Houlton, April, 17, 1907. No. 17.

HOULTON Houlton’s History. \\ E lk’s N ew Home.

Some Interesting Views of Long Ago. . b o va l i One of the Fineit Club Houses in . The

One e l thi wool important social oak. The ceilings throughout the Careful MMa oI t b t t a of Houlton Lodge building are of steel artistically frescoed whan the new in light, delicate tints. The floors Housewife I h m i dedicated. Prominent throughout are of hard wood and in j ho order from Aroostook the various rooms will be covered with | ill over Maine are present, handsome rugs. On the right of the uses fnl program is being reception hall is the gentlemen’s parlor i and reading room, large, cosy, with ^ no other. clubhouse is situated on its great open fireplace, lighted by j Absolutely .T.k t about two blocks above large windows | Pure. • » # Houae on the left hand sida This room is done in white enamel. I# the atm t, being directly aouth. It In the rear is the dining room, 24 by end rightly ait nation 86 foet, with its large open fireplace. ,tto side# ao that tha Here meals will be regularly served to beahanged or iot*r- members and here the banquets will be KOVAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YOPK. vtaw from tha broad held. time whan tha On the left of the central hall are lost will 'ha moat at- two large rooms, designed for ladies WILL TRY AGAIN use. The front apartment is tastefully parritd.

among the Arooa- finished in white enamel and through PEARY CONFIDKXT HE CAN REACH On the evening of March 27th wUch want to make this the double door way the red frescoed THE POLE— W ILL START IN .JUNE. Hadley James Van Allen, station agent ;ifth a order a possibility walls of the room in the rear lend an Commander Robert E. Peary, it is at Maysville, was married to Nina A. frhonoorinal, avan in an effective touch of color. There are stated, now has the $20.000necessary eldest daughter of Henry Haie, E-q. li noltd for ita generous fireplscee in both. Back of this suite for his coming expedition to the Far of Monticello. gad loyalty. Last is a cloak room, 18 by 25 feet, and North[and expects to set out about The marriage took place at the home « yaar ago, whan the convenierttly arranged ate toilet rooms the last of June. Definite arrange­ ments are under way. The Roose­ of the bride in the presence of a large llftt propoaad, $26,000 There is paneled wainscoting in all velt, tin* boat which was designed company of relatives and friends. |PIo' Houlton, Caribou, Prss- the rooms. especially for Arctic exploration, is The gifts presented were both valuable m r#tt ffrirfirid and several Ascending the broad staiicase to the at the shipyard on Shooter’s Island and beautiful. The ceremony was second floor one finds the great lodge receiving the necessary repairs. ' ittW iM ** Ikt* •«» "Mks and perpormed by the Rev. Kenneth McKay which npi*- room, 45 by 58 feeti high posted, light In*it Commander Peary and his assisted by the Rev. Mr. Hunter, .Uj> cltthhoaw and the and altogether well fitted for its pur­ party will steam as far north as pos­ sible during the coming summer and pastor of the M. K. Church of Monti­ d ie •ubacribed soon poses. It extends across the entire '*+■ then will go into winter quarters and cello. Ice Cream and cuke was served front o f the building and a dour opens conserve thei ~ energy for the final after which amidst showers of rice UK 4a .perho the heat on a gallery, which is formed by the dash the following summer. Tin* which threatened to deluge all present, any club roof of the porch. commander says lie firmly believes the happy pair left by the north bound A t the aide there is another gallery; he will attain his goal this time if train. •stavior architecture, two the roof o f the veranda below. the summer of 1908 is' a normal Arctic summer. ifllh' ft hseement htoiry At the rear of the lodge room are President ob What? ( ’apt. Robert Bartlett of St. John, President Roosevelt likes to leave It la of rad brick, re- conveientiy arranged ante-rooms and N. R., who commanded Commander the White House at times and make purr white o f the wide card rooms. One feature of the Robert F. Peary’s Arctic steamer informal calls on his friends. One structure is the ample fire protection. tfwaec the front, Roosevent in the Farthest North ex­ night last winter he strolled up to ii iunehed by a fright of hand- Stand pipes run all through the build­ pedition, sailed for New York, where Attorney-General Moody’s house and In* will refit the vessel for an Arctic p en ile step and from tha verao- ing to which are attached at frequent rang the bell cruise next summer. Capt. Bart- The negro butler came to the door. renae of intervals 50 foot lengths of two inch First Congregational Church lelt will again he in command of the He peered out suspiciously and asked : hose. flioh will make it a most Roosevelt, and his crew will consist “ What yon-all want r” fbature of tha boihling when Tbe architect of the clubhouse, who The First Churches. Houlton’s First R. R. entirely of young New Foil ml la n d “ I should like to see Mr. Moody.” W » owing* of July make has also supervised its construction fishermen who are members of “ Mr Moody ain’t in to nobody.” Out of doors elmoet a necessity, from the beginning is S. K. Coffin of the Colonial Naval Reserve, “ Oh, I guess he will see me. Tell In the year 1836, the inhabitants These men have been trained on basement ia entered by a door at New Britain, Conn. He has looked him the President is here ” commenced the agitation of building a hoard their warships during the past ‘ The President ?” said the butler II, Going through a corridor after every detail. Another man who Houlton’s first railroad came in 1870 church edifice, and during the next altho in 1862 the New Brunswick and three years. suspiciously. la ©no** self at the entrance to has given his whole time to the work three years there were two churches Capt. thinks that the Reserves will “ Yes, the President.” i is, Martin Lawlit of Houlton, ex-high Canada built a road to Richmond, N Pi* bowliftg allay. This room is a built, the Unitarian in 1837 and the he a great aid to Peary in t li a i - i The butler pulled the door almost h u p oua ftud eatands nearly the length sheriff of Aroostook county. The B., which served for Houlton’s needs tempt to reach the North >li*. shut. He looked at Mr. Roosevelt’s Congregational in 1839, although de j un^j qie same company built into j The men are of perfect-physique and |h* building. There ere three building committee consists of Mr. slouch hat with disdainful eye and votional services .vere held frequently ^ QUjton an* accustomed to hardships am i inquired scornfully: “ President ob Lawlis, O. B. Buzzell and G. Q. jbMfctvooted in the best and in different places, previous to building cold climate. ! what ?” atyle by e well known Nickerson. Charles Carroll, exalted This of course $avc a great stimulus the churches. to Houlton’s business affairs, and until Arm. Tbe 'room is splendid' ruler of the lodge, has also been most The Unitarian church was built on diligent and has given much time to we had the B. & A. we were satisfied by modern prismatic win- North St. on land donated by Aaron with what service we had. doWay Whteh are placed high and throw overseeing the construction. The , Putnam, and many of us can remem- In 1891 the Bangor and Aroostook tho light dUeetly down upon the alleys. decorator is. H. B. Washburn of Brewer, ’ i| her, when , it was used. . TIn 1Q,U18S8 it• was and bis artistic efforts have contributed Railroad Co. was organized, and work On the left aide of tbe building is a damaged by fire after which the pipe commenced on the line, and in Dec. large billiard room, already complete in largely to the general attractiveness of organ was removed and the church was 1893 the first train came into Houlton, •fafry deUil, with two haiidsome pool the house. abandoned, and finally torn down. and from this date to the present tahlea and oni billiard table. This, The members of the order through­ The ongregational church was Houlton’s railroad facilities have im­ ifttt VMM* of the other rooms in tbe out the county are enthusiastic over located on a very prominent spot, on proved so that to-day we have three jw p f , half bean arranged so that it may their new home and with a member­ the hill east of the Madigan estate, and through trains to Boston and from bo Isolated from the feet of the build- ship of about 250, it cannot but help we can remember the old fashioned log, in easg of private parties. to be a success both socially and finan­ Boston, with Pullman sleeping and pews with d door on each pew This p *rlor cars, and dining cars on part of In that rear of the billiard room is cially. The Elks of Houlton and of building in the seventies was moved to the trains. tho kitchen, which is large, well lighted tbe neighboring Aroostook towns its present location on Court St. Later The benefit this road has been to •ad ariranged and where the most mod- should be congratulated by their on the Catholic, Hapfist, Free Houlton need not he mentioned here, cim equipment is being installed. The brother members all over Maine on Baptist and Methodist people as it is too well known lmtlnvV pantry on the second or their new clubhouse and also on the built chun h edifices, followed Inter In 1894 the main line of the B. & mhin floor ia a marvel of con- hustle and energy which made it on by the Episcopal and Presby- A. was extended m Caribou and in Touionce and from the kitchen a dumb possible. teiean, all of which are in a prosperous waiter of ample proportions runs to the 1895 the Ashland branch was built, condition, with resident pastors except- 0f vvI)icIi > great feeders for top froov o f the house. ing the (’ongregational which will have j^ou|t()n The Aroostook Times one year $1.00. Wood Burner Locomotive on N. B. & C. R. R. . flifrh o f the kitchen in the rear of a pastor May l. tho baaamont ia the boiler room, where two modem eectional boilers of large >«*• capacity are found. Tbe heating plant ia as perfect as can be made and of r ample capacity, even for combating the Eastern Trust & Banking Co., cold of a Houlton winter. BANGOR, MAINE------These apartments, together with toilet, ■eloak, serving and store rooms Capital $175,000.00 make up the basement plan. Surplus (Earned) $367,000.00 HE MERRILL TRUST CO., OF BANGOR MAINE On entering through the handsome extends to all oak front door from the front porch of John Cassidy, President, Chas. I). Crosby, Sect, and Treas. Ike building one notices first the hand­ Edward R. Adams, Vice-Pres. John H. Rice, Asst. Treas. A cordial invitation to make use of its Fnri railed Facilities some, roomy vestibule, oak panelled, It is able and willing to afford to every customer, with a mosaic flooring, bearing in the Old Town Branch Machias Branch , leeo?u n/odf/tious EQUAL to those obtainable from any bank •enter in large letters B. P. O. E. M. H. Richardson, Manager Geo. B. Boynton, Manager in the largest cities of the world. Its officers will be Ovar the entrance outside is a hand­ WE SOLICIT DEPOSITS happy to discuss any Batikiuo Business with PROSPEC­ some elk’e head, done in carved bronze. TIV E CUSTOMERS, and desire VISITORS from OUT OF TOWN to Through the vestibule door one We pay 2 1-2 percent, interest on accounts subject to check, credited monthly. 3 1-2 per cent, on savings accounts. Money make this bank their Yieadqiiarten when in the city. •store tho recaption ha}l 60 feet long deposited in savings department on or before the tenth draws int­ and 14 feat wide, high posted and with erest from the first of the month, credited semi-annually. A waiaacoting of pan*fd weathered yv'1

a The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, April 17, 1907.

Supreme Judicial Court. ANNUAL E NCAMI'MENT. Houlton April Term. The Greatest Bargain N a t i o n a l G u a r d .

Hon. Albert M. Spear, Justice Pre­ In Maine Union Square The New Store The question as to whether or not A farm of over 200 acres in Fairfield, on the siding. the annual encampment of the Michael M. ('lark, Clerk. First and Second Regiments of the direct road from Waterville and Norridg- National Guard of the State of wock, consisting of 65 acres, excellent tillage Main** would be held at Camp Cobb land, the rest pasture, orchard and woodland. ADDITIONAL JURORS. in Augusta during the coming Cut 65 tons of hay last year and pastured 50 James Adams, Linneus summer inis been definitely settled head of cattle. The orchard produced more and in tlie negative. than 100 bbls., of best winter varieties. Our Samuel P. Archibald, Monticello As has been anticipated for some bam 45x98, with stone foundation and cellar, GREEN Cyrus A. Benn, Hodgdon time past tin* troops will, instead of finished in excellent shape cost $ 5,000, stable Oscar A. Benn, Hodgdon coming to Augusta, lie ordered to “MY CLOTHIER” Portland for a ten-day* tour of duty 45x60 with excellent cemented cellar with F. Everett Billings, Fort Fairfield in the fortifications of Portland har­ granite partitions, one-half for hogs, the other Max W- Bishop, Fort Fairfield bor, acting in conjunction with the for roots or apples. Nice carriage house, hen George M. Briggs, Caribou troops ol the regular army which heuse, corn barn, blacksmith's shop and wood 4 Good Reasons why you J. Frank Bryson, Houlton constitutes the difleretit garrisons. house. Nice house of 8 rooms and running This decision comes as tin* result of water in kitchen, newly painted white with should buy Jiu Jitsu Suits. O. L- Clough, Houlton tin* visit last week ol Adjutant John Conlogue, New Limerick green blinds. This property will be sold at a General Farnlmm to Portland, on very low* figure. For terms call on or address 1st they are water proof. which occasion lie was in consulta­ Enoch Currier, Littleton A . W . SPAULDING, Oakland, Me., R. F. Boys Suits that are George S. Daggett, Hodgdon tion with ( ’ol. Morris of the regular 2nd they will out wear any tinny. now commanding the Port­ D. No. 55, or L . M . Felch, Iloulton, Me. Lewis Dalton, Houlton land* artillery district. 416 Guaranteed to wear boys suit made. Isaac H. Davis, Houlton Accordingly at the consultation of the two officers last week it was de­ \ Newman Doyle Caribou GIRL WANTED. 3rd they are guaranteed. cided that the manouvers should he Thomas S. Estabrooke, Houlton held in August, the dates being from John M. Garrison, Monticello Capable Girl for General House 4th they cost less. Thursday, Aug. H to Saturday, Aug. James Gillin, Houlton 17, inclusive. Both regiments will Work at good wages. Apply. Daniel W. Haines, Fort Fairfield participate and it has also been suggested that the Ship's company McLoon’s Cigar Store. Arden Hale, Caribou of the Naval Reserve take part in Almon Hanning, Littleton the nuuioim rs if a suitable vessel T. C. Huntington, Bridgewater he provided for them by the Navy Garfield Ingraham, New Limerick department. The two regiments Notice to Farmers will be recruited up to the maximum George Ingraham, Houlton strength if possible, and it is ex­ J. Warren Inman, Houlton pected that tin* number of men Charles Ketchum, Bridgewater which will report for duty will be E expect to resume H, E. Kimball, Linneus about Plot). our business of Linwood Lougee, New Limerick The members of the Guard will be distributed among the different Slaughtering Peter M. Mooers, Ludlow fortifications in fit*1 harbor. Fort George B. Niles, Houlton McKinley, Fort Lyon, , Ldonbs and Fort , ami $5.00 J. H. O’Donnell, Presque Isle this season as Varney Pearce, Houlton while the plans are not ill 1 formulat­ ed principal object of the maneuvers usual at Houlton, Harris A. Porter, Houlton is tluif the Guard may by its tour of Wm. A. Purrington, Houlton duty in conjunction with the troops Ulysses S. Rackliff, Fort Frirfield of the regular army be so trained Me. We shall buy our lambs ■ > . Boys Suits at that it will become familiar with the by the pound, weighing them C- O. Randall. Presque Isle details of duty at the fortifications i m H B. E. Rideout, Ludlow and tints he able to supplement the when taken away, which has E. D. Roberts, Presque Isle reguhirs in case of war. f*‘» j f J. E. Robinson, Houlton proved very satisfactory. H. J. Ruth, Linneus We shall continue to pay A. J. Saunders, Houlton H () V LT( )N'S ( ’E LE B RAT TON. $3.98 The way the pants are more for ewes and wethers Tfte way the coats Eliab Shaw, Caribou made are made J. H. Slipp, Bridgewater The meeting of the Citizens on than we do lor buck lambs. Frank R. Smith, Houlton Friday evening, was well attended, We advise weighing all lambs Lucien E. Stackpole, Monticello and a general committee was ap­ pointed to make all arrangements before selling by the head to A. A. Stewart, Houlton for the coming celebration. The fol­ Thaddeus Stitham, Littleton lowing were appointed on the Com­ see if we do not offer more by R. H. Thompson, Ludlow mittee: A. T. Putnam, Frank W. The above made suits are all Wool Esburn E. Weed, Houlton Pearce. S. Friedman, Jas. Gillen, the pound for good lambs than ( ’has. 1). Merritt and ( ’has. H. Fogg, John N. Willard, Presque Isle who will appoint sub committees to they will bring by the head. Goods, made in Double Breasted look after the different details in connection with this event, and this Committee will later on notify those NEW ENGLAND and Latest Cuts. Sizes 8 to 17. THE WATERVILLE SENTINEL. who are appointed, and we trust that whoever is called on, will res­ DRESSED MEAT pond cordially and endeavor to do There is no paper on our exchange all they can to make this a success. AND WOOL COMPANY. Before you buy your Boy a Suit, list that has shown so much im­ provement in its general make up, look them over. and its news columns, as the Water- w . c . t . i; / ville Sentinel. Mr. Pat tang-all cer­ tainly has made a great, change in The subject of the W. ('. T. U., ...... * ■ 1 1 ■ ■ ■ — ...... ■ » the paper, and has advocated many meeting, April, 4, was Temperance Girl Wanted Legislation in the 59th Congress. things which have been of distinct Miss Bello Downes gave a paper, benefit to the State. The latest consisting of principal events of the move that they have made is for the present Congress. The paper show­ A capable girl for general house­ organization of a Total abstinence ed careful thought and a thorough knowledge of the subject, and was work in a family of two. All League in Maine, with tin* idea of listened to with close attention with modern conveniences to work with. taking the liquor question out. of gresit pleasure, the ladies listened to politics and law, and putting enfor­ a solo by Mrs. L. Ludwig, who s ing Apply to cement into the hands of this league. in her usual charming manner, “ Oh this Heart •of Mine,’ ’ Program for The idea is a worthy one, ami we April 11th, Bible readings, Every­ Times Office. wish Mr. Patfangall sucess in his one welcome to tile meetings of the For the next \ 0 Days undertaking. w . c. t . r . \ Get Rich Fishing. I will sell all my Wall Papers This KT>-ncrt* farm is located right on the hanks of the Kennebec River, with except Ingrains. Borders free, all smooth, machine-mowed Holds, cutting 25 tons of good English hay, pasture for 8 to SUJ lit head; 200 cords of wood and 25 M timber. Fresh New Stock. With a fishing privilege that some years has netted the owner $600. Fine young orchard of 75 trees, 85 barrels apples per year. Grapes and pears. Good set of Look at our $1.00 and $1.25 buildings, (wee picture No. 12070, page 11 BR U SH UP “fitrout’s List is.” Copy FREE) 1 1-2 story house and “ L” with 10 finished rooms, Wrappers in the window 50c each painted and blinded. Barn 88 x 40, stable- carriage house and work shop, all connect­ Saturday only. ed, dapboarded and painted. Hay-house, lien-house, ice house, all in first class repair. Ice-house and large Hsh-house at shore; fine location on main traveled road. Maple shade trees, good wells of water, will include spring tooth harrow, cultiva­ Splendid assortment of New tor, horse hay rake, mowing machine, hay The house may need fork, two fishing lx>ats, fish pier, fish net­ Ginghams, Prices all right. ting and small tools, price for all only painting. The rooms $2,200. E. A. STROUT OO., Augusta, Me. BY may need touching up. Nice Lace Trimmed Lawn Waists AN INVESTMENT FOR for only 50c. The floors may have to be painted, or var­ BUSINESS MEN. Send $6.00 to the "N ew York Commercial’ ’ H. A. McLellan nished, if so and receive daily (except Sunday) a W e have a fine assortment of BUSINESS MAN S NEWSPAPER Giving, besides all important general news of the day, Quotations and reports of ail Spring Suits, to start them, we ALMON H. FOGG CO., markets. will give free One Parlor Lamp UNEQUALLED MINING NEWS Carries the celebrated Is a strong feature of the "Commercial.*’ Tin* Dry Goods, Grocery, long, Metal and with each Suit. Provision Markets each are given a large Brigg’s Ready Mixed unionnt of space dally. Smaller and less active markets appear Faint, wears better and when warranted ; at least once a week. Tin* FIN’ A N t'IA ii N E W S is unsurpassed, lasts longer than any and the INSURANCE DEPARTMENT is one of the stlongest in the country, includ­ paint on the market. ing Fire, Life and Casualty. Other Bargains too Numerous to All for $6.oo a year, $8..50 for six months, $2.00 for three months, 75 cents. Send for The well known Boston sample copies. NEW YORK COMMERCIAL ■ — Mention. = = = = = Varnish Co.’s full line 8 Spruce St. New York City cf Varnishes, Stains, Fillers, Etc., is carried Want To Buy A Farm? SALE COMMENCES by us. Send (or List of Bargains W e h a v e a complete jusi issued assortment of all kinds Reed & C u rtis SATURDAY, APRIL. 20TH of Brushes. Call and get a color FARM FOR SALE One mile from town and station card. of Norridgewock, Somerset Co.; CONTINUES 10 DAYS. Maine. 50 acres with buildings; 65 acres 1 1-2 miles distant. 65 acres under cultivation and in hay; 18 in pasture, remainder woodland. 8 room house: fine cellar; cistern; woodshed and wagon house; open shed for farming tools; barn 40x80 with cellar. Price $3,800. McLELLAN A bargain. We have others equally good. MAIN STREET. I Almon D. Fogg Co Traviss & Traviss !7 Norridgewock, Me. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, April 17, 1907. 6

C. E. DUNN’S COLUMN. 3 times a day, Eleventh Annual Meeting O f The 2i times a week, Christian Civic League At Waterville 273 times in 3 months, T & K Yellow Pkg. T ea March 19 and 20. the products of a barrel of Formosa Bls&d, 60c per lb. ( continued from page 4] bitory Liquor Law and it* enforcement. The League the last year had four men in the field nearly all the time and raised nearly one thousand dollars for “Town Talk” Flour campaign purposes. Some of the most T & K Gold Fan Tea effective speakers in the last campaign (America's Greatest Winter Wheat Patent) Ceylon ft India Blend, 60c per lb. were brought into the state and ex­ pensed paid by the Civic League. appear upon the They raised and expended last year in family table. Suppose round numbers nine thousand dollars. the barret costs 50c. The League’ s influence was felt in the Jiskyour Grocer for "T idbits" from "Town Talk’’ — the latest Both splendid values. Inquire last campaign. W e expect its influence Cook*book. over inferior flours. of your dealer. will be more potent for good in the years to come. Three Beautiful Farms Thrown on The State was well represented at the meeting and reporters from different the Market at the Mercy of Blended and paoked by . . . . sections showed great improvement in the Farm Seeker. enforcement of law in the last decade. Farm 5 miles from Pittsfield, 1 We are just a little proud each year to FOX BROS. 8 mile to R. R. depot, 200 acres, 60 THUMTON A KINGSBURY report Aroostook without a hotel bar or in tillage but of potato land, good AIM STRAIGHT saloon, but we want to remind our pasture, big amount of wood and B A N G O R , MAINE. readers that this standard can only be lumber, 125 fruit trees, 1^2 story If you aim to be well maintained by eternal vigilance. house, 9 rooms, wood shed and dressed aim for During the meetings two Houlton carriage house 30x40, barn 4.0x100 fine split stone stone cellar under boys were highly complimented for S' house and barn, building connect­ FOX BROS. their efficiency as county officials in ed and in good repair, will sell for W e have the largest, other counties. Judge Knowlton of $2900. SESSOBESN finest and best line of Portland speaking of enforcement in Farm 1 1-2 miles from Guilford Cumberland county said that their village, 100 acres, 40 in fields, county was never as dry as when mellow State loam, good pasture Suits, FERTILIZER 1 Charles Dunn, Jr., was its sheriff. Re­ and plenty of wood and timber for ferring to Charles Barnes of this town, home use, comfortable old style Rain Coats Rev. H. F. Huse of Springvale, said: house, shed 70 ft long connecting barn 40x40, running water in A N D .. . kMn POTATOES 8 ‘ W e need to fortify our position by the buildings only $1900. election of men to public office who will Farm in town of Knox, 2 1-2 T op Coats = ™ — ^ take hold o f their duties to perform miles from Thorndike village, 1 1-2 them in all honor and good faith. We miles to Freedom, where one of to be found in eastern want men of the Roosevelt*Folk,- John- the finest schools in the State is Maine. W e are now delivering Fertilizer son-Hughes-Cobb type. W e want located, 1-2 mile to town school more sheriffs like Mayo of Hancock, and church, 140 acres, cuts 40 Beautiful Line at $10.00 and Carlton of Waldo. W e want more tons of hay, fine smooth fields, and contracting for this years crop best of pasture, 1000 cords fir box $12.00, $15.00 to $25.00 / county-attorneys like Barnes of Oxford lumber 1 mile from mill, big and Burgess of Piscataquis. And Every farmer that tried our goods last year is amount of hard wood and some FOX BROS. when we get such men we want to see hemlock, spruce and basswood, pioased with the result. No one that bought of to it that faithful service is honored by 1 1-2 story house, 10 rooms, wood Aroostook’s Greatest us was disappointed. Every one got his Fertilizer re-election to second team.” shed 20x30, barn 40x70, connect­ Clothiers, Hatters During the past year the Anti-saloon ed, another barn 40x40, black­ in good season and in good barrels. We filled or­ smith and carpenter shop 30x40, Han Schaffner ^ Marx and Furnishers. / ders for 1,000 tons last year that others could not League was commenced operations in 75 fruit trees, 8 cows, 13 sheep, this state with head quarters at Port­ fill, after they had sold the goods. Is this not hog, 75 hens, farming tools, farm land with Rev. R. O. Everhart as Su­ wagons, etc-, will go for $5000. worth consideration when you are buying for this perintendent. A central pffice has been Come and see us or write at ' ? established at Waterville with Rev. C. Oilce. E. Owen as superintendent, he having We guarantee our Fertilizer to work good in the H. D. WHITTEN CO. resigned from the work of the Civic in te r; League. W e will have something to BROKERAGE DEPARTMEMT We have an agent in every town on the main say on this new organization next National Bank Block, week. Suffice it to say now that the GASOLINE ENGINES LOW MACHINES line of the B. & A. Road from Sherman to Van Civic League and Anti-saloon League PITTSFIELD, ME. Buren, as well as every town on the,' Ashland will not be found fighting each other, Hydro Pneumatic Water Tanks Branch and the Fort Fairfield Branch. but the common enemy. Aetna Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. CAN'T FREEZE UP Sec us or our agents before you place your or- “The 20th Century w ay" Better Mixer than Speaker. ASSETS DEC. .31, 11KKJ. llftML When Charles E. Hughes was cam­ Real Estate, $ 610,220.01 Mortgage I /)ans, 37,904,178.39 Wind Mills That Oil ■ I paigning in New York State he stopped Collateral Loans, 1,065,083.49 From the Ground without Climbing one afternoon at Hornellsville, where Stocks and Bonds, 28,125,011.41 Any kind of water supply contract taken. Over 20 years 1 [Q1 the local committee had arranged for Cash in Office and Bank, 7,2ti5,582.14 experience. Write us your wants. Catalogue free. 51,970.01 an outdoor speech from a platform Agents’ Balances, Bills Receivable, 41,301.18 near the station. Interest and Itents, 926,809.83 Brackett, Shaw & Lunt Co. SOMERSWORTH, IV . H . Carter & Corey Co. \ Mr. Hughes wanted to save his All other Assets, 8,126,027.02 voice as much as possible and he de­ Gross Assets, 84.123,580.08 cided he would talk there but ten Deduct items not admitted, 93,8:13.99 minutes. So one of his managers went Admitted Assets, 84,029,752.0*3

to the head of the local committee, L IA B IL IT IE S DEC. 31. 1900. ' Net Unpaid Losses. 1.094,166.94 * t, f «• »*>* ** (*.’ pf/m */% Milo H . Acker, a Southern politician of some note, and said: Unearned Premiums, 1.592,877.52 CALL AND A ll other L abilities, 73,529,380.10 “ Milo, Mr. Hughes can speak but Cash Capiti 1, 2,000,000.00 ten minutes, but, after that, he will be Surplus over all Liabilities 5,213,327.53 S E E OUR glad to shake hands with the Hornells­ . H. WILSON Total Liabilities and Surplus 84.029,752.09 ville people and meet them personally.” 317 Hughes made his speech. Then Acker ...... DEALER IN " ...... T .... came forward, bursting with import­ ance. “ Now, good people,” he said, Central Stables “ you have heard the next Governor of the State and I have been saving some­ CARPETS Choice Groceries thing to tell you. This is something w w w w new. He will be glad to go down Market Square, V AND V PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, there among you and shake hands, and FRUIT, CONFECTIONERT, I have just been informed that he is a tB fp ffL much better mixer than he is speaker.” HOULTON, MAINE Q\T b v\ 1 h 4uu cords wood, 10 M feet tain, pleasant herb cure for woman’s ills, try Faster and faster the pace is set, One four year old driving horse, timber, '-'no barrels apples In season, nice NOTARY PUBLIC. Mother Gray’s Australian-Leaf. It is a safe ing badly. I cannot do anything with loam soil, easily worked for potatoes, 1 1 -12 ------•»_ AJwi. -rv to u oaiu story house, o rooms with piazza, neatly Offlofti Slnoook Block and never-failing monthly regulator. A t By people of action, vim and get, bay color, weighs abount 1000 lbs. JUeldenoe, No. a W inter St. them.” painted and blinded, barn ■10x55, with cellar, Druggists or by mailfiOcts. Sample package So if at the finish you would be, kind and pretty, has been driven horse hay fork, carriage house and wood­ BOULTON, MAINE. FREE. Address, the Mother Gray Co., Le “ I am not surprised,” Chaffee re­ Take Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. shed, all In excellent repair, mall delivered, IflpWUl Praodoaln all the Courts In the State Roy. N . Y . 415 very little. Inquire of 1-1 mile from school. Must be sold on ac­ plied as he gave the word to start. COCHKAN. count of sickness. < inly |:M2U0, |1,:200 down. RoBEKt J. S. (». MERRILL, Newport, Me. “ This expedition does not need any C. L. PACKARD humanitarian instructions from Wash­ Have your shipping tags printed at fin Aroostook T ie s Oie Year Oee Dollar ington.” the TimEs office. 114 Court St., Houlton, Me. The Aroostook Times 1 year $1.00. fy ui.>

6 The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, April, 17, 1907.


Is still giving away those Beautiful 42 Piece Hand Decorated Dinner Sets l O C e n t F u r o l i a s e Have you got a Set yet? Why don’t you Try? Your neighbors have succeeded as follows: LIST OF THE LUCKY WINNERS. Look your tickets over and see if you have the lucky ones 1 Mm. Chas. Wise, Houlton, Series “ L” Color Cherry, No. 205 described below. Remember there are 3 numbers on each set and be sure and save M m Emma Esteys, Houlton, Series “ L ” Color Blue, No. 1085 the second and third numbers as well as the fi,st. Miss Katherine Lene han, Houlton, Series “ L ” Color Golden Rod, No. 100 ------These are the sets we have waiting for you ———------Mrs. John Steadman, Houlton, Series “ O” Color Pearl, No. 412 Series “ O” Color Olive, first No. 505, second 1863, third 1102. J. F. McCarthy, Houlton, Series “ O” Color Manderene, No. 1907 Series ‘ O” Color Pearl, first No. 350, second i ?8i , third 1906. Mrs. Frank White, Houlton, Series “ L " Color Olive, No. 1119 Series “ O” Color Light Green first No. 314, second 1241, third 1841. CO N Tl- 6 Mifli Dora Brewer, Houlton, Series “ O” Color Red, Would you like to see nearly 1200 Ladies' and children’s Garments? Correct in style, low in M rajas. McDonald, Houlton, Series “ 0 ” Color Dark Gray, No. 1121 price, high in quality and all in one immense Garment Department. We can show them to you Mm J. B. Shields, Linneus, Series “ 0 ” Color Lemon, No. 476 and guarantee the style,^ fit and quality of every one. Agents for Standard Patterns, Nemo Corsets, Meyer’s Gloves and the Celebrated Standard Chas. B. Whitcomb Merritas Oilcloth Wall Covering. John A. Riley SO Main Street, Hoiilton, Maine

B. Walker McKeen of Fryeburg, • v - .V .-.x .X .y -O M 'W ' 4 > < t > Has the Following to Say in Regard to Planting Spring Time Potatoes. ----IS----

J apply one-half the phosphate in the drill at the time of planting, then Moth Tim e. with a two-rowed corn planter with coverera removed, drill the remainder between the rows as aoon aa the po- Before putting away your DELAY tatoea are well through the ground. furs and winter clothing, be SEEING OUE LARGE SHOWING OF ------Mr. Rogers, of the Johnaon Seed Pota­ sure to buy a box of Cochran’s to Company, removea the plough from “ Aromatic Naphthalin and his potato planter, and when the pota­ Camphor” the most effective toes are just breaking the ground goes and economical insecticide and Summer Clothing over them with it, drilling extra phos­ now in use. We also carry a large supply of Camphor, phate in that way, and covering the X Moth Marbles, Carbolic Acid, Men who know Good Clothing and potatoes a second time. This second and Cedarized Camphor to covering is generally practised in Aroos­ prevent the ravages of moths its fine points, and who want to keep took County to kill the weeds between and insects. up to the latest style, come to us for the hills and protect the potatoes from their Clothing, knowing that they can late frosts. As soon as they appear to always get just what they want at the be breaking the ground again, this second covering is removed by going SOLD AT price they wish to pay. We satisfy over the potatoes with a weeder or every test in dress, our L. Adler Bros. light harrow. 7he COCHRAN DRUG Clothing is so smart in style and work­ I use, and would always advise STORE 5 Water Street others to use, a standard, high grade manship, that it puts all other makes potato phosphate. Potatoes grow prescriptions a s p e c i a l t y . in the shade. The style is there, that quickly, and therefore lequire much available plant food within easy reach. the others don’t get, the wearing When using the amount of phos­ quality is there, that the others don’t phate mentioned, I would not use barn have and you are sure to be satisfied. manure, but would save t1 at for the LOST. grain and grass and to stimulate the A Gold Locket with initials L. growth of clover, which in its turn will furnish humus and nitrogenous plant K- S. on it. Between McDonald's Spuing Overcoats. food for the potato under a judicious on Kelleran Street and H. A. system of rotation. McLellan’s Store. Finder please At a PRICE to suit the CUSTOMERS. leave at 4 Water Street Nasal CATARRH GIRL WANTED. Cravanette Raincoats. In all its stages. m A Capable Girl for General * co. With the Style of a Dress Overcoat. Ely’s Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals Housework. Apply to the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives 22 High Street. away a cold in the head quickly. Cream B alm is placed into the nostrils,spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief Is Im- Advertise In The mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying—does IGUYERHAT not produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug­ gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. Itroflsiooh Sa x m s . ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren Street, New Y ork COVER RATS

In all the Latest Styles. The College Hats are very Effective this year. Call $ 15.00 \ and see them. ■<< For a Nobby B ■ Spring Suit SPRING 1907 i

That will fit and look as if it was made to your measure. No •« 1 better made at any price, and if you don’t get better values of me Gents Furnishing Goods. than any where else in town don’t buy. We want to maintain a Our Line is Complete. You should see our *0 / steady customer of every person who enters our store, and if Good Goods at right prices will do it we Negligee Coat Shirts in Madras and AJ Percales, should be seen to are going to succeed. be appreciated. New Rain Coats 1 In Stock ERVIN & DAVENPORT, Market Square, Houlton, Maine S. GREEN “MY CLOTHIER’'

s s s ^ m u k b s waoseaBsaBBSsasM^ .rsy '->sa A\ *1

The Ai-oostooh Times, Wednesday, April 17, 1807.

>«*# I H. U. Perry of Fort Fairfield, was Supreme Judicial Court. in town this week. OF LOCAL INTEREST. All town schools will be closed on Houlton April Term. Friday, Patriot's day. Bridge Wreck On B. & A. Prof. L. M. Feleh, was in Blaim Hon. Albert M. Spear, Justice Pre­ on business last Saturday. siding. r. Horace Chaloner, spent Sun- F. H. Stimpson of Kockabema, Robt. McLeod of Monticello, was Michael M. Clark, Clerk. Paralizes Freight Traffic In Aroostook, Twelve Cars Plunge Into with his family In Houlton. was in town this week. in town on business Tuesday. John Watson Co. vs. Benj. W. Knowles. Action on note. Verdict gplttilce Osborne, was in Fort Fair- Miss Bose Holmes of Presque Isle, Miss Lucy Grant, has been visit­ Pleasant River at Brownville Tuesday Night. for Deft. Powers

The flt*oostook Times. Girls Wanted.

l i t a N W M April 19, 1990 . Chest Colds Good Pay. Girls wanted from 18 to 30 years of Many a life has been sac­ Help the liver age to learn the making of rubber ALL THE HOME NEWS. Legal Newspaper Decisions. rificed to a com m on , It is a well-known fact that shoes. Takes two weeks to learn. I. —Any person who takes a paper regularly everyday cold. First a when your liver refuses to Board and room rent paid while •vary WedMeday Morning by the from the Post Office—whether directed to his do its work you cannot do Tima ~PnMiahtng...... Co. learning. Experienced hands earn address or another, or whether he has sub sneeze— then a sniffle— yours. As scribed or not, is responsible for the pay. the heart is the from $8. to $12. per week, perma­ a cough— pains in the body’s mainspring even so is CHAS. H. FOGG, Editor A Mgr. J. —If any person orders his paper dis­ nent work. Address. continued, he must pay all arrearges, or the chest— th e n — but why the liver its regulator. When ftataertpttoa* t i far vt la advance; tingle publisher may continue to send it until pay­ you “ lose time” or are “run Beacon Falls Rubber Shoe aoyloa tnraa oaata. ment is made and collect the whole amount ^ | ^continue? Remove the down,” just try whether it is taken from the office or not. Company first symptoms by using 8.—The Courts have decided that refusing BEACON FALLS, CONN. labubMonilB anaaraflAOper year to take newspapers and periodicals from the Mo M aaNpH ta aaa aaflad t$nHI ell post office, or removing and leaving them DISTRICT AGENT uncalled for, lsprlmafacleevldencoof fraud. upon circulation and If you want to stop your paper, write to JOHNSON’S AN D SEVERAL ABLE vary raaaonable. the publisher yourself, and don’t leave it to upon topics of general Inter- the post-master. eat are solicited SOLICITORS WANTED. A n od yn e and get into “ standard” form For Advertising Rates apply to the LINIMENT again. They regulate gently .poet office at Houlton for oir Our accident and health insurance at raoood-olaas postal rates. Editor and Manager. yet effectively. Stomach, bowels both industrial and commercial, and never mind the rest. Cold in any part of the body needs and liver all work in harmony after using— that means good with Legal Services, is magnetic, TW coming celebration of Houlton'* organized at Plymouth. To the prompt attention whether it be in the throat, chest, lungs or health. Don’t lose a minute, the only kind on the market. Write -fftt Imadvedth anniversary of settle­ London Company King James granted bowels. A few drops taken on sugar will relieve and cure re­ but get them N O W . today to North American Accident ment* eomee this jeer, end it is ylan- the Coast of North America from Cape spiratory troubles. W ill also cure colic, cholera, diarrhoea and 25c at all druggists or 5 Ins. Go., 143 Liberty St., New York. ■ed to have this e genuine home Fear to the Rappahanock River, and kindred bowel complaints. Use it externally for cuts, burns, bottles for $1.00 postpaid 415 doming for ell o f the former residents to tie Plymouth Company he gave insect bites and stings, strains, sprains, sore muscles, lame back, Farm For Sale. a t fee town. the Coast from the mouth of the muscular rheumatism, frostbite, chaps and chilblains. For what­ Three hundred acre [iarm located It is none too early to commence to Hudson River to the Eastern boundary ever pain, whether inside or out, J o h l l S O I l ’ S A n o d y n e L inim ent is the remedy— sure and speedy. seven miles from Houlton, One half tmlto plena tb t returning, end renewing of Maine, while the coast between the mile to R. R. station. Best of potato U end everyone who has Hudson and tho Rappahanock was Everywhere 25c and 50c i soil. Buildings are A. No. 1 and will Nr itletivee away from Houlton granted to both companiee, but neither I. S. JOHNSON A CO., L S. JOHNSON & CO., Boston* Mass. sell on easy terms for less than the ori­ Invite them now, so that one was to start a settlement within Boston, Mass. !g ginal cost of the buildings. A bargain will interfere, to prevent them 100 miles of any colony already started and a beautifuljhome for some one. by the other, while the Western HARRY R. BURLEIGH, 53 Plea­ At e meeting of the committee held boundary was not defined, but was sant St. Tel. 108-3 liflt week* permanent committees were supposed to extend to the Pacific coast s a in t e d to look after the different the distance not being known. Farms for Sale. & M m of entertainment, so that every- Early in 1607 the London Company In the Towns of Skowhegan, ||(f|,|rill be dona to provide for the •ent out an expedition headed by r• WWhen h You Smoke Norridgewock, Fairfield and ;V fljp flim a? feoee vieiting our town, Christopher Newport, consisting of one Smithfield in Somerset County. Smoke ...... t M il dote of tko celebration will hundred and twenty.five emigrants Let us know what you want. We Good Cigars Arrangement of Trains have it. ter two daye in the week of who intended to settle on Roanoke in Effect TRAVISS & TRAVISS, d t a y 119* when Arooetook County is Island, but while sailing North in 215 Norridgewock, Me. M U iE kit psottisot* the near retorts search of this Island, they were March 18,1907. Every smoker who wants to get the utmost enjoyment from i» fell swing* and many o f our caught in a storm and driven into his cigar expenditure owes it to himself to investigate with Pullman Car Service. •matte to get away at this Chespeak bay, discovering the James their many popular brands of GOOD Cigars each and Pullman Sleeping Car on train leaving i mock tailor than earlier or later River which they named after the Houlton at (5.10 p. m. and Boston at 7.00 p. m. King, and landed at Point Comfort every one of which is handed out in “ just right for smok­ A ll through trains run via Northern Maine ing’' condition. You will always find H A TH E W A Y CO. Junction. kadmlrks are gradually disap- which was named on account of its Commencing In. i until Apr. 30, '07 ‘mfn b Until further notice trains will leave it tkere are a goodly number wealth of flowers, and its natural CIG AR PRICES compare favorably with those charged Houlton as follows : elsewhere. 8 50 a ra— for and arriving at Island Falls SPECIAL LOW RATES •kftHimkkit* who ate always quietness. After resting here a few 9 50 a m, Patten 11 50 a m, Millinockett Second Class fe ON||mmt hack former residents, days, they continued up the liver forty 11 10 a m, Brownville 12 23 p m, Portland 0 00 p m, Boston 9.15 p nif To British Columbia and Pacific or fifty miles, where they chose a place i piraon whohss not been here 9 25 a m— for and arriving at Littleton 9 44 a Coast Points years, it is a pleasure to on an island or peninsular, and going in, Mars H ill 10 34 a in, Fort Fairfield 11 35 a m, Presque Isle n 10 a m, Caribou From Houlton Me. our place* of busi- ashore began the settlement o f James­ 11 45 a tu, V an Buren 115 p m. To Vancouver, B. C. J . C ° ' ae to drive over the town town, on May 13th. u HatheUiaV ll 25 a m—for and arriving at Smyrna Mills Victoria, B. C. 12 10 p m, Masardis 130 p m , Ashland New Westminster, B. C. tip many changes that have Among the number was John Smith, 2 00 p no. Portage 2 29 p m, Fort Kent Seattle & Tacoma, Wash. 4 15 p m who became quite a power in his deal­ o— — 0 J I Portland, Ore. 12 55 p m for and arriving at Bridgewater rrn \ Pk nn u (' tko eitimne of the town are ings with the Indians, who rather 1 51 p m Mars Hill and Blaine2 09 p m, « Presque Isle 2 45 pm, Caribou 3 15pm V „ , L 0 great fetereet in this event, resented the intrusions o f the white New Sweden 4 17 pm , Van Buren 510, J v o s s ia n a , ±>. G . p m, Fort Fairfield 3 1 0 p m , Limestone G r e e n w o o d , B . C . mo taking hold of the commit- men, and it was this same Smith whose 4 10 p m. j Midw ay, B. C. »•#' feat whoever plans life, tradition informs us was saved by 1 40 p m for and arriving at Island Falls |, ___ P rox p______o rtio n_ a te R a te s from and to fee week of Aug. 10* Pocahontas, the chieftan’s daughter. 2 42 p 111, Patten 3 40 p m, Millinockett o th er p o in ts. A ls o R a te s to points WILLIAM 4 05 pm , Brownville 517 p m, South in Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Montana « i ho emoted of a royal As was the history of ail of the Lagrange 0.09 p. 111. Stockton 8.05 p. m. C a lifo rn ia . Searsport 8.15 p. m. Bangor 7 25 p in, early colonies there was much suffering Portland 12 45 a. m. Boston 5 30 a m. For Full Particulars call on M. T. and privations but these were gradually TELL 3 35 p m — for and arriving at Smyrna Mills Pearson, Houlton Me., or write! W. 4 20 p m, Howe Brook 4 52 p m, Masardis B. HOWARD, D. P. A., C .P.1R., LU T ~ 1. V n 45 a in, Sherman 7 44 a m, Island Falls A number of desirable farms for 8 l l a m, Oakfield 8 32 a m, Ludlow 8 50 sale or rent. Also well located t e e Itoal oompaniee formed for t there is now a movement on foot to a in, New Lim erck 9 03 a in. wild lots in good towns and near 0 f etteattug in America, raise $15,000 to build a replica of 10 10 a m— leaving Ashland 7 35 a m, Masardis 8 00 a in, Smyrna Mills 9 15 a m, Ludlow railroad depot. Ail on easy terms. Oompany* organised In Longfellows* home, to advertise our 9 44 a in, New Limerick 9 54 a m. MADIGAN & MADIGAN. aad The Plymouth Company State. 12 50 p m— leaving Boston 10 00 p m, Portland 414 1 05 a m, Bangor 7 00 a m, Searsport D o you intend having ti.00 a m Stockton ti 10 a m, South Lagrange 8.14 a m Brownville 9 04 a m, FOR SALE. CHAS. E. DUNN'S COLUMNS. Millinockett 10 27 a m , Patten 9 55 a m , Island Falls 11 31 a m. One 5-horse power Gasolene A M O N U M E N T 1 33 p m— leaving Fort Fairfield 11 15 a m, Engine in good condition. Mmnere In Vermont. The deputy sheriff carries a long Caribou 11 15 am , Presque Isle 11 48 p m, Mars Hill and Blaine 12 23 p m GEO. H. TABER & CO. barrelled shotgun and keeps the tramps Erected this Season Bridgew ater 12 40 p m, Monticello 1 05 p Oar friends who fear that some one hustling. in. For Sale. If so call and get our prices. 3 00 p m—leaving Fort Kent 10 05 a m, Port­ k m fm g to get Into trouble If we at- Many o f the tramps have developed age 11 50 a m, Ashland 12 22 p m, Ludlow One 25 inch “ Undercut” paper cutter 2 34 p m, New Limerick 2 44 p m. tofept to work jail prisoner* in this blisters under the unaccustomed use ol in good working order. Apply to WE HAVE THE (3 05 p m— leaving V an Buren 2 15 p m, Fort T imes office. •fete should read the following item* the axe. Fairfield 3 45 p m, Caribou 3 50 p m, Pres­ LATEST DESIGNS que Isle 4 20 p m, Mars Hill and Blaine , This spring the tran.ps will be put to sipped hem a tingle issue of the Bos- and can give you the lowest prices 4 55 p 111, Bridgewater 5 14 p 111. FOR SALE. fell Heralds work on the roads which will be built s 10 p m— leaving Boston 8 00 a m, Portland consistant with Brownville 4 32 p in, Millinockett 5 50 A bargain in a 2-horse power praltfeboeo, YL* March 16, 1907. with the appropriation which was made p m, Patten (j 10 p m, Sherman (3 44 p m, Island Falls 7 10 p m. Gasolene Engine, but little used, Mt o f fee recent Legislature has by the last Legislature. FIRST-CLASS WORK. C K O . M. H O U G H T O N , Pass’r Traffic in good condition. Apply at Olflrisd consternation through the ranks If this news gets to the ears of the Manager. HOULTON « l thh famous Vermont division o f the National Brotherhood, Sons of Rest, W . M. B R O W N , General Superintendent. TIMES OFFICE. Bangor, Me., March 1(3, 1907. veterans of Coxie army. probably they will prefer to spend the Granite & Marble Works Nurse Girl Wanted. The first section o f the act provides summer at Newport, R. I., rather than A nurse girl to care for children Building, Monumental and Street W ork. T h e Times office is in a position to fegt any prisoner in the jail at New­ in the rock-ribbed state of Vermont. a p p ly to M r s . P. L . R i d e o u t , Quarry, Smyrna. Office & Works Houlton, Me. do your job printing in a neat and tasty t e k may be compelled to work 10 A ll officers have been instructed to (50’ S e h o o l S tr e e t. manner. hoars each working day either in the make as many arrests as possible un­ Girl Wanted. jsU or outside. der the law, in order that the “ work FARM—And saw mill for sale. A capable girl for general house­ Formerly the jail was a haven o f gang” may be increased to as many as f\foiieu of ftoreeloscira. Lumbermen look ; 1,600 acres, PERRIGO & FOSS work. Apply to M b s . L . B . S t u a r t . Met. There were all the luxuries that possible. 100 acres in grass, 1,500 acres Whereas, Malachi McCallan, of Fort Fail- field, in the County of Aroostook and State a tramp’ s heart could deeite— a warm heavily timbered, millions of feet ; of Maine, by his mortgage deed dated April 2, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. MILK FARM FOR SALE. hed, plenty to eat, and nothing to do Eleventh Annual Meeting O f The owner will include $1,000 of teams, 1902, , lk and . recorded .. ,, in .... the Aroostook , Registry • - - Prompt Attention Given to Collecting. 2 from city, 170 mwe-v dark rich loam, . • r \ of Deeds, Northern District, ill vol. 42, page clay .siil>'oil. cut- Jon ton- hay, 1500 cords hot play earde the livelong day. Now Christain Civic League At Waterville 40hor.se engine, 60 horse power 485, conveyed to Laura F. Trafton, of Lunc- wood can h<‘ sold. 0-mniii lions*-, ]00 foot Office Hours 8 to 12 : I to 5. March 19 and 20 boiler ; $ 5,0 0 0 down. Write. L- stone, in said County and State, the foliow- barn, nil good n-pair. pair horses. 15 head all is different. Sheriff Thompson took A P A V N F S k n w h p fj-u n M p 'U>«*d al estate situate in Caswell Telephone 2 - - 2 . stork, tools and improv.-d machinery A . r A G N L , D JC O W Iiegan, A l t ., p]antation, j„ sai(| r , mnty, to wit: — Lot thrown in for only $0.loo. prompt advantage of the opportunity A. B. KICK, IT Main St., Bangor, Me. R. F. D. 4 and 5 > Edwards Farm 1 numbered one hundred twenty-live (125), ac- OFFICE, French’s block, corner oflbred him under the law and set his This meeting was the largest and Agency, Portland, Me. cording to (hitter’s survey of Township Letter F, now said Caswell l'fantation, B»ing the Main and Mcchahic Sts. wards to work, even though they com- most enthusiastic of any meeting in the 4!6p same premises conveyed to said McCallan by ‘‘FIREPROOF SAFES” said Trafton, on April 2, 1902. Mars Hill Office Wednesday planed bitterly. League's history. The League has At Protect j our valuable books, papers, ete., with 123 ACRES $1800. Now, therefore, the condition of said mort­ and Thursday of each week. a fireproof Nab* at a small cost. W e sell a first For the past several weeks the pri- been in existence eleven years. It pub­ gage is broken, by reason whereof I Haim a class house combination safe delivered at jour 35 acres of this land Is In rich tillage, cut­ foreclosure of the same and give this notice station for only S 25.00. W e sell a first class eoners have been obliged to arise from lishes a monthly periodical which stands ting 50 tons of hay, 800 apple trees, pasture for that purpose. store or office safe delivered at jour R. K. fo r 15 cows, watered by never falling spring, Fort luiirlield, Maine, Mardi 28, Notice of Dissolution of Part­ their beds at dawn and work through for good officials in either party and abundance of wood and timber for hone station for only $38.00 Can you afford to be use and some to nt-ll. I 1-2 Mtory lions., of S L A U R A F. T R A F T O N , nership. without o n e W i t f i one of our standard fire­ fen weary day cutting wood. condemns bad officials in any party. rooms, with piazza, neatly painted, barn By her attorney, H ukhukt \V. T uai i w.s . proof safes your valuables are secure from tire 315 The co-partnership heretofore existing lav Sheriff Thompson created a deputy This periodical goes into four thousand 41x40, elapboarded walls and nice dry cellar, twtvii William L. McCee and .John N. and thieves. Write for cuts showing different woodshed and carriage house, abundant sizes and special low prices. 50 years in the supply of pure well water, only 1 1-2 miles Adams, l»oth of Houlton, has been dissolved ont of a farmer with a large amount of homes every month. It stands by good from stores, school, etc., near neighbors. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a Powder. by mutual consent. The property and good business. W e open and repair all makes of safes in any part of the State. Every safe wood to ent, and every day, when the officials and censures in no uncertain The owner has other business and to make will of the business has been transferred to quick sate is reduced to only $1,800, $1,000 It makes walking easy, (hires Corns, Mr. W . L. McGee, who assumes all the jruaranteed. weather it not too stormy, the jailbird* terms officers who violate their oath of down. A. B. RICE, 47 Main St., Bangor, Me, Bunions, In-growing Nails, Swollen ami liabilities against said firm and is authorized Sweating feet. A t all druggists and shoe to collect the debts due said firm. M , L Y N C H o CO. •wing axes as lustily as the cold com­ office. It believes in Maine’s Prohi- Stores, 25c. D on’t accept any substitute. Houlton, Me., March 18,1907. Sample Free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, j Safe Dealers & Safe Openers, pete them to do to keep warm. (CONTIKUED ON TAOS 5) The Aroostook Times one year $1.00 W ILLIAM L. M< GEE, LeRoy, N. Y. 415 JOHN N. ADAMS. 9 Park St., BANGOR, ME. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, April 17, 1907.

BmUm Trest Compaoj *** •J/*-*t* OF LOCAL INTEREST. MOULTON, ME.

CtoftaASurphis & Deposits Roger’s cold meat forks polished Cream and Gravy Ladles in Silver The Latest Styles •881,926.91 and gilt. At Jewett’s. Plate, and Sterling at Jewett’s. The Hon. W. J. Bryan will speak Mr. C. G. Ferguson, returned from AND in Bangor, April 30, 1907. a business trip to Boston, last week U. S. Club Ginger Ale at the Gold Moulded Cylinder Records at M V S S l-a H R OINT INTERES1 Kandy Kitchen. Nelson Bros.’ only 25 cents. Lowest Pricey. ON TIME DEPOSITS Auto Goggles for 1907 at Osgood’s. Mr. Fred Goud and wife of Fort No last year’s stock. Kent, spent Sunday in town, visit­ Jkmum tatofsst baring Certifl- Be sure and hear the New Records ing friends. m / m k 0B xiMIm poaite u m U a at Nelson Bros.’ store. There is no need to worry about E have just finished opening: Mr. E. M. Davis of Portage, was some one to beat the carpet, send it W thlneast of our Spring line, «jP **»*» Deposit Vaults. Private in town last week on business. to the Steam Laundry and have it ter Safe-keeping of ^Papers done thoroughly. and are now prepared to show to Come in and hear “ How Mat, got our many customers some of the Baenritles. the Mitten at Jewett’s. Of course you have heard of the a General Banking Business Paul Nadeau, an old Houlton boy “ Little Store with the Big Stock? smartest effects in the very latest who some years ago purchased the Well it pays to trade there. patterns and styles that were 'tfito Weeks farm in Oakfleld, was in Don’ t forget the breakfast at the ever placed upon the market. We r Aj cp a Houlton last week, on business. Congregational vestry, on May first. Make your plans to attend. make a specialty of clothing for « m nos d e p o s it o r s . Ice Cream and College Ices at the Kandy Kitchen. A can of paint will add more than young men as well as older ones, F. S. Wilcox of Mars Hill, was do­ the cost of it, to the woodwork of room or floor if bought at Fogg Co’s. and our line of Collegian cut gar­ «i,{» ing business in Houlton last week. They have a full assortment of ments is complete, so that the Vioe President Nelson Bros.’ stock of Pianos is colors. complete, call and see them. most particular man, be he young HMS P . Patnam, Trossorer. Call at Hagerman’s Piano Parlors Wedding Rings all styles and Walter P. Titoomb, Are’t Trees. and get your music. New and po or old can be sure to find just sizes at Osgood’s, Lowest Prices in pular songs all the time. Aroostook. what he wants at our store. TJit Lewiston Journal. A satisfied customer is a good - , Rugs, art squares, and any floor ^TBe Lewistom Weekly Journal, advertisment. You meet my adver- covering can be cleaned thoroughly tisments everywhere, Osgood, the oiotv* year, has one of the at the Steam Laundry, with their Jeweler. circulations among high Boston Varnish, Stainfloor, Jap-a- H&ts, Caps, [v Mr. Albert Donworth of Caribou, readers of any provincial Lac, and all kinds of Paint and had a number of important cases be­ r ji the United States, Varnish at Foggs. fore the S. J. Court, last week. •R'1 Boots a.nd Shoe./' a complete news and li- H. O. Perry of Fort Fairfield, past Something new in Bracelets right taper especially adapted to Commander of Maine G. A. R., was from the factory. At Jewett’s. We are in a position to fill this ii> town last week. E. S. Hopkins a prominent busi­ the plain people, the See our French Gray plated tea­ end of your outfit for this season, thefarmsides, the artisans, ness man of Fort Fairfield, was in spoon, looks like Sterling, and wears town last week. having a fine line of the latest werheie, wives, mothers and nearly as well, Jewett & Co. styles in Soft and Stiff Hats, Caps Our organisation of Hubert E. Smith will have your Don’t forget you can find the laundry done in Bangor, just as and headgear of all kinds as well and of Maine, in latest popular songs and Edison re­ cheap, you know. We ship every lor pews purposes, is cords, at Hagerman’s Piano Parlors. Tuesday. It returns Saturday. as a complete li e of Boots, and within corresponding The Palmer House of Patten, A. A. Hutchinson has recently in­ Shoes. which has been closed since last fall, stalled a new carpet cleaner for dry the United States, has opened again, under the man­ la lavish and is cleaning which will he in running agement of G. L. Foss. order after April 1, and is ready to I t he wise. Buy your Grass Seed of Almon take orders for that time. We are well known as regards the nobby styles that we carry in Neckwear, and our emplov several special H. Fogg Co. and get the best, which Mr. Sam E. Connor of the Lewis­ entire line of Gent’s Furnishings is up-to-date in every way, and it will do you good to who give dramatic atten- is the cheapest in the end, their seed ton Journal, is in town, reporting ctfll and look them over, even if you do not want to purchase. to the novel features and im- is the purest that can be bought. the Dickerson murder trial for his erents in the field of Pft)f. W. S. Knowlton, who was a paper. prominent member of the last legis­ 200 more Solid Gold Rings just iwp. These speeial news lature from his old home town Mon- always thoroughly well received direct from the factory. son, has resumed the principalship That’s the way Osgood buys rings , ate fertile history- of the Bridgewater High School. and you get the benefit. CLOUGH & TAGGETT in this State. Artemas M. Leavitt, one of The ladies of the Congregational Smyrna Mills’ prominent business church and society, served one of men, was in town on business Fri­ their delicious suppers in the vestry COMPLETE OUTFITTERS WASTED. day. on Tuesday evening, which was well private family by man We had a very pleasant call last attended. H O U L T O N , - in week from Mr. Clarence B. Burleigh MAINE. When cleaning house for the wile* Drop postal in care of of the Kennebec Journal, who was spring and summer its a good idea in Houlton on his way to Stockholm Time Office. to call at Fogg Co’s., and get a can with Mr. Allen Quimby, who is of Paint, or Varnish to brighten manager of the large mill in that up the furniture. f t aj# a^n • 'J * a^M Slaughtering. place. Mr. Geo. Hiscock, a former resi­ The walking is had, go at once to to Inform thepnblio that I dent of Fort Fairfield^ has recently Jewett’s witli your repair work. nptbs slaughterhouse purchased the Freeman Hiscock Then you know it is right. h f Drolefc A Terrill and N o t ic e o f F ir s t M e e t in g o f C r e d it o r s farm, on the Foxcroft road, and we Miss Annie Hughes, the popular a general slaughtering welcome Mr. Hiscock and his family teacher in the Pleasant street school, In the District Court of the United States for the District of Maine, in Bankruptcy. to our town. has been obliged to resign her posi­ In the matter of ) C . H . L a BELL. That Houlton will have her share tion on account of ill health, and Julius C. Nason, > In Bankruptcy. tea Miss Merrill, a graduate of the Pres­ Bankrupt. ) of automobiles this season, was T o the creditors of Julius C. Nason, Pure Wilkes 2.17 1-2 plainly shown ond day last week, que Isle Normal school, class of of Crystal, in the county of Aroostook and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. when O. B. Buzzell received a Jack- 1906, is engaged to finish out the Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day Sire of Shamrock 2.19 1-4. Doctor 2 16 1-2. Jay tANKRUPTS PETITION FOR son touring car, Dr. Nickerson a year. of April, A . I). 1907, the said Julius C. Nason DISCHARGE. was duly adjudicated bankrupt ; and Wilkes 2.26 1-4. Prue 2.21 3-4. Pure B 2.30 Ford runabout, and W. F. Buzzell a J. M Dysart, who has been doing that the first meeting of his creditors will be Reo touring car, three in one day. a general merchandise business in held at the office of Edwin L. Vail in Houlton, and other fast ones. •JMana. i«jsw the Dykeman store near the B. & A., on the 4th day of May, A . I). 1907, at Sired by Red Wilkes, he by the famous George w nsm sa / Farmers have you seen the im­ 10 o’clock in the foienoon, at which time the _ Judes of the Dfo* proved Evans Potato Planter for depot has sold his building to John said creditors may attend, prove their claims, Wilkes. Dow Purity by Brignoli, by Mambrino shed States for the N. Adams, who will continue the appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, ana 1907 ? If not go at once to R. L transact such other business as may properly Chief. agricultural implement business at Turney Co’s., Houlton, Me., or J. come before said meeting. Pure Wilkes is a bay stallion 16 hands high, E. Tarbell, Smyrna Mills, or S. C. the former stand. Mr. Dysart has EDWIN L. VAIL, purchased the Frye farm in Robin­ Referee in Bankruptcy. weighs around 1,200 lbs. and is a horse of great the 90th Spratt Island Falls, or J. M. Foster Dated at Houlton, April 15, 1907. was duly Monticello and examine them, and son, and has moved his family to style and beauty. Aots In Bankruptcy. Calais St.. 1 mile out of Houlton. bankruptcy. The latest railroad story afloat in Court street, Thursday evening, h i prats, That he may Bankrupt. ) Fee $12.00 to warrant. Oourt to have a toll dis* Maine is a line from Princeton to when there was an official inspection T o the creditors of Thomas L. Bell, of provable against hlsee- Houlton, this was started in tele­ by Manning S. Campbell, grand Houlton, in the County of Aroos­ nptcv Acts, except such took, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. by law from such dis- graphic dispatches from Water- captain general of the Grand Com- Notice is hereby given that on the ville, and if put through will niandery of Maine. A banquet was 13th day of April, A . D. 1907. the said U A. G. Merritt, Owner. ^ April, A. D., Thomas L. Bell was duly adjudicated be a great benefit to Houlton, served at the close of the work. bankrupt; and that the first meeting of DUNCAN M. JONES, as well as to the citizens in the The appointments for commence­ his creditors will be held at the office B E I g f g l l Bankrupt. of Edwin L. Vail in Houlton, on the 4th country that it is planned to go ment, at Ricker Classical Intstitute day of M ay, A . 1). 1907, at 10 o’clock or NOTICE THEREON through, but when it comes to taking were made Tuesday morning as fol­ in the forenoon, at which time the lows: lien worth R. Rogers of Bel­ said creditors may attend, prove their claims, one half the freight that now goes appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and or Maims, b s . o f April, A. D. 1907, over the B. & A., we can hardly see fast, valedictorian ; Annie Emeline transact such other business as may properly i h (m itlO Q , I t IS*— how they get it, as Houlton’s part of Oliver of Cary, salutatorian; John come before said meeting. EDWIN L. VAIL, ST I I I Court, That a hearing Baptiste Pelletier of Van Buren, the aaroe on the 3rd the freight is a small part of the Referee in Bankruptcy. 1907, before said whole, and certainly the B. & A., class orator; Louise Newcomb Buz­ Dated at Houlton, April 15, 1907. said District, will not be disposed to turn over zell of Houlton, class historian; Ray forenoon; and ■olios tteroof be published " in freight which they carry them­ Wood Hogan, Monticello, class pro­ Times, a newspaper printed selves. phet. FOR SALE and that all known creditors Thu latest thing in Postal Denatured Alcohol ‘ parsonsIn interest, may appear at That Valuable Farm, containing tins and pkoe, and show cause, U Cards, made of silk, ami so b m whythepreyerof said petition- Four acres (400) more or less, 15 p er c e n t, w o o d m a k i n g it __ a d be granted. situate near Bloomfield Corner in put up that they can tic sent suitable for external use, or IT IS FURTHER ORDERED BY THE The Henry & S. G. the County of Carleton, formerly in through tin1 mails. They any purpose that grain alco­ c m , H a l tot Clerk shalli send by mall mb erofifors copies of said petokm Lindeman, the Per­ the occupation of JAMES SHER- make a very unh|im Sofa hol is used for excepting order, addressed to them at their RARI). internally. residence is stated. _ _ , Pillow or can he used for dec­ For terms and further particulars Its ideal for chafing dishes the Bonorohle Clarence Hale, fect Inner Player orations in (litferent ways, staid Court, and the seal thereof, apply to the undersigned at Wood- or any heating purposes. s|15rth»nd, In said District, on the 13th day stock, N. B. and we invite yon to call and Come in and we will tell you f l April, A . D. 1907. ^ Piano. Worthy oft tLsTj JAMES K. HEWEY, Clerk. s e c th em .* all about it. A true copy of petition and order thereon. your Investigation. M ARC A RET SH ERRARI), Attest: JAMES E. HEW EY. Clerk. JANE SHERRARI). 4 i7 H. J. HflTHEWflV COMPANY Public Stenographer FOR SALE Standard Liniment Depot Shorthand and Typewriting of For Hatching Purposes, Big nil kind done at the office of the Brown Eggs from Barred Rock American Agricultural and Chem Geo. A. Hagerman, Hens. leal Co* in the Frisbie Block. MRS. C. J. McCREADY, Hiss Blanohe Dyer 3IE BLOCK. R. P\ D. No. 4 Houlton, Me. Aroostook Times $1.00 per Year. .3*7 417P 8 The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, April 17, 1907

has two ieet, is it not a clear proposit­ State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ion that the value of the latter land is Lucas County. ss. • a « i Frank J. Cheney makes oath that very much greater. Now, I don’ t be­ he is senior partner of the firm of F. lieve we want to lay tile in these soils J. Cheney 7, at 8.8o in the evening. not query why his crop is so big after day he ventured out. A soldier, with BOSTON FRUIT &. PROD. EXCHANGE. .J. A . BROWNE, Secy. Whan they cease to be proflt- fertilizer is added and so small when it a bayonet on his gun, captured Barry­ BOSTON MARKET CREDIT ASSOCIATION. f | i g dispose of them, but keep them has been cropped out. Let me suggest more and compelled him to pile bricks Reference, Fourth National Bank. jt t t aa long as the yield is satisfac- to the owner of such lands that he dig for two days. NOTICE. m y —Exchange. and observe to what depth plant roots Barrymore was telling of his terrible The annual im-eting of the Moulton Water penetrate. If a foot finds the limit of experiences in the Lambs Club in New Co., will !>e held at the Company's office in Feeding Lambs. Ihe Fogg block on Wednesday, April 17, l!)u7, root growth decide at once that plant York. at 7.8o o'clock in the evening. growth will depend upon the available “ Extraordinary,” commented Augus­ 214 J. A . B R O W N E , Secy. WK ARE NOT .... 1* feeding, beet results are usually fertility frequently added. Tiling sure­ tus Thomss, the playwright. “ It from beginning to feed a grain ly won’ t remove the necessity for fer­ took a convulsion of Nature to make when the young lamb* ere about EASTERN STEAMSHIP CO. tilizers, but if a plant is in one case li­ Jack take a bath, and the United $ week or ten days olid. Adjoining or WINTER REDUCED RA TES. BLOWING lt ited to a foot of soil and in another States Army to make him go to work.” fat the sheep barn there should be an Bangor, Hampden, Winterport or Bucks-iort to Boston £ 2..*o apartment where the lambs may be fed KtTective to March 81, inn;. \hemaelvss. It should be separated when we claim that we furnish Commencing Monday, Mar. 25, 1 ‘ m>7, steam­ the apertment where the breeding ers leave Winterport at l<> a. m., Bueksport at more for the money, and a better 12 m., Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and locks ere kept* by a lamb-creep, Saturdays for Searsport, Belfast, Camden, quality than any other establish Enough which the old sheep cannot Rockland and Boston. i|N ea. Lemba will always do better if RETURNINC tnent in Aroostook Countv. 'life feeding room, separated from the I .wive Boston at 5. no P. NT., Mondays, Dwtnell Wright Co’s. Tuesdays. 'Thursdays and Fridays. Mttin flock, is large enough so that they Leave Rockland at 5.80 A. M ., or on ar­ tttl ipend e Urge part of their time by rival of steamer from Boston, 'Tuesdays, Wed­ nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, via way THE HOULTON IViUSIC STORE themselves. landings. All cargo, except live stock, via the steamers of this Company, is insured against tire and A. E. Astle, Prop. P. S. Berrie, Mgr. The Sow end Her Little Ones. marine risk. COFFEES ILT. SANBORN, Agent, Bangor, Me. The tow with pigs should be fed but < AND > Lamson & Hubbard little Corn during the first few weeks W hy send your hfter farrowing, and preferably not for money away for e month or so before, aaya a writer in SPICES Kpitomist. It ia much better to give bet slop made of ahorta, a little oil may be purchased by the careful housewife with Sewing angel end milk, with e smell quantity of salt added. This prevents her from PERFECT CONFIDENCE Machines Do It Now. beeoming too fat, gives her more When you can buy the best in 'The above should In* t lie motto of strength end desire for exercise, and for they are STR ICTLY HONEST HOODS. every wide-awake person especially your own Town direct from the when the pigs are large enough to try in obtainng an education. O f the coffees “WHITE HOUSE” stands at to eat, it furnishes additional nourish­ maker at as low prices and on Our courses of study are so ar­ ment and gives them a good thrifty the head, of course ; everybody admits that i but better terms. ranged that you can enter at any •tart; especialy so if they have access other popular brands, like EXCELSIOR and t inie. Day and evening classes. to plenty of water. Prior to their “ROYAL HIGH GRADE” are very pleas­ Jas. A. S. Findlay, O. A. Hodgins, Prin., Houlton, Me. Spring Styles birth, Che sow should have the se­ ing to many tastes. Then, too, the lirm| puts up clusion of quarters where she will be FOR SALE BY 40 OTHER BRANDS — surely enough to suit ■AGENT owey from all exciting influences. Mary— Dark circles under the eyes g FRIEDMAN & CO. There, given plenty of strew, she will anybody and everybody. 57 Spring St. Houlton. indicate a sluggish circulation, torpid — liver and Kidneys. Exercise and Med no further assistance ia preparing PARKER’S Hollister’s Rocky Mountain lea will HAIR BALSAM Cleans'1* and l.eaut.fie* the Hair, her bed. Hence, ea fef as possible, make you well and beautiful. 35 cents, l'-un.otea a iiix-iriant growth. N^vcr Pails to Restore Gray •he should be Ufl alone and after the Tea or Tablets. K or to its Youthful Colo.-.' Most women find trouble in igetting spices that PHOTOGRAPHS Cures sra.p disrates & huir tulliug. pigs come she should ftet be molested R o b e r t J. C o c h r a n . SOc, and $ 1.0U at Druggists for twenty-foul houte. Afief that feed really flavor. The trouble is that the average her lightly fol the first wseh, for the spices of the stores are not up to the right standard Look for the new Studio most pait on green food wnd slops. By of quality. in the Houlton Savings SALE of STOCK. using st'eculsnt food, inslnding some Bank Block. ell meal, it is seldom that any medicine BUY Entrance near Buz/.eH’s Furni­ U required. In summer the quantity a * *9 ture Store. Look for the sign upon of aueculent food, of couras, ia unlimit­ It is the desire of die Aroostook Telephone and Telegraph Company to place in the hands corner of building. of its subscribers and to her citizens of Aroostook County, shares of its Capital Stock. ed. but this may be substituted very and your spice trouble will be at an end— for they The Aroostook Company is organized under the laws of the State of Maine and is carrying well in winter with loots. Indeed, it Call when in town. on a pros porous business. It plans in the future to extend its service and thoroughly develop is rare that sows fed liberally on these are T H E R E A L T H IN G — as honest as the day is the telephone business throughout the County on sound business principles and at reasonable rates. will fail to farrow suocesafolly and long— full flavored and pungent. For particulars regarding selling price of stock, etc., address the following resident directors: afford ell the nourishment that the F. C. NEALEY, T. II. THAI R, Presque Isie, F. F. SPEAR. Limestone, young pigs need. The object bear in L. E. TUTTLE, Caribou, E. T. McGLAUFLIN, Presque Isle, h o u l t o n , mind. Is to keep them in good growing MAINE. C. A. POWERS, K,.rt Fairfield, or U 3 . i d .A C K , General Manager, Houlton,Maine