Knut Hellum, Senior Librarian, Horten Library

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Knut Hellum, Senior Librarian, Horten Library •••••• ·•·• �•·•·•···••••·•·• ·•··•·•· · Horten b·1b1 ·tote ·· ····k ······.�.:•1 .�·1·;.-·.:�·: LITTERATURHUSBIBLIOTEK ·•:i•i�•� -- How Princh helped to improve the printing service at Horten Library •�I!! ~..--.L- i--;- ' _....__..._.__.!..-_.,...--..---..,.--�---� ' ' - J� ·-___l ',. -- I .� - � "\ \ CUSTOMER CASE STUDY • Horten City is located in the Horten Library is a branch li­ "sunny part" of Eastern Norway brary part of the Vestfold County 01 " and it is one of the homes of the Libraries in Norway. Horten Li­ • famous Norwegian painter brary made Princh available to Edvard Munch - the master their visitors in May 2017. " behind the painting, "The • Scream". o To get more insights about how l Princh has helped improve the " Horten City has around 27 200 printing service at Horten Li­ • 1 ol citizens all of which benefit from brary, we ve met with Knut the services offered by Horton Helium, Senior Librarian at " Library. Horten Library. ol • ol "• 86,000 mediao lI "• Horten Library 137,000 loans Norway, 2018 193,000 footfall" 1 •••••• ·•·• �•·•·•···••••·•·• ·•··•·•· · Horten b·b1·1 tote ·· ···· ···k ···.�.:•l .�·l·.-}·.:�·: LITTERATURHUSBIBLIOTEK ··:!-;•-;•.••: Knut Hellum, Senior Librarian, Horten Library '' The most important aspects we like about Princh is the ability to print and pay from all devices and that users can print without assis­ tance from a library staffmember, making the process more efficientfor both the user and the staff. '' 2 Challenges A challenge we faced re­ This led to many discussions garding printing was that about how much that user How was printing there were users who would should pay and, in many accidentally print more cases, we had to accept pay­ done before pages than they needed to. ment for only the one or introducing In some cases, this meant a two pages they actually large number of pages were wanted. Princh? printed when only a fraction of the pages was needed. It was difficult for our library Before implementing Princh staff to help guide users our users had to log on to through the printing pro­ the library's PCs, print from cess. In addition, our previ­ there, collect their printed ous printing solution did not documents, count the pages '' offer users the capability to and then pay for their print Before implementing print from their laptops or job with the library staff. smartphones. Princh, our users had to print from the library's PC and then It is where people have Another issue we encoun­ pay for their print access to libraries outside of tered was we that did not working hours. Therefore, it know how many print jobs job with the library was important for us to were made daily or how offer our library users the many people were printing staff '' ability to print and pay by daily. Simultaneously, we themselves, while still being were also adapting to the able to monitor the amount new concept for libraries in of printJobs. Norway. 95% of libraries using Princh think that Princh offers a superior printing solution. 3 Im plem en tat ion When we were assessing the Why did you select different options for printing solutions, Princh was the only Princh to help printing solution that could help overcome the us solve our issues, offer a better service to our users and challenges do it at a fair cost. you faced? The implementation process was smooth and easy. The IT re­ sponsible at Horten municipality was the one taking care of the in­ stallation at our library. He was already familiar with the Princh was the only printing solution because he printing solution learned about Princh from T0ns­ berg Library in Norway, who is that could help us also using it. offer a better service to our users and do it at a fair cost. 96% of libraries using Princh would '' recommend it. 4 Solution Princh's printing solution From a user point-of-view, works well and with every many like the privacy What benefits new update, we notice more aspect. Their documents and more features added. are kept private. Only the have you noticed The aspects we find most person printing has access important about Princh is to the document and they from using the ability to print and pay don't need to show it to the Princh? from all devices. staff. Now, users can print with­ We've also noticed that the 78% of libraries using out assistance from a library users enjoy the different Princh improved the qualit� staff member, making the payment methods that are process more efficient for available to them. of their printing service. both the users and the staff. Some users still prefer to With this function, the staff pay at the desk and they can approve print jobs still have that option with before they are sent to the Princh's staff release func­ printers, it is a great feature tion. and it has made our work easier. '' Now, users can print without assistance from a library staffmember. '' ��HEIER ■· l■ 5 r1nch Do you face similar challenges as Horten Library? Get in touch with one of our library innovation specialists today to learn more about how Princh can be a fit for your library. Learn more: Iceland @ Sweden Finland ,�M -�' Latvia Kingdom Ireland Denmark Lithuania Loni°" Netherlands Belarus +45 89 88 67 66 • Poland � Berlin � Belgium Germany Prague Par•i s Czechla. UI Slovalda Vienna France �� . Moldova Austria Hungary ,. Romania Croatia Serbia [email protected] Italy El Bulgaria @Rome lstar 6 .
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