Community Asset Transfer Tillydrone Library & Family Centre Ag. Partners & Friends 16 Years of Transforming Community in Tillydrone

Founded in 2003 Over 70 Volunteers Team of highly skilled Staff 20 varied projects for all ages and stages in Tillydrone Average Annual Investment of £270,000

Lighthouse Current Programme Tillydrone Library & Family Centre Tillydrone Library & Family Centre

Current Layout Our Proposal: Tillydrone Library & Family Centre

Ground Floor Proposed Design Our Proposal: Tillydrone Library & Family Centre

Fully Renovated Community Facility Comprising: • Enterprise Facility • Education / Training Suite • Sports Studio • Creche • Event Space • Emergency Accommodation

Emergency Accommodation (1st Floor Family Centre) Proposed Design Enabling an Expanded Programme

 Enabling New Projects & Providing Space to Grow Existing Projects

 Growth & New Initiatives shown in Yellow.

Expanded Future Programme Addressing the needs, aligned to the Locality Plan Need Current Local Proposal Proposed Partner Aligns with Locality Provision Agencies Plan Priority Enterprise Project None Enterprise unit to train and Robert Gordon University, #8 Employment provide pathway into work for City Council, the unemployed. Foyer Aberdeen, Straightways Ltd Emergency short 2 bedroom emergency Aberdeen City Council, #7 Housing Accommodation term accommodation accommodation facility Shelter (limited provision)

Exercise Studio Aberdeen Lads club games Studio gym, multi-purpose for Sport Aberdeen, Byron #4 Wellbeing & Resilience hall. Big space but not ideal exercise classes and boxing club. Boxing Club as a studio class size. School Subject Tuition School based support at Regular support from qualified Local schools to highlight #2 Closing the attainment gap Riverbank & St Machar. teachers to assist in school available support. subjects and exam prep. Local TLG base for expelled City wide base Option to provide local support Aberdeen city council, #2 Closing the attainment gap children. for expelled children. Local Schools Equipping young Fathers Nothing specific to Fathers. Who let the Dads Out (Father & N/A #1 Stronger communities Plenty of provision for Child Group) to encourage Dads mother / parent & toddler. to engage with children in a fun, friendly atmosphere. Domestic Abuse Support Support available in Tillydrone based support service Police , Women’s #3 Safer Communities Aberdeen City Centre Aid, Aberdeen City Council Projected Community Benefit (5 Years)

Base Value of Value of Value of Total Volunteer Capital Year Budget Volunteer Emergency Enterprise Community Hours Investment (Cash) Hours Accomodation Scheme Investment

2020 £166,150 9,000 £153,000 £0 £0 £270,000 £589,150 2021 £200,900 9,500 £161,500 £16,640 £40,000 £247,000 £666,040 2022 £198,900 10,500 £178,500 £16,640 £40,000 £0 £434,040 2023 £204,900 11,000 £187,000 £16,640 £40,000 £0 £448,540 2024 £194,900 12,000 £204,000 £16,640 £40,000 £0 £455,540 Total £965,750 52,000 £884,000 £66,560 £160,000 £517,000 £2,593,310

Projected Community Benefit Figures for 2020-2024 Testimonials “The Lighthouse Support Centre is a vital resource in Tillydrone. We need the support of the Lighthouse to ensure there is maximum impact when working with the families out with the school setting in order to change lives for the better. The Lighthouse support workers meet with parents to offer practical, financial and emotional support. They also attend GIRFEC meetings as a support to the parents at these meetings. The Lighthouse are always available to provide practical help to families also such as clothes, food, access to furniture, housing, finance, advocacy and form filling. The school staff know that any urgent support, is available with only a phone call away! The Lighthouse football team is well attended by a number of Riverbank pupils which they enjoy; boosting positive health and wellbeing. The TLG workers have been a fantastic resource to the school in working with some of our most vulnerable pupils with low confidence and self-esteem. The staff at the Lighthouse are always kind, caring, helpful, approachable and well thought of in the school community. The Lighthouse is at the heart of the community and a vital partner of Riverbank school. What an amazing resource to have on our door step! We are so thankful for all their on-going hard work.” Sarah Dunley, Deputy Head Teacher, Riverbank Primary School, Tillydrone “There is no question in my mind the impact Lighthouse has on the overarching prevent agenda which from my perspective contributes to safer communities. I fully support their application as the Lighthouse seeks to expand the range of services it offers to support the community in Tillydrone and indeed the wider City of Aberdeen.” Campbell Thomson, Chief Superintendent, North East Division, “The Lighthouse works in Tillydrone, an area of our city that has some of the most disadvantaged and vulnerable in its community. By working in partnership with other agencies, their work is intelligence led, targeted and evidentially effective. We would wholeheartedly support the asset transfer of the library and family centre to The Lighthouse.” Ray Riddoch OBE, Managing Director UK & Sr. VP Europe and Africa, CNOOC International “The Lighthouse Support Centre does fantastic work in supporting vulnerable people and disadvantaged groups in Aberdeen. I have seen first-hand the lasting impact the support has on individuals and the vital role it plays in communities here in the city.” Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning Testimonials “The Lighthouse helped me get work experience during 4th year to see what working as a joiner is all about. It was a real learning curve and helped me see what real work looks like.”

“When I first came to the Lighthouse I was on drugs and needed food. Now I’m clean, have stopped smoking and am working full time. I couldn’t have done it without them.”

“Thank you so much for everything you do for me and my kids. We nearly left Tillydrone but decided to stay because of all the support and love we have at the Lighthouse”

“One of the reasons I go, is because it helps me feel part of something bigger where I am welcome and my kids too.“

“It was the best Christmas me and my family have ever had. It helped me so much as I’d been up through the night on Christmas Eve feeling so low.”

“Our family loved the weekend away, all the activities, the freedom the kids have to play outdoors, the great meals and great company.” Timeline Questions?