Appendix A The Schwarzschild–Milne Integral Equation

The exact solution of (2.15)–(2.17) is obtained as follows. We define, as before, the local average intensity  1 1 J(τ)= I(τ,μ)dμ, (A.1) 2 −1 and the formal solution of (2.15)is

 ∞ e−(t−τ)/μJ(t)dt ,μ>0, = τ μ I τ −(t−τ)/μ dt (A.2) 0 e J(t)(−μ) ,μ<0, providing J does not grow exponentially as τ →∞(specifically, J = o(eτ )). Sub- stituting this expression back into (A.1), we find, after some algebra, that J satisfies the Schwarzschild–Milne integral equation  1 ∞   J(τ)= E1 |t − τ| J(t)dt, (A.3) 2 0 and the flux conservation law (2.17) can be written in the form    ∞ τ Φ = 2π J(t)E2(t − τ)dt − J(t)E2(τ − t)dt . (A.4) τ 0

The exponential integrals E1 and E2 are defined by   ∞ e−s ∞ e−s E (y) = y ds, E (y) = ds; 2 2 1 (A.5) y s y s

(A.4) acts as a normaliser for the linear equation (A.3). Equation (A.3) is amenable to treatment by the Wiener–Hopf technique. It de- fines J for τ>0, and we extend the definition of J so that

J = 0,τ<0, (A.6)

A. Fowler, Mathematical Geoscience, Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 36, 793 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-721-1, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011 794 A The Schwarzschild–Milne Integral Equation and we define a function h(τ), h = 0forτ>0, so that  1 ∞   J(τ)= E1 |t − τ| J(t)dt + h(τ), (A.7) 2 −∞

= 1 | | for all values of τ . Write K(t) 2 E1( t ), so that, if we take Fourier transforms of (A.7), we get ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ J+ = KJ+ + h−, (A.8) ˆ ˆ where J+(z) is the transform of J and the + indicates that J+(z) is analytic in an upper half plane (since J = 0forτ<0). Since J = o(eτ ) as τ →∞, this is at least ˆ Im z>1. Similarly h− is analytic in a lower half-plane. The solution of (A.8) is now effected through the splitting of (1 − K)ˆ into factors analytic in upper and lower half planes, and this can be done by solution of an appropriate Hilbert problem. The transform Kˆ is defined as  ∞ K(z)ˆ = K(s)eisz ds, (A.9) −∞ and we find that

1 1 + iz 1 − Kˆ = ln = tan 1 z. (A.10) 2iz 1 − iz z We will now strengthen our assumption on J so that J does not grow exponentially ˆ as τ →∞, i.e., J = o(eατ ) for any α>0; then J+ is analytic in Im z>0. Our aim < = − ˆ now is to find a function G analytic in Im z > 0 such that G+/G− 1 K on R, ˆ and this is done by solving the Hilbert problem ln G+ − ln G− = ln(1 − K).Todo this we wish to have 1 − Kˆ = 0, in order that ln(1 − K)ˆ be Hölder continuous. On the other hand we want ln{1−K(t)ˆ }→0ast ∈ R →±∞. These concerns motivate the modification of 1 − K(t)ˆ by a factor (t2 + 1)/t2, since 1 − Kˆ = O(t2) as t → 0 (and is non-zero for t = 0), so that we seek a function G such that   G+(t) t2 + 1 1 1 + it = 1 − ln , (A.11) G−(t) t2 2it 1 − it for t ∈ R. Clearly G is only determined up to a multiplicative analytic function, and to be specific we will suppose G± → 1asz →∞. We take the branches of ln(1 ± it) to be such that ln 1 = 0. The solution of (A.11)is    ∞ 2 1 t + 1 1 − dt G(z) = exp ln 1 − tan 1 t , (A.12) 2πi −∞ t2 t t − z ˆ and with this definition of G(z) (and thus G+(t) and G−(t)), Eq. (A.8)forJ+ can be written in the form, for t ∈ R,

2 z ˆ ˆ G+J+ = (z − i)h−G−. (A.13) z + i A The Schwarzschild–Milne Integral Equation 795

Fig. A.1 Inversion contour for (A.16)

Clearly the left hand side defines the limit on Im z = 0+ of a function analytic in the upper half plane Im z>0, while the right hand side is the limit on Im z = 0− of a function analytic in Im z<0 (since (A.7) implies that h grows no faster than J(−τ)). We infer that each function can be analytically continued into its opposite half plane, thus defining an entire function E(z), so that

ˆ (z + i)E(z) J+(z) = . (A.14) z2G+(z) ˆ ˆ The definition of J+ as a Fourier transform requires J+ → 0asz →∞, while ˆ also G+ → 1asz →∞. It follows that J+ ∼ E/z, which requires that E = ic is constant, i.e., ˆ ic(z + i) J+ = , (A.15) z2G+(z) and the constant c is determined by the normalising condition (A.4). (The factor i is inserted for later convenience.) ˆ Some information on the structure of J+ can be gleaned from (A.11). Evidently G+ can be extended to Im z<0, and G− to Im z>0 by the reciprocal relationship   G+(z) z2 + 1 1 1 + iz = 1 − ln . (A.16) G−(z) z2 2iz 1 − iz Care needs to be used in interpreting (A.16). If Im z<0, then (A.16) provides an analytic continuation for G+ there, which shows that the continuation of G+ to Im z<0 (very definitely not equal to G−) has a logarithmic branch point at z =−i. Similarly G−, extended to Im z>0, has a logarithmic branch point at z =+i. ˆ Therefore J+, extended via (A.15)toImz<0, has a double pole at z = 0(as 1 G+(0) = √ = 0) and a branch cut which we may take from −i to −i∞. 3 The inverse transform of (A.15)is  ∞ 1 ˆ −izτ J(τ)= J+(z)e dz, (A.17) 2π −∞ 796 A The Schwarzschild–Milne Integral Equation where the contour is indented above the origin. If τ<0, we complete the contour in the upper half plane, whence we have J = 0 (as we assumed). If τ>0, we complete the contour as shown in Fig. A.1. The result of this is that     ∞   −izτ  1 −τ(1+x) + − =− ˆ+ + ˆ − ˆ J(τ) i Res J e z=0 e J+ J+ dx , (A.18) 2π 0

ˆ+ ˆ −iπ/2 ˆ− ˆ 3iπ/2 where J+ (x) = J+[−i + xe ], J+ (x) = J+[−i + xe ]. Calculation of the residue yields the result √ Res |z=0 = ic 3(1 + τ − j), (A.19) where    1 ∞ 1 3 dt j = − − . −1 −1 1 2 2 (A.20) π 0 (1 − t tan t) t 1 + t We use (A.16) to substitute for G+ in (A.15), and then we find − ˆ± c J+ (x) = , (A.21) (2 + x)G−[−i(1 + x)]l±(x) where   1 2 + x l±(x) = 1 − ln ± iπ . (A.22) 2(2 + x) x It follows that

ˆ+ ˆ− iπc J+ − J+ =    , (A.23) + − 1 2+x 2 + π2 g−(x) 2 x 2 ln x 4 where g−(x) = G−(−i − ix), and from (A.12), we find      + ∞ 2 + (1 x) t 1 1 −1 dt g−(x) = exp − ln 1 − tan t . 2π −∞ t2 t {t2 + (1 + x)2} (A.24) Finally, therefore, J = cJ0(τ), where  √ ∞ −xτ π − e dx J (τ) = 3(1+τ −j)+ e τ    . (A.25) 0 + 2 2 2 0 + − 1 2 x + π g−(x) 2 x 2 ln x 4 √ Evidently J ≈ c 3(1 − j + τ)+ o(e−τ ) as τ →∞, which confirms the assumption of non-exponential growth. It only remains to compute c (which is evidently real, hence the choice of con- stant ic in (A.15)), and there seems no obvious short cut other than laborious sub- stitution of the expression (A.25)forJ into (A.4), which can be written in the form Φ c =  , (A.26) ∞ − 2π 0 J0(t)H (τ t)dt A.1 Exercises 797 where  E2(−θ), θ <0, H(θ)= (A.27) −E2(θ), θ > 0.

A.1 Exercises

A.1 What is wrong with the following argument? To determine c in (A.26), write (A.4) in the form (since J = 0forτ<0)  ∞ Φ = 2π J(t)H(τ − t)dt, −∞

where  E2(−θ), θ <0, H(θ)= −E2(θ), θ > 0.

A Fourier transform yields, via the convolution theorem,

Φ ˆ ˆ = J+(z)H(z), 2πiz where  ∞ ˆ H(z)=−2i E2(θ) sin zθ dθ. 0 Show that  ∞ ln(1 − iz) + iz − E (θ)eizθ dθ = , 2 2 0 z so that    − 1+iz Φ ˆ 2iz ln 1−iz = 2iJ+ . 2πiz z2 Since also ˆ ic(z + i) J+ = , z2G+(z) this implies    + − 1 1+iz A(z i) 1 2iz ln 1−iz G+(z) = , z2 = 8πc where A Φ ; but this is not analytic in Im z>0. Appendix B Turbulent Flow

Shear flows become turbulent if the number Re is sufficiently large. Usu- ally, this means Re ∼ 103. For flow in a cylindrical pipe, the Reynolds number is conventionally chosen to be Ud Re = , (B.1) ν where U is the mean velocity, d is the pipe diameter, and ν is the kinematic viscosity. With this definition, the onset of turbulence occurs at Re = 2,300, although the details of the transition process are complicated (Fowler and Howell 2003), and occur over a range of Reynolds number. Most obviously, one might suppose that turbulence arises because of an insta- bility of the uniform (laminar) flow, and for half a century this motivated the study of the famous Orr–Sommerfeld equation (one version of which is studied in Ap- pendix C), which describes normal modes of the linearised Navier– equations describing perturbations about a steady uniform flow. Commonly such studies are done in two dimensions, for example for plane Poiseuille flow, when the Reynolds number is defined in terms of the maximum (centre-line) speed of the laminar flow 3 and the half-width. This leads to a definition which is 4 of that which would arise using the mean velocity and width. For plane Poiseuille flow, it is found that the steady flow is linearly unstable if Re > 5,772; on the other hand, turbulence sets in at Re ≈ 1,000 (Orszag and Patera 1983). For pipe flow, the flow is linearly stable at all Reynolds numbers, although the decay rate of disturbances tends to zero as Re →∞. It appears that the transition to turbulence is only vaguely related to the stabil- ity of the uniform state. The story is most simply told in the plane Poiseuille case. The instability at Re = Rec = 5,772 is subcritical, and an (unstable) branch of finite amplitude stationary solutions bifurcates for Re < Rec, and exists down to about Re = 2,900 before bending back on to a higher amplitude stable branch. Crucially, the (two-dimensional) stability or instability occurs on a long viscous time scale. However, these stationary solutions are subject to a three-dimensional instability which occurs on the fast convective time scale, and it is this which appears to cause the transition. Its occurrence at Re ≈ 1,000 is associated with the fact that while the

A. Fowler, Mathematical Geoscience, Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 36, 799 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-721-1, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011 800 B Turbulent Flow two-dimensional equilibria no longer exist there, two-dimensional disturbances will still decay on the slow viscous time scale, thus allowing the rapid three-dimensional growth. Essentially the same story occurs in pipe flow, although there it seems that Rec =∞. Numerical experiments have also found unstable travelling wave struc- tures, now in the form of arrays of longitudinal vortices, and transition is associated with their existence (Eckhardt et al. 2007). Since in fact, turbulence is an irregular, chaotic motion, it seems most likely that its occurrence is associated with the occurrence of a homoclinic bifurcation (Sparrow 1982), which not only produces the strange turbulent motion, but also the various travelling wave structures that can be found.

B.1 The Reynolds Equation

The actual calculation of turbulent flows is usually done following Reynolds’s (1895) formulation of averaged equations. We write the Navier–Stokes equations for an incompressible flow in the form ∂u i = 0, ∂xi (B.2) ∂ui ∂ ∂p 2 ρ + ρ (uiuj ) =− + μ∇ ui, ∂t ∂xj ∂xi where suffixes i represent the components, and the summation convention is used (i.e., summation over repeated suffixes is implied). If we denote time averages by an overbar, and fluctuations by a prime, thus =¯ + ui ui ui, (B.3) then averaging of (B.2) yields ∂u¯ i = 0, ∂xi ¯ (B.4) ∂ ¯ ¯ + ∂ =−∂p + ∇2 ¯ ρ (uiuj ) (ρuiuj ) μ ui. ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi The second of these can be written in the form  (u¯.∇)u¯ =−∇p + ∇. τ + τ T , (B.5) where

¯ ¯ ˙ ˙ 1 ∂ui ∂uj τij = 2μ ε¯ij , ε¯ij = + (B.6) 2 ∂xj ∂xi is the ordinary molecular mean stress, and T =− τij ρuiuj (B.7) B.2 Eddy Viscosity 801 is called the Reynolds stress. The essential problem in describing fully turbulent flows is to close the averaged model by prescribing the Reynolds stress.

B.2 Eddy Viscosity

The simplest way to close the Reynolds equation is to suppose that T = ¯˙ τij 2μT εij , (B.8) by analogy to (B.6). The coefficient μT is called the eddy viscosity. This itself can be prescribed in various ways, but the simplest is to take it as constant. For example, in a channel flow we might take

μT = ρεT ud,¯ (B.9) where d is the depth and u¯ the mean velocity. More generally, one allows μT to vary with distance from bounding walls, as described below. Measurements in turbulent wall-bounded flows lead to the definition of a friction factor f through the wall stress

2 τw = fρu¯ . (B.10) ¯ = 1 Here, u is the mean velocity, and the friction factor f 8 λ in Schlichting’s (1979) = 1 notation. For an open channel flow, (B.9) is consistent with (B.10)ifεT 3 f . Typical values for f are small, for example Blasius’s law in smooth-walled pipe flows has 0.04 f ≈ (B.11) Re1/4 4 5 for Reynolds numbers in the range 10 –10 , and thus f ∼ 0.004 and εT ∼ 0.001. Roughness of the wall gives correspondingly larger values of f and εT . Notice that −1 εT is the Reynolds number based on the eddy viscosity, and is relatively large, reflecting the well-known fact that the turbulent eddies disturbing the mean flow are of relatively small amplitude. A more realistic form for the eddy viscosity uses Prandtl’s mixing length theory, which is motivated by observations that the mean velocity profile is approximately logarithmic. The following discussion is based on that of Schlichting (1979). The friction velocity is defined as  τw u∗ = (B.12) ρ

(note that u∗ ¯u since generally f 1), thus

2 u∗ f = . (B.13) u¯ 802 B Turbulent Flow

For a one-dimensional shear flow, with coordinate z normal to the wall (at z = 0), Prandtl’s mixing length hypothesis is     ∂u∂u τ = ρl2  , (B.14) ∂z ∂z where τ is the shear stress, l is the mixing length, and u the velocity; Prandtl further suggests l = κz, (B.15) with κ a constant. If we suppose τ = τw = constant, then ∂u u∗ = κz , (B.16) ∂z thus

u 1 u∗z = C + ln , (B.17) u∗ κ ν which is the famous universal logarithmic velocity profile. See also Question 5.11 and the discussion on turbulent flow and eddy viscosity in the notes in Sect. 5.9 for Chap. 5.

B.3 Pipe Flow

We now consider the case of flow in a pipe of radius a, and suppose that (B.17) applies, where z is radial distance inwards from the wall. If um is the maximum velocity at z = a, then (B.17) implies

u∗ a u − u = ln , (B.18) m κ z  and the mean velocity u¯ = 2 a(a − z)u dz satisfies a2 0

3u∗ um −¯u = . (B.19) 2κ In addition, comparison of (B.17) and (B.18) implies

u∗ au∗ u = ln + u∗C. (B.20) m κ ν

Using (B.19) and (B.13), and defining the Reynolds number ud¯ Re = , (B.21) ν B.4 Extension to Rivers 803 where the pipe diameter d = 2a, we find 1 1    3 1 √ = ln Re f + C − − ln 2. (B.22) f κ 2κ κ Extensive measurements indicate that this formula is successful in predicting f(Re) assuming κ = 0.4, C = 5.5. The principal assumption involved is that of an eddy viscosity     2 2∂u νT = κ z  . (B.23) ∂z

B.4 Extension to Rivers

The above results are easily extended to a river of depth d. Suppose now that

z τ = τ 1 − = ρκ2z2u 2, (B.24) w d where u = ∂u/∂z. Integrating, we find, with u = um at z = d,    1 u∗ 1/2 dξ u∗ 1 um − u = (1 − ξ) = 2 ln cot α − cos α , (B.25) κ z/d ξ κ 2   = −1 z ¯ = 1 d where α sin d . With the mean flow u d 0 udz, we find

2u∗ um −¯u = , (B.26) 3κ while comparison of (B.25)asz → 0 with (B.17) yields

u 2 1 4u∗d m = C − + ln , (B.27) u∗ κ κ ν and elimination of um between (B.26) and (B.27) gives, with Re =¯ud/ν, 1 1    8 1 √ = ln Re f + C − + ln 2, (B.28) f κ 3κ κ essentially the same result as (B.22).

B.5 Manning’s Law

It is of interest to compare the laboratory born flow law (B.28) with a flow law such as that of Manning. Manning’s law is R2/3S1/2 u¯ = , (B.29) n 804 B Turbulent Flow where R is the hydraulic radius and S is the downstream slope. For a wide river, we take R = d and τw = ρgdS. We thus have uR¯ = νRe,fu¯2 = gRS, (B.30) from which we find

gSνRe 1/3 ν2Re2f 1/3 u¯ = ,R= , (B.31) f gS and Manning’s law (B.29) can be written in the form   1/10 9/5 gS n − f = Re 1/5, (B.32) ν1/5 broadly comparable to (B.28). (As mentioned above, the often used Blasius relation (B.11) approximating (B.28) has f ∝ Re−1/4.)

B.6 Entry Length

It is well-known that the development of laminar pipe Poiseuille flow from a plug entry flow occurs over an extended distance (the entry length) which scales as dRe. The entry length scale is determined by the diffusion of vorticity through laminar boundary layers into the core potential flow. If we scale up this process to rivers, with d = 1m,Re = 106, it would suggest entry lengths of 1000 km! In reality, however, such boundary layers would be turbulent, and a better notion of entry length would be d/εT , perhaps 100 m; and in fact sinuous channels and bed roughness will ensure that river flow will always be fully turbulent. However, the entry length concept provides a framework within which one can pose Kennedy’s (1963) potential flow model for dune formation (see Chap. 5), even if in practice it is not realistic. Further, if one adopts a constant eddy viscosity model of turbulent flow, then the small value of εT is consistent with an inviscid outer solution away from the boundary, even if the assumption of a shear free velocity is not. On the other hand, it is conceivable that in laboratory experiments, the outer inviscid flow might indeed be a plug flow if the entry conditions are smooth.

B.7 Sediment Deposition

Suppose now that a suspended sediment concentration c(z) is maintained in a turbu- lent flow by the action of an eddy viscosity. The units of c are taken to be mass per unit volume of the stream. In equilibrium, we have a balance between the upward turbulent flux and the downward velocity, which we take as vs : ∂c −ν = v c. (B.33) T ∂z s B.7 Sediment Deposition 805

We suppose Reynolds’ analogy that the eddy momentum diffusivity is equal to the eddy sediment diffusivity, and between (B.23) and (B.24), we have

z 1/2 ν = κu∗z 1 − . (B.34) T d

Solving this gives     z Z 1 dξ 1 c = c −Z − , s exp 1/2 1 (B.35) d z/d ξ (1 − ξ) where Z is the Rouse number, v Z = s . (B.36) κu∗ Unfortunately, this gives c = 0atz = 0 and thus zero deposition there! This is due to the artificial singularity in u as z → 0, and an artificial escape from this quandary is to evaluate c at a small distance above the bed. As a simple alternative we suppose νT is constant, given by (B.9) for example. Then   vsz c = c0 exp − , (B.37) νT and the mean concentration is   c − c¯ = 0 1 − e R , (B.38) R where v d R = s . (B.39) νT If we use (B.9) and (B.13), then √ v κ f R = s = Z. (B.40) εT u¯ εT The sediment deposition rate is, from (B.33) and cf. (5.10),

ρsvD = c0vs =¯cvsD, (B.41) where (B.38) implies R D(R) = . (B.42) 1 − e−R

Other expressions involving νT (z) give similar expressions which increase with R (or Z) (Einstein 1950). Appendix C Asymptotic Solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation

In this appendix we provide an asymptotic solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld equa- tion describing rapid shear flow over a slightly wavy boundary. The description is based on the asymptotic theory described by Drazin and Reid (1981), which itself describes a body of research stemming from original investigations by Heisenberg and Tollmien. The theory is, however, rather difficult to follow, and is gone through in detail here for that reason. The Orr–Sommerfeld equation is       1 ik U Ψ − k2Ψ − U Ψ = Ψ iv − 2k2Ψ + k4Ψ , (C.1) R and describes the z-dependent amplitude of a horizontal Fourier mode (of zero wave speed) of wave number k. U(z)is the basic horizontal velocity profile. The boundary conditions we impose are those corresponding to no slip at the perturbed boundary and free slip at the top surface:

Ψ = 0,Ψ= 1atz = 0, (C.2) Ψ = 0,Ψ= 0atz = 1.

We seek asymptotic solutions for R  1. Accordingly, there is an outer solution   1 Ψ ∼ Λ Ψ + Ψ +··· , (C.3) 0 R 1 where Λ is a scaling parameter to be chosen so that Ψ0 = O(1). The equation for Ψ0 is the inviscid (Rayleigh) equation   − 2 − = U Ψ0 k Ψ0 U Ψ0 0, (C.4) and we might expect to satisfy the boundary conditions on the free surface z = 1. In = = = fact, we see that specification of Ψ0 0onz 1 automatically implies that Ψ0 0 there. The outer solution is written in terms of two independent Frobenius series of

A. Fowler, Mathematical Geoscience, Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 36, 807 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-721-1, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011 808 C Asymptotic Solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation

= = = = (C.4), expanded about z 0. Assuming U(0) 0, U (0) U0 0, we have these two solutions given by

ψ1 = zP1(z), (C.5) U0 ψ2 = P2(z) + ψ1 ln z, U0 where

U0 1 U0 2 2 P1 = 1 + z + + k z +··· , 2U0 6 U0 (C.6) U U 2 1 P = + 0 − 0 + k2 z2 +··· , 2 1 2 2U0 U0 2 and the functions P1 and P2 are easily found numerically (Drazin and Reid 1981, pp. 137–138). We denote

P1(1) = P11,P2(1) = P21; (C.7) then the outer solution at leading order is    −1 Ψ ∼ Λ P21ψ1 − P11ψ2 + O R . (C.8)

Evidently, this does not satisfy the boundary conditions at z = 0, and we antic- ipate a boundary layer of thickness ε 1 (to be chosen), in which the neglected terms become important. We define

z = εζ, (C.9) and expand (C.8) in terms of ζ . The result is that   U0 Ψ ∼ Λ −P11 + εζ P21 − P11 ln(εζ ) +··· , (C.10) U0 and Van Dyke’s (1975) matching principle indicates that we may need two terms of the inner expansion to match to this. In the boundary layer, it is appropriate to choose

1 ε = , 1/3 (C.11) (ikRU0) − with the phase of ε (ph ε) defined as π/6 (we suppose U0 > 0 and k>0). In this case R−1 ∼ ε3, and the second term in the outer solution is of relative order ε3.We then write

Ψ ∼ Λ[χ0 + εχ1 +···], (C.12) C Asymptotic Solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation 809

Fig. C.1 Contours for the integral (C.15)

and the equations for χ0 and χ1 are

2 LD χ0 = 0, ζ 2U U (C.13) 2 = 0 − 0 LD χ1 χ0 χ0, 2U0 U0 where the operators L and D are defined by

d D = ,L= D2 − ζ. (C.14) dζ

Reid (1972), see also Drazin and Reid (1981, pp. 465 ff.) shows how to solve these equations in terms of a class of generalised Airy functions. We begin by defining the functions  1 − − 1 3 (L) = p ζt 3 t Ap (ζ ) t e dt, (C.15) 2πi L where L is one of the contours shown in Fig. C.1, and p is an integer. We denote the (k) function defined via the contour Lk as Ap . (Drazin and Reid’s notation is different; (k) they write Ap (ζ ) as Ak(ζ, p).) These functions are analytic, and satisfy the third order differential equation

(LD + p − 1)Ap = 0. (C.16)

(1) (2) (3) The functions Ap ,Ap ,Ap are independent, and by contraction of L1 ∪ L2 ∪ L3, we see that (1) + (2) + (3) = (0) =− Ap Ap Ap Ap Bp(ζ ), (C.17) 810 C Asymptotic Solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation

Fig. C.2 The Stokes sectors Ti (bounded by the Stokes lines) and the anti-Stokes sectors Si (bounded by the anti-Stokes lines) for (C.15). The signs in the sectors 2 3/2 indicate the sign of arg 3 z as z →∞

where Bp is a polynomial in ζ for integral p, in particular Bp = 0forp ≤ 0, and 1 B (ζ ) = 1,B(ζ ) = ζ, B (ζ ) = ζ 2. (C.18) 1 2 3 2

The functions Ap satisfy the equations

2 LD Ap+1 =−(p − 1)Ap,

DAp = Ap−1, (C.19)

ζAp = pAp+1 + Ap−2, the last of these following from the first two together with (C.16). In particular, = (k) (1) = LA0 0 and A0 are the Airy functions; for example, A0 (ζ ) Ai (ζ ).Wealso have the rotation formulae   (2) = −2(p−1)πi/3 (1) 2πi/3 Ap (ζ ) e Ap ζe ,   (C.20) (3) = 2(p−1)πi/3 (1) −2πi/3 Ap (ζ ) e Ap ζe .

It is clear from (C.19) that the solution for χ0 in (C.13)isoftheform = + + (1) + (3) χ0 χ00 χ01ζ α0A2 (ζ ) β0A2 (ζ ). (C.21)

(2) (Although A2 is another possible solution, it is not independent because of (C.17), and because B2(ζ ) = ζ .) Drazin and Reid (1981) give the asymptotic behaviour as ζ →∞of the functions (k) Ap , based on the method of steepest descents and the rotation formulae (C.20). The Stokes sectors Ti are delimited by Stokes lines at arg ζ = 0, 2π/3, 4π/3, and within these, the anti-Stokes lines are arg ζ = π/3, π,5π/3(seeFig.C.2). Note that we (k) →∞ = = 1/3 seek the behaviour of A2 as ζ along arg ζ π/6 (since ζ (ikRU0) z), C Asymptotic Solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation 811

:− π π which lies in the sector S1 3 < arg ζ<3 , in which the functions A+ and A− defined by Drazin and Reid (p. 463, Eq. (A12)) respectively grow and decay expo- (1) iπ/6 nentially. From their Eq. (A14), we then see that Ap → 0asζ →∞e , while (3) Ap grows exponentially. Therefore β0 = 0in(C.21). 2 Next we turn to the solution for χ1.From(C.13), we have, using D A2 = A0,   U 2 = 0 1 2 (1) − − − (1) LD χ1 α0ζ A0 χ00 χ01ζ αA2 . (C.22) U0 2 The solution to this equation is (using (C.18))  U 1 1 χ = χ + χ ζ + α A(1)(ζ ) + 0 α − A(1) + A(1) + A(1) 1 10 11 1 2 U 0 2 0 10 −3 3  0 1 + χ ζ 2 − χ φ , (C.23) 2 01 00

2 =− (3) whereweuseLD B3 B2 and again suppress A2 (ζ ), and φ is a particular solution to 2 LD φ = B1. (C.24) For matching purposes, φ must not grow exponentially at ∞eπi/6. 2 The use of the relation LD Bp+1 =−(p − 1)Bp does not help here, because if 2 p = 1, then LD B2 = 0. To find a solution, we now define the further generalised Airy functions  1 − − 1 3 (k) = p q ζt 3 t Apq (ζ ) t (ln t) e dt, (C.25) 2πi Lk (k) where arg t ∈ (0, 2π). (Drazin and Reid write Apq (ζ ) as Ak(ζ,p,q).) We also de- fine the loop integrals  (0+) 1 − − 1 3 (k) = p q ζt 3 t Bpq (ζ ) t (ln t) e dt, (C.26) 2πi ∞e2(k−1)iπ/3 where the loop contours in (C.26) are defined by Erdélyi et al. (1953, p. 13), and (0+) used by Olver (1974) and Reid (1972). The notation a denotes an integral over a contour which is a loop beginning and ending at the point a, and which encloses the origin (and encircles it counterclockwise). For the integrands with branch points ˆ as in (C.26), these are thus the keyhole contours Lk as indicated in Fig. C.3. It is straightforward to derive analogues of (C.19) (which apply to any of the ˆ contours Lk or Lk), and these are (for Apq or Bpq)

DApq = Ap−1,q ,

(LD + p − 1)Apq = qAp,q−1, (C.27) 2 LD Ap+1,q =−(p − 1)Apq + qAp,q−1, 812 C Asymptotic Solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation

Fig. C.3 Two of the three ˆ loop contours for (C.26), L1 ˆ and L2

and in particular we see that

2 LD A21 = A1, (C.28) since it is clear that Ap0 = Ap for any p. Incidentally, note that when q = 0, the ˆ integrands of (C.26) do not have a branch point, and therefore the loop contours Lk (k) = are all equivalent to L0, so that Bp0 Bp, and in particular

2 (k) = LD B21 B1 (C.29)

ˆ (k) for each contour Lk. Consulting (C.24), we see that any of B21 is a particular so- lution for φ in (C.23), but we require one which does not grow exponentially. It is 2 (k) = (k) clear, since LD A2 0, that the difference between the various B21 for different (k) k will be a sum of multiples of A2 , and this is explicitly provided by the connection formulae of Drazin and Reid (p. 475, Eq. (A43)):

(2) − (3) = (1) B21 B21 2πiA2 , (C.30) (1) − (2) = (3) B21 B21 2πiA2 .

The object now is to find an appropriate solution of (C.29) which does not grow exponentially as ζ →∞eπi/6, and for this we need to know the asymptotic be- (k) haviour of one of the B21 . At this point we diverge from the discussion by Drazin ˆ and Reid (pages 178, 474). We consider explicitly the contour integral over L2:  (0+) (2) 1 −p ζt− 1 t3 B = t ln te 3 dt. (C.31) p1 2πi ∞e2πi/3

In choosing the contour, we anticipate that we will require Re(ζ t) < 0, and to be ∈ − 4π 2π specific, we define arg t ( 3 , 3 ) in (C.31). We have, successively,    (0+) (2) ∂ 1 − − 1 3 =− p ζt 3 t Bp1 t e dt (C.32) ∂p 2πi ∞e2πi/3 C Asymptotic Solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation 813 and thus (put t3 = 3u)      (0+) ∞ − 1 n (2) =− ∂ 1 3 3n−p ζt ; Bp1 t e dt (C.33) ∂p 2πi ∞ 2πi/3 n! e n=0 the method of proof of Watson’s lemma then implies      ∞ − 1 n (0+) (2) ∼− ∂ 3 1 3n−p ζt Bp1 t e dt , (C.34) ∂p n! 2πi ∞ 2πi/3 n=0 e provided Re(ζ t) < 0. Equation (6), page 14, of Erdélyi et al. (1953)gives  (0+) −iπ s−1 1 − − (Xe ) t 3e tX dt = (C.35) 2πi ∞eiδ (s) ∈ + − 1 + 1 − for any value of s, where, if arg t (δ, 2π δ), then ( 2 π δ) < arg X<2 π δ. = π =−4π In the present case, arg ζ 6 , so that if we define δ 3 , (and note that ∞ −4πi/3 =∞ 2πi/3 = iπ = 7π − π − = 5π e e ), X ζe , then arg X 6 and lies between 2 δ 6 π − = 11π = π and 2 δ 6 . We thus have, for arg ζ 6 ,  (0+) s−1 1 − ζ t setζ dt = , (C.36) 2πi ∞e2πi/3 (s) and hence (C.34) gives, with s = p − 3n,     ∞ n ∂  − 1 ζ p−3n−1 B(2)(ζ ) ∼− 3 . (C.37) p1 ∂p n! (p − 3n) n=0 Carrying out the differentiation,   ∞ 1 n p−3n−1 − ζ ln ζ − −  (p − 3n) B(2)(ζ ) ∼ 3 − + ζ p 3n 1 . (C.38) p1 n! (p − 3n) 2(p − 3n) n=0

Finally we put p = 2. Noting that  /2 is finite and 1/(r)= 0 for non-positive integers r,wehave   (2) ∼− + + −2 B21 (ζ ) ζ ln ζ ψ(2)ζ O ζ , (C.39) →∞ − π 5π = π = for ζ with 6 < arg ζ< 6 , and in particular when arg ζ 6 ; ψ  / is the digamma function. We may now finally define a particular solution for φ in (C.24)tobe(cf.(C.29))

= (2) φ B21 (ζ ). (C.40) 814 C Asymptotic Solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation

Before we complete the solution by matching to the outer solution, we compare (C.40) with results of Drazin and Reid (page 178). They choose (Eq. (27.49)) φDR = (3) − 1 B21 , and match in the sector π

φDR ∼−ζ [ln ζ − 2πi]+ψ(2)ζ. (C.41)

The connection formula (C.30)1 implies that φDR and φ have the same asymptotic (1) − π π behaviour, since A2 is exponentially small for 3 < arg ζ<3 (Drazin and Reid, Eq. (A36), page 473). The only distinction between (C.39) and (C.41) is thus in the phase of ln ζ . (Note that the error term in Eq. (27.50) of Drazin and Reid should read O(ξ−2).) In fact, neither Drazin and Reid (nor Reid 1972) are specific about the phase (k) either of t or of ζ in the definition of the loop integrals Bpq , although earlier (page − 4 2 468) they suppose 3 π

C.1 Matching To summarize thus far, we have an outer solution (C.8):    3 Ψ ∼ Λ P21Ψ1(z) − P11ψ2(z) + O ε , (C.44) where, as z = εζ → 0,   U0 U0 Ψ ∼ Λ −P11 + εζ P21 − P11 ln ε − εP11 ζ ln ζ +··· . (C.45) U0 U0

The inner solution is, from (C.12), (C.21) with β0 = 0, (C.23) and (C.40),   ∼ + + (1) Ψ Λ χ00 χ01ζ α0A2 (ζ )  U 1 1 + ε χ + χ ζ + α A(1)(ζ ) + 0 α − A(1) + A(1) + A(1) 10 11 1 2 U 0 0 −3 3  0 2 10 1 + χ ζ 2 − χ B(2)(ζ ) +··· , (C.46) 2 01 00 21 C.1 Matching 815 which must satisfy the boundary conditions (from (C.2)) Ψ = 0, dΨ/dζ = ε on ζ = 0. To accommodate these, we choose

2 Λ = εΛ1 + ε Λ2 +··· , (C.47) and thus specify (using the fact that DAp = Ap−1, DBpq = Bp−1,q )

+ (1) = χ00 α0A2 (0) 0, + (1) = χ01 α0A1 (0) 1/Λ1,  U 1 1 χ + α A(1)(0) + 0 α − A(1)(0) + A(1)(0) + A(1)(0) 10 1 2 U 0 2 0 10 −3 3  0 − (2) = (C.48) χ00B21 (0) 0,

 U 1 1 χ + α A(1)(0) + 0 α − A(1)(0) + A(1)(0) + A(1)(0) 11 1 1 U 0 2 −1 10 −4 2  0 − (2) =− 2 χ00B11 (0) Λ2/Λ1.

It remains to choose α0,α1,Λ1,Λ2, and these must follow from matching (C.45) and (C.46). For large ζ ,(C.46)is 

Ψ ∼ Λ χ00 + χ01ζ + ε χ10 + χ11ζ     U0 1 2 + χ01ζ − χ00 −ζ ln ζ + ψ(2)ζ +··· . (C.49) U0 2 Matching thus requires (we telescope the terms in ln ε)

χ00 =−P11,

χ01 = 0,

χ10 = 0, (C.50)

P11U0 U0 χ11 = P21 − ln ε − χ00ψ(2) . U0 U0

The eight equations in (C.48) and (C.50) determine the unknowns α0, α1, Λ1, Λ2, d2Ψ χ , χ , χ and χ . In particular, we want to calculate | = . At leading order, 00 01 10 11 dz2 z 0 = −1/3 this is (with ε (ikRU0) )  d2Ψ   ∼ (ikRU )1/3Λ α A(1)( ), 2  0 1 0 0 0 (C.51) dz z=0 816 C Asymptotic Solution of the Orr–Sommerfeld Equation so it suffices to determine Λ1 and α0.Wehaveχ00 =−P11 which is known by solving the Rayleigh equation, and χ01 = 0. Therefore

P A(1)(0) α = 11 ,Λ= 2 . (C.52) 0 (1) 1 (1) A2 (0) P11A1 (0)

(2) Notice that calculation of other coefficients requires the knowledge of B21 (0) and (2) (2) B11 (0). In view of our circumspection concerning Bpq , we would need to be suspi- cious of the definitions given by Drazin and Reid (Eq. (A39), page 474). The values (1) of Ap (0) are given by Drazin and Reid (page 468, Eq. (A11)), in particular, 1 1 A(1)(0) =− ,A(1)(0) =  . (C.53) 1 3 2 4/3 4 3  3 = (1) =− (1) = = 1 ≈ Note that α0Λ1 1/A1 (0) 3, and A0 (0) Ai(0) 2/3 2 0.355, thus 3 ( 3 )  d2Ψ   ∼− (ikRU )1/3 ( ) ≈− . (ikRU )1/3. 2  3 0 Ai 0 1 06 0 (C.54) dz 0

Note that this result (see comment after (C.11)) applies for k>0 (and U0 > 0). For k<0, we use the fact that Ψ is the Fourier transform of a real function, and hence

Ψ(z,−k) = Ψ(z,k). (C.55) Appendix D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes

The study of phase change and chemical reactions involves from the outset the mag- ical art of thermodynamics. I have yet to meet an applied mathematician who claims to understand thermodynamics, and the interface of the subject with fluid dynamics raises serious fundamental issues. These we skirt, providing instead a cookbook of recipes. The initial material can be found in Batchelor (1967), while its extension to phase change and reaction involves (geo)chemical thermodynamics, as expounded by Kern and Weisbrod (1967) and Nordstrom and Munoz (1994), for example.

D.1 Thermodynamics of Pure substances

The state of a pure material is described by two independent quantities, such as temperature and pressure. Any other property of the material is then in principle a function of these two. Among such properties we have the volume, V ; the internal energy, E; and a number of thermodynamic variables: the entropy S, the enthalpy H , the Helmholtz free energy F , and the Gibbs free energy G. We distinguish between intensive and extensive variables. Intensive variables are those which describe properties of the material; they are local. Pressure and tem- perature are examples of intensive variables. Extensive variables are those which depend on the amount of material; volume is one such variable. Typically, exten- sive variables are simply intensive variables multiplied by the amount of substance, measured in moles.1 If n moles of a substance have extensive variables V , H , S, E, F and G (all capitals), then the corresponding intensive variables are the specific volume v = V/n, and the specific enthalpy, entropy, internal energy, Gibbs free en-

1A mole of a substance is a fixed number (Avogadro’s number, ≈ 6×1023) of molecules (or atoms, as appropriate) of it. The weight of one mole in grams is called the (gram) molecular weight. The molecular weight of compound substances is easily found. For example, carbon (C) has a molecular weight of 12, while oxygen (O2) has a molecular weight of 32; thus the molecular weight of CO2 = × −3 −1 is 44, and we can write MCO2 44 10 kg mole .

A. Fowler, Mathematical Geoscience, Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 36, 817 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-721-1, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011 818 D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes ergy and Helmholtz free energy are defined similarly (and may be denoted as lower case variables). In addition, the material density ρ is equal to 1/v. Definitions of H , F and G are

H = E + pV, F = E − TS, (D.1) G = H − TS.

Two further relations are then necessary to determine E and S. An equation of conservation of energy (discussed in Sect. D.2) determines E, and the entropy S is determined via the differential relation

TdS= dE + pdV. (D.2)

It will be convenient sometimes to work with the intensive forms of the variables, thus division of (D.2) yields

Tds= de + pdv. (D.3)

From this latter relation we have the expressions

∂e ∂e =−p, = T, (D.4) ∂v s ∂s v

∂2e and if we now form the mixed second derivative ∂s∂v in two ways, we derive the relation

∂p ∂T =− , (D.5) ∂s v ∂v s which is one of the four Maxwell relations. The others are derived in a similar way by considering mixed partial derivatives of h, f and g, yielding

∂v ∂T = , ∂s p ∂p s

∂v ∂s =− , (D.6) ∂T p ∂p T

∂p ∂s = . ∂T v ∂v T Four partial derivatives are associated with specifically named quantities, which can be measured. These are the coefficient of thermal expansion

1 ∂v β = , (D.7) v ∂T p D.2 The Energy Equation 819 the coefficient of isothermal compressibility

1 ∂v ξ =− , (D.8) v ∂p T the specific heat at constant pressure,

∂s cp = T , (D.9) ∂T p and the specific heat at constant volume,

∂s cv = T . (D.10) ∂T v With these definitions, we can write

Tds= de + pdv= cp dT − βvT dp, (D.11) which is useful in writing the energy equation, as we will now see.

D.2 The Energy Equation

The basic equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy for a fluid with density ρ, velocity u and internal energy e are ∂ρ + ∇.(ρu) = 0, ∂t ∂ρui + ∇.(ρu u) = ∇.σ + ρf , (D.12) ∂t i i i     ∂ 1 2 1 2 ρu + ρe + ρχ + ∇. ρu + ρe + ρχ u = ∇.(σ iui) − ∇.q, ∂t 2 2 where σ i = σij ej , q is the heat flux, and the conservative body force f is defined by

f =−∇χ, (D.13) where χ is the potential. Algebraic manipulation of the energy equation using the other two leads to the energy equation in the form de ρ = σ ε˙ − ∇.q, (D.14) dt ij ij where

1 ∂ui ∂uj ε˙ij = + (D.15) 2 ∂xj ∂xi 820 D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes is the strain rate. We can write

σij ε˙ij =−p∇.u + τij ε˙ij , (D.16) where τij is the deviatoric stress tensor, and using the conservation of mass equation (D.12)1, we find   de dv ρ + p = τ ε˙ − ∇.q ≡ R. (D.17) dt dt ij ij The right hand side R of this equation consists of the viscous dissipation and the heat transport. Using (D.11), this leads to

ds ρT = R. (D.18) dt Using the relation in (D.11), the energy equation can also be written in the form

dT dp ρc − βT = R, (D.19) p dt dt and using the definition of (specific) enthalpy, it takes the form

dh dp ρ − = R. (D.20) dt dt These different forms are variously of use depending on the material properties. In particular, for a perfect gas one can show (see Question D.12) that

dh = cp dT, de = cv dT. (D.21)

The second of these also applies to an incompressible fluid.

D.3 Phase Change: Clapeyron Equation

The use of the free energies G (Gibbs free energy) and F (Helmholtz free energy) is that they describe thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. Specifically, they take minimum (and thus stationary) values at equilibrium. The difference between them resides in the external conditions. At constant temperature and pressure, the Gibbs free energy is a minimum, while at constant temperature and volume, the Helmholtz free energy is a minimum. Of course, we are never really interested in systems which are at equilibrium. Implicitly, thermodynamics is useful because we typically assume that in systems away from equilibrium (pretty much everything), there is a rapid relaxation of some parts of the system towards equilibrium. For example, it is common to assume that in melting or freezing, the solid–liquid interface is at the melting point. This is often a good assumption, but not always. One needs to be aware that in practice, we assume thermodynamic relations in a quasi-equilibrium D.4 Phase Change in Multi-component Materials 821 manner. If there is a gradient in the Gibbs free energy, then transport will occur to try to minimise the free energy. A gradient in temperature causes heat transport; a gradient in pressure causes fluid flow. A gradient in chemical potential (discussed in Sect. D.4) causes Fickian diffusion. A simple use of the Gibbs free energy is in determining the Clapeyron relation, which relates melting temperature (or any phase change temperature) to pressure. The Gibbs free energy is G = H − TS, and using (D.2), we find (for intensive variables) dg = vdp− sdT. (D.22) Suppose now that we have a phase boundary between, say, solid and liquid (of the same material), denoted by subscripts s and l. At the phase boundary, equilibrium dictates that gs = gl, where these are the free energies in the solid and liquid phase. Inequality would cause transport, as we have said. Suppose the melting temperature is TM , and the system moves to a different temperature and pressure. At the new equilibrium, the perturbations to the free energies must be equal, thus gs = gl , and thus

vsp − ssT = vlp − slT , (D.23) whence T v M = , (D.24) p s where

v = vl − vs (D.25) is the change of specific volume on melting, and

s = sl − ss (D.26) is the change of specific entropy on melting. We define the latent heat to be

L = TM s, (D.27) so that (D.24) takes the form of the Clapeyron equation,

LT 1 1 M = − p. (D.28) TM ρl ρs This relation, or its differential equivalent, describes the form of the phase transition curves which, for ice-water-water vapour, have been drawn in Fig. 2.7.

D.4 Phase Change in Multi-component Materials

Now we consider materials, such as alloys or aqueous solutions, which contain more than one substance. In a sense, we have already introduced this by considering two 822 D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes different phases of a pure material. If we suppose that we have ni moles of substance i (these are thus extensive variables), then each substance has its own Gibbs free energy, and these contribute additively to the total free energy. The free energy of each phase is called its chemical potential, and the chemical potential μi of phase i is defined more precisely by asserting that the total Gibbs free energy satisfies  dG = Vdp− SdT + μi dni, (D.29) i thus ∂G μi = , (D.30) ∂ni where the derivative is evidently at constant temperature and pressure. The chemical potential is thus an intensive variable. Suppose we have a solid in equilibrium with a liquid. Since the differential increments in (D.29) are all independent, we can L =− S imagine a change of solid i to liquid i, such that dni dni . The consequent L − S L change in Gibbs free energy is (μi μi )dni , and in equilibrium this must be zero. Thus we must have L = S μi μi (D.31) at equilibrium, in each component. Just as heat flows down a temperature gradient, so substance is transported down a chemical potential gradient. For a perfect gas, the specific Gibbs free energy g(T,p) satisfies   ∂g RT  = v = (D.32) ∂p T p (since G = ng and pV = nRT ,forn moles of the gas), and thus

g = g0 + RT ln p. (D.33)

In a mixture of gases, the partial pressure of each component gas is that pressure it would have if the other gases were removed. Dalton’s law says that the partial pressures are additive, so that their sum is the total pressure of the gas mixture. If we suppose in a mixture that the analogue of (D.33) holds for partial energies and pressures, i.e., = 0 + gi gi RT ln pi, (D.34) then since piV = niRT and gi is the chemical potential of gas i, we can write = 0 + μi μi RT ln ci, (D.35)

ni where ci is the molar fraction of phase i (= ). This relation more generally i ni characterises an ideal mixture, whether it be of gases, liquids or solids. Now let us consider an interface (we will think of it as a solid-liquid interface) between the melt and solid of a two component mixture containing substances A D.4 Phase Change in Multi-component Materials 823

Fig. D.1 The double tangent construction for cS and cL. The curves are the graphs of the functions gS and gL defined by (D.38), in which we define (the units are arbitrary) 0 = 0 = μA(L) μB (L) RT , 0 = 0 = μA(S) 1, μB (S) 4. The figure shows the construction at RT = 2.5. c denotes the concentration as mole fraction of A

Fig. D.2 Typical phase equilibrium for an ideal solution. The same formulae are used as in constructing Fig. D.1, with the range corresponding to 1 ≤ RT ≤ 4

and B. We will suppose the mixture is ideal. At the interface, the chemical potentials of each component must be equal, thus L = S L = S μA μA,μB μB , (D.36) and these will determine the interfacial concentrations as functions of temperature. To be specific, let c denote the molar fraction of component A, so that 1 − c is the molar fraction of B. Then the bulk Gibbs free energies (one in each phase) are

g = μAc + μB (1 − c), (D.37) and for an ideal solution, we have   = 0 − + 0 + + − − g μB (1 c) μAc RT c ln c (1 c)ln(1 c) . (D.38)

The two functions gS and gL are thus convex upwards functions, and the criterion for equilibrium as in (D.36) is obtained by drawing a common tangent to gS and gL, as indicated in Fig. D.1, and done in Question D.3; this gives the solid and liquid concentrations in equilibrium for a particular temperature; as the temperature varies, we obtain the typical phase diagram shown in Fig. D.2. Although our discussion is motivated by gases, the concept of an ideal solution applies equally to liquids and solids. Indeed, Fig. 9.4 shows a phase diagram essen- tially the same as that in Fig. D.2, for the solid solution of albite and anorthite. As 824 D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes

Fig. D.3 A typical phase diagram for a mixture (pyroxene–plagioclase) with a eutectic point. Such diagrams are common for aqueous solutions

for liquids and gases, ideal solutions occur when there is no penalty for introducing molecules of different substance. In the case of solids, this means replacing atoms in the crystal lattice. For non-ideal solutions, the logarithmic terms such as ln c in the free energy are replaced by corresponding quantities ln a, where a is a function of c called the activity. One typical effect is to make the free energy curves gS and gL have multiple minima, and this allows for more than one pair of liquidus and solidus values at a given temperature. A typical such consequent phase diagram is shown in Fig. D.3, which is actually that for pyroxene and plagioclase shown in Fig. 9.12. Here there are two liquidus curves, which meet at the eutectic point. The solidus curves in this diagram are vertical, thus on freezing, one forms either pure pyroxene or pure plagioclase, depending on which side of the eutectic the liquid composition lies. Below the eutectic point only solid can exist in equilibrium.

D.5 Melting and Freezing

In discussing phase change, we have mostly referred to melting and freezing. In terms of pure materials, there is no distinction to be made between this, boiling and condensation (of liquid and gas), and sublimation and condensation (of solid and gas). A point we will now make is that there is similarly no distinction between the different corresponding situations which refer to multi-component phase change. The melting and freezing of an alloy is familiar in industrial contexts (in forming solid castings) as well as the environment. The simplest example is the case of an iceberg, consisting of fresh water ice in equilibrium with a slightly salty ocean. Ice- bergs are of course not formed by freezing the ocean (but sea ice is), but the principle will serve. Freezing of salty sea water occurs on a diagram similar to Fig. D.3;fora sufficiently dilute solution, freezing forms more or less pure water ice, with the salt being rejected into the water. We routinely refer to this as freezing.

D.6 Precipitation and Dissolution

Suppose, however, that we take a salty solution at high temperature. Better, think of sugar dissolved in water (or tea) at high temperatures. The solubility is greater at D.7 Evaporation and Boiling 825 higher temperatures, and if we cool the tea (a lot), eventually the sugar will come out of solution; it precipitates, while at high temperature it dissolves. We do not nor- mally think of this as melting and freezing, but the process is exactly the same. The only difference to the iceberg is that we are on the other side of the eutectic. Now, when we take our saline solution at high salt concentration and high temperature, and lower the temperature, we reach a liquidus on the other side of the eutectic to that of the iceberg; solid salt is frozen (but we say it is precipitated), and the rem- nant water becomes purer. Or, if we pour salt into water when we cook, it dissolves as we heat the water; we aid the dissolution by stirring, which increases the avail- able surface area for dissolution. We do not think that the salt is melting; but it is. There is no distinction between the processes of melting and freezing of alloys and precipitation and dissolution of solutes.

D.7 Evaporation and Boiling

Surely, however, evaporation and boiling are not the same at all? Evaporation occurs continually at temperatures below the boiling point: we sweat; boiling occurs at a fixed temperature. For water, boiling occurs at 100°C at sea level. But evaporation occurs from oceans at their much lower temperatures. Certainly, on the top of Mount Everest, boiling temperature is reduced, but this is because the pressure is lower, and occurs through the Clapeyron effect. So then, what is evaporation? The saturation vapour pressure of water vapour, psv, is a function of temperature, given by the solution of (2.56), and it increases to a pressure of one bar (sea level atmospheric pressure) at a temperature of 100°C, where boiling occurs spontaneously. It is all, in fact, the same story. The ocean, let us say, is pure water (ignore salt). The atmosphere is a two component mixture (let us say) of water vapour and air; it is an alloy. If we take a hot atmosphere and reduce its temperature, condensa- tion occurs at a temperature which depends on atmospheric composition. The molar fraction of water vapour in the atmosphere is just pv/pa, the vapour pressure di- vided by the atmospheric pressure. On what would be the liquidus (but now must be the vaporus2), the vapour pressure has its saturation value, the molar fraction of water vapour is psv/pa = csv, and the saturation temperature Ts is a function of csv. What has boiling to do with this? Not much! Evaporation is boiling. What we nor- mally call boiling refers to the position of the vaporus when csv = 1, i.e. psv = pa. For given atmospheric pressure, we cannot raise the liquid temperature beyond the vaporus temperature at vapour concentration of one. If we change atmospheric pres- sure, then this temperature will change. Yes, because of Clapeyron, but also because pressure dictates concentration. Gases are different because the amount of gas de- pends on pressure. For liquids and solids, this is mostly not the case.

2Solidus is a perfectly good Latin word, but liquidus is not; vaporus is invented here. 826 D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes

D.8 Chemical Reactions

Surely chemical reactions are different? So it would appear. If we pour vinegar (acetic acid) into a kettle furred up with limescale (calcium carbonate), the limescale will dissolve, or react, forming carbon dioxide in the process. In a coal fire, the car- bon in the coal reacts with oxygen, forming carbon dioxide. There is no equilibrium surface or phase diagram here, surely? But in fact the difference is only one of degree. When a salt M dissolves in water to the point of saturation, the equilibrium that results is a consequence of a simple reversible reaction

kD MS  ML, (D.39) kP where kD is the rate of dissolution and kP is the rate of precipitation. The fact that there is an equilibrium is a consequence of the reversibility. The only effective dif- ference between this and a chemical reaction is that the examples cited above are almost irreversible. If we burn coal in a sealed environment, the carbon reacts with the oxygen to form a mixed atmosphere of O2 with CO2, just as when we evap- orate water vapour in air. If the reaction is reversible, then an equilibrium will be obtained. In practice (in this example) the backward reaction rate is negligible, and so the equilibrium which obtains occurs when the coal is (almost) entirely used up. Chemical reaction is thus the process describing the evolution towards thermody- namic equilibrium.

D.9 Surface Energy

Interfaces between two materials, be they both fluids, fluid and solid, or any other such combination, carry a surface energy per unit area, denoted γ . The existence of a surface energy causes a pressure jump across the interface, and the requirement of force balance (’s third law) on the massless interface means that the interface appears to carry a tension, the surface tension. To see how the surface energy induces this pressure jump, we consider equilibrium of a system containing an interface. For example, we may think of a box containing fluid with a gas bubble in it. To change the surface area of the interface, we may alter the external pressure, and thus the equilibrium is that associated with constant volume and temperature, for which the relevant minimum is obtained by the Helmholtz free energy F . The basic recipe for an increment of F for each phase follows from (D.1) and (D.2), and is

dF =−pdV − SdT; (D.40) when the surface area of a phase interface has a surface energy per unit area γ , then a change in surface area dA causes an additional contribution γdA, which must also be included. Suppose the two sides of the interface are denoted by subscripts − and +, and have corresponding pressures p− and p+. For an isothermal change at D.10 Pre-melting 827 constant total volume, dV− =−dV+, and thus the increment of the total Helmholtz free energy of the system is

dF =−p− dV− − p+ dV+ + γdA=−(p− − p+)dV− + γdA= 0, (D.41) and thus ∂A p− − p+ = γ . (D.42) ∂V− This determines the pressure jump at the interface. It is a result of differential geom- ∂A = etry that ∂V− 2κ, where κ is the mean curvature of the surface (the average of the two principal curvatures); for example the mean curvature κ of a spherical surface measured from the side on which the centre of the sphere lies is just 1/R, where R is the sphere radius.

D.9.1 The Gibbs–Thomson Effect

The curvature of an interface also has an effect on the melting temperature, and this is known as the Gibbs–Thomson effect. For this we may go back to the Clapeyron type argument and specific Gibbs free energy of each phase (i.e., their chemical potentials). Denoting these as before as gs and gl, but now allowing solid and liquid pressures to change independently, we have

vsps − ssT = vlpl − slT , (D.43) and with L = TM s being the latent heat, we have the generalised Clapeyron rela- tion

LTM 1 1 (ps − pl) = − pl − , (D.44) TM ρl ρs ρs in which the first term on the right is the Clapeyron effect of changing pressure, and the second is the Gibbs–Thomson effect, which describes change of melting tem- perature with surface curvature, since ps − pl = 2γκ, with the curvature measured from the solid side of the interface.

D.10 Pre-melting

It is commonly the case that a solid will maintain a thin liquid film of its melt at an interface with, for example, a quartz grain, even at temperatures below the freezing point. This phenomenon is known as ‘pre-melting’ (Dash et al. 2006; Wettlaufer and Worster 2006), and is associated with an excess free energy manifested by very thin films due to a variety of intermolecular forces, for example Van der Waals forces. The scale on which these forces act is measured in molecular diameters, and so the 828 D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes

film thicknesses over which these free energy effects are important are of the order of nanometres. Just as for surface energy, pre-melting causes an excess pressure, called the disjoining pressure, to occur in the film, and it causes a displacement of the freezing temperature. A particular geophysical problem in which this disjoining pressure is important is in the phenomenon of frost heave (Rempel et al. 2004), wherein freezing soil is uplifted, causing the heave which can be very damaging to roads and structures. The force generated in frost heave can be very large, of the order of bars, and this force is due to the disjoining pressure in the thin water films which separate the ice from the soil grains.3 To understand the dynamic effects, we consider a thin film of thickness h sepa- rating an ice surface from a foreign solid surface. In the absence of the film, the ice- solid interface has a surface energy which we denote by γsi, while the interposition of a liquid film creates two new surfaces, of interfacial energies γsw (solid-water) and γiw (ice-water). In addition, the liquid film has a Gibbs free energy per unit area of the form

G = ρlμlh + Φ(h), (D.45) where μl is the chemical potential energy of the bulk liquid, and Φ is the free energy associated with intermolecular forces. In particular, we suppose

Φ(0) = γsi,Φ(∞) = γsw + γiw; (D.46) the liquid film is energetically preferred if γ < 0, where

γ = γsw + γiw − γsi, (D.47) and it is in this case that a positive disjoining pressure occurs. We write

Φ = γsi + γ φ(h), (D.48) where φ increases monotonically from zero at h = 0 to one at h =∞. For example, Van der Waals forces lead to a form for φ of   σ 2 φ = − , 1 2 (D.49) h + where the constant σ is of the order of a molecular diameter. Clearly, if γ < 0, then Φ is a monotonically decreasing function of h, while the bulk free energy is an increasing function, and thus a minimum of G in (D.45) will be obtained when h is finite, if |γ | is sufficiently large. This causes the wetting film.

3This is perhaps an inverted way of looking at it. Heaving requires the maintenance of the film between ice and soil grains; as long as the film is maintained, heave will occur. The presence of a large overburden pressure will eventually suppress heave, but the necessary pressures are large. D.11 Liesegang Rings 829

D.10.1 Disjoining Pressure

We consider the Helmholtz free energy of a film of thickness h. Following a small perturbation to the film thickness,

dF =−pw dVw − pi dVi − SdT + AdΦ, (D.50) where A is surface area. We have dVw = Adh; for an isothermal change at constant volume dVw =−dVi = Adh, and therefore

pi − pw =−Φ (h) =−γ φ (h); (D.51) this is the disjoining pressure. For (D.49), this leads to A pi − pw =− , (D.52) 6πh3 where A is the Hamaker constant

A = 12πσ2γ. (D.53)

D.10.2 Freezing Point Depression

Finally we consider the effect of a thin film on the freezing point. This simply fol- lows from (D.44), which we write in the form LT = (vw − vi)pw − vi(pi − pw), (D.54) TM and thus, from (D.51), (ignoring liquid pressure variations)

L(T − T ) γ φ (h) M ≈ . (D.55) TM ρi For γ < 0, this represents the freezing point depression due to pre-melting only; the Clapeyron and Gibbs–Thomson effects can be added to the right hand side. Because φ ∝ 1 , these thin films can be maintained to temperatures quite a way h3 below the normal freezing point.

D.11 Liesegang Rings

As discussed in Chap. 9, Liesegang rings can form when crystals are precipitated in a dilute solution. Liesegang himself put some silver nitrate on a gel containing potassium dichromate, and the resulting silver dichromate crystals precipitate in 830 D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes bands. In this section, we describe a model due to Keller and Rubinow (1981) which aims to explain the phenomenon, based on the earlier ideas of Ostwald. Keller and Rubinow consider the reaction scheme

k+ p A + B  C → D, (D.56) k− in which A would represent the silver nitrate seed crystal, B would be the dilute dichromate solution, C is the reaction product silver dichromate, and D is the solid precipitate. In one dimension, a suitable set of equations is

at = DAaxx − r,

bt = DB bxx − r, (D.57) ct = DCcxx + r − p,

dt = p, where r is the reaction rate and p is the precipitation rate, given respectively by

r = k+ab − k−c, (D.58) and  q(c − cs) if c ≥ cn (> cs) or d>0, p = (D.59) 0ifc

a = 0,b= b0,c= d = 0att = 0, (D.62) and suitable boundary conditions are

a = a0,bx = cx = 0atx = 0. (D.63)

Adding the equations for b and c, and defining B = b + c, we obtain

Bt = DB Bxx − p, (D.64) D.11 Liesegang Rings 831 and in addition (D.60) implies c = AB, (D.65) where Ka A = . (D.66) 1 + Ka Keller and Rubinow assume that the reaction term r can be neglected in the equation for a, essentially on the basis that if b0 a0 (the dichromate is very dilute), then very little A is removed in forming the product. In this case A simply diffuses away from the seed crystal, providing an expression for a as

x a = a0 erfc √ . (D.67) 2 DAt It is convenient to scale the equations, and we therefore choose the scales  1 D d,c,B ∼ b ,p∼ qb ,t∼ ,x∼ B ; (D.68) 0 0 q q then the dimensionless model is

Bt = Bxx − p, (D.69) dt = p, where  AB − As if AB ≥ An (> As) or d>0, p = (D.70) 0ifAB < An and d = 0, where we define

cs = b0As,cn = b0An. (D.71) The function A is given by κ erfc θ βx A = ,θ= √ , (D.72) 1 + κ erfc θ 2 t in which  DB κ = Ka0,β= . (D.73) DA Note that A is a monotonically O(1) decreasing function of θ, which tends to zero at infinity. The initial and boundary conditions are B = 1,p= 0att = 0;

Bx = 0atx = 0, (D.74) B → 1asx →∞. 832 D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes

It should be noted that since the time scale is that of precipitation (and thus quite fast in the laboratory), we can expect the length and time scales to be small, so that large space and time solutions of this model are of interest.

D.11.1 Central Precipitation

= κ = The maximum value of A 1+κ is at θ 0, and thus precipitation will begin at = κ x 0 providing 1+κ >An; we presume this to be the case. Keller and Rubinow give an ingenious (but heuristic) approximate solution for their model, which we now emulate. Initially, there is a central precipitating region 0 0, and p = 0 outside this. First, they suppose that A is slowly varying in space, and that R is slowly varying in time, so that a quasi-static solution is appropriate. Since B is continuous at R, then AB = An there, and this solution is √ (An − As) cosh( Ax) AB = As + √ . (D.75) cosh( AR) For x>R, a stationary solution is not possible, but for slowly varying R,

A x − R B = 1 + n − 1 erfc √ . (D.76) A 2 t

Equating the derivatives Bx at R±, we find that R is determined by the relation √ √ √  An A − √ = (An − As) πt tanh AR , (D.77) A in which A(θ) is given by (D.72), with βR θ = √ . (D.78) 2 t To solve this, we define √ u = AR, (D.79) and then (D.77) can be written in the form

2θ A(θ) − A u tanh u = √ n . (D.80) β π An − As The right hand side is a unimodal (one-humped) function of θ, while u tanh u is an increasing function of u. Therefore u(θ) is a positive function in the range 0 <θ<θn, where A(θn) = An. Consulting (D.77), we see that initially A = An and thereafter increases with t. Therefore, initially θ = θn and decreases with increas- ing t. Since A is increasing as is R, u must increase, but it cannot do so indefinitely, D.11 Liesegang Rings 833 because of the maximum value of u(θ). In consequence, there is a finite time t∗ when R reaches a maximum R∗, and the solution cannot be continued beyond this time. Keller and Rubinow go on to suggest that a sequence of precipitation bands will subsequently form, and they analyse these based on the same approximating solu- tions. The question arises, whether there is any rational basis for supposing that their approximation method is valid. The two principal assumptions in the solution method are that A is slowly varying in space for x

The assumption that R is slowly varying, i.e., that the time derivative in (D.69)1 can be ignored, requires t  x2 ∼ R2, and thus, from (D.78), θ β. Assuming β ∼ O(1), as seems likely, this condition is included by (D.82). We write θ = δΘ, (D.83) and then (D.80) can be approximated by

2δ2Θ(1 − a Θ) u2 ≈ √ , (D.84) β π(An − As) where 2κ a = √ . (D.85) π(1 + κ)2 From (D.78) and (D.79), we then find √ δκ πt R ≈ , (D.86) A0{βA0 + (An − As)πκt} and R reaches its maximum

1/2 ∗ δ κ R = (D.87) 2A0 βA0(An − As) at time ∗ βA t = 0 . (D.88) πκ(An − As) These results provide a basis for a direct asymptotic approach, based, for example, on the limit δ 1, with the other parameters being taken as O(1). 834 D Melting, Dissolution, and Phase Changes

D.12 Exercises

D.1 The density ρ, velocity u and internal energy e of a fluid are given by the conservation laws ∂ρ + ∇.(ρu) = 0, ∂t ∂ρu i + ∇.(ρu u) = ∇.σ + ρf , ∂t i i i     ∂ 1 2 1 2 ρu + ρe + ρχ + ∇. ρu + ρe + ρχ u = ∇.(σ iui) − ∇.q, ∂t 2 2

where σ i = σij ej , q is the heat flux, and the conservative body force f is defined by f =−∇χ, where χ is the potential. Show that the momentum equation can be written in the form   ∂ui ∂σij ρ + u.∇ui = + ρfi, ∂t ∂xj

and that the energy equation can be reduced to

de ρ = σ ε˙ − ∇.q. dt ij ij D.2 The perfect gas law may be written in the form

RT v = , Mp

= 1 where R is the gas constant, and M is the molecular weight. Show that β T , and deduce that for a perfect gas,

dh = cp dT,

where h is specific enthalpy. Use the relation de = Tds− pdv and the definition of the specific heat at constant volume,

∂s cv = T , ∂T v D.12 Exercises 835

to show that

∂p de = cv dT − pdv+ T dv ∂T v [hint: use the Maxwell relations]. Hence show that, for a perfect gas,

de = cv dT.

D.3 The functions gS(c) and gL(c) are defined by

g = Ac + B(1 − c),

for coefficients AS and BS , and AL and BL, respectively, and these are defined by

A = a + RT ln c, B = b + RT ln(1 − c),

with similar subscripting S,L of the coefficients a and b. Show that the conditions AL = AS and BL = BS are solved by values cL, cS which satisfy − = = g(cS) g(cL) gS(cS) gL(cL) . cS − cL Appendix E Averaged Equations in Two Phase Flow

E.1 Discontinuities and Jump Conditions

Suppose we have a conservation law of the form ∂φ + ∇.F = 0, (E.1) ∂t which is derived from the integral conservation law   d φdV =− F.n dS. (E.2) dt V ∂V From first principles we can derive the jump condition across surfaces where φ and F are discontinuous: + + [φ]− = Vn[Fn]−, (E.3) where + and − refer to the values either side of the surface of discontinuity, and n is the unit normal at this surface (pointing either way); Vn is the speed of the surface in the direction of the normal, and Fn = F.n. In the common case of a fluid in motion, where the conservation law takes the form ∂φ + ∇.(φu) = ∇.J, (E.4) ∂t the corresponding jump condition is   − − + = φ(un Vn) Jn − 0. (E.5) The basic equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy for a fluid with density ρ, velocity u and internal energy e weregivenin(D.12), and are re- peated here: ∂ρ + ∇.(ρu) = 0, ∂t

A. Fowler, Mathematical Geoscience, Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 36, 837 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-721-1, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011 838 E Averaged Equations in Two Phase Flow

∂ρu i + ∇.(ρu u) = ∇.σ + ρf , (E.6) ∂t i i i     ∂ 1 2 1 2 ρu + ρe + ρχ + ∇. ρu + ρe + ρχ u = ∇.(σ iui) − ∇.q; ∂t 2 2 in the last equation, χ is the potential energy. The corresponding jump conditions are   − + = ρ(un Vn) − 0,   − − + = ρui(un Vn) σin − 0, (E.7)

 + 1 2 + ρu + ρe + ρχ (un − Vn) =[σ .u.n − qn]−. 2 −

Note that these jump conditions are implied automatically by the integral forms of the conservation laws, assuming there is no production at the surface (e. g., of energy by a surface reaction). Therefore the integral forms can be applied directly to find the total mass, momentum and energy conservation laws for a two phase flow in which the density and energy in particular may be discontinuous. Let us define the interfacial source term   = =− − Γ Γ− ρ(un Vn) −, (E.8) where we define the unit normal n− here to be pointing from the − phase towards + the + phase. If we suppose that there is no slip across an interface, [u.t]− = 0, where t is any tangent vector at the interface, then the momentum jump condition (E.7)2 implies + + + [σnt ]− = 0, [σnn]− =−Γ [un]−, (E.9) and the energy jump condition becomes

 + 1 2 + Γ u + e +[σnnun − qn]− = 0, (E.10) 2 − since we take the potential energy χ to be continuous.

E.2 Averaging Methods

Next, we consider the derivation of averaged equations for two-phase flows. This is a subject which has been the subject of a number of different investigations, see for example Ishii (1975) and Drew and Passman (1999), and also the thorough overview by Drew and Wood (1985). Averaging proceeds as in the derivation of averaged equations for turbulent flows (see Sect. B.1), but the choice of average is not clear E.2 Averaging Methods 839 cut. A local space average seems the most obvious choice, but only for homogeneous flows. A local time average is a better choice, but in fact preference is usually given to the ensemble average over a number of realisations of the flow. For stationary flows, this is likely to be equivalent to a local time average. Further complication arises since often one is concerned with axial flows in a pipe (for example in a volcanic vent), where a cross-sectional average is appropriate either as well as, or instead of a local time average. There seem to be few examples where two-phase models in two or three dimensions are proposed. There are various different ways to derive averaged equations. We follow Drew and Wood (see also Fowler 1997) in using an indicator function Xk which is equal to one in phase k (k = 1, 2) and zero otherwise. We denote averages by overbars, and the averaged equations are obtained by multiplying the point forms of the governing equations by Xk and then averaging. This procedure introduces derivatives of the piecewise continuous Xk, and these must be interpreted using generalised functions. To see how this works, consider a general conservation law of the form

∂ (ρψ) + ∇.(ρψu) =−∇.J + ρf, (E.11) ∂t where ψ is the conserved quantity (per unit mass), u is the fluid velocity, J is the flux, and f is a volumetric source. Multiplying by Xk and averaging yields the exact equation

∂ (X ρψ) + ∇.[X ρψu] ∂t k k


∂X  + ρψ k + u .∇X + ρψ(u − u ) + J .∇X , (E.12) ∂t i k i k where ui is the velocity of the interface between the phases, and we assume that ∇f = ∇f¯, ∂f /∂ t = ∂f/∂t¯ , which will be the case for sufficiently well-behaved f . Derivatives of Xk are interpreted as generalised functions. Thus, for example, j.∇Xk is defined, for any smooth test function φ which vanishes at infinity, through the identity    

φj.∇Xk dV =− Xk∇.(φj)dV =− ∇.(φj)dV =− φjn dS, (E.13) V V Vk Sk where jn is the normal component of j at the interface, pointing away from phase k. This suggests that j.∇Xk can be identified with the specific surface average of −j.n, which is consistent with the fact that ∇Xk is essentially a delta function centred on the interface. 840 E Averaged Equations in Two Phase Flow

To interpret the interfacial advective derivative of Xk, we have, for test functions φ(x,t)which vanish both at x → ∞ and t →±∞,    ∂X φ k + u .∇X dV dt ∂t i k    ∂φ =− X + u .∇φ dV dt k ∂t i     ∞ ∂φ =− + ui.∇φ dV dt −∞ Vk(t) ∂t    ∞ ∞ d =− φdVdt=− φdV = 0. (E.14) −∞ dt Vk(t) Vk(t) −∞ The averaged form of (E.12) is now derived in terms of the averaged volume fraction αk, density ρk, velocity uk, species ψk, flux Jk, and source fk, defined as

αk = Xk,αkρk = Xkρ, αkρkuk = Xkρu, (E.15) αkρkψk = Xkρψ, αkJk = XkJ,αkρkfk = Xkρf , and the conservation law (E.12) then takes the form ∂   (α ρ ψ ) + ∇. α ρ ψ u + Uψ ∂t k k k k k k k k  =−∇.(αkJk) + αkρkfk + ρψ(u − ui) + J .∇Xk, (E.16)

ψ where the profile velocity Uk is defined by ψ = − αkρkψkUk Xkρψu αkρkψkuk. (E.17) ψ = ψ − ψ In one-dimensional flows, Uk (Dk 1)uk, and Dk is called a profile coefficient. Apart from this, the last term in (E.16), representing interfacial transfer of ψ,must be constituted.

E.3 Mass and Momentum Equations

Conservation of mass is determined from (E.11) by putting

ψ = 1, J = 0,f= 0. (E.18)

The corresponding equations for each phase are, from (E.16), with ψk = 1, Jk = 0 1 = and Uk 0, ∂ (α ρ ) + ∇.[α ρ u ]=Γ , (E.19) ∂t k k k k k k E.3 Mass and Momentum Equations 841 where

Γk = ρ(u − ui).∇Xk, (E.20) and Γ represents a mass source due to phase change (without which u = ui at the interface). Next, consider momentum conservation. With appropriate interpretation of ten- sor notation, we put

ψ = u, J =−T ≡ pI − τ,f= g, (E.21) where p is the pressure, τ is the deviatoric stress tensor, and g is gravity. In addition, we write = − ; Xkρuu αkρkukuk αkTk (E.22) the second term can be interpreted as (minus) the Reynolds stress (cf. (B.7)). The momentum equation can thus be written as   ∂ (α ρ u ) + ∇.[α ρ u u ]=∇. α (T + T ) + α ρ g + M + um Γ , (E.23) ∂t k k k k k k k k k k k k k ki k where

αkTk = Xk(−pI + τ), Mk = (pI − τ).∇Xk, − ∇ (E.24) m = ρu(u ui). Xk uki . ρ(u − ui).∇Xk We define the average pressure and deviatoric stress in phase k to be

Xkp Xkτ pk = , τ k = . (E.25) αk αk It is conventional to separate the local interfacial stresses from those due to large scale variations in αk by writing the interfacial momentum source as

= ∇ + Mk pki αk Mk, (E.26) where = − ∇ − ∇ Mk (p pki) Xk τ. Xk, (E.27) pki is the average interfacial pressure in phase k, and we use the fact that ∇Xk = ∇αk. Thus the momentum equation can be written as ∂ (α ρ u ) + ∇.(α ρ u u ) =−α ∇p + (p − p )∇α + ∇.[α τ ] ∂t k k k k k k k k k k ki k k k + ∇ [ ]+ + + m . αkTk αkρkg Mk ukiΓk. (E.28) 842 E Averaged Equations in Two Phase Flow

Often we may ignore the Reynolds stresses as well as the macroscopic viscous stresses, and if we ignore surface energy effects, we may take pk = pki.Theterm

Mk is the interfacial force, and is generally much larger than the other stress terms. In this case, the momentum equation becomes

∂ (α ρ u ) + ∇.(α ρ u u ) =−α ∇p + α ρ g + M + um Γ . (E.29) ∂t k k k k k k k k k k k k ki k

The interfacial force Mk includes the important interfacial drag, as well as other forces, in particular the virtual mass force. Interfacial drag is due to friction at the interface, while virtual mass terms are associated with relative acceleration. There are various other forces which are sometimes included, also (see Drew and Wood m 1985). The momentum source from phase change ukiΓk is often ignored. In condi- tions of slow flow, constitution of the interfacial drag as a term proportional to the velocity difference between the phases leads to Darcy’s law.

E.4 Energy Equation

The point form of the energy equation is given in (E.6)or(D.12); we use the form of (D.14), specifically

∂ (ρe) + ∇.(ρeu) =−∇.q + T:∇u. (E.30) ∂t To derive the averaged version, we put ψ = e, J = q, ρf = T:∇u in (E.12). By analogy with (E.22), we define the turbulent heat transport qk via = + ; Xkρeu αkρkekuk αkqk (E.31) we then obtain (cf. (E.16)) the averaged energy equation  ∂ (α ρ e ) + ∇.{α ρ e u }=−∇. α (q + q ) + α D + e Γ + E , (E.32) ∂t k k k k k k k k k k k k ki k k where

XkT:∇u ρe(u − ui).∇Xk Dk = ,eki = ,Ek = q.∇Xk, (E.33) αk ρ(u − ui).∇Xk and are respectively the average viscous dissipation, the interfacial internal energy transfer, and the interfacial heat transfer. The first two of these are generally negligi- ble, while the third is usually large, at least if the two phases have different average temperatures. It is because of this that typically temperature does not vary locally, so that it suffices to consider total energy conservation. To see why this should be, we need to consider the averaged jump conditions between the phases. E.5 Jump Conditions 843

E.5 Jump Conditions

The jump conditions for the point forms of the conservation laws in (E.7) have their counterpart in the averaged equations. For the general conservation law (E.11), the corresponding jump condition at an interface is    − − + + = ρψ(u ui) J .n − mψ , (E.34) where n = n− points from − to +, and mψ represents a surface production term, which is normally zero. From (E.13), we can identify      − ρψ(u − ui) + J .nk = ρψ(u − ui) + J .∇Xk, (E.35) ∂Vk where nk points out of phase k, and the angle brackets denote a specific surface average (i.e., a surface integral over the interface divided by the volume); thus (with no surface source term) the jump conditions for the averaged equations take the form   ρψ(u − ui) + J .∇Xk = 0, (E.36) k bearing in mind that n1 =−n2. Mass and momentum jump conditions are quite straightforward. Consulting (E.18) and (E.20), we have  Γk = 0; (E.37) k consulting (E.21) and (E.24), we have   + m = Mk ukiΓk 0. (E.38) k

Energy is slightly more opaque, since we have to go back to the conservation form of the equation in (E.6) to derive the appropriate jump condition. This takes the form

   1 e 2 u Γk + ekiΓk + Ek + Wk = 0, (E.39) 2 ki k where the extra terms not defined in (E.33)aregivenby

  2 − ∇ e 2 = ρu (u ui). Xk =− ∇ uki ,Wk T.u. Xk, (E.40) ρ(u − ui).∇Xk representing the interfacial kinetic energy transport and the interfacial work. 844 E Averaged Equations in Two Phase Flow

E.5.1 Practical Approximations

m Generally speaking, the interfacial momentum flux ukiΓk can be neglected, so that (E.38) reduces to the force balance  Mk ≈ 0. (E.41) k The interfacial kinetic energy and interfacial work terms in (E.40) are generally small, and additionally we suppose eki ≈ ek, so that (E.39) becomes the Stefan con- dition  (ekΓk + Ek) = 0. (E.42) k We can normally also neglect the dissipation term in (E.32). If we suppose that the interfacial transport terms Ek, typically proportional to the difference in tem- perature between the phases, are large, then the conclusion is that the temperatures must be equal, and a single equation for the temperature then follows from adding the energy equations for the two phases. Adopting the jump condition (E.42), this leads to    ∂ α ρ e + ∇. α ρ e u =−∇. α (q + q ) . (E.43) ∂t k k k k k k k k k k k k k Generally, we are only concerned with energy conservation when there is phase change, i.e., Γk = 0. In this case, the assumption of local thermodynamic equi- librium prescribes the local temperature as the freezing or boiling temperature as appropriate. Thus the energy equation does not in fact determine the temperature, but serves to determine the mass source due to phase change, Γk. To see how this happens, we need to relate the internal energies ek to temperature T .

E.5.2 Thermodynamics

Quite generally, (D.3), (D.9) and (D.10) imply that the enthalpy and internal energy satisfy     ∂h  ∂e   = cp,  = cv, (E.44) ∂T p ∂T v and one usually takes

h = cpT, e= cvT. (E.45) Commonly one rewrites the energy equation in terms of the enthalpy, since in phase change problems the latent heat is defined (at a fixed pressure and temperature) by

L = TM s = e + pv = h. (E.46) E.6 Nye’s Energy Equation in a Subglacial Channel 845

Using (E.19) and (E.37), we can write the energy equation in the form    d p Γ + α ρ h − k = ∇.[K∇T ], (E.47) k k k dt k ρ k k k where K is the phase-averaged thermal conductivity, including both molecular and turbulent conductivities,  K = αkKk, (E.48) k and d ∂ = + uk.∇. (E.49) dtk ∂t

For example, consider a vapour–liquid flow, with hg − hl = L. Denoting specific heats as cpk, we can write (E.47) in the form    dT ∂ Γ L + α ρ c M − (α p ) + ∇.(α p u ) = ∇.[K∇T ], (E.50) g k k pk dt ∂t k k k k k M k k and this determines the mass source term Γg (which is positive for boiling, and negative for condensation).

E.6 Nye’s Energy Equation in a Subglacial Channel

A particular variant of the procedures outlined above is Nye’s derivation of the energy equation governing water flow in a sub-glacial channel. In particular, the variables and thus also the equations are cross-sectionally averaged. Nye (1976) provided his Eq. (11.4) with the minimum of fuss. Let us now try and derive this equation using the principles enunciated above. The equation is   ∂θ ∂θ ∂p   ρ c S w + Q w = Q ρ g sin α − − m L + c (θ − θ ) , (E.51) w w ∂t ∂x w ∂x w w i in which θw is the water temperature, S is the channel cross-sectional area, Q = Su is the volume flux, p is the channel pressure, and θi is the surrounding ice tempera- ture, taken as constant. See Chap. 11 for further details. To derive this in detail, we need to derive also the appropriate forms of the con- servation of mass and momentum equations in the channel. To begin with, we note the general relation    d ∂L LdV = dV + LVn dS, (E.52) dt V(t) V(t) ∂t ∂V where Vn is the normal velocity of the moving boundary ∂V of the time dependent volume V . This applies whether or not the volume V is a material volume. If it is, 846 E Averaged Equations in Two Phase Flow then Vn = un, the fluid normal velocity. For a subglacial channel, this is not the case. We can then relate the rate of change of the integral of L over V(t)to that over the material volume which is instantaneously coincident with V :    d d LdV = LdV − L(un − Vn)dS, (E.53) dt V(t) dt Vm(t) ∂V where Vm is the corresponding material volume. The equation of conservation of mass follows from putting L = ρ (= ρw). The mass ρdV is conserved, and mass conservation takes the form Vm    ∂ ρdV + ρun dS =− ρ(un − Vn)dS, (E.54) ∂t V(t) ∂V ∂V⊥ where we take the volume V to be the cross section of the channel times a small (fixed) increment δx in the downstream direction, ∂V denotes the end faces of the volume (on which Vn = 0), and ∂V⊥ denotes the ice-water interface. Dividing by δx and letting δx → 0, we obtain conservation of mass in the form ∂ ∂ (ρS) + (ρSu) = m, (E.55) ∂t ∂x where u is the average velocity and ρ is the average density over the cross section, and     = =− − ; m Γds ρ(un Vn) − ds (E.56) ∂S− ∂S− ∂S− is the perimeter of the cross section S, taken on the inside. This same procedure allows us to form averaged momentum and energy equa- tions. The basic momentum equation in integral form is    d ρui dV = σ i.n dS + ρfi dV, (E.57) dt Vm(t) ∂V V and performing the same reduction as above leads to   ∂ ρu dV + ρu u dS ∂t i i n V  ∂V   

=− ρui(un − Vn)dS− pni dS + τ i.n dS + ρfi dV, (E.58) ∂V⊥ ∂V ∂V V wherewewriteσ =−pδ + τ, δ being the unit tensor and τ being the deviatoric stress tensor. We now use the divergence theorem on the pressure term to write this as   ∂ ρu dV + ρu u dS ∂t i i n V  ∂V   ∂ =− ρui(un − Vn)dS− (p + ρχ)dV + τ i.n dS, (E.59) ∂V⊥ V ∂xi ∂V E.6 Nye’s Energy Equation in a Subglacial Channel 847 in which we suppose that ρ is constant; χ is the gravitational potential energy. Tak- ing i = 1(thex direction) and averaging, we obtain the momentum equation in the form ∂ ∂   ∂ (ρSu) + ρSu2 =−S (p + ρχ) − τ l, (E.60) ∂t ∂x ∂x w where l is the wetted perimeter, τw is the wall stress. Importantly, no slip at the wall implies u1 = 0on∂V⊥ (if we assume downstream ice velocity is negligible). We have neglected deviatoric longitudinal stress on the ends of ∂V. Note that it is important to convert the surface integral in pressure in (E.58) to the volume integral in (E.59) before deriving (E.60) (otherwise we would be tempted to put the S coef- ficient of the pressure term inside the derivative). Specifically, (E.59) takes the form ∂ ∂ (ρuS δx) +···=− (p + ρχ)S δx +···=−Sδ(p+ ρχ) +··· , (E.61) ∂t ∂x and on dividing by δx, we obtain (E.60). (This is analogous to the absorption of the term pk∇αk into the interfacial term in (E.26).) Note also that taking i = 3(thez direction) gives us the hydrostatic condition (if we neglect deviatoric normal stress) ∂ (p + ρχ) = 0. (E.62) ∂z The energy equation is derived in a similar way. We take the integral form of the third equation in (E.6), and apply the same procedure as above. This leads us to       ∂ 1 2 1 2 ρ e + u + χ dV + ρ e + u + χ un dS ∂t V 2 ∂V 2     1 2 =− ρ e + u + χ (un − Vn)dS+ (σij uinj − qn)dS. (E.63) ∂V⊥ 2 ∂V We split the stress tensor up as before and conflate the pressure and potential energy term. Averaging the consequent result, putting u1 = 0on∂V⊥, assuming ρt = 0, and neglecting deviatoric longitudinal stress, then leads (after a good deal of manip- ulation) to the averaged energy equation    ∂ 1 2 ∂ 1 2 ∂ 1 2 ρS e + u + u e + u =− qn ds − Su (p + ρχ) − mu . ∂t 2 ∂x 2 ∂S ∂x 2 (E.64) This is essentially Nye’s equation (E.51), if we neglect the kinetic energy terms 1 2 = = − proportional to 2 u , and put e cwθw and χ g(zcos α x sin α). The details of the algebraic manipulation form the substance of Question E.1.  To complete the derivation of (E.51), we need to constitute the heat flux term ∂S qn ds. In Nye’s equation, this is given by    qn ds = m L + cw(θw − θi) . (E.65) ∂S 848 E Averaged Equations in Two Phase Flow

To derive this, we go back to the jump conditions (E.9) and (E.10). First we note + that the right hand side of (E.65) is the jump in enthalpy −[h]− = hw − hi , where = + p the enthalpy is h e ρ . Next we assume that the ice is at the melting point, so that θi is constant and there is no heat flux from the ice to the interface. Therefore − [ ]+ the heat flux in (E.65)is ∂S qn − ds, and thus (E.65) will follow from the result that + + Γ [h]− =[q]−, (E.66) where Γ is given by (E.8). The jump in enthalpy is related to the jump in internal energy by the relation + + [h]− =[e]− − pv, (E.67) where v = 1/ρ is the specific volume, and we define the change of volume v on melting as

+ 1 1 v =−[v]− = − . (E.68) ρw ρi From (E.8), we derive + Γv=[un]−, (E.69) and thus from (E.9), we have

+ =− − + − − =− − 2 σnn p Γ(un un ) p Γ v. (E.70)

Hence we obtain [ ]+ =− − 2 + σnnun − pΓ v Γ vun , (E.71) and thus (E.10) implies, using (E.67),

[ ]+ =[ ]+ + 2 + Γ h − qn − Γ vun , (E.72)

[ 1 2]+ = where we take 2 u − 0 assuming no slip at the interface; (E.66) and then also 2 + (E.65) follow on neglecting the term Γ vun , which is comparable to the kinetic energy of the ice.

E.7 Exercises

E.1 Consider the energy equation in the form of (E.63):       ∂ 1 2 1 2 ρ e + u + χ dV + ρ e + u + χ un dS ∂t V 2 ∂V 2     1 2 =− ρ e + u + χ (un − Vn)dS+ (σij uinj − qn)dS, ∂V⊥ 2 ∂V E.7 Exercises 849

where the volume V is a short cylindrical segment of length δx, with the ice/water interface being denoted as ∂V⊥ with normal in the (e2, e3) plane, and the ends being denoted as ∂V, with normal in the e1 direction. By using the relationship that    d ∂L LdV = dV + LVn dS, dt V(t) V(t) ∂t ∂V

where Vn is the normal velocity of ∂V, show that the energy equation can be written in the form        ∂ 1 2 1 2 ρ e + u dV + ρ e + u un dS + ρt χdV ∂t V 2 ∂V 2 V   1 2 =− ρ(un − Vn) e + u dS − qn dS ∂V⊥ 2 ∂V⊥  

− (p + ρχ)un dS − (p + ρχ)un dS, ∂V⊥ ∂V

where we take ∂V to be fixed in space, write σij =−pδij + τij , and assume that deviatoric longitudinal stress and longitudinal heat flux are negligible, and = that u1 0on∂V⊥. What does the term V ρt χdV represent physically? Assuming now that ρ is constant, show that the averaged energy equation can be written as     ∂ 1 ∂ 1 ρSe + ρSu2 + ρSeu + ρSu3 ∂t 2 ∂x 2   ∂   = me − (p + ρχ)Su − (p + ρχ)un ds − qn ds, ∂x ∂S ∂S where S is the cross-sectional area, and 

m =− ρ[un − Vn] ds. ∂S Using this last equation, show that  m =− un ds + St , ρ ∂S and by assuming that p + ρχ is constant (why?) on ∂S, show that 

− (p + ρχ)un ds = (p + ρχ)(Su)x, ∂S where you should assume conservation of mass in the form

(ρS)t + (ρSu)x = m. 850 E Averaged Equations in Two Phase Flow

Using conservation of mass again, deduce from the above that the energy equation can finally be written in the form    ∂ 1 2 ∂ 1 2 ∂ 1 2 ρS e+ u +u e+ u =− qn ds−Su (p+ρχ)− mu . ∂t 2 ∂x 2 ∂S ∂x 2 References

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A Asthenosphere, 467, 557 Abrasion, 335 Atmospheric circulation, 139 Absorption, 67 Augite, 548, 592 Acid–base buffering, 115 Averaging, 411, 417 Acmite, 548 for turbulent flow, 800 Activation energy, 10, 467, 496, 583 for two-phase flow, 837 Activation volume, 496 Avogadro’s number, 817 Activation waves, 682 Activator–inhibitor system, 44, 704 B Activity, 824 Bacteria, 423 Adiabatic temperature, 76 Badlands, 774 Adsorption, 422 Bar, 267 Agassiz, Louis, 465, 726 Baroclinic instability, 65, 140, 176 Albedo, 65, 706 Barometric number, 471 Albite, 546 Basalt, 466, 540 Allivalite, 594 alkali, 553 Alloy solidification, 603 olivine, 544 Amazon, 248 quartz, 553 Ammonium, 428 tholeiitic, 544 Ammonium chloride, 604 Basalt tetrahedron, 553 Amphibole, 548 Batholith, 557 Amphidromic points, 201 Beam theory, 758 Anatexis, 557, 580 viscous, 783 Andesite, 544, 555 Bedload, 273, 707 Anorthite, 546 Bedload transport, 335 Anorthosite, 593 Belousov–Zhabotinskii reaction, 604 Antarctic Bottom Water (ABW), 192 Bending moment, 763 Antarctic Ice Sheet, 618 Benjamin–Bona–Mahony (BBM) equation, initial growth, 109 260, 610 Antarctica, 331, 618 Bergschrund, 718 Anti-cyclone, 180 Bessel function, 304, 382 Anti-dunes, 267, 271 Bicarbonate buffering, 115, 135 Arborescent, 663 Bifurcation, 1, 53, 475 Arctic Ocean, 618 homoclinic, 800 Arrhenius expression, 10, 583 Hopf, 8, 524 Arterial drainage, 663 supercritical, 475 Asia, 331 Binge-purge model, 120

A. Fowler, Mathematical Geoscience, Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 36, 873 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-721-1, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2011 874 Index

Biofilm growth, 451 Chemical reactions, 826 Biomass, 423 Chézy’s law, 225, 226, 702 Bioremediation, 421, 451 Chute and pool, 271 Biotite, 545, 552 Clapeyron relation, 542, 557, 820, 821 Black body, 65 in mantle, 530 Blow up, 35, 53, 360, 361, 374, 384, 714 Clausius–Clapeyron equation, 82, 129 Boiling, 825 Clay, 331, 387 Bond number, 33 Climate dynamics, 65 Boulder clay, 622 Co-range, 203 Boulders, 331 Co-tidal lines, 203 Boundary layer, 6, 397 Coarsening, 330 in magma transport, 569 of Röthlisberger channels, 665 stress, 515 Cobbles, 331 thermal, 489 Coefficient Boundary layer theory, 490 of isothermal compressibility, 819 for variable viscosity convection, 498 of thermal expansion, 818 for viscous ice beams, 766 Cohesion, 450 Boussinesq approximation, 472, 557 Columbia Glacier, 625 Boussinesq equations, 490 Combustion, 53 Boussinesq number, 471 Community matrix, 8 Bretz, Harlen, 783 Compaction, 387, 436, 444, 452 Brittle failure, 517 viscoelastic, 452 Brunt–Väisälä frequency, 166, 182 viscous, 448 BTEX, 432 Compaction layer, 569 Buckley–Leverett equation, 406, 407 Complex variables, 572, 601, 656, 658, 722 Burgers’ equation, 24, 53, 403 Compression index, 442 Byerlee’s law, 518 Concave, 342 Condensation rate, 143 C Conservation law, 2, 837 Calcite, 539 Calcium carbonate, 110, 135 Consolidation, 441 Canals, 666 coefficient of, 444 Cantor set, 334 Constitutive laws, 2 Capillary suction, 399 Contact angle, 399 Carbon Contaminant plume, 422 cycle, 109, 121 Contaminant transport, 415 in oceans, 114, 133 Continental crust, 530, 555 Carbon dioxide, 86, 110, 121 Continental drift, 465, 525 frost, 704 Continental flood basalts (CFB), 555 Carbonate alkalinity, 122 Convection, 79 Carboniferous, 618 at high Rayleigh number, 488, 526 Cauchy integral, 312 countercurrent, 598 Cavitation, 659, 698 hexagonal cells, 475 Cellular models, 374 in magma chambers, 591 Cementation, 387, 436, 445, 539 layered, 530 Chalk, 387 Marangoni, 524 Channel formation, 358, 372 oscillatory, 521 Channelled Scablands, 774, 783 Rayleigh–Bénard, 524 Chaos, 486 sub-continental, 529 Chapman layer, 78 variable viscosity, 526 Characteristics, 18, 227, 238 with temperature and pressure dependent method of, 674 viscosity, 526 Chasma Borealis, 704 with temperature dependent viscosity, 495 Chemical potential, 822 Convex, 342 Index 875

Convex function, 37 Double-diffusive convection, 589, 604 Cordilleran Ice Sheet, 774 Drainage, 725 Coriolis force, 197 Drumlins, 686, 725 Coriolis parameter, 157 etymology, 725 Coronae, 523 instability theory of, 687 Cotectic, 549 Dual porosity, 388 Crag-and-tail, 726 models, 409 Craggaunowen, 240 Ductile failure, 518 Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary, 599 Dunes, 267, 270 Crystallisation, 579, 604 aeolian, 322 oscillatory, 604 barchan, 270 Crystals eddy viscosity model, 285 equiaxed, 581 fluvial, 322 growth kinetics, 583 Herrmann model, 320 Curvature, 32 linear, 270 Cyclones, 180 mixing-length model, 292 Orr–Sommerfeld–Exner model, 289 D potential flow model, 275 δ(x),29 seif, 270 D layer, 531 separation bubble, 270 Dansgaard–Oeschger events, 100, 120, 193, St. Venant model, 279 776, 783 star, 270 Darcy’s law, 225, 388, 443, 558 suspended sediment model, 282 Davisian cycle, 332, 371 transverse, 270, 686 Day after tomorrow, 171 Dupuit approximation, 395 Deccan Traps, 541, 600 Dust-albedo feedback, 705 Deforming till, 661 Dynamic fracture, 576 Degenerate diffusion, 341, 360, 394, 403 Delamination layer, 501 E Delta function, 29, 228 Eady model, 176, 219 Deposition, 275 Eddy viscosity, 141, 211, 296, 318, 801 Depressions, 180 Effective pressure, 441, 450, 618, 688 Desorption, 423 Eigenvalue problem, 36 Diagenesis, 436, 441, 452 8,200 year cooling event, 102, 774, 783 Diapirs, 601 Ekman layer, 160, 215 Diffusion creep, 560 Ekman number, 159, 183 Diffusion flame, 451 Elastohydrodynamics, 575 Diffusion-driven instability, 48 Electron acceptor, 423 Dinosaurs, 599 Electron donor, 423 Diopside, 548 Energy balance models, 83, 119 Discontinuous crystallisation series, 551 with CO2, 112 Disjoining pressure, 828, 829 zonally averaged, 84 Dislocation creep, 560 Energy equation, 469, 819 Dislocations, 486 Enstatite, 548, 551 Dispersion coefficient, 416 Enthalpy, 817 lateral, 417 Entrainment, 335 longitudinal, 417 Entropy, 817 Dissipation number, 472 Entry length, 804 Dissolution, 436, 817, 824 EPICA, 93 Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), 115 Ergun equation, 390 Distinguished limit, 358 Erosion, 275, 332 Dittus–Boelter correlation, 744 detachment-limited, 367 DNAPL, 422 headward, 370 Doodson number, 197 transport-limited, 368 876 Index

Erosional cycle, 332 Geostrophic circulation, 141, 158 Error function integral, 190 Geostrophic wind, 159 Eskers, 686, 699, 727 Geyser, 598 beaded, 700 GFD summer program, 532 Euler–Mascheroni constant, 304 Giant’s Causeway, 590 Eutectic, 547 Gibbs free energy, 566, 817, 821, 828 Evaporation, 825 Gibbs–Thomson effect, 827 Excitable media, 45 Ginzburg–Landau equation, 476, 488, 524 Exner equation, 334 Gjálp eruption, 759 Exothermic reaction, 10 Glacier Exponential integrals, 793 drainage, 655, 725 Extinctions, 599 stream-cavity duality, 727 sliding, 655, 722 F subtemperate, 723 Fayalite, 551 Weertman’s law, 722 Feldspar, 332, 550 sliding with cavitation, 659 potassium, 437 surges, 619 Fennoscandian ice sheet, 618 Glaciers, 617 Fermentation, 423 early paintings, 719 Ferrosilite, 549 tidewater, 625 Firn line, 674 waves on, 618 Fisher’s equation, 26, 54 Glen’s law, 627, 630, 662, 706 Fitzhugh–Nagumo equations, 55, 62, 704 Global thermohaline circulation, 192, 212 Flood basalts, 531, 600 Global warming, 86 Flood hydrograph, 226 Golden syrup, 468 Floods, 232 Gondwanaland, 93, 331 from ice sheets, 773, 783 Grain size, 389, 392 Antarctica, 774 Granite, 466, 540, 544, 556 on Mars, 778 Granodiorite, 544 Forbes bands, 619 Gravel, 331, 387 Forced pendulum, 14, 56 Greenhouse effect, 66, 119, 706 Forsterite, 551 Four Ashes, 425, 451 runaway, 89 Fractals, 333 Greenland, 618 Fracture mechanics, 571, 601 ’s function, 299 Freezing, 824 Grey atmosphere, 70, 143 Freezing point depression, 829 Grímsvötn, 626, 741 Friction factor, 224, 801 1972 jökulhlaup, 756 Friction velocity, 801 breaking the seal, 751 Frobenius series, 807 GRIP ice core, 100, 120 Frontogenesis, 179 Grounding line, 625, 647, 650, 720 Frost heave, 685, 828 Groundwater flow, 387, 393 Froude number, 151, 225, 231, 265, 280, 286, Gulf of Mexico, 445 307, 338, 743 Gulf Stream, 182, 188

G H Gabbro, 592 Hack’s law, 333 Gas constant, 10, 467, 496 circulation, 140 Generalised Airy functions, 809 Hawaii, 466, 600 Generalised function, 29 Hedenbergite, 548 Geochemistry, 529, 544 Heinrich events, 98, 120, 685, 719 Geometric linearity, 355, 364 Helmholtz free energy, 817, 826, 829 Geophysical fluid dynamics, 139, 211 ’s law, 115 Geopotential, 141, 212 Herculaneum, 598 Index 877

Hilbert problem, 311, 574, 659, 794 streams, 624, 668, 682, 719 Hilbert transform, 299, 696 simple model, 672 Hillslope, 331, 371 Ice-albedo feedback, 93 evolution, 363, 366 Iceland, 466, 600 Himalayas, 331 Ideal mixture, 822 Hintereisferner, 719 Ill-posedness, 212, 260, 307, 346 Hodge diagram, 679 Illite, 436 Hölder continuous, 312, 794 Incompatible trace elements, 530, 556 Holmes, Arthur, 465, 525 India, 331 Homoclinic bifurcation, 800 Indicator function, 839 Homogenisation, 390, 412, 417, 450 Instability, 8, 235, 305 Hopf bifurcation, 8 for dune formation, 317 Hornblende, 545, 552 for river channels, 339, 372 Horton–Strahler system, 333 in convection, 473 Hotspots, 600 of grounding line, 653 Howard, Lou, 521 of ice shelves, 625 bubble convection model, 532 of ice/till flow, 697 Hudson Bay, 685 of subglacial drainage, 664 Hudson Strait mega-surges, 685, 719 Turing, 48 Huppert, Herbert, 603 Interfacial force, 842 Huronian, 618 Interfacial growth, 584 Hurricanes, 180 Internal energy, 817 Hvorslev yield surface, 518 Internal heating number, 472 Hydraulic International Glaciological Society, 718 conductivity, 390 Iron, 432 jump, 265 Island uplift, 341 radius, 225, 747 Isle of Rum, 594 runaway, 683 Hydrocarbon, 421, 432 J Hydrological cycle, 223 Jackson–Hunt theory, 318 Hydrostatic pressure, 75, 151 Jadeite, 548 Hyperbolic equation, 440, 674 Hyperbolic system, 237 Jakobshavn Isbrae, 624, 719 Hypersthene, 548 Jeffreys, Harold, 465 Hysteresis, 10, 399, 442 Jensen’s inequality, 37, 383 as a cause of ice ages, 94 John Scott Russell, 54 Jökulhlaups, 101, 120, 626, 779 I 1996 eruption, 741, 756, 779 Ice Nye model, 742, 779 ablation, 617 Nye’s energy equation, 845 accumulation, 617 on Mars, 784 ages, 92, 120 rôle of lake temperature, 780 caps, 617 sub-Laurentide, 776 cauldrons, 758 wide channels, 779 sheet, 617, 719 Jump condition, 20, 837, 843 Antarctic, 618 Fennoscandian, 618 K Greenland, 618 K-feldspar, 545 grounding line, 625 Kalsilite, 553 Laurentide, 618 Karst, 332 model, 33 Katabatic wind, 591, 599, 707 non-isothermal model, 637 Kinematic condition, 628 shallow ice approximation, 631 Kirchhoff’s law, 67 shelves, 625, 647, 719 Koch snowflake, 333 878 Index

Korteweg–de Vries equation, 54, 260 layered, 591 Kozeny–Carman law, 392 lopolith, 540 KPZ equation, 43 sills, 580 Kronecker delta, 36, 417 Magma ocean, 555 Kuroshio, 183 Magma transport, 539, 600 compaction model, 727 L Magmafracture, 571, 601 Labrador sea, 685 Magmatic cycle, 540 Lake Agassiz, 103, 774 Magmons, 601 Lake Missoula, 774 Magnetite, 592 Lake Rogen, 686 Malkus water wheel, 532 Lake Vostok, 774 Manganese, 432 Lakes Manning flow law, 225, 226, 662, 743, 803 sub-Antarctic, 783 channel roughness, 782 Glacier, 624 Mantle convection, 463, 524 Lamé coefficients, 572 Mantle plume, 463 Landau equation, 475, 476 Marble, 387 Landscape, 331 Marine ice sheet instability, 653 Laplace integrals, 350 Mars, 704, 784 Laplace’s equation, 394 dunes on, 270 Lapse rate, 81 north polar ice cap, 704 Larsen B Ice Shelf, 625 Mathematical modelling, 1, 52 Latent heat, 821 Mauna Loa, 86 Latitude, 148 Maxwell fluid, 517 Lattice models, 374 Meander, 267 Laurentide ice sheet, 618 Mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGL), 686 Layered igneous intrusions, 591, 604 Melt transport, 557 Legendre polynomial, 86, 194 Melting, 553, 817, 824 Lewis number, 615 incongruent, 551 Liesegang rings, 604, 829 Membrane stress approximation, 670, 720 Limestone, 387, 436, 539 Limit cycle, 9 Mesosphere, 76 in ice ages, 114 Meta-liquidus, 594 Linked cavities, 664 Meyer-Peter Müller law, 336, 340 Linked cavity drainage system, 621 Mica, 548 Lion’s Bay, B.C., 239 Microbial growth, 423 Lithosphere, 467 Mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), 530, 543, Little ice age, 617 555 LNAPL, 422, 432 Milankovitch theory, 96 Local radiative equilibrium, 71 Mixed layer, 182 Local thermodynamic equilibrium, 67 Mixing ratio, 81, 145 Loch Ness, 464 Mixing-length theory, 293, 801 Logarithmic velocity profile, 802 Mobility, 406 London basin, 436 Moho, 555 Long wave approximation, 231 Mohr–Coulomb law, 693 Longitude, 148 Mole, 76, 817 Lubrication theory, 31, 150, 628 Molecular weight, 76 of air, 83 M of carbon dioxide, 111, 173 Magma ascent, 542 of water vapour, 83 Magma chambers, 539, 579 Monoclinal flood wave, 25, 232 batholith, 540, 580 for glaciers, 736 dykes, 580 Monod kinetics, 423 laccolith, 540, 580 MORB, 530, 543, 555 Index 879

MSGL, 686 P MTBE, 432 Pangaea, 464 Multiple scales, 475 Paris basin, 436 Multivaluedness, 660, 680, 683, 712 Partial melting, 542 Mushy zone, 567, 581, 585, 603 Particle Reynolds number, 274, 336, 389 in D layer, 531 Particle settling velocity, 338 Pattern formation, 47, 55 N Péclet number, 4, 80, 152, 416, 429, 602 NAPL, 422 Perfect gas law, 76, 141 Peridotite, 544, 555 Navier–Stokes equations, 469 Peritectic, 553 Neoproterozoic, 108, 618 Permeability, 389, 408 Nepheline, 546, 552 Perovskite, 530 Nisqually Glacier, 619 Perturbation theory, 52 Nitrate, 428 Petitcodiac, 248 Non-dimensionalisation, 3, 150, 231, 336, 400, pH, 118 424, 470 Phase change, 817, 820 for magmafracture, 577 alloys, 821 for Mars polar troughs, 708 aqueous solutions, 821 ice sheet temperature, 635 in mantle, 529 of Nye model, 744 Phase diagram, 544 Nonlinear diffusion, 29, 53, 374, 394, 442, 445 of water, 82 for ice sheet profile, 644 pyroxene-plagioclase, 824 Nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation, 58 ternary, 548 Nonlinear stability, 475 Phase plane analysis, 7 Nonlinear wave equation, 407 for jökulhlaups, 749 Normal consolidation line, 442 Phenol, 425 North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), 192 Phreatic surface, 388, 394 North Atlantic salt oscillator, 104, 193 Piezometric surface, 388 Nucleation, 580, 604 Pigeonite, 592 oscillatory, 594 Piping, 450 Nullclines, 7 Plagioclase, 545, 592 Nusselt number, 493 flotation problem, 593 Nye, John, 718 Planck function, 68 Planetary boundary layer, 159, 295 O Planforms, 475, 479 Plastic lid, 519 Occam’s razor, 464 Plate tectonics, 463 Ocean acidity, 116 Pleistocene, 618 Ocean island basalt (OIB), 530, 543, 555 Plemelj formulae, 574 Oceanic circulation, 139 Pliny the Younger, 598 OIB, 530, 543, 555 Plume hypothesis, 600 Olivine, 530, 545, 551, 592 Poincaré map, 334 Olivine tholeiite, 553 Poiseuille flow, 388 Optical depth, 71 Pompeii, 598 Optically dense limit, 73 Porosity, 387 Ordovician, 618 Porous medium, 388, 540 Organic carbon, 428 equation, 394 Orr–Sommerfeld equation, 285, 374, 799, 807 Potassium dichromate, 829 Orthoclase, 547 Potential temperature, 152 Oscillations, 7 Prandtl, Ludwig, 293 Overconsolidation, 442 Prandtl number, 472, 615 Overland flow, 223 Prandtl–Batchelor theorem, 171, 491 Ozone layer, 77, 119 Pre-melting, 827 880 Index

Precipitation, 436, 824, 829 Rhodinia, 93 Pressure seals, 452 Rhum intrusion, 594 Pressure solution, 445, 452 Rhyolite, 540 Pyroclastic flow, 598 Ribbed moraine, 686 Pyroxene, 545 Richards equation, 399 Richardson, Lewis Fry, 212 Q Rills, 354 Quartz, 437, 545 Ripples, 270 Quartz diorite, 544 River networks, 333 Quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation, Rivers, 223 164, 168, 212, 218 braided, 268 patterns in, 267 R Rivulets, 354 Radiation, 65 Rock emission, 67 acid, 540, 544 infra-red, 69 basic, 540, 544 intensity, 66 felsic, 544 short-wave, 68 igneous, 387, 539 Radiative mafic, 466, 544 energy balance, 706 metamorphic, 387, 539 heat flux, 73, 143 sedimentary, 387, 539 heat transfer, 66, 119 silicate, 539 heat transfer equation, 68 Rogen moraine, 686 Radioactive heating, 469 Roll waves, 237, 238, 256 Rainsplash, 331 Ronne–Filchner ice shelf, 633 Rapid flow, 225 Roscoe yield surface, 518 Rayleigh equation, 807 Ross ice shelf, 633 Rayleigh number, 467, 471, 589, 615 number, 151, 157 compositional, 590, 615 Röthlisberger channels, 620, 661 critical value, 475 open channel flow, 782 Rayleigh–Bénard convection, 469, 524 Rouse number, 805 Reaction–diffusion equations, 41, 54, 685, 704 Rum intrusion, 594, 605 Redox reactions, 423 Regelation, 603, 655 Rumford, Count, 524 Regolith, 332 Relative permeability, 400 S tensor, 414 Salt fingers, 590, 604 Relative saturation, 398 Sand, 387 Relaxation oscillations, 8 Sandstone, 387, 436, 539 Reservoir zone, 682 Saprolite, 332 Resonance, 14 Saturation vapour pressure, 82, 706, 825 Respiration, 423 Scale height, 76 Response diagram, 15 Scaling, 5 Resurfacing, 468 for glaciers, 717 Retardation factor, 422 for ice cauldron collapse, 760 Rexco, 428, 451 for Liesegang rings, 831 Reynolds equation, 800 Scattering, 67, 74, 124 Reynolds number, 224, 388, 799 , 75 turbulent, 286 Rayleigh, 75, 119 Reynolds stress, 224, 295, 390, 801 Schuster–Schwarzschild approximation, 72 Rheology Schwarzschild–Milne integral equation, 793 of till, 622, 661, 724 Seasonal waves, 619, 678 viscoelastic, 517 Second stress invariant, 627 viscoplastic, 519 Secular terms, 478 Index 881

Sediment deposition, 804 Solitary waves, 45 Sediment transport, 273, 317, 335 Solitons, 28, 54 Sedimentary basins, 436, 444 Solubility, 115 Seiches, 200 Solubility limit, 439 Seine, 248 Solvability condition, 485 Seligman, Gerald, 718 Solvus, 547 Separation, 308, 322 Sparks, Steve, 603 Severn bore, 248 Specific heat, 819 Shadowing function, 664 Specific surface area, 437 Shale, 387, 436, 539 Spherical polar coordinates, 148 Shallow ice approximation, 626, 628 Spherical trigonometry, 195 for glaciers, 626 Spinel, 530 for ice sheets, 631 St. Alban’s, 432, 451 for ice shelves, 647 St. Venant equations, 230, 334 for ice streams, 668 Stagnant lid, 502 Shallow water theory, 628 Shaw, John, 726 Stefan condition, 568 Shear force, 763 Stefan number, 155, 587, 602 Shear layer, 302 Stefan problem, 585 for ice sheet, 641 Stefan–Boltzmann constant, 66 Sheetwash, 331 Stefan’s law, 145 Shields stress, 273, 336 Stokes equations, 650 Shock, 20, 228, 588, 677 Stokes lines, 351, 810 Shock structure, 25, 232, 255, 402 Stokes settling velocity, 275 for glacier surface waves, 735 Stommel box model, 104, 120 Short wave approximation, 231 Strained coordinates, method of, 209, 675, 718 Side-branching, 371 Stratopause, 76 Sierpinski gasket, 333 Stratosphere, 75 Silica, 539 Stream power, 701 Silt, 331, 387 Stress corrosion, 576 Silver dichromate, 604, 829 Stress intensity factor, 575 Silver nitrate, 829 Strombolian burp, 598 Similarity solution, 29, 404 Strong seal, 754 delamination layer, 507 Strouhal number, 198 for ice beam, 769 Sturm–Liouville form, 732 Sine-Gordon equation, 58 Sub-characteristics, 6, 247 Singular perturbation, 55, 144, 168, 189, 247, Sub-temperate sliding, 634 255, 340, 354, 363, 370, 408, 491, Subcritical crack propagation, 576 752, 766, 771, 784 Subcritical flow, 265 Siple Coast, 624, 671, 682, 684 Subduction, 468, 517, 519, 528 Skaergaard intrusion, 591, 604 partial melting, 542 Skeiðarárjökull, 742 Subglacial floods, 101 Skin stress, 515 Slab stress, 510 Subglacial hydrology, 618 Sliding law, 618, 655 Sublimation, 706 Sliding velocity, 630, 634 Sulphate, 432 Smectite, 436 Summation convention, 627 Smith–Bretherton theory, 372 Supercritical flow, 265 Snow avalanche, 599 Superplumes, 531, 599 Snow melting, 401 Supersaturation, 830 Snowball Earth, 108, 121, 618 Surface energy, 826, 828 Soil, 387 Surface roughness layer, 296 Solid angle, 66 Surface tension, 32, 826 Solid solution, 546, 551 Surface waves, 618 882 Index

Surges, 619, 673, 680, 719 U Suspended load, 273 Undercooling, 583 Undular bores, 257 T Unsaturated zone, 388, 398 Taylor dispersion, 416, 451 Tectonic uplift, 332 V Temperate Vadose zone, 388 ice, 646 Van der Pol oscillator, 52, 56 sliding, 635 Van der Waals force, 827 Temperature inversion, 81 Vaporus, 825 Tension, 763 Variational principle, 36 Thermal boundary layer, 492, 499 Variegated Glacier, 620, 680 for ice sheets, 639 Vatnajökull, 626, 741 Thermal expansion coefficient, 469 Vector potential, 479 Thermal plume, 489 Venus, 468, 541 Thermal runaway, 35 coronae, 523 for ice sheets, 645, 719 resurfacing, 521 Thermal wind, 165 surface features, 521 Thermodynamic equilibrium, 566 tectonics on, 521 Thermodynamics, 817 Vernagtferner, 719 intensive and extensive variables, 817 Vesuvius, 598 Thermosphere, 76 Villarrica volcano, 598 Tidal bores, 248, 257 Viscosity Tidal equations, 194 of basalt, 540, 596 Tides, 193, 198, 212 of Earth’s mantle, 467 Tidewater glaciers, 625 of ice, 617 Till, 621, 693 of polycrystalline rocks, 496 Time scale, 339 of rhyolite, 540, 596 Tortuosity, 410 temperature-dependent, 468 Trace elements, 556 Viscous dissipation, 820 Trade winds, 65 Viscous droplet, 31, 617 Tranquil flow, 225 Void fraction, 597 Trapridge Glacier, 621 Void ratio, 442 Triple point, 154, 706 Volatile exsolution, 110, 597 Tropopause, 76 Volcanic eruptions, 596 Troposphere, 75, 139 effusive, 596 Trough formation, 713 Hawaiian, 541, 596 Tsien Tang, 248 Plinian, 541, 596, 598 Tsunamis, 193, 205 Strombolian, 541, 596, 597 Tunnel valleys, 701 Vulcanian, 596 Turbidity currents, 593, 599 Volcanism Turbulence, 53, 80, 106, 141, 213, 223, 273, back-arc, 463 292, 318, 390, 799 Volcanoes, 605 transition to, 799 Von Kármán, 293 weak, 524 Von Mises transformation, 492, 640 Turing instability, 48 Two-phase flow, 57, 212, 406, 445, 558, 597, W 605 Waiting time, 33 annular, 597 Water table, 388 bubbly, 597 Wave ogives, 619 churn, 598 Wavelength selection, 246 slug, 597 Waves, 18, 235 Taylor bubbles, 597 gravity, 160 Index 883

Waves (cont.) Western boundary current, 188 Kelvin, 160 Wet adiabat, 81, 128 kinematic, 619 Wetting phase, 399 nonlinear, 19, 237 Whillans ice stream, 624 on glaciers, 673, 718 Whitham, Gerry, 718 Poincaré, 160 Wind driven circulation, 140, 182 Rossby, 65, 175 WKB approximation, 347, 373 seasonal, 619, 678 turning point analysis, 348 sound, 160 Wollastonite, 110 spiral, 55, 61, 704 Worster, Grae, 604 travelling, 26, 41, 239, 588 Weak seal, 754 Weak solubility limit, 436, 452 Y Weathering, 110, 331, 387 Yield stress, 517, 593 Weertman film, 634 for till, 693 Weertman’s law, 659 Younger Dryas, 102 Wegener, Alfred, 464, 525 Yucatán peninsula, 599 Well-posedness, 290 West Antarctic Ice Sheet, 625 Z Westerly wind, 140 Zonal flow, 65, 140, 173