yOTEMBER 4, THE MORXTCO - OREGOXIAN, BATT7RDAY, 1911. A OREGON AGEICT7LTCEAL COLLEGE'S LUTE WASHIKGTOIfS BACKTTELD CONTIDENT OF BMASHHTO TICKET SCANDAL -- LINCOLN BATTLES STEIN-BL0C- H CAUSTIC JEFFERSON TO TIE 1 LETTERS t . ' Clothe Are r- X"f T ft Tailored ! It . -e ; . , .... v?-- i ,vA, . With Care Correspondence Between Ban high School Elevens Unable to -- a j Johnson and John T. Brush k2 " tsirh - Hard-Foug- i Score in ht ; In- . Is Made Public. Some clothes. - to-or- Gridiron Contest. ( i- -i cluding made h - . x:k' M 'T4r,r& clothes, look a.. 1 ' St" U ont-ald- e. v Li good on the ? : i ... B n t Inside INQUIRY - - DEEP IS INVITED they are cheap TWO PLACE KICKS FAIL A;- 'lit- - and give out r '.lKV',w:fnr like paste bonrd. STEIN - BLOCK g o a r a n tees our President Says It clothea, and we j.ej Fattenon't Attempt to Bool Hall la Up to Giant to Get ssaaiuJ guarantee the fit. Jeffepaon V i' Brtwffii Goal Pmii t Facta Latter Assert - Go Wide Cole PUr Tlrll- Others 6herald Do It. $20 to $40 Itantly for Tea m. "Where you get tl the beat," Waah- CHlbAGO, Nov. 3. John T. Brush, lngton, near Ftft k iTtirengh four periods vet. president of the New Tork Nationals, Jefferson and Lincoln H:h gave out tonight copies of very pointed trrOr - exchanged with B. B. 9m Organ. 25o Yea Spend 8' hool fot,all ilirnii battled on Mult- letters he had Wbleb. Church Shall Beeelva the 2T50 Pine Every Equally Johnson, president of the American W lta KattUee Yea to a Vote. mah riH to avorelasa tie. alleged scalp- Is rl up League, relative to the iratrhed. th. two tiimi ing of tickets to the world's series of And 6wa the r'Ulroa and neither team games. a ever tn darsar an strats'lt llr.a-mtM- ni President Johnson's letter to Mr. f.otha:i. for at crlttral atacet n .... Y. whl,. waa an anawar to a com a? the rnntat tha orpilnr tram would munication demanding an Investigation .If'en Its I'lriiM and prevent advenes. or rumors oi cqhubiud uciwcci, mo their teSms play all the American the school here tomorrow. The first ' Tw-l'-- hftwttfr. Lincoln beenme rnen- - New York club and the scalpers, fol League clubs. team of St. James College Club will whan ti arproa-r-e.- l cloaa enoush lows: Each club would have to meet all the play the Piedmont Stars Sunday on the to try place kirk. Thr failed and "When the subject of handling the rivals in the opposing organization, Trl-Clt- y ball grounds. The second a.'er im I. aama dTrt,,t mto a world's series this Fall confronted the and the world's championship would team of St. James will play the St i. frultlr fr rl'hr alda. commission, I suggested that the sale be determined on a percentage basis. Johns Independents Sunday. Trts raa i t rf yesterday's s;arre. which of tickets be placed In tha control, of The team finishing with the best rec- as t ally t'' firm elimination clubs. of 60 contests would the officials for two contending ord at the end the Sick heaflache is caused by a dis- tnnin li tlia schedule. If anything went amiss they would be be given the big pennant. ordered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Waves Iba attuatlon unchanged. This position was In addition all the major league play- and correct that and the head- ? held accountable. re- Tablets Altrea Ulaa. T-- a reason I thought ers would be given a part of the aches will disappear. For sale by all 7" taken for the that post-seaso- oCl a nf Informed and ceipts accruing from the n druErertetR. Unco had shade tha bettar tha the clubs were better games.. mat-"- d irtra tha firat part of tha equipped to meet local conditions and e. About tha mi.l.O of tha firat cater chiefly to those who had been quarter t.ta halt was worked from I. in their main support during the regular NEW YORK EYES WOLVERTON Una Into y. Jeffaraona . championship series. mainly by th work of I'atter-a- Scaadal la Breached. ttnh tre oa! only 17 yard Oak Leader Considered as Successor war a place kirk "When I arrived In New York, the l'ttrnnatimptd night preceding the day for the open- trnt Oa bell flear wlil. con- to Chase as Manager of Yankees. In tr-.- ing game of the series, I was lAt part of tha second ouarter. S. Harry irrvr-- a - fronted by members of the press who BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. ater liad recovered- latteron'e 5 i p!a.-- e demanded to know what action would Wolverton, manager of the Oakland pint, ratteraon trle.l another League, la d by commission relative team of the Pacific Coast klk tha Una, but mlaeed a a. - j. be taken the possi- t.i poete acaln. to the ticket scandal. At that time I being seriously considered as a Itorh fama frequently triad passes tn had no Information there had been any ble successor to In the lead- th third quarter. Lincoln's belnar tha trouble over the sale of tickets to the ership of the Now York Americans. This Intimation was conveyed in a let- rnora succeaaful. although on of Ita world's series. days ago by We Get the Pick tries waa declared Ill-s- and coat a "In the few succeeding days, from ter received here several penalty. Tha onlr pas that Information brought me. I was firmly BUl-Lan- the old-tim- e big leaguer, muffi for waa ona led to believe the leading ticket from Frank Farrell. of the New York Crop Jffereon that abundantly club. Of a Limited from oa to Campion. Th ball J' - " " of New York were lay s ..- - a ''.-- 'Vv '; brokers In consecu- Farrell Inquired as to Lanpe's opin- travalai from on and of th flrld to provided with tickets and capacity famous Abajo dis- tfe other all throuah tha parlou. n. i tive sectional numbers. ion of Wolverton's managerial The Vuelta however, nearest to me this condition could and Intimates that ho did not expoct yields, limited jrctting tha tha "It seemed to team next year. trict of Cuba, in s--al. not have happened unless there was Chase lead the In period someone In your Wolverton already has signed his 1912 fuantitpiih rarest tobacco in tha fourth tha allrht collusion between with Oakland, but in the ehtfted to Jf fYraon. and toa.-- office and the scalpers. rnnirirt York the world the finest Havana Pr;lt nien brok their demand tickets In New York event of an offer from New it The for -- would Una and ctr-i- the ends for was sufficient to have sold the capacity Is believed the Coast club noi tobacco grown. d 'way. f"-- gains, keeping; tha hail out of of the for the three stand in his ' Prom this limited quantity our - territory nioet of th time. How. X -- T V, v b.t- i games. ear. th men became too eacer and ; , u Criticised. trained experts in the field select the ? vi.A New York MURPHY" ATHLETICS finest leaves for wrr frequently perta!Ied for offside "It Is a matter of reoord that the ptay and for nthrr rffenee. Jcffrraon management of the New York clutt Unro'.n s r l Una once, but . a t.nni unsold for the second Connie Mack Decides to Appoint a hia.-- by Uncoln anded their march and third games between 1000 and. 1500 Veteran Rlghtfiolder. goal ward. tickets. What steps were uk u j Ty llara Wall...... i ., v. --Atlfi; tha tmbllo twttt inn DUTi Wn ft fYinnia Van Dyck I Tyaon prorad hlmaalf to ba ona of that these tickets were still on salef Mack, manager ot the Athletics,, today tha moat uaeful man on tha Unroln . The press announced that an tne re- announced he had decided to appoint taru. lie was rc.ronalh!a for tha fa!l-br- .a served seat ticketa for the series had Daniel Murphy, right fielder, captain "QualityCigars. to Harry of moat of Jefferaon'a paaae. He been sold. of the team in succession These leaves undergo months ol alao ntaJ a number of nos "A number of leading New York pa- Davis, who has Joined the Cleveland Kuaty" itroe demollahed playa and pers Insist that there be an Investi- club as manager. preparation in onr own Cuban war- reorared fumblaa and punta In credit-- a gation. It appears to me you are most Murphy Is the oldest member of the ehousesare mellowed on native soil Ma etyle. vitally interested In this matter and regular team in point oi service. into superb fragrance and flavor. Tattaraon p'ayed a ajood offenalva should court an Investigation. If there pram and aatned moat of tha yardaaa has been any wrongdoing, someone in Then they are shipped to ouf for llnro:n. Tuerk. also, sunne at dif your employ has been culpable, and It FANDOM AT RANDOM lactones in Tampa, and put into the ferent itit't of tha contest. devolves upon you personally to Inves- hands of skilled Cuban workmen. Col, th mil Jrffrson quarterback, "Cuban-grown- tigate. So "Tampa-made"cigars- " wits the most brilliant playar brought "The National Commission probably T. BATJMi newly elected l y He managed getting tobacco means a saving of duty but tha cimr. to slip would have much difficulty Jn ALLAN - IhrouKb a Una or aim is to pro- of the Pacific Coast and halves the roach Rlnehart art at the facts. Our chief Ewing, that doubles the value around tha anda for lonar runs a num- tect the publlo from graft, and we League, accompanied by J. Cal price of VanDyck "Quality" Cigars. ber of times durlna taa battle and should work together for that pur- chief mogul of the San Francisco club, gained up mora yardaaa than any play- pose. Respectfully, Monday Chicago to con- -, ar on will leave for In Shapes either eleven. "B. B. JOHNSON. suit the National Commission upon sevr 27 Different Tha Pay brothers did effective work Reply. for In up playa Omsk Bfakea eral baseball subjects, and wlll go from and Upward Jrffer.on. breaklnc and replied to- - I na hu' kln-- Vosper made a few arood To this letter Mr. Brush there to San Antonio, Tex., to attend U. A CUNST CO. "The at Staph" . s Het oppon-arlnimi- ft meeting of the National two belre; back of tha fla"ln No- the annual Distribatori c my reply to yours of Baseball line. Campion's punt-In- r iL. . 3 ii,, this, Association of Professional was a v.. ace. vember 1. I do not wish for an Instant Leagues, which convenes In the Lone sight of the main and only .Is- on November 15. The lineup: to lose newspaper article Star state tlnola. J.fTerata. sue, which Is that the Itor.ll Uic'q credited to and not denied by you states meetingsea of the baseball aa. Itu-.-- The annual t.l T tl Investigated the t ier, K.ru that you would have association Is more or less of a Joke, .Ula Jaiaaal t ..L1. Il.nar; In York If you had MIAMJ VHE " Johnson ka ticket scandal New as very little business of benefit to .'. Messrs. Herrmann and Iso- PINSST rr 111 i; I v. A'"rnAnl"-"- n the consent of the Paclfio Coast League or other Ifronaoa . .H T. . K. Aadert-- n. Lynch, It was charged that Is trans- SKCK wherein lated Western organizations Ik. Murray someone In the New York Club service acted. Baum and Ewing Intend to even. . Hi...... o.tr handed out to the ticket speculators demands upon the asso- Mi BREWED n .. n. an advance of make several irher .... O. I r 8000 or 9000 rickets at ciation, but it is "dollars to doughnuts" . L K f'.mr'ton each and that I notified you In my ignored In most. If Ewing MILWAUKCC N" l.t-.rao- fl they are the . R II ...J a I'aa of October 28 that you need not same line of threats T'. - of qiar1-r- a 11 letter would carry the laef-f-- a. rn'ni.t. 't.fla'a the consent of try amp!r--. It. neon: tj Ju.lt;.. wait one minute for put up to the organization Henry e. on Lynch, but that yr'3urt. !..ha.t Ilme-b--rr- 1000 students mat on Denny Hall steps, took tha train early today the first Messes Herrmann and Harris in 1903, the Coasters would be BlMn.r a-- a. r.-r- . In Intended to win leu of their Journey to Seattle to play you oould begin an Investigation at recognized promptly. bedecked costumes of a 'BUNK any of plpna. pillows, boxes of the annual game with the University once and have the full . OOBiE OOPE tba Washington. every employe of tha New York Club of the UI.TOM All SfJKS CAME chocolates, fountain pens or pajamas of songs ' Frank Schmleder. trainer ut band played college to aid you In your work. Beavers, yesterday offered by Seattle firms for tha Tha cadet pos- Champion Portland rooter. and added enthusiasm to the gather- "You have information I do not decided that he could not afford to nat-Sa- advantage VntTrr-all-y Horae-l- y ing. In the matter of college spirit sess, which gives you an upon the completion of the Mult- Contra! With Conducted by Yell Leader Will wait po- aggregation mobilized half a the oo-e- proved themselves superior In developing the facts. To ask the nomah Amateur Athletio Club for a n thla and of Waalilng-to- Is riannrd. streetcars, and sticking to them to the boys for over a hundred of them, New York Club to investigate Itself sition In Portland and left on the doten of total number, In Judgment as Judge and Jury upon City, for San Francisco, p- Washington "U" Alumnus from rear platforms, open windows, or about a third their sit steamship Hose vxivrn.tiTT or tvA.ir.viT"N. - In the cold Itrav dawn to ... am ba Ilka asking the a few days with rela- attla. Nov. 1 -- Tha fnlver-- a strapa and the motorman s cab, howled turned out After passing Ai:pctat. of sang way to and cheer the team to victory. National Commission to Investigate Its tives in San Francisco and San Jose, ty of WaaMnit.on team may play a Scores Coach Team. and their Fourth Chrlstman to suppress un Angeles, where he j? at n Union streets, where they began a pa- The announcement that own failure mwuiiv he will go to Los ae. (am with tha Multnomah and Jeesup are both eligible has creat- of ticket scalping In New York and has a position awaiting him with the 'lut durtr.a; tacatixn th!a ar. lwa rade that Included all the principal undergraduates knew how, and it had will un- f. of Every nolsemaklng ed a feeling with the Philadelphia. If it Los Angeles Athletio Club. He Bottled Walker. nsmir of the club, has streets Seattle. year's eleven ahould give a power and knew that the evil was doubtedly be In charge of the Beavers at the man-sr- ar apparatus has ever been Invented that thla the written Victor Zednlrk. araduate that good of itself. Perhaps It Is being done. camp Banta Maria next point-In- s; secured, with Robin account training at brewery. of the l'nlvere:ty athletics, STUDENTS HEAR ATTACK had been and too much to expect a vlctorv over the saying this, no offense to the Na- Just out the Welts, Scotchman, clad In the kilts of "In Spring. - A srreat pecuniary adrantajres a U. of W but a close game w'th a Commission Is Intended. Re- af auch an arrana.mant and his country and playing a Scottish bag- the tional see- about 100 per M)d rurntr score for O. A. C and victorlea In spectfully, The Oakland club la losing ho time In ln a sum If tobt s scjuad will pipe. In the lead, the atudenta did a to T. BRUSH. season. Oophare. dance remaining games will come close "JOHN signing up its men for next cent perfect. met tha serpentine and snake that drew satisfying Orange and Black root- Wolverton, the clever and foxy Zednlck the proposition fa- crowds from all parts of the city. the Harry refards Seattle ers for this year. SERIES PLAX leader of the Oaks, has annexed his vorably and has put It up to Coach Declaration Made In Thai With torches flashing and flaming. 6 WORLD'S to 1912 contract, For health's sake have iKible. who dieltkee kaepina In they looked like 'John Hancock" a the men Captain Coyle Will Be Seen tha darker portions game which effectually chases ell rumors of it in yoar home. In tralnlna after tha conference aataon a great snake of fire. This Is the first rnixcETOx ready for In the management of the la ever. Walker has sent the I'nlrer-e't- y big rally of the season and waa a suc- Garry Herrmann Will Suggest Rad- a change eched'jle In Washington O. A. C. Game. Oakland aggregation. Wolverton Is a "Always tho same and mar make arrange- cess from every standpoint. manager. The silver-tippe- d ments will overcome objections Tigers Finish Hard Week of Prep- ical Chance In Championships. Justly popular that all Flayed Today at Seattle. Dolaa Usawi Hla Irtah." leader of the Oaks haa demon- Good Old Blatx" to tba easttest. CHICAGO, Nov. 1. A plan which will most capable mlsrepresenta-tlo- n aration for Crimson Eleven. strated himself to be a Angry because of tha make a radical change in the present man, with the ROTHSCHILD BROS. J queer var- base- baseball and his work DzMtributorw Il.XOTA EXEVEX r.lVOKITE of weight of hla team will PRINCETON, Nor. I. Princeton system of deciding the world's Oakland team In two years amply Justi- crowd tomorrow. Coach today a hard week's work ball championship, It was said here last the helm for N. Firal St, Portland.Cre. 1. (Special.) them wlta the sity finished fies his being retained at 8EATTI.E. Wash, Nor. IKilan, of the "Aggie" squad, arrived In In preparation tor tha Harvard grama night, will be laid before the National another year. Besides Wolverton. Jack PHONES: Main 1 5- 3- A 4666 oavrh Flags; Admits Gojilwrs liar Characterizing aa Taw bunlc" the tonight dripping forcible ex- Commission, which meets in Cincinnati the awkward first sacker, Dob! been out abont Seattle tomorrow. 14. Tledemann. stuff haa handlns pression. on squad except Farr November has also signed for next, season. rdgo on rnlTrrally of ("Mraro. the O. A. C. Wl.ey HomphllU a be- Every man the session of the commission has iimn, "My men will look Ilka midgets field, both Wilson The Washington alumnua. In was out on tha and purpose of investi- '' --' MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. . prominent ""f side) Doble'a glnnti when they co on been called for the Judge McCredie Is regretting the fcir-- u, J Nor. noon y. and Pendleton, who have been resting In connection aaa' roach Praia:, of Mcao. aald today an address to Ivoo students at the field and they will get the-- big gating ticket scalping failure of Nick Williams to agree upon them tea.n. that tha last two days, ran through signals. recent contest between the Se- the football same with Mlcne-sol- a: assured that tha horse laugh Just because of the stories with the the trade of Casey for Leard, the has been the .Northwest champions for about their Immense alia. Giants and Athletics, and suggesting second baseman drafted by the years, aa a chanve circulated evils which have at- attle pro- Tha way thlnae look to rr.e, Minne-ot- a tr.ree haa Just rood Washington players will outweigh O. Kllbane la Willing. remedies for the Oakland club, which swap was Busi- of S:urday a aame aa It ever C. man, we tended every contest for the diamond Dugdale July. As things AClear baa tha oa Chl.aa.j. wlnnlnc A. IS pounds to the and posed by last edca The DETROIT, Nov. t Johnny Kllbane, first-clas- Oophera baaa mora v.t.rana In tha had of m inning any came. cannot poaaibly overcome this handi- supremacy. turned out Oakland hooks a s p purpose Is Abe Attell to or tne ne-u- and aetrrana are needed The ral.y was caUe.l for the cap. But try men will fight as hard who matched with August Herrmann, chairman man, while Portland released Casey s.rrly evvn-1n- s; to- said, a plan In a piayrd before such a crowd of ralslna enthusiasm lor the blr aa they fought with Chemawa and fight for the featherweight title, commission, it was has outright and was remunerated in no him down-tow- n and many co-e- away with the present world's Casey Is reported ness Head Is ipected on Northrop to- parade of It with broken noaee. rtha he Is agreeable to having the to do way for this player. as field - come out day tald games from windows and placet of We will hold down championship struggle of seven have signed a Tacoma contract for morrow." leaned and arms. the fight decided In the Vernon, Cat. schedule of 60 con- to Early today were S 4 vantage to catch the epithets Hemphill University aa well as 1 Word and substitute a next season. tha odds to that . Washington arena January or thereabouts. 18 of the two and black Havana cigars would Cblcasjo. slip la his narana-ue- least-- 15000 tests with the teams atlnneeota defeat let Idaho did at haa been received here that the aa the contestants, and up Doble'a alatemant that Captain Coyle Tha lineup wlU ba: offered Attell to fight In Vernon haa major leagues Danny Long aaahas picked another Too baa been dis- tVagon. out the regular schedules of the two Vltt. according to San Francisc don't jibe. heavy Paper will not ba In the fame evaatilngtan. bean accepted by the champion. 112 games. In Oscar Oiaae I Today. and It la well known that Warreo, tlrlmm. .. .! TO. ... E.berg major organlsationa to scribes, who herald Tom Knott, a city credited pun. Tdoors team would be called you Tha croa.-countr- y J heady quarterback will minister to LT other words, each league' Inflelder. as a coming star of for your nerves. If first psper chase tbe OrtfTittta L3 Chrtatmaa upon to play 172 games, 18 more than played with r tna rortiand Hunt club thla season to tba needa of tna varsity la bis old O Car;aon the diamond. Knott the FOOTBALL present season's schedule calls for. semi-pr- o aggregation the will be held thts afternoon, and a fine form. Pr.lr R0 Hilton the many open dates, Clarions, a at expect to. sit up and be n R T May (Capt.) eliminating the Long watched ):al of starters has tx-e- aaaured. The niue rlnarhnm. pink mosquito bar ration By Bay City last season and KB Kellortg Double-heade- r, Saturday, November in the number of combats on several occa- will aeae.nble the lrterarc-tio- n Valenciennes trlmmlnaj. delicately Pitton the Increase - him in action different somebody, stick to a mild, rldera at with W TO! Capt)..W Raynolda 4 Field. decided by the middle of Octo- of youngster so of cow bella; blue crepa over I- J.aaup 111, Multnomah could be sions, and the work the the s,:n ant r.ardra Home set off wuh TValt Wand ' High School va. Waahlngton Seal leader that he de- roads, near tbe new clubhouse of the white lace with brilliant scarlet, purple Muckleetene ,R H Eviadoa Salem beHerrmann will do away Impressed the satisfying cheeae-elot- h School. believes It give him a chance with delightful, organisation, and will raca over a sir.d erreen trimmings; green High acalplng. inas- cided to the elyht hat; TEAM Fort Vancouver vs. M. A. A. C. with practically evil the 1912 San Francisco club. course of miles. ,Dr. and Mra. a la Prlnceas with O. A. C. 6TTDEXJS CHEER SOc Including grandstand. as the games will be regarded In V. L. Wood been aa y with silk applique Admission much bare nominated broadcloth Gam called I P. M. sharp. much the same light aa those of the tha faaraa for this Initial run of the parasol and lingerie toque, and check schedules. Vancouver to Play Astoria. m bath-tu- present league eaaon. and they have selected a first-cla- ss dlrectorle hobble-hare- with b football Heroes Receive Jloaslng lnterleague series S. (Spe- cos- Pomeroy announce the The VANCOUVER, Wash.. Nov. Arthur course enough Jumps bonnet, were some of the McMillan Genl with to church ff Detroit, Washington and High Van- uni- Send-O- at Corrallls. opening fti the West Side Billiard Hall, would give cial.) Astoria School and make th rldera extend their.aelvea. The tumes that took the rrai,e of tha an opportunity of seeing all School elevens will play af COL- at the northeast corner of Sixth and Cleveland League couver High finish will ba near the startinc point, versity students out of the realm OREGON AGRICULTURAL streets, Stutt teams of the National tomorrow. Each football advantage of the op- and added color and 1. (Special.) Washington under 4 the a chance of at Astoria Ci'gar and tbosa taklns; conventionalism LEGE, Corvallls. Nov. Howland'a cafe and Schiller's cigar which they do not have won one game this season. 10c portunity to aaa the rldera off on their tona to tha mualcal effect produced by College foot- now. Pittsburg, Cincinnati team has ye Tba Oregon Agricultural store. Saturday evening. November 4, at viewing af- School for the Deaf will play eiht-mi:- e Jaunt will not have to aban- college aonas and lie. sand-of- Brooklyn likewise would be The State they of ball team was acoorded a rousing f o'olock. to ba operated in connection and watching Academy en the grounds at, U. A. Gunst C& Co. Distributors don thair polat ot vaataxa to aaa Uia To ahow the confldenoe felt Elda Billiard HaXU forded an opportunity of Portland fllUa. victory over tba "A glee" from Oragun. by over tit atudenta when they wlta their Kaat