The Aroostook Times, April 17, 1907
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i m r AN INDEPENDENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Houlton, Maine April, 17, 1907. No. 17. HOULTON Houlton’s History. \\ E lk’s N ew Home. Some Interesting Views of Long Ago. b o va l i One of the Fineit Club Houses in New England. The One e l thi wool important social oak. The ceilings throughout the Careful MMa oI t b t t a of Houlton Lodge building are of steel artistically frescoed whan the new in light, delicate tints. The floors Housewife I h m i dedicated. Prominent throughout are of hard wood and in j ho order from Aroostook the various rooms will be covered with | ill over Maine are present, handsome rugs. On the right of the uses fnl program is being reception hall is the gentlemen’s parlor i and reading room, large, cosy, with ^ no other. clubhouse is situated on its great open fireplace, lighted by j Absolutely .T.k t about two blocks above large windows | Pure. • » # Houae on the left hand sida This room is done in white enamel. I# the atm t, being directly aouth. It In the rear is the dining room, 24 by end rightly ait nation 86 foet, with its large open fireplace. ,tto side# ao that tha Here meals will be regularly served to beahanged or iot*r- members and here the banquets will be KOVAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YOPK. vtaw from tha broad held. time whan tha On the left of the central hall are lost will 'ha moat at- two large rooms, designed for ladies WILL TRY AGAIN use. The front apartment is tastefully parritd. among the Arooa- finished in white enamel and through PEARY CONFIDKXT HE CAN REACH On the evening of March 27th wUch want to make this the double door way the red frescoed THE POLE— W ILL START IN .JUNE. Hadley James Van Allen, station agent ;ifth a order a possibility walls of the room in the rear lend an Commander Robert E. Peary, it is at Maysville, was married to Nina A. frhonoorinal, avan in an effective touch of color. There are stated, now has the $20.000necessary eldest daughter of Henry Haie, E-q. li noltd for ita generous fireplscee in both. Back of this suite for his coming expedition to the Far of Monticello. gad loyalty. Last is a cloak room, 18 by 25 feet, and North[and expects to set out about The marriage took place at the home « yaar ago, whan the convenierttly arranged ate toilet rooms the last of June. Definite arrange ments are under way. The Roose of the bride in the presence of a large llftt propoaad, $26,000 There is paneled wainscoting in all velt, tin* boat which was designed company of relatives and friends. |PIo' Houlton, Caribou, Prss- the rooms. especially for Arctic exploration, is The gifts presented were both valuable m r#tt ffrirfirid and several Ascending the broad staiicase to the at the shipyard on Shooter’s Island and beautiful. The ceremony was second floor one finds the great lodge receiving the necessary repairs. ' ittW iM ** Ikt* •«» "Mks and perpormed by the Rev. Kenneth McKay which npi*- room, 45 by 58 feeti high posted, light In*it Commander Peary and his assisted by the Rev. Mr. Hunter, .Uj> cltthhoaw and the and altogether well fitted for its pur party will steam as far north as pos sible during the coming summer and pastor of the M. K. Church of Monti d ie •ubacribed soon poses. It extends across the entire '*+■ then will go into winter quarters and cello. Ice Cream and cuke was served front o f the building and a dour opens conserve thei ~ energy for the final after which amidst showers of rice UK 4a .perho the heat on a gallery, which is formed by the dash the following summer. Tin* which threatened to deluge all present, any club roof of the porch. commander says lie firmly believes the happy pair left by the north bound A t the aide there is another gallery; he will attain his goal this time if train. •stavior architecture, two the roof o f the veranda below. the summer of 1908 is' a normal Arctic summer. ifllh' ft hseement htoiry At the rear of the lodge room are President ob What? ( ’apt. Robert Bartlett of St. John, President Roosevelt likes to leave It la of rad brick, re- conveientiy arranged ante-rooms and N. R., who commanded Commander the White House at times and make purr white o f the wide card rooms. One feature of the Robert F. Peary’s Arctic steamer informal calls on his friends. One structure is the ample fire protection. tfwaec the front, Roosevent in the Farthest North ex night last winter he strolled up to ii iunehed by a fright of hand- Stand pipes run all through the build pedition, sailed for New York, where Attorney-General Moody’s house and In* will refit the vessel for an Arctic p en ile step and from tha verao- ing to which are attached at frequent rang the bell cruise next summer. Capt. Bart- The negro butler came to the door. renae of intervals 50 foot lengths of two inch First Congregational Church lelt will again he in command of the He peered out suspiciously and asked : hose. flioh will make it a most Roosevelt, and his crew will consist “ What yon-all want r” fbature of tha boihling when Tbe architect of the clubhouse, who The First Churches. Houlton’s First R. R. entirely of young New Foil ml la n d “ I should like to see Mr. Moody.” W » owing* of July make has also supervised its construction fishermen who are members of “ Mr Moody ain’t in to nobody.” Out of doors elmoet a necessity, from the beginning is S. K. Coffin of the Colonial Naval Reserve, “ Oh, I guess he will see me. Tell In the year 1836, the inhabitants These men have been trained on basement ia entered by a door at New Britain, Conn. He has looked him the President is here ” commenced the agitation of building a hoard their warships during the past ‘ The President ?” said the butler II, Going through a corridor after every detail. Another man who Houlton’s first railroad came in 1870 church edifice, and during the next altho in 1862 the New Brunswick and three years. suspiciously. la ©no** self at the entrance to has given his whole time to the work three years there were two churches Capt. thinks that the Reserves will “ Yes, the President.” i is, Martin Lawlit of Houlton, ex-high Canada built a road to Richmond, N Pi* bowliftg allay. This room is a built, the Unitarian in 1837 and the he a great aid to Peary in t li a i - i The butler pulled the door almost h u p oua ftud eatands nearly the length sheriff of Aroostook county. The B., which served for Houlton’s needs tempt to reach the North >li*. shut. He looked at Mr. Roosevelt’s Congregational in 1839, although de j un^j qie same company built into j The men are of perfect-physique and |h* building. There ere three building committee consists of Mr. slouch hat with disdainful eye and votional services .vere held frequently ^ QUjton an* accustomed to hardships am i inquired scornfully: “ President ob Lawlis, O. B. Buzzell and G. Q. jbMfctvooted in the best and in different places, previous to building cold climate. ! what ?” atyle by e well known Nickerson. Charles Carroll, exalted This of course $avc a great stimulus the churches. to Houlton’s business affairs, and until Arm. Tbe 'room is splendid' ruler of the lodge, has also been most The Unitarian church was built on diligent and has given much time to we had the B. & A. we were satisfied by modern prismatic win- North St. on land donated by Aaron with what service we had. doWay Whteh are placed high and throw overseeing the construction. The , Putnam, and many of us can remem- In 1891 the Bangor and Aroostook tho light dUeetly down upon the alleys. decorator is. H. B. Washburn of Brewer,’ i| her, when, it was used.. TIn 18S81Q,U it• was and bis artistic efforts have contributed Railroad Co. was organized, and work On the left aide of tbe building is a damaged by fire after which the pipe commenced on the line, and in Dec. large billiard room, already complete in largely to the general attractiveness of organ was removed and the church was 1893 the first train came into Houlton, •fafry deUil, with two haiidsome pool the house. abandoned, and finally torn down. and from this date to the present tahlea and oni billiard table. This, The members of the order through The ongregational church was Houlton’s railroad facilities have im ifttt VMM* of the other rooms in tbe out the county are enthusiastic over located on a very prominent spot, on proved so that to-day we have three jw p f , half bean arranged so that it may their new home and with a member the hill east of the Madigan estate, and through trains to Boston and from bo Isolated from the feet of the build- ship of about 250, it cannot but help we can remember the old fashioned log, in easg of private parties. to be a success both socially and finan Boston, with Pullman sleeping and pews with d door on each pew This p *rlor cars, and dining cars on part of In that rear of the billiard room is cially.