The order passed by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Dinesh Kumar Singh, JAD-I and Hon'ble Mr.Justice Hemant Kr. Srivastava,JAD-II, on the mentioning slips filed by Ld. Counsels through [email protected]

Mentioning matters regarding filing of fresh cases:

Sl.No. Name of Adv./ Name of Nature of Reasons for Remarks Ph.No. Party Case Mentioning 10.9.2020 1. Rajesh Kr Satrudhan Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Pathak Singh (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9431075369 through e- portal 2. Rajesh Kr Baldau Cr. Misc For quashing. To be Pathak Singh Petitioner is in Filed 9431075369 jail through e- portal 3. Raju Kr Dilip Cr. Misc Bail matter To be 9304741053 Paswan & Filed Anr through e- portal 4. Raju Kr Satrughan Cr. Misc Bail matter To be 9304741053 Manjhi & Filed Ors through e- portal 5. Ashok Kr. Sonu Kr Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9525872632 (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 6. Ashok Kr. Hari Singh IA in Cr. In custody To be 9525872632 App Filed 356/2015 through e- (DB) portal 7. Pushpendra Kr Gautam Kr Cr. Misc In custody To be Singh (R. Bail) Filed 7903909029 through e- portal 8. Pushpendra Kr Lalan Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Singh Sharma & (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 7903909029 Anr through e- portal 9. Pushpendra Kr Raj Mangal Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Singh Rai (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 7903909029 through e- portal 10. Pushpendra Kr Raja Kr Cr. Misc In custody To be Singh (R. Bail) Filed 7903909029 through e- portal 11. Pushpendra Kr Chandan Cr. Misc In custody To be Singh Kr. (R. Bail) Filed 7903909029 through e- portal 12. Pushpendra Kr Amit Kr Cr. Misc In custody To be Singh (R. Bail) Filed 7903909029 through e- portal 13. Birendra Kr Raj Kr Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 6200636858 Manjhi (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 14. Birendra Kr Indal Yadav Cr. App (SJ) In custody To be 6200636858 @ Indradeo SC/ST Act Filed Yadav through e- portal 15. Birendra Kr Bikash Kr Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 6200636858 (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 16. Vinay Kr Udesh Kr Cr. Misc Token No. not To be Mishra Yadav provided till Filed 9835490350 date through e- portal 17. Vinay Kr Vinay Singh Cr. Misc Token no. not To be Mishra provided till Filed 9835490350 date through e- portal 18. Nil Kamal Laljee Ram Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9431043834 (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 19. Nil Kamal Kanhaiya Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9431043834 Turha & (A. Bail) of arrest Filed Ors through e- portal 20. Nil Kamal Avnish Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9431043834 Dubey (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 21. Nil Kamal Vinod Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9431043834 Pandey (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 22. Nil Kamal Anish Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9431043834 Dubey (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 23. Sharda Nand Saroj Jha & Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Mishra Ors (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9430450915 through e- portal 24. Sharda Nand Md. Sanjeer Cr. Misc In custody To be Mishra (R. Bail) Filed 9430450915 through e- portal 25. Sharda Nand Md. Cr. Misc In custody To be Mishra Saddam (R. Bail) Filed 9430450915 Main through e- portal 26. Leelawati Sajan Kr Cr. Misc In custody To be Kumari Gupta (R. Bail) Filed 9835274022 through e- portal 27. Leelawati Anil Cr. Misc In custody To be Kumari Paswan (R. Bail) Filed 9835274022 through e- portal 28. Leelawati Tuntun Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Kumari Paswan & (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9835274022 ors through e- portal 29. Leelawati Bhim Singh Cr. Misc In custody To be Kumari (R. Bail) Filed 9835274022 through e- portal 30. Nawal Kishor Shashi Kr. LPA Dismissal from To be Singh Singh service Filed 9431677772 through e- portal 31. Ranjan Kr Jha Akhilesh Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9006547603 Yadav (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 32. Ranjan Kr Jha Nishant Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9006547603 Singh & (A. Bail) of arrest Filed Anr through e- portal 33. Kameshwar Rahul Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Singh Paswan (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9304042572 through e- portal 34. Suraj Bansh Ishwar Kr Cr. Misc In custody To be Roy (R. Bail) Filed 9431086886 through e- portal 35. Arun Kr Rajesh Kr CWJC Matter relates To be filed 9431877221 to recovery of on email-id money and efiling.phc- initiation of [email protected] departmental proceedings against the petitioner 36. Ranjeet Raunak Cr. WJC Petitioner has To be Chaubey been falsely Filed 9973024280 implicated in through e- the case portal 37. Abhishek Anand Md. CWJC For quashing To be 9771402750 Shawjahan the order of Filed Ansari DCLR dated through e- 20.7.2020 portal 38. Arjun Pd. Shiva Cr. Misc In custody To be 9122090038 Mahton (R. Bail) Filed through e- portal 39. Avinash Uday Yadav Cr. Misc In custody To be 9431094734 (R. Bail) Filed through e- portal 40. Prashant Kr Tetra Devi Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9582941399 (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 41. Prabhat Kr Ganga PIL Strike by civic To be filed 9835629365 Sagar staff of on email-id Upadhayay Municipal efiling.phc- Corporation [email protected] 42. Avanish Kr Internationa CWJC Extension in To be Singh l Business affiliation Filed 9431080088 College pending with through e- the State Govt. portal 43. Prakash Manis IA in Cr. In custody To be Chandra Jha Ranjan App (SJ) Filed 9835213240 353/2017 through e- portal 44. Praveen Kr Aquila Cr. Misc In custody To be 9431411423 Khatoon (R. Bail) Filed through e- portal 45. Navjot Yeshu Sahid LPA Termination To be 9934227714 Ahmed Filed through e- portal 46. Arvind Kr Radhey Cr. Misc Modification To be filed Pandey Shyam on email-id 9470834684 Paswan efiling.phc- [email protected] 47. Shekhar Kr Suvlesh Kr Cr. Misc In custody To be Singh (R. Bail) Filed 9939608952 through e- portal 48. Swapnil Kr Dhananjay Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Singh Kr Singh (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9934765641 through e- portal 49. Ranjan Kr Madhukar Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Sharma Sharma & (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9835011595 Anr through e- portal 50. Awadhesh Pd Dharmraj Cr. Misc In custody To be Sinha Kr (R. Bail) Filed 9472941110 through e- portal 51. Bipin Bihari Pushpa CWJC Land matter To be Singh Devi with State Govt Filed 8877241292 through e- portal 52. Mrityunjay Kr Ashish Kr Cr. Misc In custody To be 9470484249 (R. Bail) Filed through e- portal 53. Naresh Kr Shambhu Cr. Misc In custody To be Mehta Kr (R. Bail) Filed 9835623379 through e- portal 54. Kumar Anish Raj Cr. App I.A. To be Praveen 1200/201 application Filed 9835467009 7 (DB) for through e- suspension portal of sentence and for the release of appellant on bail during the pendency of the present criminal appeal 55. Dhananjay Jugal Kr. PIL Permission To be Kr. Pandey Singh of filing PIL Filed 9199649522 through e- portal 56. Arjun Prasad Bipin Kr. I.A. In Cr. I.A. for bail To be 9430015598 App. No. Filed 250/2017 through e- (SJ) portal 57. Rakesh Kr. Life Line The To be filed Sharma Gas Plant CWJC No. petitioner is on email-id 9430015598 3581/201 ready to pay efiling.phc- 7 the amount [email protected] for which petitioner’s property has been auctioned and Bank has taken possession. 58. Jai Prakash Bihari Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Singh Choudhar (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9431454534 y through e- portal 59. Arvind Kr. Anshu Kr. Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Sinha (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 6204747826 through e- portal 60. Jitendra Kr. Shashi Cr. Misc. modification To be filed Pandey Bhusan (A.Bail) on email-id 9430920841 Tiwary efiling.phc- [email protected] 61. Shanti Bikki Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Bhushan Singh (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed Singh through e- 7739600310 portal 62. Lilawati Brajesh Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Singh Yadav (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 7301007434 through e- portal 63. Sanjay Kr. Dablu Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Singh Singh (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9431222866 through e- portal 64. Sanjeev Kr. Erum and Cr. Misc. The mother To be Mishra Ors. (A.Bail) in law and Filed 9835068340 father in law through e- are having portal too many diseases who are not in a position to surrender before the court if their bail application is allowed. 65. Ravindra Kr. GaganDe CWJC Release of To be filed Singh v Ray Vehicle on email-id 0943132248 efiling.phc- 2 [email protected] 66. Surendra Golu Kr. Cr. Misc. In custody To be Prasad Gupta (R.Bail) since Filed 9934089255 16.05.2020 through e- portal 67. Ram Shankar Binay Kr. CWJC For payment To be filed Das Mandal of monthly on email-id 9431420813 pension who efiling.phc- retired since [email protected] 31.10.2018 from the post of B.E.EO only GPF paid, not paying pension. 68. Shivendra Kr. Sanjay I.A. in Cr. I.A. for bail To be Sinha Mandal App No. Filed 9334062685 2606/201 through e- 9 (SJ) portal 69. Shivendra Kr. Shanti Cr. Misc. In custody To be Sinha Devi (R.Bail) since Filed 9334062685 04.06.2020 through e- portal 70. Shivendra Kr. Md. Cr. Misc. In custody To be Sinha Sarfarazz (R.Bail) since Filed 9334062685 udin 25.09.2018 through e- portal 71. Ajay Kr. Vijay Kr. Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Singh No .1 Yadav (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9304190544 through e- portal 72. Syed. Chandan Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be RigwanulHaq Kr. (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed ue through e- 9905496001 portal 73. Syed. Pursotta Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be RigwanulHaq m Singh (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed ue @ through e- 9905496001 Purushott portal am Singh 74. Vijay Jagannat Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be BardhanPand h Chamar (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed ey through e- 8210203474 portal 75. AshishGiri Om CWJC For quashing To be 9709555575 Prakash the said FIR Filed Dhanuka through e- and Anr. portal 76. AnkitKatriar Anand Cr. Writ The senior To be filed 9955995580 Kishore Petition citizen on email-id Prasad Advocate is efiling.phc- Sinha being [email protected] harassed by a local strongman with the help of anti- social elements, and there is mortal danger to his and his family members’ life. 77. Lilawati Mukesh Cr. Misc. In custody To be Singh Kr. And (R.Bail) Filed 7301007434 Ors. through e- portal 78. BijayBhusha Munna CWJC Release of To be filed n Prasad Kumar Vehicle on email-id 9934262647 efiling.phc- [email protected] 79. AjitRanjan Abhishek Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Kumar Kumar (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9934772141 and Anr. through e- portal 80. Md. Irshad KartikMa Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be 9572288971 ndal and (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed Ors. through e- portal 81. Vikas Kr. Kamalpur CWJC Matter To be 9334334711 a relates to Filed Construct refund of through e- ion Pvt. GST for work portal Ltd. executed by the petitioner. 82. Sanjay Kr. Niraj Kr. Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Singh (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9431222866 through e- portal 83. Virendra Kr. Noor Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be 9006493700 Alam (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed through e- portal 84. Prashant Kr. Nalanda CWJC No. I.A. has To be filed 9939608657 Teachers 8493- been filed to on email-id Training 2019 restrain the efiling.phc- College order of [email protected] NCTE and the affiliation of the institution, continuing since 2012 85. Md. Imteyaz Not I.A. in Cr. I.A. filed for To be Ahmad legible App. (DB) suspension Filed 9386416816 No. of sentence through e- 1355/201 portal 9 86. BrisketuShar M/s I.A. in I.A. for stay To be filed anPandey Bharti CWJC EC- of recovery on email-id 9430887359 Infratel BRHC99- notice which efiling.phc- Ltd. 13108- has been [email protected] 2020 issued by department after filing the writ application. 87. Anita Kumari Pramod I.A. in Cr. I.A. for bail To be Singh Mandal App. Filed 9431617670 1445/201 through e- 9 (SJ) portal 88. Anita Kumari Rahul Cr. Misc. In custody To be Singh Kumar (R.Bail) since Filed 9431617670 01.06.2020 through e- portal 89. Virendra Kr. Ramishw Cr. Misc. In custody To be 9006493700 ar Ram (R.Bail) Filed through e- portal 90. Sanjeev Kr. Sanjay CWJC Release of To be filed Mishra Mandal Vehicle on email-id 9835068340 efiling.phc- [email protected] 91. Shanti Sanjeet CWJC Release of To be filed Bhushan Kr. Vehicle on email-id Singh efiling.phc- 7739600310 [email protected] 92. Rina Sinha Saurav Cr. Misc. In custody To be 9431426491 Kr. @ (R.Bail) Filed Lalbabu through e- portal 93. Praveen Kr. Aquila Cr. Misc. In custody To be 9431411423 Khatoon (R.Bail) since Filed 11.09.2019 through e- portal 94. Shanti Sweta CWJC Release of To be filed Bhushan Kumari vehicle on email-id Singh efiling.phc- 7739600310 [email protected] 95. Aprajita Kamlesh Cr. Misc Apprehensio To be 6388287657 Kr (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed through e- portal 96. Rajendra Abdul Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Prasad Sah Samed (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed 9431445406 through e- portal 97. Rajendra Suman Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Prasad Sah Yadav @ (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9431445406 Suman (POCSO since through e- Kumar Act) 26.04.2018 portal Yadav 98. Sunil Kumar Kanhai CWJC Petitioners To be Singh Lal Yadav are retired Filed 9430067954 and Civil Court through e- another employees portal being deprived of their legal entitlements . 99. Sunil Kumar Himansh I.A. in I.A. to bring To be filed Singh u CWJC No. on record on email-id 9430067954 Shekhar 7632 of the efiling.phc- Shukla @ 2020 subsequent [email protected] Himansh developmen u ts. (During Shekhar pendency of Shukl the instant writ, the petitioner has been dismissed from the post unilaterally) 100. Satya Ram Cr. Apprehensio To be Prakash Narayan Appeal n of arrest Filed 8986125185 Tiwari (S.J.) (A. through e- and Bail) portal others (SC/ST Act) 101. Satya Md. Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Prakash Rahim (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed 8986125185 (Arms through e- Act) portal 102. Satya Sonu CWJC TATA ACE of To be filed Prakash Kumar the on email-id 8986125185 Prasad @ petitioner efiling.phc- Sonu has been [email protected] Kumar seized. 103. Rohit Kumar Md. Belal R. Bail Petitioner is To be Sharma (Excise in custody Filed 7870939757 Act) since through e- 28.08.2020. portal 104. Niranjan Aman Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Kumar Kumar @ (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed 9199527423 Aman Raj through e- portal 105. Yugal Kishore Raushan Cr. Misc. Petitioner To be 8271867733 Sharma & (R. Bail) are in Filed anr custody through e- portal 106. Not given Gopal EC- Petitioner is To be Kumar BRHC99- in custody Filed 10548- (Token through e- 2020 (R. number not portal Bail) yet issued) 107. Pramod Biresh Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Verma Kumar (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9835427885 through e- portal 108. Pramod Subodh Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Verma Sahni (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9835427885 since through e- 21.08.2020. portal 109. Pramod Kaushal Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Verma Rai (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9835427885 since through e- 23.06.2020. portal 110. Pramod Rupesh Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Verma Kumar @ (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9835427885 Teni since through e- 18.08.2020. portal 111. Alok Kumar Md. Sajid Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Alok (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9334149971 (Excise since through e- Act) 05.06.2020. portal 112. Alok Kumar Ashok Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Alok Kumar (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9334149971 (NDPS since through e- Act) 28.07.2020. portal 113. Jitendra Vinod CWJC For release To be filed Kumar Singh Chaudhar (D.B.) of vehicle on email-id 9973629597 i efiling.phc- [email protected] 114. Harun Kundan R. Bail Petitioner is To be Quareshi Sah in custody Filed 9304838589 through e- portal 115. Harun Bachu R. Bail Petitioner is To be Quareshi Prasad @ in custody Filed 9304838589 Netajee through e- portal 116. Shekhar Suvlesh Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Singh Kumar (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9939698952 through e- portal 117. ArunKumal Pinka A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mandal Mandal n of arrest Filed 9430928446 through e- portal 118. Nakul Kumar Prema Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Jamuar Devi (R. Bail) a lady and Filed 9334040462 (Arms she is in through e- Act) custody portal since long. 119. Nakul Kumar Mukesh R. Bail Petitioner is To be Jamuar Mahto a man of Filed 9334040462 clean through e- antecedent portal and due to relative of the other co- accused, he has falsely been implicated. 120. Nakul Kumar Pinki Devi A. Bail Petitioners To be Jamuar and are ladies Filed 9334040462 another and due to through e- previous portal enmity with their families, they have falsely been implicated. 121. Nakul Kumar Navin R. Bail The accused To be Jamuar Kumar petitioner is Filed 9334040462 Sharma the only through e- earning portal member of his family and due to his custody since long, all the family members are living from hand to mouth. 122. Rananjay Hari A. Bail Apprehensio To be Kumar Kishore n of arrest Filed 9835404482 Sarraf @ through e- Hari portal Kishore Sah 123. RajiveRanjan Punit A. Bail Apprehensio To be Singh Manjhi n of arrest Filed 9430600391 and through e- others portal 124. Sharda Nand Shunya Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Mishra Lata Das (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed 9430450915 @ Sunita (Token through e- Das number not portal yet given) 125. Sharda Nand Basudev Cr. Misc. Petitioners To be Mishra Das @ (R. Bail) are in Filed 9430450915 Vasudev custody through e- Das and since portal another 20.03.2020. ((Token number not yet given)) 126. Sharda Nand Vishwana CWJC Salary To be filed Mishra th Prasad matter on email-id 9430450915 Yadav efiling.phc- [email protected] 127. Narsingh Kartis Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Tanti Tanti (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed 9199427613 through e- portal 128. Narsingh Vinod Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Tanti Yadav (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed 9199427613 through e- portal 129. Umesh Kishori CWJC Petitioner’s To be filed Kumar Paswan house has on email-id 9431830267 been efiling.phc- constructed [email protected] under the scheme of Indira Awas Yojana on the Aam Gairmajarua land he is residing in the house since 30 years along with his family members but the C.O., Hulasganj issued notice to vacate the land. 130. Md. Anis MannuGir Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Akhtar i @ (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9835081149 MonuGiri through e- portal 131. Md. Anis Md. Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Akhtar Amjad Ali (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9835081149 (IT Act) through e- portal 132. Santosh Chandras CWJC For vacation To be filed Kumar hekhar of premises on email-id Pandey Prasad or efiling.phc- 9430002385 Garg enhanceme [email protected] nt of rental amount as per agreement. 133. Santosh Rohini Raj Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Kumar (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed Pandey (lady) through e- 9430002385 portal 134. Santosh Vikash Cr. Misc. Petitioners To be Kumar Kumar (R. Bail) are in Filed Pandey Bharti custody through e- 9430002385 and portal others 135. RanvijayNara Rana Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be in Singh Pratap (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9430951895 Singh since through e- 26.02.2020. portal 136. Aprajita Baliram A. Bail Apprehensio To be 6388287657 Gupta n of arrest Filed through e- portal 137. Jitendra Jiwan Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Bharti Kumar (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9472317983 Yadav (Arms since through e- Act) 23.05.2020 portal 138. Manish Anuj R. Bail Petitioner is To be Chandra Mahto in custody Filed Gandhi since through e- 9852475451 03.06.2020 portal 139. Satya Ram CWJC Petitioners To be filed Prakash Janam seeks on email-id 8986125185 Paswan direction efiling.phc- and 142 upon [email protected] other respondents for extending the benefit of old Pension Scheme (GPF) instead of contributory Pension Scheme (CPF) to the petitioners as the candidates appointed in pursuance of same Advertiseme nt No. 02/2004 are getting benefit of old Pension Scheme (GPF) and several identical cases have been allowed by different benches of this Hon’ble Court. 140. Shanti Nirbhay A. Bail Apprehensio To be Bhusan Kumar n of arrest Filed Singh through e- 7739600310 portal 141. Shanti Pankaj A. Bail Apprehensio To be Bhusan Rai and n of arrest Filed Singh another through e- 7739600310 portal 142. Shanti Rakesh A. Bail Apprehensio To be Bhusan Kumar n of arrest Filed Singh and through e- 7739600310 another portal 143. Gautam Ramendr R. Bail (Petitioner is To be Kumar Yadav a Kumar (Excise in custody Filed 9708215824 Yadav Act) since through e- 24.07.2020 portal 144. Shanti Sakal A. Bail Petitioner is To be Bhusan Sahni in custody Filed Singh since long through e- 7739600310 portal 145. Sanjeev Sanjay CWJC Selection & To be filed Kumar Singh Kumar Appointment on email-id 9835061709 and matter efiling.phc- others [email protected] 146. Ugranath Eknath Cr.W.J.C. Petitioner is To be Mallik Pathak Principal in Filed 9430965545 M.R.D. Inter through e- College, portal snf wants to file a Criminal Writ for quashing 5 P.S. Cases instituted against him. 147. Praveen Md. Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Kumar Minhaz (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed Agrawal Alam through e- 9431268441 portal 148. Praveen Amran Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Hussain (R. Bail) in custody Filed Agrawal since through e- 9431268441 14.07.2018. portal 149. Praveen Ganga Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Kumar Ram (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed Agrawal Shimbam through e- 9431268441 i portal 150. Praveen Sanjay Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Gupta (R. Bail) in custody Filed Agrawal since through e- 9431268441 09.06.2020 portal 151. Praveen Bittu Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Kumar (R. Bail) in custody Filed Agrawal since through e- 9431268441 10.07.2020. portal 152. Praveen Pappu Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Yadav (R. Bail) in custody Filed Agrawal since through e- 9431268441 29.06.2020 portal 153. Praveen Ramdev Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Kumar Yadav (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed Agrawal through e- 9431268441 portal 154. Praveen PunamSh Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Kumar ivasha (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed Agrawal through e- 9431268441 portal 155. Girish Nandani Cr.W.J.C. Seeks for To be filed Chandra Jha Kumari (Habeas direction to on email-id 9835445902 and Corpus) the efiling.phc- others respondent [email protected] authority to release the Petitioner No.1 with her baby from illegal custody, Nariniketan, Gayaghat, Patna. 156. Narsingh Shrawan Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Tanti Ram and (A. Bail) n of arrest Filed 9199427613 others through e- portal 11.09.2020 157. Ashok Kr Garg Raju Pd Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be 9473244221 Patel Bail) Filed through e- portal 158. Mukesh Kr Amit Kr Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be Singh Ojha Bail) Filed 9835417862 through e- portal 159. Shankar Kr Manoj Kr Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be 9304034912 Bail) Filed through e- portal 160. Md. Najmul Dilip Yadav Cr. Misc Modification To be Hodda Filed 9431495219 through e- portal 161. Hans Lal Kr Manoj Sah Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9431403756 (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 162. Ranjeet Kr. Sheoji Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Pandey Chaudhary (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9431421943 through e- portal 163. Sanjeev Kr Sanjay CWJC Release of To be filed Mishra Mandal vehicle on email-id 9835068340 efiling.phc- [email protected] 164. Raju Giri Arjun Kr & MJC Result of To be 9431078045 Ors Chowdkidar in Filed the Distt of through e- Motihari has portal not been published yet despite the direction of Hon’ble Court 165. Satya Prakash Rajnish Kr Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 8986125185 Singh (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 166. Prashant Kr Ashok Cr. App (SJ) Apprehension To be 9582941399 Singh & SC/SC Act of arrest Filed Ors (A. Bail) through e- portal 167. Suraj Narain Chandiya CWJC No confidence To be filed Yadav Devi motion passed on email-id 9430810646 illegally against efiling.phc- the petitioner [email protected] who is Pramukh of Barachatti, Gaya 168. Ajay Kr Pandey Amit Kr Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9431003471 Singh (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 169. Prakash Vinod Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be Chandra Jha Sahani Bail) Filed 9835213240 through e- portal 170. Dhurendra Kr Namuddin Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9835425853 Khan @ (A. Bail) of arrest Filed Nasir Khan through e- portal 171. Anjani Pd Singh Jai Shankar CWJC After closure of To be 9934040182 Yadav evidence the Filed respondent file through e- amendment portal petition which was allowed by the court below 172. Uday Chand Pd Saroj Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be 9835657651 Bhagat Bail) Filed through e- portal 173. Harendra Pd. Chandrika CWJC Release of To be filed 9431664594 Singh Motorcycle on email-id efiling.phc- [email protected] 174. Md. Aslam Soni Devi CWJC Cancellation of To be filed Ansari PDS license on email-id 9431073687 efiling.phc- [email protected] 175. Rajeev Ranjan Raj Kishore Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be No. II Singh Bail) Filed 9631693394 through e- portal 176. Shyama Kant Anil Kr CWJC Matter relates To be Singh Asthana to appt on Filed 8083075581 compassionate through e- ground portal 177. Krishna Murari Satyam Kr Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be 9122868061 Bail) Filed through e- portal 178. Krishna Murari Jugnu Kr Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9122868061 (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 179. Akhauri Kamal Rajeev Kr Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be Kishore Sahay Bail) PS Filed 9431436395 Case through e- 335/2019 portal 180. Akhauri Kamal Rajeev Kr Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be Kishore Sahay Bail) PS Filed 9431436395 Case through e- 84/2019 portal 181. Akhauri Kamal Rajeev Kr Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be Kishore Sahay Bail) PS Filed 9431436395 Case through e- 558/2019 portal 182. Ravish Mishra Sachin Kr Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9708097381 Paswan & (A. Bail) of arrest Filed Anr through e- portal 183. Ravish Mishra Indrajeet Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9708097381 Paswan (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 184. Ravish Mishra Ram Kishan Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9708097381 Sada (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 185. Ravish Mishra Mamta Cr. Misc Apprehension To be 9708097381 Devi & Anr (A. Bail) of arrest Filed through e- portal 186. Md. Javed Jafar Nagina Cr. App (SJ) Apprehension To be Khan Devi & Ors SC/ST Act of arrest Filed 9939921433 (A. Bail) through e- portal 187. Md. Javed Jafar Danish Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Khan Khan (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9939921433 through e- portal 188. Md. Javed Jafar Prakash CWJC Release of To be filed Khan Yadav vehicle on email-id 9939921433 efiling.phc- [email protected] 189. Santosh Kr National CWJC Purnea To be filed Mishra Degree University not on email-id 9934082859 College, allowing the efiling.phc- Purnea College for [email protected] taking admission in BA, BSC B.Com despite recognition by State Government and University itself 190. Praveen Kr Aquila Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be 9431411423 Khatoon Bail) Filed through e- portal 191. Sharda Nand Gautam Kr Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be Mishra Choudhary Bail) Filed 9430450915 through e- portal 192. Sharda Nand Ram Bali Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Mishra Das & Ors (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9430450915 through e- portal 193. Sharda Nand Ashutosh Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Mishra Pathak (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9430450915 through e- portal 194. Sharda Nand Onkar Cr. Misc Apprehension To be Mishra Paswan & (A. Bail) of arrest Filed 9430450915 Ors through e- portal 195. Sharda Nand Brajesh Rai Cr. Misc (R. In custody To be Mishra Bail) Filed 9430450915 through e- portal 196. Ravi Shankar Rinku R. Bail Petitioners To be Pathak Kumar (Excise are in Filed 8709593892 and Act) custody through e- another portal 197. Tribhuwan Arun I.A. in Cr. I.A. for bail To be Narayan Kumar Appeal (Appellants Filed 9431458955 Singh (D.B.) No. are in through e- and 175 of custody portal others 2016 (R. since Bail) 18.02.2016) 198. Shekhar Md. Afroz Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kumar Singh @ Nanhe (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9939608952 through e- portal 199. Arjun Prasad Nawal Rai I.A. in Cr. I.A. for bail To be 9122090038 @ Appeal (Petitioner is Filed Budhiya (D.B.) No. in custody through e- 972 of since portal 2018 (R. 02.02.2016 Bail) 200. Shashank Md. Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Chandra Shakil (R. Bail) in custody Filed 9835160655 since through e- 31.07.2020 portal 201. Akhauri BhimPan Cr. Apprehensio To be Kamal dit @ Appeal n of arrest Filed Kishore Bhim (S.J.) (A. through e- Sahay Kumar Bail) portal 9431436395 (SC/ST Act) 202. Akhauri Vijay Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kamal Kumar @ (R. Bail) in custody Filed Kishore Shubham and not through e- Sahay Kumar named in portal 9431436395 Gupta the F.I.R. 203. Akhauri Vikash Cr. Misc. Petitioner is To be Kamal Kumar (R. Bail) in custody Filed Kishore and since through e- Sahay another 03.09.2019 portal 9431436395 204. Ranjit Kumar Bablu CWJC Petitioner To be Singh Kumar (E.C. Act) begs to Filed 9430891943 Roy challenge through e- the selection portal of Jay Prakash Jaiswal for P.D.S. license. 205. Raja Ram Md. A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mishra Dilsad @ n of arrest Filed 9308851153 Langra @ through e- Dilser portal 206. Raja Ram Md. A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mishra Saiyad @ n of arrest Filed 9308851153 Bechna through e- @ Md. portal Taiyab 207. Raja Ram Munni A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mishra Devi @ n of arrest Filed 9308851153 Kunti through e- Devi portal 208. Raja Ram Nagina R. Bail Petitioner is To be Mishra Mallik in custody Filed 9308851153 since through e- 23.01.2020 portal 209. Raja Ram Pawan A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mishra Ram n of arrest Filed 9308851153 through e- portal 210. Raja Ram Raja A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mishra Babu n of arrest Filed 9308851153 Kumar through e- portal 211. Raja Ram Raja A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mishra Kumar n of arrest Filed 9308851153 through e- portal 212. Raja Ram Rajeev A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mishra Ranjan n of arrest Filed 9308851153 Singh through e- portal 213. Raja Ram Ram A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mishra Chandra n of arrest Filed 9308851153 Rai through e- portal 214. Md. Fazle Pappu Kr. A. Bail Apprehensio To be Karim Sah n of arrest Filed (Non- through e- Bailable portal Offence) 215. Ravish SunitaKu A. Bail Both the To be Mishra mari and petitioners Filed 9708097381 another are ladies, through e- who are portal married and living in their matrimonial house, have falsely been implicated in this case. 216. Shambhu C & C CWJC This is a To be filed Nath Construct contract on email-id 9431421154 ion Ltd. matter. efiling.phc- Without any [email protected] show cause entire Security Deposits has been forfeited by way of imposing penalty. All payment against the work done has been stopped and work agreement has been terminated. 217. KaushaleshC Shubh CWJC Cancellation To be filed houdhary Narayan of PDS on email-id 9934003985 Yadav License efiling.phc- [email protected] 218. Anil Kumar Vikash R. Bail Petitioner is To be 9431456498 Kumar (NDPS in custody Filed Act) through e- portal 219. Raja Ram Arendra R. Bail Petitioner is To be Mishra Kumar in custody Filed 9308851153 Yadav since through e- 21.07.2020 portal 220. Raja Ram Chandan A. Bail Apprehensio To be Mishra Kumar n of arrest Filed 9308851153 through e- portal 221. Md. Najmul Lalita Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Hodda Devi and (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9431495219 Ors. through e- portal 222. Dhananjay Bhushan Cr. App. In custody To be Kr. Pandey Kr. Yadav (SJ) since Filed 9199649522 (SC/ST) 13.02.2020 through e- (R.Bail) portal 223. Md. Najmul Md. Cr. Misc. In custody To be Hodda Ikram (R.Bail) since Filed 9431495219 31.10.2019 through e- portal 224. Manoj Kr Ashok Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be 9334609470 Giri and (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed Anr. through e- portal 225. Sishil Kr. Jha Mithilesh Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be 6202227351 Mehta (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed and Anr. through e- portal 226. Sushil Kr. Jha Shaligra Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be 6202227351 m Mehta (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed and Anr. through e- portal 227. Dharamveer Devendra Cr. Misc. In custody To be 8986459869 Yadav (R.Bail) Filed through e- portal 228. Krishna KajalKum Writ Matter To be Chandra ari and Applicatio relates to Filed 9835860092 Ors. n appointment through e- portal 229. Shailendra Sidheshw Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Kr. arYadav (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9801294071 and Ors. through e- portal 230. Shailendra Ramesh Cr. Misc. In custody To be Kr. Prasad (R.Bail) since Filed 9801294071 24.01.2019 through e- portal 231. Shailendra M/s MJC Despite To be Kr. Dhananja direction of Filed 9801294071 y the Hon’ble through e- Construct Court to the portal ion Pvt. Railways, Ltd. grievances Through of the its petitioner managin not yet g director redressed and Anr. 232. Saroj Kr. Kaishiar Cr. Misc. In custody To be Sharma Yadav (R.Bail) since Filed 9334108841 23.06.2020 through e- portal 233. Saroj Kr. Krishan Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Sharma Bind (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9334108841 &Ors through e- portal 234. Ashok Kr. Sonu Kr. Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be 9525872632 @ (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed Jhulana through e- portal 235. Ashok Kr. Hero Rai Cr. Misc. In custody To be 9525872632 @ (R.Bail) since Filed HeloRai 06.07.2020 through e- portal 236. Ashok Kr. VikeshRai Cr. Misc. In custody To be 9525872632 (R.Bail) Filed through e- portal 237. Ashok Kr. Raja Kr. Cr. Misc. In custody To be 9525872632 (R.Bail) Filed through e- portal 238. Amrendra Kr. Ranjan Cr. Misc. In custody To be 6206026715 Kr. @ (R.Bail) since Filed Rajan Kr. 17.01.2020 through e- portal 239. Amrendra Kr. Raushan Cr. Rev. In the To be 6206026715 Kr. present case Filed accused can through e- very well be portal convicted under Section 307 and 302 of the IPC with the help of section 34 of IPC the witnesses have stated that the present accused person Sonu Ram was also firing, thus the application of u/s 27(3) of Arms Act is also proved 240. Amrendra Kr. Sintu Kr. CWJC Release of To be filed 6206026715 Sinha Vehicle on email-id efiling.phc- [email protected] 241. Amrendra Kr. Hiraman Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be 6206026715 Mandal (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed and Ors. through e- portal 242. Amrendra Kr. Sakaldeo Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be 6206026715 Yadav (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed through e- portal 243. Amrendra Kr. Kari Devi Cr. Misc. For quashing To be 6206026715 the Filed cognizance through e- order portal 244. Dilip Kr. SadreAla Cr. Misc, In custody To be Tondon m (R.Bail) Filed 9835063562 through e- portal 245. Sudhir Kr. Amar Kr. Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Sinha @ Amar (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9934227501 Sao through e- portal 246. Syed. Pursotta Cr. App. Apprehensio To be RizwanulHaq m Singh (SJ) n of arrest Filed ue (A.Bail) through e- portal 247. Krishna Satyam Cr. Misc. In custody To be Murari Kr. (R.Bail) Filed 9122868061 through e- portal 248. Krishna Jugnu Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Murari Kumar @ (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9122868061 Alok through e- Singh portal 249. AshishGiri Kumar LPA Matter To be filed 9709555575 Manash relates to on email-id Construct grant of efiling.phc- ion Pvt. tender [email protected] Ltd. 250. Hans Lal ManojSah Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Kumar (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9431403756 through e- portal 251. BijayPrakash Akileshw Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Singh arBaitha (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9934804995 through e- portal 252. Aparjita Mahendr Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be 6388287657 aRai (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed through e- portal 253. Aparjita Mukesh Cr. Misc. In custody To be 6388287657 Kr. Yadav (R.Bail) since Filed 07.06.2020 through e- portal 254. BijayPrakash Md. Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Singh Haidar @ (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9934804995 Md. through e- Haider portal 255. BijayPrakash Pukli Cr. Misc. Apprehensio To be Singh Prasad @ (A.Bail) n of arrest Filed 9934804995 Om through e- Prakash portal 256. Akashdeep Dr. CWJC For quashing To be 8051502018 Ramendr the Filed a Prasad impugned through e- Sinha order dt. portal 24.08.2020 with a direction to restore the corona incentive and post the petitioner as Deputy Superintend ent 257. Md. Irshad Murari Pd CWJC Matter To be 9572288971 & Ors. relates to Filed salary through e- portal 258. Priyesh Kr. JaishilalS CWJC Release of To be filed 9471078617 ahani Vehicle on email-id efiling.phc- [email protected] 259. LeelawatiKu Ram Cr. Misc. In custody To be mari Ranjan (R.Bail) since Filed 9835274022 Prasad 16.06.2020 through e- portal 260. Manoj Kr. Ram Cr. Misc. In custody To be 9334609470 Vinay Kr. (R.Bail) Filed through e- portal 261. Manoj Kr. Rani Devi Cr. Misc. In custody To be 9334609470 (R.Bail) Filed through e- portal 262. Alok Kr. Alok Chhotu Cr. Misc. In custody To be 9334149971 Kr. @ (R.Bail) since Filed Malinga 21.08.2020 through e- and Ors. portal 263. Mr. Mukesh Mr. To file I.A. Petitioner is To be Kumar Jimdar in in custody. Filed Singh. Rai. Criminal Not in through e- 9835417862 Appeal prescribed portal (DB) No. format. 1356/201 7. 264. Mr. Mukesh Mr. To file I.A. Application To be Kumar Nikesh in is custody Filed Singh. Ray. Criminal may be through e- 9835417862 Appeal permitted to portal (DB) No. file I.A. for 117/2018 grant of bail. . Not in prescribed format. 265. Mr. Saket Mr. To file The To be Ahmad. Aditya Criminal petitioner is Filed 9975587106. Aman @ Misc. in custody through e- Mithu. (R.Bail). since portal 23.08.2020. Not in prescribed format. 266. Mr. Ravindra Mr. To file The To be Kumar Sachin Criminal petitioner is Filed Singh. Singh. Appeal apprehendin through e- 9431322482 (SJ) g his arrest. portal SC/ST Therefore Act. permission may be granted for filing of the A. Bail. Not in prescribed format. 267. Mr. Ajit Mr. Uday To file I.A. The mother To be kumar. Singh. in Cr. of the Filed 9934017999. Misc. No. petitioner through e- 58761 of has died on portal 2019. 09.09.2020 Wednesday late evening. The petitioner may allow provisional bail for limited period in order to participate in last rituals of his deceased mother at his village. Not in prescribed format. 268. Mr. Umesh Mr. To file Permission To be Kumar Roshan Criminal for filing the Filed Chandra. Mukhiya. Misc. aforesaid Cr. through e- 6202543657. (Modificat Misc. portal ion of Application A.Bail may kindly order). accorded, since it has been filed for modification of A.Bail. Not in prescribed format. 269. Mr. Umesh Mr. Arun To file Permission To be Kumar Paswan. Criminal for filing the Filed Chandra. Misc. aforesaid Cr. through e- 6202543657. (Modificat Misc. portal ion of Application A.Bail may kindly order). accorded, since it has been filed for modification of A.Bail Not in prescribed format. 270. Mr. Umesh Mr. To file Permission To be Kumar Shyam Criminal for filing the Filed Chandra. Kumar @ Misc. aforesaid Cr. through e- 6202543657. Bhola (Modificat Misc. portal Kumar @ ion of Application Shyam A.Bail may kindly Patel @ order). accorded, Bhola. since it has been filed for modification of A.Bail Not in prescribed format. 271. Mr. Mr. Mukti To file Apprehend To be Awadhesh Narain Criminal their arrest. Filed Kumar Rai. Misc. Not in through e- Pandey. (A.Bail) prescribed portal 8507398123. format. 272. Chandan Rahul To file Apprehend To be Kumar Kumar Criminal their arrest. Filed Kashyap Misc. Not in through e- portal 9431878374 (A.Bail) prescribed format. 273. Akshansh Sunil To file R. Custody To be Ankit Kumar Bail since Filed 9771457075 Jaiswal 27.2.2020 through e- portal 274. Akshansh Vivek To file R. Custody To be Ankit Kumar Bail since Filed 9771457075 24.3.2020 through e- portal 275. Pramodh Deepak To file R. Custody To be Kumar Sinha Kumar Bail since Filed 9934066362 19.6.2020. through e- portal 276. Pramodh Dhanjay To file Apprehend To be Kumar Sinha Pandit Criminal their arrest. Filed 9934066362 Misc. Not in through e- (A.Bail) prescribed portal format. 277. Pramodh Md. Raju To file R. Petitioner is To be Kumar Sinha @ Raja Bail in custody. Filed 9934066362 Not in through e- prescribed portal format 278. Pramodh Rajendra To file Apprehend To be Kumar Sinha Chaudhar Criminal their arrest. Filed 9934066362 y Misc. Not in through e- (A.Bail) prescribed portal format. 279. Abhimanyu Santosh To file Apprehend To be Sharma Panjiar Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9835286631 Misc. through e- (A.Bail) portal 280. Abhimanyu Pankaj To file R. Custody To be Sharma Kumar Bail since Filed 9835286631 Mahto @ 16.5.2019 through e- Pankaj portal Kumar 281. Sunil Prasad Anarjit To file Apprehend To be 9430964215 Rai Criminal their arrest.. Filed Misc. through e- (A.Bail) portal 282. Dr. Anjani Raj Modificati For filing To be Pd. Singh Kishore on In Cr. modification. Filed 9934040182 Yadav App. ( S.J Not in through e- ) No prescribed portal 1385/202 format 0 283. Bimal Kumar Roshan Modificati For To be 9431206494 Kumar on in Cr. modification Filed Roy Misc No Not in through e- 21242/20 prescribed portal 20 format 284. Mukesh Sunaina To file Apprehend To be Kumar Singh Devi Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9835417862 Misc. through e- (A.Bail) portal 285. Mukesh Sanjay To file Petitioner is To be Kumar Singh Mahto Criminal in custody Filed 9835417862 Misc. through e- (R.Bail) portal 286. Mukesh Guddu To file Petitioner is To be Kumar Singh Kumar Criminal in custody Filed 9835417862 Mahto Misc. through e- (R.Bail portal 287. Mukesh Ajay To file Apprehend To be Kumar Singh Kumar Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9835417862 Prasad Misc. through e- (A.Bail) portal 288. Praveen Aquila To file Custody To be Kumar Khatoon Criminal since Filed 9431411423 Misc. 11.9.2019 through e- (R.Bail Not in portal prescribed format

289. Pratima Prakash To file Custody To be Kumari Kumar Criminal since Filed 8102650441 Misc. 8.8.2020 through e- (R.Bail Not in portal prescribed format

290. Usha Kumari Binod Rai To file Apprehend To be Singh Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9835779168 Misc. through e- (A.Bail) portal 291. Kundan Md Jamal To file Custody To be Rathore Criminal since Filed 7779855582 Misc. 14.8.2020 through e- (R.Bail Not in portal prescribed format 292. Dilip Kumar Raju For Modification To be Tandon Hussain modificati In Cr Misc Filed 9835063562 on No through e- 21828/2020 portal Not in prescribed format 293. Shiv Shankar Wokil To file Apprehend To be Sharma Kumar Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9835019157 Misc. Not in through e- portal (A.Bail) prescribed format 294. Arvind Dhanu To file Apprehend To be Kumar Singh Kumar & Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9955644838 Other Misc. Not in through e- portal (A.Bail) prescribed format 295. Pramod Dinesh To file Custody To be Kumar Singh Mandal @ Criminal since Filed 9934991146 Bahru Misc. 29.6.2020. through e- Mandal (R.Bail portal 296. Binay Kumar Binod Filed On To provide To be 9835081593 Gop 18.8.2020 Token No & Filed also stamp through e- report in Cr. portal Misc case filed on 18.8.2020. Not in prescribed format 297. Ajay Kumar Basanti To file Apprehend To be Sinha Devi Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9905450531 Misc. through e- (A.Bail portal 298. Ajay Kumar Yogendra To file Apprehend To be Sinha Bind & Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9905450531 other Appeal through e- portal 299. Ajay Kumar Randhir To file Apprehend To be Sinha Kumar Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9905450531 Misc. through e- (A.Bail portal 300. Ajay Kumar Rajesh To file Apprehend To be Sinha Choudhar Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9905450531 y & other Misc. through e- (A.Bail portal 301. Amresh Satyendra To file Petitioner is To be Kumar Sinha Yadav @ Criminal in Custody Filed 9308109507 Bhuli Misc. through e- Yadav (R.Bail portal 302. Amresh Dharmen To file Petitioner is To be Kumar Sinha dra Singh Criminal in Custody Filed 9308109507 Misc. through e- (R.Bail portal 303. Amresh Rajkumar Modificati Modification To be filed Kumar Sinha i Devi on In Cr. Misc on email-id 9308109507 R.B No efiling.phc- 54555/2019 [email protected] 304. Bijay Santosh To file Apprehend To be Prakash Pasi Criminal their arrest.. Filed Singh Misc. Not in through e- portal 9934804995 (A.Bail prescribed format 305. Bijay Ranjan To file Apprehend To be Prakash Kumar Criminal their arrest.. Filed Singh Misc. Not in through e- portal 9934804995 (A.Bail prescribed format 306. Bijay Yogendra To file Apprehend To be Prakash Pasi Criminal their arrest.. Filed Singh Misc. Not in through e- portal 9934804995 (A.Bail prescribed format 307. Dr. Anjani Vinod To file Cr. Apprehend To be Prasad Singh Mahto App. their arrest.. Filed 9934040182 Not in through e- portal prescribed format 308. Pratima Prakash To file To file To be Kumari Kumar Criminal Criminal Filed 8102650441 Misc. Misc. (R.Bail through e- (R.Bail Not in portal prescribed format

309. Pawan Sajjan To file Apprehend To be Kumar Kumar Criminal their arrest.. Filed 9534364524 Misc. Not in through e- (A.Bail prescribed portal format 310. Jay Ram Santosh For Filing To file To be Prasad Kumar @ Quashing Criminal Filed 9304728590 Santosh Misc. (A.Bail through e- Yadav Not in portal prescribed format 311. Vijay Anand Kundan To file Custody To be 9431024148 Singh @ Criminal since Filed Kundan Misc. 14.8.2019 through e- portal Kumar (R.Bail Not in prescribed format 312. Vijay Anand Abul To file Apprehensio To be 9431024148 Kalam Criminal n of arrest. Filed Misc. Not in through e- portal (R.Bail prescribed format 313. Vijay Anand Shyam To file Apprehend To be 9431024148 Rai @ Criminal their arrest.. Filed Shyam Misc. Not in through e- portal Kumar (A.Bail prescribed format 314. Mukesh Avinash For Filing Custody To be Kumar Singh Kumar I.A in Since Filed 9835417862 Cr. App 17.8.2019 through e- No portal 199/2018 ( D.B ) 315. Shyam Bihari Brajesh For filing Apprehensio To be Singh Kumar & Cr. n of arrest Filed 9431410552 another Appeal through e- portal 316. Mr. Pramod Mr. To file Education To be Rajpati. Ravindra CWJC. Service, Filed 9431021093. Chandra Salary through e- Ray. Matter. Not portal in prescribed format.

317. Mr. Rajesh Mr. Anil To file The To be Kumar. Prasad. CWJC. petitioner Filed 9934792260. facing through e- financial portal secretary due to wrong fixation of pay scale during covid 19 pandemic situation. Not in prescribed format. 318. Md. Aslam Md. To file Permission To be Ansari. Nasiruddi CWJC. for filing writ Filed 9431073687. n Ansari. against order through e- date:­ portal 21.03.2018 which of the petitioner has been allowed. Not in prescribed format. 319. Mr. Vishal Bandana To file That the To be Vikramrana. Shekhar. CWJC. petitioner Filed 9470737947. being the through e- daughter of portal private respondent deserved inherent right in the ancestral property. Not in prescribed format. 320. Anjani Jai To file For Filing To be Prasad Singh Shankar Civil Misc Civil Misc Filed 9934040182 Yadav under Aricle through e- 227 portal 321. Vijay Anand Mahesh To file Petitioner is To be 9431024148 Paswan CWJC a P.D.S. Filed dealer and through e- liscense was portal cancelled Not in prescribed format.

322. Vijay Anand Pinky To file Termination To be 9431024148 Kumari CWJC Matter. Filed Not in through e- prescribed portal format. 323. Vijay Anand Asharfi To file For Secound To be 9431024148 Lal Ram Secound Appeal Filed Appeal Not in through e- prescribed portal format.

324. Vijay Anand Mrintunja To file Salary To be 9431024148 y Narayan CWJC Matter Filed Lokesh Not in through e- prescribed portal format.

325. Vijay Anand Nilam To file Selection To be 9431024148 Kumari CWJC matter Filed Not in through e- prescribed portal format 326. Ambuj Baijnath To file Specified To be Narayan Kumar CWJC Matter Filed Chaubey Not in through e- 9334107755 prescribed portal format 327. Ravi Kant Sumitra To file Land Reform To be Kumar Dev & CWJC matter Filed 9470837473 others Not in through e- prescribed portal format

328. Shashank Sushil To file Salary To be Shekhar Kumar CWJC Matter Filed Sharma Not in through e- 9955283330 prescribed portal format 329. Raja Ram Afreen To file Release of To be Mishra Sultana CWJC vechile Filed 9308851153 Not in through e- prescribed portal format 330. Raja Ram Shiv CWJC Release of To be Mishra Shankar motorcycle Filed 938851153 Pd Singh through e- portal 331. Ranjit Kumar Divya To file Appointment To be Yadav CWJC matter. Filed 9473343266 Not in through e- prescribed portal format Mentioning matters regarding urgent hearing of pending cases:

Sl.No. Name of Adv. Name of Party Nature of Case Reasons for Remarks With Ph.No. Mentioning 10.09.2020 1. Ram Tujab Adonis MJC Restoration Not considered Singh infratech Pvt. 315/2020 (Incomplete as format 8340640467 Ltd. format) incomplete 2. Shama Sinha Nikki Kri. & EC-BRHC99- Seeks To be filed 7018136454 Ors. 15171-2020 permission to through e-mode file I.A 3. Surendra Nilopher EC-BRHC99- No Not considered Kishore Yashamin 17974-2020 confidence as format 9204528668 motion. incomplete (Incomplete format) 4. Ranjeet Kr. Awdhesh EC-BRHC99- Dismissal Not considered 9234945387 Singh 11807-2020 from service. as format (Incomlete incomplete format) 5. Rama Kant Vinod Kr. EC-BRHC99- Not legible. Not clear Singh Pandey 13530-2020 9931282578 6. Ravindra Kr. Md. Nayeem I.A 1/2019 in I.A for bail. Not considered Singh Cr. App (Incomplete as format 9431322482 998/2017(DB format) incomplete ) 7. Rama Kant Md. Sarwar EC-BRHC99- Not legible. Not considered Singh Alam 17913-2020 (Incomplete as format 9931282578 format) incomplete 8. Shri Nath Nalanda EC-BRHC99- Examination To be Listed Pathak Mahila 14091-2020 matter. (B. 9431458119 Shikshak Ed courses) Prashikshan Mahavidayal aya 9. Arun Kr. Deep Jyoti EC-BRHC99- Contract To be Listed 9431074172 10785-2020 matter. 10. Jagjeet Kundan Kr. CWJC Release of To be Listed Roushan Mishra 8852/2020 vehicle. 8809155439 11. Prashant Kr. Rahul Kr. EC-BRHC99- Necessary Not considered 9939608657 13680-2020 correction. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 12. Dewendra Ranjan Kr. Cr. Misc To modify the To be Listed Narayan Soni 21078/2020 name of the Singh petitioner. 9934277061 13. Sadanand Mrinal Kr. EC-BRHC99- Appointment Not considered Paswan 09556-2020 of Nagar as format 9430001717 Teacher. incomplete (incomplete format) 14. Ashok Kr. Sudish Rai Cr. App To file Not considered 9955554879 1236/2020(SJ vakalatnama as format ) . (Incomplete incomplete format) 15. Sandip Kr. Larsen & EC-BRHC99- Tender To be Listed 9431020140 Tourbo Ltd. 15955-2020 matter. 16. Priyesh Kr. Munna Kr. EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered 9471078617 05404-2020 vehicle. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 17. Bipin Bihari Mohan Lal CWJC Matter No Urgency Singh Manjhi 2793/2019 relates to 8877241292 refusal of Promotion. 18. Pramod Kr. Shiva EC-BRHC99- Tender To be Listed 9431270794 Corporation 13822-2020 matter. Ind. Ltd. 19. Bipin Bihari Upendra Kr. CWJC For payment Not considered Singh Sharma 251/2020 of admitted as format 8877241292 contractual incomplete amounts. (incomplete format) 20. Jai Prakash Priyanka Kri. CWJC PIL To be Listed Verma 3727/2020 9835223045 21. Jai Prakash Sudama CWJC Promotion No Urgency Verma Sharma 10229/2018 matter. 9835223045 22. Manoj Kr. Pappu Cr. App (SJ) For I.A, To be Listed 9334609470 Thakur 958/2016 father of the appellant died. 23. Ranjeet Kr. Chandan EC-BRHC99- For payment Not considered 9234945387 Abhishek 13618-2020 of salary. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 24. Manoj Kr. Sushil Kr. EC-BRHC99- Release of To be Listed 9934894192 Ojha 17054-2020 vehicle. 25. Arjun Pd. Janardan Pd. CWJC Retiral Not considered 9122090038 Singh 22868/2018 benefit. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 26. Manoj Kr. Mukesh Kr. EC-BRHC99- Modification To be Listed 9934894192 14677-2020 of bail order dt. 8.7.2020 passed in Cr. Misc No. 20117/2020 27. Manoj Kr. Bishundev EC-BRHC99- Vakalatnama To be filed 9934894192 Pd. Yadav & 15085-2020 has been through e-mode Ors. filed for petitioners. 28. Manoj Kr. Gauri EC-BRHC99- Release of To be Listed 9934894192 Shankar Rai 17053-2020 vehicle. 29. Jitendra Dinesh Kr. Cr. Misc Modification. Not considered Narayan 24967/2020 (Incomplete as format Sinha format) incomplete 9431047428 30. Arun Kr. Uday Kr. EC-BRHC99- Modification. To be Listed 9431074172 13958-2020 31. Navjot yeshu Vineeta Kri. EC-BRHC99- For quashing To be Listed 9934227714 13878-2020 of the transfer order. 32. Jagjeet Nehal Kr. EC-BRHC99- Release of To be Listed Roushan 16826-2020 vehicle. 8809155439 33. Surendra Babita Kri. Cr. Misc Modification. Not considered Kishore 12391/2020 (incomplete as format 9204568668 format) incomplete 34. Sanjeet Kr. Sikha EC-BRHC99- For disposal To be Listed 9431017782 Srivastava 10730-2020 of representatio n. 35. Kishore Kr. Rajeshwar CWJC Fixation of Not considered Thakur Pd. 749/2019 payment of as format 9931285851 pension. incomplete (Incomplete format) 36. Navjot yeshu Kanhaiya EC-BRHC99- Tender To be Listed 9934227714 Das 17758-2020 matter. 37. Ranjeet Kr. Ram Sukhit EC-BRHC99- Dismissal Not considered 9234945387 Roy 12597-2020 from service. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 38. Jagjeet Ravi Prakash EC-BRHC99- Release of To be Listed Roushan 10657-2020 vehicle. 8809155439 39. Jagjeet Ramlala EC-BRHC99- Release of To be Listed Roushan Yadav 16828-2020 vehicle. 8809155439 40. Priyadarshini Md. Mobin EC-BRHC99- The case was To be Listed sinha 09854-2020 mentioned 9527999668 on 26.08.2020 which was allowed but due to the fault on the part of the typist and the office clerk, the petitioner contains errors in the index paging and annexures. 41. Ram Shankar Binod Das I.A 660/2018 I.A was Not considered Das Cr. App(Db) running on as format 9431420813 693/2016 the list but in incomplete covid after order of mention dt. 11.06.2020 not listed. (Incomplete format) 42. Manoj Kr. Jha Aditya Kr. EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered 9835816576 7093-2020 vehicle. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 43. Bipin Bihari Vinod Kr. CWJC Service No Urgency Singh Sinha 21077/2019 matter. 8877241292 44. Jagjeet Nira Kri. CWJC No To be Listed Roushan 7607/2020 confidence. 8809155439 45. Jagjeet Rajat Pandey EC-BRHC99- Modification. To be Listed Roushan & Ors. 16821-2020 8809155439 46. Niranjan Rakesh Kr. Cr. Misc Due to To be Listed Parihar 21301/2020 technical 9835693193 error, couldn’t connect during hearing. The matter was adjourned to 23 December. 47. Bhola Kr. Ram Ishwar CWJC T. No. Retirement To be Listed 9334143982 Pd. 8086.2020 matter. 48. Navjot yeshu Dharmnath CWJC For removal To be Listed 9934227714 Rai 16066/2015 of the encroachme nt of the public land. 49. Vijay Naudau Shalini Kri. CWJC Termination Not considered Sahay 14456/2015 of service. as format 9431491020 (Incomplete incomplete format) 50. Parth Gaurav Bijendra Kr. CWJC Sub-registrar Not considered 8083614777 & Ors. 8047/2020 is not as format registering incomplete the sale deed. (Incomplete format) 51. Bhola kr Ram Ishwar T. No. Retirement Already at Sl 9334143982 Pd. 8086/2020 matter. No.47 52. Bhola kr Jaymanti EC-BRHC99- Cancellation To be Listed 9334143982 Devi 12741-2020 of PDS license. 53. Ajay Pd. Sunil EC-BRHC99- Sanctioned Not considered 9334106274 Furniture 17587-2020 amount has as format not been incomplete disbursed. (Incomplete format) 54. Shambhu Ishan Singh CWJC Appointment To be Listed nath Bhadoria 9038/2017 matter. 9431421154 55. Nivedita Madhusudan EC-BRHC99- Encroachme Not considered Nrivikar Thakur 17365-2020 nt on public as format 9431624670 land. incomplete (Incomplete format) 56. Priya gupta Brijbhushan Cr. Misc Release of To be Listed 9304316382 Kr. 29917/2020 vehicle. 57. Shri Nath S. M sohaib EC-BRHC99- Examination To be Listed Pathak Hasmi 13770-2020 matter. (Bed 9431458119 Education course.) and Welfare Trust. 58. Navjot yeshu Dilip Kr. EC-BRHC99- Appointment To be Listed 9934227714 Choudhary 17440-2020 matter. 59. Shashank Ranjeet Kr. Cr. App (SJ) Withdrawal. Not considered Shekhar 790/2020 (Incomplete as format 9386555819 format) incomplete 60. Narendra Pd. Dr. Narendra CWJC Salary To be Listed Yadav Pratap Singh 23679/2019 matter. 9430207040 61. Manoj Kr. Manju Devi CWJC Petitioner No Urgency 9934894192 3912/2020 seeks only direction to dispose of the appeal No. 27/2012 which is still pending efore the Collector, . 62. Manoj Kr. Ravindra Rai EC-BRHC99- Vakalatnama To be Listed 9934894192 16305-2020 has been filed for informant. 63. Prashant Rawatsons CWJC Cancellation To be Listed Sinha Engineers 18576/2019 of contract. 9334142016 Pvt. Ltd. 64. Ashok Kr. Praveen Kr EC-BRHC99- Admission Not considered Yadav. 17885-2020 matter. as format 9939351429 (Inncomplete incomplete format) 65. Abhishek Kr. Sangeeta T. No. Withdrawal. Not considered 7004252128 devi 28702/2020( (Incomplete as format A. Bail) format) incomplete 66. Krishna Kant Shambhu CWJC Petitioner’s To be Listed Singh Nath 14947/2019 kidneys have 9835945681 failed and is on dialysis. 67. Alok Kr. Rahi Prabhash CWJC No. Appointment To be Listed 9431381276 Pathak 19220/2019, matter. I.A 1/2020 68. Jagjeet Miku Kr. EC-BRHC99- Modification. To be Listed Roushan 16824-2020 8809155439 69. Naresh Birendra Kr. CWJC T. No. Examination Not considered Chandra Singh 7975/2020 matter. as format Verma (Incomplete incomplete 9835242261 format) 70. Kundan Kr. Niraj Kr. EC-BRHC99- Transfer Not considered 9430921661 Singh 13150-2020 matter. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 71. Roushni Jha Niraj Kr. Cr. Misc Correction of Not considered 9045059495 18796/2020 Order. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 72. Satya Kaushal CWJC No. Seeking Not considered Prakash Kishore 5768 of 2016 direction to as format 8986125185 Singh issue trade incomplete license for whole sale dealer of K. Oil in favour of petitioner has he has been appointed as dealer by the IOCL on 27.02.2015 for Kerosene Oil and accordingly dealership agreement has been executed between the petitioner and IOCL on 02.03.2015 for 10 years. (Incomplete Format) 73. Satya Sanjeev Token No. Petitioner Not considered Prakash Kumar 8726 of 2020 being 2nd as format 8986125185 (CWJC) empaneled incomplete candidate in the merit list, is challenging the appointment of private respondent as PDS shopkeeper who has been appointed in utter disregard of the terms of the advertiseme nt. (Incomplete Format) 74. Satya Arun Yadav Token No. Petitioner Not considered Prakash 8658 of 2020 being 2nd as format 8986125185 (CWJC) empaneled incomplete candidate in the merit list, is challenging the appointment of private respondent as PDS shopkeeper who has been appointed in utter disregard of the terms of the advertiseme nt. (Incomplete Format) 75. Satya Md. Yusuf @ CWJC No. This writ Not considered Prakash Md. Yushuf 15279 of application as format 8986125185 2019 has been incomplete preferred against the order of District Magistrate rejecting the application for grant of Arms License of N.P. Bore Rifle to the petitioner (The issue raised in this writ application is squarely covered from the reported case in 2015 (4) PLJR 212 (Manish Kumar Vs. State of and others). (Incomplete Format) 76. Satya Dhiraj Kumar Cr. Misc. No. Modification. Not considered Prakash 28953 of (Incomplete as format 8986125185 2020 Format) incomplete 77. Satya Ranjeet Rai I.A. No.01 of I.A. for grant Not considered Prakash 2020 in Cr. of bail by as format 8986125185 Appeal (D.B.) suspending incomplete No. 84 of sentence 2017 (Arms (Petitioner is Act) (R. Bail) in custody). (Incomplete Format) 78. Sunil Kumar Manoj Kumar Token No. This writ was Not considered 9430067954 and others 8060 of 2020 filed on as format 18.06.2020 incomplete but the CWJC number has not been given. The petitioners are deprived of their legal entitlements. (Incomplete Format) 79. Akhausi Shubham @ Token No. Inadvertently Registrar List to Kamal Chaddla 22620 of , the token verify Kishore 2020 number was 9431436395 wrongly mentioned as 22620 in place of 22626. 80. Birendra Ajay Kumar Cr. Misc. No. Quashing. Not considered Kumar Mishra 27479 of (Incomplete as format 9934760036 2019 Format) incomplete 81. Satya Kaushal CWJC No. Seeking Not considered Prakash Kishore 5768 of 2016 direction to as format 8986125185 Singh issue trade incomplete license for whole sale dealer of K. Oil in favour of petitioner has he has been appointed as dealer by the IOCL on 27.02.2015 for Kerosene Oil and accordingly dealership agreement has been executed between the petitioner and IOCL on 02.03.2015 for 10 years. (Incomplete Format) 82. Gautam Sumit EC-BRHC99- Ex-parte To be Listed Kumar Trading Co. 15660-2020 imposition of Kejriwal (CWJC) demurrage 8539055295 penalty imposed on 24.06.2020 and other dates in same month by Railways in under challenge. No notice was issued nor any opportunity of hearing was granted before imposition of demurrage penalty. The matter is squarely covered by Catena of judgements of this Hon’ble Court, the most recent being the order dated 22.06.2020 passed in CWJC No. 21861 of 2018. 83. Anjani Kumar Rama Ashish EC-BRHC99- For release To be Listed Sinha Sahni 17070-2020 of vehicle 9431691442 (CWJC) (Excise Act) 84. Gautam Sheshnath EC-BRHC99- The To be Listed Kumar Sah @ 15304-2020 anticipatory Kejriwal Sheshnath (Cr. Misc.) bail 8539055295 Gupta (Restoration application Matter) of the petitioner was dismissed for default for non- compliance of per- emptory order. 85. Birendra Chunu Singh CWJC No. For release Not considered Kumar @ Chunnu 23446 of of paddy. as format 9934760036 Kumar Singh 2019 (Incomplete incomplete Format) 86. Ashutosh Vikram CWJC No. For release Not Singh Agrawal 5095 of 2020 of vehicle. considered 9835073174 (Incomplete as format Format) incomplete 87. Ashutosh Smt. Rama EC-BRHC99- The Not considered Singh Prasad 16039-2020 respondent as format 9835073174 (CWJC) authorities incomplete are working in hurried manner for erecting the transmission tower (all 4- legs) in the only purchased land of the petitioner without any prior- consent, without payment of compensatio n, without prior- notification of map/plan, opted to lay the line through the long way (distance) to supply the electricity to the Railway TSS Nalanda instead of shortest route. (Incomplete Format) 88. Birendra Girija Cr. Misc. No. Quashing Not considered Kumar Nandan 56387 of (Incomplete as format 9934760036 Sharma and 2019 Format) incomplete others 89. Md. Ataul Md. Mojib @ CWJC No. Matter is To be Listed Haque Md. Mozib 23386 of related to 9835082113 2019 the selection of the petitioner for the post of Block Teacher. 90. Sharda Nand Gurudeo Jha EC-BRHC99- Transfer To be Listed Mishra 16155-2020 matter 9430450915 (CWJC) 91. Sharda Nand Md. Jauwad CWJC No. Transfer To be Listed Mishra Alam @ Md. 7705 of 2020 matter 9430450915 Jauwd 92. Birendra Kaushalendr I.A. No. 01 of I.A. for grant Not considered Kumar a Singh @ 2019 in Cr. of bail (All as format 9934760036 Chhotu Singh Appeal No. the incomplete and others 71 of 2019 appellants are more than 50 year old). (Incomplete Format) 93. Dinesh Jha Major Singh Token No. Commercial Not considered 9431624676 6275 of 2020 truck of the as format (CWJC) petitioner incomplete (Excise Case) has been seized in connection with Excise case. (Incomplete Format) 94. Rajiv Ranjan Manoranjan EC-BRHC99- For quashing Not considered 9507106089 Karamkar 18106-2020 the order as format (CWJC) dated incomplete 18.01.2019, Memo No. 225. (The dealership of the petitioner has been cancelled arbitrarily). (Incomplete Format) 95. Arvind Kumar Nirbhay Token No. For release To be Listed Pradhan Kumar 9087 of 2020 of vehicle 9507228672 (CWJC) (Excise Act) 96. Sidhendra Rajmati Devi EC-BRHC99- PDS license No Urgency Narayan 17249-2020 of the Singh (CWJC) petitioner 9065291492 has been cancelled without resorting any law/procedur e. The shop is the only livelihood. It is specified matter under Notice-II. 97. Sidhendra Vijay Kumar CWJC No. PDS license To be Listed Narayan Singh 9230 of 2019 of the Singh petitioner 9065291492 has been cancelled without resorting any law/procedur e. The shop is the only livelihood. It is specified matter under Notice-II. 98. Suresh Pd. Chunchun CWJC No. The matter Not considered Sah Prasad Yadav 4965 of 2020 was heard on as format 9931005983 (D.B.) 04.03.2020 incomplete and respondents were directed to file counter affidavit, no counter affidavit filed by respondents. In the meantime, approval of the college has been extended further one year. (Incomplete Format) 99. Rajiv Ranjan Md. Muzaffar EC-BRHC99- For quashing Not considered 9507106089 Alam @ 18102-2020 the order as format Muzaffar (CWJC) dated incomplete 26.04.2020, Memo No. 1535. (The dealership of the petitioner has been cancelled arbitrarily). (Incomplete Format) 100. Ajit Ranjan Asgar Alam CWJC No. The matter Not considered Kumar and others 7436 of 2020 relates to the as format 9934772141 acquisition of incomplete land for the purpose of widening of N.H. 83. (Incomplete Format) 101. Birendra Ramesh EC-BRHC99- For release Not considered Kumar Bhagat 07125-2020 of vehicle. as format 9934760036 (CWJC) (Incomplete incomplete Format) 102. Ravindra Nag Narain MJC No. 538 Non- Not considered Griyaghey Rai of 2020 compliance as format of the order incomplete dated 19th April, 2019 passed in CWJC No. 8471 of 2003 (Order annexed) has brought the petitioner and 8 members of his family to pathetic situation of starvation, compelling them to die/to commit suicide. In order to save lives, listing MJC No. 538 of 2020 is most urgent. (Incomplete Format) 103. Birendra Sapna Cr. Misc. No. Quashing Not considered Kumar Thakur 7642 of 2019 (Petitioner is as format 9934760036 a lady). incomplete (Incomplete Format) 104. Shailesh Kr. Birendra EC-BRHC99- Transfer To be Listed Singh Kumar Singh 14953-2020 matter. 9430061602 (CWJC) (Petitioner only wants the disposal of his representatio n pending before respondent no.2. Petitioner’s wife is a heart patient). (Incomplete Format) 105. Amit Kumar Sunil Patel Cr. Misc. No. To file Not considered Anand 16620 of Vakalatnama as format 9709496046 2020 (R. Bail) . (Incomplete incomplete Format) 106. Rajesh Sanni Kumar Cr. Appeal For To be Listed Kumar and other No. 242 of withdrawal. 9835272852 2020 (S.J.) (SC/ST Act) (A. Bail) 107. Praveen Ansar Alam EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered Kumar 15867-2020 vehicle. as format Agrawal (CWJC) (Incomplete incomplete 9431268441 (Excise Format) Matter) 108. Praveen Md. Saddam EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered Kumar Hussain 15840-2020 vehicle. as format Agrawal (CWJC) (Incomplete incomplete 9431268441 (Excise Format) Matter) 109. Ajay Prasad Prabhu Dayal CWJC Release of Not considered 9334106274 EC-BRHC99- Vehicle as format 17541-2020 (incomplete incomplete format) 110. Lakshmi Kant Pintu Kr. And Cr. App. No. LCR has Not considered Sharma Ors. 1484-2019 been called as format 9470633374 for the same incomplete has been received (incomplete format) 111. Sanjay Kr. Krishna Kr. CWJC No. For payment Not considered Singh 7398-2020 of admitted as format 9334745265 dues incomplete (incomplete format) 112. Arup Kr. Sunil Kr. And CWJC For To be Listed Chongdar Ors. EC-BRHC99- regularizatio 9934687608 11811-2020 n of service 113. Majid M. Dr. Syed CWJC Appointment To be Listed Khan Mohd EC-BRHC99- matter 7903444927 Mahfooz 16058-2020 Seraj 114. Majid M. Md. Rizwan Cr. WJC No. For quashing To be Listed Khan Alam and 29371/2020 FIR 7903444927 Anr. 115. Mr. Navjot Arjun Rajan C Misc. In the To be Listed Yeshu and Ors. 1775/2018 present case 9934227714 the land of the petitioners has been included In one Title Suit without impleading the petitioners as defendants. The petitioners filed an application of intervention and to implead them as a party but the same was illegally and arbitrarily rejected 116. Virendra Kr. Arvind Kr. CWJC No. Corona Not considered 9006493700 Mairch 7696/2020 Warrior’s as format Salary incomplete matter (incomplete format) 117. Manoj Kr. Md. CWJC No. This writ Not considered Singh Jalaluddin 24498-2018 petition is as format 9431491512 Akbar squarely incomplete covered with order dt. 12.12.2019 passed in CWJC No. 3665/2016 and CWJC No. 2460- 2018 (incomplete format) 118. Md. Musowir Sk. Sabrati CR. App. (SJ) In custody Not considered 9431042419 and Anr. Case No. since more as format 1631/2018 than 3 years incomplete (incomplete format) 119. Gautam Kr. Lalan Kr. CWJC Against Ex- To be Listed Kejriwal EC-BRHC99- Parte order 8539055295 15371-2020 of assessment the petitioner has lost appeal and is remediless due non- constitution of GST Tribunal. The GST Authorities are hell bent to attach the bank account of the petitioner. 120. Md. Imteyaz Mr. Mithilesh CWJC LPG Not considered Ahmed Singh EC-BRHC99- distributorshi as format 9386416816 12320-2020 p of the incomplete petitioner has been terminated (incomplete format) 121. Gautam Kr. M/S Sara CWJC The Not considered Kejriwal Automobiles 2605-2020 petitioner is as format 8539055295 Pvt. Ltd. entitled to incomplete refund of the penalty amount which was recovered from the petitioner. Only prayer is for a direction to take a decision within a time frame (incomplete format) 122. Arvind Kr. Kapildeo Sah CWJC No. Matter To be Listed 9304296033 and Ors. 23258-2018 relates to retirement benefits 123. Gautam Kr. Hidalgo CWJC Petitioner No Urgency Kejriwal Foods 12529-2018 simply seeks 8539055295 Industries a direction Pvt. Ltd. for disposal of the application dt. 01.09.2019 and reminder dt. 26.02.2018 filed by the petitioner for conversion of category of land in accordance with law which is lying pending since long. 124. Sanjeev Kr. Chandrkishor CWJC The SDO has Not considered Mishra e Tiwari Case No. passed the as format 9835068340 12889/2020 order without incomplete supply the copy of the enquiry report. (incomplete format) 125. Birendra Kr. Sushil I.A. No. 5 of Appellant No. To be Listed Singh Paswan and 2019 Cr. App. 1 is in 9523110555 Ors. No. 544-2015 custody (DB) since 25.11.2012 appellant no. 2 and 3 are in custody since 08.10.2012 for about 8 years. 126. Sanjay Kr. Ankesh Kr. T. no. 28293- For listing Not considered 9430606169 Singh 2020 (incomplete as format format) incomplete 127. Sanjay Kr. Chandan T. no. 21456- For listing Not considered 9430606169 Paswan and 2020 (incomplete as format Ors. format) incomplete 128. Sanjay Kr. Pappu Yadav T. no. 28957- For listing Not considered 9430606169 @ Pappu Kr. 2020 (incomplete as format Yadav format) incomplete 129. Sanjay Kr. Rakesh Kr. T. no. 28719- For listing Not considered 9430606169 Gupta and 2020 (incomplete as format Anr. format) incomplete 130. Sanjay Kr. Tulsi Yadav T. no. 27370- For listing Not considered 9430606169 and Anr. 2020 (incomplete as format format) incomplete 131. Aditya Ashram CWJC No. The instant To be Listed Prakash Foundation 3921-2020 case bearing Sahay CWJC No. 9771019545 3921 -2020 has been filed regarding illegal mining in the State of Bihar, causing a loss of more than Rs. 2500 crores , 132. Mukul Sinha Sudarshan CWJC No. Examination Not considered 9471621951 Mishra and 1157-2020 matter as format 17 Ors. (incomplete incomplete format) 133. Arvind Kr. Sanjay Sah CWJC No. Matter No Urgency 9334428381 @ Sanjay Kr. 1620/2020, relates to T. No. unauthorized 482/2020 encroachme nt on govt. land

134. Arjun Prasad Janardan CWJC No. Matter Not considered 9122090038 Prasad Singh 22868/2018 relates to as format retirement incomplete benefit. (incomplete format) 135. Shivendra Kr. Lakshmi CWJC Habeas Not considered Sinha Kumari @ EC-BRHC99- Corpus Writ as format 9334062685 Laxmi 15152/2020 (incomplete incomplete Kumari format) 136. Ajay Kr. Ramesh CWJC Release of Not considered Singh No. 1 Manjhi EC-BRHC99- vehicle as format 9304190544 11423-2020 (incomplete incomplete format) 137. Dhirendra Ravi Kr. CWJC No. Contract No Urgency Singh 8037/2019 matter 9334330410 138. Binod Kr. Kishori Sah Cr. Misc. For Not considered Ambhatha 23914-2020 withdrawal as format 9931944133 (incomplete incomplete format) 139. Shri Nath Nalanda CWJC Matter is To be Listed Pathal Mahila EC-BRHC99- related with 9431458119 Shikshak 14091-2020 Examination Prashikshan of B.Ed Courses 140. Sanjeev Kr. Mahendra CWJC No. Cancellation Not considered Mishra Ram EC-BRHC99- of PDS as format 9835068340 13884-2020 License incomplete (incomplete format) 141. Arvind Kr. Bigan Mahto Cr. App. (SJ) In custody No Urgency Pradhan 672-2020 since 9507228672 (Bail) 28.01.2020, LCR has been called for the same has been received 142. Arun Kr. Madan CWJC Matter To be Listed 9431877221 Prasad EC-BRHC99- relates with 11678-2020 death cum post retirement benefits payable to the petitioner 143. Kundan kr. Anand LPA No. Due to non Not considered 9430921661 Consultants EC-BRHC99- payment of as format 13150-2020 salary to the incomplete employees of the appellant company during this Covid 19 pandemic period, they are in starvation position (incomplete format) 144. Ravi Kumar Shalini CWJC No. Prayer to Not considered 9334342875 Kumari @ 2775-2020 allow them in as format Ors. the incomplete examination (incomplete format) 145. Ranjeet Kr. Kashish CWJC Due to non To be Listed 9234945387 Developers EC-BRHC99- payment of Ltd. 10809-2020 salary to the employees of the petitioner company during this Covid 19 pandemic period, they are in starvation position 146. Rakesh Kr. Dr. Pawan Kr. CWJC No. Matter To be Listed 0947338718 20694-2018 relates to 0 appointment 147. Ayush Kr. Madan Pd. MJC No. Dismissal To be Listed 9910885089 Singh 7753/2020 from service arising OUt of CWJC No. 18566/2018 148. Surya Anil Kr. CWJC No. Cancellation To be Listed Swetabh 8087/2020 of PDS 8789355202 License 149. Ranjit Kr. Gopal Cr. App. (DB) I.A. for bail Not considered 9430891943 Chaoudhary No. 167/2015 already as format considered incomplete may be listed before Hon’ble Division Bench as the appellant is going to serve the awarded sentence during the pendency of hearing of the pending abovenoted appeal (incomplete format) 150. Shidhendra Ram Nandan Cr. WJC Petitioner’s To be Listed Narayan Singh @ Ram EC_BRHC99- son, a Singh Balak Singh 16725/2020 central Govt. 9065291492 Officer, brutally assaulted by police giving 17 injuries on body, duly examined by Govt. Hospital being under custody, case is inter alia, for direction to register FIR against Police Sub Inspector and associates who assaulted. 151. Piyush PACS CWJC No. Cancellation Not considered Saurav Bhakura 7387/2019 of PDS as format 9304795763 Panchayat license incomplete (incomplete format) 152. Jagjit Roshan Rohit Kr. CWJC No. For release To be Listed 0880915543 8467/2020 of vehicle 9 153. Navjot Yeshu Rukhsana CWJC No. Matter To be Listed 9934227714 Praveen 5136/2020 relates to election of Mukhiya held in the year 2016 154. Rina Sinha Saurav Kr. Cr. Misc. For Not considered 9431426491 16141/2020 withdrawal as format (incomplete incomplete format) 155. Kumar Urmila Devi CWJC No. For payment No Urgency Praveen and Ors. 18928/2018 of rent which 9835467009 has been not paid by the BUIDCO 156. Kumar Lalita Devi CWJC No. Matter No Urgency Praveen 4195/2018 relates with 9835467009 issuance of PDS shop License 157. Amit Kr. Seema MJC No. For filing Not considered Anand Kumari 5052/2019 supplementa as format 9709496046 ry affidavit incomplete on behalf of the petitioner (incomplete format) 158. Amit Kr. Sunil Patel Cr. Misc. No. For filing Not considered Anand 16620/2020 Vakalatnama as format 9709496046 (R.Bail) (incomplete incomplete format) 159. Sanjeev Kr. Surendra CWJC No. Matter Not considered Mishra Paswan 15447/2018 relates to as format 9835068340 termination incomplete of the service of the petitioner from the Block Resources Person pursuant to the unilateral decision taken by the Respondent Director who happens to be the appointing authority (incomplete format) 160. Sanjeev Kr. Umesh Kr. CWJC No. EC- Cancellation Not considered Mishra Thakur BRHC99- of PDS as format 9835068340 17008-2020 License incomplete (incomplete format) 161. Sanjeev Kr. Vishal Anand CWJC No. EC- The private Not considered Mishra BRHC99- respondents as format 9835068340 16145-2020 have incomplete encroached the premises of the petitioner in spite of too many representatio ns were filed by the petitioner before the respondent authorities. (incomplete format) 162. Navjot Yeshu Wakil Cr.WJC No. For quashing To be Listed 9934227714 Choudhary 2675/2018 the notice @Chandra issued to the Mohan petitioner as Choudhary to show cause as to why his house be not confiscated Under Bihar Prohibition Act. 163. Rakesh Kr. Western CWJC Release of Not considered Sharma Carrier EC-BRHC99- vehicle as format 9430015598 Ltd. 14213-2020 (incomplete incomplete format) 164. Sanjeev Kr. Sandip Kr. CWJC Pay scale of Not considered Mishra Roy EC-BRHC99- the as format 16530-2020 petitioner incomplete fixed and paid back year 2002 has been reduced in Arbitrary Manner and accordingly direction was given to recover the amount forthwith from the petitioner no notice has been given. (incomplete format) 165. Md. Imteyaz Ms. Mithilesh CWJC LPG Not considered Ahmad singh EC-BRHc99- distributorshi as format 9386416816 12322-2020 p of the incomplete petitioner has been terminated (incomplete format) 11.09.2020 166. Sanjay kr. Habibullah T. No. Case has not Registrar List to 9934021776 Sai 25570/2020 been listed verify for hearing. 167. Dhananjay Pankaj Kr. EC-BRHC99- PIL No Urgency Kr. Sahi Singh 16980-2020 9431456317 168. Sidhendra Anupam Kri. EC-BRHC99- Selection No Urgency Narayan 11510-2020 matter. Singh 9065291492 169. Siddhartha Nidhi Raj CWJC Earlier this To be Listed Pd. Anand 22950/2019 case was 9934778779 mentioned but rejected as it was not as per proper format. 170. Rajendra Sunil Rajak CWJC PDS matter. Not considered Nath Sinha 4344/2020 (Incomplete as format 9431070062 format) incomplete 171. Rajendra Aman Kr. Cr. Misc Promotion Not considered Nath Sinha 52406/2017 and other as format 9431070062 monetary incomplete benefit is affected. (Incomplete format) 172. Sumit Kr. Jha Private EC-BRHC99- For quashing To be Listed 9430207040 Schools 14532-2020 of the order Children dt. 10.4.2020 Welfare Assn. 173. Shilpi Keshari Arvind Kr. CWJC Release of Not considered 8987365744 Singh 14511/2019 vehicle. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 174. Ramashray Sudama Rai EC-BRHC99- Modification To be Listed Roy 12894-2020 6206899964 175. Sumeet Kr. Dharm MJC No. For No Urgency Singh Chandra Pd. 3654/2018 appointment 8292999999 of new arbitrator. 176. Sumeet Kr. Jitendr Kr. Rai MJC No. For No Urgency Singh 3780/2018 appointment 8292999999 of new arbitrator. 177. Sumeet Kr. Jitendra Pd. MJC No. For No Urgency Singh Gupta 3779/2018 appointment 8292999999 of new arbitrator. 178. Sumeet Kr. Dayashankar MJC No. For No Urgency Singh Singh 4748/2018 appointment 8292999999 of new arbitrator. 179. Sumeet Kr. Mahesh Pd. MJC No. For No Urgency Singh Rao 4745/2018 appointment 8292999999 of new arbitrator. 180. Kundan Kr. Anand EC-BRHC99- Non payment To be Listed 9430921661 Consultants. 13150-2020 of salary to the employees. 181. Sanket Kr. Avinash kr. Cr. App(DB) I.A for bail. To be Listed Singh 649/2015 8051901920 182. Harendra Pd. Sushil Tiwari EC-BRHC99- Modification(I Not considered 9431664594 115117259- ncomplete as format 2020 format) incomplete 183. Md. Najmul Dharmendra CWJC Termination Not considered Hodda Kr. 5265/2019 (Incomplete as format 9431495219 format) incomplete 184. Ziaul Abedin Dharmendra EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered 9835283486 Kr. Singh 16830-2020 vehicle. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 185. Sanjay kr. Jha S.K. Munna I.A 2/2020 in I.A for bail. Not considered 9470084860 Cr. App(SJ) (Incomplete as format 9 959/2016 format) incomplete 186. Sanjay Kr. Usha Devi Cr. Misc T. Case has not Registrar List to 9934021776 No. been listed verify 25560/2020 yet. 187. Sanjay kr. Jha Lalu Yadav I.A 1/2020 in I.A for bail. Not considered 9470084860 Cr. App(DB) (Incomplete as format 9 13/2016 format) incomplete 188. Yashraj Sarika EC-BRHC99- Tender Not considered Bardhan Construction 16704-2020 matter. as format 9835895559 s Pvt. Ltd. (Incomplete incomplete format) 189. Vagisha Amina EC-BRHC99- The state To be Listed Pragya Khatoon 14493-2020 without Vacknavi cancelling 8084691944 the bhoodani certificate of the appellants is forecefully constructing on the land of the appellants. 190. Ashok Kr. Dharmendra T. No. Stamp Registrar List to Kashyap Kr. 25519/2020 reporting not verify 9430212923 done yet. 191. Birendra Kr. Krishna Cr. App I.A for bail. No Urgency Singh Choudhan & 438/2018(DB 9523110555 Anr. ), I.A 3/2020 192. Sanjay Kr. Pratima Devi MJC No. Modification. To be Listed 7050102088 660/2020 193. Majid M. Dr. Syed Md. EC-BRHC99- Appointment Not considered Khan Mahfoz Seraj 16058-2020 matter. as format 7903444927 (Incomplete incomplete format) 194. Sanjeev Kr. Arun Kr. EC-BRHC99- Order of Not considered Mishra Singh 13880-2020 cancellation as format 9835068340 was passed incomplete during pandemic on 20.4.2020. (Incomplete format) 195. Pramod Kr. Komal Anita EC-BRHC99- For filing To be filed 9431270794 Singh 16427-2020 vakalatnama through e-mode for Private respondent. 196. Yashraj Jawahar Cr. App (DB) For To be Listed Bardhan Yadav 1496/2020 admission. 9835895559 197. Binay Kr. Rajesh EC-BRHC99- Appointment To be Listed Singh Ranjan 17513-2020 matter. 9204338671 198. Yashraj Rajendra Sah I.A 1/2020 in I.A for bail. Not considered Bardhan Cr. App (Incomplete as format 9835895559 1158/2018(D format) incomplete B) 199. Nityanand Sushil Kr. EC-BRHC99- Modification. Not considered 9431430725 Sinha 11755-2020 (Incomplete as format format) incomplete 200. Sanjay Kr. Ali Akbar EC-BRHC99- Modification. To be Listed 9934021776 12346-2020 201. Sanjay Kr. Babujan Cr. Misc T. Case has not Registrar List to 9934021776 Ansari No. been listed. verify 25283/2020 202. Majid Md. Rizwan Cr. WJC Quashing of To be Listed Mehboob alam & Anr. 29371 FIR. Khan 7903444927 203. Kameshwar Ranveer Kr. EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered Singh Ran 14488-2020 vehicle. as format 9304042572 (Incomplete incomplete format) 204. Niraj kr. Nandan Ghar CWJC To set aside Not considered 9905049044 Sansar 5668/2020 the sale as format Developers certificates. incomplete Pvt. Ltd. (Incomplete format) 205. Ravindra Bindu Devi CWJC For filing Not considered Nath Tiwary 15771/2019 supplementa as format 9931602969 ry affidavit. incomplete (Incomplete format) 206. Piyush PACs CWJC Cancellation Not considered Saurav Bhakhura 7387/2019 of PDS as format 9304795763 Panchayat license. incomplete (Incomplete format) 207. Satyendra Mahipal CWJC For filing I.A To be filed pd. Singh Yadav 7274/2020 through e-mode 9470246344 208. Ashok Kr. Satyam Kr. T. No. Stamp Registrar List to Kashyap 25512/2020 reporting not verify 9430212923 done yet. 209. Ashok Kr. Ranjan Kr. T. No. Stamp Registrar List to Kashyap 25516/2020 reporting not verify 9430212923 done yet. 210. Sanjeev Kr. Mahendra EC-BRHC99- License has Not considered Mishra Ram 13884-2020 been as format 9835068340 cancelled. incomplete (Incomplete format) 211. Prashant Kr. Lakshmi Devi EC-BRHC99- For filing I.A Not considered 9582941399 & Ors. 17133-2020 as format incomplete 212. Amrit Abhijat Nitin Kr. EC-BRHC99- Not considered 9431244102 18238-2020 Release of as format vehicle. incomplete (Incomplete format) 213. Jitendra Kr. Md. Helal EC-BRHC99- To be Listed Pandey 15169-2020 Education 9431039619 matter. 214. Siddhartha Guriya Kri. CWJC To be Listed Pd. 23654/2019 LPG 9934778779 distributorshi p. 215. Birendra Kr. Ashutosh Kr. I.A 3/2019 in To be Listed Singh cr. App(DB) I.A has been 9523110555 118/2014 filed. 216. Sanjeev Kr. Md. Ejaz EC-BRHC99- The admitted Not considered Mishra Alam 11575-2020 amount has as format 9835068340 not been incomplete paid. (Incomplete format) 217. Siddhartha Kaushalya CWJC No. LPG To be Listed Pd. Devi 5106/2020 distributorshi 9934778779 p 218. Ansul Sudarshan Case No. Election Not considered 8084908156 Devi 22869/2019 matter. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 219. Arvind Kr. Pinku Jaiswal I.A 1/2020 in Prayed to To be Listed 9304296033 Cr. Misc recall the 62396/2019( order dt. A.b) 16.06.2020 and fixed early date of hearing. 220. Uday Chand Meghnath EC-BRHC99- Quashing of No Urgency Pd. Hansda 05943-2020 the 9835657651 cognizance order dt. 22.10.2019. 221. Ansul Yashwant Kr. EC-BRHC99- Appointment Not considered 8084908156 16876-2020 matter. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 222. Kundan Kr. Santosh Kr. Cr. WJC Habeas To be Listed 9430921661 Keshari 352/2020 Corpus. 223. Priyanka Sahnaz EC-BRHC99- No Not considered Singh Khatoon 16569-2020 confidence. as format 8340655287 (Incomplete incomplete format) 224. Tuhin Awanish Kr. EC-BRHC99- SARFAESI To be Listed Shankar 14772-2020 Act. 8294224221 225. Sanjeev Kr. Umesh Kr. EC-BRHC99- License has Not considered Mishra Thakur 17008-2020 been as format 9835068340 cancelled. incomplete (Incomplete format) 226. Ranjeet Kr. Ram Sukhit EC-BRHC99- Dismissal Not considered 9234945387 Roy 12597-2020 from service. as format (Incomplete incomplete format) 227. Niranjan Kr. K.A College CWJC T. No. Examination To be Listed 7707000052 of 8066/2020 matter. professional Education 228. Sanjeev Kr. Sandip Kr. EC-BRHC99- Matter Not considered Mishra Roy 16530-2020 relates to as format 9835068340 pay scale. incomplete (Incomplete format) 229. Ansul Anita Kri. Case no. Quashing Not considered 8084908156 22869/2019 (Incomplete as format format) incomplete 230. Amrit Abhijat Nathuni EC-BRHC99- Cancellation Not considered 9431244102 Mehtar 18255-2020 of PDS as format license. incomplete Incomplete format 231. Rajnish Shankar Cr. App(SJ) Withdrawal. Not considered Chandra Yadav 5542/2019 (Incomplete as format 9031485810 format) incomplete 232. Shashi Pramod CWJC Matter Not considered Bhushan kumar 11775/2019 relates to as format Singh Promotion. incomplete 9835231146 (Incomplete format) 233. Shashi Arjesh Rai & CWJC Selection Not considered Bhushan Ors. 23133/2019 matter. as format Singh (Incomplete incomplete 9835231146 format) 234. Manoj Kumar Rina Devi CWJC No. PDS license Not considered 9431642568 12822 of of the as format 2019 petitioner incomplete has been cancelled without providing adequate opportunity. (Incomplete Format) 235. Mritunjay Kr. Raj Kumar EC-BRHC99- Stamp Registrar List to Singh 12715-2020 reporting has verify 9386067556 (Cr. Misc.) not been done. (Cr. Misc. number has not been done) 236. R.B. Singh Ajay Kumar CWJC No. Seeks Not considered 8083461948 and others 6521 of 2020 permission to as format file incomplete Vakalatnama . (Incomplete Format) 237. Ankit Kumar Ramesh CWJC No. Seeks Not considered 8252358222 Kumar 1355 of 2020 permission to as format file incomplete Vakalatnama . (Incomplete Format) 238. Anjani Kumar Rama Ashish EC-BRHC99- Release of To be Listed Sinha Sahni 17070-2020 vehicle 9431691442 (CWJC) (Excise Act) 239. Sanjeev M/s Nutan CWJC No. The of supply To be Listed Ranjan Gas Service 12854 of of LPG 8789805833 2019 cylinders to more than 20,000 consumers in the small town of Bettiah has been disrupted due to illegal termination of LPG distributorshi p and the said distributorshi p is the only source of income for an old man of 65 years who has spent his entire life in running the gas agency for more than 38 years. 240. Sanjeev Sanjay Token No. The To be Listed Ranjan Kumar 8009 of 2020 promotion of 8789805833 Suman (CWJC) the petitioner to the Post of Deputy Superintende nt of Police has been rejected by DPC purportedly on the ground that he was awarded censure without holding departmenta l proceeding or show cause, although similarly situated person having awarded censure by common order were promoted as in their case, it was not considered to be a bar by DPC. The petitioner is made to work under his junior. 241. Shambhu Nitesh Kr. EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered Prasad Yadav Chaudhary @ 18176-2020 vehicle as format 7970743369 Nitesh Kumar (CWJC) (Seeks to list incomplete (Excise Act) this case under heading “For Admission”. (Incomplete Format) 242. Nishant The Bihar L.P.A. No. L.P.A. No. To be Listed Kumar Jha Public 642 of 2019 642 of 2019 9934431232 Service has been Commission preferred and others against the judgement/or der dated 26.03.2019 passed in CWJC No. 3670 of 2019. (Examination Matter) 243. Akhileshwar Ramashish I.A. No. 1 of I.A. for bail Not considered Singh Yadav and 2019 in Cr. (Petitioner is as format 9934003070 others Appeal No. in custody incomplete 1377 of 2017 for about 4 (D.B.) years). (Incomplete Format) 244. Hans Lal Guddu EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered Kumar Kumar 12627-2020 vehicle as format 9431403756 (CWJC) (Petitioner is incomplete (Excise Act) very poor person). (Incomplete Format) 245. Hans Lal Harendra EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered Kumar Sahani 12628-2020 vehicle as format 9431403756 (CWJC) (Petitioner is incomplete (Excise Act) very poor person). (Incomplete Format) 246. Prithivi Raj Jaglal EC-BRHC99- Modification Not considered Singh Chaudhary 16904-2020 (Petitioner is as format 9431887360 (A. Bail) the only incomplete working member of his family) incomplete format 247. Ravi Shankar Arjun Manjhi EC-BRHC99- Modification Not considered Pankaj 14540-2020 of the order as format 9135044805 (R. Bail) dated incomplete 30.07.2019 in Cr. Misc. No. 46827 of 2019. (Petitioner is in custody since 27.05.2019 and his wife is suffering from Tuberculosis and doctor has advised her to take bad rest but no one is there to look after her. (Incomplete Format) 248. Uma Shankar Junarbi Rai @ Cr. Misc. No. For To be Listed Sharma Junabi Rai 946 of 2020 withdrawal 9431063317 (A. Bail) 249. Manish Ramjivan EC-BRHC99- Transfer Not considered Kumar No.- Bhagat @ 08726-2020 matter. as format 13 Ram Jivan (CWJC) (Incomplete incomplete 9304926668 Bhagat Format) 250. Sanjay Brahmdeo EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Prasad Alok 15999-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Police Inspector on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Manual. 251. Sanjay Dilkash EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Kumar Singh 16050-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Sub Inspector of Police on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 252. Sanjay Chandrika EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Ram 16066-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Sub Inspector of Police on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 253. Sanjay Nawal Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Singh 16201-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Assistant Sub Inspector of Police on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 254. Sanjay Raj Bharat EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Prasad Singh 16212-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Assistant Sub Inspector of Police on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 255. Sanjay Sunil Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Srivastava 16222-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Assistant Sub Inspector of Police on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 256. Sanjay Dineshwar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Prasad Yadav 16244-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable (Writer) on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 257. Sanjay Pushpendra EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Ojha 18483-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable (Writer) on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 258. Sanjay Ananjay EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Singh @ 16809-2020 has 9334312281 Ananjay (CWJC) challenged Kumar Singh his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 259. Sanjay Gulam EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Ahmad 16239-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Assistant Sub Inspector of Police on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 260. Sanjay Vishwajeet EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Kumar 16813-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 261. Sanjay Mithleshwar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Singh 16238-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Assistant Sub Inspector of Police on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 262. Sanjay Manoj Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Singh @ 16732-2020 has 9334312281 Manoj Kumar (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 263. Sanjay Mohan EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Prasad Singh 16249-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable (Writer) on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 264. Sanjay Amit Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Singh @ Amit 18485-2020 has 9334312281 Kumar (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Sub Inspector of Police on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 265. Sanjay Manish EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Kumar @ 16743-2020 has 9334312281 Manish (CWJC) challenged Kumar Saw his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 266. Sanjay Rahul Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri 16816-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 267. Sanjay Murali Yadav EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri 16795-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 268. Sanjay Shailendra EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Kumar Singh 16799-2020 has 9334312281 @ Shailendra (CWJC) challenged Kumar his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 269. Sanjay Rakesh EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Kumar Singh 16752-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 270. Sanjay Nitesh Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Singh 16810-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 271. Sanjay Dhiraj Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner To be Listed Kumar Giri Rai 16793-2020 has 9334312281 (CWJC) challenged his order of termination from the post of Constable on the ground that he has been terminated without following the due procedure either given under the Bihar CCA Rule or the Bihar Police Manual. 272. Upendra Anuradha EC-BRHC99- The Not considered Kumar Singh Kumari 16096-2020 petitioner is as format 9873155020 (Cr.W.J.C.) illegally and incomplete (Habeas wrongly Corpus) confined. (Incomplete Format) 273. Arjun Prasad Suraj Kant EC-BRHC99- Matter Not considered 9122090038 Nidhi 11344-2020 relates to the as format (CWJC) current incomplete (P.I.L.) vacancy of S.I. (BPSSC) 2020. (Incomplete Format) 274. Hans Lal Jitendra EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered Kumar Kumar 03747-2020 vehicle as format 9431403756 (CWJC) (Petitioner is incomplete (Excise Act) very poor person). (Incomplete Format) 275. Kumar Birendra I.A. No. 2 of I.A. for bail To be Listed Kaushlendra Choudhary 2018 in Cr. (Petitioner is 9801341145 and others Appeal (D.B.) in custody No. 35 of for more 2016 than four and a half years and others have granted bail) 276. Hans Lal Laddu @ EC-BRHC99- Release of Not considered Kumar Laddu 12630-2020 vehicle as format 9431403756 Mukhiya (CWJC) (Petitioner is incomplete (Excise Act) very poor person). (Incomplete Format) 277. Devendra Rambabu Token No. For Not considered Kumar Sah 26649 of withdrawal. as format 9431094447 2020 (A. (Incomplete incomplete Bail) Format) 278. Suresh Pd. Swati Kumari CWJC No. Matter is Not considered Sah @ 23079 of related to as format Baranwal 2018 the Selection incomplete 9931005983 in Bihar Police Service (Non- Gazetted). (Incomplete Format) 279. Suresh Pd. Rukhsar CWJC No. Matter Not considered Sah @ Khatoon 25089 of relates to the as format Baranwal 2018 (E.C. selection of incomplete 9931005983 Act) PDS Dealer. (Incomplete Format) 280. Rohit Mishra Dr. Pratyush EC-BRHC99- For directing Not considered 9431622816 Parag 10113-2020 the as format (CWJC) concerned incomplete respondents to issue appointment letter in favour of the petitioner, to be appointed on the post of Senior Resident/tuto r. (Incomplete Format) 281. Uday Pratap Harshvardha CWJC No. Matter To be Listed Singh n Ramanujan 8128 of 2020 relates to the 9431074236 (CWJC) appointment of Food Safety Officer. 282. Uday Pratap Rameshwar CWJC No. The No Urgency Singh Singh 8049 of 2020 respondent 9431074236 authorities have illegally did long term settlement with a Fisherman Co-operative Societies. 283. Prakash Dharamsheel L.P.A. No. Appellant Not considered Srivastava a Kumari 113 of 2020 has been as format 8084510539 removed incomplete from the post of Pramukh of Panchayat Samiti, . (Incomplete Format) 284. Raja Ram Baidyanath Cr. Misc. No. Modification Not considered Mishra Sharma 80558 of in order as format 9308851153 2019 passed in Cr. incomplete Misc. No. 80558 of 2019. (Incomplete Format) 285. Anil Kumar Aman Kumar EC-BRHC99- Modification. Not considered 9431456498 18472-2020 (Incomplete as format (Arising out Format) incomplete of Cr. Misc. No. 19991 of 2020) 286. Rahul Kumar Abhay CWJC No. Release of Not considered 9631099566 Sharma @ 8191 of 2020 vehicle. as format Abhay Kumar (Excise Act) (Incomplete incomplete Format) 287. Ugranath Eknath Cr.W.J.C. Petitioner is To be filed Mallik Pathak a Principal in through e-mode 9430965545 M.R.D. Inter College, Begusarai. He wants to file a Criminal Writ for quashing the 5 P.S. Cases instituted against him.

288. Girish Md. Tabarak Cr. Misc. No. Petitioner Not considered Chandra Jha 10722 of has been as format 9835445902 2020 granted bail incomplete on 01.07.2020 and order of bail has been uploaded but not transmitted. (Incomplete Format) 289. Virendra Dr. Pravin C. Review For reviewing No Urgency Prasad Kumar No. 161 of the order 9835617808 2014 dated 22.11.2013 passed in CWJC No. 11298 of 2013 by which the petitioner was debarred the salary from 17.08.2012 to 07.03.2013. Now the petitioner is suffering from cardiac problem and due to financial crunch he is not able to more to doctor of higher centre. 290. Dinesh Shailja I.A. No. 1 of I.A. for grant Not considered Maharaj Bajpeyi 2020 in CWJC of permission as format 9431189629 No. 12578 of to repair the incomplete 2019 damaged part of the building which was demolished by the respondents. (Incomplete Format) 291. Raj Kishore M/s Sushila CWJC No. For To be Listed Prasad Chemical 4913/2012 withdrawal 9431009122 Pvt. Ltd. 292. Sanjeev Kr. Jokhu Yadav Cr. App (SJ) Appellant is To be Listed 9431860650 No. 637/2020 in jail since 20.02.2015 and is awarded R.I. for 10 years 293. Raj Kishore M/s Magadh CWJC No. For To be Listed Prasad Smokeless 2199/2011 withdrawal 9431009122 Coaking Coal Industries Pvt. Ltd. 294. Raj Kishore M/s Mithila CWJC No. For To be Listed Prasad Coal Pvt. Ltd. 1060/2012 withdrawal 9431009122 295. Prabhat Kr. Om Prakash CWJC No. For directing No Urgency Dipak Singh @ EC-BRHC99- respondents 9631655725 Munna 17292-2020 not to Prasad and construct Ors. Bore Well and Water Tank on Ft. Public Road situated in Mauza Maner. 296. Ashok Kr. Om Prakash Cr. App. (SJ) For Not considered 9931660091 Chautala and 113/2020 withdrawal as format Ors. (incomplete incomplete format) 297. Arup Kr. Raj Kishore CWJC For No Urgency Chongdar Kumar and EC-BRHC99- regularizatio 9934687608 ORs. 14212-2020 n of service 298. Anil Kr. Ashok Kr. CWJC No. For To be Listed 9431664758 Patel @ 4106/2020 withdrawal Ashok Kr. 299. Sanjay Kr. Dalim Chand CWJC Matter No Urgency 7050102088 Sah and Ors. EC-BRHC99- relates to 03401-2020 joining letter arising out of not being CWJC No. issued 2512/2016 300. Sanjeev Sanjay Kr. CWJC Promotion To be Listed Ranjan Suman T. No. matter 8789805833 8009/2020 301. Dhanendra Sweta and LPA No. 141- Matter Not considered Chaubey four Ors. 2020 relates to as format 9234789088 publishing incomplete the final result of Asstt. Engineers (CIVIL) pending since April 2019 302. Md. Md. Moij and CWJC No. Petitioners No Urgency Fahimuddin Ors. 7615/2020 are retired 983524992 employees and are facing problem 303. Md. Ram Iqbal CWJC No. Petitioners No Urgency Fahimuddin Singh 7657/2020 are retired 983524992 employees and are facing problem 304. Malti Kumari Phool Kumari CWJC No. Petitioner’s Not considered 9430513628 6492/2020 job is gone as format and she is incomplete struggling (incomplete format) 305. Malti Kumari Dilip Mahto CWJC No. Release of Not considered 9430513628 6522/2020 Vehicle as format (incomplete incomplete format) 306. Mr. Sanket Jitendra T. no. Permission To be filed 9693570455 Sharma 25565/2020 for filing through e-mode Vakalatnama 307. Alok Kr. Alok Mithilesh Rai Cr. Misc. Petitioner No. Not considered 9334149971 @ Mithilesh 13160/2020 1 has been as format Kr. And Ors. (A.Bail) arrested, incomplete hence this application is for withdrawal (incomplete format) 308. Anjani Kr. Vivek Raj CWJC Matter Not considered 8986188710 Aryan EC-BRHC99- relates to as format 14688/2020 appointment incomplete (incomplete format) 309. Siddhartha Ram Niranjan EP- No. Matter To be Listed Prasad Roy 01/2019 relates to 9934778779 Election 310. Ranjan Kr. Paras Nath CWJC No. Release of Not considered 9631328301 Thakur 2079/2019 Vehicle as format (incomplete incomplete format) 311. Ashok Kr. Pramod Kr. CWJC Release of Not considered 9955554879 Yadav EC_BRHC99- Vehicle as format 12077-2020 (incomplete incomplete format) 312. Kamlesh Kr. Kinu I.A. No. I.A. for bail Not considered Pathak Chouhan @ 5/2020 in Cr. (incomplete as format 7488175334 Hare Krishna App. (SJ) No. format) incomplete Chauhan 2249/2017 313. Anjum Panjak CWJC No. Case was No Urgency Perveen Kumar 15768/2016 filed in 2016 Pandey and no hearing Ors. has taken place yet 314. Bela Singh Rajesh CWJC Matter To be Listed 9835420075 Paswan EC-BRHC99- relates to re- 18239-2020 evaluation of theory papers of their Medical P.G. Exam 315. Amit Kr. Magadh CWJC No. Education Not considered Anand Teachers 6359/2020 matter as format 9709496046 Training (incomplete incomplete College format) 316. Md. Anis Court of its CWJC No. Permission to To be filed Akhtar own motion 7214/2020 file through e-mode 9835081149 in re- (DB) PIL Vakalatnama functioning of the Tribunals in the State of Bihar 317. Anjani Kr. Jha Tribhuwan CWJC Work To be Listed 9934640630 Narayan EC-BRHC99- contract Singh 12203-2020 terminated and direction has been issued to forefeiture of Bank Guarantee vide order dt. 04.08.2020 318. Priyesh Kr. Munna CWJC Release of Not considered 9471078617 Kumar EC-BRHC99- Vehicle as format 05404-2020 (incomplete incomplete format) 319. Yashraj Radhesh Kr. Cr WJC No. Petitioner Not considered Bardhan Sharma 111/2020 had filed the as format 9835895559 writ petition incomplete for direction to respondent Post Office to release his savings and other deposited amount (incomplete format) 320. Sanjay Kr. Manish Cr. App. No. Father of the Not considered 9470667941 Ravidas 11272020 appellant as format (SJ) Manish incomplete Ravidas is Serious Ill and there is no one In the family to look after his father (incomplete format) 321. Jitendra Kr. Upendra Kr. CWJC Matter To be Listed Pandey Mishra EC-BRHC99- relates to 9431039619 08570-2020 serious corruption and termination of employees without giving any show cause notice 322. Bhaskar Rajo Nawah Cr.Appeal Custody since To be Listed as Shankar, andors. No.233/201 more than 3 ½ per seniority 943051096 7 years. I.A. have been filed 9 for suspension of sentence. 323. Bhaskar Bisheshwar Cr.Appeal I.A. has been To be Listed as Shankar, Ravidas No.250/201 filed for per seniority 943051096 7 suspension of sentenced and 9 release the appellants on bail. Custody since more thatn 3 ½. 324. Bhaskar Kesav Ray Cr.Appeal I.A. application To be Listed as Shankar, and ors. No.63/2020 has been filed per seniority 943051096 for suspension of sentence 9 and releasing appellant No.2 325. Rakesh Md. Jaiul Cr.Appeal Custody since To be Listed as Kumar No.l3808/2 more than 1 per seniority years without Singh, 019 any fault. 9470018504 326. Surendra Binod I.A.No.1/20 Custody since To be Listed as Kumar Pandey, 19 in 28 months. per seniority Singh, Cr.Appeal 9431047640 No.3321/20 18 327. Vijay Ajit Ram I.A.No.1/20 Custody since To be Listed as Shankar in Cr.Appeal 29.3.2015. per seniority Shrivastava, No.1513/20 9431074269 17 328. Vijay Akash Kumar I.A.No.1/20 Custody since To be Listed as Shankar 20 in 25.2.2019. per seniority Shrivastava, Cr.Appeal 9431074269 No.400­ 2019 329. Vijay Amar Kumar Cr.Appeal Custody since To be Listed as Shankar No.1364/20 16.9.2019. per seniority Shrivastava, 20 9431074269 330. Vijay Bhupendra Cr.Appeal This appeal To be Listed as Shankar Yadav No.396/202 has been per seniority admitted LCR Shrivastava, 0 was called for 9431074269 and the same has been received. 331. Sudhir Mantu Singh Cr.Appeal The I.A. To be Listed as Kumar No.3182/20 No.2/20 has per seniority been filed for Singh, 17 grant of bail in 9431074269 Cr.Appeal No.3182/2017 . Custody since 13.9.2017. 332. Vijay Shami Ali I.A.No.1/20 Custody To be Listed as Shankar 20 in since per seniority Shrivastava, Cr.Appeal 16.2.2013. 9431074269 No.2157/20 20

333. Sudhir Kumar Bhagwan Cr.Appeal Custody To be Listed as Singh, Singh No.2178/20 since per seniority 9431074269 19 9.4.2019.

334. Sudhir Kumar Sriram Cr.Appeal Custody To be Listed as Singh, Chaudhary No.61­2019 since per seniority 9431074269 30.11.2018. The appellant is a order giver.

335. Aaruni Tartun I.A.No.1/20 Custody To be Listed as Singh, Kumar 20 in since per seniority 9801370944 Singh Cr.Appeal 28.2.2019 no.534/201 and has 9 remained in jail for considerable period during trial before being granted bail on 21.9.2016.

336. AAruni Jai jai I.A.No.1/20 Custody To be Listed Singh, Yadav 19 in since 9801370944 Cr.Appeal 3.2.2009 No.283/201 and by now 4 he has remained injail for more than 11 years but till date the I.A.No.1/20 19 filed on 11.12.2019 in Cr.Appeal No.283/201 4 for grant of bail as pending for consideratio n.

337. Aaruni Sunil I.A.No.01/2 Custody To be Listed as Singh, Kumar Jha 019­ in since per seniority 9801370944 Cr.Appeal 14.4.2017 No.1554/20 But till date 18 the I.A.No.1/20 19 filed on 18.9.2019 for grant of bail is pending for consideratio n.

338. Kumari Jagdish Cr.Appeal Custody To be Listed as Ritambhara, Mehta No.4522­ since per seniority 8340135595 2018 31.10.2018.

339. Kumari Janardan Cr.Appeal Custody To be Listed as Ritambhara, Manda. And No.114/201 since per seniority 8340135595 ors. 7 14.8.2014.

340. Kumari Nageshwar Cr.Appeal In the To be Listed as Ritambhara, Das and No.202/201 aforesaid per seniority 8340135595 ors. 8 Cr.Appeal I.A. petition was filed 04.9.2019 and was allowed on 2.7.2020 to be listed under the heading of bail. Custody since 15.12.2017.

341. Kumari Sikandar Cr.Appeal I.A. petition To be Listed as Ritambhara, Mehta No.69/2018 was allowed per seniority 8340135595 on 2.7.2020 for the listing for bail hence is not being listed as the petition had filed his I.A.

342. Pramod Birju I.A.No.2/20 I.A. filed for To be Listed as Kumar, Thakur, 19 in prayer for per seniority 9431456941 Cr.Appeal bail custody No.1534­ 15.1.2015. 2018 343. Pramod Sanjay I.A.No.1/20 Custody To be Listed Kumar, Yadav 20 in since 9431456941 Cr.Appeal 12.4.2012. No.663/201 8 344. Pramod Kundan Token Father of To be Listed Kumar, Kumar No.EC­ the 9431456941 BRHC­99­ Petitioner 12930­2020 died and no any single member to perform funeral.

345. Mr. Sanjay Avinash Cr.Appeal The applicant To be Listed Kumar, Prasad (D.B.) is in jail for 933410118 No.226/201 more than 6 years. 6 7 (I.A.No.01/2 019) 346. Mr. Niranjan Rahul EC-BRHC99- The Magadh To be Listed Kumar, Kumar and 14627-2020 University has 770700005 wrongly others withheld the 2 mark sheet of the petitioners. The petitioners have selected for appointment on the post of teacher, but without mark sheet, they would not be given appointment letter. 347. Mr. Kumar Sumit CWJC.No.25 The present To be Listed Kaushik, Kumar 241/2019 writ 916292085 application has been filed 0 inter alia for setting aside the result of 30th Bihar Judicial Services Examination published on 29.11.2019 Pursuant to advertisement No.06/2018, to the extent to which, the candidature of the petitioner has been cancelled for non production of the original copy of the Character certificate, despite the fact that a scanned copy of the aforesaid document was produced by the petitioner on the date of interview. 348. Mr. Kumar Shashank CWJC.No.25 The present To be Listed Kaushik, Shekhar 178/2019 writ 916292085 application has been filed 0 inter alia for result of 30th Bihar Judicial Services Examination published on 29.11.2019 Pursuant to advertisement No.06/2018, to the extent to which, the candidature of the petitioner has been cancelled for non production of the original copy of the certificate, of the institution that it is recognized by the Bar Council of India, despite the fact that a scanned copy of the aforesaid document was produced by the petitioner on the date of interview and the certificate was also emailed by the learned Registrar of the Gujarat National Law University to the commission on the same day. 349. Mr. Kumar Ashish CWJC.No.34 The present To be Listed Kaushik, Chandra 5/2020 writ 916292085 application has been filed 0 inter alia setting aside the result of 30th Bihar Judicial Services Examination published on 29.11.2019 Pursuant to advertisement No.06/2018, to the extent to which, the candidature of the petitioner has been cancelled for non production of the original copy of the Character certificate as well as the certificate of the institution that it is recognized by the Bar Council of India, despite the fact that a scanned copy of the aforesaid document were produced by the petitioner on the date of interview. 350. Mr. Ranjeet Kashish EC-BRHC99- The admitted Not considered Kumar, Develpers 10809-2020 dues of the as format 923494538 petitioner has incomplete Limited also been 7 withheld by the respondent authorities, and due to non payment of salary to the employees of the petitioner company during this COVID 19 pandemic period, they are in starvation position. Not in prescribed format. 351. Mr. Shashi Kumar Rajiv EC-BRHC99- Works contract To be Listed Bhushan Ranjan 13475-2020 matter Kumar Manglam, 993487997 8 352. Mr. Shashi Nalin EC-BRHC99- Works contract To be Listed Bhushan Ranjan 13490-2020 matter. Kumar Manglam, 993487997 8 353. Mr. Sanjay Nirmala I.A. Required To be Listed Kumar Devi and No.1/2020( urgent hearing Sharma, Arising out of aforesaid ors I.A. on account 943028619 of of the land of 4 CWJC.No.27 petitioner has 16/2019) been acquired NH on which petitioners house and shop are there is going to be demolish and evict forcefully within one week by the District Magistrate Saharsa through publishing it in daily newspaper during pendent lite of CWJC.No.2716 before Hon’ble Court and immediately respondents are not restain from forceful action the above writ application became infructuous and petitioner will loss irreparable. 354. Mr. Jitendra Lalan EC-BRHC99- The petitioners To be Listed Kumar Giri, Prasad & 14591-2020 in aforesaid 933452534 case had Another applied for the 5 post of lab technician in the year 2015 and the process of counselling of the same is going on by the Bihar Staff Selection Commission on the ground of the reason best known to the state they have not been allowed to participate in the same. 355. Mr. Jitendra CWJC.No.14 The petitioner To be Listed Surendra Kumar 54/2020, is subjected to Kumar EC-BRHC99- Departmental Singh proceeding Singh, 04536-2020 even after his 943104764 retirement. 0 356. Mr. Rahul CWJC.No.24 Respondents Not considered Awadhesh Kumar & 642/2018 are filed as format Kumar (I.A.No.2/20 I.A.No.2/2019 incomplete Ors for vacation of Singh, 19) order of stay of joining dated 03.06.2009 passed by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Rajeev Ranjan Prasad passed in CWJC.No.2464 2/2018. Not in prescribed format. 357. Mr. Shashi M/S EC-BRHC99- Works contract To be Listed Bhushan Chohesivg 13673-2020 matter. Kumar Infrastructur Manglam, e 993487997 8 Developers Pvt. Ltd.

358. Mr. Sintu Kumar CWJC.No.85 Matter is Not considered Jagannath Sinha 51/2020 squally as format Prasad, covered with incomplete CWJC.No.2059 930405503 8/2019 and 7 with CWJC.No.2050 /2020. Seized the motor cycle of the petitioner. Not in prescribed format. 359. Mr. Bipin Rinku Devi @ CWJC.No.24 The dismissal No Urgency Bihari Rinku Kumari 667/2018 from service by Panchayat Singh, Secretary vide 8877241292 letter dated 19.11.2018 without hearing is under challenge, which attracts requirement of natural justice. 360. Mr. Sanchay M/S Bharti CWJC.No. Earlier vide No Urgency Srivastava, Infratel Token No. order dated Limited 17.08.2020 9006110279 EC­ passed in BRHC99­ CWJC.No.9733 13108­2020 /2011 liberty was granted by this Hon’ble Court to file a fresh writ application which was filed on 23.08.2020 through the E­ filing portal. 361. Mr. Sanjay Vijoy Kumar CWJC.No.15 The petitioner To be Listed Kumar, 11/2019 has been filed arranging the 9334101186 order of measurement passed by Circle Officer, Patna Sadar, vide order dated 25.01.2019 the Hon’ble Court was pleased to stay the notice issued by circle officer and directed to file counter affidavit, subsequently one contempt application was also filed which is pending, now again a notice has been issued by the Circle Officer for measurement of land on 10.09.2020. 362. Mr. Sunil Pawan Kumar CWJC.No.43 The To be filed Kumar, Mishra 54/2020 respondent through e-mode No.6 wants to 9431074371 appear before the Hon’ble Court through his learned counsel Mr. Sunil Kumar for submitting the fact of the case by filing Vakalatnama. 363. Mr. Shashi Patliputra EC­ The To be Listed Bhushan University BRHC99­ respondent Kumar Teacher Additional 18635­2020 Chief Electoral Manglam, Association and others Officer has 993487997 passed the 8 impugned order deleting the name 120 electors from the voter list of Patna Teachers Constituency without any authority of law. 364. Mr. Shashi Raj Janay Raj EC­ Works contract To be Listed Bhushan Construction BRHC99­ matter. Kumar Pvt. Ltd. 14170/2020 Manglam, 993487997 8 365. Mr. Parth Rajendra CWJC.No.46 The writ Not considered Gaurav, Chaudhary 87/2020 application as format has been filed incomplete 8083614777 challenging the order of Ld. DCLR who has cancelled the parcha granted in favour of the petitioner. Not in prescribed format. 366. Mr. Prabhat Maruti EC­ Release of To be Listed Ranjan, Traders BRHC99­ vehicle 9934089894 18649­2020 367. Mr. Subodh Shahikala CWJC.No.97 Petitioner filed Not considered Kumar, Chaudhary 20/2016 this writ as format petition in year incomplete 9931291840 2016, for quashing of memo No.686/Pan dated 30.07.2015 issued by respondent No.2. petitioner paid all the amount but this matter has been not listed. Not in prescribed format. 368. Mr. Siromani EC­ The petitioner Not considered Abhishek Devi BRHC99­ who is a widow as format lay has got a incomplete Anand, 16497­2020 job out of 9771402750 compassionate appointment in Jamalpur College, Jamalpur after death of her husband in 1995, who has worked on a sanctioned post since 1980. Not in prescribed format. 369. Mr. Anil Garima Sinha CWJC.No.67 To file To be filed Kumar 99/2020 Vakalatnama through e-mode on behalf of Singh, respondent 9431495095 No.4­7 being the retainer of D.A.V. CMC. 370. Mr. Ranu CWJC.No.69 The matter To be Listed Surinder Banergee & 37/2020 relates to Anr illegal Kumar, construction of 9430548672 market complex on the land specifically marked for canal, district Board illegally after encroachment raising permanent construction which will cause serious problem to the local residents. 371. Mr. Shashi Randhir EC­ Works contract To be Listed Bhushan Kumar BRHC99­ matter. Kumar 13675­2020 Manglam, 9934879978 372. Mr. Nilanjan Anjani Kumar CWJC.No.20 The petitioners Not considered Chatterjee, Sharma & 342/2018 have as format Ors challenged the incomplete 9708091488 order of transfer on the ground that the new place of posting of the petitioners does not have the posts on which they have been transferred. Not in prescribed format. 373. Mr. Saroj CWJC.No.18 The matter Not considered Kumar Bhardwaj 325/2019 relates to as format Termination incomplete Singh, from service of 9304287330 the petitioner. Not in prescribed format. 374. Mr. Prashant Faiyaz Alam EC-BRHC99- Petitioner has Not considered Kumar, 04037-2020 not yet been as format 993960865 paid incomplete compensation. 7 Not in prescribed format. 375. Mr. Bimal DR. Binod CWJC.No.32 Matter No Urgency Kumar Jha, Kumar Jha 73/2018 regarding S.D.M. Patna 9835240028 & SHO Rajiv Nagar and Local authority under the act not been the order for removal of encroachment /illegal construction. 376. Md. Najmul Jai Prakash CWJC.No.14 The petitioner Not considered Hoda, Sah 090/2019 is PDS dealer as format and his license incomplete 9431495219 has been susp0ended by the S.D.O. Not in prescribed format. 377. Mr. Indrajeet CWJC.No.23 Licence of the Not considered Jagannath Ram 792/2019 petitioner as format Prasad, bearing licence incomplete notice been 9304055037 cancelled. Not in prescribed format. 378. Md. Najmul Hafeaz Abdur CWJC.No.14 The petitioner Not considered Hoda, Rahman 082/2019 was retired as format from service on incomplete 9431495219 31.03.2005 and after about 13 years directed to recover an amount of Rs.143992/­ which has been excess amount to the petitioner. Not in prescribed format. 379. Mr. Sanjeev Sanjay CWJC.No.15 The petitioners No Urgency Ranjan, Kumar & 039/2018 have sought a 8789805833 Others mandamus for issuance of a notification for publication of sonority list.

380. Mr. Suraj Chandiya EC­ The cause of To be Listed Narain Devi BRHC99­ action for Yadav, 14963­2020 filing this 9430810646 writ petition arose during the lockdown on 25.08.2020, the day on which the special meeting for no confidence motion has been held against the petitioner who is the Pramukh of Barachatti Panchayat Samitti and resolution has been passed removing her from the post of Pramukh.

381. Mr. Sanjeev Vishal EC­ The private Not considered Kumar Anand BRHC99­ respondents as format incomplete Mishra, 16145­2020 have 9835068340 encroached the premises of the petitioner. Not in prescribed format.

382. Mr. Kumar Bhim Ro MJC.No.100 the To be Listed Kaushik, Gautam 2/2020 semester III 9162920850 supplement ary Examinatio n is now rescheduled from 01.10.2020 to 07.10.2020 and the Opposite party did not allow the petitioner to fill up the from due to which he may lose his academic year in teeth of judgement and order dated 10.01.2020 passed in 22571 of 2019.

383. Mr. Sanjay Vijoy Kumar CWJC.No.15 The To be Listed Kumar, 11/2019 petitioner 9334101186 has been filed arranging the order of measureme nt passed by Circle Officer, Patna Sadar, Vide order dated 25.01.2019 the Hon’ble Court was pleased to stay the notice issued by Circle Officer and directed him to file Counter Affidavit, subsequentl y one contempt application was also filed which is pending, now again a notice has been issued by the Circle Officer for measureme nt of land on 10.09.2020.

384. Mr. Raju Vishnukant C. Review The Not considered Shekhar, Roy No.82/2020 respondent as format incomplete 9525490014 , Token authorities No.9085/20 are in the 20 last stage for the process of appointment of teachers. Not in prescribed format.

385. Mr. Alok Kissandhan CWJC.No. The present Kumar @ Agri 9358/2020 application Alok Kumar Financial has been Shahi, 933427167 Services filed for 0 Private directing to Litmited the Respondent s to provide adequate security and protection to the petitioner and its agent in lawful execution of liquidation/l ifting process of stock of wheat pledged by Gi4U Agri Business solutions Private Limited to petitioner and is presently kept at Janki Rice Mill, Nokha, Rohatas (Warehouse) .

386. Mr. Surendra Ranjan MJC.No.364 The No Urgency Kumar Singh, Kumar /2020 petitioner is 9431047640 not given the posting as per his seniority as also as per the service rules, even after the fact that the writ application was allowed by the Hon’ble High Court.

387. Mr. Ram Adonis MJC.No.315 This matter Not considered Tujab Singh, Infratech /2020 was as format 8340640467 incomplete Pvt. Ltd. mentioned two times and both times mentioning allowed and came on the list but unfortunatel y same has been delisted (out of list) both time without heard. Not in prescribed format.

388. Mr. Arun Manoj EC­ PDS license No Urgency Kumar, Kumar BRHC99­ of the 9431202317 12745­2020 petitioner has been cancelled on 12.06.2018.

389. Mr. Rakesh Dr. Kundan EC­ The Not considered Kumar, Kumar @ BRHC99­ petitioner as format incomplete 9431878374 Kundan 15403­2020 was filed Kumar this writ for quashing the order of Civil Surgeon­ Cum­ Member, Secretary, District Health Society, Begusarai. Not in prescribed format.

390. Mr. R. Prahland EC­ For disposal Not considered Griyaghey, Roy Teacher BRHC99­ of as format incomplete 9334113017 Training 11702/20 representati College on (Annex­ 5), which was for preventing Respondent No.7 from placing obstruction on the approach road of the College. Not in prescribed format.

391. Mr. Shailesh M/S Gulab CWJC.No.24 The matter To be Listed Kumar, Memorial 822/2019 related to 9801294071 Inter College registration of students enrolled for intermediate class.

392. Mr. Bihar Staff LPA.No.68/ The To be Listed Prashant Selection 2020 respondents Sinha, Commission are 9334142016 and Ors successful candidates in the selection process of Junior Engineers but they were not appointed by the respondents , while the similarly situated persons have already been appointed.

393. Mr. Gupteshwar CWJC.No.18 Prayer is for Not considered Ravindra Tiwary & 49/2020 a direction as format incomplete Grriyaghey, another to 9334113017 Respondent s to dispose of representati on. Not in prescribed format.

394. Mr. Prema EC­ This To be Listed Prashant Sharma BRHC99­ petitioner Sinha, 16254­2020 wants to 9334142016 submit her tender document which has to be uploaded on the website.

395. Mr. Sunil EC­ The To be Listed Akshnsh Kumar Jha BRHC99­ petitioner Ankit, 19071­2020 has been 9771457075 running from pillar to post to get compensatio n for past over four years. 396. Mr. Pramod EC­ The writ No Urgency Akshansh Prasad BRHC99­ filed by the Ankit, Chaurasiya 03072­2020 appellant 9771457075 Mukhiya has been dismissed without considering that Sec.18 (5) of the Bihar Panchyat Raj Act, 2006 requires an independent hearing by the Principal Secretary, however, in the instant case he acted merely on recommend ation of an inferior Authority namely District Magistrate which violates the principal of Natural Justice.

397. Mr. Ramesh EC­ The To be Listed Akshansh Prasad BRHC99­ petitioner Ankit, Ranjan, 16632­2020 superannua 9771457075 9771457075 ted on 29.02.2020 and despite the approval and no dues certificate from concerned Department, Post –Retrial dues of the petitioner are not being paid to the petitioner.

398. Mr. Santosh EC­ The To be Listed Akshansh Singh @ BRHC99­ petitioner Ankit, Santosh 12261­2020 was elected 9771457075 Kumar as Singh Chairman of the Madansath PACS and Certificate of Election was issued by the Election Officer.

399. Mr. Jitendra EC­ Petitioner No Urgency Akshansh Kumar BRHC99­ was earlier Ankit, Yadav 12812­2020 provided 9771457075 with Armed Bodyaguard due to threat to his life and property, based on a report by the Police Authorities.

400. Mr. Dudh Ashok CWJC.No.84 CWJC.No.66 Not considered Nath Singh, Kumar and 49/2020 770/2020 as format incomplete 9835448797 ors arise out of Elementary School Teacher Niyaojan 2019­20 and date of hearing for order /Admission fixed on 20.09.2020 vide order dated 08.09.2020. Not in prescribed format.

401. Mr. Rohit EC­ For disposal Not considered Ravindra Kumar & BRHC99­ of as format incomplete Griyaghey, Ors 13636/20 representati 9334113017 on (Annex­ 1) which was for restraining the Respondent No.7 from placing obstruction on the approach road of the College. Not in prescribed format.

402. Mr. Sunil Ashok S.A.261/20 There is Registrar List to Kumar Kumar 19 judicial verify Singh, Mishra and order of the 9430067954 others Hon’ble Court, date fixed was 03.08.2020 Judgement of Reversal, Agricultural land protraction of the appellant being disturbed.

403. Mr. Sunil Manoj Token Earlier Registrar List to Kumar Kumar & No.8060/20 mentioning verify Singh, Ohters 20 not 9430067954 entertained since it was not in proper format. The writ was listed on 18.06.2020. 404. Mr. Uttam Electricity CWJC.No.18 Bill for Not considered Kumar matter 272/2019 December as format incomplete Mishra, 2018 was AOR.No.187 issued and 6 paid in December, 2018. In January 2019 bill for 78137/­ issued petitioner disported the same with request to redress the same no action all of a break of petitioner. Not in prescribed format.

405. Mr. Santosh Bihar EC­ This To be Listed Kumar Pradesh BRHC99­ application Sinha­2, Bhrastachar 14275­2020 in Public 9835433331 Unmulan Interest Sajmiti Litigation is fildd to direct the respondents that in obedience to Election Commission of India. 406. Mr. Santosh Bihar EC­ Orders To be Listed Kumar Pradesh BRHC99­ dated Sinha­2, Bhrastachar 9757­2020 30.06.2020 9835433331 Unmulan is issued by Sajmiti defeating the procedure laid down/presc ribed under rules and law of the land with respect to transfer posting in June it has adopted/res orted to an unknown procedure for passing such order and also against the mandate of Election Commission Memo No.437 issued to Chief Secretary.

407. Mr. Uday Dr. Suresh MJC.o.376/ Petitioner To be Listed Chand Prasad 2019 retired from Prasad, Yadav (Arising out the post of 9835657651 CWJC.No.15 Asst. 211/2012) Professor on 31.07.2018. Hon’ble S.J. directed to make payment of r4etirement dues through order dated 11.09.2018 and same was also confirmed by Hon’ble Cuourt via LPA.No.170 6/18.

408. Mr. Braj Ratan CWJC.No.75 Admitted To be Listed Kishore Kumar 00/2020 contractual Singh, amount is Chouhan, Rs.6.50,492 9709948439 .00 and the same is to be ordered for payment but due to typographic al error the amount has been given in order sheet dated 08.09.2020 as Rs.15,83,42 9/­ and modification to this extent be done.

409. Mr. K. Vijjayan EC­BRHC­ Despite, Not considered Ravindra Pillai 18794­2020 order dated as format incomplete Griyaghey, 24.07.2019 9334113017 passed in CWJCNo.52 01/2003 the contemnors authorities have not complied the same. Not in prescribed format.

410. Mr. Alok Fulena EC­BRHC­ Present writ No Urgency Ranjan, Constructio 14749­2020 application 9304521299 n Pvt. Ltd. has been filed for payment of admitted contractual dues of the petitioner.

411. Mr. Surya Paras Nath CWJC.No.21 The To be Listed Nilambari, Singh & Ors 228/2013 petitioners 7970749922 have challenged and prayed for stay of notice dated 03.09.2020 by way of E­ filing an interlocutor y Application.

412. Mr. Amrendra I.A.No.02/2 The writ Not considered Akhilesh Kumar 020 (Arising application as format incomplete Dutta Sinha out of relates to Verma, CWJC.No.10 termination 9334269690 251/2017) of the petitioner from his services. Not in prescribed format.

413. Mr. Ajay Zieba Token Matter is Not considered Kumar Khanam @ No.7915/20 related to as format incomplete Sinha, Zeha 20 release of 9905450531 Khatoon vehicle. Not in prescribed format.

414. Mr. Ajay Ravi Kumar EC­ Matter is Not considered Kumar BRHC99­ relates to as format incomplete Sinha, 17789/2020 release of 9905450531 vehicle. Not in prescribed format.

415. Mr. Ambuj Rajan EC­ The matter Not considered Kumar Kumar BRHC99­ relates to as format incomplete Chandra, Chaurasiya 08119­2020 release of 9360466878 vehicle. Not 3 in prescribed format.

416. Mr. Ajay Piyush EC­ Release of Not considered Prasad, Traders BRHC99­ rice which as format incomplete 9334106274 18352­2020 has been seized in the month of January, 2020. Not in prescribed format.

417. Mr. Ambuj Satish EC­ This case Not considered Kumar Kumar BRHC99­ has been as format incomplete Chandra, 15873­2020 filed to 9304668783 uplift the petitioner to the higher in the seniority list in his service as his prayer is a bona fide. Not in prescribed format.

418. Mr. Viresh CWJC.No.94 Matter is No Urgency Awadhesh Kumar 66/2020 related to Kumar Verma post retrial Pandit, benefit. 9430466005 419. Mr. Baua Dr. Shankar Ec­ The To be Listed Jha, Pandit BRHC99­ petitioners 7903031465 18959­2020 are working on contract basis as Ayush doctors. By virtue of the amendment s made in the Rules, their services have been regularized but the respondents have issued notice to fill up all the posts on which the petitioners are working, as a result thereof the petitioners are facing the threat of being removed from their posts on which they are already working.

420. Mr. Pramod Jhimi Lal EC­ Release of To be Listed Kumar, BRHC99­ vehicle. 9431456941 13383/2020 421. Mr. Jayram Himmat Token In the above Not considered Prasad, Singh No.EC­ noted case as format incomplete 9304728590 BRHC99­ filed for 14323­2020 release of vehicle. Not in prescribed format.

422. Mr. Vijay Chandan EC­ The writ Not considered Anand, Kumar BRHC99­ filed for as format incomplete 9431024148 14039/20 release of Pickup Van. Not in prescribed format.

423. Mr. Vijay Niraj Kumar CWJC.No.77 Release of Not considered Anand, 18/2020 Motorcycle. as format incomplete 9431024148 Not in prescribed format.

424. Mr. Vijay Birendra MJC.No.958 Earlier writ Not considered Anand, Kumar @ 3/2020 application as format incomplete 9431024148 Birendra was dispose Ray off in terms of Hon’ble APEX Court direction of by this Hon’ble Court with a direction to consider the case 4 petitioners against the vacancy. Not in prescribed format.

425. Mr. Nag Narain MJC.No.538 Non Not considered Ravindra Rai /2020 compliance as format incomplete Griyaghey, of the order 9334113017 dated 19th April, 2019, passed in CWJC.No.84 71/2003 (order Annexed) has brought the petitioner and his 8 members of his family to pathetic situation of starvation, compelling them to die/to commit suicide. Not in prescribed format.

426. Mr. Diwakar Ashish EC­ The No Urgency Prasad Prakash & BRHC99­ petitioners Singh, others 11733­2020 are diploma 9431091696 Holder Civil Engineers was candidate for the post of Special Survey Amin publicised by Directorate of Land Records & Survey under Department of Revenue & Land Reforms Department Bihar Patnait was communicat ed through the press release made in Hindi Vernacular “Chayan Prakriya” which just provides that the merit list shall be prepared on the basis of Marks obtained in Matriculatio n & Diploma/ITI in which Maximum 10 points weightage will be allowed for matriculatio n while for Diploma & the ITI maximum 90 points weightage can be given to the candidates explaining the modes & methods of calculation deliberately mentioned in Advertiseme nt No.01/2019 published by the respondent issued under the signature of respondent No.4 & on such basis the merit list was directed to be prepared.

427. Mr. Diwakar Ganesh EC­ This case Registrar List to Prasad Kumar BRHC99­ was filed on verify Singh, Choudhary 07088­2020 21.07.2020 9431091696 & until today even the Token Number was not generated.

428. Mr. Rajeev Shailesh EC­ Release of Not considered Kumar, Yadav BRHC99­ vehicle in as format incomplete 9934094694 017335­ Excise Act. 2020 Not in prescribed format.

429. Mr. Rajeev Ranjeet EC­ Release of Not considered Kumar, Kumar BRHC99­ vehicle. Not as format incomplete 9934094694 06294­2020 in prescribed format.

430. Praveen Ranjeet EC-BRHC99- Release of To be Listed Kumar Kumar 15891-2020 vehicle Agrawal Kushwaha (CWJC) 9431268441 (Excise Matter)

Mentioning with regard to urgent hearing of R.Bail & A.Bail:

Sl.No. Name of Adv. Name of Party Nature of Case Reasons for Remarks With Ph.No. Mentioning 10.09.2020 431. Ajay Prasad Rajesh Kr. EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9334106274 Bhagat 17057-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 432. Ansul Mithelesh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 8084908156 Yadav 09250-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 01.09.2019 for the present 433. Dhananjay Shatrughan T. No. In custody Not Kr. Pandey Singh 23127/2020 since considered 9199649522 (R.Bail) 28.02.2020 for the present 434. Dhananjay Lalan Yadav T. No. In custody Not Kr. Pandey 22763/2020 since considered 9199649522 (R.Bail) 21.05.2019 for the present 435. Dhananjay Kanhaiya Rai T. No. In custody Not Kr. Pandey 22911/2020 since considered 9199649522 (R.Bail) 30.04.2020 for the present 436. Ravi Shankar Vijay EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Pathak Shankar 15572-2020 since considered 8709593892 Mishra @ (R.Bail) 25.07.2020 for the present Vijay Kr. 437. Ravi Shankar Kamlesh Rai EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Pathak 15844-2020 n of arrest considered 8709593892 (A.Bail) for the present 438. Sabal Kr. Jha Raja Kr. EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9431074640 11213-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 439. Sabal Kr. Jha Moni Kumari EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9431074640 11212-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 440. Smit Ranjeet Kr. @ Cr. Misc. In custody Not 8789213411 Ranjeet 25616/2020 since considered Yadav (R.Bail) 01.05.2020 for the present 441. S. Jamil Abhinayan @ EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Akhter Ranjan 07313-2020 since long considered 9835405213 (R.Bail) and his wife for the present is in serious ailment 442. Arun Kr. Kalindra Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9431074172 Kumar @ 26194/2020 since considered Kalindra Sao (R.Bail) 07.04.2018 for the present 443. Arun Kr. Pratap Singh Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9431074172 26188/2020 since considered (R.Bail) 03.02.2020 for the present 444. Arun Kr. Madhusudan EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9431074172 Kr. 13019-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 04.03.2020 for the present 445. Arun Kr. Rajiv Singh Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9431074172 @ Rajeev 26871/2020 since considered Singh (R.Bail) 23.03.2020 for the present 446. Arun Kr. Chandan EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9431074172 Mahto 10842-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 23.03.2020 for the present 447. Arun Kr. Amit Kr. EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9431074172 Singh 05478-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 448. Arun Kr. Ram Jatan Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9431074172 Yadav 29237/2020 since considered (R.Bail) 08.06.2020 for the present 449. Uday Pratap Ajay Rajbhar EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh 15764-2020 considered 9905221499 (R.Bail) for the present 450. Uday Pratap Guddu EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh Thakur 15748-2020 considered 9905221499 (R.Bail) for the present 451. Vijay Kr. Tufani @ EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Mishra Bhutely 04518-2020 since considered 8873323208 Chauhan (R.Bail) 15.11.2019 for the present 452. Mahendra Aftab Alam Cr. Misc. Defects have Not Prasad @ Md. Aftab 25446-2020 been considered Bhartee Alam @ (R.Bail) removed, for for the present 9431662532 Rinku listing 453. Rudal Singh Bhushan Cr. Misc. Apprehensio Not 9304613876 Sahni 24398-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 454. Manoj Kr. Kirandeo EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh Yadav 10490-2020 since long considered 9431491512 (R.Bail) for the present 455. Manoj Kr. Sanjeev Kr. EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Singh 11611-2020 n of arrest considered 9431491512 (A.Bail) for the present 456. Shailendra Md. Saddam EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Kr. Jha @ Chhotu 08738-2020 since considered 9504008674 (R.Bail) 20.12.2019 for the present 457. Shailendra Acchemar T. No. 23202- In custody Not Kr. Jha Mukhiya 2020 since considered 9504008674 (R.Bail) 16.02.2020 for the present 458. Shailendra Amit Kr. T. No. 23181- In custody Not Kr. Jha Kapri 2020 since considered 9504008674 (R.Bail) 27.03.2020 for the present 459. Shailendra Lal Babu T. No. 22463- In custody Not Kr. Jha Yadav 2020 since considered 9504008674 (R.Bail) 25.02.2020 for the present 460. Yogendra Hare Ram EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Prasad Sinha Yadav @ 08580-2020 n of arrest considered 7667063954 Hare Ram Kr. (A.Bail) for the present Yadav 461. Sanjana Ehsan EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 7258095461 Mohammad 14933-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 20.02.2020 for the present 462. Sanjana Raja Kr. And EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 7258095461 Hemand Kr. 13940-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 17.04.2020 for the present 463. Dilip Kr. Rajesh Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9835070290 07282-2020 considered (R.Bail) for the present 464. Ashok Kr. Kedar Manjhi T. No. In custody Not 9955554879 23980/2020 since considered (R.Bail) 18.02.2020 for the present 465. Dhananjay Satish Cr. Misc. In custody Not Kr. Sharma 22447/2020 since considered 6202350397 (R.Bail) (Tied 13.03.2019 for the present Up matter) 466. Rakesh Kr. Rajeev Singh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9431878374 @ Rajeev Kr. 15365-2020 considered Singh @ (R.Bail) for the present Rajeev Kr. 467. Manoj Kr. Pappu EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9955516581 Chaudhary 15433-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 468. Manoj Kr. Rana Mahto BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9955516581 @ Ravindra 15467/2020 n of arrest considered Kr. Sinha (A.Bail) for the present 469. Manoj Kr. Pravesh Saw BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9955516581 15458/2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 470. Manoj Kr. Mukesh BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9955516581 Yadav @ 15460/2020 n of arrest considered Mukesh @ (A.Bail) for the present Gauna 471. Manoj Kr. Vikash Yadav BRHC99- In custody Not 9955516581 02895/2020 since long considered (R.Bail) for the present 472. Manoj Kr. Usha Devi BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9955516581 and Ors. 15426/2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 473. Sunil Kr. Ramchandra T. No. 28512- In custody Not Singh Bind 2020 (R.Bail) since considered 9308032338 11.04.2020 for the present 474. Sujeet Kr. Laleshwar T. No. 28282- In custody Not Gupta Prasad Singh 2020 (R.Bail) since considered 9835293533 and Anr. 30.04.2020 for the present 475. Pankaj Kr. Brijesh Singh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh @ Brajesh Kr. 13963-2020 since considered Singh (R.Bail) 05.02.2020 for the present 476. Shive Kumar Rakesh Cr. App No. Apprehensio Not 7004585810 Paswan @ 635-2020 n of arrest considered Pawan (SJ) for the present Paswan (A.Bail) (SC/ST Act) 477. Md. Javed Md. Liyaqat EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Jafar Khan Ansari 5483-2020 considered 9939921433 (R.Bail) for the present 478. Md. Javed Mungeshwar EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Jafar Khan Yadav and 4821-2020 considered 9939921433 Anr. (R.Bail) for the present 479. ARvind Kr. Jairam Mahto Cr. Misc. Apprehensio Not Pradhan and Ors. 2595-2020 n of arrest considered 9507228672 (A.Bail) for the present 480. RAnjit Jha Panna Yadav Cr. App. (SJ) In custody Not 9304898320 EC_BRHC99- since considered 02624-2020 20.01.2020 for the present (R.Bail) 481. Anil Kr. Madhurendra T. No. EC- Apprehensio Not 9431456498 Pratap @ BRHC99- n of arrest considered Madhurendra 17571-2020 for the present Pratap Singh (A.Bail) 482. Anil Kr. Hare T. No. EC- Apprehensio Not 9431456498 Krishana BRHC99- n of arrest considered Ram and 17564-2020 for the present Ors. (A.Bail) 483. Praveen Kr. Gautam Cr. Mis. Apprehensio Not 9431411423 Sharma 17559-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 484. Sanjay Kr. Not given EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9661000966 15629-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 485. Sanjay Kr. Not given EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 15642-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than 9 for the present months 486. Sanjay Kr. Not given EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 15586-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than 9 for the present months 487. Sanjay Kr. Rakesh Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 16674-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than 5 month for the present 488. Sanjay Kr. Sahdev Rai EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 16666-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than one and for the present a half years 489. Sanjay Kr. Birendra Kr. EC-BRHC99- Only six Not 9661000966 15653-2020 month considered (Bail) validity of for the present the stamp and no registry of the stamp 490. Sanjay Kr. Suresh Singh EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9661000966 15649-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 491. Sanjay Kr. Sonu Paswan EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 15612-2020 since 6 considered (R.Bail) months for the present 492. Sanjay Kr. Bhola Mahto EC-BRHC99- Matter Not 9661000966 4327-2020 related with considered (Bail) 498(A), for the present petitioner is husband 493. Sanjay Kr. Ram Sumiran EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 Mandal 09900-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than 6 for the present (A.Bail) months 494. Sanjay Kr. Kailash Rai EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9661000966 6694-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 495. Amrendra Kr. Mantu Yadav T. No. 26407- In custody Not 9835633808 2020 (Tied since considered up matter) 06.12.2018 for the present (R.Bail) 496. Ajay Chandan Cr. Misc. In custody Not Mukherjee Yadav 4991/2020 since considered 9431462953 (R.Bail) 19.06.2019 for the present 497. Shubhesh Vikash Kr. @ Cr. Misc. Apprehensio Not Pandey Chhotu @ 22890-2020 n of arrest considered 9431078884 Vikash Kr. (A.Bail) for the present Mahto and Anr. 498. Rudal Singh Ranjit @ Cr. Misc. Apprehensio Not 9304613876 Chhote @ 24556-2020 n of arrest considered Ranjit Kr. And (A.Bail) for the present Ors. 499. Rudal Singh Ranjit Rai Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9304613876 27525-2020 considered (R.Bail) for the present 500. Rudal Singh Suchita Devi Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9304613876 10812-2020 considered (R.Bail) for the present 501. Soni Sudhir Jha IA No. 1 of I.A. for Not Shrivastava 2020 in Cr. suspension considered 9835237996 App. No. of sentence for the present 1009-2019 (SJ) 502. Rudal Singh Tarkeshwar Cr. Misc. Apprehensio Not 9304613876 Chaudhary 27297-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 503. Ashish Kr. Rambali Rai EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Ranjan 14916-2020 n of arrest considered 9798685284 (A.Bail) for the present 504. Ayush Kr. Dinbandhu Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9910885089 Kr. @ Chhotu 28102/2020 since considered @ Chhotu (R.Bail) 24.02.2020 for the present 505. Ayush Kr. Md. Shakir Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9910885089 Darzee @ 24915/2020 since considered Md. Shakir (R.Bail) 28.01.2020 for the present Darji 506. Ashish Kr. Bhunesh Rai EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Ranjan 16590-2020 n of arrest considered 9798685284 (A.Bail) for the present 507. Gajanan Sushma EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Mishra Kumari @ 13475-2020 since considered 9931686456 Sushma Devi (R.Bail) 25.04.2020 for the present 508. Amarendra Triloki EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Nath Verma Sharma and 14464-2020 n of arrest considered 9835071050 Ors. (A.Bail) for the present 509. Gautam Kr. Adil Zawed Cr. Misc. In custody Not Yadav @ Adil Javed 19857-2020 since considered 9708215824 (R.Bail) 25.06.2019 for the present 510. Santosh Kr. Sumeet Kr. @ EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9525279432 Jamura 11411-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 19.08.2018 for the present 511. Santosh Kr. Binod Singh EC-BRHC99- Matter Not 9525279432 15986-2020 relates to considered (R.Bail) 304(B) of for the present IPC. Petitioner is the father in law. Husband is already in the custody. Mother in law has been granted Anticipatory bail. 512. Manoj Kr. Sulo Mahto E-filing No. In custody Not Pandey 5638/2020 since considered 9431433391 (R.Bail) 26.1.2020 for the present 513. Manoj Kr. Vikram Kr. E-filing No. In custody Not Pandey 5638/2020 since considered 9431433391 (R.Bail) 27.01.2020 for the present 514. Gopal Sanjay T. No. Apprehensio Not Krishna Paswan 25187/2020 n of arrest considered 9304948937 (A.Bail) for the present 515. Nagmani Kr. Suman Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9473199207 16106-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 08.06.2020 for the present 516. Sanjay Kr. Ajit Kr. T. No. Stamp Not 9431435993 25092/2020 reporting considered (BAIL) required for the present 517. Sanjay Kr. Sudhir Das T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 24477/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 25.06.2019, for the present stamp reporting required 518. Sanjay Kr. Guddu Kr. T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 Mahto 27111/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 07.02.2020, for the present stamp reporting required 519. Sanjay Kr. Raju Rai T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 27896/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 14.12.2019, for the present stamp reporting required 520. Sanjay Kr. Mannu Kr. T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 28081/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 12.06.2020, for the present stamp reporting required 521. Sanjay Kr. Suresh Sahni T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 26450/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 05.06.2020, for the present stamp reporting required 522. Sanjay Kr. Anirudh Rai T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 26487/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 27.04.2020, for the present stamp reporting required 523. Sanjay Kr. Saurabh Kr. T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 @ Raja 29650/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 05.01.2020, for the present stamp reporting required 524. Sanjay Kr. Anirudh Rai T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 29107/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 30.04.2020, for the present stamp reporting required 525. Sanjay Kr. Sonelal T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 Mahato 29625/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 17.05.2020, for the present stamp reporting required 526. Sanjay Kr. Abhishek Kr. T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 27592/2020 since considered (R.BAIL) 27.12.2018, for the present stamp reporting required 527. Sanjay Kr. Ashutosh T. No. In custody Not 9431435993 Ranjan @ 27462/2020 since considered Chotu Singh (R.BAIL) 05.03.2020, for the present stamp reporting required 528. Nagmani Kr. Surendra Kr. EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9473199207 17753-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 529. Ashutosh Dhiraj Kr. @ EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh Dheeraj Kr. 05166-2020 since considered 9835073174 (R.Bail) 03.02.2020 for the present 530. Ashutosh Dhiraj Kr. @ EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh Dheeraj Kr. 12199-2020 since considered 9835073174 (R.Bail) 03.02.2020 for the present 531. Dhananjay Kanhaiya Rai Cr. Misc. In custody Not Kr. Pandey 22911-2020 since considered 9199649522 (R.Bail) 30.04.2020 for the present 532. Dhananjay Shatrughan Cr. Misc. T. In custody Not Kr. Pandey Singh No. 22772- since considered 9199649522 2020 (R.Bail) 12.02.2020 for the present 533. Sunil Kr. Lal Cr. Misc. In custody Not Singh Mohammad 19753-2020 since one considered 9430067954 @ Lal (R.Bail) year for the present Mohammad Chunnu 534. Arvind Kr. Dilip Kr. @ Cr. Misc. Apprehensio Not Sinha Dilip Kr. 23143/2020 n of arrest considered 6204747826 Paswan (A.Bail) for the present 535. Bhaskar Amita Devi Cr. Misc. In custody Not Shankar 23531/2020 considered 9430510969 (R.Bail) for the present 536. Amit Kr. Arun Singh T. no. In custody Not Anand 27969/2020 since considered 9709496046 (R.Bail) 29.03.2019 for the present 537. Harish Kr. Ram Pravesh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9431879298 Jaisawal 11374-2020 considered (R.Bail) for the present 538. Anuj Jha Bhagwas Das Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9430510154 23047-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 14.11.2019 for the present 539. Arvind Kr. Suraj Mandal Cr. Misc. Case Diary Not 9304296033 and Anr. 18636/2020 was called considered (R.Bail) for the same for the present has been received 540. Malti Kumari Poonam Devi Cr. Misc. Apprehensio Not 9430513628 20467/2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 541. Pravin Kr. Anshu Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9835251458 13428-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 17.04.2020 for the present 542. Anamul Md. Sulaiman Cr. Misc. Warrant of Not Haque and Ors. 16222/2020 arrest has considered 7870875478 (A.Bail) been issued for the present 543. Arvind Kr. Neelam Devi EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9334428381 17877-2020 considered (R.Bail) for the present 544. Arvind Kr. Suresh EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9334428381 Manjhi @ 10438-2020 n of arrest considered Suresh Kr. (A.Bail) for the present 545. Chetan Kr. Makeshwar EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9934872358 Chaurasai 17515-2020 n of arrest considered and Anr. (A.Bail) for the present 546. Parmod Kr. RajKumar EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Mochi 16454-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 15.04.2020 for the present 547. Parmod Kr. Prado Devi Cr. Misc. Apprehensio Not 12728-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 548. Umesh Kr. Satish Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh Singh 13848-2020 since long considered 9431046456 (R.Bail) for the present 549. Sunil Kr. Raj Kapoor T. No. 22600- In custody Not Karin Kumar @ Raj 2020 since considered 9835420540 Kumar (R.Bail) 26.02.2020 for the present Kapoor 550. Dhirendra Manoj Yadav T. No. 26588- In custody Not Singh and Ors. 2020 (R.Bail) since long, considered 9334330410 mother is for the present seriously ill 551. Umesh Kr. Bhuar Yadav T. No. 24298- In custody Not Singh @ Amarjeet 2020 since long, considered 9431046456 Yadav (R.Bail) mother is ill for the present and serious 552. Umesh Kr. Golu Kr. @ T. No. 23573- In custody Not Singh Golu Singh 2020 since long, considered 9431046456 (R.Bail) mother is ill for the present and serious 553. Umesh Kr. Satish Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh singh 13848-2020 since long, considered 9431046456 (R.Bail) mother is ill for the present and serious 554. Umesh Kr. Arun Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh Yadav 16627-2020 since long, considered 9431046456 (R.Bail) mother is ill for the present and serious 555. Dhirendra Manoj Yadav T. No. In custody, Not Singh and Ors. 26588/2020 mother is considered 9334330410 (R.Bail) seriously ill for the present 556. Ravi Jitendra T. No. Apprehensio Not Bhardwaj Sharma 25565/2020 n of arrest considered 8002267505 (A.Bail) for the present 557. Abhay Kr. Mahaveer EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh No. 1 Sah 10759-2020 since considered 9470020103 (R.Bail) 30.12.2019 for the present 558. Abhay Kr. Manoj Kr. EC-BRHC99- Two Not Singh No. 1 Das @ Manoj 06501-2020 petitioners considered 9470020103 Kr. And Ors. (R.Bail) are not FIR for the present named accused 559. Gopal Mantu T.No. In custody Not Krishna Paswan 25336/2020 considered 9304948937 (R.Bail) for the present 560. Amit Kr. Md. Riyaz T. No. In custody Not Anand 27580/2020 since considered 9709496046 (R.Bail) 28.02.2020 for the present 561. Arvind Kr. Dhirendra T. No. 29314- Apprehensio Not Pradhan Bind @ 2020 n of arrest, considered 9507228672 Dhirendra (A.Bail) stamp for the present Bin reporting required 562. Alok Kr. Alok Md. Taukir T. No. In custody Not 9334149971 23353/2020 since considered (R.Bail) 18.11.2019 for the present 563. Alok Kr. Alok Azad Tatma T. No. In custody Not 9334149971 @ Azad Kr. 22936/2020 since considered Tatma @ (R.Bail) 09.01.2020 for the present Azad Kr. 564. Alok Kr. Alok Vikash Kr. @ T. No. Apprehensio Not 9334149971 Vikash Kr. Rai 23540/2020 n of arrest considered @ Tonu (A.Bail) for the present 565. Mr. Gajanan Guddu Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Mishra 05637-2020 since considered 9931686456 (R.Bail) 21.10.2019 for the present 566. Mr. Gajanan Manish Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Mishra 15234-2020 since considered 9931686456 (R.Bail) 19.06.2020 for the present 567. Mr. Gajanan Nilesh Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Mishra 07563-2020 since considered 9931686456 (R.Bail) 04.03.2020 for the present 568. Sanjay Kr. Not given EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9661000966 15629-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 569. Sanjay Kr. Not given EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 15642-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than 9 for the present months 570. Sanjay Kr. Not given EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 15586-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than 9 for the present months 571. Sanjay Kr. Rakesh Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 16674-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than 5 for the present months 572. Sanjay Kr. Sahdev Rai EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 16666-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) one and a for the present half years 573. Sanjay Kr. Birendra Kr. EC-BRHC99- Only six Not 9661000966 15653-2020 month considered (R.Bail) validity of for the present the stamp and no registry of the stamp 574. Sanjay Kr. Suresh Singh EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9661000966 15649-2020 n of arrest considered (A.Bail) for the present 575. Sanjay Kr. Sonu Paswa EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 15612-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than 6 for the present months 576. Sanjay Kr. Bhola Mahto EC-BRHC99- Matter Not 9661000966 04327-2020 related with considered (R.Bail) 498(A) for the present petitioner is husband 577. Sanjay Kr. Ram Sumiran EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9661000966 Mandal 09900-2020 since more considered (R.Bail) than 6 for the present months 578. Sanjay Kr. Kailash Rai EC-BRHC99- Warrant of Not 9661000966 6694-2020 arrest has considered (A.Bail) been issued for the present 579. Gajanan Rohit Kr. @ EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Mishra Badur Kr. @ 12866-2020 since considered 9931686456 Bahadur (R.Bail) 26.02.2020 for the present 580. Rajesh Kr. Deepak Kr. @ Cr. App. (SJ) Apprehensio Not Singh Deepak Kr. T. No. n of arrest considered 9006778803 Singh 25761/2020 for the present (SC/ST Arrest) 581. Rajesh Kr. Awadhesh Cr. Misc. In custody Not Singh Singh and 26184/2020 since considered 9006778803 Ors. (R.Bai) 06.04.2020 for the present 582. Satya Jagat Rai Cr. Appeal Appellant is Not Prakash (S.J.) No. an old man considered 8986125185 5473 of 2019 aged about for the present (R. Bail) 60 years and (Arms Act) he is in custody since 06.11.2019. 583. Satya Ram Uday Cr. Appeal The Not Prakash Singh @ (S.J.) No. 572 provisional considered 8986125185 Ramauday of 2020 bail granted for the present Singh to the appellant has not been confirmed due to non- functioning of the physical court. It is therefore, prayed that this Cr. Appeal may be listed before appropriate Bench only for the purpose of confirmation of provisional bail granted to the appellant. 584. Praveen Chhotu EC-BRHC99- Stamp Not Kumar Yadav 16230-2020 reporting has considered Agrawal (Cr. Bail) (R. not been for the present 9431268441 Bail) done 585. Kanhaiya Jee Poonam Rai Case No. Petitioner’s Not Tiwari 16323 of mother is ill. considered 9661461725 2020 (A. Petitioner is for the present Bail) in depression. 586. Abhimanyu Mantu Yadav EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Sharma @ Raj Kumar 15126-2020 in custody considered 9835286631 Yadav (R. Bail) since for the present 16.04.2019 and he is 63 years old. Petitioner is suffering from many health ailments regarding which the jail doctors have given opinion that the ailments of the petitioner cannot be treated in Jail Hospital and has suggested to get treated at specialized hospital. The medical report dated 14.08.2020 substantiates that the petitioner suffers from various ailments and there would be complete threat to the petitioner’s life if he further lingers in custody. 587. Abhimanyu Vikash EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Sharma Paswan @ 12105-2020 in custody considered 9835286631 Shankar (R. Bail) since for the present Paswan 26.09.2019. 588. Anang Pramod Token No. Apprehensio Not Mohan Sinha Prasad and 27917 of n of arrest considered 9801462017 others 2020 (A. (Mother of for the present Bail) the petitioner is chronic diabetic and there is no one available to take care of her) 589. Akhausi Ajit Kumar Token No. Petitioner is Not Kamal 26305 of in custody considered Kishore 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present Sahay (Excise Act) 05.06.2020) 9431436395 590. Akhausi Vijendra Rai Token No. This case Not Kamal @ Bijendra 27591 of was earlier considered Kishore Kumar 2020 rejected with for the present Sahay a direction to 9431436395 expedite the trial but there is no progress in it. (Petitioner is in custody since 19.03.2018) 591. Apurva Mukhdeo EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar Ram 17970-2020 in custody considered 9308555357 (R. Bail) since for the present 18.05.2020. 592. Apurva Avdhesh EC-BRHC99- Police Not Kumar Singh @ 17956-2020 authorities considered 9308555357 Avadhesh (Bail Matter) are harassing for the present Singh the family of petitioner. 593. Apurva Raghu Mahto EC-BRHC99- Police is Not Kumar @ Jai Prakash 11186-2020 harassing considered 9308555357 Mahto (R. Bail) the old for the present mother of the petitioner. 594. Apurva Santosh EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar Sharma @ 16326-2020 in custody considered 9308555357 Santosh (R. Bail) since for the present Verma 19.05.2020. 595. Apurva Md. Gayur @ EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar Gayur 16366-2020 in custody considered 9308555357 (R. Bail) since for the present (Excise Act) 11.10.2019. 596. Apurva Abhikant EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar Kumar 17909-2020 in custody. considered 9308555357 (R. Bail) for the present 597. Anil Kumar Rajiv Kumar Token No. Petitioner is Not Singh @ Lala 23377 of in custody considered 9431850305 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present (Excise Act) 17.03.2020. (Cr. Misc. Number has not been given) 598. Anil Kumar Arvind Kumar Token No. Petitioner is Not Singh Singh 23476 of in custody considered 9431850305 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present (Excise Act) 17.03.2020. (Cr. Misc. Number has not been given) 599. Digvijay Jaikrishna EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Kumar Ojha Sharma @ 17754-2020 n of arrest considered 9431043833 Pritam (R. Bail) for the present 600. Arun Kumar Paritosh EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Mandal Kumar 08065-2020 apprehendin considered 9430928446 (R. Bail) g his arrest. for the present He is an advocate in Civil Court, Purnea and he is the owner of vehicle that is why his name surfaced in this case whereas he was played no role in this case. 601. Arun Kumar Niranjan EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Mandal Kumar Singh 09027-2020 n of arrest. considered 9430928446 @ Niranjan (A. Bail) Petitioner’s for the present Kushwaha seeds and pesticides are getting damaged. (Stamp reporting has not been done) 602. Lovekush Mahendra Cr. Appeal Appellant is Not Kumar Sao (D.B.) No. 21 in custody considered 9431457760 of 2020 (R. since long. for the present Bail) 603. Narsingh Badshah Cr. Appeal By an order Not Tanti Yadav (S.J.) No. 225 dated considered 9199427613 of 2020 (R. 25.06.2020 for the present Bail) (Excise the appeal Act) admitted and called for L.C.R. It was observed that the prayer for bail will be considered after receiving the L.C.R. and now the L.C.R. has been received and as such it is being mentioned for urgent listing because the appellant is in custody since 17.12.2019. 604. Umesh Lakshmi EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar Mahto 11243-2020 in custody considered 9431830267 (R. Bail) since for the present 14.12.2019 (Token number has not been given) 605. Amit Kumar Madan Token No. Petitioner is Not Anand Kumar Yadav 27580 of in custody considered 9709496046 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present 03.05.2020. 606. Umesh Md. Naushad EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Kumar Miyan 12034-2020 n of arrest considered 9431830267 (A. Bail) for the present (SC/ST Act) 607. Amit Kumar Md. Riyaz Token No. Petitioner is Not Anand 27580 of in custody considered 9709496046 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present 28.02.2020 608. Satyendra Satya EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Rai Prakash 013119-2020 in custody considered 7979028012 Verma (R. Bail) since for the present 04.03.2020 609. Satyendra Suresh Singh Token No. Petitioner is Not Rai 23651 of in custody considered 7979028012 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present (Excise Act) 03.01.2020. 610. Satyendra Ashraf Mian Token No. Apprehensio Not Rai 27086 of n of arrest considered 7979028012 2020 (A. for the present Bail) 611. Satyendra Rukmina Token No. Apprehensio Not Rai Devi 29227 of n of arrest considered 7979028012 2020 (A. (Petitioner is for the present Bail) (Excise a lady) Act) 612. Satyendra Amarjeet Sah EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Rai 015567-2020 in custody considered 7979028012 (R. Bail) since for the present (Excise Act) 18.08.2020

613. Satyendra Budhan EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Rai Sahni @ 015571-2020 in custody considered 7979028012 Budhan (R. Bail) since for the present Sahani (Excise Act) 28.04.2020 614. Satyendra Bharat Sah EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Rai 017578-2020 in custody considered 7979028012 (R. Bail) since for the present 12.03.2020 615. Satyendra Sarvesh Giri EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Rai 7912-2020 n of arrest considered 7979028012 (A. Bail) for the present (Excise Act) 616. Satyendra Ram Bachan EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Rai Prasad 17586-2020 n of arrest considered 7979028012 (A. Bail) for the present (SC/ST Act) 617. Satyendra Maya Devi Token No. Apprehensio Not Rai 23529 of n of arrest considered 7979028012 2020 (A. for the present Bail) (Excise Act) 618. Anshul Saiyad Token No. Mother of the Not 8084208156 Rijwan Ganni 26126 of petitioner is considered 2020 (R. Bail) suffering for the present (Arms Act) from illness. 619. Pramod Rama Cr. Appeal In the Not Kumar Shankar Rai (S.J.) No. aforesaid considered Pandey 2602 of 2019 appeal, for the present 9431072068 (Bail Matter) hearing on the point of grant of bail was going on but in the meantime lockdown started, till then it is pending. (Seeks permission to list the case for hearing on bail only) 620. Pramod Dhanik Lal Token No. Seeks Not Kumar Rai @ Danik 28769 of permission to considered Pandey Rai 2020 (Cr. list the case. for the present 9431072068 Misc.) (R. Bail) 621. Jitendra Rajeev Cr. Misc. One of the Not Kumar Bharti Kumar Yadav 15124 of petitioner considered 9472317983 and others 2020 (Bail has been for the present Matter) arrested in the present case. Thus the petitioner prays for urgent listing of the present case. 622. Amit Kumar Mithilesh Cr. Appeal Mother of the Not Anand Mishra No. 691 of petitioner is considered 9709496046 2020 (S.J.) seriously ill for the present (SC/ST Act) and there is (A. Bail) no one to take care of her. (Appellant apprehends his arrest) 623. Sanjeev Mundrika EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar Singh Devi @ 14503-2020 an old lady considered 9835061709 Urmila Devi (Cr. Misc.) (R. aged about for the present Bail) 65 years and she has multiple health problems. Petitioner is in custody since 19.09.2020. 624. Madhubala Raushan Token No. The Not Verma Kumar and 22261 of grandmother considered 9471864602 others 2020 (Bail of petitioner for the present Matter) no.1 was (Excise Act) died on 04.09.2020 and shraddha ceremony will be held on 14.09.2020. The father of the petitioner become a Karta. So, it is very necessary that the petitioner participate in shraddha ceremony. (Petitioner is in custody since 03.03.2020) 625. Ajit Ranjan Faltu Yadav Cr. Misc. No. In this case, Not Kumar 7301 of 2020 case diary considered 9934772141 has been for the present called for, and the same has been received on 16.06.2020. (Seeks permission to list this case) 626. Naresh Anant Prasad Cr. Appeal Apprehensio Not Prasad Kushwaha @ No. 5550 of n of arrest considered 9431004954 Anant Kumar 2019 (S.J.) for the present (A. Bail) (SC/ST Act) 627. Praveen Mukhlal Cr. Misc. No. In the Not Kumar Paswan 15743 of aforesaid considered Agrawal 2020 (A. case, I.O. has for the present 9431268441 Bail) filed application before C.J.M., Araria for obtaining order of 82 of Cr.P.C. (Apprehensio n of arrest) 628. Praveen Bikaram EC-BRHC99- Stamp Not Kumar Kumar 15856-2020 reporting has considered Agrawal (Cr. Misc.) (R. not been for the present 9431268441 Bail) (Excise done Act) 629. Praveen Naresh EC-BRHC99- Stamp Not Kumar Mahto 16226-2020 reporting has considered Agrawal (Cr. Misc.) (A. not been for the present 9431268441 Bail) (Excise done Act) 630. Shailesh Chandan EC-BRHC99- The matter Not Kumar Singh Kumar 12653-2020 relates to the considered 9430061602 (Cr. Misc.) (R. grant of for the present Bail) regular bail. Petitioner is student and he has to appear in B.A. final year examination. 631. Rajesh Kedar Rai @ Cr. Misc. No. Case diary Not Kumar Kedar Prasad 19305 of has been considered 9431638305 Yadav 2020 received. for the present (Seeks to list this case) 632. Ashutosh Dhiraj Kumar EC-BRHC99- Stamp Not Singh @ Dheeraj 05166-2020 reporting has considered 9835073174 Kumar (R. Bail) not been for the present (Excise Act) done (Petitioner is in custody since 03.02.2020) 633. Rajendra Aashish Cr. Misc. No. Petitioner is Not Prasad Sah Yadav @ 24699 of in custody considered 9431445406 Rahul Yadav 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present 27.02.2020. Injury is simple in nature. Change sheet has been submitted. Mohalla politics has dragged the petitioner in this case. 634. R. B. Singh Asagari EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not 8083461948 Khatoon @ 14139-2020 in custody considered Asgari (R. Bail) since for the present Khatoon 18.07.2020 (Petitioner is a lady) 635. Praveen Birendra EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar Singh @ 14710-2020 in custody considered 9430935732 Virendra (R. Bail) since for the present Singh 09.01.2020 and he is the sole bread earner of his family. 636. Bhim Sen Shamu EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Prasad Kumar Singh 12789-2020 in custody considered 7542958260 (R. Bail) since for the present 16.10.2019 (Petitioner is suffering from cough and fever) 637. Umeshanand Kanta Ram Cr. Misc. No. Petitioner is Not Pandit 23478 of in custody considered 9472459817 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present (Excise Act) 30.01.2020 638. Rakesh Chandan EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar Kumar 17816-2020 in custody considered Ranjan (R. Bail) since for the present 9334152161 [Bihar 20.08.2020 Prohibition and he is the and Excise only earning (Amendment person in his ) Act, 2018] family. His family is facing problem of hand to mouth due to period of COVID-19. 639. Pramod Priyanka EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar Devi 10717-2020 in custody considered Verma (R. Bail) since for the present 9835427885 30.03.2020 (Petitioner is a lady) 640. Devendra Bela Sahni @ Cr. Misc. No. Petitioner is Not Kumar Ramishwar 22042 of in custody considered 9431094447 Sahni 2020 (R. Bail) since for for the present more than one year having no earning member in the family being urgency. 641. Prithivi Raj Brajesh Cr. Appeal Apprehensio Not Singh Yadav and (S.J.) No. n of arrest considered 9431887360 others 26338 of for the present 2020 (SC/ST Act) (A. Bail) 642. Prithivi Raj Pappu Cr. Misc. No. Petitioner is Not Singh Mandal 28710 of in custody considered 9431887360 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present 09.06.2020. (Petitioner is a student. In this case, informant and the petitioner have filed compromise petition before Lower Court) 643. Prithivi Raj Deepak Cr. Misc. No. Petitioner is Not Singh Chaudhary 28821 of in custody considered 9431887360 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present 14.01.2020 and he is the only working member of his family. 644. Prithivi Raj Arun Kumar Cr. Misc. No. Apprehensio Not Singh 29046 of n of arrest considered 9431887360 2020 (A. (Petitioner is for the present Bail) a student)

645. Prithivi Raj Dharmendra Cr. Misc. No. This case is Not Singh Manjhi 29398 of still pending considered 9431887360 2020 (R. Bail) for cause for the present (Tied-up title entry. Matter) Petitioner is the only working member of family. 646. Prithivi Raj Ganesh Cr. Misc. No. Apprehensio Not Singh Chaudhary 29795 of n of arrest considered 9431887360 2020 (A. (Petitioner is for the present Bail) the only working member of his family) 647. Prithivi Raj Ajay Cr. Misc. No. Apprehensio Not Singh Chaudhary 29815 of n of arrest considered 9431887360 2020 (A. (Petitioner is for the present Bail) (Excise the only Act) working member of his family) 648. Prithivi Raj Anil Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Singh 18526-2020 in custody considered 9431887360 (R. Bail) since for the present 19.03.2020 (The victim girl has returned back to her house and she stated about other co-accused persons) 649. Prithivi Raj Rahul Kumar EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Singh 17584-2020 n of arrest considered 9431887360 (A. Bail) (Petitioner is for the present a student and he is the only working member of family) 650. Prithivi Raj Sohan EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Singh Paswan 17592-2020 in custody considered 9431887360 (R. Bail) since for the present 15.02.2020 (Petitioner is the only working member of family) 651. Sanjana Budhan EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not 8271865760 Sharma 8248-2020 in custody considered (Cr. Misc.) (R. for the present Bail) (Excise Act) 652. Sanjana Dhuri Rai Cr. Appeal Appellants Not 8271865760 (S.J.) No. are in considered 2059 of 2019 custody in a for the present (R. Bail) case of pretty nature, arising out of civil dispute. 653. Ravi Shanker Mukesh Cr. Misc. No. Petitioner is Not Pankaj Mahto 2386 of 2020 in custody considered 9135044805 (R. Bail) since for the present 02.09.2018 meanwhile his wife and 2 kids have to suffer flood and they are at the verge of starvation. 654. Sada Nand Mustak Cr. Misc. No. Apprehensio Not Roy Ansari 8878 of 2020 n of arrest considered (A. Bail) for the present 655. Sada Nand Ravi Shanker Cr. Appeal Appellant is Not Roy Prasad No. 4862 of in custody considered 2019 (S.J.) for more for the present (R. Bail) than one year 656. Ashok Kumar Magister EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9955554879 Yadav and 17708-2020 n of arrest considered others (A. Bail) for the present 657. Ashok Kumar Jay Prakash EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not 9955554879 Shahi and 15719-2020 n of arrest considered others (Cr. Misc.) (Some for the present (A. Bail) petitioners are students) 658. Ashok Kumar Munna Sah Cr. Misc. No. Mother of the Not 9955554879 78931 of petitioner is considered 2019 (R. Bail) ill and there for the present is no one to take care of her (Petitioner is in custody since 11.11.2019) 659. Md. Ataul Ainul Ansari EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Haque 12537-2020 n of arrest considered 9835082113 (A. Bail) (Petitioner is for the present a government servant) 660. Amrendra Nishu Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Kumar @ Nitesh 7119-2020 in custody considered 9431074466 Kumar (R. Bail) for pretty for the present offence 661. Ashok Kumar Sonu Kumar EC-BRHC99- Appellant is Not 9955554879 Rai 10453-2020 in custody considered (Cr. Appeal) since for the present (R. Bail) 14.03.2020 (SC/ST Act)

662. Ashok Kumar Sumit Mishra Not legible Petitioner is Not 9955554879 (R. Bail) in custody considered (Excise Act) since for the present 31.05.2020 663. Upendra Vinod Mahto EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Kumar Singh and others 15952-2020 n of arrest considered 9973155020 (Cr. Misc.) (Petitioner is for the present (A. Bail) a heart patient) 664. Kumar Mukesh Cr. Misc. No. Son of the Not Kaushlendra Kumar 30794 of petitioner is considered 9801341145 2020 (R. Bail) suffering for the present from chronic liver problems for which treatment is going on (Copy of the prescription is attached herewith). So, the presence of the petitioner is necessary but the petitioner is in custody since 30.05.2020. 665. Praveen Md. EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Kumar Muzammil 14692-2020 n of arrest considered 9430935732 (A. Bail) (Petitioner is for the present the sole bread earner of his family) 666. Anil Kumar Sunil Yadav Cr. Appeal Apprehensio Not 9434156498 and others (S.J.) No. n of arrest considered 1393 of 2020 for the present (A. Bail) (SC/ST Act) 667. Rajesh O.P. Yadav @ Cr. Misc. No. Petitioner is Not Kumar Sinha Upendra 12069 of in custody considered 9931265501 Yadav 2020 (R. Bail) for the present 668. Arvind Deven Mistri Token No. Petitioner is Not Kumar Singh @ Devan 24627 of in custody considered 9835435787 Mistri @ 2020 (R. Bail) since for the present Deonandan (NDPS Act) 26.12.2019. Mistry He is a patient of urinal problem. Petitioner’s uncle namely, Ramdhan Mistri has died on 05.09.2020 due to which he has to participate and perform the shradh karm. (Card is attached) 669. Uday Pratap Murat Ram EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Singh 15198-2020 in custody considered 9431074236 (R. Bail) since for the present 15.07.2019 and there is observation of Hon’ble High Court in Cr. Misc. No. 63250 of 2019 “to conclude the trial preferably within seven months failing which he would be at liberty to file prayer for bail.” 670. Uday Pratap Parmeshwar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Singh Kumar 14793-2020 in custody considered 9431074236 (R. Bail) since for the present 18.02.2020 and he has been made accused on the basis of confessional statement of co-accused. 671. Ashok Kumar Raushan EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Singh Singh 07047-2020 in custody considered 9431436252 (R. Bail) for over 7 for the present months now and he is the only earning member of the family, with a dependent mother who is aged and is of ill health 672. Raja Ram Lalbabu Ram EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Mishra 15887-2020 in custody considered 9308851153 (R. Bail) since for the present (Tied-up 20.03.2020 Matter) 673. Ranjit Kumar Pradhan EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Thakur Rakesh @ 10715-2020 in custody considered 9430800064 Rakesh (R. Bail) since March, for the present (Excise Act) 2020 (Similarly situated other accused has been granted Anticipatory Bail from this Hon’ble Court) 674. Ravish Satendra EC-BRHC99- Apprehensio Not Mishra Mahto @ 14245-2020 n of arrest considered 9708097381 Satyendra (A. Bail) (The entire for the present Singh (SC/ST Act) family of the appellant has been implicated in this case)

675. Ravish Ram Kishun EC-BRHC99- Petitioner Not Mishra Sada 18404-2020 who is a considered 9708097381 (A. Bail) government for the present (Excise Act) teacher since the last ten years has falsely been implicated in this case. 676. Ravish Mamta Devi EC-BRHC99- Both the Not Mishra and another 18414-2020 petitioners considered 9708097381 (A. Bail) are ladies, for the present (Excise Act) one is an Anganwadi Sevika and the other is widow, have falsely been implicated in this case. 677. Kunwor Shiv Kumar EC-BRHC99- Petitioner is Not Digvijay 6817-2020 in custody considered Singh (R. Bail) since for the present 8521161306 22.02.2020 and he is the sole bread earner of his family 678. Ajit Kumar Sanjay Mandal Cr. Appl. Apprehension Not Singh & Anr. 189/2019 (A. of arrest. considered 7004836467 Bail) Sc/St for the present Act. 679. Om Prakash Chhotu Kumar Cr. Misc. Apprehension Not Maharaj 17479/2020 of arrest. considered 9934033257 (A. Bail) for the present 680. Sanjay Kumar Raju Kumar EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Jha 16337-2020 since considered 9162654684 (R. Bail) 28.06.2019. for the present 681. Sanjeev Md. Habru Cr. Misc. Apprehension Not Kumar 6740/2020 (A. of arrest. considered 9431898777 Bail) for the present 682. Sanjeet Kumar Sanoj EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not 9431017782 Chaudhary 04792-2020 of arrest. considered (A. Bail) for the present 683. Indrajeet Om Prakash EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Bhusan Prasad & Anr. 14950-2020 since considered 9931174488 (R. Bail) 02.03.2020. for the present 684. Ashish Kumar Rajeev Singh EC-BRHC99- In custody. Not 9431025957 & Ors. 15689-2020 considered (R. Bail) for the present 685. Rajani Kant Raju Paswan & Token No. In custody Not Singh Anr. 24600/2020 since considered 9334022333 (R. Bail) 22.01.2020. for the present 686. Sanjeev Rajesh Paswan EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Kumar 06909-2020 since considered 9431898777 (R. Bail) 05.03.2020. for the present 687. Sanjeev Prakash Yadav EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Kumar & Ors. 01692-2020 of arrest. considered 9431898777 (A. Bail) for the present 688. Abul Kalam Zafar Imam Cr. Misc. In custody Not 9934948180 Khan 12555/2020 since considered (R. Bail) 09.03.2019. for the present 689. Ranjan Kumar Somendra Deo Token No. In custody Not Singh Verma 27093/2020 since considered 6207606799 (R. Bail) 27.08.2020. for the present 690. Bimal Kumar Rajesh Paswan EC-BRHC99- In custody. Not 9431206494 09271-2020 considered (R. Bail) for the present 691. Gopal Kumar Mantu Mandal EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Jha 919977538 02758-2020 since considered (R.Bail) 27.11.2019. for the present 692. Murlidhar Sunil Yadav Cr. Misc. In custody Not Mishra 7099/2020 (R. since considered 9993139701 Bail) 02.06.2018. for the present 693. Tej Narayan Ankit Kumar EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Singh 09127-2020 of arrest. considered 9835290032 (A. Bail) for the present 694. Vinay Mistry Pankaj Kumar EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 8987041352 & Ors. 17470-2020 since considered (R. Bail) 24.12.2019. for the present 695. Sanjeev Pankaj Kumar EC-BRHC99- In custody. Not Kumar Mishra Suman 09494-2020 considered 9835068340 (R. Bail) for the present 696. Tej Narayan Rakesh Kumar EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Singh Singh 07605-2020 of arrest. considered 9835290032 (A. Bail) for the present 697. Sanjay Kumar Chandan EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Jha Kumar & Anr. 16070-2020 since considered 9162654684 (R. Bail) 09.07.2020. for the present 698. Arvind Kumar Santosh Kumar Token No. In custody Not 9471227038 24808/2020 since considered (R. Bail) 10.05.2020. for the present 699. Arvind Kumar Satyendra Token No. In custody Not 9471227038 Kumar Gupta 24876/2020 since considered (R. Bail) 10.05.2020. for the present 700. Arvind Kumar Suraj Prasad Token No. In custody Not 9471227038 Kamkar 23571/2020 since considered (R. Bail) 10.05.2020. for the present 701. Arvind Kumar Sujit Kumar Token No. In custody Not 9471227038 23548/2020 since considered (R. Bail) 10.05.2020. for the present 702. Pravin Kumar Manoj Kumar EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9833251458 06167-2020 since considered (R. Bail) 21.04.2020 for the present 703. Rajiv Ranjan Om Prakesh Token No: In custody Not Kumar Pandey 25471/2020 since considered 8210270372 (R. Bail) 15.02.2020 for the present 704. Birendra Vicki Pandey Cr. Appl. In custody Not Kumar Singh 341/2020 (R. since considered 9523110555 Bail) 29.06.2017 for the present 705. Vagisha Gorakh Roy Cr. Misc. Apprehension Not Pragya -28370/2020 of arrest considered Vacaknavi (A. Bail) for the present 8084691944 706. Sanjeev Dharmendra EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Kumar Mishra Kumar Sharma 14440-2020 of arrest considered 9835068340 (A. Bail) for the present 707. Birendra Md. Rabbani Cri. Appl. In custody Not Kumar Singh 673/2020 (R. since considered 9523110555 Bail) 17.12.2019 for the present 708. Tej Narayan Md. Amir ul EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh Haque 06623-2020 since considered 9835290032 20.05.2018 for the present (R. Bail)

709. Ashok Kumar Mukesh Cri. Appl. In custody Not 9122406089 Kumar 4210/2019 (R. since considered Bail) 21.08.2019 for the present 710. Pravin Kumar Ratnesh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9833251458 12396-2020 since considered (R. Bail) 29.02.2020 for the present 711. Ajay Kumar Suman Kumar Token No: In custody Not Sinha 22312/2020 since considered 9905450531 (R. Bail) 27.06.2019 for the present 712. Ajay Kumar Reena Devi Token No: In custody Not Sinha 29828/2020 considered 9905450531 (R. Bail) for the present 713. Raj Kumar Md. Ikram Token no: In custody Not 9431072286 21905/2020 since considered (R. Bail) 09.02.2020 for the present 714. Vagisha Sunil Kumar Cr. Misc. In custody Not Pragya -29874/2020 since considered Vacaknavi (R. Bail) 22.05.2020 for the present 8084691944 715. Nilesh Sinha Shatrughna Cr. Misc. Apprehension Not 7250636712 Sah -75719/2020 of arrest considered (A. Bail) for the present 716. Kumari Kamlesh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Anupam Kumar Yadav 17344-2020 since considered 9525575206 (R. Bail) 28.01.2019 for the present 717. Nilesh Kumar Umesh Paswan EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not 9431442238 & Ors. 05538-2020 of arrest considered (A. Bail) for the present 718. Dewendra Shailendra Rai EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Narayan Singh 15947-2020 of arrest considered 9934277061 (A. Bail) for the present 719. Dharamveer Raju Das Token no: In custody Not 8986459869 29074/2020 considered (R. Bail) for the present 720. Dharamveer Sant Kumar Token no: In custody Not 8986459869 Rai 29635/2020 considered (R. Bail) for the present 721. Dharamveer Hari Bhushan Token no: In custody Not 8986459869 Giri 30381/2020 considered (R. Bail) for the present 722. Dewendra Ramji rai EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Narayan Singh 15940-2020 of arrest considered 9934277061 (A. Bail) for the present 723. Umesh Jiut Sah & Anr. Token no: In custody Not Chandra 24133/2020 19.03.2020 considered Verma (R. Bail) Sc/St for the present 6202543657 Act 724. Md. Harun Ashok Cr. Appl. Appellant’s is Not Quareshi Chaudhary & 106/2020 (R. in custody considered 9304838589 Anr. Bail) since more 3 for the present years and conviction of sentence is only 5 years. Appellant no 1 seriously ill in the jail, if not released he may died in custody. 725. Dewendra Nanhak sahni EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Narayan Singh & Ors. 16579-2020 of arrest considered 9934277061 (A. Bail) for the present 726. Shubhesh Anurag Kumar EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Pandey 14755-2020 since considered 9431078884 (R. Bail) 26.05.2020 for the present 727. Shubhesh Binod Sah Token no. In custody Not Pandey 25695-2020 since long considered 9431078884 (R. Bail) for the present 728. Dewendra Sikandar Nut EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Narayan Singh 17159-2020 of arrest considered 9934277061 (A. Bail) for the present 729. Dewendra Hasim Miya & EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Narayan Singh Ors. 16465-2020 of arrest considered 9934277061 (A. Bail) for the present 730. Pravin Kumar Indra Kumar Token no. In custody Not 9835251458 30295/2020 since considered (R. Bail) 02.03.2020 for the present 731. Bhola Prasad Prakash Sahini Case no. In custody Not 9431047724 137/2020 (R. since considered Bail) 07.08.2020 for the present 732. Shubhesh Deepak Kumar Cr. Misc. The petitioner Not Pandey 15798/2020 is under considered 9431078884 (R. Bail) custody. In the for the present above noted case, on 07.07.2020 the counsel for the petitioner could not be present due to lack of network and the above noted case has taken for hearing and it been directed to be listed on 03.09.2020, but up till now the case has not been listed. 733. Tej Narayan Bipin Paswan EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh 08968-2020 since considered 9835290032 (R. Bail) 12.12.2019. for the present 734. Shubhesh Brajesh Sahni Cr. Misc. In the above Not Pandey 18926/2020 noted case, the considered 9431078884 (R. Bail) petitioner was for the present not named, there is judicial directed to list the above case on 06.07.2020 while calling for the case diary vide order dated 09.06.2020, but even after lapse of about two month the case is still not listed. 735. Shubhesh Tuntun Mahto EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Pandey 14908-2020 since considered 9431078884 (R. Bail) 29.05.2020. for the present 736. Hari Kishore Sanjay Kumar Cr. Misc. Apprehension Not Thakur & Ors. 79349/2019 of arrest. considered 9835441041 (A. Bail) for the present 737. Ajay Kumar Jawahar Lal Token No. In custody Not Singh Sah 26700/2020 since considered 9304190544 (R. Bail) 12.05.2020. for the present 738. Shubhesh Rangila Kumar Cr. Appl. In custody for Not Pandey 2534/2019 (R. almost 2 years. considered 9431078884 Bail) for the present 739. Umeshanand Kanta Ram Cr. Misc. In custody Not Pandit 23478/2020 since considered 9472459817 (R. Bail) 30.01.2020. for the present 740. Vijay Shankar Shobha Devi Cr. Appl. Apprhension Not Srivastava 613/2020 (A. of arrest. considered 9431074269 Bail) Sc/St for the present Act. 741. Vijay Shankar Jareena Cr. Appl. In custody Not Srivastava Khatoon & 613/2020 (R. since considered 9431074269 Ors. Bail) 11.12.2019. for the present 742. Vijay Shankar Krishna Singh Cr. Appl. Apprehension Not Srivastava 1502/2020 (A. of arrest. considered 9431074269 Bail) Sc/St for the present Act. 743. Vijay Shankar Badal Kumar Cr. Misc. Apprehension Not Srivastava 16306/2020 of arrest. considered 9431074269 (A. Bail) for the present 744. Binay Kr. Angoor @ EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh, Manuallah @ 18171/2020 considered 9204338671 Manullah (R.bail) for the present Angoor 745. Niranjan Amarjeet @ Token No. In custody Not Parihar, Kaju @ 30131/2020 considered 9835693193 Amarjeet (R.bail) for the present Kumar @ Amarjeet Singh 746. Prabhat Sanjay Sah & Cr. App (DB) In custody for Not Ranjan Anr. No. 412/2016 last six years considered Singh, (R.bail) for the present 6201454144 747. Niranjan Amarjeet @ Token No. In custody for Not Parihar, Kaju 26311/2020 more than one considered 9835693193 (R.bail) year for the present 748. Leelawati Jitendra Cr. App(SJ) Not clear Not Kumari, Prajapati & No. considered 9835274022 Others 1302/2020 for the present 749. Niranjan Md. Afroz EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Parihar, 14472/2020 considered 9835693193 (R.bail) for the present 750. Jagjit Meera Devi EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Roshan, 16973/2020 of arrest considered 8809155439 (A.bail) for the present SC/ST Act 751. Rana Vikram Sujit Kumar Cr.App(DB) In custody Not Singh, @ Sujeet No. 207/2020 since considered 9431015481 Kumar (R.bail) December, for the present 2019 752. Nivedita Subodh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Nirvikar, Kumar 17873/2020 since considered 9431624670 (R.bail) 26.06.2020 for the present 753. Priyesh Sani Kumar EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Kumar, 15568/2020 considered 9471078617 (R.bail) for the present 754. Jai Prakash Jai Prakash Cr. App (SJ) bail in appeal Not Verma, Rai No. 29/2016 l considered 9835223045 for the present 755. Imteyaz Nawal Thakur Token No. Not clear Not Ahmad, & Ors. 22195/2020 considered 9386416816 (revision) for the present 756. Harendra Reena Devi & Token No. In custody Not Prasad, Ors. 23351/2020 considered 9431664594 (R.bail) for the present 757. Imteyaz Shiv Nath Cr. App(DB) In custody Not Ahmad, Roy & Ors. No. 784/2016 since considered 9386416816 (R.bail) 01.07.2016 for the present 758. Naresh Kr. Pawan Cr. App(DB) In custody Not Mehta, Mandal & No. 793/2019 considered Ors. (R.bail) for the present 759. Prakash Sonu @ EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Chandra Jha, Sumit Kumar 12747-2020 since considered 9835213240 (R.bail) 17.02.2020 for the present 760. Dhananjay Gore Lal Cr. APP (SJ) Not clear Not Kumar, Singh No. considered 9835444215 4248/2018 for the present (R.bail) 761. Jai Prakash Rahmat Ali Token No. In custody Not Verma, 30497/2020 since considered 9835223045 (R.bail) 20.11.2019 for the present 762. Udbhav, Sanjay Gope EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not 8676924738 @ Sanjay 17820-2020 of arrest considered Kumar (A.bail) for the present 763. Rana Vikram Sujit Kumar Cr.App(DB) In custody Not Singh, @ Sujeet No. 207/2020 since considered 9431015481 Kumar (R.bail) December, for the present 2019 764. Udbhav, Kapil Dev EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 8676924738 Pandey 17837-2020 since considered (R.bail) 26.06.2020 for the present 765. Sudhir Kr. Ajeet Ray & Cr. App (DB) In custody Not Sinha, Anr. No. since considered 9934227501 1142/2017 08.08.2017 for the present (R.bail) 766. Bhaskar Nehal @ Cr. App. (DB) Not Legible Not Shankar, Zulfi No. considered 9430510969 1314/2018 for the present (bail in appeal) 767. Raghunandan Anant EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Kr. Singh, Choudhary 16980-2020 since considered 9835049367 (R.bail) 01.04.2019 for the present 768. Arun Kumar, Sanjai @ Cr. Misc. No. Apprehension Not 9431074172 Sanjay Kumar 14945/2020 of arrest considered @ Gaymata (A.bail) for the present 769. Raghunandan Ramjee Sah Cr. App. (DB) In custody Not Kumar, @ Ramjee No. since considered for the present 9835049367 Sao 1505/2017 27.04.2010 (R.bail) 770. Naresh Amod Das & Cr. App. (SJ) In custody Not Nandan, Ors. No. considered 9334104030 1369/2016 for the present (R.bail) 771. Naresh Tarun Pandey Cr. App. (SJ) In custody Not Nandan, & Ors. No. considered 9334104030 4455/2019 for the present (R.bail) 772. Arun Kumar, Madhusudan EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9431074172 Kumar 13019-2020 since considered (R.bail) 04.03.2020 for the present 773. Raghunandan Paramhansh Cr. App. (DB) In custody Not Kumar, Singh No. 790/2014 since considered 9835049367 (R.bail) 30.10.2010 for the present 774. Arun Kumar, Chandan EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9431074172 Mahto 10842-2020 since considered (R.bail) 23.03.2020 for the present 775. Ravindra Kr. Ghutlu Singh CR. App. No. Apprehension Not Singh, @ Ghural 677/2020 of arrest considered 9431322482/ Singh (SC/ST Act) for the present 7488062840 (A.bail) 776. Raghunandan Anil Tiwary Cr. App. (DB) In custody Not Kumar, No. 778/2015 since considered 9835049367 (R.bail) 10.10.2011 for the present 777. Bharat Mukesh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Bhushan, Singh & Ors. 14802-2020 since considered 9835275414 (R.bail) 01.07.2020 for the present 778. Bharat Subodh EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Bhushan, Kamti 14801-2020 of arrest considered 9835275414 (A.bail) for the present 779. Ravi Kumar, Monu Kumar EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 9334342875 17969-2020 considered (R.bail) for the present 780. Jitendra Nr. Ashim Cr. App. (DB) In custody for Not Sinha, Chakravarty No. more than considered 9431047428 & Anr. 1120/2017 three years for the present (R.bail) 781. Dilip Kr. Manjar Khan Token No. In custody Not Singh, @ Manzer 4260/2020 since considered 9430503399 Khan @ (R.bail) 31.10.2019 for the present Manzar Khan 782. Rakesh Kr. Dasrath Cr. App (DB) In custody Not Sharma, Yadav No. 505/2017 since considered 9430015598 (R.bail) 12.09.2010 for the present 783. Arvind Kr. Diwakar Cr. App No. Apprehension Not Sinha, Kumar @ 602/2020 of arrest considered 6204747826 Vibhash (A.bail) for the present Kumar @ SC/ST Act Vibhash 784. Anil Kr. Rana Cr. Misc. No. Apprehension Not Singh, Dhirendra 23253 of arrest considered Kumar (A.bail) for the present 785. Dhurendra Vikash Sah Token No. In custody Not Kumar, 24058/2020 since considered 9835425853 (R.bail) 07.03.2020 for the present 786. Raghunandan Ramjee Sah Cr. App. (DB) In custody Not Kumar, @ Ramjee No. since considered 9835049367 Sao 1505/2017 27.04.2010 for the present (R.bail) 787. Harendra Pd., Om Prakash Token No. In custody Not 9431664549 Yadav 22611/2020 considered (R.bail) for the present 788. Jagjit Devanand EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Roshan, Sah @ 16974/2020 of arrest considered 8809155439 Devanandan (A.bail) for the present Sah & Ors. 789. Priyesh Indrajeet EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Kumar, Kumar 13125/2020 of arrest considered 9471078617 (A.bail) for the present 790. Raghunandan Ajay Kumar EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Kumar, 16325-2020 of arrest considered 9835049367 (A.bail) for the present 791. Priyesh Ranjeet EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Kumar, Paswan 12954/2020 of arrest considered for the present 9471078617 (A.bail) 792. Priyesh Pankaj Kr. EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Kumar, Mahto 12592-2020 considered 9471078617 (R.bail) for the present 793. Harendra Dharmendra Token No. In custody Not Prasad, Yadav 23097/2020 considered 9431664594 (R.bail) for the present 794. Chandra Rajendra EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Bhushan Das, Singh 09760-2020 considered 9430512773 (R.bail) for the present 795. Raghunandan Suraj Singh EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Kumar, 16985-2020 of arrest considered 9835049367 (A.bail) for the present 796. Harendra Reena Devi & Token No. In custody Not Prasad, Ors. 23351/2020 considered 9431664594 (R.bail) for the present 797. Harun Sheikh Reyaz Cr. App. (SJ) Apprehension Not Quareshi, @ Sheikh No. of arrest considered 9304838589 1439/2020 for the present (A.bail) 798. Pankaj Kr. Sohan Singh Cr. App. No. In custody Not Das, 5100/2019 since considered 9934035267 (R.bail) 03.09.2019 for the present 799. Dhananjay Hira Lal Token No. In custody Not Kr. Pandey, Yadav 23125/2020 since considered 9199649522 (R.bail) 28.11.2019 for the present 800. Imteyaz Md. Ishhaque Cr. App(SJ) In custody Not Ahmad, @ Ishhaque No. 499/2020 considered 9386416816 Ali (R.bail) for the present 801. Manoj Madhuresh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Kumar, Kumar & Anr. 12608-2020 considered 9334609470 (R.bail) for the present 802. Manoj Pappu Yadav Cr. Misc. No. In custody Not Kumar, @ Ghamandi 7907/2020 considered 9334609470 Yadav (R.bail) for the present 803. Manoj Ajay Kumar EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Kumar, @ Ajay 09099-2020 of arrest considered 9334609470 Sharma @ (A.bail) for the present Ors. 804. Bhaskar Jiwan Yadav Token No. In custody Not Shankar, 21730/2020 considered 9430510969 (R.bail) for the present 805. Imteyaz Dablu Kumar Cr. App(DB) Not clear Not Ahmad, @ Dablu No. considered 9386416816 Mahto @ 1268/2019 for the present Vinod Kumar 806. Dhananjay Ravi Kr. Token No. In custody Not Kr. Pandey, Sharma 22772/2020 since considered 9199649522 (R.bail) 12.02.2020 for the present 807. Udbhav, Mithilesh EC-BRHC99- In custody Not 8676924738 Singh 17858-2020 since considered (R.bail) 17.04.2020 for the present 808. Rama Kant Lado Khatoon Cr. Misc. No. Apprehension Not Singh, @ Afsana 26138/2020 of arrest considered 9931282578 Khatoon (A.bail) for the present &Ors. 809. Rama Kant Shahid @ EC-BRHC99- In custody Not Singh, Teupua 05882-2020 since considered 9931282578 (R.bail) 12.11.2019 for the present 810. Dilip Kr. Manjar Khan Token No. In custody Not Singh, @ Manzer 4260/2020 since considered 9430503399 Khan @ (R.bail) 31.10.2019 for the present Manzar Khan 811. Nawal Rajesh Token No. Not clear Not Kishore Manjhi 27542/2020 considered Singh, for the present 9835070043/ 7870637104 812. Arun Kumar, Ram Jatan Token No. In custody Not 9431074172 Yadav 29237/2020 since considered (R.bail) 08.06.2020 for the present 813. Arun Kumar, Rajiv Singh Token No. In custody Not 9431074172 @ Rajeev 26871/2020 since considered Singh (R.bail) 23.03.2020 for the present 814. Arun Kumar, Kalindra Token No. In custody Not 9431074172 Kumar @ 26194/2020 since considered for the present Kalindra Sao (R.bail) 07.04.2018 815. Arun Kumar, Amit Kr. EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not 9431074172 Singh 05478-2020 of arrest considered (A.bail) for the present 816. Arvind Kr. Vikash BRHC-99- In custody Not Sinha, Manjhi 15324-2020 since considered 6204747826 (R.bail) 14.06.2020 for the present 817. Rama Kant Ram Pravesh Cr. Misc. No. Apprehension Not Singh, Singh 12829/2020 of arrest considered 9931282578 (A.bail) for the present 818. Rama Kant Manai Yadav Cr. Misc. No. In custody Not Singh, @ Mano 29167/2020 since considered 9931282578 Yadav (R.bail) 22.02.2020 for the present 819. Arun Kumar, Pratap Singh Cr. Misc. No. In custody Not 9431074172 26188/2020 since considered (R.bail) 03.02.2020 for the present 820. Arun Kumar, Rajiv Singh Token No. In custody Not 9431074172 @ Rajeev 26871/2020 since considered Singh (R.bail) 23.03.2020 for the present 821. Nilesh Yashwant Cr.Appeal In the Not Kumar, Rai @ (DB) aforesaid case considered 943144223 Yashwan No.580/201 I.A. has been for the present filed for bail on 8 Kumar Rai 6 I.A.No. / 7.9.2020. The and Anr. 2020 appellant is ill and its related documents has been filed along with I.A. The other Co­ accused persons have been allowed bail earlier by this Hon’ble Court. So it may kindly be listed and heard “Tomorrow” Appellant is in custody since 30.5.2016. (Incomplete format) 822. Ashwani Suresh Cr.Misc.No.2 Apprehension Not Kumar Rai, Choudhary 6304/2020 of Arrest. considered 879174716 Not in for the present prescribed format. 823. Udbhav, Md. Sahiad Token Petitioner is a Not 867692473 No.EC- young man of considered 8 BRHC-99- 22 years who for the present is in custody 1852-2020 since 7.4.2020. 824. Udbhav, Kanhaiya Token Custody since Not 867692473 Kumar No.EC- 25.5.2020. considered 8 BRHC-99- for the present 18181-2020 825. Anuj Nawal Token Custody since Not Kumar, Kishor No.EC- 22.12.2018. considered 993999359 BRHC-99- Not in for the present prescribed 9 13088-2020 format. 826. Anuj Ritesh Cr.Misc.No.2 Petitioner is Not Kumar, Kumar 3559-2020 suffering from considered 993999359 illness the for the present petitioner is 9 only male member to look after and manage expenses of treatment of his father. Not in prescribed format. 827. Saurabh Saurabh Token Mentioning Not Kumar, Kumar No.EC- was accepted considered 993999359 BRHC-99- on 3.9.2020 on for the present the ground of 9 30471-2020 death of father of the petitioner. Not in prescribed format. 828. Udbhav, Binod Token Custody since Not 867692473 Kumar No.EC- 17.8.2020. considered 8 BRHC-99- for the present 18323-2020 829. Anuj Bhopal Cr.Appeal The aforesaid Not Kumar, Singh and No.784/201 I.A. is filed for considered 993999359 Anr. 8 in grant of bail to for the present 9 I.A.No.1/202 the appellants 0 during pendency of appeal. Not in prescribed format. 830. Surendra Abdul Karim Cr.Misc. Custody since Not Kumar No.9680/20 16.12.2019. considered Singh, 20 for the present 943104764 0 831. Anuj Saurabh Token Mentioning Not Kumar, Kumar No.EC- was accepted considered 993999359 BRHC-99- on 3.9.2020 on for the present the ground of 9 30471/2020 death of father of the petitioner but the case is not being listed. Not in prescribed format. 832. Sanjay Vijay Kant Token Apprehension Not Kumar, Choudhary No.EC- of Arrest. considered 933410118 BRHC-99- for the present 6 30491-2020 833. Madhu Vikash Token Custody since Not Prasuri, Kumar No.EC- 7.1.2020. Not considered 983507706 BRHC-99- in prescribed for the present format. 8 10150-2020 834. Sanjay Sanjay Token Custody since Not Kumar, Kumar, No.EC- 28.7.2018. considered 933410118 BRHC-99- for the present 6 28954/2020 835. Binay Kavita Devi Token Custody since Not Kumar and ors. No.EC- 27.5.2020. considered Singh, BRHC-99- for the present 920433867 15292/2020 1 836. Pravin Rupesh Cr.Appeal Petitioner is in Not Kumar Kumar No.318- judicial considered Singh, 2020 custody. Not in for the present prescribed 943187134 format. 5 837. Shahil Babloo Khan Cr.Misc. Quashing Not Anmal No.14490/2 matter. Not in considered prescribed for the present Khan, 017 format. 993466725 6 838. Nilanjan Niranjan Ram Cr.Appela Custody since Not Chatterjee, No.358/201 16.12.2015. considered Not in for the present 970809148 8 prescribed 8 format. 839. Nilanjan Niranjan Ram Cr.Appeal Custody since Not Chatterjee, No.358/201 16.12.2015. considered Not in for the present 970809148 8 prescribed 8 format. 840. Nilanjan Supan Kumar Cr.Appeal Custody since Not Chatterjee, Ray No.4/2017 6.3.2013. Not considered in prescribed for the present 970809148 format. 8 841. Nilanjan Sunil Yadav Cr.Appeal Custody since Not Chatterjee, No.643/201 14.2.2012. Not considered in prescribed for the present 970809148 6 I.A. Token format. 8 No.16769­ 2020 842. Bindeshwar Soni Singh Token Custody since Not Prasad No.EC- 30.9.2019. Not considered BRHC-99- in prescribed for the present Singh, format. 990536646 04723-2020 9 843. Subodh Prakash Cr.Appeal Apprehension Not Kumar, Singh No.1082/20 of Arrest. Not considered in prescribed for the present 993129184 20 format. 0 844. Subodh Yadu Yadav Cr.Appeal Apprehension Not Kumar, and ors. No.942/202 of Arrest. Not considered in prescribed for the present 993129184 0 format. 0 845. Bijendra Sanjay Cr.Misc.No. Custody since Not Kumar, Chaoudhary, 13981/2020 30.12.2019. considered Not in for the present 983587113 prescribed 8 format. 846. Bijendra Pintu Ray Token Apprehension Not Kumar, No.27618/2 of Arrest. Not considered in prescribed for the present 983587113 020 format. 8 847. Vijay Avinash Cr.Misc.No. Custody since Not Shankar Kumar Singh 24170/2020 30.10.2019. considered Shrivastava, for the present 943107426 9 848. Vijay Badal Kumar Cr.Misc.No. Apprehension Not Shnkar 16306/2020 of Arrest. considered Shrivastava, for the present 943107426 9 849. Vijay Chandan Cr.Misc.No. Apprehension Not Shankar Chauhan 22693/2020 of Arrest. considered Shrivastava, for the present 943107426 9 850. Vijay Krishna Cr.Appeal Apprehension Not Shankar Singh No.1502/20 of Arrest. considered Shrivastava, 20 for the present 943107426 9 851. Vijay Jareena Cr.Appeal Custody since Not Shankar Khatoon No.613/202 11.12.2019 for considered Shrivastava, 0 no their fault. for the present 943107426 9 852. Vijay Mukesh Cr.Misc.No. Apprehension Not Shankar Vishwakarma 24368/2020 of Arrest. considered Shrivastava, for the present 943107426 9 853. Vijay Rajesh Cr.Misc. Custody Not Shankar Kumar No.83858/2 since considered for the present Shrivastava, 019 26.9.2019. 943107426 9 854. Vijay Rakesh Token Apprehensio Not Shankar No.EC­ considered Shrivastava, Kumar BRHC­99­ n of Arrest. for the present 943107426 18115­2020 9 855. Vijay Shobha Devi Cr.Appeal Apprehensio Not Shankar No.613/202 n of Arrest. considered Shrivastava, 0 for the present 943107426 9 856. Vijay Ramadhar Token Apprehensio Not Shankar Mahto No.EC­ n of Arrest. considered for the present Shrivastava, BRHC­99­ 943107426 15288­2020 9 857. Suresh Dharmendr Token Custody Not Kumar, a No.EC­ since considered 9334725649 for the present Choudhary, BRHC­99­ 24.12.2019. 09832­2020 858. Md. Ziaul Mukesh Token Kindly get Not Quamod, Paswan No.EC­ the stamp considered for the present 983523315 BRHC­99­ reporting of 2 25675­2020 the above given taken number which was filed on 10.7.2020. R.Bail.

859. Nafisuzzoha Baiju Singh Cr.Misc.No. Permission Not , and Anr. 24052/2020 to file considered for the present 993188016 Vakalatnam 0 a. Not in prescribed format.

860. Aditya Jitendra Cr.Appeal Custody Not Narayan Kumar No.834/201 since 8 considered for the present Singh­1, 7 years i.e. on 943162365 30.9.2012. 9 Not in prescribed format.

861. Vijay Nitesh Token Custody Not Kumar, Kumar No.EC­ since considered for the present 700418747 Barnwal BRHC­99­ 26.6.2020. 2 14459­2020 Not in prescribed format.

862. Rabi Pinki Token With two Not Bhushan Kumari No.EC­ infant considered for the present Prasad, BRHC­99­ children’s 983527200 30306­2020 life at stake 4 (1 ½ years + 2 ½ years) at home without their mother in this pandemic as the petitioner is in jail for more than a years.

863. Tarun Jittu Yadav Cr.Appeal In this Not Prasad S.J. aforesaid considered for the present Mandal, No.1013/20 case vide 943109691 20 order dated 8 1.6.2020 case diary has been called by this Hon’ble Court and same has not been listed.

864. Tarun Sunil Cr.Appeal In the Not Prasad Kumar No.1027/20 aforesaid considered for the present Mandal, 20 both the 943109691 cases have 8 been listed along with and in those cases diary has been has been called by this Hon’ble Court vide order dated 1.6.2020 and 2.6.2020 respectively. Not in prescribed format.

865. Kundan Sachin Cr.Appeal Withdrawal Not Rathore, Singh No.5457/20 the petition considered for the present 777985558 19 because 2 appellants are surrender before the learned court below. Not in prescribed format.

866. Tirpit Nagendra I.A.No.3 of I.A has been Not Kumar, Yadav 2019 filed for bail. considered 977179730 Custody for the present 8 since 24.3.2013 Not in prescribed format.

867. Parshuram Rutam Patel Token Apprehensio Not Singh, And Anr. No.EC­ n of Arrest. considered for the present 933410389 BRHC­99­ Not in 8 30639/2020 prescribed format.

868. Amit Mitaram Token Apprehensio Not Anand, Yadav No.EC­ n of Arrest. considered for the present 979844495 BRHC­99­ 01 16917­2020

869. Amit Ganesh Token Apprehensio Not Anand, Yadav No.EC­ n of Arrest. considered for the present 979844495 BRHC­99­ 1 16926­2020 870. Uday Vivek Token Apprehensio Not Kumar, Kumar No.EC­ n of Arrest. considered for the present 943143718 BRHC­99­ 6 26671/2020 871. Dilip Kumar Madan Pd. Cr.AppealNo Apprehensio Not Tondon, Yadav and .14/2020 n of Arrest. considered for the present 983506356 ors. Not in 2 prescribed format.

872. Anil Kumar Aditya Cr.Appeal Custody Not Roy, Kumar No.30332/2 since considered for the present 943145632 020 14.1.2020.

873. Anil Kumar Ram Niwan Token Custody Not Roy, No.EC­ since considered 943145653 Chauhan BRHC­99­ 18.1.2020. for the present 2 13542­2020 874. Anil Kumar Chintu Mail Token Custody Not Roy, No.EC­ since considered for the present 943145653 BRHC­99­ 18.6.2020. 2 15215­2020 875. Anil Kumar Sanjay Cr.Appeal Custody Not Roy, Mandal and No.1091­ since considered for the present 943145653 ors. 2017 19.6.2017 2 and 28.10.2015 and his prayer for bail was rejected on 30.10.2017 by this Hon’ble Court and now the appeal sis not likely to listed. Not in prescribed format.

876. Kumari Bibi Manjo Token Custody Not Ritambhara Khatoon No.EC­ since considered for the present , BRHC­99­ 28.12.2019. 834013559 24676­2020 5 877. Rudra Deo, Kosma Devi Token Apprehensio Not 933464247 No.EC­ n of Arrest. considered for the present 2 BRHC­99­ Not in 18824­2020 prescribed format. 878. Rudra Deo, Niranjan Token Custody Not 933464247 Prasad No.EC­ since considered for the present 2 BRHC­99­ 21.9.2019. 19087­2020 Not in prescribed format.

879. Kumari Rabindra Token Custody Not Ritambhara Kumar No.EC­ since considered for the present , SinghK BRHC­99­ 22.4.2020. 834013559 24612­2020 5 880. Sandip Ranjit Token Petitioner is Not Kumar Kumar No.EC­ in judicial considered for the present Gautam, Singh BRHC­99­ custody. 947186466 17545­2020 5 881. Sandip Krishna Token Petitioner is Not Kumar Kumar No.EC­ in Judicial considered for the present Gautam, Sharma BRHC­99­ custody. 947186466 17610­2020 5 882. Sandit Vikash Token Petitioner is Not Kumar Poddar No.EC­ in Judicial considered for the present Gautam, BRHC­99­ Custody. 947186466 17639­2020 5 883. Sandit Ankit Token Petitioner is Not Kumar Kumar No.EC­ in Judicial considered for the present Gautam, BRHC­99­ Custody. 947186466 18535­2020 5 884. Sandit Kundan Token Petitioner is Not Kumar Tanti No.EC­ in judicial considered for the present Gautam, BRHC­99­ custody. 947186466 18963­2020 5 885. Rakesh Nitu Kumari Cr.Misc.No. Cancellation Not Kumar, 51303­2020 of bail. Not considered for the present 943187837 in 4 prescribed format.

886. Pratima Sher Singh Cr.Misc.No. But the case Not Kumar, 13192­2020 is not yet considered for the present 810265044 listed. Not 1 in prescribed format.

887. Pratima Dilip Rai Cr.Misc.No. Apprehensio Not Kumari, 23500­2020 n of Arrest. considered for the present 810265044 Not in 1 prescribed format.

888. Pratima Sunit Singh Cr.Misc.No. I am Not Kumari, 17323­2020 withdrawing considered for the present 810265044 this case 1 petitioner have arrested.

889. Arun Pappu Token Custody Not Kumar, Singh No.EC­ since considered for the present 943120231 BRHC­99­ 21.6.2020. 7 16840­2020 890. Arun Neha Singh Token Apprehensio Not Kumar, No.EC­ n of Arrest. considered for the present 943120231 BRHC­99­ 7 18555­2020 891. Arun Devendra Token Custody Not Kumar, Singh No.EC­ since considered for the present 943120231 BRHC­99­ 26.5.2018. 7 18564­2020 892. Anil Arvind Token Custody Not Chandra, Kumar, No.EC­ since considered for the present 983508887 BRHC­99­ 15.3.2020 0 12915­2020 in Arms Act.

893. Anil ASHOK RAY Token Custody Not Chandra, No.EC­ since considered for the present 983508887 BRHC­99­ 21.5.2020 0 12915­2020 in Excise Act.

894. Anil Bineshwar Token Custody Not Chandra, Yadav No.EC­ since considered for the present 983508887 BRHC­99­ 27.5.2019. 0 16384­2020 895. Anil Mukesh Token Custody Not Chandra, Kumar No.EC­ since considered for the present 983508887 BRHC­99­ 30.5.2020. 0 12497­2020 896. Anil Sharukh Token Custody for Not Chandra, Khan No.EC­ 4 years and considered for the present 983508887 BRHC­99­ his last bail 0 15161­2020 petition was earlier rejected by Hon’ble Court vide order dated 17.4.12019.

897. Anil Jag Raj Token Custody for Not Chandra, Singh No.EC­ 3 years and considered for the present 983508887 BRHC­99­ his last bail 0 16908­2020 petitioner was earlier rejected vide order dated 28.8.2019. 898. Anil Rajveer Token Petitioner is Not Chandra, Singh No.EC­ in custody considered for the present 983508887 BRHC­99­ under 0 16462­2020 Excise Act.

899. Pramod Subhash Token Petitioner is Not Kumar, Ray No.EC­ seriously ill. considered for the present 943145694 BRHC­99­ 1 13555­2020 900. Pramod Gopi Kumar Cr.Misc.No. Apprehensio Not Kumar, and Anr. 2309­2020 n of Arrest. considered for the present 943145694 1 901. Pramod Laxman Token Regular Bail Not Kumar, Kumar No.EC­ Other co­ considered for the present 943145694 BRHC­99­ accused 1 13553­2020 granted bail.

902. Pramod Chandan Cr.Misc.No. Father of the Not Kumar, Kumar 30959­2020 petitioner considered suffering from for the present 943145694 Chronicle 1 disease and no one make member have case. 903. Uday Pratap Baby Devi Token Petitioner is Not Singh, No.EC­ in jail. considered 943107423 BRHC­99­ for the present 6 18545­2020 904. Ashok Jitu Yadav Cr.Misc. Apprehension Not Kumar, No.71422/2 of Arrest. considered 725585027 019 for the present 9 905. Ashok Binod Cr.Misc.No. Apprehension Not Kumar, Chaudhary 17581/2020 of Arrest. Not considered in prescribed for the present 725585027 format. 9 906. Arun, Shanti Devi Cr.Misc.No. Petitioner is in Not 732189477 28507­2020 custody. Not in considered prescribed for the present 9 format. 907. Abhimanyu Manoj Sahni, I.A.No.1/20 But till date Not Sharma, 20 in this case has considered not been listed for the present 983528663 Cr.Appeal for condoning 1 No.156/202 the delay as 0 the appeal is barred by limitation. 908. Rakesh Nitu Kumari Cr.Misc.No. Cancellation of Not Kumar, 51303/2020 Bail. Not in considered prescribed for the present 943187837 format. 4 909. Rakesh Rajan Sahni Cr.Misc.No. The petition Not Kumar, 18979/2020 was filed considered 23.2.2020 and for the present 943187837 it was 4 registered on 29.3.2020 but till today this cr.Misc.No.189 79/2020 was not listed. Not in prescribed format. 910. Anujit Baiju Saw Token Apprehension Not Sinha, No.EC­ of Arrest. Wife considered is pregnant for the present 993966404 BRHC­99­ and he cannot 0 13473­2020 attend her because of this case. 911. Prashant Bhagwan Cr.Appeal Custody since Not Sinha, Prasad No.561/201 24.4.2019. considered 933414201 9 for the present 6 912. Mukesh Kundan Token Apprehension Not Kumar Kumar No.EC­ of Arrest. considered Singh, Pandit, BRHC­99­ for the present 983541786 9712­2020 2 913. Mukesh Vikesh Singh Cr.Misc.No. Petitioner is in Not Kumar 26596/2020 jail. considered Singh, for the present 983541786 2 914. Akshansh Md. Sarfaraj Token Custody since Not Ankit, Uddin No.EC­ 25.9.2018. considered 977145707 BRHC­99­ other co­ for the present accused have 5 14466­2020 been granted the privilege of bail by the Hon'ble Supreme Court as well this court. 915. Shyam Vinod Kumar Cr.Appeal In present case Not Bihari Shah No.96/2020 appeal no. has considered been given but for the present Singh, case has not 943141055 been listed. 2 916. Arun Krishna Token Apprehension Not Kumar, Yadav No.EC­ of Arrest. considered 943120231 BRHC­99­ for the present 7 05108­2020 917. Kumar Ganga Ram, Token Custody since Not Manglam, No.EC­ 4.3.2020. Not considered in prescribed for the present 943126578 BRHC­99­ format. 7 27280/2020 918. Kumar Md. Token Custody since Not Manglam, Ziyauddin No.EC­ 26.2.2020. Not considered in prescribed for the present 943126578 BRHC­99­ format. 7 27582/2020 919. Sunil Rekha Devi Token Custody since Not Kumar, No.EC­ 27.6.2020. considered 943107437 BRHC­99­ for the present 1 16508­2020 920. Sunil Lalu yadav, Token Apprehension Not Kumar, and ors. No.EC­ of Arrest. considered 943107437 BRHC­99­ for the present 1 17146­2020 921. Sunil Golu Kumar Token Apprehension Not Kumar, No.EC­ of Arrest. considered 943107437 BRHC­99­ for the present 1 17502­2020 922. Sunil Arind Kumar Token Custody since Not Kumar, Ray, No.EC­ 25.3.2020. considered 943107437 BRHC­99­ for the present 1 16521/2020 923. Sunil Satish Kumar Token Apprehension Not Kumar, No.EC­ of Arrest. considered 943107437 BRHC­99­ for the present 1 16515­2020 924. Arun Janardan Cr.Misc.No. Apprehension Not Kumar, Sharma, 81019/2020 of Arrest. considered 943120231 for the present 7 925. Rajeev Ram Babu Token Appellant is in Not Kumar, Rai No.EC­ jail. Not in considered prescribed for the present 943409469 BRHC­99­ format. 4 17765­2020 926. Rajeev Upendra Cr.Appeal Appellant is in Not Kumar, Mahto No.1259/20 jail. Not in considered prescribed for the present 993409469 20 format. 4 927. Rajeev Ranvijay Cr.Appeal Custody since Not Kumar, Gope No.230/201 17.1.2017. Not considered in prescribed for the present 993409469 7 format. 4 928. Rajeev Mithilesh Rai Cr.Appeal Custody since Not Kumar, No.953/201 24.12.2012. considered Not in for the present 993409469 6 prescribed 4 format. 929. Rajeev Ramji Mahto Cr. Appeal Custody since Not Kumar, No.970/201 10 years. Not considered in prescribed for the present 993409469 6 format. 4 930. Rajeev Mahesh Cr.Appeal Custody since Not Kumar, Prasad, No.546/201 7 years. Not in considered prescribed for the present 993409469 9 format. 4 931. Rajeev Mote Token Petitioner is in Not Kumar, Chaudhary No.EC­ jail and considered petitioner wife for the present 993409469 BRHC­99­ leg fracture on 4 17749­2020 12.9.2020 and no any male persons are treatment. Not in prescribed format. 932. Arun Dipak Singh Token Petitioner is Not Kumar, and Anr. No.EC­ made an considered accused for an for the present 943120231 BRHC­99­ offence u/s 30 7 13637­2020 A 41 of Bihar Prohibition and Excise Act without any recovery from his part. 933. Sunil Nandan Cr.Misc.No. Apprehension Not Kumar Kumar and 30766­2020 of Arrest. considered Singh, ors. for the present 943006795 4 934. Arun Manjeet Token Custody since Not Kumar, Singh No.EC­ 10.7.2018. considered 943120231 BRHC­99­ for the present 7 13621/2020 935. Rakesh Dr. Sanjeev Cr.Misc.No. Quashing Not Kumar, Kumar 33443/2019 application. considered 943187837 Agrawal for the present 4 936. Pratima Sher Singh Cr.Misc.No. This case was Not Kumari, 13192/2020 earlier heard considered and matter for the present 810265044 was adjourned 1 by Hon’ble Court and this case will be listed on 12.8.2020 But this case is not yet listed. Not in prescribed format. 937. Mr. Kumar Ajoy Kumar Cr.Misc.No.7 The petitioner Not Kaushik, 4264/2019 is currently considered 916292085 posted as for the present Secretary of 0 the National Commission for Backward Class in New Delhi and going to retire on 30.09.2020. 938. Mr. Udbhav, Lal Rachan EC-BRHC99- The petitioner Not 867692473 Mahto 14810-2020 is in custody considered 8 since for the present 10.04.2020. 939. Mr. Rakesh Mohan CR.Misc.No. Petitioner has To be Listed Ranjan, Kumar 14877/2020 been arrested. 983524293 , Token To withdraw the 0 No.13926/2 Anticipatory 020 (A.B.) bail. 940. Mr. Bhaskar Jiwan Yadav Token The petitioner Not Shankar, No.21750/2 is in jail. considered 943051096 020 for the present 9 941. Mr. Vagisha Gorakh Roy Cr.Misc.No.2 The petitioner Not Pragya 8370/2020 apprehends considered Vacaknavi, his arrest. for the present 808469194 4 942. Mr. Ranjan Rajesh Cr.Misc.No.8 The aforesaid Not Kumar Kumar 7311/2019 A. Bail bearing considered Singh, (A. Bail) Cr.Misc.No.87 for the present 311/2019 and 620760679 by Hon’ble Mr. 9 Justice Ashutosh Kumar who has granted A. Bail by his order dated 25.06.2020 and directed to surrender within 6 weeks. Not in prescribed format. 943. Md. Helal Md. Hafiz & Cr.Misc.No.3 Petitioners are Not Ahmad, others 0067/2020, apprehension considered 983523493 EC-BRHC99- of their arrest. for the present 8 09672/2020 Not in prescribed 1format. 944. Mr. Sanjay Krishna Token There is Not Kumar Mahto and No.25816/2 apprehension considered Singh, others 020 of arrest of the for the present 943122286 petitioner in 6 this case. Not in prescribed format. 945. Mr. Yugal Ravi Ranjan EC-BRHC99- The petitioner Not Kishore, Mahto @ 7185/2020 is in jail considered 827186773 (R.B.) custody since for the present Ravi Ranjan 19.04.2020. 3 Mehta @ Not in Ravi Ranjan prescribed Kumar format. Mahta

946. Mrs. Rupa Hira Lal @ EC-BRHC99- The petitioner Not Kumari, Heera Lal 1308/2020 is in jail considered Advocate, (R.B.) custody. Not for the present BR/87/2010 in prescribed format. 947. Mr. Sangeet Nisha EC-BRHC99- The petitioner Not Deokuliar, Kumari 01627- has been considered 933439266 2020, Cr. remanded to for the present after care 6 WJC.No.225 Home, 76/2020 Gaighat, Patna when she married to person of her own choice on her will, the father of the petitioner has filed a criminal case against her husband and in laws showing her minor but she claimed her ge as 21 years while the Medical Board assessed her age 17 to 18 years. She has recorded her statement U/s 164 CR.P.C. and expressed her desire to go to her matrimonial home. Not in prescribed format. 948. Mr. Rajesh Amoal EC-BRHC99- There is Not Kumar, Kumar 13510-2020 apprehension considered 778283831 of arrest. for the present 0 949. Mr. Subodh EC-BRHC99- This Not Surendra Singh @ 12753/2020 application for considered Kishore grant of for the present Subodh anticipatory Thakur, Kumar bail offences 920452866 Singh under section 8 2302 of IPC the petitioner is not an assailant and wife is ill. Not in prescribed format. 950. Mr. Rakesh Munna @ I.A. The appellant Not Kumar Kushlendra No.01/20 In is in custody considered Sharma, Cr.Appeal since for the present Pratap 08.05.2019. 943001559 No.603/201 8 9 (D.B.) 951. Mr. Ravi Kumar Pasi EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Shankar and another 13376-2020 of arrest. Not considered Pathak, (A. Bail) in for the present 870959389 prescribed 2 format. 952. Mr. Ravi Vijay EC-BRHC99- The petitioner Not Shankar Shankar 15572-2020 is in custody considered Pathak, (R. Bail) since for the present Mishra @ 25.07.2020. 870959389 Vijay Kumar Not in 2 prescribed format. 953. Mr. Ravi Kamlesh Rai EC-BRHC99- Apprehension Not Shankar 15844-2020 of arrest. Not considered Pathak, (A. Bail) in for the present 870959389 prescribed 2 format. 954. Md. Vinod Cr.Appeal This criminal Not Imteyaz Mehta No.5611/20 appeal was considered Ahmad, 19 (SJ) heard on for the present 20.12.2019 938641681 this Hon’ble 6 Court has been pleased to call for LCR and LCR has been already received. Not in prescribed format. 955. Mr. Mukesh Rakesh I.A.No.5/201 The petitioner Not Kumar Kumar 9 In is in custody considered Singh, Cr.Appeal since for the present Singh @ 19.07.2009 in 983541786 No.291/201 Pappu Singh more than 11 2 5 (D.B.) years. Not in prescribed format. 956. Not considered for the present 957. Mr. Rajesh Indu Devi BRHC99- That the Not Mohan, 17492-2020 petitioner is a considered 778283831 lady and for the present illegally to be 0 arrested by police during prevailing of pandemic, COVID­19. 958. Mr. Arvind Cr.Appeal The petitioner Not Ravindra Kumar No.795/202 is considered Kumar 0 (SJ) apprehending for the present his arrest for Singh, offence under 943132248 Section 302 & 2 34 of the IPC and 3(2)(V) of the SC & ST Act. Not in prescribed format. 959. Mr. Rajesh Rakesh Cr.Misc.No.2 In the above Not Kumar, Kumar 1301/2020 noted case considered 983505210 may be for the present permitted to 3 file Vakaltnama on behalf of informant. Not in prescribed format. 960. Mr. Wasi Monu Token No. The petitioner Not Akhtar, Kumar Cr.Misc.No.2 seeks bail for considered 997344993 6323/2020 the offence for the present alleged U/s 7 364(a)/34 IPC .Informant seeks permission for filing Vakalatnama to appose the bail. 961. Mr. Umesh Rajvanshi Cr.Misc.No.2 The aforesaid Not Chandra Paswan @ 8149/2020 Cr.Misc. considered Verma, application for the present Banshi has been filed 620254365 Paswan @ for 7 Rajbanshi modification of anticipatory Pashawan bail order to the extent that father’s name may kindly be corrected, and condition no. (1) of the said order may also be modified to the extent that wife’s cousin may be allowed to stand as one of the bailers in the name of close relative. Not in prescribed format. 962. Mr. Udbhav, Mukesh EC-BRHC99- The petitioner Not 867692473 Sahani 18157-2020 is in custody considered 8 since for the present 07.07.2020. 963. Mr. Anuj Bhopal I.A.No.1/202 Appellants Not Kumar, Singh & Anr 0 in Cr. were granted considered 993999359 Appeal anticipatory for the present bail. After 9 No.784/201 judgement of 8 (D.B.) conviction and sentence appellants are in custody. Not in prescribed format. 964. Mr. Arun Ravindra EC­ The petitioner Not Kumar, Thakur BRHC99­ is senior considered citizen aged for the present 943120231 09832­2020 about 74 years 7 and retired executive engineer who is made accused in a case which is purely land related civil dispute without any specific allegation U/s 353, 420, 467, 468, 471 & 120B of IPC and apprehended to be arrest. 965. Mr. Santosh Dinesh EC­ In the Not Kumar Kumar BRHC99­ public considered for the present Sinha­2, Singh 13699­2020 interest at 983543331 large investigation of Muzaffarpur Town P.S. Case No.157 of 2017 registered under Sections 409, 467, 468, 4714, 120 (B) and 420 IPC dated 10.03.2017 and Nigrani Janch No.B.S. 8/15 under Vigilance investigation Bureau, Bihqar Patna which relates to large scale scam in the State of Bihar relating to T.E.T. and STET matter in whole of the State be transferred to CBI.