Q1/Q2 Priorities Engineering/Product Erik Moeller Metrics and Activities Meeting, October 2, 2014 What we committed to in Q1

User-Impacting Platform and Process

Migrate to HHVM as environment for PHP code

Launch new native apps for Android and iOS. Iterate on Conduct pre-launch pilots with and launch contributory features, including new mobile-only "day 1" installation including import features on mobile web

Deploy Flow to significant Wikipedia use case (in Improve MediaWiki Core’s front-end libraries consideration: Teahouse or similar workflow)

Continue improving VisualEditor (citations, Standardize baseline metrics & dashboards performance, visual parameter-editing, IE support); begin re-engaging with English Wikipedia community

Consolidate remaining detached user accounts into Launch the new Content API, prepare for use by Mobile Single User Login system (“SUL finalization”) in Q2 What we accomplished in Q1

User-Impacting Platform and Process

HHVM available as a Beta Feature used by >3,000 editors, preparing to ramp up reader traffic

Native Android and iOS apps launched and then phabricator.wikimedia.org launched, preparing for improved. VisualEditor on tablets on mobile web in RT/Bugzilla import. stable. First WikiGrok trials, user studies.

Flow in trial use in French Wikipedia new user help OOjs UI functionality expanded, more widely used forum, expanded use on Beta Features talk pages. (including mobile); .ui theme applied to OOJs UI, mediawiki.ui patches to core in testing; PHP implementation of OOjs UI in progress

VisualEditor IE11 support implemented; Citoid core First version of Editor Engagement Vital Signs dashboard functionality developed and puppetized, user-script launched written; downstream contribution of table editor under review; VisualEditor on tablets in stable; HTML comment support

SUL technical work largely completed, non-technical Content API running in Labs work begins Priorities for Q2 (preliminary!)

Priority Start date Who benefits?

Grow mobile web contributions & readership on apps Ongoing Readers, New/Casual Editors

Make editing faster and build robust baseline ~November Editors (all) performance measures across experiences

Standardize, modernize front-end libraries Ongoing Developers (all), Editors (all) through UX consistency

Componentize MediaWiki core libraries ~late October Developers (all)

Complete transition to Phabricator as standard issue Ongoing Developers, Product Managers, tracking and PM tool Bug Reporters, ... My focus areas: process, delivery ● Document product development methodology ● Standardize and more consistently apply success criteria ● Clarify and structure user feedback venues & stages ● With engineering, elaborate on development/deployment processes and policy ● Clearly define criteria for alpha/beta/production stages ● Improve partnership between UX/Data/Product: shared workflows and priorities, operating model Priorities: What’s next? ● Scoping/estimation: What do we take on, how long do we think it will take? ● Clear success measures for each project ● Define new “project lead” role ● Allocate staffing and support for top priorities and complete roadmap for other Q2 work ● Refine quarterly review model