m8 v if" ,m wl u Your i 22 Want Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG!

(fcjpUtfL Or ...... wnujeipv tiej Evening I GoocfWork Along. Bulletin Take a Share in the GRAND ARMY FLAG FUND !

f Vol. VII. No. 1399. HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1899. Pbiob 5 Cents.


i nt reports comes irom Kauai or m Wm. Nevlns Armstrong, who re Deed ol Trust Executed to First Ameri- Hearty Good Will And Strict Discipline Cabinet Orders Completion of Important Sabbath School Scholars to Reserve the a big run of Aalalauwas at Hana-maul- u cently left the editorial chair of the can Bank tor $460,000. on the Warren. - on Saturday night. These Highway on Big Island. Usual Custom. morning paper, will use most of his are the red fish whose coming to time during the next year In pre the shores of the Islands Is said by paration of copy for the book he Is

Giants-Frien- dship natives to Rail-- l. Ducit of a Family or Dublin the foreshadow the death Gomnment Patient Created -A- ot Rejected gress to publish on his trip around the Big Business Assured for'ibe Dllllo&bam ction Money And Furniture Will Be Presented -Pro- f of an Alll or some Important change King Between Officers world with the late Kalakaua. Win Flaw the Soldiers Contract Laborers -L- iquor Licenses way Project on Hawaii-- In connection with the government. - ot Plans forObsenrance ct the Xmas Mr. Armstrong has some Coo pages of Jolly Lot of Fighter;, Wharf-M- ap Large Share of the Bonds a Shortly after the last appearance W Brewer's ofOahu. Season Trees Will Be Burdened. of notes made during the journey of Aalalauwas, the death ofCapt. 8 and these tell of incidents In alt .- N - King, Minister of the Interior, was countries. The work now under A C o'clock Sat- Tho Hllo Railroad Ck has executed few minutes beforo considered as the fulfillment of the It was decided by the Cabinet this Full head of steam Is now on In tho way gives every promise of being 8 urday attemocn tho transpprt Warren ono needed u deed of trust to the,Flrst American prophecy. From now on the super- mornlnK'tliat at least road work of preparing for tho observanco the most Interesting book on Hawaii resembled nothing so much as a huge on Hawaii should bo continued to com- of by 09 1U entlro franchise, beo stitious will watch the course of Christmas tho various Sabbath yet to be produced. Mr. Armstrong Bank of Hawaii hive, a continual hum of voices pletion In spite of tho exhaustion of city. pastors, su- property proceeding her, now events schools of tho Tho rights of way and all It has from with nnd with additional Interest. tho appropriation. This Is a much used perintendents and commltteo members was born In this country, knows now and may acqnlro for tho seucrlty then a hearty burst of laughter coming The natives at Hanamaulu caught hlghwny out of Kahuku. It was found are working earnestly on tho Important tne language and tne native people from the lower deck whero tho men that the money was all gone and tho and Is a master In observance and of $150,000 6 per cent bonds. Tho largo over five hundred of the fish, which preliminary arrangements. were congregated In numbers roao. sticking up In tho air 4,000 feet Roman Catholic appreciation of anecdote. Several are payablo In 10 years and due amusing In tho ways pecu- Indicates that the run was large At tho Cathedral bonds themselves from tho point designated in the sur- thero will bo tho usual claborato musi- of the freest houses on the Main I of enough to - In 20 years. Eltty thousand dollars liar to tho colored soldier. warrant serious import vey as the terminus. Tho President cal programs, with special masses by land have made bids for the manu- On two W ! amount Is fn $500 bonds tho rc3t tho forward deck, soldiers as to be given It. and his ..ministers ordered that con- tho Bishop, etc. congrega- C script of the book. the black as ebony, wcro sparring. On tho Both the $1,000 each. The prompt action of Congress struction should be continued till thero tions of St. Andrew's Episcopal church of other sldo of tho deck amusement was was completion, tho oc Is ono on the territorial bill will fulfill that Minister havo outlined entertainment for tho The grading for tho road over furnished by two guitar players and the tho Interior should approvo tho bills v prophecy of children. halt completed and, nearly all material qulto a number ot dancers, tho cako the soothsayers as well nnd that tho Lcglslaturo would bo de Tho youngsters Union FOOTBALL AND CRICKET. walk being mostly In evidence. Every- ot Central Is on hand at mio. Tho machinery for as the death of a prominent per pended upon to relmburso tho neonlo Sunday school rccclvo ono year and where .on board could bo seen tho who time willing seo the maAluo and enr auops la now on S sonage. at this stood to mako presents tho next and this meth- The regulnr team of Oahu College, amusements of thcso careless, happy that work and material pcoplo wcro pleasuro way nncl expected at Hilo this od of alternating and duty with several of the best players only the and free hearted 'soldiers of Undo rjatArjorArjerAriKzrjorjrjirki fully protected by getting cash In hand is satisfactory all. is gift Sam. Thero was very llttlo letter to This a looking on, easily took Saturday's month. when thefr contracts woro carried out. year. It was decided yesterday, with game at tho college campus from tho Ratl-t'o- .: writing. Sergt. ot Said Mr. Paxton, of tho Hllo THE MONEY IS PAID OYER Peterson, tho National Superintendent Wood presiding that Town scrub team. Tho latter cloven Somo of tho replies mado by them Guard Regiment, who was Injured In presents to "If thcroad wcro now In running when questioned, wcro quite amusing. tho bo bestowed should Included somo of tho best talent "on the sham battlo at Punahou on consist of $50 cash for tho ChrlstmaB tho beach," It was not nil organ- it would bo hauling an enormous Ono man, when asked what part of Thanksgiving Day and who been but at has festivities of tho children ot tho Pala-m- a ized. Tho scoro was 18-- Brooks, of amount of freight for Olaa and more the States ho was from replied, "Down C. B. Reynolds, cxccutlvo officer of In tho hospital ever since, is officially tho goes chapel parish and enough money to Butto fame, was fullback for tho of tho bonds. Alabama Is whnr ma babay Uvea, when Board of Health, to Molokal declared to havo sustained his hurt "In completely nicely thanicarulng tho Interest homo ma honey." this week and on returning will mako furnish nnd n room towns. It Is proposed Boon to havo ' bo at I'so with Another active service." This is tho opinion on tho now Castlo Orphan- The roaJP from Hllo to Olaa will when.nsked where acertain officer was, hlB final recommendation on tho dis- "Mother nnothcr meeting of these teams, tho - of the Cabinet duly recorded, and age." Thero will bo xcrclses at Central city boys In tho meantime practicing coinplejn a4d In wfirklng order wlth- said, with a Jerk of a stubby black posal or distribution of the Lepers' Smith Is to be regarded as "govern- officer on upper Merry Christmas U proposed Union Sunday school on Thursday tor a contest. i In sixfoil iths." thumb towards an tho Fund. It ment patient" In tho hospital nnd to bo evening Inst., n deck, Tho "hlm'a "Im" to send 120 to tho Kaplolanl homo tho 2lBt nnd holiday Thero was n cricket gamo on Satur- uniracts been made "Hlm's 'im." at treated without cost to himself or on Sunday, be- . J usm have Was Knlihl. would leave $530 rally tho 31st Inst. On the day at tho old Recreation grounds referred to Lieutenant Colonel This and it friends. Someone fired n "blnnk"In Mr. with plantations on tho lino to tho Is allows CO latter occasion. Frank W. Damon tween teams ot tho local association, ?P3 Ducat. cash distributed cents Peterson's faco during tho heat of tho nnd Mr. Armstrong Smith will be cargo lo theli"lim Sling. Under these con At G o'clock tho bugles sounded "Re- for each person In tho settlement nnd and players from tho steamer battlo between tho first and second nmong Low-rc- y Wyo-ftcl- d. carrying treat," nnd ns tho Stars and Stripes leaves a small balance This plan has tho speakers. Mrs. F. J. Blocmnfonteln nnd tho transport tracts thcroad will do the battalions. is director general of tho various As Is usually tho caso when tho years." were lowered from the peak tho band been suggested by a number ot people Tho Minister of Finance has been In- for a term or forty played Spangled Mr. Roynolds scrioun Central Union Snbbath school ovents 11. U. C. boys go on tho field with visi- "Tho Star Banner." and has It under structed by the Cabinet to hereafter in observance of Mr. Dillingham, who is now In tho In 'an Instant, every man, with the ex- consideration. Nearly all of tho young- Christmas. There aro tors, tho victory went to tho residents. retuso utterly landing to such Japanese a number of and both Tho scoro was 02 to 90. United States, will cither tako or place ception of two, was on his feet and un- sters and many of tho older pcoplo laborers as aro rejected at Quarantine covered: whero there hnd been noth would like to have tho llttlo amount ot Superintendent Wood nnd Pastor Wm. n largo portion of tho bond issuo. by tho inspectors for tho planters. M. Klncnld aro In harness nnd pulling ing but activity and noise, everything cash to uso as they like. These aro disability cases nnd tho men Church Mcctlngt. now correspondence shows hard. was absolutely silent and not a This that tho found to be unfit for service as labor- even- A1VD IOP1UM. motion was to bo seen among the 800 fund business has been settled up In Mr. John McTaggart is superinten- At Central Union Church this FEVER ers are to bo kept nt quarantine at ing thero will bo n meeting of the odd men. As soon as the band ceased tho proper manner. tho oxpenso of tho planters till shipped dent ot tho Sabbath school ot tho First playing men were Dec. 11, 1899. Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. C. B. Standing Commltteo of tho society for li 1 1 1I tl fTWOrtll TirG- - tho two referred to Honolulu, oack to their own country. Tho per- J lUmitv Mnralinl P Ripley Is chairman of tho general com-- ! the transaction or rorniai business v; pollco ordered rrom tho sheltered corner in Mr. C. B. Reynolds, Exccutlvo Officer, centage ot Immigrants unablo to pass Bided over two Inquests nt tho mltteo on arrangements for tho ChrUt-ma- s At 7:50 on Wednesday ovcnlng thero ur. u. u. which they wcro sitting, taken beforo Board of Health, Dear Sir: I tako physical examinations hero is very meet- headquarters this afternoon, an officer and immediately put In the pleasure In handing over to you the festivities nnd Mrs. J. M. Mooro will bo held tho annual business Wood, Dr. C. B. Cooper und other small, but thero havo been a number ing of tho Central Union church for guard house. "Lax In small things, sum ot $550, tho net proceeds from tho ot cases which thcy,somchow man is preparing tho details ot tho pro- steamship and hospltnlneoploUcstlfi la gram. tho election of officers. . --. lax in laigc,'' remarked the 'oClcer, entertainment given In Kaumakaplll aged get whllo being held There will ho nu old fashioned , cd. to ashore for trco nffalr on tho evening of At 8:1G on Wednesday ovehlng,Uro i or adding, "Discipline Is everything and church, Dec. Gtlt., for tho benflt ot tho Orient-boun- d Friday, Tho first caso was that of an an steamer. tho 22d Inst. appear will bo held tho annual meeting of tho by wo have one of tho best disciplined Lepere' Merry Christmas. It is placed Several applications for rctnll liquor Santa Clans will of tho Claudlno. Tlio finding army among and strip tho presents and distribute church and congregation for tho elec- jury man camo to regiments In tho and It shall bo In your hands for distribution licenses at Holualoa, Hawaii, wero re the was that tho kept to standard." tho inmates ot tho Leper Settlement, them. Rov. Mr. Pearson, tho pastor, is tion ot officers. death from natural causes. Tho that fused. Lovcjoy & Co., nnd Peacock & Tho Choral Society, of which Mrs. J. his Tho white officers of the regiment Molokai, as you think best, so thnt all Co., are to havo liquor dealing licen- taking an nctho interest in nil ar- caso was diagnosed as fovcr. aro on very friendly terms with tho interested may bo benefited. Your very rangements. W. Ynrndley Is tho leader, will meet nt has been conslderabcl talk ses for Kahulul, Maul. P. Cockctt and 7:30 on Friday evening next. There colored officers who aro In command ot sincerely, WRAY TAYLOR. li- Thero will bo cither a trco or a houso since the affair becam known concern- A. V. Tavares wero applicants for tho companies. The color lino Is not Honolulu, Dec. 11, 1899. censes, but will not receive tho requir or n chimney with gifts for tho chil- ing the sudden death of anatlvo who finely Wrny Taylor, after appearing drawn nnd the majority ot tho Honolulu, Dear Sir: ed permits for dealing In beer nnd light dren ot tho Christian church Sabbath Captain Warwick Killed. expired a few minutes colored officers speak vory highly of I havo much pleasuro in acknowledg- school, of which Mr. Walter C. Wccdon th Queen's Hospital and stating that wines. San Antonio. Texas, Dec. 2. Tho at their treatment and associations with ing the receipt of $550 raised by you A number ot tho merchants ot the is secretary. Mr. W. L. Hopper is ho was suffering from pains in tho whito Lepers' Merry killing of Cnptaln O. B. Warwick, of brought In evi- their whlto superior officers. The for tho Christmas, and city unlto In a potltlon to tho gown making tho arrangements and has a Hollo, on Novem- stomach. It was out officers recognize tho abili- on behalf ot tho Lepors sincerely capablo tho 18th Infantry nt man was known as an undoubted ment to widen Brewer's wharf. Action number ot assistants. It is ber 20, In with tho Insurgents, dence that tho ty ot tho colored officers, and while It thanking you and all thoso who havo said qulto confidentially, tho a brush opium fiend and tho conclusion was on tho part ot tho authorities is de- that hard was a shock to n largo military colony accidentally by Is true that they do not eat at the same so generously contributed in various terred for tho reason that the plans working superintendent ot this school, that he killed himself table, simply n caso of fraterniz- ways to tho fund. I havo much at Fort Sam Houston, whore his two of drug. Tho it is shall for several changes nnd enlargement who has lately visited tho Mainland. nnd a niece, resde. Captain taking an overdose the ing of No 111 In making sisters namo with thoso their color. pleasuro later on known of tho west side of tho harbor havo has in store for tho children a surpriso was of Ho man was' a South Sea Islander, hvlll lb on Bldo on duty tho way tho fund has been disposed of. of very Warwick a natlvo Alabama. or rela- felt cither and gone on to Washington for approval. tho plcnsnntcst sort. Rov. W. in 18GS. graduating unknown and without friends and off thoy aro officers. Very sincerely yours, A. pastor entered West Point brother This Jaa. T. Taylor, tho civil engineer, has Gardner, ot the Christian two years Slnco 187C ho haa tives here. is gained from rcllablo sources both C. B. REYNOLDS, church, Is In poor health, Is doing i later. 1 , filed an application for copyright of a but Ho was officers. Executlvo Officer, Board of Helath. nil posslblo been with tho 18th Infantry. whlto and colored map of oauu island. Tho application to mnko the observanco of vory popular with tho civilians, ns well NOT ON PROMOTION. Lieutenant Colonel Ducat lias been is referred to the Minister ot the In Christmas tldo an cnjoyablo evening In troops ns tho military class. command of negro for qulto ST. LOUIS AND TOWN. terior with tho Instructions to Issuo tho lor tho children. John F. Colburn and Prlnco Cupid a few years and distinguished himself copyright if tho map comes within the whllo In command of D Company of Hanamaulu. having returned frqn Kauai aftor a A football gamo for Saturday next Is statutory description of original work. JOHN H. WILSON RETURNING. Dlpthcrta at days on tho Garden 'Isle, ino ramous zuu lniamry, uoioreu being arranged Town A proposition concerning tho exten 9. stay of sevral Regiment, Santiago. appear between the and Llhue, Knual, Dec. Pcoplo of tho mo rumor that they wero about to at In St. Louis teams. The later organiza- sion of Alamoana from tho government Lihuo and Hanamaulu districts aro be-ca- bolng fully "spring" a new plantation schemo ance he is an Ideal soldier, tion has been In existenco all season kerosene warehouse to Richards street, John II. Wilson, tho general contrac- somewhat wrought up over tho ap- current. On being Interviewed G feet 3 Inches tall, weighs zoo pounds, ana is said to be In flno trim. The raw through some of tho land ot tho Bishop tor and all around business operator pearance of diphtheria at the latter said thero was nothing at and Is tho youngest ot a family of six, or rusty Town aggrega- Estate, has been framed by tho Cabi- writes that ho will return to the Is- of Portuguese. Mr. Colburn Is grand- material of tho place. In tho family a nil in this report. Tho trip was made ho also the smallest. His tion will bo put through paces In net to bo submitted to the trustees of lands by tho next Australia. John has Two have been taken down since Tues- tho purpose of looking Into father, who was also the smallest of a earnest every afternoon and evening the Estato. sent his company of musical Hawallans place is now solely for family of came ot family known day last and the under matter of boundaries of some of six, a this week. Tho Cabinet waB In session today un East In chargo of a capablo man. ono quarantine bo a spread may tho as Dublin Giants." was strict that the Kapllanl estato holdings n tho "Tho The St. Louis-Tow- n gamo is to be on til 12:30 p. m. and handled a largo who at ono tlmo on tho road with be prevented. Dr. Watt ot Llhuo Is Thcso are Colonel Ducat says that tho colored campus College, by cour- amount ot tho Royal Hawaiian band. Mr. Wilson Hanapepe river, Kauai. troops courage tho of Oabu business. In attendance. very valuabl water rights and their possess undoubted and tesy of President hosmer. It Is not has been looking moro and more Into pssesslon may In time cnablo tho es- never fall to give a good account ot generally known, but the old Maklkl tho steamship business and will branch tato to become a factor In one or more themselves. baseball grounds havo been abandoned AMOR1TA AND A VACATION. out with tho local company with which Drummers Are Thick. alrady' established. tor all time as a sporting field. no is connected immediately on his re- Llhuo, Dec. 9. are as plantations ENDING The Drummers OP THE SEASON. grand stand is down and tho high Tho pretty opera Amorlta, which is turn. Ills latest purchaso la a small thick as quail on Kauai Just now. Sale seats Is on week for tenco has disappeared. Tho land be- boat which will bo brought down from Thero wero four In Walmea the other How the Khalifa Died. of all this constructed somowhat on tho lines of so the wind up of tho opera season. Col. longs to Gear, Lansing & Co., and has Ermlnlo, wa3 given on Saturday even- Seattle soon as some necessary day and throo wero traveling for liquor Cairo, Dec. 2. OBccrs from tho Sou- cut Into building be changes can be mado at tho ship yards. An enterprising here, say Thompson himself will bo In tho box been lots and will ing by Col. Thompson's Boston Lyrlo houses In Honolulu. dan, who have arrived that office every day to attend to all details, occupied very soon by residences. A Company In a satisfactory manner. Mr. Wilson has a big contract hero In Nawlllwlll drummer stole a march on when General Wlngate's force over- ot sales been tho new sewerage system. This Is bo- tried to including tho adjustment of season number havo made and Tho audience was only of medium size. tho bunch and went Just a day ahead took the Khalifa the latter repertotro engage- new houses aro to go up without de- Stan- lng handled at present by his father, of liquor men. Anglo-Egyptia- fail- tickets. The for tho Tho principal associates ot Miss tho outflank tho but ment of tho season Is as follows: lay. This vicinity of Maklkl Is ono of ton In tho cast wero Misses MaoNeil unas. u. wnson. ed. Seeing his position was hopeless, -r-- stay with Tuesday, tho 19th, Faust, with Mrs. the cholco resident districts ofe the and Miss Leekley, Messrs. Hallam, i J Dr. Posey, specialist for Eye, Ear, tim ivhniifa bade his Emirs Montague Turner as Marguerite; town. During tho past year no less clipped and die. He then spread a sheep Rockwell, Henderson and Kunkel. Tho Horses In a humane manner Throat and Nose diseases and Catarrk. him Thursday, La Somnambula; Saturday than a scoro ot handsome residences scat occupants woro appreciative and at tho Club Stables. Masonlo Temple. .. skin on the ground and sat down on matinee, Saturday night. have been built In neighborhood. tho Emirs on each sldo of him. Erminle: that recalls wero plentiful. it with Princess of Treblzondo; Christmas It was announced by Col. Thompson The Khalifa was found shot In tho night, farowell, uustlcana, head, heart, arms and legs, and tho Cavallelra Among the Breakers. that tho house would bo dark this him. tho second act of Fra Dlavolo, Intro Frank C. Smith and Lilian F. Smith week. Ho said that tho performers re nmirs were lying dead beside ducing famous sextet HAMILTON, BROWN SHOE CO.'S of body guard wero the and thefflrst are two record breakers at rlflo and quired rest. It Is tho fact that they The members his act ot Boccaccio, in which Miss Stan- working of all dead In front of him. revolver practice now appearing at tho havo been here as nono swept-- ton will sing tne Hawaiian song "Like Orpheum. Is natlvo of Cali- them over havo before. The company . General Wlngato's force over no Lilian a .J recognizing tho Khalifa a Like." fornia. From childhood this young will open again next week and con- them without season to "HIGHLAND CALF" and his Emirs, but they wero Identified lady has excelled In tho use ot tho rlflo tinue tho Christmas. Khalifa la described aa ot A Scenery Room. , as a huntress, till at tho present tlmo Mr. Rockwell, tho splendid young later. Tho An oaritone, and talented actor de medium build, strong and stout, Of addition, which will bo a marked sho beats tho world's record for fancy has "Own Make" light brown color, and wearing n long and needed Improvement to the opera shooting. Her principal feats are cided to locate in Honolulu and will gray beard. house, will soon bo mado. Thero is to breaking ten glass balls with a single remain behind when the company de- be constructed, Immediately at the loading rlflo in eight seconds, also parts for tho Coast. rear of tho building, a scenery room ot twenty Kauai Engagement. balls with a magazine rifle In $3.00 nmplo proportions. For a long time eighteen seconds. Two other clever Llhue, Dec. 9. The "engagement of the stage has been.overcrowded, be- aro those In card repre- For Hurricane Sufferers. of it shots which a Miss Charlotte Fountain Nawlllwlll ing necessary to set qcenery about tho senting tho five of spades is hold up Mr. H. W. Schmidt, Consul hero tor SHOE to Albert Gandall, son of John Gandall sides. and each spado shot through In turn Norway and Sweden Is receiving sub' FOftMEN A ft' of Llhue, Is announced. Members of theatrical companies and breaking a glass ball attached to a scrlptlons to a fund for tho relief of jaC1 0 1 visiting Honolulu aro.,unstlnted in string revolving tho rato two STATIONERY, Engraved at ot two tho survivors of recent destruc WEDDING their pralso of tho arrangements and thousand feet per minute. Frank tlYo hurricanes visiting coasts of Nor Cards, Embossing. furnishings ot the local house. It Is also somo Ono way. WICHMAN. Smith exhibits samples Tho loss of llfo Is estimated at II. F. tho unanimous statement' that tho ot revolver practice. Saturday even- upwards of 300 and nearly 100, vessels Col. Jones will soon Issuo an order dressing rooms aro far and away ahead ing brought tho cake walk contest to a ox various sizes aro missing and un- discontinuing drills In tho National of the avera go and that the supply ot closo, Miss Edith Fletcher and Herr doubtedly foundorod. Mr, Schmidt Guard till after tho holidays. scenery Is better than In most cities Busch securing tho . Tho presen- found Kauai people responsive to the Sidney C. Blddell, formerly a school threo times tho slzo ot Honolulu. The tation ot Backs ot candy and a gift to call and will for a tlmo recelvo such teacher," has been made a deputy clerk work ot providing tho establishment tho matlneo children was much appre- sums a3 may bo sent to him In this i of court to All a vacancy. in tho first place was well done. ciated by the youngsters. city. For Sale by Manufacturers' Shoe Co., Fort St., Sign of the ?i tm ' "a

"afca-- :,;

23" THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1899. HENRY R. W0RTHIN6T0N, LOCAL AND GENERAL; CLEARANCE (INCORPORATED), High Engines Hawaiian Songs. Sec page 3. H Engineers and Builders of Duty Pumping For sale, n now gooso neck dray. lor Water Works and Irrigation. Sco ad on page G. MANAGERS AND j THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OP PLANTATION Honolulu Messenger Scrvlco delivers AGENTS Is called to the fact that we carry In stock at our Queen street warehouse messages and packages. Telephone-37S- . SALE! largo assortment of pumps for all kinds of sugar house service, Including vacuum to-tt- pumps air pumps, condensers, feed pumps, juice pumes, molasses pumps, etc., up 101 when you want n rellablo with a complete stock of spare parts and valves for all sizes. Careful attention driver, n good hnck and no over charg- vlvn nit nnlcrc. nml nromnt shipment guaranteed. ing. Estimates furnished for complete Irrigation pumping plants of any capacity or Harmony Lodge-- , No. 3, I. O, O. F., fowtr, will meet this evening nt 7:30 In Har- Office: Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu, H. I. mony Hnll. Cor. Queen & Telephone 506. Warehouse: CooltSts. Christmas Is coming, bo are fifty new Tribunes on tho Australia, for Whit- Fraternal Directory. man & Co. SALICYLIC ACID. Nicely furnished rooms at tho Pop- ular House, 1GI Fort street, from ?1.00 MYSTIC LODQI3 No. 2, K. of P., per week up. Meets every Wednesday ovcnlng nt Salicylic add Is an organic add. It has A first class wheel fitted with Mil- Ca&tlo Hnll, Announcement 1:10 o'clock, Fort street puncture-proo- Extraordinary-- powerful antiseptic qualities, prevents the waukee f tires to bo had Tliltlng brothers cordially Invited to only nt Bailey's. ! Attend. souring of beer, also the development of ioib a. n. MtmriiY, it .s. A meeting of tho Catholic Benevol- k. In Applied ent Union is to be held ovcnlng nt - bacteria contained fluids. ex this tho Mission on street. 1 ATTH.WAtH.mK HONOLULU No. 1, ternally It will remove corns and warts, Foit . M., DON'T PASS our OPERA GLASSES ft-- R. A. - Meets every Thursday evening In TAKEN INWARDLY salicylic add rap- for tho World. Thcy'ro mado by Lo Masonic Temple. All visiting compan- Idly lowers the bodllv temperature, Malic "Nultsald." H. F. WICHMAN. cordially Invited. Cecil Brown, president nnd Major ions pulse blood pressure, and A. V. OILFILLAN, II. P. duces the rate, Purdy of tho First American bank, J. D. TUCKER, Secretary. rapidity of respiration. ; some people being go to' Hllo tomorrow to open a of tho Honolulu business. peculiarly susceptible to Its action. branch HARMONY LODGE No. 3, Mr. Lo Mutiyon brought back with I will discontinue importing HARNESS AND VEHICLES, I. O. O. The Board Health condemned 1, of has him from tho States an enormous Hour Wil and now olTer, Meets every Monday ovcnlng at 7:30, all containing salicylic Among stock of photographic supplies of m biers add. In Harmony Hnll, King street. every description, nil tho 1900 models. those proved to be free from this adulter J. D. McVCIGH. N. O. A genuine negio minstrel company E. R. HENDRY, Secretary. ant was the OLYMPIA BEERsotd by composed of colored soldiers aboard A.C3-E3STT- All vistlng brothers very cordially FOR Larry Dee of the Hoffman Saloon. the U. S. Transport Warren, will ap- For This Week Only! favlted. pear this evening only nt tho Orphctim German American Ins. Co., J HONOLULU theater. Of New York, and My entire stock of New Supples, Buggies, Vil- No. 1, K. T. Members wcro otherwise engaged Meets In Masonic Temple on the sec- nud not a Budlcient number of physi- Union Assurance Co., lage Brakes, Carts, Fapm and Delivery Wag- ond Thursday evening of each month. cians assembled for tho meeting of tho Of London. Ait visiting Sir courteously Medical Association called for Satur- ons, Harness, Whips, Robes, etc. day evening last. Members Honolulu Stock HENRY E. COOPER, E. C. H. W. Schmidt, Consul for Norway Parties desiring bargains should come J. D. TUCEKER, Recorder. and Sweden, is receiving donations to Exchange. n fund for tho relief of tho survivors of early. OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P. tho recent terrific hurrlcnnes along tho Meets overy Thursday evening nt Royal const of Norway. : Wernicke Book Cases, : their Cnstlo Hall, 4204 Fort street, at Artist D. Howard Hitchcock is back -A- ND- 7:10. Members of Mystic Lodgo No. 2, from tho homo of his father on tho and visiting brothers, cordially Invited. Here The Globe Company's Desks, Volcano ro.ul. Ho mado somo sketches O. WARD, C. C. W. W. WRIGHT, E. for n number of pictures thnt aro to bo Filing Cases and office Fr II. KILUEY, sent to tho Const. 1M K. of R. nnd S. novelties, and Thos. W. Hobrou will probably como Honolulu Carriage Manufactory. nuuanu chapter rose down to tho Islands next month for a Secured at lowest prices. 1)VJ croix; few weeks. Ho is living in Oakland No. 1 ,A. & A. S. K. Everywhere and has a scat nt tuc "windjammer h Meets tho first Thursday In each table" in the Bohemian Club. OFFICE FURNITURE r Month, at Masonic Temple. Sojourn- A final nppenl, upon tho closing of JUST ARRIVED. HENRY MAY & CO., Ltd. ing and visiting brothers cordially You aro worn out, tired, can't put tho year, Is mndo by E. C. Bond and to attend all meetings tho onorgy you desire, Into your Miss Mary L. Gardner of Kohnla for Telephone, 313. W. M., FRANK B. AUERDACH. duties. Well, then, you must try contributions to tho proposed 30,000 Queen street. KLLLAN B. SCRIMGEOUR, Secretary. endowment for Kohnla Seminary for something thnt will ovorcomo this nntlve Hnwnilan girls. Wholesale LODGE LE PROQRES DE fooling nud rostoro you to porfoct L'OOEANIE, A mooting of tho Soclnl Science As- hoalth. sociation is to bo hold this evening nt Mattings, No. 124, A. & A .S. Bite. tho icsldencc of Win. R. Castle. The and Retail Stated meetings on tho last Mon-a- y paper will bo by Prof. W. D. Alexander 115 of each mouth, In its hall, Masonic nnd tho subject Is "A Study of the Staple. Pleasant Population Question in Franco." Mats, Grocers. . GEO. CAMPTON, W. M. From childhood wo aro taught to mVLV. JOHNSON, Secretary. Ihnra, tho Kahuku riot case Japan- respect the curative features of herbs. ese under sentence of death nnd re- -- - GEO. W. DeLONG POST No. Our grandmothers used them, and prieved several times, Is ono of tho JBig 45, O. A. R., Stores were,Rt a rule, vorsod In tho art of healthiest nnd happiest prisoners on Department of California and Nova-l- a. tho reef. At ono tlmo tho Bcnffold preparing remodlos from had The Waterhouse Store The Mc Intyre Store, meets at Harmony Hall, King various been assembled for his execution. Rugs, gtreet, Thursday ovcnlng of every plants first Tho mnny friends of pen artist Vlg-g- o Bethel street. Telephone 24. Cor.Klngand Fort streets. Telephone 22. nth. Sojourning comrades are cor-Ial- ly Jacobsen will be sorry to learn that Invited to attend. ho Is laid up with a broken arm. This JAPANESECHINESE L. L. LaPiERRE, P. C. as was caused by a fall. Tho nrm was JAS. T. COPELAND. Adjt. set by Dr. C. B. Cooper. Mr. Jacobsen . IN SPECIAL DESIGNS : We havo a preparation that Is of Just Received will be laid tip for a month or more. AND COLORS HAWAIIAN LODGE No. 21, e, V the typo purely vogo-tubl- F. AND A. M. A good tlmo Is guaranteed by tho Oapo Coil OrnnWries, Atm ore's Mince Moat, niado of horbs with wlno. For New Stock Just Opened. Stated meetings, first Monday each ladles of tho First Methodist church Oomlonsod Minco Meat, Apples, sionth. Special mcttlngs, when called a Ronoral tonic to produce vigor and for nil who attend the fair at tho lawn, (will be noted In this space). strength, you cannot find a tatter neretanta ami Miller streets, tomor- Turnips, Hams Members Lodgo Lo Progres. Pacific ,ono. row afternoon nnd evening. Besides Lewers Cooke Now Crop Nuts and Kaisins, Lodp, and all sojourning brethren refreshments, thcro will bo offered a i eordlally Invited. flue assortment of holiday goods mado Oream Ohocolato Tablets, ED. I. SPALDING, V. M. Wine, at tho homes of church members. FORT ST. Jams, .Tellies, Slirhnps, K. It. 0. WALLACE. Secretary. To accommodate tho increasing busi Tablo For malarial dlsordors, loss of ness, consiucraoio additions nro being Emits, Olives, HONOLULU SCOTTISH made to the Club building, I that tired fooling, loss of en- stable Fort Oregon Burbank Potatoes, THISTLE CLUB, street. A new floor Is being ndded for Lovo Block, Fort street. Reading ergy, It Js a truo panacea. tho reception of light rigs nnd other Crackers and Oakes, &c., &o. vehicles, scvcnty-flv- o room opened day and ovenlng for read- Uoyal Bilters is the name, new stalls havo. ing and soclnl intercourse. Regular also been erected, tho firm being now They gave me at my Wall eeUng3 Friday, 7:30 p. m. Visiting hirlh, ennbled to Btall ono hundred and twenty-f- Chas. Hustace, cotsmen especially From Hayal no one need ive horses. wclcomo n all rerain, William E. Bcllina will Tolopbone 119. 212 King street, next to the Arlington. dsaes. lit use uill surely hring mirth. shortly resign his position at Gus GEO. L. DALL, Chief. Schumann's and In conjunction with 'ALEX. B. KENNEDY, Secretary. Put up In plct bottles at 50 cents. his brotner Charles, tho present man- Established 1860. Assets 1125,211,910.15. Ouly of ager of tho stables, devote his ENSIGN WORTH BAGLEY entire I attention to the horse and livery busi- INSURE YOUR GARRISON, ness. LIFE No. 171, Hollister Drug Co. IN Regular Army and Navy Union of Pap-er- V tfte United States of Atnerki, meets at jrt Harmony Hall, King street, every sec-sa- d : : II VWrT-f- ? I and fourth Friday In each month, The Germania 1 Life r ytaltlng comrades are cordially Invited. BEN to5rj2&swii3ri Latest styles. A large MARCUS H. SAUNDERS, HAAHEO, Insurance Company nf New York, . King atreet, inear Railroad Depot, invoice just received. IS .SHBAHAN, Adjutant Tho Gold Boxd Endowment Policy is timn 3. Plumber and -- Tinsmith. CHA6. D. WALKER, Better Dtiltntr ni Builder of Hlh-Cr- TJ. S. Government Bonds. THE WAVERLY CLUB. Satisfaction guaranteed. Waverly Block, street. Stan- Yachts, Boats and Launches I Wilder Bethel All work promptly and carefully &Go., Ltd. ( magazines periodicals; li- Workt, 6v KING ST. Merchant Side dard and attended to, 1377 Street EMMETT MAY. Manager. brary; billiard, pool and card tables P O. Boi 6)j. r.l.pboo. 160 1231 Judd Building Cor freo use of members. Arrange- ments for transient visitors. Entrance fee 1.25, monthly dues $1. Open from I a. m. to 11 p. m. A. V. OBAR, President. JAMES T. COPELAND, Recording Sec. ULLEN Fin. Scc'y. Our Bargain Bulletin: MILLS3; a"1 SUGAR KM A-DOU- IikR FOR 70C. YOU CAN SAVE THIRTY CENTS 6n EVERY DOLLAR BY DOING FOR SALEc s i . ( rv ?. nwAv l AU- - t t Ail YOUR SHOPPING AT OUR STORE. One 24x48 in. Roller M M Sugar Mill, wtylrrigine and, 100 P jra 1 Newvuttafn6. ' New Crepone, Table Damasks and 1 rnmn ptpv learner ;- For, '25 IJCIi. Ltlll 45 inches wide, VERY'-STYUS- . - Napkins. Curtain Muslins, One 24x48 inl . J' ' Usifcljy(spl( 5. WEAVES,, Th AND COM Mill, ant? j " ' LARGEST IOST In White, Cream and Colored Sugar with Engine At Madras. . Elegant Designs. 75c, 85c, andStoo. T'rt-tkas- r Gearing complete. PLETE STOCK pp.t - ""'", f AVZ. 1 t s jte- Will beautify any home. BedsiSSM, PRICES'-TH- J - ;k 250 FROAi. B LOWEST n ""v Also,, Dotted SjWiss andjflain - These Mills arenfirst--' V'FullSlKjfcFft.SH Blue and Black Sere, pAnflES rJH& BESTr ;dur Muslins, . condition kand wiiKfci: (nhi-v5- class Jiitve nowt been sold for less than Iivchcjj; wide, -- full jsifi S iWflapWfi &&i !":" ?Tf.iiqda;ashing.and Wearing Kind. c r 44 ;ALb WOOL-. :'lif'r sold separately, Ypr5as a c J X.I fP VreU"t(5fe "w"vT'V.. jjJl'-r " 1 v,'llinlt 1 ' Just It vhenfdoyii town. Roller Plant wltlWcaheJtona . v LWsiM vuv.vte0i ncm.vivy'iuu? trash cairiers completer -- AppJyto IRWIN & CO., -- WM.fi. Ltd. Pi.MACHSDRY 1 . : . J T ' - ,M GOOSOfltt:;;:iiTl,iJij ttttf Pi? il'.f r&i8 ..! .O m2 ,( aS??f THE PEOPLE'S PROVIDERS. ti&?,&&7i&i . . l,)t.J.

- J

&& i A V.:J .,l!JpJil"r S?VT KKH33EiSiS fwmmww :s.is?,ifrr

THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1899. Hood's MAUI MURDERER SENTENCED Real Estate and Insurance. Agents, Brokers and Jobbers. IDAY GIFTS! Sarsaparilla Litlialua, Mnul, Dec. !). Tho Dcccm-oc- r Term of the Second Circuit Comt v.a.srwiii&Go, wns convened nt Lahalna rourthouso Cures Inst Wednesday morning nt 10 o'clock, Limited Pormnnontly euros jitdfio John W. Kitlua presiding. Among tho ofltclnls nt the opening AGENTS FOn Benson,Smith &Co.,Ltd wcro: Deputy Attorney acneral Dolo, Western Sugar Itcflnery Co., ot Bv Scrofula, btenogrnpher D. II. Cnac, Interpreters : which is ono ot tho at 2LIFK and Francisco. wont J. O. M. Sheldon nnd Li Cheung, Sher- ITIHB Baldwin OFFER Motions ot tho human race, and Locomotive Works at ATOMIZERS, iff L. M. Baldwin, Deputy Sheriffs A. Philadelphia, Penn., U. S. A. cornea from lmpuro blood. N. Hnyscldcn, W. II. King, District Newell Universal Mill Co. (Natloaai Now Stylos in Iridescent and Ooloi'od Glass, Magistrates D. Knhaulcllo, P. N. Cano Shredder) .Now York, U.&A, Salt Rheum,' J, 11. Mnhoo of Molokal, N. Ohlandt & Co's Chemical FertlUf- - EBONITE TOILET SETS AND OASES, a torment to tho flesh, a dis- Mr. Coo Kim, Chlncso Commercial crs. Agent, AGENTS FOIL. figurement to tho body, and a who came up to attend nt tho Alex. Cross & Sons, high grade f Ulnl of Yong At- PEREUMES, drain on tho system, also duo murderer Lock Nee, New England In- tlllzcrs for Cane and Coffoe. torneys A, N. Kcpolkai, Ceo. lions, C. Mutual Life Tn Bottles, and to vitiated blood. Co. Ilced's Steam Plpo Covcrln. Baskets, Balk. Crelghton, J .Hlihardson, J. M. Kano-aku- a, surance of BojroN. Now Odors, Now Styles. L. A. Dickey, D. 11. Kahaulello. ALSO OFFER FOR SALD Tho cases of Republic u iETNA Fire Insurance Compant Pimples, tho Mnry ParalTlno Paint Co's P. & D. BOXES, which dlsnguro akin, Hose, fornication; Amana, selling Palate. PUEE io the and of Hartford. nnd Papers; Lucol and Lin): mako tho human faco divine liquor without a license; S. W. A. Oils, raw and boiled. TOILET REQUISITES, Kelalhoa, for nssault nnd battery, HENRY ST. GOAR. anything but a thins of beauty, fcDWARO POLLITZ. Indurino (n cold water paint), la. but which are Nature's adver- wcr nollo prosqulcd by tho deputy at- whlto nnd MATLE'OOLOGNE. torney general. colors. tisement ot foul blood. AlakikI (k), pleaded Members Stock and Bond Exchange. Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Wmt guilty to charge of assault and battery nnd Pricks . AND antl was fined $25 nnd costs. Jos. FORT HOTEL STS. Hood's Sarsaparilla selling liquor without a li- EDWARDPOLLITZ&Co Is tho best In facttlio Ono Tnio Wood Purifier. cense, wa3 found not guilty by tho Sold by nil druggists. Sl;,slx for 5. CASTLE & COOKE, w&mmmm Jury. Don Kee nnd John Treltas both COMMISSION BROKERS HnnH'R Pills nct li.irmonlomly wltb pleaded guilty to charges of selling AND DEALERS IN liquor without a license and nssault INVESTMENT SECURITIES LIMITED, and battery, respectively, nnd were sentenced to pay n lino of $100 and $10 Particular attention given to purcbaw and tat of HONOLULU. Hotels and Restaurants. and costs, respectively. Loans Negotiated. 'Eaitero and Foretn Stockt Commission Thb caso of tho Republic s Yong and liondi. Merchant Sparklets Lock Nee enmo up for trial on Thurs- CIVIL SBRVICE RULES day nnd defendant having no counsel, 403 California St., SUGAR FACTORS. Mr. A. N. Kcpolkai wns assigned Son Fronclsco, Cat. 117a IN OUR by AGENTS FOR RESTAURANT. tho court to defend him. Tho defendant was charged with The Ewe PlentJII' a Co. murder In tho first J Walalua Agricultural Co., LtJ. It has to. Our waiters are degree for killing Leo Sco nt Kamaole, W. C. ACHI & CO., The Kohala Surer Co. Kuln, Mnknwno, ngo. The Walanea Surer Mill Co. several months Tho Koloa AtrlcuTtural Co, are trained to be civil, at- Tho defendant pleaded not guilty to & Th Fulton Iron Works, Lou.a, quick and Brokers St. Mo. tho chargo on the llrst day and tho Dealers The StanJerd Oil Co. work of selecting tho Jurors commenc- IK- - The Geo. R Dlake Steao Pumpe. tentive to our guests. Our chef Weiton's Centrlfucali. ed. Th New Enclanl Life Imuranc Co, ol Oealei After exhausting tho regular panel, TVi Efna Fir Int. Co. ot Hertford, Coaa ! is unrivaled in preparation of dainty talesmen were summoned frnm Pain REAL The Alliance Aieuranc Co ot London. and Walluku, nnd eight of thoso ESTATE appeared in response tho Coming to mandate I and appetteing dishes. Everything on Friday morning. tST We xrid Ua or a . .deal Estate Is Alexander&Buldwii) But it transpir- all parts ot the ed on Hint morning that tho defondant group. niado VW Wo will Sell Properties on Season- is scrupulously clean, everything known his dcslro to ndmlt his able Commissions: HEWFORHETDBE DIRECT FROMTHE FACTORY guilt to his attorney, and tho latter SUGAR stated tho dcslro ot tho dcfcnUant to OFFICE, lb King as comfortable as we can make it'. change plen West Street You will save per cent by purchasing at the his and to plead guilty to FACTORS 40 tho chargo of murder in tho second de- And the prices are always in reason. gree. Tho deputy attorney took upon DAVID DAYTON, COMMISSION himself to accept tho pica and asked BEDROOM SUITES, Home tho court for n llfo sentence. Tho MERCHANTS. M RE- Bakery Cafe. talesmen from nfar were then excused Real Broker. CHAIRS, ROCKERS, ICE CHESTS, nnd have slnco returned to their Estate The Best Meal Ca?e. Agents for tho California FRIGERATORS, BABY CARRIAGES, homes. 223 MERCHANT ST. and Orlenti BARBER On Saturday morning Judgo Knlun Steamship Company. WARDROBES, MIRRORS, WE OFFER YOU THE sentenced Yong Lock Neo to bo Im- CHAIRS, FLAGS, Etc. prisoned nt hard labor for tho term of FOR SALK. his natural llfo. Tho prisoner goes to JUDD BUILDING, Twelve Chlueso Granite Hitching Nunaliu and King Streets. Oalui prison per Clnudlno this oen-In- g, FORT STItEOT. Best 5c. Piwln, $5 csch. The IXL, S. W. LEDERKR, Proprietor. Cigar In chargo of an oftlcar. 1180 i P. O. Box 515. Tolonhnno 478. Tho caso of tho Republic a Young Property in tovj. To bo had for tlio inonoy. in nnd others, for maintains n lottery SIBIE'SISJoMaSIEKJSfiiMB nt Walluku, was tried beforo n Jury HOUSES TO LKT. Wm. G. Irwin & Co CLOSING OUT ALL on GT-ULJ- OUK DOMESTIC mo jury returned n ver- J (J1QAIIS. dict of guilty, two dissenting. On Real Estato Transaction (uunas). Landed, Saturday morning, December 0, Judgo EX MOHICAN, Snbaoribcro aro turnlelied with Q. Knlua sentenced defendants to ono from tvi rm. Irwin President and HcaaMt Beaver to six lists ner week, giving an acoaroti Olan Bpreokels, Vieo-PrUe- ja A Splondid Oousignmont of Snrroys, Pluotons, Lunch Rooms. ycar'H Imprisonment each at hard la- ... record of all deeds, tnoitgapri;, lease.1, rt bor and costs of court, tho sentence of W . m. uurnrd, boorctary and TretwniM Bnggie?, Road Oarts, and Harness. H. J. NOLTE. leases, povrorg of attorney, etc, etc, whu) theo. O. Porter, AtrJitaT Mngistrato McKay, before whom tlioy te placed on record. ... wcro tried, being $2G0 each. NutrKrlptlen I'rlco, $2.00 per Monti, Spooially Soluctod for Local Requirements. Beer and Wine Dealers. Hind's ball was forfeited for ho fail- ed to appear when caso was V. Sugar Factor tho called. A. GEAR, AID Lam Ho pleaded guilty to tho chnrco .Tudd Bulldlnir. Hnnnlnlf Honolulu Carriage Manufactory LOVEJOY&CO. of bribery and wns sentenced to pay n Commission Agents IUPORTKnS, AND "WHOLESALE flno of $150 nnd costs, tho fine of tho OHAS. J. PALK, W. "W. WRIGrHT, Prop'r. lower court being $300. AaaTRTB OF TBI FORT STREET, ABOVE HOTEL. Wine anil Chlng Sing, for selling liquor, for- V Lipr Dealers. feited ball, ns ho failed to appear. OUEAMIO STEAMSHIP GOMFAJil ElEIOTJEELifflfflSiaaJSJSJSSIP STOCK ANDMD BROKER Agenti for the Dollied Rainier Beer of Seattle Pong Hee withdrew his nppeal for tho OF SAW FRANOISOO. CAla, 1 No. 10 Nuoanu Strret same charge. Foater Block. l Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Republic vs Lum Ling, bribery. Tho Member Honolulu Stock Exchange. Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Dogs P.O. Boh it. Mutual Telephone 108. court instructed the Jury to bring In n Room 301, Judd Jlulldlug. BREWER C0., IlTO., AXL- - ILXjS. verdict of not guilty, for defendant. lap fcxZ --i Queen atreef, Honolulu, II. I HAVE THEIR QONSALVES & CO., Ltd Tho following cases ero continued REMEDIES MADErBYJOHPTPWTIE & SONS, over by stipulation until Juno Term, JAS. F. MORGAN, Agents lor e lOOO. nt Walluku: W. R. Hawaiian. Ajtrlcuttural Company, American i Veterinary Surgeons of World-wid- Fame, will Knleookekol Company. San. WHOLESALE GROCERS AN: s Walluku Sugar Co., ejectment; O. OOTIONBEK AND 8TOCK IlltOKKIt Ookata Sugar Plant. Co . Onomea Soru : Co , Hnnoaau Sugar Co . Walluku Sueei Co . Makae. m Nawahlno vs Olowalu Sugar Co., eject- sugar , OTXRE THOSE :ILLS. WINE MERCHANTS. No. 4S (Jaeem 8treel. to. naieakala Kanch Co., Molokal Ranch;-S,'K?f.- .teV Money is Saved by Investing In Pottle's Remedies. ment; Mrs. H. Kahnhawnl ct nl vs L. - ... Bmm W Vw. . ... VI5'SA?"-UVMUII IMMII, Oils for Sprains, Gall Salve for Sore Necks, White Oils for Swollen Glands, Kanohohalo ct nl, quieting title; P. B. Expert Appraisement of Ilea) Black 225 Queen Btroot, Uonolnlu, P It. Strnuch vs LIST OP Green Lotion, great healing agent, Soothing Oils for Skin Eruptions, Kamakn Lelmnlamn. ffiatato find Furniture OFFICEUS Black Ointment for Horses' Feet, Electric Oils, a mild blister, quicing tltlo; Poklnl Ahcong Robin- Pottle Eyo Salve for Sore Eyes, ftuoliflatei Soda Water Go., son va J. H. Ahcong, quieting title; J. llobfiriRnn. l.fn.iiacrA v v nT..n. H V. Welch vn Mary Vermin Soap for Dors, Siieep, Cattle, Horses, Shrubs and Trees, Hennessey et nl, as- WILLIAM SAVIDGE, Treasuror and Socrotary; Col, W. F sumpsit; T. R. Mossmnn vs II. Mnc-farla- iUIon, This Is only ai partial list; If you don't see what you want ask Esplanade, R. Audit; P. a Jouos, H. WUr. et al executors, quieting tltlo; """ jv. sartor, uirectoni. C. W. MACFARLANE, lornor Alien & Fort SU Honolulu T. R. Mossman vs Klpahulu Sugar Co., ""i Agent for the Hawaii Islands. Stock and Bond Broker in quieting tltlo; T. R. Mossmnn vs Pio- M. PHILLIPS & CO,. HOLLI8TER A CO., neer Mill Co., quieting tltlo; T. R. 4 ;Member of Hawaiian Stock Exchaos. Agent. Mossman vs S. W. Wilcox et al, quiet- Wholesale Importer and Jobber el ( ing tltlo, a default on J. D. Castle wns Molnerny Block. Tort Street. ; "Aloha Collection of Hawaiian Songs." granted and caso continued over until laropun and American Dry Soot- - METROPOLITAN HEAT GO. Juno Term, 1900. P. E. B. STRATJOH, IB Wong Knuvs Akao. damages; nnd ro and Qneen BtiU. Pioneer Mill Co, vs Lahalna Coffee & Real The Best Hawaiian Souvenir J08 KING STREET. Fruit Co., ejectment, wcro continued Estate Broker H. HACKPELD CO., until Juno Term, 1900. Tho caso of k Ltt G. J. rVALLEB, : : Manaqeb Kataoko vs Asa Kataoka, deserting a fFlnanclal Agent and Colloctor. ' --FOR SALE AT TH-E- husband, tho appeal was dismissed. LincolnBlook, , - 639 King street. iENEBAL COMMISSION AQEIT1, following Telephone 041. i Wholesnlo and Retail The dorco cases wcro m granted: Ceo. Hons vs Amelia lions, custody of child awarded to Oco. Hons A. J. CAMPBELL, Oor.Fori and Qoeen Btraeta Hoaolal! HAWAIIAN BAZAAR, MASONIC TEMPLE. as legal guardian; Knllleha (w) vs Apinc; Pukila (k) vs Lola; Kalllhiwa Stook and Bond Broker. Comer Hotel and Alakea Streets. ButchersAND iw) vs Obed Kaiwi Klkala; Honolulu Iron Works Co. and Member ot lb Honolulu Stock caso from last term, was dis- Excbaac. tamrawwMW"11 gaMW a aaawawaaaiaaaai Navy Improved and modern BUOAR MA- MiMWHirai eaM Contractors. continued ns tho parties aro under- Office Quoen street, opposite Union CHINERY ot every Company. capacity and de- stood to have made up again and aro Feed scription mado to Bollor BE3T OP MEATS. Talephoaa yA. Box order. work CARRIAGE, WAGON AND TRUCK living together In California. Geo. P.O. i. and niVBTBD PIPES for IrrlgaUoa Alona vs Maria Alona was also grant- purposes specialty. Families desiring tender roasts, JAS. F. MORGAN, a Particular atten- j ed. tion paid to JOB WORK .and repaint Juloy steaks and chops should Tho caso of Republic on vs S. Ah Ml executed at shortest notice. Rpairing, Trimming ana ol the and Ah Chcu, for assault on a police runt, laiadiiig officer, wns nollo pros'd by tho deputy attorney general. JOHN H. SOPER " !! . Central Meat Market Membei ol Honolulu Stock Exchaac. " Queen atrMt. Fine Horseshoeing a Specialty. We make a specialty of family trade SEATTLE DEER. Telephone re. P. O. Box hi anil Bona and sell the best at reasonable Tho over popular Rainier Is figures, beer M Mss. Agency Rubber Tire Wheel Company. a housohold word and "will BRUCE OARTWRIGHT you havo n glass of Seattle," Is more General Manager ot 116 HAWAIIAN CARRIAGB MANUFACTURING CO. 214 NuuanuSt. Telephone 104. often hoard than anything else. Tho Merchant. Stroot. Queen Street near Fort. H28. Criterion Saloon has tho beer on tap or The Equitable Life Assurance Society In bottles. B. M. DUNOAN. CHARLES CRAMER, Oi tht United State (or the Havallaa FOB) BALK, Rldo a "ciovehTmlj tfioy load all Island, Collector and General Bml-- others, , Ontarxt Merchant street Hnnol"lni Merchant Tailo; Horses properly neii ngeni. shod to correct Ofllco 113 ST., faults ot gait at tho Stockyards shop. EDMUND H. HABT, Kaahumanu atroet Milk 534 FORT Ate. n.an.Mil in Inlrn mmk m Fresh -- w uug UIUDIBI tor 532 Fort Street. Near comer of "' j,.,.v Cuaplal Iwt During tho absonco to Hawaii and filling In low lands and terradi. Cleaning an Repairing at Short Nolle, Maul of Mr. Hayward, Mr. Potor Sick-ol- s, Notary Public and Typewriter Work promptly attended to. at 12 cents and In th beet poeelM laaamr. formerly of tho Occidental and mi PURE MILK 0. A. GROTE. Baldwin hotols, San Francisco, will Cccnrtranctr and Searcher ol Recede. MORRIS K.KEOHOKALOLE tho management of Walklkl Inn a Quart! ; will bo pleased tkVOfflco No. 15 Kaahumanu street. United States C'luiom IIouso Dre-- CREAM MERCHANT TAILOR, and to entertain any ot UjyTelophono No. 870. PURE his former patrons. Tho publlo and kcre, Best on Islands fHnitlAII mftfln tft AFflAI Hf A hlBMn.V. Accountant. Searcher ot aaet the Delivered la any quantifies to Bult. tourists can rest assured that Mr. Slck-e- ls N FERNANDEZI Title! coat.' Clothes cloaned, repaired rd Is a hotel man ot wldo oxporlenco Qenoral Business Agent Leave your order STAR ss at lVfRY, uyea. irei-cia- worn guaranteed, FDBLIC Tolepnono 620. WWW 'Aft ' r f, and tho reputation of Walklkl Inn NOTARY ail TYPEWRITE! Delivered twice dally to any part of or millAMT. w. ' Ji O. box 280. Union street, for 16 mbu4utxiu.ci.ei Honolulu; excellent culslno will bo fully sustain- Oflce' toj Merchant street CampbM raw OFFICE: No. Kaahumana street, A. City. g , I385. " a, j. jzch ed. P O. Carter otflce O Bonn; Honolulu. Formerly Rosa's orSet. '. n vr t wr smear


n board minded national leader, It at- Evening Bulletin, tempted to convince tho peoplo that w&m patriotism was sawdust and tho honor ras Published Every Day, except Sunday, of following the flag a farce. Notwith MMAit Grand Sale ,AT THE. t 210 King street. Honnlulv, i. 1., standing Its literary excellence, by tha liar per's was bound to follow Its mug' BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY wtimp compatriots to tho scrnp heap. The Pacific Hardware Co, fl TEMPLE OF FASHION V. U. PAUniNQTON Editor It Is not beyond tho rango of prob- DANIEL LOQAN City Udltor abilities that the experts In solving tho labor problem of Hawaii have been LIMITED, Commencing Next Monday, De- SUBSCRIPTION IIATE3: casting too far In seeking a Bourco of HAVE RECEIVED..... Per month, anywhere In II. 1...$ .75 future supply for tho plniitntlou labor cember 4th, 1899. Per yenr. In II. 1 8.00 market. The circular sent out by Ital year, postpaid, U. S., Canada Per Ian labor agents In New Oilcans hull & Lamps. or Mexico 10.00 Bradley Hubbard's -- Our entire stock of Dry Goods will be offered to our cates that It Is not altogether neccs The latest patterns direct from the factory. Por year, postpaid, other foreign customers at figures. countries 13.00 sary for tho planters to Jump tho coiv Largest and choicest assortment ever imported to the country. very low Payable Invariably In advance. tlnent and enlist its laborers from I'u Laces, , Fine Lawns, Indian Linen, Fine ropcan fields The Ditlletln Is Telephones 255 direct. Wostenholm's Cutlery, Casl'imeres, Ladies' Capes suitable for the holidays. Post Odko Uox 718 not In n position to speak for the roll In Pocket Knives, Carvers in sets, clc , etc i ability of the Italian labor agencies of A Direct Importation of MONDAY, DCCEMUEIl 11, 1809. the South or nny other portion of tho HAWAIIAN DRY GOODS ASSOCIATION. United Sfates. This, however, Is n Japanese Ware matter that can be very easily deter Tables, Screens, Porcelain Ware, Jardinieres, Easels, Picture Frames. M. PALAU, Manager. With Jim Ham Lewis on the ictlred mined. With the good record which Is likely to list, the present Congress these laborers as n rulo have mndo In run short on pyrotechnics. the Southern country, It seems reason Art Goods Mouldings, Copley Prints, Berlin Photographic Co.'s Goods, Choice able to believe that Hawaii can draw a CHRISTMAS IS COMING Tuber-Pran- g ArfCo.'sjCaSldgue- - Governor Lcary of Guam flnds that good quota from that district without Selections from the being n big toad In n little puddle Is fear of adding an undesirable class of WINDSOR & NEWTON'S fr often accompanied by more adminlS' citizens to tho lnbor clement. COLORS AND ARTISTS' MATERIALS. you will want some of the good things are always trathe tioubles than tho Presidency. ....And that MIXING DRINKS. needed nt that time: Raisins, Currants, Peel Nuts, Sultana Raisins, The First American bank true to Its Householh Supplies, at BetheISt. Prunes, Dried Pears, Peaches, Apples, Spices of all kinds, Hams, progressive name leads tho van in giv- Tcmperanco advocates of England 0 ing Illto the financial necessities from have evolved n scheme In liquor sa- Bacon, Soups, Crackers, Pickles, Jams and Sauces, Mincemeat At Two moro carloads of MICHIGAN STOVES AND RANGES, of which It liqfl Buffered so long. loons that combines temperance lack drinks KEROSENE AND GASOLINE STOVES, CHINA, CROCKERY AND nnd the cup that Intoxicates In n some- PORCELAIN WARE, BIRDCAGES. ZSZZZZ'W . what curious manner. A temperance Ilartwell forwaids assuranco that To arrive in a few days, additions to our stock of FINE CUT tho Picsldcnt deals at length on Iln-v.a- L association under tho diicctlon of the GLASSWARE. Bishop of Is establishing pub- Grocery In tho message. The people had Chester Salter's this assurance beforo Hartwcll spoke. lic houses whero coffeo and cocktails Telephone 080. aro served nccoidlug to order over the Pacific -- Hardware Go., Ltd. Tho tale of wrecks on the Humboldt bar. Tho only direct influence for tem- upon bar will soon be long enough to at- perance is excited the bar ten der. YEE CXIAra tract tho poets. According to nil tho thcino should bo "Tho Com- Tho object of tho association Is to pany Orders, Mako Time" ." mnko tho saloons, refreshment houses THE with alcoholic ill Inks n sldo issue Guns nnd compelling among Grand Clearance Sale! Count tho sets of fouis In the next strict order tho regiment matching through tho streets patrons. Tho vital point of tho schemo HAWAIIAN and It will glvo you n better concep- Is tho enlistment of tho saloon man- - Beginning the 25th ofNov., tion of tho meaning of Gen. Metliucu's tiger on tho side of temperance. He Is charged SCENIC report of over 400 killed and wounded tho full retail prlco for alco- Powder and continuing till Dec. 25. In one battle. holic drinks, while for beverages ho Is enabled to make a FOR THIRTY ONLY ! After all it Is the young men who profit of twenty per cent. The appeal CALENDAR. DAYS are taking tho lead In tho discussion Is thus mado direct to tho Inevitable Goods to l)o sold at. this salo regardless of cost ! of municipal problems. In assuming human Interest In tno lino of goods Shot from which tho largest profits tho new lino of work wo would suggest can bo 1900! 1900! Largo lines of Blankets, Spreads; made. Added to tho opportunity to Du-pon- o Icon's, Boys' and that the Research Club make its meet- Just Received, t's ings more frequent. make money by urging his tempcrniico Published Only by the Ladies' Clothing, Hosiery, Shoes, etc. MUST GO. See goods on tho public, the. manager, is Smokeless Shot- tho advertisement on page 10, Saturday's issuo, for a full paid a good salary and Is held respon- Apiopos of tho pro-llo- sentiment In Golden list of goods and prices. Call at our store and inspect our 1 sible for tho proper beha 8. gun Powder, in pound France, was It not French coin, French lor of hla goods, and prices for yourself. so.dlers and French lnflucnco that Good deportment Is deintiudod and no liquor Is to bo sold to tins and kegs. Rule played mi Important part In helping drunken YEE CHAN, people. Excepting the sale of lutoxl-ennt- tho thirteen colonics to pull through to COBNEll KING AND NTJUANU STS. a successful Independence? the general scheme Is similar to Bazaar. that of tho coffeo houses established in various parts of tho United S'Will Soon lie Ready for M.illlng.ia If tho peoplo who nro making such a States. Pacific Cycle & Go. o While the radical temperance advo M'il powwow over Congressman Roberts EST The 1000 Hawaiian Scenic Calen- We cates are disposed to look askance at dar will be the finest Scenic Calendar Invite Inspection. would malco an equal effort to improve tills recognition of the "drink R. A. DEXTER, Manager. even gotten up for this trade, both in tho laws of divorce In the nation, their demon" tho schemo of the Bishop of Chester point of Scenes and Artistic Work. All virtuous howl would the Scenes have been selected for their has tho appearance of having" moro ElILKH' BLOCK, - - KOHTfcT. possess the virtue of consistency. beauty and grandeur. The outside cover practical temperance In It than any- will be a cony of Hitchcock's painting of -H-H H H- . Volcano In - yet the eruption In - thing brought out. last Julv. done The 40th Is as husky a lot of Oil Colors, the Temperature and Rainfall .fighters as has been seen in Honolulu of Honolulu will be given, and In the back TUB WAY IT part of the Calendar be and for grucrnl discipline It has had IS. will "Hawaii O Ponoi Aloha Oe" "Like No a Like" jj?;- - y few If any aupeiiors that have rested (Hllo Tribune.) and "Ahl Wela." which will add to the forr any superiors regi- value of the Price ir among tho people tho" 190 Calendar. The ready of country In The general CAMERAS, for Mailing will be only cents I PACIFIC ments thnt have rested at this port. 50 Leave don't seem to be qulto so proud of our Orders for Mailing at big surplus as does tho Government. mill? mm nifj Thcro Is n considerable In- all nni nmn Italian laborers fiom tho Southern amount of And other things 2SEs.-2S- terest manifested In ls Statei) should bo qulto as acceptable to It however, and j 11UL1IJ tho public stand around tho big box uvuumi tho sugar planters as laborers from whern It In ntnrpil with Hinfr lmnriu In HEIGHTS. Italy. Our peoplo cun at least guaran- their nni'knts vollinir "Rmnmn " wM..l. Photographic! 816 FORT STREF.T. - tee that immigrants from the South- being Interpreted is, "shell out." - - ine Honolulu uuiietln, recently, ern need have no lynch-Iri- R (& States of fear very neatly got a at vital point In tho We Are Still parties In Hawaii. mnttpr. whnln ..... Thn.... .,u.w..w..mmatfnn .ala nnt.wfc ouan much, what Is tho umniint nf mnnov In The Largest, ltho ??&!i&Tl$&FhZ& The British censor Is doing thorough treasury, as how much Is still un- - In ttrJSIUrJUCrJ LUIS Oil Bjjum mm me pcopio aro Most Complete, the Swim! MJMC UeiRDlS work In keeping army maneuvers from entitled to. This, according to the Minister of Up-to-D- ate too public, but the British reports are Flnanco Is only n tilflo over $300,000, And Most overflowing with detail us compared which leaves a pretty big sum to be expended with what tho public gets out of Pre- between now and next Stock &ViWW uoing tno cate toria. Oom Paul Is a past master in niarcn. inis it would That's an old savlnc. et true, and ARE NOW OFFERED FOR SALE. bo well Kxpetitlvn lf for tho in thntf City. when we we are In the keeping his movements secret until coats off and doing In.the siy swim, why start In fulUday we mean every woru or ir. its army Is jeady to strike. worn on inose nomesicau trails, We have the swellest TICS for the bridges, Hllo streets and other things Nn rpMHtnrp hnvinnr qtiMn a of which tho nprnmnllalininnt uY.nl! i.o Holidays that you want to lay your eyes nrnnrfv citnilnr Ilxpansion has given to Photo. Go. on, in all of the Latest Styles and Shapes. at least the for tho benefit of mankind, and tho re Lelmyoi Seiply attractions, as for healtnfulness of location, having an eleva- report of the Secietary of War a vital- ward, Dronzo statues in the Hllo We have just replenished our stock of Court GOLF SHIRTS, and are strictly tion of from to qo feet, and affording, ity it has not possessed In the public House squaro or on Cocoanut Island. speaking 170 the grandest marine The homcstwiilnr whn annt n 420 Fort Street. right In as complete a line of ; mind for many years. Congress can i,a and scenic views as also its proximity to "the business part If communication some time ago, men'sand boys' FURNISHINGS ns can thick In - of the being - bo prevailed upon to unwind a. tenth ly oespnnKieu wun interrogation Probate Notice. be shown the largest city of the Main- citv, less thar mile from the Progicss Block, of the red tape with which army points, Is simply one of a largo lanu. uas ever ; the family, la the Circuit Cmirt.'First Circuit, of the ueiore neen presume: mp people or Honolulu. all with tho know At our Hotel Street Store. Nos. o and 1 . has been hampered, tho most Impor- "want to why" com- One ot the main features 01 plaint doveloped. nt Hawaiian Mauds. - Waverley Block, ihi property, and procured tant battle of recent yeais will be won. well In fact a we are going to give you traveler through tho homesteads In the matter of the Estate of Genevieve a chance to win a fine BICYCLE. For at great expense, is the abundant suppiy of pure spring water, on me normern part of this Island, Duwiett, Marion C. Dowsett, Madeline every purchase of 50c the customer Is en Dronounced hv Dr. R hpincr u " - C.. - WnnHwwm Mhi iUa m.cV a One of the best features of the ad- who returned nftnr nmlnrirnlnf i,.,! titled to one ticKet. 1 lie party ho holds r " J f( VW till WUIWOI ill I Li Uvdl C. K. Dowsett, and Annie H. K. Dowsett, the greatest of drinking water ministration of the Finance office is hardship In penetrating a well nigh number tickets on Christ- obtainable in the Island, which is now being Minors : mas morning at 10 o'clock gets tho frequent publication uuyeiiuiruuiu country, reports mat no the wheel. of the treas- saw question marks as men On reading and filing the petition of cuiiuuwcu iiuu aiuroge reservoirs upon tne property by an ury walking. Dine statement. The Interior depart- Many peoplo disbelieved him, but we J. M. Monsarrat and David Dayton, guar- mdeDendent line. nnH will br linnlio in ment could Inclined to o;(; possibly save Itself an Im- aio think ho told the truth, dians, praying for an order of sale of cer- Government rates. mense amount of criticism nnd nt least especially as these Interrogation marks wuum irequeniiy pause nnu tain real estate belonging to said minors, OLR GUARANTEE: We guarantee keep tho peoplo In touch with the work point to all pur- mutely at tho lines marked out by tho situate on the Island of O.ilui and on the chasers of lots on Pnrifir Hpiirhtc w,a .mM ,:ft,: .:., carried forward, by following tho samo surveyor ihit Government as alleged roads. Island of Maul, and setting forth certain "The Kash," months, provide rapid course. One of tho Government organs in legal reasons why such re.il estate slioulJ transportation to the highest lots on Honolulu remarked relatlvo to "Homo-- the property, connecting the same Stpflllnrs" mmtllnlnt thnt tin .1tiKt Ue be sold. TELEPHONES 670 and 06. with Uhe Honolulu Rapid The Bulletin can bespeak for Man- peoplo IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the Co.'s line on Pauoa Road, at ' ager needed roads and no doubt thero Transit. the beginning of Kaiu-- Eckhnrd of the Queen's Hospital was a surplus, hilt If tho expenditure next of kin of the said wards and all other lam Drive. uniform courtesy In granting facts re- wasn't authorized by the Legislature persons Interested In the said estate, appear there was no uso kicking, Two TERMS : y3 cash, y3 in one garding public matters that como un- It couldn't bo before this Court on WEDNESDAY, the Stores. year, 3 in two years : der his done. As wo know very well there is interest 6 per cent, per annum on administration. If the Adver- no question on THIRD DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 1900, deferred payments. provo this point at nil and as tiser tau that it has been dis- usual tho Advertiser got at tho point at io o'clock a. m., at the Court Room ol Two Large Stocks Our Carriage will rnnvcv nnrtiVc Ancirtnr, in lnrn( uVi criminated against, It has a Just com- by taking on Imaginary road, Just ns this Court, In Honolulu, then and there to O! property to and from the same. ' plaint, otheiwlso It Is Indulging in a tho homceteadera get to their land. show cause why an order should not be tho Best Furnishings. . maps ana rseless tirade. t granted for the sale of such estate. rur iuu particulars call at our office, Rooms' 6, 7 and 8 How brave California boys fought Honolulu, Dec. 1899. Accurate history and interesting Progress Block. for flag Is By the Court : The story of Harper's downfall is their told in On To Ma- GEORGE LUCAS, slories,.of the campaign are told In won told. by nila, Actuated spite against 1305-3- Clerk. On To Manila. BRUCE WARING & CO. rpSEpfpsa3? - 3 - --

THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1890. 3f) A Thing of LOCAL AND GENERAL, FOR SALE. m A The bears nre after Bwo stock Just 'I. Beauty Is now. V. M. lirooks, attorney. Spretkcls Joy Forever CnllJini?. Men's X Johnny Hasslnger's condition Is te- - New ported as unchanged. 'i Tribune! American Messenger Service, Ma- - Slippers. boiiIc Temple. Tel. Hi. Goose Neck Thcro will bo an election of ofllccr Aus- this evening In Pacific Lodge of .M- Itf tirtlArA tt.n Just arrived per S. S. - asons, nUCPP tralia a grand display of assort- Jus. Dodd, who has been qui to III, Vv get together, (he Spring Dray. i was able to be down town this morn hn of flirt m ed silver-wa- re viz.: nrnivr "v ing. zmmMr ... . ;."':: """ l"v Ums- - proper time. Cruet Stands, Shipments of holiday goods to the Just the thing other Islands will bu very heavy all Our new stock of Alen's Slippers is just opened, Fancy Berry Dishes, this week. The colored soldiers had nlong pine-tlc- o and shows everything, that is new and fancy. Cake Baskets, or exercise march In tho mud this For Light iribune! morning. Hanan's new styles, are particulaily attraclive, and Fruit Stands, Tho ld child of Win. G. are sure to piove winners at the coming season. nrash, of the Wilder Steamship Co., Delivery. Pudding Dishes, died last night. iff Do not fail to see these, they beat anything ever Celery and Pickle Stands Work Is progressing rapidly one tho shown. macadamizing of tho extension of Ice'Tubs, Ice Water Pitchers ' Iicrctanla street. 6. S. SCHUMANN, A regular meeting of the Trlanglo (with or without Filters,) Literary Club of the Y. M. C. A Is to 1392 Fort Street. bo held this evening. Fancy Card Receivers, 5V S?7 Capt. Breedon, who Is with the Mclnerny Slioe Store. On To Manila, a complete hl Spoon Holder., boring outfit returns today to Tribune! finish a well at Lnhalna. tory of the Philippine campaipnl IF YOU WANT A SUBSTANTIAL. HsfflSKB BULLI Toilet Stands, Attorney Geo. A. Davis Is able to bo handled inclusively hy the EASY-RhMN- WHEEL, BUY A TRIBUIN"! about again after n wrestle with a so-cr- o SB1HHHHKH TIN. Fancy Vases, attack of rheumatism. Individual Salts, Peppers and WHITMAN & CO., Frank Nichols of Wall-NIchol- s, and Tribune Agents. II. h. Kerr, tho architect, nio to lmo Mustard and Napkin Rings. ifirnon 740, residences on Pacific Heights. Grand minstrel first part by tho col- ored soldiers from tho transport War- ren at the Orpheum this evening. l.cn Wal has full power of attorney A?great variety of Rodger's to act on behalf of Len Tow during the lattcr's absence from tho Islands. Sec -- celebrated silver plated ware New Today. knnin unci (llllUi One of the most'sultablo Christmas viz.: presents jou could find would bo n Whitney & Marsh, Ltd. copy of tho "Aloha Collection of Ha- Table, TIIBGREATBST SHOW waiian Songs." Tho IN Amateur Orchestra will meet 1- -3 Desert and Tea Spoons, TOWN for Organdies, - - 8 to 35c a yard regular rehearsal on Thursday "' Medium and evening next, Dpcember 14tti, in tho V. Satteens, ------20c and 25c a yard M. C. S ' " A. hall at o'clock. - - 10c a yard Desert Forks. Engineer Ward is now In entire Chambries, and 20c charge of tho government dredger, Colored Flannelettes, 8 1- -3 and 12 l-- 2c a yard thing for Christ- which Just nt'thls tlmo is engaged in Just the some especially heavy work. mas and New Year presents. Tho mysterious patient nt tho Printed Wash Goods, Lawns, Percales and examine for Queen's hospital still refuses to say Please call and anything about the matter In which ho Ginghams, - to 10c a yourself. Lowest market pi ice received a knife wound In tho back. 5c yard. Tho largest packing cases over haul- less 10 per cent for cash. ed up Fort street were seen a couple of days ago; They contained cases for A Large Assortment to Select From. showing merchandise nt Lo Munyon's photo gallery. 250 cases of Holiday Goods just opened, Mr. C. V. Kccnan, with tho Hobron Tbc Hawaiian Hardwme Go. Come early and get first choke Drug Co., has been quite ill during tho past week with n S totes open evenings until Xmas. threatened attack Ftrt street, opposite Spreckels' Bank. of appendicitis, but Is now fast regain- ing his health. WHITNEY & MARSH, LTD WALL, NICHOLS CO., The ship Hawaiian Isles, after bo-I- No shop-wor- n goods pn the coun- delayed hero nearly two week's by ters of merchants who advertise in LIMITED. desertions of men had a crew filled The.BvHeti. by Mr. Iewis, the new shlplpng master from tho States. Superintendent Cassldy says that the new switchboard at'tho main exchange will bo In commission on or befoio January 1. Some girls to bo employed THD LAST CAIt. THE will bo secured In Honolulu. Tho last cars of tho King street lino The Pnnahou team has conceded the GIFTS FOR EVERYONE! going to Walklkl and Palamn pass tho championship to tho St. Louis boys Anchor Saloon. Tho cleverest mixolo- Imitates without playing tho final game. St. gists In tho city aro thcro always to Louis considers this a compliment to put you up anything you may desire. -- s piano Mandolin the capacity of Its football eleven. X3X3vioKrr oo. Drop In nnd tako a drop beforo you ggm 1 ANNOUNCE that they are now better prepared tlun ever befor to tako tho car. Tho celebrated ScatUo w Guitar & 0 W. II. Dlmond Co. should be con- of In d mtet the wants the people. their large, varied and beer Is to bo had hero on draught. A ' gratulated on success holi- BUG k Zither tho of their stcck gifts can be found to suit everyone. Having made a study of the full line of liquors, Including fa- of day opening evening. tho nmm Banjo last Saturday Gift business, even the most fastidious will be pleased. mous Jesso Moore Whiskey, ole., al- Tho arrangement of storo, tho Music Box their In see ways on hand. Received per Warrl-mo- o, flno display of goods splendid their stock you will RICH CUT GLASS, STERLING SILVERWARE, and the (First-clas- s Bock Beer on Many Autoharp and light wero very engraving done In connection wlth'thls Department) Bohemian Glass- Italnler draught SSs attractive. Tho music ware In crystal and cold and colors, Bronzes, Ornaments, Figures, Fancy China, Tho Anchor Saloon Is here to ploaso Ha Many Other as enjoyed by largo 1jl a and apprecia- Hawaiian Souvenir China, Jardinieres and Fancy Flower Pots, Potteries, Vases, patrona. Tones Instruments. tive audience. The store will be open every evening etc., Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, all prices. Piano, Banquet until Christmas. and Hanging Lamps. Onyx Tables. Plated Table Silverware (Reed & Barton's THE LOGAN AT OIBUALTAIt. Mr. W. W. Wright, of the. Honolulu and other maltes). Table Cutlery. Kitchen Outfits, Including Jewel Stove, for Jjs.oo. Gibraltar. Doc. 2. The United State Carriage Manufactory, announces that Gurney Ice Boxes, t S.co. Standard Blue flam Wlckless Oil Stoves; see them In transport Lognu, which sailed from ho will discontinue tho importation of operation. I New York on November 20 for Manila, harness and vehicles, and to effect a STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS, commencing Saturday. December with the 41st Infantry and a numbor JDST RECEIVED, A LARGE SHIPMENT OF complete clearance hla entire stock will 9th, with music, as usual, by the best Hawaiian talent. A new future this ot women nurses on board, has ar- this week afford tho public an oppor- year will be our special tables No. i, presents for No. 2, presents for 15c; No. 3, rived here. All on board aro well. tunity to secure surrey's, buggies carts presents for 50c; No. 4, presents forti. !; I ' whips, etc., brakes, harness, robe, etc I There ia only om Jeaac Moor. TVhte- - at bargain prices. Remtnber the sale key In tha world and that la cold anji is for this week only as all foods mint I aura. Lovejoy A Co. ara- aistrlbutors flickering be cleared out W.W. Dimond & Co., Ltd. for tha Hawaiian lalaaOa.- Crown Kimball Pianos ! Kroeger ...... DO NOT FAIL TO BE PRESENT AT THE OPENING THE BERGSTROM MUSIC CO;; vThis Day, OF-- 3V"!fc OIIIXISTILVLilLQ OF" Ladies of Honolulu ! SALE ! OUR DRESSMAKING FANCY - ART GOODS DEPARTMENT : : (Under Mrs. Boardman'6 Management). r Takes the lead in this city for Tailor-Ma- de Suits, Evening and ninnei Gowns, and Callintr Costumes You will find everything you may in -- Fancy Pillows, Our Hairdressing and Aanicuring Parlors equal any- desire Center thing on the Coast. The latest Parisian and New Yo styles. Pieces, &c, &c. Scalp treatment a specialty. Fall Millinery, Parisian Waists, Dress Goods, Opera Capes, and Fancy Neckwear. : MISS M. E. KILLEAN, No. 10 FORT ST, 205-20- B. W. 7 JORDAN, 2-t- Stores-2- . Hotel 6ttcct.

- , '. ? t5 lKd TPy" Fl Tyr'V IpJEV WJP1 w jy 'PP jtS- - TTaWjf THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. 1., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1899. I J J "I . ! j ! . . ltV k TAYLOR'MnN.WATCUING; ic I ' WS&?l!iS&&TrSl!&?iiSSiz?i ( , Kyi,, Dec. 2. 'J JUPD, .Fiqntoit. lie list (lUACSHrUKUUBLS, ATKINSON& Molegatlon'pf Taylor U1011. vlio nro ex- w. a. twi A.I..C.Alklnsori ahil'Albort r. Jwld,Ir.) Kaiulam pected to re her watch tlio work of the fmmLXclfrR A A m s B WB "k Attor-ney- and Hoard of r.lccllnn Coinmlssloncrs, ar- I I I (!iau pfBckel? rived today. There wero about nlxty aii uoi . a Counsollors at Law. of them, and Immediately oh their ar- .1- D Ofllco over Bishop A Co.'s Bnnk,,epr. rival tho majority wont to tho Stato -1. JLA. to sec ,1. .1. Kftahunmtm and Muroliant stroota. IIouso what wero the prospects Tr TT Tr IT rT BANKERS. of a count being had today. IJelng In- TRACT DOHOLUtiU M t Tract formed definitely that thord was no T. MoOANTS STEWART, prospect of anything being dono before ! Bounded by Kecaumoku, Klnau San FrancUco AgenU'TuB Nevada and Monday, they quietly left, several of Bank Atlornoy thorn Plikol National of San Francisco. announcing, however, thnt tho and Lunalilo streets; only San FnANcisco Tho Nevada National Counsellor at Law. crowd proposed I cntlro to stay until one block from the Beretania Bank nf Nun VrniiplBrwi Vugrow lllook,oppos((o Cnthollo Churolf tho thing was settled. An Interview London Tlio Union Bank of London,, Fort street, Honolulu, II. I. Situated on tlio cast sido of with one of them was an Interview street car Ltd., S2 Toloplioiio 1122 with nil. They say slninly Hint they lincA:s','s'sr Kalihi Valley. Tho view to New YoitK Amorlcan Exoliango Na- dcslro to bco that Taylor "fa not rob- This tract is situated in one of the finest resi- tional Itank. Poarl Harbor is tho best in bed of his rights." how- "JBEDKIIIOK Y. IlANKEY, All of them, dence portions of Honolulu, and in a direct line with Ciuoaoo Merchants National Bank tlio city of Honolulu. Tho ever, seemed to hnvo determined in 1"ajus uroait Lyonnals. advance- Just what aro "Taylor's cooling breezes of Makiki. Drosdner w. the Bkrun Bank. Aitornoy-at-La- soil is very dcop; no stones ana ngius, anytniug short or their Lots 5bx 90 feet will be sold for the reasonable Honkono and Yokoiiama Honkong' A ' llS Merchant street, opp. BIshopMtonk oi' roclcs on tlio placo. cstlmnto is likely to be resented. Thcro Shanghai Banking Corporation. Honolulu, II. I. has been no Influx of Democrats ns price of $1,250. Terms, 2?0 cash, balance on in- New ZcAT.Avn A?n aiitdiVii "Wator will bo laid before yet, and the nrrlvnl of any of of New n.. Telepliono H09. number stallments, payments to Zealand. ( r Is expected Sunday suit purchaser. VioToniA VANConvKn . U purchasers aro ready to build them not beforo and Bank o night or Monday morning. This land has a very gentle slope, and purchasers British North America. sot A spaco will bo apart, Transact a General 50ARLES F. PETERSON can immediately commence building operations. Bankiie and Eicliaiiee Busises , of Princess r , , in 8ny v nioniory tbo Joe Wheeler's So. Early purchasers can secure choice locatidns. ,. ' Washington, Dec. 2. General Joe proved Becnrlty. Commercial and A.tfcom6y and Kaiulani, for a park. Credits Traverl. at Law Wheeler, In n personal letter received For further particulars apply to Iiined. Bills df Exchango bonirtii'1 , 2STotavv .Public. Tho lots will bo sold at tho( here, dated nt Angeles, Luzon, says: & CoLLiCTiOKS PnokntT Accounrmp Knatiiimauil Htrot lowest prices in tho market, "Thero nrp moro than twenty differ- GEAR, LANSING CO., 'Po ent tribes In this Island and Very few with which other real ostato to Agulnnldo's JT, 0, Enoch Johnson. of them would submit Judd Building. Aciti. to com rule. Agulnaldo his generals BJsaQPEe. agents will not afford and - iS - AOHI&.TOHtfSON, pote. would Ilka to govern, because It would 2Ci Counselors givo them great power, and many of Attorneys and Amplications for lots will his soldlcis Ilka tlio war because, for at Law. tho first time in their lives, they have mSi bo received at our office, and HONOLULU COFFEE MILLS Otilco No. 10 Wost Klug street. authority to enrry 11 gun. They lle SayinssBank Tolepiiono88). will bo civon preference of Iiy taking what they want from the chosing lots in tho order they people Many of them nro robbcis who BROOKS. rob defenseless peoplo of their money F. 3L aro received. and sometimes murder thorn. If wo ap should withdraw thcro would be war-far- o Tor further particulars nnaichy In Attorney at Law and tho Islands, and received and Interost allowed by ply to tho well-to-d- o would get sorao strong thh Bank at four and one-lia- lf per government to come and tnko control. PURE HAWAIIAN COFFEES, cent. Sprtckels Bulldlne, Fort Street, ,...... i Minus, ruies and Honoluii ""Agulnnl(Io'publlshC8 nMtapor which regulations of tho Hawaiian ,Postal Say. ' Is filled expressions from people Intra Ttaitl 1.aA lAn i - with Green or "Ron.tcd ...p-- ... wou uuoptou.. as rar at MOTT-SMIT- H, of tho United States who nro called It Is practlcablo"u to apply thorn, and 5. A. 1 th nnd think If It were Large stock of Coffees from the Kona, Hamaltua, Olaa Dis- Cash Rosorvo of f50.000 as ronuirod un. ATTORNEY, W.C.A'GHI&GO. not for tlioso expressions the Insurrec- tricts always on hand. Old Coffees a spsdality-- j dor the Postal Act will be maiutalnedj tion would bo closed." "i'' " j"u iuios onu Keg. IAS MOVED to the Judd H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. uiationi may be obtalnod on application. Roschccy nnd Chamberlain. tiro Proprietor. Block, Fort St. i Real """r W. Estate London, Dec. 2, nt Lord Itosehery, - Kstabllahed 1SSS Edinburgh Inst ovcnlng, deprecated Bankers.- Mr. Chamberlain's speech at Leicester, rxissszm&mKma&JwiMncs OR. WALTER HOFFMANN. Brokers and said' (oppoIto tho "Wo have no right to go Into tho gut- ' ' JKRETANIA STREETS, 10 KING 8 : OF Ltd, Hawaiian Hotel.) WESTr ST. ters nnd fish up tho derelict ptusj of C0'.Ti MI MAIL BANkERS. Offleo Hours: 8 to 10 n. m.; 1 to 3 nny country nnd to'liold it up to worn ED. A. WILLIAMS, F. D ) m.; 7 to 8 p. in. Sundays: S to 11 October 4th, 1899. 1343 or as a motho of our policy. It la im- JUDD BUILDING. 601'. possible tho Queen bo MANAOER, Incorporated Unoerthb Laws'! Transact a General -- m. Telepliono 610. P.O. Box thnt could op Banking' smirched by such nttacks, which only I tub Hawaiian Republic. nd Exchange Business. 'J 9R. . GORDON HODGINS.. recoil on tho attackers; nnd, whatever tho degraded outbreak may mean, it Capital . . .'.400,000 Coramorcinl and Traveler-- Hot Sellers 'does not represent'tho best or highest EMBALMING Letters of Credit issued, avail-ibl- o f.-i- CE AND RESIDENCE, GEDaE opinion of Frnnce. Wo liavo been 1 A specialty. n over lendy to flout ,' , OFFI0ER3 AND DIUECTORS: in all the COTTAOK, cornor Hotel anil Richards other nations, and Ciias, At. Cooke, Frosidont. principal citie it is no wonder that Great Ilrllaln Ib tfreetw, .Ofllco Hours: 0 to 11; 2 to nt f tho world. unpopular" abroatl.TWonrust that this F. O. Jones, ' 4, 7 to 8. Toloplioiio 0.r3. --1245' , Office and Parlors O. H. Cooke, Cashier. -- .BUT undiplomatic ftn Litorost allowed ' A. T NOTtVr frankness wlllfcafee, 1 attor Julj J worus F. C. ATHKnTON, Assistant Cashier. uicso siinging ranicic long Uonry 1, 1898,i on fixed - fc t SR. A. N. SINCLAIR, It Is not for statesmen to 614 A 616 Fort St. , near Hotel. Watorbouso, deposits- 3 179. Tom May, . inonths3-Dor'CJont:rr- t speak passing Telophono v winTifi.or KINO ST., NEXT OPEUA HOUSE. under tho Irritation of F. f. Macfarlano, tho moment." .1' E."D. Tonney, 3J per cent., 12 months 4 Hours : 9-- a. in., 3 p. in., 7-- 8 p.m Salt Cellars!!! JjA. McCandless. 12-- Brndlcy landays, 2 p in. Assured Taylor. Solicits tho Accounts of Firms, Cor- j rft- - ;t Telophor'q74l1 1107-3- m Frankfort, Ky., Dec. Governor porations, Trusts, Individuals, and will . Bradley has evidently made up his carefully nnd promptly attond to all Pioneer Building and-- i)R. T0MIZ0 KATSUNUMA, mlnu that eomebody will receive a cer- business connected with banking VETERINARY SURGEON. tificate of election, for ho wns" busily to It. Sell and purchase Foreign Loan Association. engaged day Estate Exchango, Issue Lottors of Skin Diseases of nil kinds a specialty. Leave your order With the nil yesterday In packing Coney Credit. Assets, Deer 31, 1898, fllGJCJJi Offleo Itoomll, Sprcokles Building. up his prlvato property In tlio Stato Hours 9 to 4. . House, preparatory to a return to pri- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ! Money loaned on approved security. Telepliono 474. Rosldeueo lolophono vate life. LANDS. Ordinary and Terra Deposits received, 1246 "They making my Inst days my - 1003. uniiio aio and Intorest allowod In accordance with mentYuVny "" "'um"'y ms"- ;nu, uuij jjuuij hnulest days," ho said, 1,hut I guess A FEW VERY DESIRABLE BUILD rules and conditions minted in Fuss , thero will bo no Thoro nro f DR. 1. MORI, trouble LOTS on Nuuanu Avenue, Nlo books, espies of which may bo had upon stwKlinoi. too many Ecnslblo men on both sides ING at. application. S ned t?6 Beretania street, between Emma , Ti For Copies of the Dif- to allow anything of that kind. 1 lopa, Nuuanu Valley, for sale. Apply to - p"idont and Fort streets. really don't seo how anything can bo a- sffifiui Teloplione 277. P. 0. Box 8 13. ferent Xmas Numbers of dono to keep Mr. Taylor from tho chair. J. M. MONSARRAT, -- - --'' i r oocroiary. Otfleo Hours: U to 12 a..in. mid 7 to 8 Ho will go In all light." Block, Merchant strest. ," Periodicals. Cartwrlght Av V. ). m.; Sundays, 0 to 12 a. in. 1220 It Is not likely that tho election com- 1258 OoarA. W. Keoeh, J. O. Roth missioners will finish their work bo-fo- nn'HAUTAiiv.. .a. D,. .ihoi. itn Holt; 0. I"'"' i J., Hawaiian Medicine Co., Tuesday afternoon, Incorporated Under tho Laws ot tho iBl.Gray.' '"U The Illustrations (this; Year TMrailPriDtMuO. Republic 'of Hawaii. ror lurtuor particulars apply to "GRASP ALL AND LOSE ALL." 'nLOCK.VlNG STREET, Llmllta. A. V. LINCOLN will be Superb Many Authorized Capital, $1,000,000 GEAE, Seorotary. iup stairsj. peoplo nro so Intent ou "grasp- ing all" that they lose strength ot Subscribed Capital, 750,000 Office Hours; fir i nerves, nppotlto, digestion, health. Paid Up Capital 500,00o 12:301:30 p. m. -T-HE' BEST THING TOR THAT Fortunately, however, vheeo may be , ' Is ouPptjktiiiM rtedlcljie. . restored by taking Hood's S.xraaperllla, .OFFICEUS ArfD DIRECTORS. ' SOUGH Couelj put It Cecil Drown Honolulu' which. has many a'bute man 1 ....,',....'...... President r'or.sale by the brut: Storcand SURE-.- nt on the road to success by giving him . F. Dillingham imr office. - . ,.,.. . good digestion, strong nerves and a W. O. Cooper Cashier clear brain. It docs the same thing for B. M. Boyd Secretary BiSSSdS3Bs a.. c.J :6! i 0. ..TBAPHASEN, , nod tired.women.' ' O. F. McLeod wa'll.veL s.,4 a weak; 119 Auditor HEAD HtxA Fills; ,'cita slcl: headache, In- KlnASt. Directors Cecil Brown, B. F. Dill- OFFIC&tXPKOUAft'CiiHw1 O.E.WATlL'.DiD.S?, digestion, CMURCH AND SOCIETY WORK. ingham, Mark P. Robinson, Bruce BRANCHES AND AQENC Cartwrlght and O. V. Macfarlane. . - )j t r DEisrnsTs: COL. DRERETON SUICIDES. Kobe, London. Lvon.. kH New!Lovo's 223 Merchant St.. Honolulu, Washington, 2. De- SOXOLULU DRAW, EXCHANGE .ONi V Ban Franoisoo, Bhanohai, '.!'' Building, Fort Streot. Dec. Tho War Rnn "PrnTtlflPft JTho Atifrtn.rin1lfnr. TELEPHONE 434. Between Fort and Alakea, partment has received tho following mby. Hong nla Bank, Limited. Toklo mm Telephone : : : 784 from General Otis nt Manila, dated EYEANDEARMIRMARY Nagasaki mul December 2: Chicago The Merchants Loan and Company. Hon '' 2 Colonel ca Trust Bllla of Knnnfn looTvT"V.' t "'tdoutoiiant prcrotoir, by Voluntary'' (joitril)utciia & W. Sellgman & Com- ! JaJn,of (ho 2 1th .Infantry, whilo Supported I JJow York J. Letters of Credit on the above Bpuquets - pany. Branohet MHOWABBcfc TRAINp'- lnsano. committed sulcldn nt If'ltTiE TKKATML1NT to tile Poor ot ,.-- , London Tho Anglo-Californ- wTnVrz:,?"."""" b8"6"" Santa Tomns, near San Fernando, all nationalities. ajj Hiuauvini to ad- Bank, Limited, INTEREST " Architcpts. Union province,, Luzon, .nt 6 o'clock For Information as cards of Socjotle CeneJate ) 1 ALLOWE-D- t f this morning. mission and to tho' service, etc., eto , Paris " 'lYfU Sulie AtoJtl Brock. - HONOLULU, OAHU, rt.Tr ' Hamburrf-r- M. M. Com-t - t. Ripply ' 1 ivarpurgja "Insanity first' manifested Itself on. at tho " U 1 L . vj'.b, nnnv - i 1 PINKE&CO. B0XJ03. Telflioin 969. . November JB'nt Aiingay." -- nt WSSSSRHri'-- 'x Infirmary. Hongkong and Yokohamati Tho INTEREST ALLOWED V , .1 j. , Third Floor, TrogreiB Block. ChartoredrBankxof India,--" Australia on CumatD..' The Subscriptions may bo loft with J, F. and China. w&R) urae H. L. KERR & CO., artist at work in KING - Oa Flud DBolt or , Hackfold, L. O. Abies or Dr. Bloggott. Australia Tho Union Bank of Aus- -' i. Boatnt, )Xtvcir;i,i BROS-- Hotel street,.-sho- w : -- . . Supply every variety of Cutfaowers anif tralla,;LlmIted., , r Hew Bepntnc jmiMm, Architectslnd B'uilflers wihdow'is'attractihE' no little Canada Bank at Montrcil). , m"m it,iai0nn Growlnc Plants. Sprays, Bouquets and Berlin aerbruderilMeyeB. ht attention by his skillful hand- - (H f iRoomi n-i- t, & Lund, . Funeral and Wedding FloraLDeslgns sup Spanton Exchangequghtanusold fetters, The . U 777D73L-- PROGRESS BLOCl. ling oMne orush. it is most 7HOU8B PAINTERS, Credit Issued on all parts ol the piled on short notice. ,, . Ttltphom.nl interesting to tyatch him WOOD world. ft t- . . color t I?INI8HER8, - L And. Hawaiian Office, corner Fort street and Chaplalri T ATVT'PQ-n- IsknieNy's- and especially Practical ,L. ElectriC , . k - TAVTOP t - x"-"-.- one showings Lane, oppo"11, he Catholic Mission M. Am, Soc. C. E. the a panoramic World Register ny Be 1317 CONSULTING view 01 iiic city irom runcn-howL.iyia- rAPER of .which have Keops tho Cash while you are bnsyl f T jCor, XUkea HdatantlaViS ' xry one o 4, Hydraulic Engineer, Beeriteabrbad Cmas w -- 2A-- as gifts.' Hangers. yiHas a large "atixx When IfouWaqU Rig King aseortmeat of 800 Judd Illoclc. Tolo. 033. 305 St., near Alakea, Honolulu. Book Prices All kinds of carriage painting by to ; KING UP Z painters ...... Tinting, Graining, dating tnlSlgni k(& v THE , . nt tho Stockyards , w 135 estimates PnMarBlfe-ahd-'Gifanife- f n' ttf P FRRDJ. CROS&,Jt shop, on! ii u:uu Mi ( ' r?;f Is? . 7 ' n.'rninii I The use of Singer Id Consulting and Superlntondlns; tho millions of ' MONUMENTS f. . . homes BbosUhojanprccodented suc- F. W. THRUhf, 'ir. cess sowing arid! Livery, Boarding and ot these Jdeali machines. CEMETERY Electrical Hydraulic It is convincing proof that tho Singer Surveyor. WORK. . . . Sales Stables, : : : excels In all kinds of family sewing ENGINEER. and art needle work.AU ourjBewjnB ROOM NO. 10, SPRECKELS BLOCK Fenced and Lawn i ,v and'EldotrKal planti. , G18 TOUT STItEOT. KloclraijilruIla3Kwsr Trail Fmilafclot- i- mablncs"aFe-ot-thebes- t conBtructfon; JlKl'ORTH AND ESTIMATES beautifully decorated, and are mounted Plantation Work a Specialty. Furniture. arineAVlrrng a epoialty, fiUble 'Phone, 477. " FURNISHED. . . . 12W. -- ; PboneV319'ajJd. Catton-No- ll Ber-gerse- ffaw'D Iron FencandJffonuiieiital nack Stnnd 777?' Wlth Co,, Queon street. cabinets ofjactlstio, Qcslgns. n. n, JTX Ct . i 4. V L C5& v.u,pwnxsrA. i)fflceknexitoPoi.31c. 1223 agent, 16 street tf'x' 'Thi Bulletin, 76 eenhpermonth ,. I'a I a. t. I ttM, f ii) o 1 --..! ,; . fc. j. & J.

MiS kl.R '!! m LVJiW','' tT 'mint". 'IBSjJWftjJir' k&jTK

. 4X. U r- - i Vr - . "V--i. 4 w w)W. IML rTHEEVENTN Qj CuIiLEMN : H&ridlittftjr a i7 mondayT December 11, i&w. ' -- UtwrfeaaritUv V a Lines of fraM. ": Ramovja Sale SHIPPING NEWS. THEO:H.DAVIES&CO,lifd Putt ' 0NE MONTH ONLY. AJdllltinal, and Die latest Shipping Newt. Fill bt Oceanic Steamship, Company. found on fie flshih paga. Merchants and Commission Agents. MOVCMKNTS OV STEAMEUS. i Ready made Linen Crash and While Sttmniei's duo and sailing today nnd Carry a Complete Line of Hardware, Crockerv, Saddlery, &c. Palnuj :: Duck Sults.to be SOLD BELOW COST. for tho next tlx days nro us follows: Oils and White Lead, TIME TABLE. We have a full line of Woolens on hand? AltniVU 'ThoFiHO SteunierH of This Line Will Arrive at nno I'aasenRer which we will male up equally as cheap Strameis Prom Duo GENERAL PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Leave. Tina rort an Heron ndrr. good fit guaranteed. Miitina Konn Dec. 12 "LI 1 Lta 1'hJi. Algou Yokohnmn .....,-- .Dec. 12 From San Francisco: For San Franoisco1 HOP WO & CO. Coptic San Pinncisco ...... Dec. 20 & AUSTRALIA ,, DECEMDERm AUSTRALIA ....DECEMDE San Pranelscp Dec. 20 Agents for Clariphos Dick's Balata BeltIn3Mf MOANA Australia .;... MAinmsA ..JANUAKT ..J. JANUARY 3 King street near Union Square Aorangl Sydney Dec". AIISTDAI 1A...... V j...... JA't'UAIJY II AUSTRALIA, ..JANUARY aj 20 This Helling Is acknowledged by several of Hie most expert engineers on ti' MOANA...... I... i ... JANUARY ALAMEDA... .FEBRUARY a Gnellc Yokohnmn ..,.,.,..,., Dcc 22 Islands to be the best, most durable, and'least expensive., - ""Iv-- FEBRUARY AUSTRALIA'. f,' AUSTRALIA u ILBHUARY M Wnrrlmoo Mctorln Dcc 23 AlsoAfients for Kelctiefer Bros.1 GRAY AGArB WARE, of which a full lit ALAMEDA TEURUARY 43 MARIPOSA...... MARCH W.;W. AHANS ,u.au " 23 L l l I . America Maru San I'rnucisco. Dec. Is carried. , ,. , , T Hongkong Maru Yokohama 20 A good selection of IRON BEDSTEADS, MAI riMG,LlNOLBUM, LAVt V ' t DEPART ' MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE AND FJTriNGS. , i Id oonneotiou v? Iti Iho sailing of. tlio above atearuerti, (ho AyontB Merchant Tailor Steanicrs Por. ., . Dttfe FJre re,fproparpflt6 ie'a'uo. 'hi, lutenclinc pM3eugors, coupon through Lehua Molokai ...... '...... Dec. 11 Lime, Cemeni, Ciay 'ink Flre4Bricks. Mokolll Molokal .'.... Dec. 11 lloketjt by. any rnilrood from .Ban iTiRnbicrs to nil points in tuo , .Naw I'polu Kohaln ...... Dec, 12 Unitetl States, and from York byf any (8touuship line to all 323 Nuuanu St. Algoa San Prancloeo ...... ,,, Dec 12 European 'ports'. ' " W. O. Hall Khun I Dec' 12 ;! For 'further particular!! apply to . Kliuui Hllu Dee. 12 ' t iTino Suitings In Kiiglluli, Scotch nnd Mnunn Lo; Hawaii and Maui,. Dec. lit American Goods mmlo to order. Coptic Yokohnmn Dec. 20 Honolulu Tobaccp ;,fe,,j Limited Deq. G: Co:," Aorangl Victoria , 20 Irwin & felepliono Ms. Postolllco Sail IMPOTCRS-p- r Wte' IlMtei box 030. Gaelic' Prariclsco'. ..,'... v. Dec. 22 ' ' ., ,;, Colonies , Dec. 23 Hi fptenorul Apiita Oceanic S. S. Co., ' Wnrrlmoo ....i U L. AHLO, Australia San Pranclnei ..., Dec,. 20 HAVANA AND MANILA CIGARS,; Dealer in Dry Goods Grocer- America Maru Yokohama .'....Dec. 28 ' 'T Hongkong Maru S. P. Dec, 30 ' SMOKKKS' AKT1CLKP, - - itv ies, Hardware, Pacific Mail Steamship Oo. Boots nnd Shoos, eto PAS8i:NUI3U8 ARRIVED. .J'ine. GiTde? of iliokiiJg Ujribijcco in 7 Al quality L. A. Itlco for snip. Prom Nnpoopoo. per stmr. Nocnu, I No. 169 Nuuanu street, cor. Chaplain t. t u Occidental and Oriental Steamship Go, Tojo Kisen Kaistia Dec. 1U. Mrs. McKny, C. K. Prank nnd . Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu. & Agonts tor Walplo, Illco I dcclr passengers. Manann Rico Kanooho Itice swrsar. riuntatlon. Prom Niiwillwlll, por tmr. W. O. vzw --- -. - ,i Sttamtrt ol the abort companttt will oil at Honolulu and leave thtt port on or about tht Plantailmi,' Walalun Itlco - 5S .. datMcelowmentlcnedt.,.. Flnnlntlon, Hall. Dee. 10. P. Gay.-.J-. V. Glrvln. H. scwsJsj; l Kapaiama mco Kuno I'iautauou, nnd Ornbbo, J. Llchtlg, P. Gould, Ah Kn-wa- l, 1 For Japan and China: For San Francisco: . oho Itlco Mill. J. l- Sasaki Tnklmoto, Rev. II. Iscn-1icr- g, - Pholorapbers. Barbers. .., Alcoa (cargo) December 1 a V. O. Box 10U. 1271 Onuli (tareo).. i .1 i C. A. Gtnham, C. liny, J. J. Sll-v- a, Coptic j Decemrcreo fiat He. 1 ) December aS ,...i.... Ah Hop, Ah Pang, Ako, W. T. lu-ca- s. AmerlpaMaru ..i.r..i...... 1, .bccrdittr Hongkong Maru....,.,,.( .,..,. December Jo . S.JKLOHr, Alfcoa (cargo) .,.. , ..... China, ,,.. January 6 fl. Mullcr, W. Bluhdavno and ylfe, Gaelic?.. .,'.1...... Janiiary i Doric V.... I January 1) . ....! ,,...; January ....'. E. A. .Moss. i Yuen. Cv Cliang and For . . HcnKlione Matu... 13 Nlrpon Maru u .,...... '. 1 ..'. n .. January ) a Silent . wife, X Chlnas'.V. ,. .'..,. January )i Onsang (cargo) ..... v J Slilda and 08 deck passengora Prom Maul poits, per cttnp. Claud-In- c. "'Barber-- 'Shop, Dec. 10. Miss 11'. And Paper Harigor. , Joslo Brown. W. .oliristiiias y' '.r Filler and wife, P. Cnrty. J. N. S. WII-llnm- rt, Present Artlufetbn Block, ' Dotol &(it. 133 Kuuanti,Aonuo, Ilouoluln, 11. .r, Mls-- l Mcl.aln, .1. IT. 'For icererat In'ormatlon apply to . Nccscn, W. D. nrndeiif J. P. Koppler. Jus. Harry, What could be nicer than a : ' Joseph :Fernandn;s; Prcp'I -- -- -7- C. 13, Lako. E. P. Vo, W. A. McKay r i ; , - - 'a-- - .J-' H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Agents. IWAMOTO, and 'wlfO, Ayoung, Ilnuunh Kan, Knne Ko'Knnitl, J, Smith; VT.T.' Alencnatre, Photo Enlargement Wafclinuik'cr 'and .Tow.ellci. P. Baldwin. II. Howell, II. Vldn. J. A, NOPHffltl, Sm th, W. H, Campbell, anil CS deck pas hoiigciH. GOLD AND eiliVKU 1'IiA.TlNO, 1 Royal -- in in Coup - For Children t . T-- Z- .. r fan t c SlSJi" Klnft stroot. 1277 ITEMS FROM HARBOR w's'teamert 61 thi aiore lint, running In connection with th CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., FRONT tetween Vancouver, Bj C. and Sydney. N. S, W., and calling at Victoria, II, C Honolulu ana Brisbane YING CHAN, WhltHlcerThuD art iitjii, ,r avnuajuajion or apoui we paiei ceiow iiaiea, via t VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA, B. SYDNEY FROM C. rROM.. AND BRISBANE. Lucile-Is- " Tor and t For Victoria and FURNITURE DEALER, The loading coal at T.noma urlibane bvantv. ,.1, . Vancourer (B.C.): warumoo December at Aorangi..,.uecemcer to 400 Nuuanu Stroot. for Honolulu. , u JLiJ&jMSWMkjS Aorangt Jan 1) January Mlouera..., 1; Sailed 29, B. XIOXI'XICS-- . l')rii..lo.tihlnu tho sc.iln. ttltnulatlnir Mloera ..February Aorangl, February front Tncohia, Nov. schr. ir ..V i tlio Hkln.of Hie warnmoo.... marcn u Warrlmoo.. ..March 14 Chairs of all kind, Matting, William H. Smith, for Honolulu. head, reliovlug headacpfJj Aorangl April 14 April 11 ... MIowcra....v Clptra, Silk nnd Chinese Teas. Sailed .from San Frnnclecp, Nov. 00, M.raiil liHIHTIHlfK Mini inouiai WOX1- J- ;i:r. l...... vi..!.l Si Warrlmoo May 9 3cPis.o t o orudhiitlng- - iliindrull'i gonorauy' tv nng w. (I. for. Hono- and ,.i....i..,.....I.W. irwln, Wllllnms, making feel Hko. a now Throucb ticket! Itsutl (rem Honolulu to Canada. United Statei and EuroDt. For Freight and ,YEE OHONG, lulu. jm man o'v ana an general iniormanon. appiy to Tent, woiiah, thre It nothlng'crnialltoj raisagt (Successor to C. I.lnd), Cleared nt San Francisco, Dec. 1, FORT STRKKI', NK VH OltPIIKUM iS3 ' H. Davlcs & Co., Ltd., schr. Transit. Jorgcusou, for Honolulu, Pablicod's Diindrufl1 Thco. Gen'l Agents. --E3sta,-u.a llcr J airat. with risfiorted cargo. ( I' j t - ."Nuuanu audllotol Mrecls Arrived nt Port Townsenil.'Novi 3b, For bale by all lriiin-lsfi.lQ- :i at flh Lines of Tranl. Linos of Travel. J. J. WILLIAMS! (Union .1. Late of Hotel street, opposlto l'nnthoon hark Abbey Pnlmci' nnd bktn. Mnry IhirbocShoii. Hotel. Flrst-ola- iuenl'-25c- . 1270 " Wlnkelmnn, from Honolulu. Photo Gallery. 1 xoiepuono ouu. All employes (ft the. company aro for- MAIM - Tho followlhg vessels hae 'been Y. SING- taking on cargoes, Wildei' Co., Ltd. bidden to receive freight without de- destined for Hono -- Steamship livering n lulu, nt San Francisco during thoipnst H"H"hh-H.,J- h shipment recolpt therefor In Has RemoVed From Fort Street to 311 the-for- prescribed by tho Comnanv. Street, Goo ton days.: Mary 13. Foster, 1S.1C. Allen, m iuuanu opp. Klmi ! "JT , , and which may bo scon by shippers It. P. Ulthet anil the George Curtis. LOOK AHEAD tfotLMihlltoattttnt TABLE. upon application to tho pursers of tho ' Most of tho fleet overdue rntillln ' EleclricliiTsi lEoVlneers. TiriE LADISSt UNDhltWEAH. , of .jr Company's steamers. rcrMeiB aro now port, Klnau, ' in live Uuv ne ar Don't delay giving your orders for We Guarantee All Our Work S. S. Shippers aro notified If freight Dresses Made To Order. rived .Saturday - PllCEMAN, Master. , that and Sunday. Tho nr- ;ls. shipped without such reccplt It will aro as follows: Georce. ' ' mals Fort , Ciirist.mas7Pm6tos., MOLOKAI. MAUI, HAWAII. ' bo solely tho of HONG, , o at risk tho shipper. HOP, Martha Davis, Dlamonil Head, Esther C. L. WIOJ1T, President. uuiiiih unit me L,ory iieue. t 10 enrv-- till ypuet, cwded out, but order' Change in Sailing of S. B. noSE, Secretary.. pheno Is from Nnnalino with coal, nnd J .QWl'. jti. CLAI1KE, .Port Supt. Merchant Tailor, was off poit yesterday bound for a. NOW. "Kinau." HAS, MOVED naina. tmm St mi. Visitors are, cordially .invited to 0, On and after Tuesday, Noy. tlio O. From .111 Nuuanu street to larger prom- fronPHon'o-lul- n R. & L. Co. call and inspect our allerv of life steamer KINAU will sail ises, No. 310, on the opposlto Hldo of tho Kau-nakak- Public .Hjinil Concert. size royhl trtyn kntnchatneha on Tuesdnys at 12 noon, for TIME TABLE. street. ' 12IW photo?, Lahalnn, Manlaea Day, Klhcl, The government band, I. I'roni nnd After January I, 1899. under tho to date. Mttkena, Kawalhae, MahuUona, L. CHONG, direction ot Cnpt. Ilerger, will render A- - - TKAINS. program 'Attbo'OlcrStSnTl VAPOTVinr.nT llllo. STATIONST" Dalfy Dally No. 6 Nuuanu St., below Merchant, Honolulu, tins at Dmmii Snuaro nt 7:tl0 noturnlng, will sail from llllo on twuiwargf .. sun. uauy 11. sun. tonight: On Fort StroBt- -- Fridays at 2 p. m. fjfr nbovo named ...rlfAM- - A.M. A.M. PM.P.tf. PART I. porta, arriving In Honolulu onfSaturr nonoiaiu .i... t:to g.ij ii 05, t 310 MERCHANT. .TAILOR. ji, 8.01 r iu(l( Overture "Konilmmldo" (by re-- t - run IH40 ' 1'4T (5:50 Z 1 46- days. I 1 ' ' ' lEwaMIII,:,'..!n.i. JSrSultt cuarantiid to and In atvlea Voicanosi T Aiefchant'St.. ?, ., It latta nuest) M Walanae;.-,- Ilosslnl df Passengcrs'and frolht will bdlnKcn .... 10:59.. ,, t 4.4 j .J '..4. Clothing nadtMo order: Cnllormt a tpeclatty. Chorus 'TannhauHer" Wagner for Makcm, Mahukona, Kawalh'ac", lll- .... It!ll .... Qothet cleaned and repaired at rtaioaablt rattt. '. il a.anuKU itstt .... Selection "A Runaway Gill" (by In Action .- - yt't bit lo, Hokalau,.Honomu,ulapalkou,.and STATIONS- Dally miia. request) Monckton X L . jA Pepcokeo. (Itward) tz Sun. Dally Dally Songs VLauna ! C. Passcngeia ami PACKAGES ONLY . . A.M. A.M.- - P.M. W. Loa sanuicu : ,,,, aoa N, P, (a) "Pun Ohulu" "Pol I Pimie a, 'Burgess' will bo for Kauunkaknl, Lahal-n- Walalu i.I0 taken , hnnn" . I b'l FQR SALB. i John -- Kct Maalaea Ijiupahoo- - , fT J Let . r Uayf.Klhel,a,nd A.f l V:o " (b) Duet "Venetian Regatta" .'.) t- ."' hoe. S""',' Vsi' A"i - I DeesAIiKlnds.-of.- ir City .....,., I iUo, 4:91 Miss Kellfan and Mrs. Alapal. v- Honolulu. ..1 n ot 5 io PART II. - rs.'S. Claitdinei , 6aft.n niii. cm. omiiu, uoiii rass. a TicKot Idyll "The Itoso ot Shlrus", (UMiTFni .. r . I - ' 1 iljnvl l Airout. 1 ' j . 1 ,re.UMEnON,Iastcr. j j Small Repairing 1 ri" Kllcnbprs Mott-Sml- 1 I i. DuKmos, Hiperlntondeut ..1. th Bulldlnc; L?mm .jvnem P.P. Waltz "Vienna IlonbouB" Will leave Honolulu every TtictiTny .i.MStraUBa and"79 King-Stroff- - Ka-hul- FantiiBla "Thp, Aborlglns'V., Thlera Cor. Fort, and 'Hotel 75 ut 5 P. M., touching at Lahalnn, r f - St8?' Medley infX a .V.J- -. Hana, "Plantation Songs" t,j oaitr nnr lnrmM. i.A". IIa;. Nahiku, Hamoa and STAGELINE ' Wtlj.Me-e-ntl- ti i . I rtr-r-- - ... Conterno 319 'fVWVWV .'.Maul.'jp Rotu'rnthg,' toiicheb ;w-- l U 1' r I Ate SDcdalUes. oLiwn. Mowers ,w be ,t K1U Wit-- V named ports, arriving In MPNRV j "Tho Star .Spangled lianucr," at abovo ...... RDV.NT , 1D. called for, by.R,INGJKG UP03o. ,Also,' ,.i M n Sunday nl6rnlnga. wiitnt.i iwii. .. a lew, ig, rent. ,.!'. a? r ym&ma& JIIM A'Sl" hroakiges seen to.andytnr ,, call at Nuu, Kaupo, onco each . Brink -- Will - umx 1 or)lllo Lnfct. r.l lUHKfiy. r- The Btaee for Kaneohe. Hpoln. WmI. . PBNeACOLA,,6X. at ''i r. ;n.r month: ; l 1 TTT now i babe, Kualoa and way points, '' 'l There.ila materialization ot.tlid inB-k- iJA3U Rops naa,0 will --PlurnBtni5; : r.te, Lehua, leayo Post Office, Bethel street Fonfilie Uilg of ajuiqkjpr Hilo. There liAYO iLUaaflHMrT If . iut . S. S. side. to I ) Y,r BENNETT, at.9 a. m., Mondays, and On .uccn runipiH aiu, reports constantly, nn ..eBWBBlBBBlKl.f ifuf.. hi ItuJk., .JS'K'.SKO-- 0 Master. Wednesdays tbdtr yoanto if i WL.i.. . v. M'u'i'oiuuk vfiuuuj . e . i MOLAKAI,, MAUI, LANAI. Fridays, calling,, for passengora and to 'orthyMto'ratioofl this business project for four or five ,HVLattBTC JHf ,u I -- . ' . about bnild' years. KkWiitml Jfiiill c' taapiages Lovejoy A 19 It, has always been understood T Or"-- - '.hin Sails ijvfcry Monday for Kaunakakai, at Co's, No. yon nre..intQadDb,"t' ,",mftVe on 1&ittK-!aB3mUik- T'X-- r 1 t- ' Kamalo, Maunalcl, Kalaupapa, Laha-In- a, Nuuanu street that Ilishop & Co, would be In the flout 'f M' LX ' "rav ar- your iprnporty.: iObU 'nnd Bet? mo early. It Is th.q American, Honolun, Olowalu. Repirnlng .First Uitt vv A. .A. . fl dh rives at Honolulu Saturday mornings. and got'au.fBUUjAtr'r- - iui now House nerp,tiiut will set up Its: mJKSsmm A, GOOD THING nlgn In tlio Secotjd City nt once. Pros Vll5tv:ifl!s35ssX.,ei .2H'i v,r t j - mem t GZTTXimKJXtiMGihmmi&mTM, TfeAHrR OF This company reserves the right to 4--- T7 J8--- C ; JAS; ; ; Veen uiui, ui ui iwrsi Ameri-- mi1 make changes in the timo of depnrture NflniJr. oan' bank, fur.nis.lies this statement Dl Ohia; Algeroba and Pine Firewco XftUitav, Maudolin, nnd nrrlvdl of Its steamers WITHOUT PracticaT rCfpfmllh' F.fiiwbo'r. intontlons to thCiHIlo Tribune .t iZitbev,it' NOTICE., and It will not bo responsi- .Cot and Split (ready for the Stove). ii nt lias been .decided by tho Board nil HhoKi 1 ilonrHeast WEim&MTaMS&fmMyL' vc and Uktdolo. ble fotCany consequences nrlslng thcro-fro- '. Also, Berotanirvttrottti DIrcctorH of tho. Hunk to open a branch' Vii'bft , JiiMary&st?J .'J of'PunehbowJ.ij r.'ipne.'Hll.t ollico liu nt. unco, In consn-- llllo nnd i tujfC . . STOVE, STEAM &BLAC5SMITP CO A Hour, 7 a. m to o.i).n(a,.i . j m quence It Is my. .intention to go up to! WTVawsaov'l. .i "7!Jn", Consignees must be nt the landing hi i . J IMF During llllo on tho next trip tho Klnau! 'a:V5 i -, myabsejjce.atomr'ia to roolvtfrlhW, freight.'. This Ifobi Jobbing promptlv attended to. of tj5rf11.. I . With Major who na.v..! l.'i'o i' rv? rot.' j pany wlU.flQt hold Itself, responsible Pltnll. has been Is niaiiy'RWcPfeaViinrs - fr S,.P(,,LWi,'.,NklwhLCo,u, ;, , ALoweiti I?rfoeiidMIvrjred:winrW JT.Itpbooet 10E6 P. ONErbtthe has-bee- n '' tt t't. O. Boi 19 lug nnd iceelvlugr teller us lioio,t for freight' after It landed. ' with bf'- will lyiVie!.;lwiiaAiOf tnly:.pnpihw,iijili.a."t ti ,s mm open,, placing mm eliarge, pro- Llvo stock r,ccjlvj;donly-ait)qwpfr- I in "Olw-Typiri- kSPKOMD ''I 4.14 V .H.ATVYAXlAilV vided wo can, llndrtin ollico in which. to ii This company will not bo responsi- 11 .' M commenco business nt that time." ..1 i BriftAlusIc;i- - J Ji vtfa d ifxi2 HUSTACEL &' CO ? ble for money or valuables of.pasafin-Ber- a t rr ..3. n.Mff.FOU SALE, ATu.i..';..!rif I . :;ft&fc;8rre)t...... 1. , . unless placed In the cara of life'' ' Mercantilb Agency AiutivEo ick K" ' Australia. .!. N Irh'rilcfTr! .nVaoub.'' turner Jimrsers. To arrive ex Wflll' S Votll Studlm'jiilRnon 720 . stralln. Ouon,'l?H Deretanla 'V I Passengers aro lequcsted to pur-- Q. H. BERREY, : "Manager. tntoes, Limes, .:.. L -- e Iximons, Apples, Pearai1 lnJtHf. street: reiTim, fhaso tlc,ketrt pero-- omunrKinGiaiiose Artes lan Judd BulldhiRr Nuts. Figs. Ralsiria. Salmon. Flounder?' .nnr.Z. falling to do so wll.be subject, to an 1,: 's,J3X':Ji2Zjjrn ": 'r.t.irti KJf iiitfioco?!" 1 r. - Crabs, Oystors, i QualL RollectioDs -- a . fl..HWI uha'fge'JWl' tweiity-flv- e per nn.fr.r 1 'fe- DiPcult ;SpecinltY. i .""""".'.-- nddltlohal ri Turkeys, Ham. otc.-- i cent. L E. PINKHAM, - VC0HTR4CT0R. K"""J. "u.v:ou"Vlc- -. - Is the foretaste of the ivhnle .l.iv. nnll i i ;'', r: ...,, jjii Camarlnos'. King und Alakea t ut -- The company will not bo liable for Offleo with tho Paclflo' Hardware Co.) ' ' ,j that and we orobablv snoll all.". iWh'tTT it? A BTi Jiiuw'iV 1 IViJrt Building' " . orj ill r. loss of, nor Injury to, nor delay lnt Honolulu, H.I. MatEriaIs Hoardor'a nnd"llvery rigs e ilnj; the delivery of baggngo or personal OF ALL KINDS, mid called log nt nlj .hours, Krcft , sfe'5 J8VW.Wl7lltf effects of the passenger beyond .tbo Ktlnates glveiv. ud .contracts made Dealors'iri Lumb'ofr'and, Goal. Rllllllotl. ' amount of 100.00, uiflebS the valuu l foC'Well on rntr joUho WahUh. SIX l!Miehanla' Ho'ih'o. Hotel & ' f corner and If.EVIS c6., ." II .TSinat. tho same bo dcclaroilEjUJor beforeStM NH5V PLANTS forhlaVy Work operated Ntiiihnu strets-fridgtn- By day; .Itn'..ut i week St.u.'.,?....i. LEADING GROCERS' NTi'olt,,r" Issuq of the ticket, and freight paid by tue most fcKiiiruiiiigiieM clans drillers. AttiEN' & ROBINbK'"" 6r"'month. 'Terms: 25 nnd CO cents '"OrdorH rWii loft care of Wall, v thereon.- - 1276 Queen street, Honolulu. per night. 51 nnd $1.25 por week. Telephone 240. 1 1 1 Tort St. Co., and nl HtrgMrom Mualo Co ' 124i



SHIPPING INTELUGEROE TO-DA- NEW8 N0TB8 OP KAUAI. WANTS, NEW Y 9. in I column Llhno, Kauai, Doc. Thero Is to bo V2fcJ. til ulllhi inurltd itlfnli For additional Shlpplns Newt see seventh page Holiday Kr a Untfiril tnttrlton; to ctntt utonj imtr an entertainment nt tho Llhuo court Goods! lion; jo ctnli a ft an tenti a tnontb. is Ibt ttk J to Tttt houBo this evening, untlcr tho patron-ng- o cttoptil offtni Iti of Honolulu, aJurlliint ntr fiofU TIDES. of Mesdames Albert Wilcox, Sam- row SALE. uel Wilcox and Hans Iscnborg, tho E! purpose being to ralso money RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE h5 CJ ti?l enough WOULD SALE CHEAP, i seconj-han- j phaeton, t O IT'S. a u s r9 to purchase tho furnishings for tho i RRMon4-han- J wcomj-ha- Day. la "WE wagon, i buccy. so sway new Llhuo church, which Is to bo erect- - Apply to F K. VltlA t Union Ttti Co. to the people of Honolulu that we hove c. ed In front of tho old one. Albert Wil- re cox Is building tho church. Rev. M. SALI.-G- onJ Ml king Cowl and lleUers. Mt1E. AUGER J. of goods suit- PR a wagon Lydgato has been very busy nil week a very choice and select stock centle horses, milk onJ milk 'run. ll.lt) p.m. ti. 111. i cans. Apply to A A. MONTANO, Manoa making nrrangements Moi.tlny., HI 10.40 5 05, G.61 for the affair and able for Holiday Presents, consisting in V'al ley. i warn MILLINER men PARIS. tho ladles of tho district have Joined COR SALE-LAN- DS IS ALL PARTS OF THE In to assist In tho work with most will- r CITY. llyJ.M. VIVAS. iiSa Tuesday 12 0.3'! 11.42 G.4S 7.18 ing of-- - p. in, hands. part COR HOMD IN NUUANU Tho country hotiso 13 1 1 I43 P0STST. of Albert Wilcox HOX O, Weilnesdny.. 20 ::.'. 0 23 8.25 VALLEY. AJJresi ?. I'. mi In Hnnalcl has been completed. It Is SALE A new COTTAGE of anJ ono ti COR tight rooms Thursday 14' 2.05 130 7.09 0.21 SAN FRANCISCO CALIF. of tho prettiest buildings on Crestwave Ware bath: crounds nicely lalJ out. stablt and out Kauai. houses. One lot 73 x tjj; nater laid on; ornamental trees. Friday 2.49 2 20 7.6010.10 W. H. Rico, Jr., has visiting him at etc One corner lot. jj x 115 3 20 3.14 8.20 10.51 tho Llhuo hotel, his wlfo's father and Ebonite, A I on Colleee street. I or further part culars Saturday. young lady apply to W. M. CUNNINGHAM, at the favorite I a cousin from California. Saloon. n6 Sunday.... 4.05 3.50 0.05 11.30 A Chinese laborer committed sulcldo Leather Goods, &c. nt Hanamaulu tho other day. Ho was TO LET. despondent over Pull moon on the 16th at 3:01 p. m. Hat continued Illness. In John Gandalt is tho present occupant , Toilets, Manicure and Shaving Sets, LET j New Collates at Punahou, nearly com- Tho Standard tlmo nhlstlo sounds lA TOpleted ready occupy January of tho old Knnoa premises to 1st. 1000. at 12h. 0m. 03. (midnight), Greenwich at Nimaltt. Several Cottages on Kings not far from town on It was formerly rented by tho late H. Perfumery In bottles, Sets and Cases. Car line. time, which Is Hi. 30m. p. m. of Hawa- II. Wilcox was by Qan-dal- l. AKesdenceat walklklon the beach, mmedlate iian Standard time. and taken Mr. r-- ir i possession gltn. Aprlyto Len :.Tow : Company, WILLIAm Dr. 6 "r 9AVIUUC. BUILDING CONTRACTORS, and Mrs. Henry Howard, and W. iU Co., no. ;ia street Weather Bureau, Punahou, Dec. it. H. Conoy nro visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Drug nty Honolulu CURNISMED ROOM-O- $i a month. Private emDernture Mornlne Minimum 68: Beretanla street, near River street. H. Coney nt Llhuo. Von Holt Block, King St. r family, 6a4 Vlreyard street, j doors Queen Hotel Midday Maximum, 78. barometer at 9 a m 29.97. K'swgi Notice Is hereby given, that Len Wal will act for rO LET furnished Room, lnjulre J Emma Rainfall 0.2 m tinier full power of attorney dui Ine my temporaiy Not n Boer Discussion. -- ' street, opposite Emma Square. iw absence from the Hawaiian IslanJs. mi Dew Point 66. Honolulu, Tho dimciilty between D. G. Cama-rlno- s -- Datel Oahu, December 8, 1809. HE ALOHA ROOMING HOUSE. Fort St. Best Humidity at 9 a, in. 70 per cent. tlW-i- itU TOW. and Harry Evans a few nights ' rooms and attend tnee In cllv. 111 ago was not duo to an International tilBCiisslon as to tho LOST. merits of tho Doer We Are Still Movingz ARRIVALS. war. Mr. Camarlnos refused Mr. 9. Notice. A Package containing Gold Necklet and Saturday, Dec. Evans' Invitation to havo a drink, with goods of LOST We have torn one warehouse down inJ are clearing the out Reward at the UULLETIN ofilce im bk Martha Davis. McAllum. from tho result already noted from pollco Ho6-i- Notice Is hereby clven the another as fast as w e can. San Francisco; mdse to C Brewer & Co. that sixth court records. assessment of ten (to) per cent on the Our moving sale last week on Blade Lamps was a great success we WANTED. Haw bk Diamond Head, Ward, from San Francisco; mdse to W G Irwin & Co. capital stocK or tne HUNULULU RAPID havecleaneJ out all the of lamps that we put aside for special sale. TRANSIT & LAND will be For children, ioo old for toys 4 stok CO due and UANTED POSITION of any kind hv young Stmr Molol II, Sachs, from Molokal. payable We are now going to offer a limited number of Bicycles at lower prices VV man with four ears experience bookkeeping. Stmr I.ehua, Dower, from Kaunakakal. to J. H. Fisher, at Bishop's & a nice water color set wilh Address J. A. care of BULLETIN office 1 Co.'s Bank, Honolulu, on the tst day of than c er offered before so that w e w III not have to mo e them to our new Stmr Upolu, Henulngson, from Kohala. book URITING AND ACCOUNTING DONE accurate- - December. The shares upon w hlch any of pictures to be colored quarters V Sunday, Dec. 10. y; moderate rates. MR. MUM, care People's Am schr Esther Buhne. Anderson, from assessment may remain unpaid after would make a suitable Columbia Chainlets Bicycles f75.oo Express Co i or General DelKery, 1'. O. iy)i-t- f nresenr Eureka, with lumber. thlrtv davs from said date will he itrH.ir-- Columbia Chain Bicycles CAtPLOYMENT WANTED by a good Japanese ed delinquent. for Xmas. We have two styles having experience. Haw sp Fort George, Morle, from San Cook lone Address "OKA, -- HAS. 11. A I l I Hartford Chain Bicycles 40.00 O. Uox 874. Francisco, with mdse to Castle & Cooke. tit UN, of books and a number nf P. i)8 Secretary H. R. & L. Vedette Chain Bicycles Tin, . Am bk Corvoliene. Erlckson. from Na- - T. Co. P.oo 'UtllniinrTEUTDICtil uuiwinnrf.i.w uinu luiurrhnnniku iui Honolulu, Dec. 1899. kinds of water color sets rang- general housework and care of children. Reltr- - nalmo, (off port coal for Lahalna), to i, I hi offer only applys to our present stocU w hlch we do not wisli to v with ences required. Apply O. M . Dulletln office H fc ing in orice from 10c. to tf III In i)) Hackfeld Co. l.2r 2 ha e to move, hen they are gone prices go bacl to the same as the WANTED joo Men to get shaved for 150 (white Stmr Noeau. Wvman. from Napoonoo: s; Notice. each. valuable present,, one that VV II. 610M Fort street. OPD. past. This Is your chance to Ret a ChrNtnns tarbtril. JEITS. 24 herd cattle, 35 pes mill machinery, 1 Club Stables tsoq-I- I will I appreciated. box fittings, 35 pkgs sundries. KING BROS., Mr. W. M. Glffard will act as Manat-c- r If you are looking for JUVENILE WHEELS for the little folk just Stmr W G Hall, Thompson, from 110 Hotel Street. 4419 bags sugar, to H Hackfeld of our Firm during 'the absence of Mr. bear In mind that we have a good stock and can suit you. & Co., 5 horses, 80 pkgs sundries. W. G. Irwin. We rent Chiinless Columbia by the day week or month. Jas-FMorga- Stmr Claudlne. Cameron. hours from 12 WM.G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. ! n Kahulul; 3892 sacks sugar, 309 sacks taro, Xmas Presents 19O potatoes, Honolulu, December 8, 1899. 214 sacks com, sacks 144 Diamond and other Rings, pkgs hides, 170 pkgs sundries. I303 2W Watches, Bracelets, Pins, and an extensive E. HALT&lON, Ltd, DEPARTURES. 0. AND W.ll. BARTH. H.W.BARTH. variety of Jewelry just opened up.sultab'e AulriOrtEER Monday, Dec. 11. for Xmas and Nw Year Present. Shin Hawaiian Isles. Rice, for Port An- - Honolulu Sbeet Metal Works. Cor. Tort and Kine Sts. gelus, in ballast. Columbia ami Rambler Agonta. it 33 Queen Strec Schr Glendale, Johnson, for Port Town-sen- Galvanized Iron Skylights and Ventilators, Metal Roofing, Conductor Pipe and Gutter Work. TO SAIL THIS AFTERNOON. Manufacturing Richards Street, Queen Jeweller, bet. and Merchant- Honolulu Auction Sale Stmr Wal.tleale. Greene, for Kanaa. at 4 WJpbblne promptly attended to.- ..or., o'clock. ti 404X FORT STREET. THE 0RP3EUM njmwmii Stmr Lehua. Dower, for kaunakakal. at 5 o'clock. Stock D,1. Ctm. UnlAtll r.. IaU fA. Lnmnll u- - l George Manson, Esq., has this day ar ouiii muivuui, uuuuu, iui rvuiiuiiu, i FAMILY THEATRE. Ml h koo, Halawa, Pelekunu, Wallau and Ka-- been appointed a Notary Public for the launapa, at 3 o'clock. First Judicial Circuit of the Hawaiian On MONDAY, Dec. 18th, USATI r'tiltAn fim Mtnlln I Islands. U S A T Dalnv Vostok. Ereksen. for I ALEX. YOUNG, AT 12 O'CLOCIC NOON, Manila. SPECIAL .Minister of the Interior. At my salesroom, 33 Queen street. Ho- Stmr Mikahala. Pederson. for Walmea Pacific Co. will soli Am tlon, by and Nilhau, at 5 o'clock. Import nolulu, I Public I Interior Office, Dec. 7. 1809. I397")t at order of Mr. Frank Hustaco, Truism tr stmr Ke au hou, mosner, tor nana-maul- u Co., following and Ahulklnl, at 4 o'clock. IRRIGATION NOTICE. of tho Kamalo Sugar tho TONIGHT certificates of stock i:i tho Kamalo Su- Stmrlwalanl. Greeorv. Makawell and gar Co., unless tho delinquent assess- Eleele, at 4 o'clock. Holders of water privileges, or thoso ment, with Interest thereon, Is paid be TO SAIL T05IORROW. (INCORPORATED), paying ONLY! water rates, aro hereby notified fore tho tiny of salo Stmr Klnau. Freeman, for Molokal. Maul that hours Irrigation purposes Ctf. Slirs. Ctf. tho for Shis. and Hawaii, 12 m. C 8 1, CO at nro from to o'clock n. m. and from 25 2S9 .. .. v 1 btmr uiauuine, micron, lor maul, at to G o'clock p. m. 280, CO 60S .. PBOG-EBS-S DROWN, 5 p. m. B2L.OOUI- - ANDREW 009 25 liJl... . 10 Stmr Helene, Bennett, for Paauhau, GRAND MINSTREL Superintendent Water Works. 022 15 139... . 20 Onkala, Laupahoehoe, Popaloa, Appiovcd by A. YOUNG, . 20 U0 20 411 .. Hakalau, Honomu and Pepeekeo, at 12 m. Minister of Interior. 142 20 113... . 10 Stmr Thompson, for Nawl- - FIRST PART! Honolulu, 14, 1S9. W G. Hall. Juno 444 10 70... . 25 llwlll, Kolea, Eleele and Hanapepe, at 1214-t- f 718 25 . CO 726... 5 p. in. 731 10 2U... .100 53 0.'.... CO .K0... . 25 PASSENGERS ARRIVED. By the colored soldiers fiom Notice. CI.... 272... . CO From San Francisco per ship Fort At a meeting of THE B. F. DILLING 304.... . CO 3)5... . GO George, Dec. 10. Carl Hedeman, Mrs. J. the Transport Warren. HAM COMPANY, LTD., held on the 300..,. . CO 307... . GO P. Bush, Mrs. P. F. Frear, Fred. Harvey, 308.... . CO 303... R. C. Lockwood, Mrs. Rice and child, Special Curtain Sale! 22nd day of November, 1899, the follow- 370.... . 20 371...... 20 Wm. Duff. ing Officers and Directors were elected, 372.... . 20 373...... 20-.- .. From San Francisco per bk Diamond Songs, Jokes ami Choruses ' vl?.: 374.... . 20 C6... CO Head, Dec. 10. Mrs. J. C. Warner, Mrs. 3 . CO A. Mr. Wright, Dr. C. ! 313.... 3U...... GO Wright, J. J. Uuclc, Wing and Clog Dancing B. F. DILLINGHAM President 315.... . GO 316...... GO Pickering. WAL' ER F. FREAK V dent CO One of your i;ood old time Min- 102.... . 403...... GO From San Francisco, per bk Martha call ELMER E. PAXON Treasurer 104.... . CO 100...... CO Davis, Dec. 9. Airs. N. Mellis, P. Butler. We attention that we received a large shipment of strel Sliowsj A. W. VAN VALKENBURG Secretary 413.... .100 318...... GOO the newest APPLIQUE CURTAINS direct from the W. M. GRAHAM Auditor 319.... .250 681...... 25 4 -- Change of Program Mondays and W. F. ALLEN Director 332 . CO 684...... GO Columbia and Dalny Vostok. manufacturers. Better values will never be offered again. Thursdays. ALBERT RAAS Director ic5!'.!! . 25 25 311...... voyage Rus- Family Matinee every Saturday, at 205..., ,1C0 408... This Is tho first of tho NOW is the time to make your selection : -- " The President, and Treas- ...50 Dalny cnar-terc- d ano p. in . CO GO sian steamer Vostock as a urer are members of the Board 409.... 410...... Central AJmlsslcn, eje ani 50c. 411..., . GO C91... United States transport, and Last six ro j for children under 11 10c of Directors. ...10 jears, 592..., . 10 C93... 10 probably her last. Although slow, sho $0 pair Applique Curtains at pair, regular value 6.00 RestrveJ Cliatrs. wc. At a meeting of the same corporation ... makes splendid pur- $4.50 $ Seats (an bt by ringing up Telephone 540. . 10 a vessel for tho tookd held on the 5th day of December, 1809, S94... 695...... 10 59C... . 12 pose, being roomy, comfortable and " " " " " " " the following Directors wtre elected, viz.: 206...... GO SO 4.85 7.J0 Meeting Notice. 137..., . 25 739...... 100 steady. Tho meaning of Dalny Vostock A. W. VAN VALKENBURG. ..Director 740..., .100 741...... 100 Doing "Tho Farthorest Bast. M. GRAHAM ship's follows: SO ! " 8.50 A Special Meeting of the MAUI FISH- W. Olrecter 742..., .100 743...... 100 Tho officers aro as 5.35 A. VAN Lau-ber- t, W. VALKENBURG, 3CC... . 25 Captain T. Eroksen, First Offlcer 4 I ERY COMPANY will be held at the of- 367...... 25 " ' Secretary, 368... . 25 369... Second Offlcer Brcdlhln, Third 24 6.75 9.00 fice of E. II. Bailey (Custom House) Honolulu, H. I., Dec. ...25 ;'4r i 6th, 1899. G... 227...... GO Officer Ilealobfovsky, Fourth Officer M95-I- " v Kahulul, at 10 a. in. MONDAY, Dec- 234... 235...... 25 Tranoff, Engineer Dove. 24 " V' " " 10.75 ember 18th, 1899. Important business 230... 25 237...... 25 Tho ship's officers of tho transport 7.5 Notice. 238... 25 239... Columbia are: Captain Dobson, First " - '." " " " " " vlllbctransated. I ...25 Nay-lo- r, 24 7.50 H.ff NO ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 240... 25 241...... 25 Officer Flemmlng, Second Officer Per Order W. 1 . ROBINSON, . MESSRS. VV. G. IRWIN & CO.. LTD 25 243... Third Officer Murphy, Fourth Off- 244.. ...25 Noyes, 18 " " " " 12X have this day been appointed RESIDENT 247... , 2G 245...... 25 icer Engineer Murphy, Purser 7.75 Acting Secretary. I AGENTS for the Hawaiian Islands of the 246... , 25 247...... 25 Robinson, Steward Levi. following companies: 4 2d " " " " " Wnlluku, Maul, Dec. 2, 1899. Insurance 248... . 25 249...... 25 Doth vessels with tho Regiment 12 "iKV 0.50 14.50 . CO on board, 139V2W ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY of 421... 422.., .. GO will sail for Manila today at . GO 4 o'clock, tho Injury to " " " " " " " LIVERPOOL. 423... 424.., ...60 about tbo ma 12 10.00 15.00 429... . CO 497... chinery of tbo vostok having been Notice.1 .ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY ...60 sufficiently or LONDON. 101... . 10 102.., ... 10 repaired to permit of her SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL 103... . 10 104.., ... 10 proceeding. By steamer Australia we received the newest novelties iiw A dividend will be due and payable to INSURANCE COMPANY of EDIN- 105... . 10 415.., ... 10 416... . 10 417.., G Ladies' Neckwear, Ladies' Fine Muslin Underwear, a complete the stockholders of the Hawaiian Electric BURGH. ... BORN. ALLIANCE MARINE AND GENERAL 4G... . 25 89.., ... 25 iu Co. oi Monday, December 1899. CO stock of Ribbons, Dress Skirts, and many other novelties. u, ASSURANCE COMPANY of LON- 204... . 434.. ... 25 CARROCA In this city. December. 10, wrm Stock book will be closed to transfers from DON. 435... . 25 604.. ... 10 1899, to tho wlfo of Jos, Carroca, a . CO CO boy. w December 9 to 11 Inclusive. MR. JOHN will contin- 425... 426.. ... S.WALKER 427... . CO 60 GALI At Koloa, Knual, December 6, V. M. GIFFARD, ue to be associated with the business of 428...... 659... . 60 666...... 6 1899, to tho wlfo of J. C. Gall, a son. Special Notice. j 308-j- t Secretary. the above named companies. . GO R. C. MEDCRAFT. 2... 24...... 25 . 25 29.. 25 HAND- i37S-i- General Agent and Attorney. .... tBWe received the largest and finest stock of "Honolulu Snap Shots." 112. .100 106.. ... 25 MARRIED. Notice. 135. . 25 136.. ,... 25 OAVACO-CANDID- O In this city, De- KERCHIEFS ever imported here. Watch our window dis- A handy souvenir of 32 Views of 273. . 25 274.. ,... 25 cember 9, 1899, at tho Catholic modem Honolulu, put up In envelope and C84. . CO 660.. ,,.. G Cathedral, John Candldo to Miss play from now on. stamped, to mall in any part of Postal During my absence from these Islands, 661. . G 662...... 5 Mary Cavaco. G Union, for 50 cents. For sale at Mr, W.-- Glffard will act for me under 663. . 664., .... G I brum's, Golden Rule Hazaar, Hawa'lan '303. . 25 415 . full power of attorney. .1100 Tho estato of tho lato A. MoWayno' New Co.IsAWoman's Exchange, Hawai- 606. . GO G07, 50 W. G. IRWIN. amounts to $50,000 and tho widow has ian Baiaaryf Le Munyon's, and Wall, JAMES tVMORQAN. petitioned that Mark P. Robinson bo PACIFIC IMPORT CO. NholsCo.i? 1384-t- f Honolulu, Dec. 8, 1899. i3o8-2- Auctioneer. made administrator.

"- ' , -.-- , v- - ' - 1v.t3 - &u - ' i VK' ' ! 3f ffif, .MiWft W'fWWW'g W Sr fftffflr' ii'B'JBVWfeiff f V llk.,4. fiASasSuJr.'' j rL