OF the UNITED STATES, Trflanmsmrmng
50TH CONGRESS,) HOUSE OF REPRESEPNTATIVES.: Ex. Doc. 1st, Session. No. 60. PROTECTION OF SUBMARINE CABLES. M ESSAGEE lelKOht THK PREJ'SIDENT: OF THE UNITED STATES, TrflANMSmrmNG: A r('portPfirom the ASexretaryj o' State relating to legislation required to arry into e(ffeet the protection qf submarine cables. JANTA1RY (), 18eH*-Reterrcd to the COmI)IIlitteo on Foreign Affair and orde(red to be To t1we Scnate and -oause o.f Jepreseittatitr(es: : : ran1111,it; herewith a re:port:t fsomlll the Seclet.ary of State r-elative to thle leg(,itslt 1o requli1lV tO1 (¼.rr1 ui to etret ti.h4 internation.all convelitioll otf Mlarch 14, 1.8841, tor' thle lW'otee(tioI of SlllbilailOtitle cal)1e8s, to4whic th8is e'i':ily is a party. Co:ROVER CLEVELAND. ExECUTVIE,MA.N QN,:0: Waoshington, January 9, .888. ThelPRESIDENT: Un(der Article XII of th:e it1terhatiol)al Convention of March 14, 1884 for the protectiou of silbnl)tmrie cables, to which the'United: States is a party, it is imade the dIuty of the signatory powers, respectively,to eInact laws^ftsAr the, punltxishmenett of suell persons as may violate the provisions of; Articles II, V all(I VI, of 8salid conlveution. :1i Order that o)pportunity imiglht b)e afforded for the adoption of such legislation, the 15thtday of Janu114-ary 1886, Was specified in tile treaty as originally sigtned alld proclaimed as the date upon which it shoul(d go inlto operation. Owing, however, to the failure of a few of the contract- ilig parties, principal atmiong: which was the Ulnited StUates, to enlact ap- I)ropricte laws, theXexecutiOIn of the :e,oniventioni has, from: timne to timie, b.)eell postponledl.
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