Arab Unity Overview

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Arab Unity Overview Letter from the Director Dear Delegates, My name is Matthew Leung and I would like to welcome all of you to the Arab League at CAHSMUN 2020. I am currently a junior at St. George’s School and it is my distinct pleasure to serve as your Director in the Arab League. Along with your Chairs, Raechel Kitamura and Arella Yang, who make up the Arab League Dais team of CAHSMUN 2020, we are beyond excited in cooperating with you to resolve the conflicts at hand. During my two years of involvement in Model United Nations, I would like to say it has been wonderful in regards to the experiences I received from various conferences and committees. The knowledge and skillset I received from these experiences have not only broadened my horizons on global issues but also raised my confidence in public speaking and debating. The initial feeling of nervousness, anxiety and confusion exists in everyone’s first conference, causing us to lose faith in ourselves and become afraid of raising our placards. However, I encourage all of you to step up and not be nervous about speaking in front of your fellow delegates–I guarantee your conference experience will be a blast after all. Over the course of the three days, this committee will be discussing the Economic and Defensive Unity between Arab Countries, as well as Peace Negotiations Between Israel and Palestine. As these topics revolve around the Middle East, I encourage you all to apply extensive focus on the social and economic situations, history, and achievements of Arab countries. Delegates are also recommended to ponder compelling ideas in order to solve disunity in the Arab world and discover the best methods to enhance peace negotiations. Once again, I welcome you all to CAHSMUN 2020. We look forward to joining you all for an exciting weekend of debate, discussion, collaboration and, of course, fun. If you have any concerns about backgrounders, the committee, the topic, or Model United Nations in general, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Yours sincerely, Matthew Leung Director of the Arab League – CAHSMUN 2020 Committee Description Formed in Cairo in 1945, the Arab League is a regional council that promotes the independence, sovereignty and affairs of 22 member countries. Countries in the Arab League are all predominantly Muslim, Arabic-speaking countries, but Egypt and Saudi Arabia are considered the pivotal figures in the League.1 This committee aims to resolve conflicts between various Arabic countries through an array of factors such as joint defence, economic cooperation and free trade.2 The Arab League seeks to cooperate with governments of Arab countries to initiate awareness of all sorts of issues happening in the Arab world. On March 22, 1945, The Arab League was established with six members: Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan (renamed Jordan after 1946), Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. On May 5 of the same year, Yemen joined and became the seventh member of the League. Of the 22 existing member states that form the league today, the majority joined the league as full members between 1953 and 1977 with Comoros joining the latest in 1993.3 During its early years, the Arab League focussed on economic, cultural and social programs, notably through the creation of the Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU) where countries keep track of the diplomatic relationships between Arab states and seek for unity and cooperation in terms of not only sustaining and developing their economies but also for resources, military purposes and defensive utilities.4 The Arab League has concentrated heavily on economic, cultural, and social programs such as Arab Petroleum Congress, which started its first session in 1959.5 This helped coordinate and unify the petroleum policies and ensure the stabilization of oil markets in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers and a fair return on capital for those wishing to invest. Such cooperation further indicates the common belief within the Arab League which is to establish a unified Arabic World. This belief also previously laid the groundwork for the Arab Revolt, engendered by a common desire to dissolve the Turkish Ottoman Empire oppressing these Arab countries in the early 20th century.6 1 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 4 arab-digital-economy--800262184.html 5 6 However, the Arab League’s efficacy has previously been hindered by the division between member states. Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire back in the early 1900’s, Arab nations have never experienced complete unity and cooperation within the region. Plagued with serious cases of civil unrest, the Arab League has placed a heavy emphasis on peaceful negotiations and settlements to collaborate between states in the Middle East–especially between the Arab League and Israel. Since the League’s formation, the member states have condemned the majority of Israel’s laws and actions and oppose its very existence. By avoiding commercial, financial, and cultural ties with Israeli companies and organisations, the Arab League never fostered a favourable relationship with their neighbouring nation. Especially having seen countries with ongoing inner conflict and previous conflicts between Arab countries in the Middle East, it is clear that achieving unity and cooperation within the Arab League, although ideal, has always been a challenge.7 Topic A: Arab Unity Overview Recently, certain Arab countries have prospered through petroleum industries, while other Arab countries are still attempting to find for meager economic success. Countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) produce high economic output, reflecting a stronger GDP. This is not the case for several other Arab countries, where some states struggle to experience similar economic upturns. This results in an economic disparity between countries regarding the distribution of revenue within the Arab world. Furthermore, social conflicts and contentions among Arab countries have led to a series of inter-Arab combativeness and divide. The main event that divided the Arabic countries is believed to be the Lebanon Crisis, leading countries to condemn one another with means of leader rivalries, ideological feuds and even armed conflict. Among the 22 Arab countries, it is an extremely rare case to witness unity between these people who speak the same language and share the same culture; the Arab world has been constantly afflicted by a number of compromising issues. A disunified Arab community could potentially lead to further disputes and unhealthy relationships between its states. Although Arab countries were tempted in unifying themselves after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, their situation resulted in disagreements in negotiations and settlements, numerous occasions of violent wartime, as well as the refusal of collaboration. If this issue continues to extend and grow increasingly worse, civilians will be 7 Ibid. restricted in going to certain countries due to regional disputes, creating scenarios where some people may not even have opportunities to work overseas or visit families. As seen from lots of innocent citizens being killed due to wars, a time triggered by disunity could also create impacts to the livelihood and safety of civilians as they have to face more danger as wars tend to arise from constant and continuous altercations between Arab states. Aside from civilians of the Middle East, economic prosperity is estimated to fall due to the lack of support between countries. As developed countries around the world are improving at high rates, Arab countries have stayed as developing nations or nations dependent on one industry. Instead of cooperating with other economies to facilitate and boost development, Arab disunity has shifted the focus of its countries from building economies to fighting with neighbouring countries, increasing the possibility of huge economic losses. Understanding the urgent situation of the Middle East, the Arab League holds responsibility in resolving conflicts between these countries and preventing events that could divide Arab countries. In general, Arab states should consider promoting the importance of cooperation between countries in the Middle East, as well as various resolutions that can minimize past conflicts from resurfacing. As a result of this cohesion, the Arab League will be able to strengthen its own efficacy in addressing regional issues together. As well, countries with fewer resources and funds can be supported by neighbouring countries and strive towards economic prosperity. Achieving defensive unity between countries can enhance security in the Middle East and ensure prevented armed conflict between Arab countries. When debating this topic, delegates are to look into the humanitarian issues between various Arab states, analysing causes and factors that lead to conflicts and disunity in the Arab world. Delegates should also discuss different solutions for different conflicts as country representatives of the Arab League. Timeline Late 19th century - Before the separation of the 22 Arab states, the Arab world is under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Turkish efforts are put in to centralize control, causing Arab states to start the Arab cultural Renaissance known as Al-Nahda to seek for self-identity.8 8 Ibid. Early 20th century - An independent Arab world emerges from decades of colonial supremacy in the Middle East and North Africa region. The race for statehood among fledgeling Arab countries is taken over by a hasty struggle for unity.9 June 5, 1916 - Forces attack the Ottoman garrison at Medina in an attempt to seize the holy city and its railway station.
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