Burke Proposedamendments M
TOWN OF BURKE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given to the residents of the Town of Burke, VT, that the Burke Planning Commission will host a public hearing on Thursday, June 8, 2017 in the Town of Burke Offices, 212 School Street, at 6:15 P.M. The hearing will be held for public review of and comment on the proposed Burke Town Plan pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 117. The purpose of the proposed Burke Town Plan is to establish a coordinated, comprehensive planning process to guide decisions made by the Town. The proposed Burke Town Plan, if and when adopted, will affect all lands within the Town of Burke. BURKE TOWN PLAN 1. Introduction 8. Educational Facilities 2. Town History 9. Energy 3. Land Use 10. Housing 4. Transportation 11. Economic Development 5. Utility and Community Facilities 12. Flood Resiliency 6. Natural Resources Preservation ATTACHMENTS: MAPS 7. Historic Features and Resources Copies of the proposed Burke Town Plan may be obtained from the office of the Burke Town Clerk. Copies of the plan and appendices may be viewed online at Burke’s page of the Northeastern Vermont Development Association’s web site: http://www.nvda.net/ , (from the menu on the top of the home page, select “NVDA and Communities”, then select “Our Towns”, and click on BURKE.) The plan is also available on the Town of Burke’s web site: at http://www.burkevermont.org/ Dated in Burke, Vermont, May 2, 2017 TOWN OF BURKE PLANNING COMMISSION Burke Planning Commission Report Municipal Plan Amendments This report is in accordance with 24 V.S.A.§4384(c) which states: “When considering an amendment to a plan, the planning commission shall prepare a written report on the proposal.
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