Sec:. 2900

The YOM That Outsells All Others Combined is Now Better Than Ever! ••••••••••••••••• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••

The 260 The 260RT Q in Ever· (RolI- Top Redy Carry­ Safely 260* ing Case Case Unil) AC-DC VOLT -OHM-MILLIAMMETER ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Seven Features RANGES

Make the 260 More DC VOLTAG E (20,000 ohms-per­ Valuable Than Ever! volt): 0-250 my; 0-2.5 v; 0-10 v; 0-50 v: 0-250 v; 0- 1000 v; 0-5000 v. For years. the rugged depend ability Accuracy, ± 3% of full scale .. of the Sim pson 260 has made it the world's most popular volt-ohm-mil­ AC VOLTAGE (5000 ohms-per-volt): iiam-meter. I ow ... Simpson offers 0-2.5 v; 0- 10 v; a-50 v; 0-250 v; a new a nd improved 260 . .. easier to operate. morc sensitive, more ac­ 0-1 000 v; 0-5000 v. Accuracy, ±5% curate ... a better buy tha n ever of full scale. before. Over :v.. mi ll io n Sim pson 260'5 have been purchased by technic ians. service organiza­ AF OUTPUT VOLTAGE (Wit h .1 microfarad inte rnal tions, laboratories. factories, and the armed forces. Such se ries capacitor): 0-2.S v; 0- 10 v; 0-50 v; 0-250 v . overwhelming preference is proof thai the 260 best VOLUME LEVEL IN DEC IBELS (Zero DB equal to I meets the need s of VOM users. W hen you're in the milliw'ltt ncross a 600 ohm linc): - 20 to + 10 D B; market for a YOM, you ca n fccl sure that the 260 is -8 to + 22 DB; + 6 to +36 DB; +20 to + 50 D B. D C RESISTANCE: 0-2000 ohms (12 ohms center); your best buy. 0-200,000 ohms (1200 ohms center); 0-20 megohms NEW FEATURES (120.000 ohms center). Accuracy, ±3% of arc length. DIRECT CUR RENT : 0-50 u a; 0- 1 ma; 0- 10 mao I. POLARITY REVERSING SWITCH: Speeds up serv­ 0- 100 ma; 0-500 ma; 0- 10 a mp. icin g when making direct curre nt measurements. 2. 50 MIC ROAMPERE-250 MILL.IVOLT RA NGE: DEALER'S NET PRICES Gi,'es more se nsiti ve measuremeniS ... reads lower 260 " OM, completc with test leads and Operator's values of current and voltage. Manual ...... _...... S43.95 3. EASIER-TO-READ SCALES: Black ancl recl scales (Size: 5!4" X.7" x 3VK" . Wt: 3lh Ibs. Ship Wt: 5 Ibs.) have been spread out fo r fa ster read ing. less chance of 181 8 LEATHER CARRYING CASE ...... 7.75 error. 4236 EVER·REDY VINYL C ARRYING CASE 9.75 4. LESS C IRCUIT LOADI G: Sensitivity of AC voh­ 260RT VOM, in Roll-Top Safety Case. complete wi th agc ra nges has been increased to 5000 ohms per volt . test leads and Operator's Manual ...... 49_95 5. POPULAR DBM RANGES: -20 DBM to +50 (S ize: 6¥g" x 9" x 4 ~". Wt : 6ih Ibs. Sh ip. Wt: 9 Ibs.) DBi\-l, one milli watt in 600 ohms. HIG H VOLTAGE PROBE for 260 (25.000 v) .. .. 9_95 6. I MPROVED FREQUENC Y RESPONSE I N AC HIG H VOLTAGE PROBE for 260 (5 0.000 v) 12.50 MEASUREMENTS: Five to 500.000 cycles per second. Adjust-A_V ue Handle holds th e 260 at convenient 7. FULL-WAVE BRIDGE RECT IFIER SYSTHI: Pro­ viewing angle. Elimina fes sepa rate gadge's and malee­ vides more accurate AC volt age measurements. shiff p rops. MIDGETESTER, Model 355, AC-DC Volt- SELF SHIELDED , 10,000 Ohms Pe r Yoll AC and DC World's smallest! Ideal for appli- SIZE: 2*" wide, 4 lh" hi gh, and Fits in ance repair, radio-TV service, etc. 1" thick. You r Util izes the rugged Core Magnet WEIGHT: 7 oz. Shirt Meter Movement. MODEL 355 with Leads, Opera­ VOLTS, DC: 3, 12, 60,300, 1200. VOLTS, AC : 3, 12. 60, 300, 1200. tor's Manual ..... RESISTANCE, DC: O-IOK ohms $34.95 (120 o h ms cente r ); O-IOOK ohms (1.2K ohms center); 0- 1 Z IPPER CASE. Leather with Belt megohm (12K ohms center); Loop #6355 ...... O-lO m egohm s ( 120 K ohms center). $2.95

The MASTER - 2·hh Edidon Usc Index ( P8. 2) lor Quick, Easy l OClu ion of AU Products COPl'N'gllt by U. C. P., 111&. Page 876 No< Sec. 2900



Converts Your 260* YOM into 7 Testers Think of it! A small investment turns your 260 YOM and off in a jiffy. No gadgets, no complicated con­ into a whole array of testers - equipment with a nections. Furthermore, Add-A-Testcr units req ui re quality that is fo und only in individuat pieces of test onl y 1/2 to 1/ 3 the storage space of individual equipment at much hi gher prices. The secret lies in testers. 8y reducing bench cJulIer, this compactness combining an adapter with the lop-llo/ch IIle/er olld makes jobs go faster, raises shop efficiency. Make circllilry of yo ur 260. your 260 do double duty. See yo ur Elect roni c Parts Each combination of Add-A-Tester unit and 260 is Distributor and get a ll the facts soon. self-contain ed, self-powered. Each adapter goes 011 ;:' Trademark ADD-A-TESTER Adapters (All measure SK/' x 4 :y,," x 3316") TRANSISTOR TESTER, Model 650 ______$26.95 Frequency Range: 50 cycles to 3000 cycles. Beta Ranges: 0·10, 0-50. 0-250. (ES.) AUDIO WATTMETER_ Model 654 ______$18.95 Bela Accuracy: ± 3% , with 260, ± 5% nominal Load Ranges: 4.8.1 6.600 ohms leo Range: 0- 100 ua . Wattage: Continuous 25 watts (8.600 ohms) Jeo Accuracy: ± I %, wit h 260, ± 3 % (F.S.) 50 wa tt s (4, 16 ohms) DC VTVM , Model 65 1 ______$32.95 Interm iLtent 50 watts (8.600 ohms) Voltage Ranges: 0-.5 / 1.012.5/ 5.0 / 10 / 25 / 50 / 100 100 watt s (4. 16 ohms) / 250/ 500 Accuracy : ± 5% . with 260 ± IO% nominal J\ccuracy : ± I %, with 260 ± 3% (F.S.) Direct rc,adi ne. scale from 17 microvolts to Input Im pedance: greater than 10 megohms for 100 walts ~ all J"ll ngcs MI C ROVOLT ATTENUATOR. Model 655 $18.95 TEMPERATUR£ TESTER, Model 652 _____ $38.95 Ranges: 2.5 microvolts ( 0 250.000 microvolts con­ Temperature Ranges: - 50°F to + 100°F. + 100°F tinuously va riable in decade steps to +250°F Freq uency: DC to 20 KC Accuracy: with 260 ± 2° (nominal) BATTERY TESTER, Model 656 ______. _____ $19.95 T hree lead positions provided Checks a ll radio and hearing aid batteries up to Sensin g Element : Thermistor 90 vo lt s at the manufacturer's recommended load, AC , Model 653 --- ______$18.95 or any external load. Ranges: 0-0.25/1 / 2.5 / 12.5 / 25 amps Note: All Simpson 260 Adapters provid e for normal Accuracy: +- 1%, with 260 -+- 3% nominal 260 usage without disconnecting the adapter.

COPl' r iUIit by U. C. P., Illc. Use Index ( pg. 2) for Quick. Ea sy Location of ALL ProouCiS The /UA S TER - 24th Edition Net Page 877 Sec. 2900

NEW! HIGH ACCURACY VOM-MODEL 270 Exce ll ent Repeatabilit y VOLUME LEVEL IN DEC IB ELS (Zero Greater Accuracy Predictable Over a DB equal to I milliwatt across n 600 o hm Wide Temperature Range li ne): -20 to + 10 DB; -8 to +22 DB; DC Accuracy. I~ % (I Full Scale + 6 to +36 DB ; +20 to + 50 DB. AC Accuracy. 2%* Full Scale DC RESISTANCE: 0·2000 ohms ( 12 Resistance Accuracy, ± I Vi 0 of Arc ohms center); 0-200.000 ohms (1200 ohms OAt an Ambient Temperature of 77 ° F ce nter); 0-20 megohms (120,000 ohms center). RANGES DIRECT CURRENT: 0·50 mu a; 0· 1 rna; 0- 10 rn a; 0-1 00 rna; 0-500 rna; 0- JO DC VOLTAGE (20,000 ohms·per·volt): amp. 0·250 nw; 0·2.5 v; \0 v; 0·50 v; 0·250 v; O· MODEL 270. complete wit h test leads and 0· 1000 v; 0·5000 v. Operator's Manual ._._...... _._.. ___S59.95 AC VOLTAGE (5000 ohms·per·volt): MODEL 270 itT, in Roll.Top Case ...... $65.95 0·i.5 v; 0· 10 v; 0·50 v; 0·250 v; 0·1000 v; 25,000 V High Voltage Probe. No. 0247 5 9.95 0·5000 v. AF OUTPUT VOLTAGE (With .1 micro· 50.000 V High Vollage Probe. No. 0248 5 12.50 ADJUST·A-VUE farad internal series capacit or): 0·2.5 v: Lcalhcr Carryi ng Case. No. 18 18 _ ._ ~.5 7.75 HANDLE 0-10 v; 0-50 v: 0-250 v. Villyl Carrying Case. No. 4236 ...... _._.. _ S 9.75 100,000 OHMS PER VOLT MODEL 269*, AC-DC Volt-Ohm-Microammeter Self Shielded .. 33 ranges ... 7" scale ... rugged Core Magnet MeIer Movcmenl with spring backed jewels. Can replace VTVM's for ma ny volt age and resistance checks. Carrying case and accessory probes avail able. VOLTS DC: 1.6, 8, 40. 160, 400, 1600, 4000 . . . 100,000 ohms per volt. Accuracy. ±3% of fu ll scale. VO LTS AC: 3. 8. 40, 160, SOO . .. 5.000 ohms per volt. Accuracy. ± S% of full scale. OUTPUT: 3, 8, 40, 160 volts AC. DECmELS: -12 to +45.5 DB in 4 ranges. ODB = .00 1 watt in 600 ohms. RESISTANCE DC: 0·2K ohms (18 ohms ce nter); 0·20K ohms (180 ohms center); 0·200K ohms (I.SK ohms cent er); 0-2 megohms (18K ohms center); 0·20 megohms (l80K ohm.s center); 0-200 megohms ( 1.8 megohms center). Accuracy, ±3% of arc length. CURRENT DC: 0· 16, 0· 160 ua; 0·1.6, 0·16, 0· 160 ma; 0·1.6, 0·16 a. SIZE: 7·15/ 16" , 6" x 2·15/ 16". WEIGHT: 4 Ibs. MODEL 269 with leads and Operalor's Manual ...... $88.00 ·AOJUST-A-VUE H ANDLE DELUXE YOM MODEL 262 * , AC-DC Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter This compact instrument is made possible by the Simpson Self Shielded Core Magnet Meter Movement with spring backed jewels ... . 20,000 ohms per volt ... 33 ranges ... 7" scale. Carrying case and accessory probes avail able. VOLTS DC: 1. 6, 8, 40, 160, 400, 1600, 4000 . .. 20,000 ohms pcr volt. Accuracy, ±3% of fu ll scale. VOLTS AC; 3. 8, -10, 160, 800 . .. 5,000 ohms per volt. Accuracy, ±S% of fu ll scale. OUTPUT: 3, 8, 40, 160 volts AC. DECmELS: -12 to +45.5 DB in 4 ranges. ODB = .00 1 watt in 600 ohms. RESlSTANCE DC: O-SOO ohms (4.5 .center); 0-5K ohms (45 ohms cenler); O-SDK ohms (450 ohms center); 0-500K ohms (4.5K ohms center); S megohms (45K ohms center); 0-50 megohms (450K ohms center ). Accuracy. ±3% of arc length. CURRENT DC: 80, 160 lI a; 1. 6, 16, 160 rna ; 1. 6, 16 a. SIZE: 7·15/ 16" x 6" ,2·1 5/ 16". WE IG HT: 4 Ibs. MODEL 262 with leads a nd Operator's Manual $59.50

The MA STER - 24. 111 Edition Usc Index ( pg. 2) for Quick. Ea5Y LOCIdon of ALL ProduclS Copyrighl by U. C. P.. / 1It:, Page 878 Nct Sec. 2900

VACUUM TUBE VOLT-OHMMETER· HIGH SENSITIVITY MODEL 303· AC VOLTS, 1. 2, 12, 60, 300. 1200. Accuracy, ± 5% of fu ll scale. VTVM DC VOLTS: 1. 2. 12, 60, 300, 1200. Model 311 Accuracy. ±3% of full scale. OUTPUT, 1.2, 12, 60 vollS AC. Compare these features: 22 RESISTANCE DC, IK ohms (10 MEGOHM Input Impedance . ohms center); lOOK ohms (1000 Pe a k~to·P ca k Readings of Com· ohms center); I megohm (10K ohms plex AC Voltages • Accessory center); 10 megohms ( lOOK ohms · AOJUST-A-VUE R F Probe with High Frequency HANDLE center); 1000 megohms (10 meg­ Response and Accuracy . New 'TIMESAVER" Probe ohms center). Tip Hangs on Wire for Continuous Readings. Gives DECIBELS: -20 to + 63 DB in 5 ranges. ODB = .00 1 Quick Pressure Contact also for Point-lo-Point Readings watt in 600 ohms. • Unbreakable Metal Case • Sensibly Priced. R.F. VOLTS: (with R.F. probe) 20 volts maximum. Fre- quency -F lat 20 Kc to 100 Mc. SPECIFICA liONS LI NE VOLTAGE, 105· 125V, 50/ 60 Cycles. Accessory Probes and Carrying Case avail able. DC VOLTS, 0· 1.5, 5. 15. 50. 150. 500, 1500 ( ± 3% MODEL 303 with DCV Probe, ACV-Ohms Probe, accuracy). AC VOLTS, 0·1.5, 5, 15,50, 150,500, 1500 ( :!::: 3% accuracy. of full scale). Ground Lead, Operator's Manual ...... $68.00 AC PEAK·TO·PEAK, 0·4. 14. 40. 140. 400, 1400, 4000 vo lts ( .:t:5% accuracy. of fu ll scale). LOW-OHM-METER INPUT IMPEDANCE: 22 Megohms. OHM S, XI; XIO: XIOO ; X IOO O; X IO,OOO; X IOO,OOO; MODEL 362 X 1 megohm (meter can be set for center zero for FM alignment). Greater Accuracy from AC FREQUE, CY RANGE: 30 to 100,000 cycles pe r 0,1 to 25 ohms second. MODEL 3 11, complete with slimlinc probe, lead. ground cable, clips, a nd Opera tor's Manual . . .,' $64.95 Low Circu;;' Current RF PROBE: 50 cycl es to 100 megacycles, ± 5% ; 0- 150 The (wo ranges of the Low-Ohm Meter volts RMS, ma .x i ~lum. Input capacit y, 10 mmf $1 0.95 permit high ly accurate readings between RANGES : O. I and 25 ohms. This is ideal for check- 0-5 ohms and ing motor armatures a nd field s; switch 0-2.5 ohms. ~ I PORTABLE LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS * and relay contact resistances; shorts be- tween generator windings a nd grounds; shorts in TV MO DEL 9 - Accuracy \A. of I % Full S..: ale. and radio chassis wiring; electrical equipment in indus­ D'Arsonvll l Movement trial pla nts; plus many other lIses. Accuracy is within MODEL 10 - Accu racy 1% . Iron Vane Movement 3 % of full scale value. H","S" MODEl. MODEL na" I:''' MODEl. Model 362 wit h ca li bnllcd test leads . $24.95 9 (DC) J 0 lAC) 9 (DC,

VOLTS Double Range SO S49.50 S43.95 Milliamperes DYNAMOMETER INSTRUMENTS, AC-DC tOO 49 .50 43.95 10-100 S55.00 ISO 49.50 43 .95 25-250 55 .00 Model 880* 300 55.00 49.50 100-500 55.00 Double Range Accuracy 1 % of Full Scale - Portable Volts Do uble It ange IS- ISO 55.00 Amperes SINGLE PHASE 150-300 60A5 55:00 2 .5-5 55.00 AMP ERES WATTS- 300-750 66.00 60.45 5- 10 55.00 Malt. Vol" No,mol Mo lt imum low Range High Ro ngo Price Triple It ange Vol IS 150-300 I 1.5 100 200 S6O.45 150-30U 2 3.0 200 400 60.45 15-1 50-J OO TripI!.! Range 63 .75 Amperes 150-300 5 7. 5 500 1000 60.4~ 150-300-600 66.00 60A 5 150-300 10 2.5-10-25 60.45 IS. 1000 2000 60.45 10-25-50 150-300 20 30. 2000 4000 66.00 l\.·liII illm peres 60.45 150-300 SO 75. 5000 10000 66.00 I 57.1 5 50 49.50 43.95 DOUBLE CURRENT RANGE WATTMETERS 100 49.50 43.95 Microam])C res 500 49.50 43.95 SO 71.5 5 I!i O-300 2.5-5 3.7 5- 7.5 250-500- 1000 S76.95 100 67.00 150-300 5-10 7.5 -IS. 500-1000-2000 76 .95 Amperes 200 64.95 5 49.50 43.95 IS 49.50 43.95 0-1 50 .. ... $60.45 • Also available in Simpson 30 49.50 43.95 • Also a vailab le in Simpson 0- 150-300 ( Double Range ) .. 71.55 Roll-Top Safe l y Case SO 49.50 43.95 Roll-To p Safety Case a t 0- 75 ~ 1 5 0- 3 00 (Triple Range ) 76.95 ( Model 880 itT) at li n ad­ tOO 49.50 58.00 :Iddilional. 0-150-300-600 (Tripte Range) 76.95 ditional $8.00

Cop>,ighl by U. C. P .. 11I c_ Use Index ( pg . 2 ) for Quick . Easy LOC:Hi on of ALL ProductS The MA STER - 241h Edition Net Pagll 879 Sec.2S00


• True, 1000/0 $229.95 Saturated NTSC Signals Frequency Response of Vertical Amplifier Wide Band Position • Exceptionally Wide From 20 cycles/ sec. to 4.5 me/sec.-flat wi th in ± 1 db. Range of Oulpuh From 10 cycles/ sec. to 5.0 mc/ sec.-within ±2 db. Rise Time - less than 0.05 microseconds. • Outputs Pictured io Color Narrow Band Position on Single Masler Conlrol From 20 cycles/ sec. to 200 kc/scc.-tlat within ± I db. From 10 cycles/ sec. to 300 kc/ scc.-within ±2 db. IMPORT ANT SPECIFICATIONS Maximum Vertical Deflection Scnsitivity WB:50 Mv RMS/ inch; NB: 20 Mv RMS/ inch OUTPUTS - Y; chroma; color bar (8 bars simul­ Frequency Response of Horizontal Amplifier taneously); R- Y; B-V; R- Y a nd B- Y simultaneously; Same as Vertical Amplifier - Narrow Band Position I; Q; I and Q simuhaneollsly; G-Y al 90°: sync and Maximum Horizontal Deflection Sensitivity burst; horizontal sync; high level 3.58 megacycle output; "Hi" - ISO Mv RMSj inch; "Low" - IAV RMSj inch hi gh level modulated rf output; positive or Il cgalive video Z-axis sensitivit y 4.0 volts RMS to extinguish beam output. 4.5 Megacycle (crystal controlled) marker for Calibrating Voltage (@ 117.5 VAC Input to Colorscope) proper lUning. 1..0 P-P volts ± 10 % C HROMA LEVEL SWITCH - 0 db for checking older Maximum Input Voltage-600 volts peak style receivers and some current models; 6 db for video Input Resistance (Minimum}- 3_1 Megohms ± IO % checks of newer receivers using ves ti gial color sideband lnpllt Capacitance @ 5.0 mc!s/lC'.- 20 uuf ± 10 % a lignment; 15 db for check in g color sync lock under Sawtooth Sweep Range- 14 cycles/ sec. to 250 kc/ sec. weak signal conditions. Variable chroma control position for other chroma levels. COLOR BAR DI SPLAY PATTERN - Left to rigbt: HANDISCOPE, Model 466 red, ye ll ow. green, cyan, wh ite magenta. blue. black. 5" SCREEN Motlel 430. complete with Operator's $395.00 Manual. and Leads . Measures only 8" x 12%" X 16',4" FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF VERTI­ CAL AMPUFIER: From 15 cycles/ sec In, Circuit to 100 Kc/ sec. flat with in ± I db; 6 db down at 250 Kc/ sec; usable to I Me/ sec. HORIZONTAL SYSTEM MAXIMUM VERTICAL DEFLECTION SENSITIV­ ITY: 30 Milli vo lts R.M.S./ inch. ANALYZER, Model 382 FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF HORIZONTAL AM­ PLIFIER: From 15 cycles/ sec to 20 Kc. flat within ± 1 Model 382 is th e world's most complete ··testing pack­ db; 6 db down at 100 Kc/see. age" for analyz ing TV horizontal deflection systems. MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL DEFLECTION SENSI­ With this one instrument, you can: TIVITY: 0.7 volt RMS/ inch. Z-AXIS SENSITIVITY (VOLTAGE REQUIRED TO (I) Check any winding in the horizontal system (trans­ EXTINGUISH BEAM): 20 volts RMS. former or yoke) for shorts and opens. Even one shorted CALIBRATING VOLTAGE (at 11 7.5 VAC power IlIrn is clearly indicated on a large 4\h " meter. Uses source): I volt p-p ± 10 %. _ reliable, time-proven Q-IYPC test. MAXIMUM INPUT VOLTAGE: 400 volts peak. IN PUT RESISTANCE: 0.1 Meg (at allen. x I); 0.5 Meg (2) Check l1yback and yoke systcm IN-CIRCUIT (dis­ (at allen. x 100). connect only plate e;'lp of output tube). High-Q systems INPUT CAPACITANCE: 40 unf (at alten. x I); 35 uuf are checked on a quick-reading. Good-Bad scale (most (at alten. x lOa). present day sets lise the H igh-Q system); Low-Q systems SAWTOOTH SWEEP RANGE: 15 cycles/sec to 80 on comparative logging sca le. Kc/ sec. (3) Measure capacitance value (and check for open ca­ MODEL 466 with lead, Operator's Manual $144.9S pacitors) - direct-reading scales indicate from 10 mmf to 0.1 mfd - no bridge to balance. Measures capacitance PROBE KIT FOR 4S8 and 466 SCOPES to better than 10 %. Adaptable to ather Scapes Also (4) Make conlimlity checks of :tny wire-wound com­ Contains: Low Capacity, Voltage ponent, such as width coils, linearity coils, oscill ator Double-Detector, 100:1 VoJtage Di­ transformers; check capacitors for direct shorts. Can vider, and Dual-Direct Probes; Plas­ chcck many other components for Q, also. tic Roll Case; 466 Adapter Sockel; Model 382, test cOlble, Operator's Manual ... $69.95 and Operator's Manual $39.95 Model 739

The MA ST E R - 2 ..lIh Edilion Use Im.l cx (pg. 2) for Quid:, Easy Localion of ALL ProouCls Copyrighl by U. C. P., I llc. Page 880 Net S ec. 2900


M odel 498A ...iiiIt. M ODEL 434A • Multi· Po wer • Calibr a te d VARIABLE DOT SIZE . . • VARIABLE DOT NUMBER • Operates The NEW Simpson Model 434A provid es white dot pat­ Anywher e terns with va riable dot size (from I to 8 scanni ng li nes, wit h corres ponding dot widths), and variable dot numbe r, • Cove rs All from 6 to I I horizontal dots, a nd 6 to 12 vert ical dots. Channels Very high modulat ion provides bright, clear dots. This newest Simpson calibrated fie ld strength meier pro­ vides. mea ns fo r measureme nt of televisio n signals in any With the Model 434A Whi te Dot Generator, you makc locality. It a nswers the need of service technicia ns for a linearit y adj ustment of black and white TV and linearity combination power line or battery operated fi eld strengt h and convergence adjustments on color T V receivers wit h meter that is self-cha rging. confide nce. Adjustable dot size provides a check of re­ MOD EL 498A covers all cha nn els. UHF and V HF. ceiver transient response. Measures rela ti ve fi eld stre ngth from approx im ately 20 microvolts to .05 volts. Excelle nt fo r fringe arc as. Also Horizontal and vertical sync pulses are provided, with lI seful as a tuncr substitute when servicing T V. Continu­ adjustable ve rtical sync which can be operated at li ne ously varia ble sensitivit y. Operates from any oue of frequency or off line frequency. This also operates as four sources: (l) 117 VAC line; (2) Self-contained a hum-check control for both color and black a nd wh ite storage battery· ; (3) Your automobile battery; and (4) receivers. This feature is rarely found in test equipment Your external battery. offered at this price. Vertical and horizont

  • " . WE IGHT: 11 10> Ib, . Shipping ation .. . 300 ohm RF output. IVt: IS Ib,. Positive or negative vidco output . . . excell ent for accu­ MODEL 498A, 117 VAC and 6.3 VDC, less battery. rate and fas t checking transie nt response of video am­ $199.95 plifiers is available. No. 572 1 Storage batl cry, 12 am pere hour capacity. Modul ated RF output is available. operating on funda­ $14.00 mentals from Channel 2 to Channel 6. Line Voltage: 117 *'.nl ernal storage battery can be recharged by self-con­ Volts. 50-60 cycles. 45 watts. lalncd charge r or from your automobile ballery while trave li ng between jobs. DEALER'S NET PRICE, Complete with operati ng in- structions and output cables ... $ 147.50 PLATE CONDUCT AN CE TUBE CAPACOHMETER Model 383A TESTER World's First Model 1000 IN-CIRCUIT Extra Lo-Volt Leakage Test Capacitor Leakage Te ster Will Not Da mage Any Tube T he "Capacohmeter" combines MODEL 1000 is ideal for radio-TV and industrial con­ in "one package" tbe fl exibility tr

    CoPyri,l!Jt b, U.C. P., 1m;. Use Index ( pg. 2 ) for Quick, Easy Localion of ALL ProduclS The MASTER - 24(h Edilion No< Pa ge BBl Sec:. 2900

    SIMPSON MICROTESTERS (Size: 3" x 5%" x 2Yzll) AC. DC VOLT·OHM·MILLIAMMETER, Model 240 DC (Res. 1000 ohms per voll), Model 377 - 0-1 , 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100. 250, 500, 1000 Des igned for radio testin g ... 1000 ohms DC volts ...... per volt. AC and DC. $19.95 AC VOLTS: IS, 150,750,3000. AC VOLTMETER (Rec. Type - 1000 ohms per vol I), DC VOLTS: IS, 75, 300, 750, 3000. Model 376 - 0-5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500. 1000 DC MILLIAMPERES: IS, 150,750. AC volts .... . $19.95 OHM S: 0·3000 (center scale 30); 0·300,000 AC VOLTMETER, Model 371 - 0-1 50. 0-300. 0-600 (center scale 3000). Model 240 wilh Leads. volts $19.95 $28.95 OHMMETER. Model 372- 0- 500 ohms (5 ohms center); AC·DC VOLT-OHM-MILLIAMMETER, Model 23 0 - 0·5000 ohms (50 ohms center); 0·50.000 ohms (500 AC Volts: 10, 25 0, 1000 (400 ohms per volt) - DC ohms center); 0-500.000 ohms (5.000 ohms cC llI cr); Volts: 10, 50, 25 0, 1000 (1000 ohms per volt) -DC 0-5 meg. (50,000 ohms center); 0-50 meg. (5 00.000 Milli amperes: 10, 50,250 - Ohms: 0-1000, 0· 100.000 ohms cente r) - with Leads . $27.95 _ with Leads ...... $27.95 AC VOLT-AMP-, Model 390 - Volts: DC AMMETER, Model 375 - 0· 1, 2.5, 5, 10. 25 0- 150, 300 - Amps: 0·0.3, 15 - Walls: 0·300. 600, amps ...... $ 19.95 1500, 30DO-with break-in plug and Leads $43.95 DC MILLIAMMETER, Model 373 - 0·1 , 5, 10, 25 ,50, AC·DC VOLT-WATTMETER, Model 391 - AC or DC 100, 250, 1000 ma ...... $1 9.95 - Volts: 0-130, 0-260 _ Walls: 0·1 500, 0-3 000 - with Cord and Pl ug $34.95 DC MICROAMMETER, Model 374 - 0-50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 ua $23.00 AC-DC VOLT-WATTMETER, Model 392 - AC. or DC - Volts: 0-130, 0-260 - Walls: 0· 1000. 0·5000 AC AMMETER, Model 370 - 0-1 , 0-2.5, 0-5, 0-10, - with Cord and Plug ...... $37.95 0-15 amps ...... $21.95 BATIERY TESTER, Model 379 - (Se parate arcs for AC MILLIAMMETER (Se l f ~ containcd transformer), Radio A Batteries. Hearing Aid A Batteries, and fo r Model 378 - 0·5, 25, 100, ]50, 1000 ma .... $ 23.95 all B Batteries) - with Leads ...... $24.95

    TEMPERATURE TESTERS - Check 3 Temperature5 at 1 Time THERM-O-METER* TEMPERATURE METER ".- ... Model 388-3L Model 385-3L Scale: Fahren J cc nt. Measures Temperaturcs _50°F to + IOOO °F 0 _46°C to + 53SoC from _500 to + 70 F The Therm-O-Meter measures The Temperature Meter was developed the temperature of air, gases, primarily for serv ic in g refri geration liquid.s, or solids by m e~l ns of thermocouple type leads. equipment such as deep-freeze units, Rea.dlngs can be made In 15 to 30 seconds, and up to home refrigerators. and wal k-in coolers. It can also be a distance of 7'h.'. Model 388-3 L, the three-lead model used to service ai r-conditi oning units when the test re­ is p'lfticul arly useful wh ere two or three te m p e ratu re~ quirements fall within its lemperClture range. must be measured at the same time. MODEL 385-3L, fo r three 15-foot leads, is especially LEADS - Two types available: General Purpose and useful where two or three tempcratures must be checked Surface Temperawre probe. Length is 7'h.'. at the same time, such as in setting lip a refrigerator thermostat or in checkin g ambient tempe rature rises SIZE AND WEIG HT-7-15j I6" x 6" x 2-15/ 16", 4 Ibs. and control apparatus. MODEL 388-3L- (for three leads) with one No. 0 190 LEADS - General purpose type, 15' long. Thermistor ge neral purpose lead, battery, and Operator's Manua l. tip. $64.50 SI ZE AND WEIG HT - 3" x 5%" x 2Vl", I 'h. Ibs. MODEL 388- (for one lead) with one No. 0190 genera l purpose lead, bancry, and OpcralOr's Manua l. $59.50 MODEL 385-3L (for three leads) with one test lead and Operator's Manual ... $33.95 Evcr-R edy Carrying Case, Vinyl, No. 5262 $9.95 MODEL 385 (for one lead) with one test lead and General Purpose Lead, No. 0190 . $4.95 Operator's Manual ...... $30.00 Surface Temperature Probe Lead, No. 01 87 $ 6.95 Additional Thermistor Lead, No. 0010 $3.95 • Adjllsl-A-VlIc Handle supports instrument at convenient angles. Ever-Redy Carrying Case, Leather. No. 4299 $5.95

    The MASTER - 24th Ed ition Use Index Cpg. 2) for Quick. Easy Location of ALL Products Copy'';Sbl bl U. C. P. , Inc. Page 882 Net Sec. 29DD

    NEW! DUAL RANGE THERM-O-METER Low Range, _ 50 0 to 100" F; High Range, 1000 to 250°F APPLICATIONS - ' Frozen Food Packag­ The lead cord is only .144" ill diameter to ing. Ice Manufacturing, Freezer SlOrage. permit closing doors of equipment being Refrigeration. Photo Processing, Air Con­ checked. Model 389-3L is designed to ac­ ditioning. Heating Systems, Pasteurization, commodate 3 leads simultaneously with Disti ll ation. and numero us o th ers. Readings separate readings through one selector arc made in 15 [0 30 seconds. switch. ACCURACY - Over-all accuracy is :t3°F, 389-3l in any posi tion. However. near center scale. MODEL 389-3L, Complete with single Model Thermistor, Lead, and Operator's l\llanual Can Measure Tern­ accuracy is within ±rF or hetler. Com­ pcr:lI ures In Up to pensa ted for room temperature effecls from $62.50 Three Locati ons at 60°F to 100° F. . Addit ional Thermistor Lead, No. 0010 3.95 Dlle Time! PROBE - Thermistor lip with a IS' lead. Carryi ng Casco No. 5262 •_____ ._ •... __ 9.95

    Checks Sa/el), Thermocollples 01/ GAS- FIRED Equipment MILLIVOL TMETER MODEL 387 For Servicing Gas-Fi red- Furnacos • Boilers • Hoalers _ Hot WalOr Hooters • Dryers • Refrigorators The new Simpson Mi lli volt mete r IllClk es gas unit servicing fa sler. more accurate. Simply place the probe leads across the th ermocouple terminals and test fo r correct value. Ranges are 10, 3D, 100. 300. and. 1000 millivolts. Accuracy is 3% of full scale from 500 to 120°F. Handy pockel sizc-only 3" x. 5Va " :~ 2'h". r'l'fODEL 387, wilh le ads and Operator's Manual EDGEWISE PANEL INSTRUMENTS

    HORIZONTAL SENSITIV ITY MODEL TYP E ItANGE OHMS/ VOLT 1502 DC VOLTMETER 0-10 \' 1000 S12.6O DC VOLTMETER 0-15 v 1000 12.60 DC VOLTM ETER 0-50 v 1000 12 .60 DC VOLTMETER O-1 50v 1000 12.60 DC VOLTMETER 0-300v 1000 12.60 HORIZONTAL D C VOLH.. IETER O·500v 2000 12.75 Approx_ Terminal Res. VERTICAL DC AMMETER 0·5 amp .010 13.35 (Special O rder) DC AMMETER 0-10 amp .005 13.35 DC AMMETER 0·1 5 :lnlP .003 13.35 • Require only V2 the panel area of .a conventional DC AMMETER 0-25 ,UlIP .OCH 13.35 21h" meier . DC AMMETER 0·50 amp .001 13 .35

    • Self Shielded Core Magnet Meter Move ment DC ;..-I1LLlAMM ETER 0·1 11\:1 20 13.05 DC M I LLIAMMETER 0·5 l1la 5.0 13.05 • Scale length comparable to a 2!h.: " meter DC l\HLLlAMMET ER 0· 10 rn a 1.5 13.05 DC M ILLIAMMETER 0-25 rna 2.0 13.05 • Accurate comparative readings by mo unting meters D C M ILLIAMMETER 0-5 0 Ill:' 2.5 13 .05 next to each other DC M I LLIAMMETER 0- 100 rna 1.2 13.05 DC M I LLIAMMETER 0·150 rna .80 13.05 Edgewise Panel Meiers are ava il able in popular DC and DC M ILLIAMMETER 0·200 rna .60 13.05 AC rectifier types.

    Copy ,ight b) U. C. P., I f1~ , Usc Index ( ps. 2) for Quick, E::uy Location of ALL Products The MASTER - 2·hh Edilion Net Pogo 883 Sec. 2900


    D( II111rU1tHfS PANEL O;;"f __ INSTRUMENTS

    New Wide- Vue meters provide nOI only uhramode,rn by means of fOllr studs. All DC meters listed below, styling, bUi also wide-angle readability and longer scales, except those marked by a n ( I» , have the Simpson self compared wit h conventional units. T he black, plastic shi elded Core Magnet Meier Movement which eliminates cover is fo rmed in one piece and wraps arou nd the dial calibration problems. for maximum protect ion. M eters mount in round holes DC VOLTMETERS DC MILLIAMMETERS

    A PPROX. 2lf.: " JI/l" 4lh" APPltQX. I Ih" 3lf.:" 4 y~ " ItES1STANCE MODEL MODEL MODEL ItESISTANCE MODEL MODEL MODEL R,\ NGE (ory) 1227 1327 1329 RANGE (OH MS) 1217 1327 1329

    0·' 1000 $11.55 $ 12.00 S 13.20 0·1 '6 $ 10.80 $ 11.25 S I2.flO 0·' 1000 12.00 . 13.20 0·3 46 10.80 11 .25 12.tlO 0-10 1000 opv 'Ti:5s 12.00 13.20 ]),5 23 10.80 11.25 12.CO ]).lS 1000 11.55 12.00 13.20 0-10 7 10.80 11.25 12.00 0-25 1000 11.55 12.00 13.20 ])'lS 2.20 10. 80 11 .25 12.00 0-30 1000 11 .55 12.00 13.20 0-25 2.0 10.80 11 .25 n .on ]).'0 1000 11.55 12.00 13.20 0-50 3.0 10.80 11.55 12.60 0·100 1000 11.55 12.00 13 .20 ]). 100 I.S 10.80 IUS 12.60 0- 150 1000 11 .55 12.00 13.20 0-150 1.0 10. 80 11.55 12 .60 0·200 1000 12.00 13.20 0-200 .75 10.80 11.55 12.60 0-350 1000 12.00 13.20 0-250 .60 10.80 11 .55 12.60 0-300 1000 J 1.55 12.00 13 .20 ]).300 -'0 10.80 11.55 12 .60 ]).'00 2000 12.00 12.60 13 .65 0-500 .JO 10.80 11 .55 12 .60 0-750 2000 12.00 12.60 13 .65 0-750 .20 11.55 12.60 ]). 1000 2000 14.25· 14.85 · 16.05· 0-1000 .05 11 .55 12 .60 · Supplied w/ Ext. Resistor DC MICROAMMETERS

    DC AMMETERS APPROX. 2 ~" 3 1h; " 4 '1,! " RES IST ANCE MODEL MODEL MODEL APPROX. 2 ~ " 3 Y.t " 4\6" RANGE (OHMS) 1227 1327 1329 RES ISTANCE MODEL MODEL MODEL RANGE (OHMS) 1227 1327 1329 0- 15· 4500 S2 1.00 522.95 0-25 · 2200 $ 17.85 18.60 20.70 ]).1 .050 $10.95 $1 1040 $12.60 0-50· 2000 15 .30 15.75 17.10 0-1.5 .033 10.95 11040 12.60 ]), 100 2000 13 .80 14.40 16.05 ]),2 .025 10.95 11 .40 12 .60 0-200 I(]()() 11 .70 12.45 13.80 ]).J .0 166 10.95 11040 12 .60 MOO 200 11.25 11 .85 13.20 ])., .0 10 10.95 11040 12 .60 25·0-25· 2000 15.90 17.25 ]). 10 .00' 10.95 11 040 12.60 50-0-50 2(]()() f3.9S 14 .55 16.20 ]).lS .0033 10.95 11.40 12.60 100-0- 100 I (]()() 12.60 13.95 0-25 .002 10.95 11.40 12.60 500-0-500 46 11.40 12.15 ]).30 .00 166 11.40 12.60 ]).50 .001 10.95 11.40. 12.60 · Exl. Magnet Movement 0-100 10.0· 10.95 11.40 12.60 0-150 10.0· 10.95 11.40 12 .60 0-200 10.0· 11.40 12 .60 AC VOLTMETERS - IRON VANE TYPE ]).300 10 .0· 11 .40 12.60 Freque ncy Range 25-120 CPS ])" 00 10.0· 11.40 12.60 15·0- 15 .0033 12.15 AP P ROX. 2~" 31,1l" 41,1l" 30-0-30 .00 166 12.15 RESISTANC E MODEL MODEL MODEL 50-0-50 .001 12.15 RANGE (OHMS) 1257 1357 1359 • Basic 50i\'IV Meter Requi res. Ex!. ShUn!. ])., 3J $ 10.95 $12.60 Self-contained fo r ranges shown. ]).10 133 S 1 0~20 10.95 12 .60 ])'lS JOO 10.95 12.60 0-25 8J3 10.80 11 .25 12.60 NOT E-AC- DC ammeters are sel f-contained fo r ranJ; es Up 10 and ]).'0 3.333 10.80 11 .25 12 .60 includinp: 50 amperes. Higher range DC ammeters (50MV) listed 0-100 16,666 11.70 12.60 above CAN be supplied wit h ex terna l shu nts and include 6 foOl 0- 150 25.000 il ~:.w 12.15 1J .20 0-250 4 1.1 66 12. ]5 13 .20 leads. Hi't1,her range AC ammeters can be supplied with external 0-300 50,000 il :40 12. 15 13 .20 current transformers and incl ude 2 foot leads. Price of external 0-500· 25 .000 16.95 18 15 ~ hunts or current tmnsfo rmers should be added to meter prices ·SUPPLIED WITH EXT. M ULTIPLI ER. TOTAL RES ISTANCE shown. OF METER AND MULTIPLI ER IS 83.333 O HMS.

    The 11I/fSTER - 24 1h Edition Use Index (pg. 2) lor Quick. Easy Location of ALL Producis CO/!Jrighf by U. C. P., Illc. Pa Re 884 Net Sec. 2900

    WIDE-VUE Panel Instruments (Continued)

    AC AMMETERS - IRON VANE TYPE RF - AMMETERS Frequency Rango 25-1000 CPS (Frequency Renge 10 CPS-40MC) 4!h" APPROX. 2Y.r:" 3 \A. " 4\1:" APPROX. 3 1..6 " RANGE IMPEDANCE MODEL MODEL RANGE RES ISTANCE MODEL MODEL MODEL 1339 (OH MS) 1257 J357 1359 @ I M C 1337 0- 1 .325 5 13 .35 5 16.05 0-1 .287 $ 10.20 $ 10.80 $ 12 .75 16.05 0-1.5 .185 10.20 IO.gO 12.75 0-3 . 100 13.35 .050 13.35 16.05 0-2 .11 5 10.80 12.75 0·' 16.0S 0-3 ,028 10.80 12.75 0-8 .03 1 13.35 .025 IJ .35 16.05 0-' .012 foTo 10.80 12.75 0-10 0-10 _003 10.20 10.80 12.75 O-IS ,00 15 10.20 ]0.80 12.75 0.25- _0003 10.20 l L10 13.20 0-50· .0001 10.20 12.00 15.45 0- 100" .012 10.80 12 .75 VOLUME LEVEL INDICATORS 0-150 " .012 10.80 12.75 VU METERS 0-200 " .012 10.80 12.75 0-300·· .0 12 16~io 10.80 12.75 31h" 4 1h" RANGE MODEL MODEL - FREQUENCY RA NGE 25-125 CPS 1347 1349 ··REQUIRES EXTERNAL CUR RENT TRANSFORMER FRE­ 5 19.80 $21.00 QUENCY RANGE 25-400 e l's A Scale " -Scale 19.80 21.00 AC MILLIAMMETERS A PPROX. 2\1:" 3 1A" 4 \/:" DECIBEL METERS RANGE R ESISTANCE MODEL M ODEL MODEL ( OHMS) 1257 1357 1359 21h" J~" 41h" RANGE MODEL MODEL MODEL 0·50 80 S 10.95 $11.75 1347 1349 0-100 20 10.95 12.75 1247 0-250 3 10.95 12.75 $ 16 .50 $ 18.00 0-500 1.0 $ 10.20 10.95 J2.75 General·Purpose 5000 ohms 516.3S

    AC VOLTMETERS - RECTIFIER TYPE DC GAL VANOMETERS (Frequoncy Range 25-5000 CPS) MICRO- JIh" 4!h" SCALE AMP ERES RES. MODEL MODEL SENSITI V ITY MODEL MODEL SENSIT IVITY 1227 1327 RANGE O HMS/ VOL" 1347 1349 5().O-SO 75"()·75 1\'II CS 2000 $ 12. 15 $13.35 11.40 0-' 1000 $ 16.20 $ 17.85 50·0·50 500·0-500 M ICS 4. 10.80 0-10 1000 16.20 17.85 0- 15 1000 16.20 17.85 0-'0 1000 16.20 17.R5 0-150 1000 16.20 17.85 DC MILLIVOLTMETER 16.80 18.45 0- 150 2000 RESIST. MODEL MODEL MODEL 0-300 1000 16.20 17 .85 RANGE (OHMS) 1227 1327 1329 0-50 10 $ 10.95 $ 11.40 $ 12.60 NEW 4f2" .....-, -I"-,.. METER RELAYS (\ ...:. ... :.. SHUNTS Externally Adjusted DC Type External swi tchboard type for use The Simpson standard desi!;n of these with DC ammeters. ted for front adjust rclays fc,l\ures non locking 50 millivo lt drop. Shu nt s available for one ampere to co nta ~ts which II1(lY bl! positioncd along the Instrument scale arc by mcans 7000 amperes. Six-foot lead included with each unit. of a~ extrcmel)' :l?iusted gCM drivc. Con­!hng source IS DC voltage within MODEL 29XA limns of thc relay design. CURRENT TRANSFORMERS RA NGES Model 29XA These current Iransformers are of the inse rted, o ne turn. primary type. De­ 0·50 Mieroanl!llcter $44. 10 signed for switchboard lInd panel AC 0-100 MicrO:l lll metcr 42.15 ammeters thaL require ex tern,, 1 trans­ 0·500 MicrO:lm rn elcr 39.00 forme rs. Models available for 50-1000 0- 1 Milliammeter 38. 10 amperes primary - all wilh 5 amperes ()"50 Millivoltmeter 38.25 secondary. ~I Copyrigirt by U. C. P. , I I/ C. Usc Illdcx ( pg. 2) for Quick. Easy Location of ALL ProductS The IIIASTER - 24th Editi on Net Page 885 Sec:. 2900


    MODELS 125, 135, 145, 155 MODELS 127, 137, 147, 157 MODEL 27-37-57 ILLUMINATED 21h'" ROUND CASE - OPEN FACE 2Y.!" RECTANGUl:AR CASE. Width, 3lh" RECTANGULAR CASE. Width. 3" ; STYLE. Flange diameter, 2:}4 "; depth over- 2%"; height, 2%". Mounts in ro und bole. height. 3\4". Mounts in round hole. Body all, 2·S / 16"; body diameter, 2-11 / 64"'; Body diameter, 2.3/16". Scale length, 1}8". diameter, 2¥.1", Scale length. 1-5/16". Bake- scale length, t l-i", Bakelite case. Bakelite case. Iile case. NpTE: The 2Y.t" and 311.2'" rectangular instruments indicated (.) are also ca.rried in siock with lucile illuminated dials. Supplied complete with socket a nd 6 volt bulb for an additional cost of $1.95 dealer's net. RF ammeters, lucile illuminated, must be supplied with ex ternal thermocouple, Add S5.55 for couple. All instruments are cali brated ror use o n non·magnetic panels. VOLTMETERS APPROX. MODEL APPROX. MODEL RANGE RESIST· MODEL 25-27 MODEL RESIST- MODEL 55-57 MODEL ANCE 125-127 DC 2' ANCE 155-1 57 AC 0-1.5 510.95 $11.40 512!60 3 ohms S 9.60 SIO.35 512.00 0-3 IO.9S 11.40 12.60 12 9.60 10.35 12.00" 0-5 10.95 11.40 12.60 33 '.60 10.35 12.00 0-8 10.95 11.40 12.60 0-10 10,95- 11 .40- 12.60 133 "ii:iio- j'o:3s- 12:00 a-Is 10.95 11.40 12.60 300 9.60- 10.35- 12.00 0-25 1000 10.95 11.40 12.60 833 10.20 10.65 12.00 0-30 ohms to.9S 11.40 12.60 0-50 per volt 10.95- 11 .40- 12.60 3.333 'iCi:2o 10:65 12:00 0-100 10.95 11.40 12 .60 16.666 10.65 11.10 12.00 0-150 10.95- 11.40- 12.60 25.000 10.80- 11.55- 12.60 0-200 to.9S 11.40 12.60 0-250 10.95 11 .40 12.60 '4'i'j66 10.80 11 .55 'ji60 0-300 10.95- 11.40- 12.60 50.000 10.80- 11.55- 12.60 0-500 11 .40 12.00- 13.05 83.333 15.60 16.35 17.55 0-750 11 .40 12.00 IJ.05 125.000 15.60 16.35 17.55 0-1000 13.65 14.25- 15.45 166.666 15.60 16.35 17.55 0-1500 2000 13.65 14.25 15.45 0-2000 ohms 13.65 14.25- 15.45 0·2500 per volt 13 .65 14.25 15.45 0-3000 13.65 14.25- 15.45 1).4000 13.65 14.25- 15.45 0-5000 13.65 14.25- 15.45 External resistors are furnished on AC meters having a range of 500 volts or higher. "D'C "1000 volts ·or"higher. MILLIAMMETERS APPROX. MODEL APPROX, MODEL RANGE RESIST- MODEL 25-27 MODEL RESIST- MODEL 55·57 MODEL ANCE 125·1 27 DC 2' ANCE 155-157 AC 0-1 46 ohms $10.20- $10.65- 511.85 " 0- 1.5 46 10.20 to.65 11 .85 0-3 46 10.20 10.65 11 .85 ...... ; i 0·5 23 10.20 10.65 11.85 '- 0-10 7 10.20- 10.65- 11.85 2:000"' ohms 5"9:60 s·io".3s s 'i i ' i~ 0-15 I.S 10 .20- 10.65 - 11 .85 87S 9.60 10.35 12.15 0·20 1.0 10.20 10.65 11 .85 0·25 2.2 10.50 - 10.95- 12.45 "390'" "9:60 10:3s 12:15 0-50 3.0 lD .SO- 10.95- 12.45 80 9.60 10.35 12.15 0·75 2.0 10.50 10.95 12.45 !). IOO I.S 10.50- 10.95- 12.45 20 9.60 10:3s 'ii'is 0- 150 1.0 10.50 10.95 12.45 0-200 .'5 10.50- 10.95- 12.45 0-250 .60 10.50 10.95 12.45 "5' "'9:60 'io:3s li'is 0-300 .50 10.50- 10.95- 12.45 0-500 .30 10.50- 10.95- 12.45 ., '" 9:60 'iojs 12:-i 'S 0-750 .20 10.50 10.95 12.45 !).1000 _15 10.50 10.95 12.45 MICROAMMETERS MILLIVOLTMETERS MODEL MODEL RANGE l\PPROX. MODEL 25-27 MODEL RANGE APPROX. lI,'(ODEL 25-27 MODEL RESISTANCE 125-127 DC 2. RESISTANCE 1'25-127 DC 2' 0-15 4800 ohms 52 1.00 $22.95 0-25 2200 S17.85 18.60 20.70 0-50 2000 15.30 15.75 17 .tO 0-50 50hms SIO.35 $10.80 $12.00 0-100 2000 13 .20 13.80 15.45 0-100 1000 11.10 11.85 13.20 0-500 200 10.65 11.25 12.60 25-0-25 2000 15.90 17.25 12.00 50-0-50 2000 13 .95 15.60 0-100 10 to.3S 10.80 1()(),0-100 1000 12.00 13.50 500-0·500 4' 10.80 12.00 The JHASTER - 241h Edition Usc Index (pg. 2) lor Quick, Easy Loonion of ALL ProductS CopyriDlrt by U. C. P., /11(:. Page 886 Net Sec. 2900 PANEL INSTRUMENTS

    MODELS 25, 35, 45 , S5 MODELS 27. 37, 47, 57 MODELS 1160, 11 61, 11 62 3\1.1" ROUND CASE - OPEN 3!h" RECTA NGULA R 4 y'!' /J R ECTANGULAR CASE. W idth, New S!/.:" MOdernistic Meter. FACE STYLE. FJull ye uimn­ CASE. \Vldth, J"; h eight, 4-2 1/ 32"; hcil; ht, 4- 13 / 64". Mounts S Ulll)U c.d on s pecial orders only. cler, lY.t "; depth over-all, 2~ " ; 31AJ". MounlS in round hole. in round hole. Body diameter, 2¥.1", AlsO available in 21h", 3'1.:" and body diameter. 2~~ " ; licale Body diameter, 2-14", Scale Scale length, 3-29/32" . Bakelite case, 4Y.!." sizes. length. 2_9 / 16", Bakelite caSt, length, 2-9/ 16". Bakelite case. DC AMMETERS AC AMMETERS (Iron Vane Type: Freq., 25-1000 CPS) RANGE APPROX. RES. MOD. 125-127 MOD. 25-27 MOD. 29 A PPROX. RES. MOD. 155- 157 MOD. 55-57 11.100.59 0·1 .0500 ohms $ 10.35 $10.80 5 12.00 .187 ohms $9.60 S IO.20 S12. 15 0-1.5. .0330 10.35 10.80 12.00 .1 85 9.60 10.20 12.15 0·2 .0250 10.35 10.80 12.00 .11 5 9.60 10.20 12.15 0-3 .0 166 10.35 10.80 12.00 .027 9.60 10.20 12.15 0-5 .01 00 10. 35 10.80 12.00 .012 9.60 10.20 12.15 O·JO .0050 10.35 10.80 12.00 .003 9.60 10.20 12.15 0-15 .0033 10.35 10.80 12:00 .0015 9.60 10.20 12. 15 0-2S .0020 10.35 10.80 12.00 .003 - 9.60 10.50 12.75 0-30 .00 17 10.35 10.80 12 .00 .002 - 9.60 10.50 12.75 0·50 .00 10 10.35 10.80 12.00 .001- 9.60 11 .40 14.85 0-7S I. 10.35 10.80 12.00 .0 12 - - 9.60 10.20 12. 15 0-100 10 10.35 10.80 12.00 .012-- 9.60 10.20 12.15 O-ISO I. 10.35 10.80 12.00 .012" 9.60 10.20 12.15 0-200 10 10.35 10.80 12.00 .01 2 " 9.60 10.20 12.15 0-250 10 10.35 10.80 12.00 .0 12 -- 9.60 10.20 12. 15 0-300 I. 10 .35 10.80 12.00 .012" 9.60 10.20 12.15 0-500 I. 10.35 10.80 12.00 .0 12" 9.60 10.20 12.15 0-750 ,. to.35 10.80 12.00 ...... 0-1000 I. 10.35 10.80 11.00 ...... 15-0-15 .00:\3 10.95 11.55 12.75 ...... 3Q..0-30 .0017 10.95 11.55 12.75 ...... 50·0·50 .00. 10 10.95 11.55 12.75 ...... Frequen cy r,mg..!.!. ,_5 1-, 5 C I• s. .. Reqmres exterl1,11 current transfo rmer. Fre(lucncy r.lnge, 25-400 C PS. W ATTMETERS DYNAMOMETER TYPE ' REO. RANGE, DC AND 25- 125 CPS RANGE MAX. MAX. MODEL MODEL MODEL RANGE MAX. MAX. MODEL MODEL MODEL WAlTS VOLTS AMPS 175-177 75-77 79 WAlTS VOLTS AMPS 175-177 75-77 79 0-7S IS. I.. 522.65 S24. 15 53 1.J5 0-600 300 4.0 $25.20 $26.40 $33.75 0-150 IS. 2 .• "22.65 24.15 3 1.35 0-1500 300 10.0 25.20 26.40 33.75 0·300 ISO 4.0 22.65 24. 15 3 1.35 0-3000 300 20.0 25.20 26.40 33.75 0-750 ISO 10.0 22.65 24. 15 31.35 AC VOLTMETERS - RECTIFIER TYPE RF AMMETERS FREQ. RANGE 25-5000 CP S TH E RMOCOUPLE TYPE RANGE SENS IT IV ITY MOD. 45-47 MOD. FREQ. RANGE, 10 CPS TO 40 Me 0-1 515.60 5 17 .25" A I' PROX. IMP. MODEL MODEL MODEL 0·3 15.60 17.25 RANGE @ I ~ ' I C 135-1 37 35-37 39 0-5 15.60 17.25 0-1 .205 ohms $11.40- $ 12.75- 5 1S .45 0-10 1000 15.60 17.25 0-1.5 .177 11.40 12.75 15.45 O- IS ohms IS.60 17.25 0-2 .104 11 .40- 12.75- 15.45 0-50 per volt 15.60 17.25 0-2.5 .088 11.40 12.75 15.45 0-'00 15.60 11.25 0-3 .076 11 .40- 12.75 - 15.45 Q.. 150 15.60 17.25 0-5 .039 11.40· 12.75- 15.45 0-300 15.60 17.25 0-8 .025 11 .40 12.75 15.45 0-1 5 16.20 517.85 0-10 .021 11.40 12.7S 15.45 0-3 16.20 17.85 - These 2Jh " and 3Y.o " recl:lngul;lr inslruments arc also carried in ...5 16.20 17 .85 slock with lucite ilIuminaled dials. Supplied complete with socket 0-10 2000 16.20 17 85 and 6 volt bulb for a n additiona l cost of $ 1.95 dealer's net. 2 0.'" O-IS ohms 16.20 17.85 R.F. a mmcler luci te illuminated must be supplied with e;tternal 0-5. per \'oIt 16 .20 17.85 Ihermocouple. Add 55.55 for couple. 0-100 16.20 17.85 0-1 50 16 .20 17.85 RF MILLIAMMETERS 0-300 16.20 17.85 ;0-11 5 ...... ohms $26. 10 Q..150 4.5 15 .45 Si7:70 0-250 3.0 15.45 17.70 AC MILLIAMMETERS - RECTIFIER TYPE 0-500 .6 ...... 15.45 17.70 APPROX. IMPE DANCE @ 60 CPS ; 0-100 linear scale-SO divisions. 0· 1 600 ohms 5 15.45 $ 16.80 VOLUME LEVEL INDICATORS-DECI BEL METERS 0-2 400 15.45 16.80 ZERO POWER LEVEL-6 MW. 500 O HM LINE 0-5 200 15.45 16.80 RANGE MOD. 14 5- 147 MOD. 45-47 MOD. 49 GEN ERAL PURPOSE TYPE AC MICRO AMMETERS RECTIFIER TYPE - 10 10 + 6 db 5000 ohms $ 105 .75 $ 15.90 $ 17.40 HIGH SPEED TYPE APPROX. IMPE DANCE @ 60 CPS - 10 to + 6 db 5000 o hms 16.95 18.15 0-100 3400 ohms 5 111.60 $20. 10 LOW SPEED TYPE 0-200 2400 16.35 18.00 - 10 to + 6 db 5000 ohlils 16.95 18.15 0-300 1800 16.20 17.70 0-500 1200 15.90 17.40 VOLUME LEVEL INDICATORS-VU METERS REFERENCE LEVEL-l MW 600 O HM LINE DC RA NGE MOD. 145-J47 MOD.45-47 MOD. 142 GA LVANOMETERS Not illuminated A o r n SENSITIV ITY MODE L MODEL Scale-3900 ohms $19.20 S20.40 SCALE M IC RO-AMPS R ESIST. 125- 127 15-17 Illuminated Aor n Scale- 50.{)-50 500·0-500 46 ohms $ 10.20 $ 10.80 3900 ohms ...... 23.40 5{)"o-50 75-0·75 2000 11.55 12.75 Model 142 has same physical appearance as Model 29

    COl!.y,.igbl b)' U.C. P., III C, Use Index ( P8 . 2 ) for Quick. Easy l OCll lion of All ProduCtS The MA ST E R - 24th Edition N" Poge 887