NOVEMBER 17, 1923

Edited by MARK HENRY k A A

Ci» Pmarct H O i


MAGICIANS I HAVE SEEN Koowing as I do tbe method, tad tbo staR. PROP. LAHAIE PLAYING FAIRS HITCHCOCK SEES GHOSTS nevertheless I marvel even today at tne very rapid accompllshmeot. Heudiai next intro¬ rrofessor Labaie, who formerly waa in The ghost has failed to walk for Raymond (Contlnnod from l*Bt week) -to« wai the ^ cago medium. Before twenty gue-ts. Including aa imitortant part In the professor’s program. acme of polished ad lre«a, de leate tectinical *at the top of the ewape ladder for many years J. Malcolm Bird, associate editor of Tbe He has a pleasing personality and keeps bis a*arri'd Into a statne and vice versa, fimlly DOLLARS AND SENSE Mr*. Tomson la to appear again before tho being made to vanish. Thttraton also developed snb-coinmitte* In tbe near future. hla water trick from one receptacle to several. < until now la his own show It is a produc- | IN THESE days of commercialized , nnfortnnately, too mneb attention la given to money and too little to art. With ruthless abandon tricka and lllnslona POWELL HONORED tion of Itself. I are stolen, paper* and magazines carry pages of extiose*. and everyone eeems He then appeared In aaaociation with the hectically bent on ‘‘beaflng the other fellow to it." with no other purpose In view AT SWARTHMORE late prior to hla ancceaalon to than that of endeavoring to pile dollar upon dollar, irreapectlve of whether the tho Grand Old Man of Magic. aecumulatlon no gained is really honestly obtained or not. No tbonght of tho Frederick Engane Powell, “Dean of Amer¬ Thurston had an opening effect In the early ethics of the procedure, no consideration of the after-effecta, no contemplation of the annihilation of the fowl which create^ the egg of gold. ican Magicians", who recently appeared with days of hla assumption of the mantle of bin Let a member of a magic society rite in protest against the exposes done by Wonderful snecest on a lyreum program at predecessor. It was a large album, which another magician; let the editor of a paper devoted to magic point out the error; Swarthmore, Fa., was preaeuted at the eon- neat appearing girl assistants opened. Hle- let expose the exposer, and immediately there ensues a fiend of pro¬ elusion of his performance with a large basket tnrea of VBrlon!l eonjtirera from the time of testing letter* from th<«e who ahonld know better. "Who are the greatest ma¬ of flowers. The basket, presenKHl by Mr. ■Robert Houdln np to Phlllipe, Heller, Herr¬ gicians in tlie world todayt So-aod-8o makes thousands of dollar* a year," and ‘•Suoh-and-Sucb received citib contracts for more money than any other magicitn Moore, was over three feet high and came mann and Kellar were shown. The last leaf in America," etc. Everything weighed in the scalepun of dollars and cents, but in tbe nature of an absolute surprise to Powell. turned revealed Thurston himself in the nothing in the balance of dollars and SENSE. Dr. Pearson, bead of the Swarthmore tours, flesh. Tt was indeed a neat device. Today Just hecanne a certain amount of money is made doea not prove that tbe one is negotiating with Powell for an extended Howard Thurston is at the top of his pro¬ wlio makes it is In any nense great. Irving Berlin made more money from lyreum tour. fession with a wonderful show, which waa de¬ “Alexaniler’s Rarttme Band” than ^ethoven ever did with all hi* syraplioniea—tme tailed In Magicland not a great while ago. would hardly, even in his wildest moments, call Berlin a greater mnslotan than Beetlioven. Bud Fislier, with his Mutt and Jeff cartoons, made more money In ORDER OF GENII HOLDS DANCE Howard has a wonderful per*ona'lty, a draw¬ one year than Rembrandt ever posae-sed In his wnole life—and yet, could one ing-room elegance and a gentlemanly bearing honestly even intimate that Fi'-her is a greater artist than B-mbrandt! both on and off. Of course, we must get the dollar*, but let us have a SENSE -and the best The Order of Genii, of Toronto, Canada, bold Servaia Le R<*y first came to my attention sense I* common sense. Above*nll, Instead of oeiita let us have a SENSE OF TUB its first annual entertainment and dance at when 1 saw him perform at the old Bijou in FITNESS OF THINGS and ‘‘the dollars will take care of themselves.” Earlsconrt Comrannliy Clnhlionae October 27, PhQadetphia. Le Roy at that time did a the date having Ix'en postponed from October number of small effects brilliantly preceding 24. an illusion the name of which I eannot at this The change In dates was due to the fact that moment recall. It consisted, however, of a the former eluhmoni* of the society were not very mystifying series of ap!>earances and available, the new quarter* at the I^rDconrt small magic, and produced a carrot which he “UNMASKING MEDIUM" A HIT dlstppearanees from one ea“ket to another. Veterans’ Club, 1542 Itavenport road, now be¬ (■ailed “Tlie Mystic Fruit". This was many The bottom casket had suspended at some ing equipped In fine style. years avo. and I do not recall any other distaace ahova it another, and LeRoy dressed •‘Ciima'-king the Medium", which opened in speciDc trick be performed. aa a devil apparent’y passed thru the air riiliadelphla/ recently, did exceptional business, In later year'* 1 saw Henry Clive and a more fiom the bottom to the top—then to the front the seats Iteing all sold twenty mlnntes before wonderful neat -appearance and pervmallty It of the house. It was one of the best lUu- the rise of the curtain. A very eiever ex¬ would be hard to surpass. Clive had person¬ sIoiK Le Roy ever created, and he hat been pedient was employed to eliminate aeven-mln- ality ia tibnndinee and a l)eantifoI addre-^t, the Inventor of nian.v. In fact Le Roy ha« ute waits necessary to aet the stage. Motion diction and enunciation. He later appeared devised and built more original lllnsions than pictures of vaudeville acts wero shown, whi'h with Mae Sturgis, a very nifty yonng maiden jicrbaps nny man in the world today—and Included those of Rostock’s Elephants, Tlie who n-sNted him in a very neat and exceeding¬ GOOD ones. Many a magician is uondon were sold at auction last the L’niverse" still continues to iwiek th'-m X. J , where Talma, “The Queen of Coins", week to defray expense*. The lot I* said to In. His bnslne*a this season has been fir hia wife; Tarl, his brother, and Elliaheth, hare Included some of the big Illusions that in advance of any previous seasems and from his slster-ln-law, sptnd the summer months. were used by (loldln on bis recent appearance present indirations will be tbe most tnccess, Im Roy will shortly take ont another road on the continent. ful he has ever had. show, and 1 hope he meets with the artistic B’hen Goldin left London, qnite some time In addition to tbe "Dante” show, bli nnm- and financial success he so richly deoerves. ago, the magic apparatus was stored at Haek- hor two company, Thnrston will start In Janu¬ ford road, Brixton, 8. W., where It remained When T first saw Harry Houdlnl he did ary on a number three show, the magician for until the recent sale. h.^ndcuff escapas, the tape-tie and the trnnk which ha* as yet not been selected. Ap- trick. I have seen many perform the trunk proxlrnstely $.'5.5,000 will he spent on the num¬ trick, hut none who could begin to approach LOUIS J. MURPHY RECOVERS ber three romptny, and it will be pot ont In Houdini and hts charming wife, Bessie, in the the same style, with lots of good |iaper, scenery, speed with which this effect is accomp'Isbed. Louis J. Murphy, supreme wixard and di¬ bangings, apparatns and baggage as obtained I never timed the operation, but it seems aa rector of the Watague Wizards’ Association, In the nnmiHT two rompany. J. EDWARD DODD, who, altho hut 18 of Wilmington, N. C.. who has been ill for ThnnitoB it also rentemp’Btlng sending a tho but three seconds elapsea from the moment years of ago, has made a success of ma^o. lyceum road of closing the curtains until Hondlni, who some time, has recovered from his recent ill- Chautauqua and rompany on the Dodd has an engaging personality and ■ has been locked In tbe trunk, opens them. nssn and la hack to work again. sbortly, for which Powell has bean npproachad. keen aonsa of humor.