Arabian E News Vol. 1, Issue 2 April 15, 2009 Your source for Arabian and Half-Arabian Small Farm, Club, and Organizational news! AM Michael Love 4 times Scottsdale winner in Dressage and holds multiple regional championships in halter and regional wins in hunter. Arabian E News Subsidiary of Mayhem Farm, LLC Lynn Blake 460 W Parkins Mill Rd. Winchester, Virginia 22602
[email protected] Copyright 2009 Arabian E News. All rights reserved. Vol. 1, Issue 2 April 15, 2009 American Shagya-Arabian Verband, Inc ASAV 2009 Annual Meeting Detailed Agenda & Sign-Up Form will be posted shortly - please check back again! Latest Updates 03/31/09: Check out also our ASAV-2009 Annual Meeting Flyer. We are putting together a packet to hand out at our national meeting. Included will be information about ASAV, articles on judging Shagyas and their use in Trakehner breeding, and several other items of interest. If you would like to have your farm, stallion, or sale fliers included, please mail copies to Nancy Skakel. Nancy will put the packets together to hand out to attendees. Thank you for helping to promote our Shagyas! Nancy Skakel is also organizing the presentation of horses. Please contact Nancy if you would like to bring your horse. Think about how you would like to make your presentation - liberty, in-hand, under saddle, or ? We would like to have as many Shagyas as we can muster for everyone to admire. Contact Nancy at:
[email protected] Nancy R. Skakel Paradise Flat Farm 687 Snowden Road White Salmon, WA 98672 SHAGYA 1 of 1 JUMP START STALLION PROGRAM Board Members of the American Shagya Arabian Verband, inc.