Chironomid from early Eocene amber of France (Diptera: )


Magnolia Press Auckland, New Zealand GAELLE DOITTEAU & ANDRÉ NEL Chironomid midges from early Eocene amber of France (Diptera: Chironomidae) (Zootaxa 1404) 66 pp.; 30 cm. 5 Feb. 2007 ISBN 978-1-86977-082-2 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-86977-083-9 (Online edition)

FIRST PUBLISHED IN 2007 BY Magnolia Press P.O. Box 41-383 Auckland 1346 New Zealand e-mail: [email protected] http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/

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ISSN 1175-5326 (Print edition) ISSN 1175-5334 (Online edition) Zootaxa 1404: 1–66 (2007) ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) www.mapress.com/zootaxa/ ZOOTAXA Copyright © 2007 · Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)

Chironomid midges from early Eocene amber of France (Diptera: Chironomidae)

GAELLE DOITTEAU & ANDRÉ NEL CNRS UMR 5202, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, CP 50, Entomologie, 45 Rue Buffon, F–75005 Paris, FRANCE

Table of contents

Abstract ...... 4 Introduction ...... 4 Material and methods ...... 5 Systematics ...... 5 Family Chironomidae Newman, 1834 ...... 5 Subfamily Skuse, 1889 (see Spies 2005) ...... 5 Tribe Macropelopiini Zavrel, 1929 ...... 5 Genus Brundiniella Roback, 1978 ...... 5 Brundiniella soumyia n. sp...... 5 Brundiniella patriciae n. sp...... 8 Brundiniella glabrata n. sp...... 11 Macropelopiini genus and species A ...... 11 Tribe Procladiini Roback, 1971 (see Roback & Moss 1978) ...... 12 Genus Fittkau, 1968 ...... 12 Djalmabatista maillardi n. sp...... 12 Genus Skuse, 1889 ...... 15 Subgenus Holotanypus Roback, 1982 ...... 15 Procladius enigmaticus n. sp...... 15 Tribe Coelotanypodini Fittkau, 1962 (see Spies 2005) ...... 17 Genus Coelotanypus Kieffer, 1913 ...... 17 Coelotanypus electronicus n. sp...... 17 Tribe Pentaneurini Hennig, 1950 ...... 19 Genus Johannsen, 1905 ...... 19 Subgenus Karelia Roback, 1971 ...... 19 Ablabesmyia (Karelia) eocenica n. sp...... 19 Genus Kieffer, 1923 ...... 20 Nilotanypus prieuri n. sp...... 20 Subfamily Orthocladiinae Edwards, 1929 ...... 22 Genus Corynoneura Winnertz, 1846 ...... 22 Corynoneura eocenica n. sp...... 22 Genus Spinorthocladius n. gen...... 25 Spinorthocladius enigmaticus n. sp...... 26 Genus Chaetocladius Kieffer, 1911 ...... 27 Chaetocladius petruleviciusi n. sp...... 27 Genus Parachasmatonotus n. gen...... 29 Parachasmatonotus oesiensis n. sp...... 29 Genus Pseudochasmatonotus n. gen...... 31 Pseudochasmatonotus furcatus n. sp...... 31 Genus Chasmatonotoides n. gen...... 33 Chasmatonotoides longiantennata n. sp...... 33 Chasmatonotoides deharvengi n. sp...... 35 Genus Ploegia n. gen...... 37

Accepted by P. Adler: 13 Dec. 2006; published: 5 Feb. 2007 3 Ploegia occulata n. sp...... 37 Genus Rheosmittia Brundin, 1986 ...... 39 Rheosmittia seni n. sp...... 39 Orthocladiinae genus and species B ...... 41 Orthocladiinae genus and species C ...... 41 Orthocladiinae genus and species D ...... 42 Genus Tokunagaia Goetghebuer, 1932 ...... 43 Tokunagaia azari n. sp...... 43 Subfamily Chironominae Macquart, 1838 ...... 44 Tribe Chironomini Macquart, 1838 ...... 44 Genus Endochironomus Kieffer, 1918 ...... 44 Endochironomus eocenicus n. sp...... 44 Genus Prolipiniella n. gen...... 46 Prolipiniella magnifica n. sp...... 47 Genus Paratendipes Kieffer, 1911 ...... 49 Paratendipes separata n. sp...... 49 Tribe Pseudochironomini S?ther, 1977 ...... 51 Genus Megacentron Freeman, 1961 ...... 51 Megacentron eocenicus n. sp...... 51 Genus Microtendipes Kieffer, 1915 ...... 53 Microtendipes eocenicus n. sp...... 53 Subfamily Diamesinae Kieffer, 1922 (see Spies 2005) ...... 55 Tribe Diamesini Kieffer, 1922 ...... 55 Genus Pagastia Oliver, 1959 ...... 55 Pagastia menieri n. sp...... 55 Genus Lappodiamesa Serra-Tosio, 1968 ...... 57 Lappodiamesa deploegi n. sp...... 57 Subfamily Prodiamesinae Saether, 1976 ...... 59 Genus Kieffer, 1922 ...... 59 Monodiamesa guglielmia n. sp...... 59 Systematic palaeontology ...... 61 Palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic inferences ...... 61 References ...... 62


The Basal Eocene Oise amber has provided a rich and diverse chironomid fauna of 30 recognised species, with a general taxonomic pattern similar to that of the modern fauna. Among these fossils, 19 species are described in 17 recent genera, and 7 are attributed to 6 extinct new genera; thus, only 22% of the genera are not recent. All species belong to recent sub- families, and the great majority to recent genera. We provide paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic inferences, based on analyses at both the subfamily and generic levels. The subfamily analysis was conducted with 841 specimens, and revealed 14.9% Tanypodinae, 23.7% Chironominae, 0.4% Prodiamesinae, 0.3% Diamesinae, and 60.3% Orthocladiinae. The Chironominae are a minority in this fauna, but probably not because of climatic constraints. This subfamily was probably absent in the Upper and still under diversification during the Early Paleogene. Our generic infer- ences are congruent with available palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological reconstructions. They provide an image of a sandy, backwater fluvial deposit under a warm climate.

Key words: Diptera, Chironomidae, new genus, new species, Early Eocene, amber, France, palaeoecology


Chironomidae are rather frequent in the fossil record until the Late and Early Cretaceous (Evenhuis 1994, Sinitshenkova 1998). They are recorded from nearly all the Cenozoic lacustrine or amber outcrops. But few taxonomic works have been conducted on these small, fossil , probably because of the difficulties of studying them (large literature on the extant taxa and necessity to examine delicate structures). Little is known of the Chironomidae from the Oligocene-Miocene Dominican and Mexican amber (Grund 2005, 2006). The

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