First Circum-Pacific Record of Dimorphinites (Ammonoidea, Upper Bajocian) in the Precordillera of Northern Chile S.R

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First Circum-Pacific Record of Dimorphinites (Ammonoidea, Upper Bajocian) in the Precordillera of Northern Chile S.R First Circum-Pacific Record of Dimorphinites (Ammonoidea, Upper Bajocian) in the Precordillera of Northern Chile S.R. Femandez-Lopez1*, G.B. Chong Diaz2 1. Departamento de Paleontologia, Facultad de Ciencias Geologicas and Instituto de Geologia Economica, 28040-Madrid, Spain (E-mail: [email protected]) 2. Departamento de Ciencias Geologicas, Universidad Catolica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile (E-mail: [email protected]) New ammonite fossil-assemblages containing (Harrington, 1961; Garcia, 1967; Montano, 1976; morphoceratids have been discovered in the Quebrada Marinovic and Garcia, 1999; Ardill et aI., 1998). The San Pedro area, northern Chile, Region de Antofagasta, lowest marine deposits are brown, calcareous sand­ Comuna Sierra Gorda, approximately 40 km ESE of stones and fine-grained conglomerates belonging to the Sierra Gorda town and 75 km south of Calama city. The Coronado Formation. This lithostratigraphic unit is outcrop is located 1 km north of the composite section followed by yellow and brown shales with inter­ described as Quebrada de San Pedro and 10 km south of calations of limestones and calcareous sandstones, of the classical localities of Caracoles Mining District the Torcazas Formation, developed in shallow marine previously studied by diverse authors (Gottsche, 1878; settings. In overlying levels, there are yellow and green Steinmann, 1881; Moricke, 1894; Westermann, 1967, shales with intercalations of limestones, belonging to 1981; Hi 11 ebrandt, 1970, 1973, 1977, 2001; Wester­ the Mina Chica Formation, developed in offshore mann and Riccardi, 1979, 1980; Jensen and Quinzio, settings. The lithostratigraphic position of the new 1979, 1981; Groschke and Hillebrandt, 1985; Hille­ ammonite fossil-assemblages is the top of the Torcazas brandt et aI., 1986; Groschke et aI., 1988; Riccardi et aI., Formation, below the Mina Chica Formation. In this 1990a, b; Riccardi and Westermann, 1991a,b; Fernan­ locality, the last beds of the Torcazas Formation dez-Lopez et aI., 1994; Groschke and Hi 11 ebrandt, correspond to a centimetric interval of grey wackestone 1994). to packstone limestones containing resedimented In the Caracoles-Quebrada de San Pedro area, specimens of Upper Bajocian ammonites, without overlying unconformably Triassic volcanic and meta­ traces of reelaboration. These ammonites have been morphic rocks, there is a succession of Jurassic, collected by one of the authors (F.L.) during several fossiliferous deposits belonging to the Caracoles Group field studies, between 2006 and 2010. Age Lithostratigraphy Column Lithology Setting Grey and blue limestones with Shallow 18 m Caracoles Formation intercalations of green shales ~ marine u -=4' Yellow and green shales with Mina Chica Formation 75 m Offshore ·Cii intercalations of limestones ...caVI -- --,~ ~ ..2! Yellow and brown shales with "C Shallow intercalations of limestones "C Torcazas Formation 100 m marine and calcareous sandstones i ------=t ---t .:::.::.:::.::- :A ............ Brown calcareous sandstones Shallow Corona do Formation 40 m :0 "' .......... 0.. •••".":. and fine-grained conglomerates marine ..~: . ..Gg: :~7-~": <Ii . - . -= Violet and red sili cified volcanic rocks, .cat: Agua Dulce Formation . Volcanic ...:.. ~ including lava flows, tuffs and breccias ~ . FIg. 1 LIthostratIgraphy and hthology of study area Among the ammonoids of these fossil- assem­ phinites [M]- Vigoriceras [m], Lissoceras [M]-Micro­ blages, Sphaeroceratidae are dominant, being lissoceras [m] and Strigoceras [M]. Besides Am­ Megasphaeroceras [M+m] the most common am­ monitina, Phylloceratina and Lytoceratina are monite genus. Stephanoceratidae, Perisphinctidae and extremely scarce, but they occur. Among the mor­ Oppeliidae are scarce, but Cadomites [M]-Polyplectites phoceratids of this stratigraphical interval, macro­ [m], Vermisphinctes [m ]-Prorsisphinctes [M] and Oxy­ conchs of Dimorphinites dimorphus (D'Orbigny) and cerites [M]-Paroecotraustes [m] are well represented. microconchs of Vigoriceras defrancii (D'Orbigny) Morphoceratidae, Lissoceratidae and Strigoceratidae have been identified. Since Dimorphinites dimorphus are very scarce, respectively represented by Dimor- (D'Orbigny) [M+m] has only been known from the Parkinsoni Zone, Upper Bajocian, of Europe, North gen Stephanoceras und Domeykoceras n. gen. Africa and south part of the Transcaucasus (cf. Dietze (Stephanoceratidae). Mitteilungen der Bayeri­ and Bernt, 2009), this standard zone is now extended to schen Staatssammlung fur Palaontologie und the SE Pacific. Some associated taxa, such as Historische Geologie, 1977, 17: 35-69. Vermisphinctes [m]-Prorsisphinctes [M], Strigoceras von Hillebrandt A Ammonite stratigraphy of the [M] and Oxycerites [M]-Paroecotraustes [m] also Baj ocian in Northern Chile. Hantkeniana, 2001, 3: indicate the uppermost Bajocian age and Tethyan 49-87. affinities. von Hillebrandt A, Groschke M., Prinz P., et al. Marines Mesozoikum in Nordchile zwischen 211 Key words: Jurassic; Marine stratigraphy; Palaeo­ und 261 S. Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Ab­ biogeography; South America handlungen, 1986,66: 169-190. Jensen A, Quinzio L.A Geologia del Area de Pampa References: Elvira y contribucion al conocimiento del Junisico Ardill l, Flint S., Chong G., et al. Sequence strati­ marino entre los 231 00' y 231 30' Latitud Sur y los graphy of the Mesozoic Domeyko Basin, northern 681 45' y 691 03' Longitud Oeste. 11 Region de Chile. Journal of the Geological Society, London, Antofagasta, Chile. Memoria Universidad Cato­ 1998,155: 71-88. lica del Norte, Dpto. Geociencias, Antofagasta, Dietze V., Bernt E. Erstnachweis der Gattung Dimor­ 1979: 1-141. phinites Buckman, 1923 (Morphoceratidae) aus Jensen A, Quinzio L.A Hallazgo de Batoniano y dem Ober-Bajocium (Mittlerer Jura) Suddeutsch­ descripcion de facies sedimentarias marinas del lands. Jahreshefteder Gesellschaft fur Naturkunde Dogger en Quebrada San Pedro, Caracoles, 11 in Wurttemberg, 2009, 165: 5-11. Region-Antofagasta (Chile). Estudios geologicos, Fernandez-Lopez S., Chong Diaz G., Quinzio Sinn 1981,37: 209-214. L.A, et al. The Upper Bajocian and Bathonian in Marinovic N., Garcia M. Hoja Pampa Union, region de the Cordillera de Domeyko, North-Chilean Pre­ Antofagasta. 1: 100,000. Servicio Nacional de cordillera: Sedimentological and biostratigraphi­ Geologia y Mineria. Mapas Geologicos, 1999, N cal results. Geobios, M.S., 1994, 17: 187-201. Mapa: M33 Garcia F. Geologia del Norte Grande de Chile. Moricke W. Versteinerungen des Lias und Unteroolith Sociedad Geologica de Chile. Simposio sobre el von Chile. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geo­ Geosinclinal Andino, 1967: 1-138. logie und Palaontologie, 1894, 9: 1-100. Gottsche C. Uber jurassische Versteinerungen aus der Montano lM. Estudio geologico de la zona de Cara­ argentinischen Cordillere. Palaeontographica, coles y areas vecinas, con enfasis en el Sistema 1878, supplement Ill, Lieferung 11, Heft 2: 1-50. Jurasico, provincia de Antofagasta, 11 Region, Groschke M., von Hillebrandt A Trias und Jura in der Chile. Tesis, Santiago: Universidad de Chile, De­ mittleren Cordillera Domeyko von Chile (221 30' partamento de Geologia, 1976: 182. -241 30'). Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Riccardi AC., Westermann G.E.G. Middle Jurassic Palaontologie, Abhandlungen, 1985, 170: 129- ammonite fauna and biochronology of the 166. Argentine-Chilean Andes. Part Ill: Bathonian­ Groschke M., von Hillebrandt A. The Bathonian in Callovian Eurycephalitinae, Stephanocerataceae. Northern Chile. Geobios, M.S., 1994, 17:255-264. Palaeontographica, 1991a, 216: 1-110. Groschke M., von Hillebrandt A, Prinz P., et al. Marine Riccardi AC., Westermann G.E.G. Middle Jurassic Mesozoic Paleogeography in Northern Chile ammonite fauna and biochronology of the Argen­ between 211-261 S. Lecture Notes Earth Sciences, tine-Chilean Andes. Part IV: Bathonian- Callovian 1988, 17: 105-117. Reineckeiidae. Palaeontographica, 1991 b, 216: Harrington HL. Geology of parts of Antofagasta and 111-145. Atacama Provinces, Northern Chile. The Ameri­ Riccardi AC., Westermann G.E.G., Elmi S. The can Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, Middle Jurassic Bathonian-Callovian Ammonite 1961,45: 169-197. Zones of the Argentine-Chilean Andes. Geobios, von Hillebrandt A. Zur Biostratigraphie und Ammoni­ 1990a,22: 553-597. ten-Fauna des sudamerikanischen Jura (insbes. Riccardi AC., Westermann G.E.G., Damborenea S.E. Chile). Neues Jahrbuch fUr Geologie und Palaon­ Middle Jurassic of South America and Antarctic tologie, Abhandlungen, 1970, 136: 166-211. Peninsula. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 1990b, 21: von Hillebrandt A Neue Ergebnisse uber den Jura in 105-128. Chile und Argentinien. Munstersche Forschungen Steinmann G. Zur Kenntnis der Juraund Kreidefor­ zur Geologie und Palaontologie, 1973 (31/32): mation von Caracoles (Bolivia). Neues Jahrbuch 167-199. fUr Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaontologie, von Hillebrandt A Ammoniten aus dem Bajocien (Jura) 1881,49: 239-301. von Chile (Sudamerika). Neue Arten der Gattun- Westermann G.E.G. Sucesion de ammonites del Jura- sico medio en Antofagasta, Atacama, Mendoza y ammonoid fauna and biochronology of the Neuquen. Revista de la Asociaci6n Geol6gica Argentine-Chilean Andes, Part. 11, Bajocian Ste­ Argentina, 1967,22: 65-73. phanocerataceae. Palaeontographica, 1979, 164: Westermann G.E.G. Ammonite biochronology and 85-188. biogeography of the Circum Pacific Middle Jura­ Westermann G.E.G., Riccardi A.c. The Upper Bajo­ ssic. The Systematics Association, 1981, 18: 459- cian ammonite Strenoceras in Chile: First circum­ 498. Pacific record of the Subfurcatum Zone: News­ Westermann G.E.G., Riccardi A.c. Middle Jurassic letters on Stratigraphy, 1980,9: 19-29. --~----------,~. --~~--- ' ~----~"'~-----------.
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