FOSTERING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL IN ASKING AND GIVING OPINION THROUGH TALKING CHIP TECHNIQUE (A Classroom Action Research in the Ninth Grade of SMPIT As Shof Depok in the Academic Year 2019/2020)

A Skripsi Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (S-1) in English Education

KURNIA MEGIYATRI 11150140000072








Kurnia Megiyatri. NIM. 11150140000072. “Fostering Students’ Speaking Skill in Asking and Giving Opinion through Talking Chip Technique” (A Classroom Action Research in the Ninth Grade of SMPIT As Shof Depok in the Academic Year 2019/2020). ―Skripsi” of the English Education Department, the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta. 2019. Advisors : 1. Dr. Nida Husna,M.Pd., M.A.TESOL. 2. Dadan Nugraha,M.Pd. Keywords: Speaking Skill, Asking and Giving opinion, Talking Chip technique

The purpose of this study is to foster student speaking skill in asking and giving opinion through Talking Chip Technique. The subject of this study was the ninth grade of SMPIT As Shof Depok. The researcher uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) to conduct this research. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) based on Kurt Lewin that consists of four phases: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. To measures the data of this research, the researcher uses two kinds of data in this study; qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data is derived from the observation and interview. Meanwhile, the quantitative data is obtained from the pre-test and post-test. Talking chip technique had been successfully fostering the students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion. There are three reasons why talking chip technique can foster students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion. The first was talking chip can equalise the students‘ participation. The second was talking chip was a new teaching technique for the students, so they enthusiast during the lesson. The third was talking chip can be increased students‘ attention. Based on the result of the students‘ speaking test, talking chip can be measured that the students could improve the students‘ speaking score. In the pre- test, students‘ mean score was 48,52. In the post-test 1, students‘ mean score was 73,52. In the post-test 2, students‘ mean score was 81,37. In the post-test 3, students‘s mean score was 83,82. Thus, the implementation of talking chip technique in improving the students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion in ninth grade SMPIT As Shof Depok in the academic year 2019/2020 was successful.



Kurnia Megiyatri. NIM. 11150140000072. “Fostering Students’ Speaking Skill in Asking and Giving Opinion through Talking Chip Technique” (A Classroom Action Research in the Ninth Grade of SMPIT As Shof Depok in the Academic Year 2019/2020). Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019 Dosen pembimbing : 1. Dr. Nida Husna,M.Pd., M.A.TESOL. 2. Dadan Nugraha,M.Pd. Kata Kunci : Teknik kancing gemerincing, Kemampuan Berbicara, memberi dan menanyakan pendapat.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menumbuhkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam bertanya dan memberikan pendapat melalui teknik kancing gemerincing. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX SMPIT As Shof Depok. Peneliti menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) untuk melakukan penelitian ini. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) berdasarkan Kurt Lewin yang terdiri dari empat fase: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan penggambaran. Untuk mengukur data penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan dua jenis data; data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dari observasi dan wawancara. Sementara itu, data kuantitatif diperoleh dari pre-test dan post-test. Teknik kancing gemerincing berhasil mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam bertanya dan memberikan pendapat dalam tiga alasan, hal pertama adalah Teknik kancing gemerincing dapat menyamakan partisipasi siswa. Hal kedua adalah teknik kancing gemerincing merupakan teknik mengajar baru bagi siswa, sehingga mereka antusias selama pelajaran. Ketiga adalah tekinik kancing gemerincing dapat meningkatkan perhatian siswa. Dalam tes awal, nilai rata-rata siswa adalah 48,52. Dalam post-test 1, nilai rata-rata siswa adalah 73,52. Dalam post-test 2, nilai rata-rata siswa adalah 81,37. Dalam post-test 3, nilai rata-rata siswa adalah 83,82. Dengan demikian, penerapan teknik berbicara dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam meminta dan memberikan pendapat di SMPIT kelas sembilan As Shof Depok pada tahun akademik 2019/2020 berhasil.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and Merciful

All praises are to Allah, the Lord of the World, who has given the researcher his mercy, guidance and strength to finish this research paper. Peace and salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, as well as his followers. In this occasion, the researcher would like to express her most significant appreciation, honour, and gratitude to her beloved parents Mrs.Sulastri and Mr.Wahyu Wagiyo who always give prayer, support, motivation and guidance while doing this research, and also her sisters, Fitri Asmawati who always give support and motivation. Secondly, the researcher would like to address her thank and great gratitude to the advisors, Dr. Nida Husna,M.Pd.,M.A.TESOL and Dadan Nugraha,M.Pd. for the valuable suggestion, comment and support while conducting this research. Thirdly, the researcher thought that she would never finish this research paper without their supports and helps. Therefore, her sincere gratitude also goes to: 1. Dr. Sururin,M.Ag. as the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences. 2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, MA.,TESOL.,Ph.D. as the Head of Department of English Education. 3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. as the Secretary of Department of English Education. 4. All lectures in Department of English Education for the precious knowledge and patience to the researcher during her study at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. 5. Ari Rahma Sri Kusumawardani,S.E. as the English Teacher of SMPIT As Shof Depok, for all sincere help, time and guidance. 6. The students of ninth grade SMPIT As Shof Depok who are willing to contribute their effort during this research.


7. All beloved friends of DEE B 2015 who have accompanied the reseracher‘s life during the study in university. 8. All of people, whose name cannot be mentioned for their contribution to the researcher while finishing this research. Finally, the researcher admits that her writing is still far from being perfect. Therefore, she hopes some suggestion and constructive critique from the reader for this better research paper. Hopefully, this research paper will be useful not only for the researcher but also for the reader. Ciputat, 24 Oktober 2019 The Researcher

Kurnia Megiyatri



APPROVAL SHEET ...... i ENDORSEMENT SHEET ...... ii SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI ...... iii ABSTRACT ...... iv ABSTRAK ...... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... vi TABLE OF CONTENT ...... viii LIST OF TABLES ...... xi LIST OF FIGURES ...... xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of study ...... 1 B. The Identification of The Problems ...... 5 C. Limitation of the Problems ...... 5 D. Formulation of the study ...... 5 E. The objective of the study ...... 5 F. The significance of the study ...... 6 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ...... 7 A. Speaking skill ...... 7 1. Definition of speaking ...... 7 2. The elements of speaking ...... 8 B. Asking and giving opinion ...... 10 1. Definition of opinion ...... 10 2. Asking opinion ...... 10 3. Giving opinion ...... 11 4. Type of opinion ...... 11 C. Talking Chip ...... 14 1. Definition of talking chip technique ...... 14 2. Advantages of talking chip technique ...... 15 3. The implementation of talking chip technique ...... 16


D. Teaching speaking in asking and giving opinion through talking chip technique ...... 17 E. Thinking framework ...... 18 F. Previous study ...... 19 G. Research hypothesis ...... 20 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...... 21 A. Place and time of the study ...... 21 B. Research method and design ...... 21 C. The subject of the study ...... 22 D. The researcher’s role ...... 22 E. The procedure of the study ...... 23 F. Research instrument ...... 24 1. Observation list ...... 24 2. Interview ...... 24 3. Test ...... 24 4. Collecting data procedure ...... 26 5. Trustworthiness ...... 28 6. Criteria of the action success ...... 28 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ...... 30 A. Research finding ...... 30 1. Pre-implementation ...... 30 a. The result of a pre-action interview ...... 30 b. The result of pre-action observation ...... 32 c. The result of the pre-action test ...... 33 2. The implementation of Classroom Action Research ...... 35 3. Post-Implementing the Action ...... 62 a. The Result of Post-Interview ...... 62 b. The Result of Post-Action Test ...... 63 B. Data interpretation...... 68 C. Discussion ...... 69 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ...... 72 A. Conclusion ...... 72 B. Suggestion ...... 73


REFERENCES ...... 74 APPENDICES ...... 77



Table2.1 Expressions of Asking and Giving Opinion ………………………… 12 Table3.1 Rubric for Assessment Speaking Scale …………………………...… 26 Table 4.1 Students‘ Score in Pre-action Test …………………………………. 34 Table 4.2 Students‘ Score in Post-action Test 1 ……………………………… 41 Table 4.3 Students‘ Score in Post-action Test 2 ……………………………… 50 Table 4.4 Students‘ Score in Post-action Test 3 ……………………………… 60 Table 4.5 Students‘ Speaking Score in Pre-test to Post-test 3………………… 64 Table 4.6 The Comparison score of the pre-test to Post-test 3 ……………..… 68



Figure 3.1 Kemmis & McTaggart Action Research Design …………………... 23 Figure 4.1 Percentage of Students‘ Score in Post-test 1 ………………….....… 41 Figure 4.2 Percentage of Students‘ Score in Post-test 2 …………………..…... 47 Figure 4.3 Percentage of Students‘ Score in Post-test 3 ……………………..... 60 Figure 4.4 The Comparison Score in Pre-test to Post-test 3 ………………..…. 68



Appendix 1 Classroom Observation Checklist ……………………………. 77 Appendix 2 Transcription of Classroom Observation ………………….…. 79 Appendix 3 Interview Guidelines …………………………………………. 93 Appendix 4 Transcription of interview …………………………………… 95 Appendix 5 Pre-Action Test ……………………………………………… 105 Appendix 6 Post-Action Test 1 …………………………………………... 106 Appendix 7 Post-Action Test 2 ……………………………………...…… 107 Appendix 8 Post-Action Test 3 ………………………………………….. 108 Appendix 9 Transcription of Pre-Action Test …………………………… 109 Appendix 10 Transcription of Post-Action Test 1 ………………….…… 112 Appendix 11 Transcription of Post-Action Test 2 ………………….…… 118 Appendix 12 Transcription of Post-Action Test 3 ………………………. 126 Appendix 13 Speaking Scoring Rubric ……………………………….…. 126 Appendix 14 Students‘ Speaking Score …………………………………. 130 Appendix 15 Lesson Plan ………………………………………………... 131 Appendix 16 Documentations …………………………………………… 132 Appendix 17 Letters …………………………………………………...… 141




In this chapter, the researcher begins her writing from the background of study, which will discuss and try to answer some questions, why the researcher takes the title for this research, what kind of research the researcher intends to do, and how the research will be applied. Next, formulation of the problem and the objective of research are also presented. In the end, the researcher presents the contributions of this research for some interrelated sides, those are for the teacher, the students, the school, and for the researcher.

A. Background of study Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information. Students can express their thoughts in any communicative situation, for example, in group discussion, presentation, or debate. To make students able to send the information accurately, they need good ability in speaking. However, to be able to speak is not easy. It requires much training and practice. Thornbury stated that speaking could be an ability and has to be developed and practised severally.1 Training student to be right in speaking is not easy because speaking is a communication activity that involves several essential elements, such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Some students are afraid to try to speak because they have lack of vocabulary, make many mistakes in grammar, and also mispronounce in some words. It is supported by Maulana Yusup Irwansyah2, in his skripsi, he mentioned some problems that have influenced students‘ ability to speak English fluently. The first problem is vocabulary knowledge, in which students lack of vocabulary and make them doubt to speak in English. However, it

1 Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Speaking, (Longman: New York), 2005, p.1 2 Maulana Y. Irwansyah, Fostering students’ Speaking Skill of Giving Opinion Through Role Play, (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah: Jakarta), 2019, p. 2



does not mean that speaking cannot be trained. One of the ways to train students‘ speaking ability is teaching it at school. Teaching and learning English, including speaking at the school level, is an effort to improve students‘ skill in English. Referring to the formulation of core competencies for SMP/MTs, learning English is designed to provide experience in using English-language texts to understand and apply factual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge related to visible events, through speaking, listening, reading and writing in the concrete unit.3 English-language texts, as known as text-based in speaking use three types of text that are interpersonal, transactional, and functional. Interpersonal text serves to maintain interpersonal relationships, for example introducing ourselves, congratulating, inviting, thanks giving, and so on. Then, transactional text serves to exchange information, goods, and services, for example asking and giving opinion, asking for help, giving suggestion, and so on. In the text, For functional text, it functions to carry out specific tasks or jobs, for example making instruction, notice, advertisement, letter, invitation, and so on. According to Junior High School syllabus4, speaking on ninth grade focuses on several kinds of speaking material that should be learned by students, one of them is asking and giving opinion. Asking and giving opinion material is included in transactional interpersonal text because it is used to communicate with other people properly and to get some information. Students can get some information from others‘ opinion when they speak English well. However, some students have some problems to speak English, especially in asking and giving opinion. The common problem that occurs in teaching asking and giving opinion is students‘ lack of vocabulary. This statement is supported by Agustina who has conducted a research at SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan. She said that most of the students experienced difficulty in speaking English since they had a lack of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and other elements of speaking. They often

3 English syllabi for junior high school, (Ministry of education and cultural: Jakarta., 2016), p.1 4 Ibid., pp.30-31


struggled in translating sentences from their native language (Bahasa ) to English.5 The other problem comes from students‘ confidence. Based on indirect interviews with an English teacher, she said that her students are unconfident when they are asked to speak up in the class. Most of them are afraid to make a mistake in grammar. Moreover, the researcher also found that the students are still difficult to deliver their opinion even though they have an argument to deliver. Based on the researcher‘s experience, learning speaking needs much time to practice because speaking is not a knowledge that can be transferred, but it is a skill that should be trained. The last problem is the students do not familiar with expressions of asking and giving opinion. Based on the researcher‘s interview with the teacher, she found that students had difficulty in expressing various expressions of asking and giving opinion because they did not know some expressions to express asking and giving opinion. Other factors are that the students have the opportunity to speak English only in the class. Therefore, students have no chance to explore and practice their speaking ability. From the researcher‘s experience, speaking is not knowledge that can be transferred, but it is a skill that should be trained. Thus, speaking needs much time to practice. To support that, Dr. Spencer Kagan and Miguel Kagan develop Talking Chips technique6. This technique allows students to work in groups to discuss a specific topic. Moreover, Talking Chips technique is a technique of teaching speaking, which make the students interested and help the students to speak. It is because this technique can make the students be active in the classroom with no students dominate the discussion, learn how to collaborate in a group and have a chance to speak English because the students will be divided into several groups and each member will have a turn to speak English.

5 Tri Hanifah Agustina, Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Speaking Board Game, (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah: Jakarta, 2018), p.2 6 Kagan and Kagan, Cooperative Learning, (Kagan Publishing : San Clemente, 2009), pp.6.10- 6.11


The opinion that the talking chip technique is one of the effective techniques for teaching speaking has been proven by several researchers who researched similar fields using the talking chip technique. For instance, the research conducted by Nanik Purwasih7 entitled Using Talking Chip Technique to Improve Speaking Achievement. The result of this study showed that most of the students in the experimental group showed better improvement than before. It is proved by the independent sample t-test that there was a significant difference between the mean score of posttest in the experimental group and the mean score of the posttest in the control group, in which the mean score of the experimental group was higher than the control group. It means that the treatment was sufficient to improve students‘ speaking achievement. Hertati Mukadimah also researched in the same field8, entitled ―The use of talking chips strategy to improve speaking ability.‖ According to the result of the tests, the students made a better improvement in all aspects. The most improvement made by the students was in vocabulary and pronunciation aspect. The interaction aspect also showed good improvement. However, the fluency and grammar aspects did not show a significant improvement. It does not mean that the students could not master the aspects, but instead, they needed more practice. Based on the discussion mentioned above, the researcher would like to conduct a Classroom Action Research and is interested in taking the title of ―Fostering Students‘ Speaking Skill Through Talking Chip Technique.‖ The researcher will research SMPIT As Shof Depok located Jalan Raya Kalimulya, Kp. Kebon Duren RT 001 RW 005 Kalimulya, Cilodong, Kota Depok 16413. The researcher will take one class for doing research, that is ninth grade in academic year 2019/2020. Ninth grade is consists of 27 students. The material of asking and giving opinion is taught in ninth grade, and students of ninth grade have different levels of speaking skill.

7 Nanik Purwasih, Using Talking Chip Technique to Improve Speaking Achievement of 11th graders of one Senior High School in Indralaya Utara, (Proceedings of the 2nd SULE – IC 2016, FKIP, Unsri, Palembang, 2016), p.2 8 Hertati Mukaddimah, The use of talking chips strategy to improve speaking ability of grade XI students of SMAN 1 Pengasih Yogyakarta in the academic year of 2013/2014, (UNY press: Yogyakarta, 2014), p.2


B. The Identification of The Problems From the background of the study, the author concludes the identification of the problem, they are: 1. The opportunity to speak is limited. It indirectly makes students lose the chance to practice speaking skills. 2. Students are not familiar with what expressions should be said when asking and giving opinion 3. Students' ignorance of the language features of asking and giving opinion will cause a decrease in scores that students will get and will affect the failure of curriculum objectives.

C. Limitation of the Problems Based on the reasons that are mentioned before, the author needs to limit the problems. The author focuses on fostering students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion at ninth grade SMPIT As Shof Depok in the academic year 2019/2020 by using talking chip technique.

D. Formulation of the study To make the study be understood, the researcher formulates the problems stated as follows: ―How can talking chip technique foster students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion at ninth grade SMPIT As Shof Depok in the academic year 2019/2020?‖

E. The objective of the study In line with the formulation of the problem stated above, the study aims to know how the talking chip foster students‘ ability in speaking, especially in asking and giving opinion at ninth grade SMPIT As Shof Depok in the academic year 2019/2020.


F. The significance of the study The significance of this study might be expected as follows:  For the students This research is expected to make the learning process more enjoyable and to foster the students‘ ability in speaking as the talking chip will make all of the students speak out and encourage the students to deliver their opinion about something.  For the English teachers This research is expected to give the alternative solution in teaching speaking through Talking Chip because talking chip is a part of cooperative learning that is beneficial for teachers, especially for teaching asking and giving opinion and use group discussion.  For the other researchers This research is expected to provide more insight to other researchers regarding various teaching techniques, especially speaking in the classroom. This research can help other researchers in developing teaching techniques later on.



In this chapter, the researcher tries to explain some explanations of the theoretical framework which covers the general concept of speaking in asking and giving opinion, talking chip technique, and the implementation of teaching asking and giving opinion through talking chip technique.

A. Speaking skill 1. Definition of speaking Some experts have different opinion in defining speaking. According to Ur, people who are said to have a language skill, will primarily judge to the way they speak the language, because speaking includes all other aspects of language and most of language learners are interested to the speaking of the language at the beginning of the language learning.1 Lenka stated that speaking involves verbal and non-verbal communication to construct and share meaning.2 Petra stated that speaking is defined as the process of using word in order to accomplish specific purpose in term of basic ability used in daily life.3 Thornbury said that speaking is an activity that is carried out spontaneously and in a short time, so the speaker does not need many plans about what will be said. That is why this activity becomes less complicated.4 The other definition comes from Lynne. She said that speaking is the use of language in conveying the meaning to be understood by other people.5 Donough and Shaw stated that there are some reasons for speaking, involved expressing thought: expressing an urge to do something; negotiating and/or solving a

1 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge University: New York), 2009, p. 120. 2 Lenka Lustigova, Simplified Debate as A Learning Tool at the University Level, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, Vol. 4 (1), 2011, p. 19. 3 Petra Šolcová, Teaching Speaking Skills, (Czech Republic: Masaryk University), 2011, p.17 4 Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Speaking, (London: Longman) 2005, p.20 5 Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learners, (United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2001) p. 40.



particular problem; or building social relationships. Besides, fluency, accuracy, and confidence are important goal in speaking‖.6 From the speaking definition that has been mentioned above, the researcher concludes that speaking skills are the art of talking which acts as a means of communication with spoken language including the process of conveying thoughts and ideas with the aim of reporting, entertaining, or convincing others.

2. The elements of speaking Speaking skill of a person not only implies the person‘s knowledge of the linguistic element, but also interpret the ability of processing information from the language appropriately. 7 Based on the statement, in order to have good speaking skill, a learner should have knowledge both of language feature and how to process information directly. Either five components are generally recognized in analysing the speech process: 1. Pronunciation Harold stated that pronunciation focuses on production and identification of the sounds, stress pattern, and intonation in English8. Teaching pronunciation is to give an understanding of the difference between the sounds and sounds features. Since speaking is also dealing with listening, the proper pronunciation is needed in order to avoid the misinterpreting while talking so the listener can be able to understand what the speaker says, and it will make the communication process more manageable. 2. Grammar Ur has defined grammar as arranging words altogether to create sentences correctly.9 When dealings with speaking, sometimes grammar is often overlooked, especially for non-native speakers. To be able to speak correctly and meaningfully, it needs grammar ability. The scope of the grammar is maybe restricted to syntax (how

6 Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw, Materials and Methods in ELT, (Melbourne: Blackwell Publishing, 2003), p.157. 7 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching 4th Edition, (Cambridge: Pearson Longman, 2007), p. 343. 8 Harold S Madsen, Technique in Testing, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983), p.57. 9 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p.75.


words combine into structures of phrases, clauses, and sentences). In other words, understanding the language can be achieved by understanding grammar. The language will be complicated to comprehend if the rules in grammar are not used. 3. Vocabulary Language is formed by a series of words. In this case, words are named as vocabulary. Vocabulary is a very basic tool to create a language or to consume the language because the students will easily speak up with the number of vocabularies and the listeners will easily comprehend the language with it as well. Learners should be able to choose appropriate words in certain situations in order to make their speaking meaningful.10 For instance, when someone wants to talk to a different person, they have to be able to find a word which is appropriate to be delivered in the message. 4. Fluency Brown added that fluency is the ability to speak spontaneously, flow well, without having to stop and pause a lot to channel the speech on a more purposeful course.11 Therefore, in order to increase students‘ speaking in the classroom, the teacher should be able to make the students speak more than herself so that they can use the target language without any difficulty. 5. Comprehension In order to make the dialogue process run smoothly and continually, we must understand the content of the conversation so that we can give the response. Hence, Brown stated that the successful speaking is determined by the success in delivering the message so that it can be received by interlocutor well.12 In order, the listeners can get the massages that the speaker delivers. All these components of speaking; pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension are the critical and complementary components in the

10 Paul Bogaards & Batia Laufer Dvorkin, Vocabulary in a Second Langugae: Selection, Acqusition, and Testing, (Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing, 2004), p.40. 11 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy 2nd Edition, (New York: Pearson Education, 2001), p. 269. 12 Loc.cit.


development of students‘ speaking skill. These elements support each other to gain the goal of speaking. B. Asking and giving opinion 1. Definition of opinion Opinion is ideas, thoughts and beliefs that are not necessarily based on factual data and have not been proven or verified.13 It can be concluded that giving opinion is giving an expression or a view from our thoughts on a matter or issue, which could be a personal point of view, an agreement, and disagreement opinion. Iswandi stated that opinion is the result of perspective, understanding, certain feelings, beliefs, and desires of someone who refers to information that is unfounded, different from knowledge and facts.14 Mitchell stated that opinion is ―an implicit verbal response or ‗answer‘ that an individual gives in response to a particular stimulus situation in which some general ‗question‘ is raised‖.15 Based on the definition above, the researcher concludes that opinion refers to a judgement or belief about something, come from assumption or personal view, subjective statement, and will be different from person to person.

2. Asking opinion There are many expressions to express opinions to others that can be used, but there are only two views that can be used in giving opinions, namely the opinions we give from our own views and the opinions we give from views in general (the views of many people in general). According to Nina, asking opinion is used when someone wants to know about anyone thought.16

13 Astrid S. Susanto, Pendapat Umum, (Bandung : PT Karya Nusantara, 1975 ) p. 48 14 Iswandi Syahputra, Opini Publik, (Bandung: Simbiosa Rekatama Media, 2018), p.3 15 Malcolm G. Mitchell, Propaganda, Polls, and Public Opinion: Are the People Manipulated? (United States of America:Pearson college div, 1977), p.67 16 Nina Prastuti, Improving Students‘ Ability in Asking and Giving Opinion by Using Hangman Game. Journal (Pontianak: Tanjungpura University, 2013), p. 2


3. Giving opinion Nina stated that giving opinion is used when someone conveys about his/her thought to others.17 According to Maulana, giving opinion is giving an expression or a view from our thought on a matter or issue, which could be a personal point of view, agreement, and disagreement opinion.18

4. Type of opinion Judging from the similarities and differences in scope, opinions can be distinguished in several types, including:19 a. Personal opinion or individual opinion, namely one's original opinion about an issue. b. Group opinions, namely group opinions about social issues that concern the interests of many people. c. Majority opinion, namely the majority opinion relating to a problem that is pro, contra, or other judgments. d. Minority opinions, namely opinions which are relatively few in number relating to a social problem. e. Public opinion, namely the same opinion of all people in a society about issues involving the public interest. f. Mass opinions, namely mass opinions, can turn to destructive physical actions if they are not successfully controlled. g. Scientific opinion, that is, opinion refers to a number of opinions from many different scientific organizations and entities as well as scientists in the relevant field. h. Legal opinion, which contains the professional judgment of lawyers regarding legal issues being handled.

17 Loc.cit. 18 Maulana Y. Irwansyah, Fostering students’ Speaking Skill of Giving Opinion Through Role Play, (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah: Jakarta), 2019, p. 8 19 Syahputra, op.cit., p.3


i. Judicial opinion, namely the opinion of the judge or group of judges who accompanied and explained or decided on a controversy before the court, to lay down the rationale and legal principles used by the court to make decisions. j. Editorial opinion, which is an evaluation of a topic conducted by a media submitted on its editorial page.

5. Expressions of asking and giving opinion There is several expressions of asking and giving opinion according to teacher‘s lesson plan for Junior High School ninth grade.20

Table 2.1. Expression of Asking and Giving Opinion Asking for opinion Giving opinion What do you think of…? In my opinion… Is that true that …? I think… Why do they behave like that? I believe… Do you have any idea about….? I personally believe…

How do you like that? I personally think… How do you like…? I personally feel… How about….? To my mind… Please give me your frank opinion In my case… about …. Please share your idea about …. Well, personally… What your view on? It seems that… What is your reaction? I personally consider What is your idea? I tend to think that What is your comment? As far I know How is your opinion? From my point of view

20 Anastasia Koltai, Expressing of Asking and Giving Opinion. Retrieved from https://www.myenglishteacher.eu/blog/asking-giving-opinions-agreeing-disagreeing/


6. Example of asking and giving opinion There are some example of asking and giving opinion21 Example 1 Trevor: Have you heard about our school‘s plan to ban smartphones in the school? Matt:Yeah Trevor: What do you think about it? Matt : Well, I think that‘s fair enough. Trevor: why do you think so? Matt : you see… Smartphones have caused so much trouble in our class. Remember yesterday‘s history class? Our teacher got very angry because he was interrupted by smartphone ringing many times. This may happen again and again. Trevor: Eh… Yea… Matt : Another thing is… Smartphones have caused a kind of stupid competition. Trevor: what do you mean? Matt : you know, Everyone seems to compete to have the latest model. Trevor: Yes, I feel that too. Matt : So it‘s a good idea if the school doesn‘t allow students to use their smartphone in the school.

Example 2 Maggie: Tina, what do you think is the best action to reduce global warming? Tina : I think everyone should start changing their life styles. Maggie: What do you mean? Tina : Well, we have to start to do what we can, to reduce global warming. Maggie: What do you suggest that we should do? Tina : Well, there are lots of things that we can do. We should start saving electricity, recycling things, using public transportation, buying and consuming as much as we need only. Basically, just save anything that we can. Maggie: that‘s a great idea. I will do that.

21 Admin, Example of Expressing of Asking and Giving Opinion. Retrieved from https://englishclas.com/10-contoh-dialog-asking-and-giving-opinion-singkat/


Example 3 Vidia: Hi Ryan, by the way, I just don‘t understand why you guys like smoking? Ryan : Well… It‘s nice you know… Vidia: Nice? What‘s nice about smoking? In my opinion, there is nothing nice about smoking; it‘s dangerous for your health and it is waste of money Ryan : I‘ve heard it many times, but I don‘t believe it. Vidia: Maybe you‘ll believe it when you get your lung cancer.

C. Talking Chip 1. Definition of talking chip technique Talking chips is one of the teaching strategies or techniques of cooperative learning, which was developed by Kagan in 1992 for the first time. The history of talking chips was that Kagan looked for ways to equalize participation in groups by making paper squares like a card colored red, green, blue, and yellow which consisted of topics to be discussed by each member in a group by putting one of their cards each time they talk.22 The purpose of this technique is ensuring equitable participation by regulating how often each group member is allowed to speak. Since this technique emphasizes full and even participation from all the members, this technique encourages reticenct students to be able to speak out confidently. Talking chips is useful for helping students discuss issues, and it is useful to solve communication problem such as dominating or clashing group members. Referring to Kagan, talking chip technique is one of cooperative learning technique in which students work in small group to discuss about certain topic by using chip.23 The chips‘ material is flexible. The chips can be paper clips, pencils, cards, and other items that are available to use. In the other words, talking chip technique is a technique that attempts equal participation among students by the

22 Spencer Kagan and Miguel Kagan, Kagan Cooperative Learning, (San Clemente: CA: Kagan Publishing, 2009) p.4.23 23 Loc.cit.


use of chips during discussion. It is because discussion can be always effective for the children. According to Nilson, Talking chips is the strategies that ensure equal participation in discussion groups. Each group member receives the same member of chips (or any other markers, such as index cards).24 Kagan shared that Talking Chip is the strategy that ensures that everyone has an opportunity to share in a discussion25. So, there is no gap between students who are active to speak and those who are not. Furthermore, it extends students speaking practice, and students would have an equal opportunity to speak in the classroom. According to Kagan, talking chip technique is one of rules approach26. Rules approach is an activity where students engaged establish guidelines for equal participation. Rules approach is the effective way to make students being active participant in a class. In other words, talking chip technique is a technique that allows learners to practice their speaking into conversational form. Based on the explanation above, it can be inferred that talking chip technique will be useful on students‘ active participation especially for establishing conversational skill.

2. Advantages of talking chip technique Talking chips is also useful in building other‘s idea, contributing an idea, elaborating, encouraging contribution, encouraging others, negotiating, and working together. Kagan‘s chart in the book of Kagan Cooperative learning also shows that there are some skills or abilities that can be developed by using talking chips which some of them are as follows:

1. Team building27

24 Linda B. Nilson, Teaching at Its Best, (Sanfrancisco: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2010), p. 164 25 Spencer Kagan and Miguel Kagan, Kagan Cooperative Learning, (San Clemente: CA: Kagan Publishing, 2009) p.6.15 26 Ibid., p. 12.18 27 Ibid., p. 5.7


Teambuilding allows relationship between its people, team identity and mutual support development, synergistic connection, as well as it makes the people value their differences. 2. Social skill28 Students require a variety of social skills to be successful in cooperative learning and life. These are the very skills that students practice daily in the cooperative classroom; Active listening, appreciating others‘ ideas, caring, conflict resolution skills, cooperation, diversity skills, encouraging others, leadership skills, patience, respect, responsivity, and sharing. Many of these skills are naturally acquired in the process of working together. 3. Communication skill29 Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills. Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another, whether this be vocally (using voice), written (using printed or digital media such as books, magazines, websites or emails), visually (using logos, maps, charts or graphs) or non-verbally (using body language, gestures and the tone and pitch of voice). How well this information can be transmitted and received is a measure of how excellent our communication skills are. Developing out communication skills can help all aspects of our life, from our professional life to social gatherings and everything in between.

3. The implementation of talking chip technique There are many implementations of talking chip based on experts. Talking Chips strategy, according to Kagan are as follows:30 1. Each person is given several markers/chips. 2. The teacher give a topic to disscuss and give the student time to think. 3. Each time a person wants to speak, a chip is placed in the center of the table. 4. When an individual‘s chips are all in the center of the table, she/ he cannot speak again until everyone‘s chips are all in the center.

28 Ibid., p. 5.8 29 Ibid., p. 6.15 30 Ibid., p. 6.36


5. Last, the chips are then retrieved and tribute to begin again.

D. Teaching speaking in asking and giving opinion through talking chip technique Speaking is a part of productive skill or life skill that requires much practice in order to get used to the target language. Teaching speaking becomes one of the biggest concerns when someone learns the language. Some of the reasons underlying this are because of the complexity of the assessment of the number of achievements that must be achieved by students with their limited time to learn in the classroom. Many English classes in Indonesia tend to use Bahasa rather than practicing English as well. It is rare for them to use English as a means of communication during the class, especially in speaking class. The teacher‘s role in the classroom can develop students' speaking skills in English, yet many teachers only rely on textbooks and cannot provide contextual teaching. Students usually memorize everything from the text or dialogue from the textbook before performing a particular speech. One of the materials which is taught to the ninth grade students is asking and giving opinion. Asking and giving opinion is asking and giving an expression or a view from our thoughts on a matter or issue, which could be a personal point of view, agreement, and disagreement opinion. In delivering asking and giving an opinion, there are written and spoken techniques. In this case, asking and giving opinion orally becomes one of the ways in the classroom. Some components that should be concerned in learning asking and giving opinion are the structure and the language feature of the text. Students learn two communicative skills, (1) expressing necessity and appeal, using modal must, should, and express let's, and why do not, and (2) expressing agreement with some expressions like that is a good idea. I agree with you. Yes, I agree. I don't think so, and so on. In improving speaking skill through talking chip technique, the teacher and collaborator ask the students to perform group by group, the topic is about asking and giving opinions based on the curriculum. To hold talking chip, the teacher


must prepare some steps to make proper performance. Here are the stages in talking chip activity: 1. The teacher arranges or prepares topics that will be performed by the students. This topic is essential for students to know the situation of their roles. 2. The teacher appoints some students to learn about the topic for several minutes. Giving time for the students is useful in order to have proper preparation for acting. 3. The teacher makes groups of students consist of four people per group. The teacher has to make a group of variant member due to their ability to speak. So, the smart student is combined with a low student. 4. The teacher explains competence that will be achieved. The teacher enlightens the students from their performance; they will know some expression of giving opinions and its response and also making and declining an invitation. 5. The teacher calls a group of students who have been chosen to play based on the topic. Besides, the teacher chooses the group to perform. 6. Each student in his/her group observes the topic being performed.

E. Thinking framework Speaking is a communication activity that involves several essential elements, such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Speaking is not knowledge that can be transferred, but it is a skill that should be trained. In Indonesia, learning English is designed to provide experience in using English- language texts through spoken and written. Students still find trouble when speaking; most of the students experience difficulty in speaking English since they have a lack of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and other elements of speaking. Thus, teaching speaking should encourage the emphasis of practice as a way of developing communicative skills. The teacher should give speaking activities that encourage students to speak as naturally as possible.


One of the ways to increase students‘ speaking skill is through talking chip technique. This technique allows students to work in groups to discuss a specific topic. Moreover, Kagan and Kagan said that Talking Chips technique is a technique of teaching speaking, which makes the students interested and help the students to speak. It is because this technique can make the students be active in the classroom, learn how to collaborate in a group and have a chance to speak English because the students are divided into several groups and each member will have a turn to speak English. Based on this research, the researcher will conduct a research on talking chip technique to improve students‘ speaking skill at the ninth grade students of SMPIT As Shof Depok in order to encourage them to speak English properly. Talking chip technique can be an alternative for the teacher to attract students‘ motivation to participate in the class discussion.

F. Previous study Muhammad Muklas conducted a research entitled Talking Chip Technique to Teach Speaking31. The research aims to find the Effectiveness of Talking Chips Technique to Teach Speaking at the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK. Based on the calculation by using Independent t-test, the researcher found that Talking Chips Technique was significantly effective in teaching speaking to the eleventh- grade students of SMK. It means that Talking Chips Technique was sufficient to improve students‘ speaking ability. It could be seen from the average score in the post-test of the experimental group that was 76,38, and control group was 72,48. By using Talking Chips Technique, the students finally found the cause of their problem in speaking, and they could solve their problem. Moreover, Talking Chips Technique provided opportunities for students to apply the knowledge that they have in real life. The second previous study selected by the researcher is from Nanik Purwasih, Machdalena Vianty, and Margaretha Dinar Sitinjak who conducted

31 Muhammad Muklas, Talking Chips Technique to Teach Speaking, Journal of English Language Education and Literature, Vol. II No. 1, 2017, p. 58


their research by the title of Using Talking Chips Technique to Improve Speaking Achievement of 11th Graders of Senior High School in Indralaya Utara32. The result of this study showed that there was an improvement of speaking competence, especially being more confident, that can be seen from the result of the means in all four cycles from the pretest and post-test. The researcher concluded that talking chip technique is useful to improve students‘ speaking skill. Those two types of research have similarities and differences with this research. For the similarities, they have the same variables which are talking chip and speaking skill. However, those two types of research have differences with this research in terms of the methodology. First, the two of the researches above have quasi-experimental as the methodology while this research uses classroom action research. Second, the objectives of those two researches above are to see the effectiveness of talking chip technique toward students‘ speaking skill while the objective of this research is to describe the implementation of talking chip in improving students‘ speaking skill and to identify of how much is students‘ speaking improvement after using talking chip technique.

G. Research hypothesis Based on the theoretical and conceptual framework above, the researcher formulated the hypothesis that if the talking chip technique to improve students‘ speaking ability is implemented as well as possible, the researcher assumes that it will be a useful technique towards students speaking ability. However, if the talking chip technique to improve students‘ speaking ability is not implemented as well as possible, the researcher assumes that it will not be a useful technique towards students speaking.

32 Nanik Purwasih, Using Talking Chip Technique to Improve Speaking Achievement of 11th graders of One Senior High School in Indralaya Utara, Proceedings of the 2nd SULE – IC 2016, FKIP, Unsri, Palembang, 2016, p. 765



This chapter is presented to describe methodological activities to examine the teaching of asking and giving opinion through talking chip technique. This chapter concerns with the place and time of the study, research method and design, subject of the study, the researcher‘s role, the procedure of the study, research instrument, collecting data procedure, trustworthiness, and the criterion of action success.

A. Place and time of the study This research was held at SMPIT As Shof Depok, located in Jalan Raya Kalimulya, Kp. Kebon Duren RT 01 RW 05, Kalimulya Cilodong Depok Jawa Barat 16413. It took a month to carry out this study, started from August to October 2019.

B. Research method and design In conducting this research, the researcher used classroom action research because this study is dedicated to solve the problem about teaching and learning process as classroom action research might help teachers to evaluate their teaching activity and its progress. In this case, the researcher also played an essential role as a teacher in evaluating the educational progress. As Anne Burns stated that in exploring teaching contexts, action research require a self-reflective, critical, and systematic approach. One of the main aims of action research is to recognize a ‗problematic‘ situation or issue that observe deeper and more systematic by the participants who may include teachers, students, or even parents.1 The classroom action research design employed in this study was collaborative classroom action research because in conducting the research, the researcher was assisted by the English teacher of SMPIT As Shof Depok. In this study, the researcher had some roles. She became the practitioner who taught asking and giving opinion. Besides, she made lesson plans and assessed each final cycle. Furthermore, the

1 Anne Burns, Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching, (New York: Routledge Publishing, 2010), p.2



researcher also collected and analysed data, then reported the result of the study. Whereas the collaborator in this research was the English teacher, she became the observer who observed the implementation of talking chip in asking and giving opinion. The researcher used a Classroom Action Research (CAR) designed by Kemmis and McTaggart.2 It consisted of two cycles, and in each cycle, there were four phases implemented, namely planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Cycles of the research can be seen in the figure below:

Figure 3.1 Kemmis and McTaggart's Action Research Design

C. The subject of the study The subject for this study was the ninth grade students at SMPIT As Shof Depok in academic year 2019/2020. According to the discussion between the researcher and the English teacher, the class was selected as the subject for the Classroom Action Research because this class needed more improvement for speaking.

D. The researcher’s role The researcher‘s role in conducting this study was as the teacher who applied the teaching technique to the students. Observation in this class was done once by the

2 John W Cresswell, Educational Research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research, (Boston: Pearson, 2012), p. 577


researcher along with the English teacher when the researcher delivered materials and distributed the task.

E. The procedure of the study In Classroom Action Research, there are four stages involved in each cycle. The stages, according to Cresswell3, are these four stages; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The researcher explained the each stage furtherly as follows: a. Planning In this planning step, the researcher identified the problem, made a plan based on the problems that have been identified, prepared the detailed lesson plan and syllabus, prepared the media to be used in the classroom, and made instruments that would be used during the research. b. Acting After identifying the problem, preparing lesson plans, learning media and instruments that would be used during the research, the researcher then researched the teacher who would teach using the talking chip technique to all students in the classroom. c. Observing When all the students learned by using the talking chip technique, the teacher observed the state of the class by looking at the classroom‘s situation, students‘ performance and students‘ participation during the learning activities, as well as students‘ enthusiasm about the material taught by talking chip techniques, and what difficulties encountered during the learning. d. Reflecting After the researcher made observations during the research in the classroom, the researcher then analysed the attitudes, enthusiasm, and students‘ participation during learning activities.

3 Ibid., p.589


F. Research instrument 1. Observation list From the observation checklist, the researcher attained pictures of her teaching performance and students‘ attitude towards talking chip technique in learning speaking. According to Verma and Mallick, in doing the observation, the researcher collects the information without asking the question directly.4 In this study, the observation towards English learning and teaching process at SMPIT As Shof was done in order to get the description of students‘ activities and participation in the learning process. This observation was the primary technique in collecting the data of teaching preparation, teaching materials, and the evaluations as used in the teaching and learning process.

2. Interview The purpose of the researchers conducting observations was to obtain information about the material taught and how teaching and learning activities went in the classroom. The interview was conducted to gather detailed information from the teacher before and after implementing classroom action research. Interview guidelines were used by the researcher in interviewing both teacher and students. The questions that were asked in the first interview were about the general condition of the class, and the obstacles or difficulties that occurred in the classroom during the process of teaching and learning English speaking. Afterward, the second interview guideline was about the teacher‘s and students‘ opinion about the implementation of using a talking chip technique in asking and giving opinion.

3. Test Pre-test and post-tests were administered to see the students‘ ability in the form of a number. A pre-test was administered before the students receive any treatments from the researcher. However, post-tests were administered after they

4 Gajendra K. Verma and Kanka Mallick, Researching Education: Perspective and techique, (USA: Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2005), p.130


experienced learning with the talking chip technique. The test which is done before implementing the talking chip is called a pre-action test. It is to measure students‘ speaking skill at first. Meanwhile, the test which is implemented after using talking chip technique is called post-action test. Scoring the test is a crucial step in measuring the ability of the students, especially in speaking. The scoring rubric of the test provides some fundamental aspects: vocabulary, thoughts/opinion delivery, and pronunciation. The researcher used a speaking scoring rubric modified from Jeremy Harmer5 that argue about elements of speaking consist of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The researcher only uses two elements for assessing students‘ speaking skill which are vocabulary and pronunciation. Moreover, the researcher also adds the assessment speaking scale with delivering opinion or thought. It proved by Nina Prastuti6. scoring scale is provided in the table below:

Table 3.1 Rubric for Assessment Speaking Scale Aspect 100 75 50 0 Vocabulary/usin Use many Use Use little Use nothing g expression expressions adequate expressions of expressions asking and of asking expressions asking and of asking and giving opinion and giving of asking giving opinion. giving opinion. (4- and giving (1 expressions) opinion. (0 5 opinion. (2- expression) expressions 3 ) expressions ) Delivering Deliver Deliver Deliver little Deliver opinion/thought many adequate opinions related nothing

5 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching 4th Edition, (Cambridge: Pearson Longman, 2007), p. 343. 6 Nina Prastuti, Improving Students‘ Ability in Asking and Giving Opinion by Using Hangman Game. Journal (Pontianak: Tanjungpura University, 2013), p. 2


opinions opinions to the topics opinion related to related to discussed. (1 related to the the topics the topics opinion) topics discussed. discussed. discussed. (0 (4-5 (2-3 opinion) opinions) opinions) Pronunciation Has a few Intelligible Pronunciation Very difficult traces of a enough, problem that to understand local with a few may lead to because of accent. errors misunderstandin pronunciatio but they g n problem, able to most directly frequently be revised asked to without a repeat. guide.

4. Collecting data procedure In collecting the data for this research, the researcher used both qualitative and quantitative data. Observation and interview were taken for qualitative data, and pre- test and post-tests were administered for quantitative data. Qualitative data was focused on collecting and analysing information in the non-numeral form, it also focused on the process. In addition, according to Verma and Mallick, the aim of the qualitative method is investigating the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials.7 However, the aim of the quantitative method is gathering data that can be quantified; it can be measured in numerical scores.8

7 Ibid., p. 27. 8 Loc.cit


The process of data collection started since the pre-test was administered until the end of the cycle to measure the improvement of students‘ speaking skill after implementing the talking chip technique. Since there were two kinds of data collecting, the technique of data analysis was separated in two ways. The qualitative data which was collected from interview and observation were presented in the form of description. However, the quantitative data that was collected from both pre-test and post-test were analysed by using the scoring rubric and were processed with some formula. After analysing students‘ pre-test and post-test, the researcher calculated the average of students‘ test result by using this formula:

Explanation: M : Mean X : Individual score N : Number of students

Then, the researcher should find the class percentage of students‘ score who passed the criterion of minimum competency (KKM). Below is the formula that the researcher used:

P: The class percentage F: Frequency of students‘ score above KKM N: Number of students

Finally, the formula that the researcher used to analyse the improvement of students‘ score before and after the implementation of the action research is as follows:


P : Percentage of students‘ improvement y : Pre-test result y1: Post-test result

5. Trustworthiness To maintain the validity of the research result, the researcher collected the data which were gained from several instruments; interview, observation checklist, and tests. The purpose of using several instruments is to test out the trustworthiness of our data and to encourage ongoing reflections on them as part of the process of data analysis. Burns stated that to investigate the validity, triangulation is one of the most used and successful ways9. Furthermore, according to Burns, the aim of triangulation is to gather multiple perspective on the situation being studied. It is a term which is used in different senses by qualitative researchers.10 The intention of triangulation is to collect various perspectives from the situation being studied. Therefore, it can be concluded that triangulation is using several data collecting techniques to increase the validity of the data.

6. Criteria of the action success The success of the action research is based on a criterion which is called as an indicator of the success of the action. Indicator of the successfulness of an action is usually set according to an accepted standard size. Based on the researcher‘s discussion with the English teacher, the target score for this research was 80, in which it was adjusted to the minimum criteria of mastery learning (KKM) applied in the school for English subject. The action research is considered to be successful at least 75% of the students could achieve the target score. The action of Classroom Action

9 Anne Burns, Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 1999) p.162 10 Ibid., p. 163


Research will be stopped after the criterion of the action successfulness has already been achieved.



This chapter explains the research findings and the discussion based on the analysis of the data collected from the implementation of Talking Chip technique to foster students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion in two cycles. Related to the research finding, this part is divided into four parts, referring to the students‘ participation, the students‘ achievement score in learning asking and giving opinion, students‘ responses, and teacher‘s responses to the implementation of talking chip technique. A. Research finding 1. Pre-implementation There were three kinds of instruments used in collecting the data before implementing the actions, and those were the pre-action interview, pre-action observation and pre-action test. The data is described as follows: a. The result of a pre-action interview 1) Interview with the Teacher The interview was conducted to the English teacher of SMPIT As Shof Depok. It was held on August, 30th 2019. Here, the researcher gave some questions divided into six questions. The first question was about the general condition in English class at IX grade. The second question was about the difficulties faced by the teacher in study English. The third question was about speaking activity in the classroom. The fourth question was about the method the teacher used in speaking class. The fifth question was about media the teacher used in speaking class, and the last question was about students‘ response in speaking class. The first question discussed the general condition in English class at IX grade. The teacher said the teaching and learning English at SMPIT As Shof was the same as the others, for example using audiovisual as the media. The teacher



prioritised the convenience of students in learning English so that later on students would get maximum results. The second question talked about the difficulties faced by the teacher in teaching English. The teacher said that students came from middle to low- income families, to learn foreign languages they constrained by adequate costs and facilities. To work around this, the teacher had told students to bring a dictionary that students could get at affordable prices. According to the teacher, students could learn English starting from the mastery of adequate vocabulary so that students could deliver or send the information with the right meaning (not miscommunication that causes misunderstanding). The third question discussed speaking activity in the classroom. The teacher said that speaking in the classroom was related to reading. It means that students have given text by the teacher then students would read and answer questions orally. The fourth question was the method the teacher used in speaking class. The teacher said that usually, speaking class would use audiovisual in which students could watch the video in front of the class. Then the students would ask or be asked the question based on the topic. The fifth question was the media the teacher used in speaking class. The teacher said that she used a projector, laptop, loudspeaker, and textbook to deliver the material of speaking. The last question discussed students‘ response in speaking class. The teacher said that student responses to learning speaking in the class were quite enthusiastic. Although at first students were still shy and afraid to speak in English for fear of being laughed at by their friends, students would feel motivated when the teacher gave an encouragement which would then set an example to other friends.

2) Interview with the students Besides having an interview with the English teacher, the researcher also had an interview with the students. The researcher selected 3 of 27 students


randomly to be interviewed. The students were asked several questions about English first question is about the students‘ perspective on English. The second question is teaching and learning process at the classroom, which divided into five questions. The first question was about the students‘ perspective on English. The second question was about the difficulties faced by the students in study English. The third question was about speaking teaching and learning process in class. The fourth question was about students‘ hope about speaking teaching and learning process. The students were asked about their perspective on English. They thought that English was fun but little bit hard because they did not know the meaning of the word, and lack of vocabulary. The second question, they said that the difficulties in study English were hard to pronounce some word, stutter speech, and translate English into Bahasa. The third question, they mentioned that the speaking process was just so so. Students told that the teacher asked them to make a conversation then practised it in front of the class. The fourth question, they expressed that media that teacher used were LCD projector, laptop, loudspeaker, and textbook. The fifth question, they claimed that they hope someday the students could speak fluently, understood the meaning in every conversation so they could be brave to speak with other people, primarily native speaker. b. The result of pre-action observation The pre-action observation was conducted to observe the process of teaching- learning before implementing the action. It was held at IX grade of SMPIT As Shof Depok in 2019/2020 academic year. There were 27 students in this class. The pre-action observation was conducted on August, 30th 2019. There were four categories observed in the classroom, which were class structure, methods, teacher-student interaction, and contents. 1) Class Structure


In the beginning, the teacher greeted the students. Then the teacher asked the students to pray before studying. Then, teacher checked the students‘ attendance list. After that, then she gave a brief overview of the material that would be learned at that meeting. After getting the students‘ attention, she began to deliver the material. 2) Methods From the researcher‘s point of view, in this meeting, the teacher did not prepare any exciting technique in the class. She used lecturing learning activity, and she taught the students without using any instructional aids such as a computer, projector, or loudspeaker. She only asked the students to make sentences based on some situations individually. After asking the students to make some sentences, the teacher asked some students randomly to read their sentences in front of the class. 3) Teacher-Students Interaction The class situation was quite noisy. However, when the teacher asked the students to make their sentences, they did it quietly. However, some of them showed their nervousness during the learning activity because they were afraid that the teacher would ask them to read their sentences loudly in front of the class. 4) Contents Although the teacher gave a lecture in the class, she delivered a well-planned lecture. The material in that meeting was about a polite request. The teacher asked the students to apply the suitable polite request based on the situation. By asking them to make their sentences based on their situation, it connected the concept to students‘ experience. c. The result of the pre-action test Before conducting the Classroom Action Research, the pre-action test was done. It was held on September, 04th 2019. Seventeen students of IX followed the test. The researcher determined that the students who did not follow one of the tests would be deleted for the entire test. It means from pre-action test until


post-test 2, only 17 students who followed the lesson completely. After giving the pre-action test, the score was calculated. Here is the students‘ score in the pre-action test.

Then, the percentage of students who passed KKM is calculated by using this formula:

Furthermore, the maximal, minimum, and the mean score of the students are illustrated in the table 4.1. Table 4.1 Students’ Score in Pre-Action Test Maximum score 75 Minimum score 25 Mean 48,52

Based on the calculation above, it shows that the mean of the pre-action test is 48,52. Then, there is no student who passes the criterion of minimum completeness which is 80 — meanwhile, 17 students do not pass or still below the standard. As a result, it was known that the students‘ speaking skill was still low. The researcher found many causes. The first cause is students did not familiar with using the expressions of asking and giving opinion, so they did not use the expressions of asking and giving opinion. It can decrease their score because using the expressions of asking and giving opinion is the essential thing in this research. The second cause is students did not deliver their opinion


appropriately. Delivering the opinion or thought also the important thing in this research. When they talked about the topic, they did not give their reason why they agree or disagree with the topic. The third cause is students‘ pronunciation must be improved, but overall, they speak correctly. Finally, all students get low score because of they did not fulfil the assessment. Thus, it was needed to find the solutions to solve this problem. To solve the problem, the researcher used a talking chip technique in teaching asking and giving opinion. The action was needed to improve students‘ speaking skill. The action research was conducted in two cycles. Every cycle followed the procedures of action research, such as planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

2. The implementation of Classroom Action Research Cycle 1 a) Planning The first phase of Classroom Action Research is planning. In this phase, the researcher as the teacher made planning for the action based on the problems faced by students toward speaking skill. The researcher prepared a lesson plan to help her in the teaching-learning process. She managed the time efficiently to get the objective in the meeting. The objective in this cycle was to improve students‘ ability in asking and giving opinion by using talking chip technique. The researcher determined the selected material and exercises into a lesson plan. Then, some materials were chosen to be taught to students. The researcher designed the lesson plan based on the English syllabus of the third grade of junior high school. In this phase, it was hoped that those plans could help the researcher to achieve the goal. Besides a lesson plan, the researcher needed to prepare some instruments to collect the data including observation checklist table, field notes, tape recording, and supporting material about asking and giving opinion. Last, is teaching aids or media, the researcher also prepared the talking chip. Talking chip made from coloured paper. On the other hand, the researcher prepared the observation sheet to observed the activities during the teaching and learning


process. Then, the researcher also prepared the post-test 1 as an instrument to measure the students‘ achievement, and it was also as a data collecting.

b) Acting i. First meeting The action of cycle one was begun on September 04th 2019. The researcher implemented the teaching-learning process based on the lesson plan had been made. In the first meeting, the researcher taught about asking and giving opinion. Before starting the lesson, the students were greeted and asked to pray together. Then, she checked the attendance list, and five students did not attend the class for some reason. After that, she started the lesson by giving brainstorming to the students about asking and giving an opinion and also telling the students about the learning objective. Then, she asked the students what they have known before about asking and giving opinion. Several students just kept silent; several of them also answered it hesitantly. Many of them answered that they forget about asking and giving opinion because it was taught at seventh grade and eighth grade. Then, they said that they still confused about the material. After asking the students, the researcher explained the definition, the purposes, and the language features of asking and giving an opinion. After explaining the material, the students were asked to make several groups to discuss and write the example of the expression in giving an opinion based on the topic. Each group consisted of six to seven students. Thus there were four groups in this activity. The researcher asked to count one to four. The students who got number one gathered together with the students who also got number one. The students gathered with their groups directly. During the activity, some students were busy to discuss with their group, and some others were busy to talk with other groups. However, there were only several students who interacted and cooperated actively with their friends for finishing their task. The situation in the classroom was very noisy and crowded, even in this class was just consisted of


twenty-seven students. The researcher had to command so that students could be quieter and have more concentration to do the task. Nevertheless, after only five minutes, the class began to be noisy again. Thus, the researcher walked around the class to monitor the students. The researcher came to the group one by one, asked about the difficulties, and paid attention to the students. The first group got ―idol‖ for their topic. Later on, they discussed their idol, they asked and gave the opinion about idol to their friends. The first group consisted of six students. There, some members of first group asked the researcher about some terms in English that they did not know. The second group discussed their favourite food. The second group also consisted of six students. The third group talked about their favourite cartoon. The fourth group talked about their favourite music. Then, the researcher gave talking chip to the students. Each student got two chips. The chip for asking opinion was yellow, and for giving opinion was pink chip. The students were curious about the chip. They looked around and asked the researcher about what the function of the chip was. The researcher explained about talking chip. Students had to put on the appropriate chip in the middle of their table where they discussed. For instance, the first student asked opinion about the topic, so he/she put on yellow chip in the middle of table. Then, if the second student wanted to give his/her opinion about the topic, she/he must put on the pink chip in the middle of the table. If the student ran out of the chip, she/he should not speak up. After the researcher explained the use of talking chip, some students understood and were ready to use the chip. Some others asked their friends how to use the chip hesitantly. Once, the researcher asked the students‘ comprehension about how to make the chip, and just then the students explained how to use the chip to the researcher. After that, the researcher asked the students to practice the discussion using talking chip. Overall, the students understood how to use talking chip, but some students did not speak up. They did not speak because they were confused about the topic and they lacked vocabulary so there was no opinion they could discuss. After all of the group had performed, the researcher gave them feedback about that day‘s material, then the researcher also


asked the students about their feelings during the lesson, about the difficulties in learning English, and about the talking chip. Some students answered that they were dizzy; it proved by one of the students said she was dizzy, some students expressed that it was fun because they discussed the topic using talking chip. They said that the chip was delightful because the colour was eye-catching. At the end of this meeting, the researcher concluded the material. Then, the researcher asked the students if they had questions, but no students had questions. Thus, the researcher ended the meeting, prayed together and greeted the students, then left the class.

ii. Second Meeting The second meeting was done on September 06th 2019. In this meeting, the researcher focused on introducing the expression in asking and giving an opinion. Before starting the lesson, she greeted the students and asked them to pray together. Then, she checked the attendance list, and five students did not attend the class. Besides, she also gave the general apperception about the material that would be learned by the students. After that, she explained the expression in asking and giving an opinion. The students listened carefully to the researcher‘s explanation. When she finished explaining, she gave an example of dialogue text about how people give their opinion using a variety of expression. After giving an example to the students, she asked the student to make small group consisted of four students. She decided to make small group because she learned from the previous meeting that many members in a group did not work well. Thus, the researcher commanded the students to counted one to six and gathered together with their groups. Six groups were made; it consisted of four students for each group. Then, the researcher gave them same topic for all groups; the researcher also learned from previous meeting that different topic would make students confused and distract other groups. Then the researcher asked every group to make the dialogue based on the topic given using asking and giving opinion expression. When the students were doing the discussion, she guided the students and checked the work on every group. The situation of the class was


quite noisy, same as the previous meeting. The researcher did not command the students to remain silent as long as the students discussed and did the task correctly. The teacher prohibited the students from bothering other groups. The students were only allowed to discuss with their friends in the same group. Then, the researcher gave talking chip to the students, same with the previous meeting. After that, the researcher concluded the material, asked students whether they had questions, and asked them about this meeting. When the researcher explained the conclusion, the students listened carefully; then, no one had questions. Moreover, they expressed that some of them were happy because this day they could study English with the researcher, some of them were happy because that day was Friday, which means that the day after it was weekend so they can enjoy with their family. In the end, the researcher gave them feedback such as correction and suggestion, then the researcher asked to pray together, greeted the students and left the class.

iii. Third Meeting The third meeting was done on September 11th 2019. In this meeting, the material was still about expression in giving an opinion, but the researcher tended to focus on the conversation using talking chip with asking and giving opinion expression. Just like the previous meeting, before starting the lesson, she greeted the students and asked the students to pray together. Then, she checked the attendance list. In this meeting, the researcher showed the example of a conversation using asking and giving opinion expression to the students. A few students realised some of the mistakes they made after they understood the example. Then she asked the student to group up with their friends by counting one to seven, consisted of four students in each group. She asked the students to give their opinion about the same topics. In this meeting, the researcher gave ―your parents‖ as the topic. The students delivered their opinion about their father or their mother. When the students were doing the discussion, she guided the students and


checked the work on every group. She asked the students to collect their task at the end of the class. After that, the researcher concluded the material, asked the students whether they had questions, and asked them about this meeting. When the researcher explained the conclusion, the students listened carefully; then, no one had questions. Furthermore, they expressed that some of them were happy because that day they can study English with the researcher, some of them were tired and hopeless because after studying English they must attend a scout ceremony, learn PBB, and many others. Then, the researcher motivated them. In the end, the researcher gave them feedback such as correction and suggestion, then the researcher asked to pray together, greeted the students and left the class.

c) Observing In this phase, the researcher observed the students‘ participation, response, achievement and other things in the physical classroom. In the first meeting, the researcher realised that she had to make much effort to make the students more active during the learning process. Some of them were active and showed their enthusiasm. However, some of them were quiet, and they did not involve themselves actively. They said that they were afraid if they made mistakes when answering the question from the researcher. Therefore, she motivated them to involve themselves actively during the learning process. In the second meeting, the researcher saw a better classroom condition; students showed their enthusiasm during the learning process. They were not shy to ask a question when they did not understand the researcher‘s explanation. Moreover, they were also able to finish the task given by the researcher. In the third meeting, it was found that the students became more active during the learning process. They did the task based on the instruction. They also finished the task on time. They said that they felt more comfortable with the classroom condition. However, several students felt unconfident when the researcher asked them to speak their task loudly in front of the class.


The Result of Post-Action Test 1 Furthermore, after finishing the teaching and learning process in the first cycle, the researcher gave the post-action test 1 in order to know the students‘ progress in speaking. It was held at the next meeting. After giving the post-action test, the score was calculated. Here is the students‘ score in the pre-action test.

Then, the percentage of students who passed KKM is calculated by using this formula:

Furthermore, the maximal, minimum, and the mean score of the students are illustrated in the table 4.2. Table 4.2 Students’ Score in Post-Action Test 1 Maximum score 91,66 Minimum score 58,33 Mean 73,52

Based on the result of post-test 1, there is 25 point of improvement from pre- test to post-test. The mean score of pre-test is 48,52, and post-test one is 73,52, it means 4 students pass the test with the percentage of 23,53%. The class percentage of successful and unsuccessful students is illustrated in figure below:



succesful unsuccesful



Figure 4.1 Percentage of students score in post-test 1

From the figure above, the class percentage of students who pass the KKM is 24%. Meanwhile, 76% of students or 13 students have scores below the KKM. It shows that there is students‘ improvement between pre-test and post-test 1 with percentage of 24% or 4 students pass the KKM and have the improvement in speaking skill. From the percentage result in the classroom action research, it is still not successful yet because the percentage has not reached the criteria of action success when there is 50% of students pass the KKM. d) Reflecting In this phase, the researcher analysed the students‘ achievement and progress based on their test score. The researcher also discussed the result of the implementation of the modified action and decided whether the action should be continued or not. The researcher targeted action success at 50% of students who passed the minimum score (KKM). The minimum score of English was 80. Thus, the researcher continued the action if the number of students who passed the KKM was below eight students. However, regarding the first cycle, there was a progress of the students‘ speaking skill although not all the targets could be accomplished yet. When the researcher taught about asking and giving opinion using talking chip technique, students were interested. Many of them were excited with the chip because they said the chip was colourful and eye-catching. Some of


them were enthusiast about the activity (discussion) using talking chip. In general, most of the students could understand the material, but some of them still could not use the variety of giving opinion expression and also still lacked vocabulary. This condition happened because the students were not familiar with the expression of asking and giving opinion. Thus they still forgot that when they wanted to ask somebody's opinion, they should use ―what do you think about….?‖, ―what is your opinion about….‖, and many more. The students also forgot the expression of giving opinion because they were not familiar with it. Moreover, the students did not know some terms in English. Sometimes, they put the terms in the sentence incorrectly. Therefore, based on the discussion with the English teacher and the result of post-action test 1, it can be concluded that it was necessary to do the cycle two because the researcher found only a little progress that could be achieved by the students. The researcher thought that there must be more efforts to develop students speaking skill. Therefore, the new lesson plan for cycle two was formulated. Based on the discussion between the researcher and the collaborator, it was concluded that in the first cycle the students were still categorised poorly. This result was disappointing and let the researcher know precisely students‘ ability in asking and giving opinion. The researcher concluded that the students had difficulties in pronouncing the word and students used too much time to discuss the topic and make them chatting with their friends. Therefore, for the next meeting the researcher should overcome the problems that occurred in the first cycle. The change was the teacher should teach the lesson much more interesting to make the students more comfortable to comprehend.

Cycle 2 1) Planning The planning phase of the second cycle was implemented in a lesson plan. It was aimed to vary some component that required to be revised. The new lesson plan used was still related to the use of talking chip technique for speaking in asking and giving opinion. However, there was a modification in this cycle; the


researcher asked the students to work with smaller groups with their friends. The researcher also prepared teaching aids. Besides, she also prepared the new material that was familiar to them. Based on the discussion between the teacher and the researcher, it was concluded that in the first cycle the students were still categorised poorly. This result was disappointing and let the teacher know precisely students‘ ability in asking and giving opinion. The teacher concluded that the students had difficulties in pronouncing the word and students used too much time to play the game without finished the exercise. Therefore, for the next meeting the teacher should overcome the problems that occurred in the first cycle. The change was the researcher should teach the lesson much more exciting and slower to make the students more comfortable to understand.

2) Acting a) First Meeting The action of cycle two was begun on September, 18th 2019. In this meeting, the researcher motivated the students to compete with other groups to get the extra point and told them that students who were active in the discussion would get a better point than the passive students. Before starting the lesson, she greeted the students and asked the students to pray together. Then, she checked the attendance list as usual. After checking the attendance list, the researcher reviewed the previous material. The researcher asked the students if they wanted to re-explain about previous material. The researcher said that the student should raise their hand. Some students only kept silent, some students answered it hesitantly, and some students opened their book and explained the previous material. After getting the previous material, the researcher told the students about the objective of the meeting. Then, the researcher gave permission to the students whether they wanted to ask some question. Student 1 asked the question. She asked what tenses for asking and giving opinion. Then the researcher gave opportunity to other students to answering it. Other student answered that in asking and giving opinion


used simple present tense. Moreover, the researcher agreed the answer, then the researcher gave to the other student to answer the question, but no one wanted to answer the question, and finally the researcher answered the question. Then, the researcher explaining again about asking and giving opinion, how to asked the other‘s opinion and how to give our opinion. The researcher also gave the students opportunity to asked if they have a question. No students asked the question. The researcher continued explaining about today‘s activity. In this meeting, the researcher wanted to discuss about students‘ favourite drink. Some students were excited because they could express and shared their opinion about their favourite drink. The researcher commanded the students to count one to five in order to make a group consisting of four students, and the researcher gave them the same topic. After the students gathered with their groups, the researcher gave them 15 minutes to prepare a discussion. One of the groups built a strategy. They consisted of four students. Their strategy is: students 1 asked the opinion to student 2, students 2 asked the opinion to student 3, student 3 asked the opinion to student 4, and finally student 4 asked to student 1. The researcher monitored the students by walking around the class, and the researcher helped the students if they have difficulties. Overall, the students difficult translate the sentence from Bahasa into English. Some students make noisy and bothered the other friend in other groups, it makes the condition of the class was crowded. However, the researcher can manage the class by giving punishment if they talked with other groups. The punishment is the students have to perform at the front of class. They have to do ‗stand-up comedy‘. Finally, the students could keep quite during the lessons. Then, they continued to write their opinion about the topic, and they discussed it together with their groups. After the time of discussion were timed out, the researcher asked the students to practice their speaking using talking chip technique. The researcher accompanied the students when they practised their speaking in asking and giving opinion using talking chip technique.


From the observation based on the students‘ discussion and practised using talking chip technique, it was found that most of the students had difficulties in pronouncing some word and still used a little expression of asking and giving opinion. After the students‘ practised their speaking in asking and giving opinion using talking chip technique, the researcher gave the comment and feedback for the students. The researcher said that they did it well and they deliver many variations opinion about their favourite drink. After giving comment and feedback, the researcher gave opportunities to students to tell about their difficulties in practice speaking using talking chip. After the researcher observed that in this meeting, the researcher concluded that students improved their speaking skill in asking and giving opinion, especially in delivering opinion. It can be seen by the students‘ enthusiast about the topic, their favourite drink. Some students said that they did not have difficulties in delivering their opinion about their favourite drink because it was a simple topic. Then, the researcher motivated the students to study harder and practise English anywhere and anytime. The researcher closed the meeting with pray together and goodbye to the students. b) Second Meeting The second meeting was done on September 20th 2019. In this meeting, the material was still about asking and giving opinion. The same as the previous meeting, the researcher greeted the students and asked them to pray together before study. Then, she checked the attendance list, three students did not attend to the class because of some reason. Besides, she also motivated the students to be more active during the learning process. She told them that she would give an extra point for them who wanted to involve themselves actively. In this meeting, the researcher explained asking and giving opinion, gave an example of asking and giving opinion. How to ask the other‘s opinion and how to give our opinion appropriately. Not only used the expression asking and giving opinion, but also the researcher said that we have to respect to other‘s opinion


because every people have their thought, point of view, and opinion about something that may be different from our thought. Moreover, in this era which social media has common place for sharing the idea. We have to be smart in giving our opinion about something, it means we did not allow to hurt someone or certain parties. Because giving opinion not only about our intelligence in deliver our thought correctly, but also, we have to be kind, and good attitude to the other. Then, the researcher gave opportunities for students to ask anything about asking and giving opinion. Three minutes later, no students have a question. Until in the fourth minute, one of the students asked what topic that we must discussed in this meeting. Then, the researcher explained about the topic. Today‘s topic is their favourite song. The researcher asked the students to ask and give opinion about their favourite song. As usual, the researcher asked the students to make a group consisted of four students, and then gave them talking chip as media for teaching asking and giving opinion. The researcher gave 15 minutes for discussion and think about the topic. The researcher walking around the class, monitored the students and make sure they did their task well, helped the students if they have difficulties, and managed them to keep quiet. Based on teacher‘s observation, the students gained their skill in asking and giving opinion. It can be seen by only two students that have a problem in arranged the sentence correctly. After the prepared the discussion, teacher asked the students to practice their speaking in asking and giving opinion through talking chip. All of the students did it well. No students have difficulties when practice their speaking in asking and giving opinion using talking chip. They said they were familiar with this technique so they did not have problems when using talking chip. And also, they did not have any problem when ask somebody‘s opinion and when deliver their opinion because every meeting, the researcher always explains about expression of asking and giving opinion, the attitude when deliver our opinion. Thus, it helps them so much.


Then, the researcher gave the students comment and feedback. The researcher said that they gained their skill in speaking even some students still mispronounce some word. But it was not a big problem. Overall, the researcher appreciated the students because of their great work. At the end, the researcher closed the meeting with pray together and motivated the students. After that, the researcher said goodbye to the students. c) Third Meeting The last meeting of cycle two was done on September 25th 2019. The researcher greeted the students and asked them to pray first before starting the learning activity. She also checked the attendance list, in this meeting, three students did not attend the class because of some reason. Then, the researcher asked the students about they feel, using expression of asking and giving opinion in order to review about asking and giving opinion. some students answered it properly because using expression of asking and giving opinion, some students answered it hesitantly, and some students keep silent. Some students said that they were not happy because after English, they have to attend the Scout‘s activity. Scout‘s activity conducted in school field so they have to stand up for long time. Based on the students‘ response about their feeling right now, the researcher did an ice-breaking for helped the students feel better. the ice-breaking was ―Simon said‖. The rules were, if the researcher said ―Simon said‖, the students have to did what ―Simon said‖. For instance, the researcher commanded, ―Simon said, hold your nose‖, then the students have to hold their nose. If the researcher commanded, ―hold your nose‖, the students did not have to hold their nose. The students did what researcher said not Simon said, they have to do the punishment. After the researcher stopped the game, the students asked to did the game again. It means they were happy. Because of the researcher have limited time, the researcher said to the students that they have to learn not only played the game. In this meeting, the topic was about Indonesian favourite food. The researcher asked the students to make a group consisted of four students; then the researcher


gave students the talking chip that could be used to ask and give opinion in their group. The researcher gave 15 minutes to students for discussed about the topic, Indonesian favourite food. The students were exciting because it was simple topic and they felt it was easy to talked. The researcher implemented Talking Chip as a technique of teaching. The students were excited by the technique because they have used the technique, especially in teaching and learning process. However, some of the students were familiar with the chip and often using the talking chip in the classroom. Each group needed to make a short conversation using asking and giving opinion based on the topic. They needed to speak up the sentences. Afterwards, each group needed to discuss the topic. Later on, every student in the group have to discuss the topic using talking chip. Each of the students were actively participated in the lesson. The researcher came to each group to observe and also to help the students when they have any problem. The students said that they did not have a big problem because this topic is simple and easy to talk. However, some students make noise and talked with their friends in other groups. The researcher tried to manage them. The researcher said that she would be reduced the students‘ score if they make noise. After prepared the discussion, the researcher asked the students to practice their speaking using talking chip technique. All the groups did it well. The researcher commanded to gave applause to the students‘ performance. After that, the researcher gave feedback and comment for the students. All of the students can use the expressions of asking and giving opinion properly, and students were familiar with talking chip technique, so there were no misunderstand. At the end of the lesson, the researcher motivated the students. She said that we have to study hard in order to have many knowledges and make us smart. Nevertheless, did not forget to be kind, to everybody, in every situation, and every time. Then, the researcher closed the lesson by pray together and said goodbye to the students.


3) Observing In this cycle, the activities in the classroom, such as students‘ participation and their progress during the learning process, were observed. Then, it can be concluded that the classroom condition during the learning process was better than the previous cycle. Besides, they did not find many scientific terms as they found in the previous cycle. In this meeting, their participation in classroom activity increased because of the extra point that the researcher gave. In the second meeting, the students involved themselves actively during the learning process. They asked the researcher bravely when they found challenging instruction. Besides, they were given limited time to do discussion steps. However, they could finish it well; they gave their effort to have the best result. Furthermore, after finishing the teaching and learning process in the second cycle, the researcher gave the post-action test 2 in order to know the students‘ progress in speaking. It was held at the next meeting. After giving the post-action test 2, the score was calculated. Here is the students‘ score in the pre-action test 2.

Then, the percentage of students who passed KKM is calculated by using this formula:

Furthermore, the maximum, minimum, and the mean score of the students are illustrated in the table below: Table 4.3 Students’ Score in Post-Action Test 2


Maximum score 91,66 Minimum score 66,66 Mean 81,37

Based on the result of post-test 2, there is 7,85 point improvement from post- test 1 to post-test 2. The mean score of post-test 1 is 73,52, and post-test 2 is 81,37. Then, there is 32,85 point improvement from pre-test to post-test 2. The mean score of pre-test is 48,52, and post-test 2 is 81,37. It means 9 students passed the test with the percentage of 52,94%. The class percentage of successful and unsuccessful students is illustrated in figure below:


succesful unsuccesful

47% 53%

Figure 4.2 The Percentage of Students' score in post-test 2

Then, in the post-action test 2, the class percentage of successful students who pass the KKM is 53%, it means there are 6 students who have score below the KKM. It shows that there is students‘ improvement between pre-test and post- test 2 with the percentage of 53% or 9 students pass the KKM and have been improved from the pre-test. From the percentage result in the classroom action research, it is already considered successful because there is more than 50% of students who could achieve the KKM, which is 80.


(4) Reflecting After getting the result of the speaking test, the researcher carried out the reflection of classroom action research (CAR). In this phase, the researcher felt satisfied that the effort to foster students‘ speaking skill by using a talking chip was increased significantly. Students could comprehend the text well. It was proved by the students‘ test result of post-action test 2 which was better than post- action test 1 and pre-action test. Besides, the students were also active and confident during the learning process. After achieving the 50% of students passed the KKM, the researcher decided to continue the classroom action research (CAR) because it had not already succeeded. Based on the criterion of action research success, the researcher determined the criterion at least 75% of students can passed the KKM. It means, in this research, the researcher needed to foster at least 13 students to have good speaking in asking and giving opinion so they can pass the KKM which was 80. The result of post-test 2 showed that only 52% of students can passed the KKM. It means, the researcher have to continue to the cycle three in order to achieve the criterion of action research success. Based on the research in cycle 2, the researcher found that some students could foster their speaking skill in asking and giving opinion through talking chip technique. They can asked somebody‘s opinion properly, they can deliver their though appropriately, but sometimes they were lack of vocabulary and had difficult to translate from Bahasa into English. The researcher wanted to help the students‘ difficult more intensively by giving simple vocabulary. Besides, many students can apply the lesson appropriately. They can asked somebody‘s opinion using expression of asking opinion, they can deliver their thought using expression of giving opinion, and they were brave to speak English during the lesson, even they were mispronounce or still using Bahasa when they did not know some terms in English. The researcher hoped that in the next cycle, she could foster students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion significantly with the good response from students.


Cycle 3 1) Planning In this planning phase of third cycle, the researcher begin from prepared the students‘ attendance list and students‘ speaking scoring list. It could be ease the researcher to collect the data from the class. Then, the researcher prepared the post-test of cycle 3. The post-test was instrument for the researcher to collect the quantitative data of this research. The result of post-test could show how much the improvement of the students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion using talking chip technique. The researcher also revising the topic of the lesson. The researcher selected the issue that coul be found in daily life, thus they could understand easily and quickly. The new lesson plan was still related to asking and giving opinion. In this cycle, the researcher would give the students more time to practice their speaking. The researcher would make sure that each of the students confidently speak up the language in the classroom, so that they will be able to asked somebody‘s opinion or deliver their opinion in the group discussion.

2) Acting a) The first meeting The action of cycle three was begun on October, 2nd 2019. In this meeting, the researcher motivated the students to compete with other groups to get the extra point and told them that students who were active in the discussion would get a better point than the passive students. Before starting the lesson, she greeted the students and asked the students to pray together. Then, she checked the attendance list as usual. After checking the attendance list, the researcher reviewed the previous material. The researcher asked the students if they wanted to re-explain about previous material. The researcher said that the student should raise their hand. Some students only kept silent, some students answered it hesitantly, and some


students opened their book and explained the previous material. After getting the previous material, the researcher told the students about the objective of the meeting. Then, the researcher gave permission to the students whether they wanted to ask some question. However, no students have any question so the researcher continue to explained the material. Then, the researcher explaining again about asking and giving opinion, how to asked the other‘s opinion and how to give our opinion. The researcher also gave the students opportunity to asked if they have a question. No students asked the question. The researcher continued explaining about today‘s activity. In this meeting, the researcher wanted to discuss about students‘ favourite person in their family. Some students were excited because they could express and shared their opinion, moreover some students still confused and doubt to deliver their opinion since they were love all of their family member. The researcher commanded the students to count one to five in order to make a group consisting of four students, and the researcher gave them the same topic. After the students gathered with their groups, the researcher gave them 15 minutes to prepare a discussion. The researcher monitored the students by walking around the class, and the researcher helped the students if they have difficulties. Overall, the students difficult translate the sentence from Bahasa into English. Some students make noisy and bothered the other friend in other groups, it makes the condition of the class was crowded. However, the researcher can manage the class by giving punishment if they talked with other groups. The punishment is the students have to perform at the front of class. They have to do ‗stand-up comedy‘. Finally, the students could keep quite during the lessons. Then, they continued to write their opinion about the topic, and they discussed it together with their groups. After the time of discussion were timed out, the researcher asked the students to practice their speaking using talking chip technique. The researcher accompanied the students when they practised their speaking in asking and giving opinion using talking chip technique.


From the observation based on the students‘ discussion and practised using talking chip technique, it was found that most of the students had difficulties in pronouncing some word and still used a little expression of asking and giving opinion. After the students‘ practised their speaking in asking and giving opinion using talking chip technique, the researcher gave the comment and feedback for the students. The researcher said that they did it well and they deliver many variations opinion about their favourite person in their family. After giving comment and feedback, the researcher gave opportunities to students to tell about their difficulties in practice speaking using talking chip. After the researcher observed that in this meeting, the researcher concluded that students improved their speaking skill in asking and giving opinion, especially in delivering opinion. It can be seen by the students‘ enthusiast about the topic, their favourite drink. Some students said that they did not have difficulties in delivering their opinion about their favourite drink because it was a simple topic. Then, the researcher motivated the students to study harder and practise English anywhere and anytime. The researcher closed the meeting with pray together and goodbye to the students.

b) Second meeting The action of cycle two was begun on October, 4th 2019. Same like previous meeting, in this meeting, the researcher also motivated the students to compete with other groups to get the extra point and told them that students who were active in the discussion would get a better point than the passive students. Before starting the lesson, she greeted the students and asked the students to pray together. Then, she checked the attendance list as usual. After checking the attendance list, the researcher reviewed the previous material. The researcher asked the students if they wanted to re-explain about previous material. The researcher said that the student should raise their hand. Some students only kept silent, some students answered it hesitantly, and some students opened their book and explained the previous material. After getting the


previous material, the researcher told the students about the objective of the meeting. Then, the researcher gave permission to the students whether they wanted to ask some question. Student 1 asked the question. She asked what tenses for asking and giving opinion. Then the researcher gave opportunity to other students to answering it. Other student answered that in asking and giving opinion used simple present tense. Moreover, the researcher agreed the answer, then the researcher gave to the other student to answer the question, but no one wanted to answer the question, and finally the researcher answered the question. Then, the researcher explaining again about asking and giving opinion, how to asked the other‘s opinion and how to give our opinion. The researcher also gave the students opportunity to asked if they have a question. No students asked the question. The researcher continued explaining about today‘s activity. In this meeting, the researcher wanted to discuss about students‘ favourite thing to do . Some students were excited because they could express and shared their opinion about their favourite thing to do. The researcher commanded the students to count one to five in order to make a group consisting of four students, and the researcher gave them the same topic. After the students gathered with their groups, the researcher gave them 15 minutes to prepare a discussion. The researcher monitored the students by walking around the class, and the researcher helped the students if they have difficulties. Overall, the students difficult translate the sentence from Bahasa into English. In this meeting, the researcher observed that the students more quiet than previous meeting. The students busy to think what is the most favourite thing they do. Then, they continued to write their opinion about the topic, and they discussed it together with their groups. After the time of discussion were timed out, the researcher asked the students to practice their speaking using talking chip technique. The researcher accompanied the students when they practised their speaking in asking and giving opinion using talking chip technique. From the observation based on the students‘ discussion and practised using talking chip technique, it was found that most of the students had difficulties in


pronouncing some word and still used a little expression of asking and giving opinion. After the students‘ practised their speaking in asking and giving opinion using talking chip technique, the researcher gave the comment and feedback for the students. The researcher said that they did it well and they deliver many variations opinion about their favourite thing to do. After giving comment and feedback, the researcher gave opportunities to students to tell about their difficulties in practice speaking using talking chip. After the researcher observed that in this meeting, the researcher concluded that students improved their speaking skill in asking and giving opinion, especially in delivering opinion. It can be seen by the students‘ enthusiast about the topic, their favourite drink. Some students said that they did not have difficulties in delivering their opinion about their favourite drink because it was a simple topic. Then, the researcher motivated the students to study harder and practise English anywhere and anytime since the internet ease us to access everything. The researcher closed the meeting with pray together and goodbye to the students. c) Third meeting The last meeting of cycle three was done on October 9th 2019. The researcher greeted the students and asked them to pray first before starting the learning activity. She also checked the attendance list, in this meeting, three students did not attend the class because of some reason. Then, the researcher asked the students about they feel, using expression of asking and giving opinion in order to review about asking and giving opinion. Some students answered it properly because using expression of asking and giving opinion, some students answered it hesitantly, and some students keep silent. Some students said that they were not happy because after English, they have to attend the Scout‘s activity. Scout‘s activity conducted in school field so they have to stand up for long time. Based on the students‘ response about their feeling right now, the researcher did an ice-breaking for helped the students feel better. the ice-breaking was ―Simon said‖. The rules were, if the researcher said ―Simon said‖, the students


have to did what ―Simon said‖. For instance, the researcher commanded, ―Simon said, hold your nose‖, then the students have to hold their nose. If the researcher commanded, ―hold your nose‖, the students did not have to hold their nose. The students did what researcher said not Simon said, they have to do the punishment. After the researcher stopped the game, the students asked to did the game again. It means they were happy. Because of the researcher have limited time, the researcher said to the students that they have to learn not only played the game. In this meeting, the topic was about Indonesian favourite food. The researcher asked the students to make a group consisted of four students; then the researcher gave students the talking chip that could be used to ask and give opinion in their group. The researcher gave 15 minutes to students for discussed about the topic, Indonesian favourite food. The students were exciting because it was simple topic and they felt it was easy to talked. The researcher implemented Talking Chip as a technique of teaching. The students were excited by the technique because they have used the technique, especially in teaching and learning process. However, some of the students were familiar with the chip and often using the talking chip in the classroom. Each group needed to make a short conversation using asking and giving opinion based on the topic. They needed to speak up the sentences. Afterwards, each group needed to discuss the topic. Later on, every student in the group have to discuss the topic using talking chip. Each of the students were actively participated in the lesson. The researcher came to each group to observe and also to help the students when they have any problem. The students said that they did not have a big problem because this topic is simple and easy to talk. However, some students make noise and talked with their friends in other groups. The researcher tried to manage them. The researcher said that she would be reduced the students‘ score if they make noise. After prepared the discussion, the researcher asked the students to practice their speaking using talking chip technique. All the groups did it well. The researcher commanded to gave applause to the students‘ performance.


After that, the researcher gave feedback and comment for the students. All of the students can use the expressions of asking and giving opinion properly, and students were familiar with talking chip technique, so there were no misunderstand. At the end of the lesson, the researcher motivated the students. She said that we have to study hard in order to have many knowledges and make us smart. Nevertheless, did not forget to be kind, to everybody, in every situation, and every time. Then, the researcher closed the lesson by pray together and said goodbye to the students.

3) Observation In this cycle, the activities in the classroom, such as students‘ participation and their progress during the learning process, were observed. Then, it can be concluded that the classroom condition during the learning process was better than the previous cycle. Besides, they did not find many scientific terms as they found in the previous cycle. In this meeting, their participation in classroom activity increased because of the extra point that the researcher gave. In the second meeting, the students involved themselves actively during the learning process. They asked the researcher bravely when they found challenging instruction. Besides, they gave their effort to have the best result. Furthermore, after finishing the teaching and learning process in the third cycle, the researcher gave the post-action test 3 in order to know the students‘ progress in speaking. It was held at the next meeting. After giving the post-action test 3, the score was calculated. Here is the students‘ score in the post-action test 3.

Then, the percentage of students who passed KKM is calculated by using this formula:


Furthermore, the maximum, minimum, and the mean score of the students are illustrated in the table below: Table 4.4 Students’ Score in Post-Action Test 3 Maximum score 91,66 Minimum score 66,66 Mean 83,82

Based on the result of post-test 3, there is 2,45 point improvement from post- test 2 to post-test 3. The mean score of post-test 2 81,37, and post-test 3 is 83,82. Then, there is 35,30 point improvement from pre-test to post-test 3. The mean score of pre-test is 48,52, and post-test 3 is 83,82. It means 14 students passed the test with the percentage of 82,35%. The class percentage of successful and unsuccessful students is illustrated in figure below:


succesful unsuccesful



Figure 4.3 The Percentage of Students' score in post-test 3


Then, in the post-action test 3, the class percentage of successful students who pass the KKM is 82%, it means there are 3 students who have score below the KKM. It shows that there is students‘ improvement between pre-test and post- test 3 with the percentage of 82% or 14 students pass the KKM and have been improved from the pre-test. From the percentage result in the classroom action research, it is already considered successful because there is more than 75% of students who could achieve the KKM, which is 80. d) Reflecting Based on the discussion between the researcher and the researcher, it was concluded that in the second cycle the students were categorized as good. In this last cycle was the good cycle that improved students‘ speaking ability in asking and giving opinion by using talking chip technique. In this cycle, the researcher concluded that improving students‘ ability in asking and giving opinion by using talking chip technique gave positive impact to improve students‘ speaking skill. The teaching-learning process was good since the beginning until the end of the action. By using talking chip, the students could remember most of the expression of asking and giving easier. From the research findings above, the researcher found some essential things. Talking chip made the students active because in this activity, besides the chip was eye-catching and exciting, the students often practised their speaking especially in ask and gave opinion by using chip. The students more struggle to discuss the topic and practice the dialogue. When students want to take part, they must understand what others are saying or have written. They must speak or write in order to express their opinion or thought. Thus, the activity provides one way of helping the learners to experience language rather than merely study it. When the students were motivated in speaking, and they understood the rules of talking chip clearly, they were practising the dialogue about asking and giving opinion. The improvement of students‘ ability in asking and giving opinion by using talking chip from the first cycle to the third cycle is presented in the table.


3. Post-Implementing the Action a. The Result of Post-Interview 1) Interview with the Teacher After implementing the Classroom Action Research for about nine meetings, the English teacher was interviewed. The teacher was asked about the speaking technique being used, which was Talking chip. She said that she was satisfied with the students‘ score improvement and their attitude toward English. Before applying the talking chip technique, they had some difficulties in comprehending speaking material. However, after applying the talking chip technique, they showed their interest and enthusiasm during the learning process. Further, they were also brave to ask a question when they found a challenging question and also when they answered the teacher‘s question. Since they were brave to speak English in front of the others, the teacher concluded that they made significant progress by showing their eagerness to learn English. Besides, the teacher also commented related to the talking chip technique. She commented that the talking chip technique was very suited for speaking learning. Moreover, their reaction was also excellent. She thought that she should apply this technique in teaching the other kinds of speaking material since by using this technique the students‘ speaking skill was improved.

2) Interview with the Students Besides interviewing the teacher, the researcher also interviewed the students. They were asked to give opinion and comment about the use of talking chip technique for the speaking activity. The representatives were three students from the class IX. Most of them agreed that English was a tricky subject since they had to memorise the rules of grammatical aspect, the pronunciation of each word, and so on. Further, in speaking skill, they had to comprehend the topic, pronounce well for every word and also understand the unfamiliar vocabulary. Related to the use of talking chip technique, they agreed that the talking chip technique was beneficial to improve their comprehension. They said that by using this technique, they could comprehend the speaking material. Besides, they also said that they


could actively share their opinion with every member of a group. By knowing the unfamiliar vocabulary and getting help from their friends in the group to have better preparation, it made them able to speak in English better. Furthermore, they were satisfied when they knew their test results; most of them made a significant improvement. Although it consumed many times to do the whole steps of this technique, some of them hoped that the teacher would use this technique in teaching other kinds of speaking material. b. The Result of Post-Action Test After finishing the cycle 1, 2, and 3, the post-action test result was calculated. First, the post-action test was calculated in order to know the students‘ score improvement from the pre-action test to post-action test cycle 3.

Table 4.5 Students’ Speaking Score in Pre-test, Post-test 1, post-test 2, and Post-test 3 Students‘ Post-action Post-action Post-action Pre-action test number test 1 test 2 test 3 1 58,33 58,33 91,66 91,66 2 66,66 66,66 83,33 91,66 3 33,33 75 75 83,33 4 33,33 75 91,66 91,66 5 25 75 66,66 83,33 6 66,66 83,33 75 83,33 7 33,33 66,66 91,66 91,66 8 58,33 91,66 91,66 83,33 9 75 75 75 75 10 58,33 83,33 83,33 83,33 11 58,33 83,33 91,66 91,66 12 33,33 58,33 75 66,66


13 33,33 66,66 75 83,33 14 58,33 66,66 83,33 83,33 15 58,33 75 75 75 16 41,66 75 75 83,33 17 33,33 75 83,33 83,33 Mean 48,52 73,52 81,37 83,82

There were three steps to have the result. Those were calculating the students‘ mean score of post-action test 1, the percentage of students‘ improvement score from pre-action test to post-action test 1 and the percentage of students who passed the KKM. The first step was to calculate the mean score of the post-action test. The calculation is as follows:

From that calculation, the students‘ mean score of post-action test 1 is 73,52. It proves that there is an improvement from the mean score of the pre-action test. It could be seen from the mean score of the pre-action test, which is 48,52 to the mean score of post-action test 1 which is 73,52. The second step was calculating the percentage of students‘ improvement score from pre-action test and post-action test 1. It is calculated as follows:


From that calculation, the students‘ improvement from pre-action test to post action test 1 is 72,52%. It shows that the score of the post-action test in cycle one has improved 72,52% from the pre-action test. The next step was calculating the percentage of students who passed KKM. It is calculated as follows:

From that calculation, the class percentage who passes the KKM is 23,52%. It means that in cycle one, four students pass the KKM and 13 students have the score below the KKM. Furthermore, in cycle 2, the result of post-action two is also calculated to know the score improvement. The same as the previous calculation, there were three steps to know the improvement, which were calculating the students‘ mean score of post-action test 2, the percentage of students‘ improvement score from the pre-action test and post-action test 2, and the percentage of students who passed the KKM. The first step was to calculate the mean score of post-action test 2. The calculation is as follows:

From that calculation, the mean score of post-action test 2 is 81,33. It proves that there is an improvement in this cycle. It could be seen from the mean score of post-action test 1 which is 73,52 with the mean score of post-action test 2 which is 81,37. Then, the second step was calculating the percentage of students‘ improvement score from pre-action test to post-action test 2. It is calculated as follows:


Based on the calculation, it can be seen that the post-action test 2 improves 80.37% from the pre-action test. Furthermore, the next step was calculating the percentage of students who passed the KKM. It is calculated as follows:

From that calculation, the class percentage who passes KKM is 52,94%. It means that in cycle two, nine students pass the KKM and six students have the score below the KKM. The result of the class percentage in cycle 2 shows the improvement from the previous test. The same as the previous calculation, there were three steps to know the improvement, which were calculating the students‘ mean score of post-action test 3, the percentage of students‘ improvement score from the pre-action test and post-action test 3, and the percentage of students who passed the KKM. The first step was to calculate the mean score of post-action test 3. The calculation is as follows:

From that calculation, the mean score of post-action test 3 is 83,82. It proves that there is an improvement in this cycle. It could be seen from the mean score of post-action test 2 which is 81,37 with the mean score of post-action test 3 which is 83,82. Then, the second step was calculating the percentage of students‘ improvement score from pre-action test to post-action test 3. It is calculated as follows:


Based on the calculation, it can be seen that the post-action test 3 improves 82,82% from the pre-action test. Furthermore, the next step was calculating the percentage of students who passed the KKM. It is calculated as follows:

From that calculation, the class percentage who passes KKM is 82,35%. It means that in cycle 3, there are 14 students who passed the KKM and there are 3 students who have a score below the KKM. The result of the class percentage in cycle 3 shows the improvement from the previous test. In short, the result of the test can be obviously seen in this table 4.5: Table 4.6 The Comparison Score of the Pre-Action test, Post-action test 1, Post-action test 2 and Post-action test 3 Post- Post- Post- Pre-action action 3 Category action 1 action 2 test score test test score test score score Maximum 75 91.66 91.66 91,66 Number of students who get max 1 1 5 5 Minimum 25 58,33 66,66 66,66 Number of students who get min 1 2 1 1 Mean 48,52 73,52 81,37 83,82


The Comparison Score in Pre-test, Post-test 1, Post- test 2, and Post-test 3 100 91,66 91,66 91,66 6 83,82

81,37 75 5 80 73,52 66,66 66,66 58,33 4 60 48,52 3 40 25 2

SpeakingScore 20

1 NumberStudent of 0 0 pre-action test post-action test 1 post-action test 2 post-action test 3 Mean Min Max minimum Maximum

Figure 4.4 The Comparison Score in Pre-test, Post-test 1, Post-test 2, and Post-test 3

Based on the table, it shows that the mean score of the speaking test before applying the talking chip technique is 48,52. Meanwhile, the minimum score is 25, and the maximum score is 91,66. Then, the mean score of post-action test 1 is 73,52. Besides, in this test, the minimum score is 58,33, and the maximum score is 91.66. Next, the mean score of post-action test 2 is 81,37. Meanwhile, the minimum score is 66,66, and the maximum score is 91,66. Then, the mean score of post-test 3 is 83,82. The minimum score is 66,66 and the maximum score is 91,66. It shows that the students always have significant improvement from the pre-action test to post-action test 3. It means the talking chip technique can improve students speaking skill.

B. Data interpretation Based on the data finding, talking chip technique was applied to solve the students‘ problem because it could equalise students‘ participation and motivated students to be more active. It supposed to increase students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion. The researcher used talking chip technique in order to fostering students speaking skill in asking and giving opinion in ninth grade SMPIT As Shof Depok in the academic year 2019/2020 which were explained before by the


researcher in research finding, it can be interpreted that talking chip could foster students speaking skill in asking and giving opinion through three factors. The first factors were talking chip was a new teaching technique for ninth grade SMPIT As Shof in the academic year 2019/2020. It can be proved in the students‘ interview (post-action implementation). Three students said that talking chip was a new teaching technique that they never known before. The talking chip was helpful for them because talking chip can equalized students‘ participation in speaking. The second factors were talking chip was impressive; the students who have interviewed said that talking chip was delightful because they can speak alternately with their friends. So, there are no students speak more, and no students speak less. The third factors were talking chip was eye-catching. Based on the researcher‘s interview with the teacher (post-implementation), the teacher said that the students were happy and excited because the chip has bright colour, so the students were attracted with the chip, and it could increase the students‘ attention. Besides interviewing the teacher, the students were also interviewed to make the data more reliable. The representatives of the students were asked about some questions related to the use of talking chip technique. Most of them agreed that the talking chip technique was helpful since it can help them shared their opinion more equally. They also hoped that the teacher would use the talking chip technique in teaching the other types of speaking. The improvement of students‘ speaking skill also can be proved by the result of the test. The mean score of pre-test was 48,52. The mean score of post-test 1 was 73,52. The mean score of post-test 2 was 81,37. And the mean score of post-test 3 was 83,82. The action was stopped since the percentage of the students in post-test 3 has achieved the criterion. The percentage of post-test 3 was 82,35%, and the criterion of the action success based on previous chapter was 75%.

C. Discussion Based on the process of conducting the research and the calculation of the data, there are some information was explained as follows. The researcher determined 17 students because only 17 students that follow the action completely.


As it was stated in the previous chapter, to obtain the trustworthiness of the research, the researcher asked the teacher to give the judgment about the research. The teacher said that she was satisfied with the students‘ improvement. Besides, the teacher felt their students‘ motivation was also increased. They showed their enthusiasm during the learning process. Because talking chip can equalize the students‘ participation. In addition, the teacher also gave her opinion the talking chip technique that is used. She thought that she should apply the talking chip technique in teaching the other kinds of speaking material since by using this technique, the students‘ speaking skill was improved. Therefore, considered the judgment given by the teacher, the researcher concluded that talking chip can improve students‘ speaking skill in giving an opinion, especially in the ninth grade SMPIT As Shof Depok in the academic year 2019/2020. It can be shown by the result of pre-action test, post-action test 1, post-test 2, and post-action test 3. In the pre-test, there were no students who passed the minimum criterion and also the students‘ mean score of pre-test was 48,52 before implementing the action research. After implemented the first cycle action, there were four students who passed the minimum criterion, and also the students‘ mean score of pre-test was 73,52. Because the researcher determined the action was success if the number of students passed the KKM at least 75% of students. Thus, the action continued after at least 75% of students achieved the KKM. After implemented the second cycle action, there were nine students or 52,94% who passed the minimum criterion and also the students‘ mean score of pre-test was 81,37. The action continued to the third cycle, and the mean score was 83,82. The percentage of the students who achieved the KKM was 82,35%. The improvement of the students‘ speaking skill from pre-test to post-test 3 was 82,82%. Thus, the researcher stopped the action research. The result of this research is similar to Muhammad Muklas. His study entitled: Talking Chip Technique to Teach Speaking1. He said that talking Chips Technique was sufficient to improve students‘ speaking ability. It could be seen from the average score in the post-test of the experimental group that was 76,38, and control

1 Muhammad Muklas, Talking Chips Technique to Teach Speaking, Journal of English Language Education and Literature, Vol. II No. 1, 2017, p. 58


group was 72,48. Nanik Purwasih also in line with this research. Her research entitled: Using Talking Chip Technique to Improve Speaking Achievement of 11th Graders of One Senior High School in Indralaya Utara2. She said that there are two reasons why Talking Chips technique can improve students‘ speaking achievement. Firstly, Talking Chips technique offers an interesting way of learning in which they have a turn to speak. Secondly, Talking Chips encourage students to be confident and respect their friends during discussion in order to create mutual understanding.

2 Nanik Purwasih, Using Talking Chip Technique to Improve Speaking Achievement of 11th graders of one Senior High School in Indralaya Utara, (Proceedings of the 2nd SULE – IC 2016, FKIP, Unsri, Palembang, 2016), p.780



A. Conclusion The observation and the implementation of this Classroom Action Research (CAR) were held at the ninth grade of SMPIT As Shof Depok in the academic year 2019/2020. The number of students was 27. From all the discussion in this paper, the researcher would like to conclude the result of this research. Teaching speaking in asking and giving opinion through talking chip technique could positively involve the students during the lesson. The research was done in two cycles. In the first cycle, students‘ result of speaking ability in asking and giving opinion was low, but they were involved in the activity happily. It means that in the second cycle the researcher should explain the lesson much more exciting and slower to make the students easier to understand. Based on the researcher‘s observation, talking chip technique had been successfully fostering the students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion. There are three reasons why talking chip technique can foster students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion. The first was talking chip can equalise the students‘ participation so that they can speak actively during the lesson. The second was talking chip was a new teaching technique for the students, so they enthusiast with the lesson. The third was talking chip has bright colour so it can be increased students‘ attention. Based on the result of the students‘ speaking test, talking chip can be measured that the students could improve the students‘ speaking score. In the pre-test, students‘ mean score was 48,52. In the post-test 1, students‘ mean score was 73,52. In the post- test 2, students‘ mean score was 81,37. In the post-test 3, students‘s mean score was 83,82. It means talking chip foster 82,35% of students, since the researcher determined that criterion for CAR success was 75%, the researcher stopped the action research in cycle three. Thus, the implementation of talking chip technique in improving the students‘ speaking skill in asking and giving opinion in ninth grade SMPIT As Shof Depok in the academic year 2019/2020 was successful.



B. Suggestion According to the conclusion of the study, talking chip technique is an appropriate and aplicable in teaching speaking English in asking and giving opinion in ninth grade SMPIT As Shof in the academic year 2019/2020. The teacher should have many technique to deliver the lesson and using talking chip is one of the way to teach speaking. Therefore, the researcher would like to give the suggestions to: 1. English Teacher a. The teacher should make sure the students understand the lesson or material before using talking chip technique. b. The teacher must give the instruction of talking chip technique in order the teacher can direct the class. c. The teacher should always control the situation in the class when talking chip technique is running. d. The teacher can try to use talking chip technique for teaching activity in speaking especially in asking and giving opinion. By talking chip technique, the students can be more enthusiastic to speak English, be more deliver their opinion or thought, get many new vocabularies, and be more interactive with other students in the classroom. 2. Students a. The students should be more active in the activity of group and try to have many apportunities to speak. b. The students are expected to be focus and serious in doing the talking chip technique c. The students should have critical thinking to perceive the argument from their friends when talking chip technique is running 3. Further Researchers a. The future researcher hopefully can solve the problem of students especially in asking and giving opinion that the researcher found by combining talking chip with other techniques to make the learning process perfect.



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Place: Date: Cycle:

No. Class structure Yes No Description Teacher reviews previous day‘s 1 course content Teacher gives an overview of the 2 day‘s course content Teacher summarizes course 3 content covered The teacher directs student 4 preparation for the next class The students pay attention to the 5 explanation. The students are interested in the 6 media which is used. The students understand the 7 teacher‘s explanation. The students practice the 8 language function The students ask questions when 9 they do not understand. The students produce the 10 sentences orally 11 The students speak English during


the lesson. The lesson keeps the students‘ 12 interest until the end. The students who are weaker in 13 English can take part without being frustrated. All of the students participate in 14 the lesson.



Place: SMPIT As Shof Depok Date: Friday, August 30th 2019 Cycle: pre-action (observation)

No. Class structure Yes No Description Teacher reviews previous day‘s 1 √ The teacher did not review the previous material. course content Teacher gives an overview of the The teacher gave an overview about today‘s 2 √ day‘s course content material. Teacher summarizes course 3 √ Teacher did not summarize the material. content covered The teacher directs student Teacher reminded the students to bring the 4 √ preparation for the next class dictionary for the next meeting The students pay attention to the Many students talking with other, lay down on the 5 √ explanation. table, walking around the class, and make noisy. The students are interested in the 6 √ The teacher did not use media at that time media which is used. Teacher did not check the students‘ understanding; The students understand the 7 √ thus, the teacher did not know whether the students teacher‘s explanation. understand or not. The students practice the Less than 50% students practice the language 8 √ language function function. The students ask questions when The students raise their hand and ask the question 9 √ they do not understand. when the teacher gave them opportunity to ask. The students produce the 10 √ The students did not produce the sentence orally sentences orally 11 The students speak English during √ The students did not speak English during the


the lesson. lesson. Many students looks bored, it indicate from they The lesson keeps the students‘ walking around the class, joking with their friend 12 √ interest until the end. rather pay attention to their teacher, and lay down on the table. The students who are weaker in The students who are weaker in English just keep 13 English can take part without √ silent during the lesson. They did not speak and ask. being frustrated. All of the students participate in 14 √ Many students did not follow the lesson. the lesson.



Place: SMPIT As Shof Depok Date: Wednesday, September 4th 2019 Cycle: I (1st meeting)

No. Class structure Yes No Description At the beginning of the lesson, teacher reviews the Teacher reviews previous day‘s material from previous meeting. Some students are 1 √ course content remember, and some are forget. The teacher remind all of students about the last material. After give a review of the previous meeting‘s Teacher gives an overview of the 2 √ material, the teacher give the overview about day‘s course content today‘s material. Teacher summarizes course At the end of lesson, the teacher summarize today‘s 3 √ content covered material together with the students. The teacher directs student The teacher ask the students to learn and read about 4 √ preparation for the next class the material for the next meeting. Some students pay full attention to the teacher, The students pay attention to the especially the students who sit in front of 5 √ explanation. whiteboard and the first row. Some students who sit in back seems talking with the other friend. When teacher show the talking chip, the students The students are interested in the looks enthusiast and curious about the chip and how 6 √ media which is used. to use it. They said it was interesting because the chip id very colourful. The students understand the 7 √ Many students still confused about the material. teacher‘s explanation. The students practice the Many students still afraid to make mistakes if they 8 √ language function use English. The teacher motivated them that they


have to use English when study English. But, some of them still did not know some terms in English, sometimes they put the wrong terms in sentence. But, the teacher guide them to make a right sentence. Several students asked a question to the teacher. The students ask questions when 9 √ Even they use Bahasa because they avoid they do not understand. misunderstanding. The students produce the Some students that looks active and have more 10 √ sentences orally confident try to ask their friend using English. The students still afraid to speak in English. they The students speak English during 11 √ only use English when they asked permission to go the lesson. to toilet The lesson keeps the students‘ The students looks tired, they lay down at the table. 12 √ interest until the end. Some of them walk around the class. The students who are weaker have no time to speak. The students who are weaker in They are very afraid to speak. When the teacher 13 English can take part without √ guide them, they try to speak. But if the teacher did being frustrated. not guide them, they did not speak. All of the students participate in Some students did not have any idea, thus he just 14 √ the lesson. follow his friend.



Place: SMPIT As Shof Depok Date: Friday, September 6th 2019 Cycle: I (2nd meeting)

No. Class structure Yes No Description After pray together, the teacher asked about Teacher reviews previous day‘s previous material. Some students still remember 1 √ course content about the previous material but not explain all the material. Some students answer hesitantly. The teacher explained about today‘s material. Some students listen and pay attention carefully to the teacher‘s explanation. Three students who sits in Teacher gives an overview of the 2 √ back are lay down in the table. The teacher come to day‘s course content them and ask them why they are laying down. They said that they are sick because yesterday they are raining. Teacher summarizes course The teacher tried to summarize the material. Some 3 √ content covered students wrote the summarize, others just listen. The teacher command the students to read and learn again at their home about the material. Some The teacher directs student 4 √ students said that they are tired when they arrived at preparation for the next class home, thus they sometimes forget to read again the material. The teacher explained about the material. Some The students pay attention to the 5 √ students pay fully attention to the teacher, the other explanation. students are talking with their friends. The students are interested in the The students still interesting with the chip, they said 6 √ media which is used. the chip is cute and eye catching.


After explain the material, the teacher checked the The students understand the students‘ understanding by asked them randomly. 7 √ teacher‘s explanation. Some of them answered it nervous, but overall is good. The students understanding the material. The students practice the 8 √ The students still afraid if they are make mistake. language function The students enthusiast to ask the teacher if they did The students ask questions when not understand, and they have no problem to ask the 9 √ they do not understand. teacher to repeat the explanation until they are fully understand. The students produce the Many students produce the sentence orally. Even 10 √ sentences orally they have to write before speak. The students speak English during Only two students that brave to speak English 11 √ the lesson. during the lesson. Many students distracted with the other things, for The lesson keeps the students‘ 12 √ instance the students distracted with the people that interest until the end. walking in front of their class. The students who are weaker in English feel The students who are weaker in insecure, and said that they are fool boy. The 13 English can take part without √ teacher directly motivated them, that there is no being frustrated. fool boy. Learning is about motivate and willingness. Some students still talking with the other friends, All of the students participate in some students are sick so they only lay down at 14 √ the lesson. their table, and some students just keep silent even the teacher asked whether they understand or not.



Place: SMPIT As Shof Depok Date: Wednesday, September 11th 2019 Cycle: I (3rd meeting)

No. Class structure Yes No Description Before explain about today‘s material, the teacher Teacher reviews previous day‘s 1 √ asked about previous day‘s material. Some students course content answered it correctly. After review the previous material, the teacher give Teacher gives an overview of the an overview about today‘s material. Some students 2 √ day‘s course content are interesting because they said the material is about daily life and easy to discuss. The teacher summarizes the material together with Teacher summarizes course 3 √ the students. Some students ask about the related content covered topic. It shows their enthusiast with the material. The teacher command the students for read and The teacher directs student learn again about today‘s material at home. The 4 √ preparation for the next class teacher suggested the students to make a group lesson and have some discussion. The teacher discipline to the students. The teacher The students pay attention to the 5 √ will quite if the students make noise. Thus, the explanation. students pay fully attention to the teacher. The students are interested with the media because The students are interested in the they said they can hold and use directly. Unlike the 6 √ media which is used. other media, for instance LCD projector that they can not use directly. They only see, not operate it. The students understand the The teacher always checked the students‘ 7 √ teacher‘s explanation. understanding, if they said they understand, the


teacher will ask the students to repeat the explanation. The students begin to use language function in the The students practice the 8 √ discussion. But, a little of them still not using language function language function. The students asked the question when they did not The students ask questions when understand, when they did not know the terms in 9 √ they do not understand. English, or they faced the difficulties when they make a sentence. Not only the students are stronger in English that The students produce the produce the sentence orally, but also almost all of 10 √ sentences orally students produce the sentence orally. Even though still nervous and any mistake. The students still afraid to speak English outside of The students speak English during 11 √ discussion. When they are talking each other, they the lesson. still using Bahasa. The teacher kept the students‘ interest until the end. One of the ways to keep students‘ interest is ice The lesson keeps the students‘ 12 √ breaking. The teacher does an ice breaking and the interest until the end. students looks happy because they laugh and asked for continue the ice breaking. The students who are weaker in English still feel The students who are weaker in insecure with their capability. But the teacher 13 English can take part without √ always motivated them and help them to face the being frustrated. difficulties. All of the students participate in Almost all of the students follow the lesson actively 14 √ the lesson. until the end.



Place: SMPIT As Shof Depok Date: Wednesday, September 18th 2019 Cycle: II (1st meeting)

No. Class structure Yes No Description Before starting the lesson, the teacher always Teacher reviews previous day‘s 1 √ reviews the previous material. Almost all of the course content student remembers the previous material. After reviews the previous material, the teacher give an overview about today material. The students Teacher gives an overview of the 2 √ listen and pay attention to the teacher. They asked day‘s course content whether they use talking chip again. And they looks happy when the teacher said yes. Teacher summarizes course The teacher summarizes the material shortly. The 3 √ content covered students still pay attention to the teacher. The teacher suggest the students to keep learning at The teacher directs student home. Not only read, but the student can learn 4 √ preparation for the next class English from youtube that serve many videos that can use for learning. The students pay fully attention to the teacher and The students pay attention to the they aware that they have to pay attention to the 5 √ explanation. teacher because they will faced the national examination. The students are interested in the The students feel good when they use the media 6 √ media which is used. because they said, it feel like playing game. The students understand the The teacher checked the students‘ understand by 7 √ teacher‘s explanation. asked them randomly, and they can answered it


correctly. The students practice the Most of them practice the language function. 8 √ language function Eventhough just in the discussion. Most of students always ask the question. Even the The students ask questions when small question, for instance the terms in English, or 9 √ they do not understand. asked the teacher to give correction about their opinion, is that wrong or right. The students produce the 10 √ Most of them can produce the sentence orally sentences orally A little bit of the students that brave speak English The students speak English during 11 √ during the lesson. Some of them just speak English the lesson. when they asked permission to go to toilet. The teacher doing ice breaking again to keep the students‘ interest until the end, and they are happy The lesson keeps the students‘ 12 √ and look fresh again. Because before ice breaking, interest until the end. many students yawn their mouth, it indicates they are sleepy. The students who are weaker in The teacher motivated and help them to faced the 13 English can take part without √ difficulties, thus they feel stronger than before. being frustrated. All of the students participate in 14 √ Most of the students follow the lesson. the lesson.



Place: SMPIT As Shof Depok Date: Friday, September 20th 2019 Cycle: II (2nd meeting)

No. Class structure Yes No Description The teacher reviews about the previous material. Teacher reviews previous day‘s 1 √ The students remember and understand the previous course content material well and can repeat the explanation well. The teacher gives an overview about today‘s Teacher gives an overview of the material. The students pay attention to the teacher 2 √ day‘s course content and sometimes ask when they did not know what teacher said. When the teacher summarizes the material, some Teacher summarizes course 3 √ students speak and give their opinion about today‘s content covered material. The teacher always suggested the students for The teacher directs student 4 √ prepared the next meeting. Thus, the students have preparation for the next class to learn at home. The students pay attention to the The students pay fully attention, even two students 5 √ explanation. are sick and lay down at the table. The students are interested in the 6 √ The students happy to use the media for learning media which is used. The teacher always checked the students‘ The students understand the 7 √ understanding by asked them randomly. The teacher‘s explanation. students can answer the question correctly. The students practice the language function not The students practice the 8 √ only in discussion, but also when they talking with language function other friends.


The students asked the question actively. Not only The students ask questions when when the teacher asked them to ask the question, 9 √ they do not understand. but also the students asked the teacher whenever during the lesson. The students produce the 10 √ Most of them can produce the sentence orally sentences orally Most of them try to speak English during the lesson The students speak English during 11 √ not only in discussion, but also when they talking the lesson. with the other friends. The teacher always keeps the students‘ interest until The lesson keeps the students‘ 12 √ the end of lesson. The teacher doing ice breaking to interest until the end. keep the students‘ interest. Because of the teacher always motivated and help The students who are weaker in them, they feel stronger when learning English. 13 English can take part without √ even they did not improve significantly, but the being frustrated. teacher always awarded the students who are weaker in English. All of the students participate in All of the students participate and follow the lesson 14 √ the lesson. well.



Place: SMPIT As Shof Depok Date: Wednesday, September 20th 2019 Cycle: II (3rd meeting)

No. Class structure Yes No Description The teacher reviews about the previous material. Teacher reviews previous day‘s 1 √ Some students forget and open their book to make course content sure their understanding. After reviews the previous material, the teacher Teacher gives an overview of the give an overview about today‘s material. The 2 √ day‘s course content students listen carefully and pay attention to the teacher‘s explanation. Teacher summarizes course The teacher summarizes the material, the students 3 √ content covered pay attention and asked some question. The teacher directs student The teacher always suggests the students to keep 4 √ preparation for the next class learn and learn more at the home. The students pay fully attention to the teacher‘s The students pay attention to the explanation. And when there are students who make 5 √ explanation. noise, the other students will get mad and command to keep silent. The students are interested in the They are happy use the media because they said 6 √ media which is used. talking chip is colourful, eye catching and fun. The teacher always checked the students‘ The students understand the 7 √ comprehension by asked them randomly. And they teacher‘s explanation. can answer the question properly. The students practice the The students practice the language function in 8 √ language function conversation. 9 The students ask questions when √ The students will ask the question during the lesson


they do not understand. when they did not know or did not understand the material. The students produce the 10 √ All of the students produce the sentence orally sentences orally Almost of the students speak English not only in The students speak English during 11 √ discussion, but also when they talking with other the lesson. friends. The teacher always tries to keep the students‘ The lesson keeps the students‘ 12 √ interest until the end of lesson. The teacher doing interest until the end. ice breaking for return the students‘ spirit. The students who are weaker in They feel enjoy and have confident to speak 13 English can take part without √ English during the lesson. being frustrated. All of the students participate in All of the students participate and follow the lesson 14 √ the lesson. well.


Appendix 3


Pedoman wawancara guru sebelum pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas 1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas IX SMPIT As Shof? 2. Apa saja kesulitan yang bapak/ibu hadapi ketika mengajar Bahasa Inggris khususnya di kelas IX SMPIT As Shof? 3. Bagaimana pembelajaran speaking dikelas IX SMPIT As Shof? 4. Metode apa yang bapak/ibu gunakan untuk mengajar speaking dikelas IX SMPIT As Shof? 5. Media apa saja yang digunakan bapak/ibu dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar Bahasa Inggris di kelas IX SMPIT As Shof? 6. Bagaimanakah respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran speaking di kelas IX SMPIT As Shof?

Pedoman wawancara siswa sebelum pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas 1. Apakah tanggapanmu mengenai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? 2. Apakah kesulitan yang dihadapi ketika belajar Bahasa Inggris? 3. Bagaimanakah kegiatan pembelajaran speaking di kelas? 4. Media apa saja yang sering digunakan guru saat mengajarkan speaking? 5. Apa harapanmu terhadap pembelajaran speaking?



Pedoman wawancara guru setelah pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas 1. Bagaimakah pendapat bapak/ibu mengenai penerapan teknik talking chip dalam proses pembelajaran speaking di kelas IX? 2. Apakah siswa menunjukkan ketertarikan yang lebih terhadap pelajaran bahasa Inggris selama proses penerapan teknik tersebut? 3. Apakah siswa menunjukkan peningkatan dalam kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris setelah diterapkannya talking chip sebagai teknik pembelajaran? 4. Apakah bapak/ibu akan menggunakan teknik yang sama dalam proses mengajar dimasa yang akan datang?

Pedoman wawancara siswa setelah pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas 1. Bagaimana pendapatmu mengenai talking chip technique? 2. Apakah kamu masih mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dikelas setelah belajar dengan menggunakan talking chip technique? 3. Bagaimanakah pendapatmu tentang pelajaran Bahasa Inggris setelah belajar dengan menggunakan talking chip technique? 4. Apakah kamu setuju jika guru menggunakan teknik yang sama dalam pembelajaran dimasa yang akan datang?


Appendix 4


Transkrip wawancara guru sebelum pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas

1. Peneliti: Selamat siang ibu. Saya akan melakukan wawancara mengenai pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris khususnya speaking dalam asking and giving opinion kelas IX SMPIT As Shof. Pertanyaan pertama, bagaimana proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas IX SMPIT As Shof? Guru: hmmm, proses pembelajarannya ya? Hmm, proses pembelajarannya kalau di As Shof, saya pribadi menggunakan hmmm, metode yang biasa diajarkan secara umum ya, di RPP menggunakan metode audio visual. Untuk pembelajarannya sebetulnya sama saja dengan yang lain, tapi saya lebih memberikan kenyamanan dulu kepada anak untuk mau belajar Bahasa Inggris.

2. Peneliti: kemudian, apa saja kesulitan yang ibu hadapi ketika mengajar Bahasa Inggris, khususnya di kelas IX SMPIT As Shof? Guru: yaa, kalo kesulitannya cukup banyak yaa. Karena anak-anak As Shof ini terutama berasal dari keluarga menengah bawah, jadi, hmmm, secara pendidikan juga agak sedikit kurang, jangankan untuk Bahasa Inggris, untuk yang lain aja mereka kurang gitu ya, apalagi kalo Bahasa Inggris ini Bahasa asing, tapi hmm untuk antusiasmenya sih cukup ya, tapi memang kendalanya biasanya sih tidak membawa kamus. Jadi kamus itu harus dibawa, hmmm, mau dibawa oleh anak-anak dengan terpaksa dengan ancaman apa namanya, denda, biasanya begitu. Kalo di denda, supaya memaksa mereka untuk membawa kamus. Karena kalau saya, anak-anak ini bisa Bahasa asing ya dari vocabnya dulu. Dari kamusnya ini dulu. Karena kan kalau mereka tidak paham, bagaimana mereka mengetahui apa yang dipelajari. Hmm, kalau kesulitannya, kendalanya cukup lumayan besar ya.


3. Peneliti: kemudian bagaimana pembelajaran speaking dikelas IX SMPIT As Shof? Guru: kalau saya, untuk pembelajaran speaking biasanya, hmmm, kaitannya nanti sama membaca ya, sama reading berarti ya. Jadi reading, sekalian mereka membacanya. Jadi reading dan speaking itu berbarengan. Biasanya mereka itu speakingnya itu awalnya saya memberikan bacaan. Jadi setiap, misalnya awal mereka membca. Jadi terpaksa untuk speaking, gitu. Jadi tidak membaca dalam hati, ya. Jadi tidak hanya readingnya saja, tetapi memaksa mereka untuk speaking.

4. Peneliti: kemudian untuk speaking sendiri, metode apa yang ibu gunakan di dalam kelas? Guru: hmmm, metodenya menggunakan audiovisual ya. Jadi melihat, biasanya saya pakai infocus, hmm gitu dari laptop, mereka nanti membaca. Atau biasa ada juga langsung ke buku. Jadi nanti di buku text, nanti misalnya ada bacaan atau apa, gitu mereka nanti membaca mewajibkan mereka untuk speaking. Peneliti: ooh, berarti yang audio visual itu ibu menggunakan video? Guru: iya betul Peneliti: ibu menggunakan video percontohan, kemudian nanti siswa speaking? guru: iya, siswa nanti menirukan berbicara. Biasa juga kadang-kadang ada dialog. Misalnya mereka memperkenalkan diri sendiri dulu, bisanya sih memang agak-agak susah juga, padahal kan sebetulnya itu basic yaa. Apalagi sudah di kelas IX kan seharusnya sudah bisa. Tapi ya memang Namanya Bahasa asing kalau tidak di ulang-ulang biasanya akan lupa. Meskipun itu awalnya memperkenalkan diri dalam bentuk yang sederhana, mereka gugup. Padahal seharusnya sudah terbiasa. Tapi kalau untuk ininya sih mau ya, mereka membaca, hmmm, apa Namanya, mungkin ketakutan mereka berbicara lebih karena mereka tidak menguasai vocab, dan tidak terbiasa membaca kamus. Kan kalau di kamus itu biasanya ada ejaannya ya, ada pronunciation mereka untuk membacanya gimana sih, diejanya tulisan itu bagaimana. Nah mereka ini anak-anak di As Shof tidak terbiasa untuk membaca kamus, jadi tidak terbiasa


untuk membaca yang benar. Jadi kadang-kadang ada yang dibaca sesuai dengan tulisannya. Jadi speakingnya mungkin mereka malu atau takut itu karena belum terbiasa, gitu. Ibaratnya belum pernah, tidak dipaksakan, tidak terbiasa, akhirnya hmm, takut. Biasanya kecenderungannya begitu.

5. Peneliti: oke, baik bu. Kemudian media apa yang ibu gunakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar speaking di kelas IX SMPIT As Shof? Guru: kalau tadi, biasanya sih saya menggunakannya media, laptop, ya, jelas. Terus kemudian, pakai handphone juga pernah. Jadi biasanya sih, pakai ada rekaman, begitu yaa. Kemudian mereka dengar, listening. Kemudian speaking. Jadi selain reading tadi juga bisa listening yaa. Peneliti: itu menggunakan handphone ibu? Guru: iya, handphone saya. Peneliti: berarti pakai speaker ya bu? Guru: iya, pakai speaker. Kemudian pakai infocus, kadang juga, kadang karena kebetulan kita speakernya terbatas, tidak ada headset ya, jadi kita pakai speakernya yang loud gitu ya. Yang besar, jadi mereka nggak perlu satu-satu agar jelas yang di dengar. Karena kalau speaker aktif yang biasa tidak terlalu jelas didengar ya. Kan sebetulnya lebih enak pakai headset ya, kan jadi fokus tidak ada lagi yang didengar lainnya, tidak terganggu kanan kiri. Cuma karena keterbatasan itu, jadi saya pakai loudspeaker yang besar, jadi mereka bisa mendengarkan dengan jelas apa yang disampaikan, kemudian mereka mengucapkan, jadi repeat. Setelah ada yang berbicara, mereka mengucapkan, begitu.

6. Peneliti: pertanyaan terakhir, bagaimanakah respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran speaking di kelas IX SMPIT As Shof? Guru: kalau saya melihat sih, cukup antusias ya, mereka sebetulnya awalnya malu hanya karena takut tadi, nggak, hmm, apa Namanya, belum paham, belum menguasai, belum banyak (vocabnya). Tapi sebetulnya saya sih lebih menghargai meskipun mereka masih ada beberapa yang masih salah-salah,


masih mau gitu yaa diulang lagi, diulang lagi, masih itu apa Namanya, sangat antusias, meskipun masih terbata-bata, masih banyak kesalahan dalam pengucapan. Peneliti: memang pada awalnya anak-anak malu, tapi kemudian pada saat kita paksa begitu, bagaimana bu? Guru: mereka akan mau (berbicara). Memang saya melihat kecenderungannya, apalagi mohon maaf ini kan Bahasa asing, ya. Jadi kendalanya kalau saya selama hampir lima tahun mengajar Bahasa Inggris itu anak-anak sebetulnya lebih takut disalahkan, artinya ditertawakan, kadang-kadang. Jadi kendalanya kalau saya melihat selama ini, mungkin mereka salah, kita benarkan tapi tidak menjudge mereka, tidak meghakimi mereka, ooh kamu ini, yang kamu baca itu salah. Jadi akan lebih bijak kalau mengajak mereka, misalnya: kak, salah bacaannya. Ayo diulang lagi, coba. Sambal kita ucapkan yang betul. Nanti dia akan mengulang, dan ulangan itu yang akan dia ingat terus. Jadi misalnya dia salah lagi mengucap, ayo diperbaiki lagi. Salah lagi mengucap, ayo diperbaiki lagi. Nanti sampai akhirnya dia paham, oh yang betul adalah seperti ini. Atau biasanya saya terakhir, kalau mereka sudah mau belajar begitu, karena sudah antusias ya, saya suaruh membaca pronunciationnya dari kamus. Karena kan kalo saya sendiri sih tidak termasuk guru yang terbiasa untuk melafalkan, mengeja misalnya huruf A itu dibaca hurufnya begini tuh tidak terlalu begitu. Karena kan sudah kelas IX ya, maksudnya, sudah bukan masanya pengenalan. Jadi saya memaksa mereka belajar sendiri dengan membaca kamus. Jadi mungkin sedikit saran untuk anak-anak yang baru belajar seperti ini, menarik diri untuk tidak lebih lanjut belajar, lebih diperkenalkan untuk membawa kamus. Jadi membiasakan membawa kamus. Jadi artinya supaya si anak itu dekat dulu nih, tidak perlu merangkai kata, tidak perlu merangkai sesuatu, tapi mereka tau dulu nih artinya, bagaimana pengucapannya, itu nanti akan memudahkan mereka untuk belajar Bahasa. Jadi kalau menurut saya lebih efisien seperti itu, jadi grammar dan sebagainya akan menyusul, ibaratnya juga kan tensesnya nggak perlu, maksudnya itu sambal tata Bahasa ya, itu sambal mengikuti. Tapi saya juga kadang-kadang tidak terlalu setuju perbendahaaraan


kata yang disetor ya, ada yang 1000, kalau saya tidak terlalu. Karena begitu mereka menghafal, begitu selesai pasti mereka lupa. Jadi kalau saya, lebih ke pembiasaan membawa kamus saja. Peneliti: baik, ibu. Terimakasih banyak untuk wawancara kali ini,


Transkrip wawancara siswa sebelum pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas

1. Peneliti: bagaimana tanggapanmu mengenai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

Siswa 1: pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu sebetulnya menyenangkan, tapi terkadang tuh karena kita tidak tahu apa maksud dari teks-teksnya, jadi susah sih, bisa dibilang begitu.

Siswa 2: Bahasa Inggris itu sebenarnya memang Bahasa tambahan dalam sekolah, Bahasa Inggris itu menyenangkan, hanya saja terkadang jika kita sedang bosan belajar, terkadang kita tidak bisa memahami apa itu Bahasa Inggris. Memang susah dimengerti, namun jika kita belajar dan fokus insyaAllah bisa.

Siswa 3: menurut saya, karena saya suka Bahasa Inggris, jadi menyenangkan, gurunya juga asik-asik selama mengajar disini, gitu.

2. Peneliti: oke, kedua. Apakah kesulitan yang kamu hadapi ketika belajar Bahasa Inggris? Siswa 1: ya tentunya itu menerjemahkan artinya, terus harus tau aturan-aturannya. Kan kalau di Bahasa Indonesia harus SPOKT, kalau di Bahasa Inggris SPO, gitu. Siswa 2: jika saya tidak fokus, kayak menerjemahkan kalimat-kalimat, menyusun kalimat, membuat cerita, membuat dialog, terkadang susah. Siswa 3: sejauh ini, dalam mengartikan Bahasa-bahasa atau kosakatanya, kadang suka lupa atau tidak tahu.

3. Peneliti: kemudian, bagaimanakah kegiatan pembelajaran speaking di kelas? Siswa 1: lumayan menyenangkan juga sih, buat kita jadi lebih tau cara-caranya. Kita disuruh buat dialog, percakapan juga ada. Siswa 2: seperti biasa, hmm terkadang ketika pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris harus menggunakan Bahasa Inggris ketika harus izin ke toilet, ketika harus izin keluar, atau bertanya. Hmm, berbentuk dialog. Siswa 3: hmm, baik sih. Membuat dialog, percakapan.


4. Peneliti: oke, kemudian, media apa yang sering digunakan guru dalam mengajar? Siswa 1: guru menggunakan speaker, proyektor, kalo kayak ada filmnya gitu. Siswa 2: speaking menggunakan speaker, hmmm menerangkan antar guru ke murid, atau sebaliknya. Siswa 3: speaker, laptop, iya udah sih itu, proyektor.

5. Peneliti: apa harapanmu terhadap pembelajaran speaking Bahasa Inggris di kelas? Siswa 1: kalau harapan saya sih ya lebih bisa memahami tentang Bahasa Inggris, terus cara memberi pendapat dalam speaking. Siswa 2: hmmm, harapannya makin bisa, makin lancar, lebih memahami apa itu Bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana belajar speaking dalam Bahasa Inggris Siswa 3: lebih bisa dimengerti lagi.


Transkrip wawancara guru setelah pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas

1. Peneliti: bagaimana pendapat ibu mengenai Teknik talking chip dalam proses pembelajaran speaking di kelas IX? Guru: kalau menurut saya ya, penerapan Teknik ini sangat bermanfaat, karena terlihat juga dari bentuk kartunya ya, bentuk chipnya ini yang ngejreng, apa yaa berwarna, warnanya mencolok. Warnanya mencolok, sehingga menarik untuk anak konsentrasi dengan tugas yang di minta, gitu. Misalnya kan kalau dalam ini giving opinion dan asking opinion, jadi, apa yang harus dikerjakan oleh si anak, dia dapat kartu giving opinion, berarti dia harus menyampaikan sesuatu yang bersangkutan dengan opinion, kalau dia mendapatkan chip asking opinion, dia harus menyampaikan asking opinion. Saya sih hmm bagus ya, sangat pas, sangat tepat untuk anak-anak jadi mereka bisa aktif.

2. Peneliti: apakah siswa menunjukkan ketertarikan yang lebih terhadap pelajaran Bahasa Inggris selama proses penerapan Teknik tersebut? Guru: kalau yang saya lihat ya, dari tadi dikelas, seperti itu sih mereka lebih aktif yaa, lebih senang. Mungkin karena bentuknya juga yang berbeda, bukan seperti ibaratnya kita menulis di papan tulis, mungkin lebih umum yaa, tidak terlalu mendapatkan perhatian. Kalau (Teknik) ini kan langsung ke anaknya. Seperti anak-anak TK gitu ya, apalagi kalau dalam bentuk gambar, biasanya akan lebih menarik lagi, karena kalau saya melihat sih ketertarikannya cukup lebih tertarik.

3. Peneliti: kemudian, apakah siswa menunjukkan peningkatan dalam kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris setelah diterapkannya talking chip sebagai Teknik pembelajaran? Guru: untuk beberapa anak yang memang sudah bisa ya, sudah mahir, menurut saya sih Teknik ini sangat hmmmm, berguna. Artinya, si anak juga bisa tertarik kemudian kalau menurut saya sih meningkatkan keteratrikan mereka, kemudian kemampuan berbicaranya jadi terpaksa. Misalnya mereka dapat kartu giving opinion, lalu mereka akan berfikir, saya harus giving opinionnya apa saja nih, nah jadi menurut saya sih ada peningkatan dalam cara mereka berbicara. Jadi mau


tidak mau, terpaksa dapat kartu giving opinion berarti dia harus cari apapun tentang giving opinion, misalnya dia dapat asking opinion, dia berusaha keras nih mencari tentang apa saja asking opinion. Jadi menurut saya sih meningkatkan kemampuan mereka berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris.

4. Peneliti: kemudian, apakah ibu akan menggunakan Teknik yang sama dalam proses mengajar dimasa yang akan datang? Guru: menggunakan Teknik ini ya, apa Namanya, talking chip ya. Kalau saya sih, kemungkinan akan saya buat seperti ini. Karena dari melihat cara mereka, ketertarikannya ada, kemampuannya juga meningkat yaa, untuk beberapa yang belum bisa pun nanti lebih ada sedikit ditambahkan ibaratnya nanti kisi-kisi atau tambahan kira-kira apa saja, seperti clue begitu. Kira-kira petunjuknya apa, membuat kalimatnya tuh seperti apa. insyaAllah sih kalau saya sih teratrik juga karena warnanya memang menarik, dan biasanya anak jaman sekarang lebih tertarik dengan yang seperti ini.


Transkrip wawancara siswa setelah pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan kelas

1. Peneliti: bagaimana pendapatmu mengenai Teknik talking chip? Siswa 1: cukup menarik karena sebelumnya belum pernah ad acara belajar seperti itu. Siswa 2: menurut saya menarik, bagus. Karena saya belum pernah menggunakan Teknik talking chip Siswa 3: menyenangkan, karena sebelumnya saya tidak tahu tentang Teknik belajarnya. Belum pernah menggunakan tekniknya.

2. Peneliti: apakah kamu masih mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dikelas setelah belajar dengan menggunakan tenik talking chip? Siswa 1: tidak. Saya merasa sangat terbantu. Siswa 2: tidak sih, terbantu malah. Siswa 3: tidak

3. Peneliti: bagaimanakah pendapatmu tentang pelajaran Bahasa Inggris setelah belajar dengan menggunakan Teknik talking chip? Siswa 1: lebih mudah dan lebih gampang dipahami Siswa 2: menurut saya, jadi lebih mudah dipahami dalam pembelajaran. Saya senang menggunakan Teknik talking chip. Siswa 3: pembelajarannya menarik, karena bagus. Jadi lebih mudah dipahami belajarnya, seru juga. dan menyenangkan

4. Peneliti: apakah kamu setuju jika guru menggunakan Teknik yang sama dalam pembelajaran dimasa yang akan datang? Siswa 1: setuju Siswa 2: setuju Siswa 3: sangat setuju


Appendix 5

PRE-ACTION TEST Make a short conversation about the topic with the expression of asking and giving opinion. Please work in pairs. 1. Playing video games 2. Your school 3. Your canteen 4. Jakarta 5. Fried rice 6. Listening music 7. Football 8. Our city (Depok) 9. Instagram 10. Watching movie is fun


Appendix 6


Make a short conversation about the topic with the expression of asking and giving opinion. Please work in pairs. Topic: the best novel


Appendix 7


Make a short conversation about the topic with the expression of asking and giving opinion. Please work in pairs. Topic: favourite singer


Appendix 8


Make a short conversation about the topic with the expression of asking and giving opinion. Please work in pairs. Topic: favourite lesson/subject


Appendix 9


Pair 1 Student 1: hello Student 2: hi Student 1: do you like playing Instagram? Student 2: yes, I like. Hmm, how about you? why? Student 1: yes, I like. Because Instagram so very happy. Student 2: I agree with you Student 1: wow, it‘s very good job, hahaha.

Pair 2 Student 1: hi Student 2: hi Student 1: do you playing video games? Student 2: yes, I playing video games. How about you? Student 1: yes, I‘m playing, too. Student 2: what‘s your video games? Student 1: my video games is mobile legend. And what‘s your video game? Student 2: I‘m playing mobile legend, too Student 1: hmmm, ok. Thank you Student 2: you‘re welcome

Pair 3 Student 1: what do you think about music?


Student 2: listening music I feel happy and make me comfortable. Do you like music? Student 1: yes, I like.

Pair 4 Student 1: I like movie because movie is wonderful. what genre you like movie? Student 2: I like action.

Pair 5 Student 1: what do you think about our school? Student 2: my happy where it in school. What about you? Student 1: because my friend is still, eh, little.

Pair 6 Student 1: what do you think about Jakarta? Student 2: Jakarta is big city, and this favourite food Jakarta is kerak telor. What this quality of Jakarta? Student 1: pull of pollution.

Pair 7 Student 1: what do you think about Depok? Student 2: Depok. Depok is maybe the small town, that‘s a beautiful town. And full of trash. What do you think about Depok? Student 1: (hmmmmm). Food is delicious.

Pair 8 Student 1: are you like egg? Student 2: yes, I like egg. Are you like? Student 1: yes, I like.


Pair 9 Student 1: what do you think about fried chicken? Student 2: I think fried chicken is very delicious and what do you think about fried chicken? Student 1: fried chicken is very yummy and it‘s my favorite food

Pair 10 Student 1: what do you think about fried rice? Student 2: fried rice is very delicious, a couple vegetable mixed up and the sausage and meatball and noodle mixed up. How about you think fried rice? Student 1: fried rice is delicious.

Pair 11 Student 1: what do you think about our canteen? Student 2: my canteen is cleaning and many food is healthy. And how aout you? Student 1: my canteen is many food.

Pair 12 Student 1: what about in class? Student 2: class in good, and perfect, friend smart, and study. What the class in good? Student 1: in class good, perfect, friend smart.



Pair 1 S1: do you have any opinion about the best novel? S2: (ummm) I personally think that the best novel is Dilan 1990 S1: why do you think so? S2: in my opinion, (umm) the story is very romantic and relate to teenagers‘ life S1: do you read all the series of Dilan? S2: you mean, (umm) Dilan 1990, Dilan 1991, and Milea? S1: yap S2: yes, I read all series of Dilan. How about you? What‘s your opinion about the best novel? S1: I personally think the best novel is Bumi Manusia S2: oh, ya. I know. Why you said that? S1: I learn a lot from the story. The story tell about mankind and freedom. I like it

Pair 2 S1: what‘s your comment about the best novel? S2: (ummm) I think the best novel is laskar pelangi S1: why you like laskar pelangi? S2: because the story makes me melting. Laskar pelangi tell about several students that must struggle for getting education. Mrs. Muslimah is the teacher that teach that students, until they join the competition and win. S1: ooo, I see. And, that is the true story, right? S2: yap, that is true story in Bangka Belitung. So, what‘s your comment abot the best novel? S1: I think the best novel is Hujan. The author is Tere Liye. Maybe you know him well.


S2: why you think so? S1: because Hujan has good story. (ummm) that is romantic story but happy ending. I learn sacrifice and struggling from the story. I very love it.

Pair 3 S1: do you have any comment about the best novel? S2: I personally think that the best novel is Tapak Jejak by Fiersa Basyir S1: ooo, I know. (ummm) but, I think Fiersa is more known as singer, right? S2: yes, you‘re right. But he also write some books S1: why you think Tapak Jejak is the best novel? S2: because, for me, Tapak Jejak tell about adventure, hike the mountain, and the journey of Fiersa travel around Indonesia. S1: do you like hiking? S2: yes, I like hiking. One day, I believe that I can go to Semeru, Labuan Bajo, Raja ampat, and the others. (ummm) Indonesia has many beautiful places. And how about you? What do you think about the best novel?

S1: well, I think (ummm) the best novel is Spora. The genre is science fiction. I very like it. It tells some student that attend the conference in Africa, but then they bring the virus. The virus kill some people that infected. But at the end, the virus can be removed.

Pair 4 S1: what do you think about the best novel? S2: well, I think the best novel is Dia adalah kakakku, by Tere Liye. (ummm) I think the story is relate to me. My sister always sacrifice for me. (umm) and always make me happy. S1: well, do you like sad story? S2: (umm), not always. But sometimes, I need a sad story. So, how about you? (umm) what do you think about the best novel? S1: (ummm) well, I think my best novel is Pagi dan Senja, by Alfy Rev.


S2: why you like pagi dan senja? S1: well, I think I like romantic story

Pair 5 S1: what do you think about the best novel? S2: I think the best novel is negeri lima Menara S1: well, what‘s your opinion about negeri lima Menara?

S2: (ummm), I think the story relate to me as santri. And I miss the pesantren‘s life when I read lima Menara S1: oooo, I see. Who is the author? S2: (umm), Ahmad Fuadi. So, what do you think about the best novel? S1: (umm) I personally believe that the best novel is Aroma Karsa by Dee Lestari. Because the story is very unique. It‘s about someone who has an extraordinary sense of smell, so he can smell the perfume material. S2: wow, it‘s sounds great!

Pair 6 S1: do you have any opinion about the best novel? S2: (ummm) I think the best novel is 5 cm. the story tells about 5 bestfriend who hike the mountain Semeru, East Java. I love it because I love hiking. It relate to me. S1:wow, Semeru is the highest mountain in Java, right? S2: yap (ummm) Semeru is the highest mountain in Java, with the Mahameru as the summt. So, how about you? What‘s your opinion about the best novel? Sl: I personally think that the best novel (ummm) is sang pemimpi. The author is Andrea Hirata, the same author of laskar pelangi. S2: why you choose sang pemimpi? S1: because the story is very inspiring. It inspired me to reach my dream to study aboard S2: wow, it‘s amazing. What country that you want for your study?


S1: (ummm) I think I want go to Australia S2: well, good luck.

Pair 7 S1: how‘s your comment about the best novel? S2: I personally think that the best novel is Antologi Rasa. S1: why do you think so?

S2: (umm) I think because the story of the novel is relate to me. The story tells about falling in love with bestfriend. (ummm) I feel it actually. S1: how‘s the ending of the story? S2: it‘s happy ending. And how about you? (umm) what‘s your opinion about the best novel? S1: (ummm) in my opinion, the best novel is Hapalan Solat Delisa. The story is very deep. I always cry when I read the novel S2: yeah I know, (ummm) but I only watched the movie

Pair 8 S1: what‘s your opinion about the best novel? S2: (umm) In my opinion, the best novel is manusia setengah salmon, the author is Raditya Dika. Do you know Raditya Dika? S1: yeah, I know. (ummm) I know him as content creator at youtube and also comedian S2: that‘s right. I like the way he write the story. He always write the funny story. I always laugh loudly when I read the Raditya Dika‘s novel S1: ya, Radit always funny S2: so, what do you think about the best novel? S1: I think the best novel is teman tapi menikah. That is based on true story of Ayudia bing slamet, who married with her friend, Ditto. I hope I can be like that, someday I can marry with the people that I loved.


Pair 9 S1: do you have any opinion about the best novel? S2: (ummm) I think the best novel that I read is Friend Zone by Vanesa Marcella. The story relate to me, I love someone that I can‘t have. (umm) so, I just can be his friend. S1: is that one of our classmate? S2: (ummm) that‘s secret. Hehehe S1: uummmm okaaaay, that‘s your privacy S2: and, what do you think about the best novel? S1: I personally believe that the best novel is Dear Nathan S2: why you say that? S1: in my opinion, Dear Nathan is relate to our situation as teenager. We love other people, broken heart, jealous, and many more

Pair 10 S1: what‘s your opinion about the best novel? S2: (ummm) I think the best novel is ubur-ubur lembur S1: ubur-ubur lembur? (ummm) sounds funny! Who‘s the author? S2: the author is Raditya Dika S1: oooo I know S2: yap, he is famous comedian in Indonesia. I like his jokes. It makes me laugh S1: wow, sounds great S2: what‘s your opinion about the best novel? S1: I personally think that the best novel is danur S2: what is danur? S1: that is horror novel, written by Risa Saraswati. I like horror story


Pair 11 S1: what do you think about the best novel? S2: (ummm) I think the best novel is aku, kau dan sepucuk angpau merah. I am a big fan of Tere Liye! S1: wow, we have same opinion! (ummm) I also like Tere Liye very much. But, I personally believe that the best novel of Tere Liye is daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin. The title is very long, I think S2: oke, that‘s great. I have read that and I like too. What‘s your opinion about daun yang jatuh tak pernah membenci angin? S1: the story was very deep and full of emotion. I like that S2: can we go to bookstore to buy Tere Liye‘s novel together? S1: sure!



Pair 1 S1: what do you think about your favourite singer? S2: ummm, I think my favourite singer is Raisa, her full name is Raisa Andriana. She has good voice S1: why you choose Raisa as your favourite singer? S2: as I told before, Raisa has good voice, and she is beautiful, gorgeous, charismatic. She has characteristic voice, I like Raisa and the way she sing. S1: do you ever watch her directly? In her concert, maybe? S2: ummm, not yet. I just watch her at youtube, and follow her Instagram. Because ticket price for her concert is very expensive. It will spend my money saving. It will better if I just watch Raisa from youtube. Ummm, how about you? What do you think about your favourite singer? S1: ummm, well. In my opinion, I have same opinion with you. I like Raisa, because she is beautiful. The first time when I like Raisa is when she sing ―Teduhnya Wanita‖ that song remember me to my mom. Ummm, then I like her song, her voice and her face. We have same idol! S2: yeah, raisa is our idol

Pair 2 S1: please give me your frank opinion about your favourite singer! S2: ummm, I think my favourite singer is Ariana Grande because I like her voice. Ummm, actually I don‘t like her appearance because she wear too vulgar, but her hair tail is funny. S1: oow, do you follow her Instagram? S2: not. I just listen her song on spotify or youtube. I‘m not her big fans, I just like her song. Not herself.


S1: wow, it‘s unique. As I know, someone who like their idol also like all of idol‘s life. S2: no, I‘m not. That‘s not me. S1: okey, no problem S2: and, what do you think about your favourite singer? S1: so far, Hanin Dhiya is my favourite singer. In my opinion, she has good talent in music. She can play guitar, piano, okulele, and many more. S2: ummm, wait. I know her. Hanin Dhiya, cover singer, right? S1: that‘s right! She sings ―pupus‖ and ―bintang kehidupan‖. I think that is the best of her. S2: yaa, I‘m with you. she is good singer.

Pair 3 S1: what do you think about your favourite singer? S2: ummm, I think my favourite singer is Jaz Hayat. He is sooooo handsome. I really really want to have boyfriend like him. S1: just in your dream! S2: ummm, you know, he came from Brunei Darussalam. He is not Indonesian. But very fluent in Bahasa. S1: do you ever come to his concert? Or see him directly? S2: ummm, not yet. I just watch him in youtube. Ummm, I also subscribe his channel on youtube, follow his Instagram, so I can updated all info about him. I also join in his fanspage, hehehe. S1: wow, you‘re a big fans of Jaz S2: yaaap, because I love him. And, how about you? do have any idea about your favourite singer? S1: ummm, I think, Charlie puth is my favourite singer. I like him since he song ―attention‖. I think, he is handsome, good talent in singing, and charismatic. But I didn‘t follow his Instagram or subscribe his channel. I don‘t like to do that. I just want listen his song. S2: wow, we have different way to love our idol


S1: yeah, somebody has their own way

Pair 4 S1: do you have any idea about your favourite singer? S2: ummm, I think my favourite singer is Rizky Febian, son of Sule. His voice is great! S1: which song that you like most? S2: ummm, kesempurnaan cinta and indah ada waktunya is the best song, I think. And I like him because he is handsome enough, and cool S1: do you ever see him? S2: yes, accidentally I met him at shopping mall, when I accompany my brother to buy some shirt. And I see him close. He is handsome, than my brother, hehehe. S1: wow, how lucky you are! Do you ask him to take a photo together? S2: no, he looks like in hurry. So I can‘t ask him to take a photo S1: ooow, poor you are S2: and what do you think about your favourite singer? S1: ummm, I think my favourite singer is Selena Gomez. She is cute. I like her since she song ―taki-taki‖ S2: it‘s a long time, dude S1: yap, of course

Pair 5 S1: what do you think about your favourite singer? S2: ummm, I think I like Maudy Ayunda S1: why you like her? S2: because she is multitalent, smart, and beautiful. Her voice is also good, I think. A few months ago, she accepted as master degree at two university, Stanford university and Oxford university. But then, she choose Stanford university. How brilliant she is! S1: wow, that‘s awesome. Is she study with scholarship?


S2: ummmm, yes I think, maybe. I didn‘t know. And how about you? what do you think about your favourite singer? S1: ooow, maybe, Afgan. I like Afgan. S2: why you like afgan? S1: yes, because, ummm, I think, afgan is cute. He has two dimples in his cheeks. And, I think afgan more charismatic because he wear glasses. S2: do you ever meet him? S1: not yet. I just follow his Instagram, hehehe

Pair 6 S1: ok, we will discuss about our favourite singer. So, what do you think? S2: ummm, in my opinion, taylor swift has good voice. I like her song. S1: but taylor swift full of controversy S2: yap, I agree with you. I also don‘t like the way she wearing. She always wear open clothes, ummm, I mean, like hotpants or tank top, something like that. S1: yeah, in Indonesia, it will be dangerous and vulgar S2: yap, but I like her song and voice, not her clothes. So, what do you think about your favourite singer? S1: umm, I have an idol. She is from Indonesian idol. Can you guess? S2: ummm, many people in Indonesian idol (nama temanmu). Who is she? S1: ummm, oke, oke. I will tell you. ummm, I like brisia Jodie. S2: why you like her? S1: in my opinion, she is cute. Her face is very cute. You didn‘t think she is 22, because her face look like 17! S2: wow, amazing! But, how about her voice? S1: in my opinion, she has great voice. I like all of her song.

Pair 7 S1: ok, give me your frank opinion about your favourite singer. S2: maybe, ummm. I think my favourite singer is Virzha. Do you know him? S1: ummm, virzha. Is he has long hair?


S2: yap, that‘s right. He has long hair. In my opinion, he has great voice, and his performance is charismatic. Maybe, his hair that makes him charismatic. S1: yap, I agree with you. virzha has good voice. My brother also like virzha S2: so, how about you? do you have any idea about your favourite singer? S1: ummm, I think I am big fans of shawn mendes. His voice is good, I think. And he also handsome. But do you know, he is still young! S2: how young he is? S1: he was born in 1998 S2: wow, he is 21. Still older than us! S1: yap, but he was make many song and do music tour almost all over the world. S2: that‘s great!

Pair 8 S1: hay, what do you think about your favourite singer? S2: ummm, ok. In my opinion, my favourite singer is Andmesh kamaleng. S1: umm, I know. He is new singer in Indonesia, right? S2: yap. S1: he similar with tulus, I almost confused with him. S2: what‘s the same? S1: his body. Andmesh and tulus has fat body so I confused S2: hahaha, that‘s different, (nama temanmu). Try to pay attention to their face and their voice, that‘s two thing different. S1: ummm, oke. So, why you like andmesh? S2: ummm, I think his song is great. One song that makes me like him. When he sing ―hanya rindu‖, I always remember my mom. And I like andmesh after that. S1: wow, oooo I see. Ya, I know that song. That is sad song S2: and you, this is your turn. What do you think about your favourite singer? S1: ummm, I think, my favourite singer is stephanie poetri. She is good, her voice is great, and she is beautiful. S2: stephani also new singer, right? S1: yap, that‘s right. But she is a daughter of diva Indonesia, titi DJ


S2: wow, ya I know her. Her sound is good

Pair 9 S1: so, please give me your opinion about your favourite singer S2: ummm, I think my favourite singer is alan walker S1: what? Alan walker? Alan is not singer. He is DJ, disk jockey. He makes music but he didn‘t sing a song S2: ummm, ya I know. But, I like alan walker. Even he is not singer, I love alan‘s music. I feel enjoy when I listen him. S1: aha, oke, no problem. When did you like him? S2: I didn‘t remember when I start like him. I more like him when a few months ago he release new his song, lily and on my way. I more like him. S1: ooow, okee S2: and what do you think about your favourite singer? S1: in my opinion, jaz has great voice S2: jaz? Jaz music you mean? Who is the singer? S1: yaa, I mean. Jaz, maybe you didn‘t know. Jaz is a name. his full name is jaz hayat. He came from brunei Darussalam, but now he is Indonesian singer. S2: ooow, jaz. Ya ya, I know. Ummm, I know his song. One of his song is ―dari mata‖, right? S1: yaaaa, that‘s right. I like jaz because in my opinion, jaz has great voice, handsome, and charismatic.

Pair 10 S1: please give me your frank opinion about your favourite singer! S2: ummm, I think my favourite singer is Sheila on 7 S1: that‘s an old band! S2: ya, I know. But In my opinion, they have great song. I like playing guitar, and I like play their song because it was easy. And when I play their song, I feel better. Umm, actually, I didn‘t know about Sheila on 7. One time, my sister sing


their song. Then, I ask her about the song, and I browsing at internet. Now, I like Sheila on 7. S1: did you come to their concert? S2: not yet, that‘s too expensive. And how about you? what do you think about your favourite singer? S1: ummm, I think I like . Umm, I like jennie blackpink. Since she sing ―solo‖ I like her. I like her sound, I like her face. She is cute.

Pair 11 S1: please give me your frank opinion about your favourite singer! S2: ummm, I have many favourite singer. But, I choose one. Ummm, I think Charlie puth is one of my favourite singer. S1: why you choose Charlie puth as your favourite singer? S2: because, ummm, in my opinion, he is handsome, has great voice, and cool. I like his song. S1: what song do you like most? S2: umm. Attention, maybe. Oh, I can‘t choose one, actually. I like all of his song. How about you? what do you think about your favourite singer? S1: ummm, In my opinion, I like shawn mendes. Shawn is handsome, too. S2: Charlie is more handsome than mendes. S1: no, in my opinion, mendes is more handsome. But, Charlie is older than mendes. Ummm, Charlie is mature, mendes is cute

Pair 12 S1: we will talk about favourite singer. What do you think about this? S2: ummm, well. I think, my favourite singer is fourtwnty. S1: is that indie band? S2: yeah, that‘s right. I like their song. Their song is slow and makes me relax. When I want to play guitar, I play their song. It will booster my mood. And how about you? what do you think about your favourite singer?


S1: ummm, in my opinion, my favourite singer is stephanie poetry, who sing I love you 3000. S2: why you like her? S1: because, ummm, in my opinion, stephanie has good voice, her face is beautiful, and I like her.


Appendix 12 TRANSCRIPT OF POST-ACTION TEST 3 Pair 1 Student 1: we will discuss about our favourite lesson. What do you think about this? Student 2: umm, I think, my favourite lesson is math. Student 1: ooow, what‘s your view about math? Many people said math is difficult. Student 2: yaaa, in my point of view, math is challenging. I feel challenged to complete math assignments. I can not stop doing exercise before I find the right answer. For me, doing math exercise is something fun. Math also makes me a person who doesn't give up easily. Student 1: wow, you are cool. Student 2: no, it‘s just my opinion. Aha, how about you? what do you think about favourite lesson? Student 1: umm, I think my favourite lesson is English. Student 2: what‘s your opinion about English? Student 1: in my opinion, English is fun. When I study English, I can interact with the other people from the other country. I feel so lucky when I can understand what they said. English also makes me a lot of knowledge because of I communicate by the other people, sometimes they share their opinion to me. Student 2: wow, how lucky you are.

Pair 2 Student 1: what do you think about your favourite lesson? Student 2: I think my favourite lesson is Bahasa. Student 1: what‘s your opinion about Bahasa so you like it? Student 2: in my opinion, Bahasa is fun. I like a story, and I find many story in Bahasa book. I also like write a story, report, or interview. When I learn Bahasa, I feel enjoy and happy. I very like Bahasa. And how about you? what do you think about favourite lesson? Student 1: I think my favourite lesson is sport.


Student 2: what‘s your view about sport? Student 1: in my view, sport is fun. I can play football after study. And I feel free because I like study outside. I also have a dream, someday I can be football player.

Pair 3 Student 1: let‘s talk about favourite lesson. What do you think about this? Student 2: oke, my favorite lesson is Islamic religion. Student 1: what‘s your opinion about Islamic religion? Student 2: in my opinion, Islamic religion is important lesson for our school because our school is Islamic junior high school. We have to study about our religion in school so that we can apply into our life. Student 1: wow, it‘s cool Student 2: how about you? what do you think about favourite lesson? Student 1: I like art Student 2: what‘s your opinion about art? Student 1: in my opinion, art is fun, because I can sing and play guitar when study art. It makes me enjoy.

Pair 4 student 1: what do you think of favourite lesson? Student 2: I think my favourite lesson is science. Student 1: please share your idea about science. Student 2: well, personally, science is fun. I can get more knowledge about mechanism of our body. For example, two weeks ago we learn about digestive system. Now I know, what happen in my body after I eat. Because of I study science, I can teach my little sister, so my parents are proud of me. Student 1: yap, that‘s cool. Student 2: now, what‘s your opinion about favourite lesson? Student 1: umm, I like English. Student 2: share your view about English so you like it


Student 1: I like English because I like sing Hollywood song. So, I can sing appropriately without mispronounce the lyrics. I also like watching Hollywood movie and I can follow their accents when they speaking.

Pair 5 Student 1: what‘s your opinion about favourite lesson? Student 2: in my opinion, my favourite lesson is Bahasa. Student 1: what‘s your view on Bahasa? Student 2: well, personally, Bahasa is fun. And also, easy to understand because there is no formula. I also like Bahasa because I like read a story. And how about you? what do you think about your favourite lesson? Student 1: I think my favourite lesson is sport. I like play football, basketball, badminton, volley. I like sport. Sport is fun. I can feel enjoy when I do sport.

Pair 6 Student 1: well, we will talk about favourite lesson. What do you think about this? Student 2: I think my favourite lesson is art. Student 1: please share your opinion about that Student 2: art is fun. I can sing, draw, and make a craft when study art. I like art. What‘s your opinion about your favourite lesson? Student 1: I think my favourite lesson is social Student 2: why do you think so? Student 1: well, personally, I like social. I can study about history. I can study about human origin. That‘s very interesting. I also can understand human behaviour because I also study sociology. Social is fun, social add my knowledge.

Pair 7 Student 1: what do you think about favourite lesson? Student 2: I think my favourite lesson is English Student 1: what‘s your view on English?


Student 2: for me, English is important. In this era, everything uses English. Many books use English. When I go to the mall, I heard many children talk use English. So, I think English is important. English also makes me cool when I can speak appropriately. And how about you? what do you think about favourite lesson? Student 1: I think my favourite lesson is math. Student 2: what‘s your view on math? Student 1: personally, math is hard. But I feel challenging. Because I study math, I can count quickly and I can help my mom to keep our ―warung‖. My mom very happy if I can help her. I am happy too. And I think math makes me more patient because when I finish math task, I have to write the long formulas to get the result.

Pair 8 Student 1: what do you think about favourite lesson? Student 2: ummm, I think my favourite lesson is English. For me, English is fun. I can learn English everywhere. When I watch youtube, the creator uses English. I also can learn English when I watch movie. I always accompanied my brother to watch movie in the theatre. And he likes Hollywood movie. I can learn English when I watch. It‘s so fun. So, how about you? Student 1: I think my favourite lesson is art because I can sing so I feel enjoy.



Aspect 100 75 50 0 Vocabulary/usin Use many Use Use little Use nothing g expression expressions adequate expressions of expressions asking and of asking expressions asking and of asking and giving opinion and giving of asking giving opinion. giving opinion. (5 and giving (1 expressions) opinion. (0 expressions opinion. (2- expression) ) 3 expressions ) Delivering Deliver Deliver Deliver little Deliver opinion/thought many adequate opinions related nothing opinions opinions to the topics opinion related to related to discussed. related to the the topics the topics topics discussed. discussed. discussed. Pronunciation Has a few Accent is Pronunciation Very difficult intelligible traces of a problem that to understand though local often may lead to because of quite faulty. accent. misunderstandin pronunciatio g n problem, most frequently be asked to repeat.


Appendix 14


Students‘ Post-action Post-action Post-action Pre-action test number test 1 test 2 test 3 1 58,33 58,33 91,66 91,66 2 66,66 66,66 83,33 91,66 3 33,33 75 75 83,33 4 33,33 75 91,66 91,66 5 25 75 66,66 83,33 6 66,66 83,33 75 83,33 7 33,33 66,66 91,66 91,66 8 58,33 91,66 91,66 83,33 9 75 75 75 75 10 58,33 83,33 83,33 83,33 11 58,33 83,33 91,66 91,66 12 33,33 58,33 75 66,66 13 33,33 66,66 75 83,33 14 58,33 66,66 83,33 83,33 15 58,33 75 75 75 16 41,66 75 75 83,33 17 33,33 75 83,33 83,33 Mean 48,52 73,52 81,37 83,82


Appendix 15


Nama Sekolah: SMPIT As Shof Depok Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Kelas/semester: IX/1 (satu) Materi pokok: Asking and giving opinion

A. Kompetensi inti 1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya 2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya. 3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata. 4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar 3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait maksud, tujuan, persetujuan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan to, in order to, so that (dis)agreement).


4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait maksud, tujuan, persetujuan melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

C. Indikator Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat: 1. Melafalkan ungkapan-ungkapan yang menunjukkan meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat 2. Membedakan ungkapan meminta pendapat dengan ungkapan menyampaikan pendapat 3. Menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang menunjukkan meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat 4. Membuat percakapan pendek tentang meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat

D. Materi Pokok Bab ini memuat materi pokok teks lisan dan tulis untuk menanyakan pendapat, menyampaikan pendapat serta responnya. Kemampuan ini dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan sosial peserta didik, terutama menunjukkan perhatian bagi kebaikan orang lain.

 Fungsi sosial Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman

 Struktur teks

- Menanyakan pendapat (asking opinion)  What do you think of…?  Is that true that …?  Do you have any idea about….?  How about….?


- Menyatakan pendapat (giving opinion)  In my opinion…  I think that….  I personally believe….  In my case, ….

 Unsur Kebahasaan Kosakata, tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, dan ejaan.

 Topik Tindakan dan kegiatan peserta didik di sekolah, rumah, dan lingkungan sekitar yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI.

E. Tujuan Pembelajaran Peserta didik secara aktif belajar menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk menanyakan pendapat dan menyampaikan pendapat, serta responnya, secara urut dan runtut dengan bahasa Inggris yang benar dan sesuai konteks. Melalui kegiatan tersebut peserta didik akan meningkatkan kecerdasan sosialnya.

F. Materi pembelajaran


Asking for opinion Giving opinion What do you think of… In my opinion… Is that true that … I think… Do you think it‘s going… I believe… Why do they behave like that? I personally believe… Do you have any idea? I personally think… How do you like that? To my mind… How do you like…? In my case… Please give me your frank opinion. Well, personally…


Contoh percakapan berkaitan dengan expressions opinions

Example 1 Trevor: Have you heard about our school‘s plan to ban smartphones in the school? Matt:Yeah Trevor: What do you think about it? Matt : Well, I think that‘s fair enough. Trevor: why do you think so? Matt : you see… Smartphones have caused so much trouble in our class. Remember yesterday‘s history class? Our teacher got very angry because was interrupt by smartphone ringing many times. This may happen again and again. Trevor: Eh… Yea… Matt : Another thing is… Smartphones have caused a kind of stupid competition. Trevor: what do you mean? Matt : you know, Everyone seems to compete to have the latest model. Trevor: Yes, I feel that too. Matt : So it‘s a good idea if the school doesn‘t allow students to use their smartphone in the school.

Example 2 Maggie: Tina, what do you think is the best action to reduce global warming? Tina : I think everyone should start changing their life styles. Maggie: What do you mean? Tina : Well, we have to start to do what we can, to help reduce global warming. Maggie: What do you suggest that we should do? Tina : Well, there are lots of things that we can do. We should start saving electricity, recycling things, using public transportation, buying and consuming as much as we need only. Basically, just save anything that we can. Maggie: that‘s a great idea. I will do that.


Example 3 Vidia: Hi Ryan, by the way, I just don‘t understand why you guys like smoking? Ryan : Well… It‘s nice you know… Vidia: Nice? What‘s nice about smoking? In my opinion, there is nothing nice about smoking; it‘s dangerous for your health. And it is waste of money Ryan : I‘ve heard many times, but I don‘t believe it. Vidia: Maybe you‘ll believe it when you get your lung cancer.

G. Metode pembelajaran

Talking chip technique

Talking chip adalah salah satu strategi pengajaran pembelajaran kooperatif, yang dikembangkan oleh Kagan pada tahun 1992. Sejarah talking chip bermula ketika Kagan mencari cara untuk menyamakan partisipasi siswa dalam kelompok dengan membuat kotak kertas seperti kartu berwarna merah, hijau, biru, dan kuning yang terdiri dari topik yang akan dibahas oleh masing-masing anggota dalam kelompok dengan meletakkan salah satu kartu mereka setiap kali mereka berbicara. Tujuan dari teknik ini adalah memastikan partisipasi yang adil dengan mengatur seberapa sering setiap anggota kelompok diperbolehkan berbicara. Karena teknik ini menekankan partisipasi penuh dan bahkan dari semua anggota, teknik ini mendorong siswa yang kurang aktif untuk dapat berbicara dengan percaya diri. Talking chip berguna untuk membantu siswa mendiskusikan masalah, dan berguna untuk menyelesaikan masalah komunikasi seperti mendominasi pembicaraan dalam kelompok.

H. Langkah-langkah kegiatan 1. Kegiatan pendahuluan (5 menit)  Membei salam  Mengecek kehadiran siswa  Menggali pengetahuan awal siswa mengenai bagaimana mengekspresikan: menyampaikan dan meminta pendapat


 Menjelaskan kepada siswa mengenai tujuan pembelajaran 2. Kegiatan inti (70 menit)  Siswa dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok, dengan cara siswa berhitung dari 1-6  Siswa mendapatkan chips yang diberikan guru, masing-masing siswa mendapatkan 2 buah chips sebagai media pembelajaran  Setiap kelompok mendapatkan tema permasalahan yang akan didiskusikan  Siswa mendapatkan handout mengenai ungkapan-ungkapan apa saja yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat  Siswa mendengar penjelasan guru mengenai kata-kata apa saja yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat berdasarkan handout yang diberikan.  Siswa diberi waktu untuk memahami ungkapan-ungkapan yang telah diberikan guru  Setiap kelompok berdiskusi sesuai tema yang disediakan guru  Setiap kelompok membuat pernyataan atau menyampaikan pendapat tentang topik tersebut sesuai dengan tema  Setiap kelompok mengambil kesimpulan diskusi.  Siswa Bersama guru melakukan flashback dan feedback mengenai materi agar memperoleh pengalaman belajar dengan menanyakan kesulitan siswa dalam mengungkapkan, mengekspresikan, meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat

3. Kegiatan penutup  Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran  Menyuruh siswa untuk menerapkan ungkapan-ungkapan yang dipelajari dalam situasi yang sebenarnya  Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya  Mengucapkan salam penutup


I. Sumber belajar Buku teks Judul buku: think globally, act locally Pengarang: Siti Wachidah, dkk Penerbit: Balitbang Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Tahun: 2015 Halaman: 18 s.d. 33

J. Penilaian a. Teknik: teks tertulis dan lisan b. Bentuk: pertanyaan tulis dan lisan c. Instrument: expressing your opinion based on the theme

K. Rubrik penilaian

Aspect 100 75 50 0 Vocabulary/usin Use many Use Use little Use nothing g expression expressions adequate expressions of expressions asking and of asking expressions asking and of asking and giving opinion and giving of asking giving opinion. giving opinion. (4- and giving (1 expressions) opinion. (0 5 opinion. (2- expression) expressions 3 ) expressions ) Delivering Deliver Deliver Deliver little Deliver opinion/thought many adequate opinions related nothing opinions opinions to the topics opinion related to related to discussed. related to the the topics the topics topics


discussed. discussed. discussed. Pronunciation Has a few Accent is Pronunciation Very difficult intelligible traces of a problem that to understand though local often may lead to because of quite faulty. accent. misunderstandin pronunciatio g n problem, most frequently be asked to repeat.

Scoring assessment form Day/date: Class:

Aspect Total No. Student‘s name Delivering Vocabulary Fluency score opinion/thought


Mengetahui, Depok, 4 September 2019 Guru mata pelajaran Mahasiswa

Ari Rahma Kusumawardhani,S.E. Kurnia Megiyatri


Appendix 16



Appendix 17