1 - Page Ten THE V I EX' A N d V A N ^ MAY 11, 1955 ^ Drill Team Senior Writers EnginMrs • • . CMiNiuiiioii \ ^ Sweeps Honore Bid Adieu Breakfost • • • P h y s i e s In to Villanova Campus Organization News Club in Compus Spotlicpht (Page 5) (Pages, 2 & 3) dent of the group. He succeeds phomores. After the first quar- gineering students were treated A. S. C E. Bill Quinn. ter of next year the post of Se- to a dinner at the Engineer's Student CouikiI cretary will be filled by an elect- Club in Philadelphia last Mon- The Villanova student chap- Also elected were Pete Quinn, '54-'55 ed Freshman. day night. The annual Students The entire Student ter of the American Society of a junior history major, vice-pre- Constitution Framing Night was held under the aus- Council will attend the 9 a. m. Civil Engineers will hold its sident; Frank Adams, junior The working constitution of pices of the Philadelphia Section Mass in the University Chapel Vol. 30—No. 23 . VILLANOVA. PA. May 18. 1955 semi-annual field trip this Fri- philosophy major, secretary- this year will be formalized by of the American Institute of day. treasurer; and Pat Kean, junior on Ascension Thursday, May 19. the addition of a few regulatory Electrical Engineers, and was The trip will be to a portion arts, Student Council represen- Following the Mass, Commu* laws to the statement of pur- sponsored by local electrical in- of the Garden State Parkway tative. nion Breakfast for the group pose, said current president, dustries. now under construction in Cape Plans are now being made for Dave Vachon. wUI be held at the Viking Inn in May County, N. J. The mem- an increased program of guest Illuminating Meeting Sen. Bridges Graduation Rev. Sp Ardmore. Robert M. Sul- bers will provide their own lectures and field trips next The joint A.LE.E. - LR.E. livan, O. S. A., Dean of the transportation on the trip, and year, Taddeo announced. Chapel branch is holding a meeting to- Men Honored WilK|ini^j||Mmn will assemble at the Beesley's night at 7:30 p. m. in 215 Men- School of Arts and Sciences, will (I Point Bridge near Somer's Rev. Joseph Kemme, O. S. A., del. The topic of the meeting be the guest speaker at the '^j^- University Chaplain, announced / Point, N. J. at 10:30 a. m. Physics Club will be •llluminaUon." breakfast. At Annual Merit Vail this week that there has been Afternoon Tour Elections and constitutional Chairman Jim Wrzesinski k a "noticeable" increase in Tour of the project will last legislature will be the order of urges all who intend to make Chapel attendance during the Awards Assembly Of about three and a half hours, the day at the final meeting of the all-day field trip to the Bell COMMENCEMENT 'n so that everyone should be back past academic year. the Physics Club Thursday, Laboratories in Murray Hill, Dick Winfield and Frank Gun- Sen. Style3^i|dd£;^ (R-NH) by dinner time. This fact, coupled with the 10:30, in the Physics Lab. N. J., tomorrow, or the group's Bill Quinn, senior history ther are the recipients of the will address theulass of 1955 The last ASCE meeting of large number of communions According to the club's unique annual picnic at Mermaid Lake major, will deliver the com- Gold Medal, awarded annually at commencement exercises June the year will be held next Wed- distributed during the annual system of filling offices, the this Saturday, to attend the mencement address at the Class to the senior who gathers the 6. The senator and four others nesday night. There will be retreat, has brought him satis- members will choose a President meeting. Tickets for the latter of 1955 graduation exercises most merit awards during four will be awarded honorary deg- several films, refreshments, and faction. Father Kemme said. from among the seniors, a Stu- event are available from Wrze- June 6. He was seliected In final year. rees during the ceremonies. the officers for next year will dent Council Representative sinski, Rudy Gangemi, Jack judging Monday. Runner up for Receiving honorary LL- D. be announced. Elections are A. i. E. E. - I. R. E: Presentation was made during from among the juniors and a Downing or Gene Rzodkiewicz at the honor was Joseph Dorris, degrees, besides Senator Bridg- the Merit Award assembly at being held this week. Treasurer from among the so- electrical Over forty V. U. en- $1.50 a head. of the C & F School. es, are : Bishop Paul Yamaguchi, the same time that 271 students of Nagasaki, Japan; Brother E. *.. '"It received 432 awards. Stanislaus, F.S.C., president of v Winfield and Frank Gunther, Library La Salle College; Edwin K. senior history major, were rec- Miss Emily Maloney took a Daly, president of the Horn and ognized for earning the most memorial membership in the Li- Hardart Baking Co. awards (6) for the past year. Enthusiasm, curiosity, and political interest galore was the by-word in front and around brary in memory of her late An honorary doctor of science Six other student took five Alumni gym last Thursday during brother Ben Maloney. Maloney, class elections. degree will be conferred on awards each and 10 more stu- Villanova graduate, was Capt. Joseph A. McHenry, USN, a dents had four each. editor of the deputy chief of the Bureau of VILLANOVAN Other Varities while here. He was killed in Yards and Docks and a Villan- Taking five awards were Joe an airplane crash during World Hartmanri/ Laughlin Elected; oya alumnus. Blimm, Bernie Coyne, Edwin War lL\^::i:j':-.,.:-.,^^fA:r^-- Daly, Tom Mentzer and Bill An old friend of the Library, '.iT-ry; Quinn—all seniors—and Pat Miss Maloney contributed For the third consecutive year Cur- Kean, a junior. Soph Deadlock Is Settled a senior who will be commission- rier and Ives prints to the Intramural athletic awards, ed in naval service will deliver Library in 1953. A myriad of posters and placards as numerous and colorful as the candidates themselves LYNX short story contest prizes tells the story of election day at Villanova last Thursday, as some 73% of the university's stu- the student commencement ad- and special awards were also dents turned out to chose 27 representatives. dress- presented during the assembly. Seventy-six percent of the junior class visited the polls to name Frank Hartmann next William J. Quinn, a day hop Chemistry Dave Crowley was awarded year's Senior Class President. This turn out was slightly under the record showing of that class from Ithan, Pa., is a history On Apr. 30, a meeting of the the Intramural Department's last year. major. He attended Bishop Pennsylvania Catholic Round trophy for the outstanding in- Sophomores had the highest turnout as 79% marked their ballots and declared a tie be- Loughlin High School in Brook- Table of Science was held at tramural athlete. tween Art Odabash and Jack Decker for the future junior presidency. The run-off election was lyn before moving to Ithan. Villanova from 8:00 a. m. until President Speaks scheduled for yesterday. Quinn was chosen from a late in the afternoon. Those Merit awards are presented to field of 12 candidates, who were attending were welcomed students Only 63% of the eligible freshman used their voting privilege however, but they over- by who have shown con- named by deans of their respec- Very Rev. James A. Donnellon, sistent and effective whelmingly elected Paul Laughlin to the Sophomore Class presidency. cooperation tive schools. In this selection 0. S. A., University President. in extra-curricular Recounts and disputes were the order of the day, but balloting itself proceeded very smooth- activities and academic standing, extra-curri- Following a business meeting en.ioy good scholastic ly under the direction of the Student Council's Election Committee headed by Frank Licopoli. standing. cular activities and general pre- and election of officers, Dr. Closing the Voting lasted from 10:00 a. m, to 3 p. m. with the heaviest being during the 10:30 a. m. new assembly was a sentability were considered. Francis Mahoney, Radiologist short talk by Very Rev. activities period. A highlight of the day was the voting of the Nursing School co-eds en masse James The top six candidates com- and Director of Professional A. Donnellon, O. in Alumni Gym. S. A., Villano- peted in an oratorical contest education of the American va president, and the An excited milling crowd of nearly 100 would-be winners and constituents awaited the de- Can- playing of May 9 to determine their speak- cer Society (Delaware County the Alma Mater by Mr. cisions of the vox populi in the Alumni Hall shadows after the 3 p. m. poll closing. Robert ing ability. Runner up in the Branch), spoke on "Future Whelan. The results of the decisive freshman voting were announced quickly, and all the winners contest was Joseph Dorris, of Trends in Cancer Research." were disclosed by 4:30 p. m. the C & F School. In the afternoon the meeting SYMPATIIV : 4;< '56 Others in Running divided into three distinct sec- The staff of the VILLA- Class of Class of '57 Class of '58 Other candidates in the final 4: "V tions: Chemistry, Physics and NOVAN extends its sympa- Frank Hartmann, a pre-law Faced with the first presidenti- Arts school student Paul contest were Thomas Mentzer, Biology. The Chemistry section thy to Jack Dunn, a sopho- Commerce and Finance major al tie in the institution's history, Laughlin of Pittsburgh, Pa., from the Arts and Sciences was further divided into an more in the C&F School and who was instrumental in the the Class of 1957 went to the won by a landslide to become School; Paul Ake, from the Analytical, Physical and Organic an assistant in the Chaplain's success of the Junior Class this in Alumni Gym yesterday president of the Class of '58. polls C&F School ; Joseph Distel and Chemistry section and an Or- Office, on the death of his year, was chosen president for to choose its top man. With 63% of the class voting. •• James Wrzensinski,' of the Engi ganic and Biochemistry father. ^vi---..,^,;vA: ?; , ....-v., .,.., section. •' both of (Continued on Page 4> The contestants, (Continued on Pag^e 4) | (Continuca on Pag'e 3) Benediction closed the suc- whom compiled 135 last Thurs- cessful meeting. Judge, Curran Chosen: day during regular voting, were Winfield Yields Gove/ Art Odabash and Jack Decker. Record Turnout Merit Awards Casting ballots Thursday was Soph Mike Clark Elected 79 per cent of the class — a Dick Peer New SC Head; Assembly record which equalled the mark made by the Class of 1956 last Merit awards, academic prizes President of Belle Masque O'Rourke, Quinn Officers May as it chose the men who and intramural athletic aw^ards Three Arts and Sciences sophomores—two from northern would prepare for Junior Week. Three men—two of whom were elected to Council a few hours will be distributed during an New York—have swept all three offices of the Belle Masque The victories by the three before—were elevated to the three Student Council offices Thurs- assembly Monday In the Field dramatic society for 1955-56. other officers were more clear- day night during a meeting of the old and new Councils. House at 1:30 p.m. You'll SMILE your approval Topping the three-man slate was Mike Clark, a graduate of cut. Don Kelly, a civil engineer Dick Peer, a C & F junior, will serve as Council chairman Rev. George McLuaghlin, of Chesterfield's smoothness Aquinas Institute in Rochester, N. Y., who takes over the pres- from Richmond Hill, N. Y., during 1955-56. Jack O'Rourke, a civil engineer and retiring pres- O.S.A., Dean of Student Activi- idency. His predecessor. Bill swept into the vice-presidency. ident of the Class of 1957, will ties, Is In charge of the assem- mildness — refreshing taste. Cunningham, had served two PAPER MEETIMG Mike Boruch, of the C & F be vice-chairman and Pete bly. years. School and a candidate for an SENIOR PORTRAITS Quinn, a day hop history major, Anyone interested in work- No classes or laboratory ses- You'll your approval SMILE Jim Judge, from Lockport, end post on the varsity football Dick Fitzpatrick, incoming is the new secretary. during the 1:30 ing for the VILLANOVAN sions will meet N. Y., will serve as secretary- team, rode into the secretary's of Chesterfield's quality — next year in any capacity editor-in-chief of the Belle Brothers also win 2:20 period. to treasurer and Tom Curran, from post by a 38-vote margin. Brothers of Peer and O'Rour- highest quality low nicotine. other than on the circulation Air, reminds the Juniors that — Cliffside Park, N. J., will be Boruch lives in Plainfield, N. J. ke were also winners staff should attend a meeting no Senior portraits will he in Thurs- Student Council representative. Tom Hooker, a day hop engi- tills day's elections and Quinn'a afternoon at 4:30 in tiie taken next fall. This Is I. R. S. Clark has appeared in three neer from Wayne, was re-elect- week newspaper office. The office is brother Bill has been named next year's of- Belle Masque productions, "Sta- ed class treasurer by 49 votes. the last chance to have por- Elections for located in the hasement of the commencement speaker for the lag 17," "Admirable Crichton," Taking over Student Council traits taken. ficers of the International Rela- CAF Building. Class of 1955. tions Society were held last Largest selling cigarette in America's colleges and "Harvey."' (Continued on Pa^e 4) (Continued on Pagt 10* Tuesday. Junior history major C LMCfln • MnM T( Ca Phil Taddeo was elected presi-

.^A ^;Lck^!eJ( 1 — '

Page Ten THE VILLANOVAN MAY 11, 1955

Drill Team Senior Writers Engineers • . • Communion ^ Sweeps Honors Bid Adieu Breokfost • • • P h y s i c s In Philadelphia to Villanova Organization News Club in Compus Spotlight (Page 5) (Page«2&3) dent of the group. He succeeds phomores. After the first quar- gineering students were treated AS. CE. Bill Quinn. ter of next year the post of Se- to a dinner at the Engineer's Student Council Also elected were Pete Quinn, cretary will be filled by an elect- Club in Philadelphia last Mon- The Villanova student chap- entire '54-'55 Student ed Freshman. day night. The annual Students The ter of the American Society of a junior history major, vice-pre- Constitution Framing Night was held under the aus- Council will attend the 9 a. m. Civil Engineers will hold its sident; Frank Adams, junior The working constitution of pices of the Philadelphia Section Mass in the University Chapel Vol. 30—No. 23 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, VILLANOVA, PA. May 18, 1955 semi-annual field trip this Fri- philosophy major, secretary- this year will be formalized by of the American Institute of day. treasurer; and Pat Kean, junior on Ascension Thursday, May 19. the addition of a few regulatory Electrical Engineers, and was The trip will be to a portion arts. Student Council represen- Following the Mass, Commu- laws to the statement of pur- sponsored by local electrical in- of the Garden State Parkway tative. nion Breakfast for the group pose, said current president, dustries. now under construction in Cape Plans are now being made for Dave Vachon. will be held at the Viking Inn in May County, N. J. The mem- an increased program of guest Illuminating Meeting Sen. Bridges Graduation Rev. Robert Sul- Speaker Ardmore. M. bers will provide their own lectures and field trips next The joint A.I.E.E. - I.R.E. livan, O. S. A., Dean of the transportation on the trip, and year, Taddeo announced. Chapel branch is holding a meeting to- Men Honored Witliam Quinn will assemble at the Beesley's night at 7 :30 p. m. in 215 Men- School of Arts and Sciences, will Point Bridge near Somer's Rev. Joseph Kemme, O. S. A., del. The topic of the meeting be the guest speaker at the University Chaplain, announced Point, N. J. at 10:30 a. m. Physics Club will be "Illumination." breakfast. At Annual Merit Valedictorian this week that there has been Afternoon Tour Elections and constitutional Chairman Jim Wrzesinski a "noticeable" increase in Tour of the project will last legislature will be the order of urges all who intend to make Chapel attendance during the Awards Assembly Of C^iwonies about three and a half hours, the day at the final meeting of the all-day field trip to the Bell COMMENCEMENT so that everyone should be back past academic year. the Physics Club Thursday, Laboratories in Murray Hill, Dick Winfield and Frank Gun- Sen. Style^'i^lddEgs (R-NH) by dinner time. This fact, coupled with the 10:30, in the Physics Lab. N. J., tomorrow, or the group's Bill Quinn, senior history ther are the recipients of the will address the Class of 1955 The last ASCE meeting of large number of communions According to the club's unique annual picnic at Mermaid Lake major, will deliver the com- Gold Medal, at commencement exercises June distributed during the annual awarded annually the year will be held next Wed- attend the 6. system of filling offices, the this Saturday, to mencement address at the Class to the senior who gathers the The senator and four others nesday night. There will be retreat, has brought him satis- members will choose a President meeting. Tickets for the latter of 1955 graduation exercises most merit awards during four will be awarded honorary deg- several films, refreshments, and faction. Father Kemme said. from among the seniors, a Stu- event are available from Wrze- June 6. lie was selected in fin^'l year- rees during^ the ceremonies. the officers for next year will dent Council Representative sinski, Rudy Gangemi, Jack judging Monday. Runner up for Receiving honorary LL. D. be announced. Elections are A. I. E. E. - I. R. E: Presentation was made during from among the juniors and a Downing or Gene Rzodkiewicz at the honor was Joseph Dorris, degrees, besides Senator Bridg- the Merit Award assembly at being held this week. Treasurer from among the so- electrical Over forty V. U. en- $1.50 a head. of the C & F School. es, are : Bishop Paul Yamaguchi, the same time that 271 students of Nagasaki, Japan; Brother E. received 432 awards. Stanislaus, F.S.C., president of Winfield and Frank Gunther, Library La Salle College; Edwin K. senior history major, were rec- Miss Emily Maloney took a Daly, president of the Horn and ognized for earning the most memorial membership in the Li- II Hardart Baking Co. awards (6) for the past year. Enthusiasm, curiosity, and political interest galore was the by-word in front and around brary in memory of her late An honorary doctor of science Six other student took five Alumni gym last Thursday during class brother Ben Maloney. Maloney, elections. degree will be conferred on awards each and 10 more stu- a Villanova graduate, was Capt. Joseph A. McHenry, USN, dents had four each. editor of the deputy chief of the Bureau of VILLANOVAN Other Varlties while here. He was killed in Yards and Docks and a Villan- Taking five awards were Joe an airplane Laughlin ova alumnus. crash during World Blimm, Bernie Coyne, Edwin Hdrtmanri/ Elected; War IL Daly, Tom Mentzer and Bill An old friend of the Library, Quinn—all seniors—and Pat Miss Maloney contributed For the third consecutive year Cur- Kean, a junior. Soph Deadlock Is Settled a senior who will be commission- rier and Ives prints to the Intramural athletic awards, ed in naval service will deliver Library in 1953. A myriad of posters and placards as numerous and colorful as the candidates themselves LYNX short story contest prizes tells the story of election day at Villanova last Thursday, as some 73% of the university's stu- the student commencement ad- and special awards were also dents turned out to chose 27 representatives. dress- presented during the assembly. Seventy-six percent of the junior class visited the polls to name Frank Hartmann next William J. Quinn, a day hop Chemistry Dave Crowley was awarded year's Senior Class President. This turn out was slightly under the record showing of that class from Ithan, Pa., is a history On Apr. 30, a meeting of the the Intramural Department's last year. major. He attended Bishop Pennsylvania Catholic Round trophy for the outstanding in- Sophomores had the highest turnout as 79^/ marked their ballots and declared a tie be- Loughlin High School in Brook- Table of Science was held at tramural athlete. tween Art Odabash and Jack Decker for the future junior presidency. The run-off election was lyn before moving to Ithan. Villanova from 8:00 a. m. until President Speaks scheduled for yesterday. Quinn was chosen from a late in the afternoon. Those Merit awards are presented to field of 12 candidates, who were 63 eligible used their voting privilege however, but they over- attending were welcomed by students who have Only '^f; of the freshman shown con- named by deans of their respec- Very Rev. James A. Donnellon, sistent and effective whelmingly elected Paul Laughlin to the Sophomore Class presidency. cooperation tive schools. In this selection O. S. A., University President. in extra-curricular Recounts and disputes were the order of the day, but balloting itself proceeded very smooth- activities and academic standing, extra-curri- Following a business meeting en.ioy good scholastic ly under the direction of the Student Council's Election Committee headed by Frank Licopoli. standing. cular activities and general pre- and election of new officers, Dr. Closing the Voting lasted from 10:00 a. m. to 3 p. m. with the heaviest being during the 10:30 a. m. assembly was a sentability were considered. Francis Mahoney, Radiologist short talk by Very Rev. activities period. A highlight of the day was the voting of the Nursing School co-eds en masse James The top six candidates com- and Director of Professional A. Donnellon, O. S. A., Villano- in Alumni Gym. peted in an oratorical contest education of the American Can- va president, and the playing An excited milling crowd of nearly 100 woiild-be winners and constituents awaited the de- of May 9 to determine their speak- cer Society (Delaware County the Alma Mater by Mr. Robert cisions of the vox populi in the Alumni Hall shadows after the 3 p. m. poll closing. ing ability. Runner up in the Branch), spoke on "Future Whelan. The results of the decisive freshman voting were announced quickly, and all the winners contest was Joseph Dorris, of Trends in Cancer Research." were disclosed by 4:30 p. m. the C & F School. , In the afternoon the meeting : V : / SYMPATHY '56 '57 Others in Running divided into three distinct sec- The staff of the VILLA- Class of Class of Class of '58 Other candidates in the final tions: Chemistry, Physics and NOVAN extends its sympa- Frank Hartmann, a pre-law Faced with the first presidenti- Arts school student Paul contest were Thomas Mentzer,' Biology. The Chemistry section thy to Jack Dunn, a sopho- Commerce and Finance major al tie in the institution's history, Laughlin of Pittsburgh, Pa., from the Arts and Sciences was further divided into an more in the C&F School and who was instrumental in the the Class of 1957 went to the won by a landslide to become School; Paul Ake, from the Analytical, Physical and Organic an assistant in the Chaplain's success of the Junior Class this polls in Alumni Gym yesterday president of the Class of '58. C&F School ; Joseph Distel and Chemistry section and an Or- Office, on the death of his year, was chosen president for to choose its top man. With 63% of the class voting. James Wrzensinski, of the Engi- ganic and Biochemistry section. father. / ,;.•;•.:.,. (Continued on Page 4) The contestants, both of ' (Continued on Pago 4) (Continueo on Page 3) Benediction closed the suc- whom compiled 135 last Thurs- cessful meeting. Judge, Curran Chosen: day during regular voting, were Winfield Yields Gavel Art Odabash and Jack Decker. Record Turnout Merit Awards Casting ballots Thursday was Soph Mike Clark Elected 79 per cent of the class — a Dick Peer New SC Head; Assembly record which equalled the mark made by the Class of 1956 last Merit awards, academic prizes President of Belle Masque O'Rourke, Quinn Officers May as it chose the men who and intramural athletic awards Three Arts and Sciences sophomores—two from northern would prepare for Junior Week. Three men—two of whom were elected to Council a few hours will be distributiMl during an New York—have swept all three offices of the Belle Masque The victories by the three before—were elevated to the three Student Council offices Thurs- assembly Monday in the Fii'ld dramatic society for 1955-56. other officers were more clear- day night during a meeting of the old and new Councils. House at 1:30 p.m. You'll SMILE your approval Topping the three-man slate was Mike Clark, a graduate of cut. Don Kelly, a civil engineer Dick Peer, a C & F junior, will serve as Council chairman Rev. (ieorge McLuaRhlin, of Chesterfield's smoothness Aquinas Institute in Rochester, N. Y., who takes over the pres- from Richmond Hill, N. Y., during 1955-56. Jack O'Rourke, a civil engineer and retiring pres- Dean of Student Activi- O.S.A., .. * idency. His predecessor. Bill swept into the vice-presidency. ident of the Class of 1957, will is in charge of the assein- mildness — refreshing taste. ties, Cunningham, had served two PAPER MEETING Mike Boruch, of the C & F be vice-chairman and Pete CHESTERFIELD years School and a candidate for an SENIOR PORTRArrS Quinn, a day hop history major, classes or laboratory ses- Anyone interested In work- No You'll SMILE your approval Jim Judge, from Lockport, end post on the varsity football is the new secretary. ing for the Dick Fitzpatrick, incoming during thi? 1:30 VILLANOVAN sions will meet N. Y., will serve as secretary- team, rode into the secretary's of Chesterfield's quality — next year in any capacity editor-in-chief of the Belle Brothers also win to 2:20 period. treasurer and Tom Curran, from post by a 38-vote margin. Brothers of Peer and O'Rour- highest quality— low nicotine. other than on the circulation Air, reminds the Juniors that Cliffside Park, N. J., will be Boruch lives in Plainfield, N. J. ke were also winners in HtalT should attend a meeting no Senior portraits will be Thurs- Student Council representative. Hooker, a day hop engi- this Tom day's elections and Quinn's afternoon at 4:30 in the taken next fall. I. R.S. Clark has appeared in three neer from Wayne, was re-elect- This week is newspaper office. The office is brother Bill has been named for next year's of- Belle Masque productions, "Sta- ed class treasurer by 49 votes. the last chance to have por- Elections located in the basement of the commencement speaker for the Rela- lag 17," "Admirable Crichton," Taking over Student Council traits taken. ficers of the International C&F Building. Class of 1955. held last and "Harvey.' (Continued on Page 4) tions Society were Largest selling cigarette in America's colleges | (Continued on Page 10' Tuesday. Junior history major 4. bcctn * Mnti Tosaow Co Phil Taddeo was elected presi- — . I , ;

«' t May 18, 1965 Ma^ 18, 1958 Paff# T%ir* THE VILLANOVAW THE VILLANOVAK Pat• Tlur#ft Objective Insight Graduation: A Look Hillaire Belloc: An Analysis year's *-* This is the last regular issue of this WfVft MCRM TUi« BiroKt Challenge Strictly Opinion VILLANOVAN. The class elections have been Toward Student Council has held its last meet- By Frank Hartmann* held, the In less than three weeks, some 380 young Of A Giant of Modern Essay ing, and examinations are about to begin. In lives here at Vil- men who have made their Now that the elections are over (this part of the paper goes n^' BenUe Flnan the school year is over. other words, lanova for the past four and five years will in to the printer before the election results are known), I guess This fact means different things to the pro- facing a new reality, a new Looking back on my infancy, Belloc's first name), jf find themselves all of us can stop shining our shoes, shaving for our 8:30 class, especially evening, made of all I saw, as graduates and to other Villanovans. To an entirely new world. I recall distinctly my reaction to where he alludes spective challenge, indeed, almost and can .start wearing khakis again. to the qualifi- I came up towards her, a soft who still have another year or two of feelings that are the phrase "it's good for you" cation that would those 'MfMbXHVM ir-l*l64l|tfrT0tniP/ UMP «0X. They will be harboring The Navy has a nice restful summer lined up for the boys. make the and united vision wherein her life before them, the nearness of Sum- wom- H«wt TO aim I intense as those that Today I find myself in a situa- people "up college probably as divergent and The Contract students will blissfully cruise the Caribbean Sea, at the Cape" or "at advancing figure stood up cen- vacation is very welcome and means noth- they first emerged on the tion similar to that of my ex- the Club" wince. mer prevailed when the Sophomore Regulars will venture forth to Virginia and then But enough tral and gave a meaning to the break from school wondering, exploring asperated parents a few decades about this ing more sinister than a scene here as freshmen, to Texas, while the other Regulars will visit Europe, namely selection; it is just whole." A pity the excerpt must routine and pressure. weighing, and most of all, hoping. England and Spain, courtesy of Uncle Sam. Not Bad! ago, for I am anixious to con- a suggestion of the best that is be so brief. of just a few graduat- vince an indifferent, perhaps to come. To the graduating seniors, however, the end Here are the outlooks Rumor has it that Bryn Mawr and Rosemont will exchange A former teached of mine very big moment draws nearer : hostile, audience that what I . . of this school years means something very dif- ing seniors, as a ^ permissions next year with Rosemont getting 2's and Bryn Mawr Ununm . said that anything good must have to offer is "good for In it the end of the . . • "After 12'n. joker that? them." a less trenchant ferent. To all but a few, means LOU CASSELLA, C&F, Pre-law What ever started mood grow on you if you give it a In this case it is a superior Belloc writes of comfortable school life they have been leading waiting four years, I feel as though Tm going Most of us who don't already have summer jobs lined up are "the Good Wo- chance. This is my sentiment type of entertainment, a rarity man." The for at least the past sixteen years. The cold, on to something new—being born into a new working on that project now. Have to get those dollars for next descriptive passages towards the essay, whether by of diversion which is as pala- are pure pleasure to cruel world, whether that of business or of mili- world, you might say. I feel the same as when year, I guess some will go back to ditch digging for the summer, read, a de- Belloc whom I favor for his table as it is wholesome. I would light to the amateur tary affairs, is staring them in the face, and I first entered Villanova—curious, anxious and others to the beaches as lifeguards, and some to the usual office or profes- Christian thought content and '•A'-'' jobs. like to champion the return of sional student of English. art in many don't like it. hopeful. I hope God will bestow upon me in Among some of the summer jobs are some different ones He expressing it, or any the reading of the essay. writes: "The slow We are among those giving nostalgic thought the future the graces that have helped me so such as painting fire hydrants, inspecting sewers, crushing grapes transfigura- other master of the essay. Just in It is not my intention to out- tion of the light by which give it to the easy life we have led for so many years. much in the past four years." a wine factory, and believe it or not bending pretzels in a pret- the half a chance and I line the whole history of the air became full Although the prospects before us merely are EDWARD "SKIP" ZAHORSKY, Physics zel factory. es- of colorurs and guarantee you will be happy you every A lady railed the placement office few weeks back say form. Rather I would like to outline merged into the did. I those of a transfer to another educational in- Major . . . "Well, I feel that ahead of me lies a and cast a revealing light on one of stitution, we can't help thinking that we "never a challenge that I am sure Villanova has pre- asked for a student for the summer who could meet the follow- ing requirements: the giants of this literary medi- had it so good" and probably never will again. pared me for quite well. I believe that the tech- He must be mature, he must be an expert driv- um, Hilaire Belloc. Surveys or Education school's er, he must have his own car, he must be ab!.^ to Idll groundhogs, The Belloc After all, life at Villanova isn't as hard as nical and humanitarian studies, plus the he cannot smoke and he cannot come from the city. For perform- one meets in the essay is a mas- it might seem. There may be scowling profes- Christian atmosphere, have all contributed to ing this job of chauffeur and general handyman, he would receive ter of wit, and a searcher of the sors aplenty, all spending their lives figuring Criterion of Success? development of a more mature outlook on life. room, human heart. He is not the out how to devise a test that nobody can pass; I regret, in a sense, graduating, especially when a no meals but "a good salary, and If I lilce him, a very Tom Mentzer- ." rambling Belloc of the historical ='By good salary . . the campus may turn into a minature Ever- I recall the numerous good times we've had." Take note, the lady is a widow. A sign recently on the bulletin board read, "Integrity for biography or the travelogue. glades each time it rains, and it may take a the American scene as the most reliable RICHARD CONFOY, C&F, Accounting Ma- Looming large on But perhaps I am beginning to sale in the Chaplains Office." . . . "Integrity" is a magazine. half-hour to find a parking space in the lots, polls or surveys conducted jor .. . "I (definitely don't want to leave; Tve indicators of current trends are the ramble myself. With this last VILLANOVAN for the year I guess we can Let me present but life really could be harder. by interested organs and organizations. enjoyed myself here—I feel I've made a lot of offer some hello's and good-bye's. briefly a few glimpses at the is sacred phrase drawn from 1*11 "Statistics tell the true story" good friends, and I'm sorry that not wares Mr. Belloc (lood-bye to the old Pie Shoppe, I don't expect that we'll offers. the annals of American tradition. He, who does not bow before SC3 some of them again. But I am looking be in it much anymore with Dougherty Hall reaching . . . Come Now . . . of numbers, is an obstinate fool, forward to sailing out of the Bropklyn Navy completion Editor's Thanks the plain and practical testimony The essay, over the summer. A good-bye to Mendel cafeteria. May we soon "The Nordic Man," an iconoclast. Far be it for lowly us to earn Yard." (Dick is an NROTC Contract student). ^- is I- retiring editor wishes to express his forget the hours a masterpiece of irony. In it The We turn to consider that we spent in line waiting to •e&t there. nefarious surnames. . . such FRANK LICOPOLI, Engineering . "The Belloc proves in thanks to the following staff members, whose Some hello's are in order to Dougherty Hall, the new Stu- a few brilliant the results of one of these surveys as a profes- day of graduation to many of us might be con- loyal cooperation and hard work have made the dent Union building. May spend lines that anything worthwhile faith. we much time there, but little of ;'§' sion of our good sidered the completion of our educations. success of this year's VILLANOVAN possible. it in line. accomplished in the world has Surveys Definitly Optimistic However, little do we realize that this merely Smith, Villanova's nurses, rapidly been done by menibers of the Editorial staff—Harry Nash, Tom graduating sen- becoming more and more a part Of particular interest to the marks our beginning in acquiring knowledge. Nordic race- For example, Bob Ford, Mark McCormick, Jack Downing, of tile school's day-to-day life, deserve a bit of credit for their he iors would be the findings of a survey conducted Villanova has taught us how to learn; it is up points out that f Frank Delany, Frank Orlando, Joe Heaps, Norm initiative in saying the Rosary every afternoon at 4:30 before the names of U.S. college graduates of 10-15 years to us to apply our lessons. As engineers, we Dick among the of Aristotle and Caesar are ob- Feldpush, Tom Mentzer, Steve Lyons, recorded Lady Good Counsel Shrine. The young ladies would like ago. This particular voice of authority have had all the basic fundamentals exposed to viously aliases contrived Schleicher, Nick Pedano, Jim Rath, Charlie to havie everyone who possibly can join in with themin thi^ new by the that over 55% of this group had an income of us, and the moment after we graduate, we shall Greeks and Segrave-Daly, Pete Tulli, and Clem and very admirable undertaking. Romans to conceal Magee, Dick remaining 459^ Another Totn $ 4,000 or more a year. Of the begin learning through our jobs. the fact that those two great Birch. had incomes be- are the teachers A hello to the incoming Freshman class which will probably Mmnt»9r a not small number of them note—as college graduates, we men were in reality pure Nor- News staff Lee Carson, Mike Clark, Len ." be the first class in Villanova's history to enter with over one — tween seven and ten thousand dollars. of the world, but not many of us realize this . . dics. No rpview of the year would be complet? without mention Bellanca, Dan McNulty, Bob Arkison, Len Kraft, the senior class thousand students. All of you fellow believers in surveys among FRANCIS "SKIP" KILLMOND, C&F, Pre- His definition of that excellent of the new Student Union building, dedicated to post Provincial, Collins, Jack Decker, and Owen Hickey. Frank presents a most optimistic picture. If we I'll It There'll be quite a jjubliant time to be will agree that this law . , . "College is a way of life; find had tonight at the personage, the "modem Nordic," the late Father Dougherty. The edifice, said to be an engineer- Feature staff—Dick Winfield, Bill Quinn, there is no graduates make proper use of our college educations, hard to break the four year habit. However, Bellevue-Stratford, when the newspaper staff holds Its annual is hilarious (no pun intended onllng marvel, will in all likelihood be ready for nse In September. Dave Vachon, Jim Wrzesinski, Pat Nolan, Bob financial achieve- reason why we shouldn't reach this pinnacle of since life presents so much to see and do, I'm Dinner Dance, and bids adieu to a young absolutist whl is beading Farley, Ed Zahorsky, Dick Peer, Pete Scott, ment, the criterion of ultimate and true success in these United anxious to start using the Catholic education for the pragmatic reaches of Harvard's law school, and who will Frank Hartmann, Frank Licopoli, Pat Briody, probaMy convert them alL States. • I've received here at Villanova." We're speaking of Chief Ed Daly, of Eddinger, Frank Gunther, Jim Michener, Jack Realistic not Idealistic coarse, who donned the green eyeshade for the last time last EDWIN DALY, Arts, History Major . . . The the Scholar Greenlee. Author Trainor, Jim and Bernie Finan, Frank and for one thing-no sum represents or Tharsday night, ending a very successful editorial Wonderful news, except "I've enjoyed life here for the past four years; year for the By Dick Winfield Mulcahy, Joe Kinney, success for the graduate of yoang man from Barberry Road. if Sports staff—Bob should represent the ultimate I've had good friends, a good education, a plea- Now only the pickets would Bartone has two day's growth of l)eard, busy eyebrows, drums his' long fingers on his Ben Klemanowicz, Bob Strayton, Jack Indeed, if the Catholic graduate makes go away. Ed Shea, the Catholic University. sant life, and, although I plan to go on into thicks lips, small and hard eyes, a squat neck, wide and sloping forehead; he blushes when he Bill Brown, aiming prim- Pettit, Dick Confoy, Frank Baker, proper use of his college education, he will be it the graduate school, I doubt that I will find I guess that does it for another year; good-bye to the Sen- shoulders, fleshy fingers; he- wears a colored shirt open at the speaks with small, dumb girls; and Paul Clarkson. not for money, but for salvation. arily as thoroughly enjoyable as I have found Vil- iors, it was fun. To all the rest, be sure to come back next year, neck; he speaks slowly through his left nostril and the left side he bends his feet inward from Holtz, Joe Ezerski, as a diatribe against the Villanova man who Photography staff—Sig This is not meant lanova- Of course, just like everyone else, I'm we'll have a ball! of his mouth; he gesticulates, he converses in short utterances; he the ankle when he speaks while or more a year due Don Rabenda, Jack Monaghan, Dave Dalva, and in ten or fifteen years will be earning $10,000 looking to the future as a challenge to myself articulates poorly, nevertheless he is outspoken on public affairs standing. He places himself in a provident circumstances. If this Bill Byrne. to his own ability, initiative, and and to the training that I've received here at and he is critical of his own chair slowly, sits erect, and well an good. That is to say, providing Business staff—Steve Bernocco is his good fortune, then school." generation. He sleeps profound- bends his head to look down; he no circum- he still understands that his Catholic faith under retires at a late hour, he wakes Circulation staff—Vincent Buffano, Burton ly, both day and night; he bel- can be divorced from his daily life, and that absolute early. Brenman, Joseph Clark, Bob Connor, Frank De stances ches aloud. He walks, legs apart, He reads omnivorously one true standard. ethics, not the prevalent pragmatic ethics, the he is silent topics t'o Blois, Charles Gibley, Lewis Jacobs, Louis Kahl, with a bounce at the end of each on unknown situatioh. Gentlemen, we seniors must be realistic about the him; he is Pat Kean, Jack Kelly, Dave Kuhn, Tony Lo Peering , , . step and he bends his head for- moderately opinion- derived the fullest benefit from Villanova University ated on Bianco, Alfred Miklos, John Repko, Jim Tabasso To have ward; he keeps his hands in his government and econo- means simply and unqualifiedly that we are one step closer to By Dick Peer mics although and Ed Tomezko. pockets; he spits on the side- he speaks with the fulfillment of our earthly destiny. animation and authority. He —At the results of the elections, which are walk. When he sits down, he Enriched by four years of study and practice of the Catholic rarely smiles; he has uneven almost completely tabulated, I see that almost falls into the chair; he cracks faith in a Catholic enviroment, we are better prepared than ever teeth. He does not eat potatoes everyone in the school now holds at least some his knuckles; he reads paper- before to save our souls. Faithfully applying these educational and milk disagrees with him. He minor office of one kind or another. covered novels. He lowers his principles in postgraduate life will undeniably bring us success, avoids large head to the food plate; he holds groups of students; At the upcoming exams, I find them peer- but not necessarily the success indicated by the survey report. — is precise, '^^^' --V the fork his he scrupulous, high- VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY VILLANOVA, PA. ing back at me. The time for panic is at hand! between thumb and Permanent Success strung, prudent, perceptive. Adhernice Assures his first three fingers; he pushes He HARRY C. NASH, EOITOR-IN-CHIEF to these basic lessons, —At all the Navy men getting ready for In fact by conscientiously adhering food on his fork with a piece of seems always preoccupied; he is is planning to TOM SMITH . .Monofing Editor "ten thou- their summer cruise. Everybody we may expressly exclude ourselves from that select bread. times he drinks beer self-effacing. He is a scholar. FRANK DELANY , News Edtlor At dol- go, for rumor has it that double cuts will be . . Editor ten thousand CLEM BIRCH Feature sand" a year group. Because, to put it bluntly, to great excess; he drinks coffee •'«'•'• •' • • Copy Editors JACK DOWNING, BILL BROWN k • figuratively, a high wall to climb for given to those not present. STEVE BERNOCCO Busineis Monoser lars a year constitutes, yellow with cream. He is amused Sporft Editors BOB STRAYTON, BOB FORO . Catholic college graduate. At the campus horticulturist who pointed Commencement Editor the average — by the misfortunes of others. He TOM MENTZER ,> * . . » . .. News-Feoture ,,v. some Catholic college beautifully flowering azalea bushes and (Continued from SIG HOLTZ, JOE EZERSKI ;....'...... Fhotoarophy Editors Undoubtedly, even in toda\ s world, at the is profane, selfish, plodding, Page 1) Manager NICK PEDANO ./;..;. Circulation men do climb that wall and honestly at that. But for many, it asked, "Wha zat purple thing?" JIM RATH ., Imehaofle tdiior quick-tempered, crude, stupid; neering School. Editor twelve years of unsuccessful CHARLIE MAGEE «.«.:». Art proves too high, and after ten or —At those among us who just can't bear to he believes himself to be super- The six other candidates were Editor P. THOMAS TULLI . Pliofo-Mor«ue easier way to the top is often sought. And this ASSOCIATE EDITORS J. Kinney, i. Decker, B. Mylcahy, B. attempts, an see the school year come to an end. Yes, men, ior. He is an athlete. eliminated in preliminary judg- KlvmanowicE/ P. Ctarkson, B. Fortey, f. Hoftmonn, D. Peer, D. easier way is very often not consonant with the teachings absorb- there are some who will miss that walk to the ing before Easter. Ditenfesf, L. Corson, D. 0«lv«. Antithesis ed at Villanova University. Udall has Quinn will be FACULTY ADVISOR—RCV. L. A. R0N6I0NI. O. t. A., Tea House, that ride to Chestnut Hill, or that deep-set and pierc- commissioned Success Not Always Permanent ing eyes, pale complexion, aqui- an ensign in the U. S. Navy at Tkh MP«r <• 4*4i€mHd t* one of Hio Hnost mon who ovor safari to Immaculata. But saddest of all is the Hn4 VINmiov*; Soholor, Afkloto, CowHown This is not wild fiction, but cold, sober fact. A day in the line nose, thin and red lips; he graduation and will begin flight m plight of the man who will miss his daily stroll LID 6000REAU naked business world is daily proof of this. Unless we remain is lean, stoop-shouldered and training at the Naval Air Sta- to the Nurses' Lounge. PiikMsfiorf wookly tfurin* fflio eofcool yoor ky tfco t»m4mmH cautiously close to the practice of our faith, we may sometime in wide hips; he wears glasses tion, Pensacola, Fla. Univorsity. Swkscription rotoe aro $2 por yoar. off Villanova our later business or professional endeavor fall prey to some of These evenings an erie calm descends upon when he reads and he is always He has been president of the Of Mia amount sfn^tntt pay as a taition ffoa. fl b fa* a now-distant evils. The mason's ring may replace your Vil- searching intently International ftmi^t wtseHprtoa. the the campus as dusk falls and the midnight oil with his eyes; Relations Society, "scientifically" oust "morally" from Offffico, lanova ring; the word may he shutters; he has thin, blue- features editor of the 1955 Inffwrarf •• socontf-claM manor at the Villanova Past begins to bum. The library and chapel are Pac. 27, 192B. Under tha Act off Mor. S, 1t7f. your vocabulary; the "old-fashioned" large families may suc- The fhr?e new officers of veined hands. He moves his BELLE AIR, chief news an- crowded, roommates argue as to who will use the Student Council talk over plans for next ycarl-r. Pete AfMciated Colloflief* Press. Moniker of CothoHc cumb to modern "planned" families. QuInn, secretary; Jack O'Rourke, limbs awkwardly and stiffly and nouncer of WVIL and former Mombor of vice-chairman; and Dick Peer, chairman. These men, all Catholie Cellego Press Associotlon. what book, and when; and professors ride about fraiff Asfoctotion, financially Juniors except O'Rourke, he walks with long strides; feature editor of the So the situation exist.s. Success, both heavenly and a sophomore, were chosen at the first meeting of the newly elected he VILLA- with a sardonic grin. Thank heavens this doesn't Council flails his hands alniost NOVAN. MmbCf is within our grasp. Aim for both! But bear in mind always, one last Thursday night. They succeed past chairman Dick Winfield, vice-chairman uncon- Peer' is forever; the othor bu" ;v>r a lifetime* go on very often or we'd all leave. and sctcretary Don Mc(jahan' trollably when he is excited; he

illa^'Lu r»", '»,s L^CU^^ Mmyf%$itmUi «Vt - ..rn %K .. >IH > ,fWV T^H E V I L.L A' Ifva VA'W .9 ^ V li W i^msm PiffoipW^ Page Four THE VILLA NOVAK May 18, 1»5S More Election Results: To Iron Out Probfems; 73^0 Vote In Class Elections Fr. President to Meet with '58 cuss OF '56 CLASS OF *5T GLASS OF Donatelli Takes Reins; (Continued from Page 1) 1) (Continued from Page 1) DPE Council (Continued from Page Members Monthly the senior year by a 56-vote positions were Jack Shea, and Laughlin won more than twice The following is the official announcement of the new Com- edge over runner-up Paul Por- Jack O'Leary, from Arts; Rob- as many votes as his two nearest mittee of Students and Father Donnellon, University President, reca, ert Di Joseph and Leo Cala- opponents, Sullivan and Mul- Ford Presides Over Singers to discuss student problems as contained in a letter from Father A resident student whose brase, from C&F; and Leo cahy. Laughlin is a softspoken McLaughlin to Student Council Chairman, Dick Winfield. home is in Glenside, Pa., Hart- Kane and retiring pres. Jack easy-going candidate from the Bob Ford was elected Presi- Delta Pi Epsilon, C&F frater- Chairman, Student Council mann polled 172 votes to beat O'Rourke, from Engineering. varsity football team. dent of the Villanova Singers nity, in common with many Villanova University out Porreca, a fellow C & F stu- Athletic Vice-President for next year at the group's other organizations this week t Arts Seats Close Dear Mr. Winfield, dent, and two Arts juniors, Bob Tom Brennan, C&F from W. election meeting last week. An announced the results of elec- closest developed in As you and the members of Farley and Frank Adams. The race Hempstead, N. Y. and a candi- Arts junior. Ford has been ac- tions for next year's officers. the contest for a resident Arts tive in the Singers for the Council know, Father Don- Council Decides date for varsity basketball, took the past Donatelli President School seat. O'Leary defeated a nellon, President of the Univer- Tom Mullen, an electrical engi- the vice-presidency by another two years, and served as theh* neighbor from his hometown of Lou Donatelli, from Washing- sity, announced the formation neer from Hempstead, L, I,, was wide margin. secretary this year. Bayonne, N. J. George Browne, ton, heads the all-resident slate of a new committee of students declared winner of the vice- — John Fixl, Biology student He succeeds Conrad Urban, as president. His fellow officers a varsity trackman — by four who has been president for to meet with the Father Presi- presidential race by action of from AUentown, Pa., was elected the ' ^i ballots. Browne was three ahead are Burns McLindon sus vice- dent to discuss student prob- the Student Council Thursday Secretary of the class with 20 last two years. of Neil Cronin. president, Jack Morgan as se- lems. The Committee is to con- night after the election. more votes than runner-up John Other officers elected at the cretary, Don Weir as treasurer, gist of the Chairman of the Stu- The Council disallowed a Shea, from Northeast Catholic Witt. meeting were Jack Padova, vice- and Hank Knoblock as Student dent Council and three other write-in attempt for the office in in Philadelphia, easily took his The position of Treasurer was president; Joe D'Aquila, secre- Council representative. students selected by the Council. opposition to Mullen, previously day hop seat two opponents. taken by Terry Hayes, Arts man tary; Charles Rose, librarian; h: These succeed Bruce Stark, : As Dean of Student Activities, unopposed as the result of O'Rourke Landslide from Lakewood, Ohio, who sur- and Richie Dunne, student coun- John Fitzpatrick, Tony Skorup- I have also been made a mem- screening eliminations. The passed both of his opponents by cil representative. They suc- O'Rourke, newly-elected vice- ski, and Jim Carmody who ber of this committee, at the Council took the action by de- approximately 75 votes. ceed Jack Janucci, Ford, and chairman of the Student Coun- guided the fraternity success- direction of the Father Presi- ciding by an IS'/^-lO'/i vote to In Brother's Footsteps Ssveral of the student nurses, replete with caps and uniforms, Paul Landau, respectively. cil, romped into his post. His 'Loa Donatell fully through this school year dent. enforce a ruling made last year In the Student Council race, dish our refreshments in Austin Lounge during reception Plans for next year were also M Fltzpatrick nearest rival finished in a dead- as part and sponsored a Conmiunion Father Donnellon believes that a candidate could not place Norm Peer, Arts from East of "Florence Nightingale Day" on campus last Thursday. discussed at the meeting, includ- lock, 218 lengths behind. breakfast. that with the formation of this himself in write-in contention Orange, N. J., taking after his ing those for a more expansive Races for the three other Engineers Tour Committee, the need for the ex- for a new office after withdraw- brother as a political figure at concert program, and stricter Serves C&F School Announces His seats were tighter. isting Faculty-Student Commit- ing from another office's nomina- Villanova, won the resident seat regulation of attendance at re- The winners were Kane, day Drill Team Sweeps Honors The Delta Pi Epsilon serves will cease. Therefore, he has tion. while Dick Hamburger, another hearsals. Singer moderator N. J. Belf Plant tee Staff Positions hop Engineering; Di Joseph, the largest school in Villanova directed that it be dissolved as of Zimmerman Wins biology man from Glenside, Pa. Dean Harold Gill Reuschlein ex- day hop C&F; and Calabrase, One of the largest research University by welding together now. I am taking this means Dick Fitzpatrick, editor-in- Leroy Zimmerman, F, of was elected to the day-hop seat. In City Area Competition pressed his appreciation for the ,:, C & its from Fairlawn, N. J., who took laboratories in the world was members as a unit socially of officially informing the Coun- chief of the 1956 Belle Air, has Harrisburg, Pa., this year's Percentage Up cooperation he received, and he and otherwise. over the resident C&F seat. Fresh from the National ances which have helped them toured last week by a group of cil of the establishment of this announced the editorial appoint- planning chairman, won out Continuing the up-trend in noted that the concerts would Before three recounts of bal- Pershing Rifle Drill competition attain the reputation of never 40 electrical engineers. The Donatelli and company plan new Committee and the disso- ments for the yearbook. over Phil Taddeo for the office freshman voting, the 63% vote begin much earlier next year, lots, Odabash appeared the win- held at Penn State, where they entering a competition without Bell Telephone Research Labo- to improve upon this year's rec- lution of the Faculty-Student Dick Schleicher, an engineer- of Secretary, 205 to 134. The represented a 2% increase over possibly in November. ner by a squeaky two-vote mar- scored an upset victory in the walking off with first place. ratories at Murray Hill, N. J., ord wherever they can. Committee . . . We hope the ing student, was named asso- new Class of '56 Treasurer is last year which in turn was an gin. But during the Student fancy drill, the Villanova were the destination of an all- new Committee will carry on ciate editor. Next year's future Thomas O'Rourke of Philadel- increase over the previous year. Two Trophies Added Council meeting Thursday night, NROTC Drill Team, under the day field trip sponsored by the the work making the University editor will be Bob Ford of the phia, of the engineering school, In addition to one trophy Frank Licopoli, chairman of the direction of Midn. 2/c Walter Seniors Honored A.I.E.E.-I.R.E. student branch. Dr. Machemer a better place to learn and to Arts school. The C and F divi- winner over Bernie Steinfeltz which they have already retired, Council elections committee, an- SC MASS Gould, took all honors at the On the group's last excursion live. sion is represented by Dick Bell- and Bob McCaffery, 140-122-99. Villanova was presented with nounced the run-off. Student Council chalmuui Philadelphia Area Champion- By of the year they were shown Retires; Accepts George J. McLaughlin, O. S. A. woar, the photography editor. The Alumni Representative two new trophies. The first Awarding He said third recount ended Dicic Peer reminds all mensbera I ships last Wednesday. many demonstrations featuring Dean of Student Activities C and F student Bob Cassidy for the class is Bob Ford, Lin- award was presented by the with both men having an iden- of the old Council alone tiiat I>efeat Area Squads the Bell Telephone Company's was named activities editor. den, N. J., Arts, winner over Benjamin Franklin Post, Ameri- Of Soliolarships Colby Position tical tally. they may still pay him the one Competing in both basic and most impressive latest develop- A suggestion for a project to All Schools Represented Earl Warrington by a 77-71 can Legion, who sponsored the dollar required for attendance fancy drill the team defeated Many of Villanova's top sen- ments : transistors and solar Dr. Paul E. Machemer has re- be undertaken during the sum- Serving under Cassidy will be count. From the C & F school, competition in the basic drill READ tomorrow morning nt tlie teams from LaSalle, Temple, iors, scholastically speaking, batteries. They toumed the signed from his position as Pro- mer months might be to take John Eddinger, of the Arts Greg Gehring, dayhop, and phase. group's Conmiunion Breakfast. Drexel, Saint Joseph's, and the will be continuing their educa- sprawling, fantasticaUy- fessor of Analytical Chemistry in laying the cornerstone THE VILLANOVAN action school, engineer John Ferri, and Bernie Dunn, resident, were The Reserve Officers University of Pennsylva- Associa- tion next fall through scholar- equipped labs and were lunched effective June 1955. He has ac- Since its con- for Sullivan Hall. Phil Keane, C and F. The copy chosen to the Student Council, tion of nia. Competing teams included Philadelphia made the ships, fellowships and assistant- in the large cafeteria. cepted an appointment in struction last year, that fine- the editorship went to Joe Torak. as were Pete Quinn, (D), and second presentation for first I units from the Army, Navy, and ships. Located five miles from New- Chemistry Department of Colby looking building has lacked the The sports section of the year- Jack Padova, (R), from the Air Force. The Villanova place in the fancy drill compe- ark, the laboratories College, Waterville. Insertion of Mid- In the History department, were erect- Mame. date of completion. book will be edited by Bob Far- Arts school, and Walt Forrester, million tition. 50 shipmen employed theur familiar Dick Seagrave-Daly received ed in 1940 and rival those of the 6 Years At Villanova traditional symbol marking its ley. Pete Quinn and Tom Mc- (D), and Tom Meaney, (R), a trick maneuvers and, according The final appearance of the National Bureau of Dr. the stone would take but a few scholarship to the Notre Dame Standards. Machemer came to Vil- Inerney will manage the circu- from the school of engineering. Villanova times day to Gould, "finally overcame Drill Team took place Law School and Don Accompanying the students lanova in Sept. 1949. He receiv- minutes time if the maintenance lation and business ends of the McNulty's their weak points in basic drill." yesterday at the annual inspec- scholarship takes him to on the jaunt were Rev. John ed his training at Princeton department worked on it. publication respectively. Villa- and The early tion of the unit by a visiting Nash Takes First at home, at work morning practices nova's Law School. Tom Ment- A. Klekotka, O. S. A., head of the University of Pennsylvaia. on Mendel field paid off as the admiral. Inspecting was Ad- zer takes a scholarship to Notre the electrical engineering de- During his six years at Villano- team continued the perform- miral von Dame for partment, Professor va Dr. or on the way Heimburg, USN. an M. A. in history. John B. Machemer has developed Clothier, and Mr. Raymond a strong course in In "Lynx" Contest English Scholars Instrumental Adams, both of the department. Analysis and has found time to Harry Nash, junior English^ In the English department, do some academic research. major and outgoing president Peter Tulli has won a fellow- Dr. Machemer, as well as Dr. There's n like a ship to the the Class of 1956, is the win- University of Detroit of Stinson, Asst. Prof, of Chemis- ner of the $15 first prize in the and Jasper Collura has been Social Calendar try, reported on studies at awarded a teaching LYNX short story contest. assistant- the University of Pennsylvania ship to Lehigh Organizations interested in re- Nash's story, "Half Light," University. Catholic Round Table serving a place on the campus of Science was included in the spring issue Among the engineers, Gerard here on social calendar April 30. He also re- of the magazine, as were the for 1955-56 •.V ' i' F. Moran, sophomore ported on some of his merchani- should meet Friday at 3:30 studies at second and third place entries. the Rosemont meeting cal engineer, received the Tool p. m. in 213 Mendel. two years Results were announced last ago Engineers Scholarship week by Mr. James Mitchell, co- Award. Rev. George McLaughlin, TOR THE From O. S. A., Dean of FLAVOR moderator of the campus liter- the science classes, Student Acti- vities, said the Junior Class will or r\NE ary magazine. Dave Vachon, Pfiysics Club pre- have first choice of a date, fol- Read Runner up in the competition sident this year, has won a TOBACCO!' lowed by the was Pat Nolan, a senior history R""*^ •• * Senior class. So- All yo« *^ * Physics fellowship to Notre major, for his story, "Half a phomore class. Freshman class THE VILLANOVAIi Dame. and • CIGARETTES C Note." Carlos Conde, junior clubs. in the C&F School, finished in third place.

TOR Field Trip EASY- Political Science majors and DRAWING the Municipal Government Class MliDNESSr of the C&F department took part last Thursday in a field DDERN SIZE trip conducted by Dr. Fred Khouri to City Hall, Philadel- phia. The purpose of the trip was to obtain a practical outlook on various aspects of large-city municipal government. The trip ranged from Common a-^i FILTER TIP TAREYTON Pleas Court—No. 6 where they saw the trial of a three-way ac- Activated Charcoal FUter OniED UNOtt AUmOtllY Of TNI with the Pearl-Gray cident case to a session of City COCA-COU OOMMNV 91 This Is tlw Council where they saw Tom The Philadclphui Coca-Cola Bottlioff Co, NBOTO drill tmm wMeh It of c/^«^Wf**u»» Ui/^ea^fyui^ **< • PRODUCT OF Gola receive a special citation. wfauUaK dMunpioMhips. Oa tke right Is DriO WaltOovld. !

IMS Paf« THE VILLANOVAW May 18, May 18, 1955 THE VILLANOVAN Pace Big Plant in Making: Law School Banquet Honors Given To Impressive Team Record Students Defeat Faculty All -Day Scheduk Robert Garbarino, Francis Krause On engage in a varied WVIL and Presentation of awards to Ro- law", Proves Golfers Ability bert Garbarino and Francis practice. He characterized poli- Competition Krause, second and first year tics as "a high calling" for the By Jioe Slavin in Tennis Staff Announced giving one an excellent By Pete Quinn Alton's New Law students respectively, and lawyer, Villanova's varsity golf team Traffic Manager falls into the an address by the Hon. Charles opportunity to "take part in The long hoped-for dream of be handled by John Eddinger. appears to be on its way to hav- Sophs Sweep •Tennis at Villanova took a democrajcy work by put- all day broadcasting has recent- Dick Cooke will replace Bob hands of Jim Heffernan. S. Desmond, Associate Judge of making ing one of its finest seasons- giant step forward Saturday skill at the call of the ly become a reality for WVIL, Brown as Chief Engineer. He Music, Music, Music the Court of Appeals of the ting his Led by Team Captain Charlie Intramural with the inauguration of the State of New York, featured government, through the politi- the University's radio station. will be assisted by James Mc- In the Music Department, Bill Stone, a junior letterman, the Track first annual student-faculty ten- The station now broadcasts on Eowen, Ray Muench and Mike Reich will head the Popular De- last Wednesday evening's sec- cal field." team has compiled a record of Meet nis tournament, played at the Speakers a sixteen hour daily basis, start- Polgar who comprise the Tech- partment while Dick McEntee ond annual Law School Banquet. seven wins and two Icsses. By Boh Mulcahy student courts adjacent to St.

nical Engineering heads. the Classical Chief Justice Horace Stern, of . ing at 7 a. m. and ending at 11 will take charge of Awards Presented Such formidable opponents as Mary's Hall. - Displaying talent seldom seen m. The new addition is given John Rosica, a Freshman who Department. The Production Garbarino, a Marine Corps the Pennsylvania Supreme Haverford College and Univer- For the students, highlisrhted p. in annual competition, the So- to the station with the is highly regarded by the listen- and Special Events Department veteran from St. Bonaventure's, Court; Hon. Vincent A. Carroll, sity of Pennsylvania have lost by the play of Jack Girrard, daily phomore class completely domi- compliments of WPEN-FM. ing audience will take over as will be handled by Bill Kelly. received the James P. McGra- Judge of the Court of Common to our Wildcat golfers. Pete Scott, and Bob McCaffery, nated all events as they swept Manager. of No. 2 in Philadelphia; : programs are transmitted Business The job News and Sports Departments nery award of $100 for the Pleas The season closes out next it was extremely enjoyable, The the spring Intramural track to WVIL where will be headed by Pete Quinn highest average in Constitution- Very Rev. Henry E. Greenlee, week with matches scheduled since they won six out of the from WPEN-FM meet last Thursday at the Uni- converted for AM re- and Joe Morris in that order. al Law, and the Col. Wilfred G. O. S. A., Provincial, and Chair- against St. Joseph's. Captain seven matches. they are SPORTS versity track. ception. The programs consist Joe Fink will take over the MacCarthy award of $50 for man of the Board of Trustees; Stone is confident that the team Mr. Roland Houde, philosophy In doing so, the Sophs were only of soft, relaxing music Special Effects Department and presenting the best oral argu- and Very Rev. James A. Don- will win both matches, especially department prof., played against awarded a record number of 55 without commercials. Commer- Fred Onorato will resume his ment during the Moot Court nellon, O. S. A.,; President of St. Joe's, since it will be a "re- Girrard in a fine match. Jack Jenkins, Breckinridse Win points, easily drubbing their cials, by the way are automa- duties as Record Librarian. competition. Villanova, all spoke briefly be- venge" matchi having lost to the Brass* took the first set, 6-2, and Mr. closest competitors, the Frosh, tically cut out. Station breaks The newly-formed Publicity De- A first year student from St. fore the presentation of the Hawks, 5-4, earlier in the sea- Houde rallied to lead 2-1 at the who garnered a meager five by WVIL will be provided every partment will be handled by Joseph's College, Krause was awards by Dean Harold Gill son. outset of the second set. Ger- As Track Team Beats Georgetown points. half hour. Bob Arkison. WVIL's represen- awarded the $25 Law Faculty Reuschlein. Professor Thomas MMk Record rard came to life, however, and In the opening event, the 100 Experiment tative to the Student Council prize for the most scholarly con- J. O'Toole of the Law School Since Reorganixation -Last Saturday in Washington, run, he was successful in holding was able to win the next five yd. dash, second-year men Jim This new phase of broadcast- will be Walt Murphy. tribution from the first year faculty presented the McGra- After a mediocre 5-5 record Villanova's nationally-heralded off a strong surge by the Hoyas' games to score another 6-2 win. Garbarino. track their Kirk, earlier had turned Cunjack, Bob Burgess, and Mike ing is in its experimental stage The out-going Station Mana- class to the legal writing course. nery award to last year, Villanova returned to team won third dual Ed who in fourth best collegiate mile Flynn placed in that order. The at WVIL, and, if proved suc- ger, Bernie Coyne expressed his The St. Ives Law Club receiv- Toastmaster for the banquet the links this year to beat West meet of the year, and at the the time in the country this season. mark of 10.4 for the distance cessful, will become a regular sincere thanks to the entire staff ed the $100 Judge Theodore was Walter B. Gibbons, Esq., Chester, Havsrford, St. Peter's, same returned a "favor" set a new record for intramural part of operations at the sta- who helped make this year's Reimel award for submitting Past Chancellor of the Philadel- Seton Hall, LaSalle, Penn, and which had been done them ear- Senior Johnny Giordano won lier, the javelin toss with a heave of track. tion. broadcasting so successful. the best brief during the Moot phia Bar Association and a Villanova's Old Timers, while by defeating Georgetown's competition. Hoyas, 72-59. 173 ft, while his fellow field Following the century. Bill Following up the announce- Court member of the Board of Consul- losing only to St. Joe and Despite a muddy track and event men Jim Fahey and Ron Brown and Brendan Flynn, also ment of Don Alton as next Lawyer's Calling tors to the School of Law. Station Manager, spoke on slow field, the Mainline squad Cherubini were second and third sophs, placed first and third re- year's WVIL Judge Desmond Mr. Joseph R. Clancey, presi- Rev. Louis Rongione, O. S. A., Read "Lawyers, Courts, and Law reciprocated for a humiliating respectively in the shot-put con- spectively, while Frosh foot- dent of the Student Bar Asso- Moderator of the University's Schools", and advised the 70 loss which they suffered earlier test. baller Americo Sapienza was opening radio station announced next Don Alton THE VILLANOVAN law students among the 105 ciation, gave the words this year at the hands of The win gave Villanova a sea- second. The time was 5:23.8. year's staff at the last meeting. New WVIL Head guests present to "work at the of welcome. Georgetown, in a triangular son's record of 3-4, while Cunjack and Burgess repeated meet held at Annapolis. Georgetown now stands 3-3- Shea Program Director their feats in the 100 by plac- The concluding dual meet of the Ed Shea, a favorite with radio Bragg Scores In Three Events ing one, two in the 220, followed year for the Wildcats will be also listeners, will take over the posi- Don Bragg was the individual by John Kiernan, a soph. star held this Saturday against St. tion of Program Director. The and high-scorer for the Cunjack did the distance in 0:24. Joseph's at the Villanova Sta- Chief Announcer's chores will Wildcats. For the second week Sapienza strengthened the Frosh in a row, the robust sophomore dium. From there, the track- scoring in the 440 by winning travel pole-vaulter set a new record men to the IC4A's in Ran- that run in 0:54.6. He was fol- dall's Island stadium, in New Banquet with a 14-foot soar. Among lowed by soph Bill Marinelli and Mr. ICtchell. IRC Bragg's other accomplishments York. Ken Gerz, a Frosh. during the day's proceedings The 880 relay followed the Scott Kdges ^eenan Marks New C&F was a second place in the high two dash events, and again the The longest set of the day, a jump, and thirds in the javelin sophs were successful in get- touch and go contest between Industrial Major and 100 yd. dash. ting a clean sweep, as Bobby Junior Pete Scott an\i Mr- John Although Bragg performed Powers, Mike Flynn, ad Cunjack Queenan of the English Dept., Relations Club Charlie Stone the The Industrial like a champion, it was not a sped to a 1:41.2 mark for the ended in a 11-9 victory for Princeton. will hold its annual banquet at one-man show. Such names as baton run. Villanova Junior. The team consisted of Captain the Wynnemore Inn on Wednes- Charley Jenkins and Alex Breck- Vince Sullivan, the lone en- The only faculty member Stone, who compiled an impres- day night, May 18. This year inridge featured heavily in the trant in the high jump, cleared who ended the day on the win- sive 6-1 record, Ben Klemanow- will have special significance victory. Jenkins, tuning up for the bar at 5'6" and recorded ning side of the ledger was icz, a very promising sophomore because it will mark the formal his Coliseum relays in los An- another victory for the sopho- another representative of the who compiled a brilliant 7-1 inauguration of the new major. geles, won the 220. in 22.3 sec- mores. English department, Mr. James record, in the Jack Kelly, Lou Blan- next Industrial Administration, onds and the 440 in 0;49.7. The In the only other field event Mitchell, who defeate4 chet, Jim and Bob McElhaney, Commerce and Finance School. scooting Scot, Al Breckenridge, on the day's schedule, Frosh year's Belle Air chief, Dick Joe Gallagher ,and Fred Anton. Many of the students who plan also ran to victory in the mile Dick Bart jumped 18'9.7" to a Fitzpatrick, 6-3, 6-2. Three Seniors Leaving to take this major will be pre- and two mile events for Villa- victory over Mike Flynn and Dr. Edward Monahan, of the Jim McElhaney, Blanchet, sent. and nova. His times were 4:15.8 Johnny Bauer, both of whom philosophy department, handed Anton are the only members Father Hartley, Dean of the and 9:33.4, respectively. play for Frank Reagan's foot- Bob McCaffery, also a Junior, and Dr. Klein, who will be lost through grad- trouble rallymg to win C and F school, Breckenridge Edges Out Kirk ball squad. a little by of the I.R.C., will be uation. second set, 4-6, after Mc- moderator In the last lap of the two-mile The concluding 880 yd. run his Stone urged everyone in attendance along with Mr. who also went to the adept sopho- Caffery was victorious in the hottest potoer story- had an interest in golfing to Bonniwell, who will be the main Punchrlme to the years try mores, when Joe Ryan, chased initial set, 6-2. Bob came out for the team next year. speaker of the night. Other by Bill Brown, did the distance through, however, to take the Qualifying Charley members of the faculty that will rounds are held and Jake Vital in 2:20.2. fmal, 6-4. each year determine be present will be Professors the make- The intramural department Pete Quinn won the last up of the team. Members of Burgess, Matlin, Murray, Powell, To Villanova Athletics expressed regret over the fact singles of the day from the only Vogan. this year's team will have to Law School representative, Mr. and VS"! By Oaryll Ditenfest he that the Junior and Senior "Tkirbo-Fire worked for an insurance prove themselves better than all com C ft F Editors Honored classes, the former of which had Thomas O'Toole, 6-1, 6-2. newcomers in When we traveled to the Field pany. In this 14-year Another feature of the ban- order to retain period ;^orf;V"i;rcon^citrvr;U'^" Students Win Both This is the engine that's writing a rolets. And in acceleration runs from a extra cost) puts 180 h.p. under your toe! their berths. House last Thursday to visit j quet will be that the members (Continued on Page 8) were very poorly represented. Double Matches whole new chapter in the book of standing start against all comers, two of the busiest and most of the editorial staff of the new Pick the one you'd rather have fun In the doubles, Soph Vinny automobile performance records. This the Motoramic Chevrolet beat all other popular men in Villanova sports C and F magazine. The Business with, then come in and get behind the Quinn joined forces with Ghv is the engine that has stock car timers low-priced cars—and every high-priced we found our subjects immersed Whirl, will be on hand to receive wheel. You'll see why the Motoramic rard to defeat Mr. Houde and doing a "double take" at their stop- car except one! in work, as is typical of them special recognition for their Chevrolet is showing its heels to every- Belle Masque's moderator, Rev. watches wherever experts gather to five, six and sometimes seven achievement in producing a ma- What's behind this blazing perform- one else on the road William Krupa. compare the abilities of the 1955 cars. ance? A compact honey of a V8 that days weekly. gazine which will definitely add ^National Auociafion for Stock Car Awto Kaamg. The second doubles match * only the world's leading producer of These men are equipment prestige to C and F. The praise For example, in the recent NASCAR again was won by the adept stu- valve-in-head engines can build. Chev- manager Charlie Farnan of this magazine will not only stock car competition at Daytona and dent representatives, as Bob rolet's new "Turbo-Fire V8". trainer Jake Nevins. Jake come from the University, but Beach, Florida, Chevrolet literally ran was Meyers and Scott rallied to win out at the baseball field aiding from the field of business itself. away from every other car in its class // puts a new kind of fun in your the second and third sets after the team in their victory over The election of next year's of- — and a raft of others besides. In the driving life. You* re in charge of 162 losing the first. The scoring in Rutgers; Charlie was in the fice|;s of the I.R.C. will also take one-mile straightaway run for low- high-spirited horsepower — or if you*re the match went 4-6, 6-2, 6-3. cars, first even more excitement, lh£ basement of the Field House place at the banquet. priced the two places— and looking for new 7CHf VROltT / All in all, the day was enjoy- six of first Turbo-Fire (optional at answering the needs of both the the ten— went to Chev- "Super V8" ed by all, even though the profs most serious and the most may require rubbing oil for the casual athletes. next few days. It proved, how- Charlie is the johnny-come- ever that students are, in many lately of the pair. While Jake cases, better qualified than they has been here since 1929 except are usually expected to be, at for a period in service, Charlie •••••••^«*«Mr***« a ^^^ «•*«•«*•••« •••••«*A*«tf«'»*««»«*«4»« least from a teacher's point of has been at Villanova only for view. the last 14 years. Here Since 1041 Pete Quinn, left above, and Dr. Edward Monahan. right, are See Your Chevrolet Dealer Charlie came to Villanova in two of the tennis enthusiasts who participated In the first anmiai 1941 and has been here since, Read student-faculty match pla^'ed at Villanova last Saturday. except for a short period when "TIE nUMOViUI" .

• THE VILLANOVAli May 18, 1958 May 18, 195S THE V I L LAN O V A N I Pag• NiiM Sports Chatter. Nevins-Farnan Loss To West Chester 1 We*^^ reminisce a bitoit pictonauy,pictorially, reviewureviewing (Continued from Page 7) \A/ I ••.'ft'" Sports In Review he has had the opportunity to UniOr the recent Class of '56 see in Week: social whirl of action many of the Ends Nine Game Streak J» 1 By Jo€ Heaps and Norm FmUptuh' greatest teams and individual Dy Jo.? Kinney stars from all over the country. its unforgettable A year in sports at a big-time university has J After thumping local St. moments, when the thrill of victory rewards the players and Joseph's College last Wednes- Win intoxicates the spectators. There are also the depressing set- Big Timers day on the Main Line diamond, backs, when defeat looms as a bitter fate to the perspiring ath- Villanova's power-laden baseball letes and imploring fans. Let us briefly review Villanova's squad recorded victory number Over Cast-offs %:i athletic joys and sorrows of the 1954-55 seasons. twelve the following afternoon i FOOTBALL—95,000 view first home game . . . Ole Miss by outscoring Rutgers Univer- Softball Finale \ shows lack of Southern hospitality . . . lack of depth and pre- sity, 9-4, on the same field. dominance of sophomores seen as causes of losing season . . . Bill McGarry ,one of the club's inspirational leadership of Captain Mike Mayock never falters in Intramural softball competi- t most consistent hitters of late,

defeat . . . injuries to McComb, Marshall, Leichtweiss, and Mayock tion oji pounded a home-run in the five- came to a conclusion weakens club . . . Wildcats explode against Fordham . . . Monday, when the Big Timers run first inning, which was all thump Rams 41-0 . . . Fordham quits football . . . Dick Scott final the Mahanmen needed in hang- played the Cast-offs, in the leads squad to victory . . . Reagan and cohorts plan for spring ing up the triumph. However, game of the spring schedule. practice season. and the 1955 the host team added four insur- The Big Timers, representing ance markers in the later frames Good Counsel Hall, smashed their opponents 12-7 for the vic- BUI McGarry against a similar number for tory and league title. .it: the Jerseyites, who trailed While describing these greats, throughout. The big gun in .the winners which included the football attack was Buzzy 3aron, who Ti'achers (iet Five teams of the 1948-49 period, the belted a grand slattj; homer in West Chester's high-flying basketball clubs of the Arizin the fourth fram^jliwlth three State Teachers came from be- era and the stars George Guida, mates aboard to 'tout' the Big hind during an explosive fourth Fred Dwyer, and Jim Reardon. Timers solidly in 'frpnt. From on Saturday afternoon by scor- Charlie was interrupted by the there, pitcher iMv' Chessock ing five big runs, causing Vil- \ requests of Don Bragg, Dick hurled a frigal foui] innings, at lanova to succumb to its fifth, Scott and Jim Fahey. After least as far as th^'iosers were 7-5, on the victor's field. running off to get a key for concerned, and let in only three The hard-earned win gave the Student Conductor Bob Schiller bows in front of the Concert Bragg, and a towel for Scotty runs for the remainder of the Chesterites an enviable 13-2 log { Mut be a fly in Mom's eye (center) as she and her son malce Band during their Junior Week performance. who had just come in from the ball game. in the season. .up part of tlie capacity crowd at the Mothers' Day Mass In front Rutgers game. When Red sent Ambromid Gets Three The Mainliners hopped out to of the outdoor shrine. him scurrying off on another Fran Ambrosio, a senior mem- an early 4-0 lead in the initial '56 Don McComb Jack Devine Charlie Jenkins mission we sneaked away to ber of the Big Timers, frame on Johnny DiGiollorenzo's also 1 catch the end of the ball game long paced the team's hitting attack- ;::;' BASKETBALL Devine captain for second year in a row triple, followed by a pair — and make contact with Jake Ambrosio collected three hits 1' of two-baggers by Bill McGarry i'. Schafer tops Hennessy mark and scores 2000 . . . Severance- Nevins. and Ron during the game, and accounted / men continue domination of N. C. State by outhustling Wolfpack LaMontagne, each of "Little Man" Jake for four runs batted in. whom collected two of Villano- \ . . still puzzle to club . . . both home and abroad . Duquesne a The affable Jake Nevins, who va's seven bingles. . . . accepted Devine goes over the thousand mark NCAA bid replied facetiously when asked eggs at the poM^rful West Severino . . . the big Garden victory over the Blue Devils of Duke . . . Ousted In 4th how long he had been at Vil- Chester nine but ntsi efforts

Regional Finals . . . De- The winners pushed across team returns to Palestra for Eastern lanova that he'd been here since were in vain as the losers vine plays game of life against Canisuis, but New Yorkers win two runs in the bottom of the about eight that morning, is the never headed the local club first .• Devine named to All-tourna- on left-fielder Jack McDon- a heartbreaker , , Schafer and little man who is responsible after the fourth inning. ' ncl's circuit blast with one team. , .r. man —4- ment . ;:,".'., v^i-'V for ^i'. the fame of Ray Rigney be- on. Then Dan Severino hurled V . TRACK—indoor meets spread Villanova fame . . . Jenkins, cause of all the publicity shots two shut-out frames before the RATES beiany, Sydnor, Reavis, Breckenridge, Bragg, Moran, Maliff, he's posed for with 6'8" Ray. SPECIAL STUDENT Teachers chased him with seven Heitmann, Ligorelli, Kopil, Peterson, Browne, Rock tour Eastern We finally learned that he timely singles in the deciding . has arenas thrilling crowds and setting records . . cross-country been here since 1929 as trainer fourth. team third in IC4A competitive . . . Delany Freshman champ for all the athletic Nora teams. Bob Scalzi took over and ; >. four victories in Penn Relays . . . mile relay and sprint The fun-loving Jake re- calls threw four innings of goose- 34fli SI. at fill A^Sr^ A HiHpn.Holel medley teams bring first U. S. championships to Mainline . . . the days of comic Tom Cla- 14'8!j" vin Frosh quartet sets record . . . Bragg clears in Blue- and his recent-day successor White Day. Tom Green and the joys and BASEBALL—slow start followed by game winning streak problems of making road trips , ~7wy cm^ ca^tm^ by train. . , . Scottie wins first game with homerun . . . Severino pitches All the boys argued over 7-hitter to beat Princeton . . . Helm and McGarry hit well who was to sleep on the top throughout season . . . sophs LaMontagne and DiGialorenzo bunk but they finally agreed YOU'RE A BETTER to put prove capable double play combination . . . Mucchetti sparkles Jake up there where it in infield. was possible for him to dress THAN YOU THINK I SWIMMING—Villanova's merman third in Metropolitan and undress while standing.

Swimming Championships . . . soph star Don Couig outstanding Looking to the future, they agreed Bobby Jon*! registered woods and irons, and Jimmy throughout campaign setting school record in 150-medley . . . that, except for basket- ball, all Thomson registered woods are SYNCH RO-DYNED* Captain Pat Kean honored as the most loyal swimmer . . . teams would be vastly awards to Couig and Paul Donahue as most outstanding and most improved. Each cited clubs ... the only clubs made that offer you perfect The couples in the foreground the added are involved in conversation The felk>\v in the center rates a smile from his date during improved swimmers . . . is depth of team record 6 wins, 5 losses, and 1 the football and track balance . . . and an identical contact feel. white other juniors and their dates take advantage of the music the Junior Prom. .,,... . « ' "•* . ' ' ' • ' ' . tie. teams, pointing out that next during the concluding event of Junior Week at Pahimbo's. • *.''".'. Because every one of these clubs swings and feels alike GOLF—Princeton and St. Joseph's losses only blemishes on season's track team should be . . . your golf becomes more uniform, your shots con- record . . . team hopes for best golf team record in school's the finest ever and perhaps the sistently better. With golfers reporting handicaps cut history . . . qualifying rounds shot in wind and rain—a matter best in the country. The basket- by

of the survival of the fittest . . . captain Charlie Stone, veterans ball team might suffer from a as much as V3 . . . these are the clubs to play. Lou Blanchet and Jack Kelly, and newcomers Ben Klemanowicz certain amount of greenness Make your next round a better one . . . with Spalding. and Jim McElhenny pace club . . Blanchet drops 30 footer on early in the season but will be

21st hole to give Villanova a 4-3 win over rival Penn . ^ . Blue- a potentially fine club, they con-

White Day golf matches and 19th hole activity enjoyed by all. cluded. .; v:




I 9


Student Councilor James Mink checks mat ric card numbers as of voters in Thurs- CSo, man, go . . . Eddie Condon (sitting, left) joins his men days clasN electionH cast ballots in the Alumni gym. The froshmrn turned out to the tune of in a number during one of their Junior Week jazz concert .s. 63%, the sophomores 79% and the juniors 7C>%. Pair• Ten THE VILLA NOVAK May 18, 1965 Schwerdtfeger Leads '55 -'56 Physics Club Elections at the last SENIORS^ CL4SS OF 7955— Student meeting Campus News Council of the Physics Club for this FACT$ AND AVE (Continued from Page 1) year held last Thursday elevated Fletcher, PI THETA CHI a C & F junior, is Norm Peer won a resident senior-to-be Charles Schwerdt- VIEWS A7QUE The Phi Theta Chi senior delegate besides succeed- seat on feger to the presidency, succeed- !M Sororitj Council for the Class of See Page 2 held election ing Jim Rath as president. ing Dave Vachon. VALE of officers at itt .1958 and Tom O'Rourke was Installed monthly meeting recently. Pre with Fletcher were chosen treasurer of the Class of Representing the club on the William Gallagher, Student Council will . sident for the coming year u junior dele- 1956. be James gate, Miss Betty Ann Ciirran ol Frank Collins, secretary Peer, who took over as chair- Shea, sophomore, while Jack Solarski Mount Airy; Vice President, and Jim Greenlee, treasurer. man from graduating Dick Win- will fill the post of Paul Miss Dolores Cofield of Bay- Donahue will serve as field, moved up from vice-chair- treasurer. Jack is a freshman. treasurer of the onne, N. J.; and Miss Susan Philadelphia man. Don McGahan was secre- Freshman Secretary Vol. 30—No. 24 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, VILLANOVA, PA. June 6, 1955 Regional Council. As explained in Simmons of Jenkintown, will tary during the past year. last week's act as Rev. George McLaughlin, VILLANOVAN, the post of Tresaurer-Secretary. Write-ins Nixed 0. S. A., Villanova's moderator, secretary will be filled from During the business session of The group also discussed the spoke to the dinner guests next year's freshman class at the new Council, in which all business of their May Social un- about the forthcoming national the end of the first quarter, convention which will be held in Council members elected that Dave Vachon said Receive der that Degrees the direction of this To Joanne 428 Today afternoon took part, a resolution Stucky, Chairman. This dance Pittsburgh during August. unique system of having an of- was passed prohibiting write-in will be held in Austin Lounge VILLANOVAX ficer from each class provides Graduate -Faculty 382 Full-Time Seniors ballots in future class elections. an incentive tonight. Music will be provided Introduction of Harry Nash, for the newer mem- The resolution stipulated by the Commodores. Dancing lext year's editor-in-chief, and that bers of the club and assures the Breakfast Follows \^ Among Recipients; a candidate could not be added continuity of active from 9 'till 1. The dance is open .jresentation of gold keys to member- to the ballot within 48 hours of ship on the to all students of the Nursing >enior staff memDers will take part of capable un- Baccalaureate Mass Field House Is Scene the election opening. A candi- derclassmen. Division and their dates. place during the VILLANO- date not nominated during the Following /AN's annual dinner dance to- the election, the Class of 1955 attended its last TODAY at 11:00 A. M. 428 persons regular nominating conventions THE .light at 7 in the North Garden members of the club formalized mass as a corporate unit on the will receive degrees in the Villa- could be added to the list of CHEERLEADERS jf the Bellevue-Stratford. the constitution with the addi- campus at 10 o'clock yesterday morn- nova Field House and become Villano- nominees to be approved by A rejuvenated cheerleading Rev. Louis A. Rongione, ob- tion of laws regulating eligibili- ing. The Solemn High Mass was cele- va alumni. Of the 428 degrees, 382 taining a petition signed by ten ty .swSt \ ^^^»* squad will appear on the grid- 0. S. A., the paper's moderator, for membership and office- % brated by Very Rev. James A. Don- will go to full-time Students. per cent of the members of his holding. Art Odabash and Jack Decker iron sidelines next football sea- A^ill address the group. nellon, University President. Father The main speaker will be Senator class or by being nominated at —the two men who tied for the son according to Father Mc- Music for dancing after the Vachon wishes to thank pub- Edward B. McKee, O. S. A., University Styles Bridges, Republican Senator a special class meeting previous licly all presidency of the Clmsa of 1957. Laughlin, Dean of Student Ac- oanquet will be furnished by the speakers who appeared Vice President, was the Deacon. from New Hamps)iire, and William J. to this 48-hour period. before One was elected yesterday in a J tivities. i^hythmaires. the club during the year. Quinn will be the student commence- -'re'Vote. Preacher for this special Baccalaur- The squad composed of John eate Mass was Father James Gal- ment speaker. Flynn, Jimmy Naihman, Ted lagher, 0. S. A., a member of the Ceremonies will begin with the pro- Macri, and Bill Smith, have re- Augustinian Mission Band. Father cessional of students and faculty from organized the cheers appearing Gallagher, an outstanding member of the Commerce and Finance building in the Student Handbook. the Mission Band for over a decade, to the Field House. Following the Plans have been made for conducted the annual three-day retreat Invocation and the playing of the Na- orientation of the incoming for the entire student body during this tional Anthem, Quinn will deliver his freshmen concerning spirit ac- past Holy Week. speech. tivities at the various athletic Immediately after the Mass, at which THE GRADUATES, 428 strong, march in procession en route to the Field Honorary Degrees events. After a series over 90 percent of the class received House. Today's comniencenient exercises for tlve class of 1955 marks the of musical selections, Bill Smith said, "The cheer- Honorary degrees Holy Communion, the members of the completion of Villanova's 112th academic year. will be presented to leading squad can be only as Senator faculty and the graduates proceeded Bridges, Bishop Paul Yama- good as the supporters in the guchi, Brother Stanislaus, to the University Dining Hall in Men- F. S. C, stands." Captain Joseph A. del Hall for a special Baccalaureate McHenry, and Ed- win K. Daly, MARCHING BAND breakfast. Styles Bridges, GOP Senator Sr. Next in order will Colorful half be the recitation of the "Pledge of time shows by an Since today marks the inception of expanded Marching Loyalty" by the graduates. Band are a the alumni status of the class, this OfNewHampshire, Speaks Today The respective Deans of definite possibility the differ- during the was the last act of the class as stu- coming football season, the VIL- ent schools will then confer degrees dents. It has been traditional at the SENATOR STYLES BRIDGES, Republican from the state of New Hampshire LANOVAN learned last week. upon the individual graduates. The Univerity to have this joint activity and ranking Republican member of the Senate, is speaker at today's ceremonies Plans are progressing slowly, order of presentation is as follows: of students and faculty on the day and will receive an honorary LL.D degree. according to Jack Gilfillan, new- Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of preceding the commencement ceremo- Styles Bridges was born in West Pembroke, Maine, September 9, 1898, and ly-elected Band president. But Science in Education, Bachelor of nies. Although the parents and graduated from the University of Maine in 1918. he said Athletic Director Bud Science ih Biology, Bachelor of Science friends of the graduates were invited Senator Bridges' rise to national prominence began in November 1934 Dudley envisons a progressively in Physics, Bachelor of Science in to attend the Baccalaureate Mass held when, as the candidate of the Repub- larger show by the band in each Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Ma- in the field house the breakfast itself lican Party, he was elected Governor of game and a sorely needed thematics, Bachelor of Chemical En- was closed for the graduates and mem- the State of New Hampshire. As Gov- change in uniforms. gineering, Bachelor of Civil Engineer- bers of the faculty. ernor, he balanced the budget and put Gilfillan did not describe the ing, Bachelor of Electrical Engineer- New Hampshire on a "pay-as-you-go" uniform change. One of the band ing, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineer- members, fiscal basis. ing, Bachelor however, indicated it An EXTRA 'V'lllanovan' of Science in Economics, will be drastically different from Senator at 38 Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and the traditional style. THIS special commencement edition The voters of New Hampshire re- Graduate Degrees. of the VILLANOVAN is the first warded the record established by their Gilfillan said he and retiring Commissioning Follows band president Frank in the history of Villanova. It is the young Governor when they elected him Licopoli Captain product of all to in Martin J. Drury of the had the go-ahead from Rev. an Senior staff which the United States Senate 1936. United States Navy and Professor of Joseph J. Burns, O.S.A., band was organized and directed by the He was re-elected for a second term in Naval Science at Villanova will then moderator, in discussing 1954-55 Editor-in-Chief of the VILLA- 1942 and a third term in 1948. the contact the commissioning matter with Dudley. NOVAN, Edwin K. Daly. Upon his re-election in November ceremony for the N.R.O.T.C. graduates, which The two engineering students :'.•-. ::'-.'.• •;:,••'••:< will be followed " /--V;::'''^^ by another musical decided that it was time that 'V X-'-,':-''''"""" Speech in This Issue: selection. the band was pulled up from Senator Styles Bridges will then ad- the depths into which it has fal- dress the len in recent years. graduates and the com- mencement exercises "This attitude created a very will be concluded with Benediction. poor reputation for the univers- Quinn Talks For Class ity, and it was realized, at least (Text of Quinn*$ Speech on Poge 3/ 1951 to a fourth term in the United by band members, that changes States Senate, the voters of New Comfneficemefif Fancies should be made," J. Quinn is the student Gilfillan com- WILLIAM Hampshire paid tribute to their senior And Facts Since 1B47 mented. Commencement speaker for the Senator by giving him the largest vote as it The size of the band is ex- Class of 1955. Quinn, who will be received by any candidate on the STRANGE may seem, the pro- pected to increase to commissioned an in the United cedure of 80 pieces Ensign Republican ticket, and also giving him commencement has and Gilfillan said States changed very little the quality is Navy today, majored in history the largest majority ever received by a through the decades. expected to increase with size. as an undergraduate in the Arts Since the first public and candidate for the Senate in the history commencement "This would enable Sciences School. held on July 1, 1847, musical recitals, Villanova You'll SMILE your approval of the State. 'to field a band which all enter- He was president of the Interna- student valedictories, and the distribu- Heads Policy Committee tain the fans and provide that of Chesterfield's smoothness— tional Relations Society, Feature Edi- tion of diplomas and awards have been zing and zest which is necessary tor of the 1955 BELLE AIR, a mem- At the beginning of the 84th Con- the order of the day. mildness — refreshing taste. and traditional at a college foot ber of the Student Council, and a mem- gress, Senator Bridges was chosen un- • Villanova awarded its first Bachelor ball game," the Band president ber of the staff of WVIL. animously to become Chairman of the of Arts degree in 1855 and its first You'll SMILE your approval concluded. Twelve men were nominated, on the Senate Republican Policy Committee. Master of Arts degree in 1857. of Chesterfield's quality — basis of their academic excellence, for As such, he is a leader for the Repub- • In the 1880's, the commencement the honor of being Commencement licans in their formulation of policy re- programs featured addresses by stu- NFCCS [1 highest quality-- low nicotine. Edward Fletcher was installe.d speaker. Quinn was selected to be the lating to their activities in the United dents in foreign languages. as president of the Villanova speaker in a series of two elimination States Senate. He continues to hold his • A former President of the United C Lmort chapter of the National Federa- « Mvnu Tomocd C«l contests. assignments as ranking Republican States, Grover Cleveland, was granted tion of Catholic College Students After graduation he will proceed to member of the Committee on Appropri- the honorary degree of Doctor of Juris- C<; during the group's annual din- est selling cigarette in Americans the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, ations, Committee on Armed Services, prudence at the commencement exer- ner Wednesday. colleges Florida, where he will train to be a as well as his membership on the Re- ises in 1902. It was the first time such William J. Quinn naval aviator. publican Personnel Committee. Sena- a degree was granted in this country.