HOUSE RECORD First Year of the 166th General Court

State of Calendar and Journal of the 2019 Session New Hampshire Web Site Address:

Vol. 41 Concord, N.H. Wednesday, September 18, 2019 No. 21X

HOUSE JOURNAL NO. 20 (Con’t) Thursday, June 27, 2019 Rep. Ley moved that the House adjourn. Motion adopted. HOUSE JOURNAL NO. 21 Wednesday, September 18, 2019 The House assembled at 10:00 a.m., and was called to order by the Speaker. Prayer was offered by House Chaplain, Reverend Kate Atkinson, Rector of St. Paul’s Church in Concord. Eternal, faithful, loving God, we give You thanks for new opportunities. We thank You that every moment of every day offers us the chance to return to You, to allow Your Spirit to inspire us, and Your Word to guide us. Speak to our hearts on this day of fresh beginnings, during this season of new chapters, as our children return to school, our graduates begin their working lives, and we gather with our colleagues and friends to share our wisdom and our vision. As we put into place the infrastructure that will ensure the success of our government over the coming year, help us to see with Your eyes the needs and priorities around us. Give us grace to listen and truly hear, to look and truly see, to consider and truly understand, as we commit ourselves anew to seeking the common good. Eternal, faithful, loving God, help us to treasure the new opportunities You offer us, and to use each one of them with care. Representative Mary Freitas, member from Manchester, led the Pledge of Allegiance. The National Anthem was sung by the member from Lincoln, Representative Jerry Stringham.

LEAVES OF ABSENCE Reps. Ebel, Elliott, Gourgue, Kanzler, Klee, McBride, Parkhurst, Pimentel, Plett, Douglas Thomas and Viens, the day, important business.

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Sarah and John Thompson, guests of Rep. Lundgren. Moses and Sarah Zuech, and Indigo and Viviana Figueroa, guests of Rep. Bershtein. Llyn Ellison and Barry Little, sister and guest of Rep. Ellison. Diane Kelley, guest of Reps. Tony and Alicia Lekas.

COMMUNICATION Paul Smith Clerk of the NH House NH General Court 25 Capitol St Concord, NH 03301 Dear Paul, Please accept this as a formal notice of my resignation from the position of NH State Representative, Dis- trict 27, Hillsborough County, effective on 1 September 2019. I have served and met the challenges and commitments of the office with sincere appreciation and enjoy- ment. Recent health developments have made significant changes in my life and I am no longer able to meet the expectations of the office. If I were to continue in my term, I would be neglecting very crucial 2 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD and important aspects of the position I am sworn to provide. I have been devoted to my constituents with representation and support over the past nine (9) years and they deserve to be served by someone who can provide the same. Sincerely, Hon James P Belanger CC: Speaker of the House, Steve Shurtleff Sec of State, William Gardner Minority Leader, Richard Hinch UNANIMOUS CONSENT Rep. Weber requested Unanimous Consent of the House regarding the 100th anniversary of New Hampshire’s ratification of the 19th Amendment and addressed the House. MOTION TO PRINT REMARKS Rep. Rice moved that the remarks made by Rep. Weber during Unanimous Consent be printed in the Per- manent Journal. Motion adopted. REMARKS Representative Weber: Thank you, Mister Speaker. That is a hard act to follow, but I too have some remarks about mothers. I have served in this body for 13 years and this is the first time I have risen for unanimous consent, but today I rise to commemorate the ratification, as the Speaker said, of the 19th Amendment by New Hampshire on September 20, 1919. When I was a small child, my mother would take my hand in November and walk me down to the polls with her when she cast her ballot, every single time. She would remind me that when she was born, her mother was 40 years old, my grandmother. My grandmother would live another 10 years before she was guaranteed the right to vote by the constitution. My mother would say, “Voting is important” and I have remembered. That is what was foremost in my mind when I first took my seat in this chamber 13 years ago and foremost in my heart. So, it is my great honor today to commemorate the fact that New Hampshire, only 3 months after it was passed by Congress, ratified the 19th Amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote and they were the 16th state to do so. Today we recognize with gratitude and great respect the efforts of every person who got us to that point and to that achievement. For many of us in this room and in the population at large, it has made all the difference. Thank you, Mister Speaker. MOTION TO PRINT REMARKS Rep. Porter moved that the remarks made by Speaker Shurtleff on the resignation of the Honorable James Belanger be printed in the Permanent Journal. Without objection, the Speaker ordered. REMARKS Speaker Shurtleff: Let me just say briefly it’s always a sad moment in this body when we have a good rep- resentative step down for various reasons, but for me personally, when I lose a good friend like Jim Belanger, it makes it even more difficult. He did such an outstanding job representing the people of Hollis, not only here in the State House, but also as a town moderator and other positions. As far as our friend Representative Belanger goes, we look at this as a temporary sabbatical and we look forward to the time when he returns to us in the House. With deep regret, I do accept the resignation. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 105-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 29th, 2019 I have vetoed House Bill 105, relative to domicile residency, voter registration, and investigation of voter verification letters. This bill would repeal Senate Bill 3, a bill I signed in 2017 which made com- monsense changes to our voter registration process to help ensure the integrity of our elections. Senate Bill 3 was used in municipal, state and federal elections for a year and a half, and our election process continued to run smoothly. Opponents of Senate Bill 3 made claims that this bill would discourage various groups of voters from participating in our elections. In fact, in the 2018 general election, the State saw record turnout in many towns with high populations of those voters. The lesson is clear: Ensuring integrity in our elections increases voter confidence and increases voter turnout. We should not roll back Senate Bill 3’s improvements to our election process. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 105. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 105-FN, relative to domicile residency, voter registration, and investigation of voter verification letters, become law? Rep. Horrigan spoke in favor. 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 3

Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 220 - NAYS 156 YEAS - 220 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, , David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Beaulieu, Jane Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, , Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne 4 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 156 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 5

SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 106 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 29th, 2019 I have vetoed House Bill 106, relative to the terms “resident,” “inhabitant,” “residence,” and “residency.” This bill would repeal House Bill 1264, a bill I signed in 2018 which put every voter in New Hampshire on equal footing by making all those who vote in New Hampshire subject to the same legal requirements. New Hampshire now aligns with virtually every other state in requiring residency in order to vote. House Bill 1264 restored equality and fairness to our elections, and the Supreme Court ruled the bill is constitutional while affirming that New Hampshire had a compelling state interest in seeing the bill enacted. House Bill 106 would take us back to the days of unequal treatment of voters. Allowing that to happen would be a dereliction of my duty to uphold the provisions of our State Constitution that mandate equal protection under the law. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 106. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 106, relative to the terms “resident,” “inhabitant,” “residence,” and “residency”, become law? Rep. Horrigan spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 224 - NAYS 158 YEAS - 224 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel 6 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 158 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Shaw, Barbara Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 7

MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 109-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on August 9th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 109, requiring background checks for commercial firearms sales, House Bill 514, imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm, and House Bill 564, relative to possession of firearms on school property. New Hampshire is one of the safest states in the nation, and we have a long and proud tradition of responsible firearm stewardship. Our laws are well-crafted and fit our culture of responsible gun ownership and individual freedom. Our focus as a nation must be on addressing the root causes of hate and violence. Here in New Hampshire, we have taken multiple steps to address our mental health needs and to build a more welcoming and tolerant state. From the school safety task force, to rebuilding our state’s mental health system, including the largest investment of resources in decades, to establishing the Governor’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion, and to establishing the State’s first Civil Rights Unit to step up prosecution of hate crimes, we are taking major steps to ensure the safety of our citizens is paramount. Part I, Article 2-a of the New Hampshire Constitution states “All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.” This language provides what many believe to be more expansive legal protections for gun ownership than the second amendment to the United States Constitution. These three bills would not solve our national issues nor would they prevent evil individuals from doing harm, but they would further restrict the constitutional rights of law abiding New Hampshire citizens. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 109, House Bill 514, and House Bill 564. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 109-FN, requiring background checks for commercial firearms sales, become law? Rep. Rogers spoke in favor. Rep. Burt spoke against. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 218 - NAYS 162 YEAS - 218 BELKNAP Huot, David 8 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jeudy, Jean Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 9

SULLIVAN Cloutier, John O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 162 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter St. Clair, Charlie Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul Stringham, Jerry HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary Jack, Martin King, Mark L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Shaw, Barbara Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Vallone, Mark Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. 10 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 183 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on August 2nd, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 183, establishing a committee to study the applications of microgrids in New Hampshire and changes in law necessary to allow for microgrids in electrical supply, and relative to baseload renewable generation credits for biomass energy facilities. This bill creates another immense subsidy for New Hampshire’s independent biomass plants, the third such bill sent to me in as many years. It would cost New Hampshire ratepayers approximately $20 million a year over the next 3 years, on top of the existing subsidies that these plants already receive. This bill picks winners and losers in a competitive energy market. Furthermore, it harms our most vulnerable citizens for the benefit of a select few. I remain committed to advancing renewable energy generation and fuel diversity, but we must do so without unjustly burdening the ratepayers of New Hampshire. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 183. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 183, establishing a committee to study the applications of microgrids in New Hampshire and changes in law necessary to allow for microgrids in electri- cal supply, and relative to baseload renewable generation credits for biomass energy facilities, become law? Rep. Hennessey spoke in favor. Rep. Harrington spoke against. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 251 - NAYS 132 YEAS - 251 BELKNAP Fields, Dennis Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Avellani, Lino Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward Crawford, Karel DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Hunt, John Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Merner, Troy Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Josephson, Timothy Ladd, Rick Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Migliore, Vincent Paul Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Danielson, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 11

Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David

MERRIMACK Allard, James Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Horn, Werner Karrick, David Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Pearl, Howard Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Wolf, Dan Woods, Gary

ROCKINGHAM Abramson, Max Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Katsakiores, Phyllis Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Lundgren, David Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz McMahon, Charles Meuse, David Milz, David O’Connor, John Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne

STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet

SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda

NAYS - 132 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter

CARROLL Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn


COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael

HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Cohen, Bruce Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Murphy, Nancy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James 12 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

MERRIMACK Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy Melvin, Charles Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Towne, Matthew Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 198-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 12, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 198, clarifying the prohibition against the use of mobile electronic devices while driving. New Hampshire has among the most stringent distracted driving laws in the country. Drivers guilty of using mobile electronic devices while driving are already required to pay hefty fines, starting at $100 for the first offense. In addition to those fines, this bill would require a license suspension of up to 15 days for a second offense, and no less than 30-days’ suspension for any subsequent offense. These sanctions would disproportionately impact lower-income drivers by putting their ability to get to and from, and therefore their ability to retain, their jobs in jeopardy while their license is under suspension. New Hampshire already gets it right as a national leader against distracted driving without putting lower-income drivers in danger of losing their livelihoods. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 198. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 198-FN, clarifying the prohibition against the use of mobile electronic devices while driving, become law? Rep. Sykes spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 223 - NAYS 157 YEAS - 223 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward Crawford, Karel DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 13

GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce

HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David

MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 157 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter 14 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

CARROLL Avellani, Lino Buco, Thomas Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Read, Ellen Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Vincent, Kenneth Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 211 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 10th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 211, relative to inquiries by prospective employers concerning salary history. This bill is another in a series of new taxes, mandates, and restrictions on New Hampshire employers passed by this legislature. In the midst of a booming economy with record low unemployment, the last thing we should do is go backwards. It is the free market, not overbearing government regulation, that allows for the success we have seen for our workers, employers, and our economy as a whole. Now is not the time to reverse course and turn our back on what has proven to work for New Hampshire citizens. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 211. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 15

The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 211, relative to inquiries by prospective employers concerning salary history, become law? Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 224 - NAYS 157 YEAS - 224 BELKNAP Huot, David CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie 16 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 157 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter St. Clair, Charlie Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Bordenet, John Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 17

Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Vincent, Kenneth Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 292-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on June 19th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 292, relative to including brokers fees in the calculation of the insurance premium tax. While the bill was crafted with good intentions to clarify the law on premium taxes, we do not feel that the original intent was to apply premium tax as suggested by this legislation. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 292. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 292-FN, relative to including brokers fees in the calculation of the insurance premium tax, become law? Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 225 - NAYS 159 YEAS - 225 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel 18 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne

STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet

SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 159 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter

CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill

CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John

COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy

GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul

HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 19

MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Turcotte, Alan Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael

ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Vallone, Mark Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh

STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained.

GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 293 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 10th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 293, relative to employee credit privacy. This bill is another in a series of new taxes, mandates, and restrictions on New Hampshire employers. In the midst of a booming economy with record low unemployment, the last thing we should do is go backwards. Employers should be able to appropriately take steps to limit risk in some of the most sensitive and vital operations of their businesses. This bill would remove a tool used to reduce the risk of fraud or theft. Potential employees already have strong statutory protections for credit privacy. The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) maintains protective restrictions specific to the use of credit reports in employment decisions. Prior to requesting a consumer re- port from a credit agency, an employer must provide to the prospective employee a written disclosure that a consumer report may be obtained and the prospective employee must authorize the employer’s use of a consumer report. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 293. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 293, relative to employee credit privacy, become law? Rep. Cushing spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken.

YEAS 221 - NAYS 158 YEAS - 221 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie 20 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 21

NAYS - 158 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Rung, Rosemarie Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 326 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 29th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 326, relative to the definition of prime wetland. New Hampshire currently has sound and responsible protections for wetlands and our environment. This bill adds additional and unnecessary 22 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD regulations to those laws and does not properly account for property owners who could be negatively affected by them. Any change to the definition of prime wetland should allow for sufficient protection for individual property rights before moving forward. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 326. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 326, relative to the definition of prime wetland, become law? Rep. Grassie spoke in favor. Rep. Renzullo spoke against. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 223 - NAYS 160 YEAS - 223 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 23

ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 160 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Baroody, Benjamin Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David DiSilvestro, Linda Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Shaw, Barbara Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Turcotte, Alan Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul 24 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 349 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 12th, 2019 I have vetoed House Bill 349, relative to a second opinion on health care matters for state and county pris- oners. Our prisons and jails have a legal and ethical obligation to provide adequate care to the inmates in their custody. This bill would require prisons and jails to allow an inmate to seek a second medical opinion when the inmate, or someone acting on their behalf, has the financial means to pay for it. Though well intentioned, this requirement would present administrative burdens, liability risks, and constitutional concerns, none of which have been adequately addressed in the text of the bill. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 349. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 349, relative to a second opinion on health care matters for state and county prisoners, become law? Rep. Amanda Bouldin spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 229 - NAYS 155 YEAS - 229 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 25

Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Abramson, Max Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny Desilets, Joel DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 155 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul 26 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Backus, Robert Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 364 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on August 2nd, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 364, permitting qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use and permitting qualifying patients and designated caregivers to donate excess cannabis to other qualifying patients. New Hampshire has reasonable regulations set up to ensure that our therapeutic cannabis program responsibly treats those in need while limiting the diversion of marijuana to the black market and ensuring that products meet public health standards. This bill would bypass those public health and safety guardrails and make the job of law enforcement significantly more difficult. Furthermore, it could serve to undermine the protections we have built within the Alternative Treatment Center system by making those facilities less sustainable. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 364. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 364, permitting qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use and permitting qualifying patients and des- ignated caregivers to donate excess cannabis to other qualifying patients, become law? Reps. Abramson and Cushing spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 259 - NAYS 120 YEAS - 259 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Comtois, Barbara Huot, David Mackie, Jonathan St. Clair, Charlie Sylvia, Michael 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 27

CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward Comeau, Ed Crawford, Karel DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Burt, John Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nunez, Hershel Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Prout, Andrew Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Sanborn, Laurie Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Lekas, Tony Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Warden, Mark Whittemore, James Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Forsythe, Robert Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McGuire, Carol McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Seaworth, Brian Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bershtein, Alan Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Costable, Michael Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny Davis, Dan Desilets, Joel DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Fowler, William Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Lundgren, David Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Melvin, Charles Meuse, David Owens, Becky Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Roy, Terry Somssich, Peter Spillane, James Vallone, Mark Verville, Kevin Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne Yokela, Josh 28 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Beaudoin, Steven Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet

SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda

NAYS - 120 BELKNAP Bean, Harry Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter

CARROLL Avellani, Lino Cordelli, Glenn MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill

CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John

COOS Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy

GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul

HILLSBOROUGH Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Goley, Jeffrey Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Somero, Paul Ulery, Jordan

MERRIMACK Allard, James Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard Pearl, Howard Schamberg, Thomas Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan

ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Chirichiello, Brian DeClercq, Edward DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Pearson, Stephen Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth

STRAFFORD Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Wuelper, Kurt

SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was overridden by the necessary two-thirds vote. 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 29

GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 365 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on June 3rd, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 365, relative to net energy metering limits for customer generators. This bill is a regressive cost burden on citizens that benefits large-scale solar developers while hurting all ratepay- ers, including the elderly and those on fixed incomes. I am committed to advancing renewable energy in New Hampshire, but over the life of the subsidy, this will cost ratepayers hundreds of millions of dollars in higher electric bills. We should not allow our good intentions to mask a bad policy. We should not force our ratepay- ers to massively subsidize those who can afford to construct 40-acre solar farms. Rather, New Hampshire should focus on advancing policies that limit the harm to our ratepayers and target the benefits of renewable energy to those most in need. Some municipalities believe that this bill would help them reduce their property tax burden, but this is yet another example of good intentions that lead to harmful outcomes. Any perceived tax savings from a net-metered solar project are cost-shifted to ratepayers across New Hampshire. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 365. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 365, relative to net energy metering limits for customer generators, become law? Reps. Abramson and Merner spoke in favor. Rep. Harrington spoke against. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 248 - NAYS 132 YEAS - 248 BELKNAP Fields, Dennis Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward Crawford, Karel DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Marsh, William Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Thompson, Craig Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Merner, Troy Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Gordon, Edward Josephson, Timothy Ladd, Rick Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Danielson, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Griffith, Willis Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison 30 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Sanborn, Laurie Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Allard, James Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Horn, Werner Karrick, David Kotowski, Frank Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Wolf, Dan Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Abramson, Max Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Chirichiello, Brian Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Katsakiores, Phyllis Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Lundgren, David Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz McMahon, Charles Meuse, David O’Connor, John Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 132 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn MacDonald, John Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael GRAFTON Hennessey, Erin Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 31

Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Klose, John Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy Melvin, Charles Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. The House recessed at 12:30 p.m. RECESS The House reconvened at 1:45 p.m. (Speaker Shurtleff in the Chair) GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 409 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on June 25th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 409, relative to the maximum optional fee for transportation improve- ments charged by municipalities when collecting motor vehicle registration fees. New Hampshire citizens already feel they pay high vehicle registration fees and this bill would double the surcharge that municipali- ties could collect. Government should be focused on finding efficiency and reducing waste rather than adding to the burden on our citizens. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 409. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 409, relative to the maximum optional fee for transportation improvements charged by municipalities when collecting motor vehicle registration fees, become law? Rep. Carson spoke in favor. Rep. Abramson spoke against. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 221 - NAYS 157 YEAS - 221 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie 32 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy

COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne

GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce

HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Graham, John Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David

MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary

ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Baldasaro, Al Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Sytek, John Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne

STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet

SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 33

NAYS - 157 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary Jeudy, Jean L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Schamberg, Thomas Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Turcotte, Alan Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lovejoy, Patricia Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Keans, Sandra Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. Rep. Baldasaro voted Yea and intended to vote Nay. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 446 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 19th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 446, relative to initiating amendments and corrections to birth records. A birth certificate is a vital record and historical document. As such, any permissible amendments should be 34 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD given careful consideration and only undertaken infrequently and cautiously. Current law already provides for a reasonable process to change a gender designation on a birth certificate in certain circumstances. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 446. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 446, relative to initiating amendments and corrections to birth records, become law? Rep. Cannon spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 230 - NAYS 148 YEAS - 230 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Wolf, Dan Woods, Gary 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 35

ROCKINGHAM Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bershtein, Alan Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gay, Betty Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Harb, Robert Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 148 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Buco, Thomas Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Fowler, William Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David 36 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 504 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 10th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 504, relative to election-related amendments to the United States Con- stitution. This bill is a part of a national campaign designed to overturn constitutional protections of free speech. It represents another in a series of attempts by this legislature to chill the political speech of people or groups they disagree with. Additionally, redistricting is a state issue, and one that New Hampshire acts on responsibly and with great seriousness. We do not need to federalize New Hampshire’s redistricting pro- cess. Furthermore, it is not the role of the state legislature to do the congressional delegation’s job for them, despite their job performance. If they are interested in receiving public comment on these issues, I encourage them to spend time in New Hampshire listening to their constituents. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 504. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 504, relative to election-related amend- ments to the United States Constitution, become law? Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 221 - NAYS 157 YEAS - 221 BELKNAP Huot, David CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 37

Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Jeudy, Jean King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Guthrie, Joseph Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 157 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter St. Clair, Charlie Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph 38 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Shaw, Barbara Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Soucy, Timothy Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Grote, Jaci Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 514-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on August 9th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 109, requiring background checks for commercial firearms sales, House Bill 514, imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm, and House Bill 564, relative to possession of firearms on school property. New Hampshire is one of the safest states in the na- tion, and we have a long and proud tradition of responsible firearm stewardship. Our laws are well-crafted and fit our culture of responsible gun ownership and individual freedom. Our focus as a nation must be on addressing the root causes of hate and violence. Here in New Hampshire, we have taken multiple steps to address our mental health needs and to build a more welcoming and tolerant state. From the school safety task force, to rebuilding our state’s mental health system, including the largest investment of resources in decades, to establishing the Governor’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion, and to establishing the State’s first Civil Rights Unit to step up prosecution of hate crimes, we are taking major steps to ensure the safety of our citizens is paramount. Part I, Article 2-a of the New Hampshire Constitution states “All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.” This language provides what many believe to be more expansive legal protections for gun ownership than the second amendment to the United States Constitution. These three bills would not solve our national issues nor would they prevent evil individuals from doing harm, but they would further restrict the constitutional rights of law abiding New Hampshire citizens. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 109, House Bill 514, and House Bill 564. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 514-FN, imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm, become law? Rep. Rogers spoke in favor. Rep. Burt spoke against. 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 39

Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 217 - NAYS 163 YEAS - 217 BELKNAP Huot, David CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jeudy, Jean Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Wolf, Dan Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne 40 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet

SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda

NAYS - 163 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter St. Clair, Charlie Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter

CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill

CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John

COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy

GRAFTON Adjutant, Joshua Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul Ruprecht, Dennis

HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Goley, Jeffrey Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary Jack, Martin King, Mark L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Shaw, Barbara Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Toomey, Dan Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James

MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Turcotte, Alan Walsh, Thomas Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Vallone, Mark Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 41

STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 564 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on August 9th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 109, requiring background checks for commercial firearms sales, House Bill 514, imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm, and House Bill 564, relative to possession of firearms on school property. New Hampshire is one of the safest states in the na- tion, and we have a long and proud tradition of responsible firearm stewardship. Our laws are well-crafted and fit our culture of responsible gun ownership and individual freedom. Our focus as a nation must be on addressing the root causes of hate and violence. Here in New Hampshire, we have taken multiple steps to address our mental health needs and to build a more welcoming and tolerant state. From the school safety task force, to rebuilding our state’s mental health system, including the largest investment of resources in decades, to establishing the Governor’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion, and to establishing the State’s first Civil Rights Unit to step up prosecution of hate crimes, we are taking major steps to ensure the safety of our citizens is paramount. Part I, Article 2-a of the New Hampshire Constitution states “All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.” This language provides what many believe to be more expansive legal protections for gun ownership than the second amendment to the United States Constitution. These three bills would not solve our national issues nor would they prevent evil individuals from doing harm, but they would further restrict the constitutional rights of law abiding New Hampshire citizens. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 109, House Bill 514, and House Bill 564. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 564, relative to possession of firearms on school property, become law? Rep. Luneau spoke in favor. Rep. Abbas spoke against. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 216 - NAYS 164 YEAS - 216 BELKNAP Huot, David CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce 42 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jeudy, Jean Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 164 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter St. Clair, Charlie Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter

CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill

CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John

COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 43

GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Massimilla, Linda Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Goley, Jeffrey Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary Jack, Martin King, Mark L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Shaw, Barbara Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Schamberg, Thomas Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Turcotte, Alan Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Fowler, William Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 582-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on August 16th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 582, relative to the regional greenhouse gas initiative cap and trade program for controlling carbon dioxide emissions. I am disappointed that the legislature is jeopardizing the longstanding RGGI compromise by trying to eliminate ratepayer rebates yet again. This bill unjustly favors businesses over people by eliminating costs for commercial and industrial customers through a dramatic bill increase to residential ratepayers. In essence, it attempts to buy off businesses at the expense of our most vulnerable citizens. I support the existing RGGI funding allocation, which provides direct bill support to all ratepayers through rebates and funds energy efficiency programs in the state. This complimentary mix is a system that works for New Hampshire ratepayers, especially those on fixed incomes, who already pay some of the highest electric rates in the nation. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 582. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 582-FN, relative to the regional greenhouse gas initiative cap and trade program for controlling carbon dioxide emissions, become law? Rep. Mann spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. 44 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

YEAS 221 - NAYS 157 YEAS - 221 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 45

Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 157 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Merchant, Gary Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. 46 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 587 By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 19th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 587, relative to organ donation on a driver’s license. This bill is a well-intentioned attempt to clarify processes related to organ donation after an individual’s death. However, after discussions with New England Donor Services, bill sponsors, and other legislators, it is clear that the bill as passed could have unintended negative consequences that were not fully appreciated at the time the bill was passed. Because of those concerns, the stakeholders and I agreed that further discussion should be had on this issue. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 587. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 587, relative to organ donation on a driver’s license, become law? Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 224 - NAYS 156 YEAS - 224 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 47

Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Wolf, Dan Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 156 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Diggs, Francesca Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian 48 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Merchant, Gary Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 611-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on Sep- tember 6th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 611, allowing voters to vote by absentee ballot. Part 1, Article 11 of the New Hampshire Constitution makes clear that absentee voting shall be permitted in cases of absence or physical disability. It does not allow for no excuse absentee voting. New Hampshire has an excellent track record when it comes to voting. Our proud tradition of voter participation includes going to the local polling place on election day and Granite Staters do it as well as anyone. This bill would erode an aspect of our unique process that has New Hampshire leading the way when it comes to civic engagement. Further, this bill would add significant logistical difficulties for municipalities and the Secretary of State, despite our already high voter participation. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 611. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 611-FN, allowing voters to vote by ab- sentee ballot, become law? Rep. Rogers spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 222 - NAYS 157 YEAS - 222 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 49

HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Ward, Gerald Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 157 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul 50 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Backus, Robert Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Cahill, Michael Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 645-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 19th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 645, relative to establishing a dock registration procedure. In 2018, the State established the Commission to Study the Effectiveness of the Current Statutes Related to Management of Non-Tidal Public Waterways and the Construction or Placement of Structures Within Them (the “Commis- sion”). The Commission has expressed concerns with House Bill 645, and I have therefore concluded that the issues addressed by the bill require further review by the Commission before the bill moves forward. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 645. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 645-FN, establishing a dock registration procedure, become law? Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 219 - NAYS 160 YEAS - 219 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 51

CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Abramson, Max Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda 52 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

NAYS - 160 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Berch, Paul Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Fothergill, John Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Diggs, Francesca Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Wolf, Dan Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Vallone, Mark Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Vincent, Kenneth Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Merchant, Gary Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 664-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on August 15th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 664, relative to vehicle repair standards. New Hampshire citizens enjoy among the lowest auto insurance premium costs in the country. Current law ensures safe repairs while main- 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 53 taining a competitive market. This bill would increase the cost of auto insurance premiums by limiting the ability of insurers to negotiate what is reasonable in the repair process. The requirements outlined in this bill would introduce a significant disadvantage for smaller independent repair shops and could limit their ability to compete. This limits consumer choice and raises insurance rates without the corresponding increase in safety for our citizens. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 664. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 664-FN, relative to vehicle repair stan- dards, become law? Reps. Love and Williams spoke in favor. Rep. Hunt spoke against and yielded to questions. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 241 - NAYS 132 YEAS - 241 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Marsh, William Ticehurst, Susan CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Meader, David Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Tatro, Bruce Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Merner, Troy Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Danielson, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Sanborn, Laurie Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca 54 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Wolf, Dan Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Abramson, Max Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Chirichiello, Brian Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny Desilets, Joel DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gay, Betty Gilman, Julie Green, Dennis Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Katsakiores, Phyllis Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Love, David Lovejoy, Patricia Lundgren, David Pearson, Mark Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Meuse, David Milz, David O’Connor, John Pantelakos, Laura Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Read, Ellen Pearson, Stephen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Rollins, Skip Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 132 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn Crawford, Karel MacDonald, John Nelson, Bill Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Bordenet, John Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Shaw, Barbara Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Schamberg, Thomas Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Costable, Michael Davis, Dan 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 55

DeClercq, Edward DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Griffin, Mary Major, Norman Melvin, Charles Owens, Becky Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Roy, Terry Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. Rep. Shaw voted Nay and intended to vote Yea. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 696-FN By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on July 19th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 696, establishing a protective order for vulnerable adults. As passed by the Legislature, HB 696 establishes a new civil restraining order for certain adult victims of abuse, described as vulnerable adults. The stated intent of protecting this population is laudable and a concept that I fully support. However, as drafted, this bill potentially reduces the protections available to domestic violence victims who are vulnerable adults, by creating a tool that includes far fewer protections than current law. Under current state law, when a victim of domestic violence goes to court to file for a protective order, they are presented with two options: either a domestic violence protective order under RSA 173-B, or a stalking protective order under RSA 633:3-a. Because this legislation so closely mirrors the domestic violence protective order statute, and does not clearly delineate that it is only intended for vulnerable individuals and is not appropriate for victims of domestic violence, we run the risk of those who are statistically in most imminent physical danger attaining the wrong protective order and not receiving the critical protections they truly need. However, the Legislature passed the bill without this clarifying language to make clear that victims of domestic violence should not be seeking relief under this new civil order. In failing to add such an amendment, adult victims of domestic violence will now be presented with a new option for a “restraining order” when they appear at the circuit court to seek protection from abuse. Although legislators argued that the courts should be respon- sible for helping a victim to choose between a “domestic violence protective order” or a new “vulnerable adult protective order”, court clerks are prohibited from giving legal advice and therefore frequently do not provide guidance to victims regarding which petition is appropriate to file. Per NH court statistics, we know that 88% of individuals seeking protective orders are representing themselves pro se. Pro se victims, who are frightened and in immediate danger, will be left to determine which order will be safest for them on their own. HB 696 has the potential to endanger victims of domestic violence and their children by providing victims of domestic violence with a false sense of security and, ultimately, putting them at grave risk. Of particular concern is the fact that HB 696 does not contemplate protections for a vulnerable adult’s minor children. When judges grant protective orders under the domestic violence statute, RSA 173-B, temporary relief from the court can include protections for minor children. Specifically, RSA 173-B:4 (4) states that temporary relief from the court may include: “Awarding custody of minor children to either party or, upon actual notice, to the department when it is in the best interest of a child.” It goes on to include considerations around defendant visitation of minor children, including ordering supervised visitation, and requires the court to consider the best interests of the child. HB 696 is entirely silent on protections or even considerations for minor children. Additionally, HB 696 does not provide explicit direction restraining the defendant from entering the plaintiff’s place of employ- ment or school. Under RSA 173-B, relief explicitly includes: “Restraining the defendant from contacting the plaintiff or entering the plaintiff’s place of employment, school, or any specified place frequented regularly by the plaintiff or by any family or household member.” HB 696 is entirely silent regarding place of employment or school. HB 696 does not allow for appointment of guardians ad litem to represent best interests of minor children involved. RSA 173-B allows for the assignment of a court-appointed guardian ad litem to represent the interests of the children of either or both parties. HB 696 only contemplates the appointment of guard- ians ad litem to represent the interests of the vulnerable adult, with no mention of children involved. Safety provisions for minor children are not guaranteed. Finally, 173-D:11(I)(a) of the legislation raises the real possibility that an individual’s Second Amendment constitutional rights could be violated without judicial oversight. Other advocates have raised legitimate concerns regarding 4th Amendment considerations. I ap- preciate the many and diverse stakeholders who worked hard to make HB 696 a good piece of legislation. I 56 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD know that their intentions were sincere but in the end the legislation is not ready to become law. I pledge to work with them again next year to again attempt to craft a bill that accomplishes the goal of protecting vulnerable adults that does not carry unintended consequences. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 696. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 696-FN, establishing a protective order for vulnerable adults, become law? Rep. Burt spoke against. Rep. Cushing spoke in favor and yielded to questions. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 217 - NAYS 156 YEAS - 217 BELKNAP Huot, David St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 57

Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Wolf, Dan Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Kenney, Cam Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda NAYS - 156 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Lang, Timothy Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Gordon, Edward Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Alexander, Joe Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Davis, Fred Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Graham, John Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary King, Mark L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Gay, Betty Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Hoelzel, Kathleen Osborne, Jason Janigian, John 58 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Lundgren, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Vallone, Mark Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Lucas, Gates Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. MOTION TO PRINT DEBATE Rep. Spillane moved that the debate on HB 696-FN, establishing a protective order for vulnerable adults, be printed in the Permanent Journal. On a division vote, with 262 members having voted in the affirmative, and 110 in the negative, the motion was adopted. DEBATE - HB 696-FN Representative Burt: Thank you, Mister Speaker. Mister Speaker, the former Congressman from El Paso, Texas and now presidential candidate wants to confiscate our guns. He’s said it. So, let me explain how this is in the bill. Governor Sununu wrote in his veto address. He said a bunch of words at the begin- ning, but at the end he wrote, “Finally, 173-D:11(I)(a) of the legislation raises the real possibility that an individual’s Second Amendment constitutional rights could be violated without judicial oversight.” That is correct with this bill. What this bill does is it allows the police to determine, without a court order, in any alleged abuse case to remove guns or not. Finally, Mister Speaker, I received several calls from police throughout the state and they explained to me that their policy, and they believe it is a state-wide policy, that if there is alleged abuse, you remove the guns. In my eyes, Mister Speaker, 173-D, and this is written down, this is a gun confiscation bill. So, I would like you to vote red to support the Governor’s smart veto on this. Thank you, Mister Speaker. Speaker Shurtleff: The question before the House is notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 696 become law? The Chair recognizes the member from Hampton, Rep. Cushing to speak in support of the override. Representative Cushing: Thank you, Mister Speaker. Probably more than any other bill this session, this one has kept me up at night. For a couple of years now I have been working with a group of people who are concerned about vulnerable citizens in our state. We have an aging population here in the State of New Hampshire and I have worked with the Alzheimer’s Association, with the American Association of Retired Persons, with the Senior Law Project of New Hampshire Legal Assistance to try to put in place a mechanism to protect our most vulnerable citizens. It hits home every time I pass an afternoon with my mother because she is 93 years old and she has dementia and I recognize how vulnerable she is and I know that there are many people in this chamber who also have family members or extended family members or neighbors who are vulnerable to exploitation to abuse and neglect. This bill simply proposes that there be a mechanism in place, akin to the protections that we offer to victims of domestic violence and victims of stalking so that they can go in and have an easy method by which to get access to a protective order to stop the exploitation, to stop the neglect, to stop the abuse. There is one sentence in this bill that is in sentences all over our statutes and it simply allows for the confiscation, not confiscation, the taking of a weapon used during the course of abuse, neglect or exploitation. I would ask that the members be sensitive to the needs of our most vulnerable citizens and to vote in favor of this bill and press the green button. Speaker Shurtleff: Will the member yield to a question? Representative Sylvia, you may inquire. Representative Sylvia: Thank you, Mister Speaker. Thank you for taking my question. I read through this bill and I’ve heard a lot about how it is protecting the elderly. I see nothing that restricts any sort of age on this. It is simply vulnerable people and that is a rather broad definition. Could you clarify that for us? Representative Cushing: A vulnerable person is someone who, according to the statute, is unable due to a physical, mental or emotional impairment to manage their own affairs or delegate responsibility to a respon- sible caregiver. It’s the same definition for vulnerable adults in this statute as our adult protective statute, RSA 169-F. So, it’s the same language that’s already in existing state law. 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 59

Speaker Shurtleff: Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, this will be a roll call vote. Members will kindly take their seats. The question before the House is notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 696 become law? The Chair recognizes Rep. Abbas for a parliamentary inquiry. Representative Abbas: Thank you, Mister Speaker. If I know that this bill creates confusion for victims of domestic violence as to whether they meet the legal definition of a vulnerable adult because the defini- tion is ambiguous and can be subject to different interpretations. And, if I know that this bill requires the court to provide free legal advice to pro se plaintiffs but not pro se defendants and that is illegal and un- constitutional and places an unreasonable burden on the court when 90% of the people in New Hampshire who seek protective orders are pro se plaintiffs. And, if I know that this bill allows legal proceedings that may deprive a person of their property without a fair evidentiary hearing is a violation of their due process rights. And, if I know that this bill could result in situations where a person is held for being accused of violating a protective order for a nonviolent offence, police officers will still be required to keep that person in custody until their arraignment even for nonviolent offenses. Should I then press the red button and sustain the Governor’s veto? Speaker Shurtleff: The Chair recognizes Rep. Weber for a parliamentary inquiry. Representative Weber: Thank you, Mister Speaker. Mister Speaker, if I know that this bill has nothing to do with domestic violence, which is already covered by another order and adequately represented by very competent advocates. If I know that abuse and exploitation of our vulnerable adults, some of whom are our seniors and some of our seniors are not in that category, is very real and it happens on a daily basis in this state. If I know that the assertions of gun confiscation are at the very best highly speculative and if I still firmly believe that the constitutional rights of our seniors and vulnerable adults are at least as important as those of the people who abuse or exploit them, would I now press the green button to over- ride the Governor’s veto and protect those who need out protection instead of those who do not deserve our protection? Thank you. Speaker Shurtleff: The question before the House is notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 696 become law? The State Constitution requires a roll call vote. A two-thirds vote is required to override a veto. If you are in favor of having the bill become law, you’ll press the green button. If you are opposed and wish to sustain the Governor’s veto, you’ll press the red button. Voting stations will be open for 30 seconds. Have all members present had an opportunity to vote? The House will be attentive to the state of the vote. With 217 members voting Yea, 156 voting Nay, the veto is sustained. GOVERNOR’S VETO MESSAGE ON HB 706-FN-A By the authority vested in me, pursuant to part II, Article 44 of the New Hampshire Constitution, on Au- gust 9th, 2019, I have vetoed House Bill 706, establishing an independent redistricting commission. The New Hampshire Constitution directs the legislature to determine legislative and Executive Council districts. The drafters of our Constitution were wise to vest such authority in the people’s elected representatives who are accountable to the voters every two years. The members of the commission proposed by House Bill 706 would be unelected and unaccountable to the voters. Legislators should not abrogate their responsibility to the vot- ers and delegate authority to an unelected and unaccountable commission selected by political party bosses. We should all be proud that issues of gerrymandering are extremely rare in New Hampshire. Our current redistricting process is fair and representative of the people of our State. While I do not question the sincer- ity of the legislators who support House Bill 706, one of the partisan out-of-state organizations pushing for this legislation states that its mission is to “favorably position Democrats for the redistricting process.” This is very concerning and undermines House Bill 706’s stated goal of creating “fair” electoral districts. For the reasons stated above, I have vetoed House Bill 706. Respectfully submitted, Christopher T. Sununu, Governor The question being, notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 706-FN-A, establishing an independent redistricting commission, become law? Rep. spoke in favor. Pursuant to the New Hampshire Constitution, Part II, Article 44, a roll call, requiring a two-thirds vote of the House for approval, was taken. YEAS 227 - NAYS 145 YEAS - 227 BELKNAP Huot, David Lang, Timothy St. Clair, Charlie CARROLL Buco, Thomas Burroughs, Anita Butler, Edward DesMarais, Edith Knirk, Jerry Ticehurst, Susan Woodcock, Stephen 60 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD

CHESHIRE Abbott, Michael Ames, Richard Berch, Paul Bordenet, John Eaton, Daniel Faulkner, Barry Fenton, Donovan Gomarlo, Jennie Harvey, Cathryn Ley, Douglas Mann, John Morrill, David Schapiro, Joe Swinburne, Sandy Von Plinsky, Sparky Pearson, William Weber, Lucy COOS Fothergill, John Hatch, William Laflamme, Larry Moynihan, Wayne Noel, Henry Tucker, Edith Thomas, Yvonne GRAFTON Abel, Richard Adjutant, Joshua Almy, Susan Campion, Polly Diggs, Francesca Dontonville, Roger Egan, Timothy Fellows, Sallie Ford, Susan French, Elaine Gordon, Edward Josephson, Timothy Maes, Kevin Massimilla, Linda Mulligan, Mary Jane Muscatel, Garrett Nordgren, Sharon Osborne, Richard Ruprecht, Dennis Stavis, Laurel Stringham, Jerry Smith, Suzanne Sykes, George Weston, Joyce HILLSBOROUGH Bouldin, Amanda Bouldin, Andrew Backus, Robert Balch, Chris Baroody, Benjamin Beaulieu, Jane Bergeron, Paul Bernet, Jennifer Bordy, William Bosman, James Bouchard, Donald Chretien, Jacqueline Cleaver, Skip Cohen, Bruce Connors, Erika Cornell, Patricia Cote, David Dargie, Paul Desjardin, Kathy DiSilvestro, Linda Dutzy, Sherry Espitia, Manny Davis, Fred Freitas, Mary Gidge, Kenneth Goley, Jeffrey Hall, Brett Hamer, Heidi Harriott-Gathright, Linda Heath, Mary Herbert, Christopher Indruk, Greg Schmidt, Janice Jack, Martin King, Mark Klein-Knight, Nicole Komi, Richard Langley, Diane Leishman, Peter Long, Patrick Murray, Megan Mangipudi, Latha Martin, Joelle McGhee, Kat Mombourquette, Donna Mullen, Sue Murphy, Nancy Nutter-Upham, Frances Nutting-Wong, Allison O’Brien, Michael Pedersen, Michael Petrigno, Peter Pickering, Daniel Piedra, Israel Porter, Marjorie Query, Joshua Newman, Ray Radhakrishnan, Julie Riel, Cole Rung, Rosemarie Newman, Sue Shaw, Barbara Snow, Kendall Sofikitis, Catherine St. John, Michelle Stack, Kathryn Stevens, Deb Smith, Timothy Telerski, Laura Toomey, Dan Vail, Suzanne Van Houten, Constance Vann, Ivy Thomas, Wendy Wilhelm, Matthew Williams, Kermit Woodbury, David MERRIMACK Bartlett, Christy Buchanan, Ryan Carson, Clyde Doherty, David Ellison, Arthur Fox, Samantha Fulweiler, Joyce Karrick, David Lane, Connie Luneau, David MacKay, James McWilliams, Rebecca Moffett, Howard Myler, Mel Richards, Beth Rodd, Beth Rogers, Katherine Saunderson, George Schamberg, Thomas Schuett, Dianne Schultz, Kristina Shurtleff, Steve Soucy, Timothy Turcotte, Alan Wallner, Mary Jane Walz, Mary Beth Wazir, Safiya Wells, Kenneth Wolf, Dan Woods, Gary ROCKINGHAM Altschiller, Debra Berrien, Skip Bunker, Lisa Bushway, Patricia Cahill, Michael Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline Coursin, David Cushing, Robert Renny DiLorenzo, Charlotte Edgar, Michael Eisner, Mary Gay, Betty Gilman, Julie Grossman, Gaby Grote, Jaci Hoelzel, Kathleen Murray, Kate Le, Tamara Loughman, Tom Lovejoy, Patricia Lundgren, David Maggiore, Jim Malloy, Dennis McBeath, Rebecca McConnell, Liz Meuse, David Pantelakos, Laura Read, Ellen Somssich, Peter Vallone, Mark Warner, Anne STRAFFORD Bixby, Peter Cannon, Gerri Chase, Wendy Conley, Casey Ellis, Donna Fargo, Kristina Fontneau, Timothy Frost, Sherry Grassie, Chuck Higgins, Peg Horrigan, Timothy Keans, Sandra Levesque, Cassandra Smith, Marjorie Opderbecke, Linn Schmidt, Peter Rich, Cecilia Salloway, Jeffrey Sandler, Catt Southworth, Thomas Spang, Judith Towne, Matthew Treleaven, Susan Vincent, Kenneth Wall, Janet SULLIVAN Cloutier, John Merchant, Gary O’Hearne, Andrew Oxenham, Lee Sullivan, Brian Tanner, Linda 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 61

NAYS - 145 BELKNAP Aldrich, Glen Bean, Harry Comtois, Barbara Feeney, George Fields, Dennis Howard, Raymond Jurius, Deanna Mackie, Jonathan Plumer, John Spanos, Peter Sylvia, Michael Tilton, Franklin Varney, Peter CARROLL Avellani, Lino Comeau, Ed Cordelli, Glenn MacDonald, John Marsh, William Nelson, Bill CHESHIRE Hunt, John O’Day, John COOS Craig, Kevin Furbush, Michael Merner, Troy GRAFTON Hennessey, Erin Ladd, Rick Migliore, Vincent Paul HILLSBOROUGH Lekas, Alicia Griffin, Barbara Barry, Richard Boehm, Ralph Burns, Charles Burt, John Camarota, Linda Danielson, David Erf, Keith Fedolfi, Jim Flanagan, Jack Gagne, Larry Gould, Linda Greene, Bob Hinch, Richard Hopper, Gary L’Heureux, Robert Ober, Lynne Lascelles, Richard Marzullo, JP McLean, Mark Merlino, Timothy Notter, Jeanine Nunez, Hershel Panasiti, Reed Proulx, Mark Prout, Andrew Ober, Russell Renzullo, Andrew Rice, Kimberly Sanborn, Laurie Somero, Paul Lekas, Tony Ulery, Jordan Warden, Mark Whittemore, James MERRIMACK Allard, James Forsythe, Robert Hill, Gregory Horn, Werner Klose, John Kotowski, Frank Marple, Richard McGuire, Carol Pearl, Howard Seaworth, Brian Testerman, Dave Walsh, Thomas Yakubovich, Michael ROCKINGHAM Abbas, Daryl Abrami, Patrick Abramson, Max Acton, Dennis Baldasaro, Al Barnes, Arthur Bershtein, Alan Chirichiello, Brian Costable, Michael Davis, Dan DeClercq, Edward Desilets, Joel DeSimone, Debra Dolan, Tom Doucette, Fred Edwards, Jess Green, Dennis Guthrie, Joseph Harb, Robert Hobson, Deborah Osborne, Jason Janigian, John Janvrin, Jason Katsakiores, Phyllis Khan, Aboul Kolodziej, Walter Love, David Griffin, Mary Pearson, Mark Major, Norman McKinney, Betsy McMahon, Charles Melvin, Charles Milz, David O’Connor, John Owens, Becky Packard, Sherman Piemonte, Tony Potucek, John Pratt, Kevin Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine Roy, Terry Pearson, Stephen Spillane, James Sytek, John Torosian, Peter True, Chris Verville, Kevin Wallace, Scott Webb, James Welch, David Weyler, Kenneth Yokela, Josh STRAFFORD Harrington, Michael Hayward, Peter Horgan, James Kittredge, Mac McNally, Jody Perreault, Mona Pitre, Joseph Rooney, Abigail Beaudoin, Steven Wuelper, Kurt SULLIVAN Aron, Judy Callum, John Laware, Thomas Rollins, Skip Stapleton, Walter Smith, Steven and the veto was sustained. MOTION TO PRINT DEBATE Rep. McBeath moved that the debate on HB 706-FN-A, establishing an independent redistricting commission, be printed in the Permanent Journal. Without objection, the Speaker ordered. DEBATE – HB 706-FN-A Representative Marjorie Smith: Mister Speaker, first of all, thank you for your courtesy. Mister Speaker, I rise to ask that this body vote to override the veto of HB 706, a bill creating an independent redistricting 62 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD commission. Mister Speaker, I rise to speak truth to power. I rise with respect and pride in my colleagues, in this New Hampshire General Court who once again are first in the nation. Rather than being ordered by a court, or being directed by a citizen initiative, this legislature on its own initiative, republicans and democrats working together, senators and representatives working together agreed that of the practices that sustain out government, nothing is more important than free and fair elections. That knowledge guided this bipartisan New Hampshire effort that resulted in HB 706. Learning from the successes and failures in other states, we compromised, we worked hard to compromise to create a system that was independent, balanced and community based. This legislature and this commission may take into account many factors, political boundaries, historic boundaries, economic units, but underrepresenting one political party and stacking the deck for another is not legitimate nor is it constitutional. HB 706 establishes an independent redistricting commission that was specifically written to create a body with the power to suggest a redistricting plan and recommend that plan to the legislature. The legislature retains responsibility for a major portion of appoint- ments to the commission and the legislature retains full power of approval. Most important, the commission must function in the public eye. Those who don’t know history are condemned to repeat it. I was not in the legislature when after the 1990 census the state was forced to admit to the New Hampshire Supreme Court that the redistricting plan violated the equal protection clauses of the New Hampshire Constitution and the Constitution of the United States. The 2000 redistricting plan resulted in at least 4 lawsuits in federal and state courts, one issue involving a town went on for 8 years and in 2010, the plan acknowledged publicly by its prime draftsman to be drawn in favor of one party generated 5 lawsuits involving cities, towns and legislators versing the state. The superior and supreme courts took action that led to the suspension of the filing period until just weeks before the 2012 elections and many of you, as do I, remember how difficult that was for those of us who were trying to run for public office. The United States Supreme Court, in Rucho v. Common Cause clearly states that extreme partisan gerrymanders violate the constitution. The most basic political premise of our government is that the people choose their representatives, not the other way around. But the court also concluded that the solution rests with the states. This is not about Democratic or Republican, it’s not about liberal or conservatives, it’s not about left and right. It is about right and wrong. I urge you to override the veto and I ask in the words of a writer far more skilled than I, “To thine own self be true. And it must follow as the night the day, that cannot then be false to any man. Thank you, Mister Speaker. Speaker Shurtleff: Will the member yield to a question. The member does not yield. Pursuant to the constitution, this will be a roll call vote. Members will kindly take their seats. The question before the House is notwithstand- ing the Governor’s veto, shall HB 706 become law? The Chair recognizes Rep. Boehm for a parliamentary inquiry. Representative Boehm: Thank you, Mister Speaker. If I know the New Hampshire Constitution clearly states that we the legislature shall do the redistricting for the General Court, Executive Council and Congress. And, Mister Speaker, if I know that the United States Supreme Court recently ruled that courts should not interfere with state redistricting. Also, if I know that we do not have any gerrymandering in New Hampshire. Speaker Shurtleff: The House will be in order. Representative Boehm: If we did then you would not be in the majority. And, if I know that this bill will not change lawsuits. They will still happen. So, will you join me in pressing the red button to allow us to continue to follow the New Hampshire Constitution? Thank you. Speaker Shurtleff: The question before the House is notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 706 become law? The Chair recognizes Rep. Moynihan for a parliamentary inquiry. The House will be in order. Representative Moynihan: Thank you, Mister Speaker. Mister Speaker, if I know that for the last 3 decades lawsuits have been sued after every redistricting costing months and years of time and tens of thousands of dollars and that the public is overwhelmingly opposed to partisan gerrymandering. And, if I know there is a clear conflict of interest where the elected officials determine the boundaries of the districts they intend to run in. And, if I know that there is clear evidence of gerrymandering in New Hampshire state and districts and ad- mission by political parties in New Hampshire that they do take political advantage into account when drawing redistricting boundaries. And, if I know that the recent supreme court decision would emphasize and recognize that gerrymandering, partisan gerrymandering does exist, but it indicated that the duty to police that practice lies at the state level, would I not now vote to override the Governor’s veto by pressing the green button? Speaker Shurtleff: The question before the House is notwithstanding the Governor’s veto, shall HB 706-FN become law? The State Constitution requires a roll call vote. A two-thirds vote is required to override the veto. If you are in favor of having the bill become law, you’ll press the green button. If you are opposed and wish to sustain the Governor’s veto, you’ll press the red button. Voting stations will be open for 30 seconds. Have all members present had an opportunity to vote? The House will be attentive to the state of the vote. With 227 members voting Yea, 145 voting Nay, the veto is sustained. ADJOURN FROM THE EARLY SESSION Rep. Ley offered the following: RESOLVED, that the House now adjourn from the early session, that the business of the late session be in order at the present time. Motion adopted. 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 63

UNANIMOUS CONSENT Rep. Yokela requested Unanimous Consent of the House regarding the events in Hong Kong and addressed the House. MOTION TO PRINT REMARKS Rep. Schultz moved that the remarks made by Rep. Yokela during Unanimous Consent be printed in the Permanent Journal. Motion adopted. REMARKS Representative Yokela: Thank you, Mister Speaker. New Hampshire has a great history as a part of the revolution which fought for recognition of rights, including political dissent, equal protection under the law, unreasonable search and seizures. Thousands of people in this chamber have tried to protect and strengthen the work the founders started. It is a responsibility which looms large over all of New Hampshire and stamps on the people of New Hampshire an imprint of the cost of our freedoms and the bravery of the men and women that put their lives on the line for it. Hong Kongers have had many of their constitutional protections we enjoy thanks to Great Britain and have seen those protections given away by Great Britain to a dictato- rial regime. They have started to see the end to their protection of their rights and have pushed back. The existential fear we have of losing our rights is at their front door. They gave me a letter, which I would like to read to you. It’s actually from the citizens press conference. They said, “One evening, I happened to be in one of the biggest and busiest metro stations in Hong Kong. Once a bustling station packed with lively young couples, it felt more like an eerie ghost town ever since the terrorist attacks broke out across many of the biggest stations in Hong Kong. I never imagined that what I have seen on TV screen would happen to me, until the train I was on suddenly halted. Without warning, policemen crashed into the station, then onto the platforms . They quickly forced their way in, menacingly waving their batons and pepper sprays at innocent commuters. They called us “cockroaches” and started to beat us up. We were defenseless - some of us had umbrellas so we huddled together and opened them to form a makeshift shield, but the police ripped through this too, reaching behind the umbrellas to flog us again and again and again, as if they were consumed by blind hatred towards citizens for committing an unknown yet unforgivable crime. Some of us ran away; some of us sat on the floor and sobbed; some of us just froze, dumbfounded. This scene is just as unthinkable in Hong Kong as it is in New York City, San Francisco, London or Tokyo - a fully-fledged metropolis transformed into a war zone. As of today, the collusion between the Hong Kong Police Force, the Government it serves and the metro staff means that CCTV footage of that fateful night has still not been released. Why? Why are they being so evasive? Are they trying to hide something? Did they kill someone? It has dawned on the col- lective consciousness of Hong Kongers that multiple deaths on that night is a very real possibility. Multiple passengers have gone missing for weeks. Multiple Government departments have been either evasive or lying on multiple counts. When they say, ‘no one died’ - how can we be expected to trust them?” The passage above is an abridged account of a paramedic who was present on one of the most mysterious nights in Hong Kong’s history. This night has left Hong Kongers desperate for answers, not least to the question: “Did the Police kill anybody?” Our friends in Hong Kong are truly at their wits’ end in trying to protect what little remains of their rights and freedoms, after continuous and unrelenting attempts by the Chinese Communist Party to erode them throughout the 22 years they have had Hong Kong within their grip. In a defiant display of col- lective agency, Hong Kongers have developed an innovative “leaderless” strategy. This has succeeded in frightening the Chinese Communist Party, which is used to suppressing uprisings by arresting leaders that oppose them. But what exactly do Hong Kongers want? It is simple - they have had enough of oppression from communist China, so they are desperate for “anything but.” Hong Kongers are waving the Star Spangled Banner, the flag that symbolizes freedom and democracy. They yearn for the day they can lay claim to self- determination in a system that is free from the bloody hands of Communist China. The horrific scenes you might have seen from these protests may so far have been confined to your TVs or computers - mere images safely contained behind a screen. But this personal story illustrates a much messier and more dangerous existence for the 7 million people in Hong Kong for which being tyrannized by their own Government and Police Force is a daily reality. Hong Kong is standing on a precipice. 14-year old children who should have been enjoying their summer holidays have instead been thrown onto the frontlines in an uphill battle against the sinister force that is the Chinese Communist Party. Some have shed their young blood, some have gone missing, and still more have gone to jail for their ardent passion for freedom. We must take this opportunity to atone for what we failed to do for the students who were massacred at Tiananmen Square, 30 years ago. China is not just Hong Kong’s problem - it is a global problem. We should not let geographical distance weaken our resolve to do our part in the fight between freedom and oppression. Hong Kong needs your help to win this battle between David and Goliath. A strong and free Hong Kong will help win the fight to stop the reach of the Chinese Communist Party, so the free world can carry on as a beacon of hope that shines 64 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD upon the darker parts in which the inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have yet to prevail. If you are wondering how you might be able to help, the answer is simple: offer your public support for the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. In 1989, the Chinese Communist Party power elite did nothing for 49 days because they didn’t know how the United States would react. But after President Bush Sr. sent a signal that the United States would not cut off China’s Most Favoured Nation status, Deng Xiaoping ordered the Tiananmen Massacre. This demonstrates that the Chinese Communist Party only un- derstands power politics. They will kill again if the United States does not flex its power at critical times. If America continues to give Hong Kong special status regardless of how the Chinese Communist Party treats its people, America is openly inviting China to exploit America’s politics, to harm the people of Hong Kong and benefit economically from them at the same time. The people of Hong Kong are standing firm in their legitimate fight for freedom for the sake of themselves and the whole world. We ask that you stand with us. We ask you to pressure the president and those running for president to offer a new home in the US to those who have been arrested during marches to protect their freedoms. The Hong Kong Human Rights and De- mocracy Act is just the start. Hong Kongers should never have an expiration date on their freedom. Thank you. Citizens Press Conference. That is a letter they sent to me. I think Hong Kongers are in the middle of a cultural war to preserve their freedoms and with Hong Kong government in bed with the Chinese govern- ment, there is little hope that Hong Kongers will be able to preserve their freedoms without a wholesale change of the government in Hong Kong. Hong Kongers ask for very little of us. The Human Rights and Democracy Act is a yearly documentation of the erosion of these rights and I think that we should demand more. I think I would like to see the US not lend the Chinese government legitimacy when it is one of the worst human rights violators. I think the US should not recognize Great Britain’s government selling free people into a dictatorship which does not protect individual rights. Instead we should be empowering the Taiwanese and Hong Kongers to separate themselves from the brutal Chinese government and we should open our doors to those that have been arrested for trying to fight for their freedoms. I think that we can work with to empower Taiwan and help protect Hong Kong from China’s attempt to erode the individual rights of Hong Kongers and I think in New Hampshire specifically, we can show our love by posting support on social media like #NewHampshirestandswithHongKong or #LiveFreeorDie. We can also ask the federal politicians and presidential candidates when they come here to speak to us what they are willing to do to help these people who are trying to fight for their freedom and yes. Thank you for your time. UNANIMOUS CONSENT Rep. Cloutier requested Unanimous Consent of the House regarding memorial remarks for the former member from Lincoln, the Honorable Edmond Gionet and addressed the House. MOTION TO PRINT REMARKS Without objection, the Speaker ordered the remarks made by Rep. Cloutier during Unanimous Consent be printed in the Permanent Journal. REMARKS Representative Cloutier: Thank you, Mister Speaker. If I could ask that members of the Public Works and Highways Committee, especially those that served with Edmond and also, I think Representatives from the town of Lincoln to join me while I make these brief remarks, I would appreciate it. It will be just a few minutes. Okay, I should probably get started here. In late July, the Public Works and Highways Committee was informed of the passing of former Representative and committee member Edmond Gionet of Lincoln via email by our former Speaker and former Committee Chair, Gene Chandler. On the committee’s behalf, I want to thank our former Speaker for passing along this news and much of the material I am going to use in these memorial remarks. Edmond Gionet served in this House and on the Public Works and Highways Committee for a total of 7 consecutive terms between 2002 and 2016. Edmond was a Korean War Veteran who was also a member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars for a combined total of 93 years. He also worked as a land manager for R.S. Audley Inc. as well as an engineer’s aid at the Bureau of Public Records. He served the town of Lincoln on the Board of Selectmen for 15 years, including 5 years as Chair. Edmond was also a member of the Lincoln Rotary, Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and also was a past President of the Pemigewasset Fish and Game Club. While in the House, Edmond also served as a member and the Chair of the New Hampshire Canadian Trade Council, where from personal experience, and I saw this, he worked in a bipartisan manner with many of our other colleagues to improve trade relations between our state and Canada. Also, he was a member of the Grafton County Executive Finance Committee and also the Cannon Mountain Advisory Board. Former Speaker Chandler indicated in his email that Edmond was especially proud of his perfect attendance record for multiple session years and his nearly perfect attendance record in many other years. He also kept his constituents informed of the various goings on in Concord in his annual town reports, including his efforts to improve their lives, including establishing a casino in Grafton County. He is survived by his wife, Priscilla and three children. 18 SEPTEMBER 2019 HOUSE RECORD 65

Speaker Shurtleff: Will my friend from Claremont suspend for a moment? I just want to remind those in the back of the chamber that are talking, we are memorializing Edmond Gionet, a wonderful State Representative from Lincoln. So, if you do wish to talk to your neighbor, please go out in the anteroom so that Representative Cloutier can finish these remarks honoring our good friend. Representative Cloutier, please proceed. Representative Cloutier: Thank you, Mister Speaker. As summed up by our former Speaker, Edmond was dedicated to his beloved town of Lincoln, his state and nation. That is a direct quote from our former Speaker. Personally, I want to say that he was a humorous and friendly colleague who taught me a lot. Probably one of the most important things he taught me was to take the work of our committee and the House seriously, but not myself too seriously. A lesson I continue to try to remember. So, I just want to state that he was a good friend to many of us, including our former Speaker and may he rest in peace. Thank you, Mister Speaker and member of the House for listening. RECESS MOTION Rep. Ley moved that the House stand in recess until Thursday, September 19, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. Motion adopted. The House recessed at 4:15 p.m. RECESS