Core Formation and Internal Structure of Planetesimals: the Role of Formation Time, Accretion Duration, and Terminal Size
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Lunar and Planetary Science XLVIII (2017) 2130.pdf CORE FORMATION AND INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PLANETESIMALS: THE ROLE OF FORMATION TIME, ACCRETION DURATION, AND TERMINAL SIZE. T. Suwa1 and H. Nagahara1, 1Department of Earth and Planetary science, The University of Tokyo Introduction: The core formation process of plan- heat conduction equation to investigate thermal evolu- etsimals is different from that of Earth-size planets. tion of an accreting planetesimals, of which interior is Because of smaller radii, masses, gravity and accretion heatd by the radioactive decay and which cools from energy, the planetsimals don’t get adequate thermal the surface by radiation. Grain-growth and sintering energy by accretion to form large scale magma ocean. proceed in the interior, resulting in changes of thermal However, there are evidences for the presence of core conductivity. in planetesimals: the core in 4-Vesta was found by The accreting materials are nebular dusts with H- Dawn mission [1,2] and non-magmatic iron meteorites chondrite composition, which is consisting of silicates, should have been segregated to form core or metal metal and sulfide with the grain size of 1 micron [14- blebs in bodies that did not experience silicate melting 16]. The initial temperature of the accreting body is set [3,4]. Therefore, differentiated planetesimals had a to be 290K corresponding to the nebula temperature at heat source that provided sufficient thermal energy to 2.36 AU, and the surface temperature is fixed at the balance against heat loss from the surface. temperature through accretion. The porosity change The internal structure of planetesimals has been in- due to sintering is obatined by solving differential fered from non-magmatic iron meteorites and chon- equation by [17], which further changes thermal con- drites, and two types of the structure (Type A and Type ductivity. The eutectic temperature of the Fe-S system B) have been proposed by [10], where Type A is un- is 1213K and the silicate solidus is 1425K. Fe-S melt differentiated (Fig. 2a) and Type B has metallic core migrates in porous media according to Darcy’s flow and unmelted silicate mantle (Fig.2b). The formation equation [18]. We focus on the temperature range be- time of non-magmatic iron meteorites with the Hf-W tween the Fe-S eutectic and silicate solidus and do not isotope systematics is shown to be within 1.5±1 Ma discuss evolution at temperature above the silicate sol- after CAI formation [11,12]. idus in this study. Percolation of Fe-S melt takes place Radioactive decay of short lived nuclides 26Al [5] when the dihedral angle between silicates and the melt and 60Fe [6] was a plausible heat source, and the accre- is less than 60o, which corresponds to the temperature tion time of planetesimal should affect the energy for of 1390K [8]. If the temperature exceeds this value, the internal heating and the degree of differentitation of dihedral angle is over 60o [19,20], that is, Fe-S melt the bodies. On the other hand, cooling from the surface does not percolate in silicate matrix. The surface ten- should be controlled by heat flux from the interior, sion of Fe-S melt is smaller than Fe, and we expect which is dependent on the thermal conductivity of the formation of planetesimals with Fe-S core and mantle interior materials. Thermal conductivity is controlled consisting of silicates and metal (Type C in Fig. 2). by the degree of sintering and grain size of interior The model contains three free parameters, which grains, which are a function of temperature. are the time of the starting of accretion (formation time, Because the eutectic temperature of the Fe-FeS sys- hereafter), accretion duration to grow to the terminal tem is much lower than the solidus temperature of sili- size with a constant accretion rate and terminal size of cate, core formation of planetsimals proceeded by per- the planetesimal. colation of Fe-S melt through unmelted silicate matrix, We try to constrain the conditions for the interior which is possible when the dihedral angle is smaller structure of planetesimals with Types A, B, and C. than 60o [7]. It should be mentioned that the surface Results: Thermal evolution of a planetesimal with tension of melt of the Fe-S system dramatically de- the terminal radius of 50km is shown in Fig. 1, where creses with the sulfur content [8], which affects the accretion duration is instantaneous and formation time possibility of Fe-S melt percolation. is 3.0 Ma after CAI. The temperature increases with Thus, the interior structure of planetesimal should time and is thermally almost homogeneous in tempera- be considered by taking the accretion, growth, and ture except for the surface region of the body, in par- thermal evolution of the interior simultaneously. Here, ticular at the earlier stage. A planetesimal experiences we investingate the evolution and differentiation of the temperature below the Fe-S eutectic (the black sol- planetsimals with numerical simulation. id line) has the Type A internal structure, that between Model: We use a spherical 1D model of a plan- Fe-S eutectic and FeS melt separation Type B, that etsimal, for the numerical simulation, which was origi- between FeS melt separation and silicate solidus Type nally developed by [13]. We solve a non-stationary C. Although we do not discuss in detail, planetesimals Lunar and Planetary Science XLVIII (2017) 2130.pdf 2000 experience temperatures above the silicate solidus re- t = 0.0Ma t = 1.0Ma sults in formation of cores, which are apparently classi- 1800 t = 2.0Ma t = 3.0Ma t = 4.0Ma fied to Type B, but the mechanism of core formation 1600 t = 5.0Ma t = 6.0Ma differes from the previous case in that the core of the silicate solidus 1400 previous case was formed by percolation of Fe-S melt (K) FeS melt separation through solid silicates and the latter by sink within 1200 FeS eutectic partically molten silicates. 1000 If the formation duration prolongs for the same fi- Temperature 800 nal size body, the maximum internal temperature de- 600 creases and the body cools more slowly. If the final 400 size of a planetesimal is larger with the same accretion 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 rate, the maximum temperature is higher and the body radius (km) cools more slowly. Fig. 1. Evolution of thermal profile of a planetsimal Discussions: The calculation results give us two with the radius of 50km accreted instantaneously at 3 important clues on the core of planetesimals. At first, Ma after CAI. the core of Type B planetesimals might be the source of non-magmatic iron meteorites, because core was formed by percolation through solid silicates without magmatic elemental partitioning between Fe-S and TypeA TypeB TypeC silicates. The core of Type C planetesimals is rich in sulfur, being close to the Fe-S eutectic composition and the residual metals in the mantle is rich in Fe. Another important results of the present work is Fig. 2. Three types of planetesimals. Type A: undif- ferentiated, Type B: differentiated by porous flow, and shown in Fig. 3, Another important result of the Type C: partially differentiated with S-rich core and present work is shown in Fig. 3, where types of plane- Fe-rich residual metal. tesimal interior structure are shown as a function of formation time and terminal radius. The boundaries 4 between the types show very weak slope suggesting 3.5 Type A that the planetesimal interior is strongly controlled by 3 the formation time: planetesimals formed after 3 Ma after CAIs would be undifferentiated (Type A) regard- 2.5 Type B less of the planetary size, whereas most of them 2 Type C formed within 1 Ma are Type D (differentiated bodies 1.5 with magmatically formed core). Types B and C bod- Formation time (Ma) 1 ies are preferentially formed between 1 and 3 Ma after Type D Tmax > 1213K CAIs. The figure is specifically for the accretion dura- 0.5 Tmax > 1425K dihedral angle > 60o tion of 1.5Ma, but the very strong dependence of the 0 20 40 60 80 100 boundaries on the formation age is also the case for shorter or longer formation duration. If the accretion Terminal radius (km) Fig. 3. Conditions for the formation of three types of duration is shorter, Type D are more easily formed, on planetesimal for the accretion time of 1.5Ma after the other hand, longer accretion duration tends to be CAIs. resulted in formation of Types A, B and C. The present work can predict the planetesimal in- [8] Beere (1975) Acta Metal. 23, 131. [9] [10] Trieloff terior structure if we know the formation age with the et al. (2003) Nature, 422, 502-506. [11] Schersten et isotopic measurements of samples and the size of the al., (2006) EPSL 241, 530-542. [12] Qin et al., (2008) body, which would be a very powerful tool for future EPSL 273, 94-104. 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