E776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 6, 2004 RECOGNIZING BENEFITS AND IM- an image of an Iraqi rolling out of a vehicle RECOGNITION OF MR. ANDREW PORTANCE OF SCHOOL-BASED engulfed in flames, only to be shot by an JACKSON HIGGINS MUSIC EDUCATION American soldier; Ms. Meyer photographed a gripping scene of American troops risking their HON. TOM OSBORNE SPEECH OF lives to save a wounded civilian. OF NEBRASKA HON. DANNY K. DAVIS The Pulitzer is Leeson’s first. He had been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a Pulitzer finalist three other times. The OF ILLINOIS Thursday, May 6, 2004 war is the 11th major conflict Leeson has cov- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ered. He has also produced work on the Mr. OSBORNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Tuesday, May 4, 2004 apartheid in , a portion of the Gulf honor the accomplishments of Mr. Andrew Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise War and flooding in Southeast . Jackson Higgins whom President Eisenhower today in support of H. Con. Res. 380, to ac- It was the first Pulitzer for Ms. Meyer also, once said is ‘‘The man who won the war for us’’, referring to his development and produc- knowledge the great benefits and the impor- a News photographer since 2000. In late tion of Patrol Torpedo (PT) boats that landed tance of music in our Nation’s schools. 2001, she traveled to Afghanistan to photo- We know music education helps young graph the war on terrorism and its effects to on the shores of many beaches during World War II. minds to develop creativity and expression of topple the oppressive Taliban regime. She has Andrew Jackson Higgins was born on Au- emotions. Studies show that early music train- received numerous awards for her body of gust 28, 1886, in Columbus, Nebraska, to work there including the John Faber Award ing can enhance a child’s ability to reason and John Gonigle and Anna Long (O’Conner) Hig- from the Overseas Press Club. In April 2002, think critically, that children exposed to music gins. His innovative mind showed itself at an Ms. Meyer traveled to the Philippines and In- at a young age learn better in other subjects, early age, and by 12 years old, he was moti- donesia where she photographed Muslim and and that children trained in music score signifi- vated to build his first craft in the basement of cantly higher on reading tests than those who Christian extremism and the violence caused his home. The shallow water boats that floated were not. Unfortunately, these programs are by religious hatred. along the Loup and Platte Rivers during his being cut from more and more schools with Mr. Speaker, I also congratulate the Dallas childhood inspired him. the majority of students attending public Morning News’ entire staff for their seventh His passion for boats did not stop in his schools in inner city neighborhoods having vir- Pulitzer. childhood; Mr. Higgins organized Higgins In- tually no access to music education, which Mr. Leeson and Ms. Meyer, I commend you dustries, Inc. in 1930, to build boats for his places them at a disadvantage compared to for this great accomplishment. Keep capturing lumber business. He began designing boats their peers in other communities. those shots because they are worth a thou- because of navigation problems he encoun- Although studies show the great outcomes sand words. tered involving the moving of logs in shallow of having music education, local budget cuts f waterways. The structure of these shallow are depriving approximately 30,000,000 stu- boats eventually led to the development of the dents of an education that includes music. It is IN MEMORY OF CAPTAIN ARTHUR L. FELDER PT boats and their capability to travel in shal- not only at the local level that is forcing low water. schools to abandon music education but the He also created PT boats, which were also lack of federal funding as well. As our schools HON. MIKE ROSS known as Higgins Boats. Higgins Boats, con- struggle to meet No Child Left Behind guide- OF ARKANSAS structed of wood and steel, transported fully- lines without full funding, provide education to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES armed troops, light tanks, field artillery, and all students without full funding for IDEA, Thursday, May 6, 2004 other mechanized equipment essential to Al- schools are faced with making the decisions to lied versatile operations including the decisive cut music, art, after school activities or being Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to D-Day attack at Normandy, France. He contin- labeled a failing school. We need to not only honor Captain Arthur L. Felder of Lewisville, ued to design boats and eventually engi- recognize the benefits and importance of AR, who died on April 24, 2004, fighting for neered over 20,000, including rocket-firing music education, but embrace it, realize the his country in Taji, Iraq. Arthur ‘‘Bo’’ Felder, landing craft support boats, high-speed boats need for it and other art education programs just 36 years old, was one of four soldiers and various types of military landing craft. in all of our nation’s schools and most impor- killed during an attack on the base camp of Following the D-Day attack, thousands of tantly save music education from becoming the Arkansas’s 39th Infantry Brigade. I wish to lesser-known assaults employed Higgins extinct. Without music education so many of recognize his life and achievements. Boats, which included landing on the beaches our great musicians that we admire today— Bo spent nearly two decades serving the of Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Tarawa, Okinawa, would be doing something else. But the school Army and National Guard. During that time, he Leyte, and Guam. Mr. Higgins not only spe- music program was there for them and we served in peacekeeping missions in Bosnia cialized in landing craft such as PT boats, but need to have it there for the next generation and Honduras. While not serving our country, also constructed freight supply ships and air- of musicians. children were Bo’s passion, and he spent borne lifeboats that could be dropped from B– much of life involved with youth. He worked at f 17 Bombers. Step One Alternative school in Little Rock, a The production of Higgins Boats enabled COMMENDING DAVID LEESON AND school for kids with legal troubles, and served Mr. Higgins to establish four major assembly CHERYL DIAZ MEYER OF DAL- as a youth director at St. Luke Missionary plants in for mass construction LAS MORNING NEWS STAFF, Baptist Church in North Little Rock. of landing craft and other vessels vital to the WINNERS OF 2004 PULITZER I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Allied forces’ conduct of World War II. He also PRIZE FOR BREAKING NEWS soldiers from Arkansas’s 39th Brigade, who trained over 30,000 Navy, Marine, and Coast PHOTOGRAPH died while supporting Operation Iraqi Free- Guard personnel on the safe operation of dom. These brave Americans lost their lives landing craft at the Higgins’ Boat Operators HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON while making the ultimate sacrifice to serve School. OF TEXAS our country, and I will be forever grateful to Mr. Higgins had another great accomplish- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES them for their courageous spirit. ment during World War II that established a Bo gave his life to serve our country and will progressive social policy at Higgins Industries Thursday, May 6, 2004 forever be remembered as a hero, a son, and Inc. He employed a fully integrated assembly Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON. Mr. a father. My deepest condolences go out to workforce of black and white men and women. Speaker, I rise to congratulate two great jour- his son Jaelun, eight years old, his daughter His policy was equal pay for equal work, dec- nalists, David Leeson and Cheryl Diaz Meyer Amari, four years old, his mother, Dr. Cheryl ades before integration and racial and gender of Dallas Morning News, who were recently Stuart, his brothers, Robert Stuart and Littrelle equality became the law of our land. awarded the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking Felder, and two sisters, Gwendolyn Gingery In 1964, the former President Dwight D. Ei- News Photography. and Kelana Greer. I know Bo was proud of his senhower said of Andrew Jackson Higgins, We Texans saw blood spill, tears shed and service to the U.S. Army and to our country. ‘‘He is the man who won the war for us. If Mr. conflict unfold in the trenches of Iraq through He will be missed by his family, fellow sol- Higgins had not developed and produced their camera lens. diers, and all those who knew him and count- those landing craft, we never could have gone Mr. Leeson, who was with the U.S. Army’s ed him as a friend. I will continue to keep Bo in over an open beach. We would have had to Third Infantry Division for six weeks, captured and his family in my thoughts and prayers. change the entire strategy of the war.’’ CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E777 Mr. Higgins enriched the lives of everyone IN RECOGNITION THE MOTHERS’ those with autism will never marry, they will fortunate enough to have known him. Mr. CLUB OF PINE CREST SCHOOL never live independently, and more than half Speaker, on behalf of the House of Rep- of them will never learn to speak. Families af- resentatives, we extend our deepest apprecia- HON. E. CLAY SHAW, JR. fected by autism are forced to bear an extraor- dinary burden. Parents, siblings and friends tion to Mr. Higgins’ family and friends. Please OF FLORIDA have to learn to try to communicate with and join me in honoring Mr. Andrew Jackson Hig- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES care for a child who may be incapable of ei- gins, an exceptional individual who dedicated Thursday, May 6, 2004 ther verbal or nonverbal communication or his life to the service of our country. Mr. SHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- who may exhibit erratic behavior. The fact that ognize the Mothers’ Club of Pine Crest School autism is so common is proof that autism re- f in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. For 60 years, the search is deserving of our nation’s whole- Mothers’ Club has been the lifeblood of Pine hearted support. COMMENDING THE ALAMEDA COR- Crest School. The organization is comprised Funding for autism research at the National RIDOR TRANSPORTATION AU- of over 450 mothers of current elementary-age Institutes of Health has been increased from THORITY students. approximately $93 million in Fiscal Year 2003 The Mothers’ Club works diligently behind to $96 million in Fiscal Year 2004, but we the scenes to ensure an optimal educational know that is not enough. Scientists continue to HON. XAVIER BECERRA experience for Pine Crest’s students. They disagree on the cause or causes for the dra- matic increase in the number of autism cases OF CALIFORNIA promote community by organizing orientation programs which help acclimate new students diagnosed in the United States. Only with in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and their parents to Pine Crest School. Every creased research will we be able to under- stand autism, find better treatments and effec- Pine Crest School event benefits from the Thursday, May 6, 2004 tive prevention methods, and hopefully, some- support, involvement and assistance of the day soon, develop a cure for this terrible dis- Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to com- Mothers’ Club. The Mothers’ Club coordinates ease. mend the Alameda Corridor Transportation family barbecues, holiday gatherings and a I am pleased to be here today as a cospon- Authority (ACTA). Earlier today, ACTA rep- festival of the arts. sor of H. Res. 605. I applaud Representative resentatives formally presented the U.S. De- The Mothers’ Club always lovingly and will- TIERNEY for authoring this Resolution and partment of Transportation with the final pay- ingly contributes to Pine Crest School, in any working to bring attention and resources to an ments for a loan, including interest, which to- capacity necessary. This includes coordinating all too common, but devastating disorder. At tals nearly $573 million. This final payment and chaperoning an annual field trip to Wash- its peak, there were 20,000 cases of polio was made 28 years ahead of schedule. ington, D.C. These dedicated mothers volun- each year. Today, less than 10 Americans teer in the classrooms and tutor students, as- contract polio annually. By working together Opened on time and within budget, the Ala- sist in the library and implement a book share and by never giving up, I know we can make meda Corridor is a 20-mile rail expressway program, and serve lunch to students. autism just as rare. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. connecting dock terminals in the Ports of Los Mr. Speaker, the efforts of the Mothers’ f Angeles and Long Beach to transcontinental Club benefit not only Pine Crest School but rail yards located in downtown Los Angeles. also the greater South Florida community. RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE The project proceeds primarily along and adja- These women coordinate various philanthropic OF INCREASING AWARENESS OF AUTISM cent to Alameda Street—with grade separa- endeavors to benefit local charities. Their hard work is noticed and appreciated throughout tions to safeguard local communities and pe- SPEECH OF South Florida. In honor of their hard work for destrian and vehicle traffic—through or bor- the last 60 years, I wish to recognize and dering the cities of Vernon, Huntington Park, HON. LEE TERRY commend the wonderful women of Pine Crest OF NEBRASKA South Gate, Lynwood, Compton, Carson, Los School’s Mothers’ Club for their dedicated IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Angeles, and the County of Los Angeles. service to children and elementary education. Wednesday, May 5, 2004 Much of the Corridor’s success was made f Mr. TERRY. Mr. President, I rise in strong possible by an innovative federal loan, which RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE support of H. Res. 605 to support National Au- deferred debt service repayments in the early OF INCREASING AWARENESS OF tism Awareness Month; commend the parents years of the project and allowed for financing AUTISM and caregivers of autistic children; support ag- at reasonable interest rates through the bond gressive research into autism; and recognize market. In fact, this novel financing approach SPEECH OF the importance of early intervention. was the basis for the Transportation Infrastruc- HON. STEVEN R. ROTHMAN If you were to see nine-year-old Jacob ture Financing and Innovation Act of 1998 Nolan Hirschfeld on the baseball diamond OF NEW JERSEY (TIFIA), a national program to select projects today you might be impressed with his skills in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES playing our national pastime. Since his middle for credit assistance. Wednesday, May 5, 2004 name was inspired by the great pitcher Nolan The Alameda Corridor is a project of na- Ryan, you might also think that his success on Mr. ROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in tional significance as it facilitates the move- the field was destined. But Jacob’s ability to support of House Resolution 605 to recognize ment of commerce from around the world to play baseball, and to do everyday things such the importance of generating awareness about as attending school and playing with friends, the entire nation. The Ports of Los Angeles autism, increasing research efforts into this and Long Beach together handle more than were never guaranteed. terrible disorder, and improving support for Jacob Hirschfeld has been diagnosed with 40 percent of the nation’s imports by value. those who suffer from autism and those who autism. More than 2 million jobs nationwide are asso- help care for the autistic. My 13 year old Jake struggles with most of the issues com- ciated with trade through these ports. These nephew Jack has autism, so I am part of an mon among the autistic. At four years of age workers, and this country, benefit from the extended family working to raise a child with he could only speak in one syllable words. He Federal government’s role in assuming the this disability. My family’s ongoing experience was scared of loud noises and bright lights. early project risk that made the Alameda Cor- has impressed upon me how critical it is for He had many of the compulsions that are ridor possible. us, as a society, to give those with autism and common with these children, and was fearful their families the support they need to fight Mr. Speaker, in closing, let me again con- of most people outside of his immediate fam- this devastating disease, and to commit the ily. Jacob’s father, Mark Hirschfeld, has said gratulate the ACTA team for their manage- resources necessary to determine the cause ‘‘our family was literally a prisoner to autism.’’ ment of the project and the early loan repay- of autism and to develop a cure for the mil- Jake’s diagnosis was devastating to his par- ment completed today. The Alameda Corridor lions of afflicted individuals. ents. But even more difficult was the fact that is a model project and has set a new standard Autism is not rare. Autism effects approxi- physicians, educators and other professionals for excellence. I look forward to working on fu- mately 1 in every 166 children in the United had little understanding of this complex dis- ture ‘‘goods movement’’ projects such as this States, making it one of the most common order and what could be done to help children that will benefit our region and the Nation. childhood medical disorders. In many cases, like Jacob. Stereotypes abounded.