 4 from lets in a 50-mile “ twilight zone* WOUMOBD MV COMPANION... NOW XMluatlont Wanted-Male .... It Garage-. Screens, Awnings and Storm M’lfldms's Famished. Large along tbe western border of th« ■ilCONO GCNTRy I xTtaploment Agencies ...... M Lot. Ow-aer leaving town and wants to sell. Price Is low for a death sentence imposed because M A 30R T HE IS d0NR,ANPfflS s Uva tiaek—Pete—Paaltry— of nips he took at neighbors, is In gasoline rationing area. this bouse. A new plan will bc announced MY COMPANION WHO VeMclaa See: ' for life. City Judge Martin Flem­ ui/u tunwfY f Dogs ' Birds— Pets ...... 41 before the coupon rationing sys­ Uvo Stock—Vehicle...... 41 ing allowed Snooks' mistress' to PoSltry ahd Suppllei ...... 41 taJee the pup home from the city tem becomes effective In the 17- Wanted —Pe^e— Poultry—Stork 44 S T U A R T J . aWASLET pound yesterday, but said the dog etste area, July 22; Per Sale— MlBeellaueeae must be kept In a wired enclosure. artlelce For Sale ...... 41 Real Estate and Insuranre Boate and Accessories ...... 41 State Theater Building Tel. 6648 - 7146 And if Snooks takes one more bite Houston, Texas. 21st largest pity C l / l u M e ^ ‘ at neighbors, the death sentence in the United States, increased its Building Maltrlals ...... 47 7-/V Dtsmonds — Wetchts^j4W4lry 41 will be invoked, 'Judge- Fleming population from 292,352 in 1930 HHWTWT. Electiicsl Appllsnc4s—R adio.. 41 ruled. to 386,150 In 1940. ,'»mY»MH»vKt.»KTuweuewT.ew Fuel and Peed ...... x ,',,,4 I-a ‘J. Serden—Fgr'm— Dairy Prodhets M *W euld you cere to come over Household Goods ...... il end instruct my men. in tntU- .v-* ”As long as we’re helping the war effort by not taking Uschinery and ToolsII l RHICH VALLEY] Msstcal Instrumsiits ...... || I02~Yr»~Old Woman Makes Rugs traUott tactics?” / sugar in our coffee, dear,let’a both have another edairl** Office end Store Equipment 44 ______.______X ' . Iptclals at the S to re i...... It Wearing Apparel— Furs ...... 17 lYsnted-To Buy ...... 41 TOONBRVILLB FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX Booui»—Beard-Hotele—Reeerte Women for -cere. i»4i sy Nt* gcsviti. iwL f.'w. MAifc Reetaeraefe ANTHRACITE Rooms Without Board t l X: ■ ■ » ' ' \ \ Boarders'Wanted ...... ^ . , . . I » - A T hb Po w e r fu l katrinka ■\ BY V, T. HAMLIN Conntry Board—Resorts'...... P' ALLEY OOP W hat Next?^ Hotels— Kettsiirants ; ...... tl War Work Wanted—Rooms—n<>s.rd ...... 41 WraHAVETO , Reel Getate Per Rent LEHIGH VAtllY ANTHRACITE m HSV.BOOM* WHEN ARBXGOOO GSkOPagY.* VY9 KNOCK' BUT SOU SAID Ip WE’RE MOT a l r e a d y Apsrtmente, Flata. Ten'r'mfnta 41 * \ VOU PlOM’T IM THE WATERS OP THf PIND US AN' ! Butln4as Locations for Rent .. 44 x'f' WE GONNA 6 ET 50ME*\ 08P THiS PiG BOATS CREW, Our increased war effort m akes it neces­ KNOW where j t a p a m e s e m a n d a t e , THEN 'I other Boat Houses Pol Rent ...... 4t “- T h t X SubdrbsD For. Rent ...... / ... 44 ,M,rBE AT,' w e s o o M W i l l b e - v WHAT j..TH(S ONE IS Summer Homes For Rent ...... 41 sary for us to add additional fem ale help AMO THEM.. JUST a b o u t Wanted to Rent ...... I» has. been a "WINNER" for dmost a ontury OUT OP Reel Raiale Per Sale f ' - ^ ' Apartment Building for-Sals .. t» for work- on power sewing machines. PUELJ Business Property for Sale . .. ,7i' To protect agoinit lubj'fifutioru and inferior coolj — Penua and l-and tor Sals ...1 . II Experience unnecessary as* we w ill train Uonsca for Sale ...... 71 insist on thii—"WINNER OF "FUELS" Lota for Sale ...... Ti Raacrt Propartp for f a i t ...... I4 A.UTHOIIZI0 DISTIIIUTOIS “ ;.... Ojj^ratives in thia work. M ake applica­ luburhan for Bala ...... 7t Raal Batata' for Exrhsnss . . . . 74 tion immediately to . . Waatad—Real Esistv ...... l7 Anrftnn— l,eaal. Vetleea '-agal Noficea ...... |t THE MANCHESTER LUMBER

AND FUEL COMP^^Y Cheney Brothers Dpn't dread hot weather —: be * * * Mh«n v#u Nev«*r€«d thif Employment Bureau— Main Office i M«»s»ap«r }l jp, Kvereft ,T. .McKinney, MgrT prepared to enjoy it. in this frock which- has a completely open top! ^Hartford Road oeM'iMifer r r . 7-/H Center Street Phone 514.7 The shaped top ii held in place ^ I with shoulder straps — the frock buttons In back so that It can> be slipped Into In a Jiffy! W ear it BY MERRILL BLOSSER RFD RYD' for housekeeping, porch sitting and FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Tied To His Job “ I Spy” . ’■*. BY FRED HARMAR relaxing at your summer cottage. 5388 Pqt on the matching bolero when \f &GBOY VJA5 . tken Vino’S you want to dress the outfit up to B y Mrs. Anna OSbot ‘ •eats, but you can inake the rug UNTIL FURTWER f'JOW, &GeoY— B o f BePOftfi I STABTi m6 m/ BBCAUSE MR. KENT UKCO You VJOULtJN’T ■££ AS'.E , , wear for a shopping or visiting as large-as you Uke. SiNce 'iiou M W it N o n c e . v o u ' mmy do T m s D9DP THAT 6Uhi OR. On her 102nd birthday, Mrs: For complete directions for the a b o u t OOING *R> TW » OAMP IT CANT WHY YOUR., ©BA FOR IM7BE* ■^5 I^RR1EST ME .' trip. "E) TALK 1b m b . IM THE FLIES D 0 0 R - 9 W A QAL/S.' I’M SWOOTit^’ TriJSoUSn Rose Palmer Giles of Maine was Round Bn|l 35-lnch material. Jacket IVi yards. maierimls specified, send 10 cents-^ For this attractive pattern, work aa she had been three-quar­ tn coin, your name and address 15c in boin, your name, address,- ters of a century ago. Her hand­ •ad tbe pattern number to Anne IT T pattern number and size to T h e OOYDUR some ruge are faraoua la Malne^— Cabot, The Mancbeater Evening Manchester Herald, Today's Pat­ BIT AND and she has -made hundreds of Herald, 106 Seventh Avenue, New tern Service. 106 Seventh avenue. York aty. Enclobe 1 cent postage HRFIMM New York, N. T. them! the - This one—tbe one illustrated, for each pattern ordered. WARf Patterns for every sewing need ehe made last winter, A devoted My new Album, about which so are to be found in our summer friend of her bae lent it to me. many of you have Inquired, is now Fashion Book. Lingerie, aproiia, It's braided—It's made of left­ ready. It is aa attractive 82-page youngster's styles — drenes of over niateriala and acrape. Alter- •0>um of the lovely dealgiia you many, many designs. Send for natlnif rows of black and vivid have for 'and admired— your copy today. color make it aa vigorous looking needlework deatgnq of all typea— as tbe remarkable woman who for all tbe family—for the home made It! end for gifts! The name of it la It is 19 inches In diameter— the "Anne Cabot Album." Send 15 M rs GUes used this Mse as chair cents today fior your c < ^ ! V ■' S

Uxst 7WEL7B TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1942 Aan(I|rfltnr £ontittg 9mdi The Weather ------— ------^ Averggi Daily Circulation M r tlw Month of Jon«, IMS FotoeOag ort). 8. WenMMv Hnaaan old-fashioned' .Gospel hymn-sing ihw f gency Poc^tii LisLPrd^aiii will be oohduct^by Rev. O, Albtn Next Blackout Bullutd Issues Sugar Bonug 7,451 . IWgh4^y cooler tonlglrt than lest About Town tCo/. Dahlquist o f Esgt Greenwich. R. Dr. Alfred Sundqulat and I>r. Member of the Aodlt n*ght . J. A Segal era the pbysiciana I., who with Mrs. Dahlqudst is In J il^ l8 to 3 1 For Meetings Ig Confirmed Bnreon of Ctreolotlons it g f Ann* Laduc, d «u (lit«r of of the Manchester Medical as­ chargs o f music for th« wsek, and X and Mm. Arthur I^aduc of «1 sociation who will rsspond to V ' a special camp meeting 'wieck pro­ Honohester—^A Cky of VUlage Charm mmd ■treat, Wiii ^ e a t o f honor emergency call! tomorrow Summer Assemkly ^ at gram and entertainment U ached- afternoon. ManchMter , to Take uled for Saturday evening, July Local Rations Board Re* PRICE THREE CENTS J; »t A btrUuUy pwly, given by her Oolonel A. L. Bullard, oOmman-'^Army observers and it IS sighted, (OlneaMed Adverttsing en Page MANCHES CX)NN., W E D N E SD A Y , JU LY 1 5,1942 (SIXTEEN PAGES) p IMther at the hom? o f her aunt, ^ ------:------:----- — — 1 25, announcymenta regarding, TOL. LXI., NO. 243 Part vath G lastd^niy der of the local aotl-airqraft regi- i it Wlll be immediately fired upon ^illimantic to Open eeives News of an Ex< U m iJva Helrendt of Beat Hamp- which will bfTmads durug the ment, advised all fesidehts of this regardless of whether the alarm hea. Mr*. t«duc alao made the Mancheeter Is represented in the And East Hlrtford. On July l ^ h . ^ w eek.' arM to reWiain Indoen during-am has been sounded by the Civilian tra AllottmenU Wrthday cahe, aurmounted by, two State Health department'a week­ Sunday^ July, 16, the closing day Air raid. Lhst' n 'lg ^ many persons Defense organization or not. ly report today, with four cases of o f the camp meeting, the love Task Forco Ktafts at Jap PlanM in Battle o f Midway tapara, one for each year of Henry R. Mallory, chlaf of th# wc>c noticed outbids on the streets No Civilian has any business on Rev. Earl E. Story, formerly of Local W ar Price and Rationing More Heart [ Piatajr'a age. Monday afternoon reportable measles. No other dis­ feast St 9:50 a.m. 'will be followed Board 11-76 wras Informed today A ir Raid Warden Serviced, for duringxthe ten , and this practice the streets during an actual Air Manchester, DistH'Ct Superinten­ at 10:30 a.m. by a service by Rev. ^M^u Laduc gave a party at her eases have been reported during by the. Off ice of Price Admlhlstra- Manchester, announced that ths Should bAstopped at once. - raid. Even the wardens have been dent o f the Norwich Dis'trict, vrill Am ot A. Thornburg, D.D., pastor hama fresldent of ths SU ts W.C.T.U. Onrteopathlc Asaociation today. Back -o n South to Warping and thle town were pres- N o W sm lngs as well as ths Manchester branch. Dr. Jonea, of thi. Kansas City Fireai^Set in Raid on aa t They presented him with an Sometlma between August 1 Ths forum dlseuasfqn w ill be-at 11 '^(Mo.) College of Osteopathy and Rostf^; Admit Red Point at Which Don a m y watch and numerous other and December 1 the state will A m. The panel dlaeusslon luder / a. A buffet lunch was serl-ed Registrars Have Lists send out representatives without Is Manchester’s Quota the title, "Toward Total Victory," (OonUnued on Pnge T en ) Attacks .^re Strong. River Was Crossed. warning to conduct air-raid drills will bo at 2 o’clock Monday after­ hla mother and games were Prepared; Will Neetl “ " \ ' SBjoyed. He left with the group of in some 51 towns throughout the noon. The sermon ih the evening r state. Manchester has been select­ nature is waived in case of mail will be by H. B. Buahnell of Leba­ Berlin (From ^G e r m a n Moscow, July 15.— - lA aHective service Inductees yes­ More Checkers. Ratfoning , Board Gets ed as one of these towns in which , order sales, but mail order houses non. Lee Renamed Broadcasts), July 4^-r-e western approaches to Vo­ is the Legion' Home. This hss not citleaxin Hartford County, have w ith three-fOurthe o f the unoffi­ Od British Hieight The local rationing board met Federal Government agencies tic 'will speak In the evening. ' moisture to keep vegetables garden fresh.and nwytts juicy, Ran into Ambush ronezh. Oemmander Paul A. E. Flux, of as yet been engaged for the pur-: be^(dealgnated to. handle the ra- - 1 Tires for All Former Head the Uhitad States. Navy, and last night and passed upon tire and the American Red Cross will • The annual meeting of the Camp with nutrltve juices In! More—the circalatlan'of clean- cial returns from yesterday’s pri­ The Russians said that, in forcing poae. tiw ln g of bicycles. Ground Association will take place washed alr-gnards aglUnst the exchange of food flavors. the Nazis back they recaptured a dBBghter Louise and son, Paul, It looks as though the vote this apply either throug.h the Procure­ m ary election tabulation. appUcationa. The gasoline dlvl;^ Ths niMUlflcmtioiis Friday afternoon and the address Nothing could be purer than ice, made from filtered water. small railroad crossing and in an­ are the guests of Mr. and M m year will llMd to the plan of hav­ ment Division of the United States Robert S. (Bob) Kerr,, the i>ar- ston reviewed^ 0 of the appiica- EUgiblUty for a certificate to that evening wlU be by Rev. W . E. For all thes^ reasons, your children are safer when yon Petroleum Inilustry Dis­ Of Argentina other sector applied such strong Xalph Hooker of S3 Scarborough ing voting done in diatricts in- Treasury Department or directly ly 's national committeeman, add- In tiona for am^IemCntary gAMllne purchase a new adult bicycle Is Lowther of Norwich. -use Ice refrigeration. Why not And out morejUrant ice pressure that the Gennana Yell Hood while visiting M m Flux who atead of having over 12,000 per- to OPA Headquarters in Washing­ •d bit by bit to his narrow mar­ broad. It embraces anyone engag­ ton. Gospel Hymn-Sing today? \ . covery on Synthetic back acrom' a small bridge and de­ la A patient at Manchester Me- eona vote in one place, as at pres­ and denied 50. The .re^am that gin over second place Corner moat « protest vote. Busby A comnuinique confirmed the gave this result of the battle: jor part In the fighting, destroy­ A t the time of his resignation he' Mrs. Ariton Judd of 16 Elro street, tify that he haa no’ disposed of a said, "but it does not warrant un­ A smashing victory for the Westminster road and Cynthia [conceded Lee’s renbminatlon. Japanese capture of Wenchow on Japanese losses— 20 ships sunk ing some Axis tanks and sending announced that his ■’last.hope was • AUCE COFRAN who was assisted by her mother. serviceable adult bicycle aince Germans in the battle for the Cau- F lashes ! Pearl Chamben of 150 McKee In 2.112 precincts o u t'o f 3,674,. Saturday midnight. . but the or damaged including four air­ due optimism on the part of Its. medium bombers back "In crushed” and that he'was leaving , (Known As (tneen Alles) Relatives, who were present from April 2, 1942, unless he can show spokes-man aald this did not mean cAslan approaches, they predicted, street., I the count was Lee 96.753, Busby craft carriers sunk and three bat­ American motorists. There should force" against Tobruk last hight, office because of "unfavorable con- ! (Late BolleUas otVktUPi W in ) SPIRITUAL 31EUIUM Rockville, Glastonbury and this that he did not need it at the time 146,868, and Murray 19.821. that Chinese forces had been trap­ tleships hit; 275 planes destroyed, be conservation of rubber. Driving would -be followed b y a Japanese SsvMfb Daughter of s Seventh Son Quttclalm Deqd. the bulletin said. elusions regarding my health town brought many beautiful gifts, he disposed of it. RepuMlcans chose W. B. Pine, ped on the eastern side of the arc and 4,800 men killed or drowned. speeds should be reduced to save attack on Siberian Russia. Japan Bom With a VeU. The Savings Bank of Manches­ While the hea\’y claah o f ground which have just been reached by Strike Affects Day Shift which Miss- Knight opened while Because of the limited supply Coal, Lumber, j Okmulgee industrialist, to . oppose which the Japanese now have ex­ American loases— the 19,90b-t6n wear on tires. Unnecessary driv­ was said to have massed a t least Bandings Dally, Including Sunday, ter to the C. R, Burr and Oo.. Inc., forces occurred In the north, on my physician." Flint, Mich., July 15— — A seated under a ahower of pink and of bicycles, housewives and stu­ liM in the NoVamber' general elec- tended across Chekiang province ing Should be eliminated. We are- 24 divisions—about 360,000 men— (JT) S'A. 3L tw 9 P. M, Or By Appolnt- warehouse and land on Allen Place. I aircraft carrier Yorktown put out the,coastal end of the line, patrols His parting message was an ex­ strike that followed the suspension white streamers. dents are not eligible, but they Itlon. IMhe served in the [SOnate from Hangchow to Wenchow. of action, the destroyer Hammann not y e t' out of the woods In ' thia In Manchukuo with air rolnforce- ■ W L la the Servloe of the Peo- W am h tee Deed and'llolumnf fought minor actions' pression o f hop* that his country of a number o f workmen tor smok^. Dainty refreshments were served may oe if they have other occu­ [from 1925 to 1931.. The Japanese line in many sunk, an undisclosed . number of business of synthetic rubber, and menta from home. pls for 89 Team Angelina Trevigno to James A. pation that brings them within the Mason’s Supplies, _ further Inland. in the central and would "follow the road o f ,»Fosr or member or employee-of the Local ing your stock inferior feed that lek: in The Donelly Engineering who had identified the statements. PO N Y RIDES a valuable cargo, and that our des. find not at all like a tiger, flying lations in France. five roembera of tbe ciaw at a Board and again In the presence of ■tion aald last night that Boat Works Razed. ies meant when he said a pair of . ‘The prosecution is expected to 2 Large Summer Squash (10c) At Adams Street . doesn't do the job. Xzive yoor tination and route were known to panta, or trousers, had a siagle or grounded; Doubtless the makers Royal Air Force ferry command the dealer from whom he buya the I apy Buapect Tiad full aceesa to them.” of this particular shirt hoped to bit continue the presentation of the stock Moon’s Hi-Quslity Feed. seat . ’--Ijon^n. ■“ July 15.——The FERTILIZERS AND INSECT SPRAYS I full access to all drawings and -and just what be was throwing in advance of the trial that, state No Raids Overnight. PlesM Mod FREE 16'pagsMUlsgM * ed amall fires aa far as two mllea Coavoy System Used have changed a lot. The Island .al­ House today broke,a' two-rsrath 5 Pounds New Potatoes . (25c) in g else.” back remained a mystery, although menta had been made to the F B I Adverse weather kept British from the central blase. Many res­ United Nations merchantmen ways bragged about its sun—never congrearionnl deadlock oa tha FREE! {Dnslratinc 'tbe wide atsertment of | 18 Plage ta Peaaearion one layman aald he bad a «o o d idea by ^1 qf the . prisoners ahd most bombera tfvm ' ' raiding Germany OPEN ALL DAY idents went to their roofs to stamp plying the Claribbean now are op­ a word about anow or skiing. rlcititnra Department nppropna The prisoner, born In Berlin what he wo'uld throw back. It was if not aU of 14 alleged confeder­ cvemlght. an Informed source TO TAL V A L U E $2.71! A 4 76 PAGE out the -sparlca. M idluiil firemen, erating under the convoy system AU these styles and garments tion bUl by a grM n g ta a SauaW Esti'BUd PaUcmZr-' ' | vhUe. his father was In the U. S. oasiatad by firemen from Barrie, '^ready .In effect along the U. 8. the garment were qoade In Los Angeles. This ates. The procedure for presenta­ raid. A L L F O R ...... ^ tion, o f such statements to the The Admiralty announced that ptepoeal to allow aoleo of g o * ^ : ILLUSTRATED .Nemo sendee and tberefora an OrilMa ande, Penetanguiahene and east coast, and suhinarlne-^halleng- Then a man toured the pool with should be made clear, because If meut-usned .wheat at patera haloig Merchaunts* Day Larsen’s F eed Service Lmerlcan ettisen, was found In many volunteers, prevented the ing Navdl escorts soon wlH aid a pretty blonde on his arm. She some at them, certainly that coat court would'be to have the state­ British light forces destroyed an parity. The breah Is ' " CATALOGUE Adjreu ■Ion of IS plans, diagrams, flames from spreading to the Mid­ shipping in the Gulf o f Mexico, was Mias California, a Miss Lucille with the big checks 1;^t. must ment read by the court ^and then Axis tanker and damaged two es­ . (Limit One Tn a Customer!). OU the gialu aula Wednesday, .Till}'15 • 38 De|Mit Sf|uar« '* Tel. 5406 G iy ■wlnga o r blueprints of essential land 8hipbampany where This, extension of the epnvoy ays. Lambert, and the aiutouneer re­ have been e hsnd-me.oiowi. from have it carefully Identified by the corting trawlers in the English ■etilad an dif ___-UJ. quested that everyone pay special Seebiscuit ever shows up In Chiaiiiiel sear the Freash post aC .(OMUflaed an ftf# tefl) (Ooatlaaad on Pagg Ten) (OoaMaaed ra Page Six) atteatleB to the man’s wool halt Brooklyn—well, look out coat. .(Oratig wed .ra 'Page Stx) - |C3iiCSierbourg tbi* morning.